PATH=C:\mingw\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\megalib\bin;C:\Perl-5.20\site\bin;C:\Perl-5.20\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\Program Files\Perforce;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\instantclient_11_2;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\Program Files\Perforce;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\mysql\bin Start 2014-09-23T18:39:59 ActivePerl-2000 CPAN-2.00 LIB=C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\VC98\Lib\PSDK PATH=C:/CPANFL~1.20/var/libs/bin;C:\mingw\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\CPANFL~1.20\var\megalib\bin;C:\Perl-5.20\site\bin;C:\Perl-5.20\bin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\Perforce;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINDOW~2\v1.0;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINDOW~2\v1.0;C:\INSTAN~1;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\PROGRA~1\Perforce;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINDOW~2\v1.0;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINDOW~2\v1.0;C:\mysql\bin Reading 'C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\Metadata' Database was generated on Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:29:02 GMT Running make for L/LE/LEONT/Module-Build-0.4210.tar.gz Fetching with LWP: Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\L\LE\LEONT\Module-Build-0.4210.tar.gz ok Module-Build-0.4210 Module-Build-0.4210/Changes Module-Build-0.4210/META.json Module-Build-0.4210/META.yml Module-Build-0.4210/MANIFEST Module-Build-0.4210/LICENSE Module-Build-0.4210/README Module-Build-0.4210/Makefile.PL Module-Build-0.4210/INSTALL Module-Build-0.4210/Build.PL Module-Build-0.4210/t Module-Build-0.4210/t/new_from_context.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/install_extra_target.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/test_file_exts.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/runthrough.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/ppm.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/use_tap_harness.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/add_property_hash.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/debug.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/extend.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/write_default_maniskip.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/resume.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/destinations.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/bundle_inc.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/manifypods.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/test_reqs.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/metadata.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/signature.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/tilde.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/xs.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/perl_mb_opt.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/ext.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/compat.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/manifypods_with_utf8.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/00-compile.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/test_type.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/par.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/help.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/versions.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/basic.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/add_property.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/pod_parser.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/test_types.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/files.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/install.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/metadata2.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/sample.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/mymeta.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/script_dist.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/PL_files.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/notes.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/unit_run_test_harness.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/add_property_array.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/parents.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/README.pod Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/requires.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/license.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/needs_compiler.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/release_status.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/dist_suffix.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/share_dir.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/properties/module_name.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/ Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/ Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/Module Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/Module/ Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/Software Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/Software/License Module-Build-0.4210/t/lib/Software/License/ Module-Build-0.4210/t/actions Module-Build-0.4210/t/actions/installdeps.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/actions/manifest_skip.t Module-Build-0.4210/t/bundled Module-Build-0.4210/t/bundled/Software Module-Build-0.4210/t/bundled/Software/ Module-Build-0.4210/t/bundled/Tie Module-Build-0.4210/t/bundled/Tie/ Module-Build-0.4210/t/compat Module-Build-0.4210/t/compat/exit.t Module-Build-0.4210/lib Module-Build-0.4210/lib/inc Module-Build-0.4210/lib/inc/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/inc/latest Module-Build-0.4210/lib/inc/latest/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Authoring.pod Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Bundling.pod Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/API.pod Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/lib/Module/Build/Platform/ Module-Build-0.4210/inc Module-Build-0.4210/inc/ Module-Build-0.4210/inc/ Module-Build-0.4210/inc/Module Module-Build-0.4210/inc/Module/ Module-Build-0.4210/inc/Perl Module-Build-0.4210/inc/Perl/ Module-Build-0.4210/bin Module-Build-0.4210/bin/config_data Module-Build-0.4210/contrib Module-Build-0.4210/contrib/bash_completion.module-build ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- LEONT/Module-Build-0.4210.tar.gz ---- CPAN::Meta [build_requires] Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'CPAN::Meta' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.142060.tar.gz Fetching with LWP: Checksum for C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\sources\authors\id\D\DA\DAGOLDEN\CPAN-Meta-2.142060.tar.gz ok CPAN-Meta-2.142060/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/Changes CPAN-Meta-2.142060/CONTRIBUTING CPAN-Meta-2.142060/cpanfile CPAN-Meta-2.142060/dist.ini CPAN-Meta-2.142060/history/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/LICENSE CPAN-Meta-2.142060/Makefile.PL CPAN-Meta-2.142060/MANIFEST CPAN-Meta-2.142060/META.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/perlcritic.rc CPAN-Meta-2.142060/README CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/Todo CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/author/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/release/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/release/distmeta.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/release/pod-coverage.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/release/pod-syntax.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/release/portability.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/release/test-version.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/author/00-compile.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/author/critic.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/xt/author/pod-spell.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/00-report-prereqs.dd CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/00-report-prereqs.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/converter-bad.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/converter-fