PATH=C:\mingw\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\bin;C:\Perl64-5.18\site\bin;C:\Perl64-5.18\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\PROGRA~2\Perforce;C:\instantclient_11_2;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\PROGRA~2\Perforce;C:\mysql\bin Start 2014-03-15T12:35:56 ActivePerl-1800 CPAN-2.00 PATH=C:\mingw\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\CPANFL~1.18\var\megalib\bin;C:\Perl64-5.18\site\bin;C:\Perl64-5.18\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINDOW~1\v1.0;C:\PROGRA~2\Perforce;C:\INSTAN~1;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINDOW~1\v1.0;C:\PROGRA~2\Perforce;C:\mysql\bin Reading 'C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\Metadata' Database was generated on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 19:06:17 GMT Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Media-Info-0.05.tar.gz Fetching with LWP: Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Media-Info-0.05.tar.gz ok Media-Info-0.05/ Media-Info-0.05/Changes Media-Info-0.05/LICENSE Media-Info-0.05/MANIFEST Media-Info-0.05/lib/ Media-Info-0.05/lib/Media/ Media-Info-0.05/lib/Media/ Media-Info-0.05/MANIFEST.SKIP Media-Info-0.05/README Media-Info-0.05/META.json Media-Info-0.05/Makefile.PL Media-Info-0.05/dist.ini Media-Info-0.05/t/ Media-Info-0.05/t/release-rinci.t Media-Info-0.05/t/release-pod-coverage.t Media-Info-0.05/t/00-compile.t Media-Info-0.05/t/release-pod-syntax.t Media-Info-0.05/weaver.ini Media-Info-0.05/bin/ Media-Info-0.05/bin/media-info Media-Info-0.05/META.yml Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Media-Info-0.05.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Media::Info::Mplayer 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::CmdLine 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Media::Info Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/Media-Info-0.05.tar.gz ---- Perinci::CmdLine [requires] Media::Info::Mplayer [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Perinci::CmdLine' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Perinci-CmdLine-1.02.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Perinci-CmdLine-1.02.tar.gz ok Perinci-CmdLine-1.02 Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/README Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/Changes Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/LICENSE Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/dist.ini Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t/undo.t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/META.yml Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/MANIFEST Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/META.json Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/weaver.ini Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/Makefile.PL Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/bin Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/bin/peri-run Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/MANIFEST.SKIP Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t/01-basics.t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t/00-compile.t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/uc-file Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/prev-err Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t/release-rinci.t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/demo-help Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/greedy-arg Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/bin/peri-func-usage Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/num2word-fr Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/lib/Perinci Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/lib/Perinci/ Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t/release-pod-syntax.t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/t/release-pod-coverage.t Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/demo-subcommands Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/bin/strip-result-env-yaml Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/bin/strip-result-env-json Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/lib/Perinci/CmdLine Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/lib/Perinci/CmdLine/ Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/turn-on-log-any-app Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/turn-off-log-any-app Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/doesnt-set-log-any-app Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/cmdline_src-stdin_or_files-str Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/lib/Perinci/CmdLine/ColorTheme Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/lib/Perinci/CmdLine/ColorTheme/ Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/examples/cmdline_src-stdin_or_files-array Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/share/LocaleData/id/LC_MESSAGES Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/share/LocaleData/id/LC_MESSAGES/ Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/share/LocaleData/fr/LC_MESSAGES Perinci-CmdLine-1.02/share/LocaleData/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Perinci-CmdLine-1.02.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Data::Format::Pretty::Console 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Data::Unixish 1.39 not found. Warning: prerequisite Log::Any::App 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Access 0.30 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Access::Perl 0.53 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Access::Schemeless 0.53 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Access::Simple::Client 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Result::Format 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Sub::Complete 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv 0.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Sub::Wrapper 0.40 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::ToUtil 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor 0.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite SHARYANTO::Role::ColorTheme 0.62 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::ANSITable 0.23 not found. Warning: prerequisite YAML::Syck 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Perinci::CmdLine Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/Perinci-CmdLine-1.02.tar.gz ---- Perinci::ToUtil [requires] YAML::Syck [requires] Perinci::Access::Simple::Client [requires] Data::Unixish [requires] Perinci::Sub::Wrapper [requires] Text::ANSITable [requires] Perinci::Sub::Complete [requires] Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv [requires] Perinci::Access [requires] Perinci::Access::Perl [requires] Perinci::Access::Schemeless [requires] Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor [requires] Perinci::Result::Format [requires] Log::Any::App [requires] Data::Format::Pretty::Console [requires] SHARYANTO::Role::ColorTheme [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Perinci::ToUtil' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Perinci-To-Doc-0.42.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Perinci-To-Doc-0.42.tar.gz ok Perinci-To-Doc-0.42 Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/README Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/Changes Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/LICENSE Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/dist.ini Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/t Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/t/text.t Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/META.yml Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/MANIFEST Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/META.json Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/weaver.ini Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/Makefile.PL Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/bin Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/bin/peri-doc Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/MANIFEST.SKIP Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/t/00-compile.t Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/t/release-rinci.t Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/To Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/t/release-pod-syntax.t Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/t/release-pod-coverage.t Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/Sub/To Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/Sub/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/Sub/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/lib/Perinci/Sub/To/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/share/LocaleData/id/LC_MESSAGES Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/share/LocaleData/id/LC_MESSAGES/ Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/share/LocaleData/fr/LC_MESSAGES Perinci-To-Doc-0.42/share/LocaleData/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Perinci-To-Doc-0.42.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Data::Sah 0.15 not found. Warning: prerequisite Markdown::Pod 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Access 0.25 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Access::Perl 0.38 not found. Warning: prerequisite Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite SHARYANTO::Role::Doc::Section 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite SHARYANTO::Role::Doc::Section::AddTextLines 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Perinci::To::Doc Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/Perinci-To-Doc-0.42.tar.gz ---- SHARYANTO::Role::Doc::Section::AddTextLines [requires] Markdown::Pod [requires] SHARYANTO::Role::Doc::Section [requires] Data::Sah [requires] Perinci::Sub::GetArgs::Argv [requires] Perinci::Access::Perl [requires] Perinci::Access [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'SHARYANTO::Role::Doc::Section::AddTextLines' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz ok SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69 SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/README SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/Changes SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/LICENSE SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/dist.ini SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/META.yml SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/MANIFEST SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/META.json SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/weaver.ini SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/Makefile.PL SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/MANIFEST.SKIP SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/t SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/t/00-compile.t SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/t/doc_section.t SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/t/release-rinci.t SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/ SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/t/release-pod-syntax.t SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/t/release-pod-coverage.t SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/Doc SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/ SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/Section SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69/lib/SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/Section/ Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Color::ANSI::Util 0.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite Term::Detect::Software 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for SHARYANTO::Roles Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz ---- Color::ANSI::Util [requires] Term::Detect::Software [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Color::ANSI::Util' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz ok Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/ Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/README Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/lib/ Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/lib/Color/ Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/lib/Color/ANSI/ Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/lib/Color/ANSI/ Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/Makefile.PL Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/MANIFEST.SKIP Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/Changes Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/dist.ini Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/LICENSE Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/t/ Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/t/00-compile.t Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/t/01-basics.t Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/t/release-pod-coverage.t Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/t/release-pod-syntax.t Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/t/release-rinci.t Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/weaver.ini Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/MANIFEST Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/META.json Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/META.yml Color-ANSI-Util-0.10/build.log Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Term::Detect::Software 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Color::ANSI::Util Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz ---- Term::Detect::Software [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Term::Detect::Software' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz ok Term-Detect-Software-0.14 Term-Detect-Software-0.14/README Term-Detect-Software-0.14/Changes Term-Detect-Software-0.14/LICENSE Term-Detect-Software-0.14/dist.ini Term-Detect-Software-0.14/META.yml Term-Detect-Software-0.14/MANIFEST Term-Detect-Software-0.14/META.json Term-Detect-Software-0.14/weaver.ini Term-Detect-Software-0.14/Makefile.PL Term-Detect-Software-0.14/MANIFEST.SKIP Term-Detect-Software-0.14/t Term-Detect-Software-0.14/t/00-compile.t Term-Detect-Software-0.14/t/release-rinci.t Term-Detect-Software-0.14/t/release-pod-syntax.t Term-Detect-Software-0.14/t/release-pod-coverage.t Term-Detect-Software-0.14/lib/Term/Detect Term-Detect-Software-0.14/lib/Term/Detect/ Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite SHARYANTO::Proc::Util 0.44 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Term::Detect::Software Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz ---- SHARYANTO::Proc::Util [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'SHARYANTO::Proc::Util' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz ok SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59 SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/README SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/Changes SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/LICENSE SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/dist.ini SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/META.yml SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/MANIFEST SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/t SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/t/basic.t SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/META.json SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/weaver.ini SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/Makefile.PL SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/MANIFEST.SKIP SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/t/00-compile.t SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/t/release-rinci.t SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/t/release-pod-syntax.t SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/t/release-pod-coverage.t SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/lib/SHARYANTO/Proc SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59/lib/SHARYANTO/Proc/ Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Proc::ProcessTable 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for SHARYANTO::Proc::Util Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz ---- Proc::ProcessTable [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Proc::ProcessTable' Running make for J/JW/JWB/Proc-ProcessTable-0.50.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\J\JW\JWB\Proc-ProcessTable-0.50.tar.gz ok Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/PORTING Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.dec_osf Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/contrib/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/contrib/pswait Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/ProcessTable.xs Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/META.yml Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/Process/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/Process/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/Process/Makefile.PL Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/META.json Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/t/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/t/process.t Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/hints/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.linux Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.unixware Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.bsdi Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.freebsd-kvm Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.sunos Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.hpux Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/Solaris.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/Solaris.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/UnixWare.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/bsdi.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/IRIX.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/UnixWare.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/aix.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/bsdi.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/OpenBSD.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/SunOS.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/Linux.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/FreeBSD.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/aix_getprocs.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/NetBSD.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/DecOSF.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/Linux.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/DecOSF.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/NetBSD.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/aix.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/FreeBSD-kvm.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/darwin.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/FreeBSD.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/IRIX.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/FreeBSD-kvm.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/darwin.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/cygwin.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/cygwin.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/SunOS.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/aix_getprocs.h Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/os/HPUX.c Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.openbsd Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.freebsd-procfs Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/TODO Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.solaris Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.netbsd Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.cygwin Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.aix Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/README.darwin Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/Changes Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/ Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/Makefile.PL Proc-ProcessTable-0.50/MANIFEST Building J/JW/JWB/Proc-ProcessTable-0.50.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Proc::ProcessTable::Process Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Proc::ProcessTable Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> dmake cp blib\lib\Proc\ cp blib\lib\Proc\ cp blib\lib\Proc\ cp blib\lib\Proc\ cp ..\blib\lib\Proc\ProcessTable\ AutoSplitting ..\blib\lib\Proc\ProcessTable\ (..\blib\lib\auto\Proc\ProcessTable\Process) Running Mkbootstrap for Proc::ProcessTable () C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod -- 644 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\ExtUtils\xsubpp -typemap C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\ExtUtils\typemap ProcessTable.xs > ProcessTable.xsc && C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e mv -- ProcessTable.xsc ProcessTable.c gcc -c -s -O2 -DWIN32 -DWIN64 -DCONSERVATIVE -DPERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -DUSE_PERLIO -fno-strict-aliasing -mms-bitfields -s -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.50\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.50\" "-IC:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE" ProcessTable.c C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Mksymlists \ -e "Mksymlists('NAME'=>\"Proc::ProcessTable\", 'DLBASE' => 'ProcessTable', 'DL_FUNCS' => { }, 'FUNCLIST' => [], 'IMPORTS' => { }, 'DL_VARS' => []);" dlltool --def ProcessTable.def --output-exp dll.exp g++ -o blib\arch\auto\Proc\ProcessTable\ProcessTable.dll -Wl,--base-file -Wl,dll.base -mdll -s -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -L"C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE" -L"C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib" ProcessTable.o C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE\libperl518.a -lmoldname -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lnetapi32 -luuid -lws2_32 -lmpr -lwinmm -lversion -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lcomctl32 dll.exp ProcessTable.o:ProcessTable.c:(.text+0x43): undefined reference to `OS_initialize' ProcessTable.o:ProcessTable.c:(.text+0x403): undefined reference to `OS_get_table' c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: ProcessTable.o: bad reloc address 0x128 in section `.rdata' c:/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.6.3/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: final link failed: Invalid operation collect2: ld returned 1 exit status dmake: Error code 129, while making 'blib\arch\auto\Proc\ProcessTable\ProcessTable.dll' JWB/Proc-ProcessTable-0.50.tar.gz dmake -- NOT OK Running make test Can't test without successful make Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59-SUBxwJ Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Proc::ProcessTable => 0' for 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz' failed when processing 'JWB/Proc-ProcessTable-0.50.tar.gz' with 'make => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/SHARYANTO/Proc/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\Proc\ SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ............ 1..1 ok 1 - SHARYANTO/Proc/ loaded ok ok Can't locate Proc/ in @INC (you may need to install the Proc::ProcessTable module) (@INC contains: C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59-SUBxwJ\blib\lib C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59-SUBxwJ\blib\arch C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/Perl64-5.18/site/lib C:/Perl64-5.18/lib .) at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59-SUBxwJ\blib\lib/SHARYANTO/Proc/ line 43. t/basic.t ................. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-rinci.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Test Summary Report ------------------- t/basic.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output Files=5, Tests=1, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.02 sys = 0.05 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/5 test programs. 0/1 subtests failed. dmake: Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic' SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz one dependency not OK (Proc::ProcessTable); additionally test harness failed dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Term-Detect-Software-0.14-3vJSBf Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'SHARYANTO::Proc::Util => 0.44' for 'SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (Proc::ProcessTable); additionally test harness failed'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/Term/Detect/ blib\lib\Term\Detect\ SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ............ 1..1 ok 1 - Term/Detect/ loaded ok ok t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-rinci.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.08 CPU) Result: PASS SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz Tests succeeded but one dependency not OK (SHARYANTO::Proc::Util) SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz [dependencies] -- NA Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Term::Detect::Software => 0' for 'SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (SHARYANTO::Proc::Util)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/Color/ANSI/ blib\lib\Color\ANSI\ SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t # Failed test 'Color/ANSI/ loaded ok' # at t/00-compile.t line 35. # got: '512' # expected: '0' Can't locate Term/Detect/ in @INC (you may need to install the Term::Detect::Software module) (@INC contains: C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\arch C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\lib C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\lib C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\arch C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/Perl64-5.18/site/lib C:/Perl64-5.18/lib .) at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\lib/Color/ANSI/ line 7. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\lib/Color/ANSI/ line 7. Compilation failed in require at -e line 1. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/00-compile.t ............ 1..1 not ok 1 - Color/ANSI/ loaded ok Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests Can't locate Term/Detect/ in @INC (you may need to install the Term::Detect::Software module) (@INC contains: C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\lib C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Color-ANSI-Util-0.10-JlTBvB\blib\arch C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/Perl64-5.18/site/lib C:/Perl64-5.18/lib .) at t/01-basics.t line 7. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/01-basics.t line 7. t/01-basics.t ............. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-rinci.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Test Summary Report ------------------- t/00-compile.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/01-basics.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output Files=5, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.06 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 2/5 test programs. 1/1 subtests failed. dmake: Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic' SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz one dependency not OK (Term::Detect::Software); additionally test harness failed dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz Running test for module 'Term::Detect::Software' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Term-Detect-Software-0.14-3vJSBf Warning: Prerequisite 'SHARYANTO::Proc::Util => 0.44' for 'SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Proc-Util-0.59.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (Proc::ProcessTable); additionally test harness failed'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Has already been made Running make test Has already been tested within this command Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3 Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Color::ANSI::Util => 0.03' for 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (Term::Detect::Software); additionally test harness failed'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Term::Detect::Software => 0' for 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (SHARYANTO::Proc::Util)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\Role\ cp lib/SHARYANTO/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\ cp lib/SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\Role\Doc\ cp lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\Role\ cp lib/SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/Section/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\Role\Doc\Section\ cp lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ blib\lib\SHARYANTO\Role\ SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t # Failed test 'SHARYANTO/Role/ loaded ok' # at t/00-compile.t line 42. # got: '512' # expected: '0' Can't locate Color/ANSI/ in @INC (you may need to install the Color::ANSI::Util module) (@INC contains: C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3\blib\arch C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3\blib\lib C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3\blib\lib C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3\blib\arch C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib C:/Perl64-5.18/site/lib C:/Perl64-5.18/lib .) at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3\blib\lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3\blib\lib/SHARYANTO/Role/ line 9. Compilation failed in require at -e line 1. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 6. t/00-compile.t ............ 1..6 ok 1 - SHARYANTO/Role/ loaded ok not ok 2 - SHARYANTO/Role/ loaded ok ok 3 - SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/ loaded ok ok 4 - SHARYANTO/Role/Doc/Section/ loaded ok ok 5 - SHARYANTO/Role/ loaded ok ok 6 - SHARYANTO/ loaded ok Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/6 subtests t/doc_section.t ........... ok 1 - add_doc_section_before (1) ok 2 - add_doc_section_before (2) ok 3 - add_doc_section_before (3) ok 4 - add_doc_section_after (1) ok 5 - add_doc_section_after (2) ok 6 - add_doc_section_after (3) ok 7 - delete_doc_section (1) ok 8 - delete_doc_section (2) ok 9 - delete_doc_section (3) 1..9 ok t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-rinci.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Test Summary Report ------------------- t/00-compile.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 6 Failed: 1) Failed test: 2 Non-zero exit status: 1 Files=5, Tests=15, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.05 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/5 test programs. 1/15 subtests failed. dmake: Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic' SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz 2 dependencies missing (Term::Detect::Software,Color::ANSI::Util); additionally test harness failed dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz Running test for module 'Markdown::Pod' Running make for K/KE/KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\K\KE\KEEDI\Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz ok Markdown-Pod-0.005 Markdown-Pod-0.005/README Markdown-Pod-0.005/Changes Markdown-Pod-0.005/LICENSE Markdown-Pod-0.005/dist.ini Markdown-Pod-0.005/META.yml Markdown-Pod-0.005/MANIFEST Markdown-Pod-0.005/cpanfile Markdown-Pod-0.005/META.json Markdown-Pod-0.005/t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/00-load.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/Makefile.PL Markdown-Pod-0.005/bin Markdown-Pod-0.005/bin/markdown2pod Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-10.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-20.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-09.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-19.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-23.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/001-line-break.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-01.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-05.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-22.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-04.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-21.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-16.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-24.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-17.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-03.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-13.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-08.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-14.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-11.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-02.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-06.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-07.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-15.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-18.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/2011-12-12.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/lib/Markdown Markdown-Pod-0.005/lib/Markdown/ Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-07.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-22.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-08.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-11.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-24.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-13.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-12.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-10.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-18.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-04.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-15.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-16.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-09.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-19.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-14.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-20.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-02.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-03.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-21.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-05.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-17.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-06.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-23.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/2011-12-01.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/release-pod-syntax.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/001-line-break.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/release-pod-coverage.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/lib/Markdown/Pod Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ Markdown-Pod-0.005/lib/Markdown/Pod Markdown-Pod-0.005/lib/Markdown/Pod/ Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/rt-77887-embed-html.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/lib/Markdown/Pod/ Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/rt-77889-ordered-list.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/rt-77887-embed-html.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/github-2-html-entities.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/rt-77889-ordered-list.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/github-2-html-entities.mkd Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd.t Markdown-Pod-0.005/t/mkd/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd Building K/KE/KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Markdent 0.23 not found. We have 0.21. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Wide character in print at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 1154. Wide character in print at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 1154. Wide character in print at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 1154. Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Markdown::Pod Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz ---- Markdent [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Markdent' Running make for D/DR/DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\D\DR\DROLSKY\Markdent-0.24.tar.gz ok Markdent-0.24/ Markdent-0.24/dist.ini Markdent-0.24/README Markdent-0.24/bench/ Markdent-0.24/bench/capture-vs-text-markdown-vs-parse Markdent-0.24/t/ Markdent-0.24/t/Simple/ Markdent-0.24/t/Simple/Fragment.t Markdent-0.24/t/Simple/Document.t Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/ Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Inline HTML (Advanced).xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Literal quotes in titles.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Code Blocks.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Inline HTML (Simple).html Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Links, shortcut references.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Links, reference style.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Auto links.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Strong and em together.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Ordered and unordered lists.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Amps and angle encoding.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Code Spans.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Code Blocks.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Backslash escapes.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Links, shortcut references.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Inline HTML (Advanced).text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Literal quotes in titles.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Images.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Markdown Documentation - Basics.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Strong and em together.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Code Spans.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Hard-wrapped paragraphs with list-like lines.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Markdown Documentation - Syntax.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Tidyness.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Blockquotes with code blocks.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Horizontal rules.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Markdown Documentation - Syntax.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Backslash escapes.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Links, inline style.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Hard-wrapped paragraphs with list-like lines.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Horizontal rules.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Blockquotes with code blocks.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Tidyness.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Images.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Links, reference style.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Inline HTML (Simple).text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Inline HTML comments.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Auto links.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Links, inline style.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Nested blockquotes.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Tabs.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Ordered and unordered lists.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Markdown Documentation - Basics.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Amps and angle encoding.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Nested blockquotes.text Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Inline HTML comments.html Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest-data/Tabs.xhtml Markdent-0.24/t/release-pod-no404s.t Markdent-0.24/t/release-pod-syntax.t Markdent-0.24/t/release-pod-coverage.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/ Markdent-0.24/t/markup/theory/ Markdent-0.24/t/markup/theory/big-table.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/theory/table.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/ Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/raw-html.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/nested-markup.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/line-break.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/strong-em-code.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/hr.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/preformatted.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/image.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/link.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/backslash-escape.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/list.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/blockquote.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/unbalanced.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/standard/headers.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/github/ Markdent-0.24/t/markup/github/fenced-block.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/github/em-in-words.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/github/bare-auto-link.t Markdent-0.24/t/markup/multi-dialect/ Markdent-0.24/t/markup/multi-dialect/github-theory.t Markdent-0.24/t/parse-twice.t Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/Multiplexer.t Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/CaptureEvents.t Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/HTMLFilter.t Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/HTMLStream/ Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/HTMLStream/Fragment.t Markdent-0.24/t/Handler/HTMLStream/bad-filehandle.t Markdent-0.24/t/release-no-tabs.t Markdent-0.24/t/release-cpan-changes.t Markdent-0.24/t/lib/ Markdent-0.24/t/lib/Example/ Markdent-0.24/t/lib/Example/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/t/lib/Example/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/t/lib/Example/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/t/lib/Test/ Markdent-0.24/t/lib/Test/ Markdent-0.24/t/mdtest.t Markdent-0.24/t/00-compile.t Markdent-0.24/t/Parser.t Markdent-0.24/t/author-pod-spell.t Markdent-0.24/t/CapturedEvents.t Markdent-0.24/Makefile.PL Markdent-0.24/META.yml Markdent-0.24/LICENSE Markdent-0.24/weaver.ini Markdent-0.24/inc/ Markdent-0.24/inc/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/inc/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Types/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Types/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Simple/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Simple/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Simple/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory.pod Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard.pod Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub.pod Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Parser/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Parser/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Parser/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/HTMLStream/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/HTMLStream/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/HTMLStream/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Handler/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Manual.pod Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ 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Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Event/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/Dialect/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/Markdent/Role/ Markdent-0.24/lib/ Markdent-0.24/META.json Markdent-0.24/Changes Markdent-0.24/bin/ Markdent-0.24/bin/markdent-html Markdent-0.24/MANIFEST Markdent-0.24/INSTALL Building D/DR/DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Markdent Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz ---- HTML::Tidy [build_requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'HTML::Tidy' Running make for P/PE/PETDANCE/HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\P\PE\PETDANCE\HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz ok HTML-Tidy-1.56/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/perlcriticrc HTML-Tidy-1.56/ppport.h HTML-Tidy-1.56/bin/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/bin/webtidy HTML-Tidy-1.56/MANIFEST HTML-Tidy-1.56/Makefile.PL HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/roundtrip.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/cfg-for-parse.cfg HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/ignore-text.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/version.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/message.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/unicode.html HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/wordwrap.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/pod-coverage.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/levels.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/too-many-titles.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/perfect.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/00-load.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/simple.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/extra-quote.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/opt-00.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/ignore.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/wordwrap.cfg HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/venus.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/clean-crash.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/venus.html HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/unicode.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/cfg-for-parse.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/venus.cfg HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/unicode-nbsp.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/pod.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/t/segfault-form.t HTML-Tidy-1.56/META.yml HTML-Tidy-1.56/lib/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/lib/HTML/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/lib/HTML/Tidy/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/lib/HTML/Tidy/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/lib/HTML/ HTML-Tidy-1.56/META.json HTML-Tidy-1.56/Tidy.xs HTML-Tidy-1.56/Changes HTML-Tidy-1.56/README.markdown Building P/PE/PETDANCE/HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Using tidyp via Alien::Tidyp Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for HTML::Tidy Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> dmake cp lib/HTML/Tidy/ blib\lib\HTML\Tidy\ cp lib/HTML/ blib\lib\HTML\ Running Mkbootstrap for HTML::Tidy () C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod -- 644 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\ExtUtils\xsubpp -typemap C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\ExtUtils\typemap Tidy.xs > Tidy.xsc && C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e mv -- Tidy.xsc Tidy.c gcc -c -I"C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\auto\share\dist\Alien-Tidyp\v1.4.7/include/tidyp" -s -O2 -DWIN32 -DWIN64 -DCONSERVATIVE -DPERL_TEXTMODE_SCRIPTS -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT -DPERL_IMPLICIT_SYS -DUSE_PERLIO -fno-strict-aliasing -mms-bitfields -s -O2 -DVERSION=\"1.56\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.56\" "-IC:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE" Tidy.c In file included from C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\auto\share\dist\Alien-Tidyp\v1.4.7/include/tidyp/tidyp.h:63:0, from Tidy.xs:5: C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\auto\share\dist\Alien-Tidyp\v1.4.7/include/tidyp/platform.h:588:0: warning: "__attribute__warn_unused_result__" redefined [enabled by default] C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE/perl.h:3282:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Mksymlists \ -e "Mksymlists('NAME'=>\"HTML::Tidy\", 'DLBASE' => 'Tidy', 'DL_FUNCS' => { }, 'FUNCLIST' => [], 'IMPORTS' => { }, 'DL_VARS' => []);" dlltool --def Tidy.def --output-exp dll.exp g++ -o blib\arch\auto\HTML\Tidy\Tidy.dll -Wl,--base-file -Wl,dll.base -mdll -s -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -L"C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE" -L"C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib" Tidy.o C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE\libperl518.a C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\auto\share\dist\Alien-Tidyp\v1.4.7\lib\libtidyp.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libmoldname.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libkernel32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libuser32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libgdi32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libwinspool.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libcomdlg32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libadvapi32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libshell32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libole32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\liboleaut32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libnetapi32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libuuid.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libws2_32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libmpr.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libwinmm.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libversion.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libodbc32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libodbccp32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libcomctl32.a dll.exp dlltool --def Tidy.def --base-file dll.base --output-exp dll.exp g++ -o blib\arch\auto\HTML\Tidy\Tidy.dll -mdll -s -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -L"C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE" -L"C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib" Tidy.o C:\Perl64-5.18\lib\CORE\libperl518.a C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\megalib\auto\share\dist\Alien-Tidyp\v1.4.7\lib\libtidyp.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libmoldname.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libkernel32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libuser32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libgdi32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libwinspool.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libcomdlg32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libadvapi32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libshell32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libole32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\liboleaut32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libnetapi32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libuuid.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libws2_32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libmpr.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libwinmm.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libversion.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libodbc32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libodbccp32.a C:\MinGW\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libcomctl32.a dll.exp C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e chmod -- 755 blib\arch\auto\HTML\Tidy\Tidy.dll C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e cp -- bin/webtidy blib\script\webtidy pl2bat.bat blib\script\webtidy PETDANCE/HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t # Testing HTML::Tidy 1.56, Perl 5.018001; tidyp 1.04 t/00-load.t .......... 1..1 ok 1 - Modules loaded ok t/cfg-for-parse.t .... 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Matching errors ok t/clean-crash.t ...... 1..2 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Ended OK ok t/extra-quote.t ...... 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Should have exactly three messages ok 4 - Matching warnings ok t/ignore-text.t ...... 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Matching warnings ok t/ignore.t ........... 1..9 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Matching warnings ok 4 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 5 - Parsed OK ok 6 - Matching errors ok 7 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 8 - eval should fail ok 9 - Throws an error ok t/levels.t ........... 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Matching messages ok t/message.t .......... 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy::Message' isa 'HTML::Tidy::Message' # Subtest: _matchup( With line numbers ) 1..6 ok 1 - as_string matches ok 2 - column matches ok 3 - file matches ok 4 - line matches ok 5 - text matches ok 6 - type matches ok 2 - _matchup( With line numbers ) ok 3 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy::Message' isa 'HTML::Tidy::Message' # Subtest: _matchup( Without line numbers ) 1..6 ok 1 - as_string matches ok 2 - column matches ok 3 - file matches ok 4 - line matches ok 5 - text matches ok 6 - type matches ok 4 - _matchup( Without line numbers ) ok t/opt-00.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - Cleaned stuff looks like what we expected ok t/perfect.t .......... 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Should have no messages ok t/pod-coverage.t ..... 1..2 ok 1 - Pod coverage on HTML::Tidy ok 2 - Pod coverage on HTML::Tidy::Message ok t/pod.t .............. 1..4 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Tidy/ ok 3 - POD test for blib/script/webtidy (no pod) ok 4 - POD test for blib/script/webtidy.bat (no pod) ok t/roundtrip.t ........ 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - The cleaned stuff shouldn't have any errors ok 3 - Cleaned up properly ok t/segfault-form.t .... 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 3 - Cleaned OK ok t/simple.t ........... 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Right number of initial messages ok 4 - Cleared the messages ok t/too-many-titles.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Parsed OK ok 3 - Matching warnings ok # Failed test 'Perl chars OK' # at t/unicode-nbsp.t line 19. # got: '  # ' # expected: '  # ' # Failed test 'Byte string OK' # at t/unicode-nbsp.t line 20. # got: '  # ' # expected: '  # ' # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2. t/unicode-nbsp.t ..... 1..2 not ok 1 - Perl chars OK not ok 2 - Byte string OK Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/2 subtests t/unicode.t .......... 1..9 ok 1 - html is utf8 ok 2 - reference is utf8 ok 3 - cleaned output is also unicode ok 4 - Cleanup didn't break anything ok 5 - There still shouldn't be any errors ok 6 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 7 - Parsed OK ok 8 - There still shouldn't be any errors # Subtest: Try send bytes to clean method. ok 1 - html is row bytes ok 2 - but cleaned output is string ok 3 - Cleanup didn't break anything 1..3 ok 9 - Try send bytes to clean method. ok t/venus.t ............ 1..2 ok 1 - An object of class 'HTML::Tidy' isa 'HTML::Tidy' ok 2 - Cooked stuff looks like what we expected ok t/version.t .......... 1..4 ok 1 - Valid version string ok 2 - Version is greater than 0.90, which is the one I maintain ok 3 - Valid version string ok 4 - Version is greater than 0.90, which is the one I maintain ok t/wordwrap.t ......... 1..1 ok 1 - Cleaned stuff looks like what we expected ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/unicode-nbsp.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 2 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 1-2 Non-zero exit status: 2 Files=21, Tests=70, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.11 usr + 0.02 sys = 0.13 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/21 test programs. 2/70 subtests failed. dmake: Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic' PETDANCE/HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports PETDANCE/HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz Running make for D/DR/DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdent-0.24-Ljp4ml Building D/DR/DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'HTML::Tidy => 0' for 'DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz' failed when processing 'PETDANCE/HTML-Tidy-1.56.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub/ blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\GitHub\ cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard.pod blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\Standard.pod cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub/ blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\GitHub\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/ blib\lib\ cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory/ blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\Theory\ cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/GitHub.pod blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\GitHub.pod cp lib/Markdent/ blib\lib\Markdent\ cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory.pod blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\Theory.pod cp lib/Markdent/Dialect/Theory/ blib\lib\Markdent\Dialect\Theory\ cp lib/Markdent/ blib\lib\Markdent\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Handler/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\ cp lib/Markdent/Handler/HTMLStream/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\HTMLStream\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/ blib\lib\Markdent\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Handler/HTMLStream/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\HTMLStream\ cp lib/Markdent/Handler/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Manual.pod blib\lib\Markdent\Manual.pod cp lib/Markdent/Handler/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Event/ blib\lib\Markdent\Event\ cp lib/Markdent/Parser/ blib\lib\Markdent\Parser\ cp lib/Markdent/Handler/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\ cp lib/Markdent/Handler/ blib\lib\Markdent\Handler\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/Dialect/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\Dialect\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Simple/ blib\lib\Markdent\Simple\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Parser/ blib\lib\Markdent\Parser\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/ blib\lib\Markdent\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/Dialect/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\Dialect\ cp lib/Markdent/Role/ blib\lib\Markdent\Role\ cp lib/Markdent/ blib\lib\Markdent\ cp lib/Markdent/Types/ blib\lib\Markdent\Types\ cp lib/Markdent/Simple/ blib\lib\Markdent\Simple\ C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e cp -- bin/markdent-html blib\script\markdent-html pl2bat.bat blib\script\markdent-html DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t t/Handler/*.t t/Handler/HTMLStream/*.t t/Simple/*.t t/markup/github/*.t t/markup/multi-dialect/*.t t/markup/standard/*.t t/markup/theory/*.t t/00-compile.t .......................... 1..83 ok 1 - Markdent loaded ok ok 2 - Markdent::CLI loaded ok ok 3 - Markdent::CapturedEvents loaded ok ok 4 - Markdent::Dialect::GitHub::BlockParser loaded ok ok 5 - Markdent::Dialect::GitHub::SpanParser loaded ok ok 6 - Markdent::Dialect::Theory::BlockParser loaded ok ok 7 - Markdent::Dialect::Theory::SpanParser loaded ok ok 8 - Markdent::Event::AutoLink loaded ok ok 9 - Markdent::Event::CodeBlock loaded ok ok 10 - Markdent::Event::EndBlockquote loaded ok ok 11 - Markdent::Event::EndCode loaded ok ok 12 - Markdent::Event::EndDocument loaded ok ok 13 - Markdent::Event::EndEmphasis loaded ok ok 14 - Markdent::Event::EndHTMLTag loaded ok ok 15 - Markdent::Event::EndHeader loaded ok ok 16 - Markdent::Event::EndLink loaded ok ok 17 - Markdent::Event::EndListItem loaded ok ok 18 - Markdent::Event::EndOrderedList loaded ok ok 19 - Markdent::Event::EndParagraph loaded ok ok 20 - Markdent::Event::EndStrong loaded ok ok 21 - Markdent::Event::EndTable loaded ok ok 22 - Markdent::Event::EndTableBody loaded ok ok 23 - Markdent::Event::EndTableCell loaded ok ok 24 - Markdent::Event::EndTableHeader loaded ok ok 25 - Markdent::Event::EndTableRow loaded ok ok 26 - Markdent::Event::EndUnorderedList loaded ok ok 27 - Markdent::Event::HTMLBlock loaded ok ok 28 - Markdent::Event::HTMLComment loaded ok ok 29 - Markdent::Event::HTMLCommentBlock loaded ok ok 30 - Markdent::Event::HTMLEntity loaded ok ok 31 - Markdent::Event::HTMLTag loaded ok ok 32 - Markdent::Event::HorizontalRule loaded ok ok 33 - Markdent::Event::Image loaded ok ok 34 - Markdent::Event::LineBreak loaded ok ok 35 - Markdent::Event::Preformatted loaded ok ok 36 - Markdent::Event::StartBlockquote loaded ok ok 37 - Markdent::Event::StartCode loaded ok ok 38 - Markdent::Event::StartDocument loaded ok ok 39 - Markdent::Event::StartEmphasis loaded ok ok 40 - Markdent::Event::StartHTMLTag loaded ok ok 41 - Markdent::Event::StartHeader loaded ok ok 42 - Markdent::Event::StartLink loaded ok ok 43 - Markdent::Event::StartListItem loaded ok ok 44 - Markdent::Event::StartOrderedList loaded ok ok 45 - Markdent::Event::StartParagraph loaded ok ok 46 - Markdent::Event::StartStrong loaded ok ok 47 - Markdent::Event::StartTable loaded ok ok 48 - Markdent::Event::StartTableBody loaded ok ok 49 - Markdent::Event::StartTableCell loaded ok ok 50 - Markdent::Event::StartTableHeader loaded ok ok 51 - Markdent::Event::StartTableRow loaded ok ok 52 - Markdent::Event::StartUnorderedList loaded ok ok 53 - Markdent::Event::Text loaded ok ok 54 - Markdent::Handler::CaptureEvents loaded ok ok 55 - Markdent::Handler::HTMLFilter loaded ok ok 56 - Markdent::Handler::HTMLStream::Document loaded ok ok 57 - Markdent::Handler::HTMLStream::Fragment loaded ok ok 58 - Markdent::Handler::MinimalTree loaded ok ok 59 - Markdent::Handler::Multiplexer loaded ok ok 60 - Markdent::Handler::Null loaded ok ok 61 - Markdent::Parser loaded ok ok 62 - Markdent::Parser::BlockParser loaded ok ok 63 - Markdent::Parser::SpanParser loaded ok ok 64 - Markdent::Regexes loaded ok ok 65 - Markdent::Role::AnyParser loaded ok ok 66 - Markdent::Role::BalancedEvent loaded ok ok 67 - Markdent::Role::BlockParser loaded ok ok 68 - Markdent::Role::DebugPrinter loaded ok ok 69 - Markdent::Role::Dialect::BlockParser loaded ok ok 70 - Markdent::Role::Dialect::SpanParser loaded ok ok 71 - Markdent::Role::Event loaded ok ok 72 - Markdent::Role::EventAsText loaded ok ok 73 - Markdent::Role::EventsAsMethods loaded ok ok 74 - Markdent::Role::FilterHandler loaded ok ok 75 - Markdent::Role::HTMLStream loaded ok ok 76 - Markdent::Role::Handler loaded ok ok 77 - Markdent::Role::Simple loaded ok ok 78 - Markdent::Role::SpanParser loaded ok ok 79 - Markdent::Simple::Document loaded ok ok 80 - Markdent::Simple::Fragment loaded ok ok 81 - Markdent::Types loaded ok ok 82 - Markdent::Types::Internal loaded ok ok 83 - markdent-html script compiles ok t/author-pod-spell.t .................... skipped: these tests are for testing by the author t/CapturedEvents.t ...................... ok 1 - ->events() returns expected objects ok 2 - replay_events generates expected tree 1..2 ok t/Handler/CaptureEvents.t ............... ok 1 - compare parse direct to tree versus replaying captured events into a tree 1..1 ok t/Handler/HTMLFilter.t .................. ok 1 - all HTML events have been dropped 1..1 ok t/Handler/HTMLStream/bad-filehandle.t ... ok 1 - Got an exception when the HTMLStream handler tries to write to a closed filehandle ok 2 - Got an exception when the HTMLStream handler tries to write to a closed filehandle 1..2 ok t/Handler/HTMLStream/Fragment.t ......... ok 1 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 2 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 3 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 4 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 5 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 6 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy 1..6 ok t/Handler/Multiplexer.t ................. ok 1 - compare parsing from trees generated from multiplexer 1..1 ok t/markup/github/bare-auto-link.t ........ ok 1 - bare http link is linked ok 2 - bare http and https links together ok 3 - No false positive on bare link ok 4 - Bare link preceded by non-word character is linked ok 5 - Bare link at start of document is linked 1..5 ok t/markup/github/em-in-words.t ........... ok 1 - emphasis markup (*) surrounded by parentheses ok 2 - emphasis markup (_) surrounded by parentheses ok 3 - An underscore in a word is not treated as emphasis ok 4 - Asterisks in words are treated as emphasis ok 5 - Multiple underscores in one word are not treated as emphasis ok 6 - Multiple asterisks in one word are treated as emphasis ok 7 - Underscore at beginning of document is treated as emphasis 1..7 ok t/markup/github/fenced-block.t .......... ok 1 - fenced code block with no language ok 2 - fenced code block with language indicator 1..2 ok t/markup/multi-dialect/github-theory.t .. ok 1 - simple table with header and two body rows 1..1 ok t/markup/standard/backslash-escape.t .... ok 1 - backslash escape a potential link ok 2 - backslash escape at beginning of document ok 3 - backslash escape is ignored in code span ok 4 - backslashed backslash, backtick and greater-than ok 5 - backslashes in code spans 1..5 ok t/markup/standard/blockquote.t .......... ok 1 - one-line blockquote ok 2 - one-line blockquote with tab ok 3 - two-line blockquote, one para ok 4 - three-line blockquote, middle line is 2nd level ok 5 - three-line blockquote with tabs, middle line is 2nd level ok 6 - two-line blockquote, ends at 2nd level, followed by plain paragraph ok 7 - two-line blockquote, first line has an atx-style header ok 8 - two-line blockquote, ends at 2nd level, followed by plain paragraph ok 9 - two-line blockquote with markup spanning lines ok 10 - three-line blockquote but middle line has no leading > ok 11 - three-line blockquote but there is a paragraph break after >-less line ok 12 - three-paragraph blockquote with empty line between each para ok 13 - three-paragraph blockquote with empty line between each para, followed by a regular paragraph 1..13 ok t/markup/standard/headers.t ............. ok 1 - Single two-line header ok 2 - Single atx header ok 3 - all possible header types ok 4 - two-line header with em markup ok 5 - headers with no whitespace after ok 6 - ATX header with tabs ok 7 - two-line header with tabs 1..7 ok t/markup/standard/hr.t .................. ok 1 - hr preceded by blank line ok 2 - hr at beginning of document ok 3 - hr cannot have a leading tab ok 4 - hr cannot have >1 space between text items ok 5 - hr at beginning of document ok 6 - hr with three leading spaces ok 7 - something that could be an hr but is not 1..7 ok t/markup/standard/image.t ............... ok 1 - text and an inline link image ok 2 - inline image (has title) ok 3 - image linked by id ok 4 - image by id, space before id ok 5 - image by id, implicit id ok 6 - image by id, implicit id (no []) ok 7 - An empty inline image ok 8 - An inline image with only whitespace ok 9 - Image by reference with a bad id is treated as text 1..9 ok t/markup/standard/line-break.t .......... ok 1 - two spaces at end of paragraph line forces a line break ok 2 - two spaces at end of paragraph line forces a # line break but one space does not 1..2 ok t/markup/standard/link.t ................ ok 1 - text with an inline link ok 2 - text with an inline link ok 3 - text with an inline link (has title) ok 4 - text with an inline link (has title and tab before title) ok 5 - text with a link by id ok 6 - text with a link by id, space before id ok 7 - text with a link by id, implicit id ok 8 - text with a link by id, implicit id (no []) ok 9 - text with a link, link text has markup ok 10 - text with a link, link text has markup and nested brackets ok 11 - text with a link by id, implicit id contains markup ok 12 - text with an auto link ok 13 - tricky use parens with an inline link ok 14 - tricky use parens with an inline link that has a title ok 15 - An empty inline link ok 16 - An inline link with only whitespace ok 17 - Link by reference with a bad id is treated as text ok 18 - Link text with a newline 1..18 ok t/markup/standard/list.t ................ ok 1 - one line unordered list ok 2 - one line unordered list with tab after bullet ok 3 - two line unordered list ok 4 - two line unordered list, second list item has 3 space indent ok 5 - unordered list with nested list as second item ok 6 - unordered list with multi-line single list item ok 7 - unordered list with multi-line single list item (no indent for continuation) ok 8 - unordered list with first item having two paragraphs ok 9 - unordered list with first item having two paragraphs followed by regular paragraph ok 10 - complex three-level list from Dingus ok 11 - ordered list containing an unordered list ok 12 - unordered list terminated by a horizontal rule ok 13 - list where each list item text looks like a bullet ok 14 - list cannot contain a horizontal rule ok 15 - loose list with sublist should still have paras ok 16 - nested lists with leading tabs ok 17 - weird use of tabs and nested lists from mdtest ok 18 - lazily numbered ordered list ok 19 - drunkenly numbered ordered list ok 20 - drunk and lazily numbered ordered lists, nested 1..20 ok t/markup/standard/nested-markup.t ....... ok 1 - blockquote contains a list ok 2 - blockquote contains headers, blockquote and list (from Dingus examples) ok 3 - list containing a blockquote ok 4 - list containing a pre block 1..4 ok t/markup/standard/preformatted.t ........ ok 1 - one-line preformatted ok 2 - one-line preformatted with leading tab ok 3 - two pre lines, second has 2-space indentation ok 4 - preformatted text includes empty lines ok 5 - preformatted text with empty lines followed by regular paragraph 1..5 ok t/markup/standard/raw-html.t ............ ok 1 - html in a block ok 2 - html entities in a paragraph ok 3 - html in a block ok 4 - html in a block ok 5 - html in a block with nested
tags ok 6 - html as sole content ok 7 - html without preceding newline ok 8 - html without following newline ok 9 - same html block twice in a row ok 10 - two html blocks and a paragraph in the middle ok 11 - html inside code block is not treated as html ok 12 - a self-closing html tag (img) ok 13 - html comments, standalone and inline 1..13 ok t/markup/standard/strong-em-code.t ...... ok 1 - emphasis markup surrounded by percent signs ok 2 - code marked with `` containing a single backtick ok 3 - code containing html ok 4 - code containing strong & em ok 5 - code in parens ok 6 - strong, em, and then both 1..6 ok t/markup/standard/unbalanced.t .......... ok 1 - bad strong containing good emphasis ok 2 - bad strong start containing good emphasis ok 3 - bad strong and code start containing good emphasis ok 4 - bad strong start, good emphasis, then bad code start ok 5 - bad strong start, good emphasis containing good code ok 6 - bad strong start, good emphasis and good code ok 7 - unbalanced inline html tags are not detected 1..7 ok t/markup/theory/big-table.t ............. ok 1 - very large table to test performance 1..1 ok t/markup/theory/table.t ................. ok 1 - simple table with header and two body rows ok 2 - simple table with header and two body rows, header uses +===+ ok 3 - simple MySQL-style table (header marker at start and end of table) ok 4 - simple table with no header ok 5 - simple table with header and two body rows - caption on the bottom ok 6 - simple table with header and two body rows, all right-aligned ok 7 - simple table with two header rows and two body rows ok 8 - three cells across, no leading/trailing pipes or pluses ok 9 - three cells across, two table bodies ok 10 - three cells across, each row has some >1 colspan cells ok 11 - three cells across, each row has some >1 colspan cells ok 12 - simple table with escaped pipe in cell ok 13 - simple table with continuation lines ok 14 - table with a list inside a cell ok 15 - simple table with empty first header cell, so first col is header cells ok 16 - first header row should have 3 columns ok 17 - Parser should not parse [foo] as a table caption if there is no table ok 18 - Totally pathological table at least generates some output and does not die or warn ok 19 - Handle tabs in a table cell without going into an endless loop ok 20 - complex table preceded by paragraph that broke with new regex 1..20 ok t/mdtest.t .............................. ok 1 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 2 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 3 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 4 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 5 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 6 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 7 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 8 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 9 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 10 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 11 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 12 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 13 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 14 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 15 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 16 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 17 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 18 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 19 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 20 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 21 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 22 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy ok 23 # skip This test requires HTML::Tidy 1..23 ok t/parse-twice.t ......................... ok 1 - make sure we get the same results from parsing the same string twice in a row 1..1 ok t/Parser.t .............................. ok 1 - $parser->_block_parser() with dialects = Theory ok 2 - $parser->_span_parser() with dialects = Theory ok 3 - $parser->_block_parser() with dialects = [Theory] ok 4 - $parser->_span_parser() with dialects = [Theory] ok 5 - Can combine an explicit block_parser_class with a dialect ok 6 - $parser->_block_parser() with dialects = Theory ok 7 - $parser->_span_parser() with dialects = Theory ok 8 - $parser->_block_parser() with dialect = Theory (dialect as synonym for dialects) ok 9 - $parser->_span_parser() with dialect = Theory (dialect as synonym for dialects) 1..9 ok t/release-cpan-changes.t ................ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-no-tabs.t ..................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t ................ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-no404s.t .................. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .................. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/Simple/Document.t ..................... ok 1 - Markdent::Simple::Document returns expected HTML 1..1 ok t/Simple/Fragment.t ..................... ok 1 - Markdent::Simple::Fragment returns expected HTML 1..1 ok All tests successful. Files=37, Tests=283, 139 wallclock secs ( 0.33 usr + 0.06 sys = 0.39 CPU) Result: PASS DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz Tests succeeded but one dependency not OK (HTML::Tidy) DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz [dependencies] -- NA Running make for K/KE/KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN Building K/KE/KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Markdent => 0.23' for 'KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz' failed when processing 'DROLSKY/Markdent-0.24.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (HTML::Tidy)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/Markdown/Pod/ blib\lib\Markdown\Pod\ cp lib/Markdown/ blib\lib\Markdown\ cp lib/Markdown/Pod/ blib\lib\Markdown\Pod\ C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e cp -- bin/markdown2pod blib\script\markdown2pod pl2bat.bat blib\script\markdown2pod KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/00-load.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval 'package main; #line 5 t/00-load.t use Markdown::Pod @{$args[0]}; 1; ' called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Test/ line 992 Test::More::_eval("package main;\x{a}\x{a}#line 5 t/00-load.t\x{a}use Markdown::Pod \@{\$args["..., ARRAY(0x1e48800)) called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Test/ line 967 Test::More::use_ok("Markdown::Pod") called at t/00-load.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/00-load.t ........................... 1..1 ok 1 - use Markdown::Pod; ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/001-line-break.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 # Failed test 'converting t/mkd/001-line-break.mkd' # at t/001-line-break.t line 8. # got: '=encoding utf8 # # # =head2 NAME # # Markdown::Pod - Convert Markdown to POD # # # =head2 VERSION # # version 0.003 # # # =head2 SYNOPSIS # # use Markdown::Pod; # # my $m2p = Markdown::Pod->new; # my $pod = $m2p->markdown_to_pod( # markdown => $markdown, # ); # # # =head2 DESCRIPTION # # This module parses Markdown text and return POD text. # It uses Markdent module to parse Markdown. # Due to POD doesn't support blockquoted HTML tag, # so quoted text of Markdown will not be handled properly. # Quoted text will be converted to POD verbatim section.' # expected: '=encoding utf8 # # # =head2 NAME # # Markdown::Pod - Convert Markdown to POD # # # =head2 VERSION # # version 0.003 # # # =head2 SYNOPSIS # # use Markdown::Pod; # # my $m2p = Markdown::Pod->new; # my $pod = $m2p->markdown_to_pod( # markdown => $markdown, # ); # # # =head2 DESCRIPTION # # This module parses Markdown text and return POD text. # It uses Markdent module to parse Markdown. # # Due to POD doesn't support blockquoted HTML tag, # so quoted text of Markdown will not be handled properly. # # Quoted text will be converted to POD verbatim section.' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/001-line-break.t .................... 1..1 not ok 1 - converting t/mkd/001-line-break.mkd Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-01.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-01.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-01.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-02.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-02.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-02.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-03.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-03.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-03.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-04.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-04.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-04.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-05.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-05.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-05.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-06.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-06.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-06.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-07.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-07.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-07.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-08.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-08.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-08.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-09.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-09.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-09.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-10.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-10.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-10.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-11.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-11.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-11.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-12.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-12.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-12.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-13.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-13.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-13.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-14.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-14.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-14.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-15.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-15.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-15.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-16.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-16.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-16.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-17.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-17.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-17.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-18.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-18.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-18.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-19.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-19.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-19.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-20.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-20.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-20.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-21.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-21.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-21.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-22.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-22.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-22.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-23.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-23.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-23.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/2011-12-24.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/2011-12-24.mkd.t .................... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/2011-12-24.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/github-2-html-entities.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/github-2-html-entities.mkd.t ........ 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/github-2-html-entities.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 # Failed test 'converting t/mkd/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd' # at t/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd.t line 8. # got: '=encoding utf8 # # =over # # =item 1. # # This should be understood as an ordered list. # # # =item 1. # # The output numbers should increase, even though every written number is "1". # # # =item 1. # # That's just how Markdown is! # # # =back # # Here's a paragraph just to break things up. # # =over # # =item 042. # # This should also be understood as an ordered list. # # # =item 6. # # The numbers should increase, starting from 1, even though the written numbers are weird. # # # =item 10. # # That's again just how Markdown is! # # # =back' # expected: '=encoding utf8 # # =over # # =item 1. # # This should be understood as an ordered list. # # # =item 2. # # The output numbers should increase, even though every written number is "1". # # # =item 3. # # That's just how Markdown is! # # # =back # # Here's a paragraph just to break things up. # # =over # # =item 1. # # This should also be understood as an ordered list. # # # =item 2. # # The numbers should increase, starting from 1, even though the written numbers are weird. # # # =item 3. # # That's again just how Markdown is! # # # =back' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd.t .. 1..1 not ok 1 - converting t/mkd/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests t/release-pod-coverage.t .............. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t ................ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/rt-77887-embed-html.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/rt-77887-embed-html.mkd.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/rt-77887-embed-html.mkd ok Passing a list of values to enum is deprecated. Enum values should be wrapped in an arrayref. at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 68. require Markdent/Types/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 317 Module::Runtime::require_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Module/ line 348 Module::Runtime::use_module("Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 94 MooseX::Types::Combine::_check_type_lib("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/MooseX/Types/ line 77 MooseX::Types::Combine::provide_types_from("Markdent::Types", "Markdent::Types::Internal", "MooseX::Types::Moose") called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 require Markdent/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Event/ line 10 Markdent::Event::StartHeader::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Event/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ line 15 Markdent::Dialect::Standard::BlockParser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/Dialect/Standard/ called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/ line 11 Markdent::Parser::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdent/ called at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Markdown-Pod-0.005-0xy9uN\blib\lib/Markdown/ line 12 Markdown::Pod::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/ called at t/lib/Markdown/Pod/ line 8 Markdown::Pod::Test::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 require Markdown/Pod/ called at t/rt-77889-ordered-list.mkd.t line 5 main::BEGIN() called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 eval {...} called at C:/cpanfly-5.18/var/megalib/Markdent/Types/ line 0 t/rt-77889-ordered-list.mkd.t ......... 1..1 ok 1 - converting t/mkd/rt-77889-ordered-list.mkd ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/001-line-break.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/github-3-weird-ordered-lists.mkd.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 Files=32, Tests=30, 49 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.20 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 2/32 test programs. 2/30 subtests failed. dmake: Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic' KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports KEEDI/Markdown-Pod-0.005.tar.gz Running test for module 'SHARYANTO::Role::Doc::Section' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69-4AX1M3 Warning: Prerequisite 'Term::Detect::Software => 0' for 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Term-Detect-Software-0.14.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (SHARYANTO::Proc::Util)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Color::ANSI::Util => 0.03' for 'SHARYANTO/SHARYANTO-Roles-0.69.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Color-ANSI-Util-0.10.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (Term::Detect::Software); additionally test harness failed'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Has already been made Running make test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'Data::Sah' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz ok Data-Sah-0.22/ Data-Sah-0.22/devscripts/ Data-Sah-0.22/devscripts/list-missing-translations Data-Sah-0.22/Changes Data-Sah-0.22/LICENSE Data-Sah-0.22/MANIFEST Data-Sah-0.22/lib/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Schema/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Schema/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Schema/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Util/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Util/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Util/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Util/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Manual/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Manual/Contributing.pod Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Manual/Extending.pod Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/lib/Data/Sah/Type/ Data-Sah-0.22/MANIFEST.SKIP Data-Sah-0.22/README Data-Sah-0.22/META.json Data-Sah-0.22/Makefile.PL Data-Sah-0.22/dist.ini Data-Sah-0.22/t/ Data-Sah-0.22/t/release-rinci.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/01-basics.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/release-pod-coverage.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/perl-type-obj.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/perl-type-bool.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/spectest-js.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/spectest-human.t- Data-Sah-0.22/t/perl-type-re.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/perl-type-code.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/00-compile.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/human-id_ID.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/spectest-perl.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/perl-type-float.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/99-various.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/human-en_US.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/ Data-Sah-0.22/t/perl-type-str.t Data-Sah-0.22/t/release-pod-syntax.t Data-Sah-0.22/weaver.ini Data-Sah-0.22/META.yml Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Language::Expr 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Language::Expr::Interpreter::VarEnumer 0.13 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Data::Sah Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz ---- Language::Expr::Interpreter::VarEnumer [requires] Language::Expr [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Language::Expr::Interpreter::VarEnumer' Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\S\SH\SHARYANTO\Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz ok Language-Expr-0.21/ Language-Expr-0.21/Changes Language-Expr-0.21/LICENSE Language-Expr-0.21/MANIFEST Language-Expr-0.21/lib/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Interpreter/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Interpreter/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Interpreter/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Interpreter/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Compiler/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Compiler/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Compiler/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Compiler/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Compiler/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Manual/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/Manual/Syntax.pod Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/Expr/ Language-Expr-0.21/lib/Language/ Language-Expr-0.21/MANIFEST.SKIP Language-Expr-0.21/README Language-Expr-0.21/META.json Language-Expr-0.21/dist.ini Language-Expr-0.21/t-disabled/ Language-Expr-0.21/t-disabled/eval-js.t Language-Expr-0.21/t-disabled/eval-php.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/ Language-Expr-0.21/t/release-rinci.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/01-basics.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/release-pod-coverage.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/hook_var.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/hook_func.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/00-compile.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/ Language-Expr-0.21/t/ Language-Expr-0.21/t/release-pod-syntax.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/enum_vars.t Language-Expr-0.21/t/eval.t Language-Expr-0.21/Build.PL Language-Expr-0.21/META.yml Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Language-Expr' version '0.21' >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe ./Build Building Language-Expr SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe ./Build -- OK Running Build test >>> C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe ./Build test verbose=1 Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. t/00-compile.t ............ ok 1 - Language/ loaded ok ok 2 - Language/Expr/Compiler/ loaded ok ok 3 - Language/Expr/Compiler/ loaded ok ok 4 - Language/Expr/Compiler/ loaded ok ok 5 - Language/Expr/Compiler/ loaded ok ok 6 - Language/Expr/ loaded ok ok 7 - Language/Expr/ loaded ok ok 8 - Language/Expr/Interpreter/ loaded ok ok 9 - Language/Expr/Interpreter/ loaded ok ok 10 - Language/Expr/Interpreter/ loaded ok ok 11 - Language/Expr/ loaded ok 1..11 ok Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Can't call method "rule_dquotestr" on an undefined value at (eval 38) line 994. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/01-basics.t ............. 1..8 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 8/8 subtests Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Can't call method "rule_array" on an undefined value at (eval 32) line 809. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/enum_vars.t ............. 1..9 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 9/9 subtests Name "Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl::hash1" used only once: possible typo at t/eval.t line 17. Name "Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl::ary1" used only once: possible typo at t/eval.t line 16. Name "Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl::b" used only once: possible typo at t/eval.t line 15. Name "Language::Expr::Compiler::Perl::a" used only once: possible typo at t/eval.t line 14. Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Can't call method "rule_num" on an undefined value at (eval 36) line 903. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/eval.t .................. 1..354 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 354/354 subtests Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Can't call method "rule_var" on an undefined value at (eval 32) line 1006. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/hook_func.t ............. 1..6 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 6/6 subtests Warning: Regexp::Grammars is currently unsupported under Perl 5.18. Perl 5.18 changed how 'qr' constant overloadings are parsed and the scope in which they are subsequently compiled. This change currently make it impossible to reliably create 'qr' overloadings that inject code blocks into a regex, as it prevents the overloaded regexes from compiling properly in many cases, even with an explicit 'use re "eval"' in scope. These problems have been reported, and the brave volunteers of P5P are currently working on fixes. However, these will not be available until at least 5.18.2. Because Regexp::Grammars relies on 'qr' overloads to inject code blocks into regexes, the module is curently not compatible with Perl 5.18. It may continue to work in some limited cases, but is no longer reliable. At present, if you rely on Regexp::Grammars for your parsing needs, your alternatives are either not to upgrade to Perl 5.18, to livce with the problems until they are resolved (in Perl 5.18.2, we hope), or else to consider switching to another parsing system, such as Marpa. We deeply regret that Regexp::Grammars cannot currently be maintained completelt due to these backwards-incompatible changes and bugs in Perl 5.18. at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 24. Useless use of '\'; doesn't escape metacharacter '{' at C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa\blib\lib/Language/Expr/ line 266. Can't call method "rule_var" on an undefined value at (eval 32) line 1006. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/hook_var.t .............. 1..6 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 6/6 subtests t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-rinci.t ......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Test Summary Report ------------------- t/01-basics.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 8 tests but ran 0. t/enum_vars.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 9 tests but ran 0. t/eval.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 354 tests but ran 0. t/hook_func.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 0. t/hook_var.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 0. Files=9, Tests=11, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.08 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 5/9 test programs. 0/11 subtests failed. SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe ./Build test verbose=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz Running test for module 'Language::Expr' Running Build for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Language-Expr-0.21-rGhbIa Has already been made Running Build test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running make for S/SH/SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory C:\cpanfly-5.18\var\cpan\build\Data-Sah-0.22-8lY9oH Building S/SH/SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Language::Expr::Interpreter::VarEnumer => 0.13' for 'SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Language::Expr => 0.13' for 'SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz' failed when processing 'SHARYANTO/Language-Expr-0.21.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> dmake cp lib/Data/ blib\lib\Data\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\Prog\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\Prog\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\ cp lib/Data/Sah/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/Prog/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\Prog\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/human/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\human\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/js/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\js\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Compiler/perl/TH/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Compiler\perl\TH\ cp lib/Data/Sah/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Lang\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Schema/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Schema\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Manual/Contributing.pod blib\lib\Data\Sah\Manual\Contributing.pod cp lib/Data/Sah/Manual/Extending.pod blib\lib\Data\Sah\Manual\Extending.pod cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Lang\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Schema/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Schema\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Lang/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Lang\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Util/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Util\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Util/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Util\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Util/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Util\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ cp lib/Data/Sah/Type/ blib\lib\Data\Sah\Type\ SHARYANTO/Data-Sah-0.22.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t Timeout (max run time is 300s) C:\Perl64-5.18\bin\perl.exe exits with 37.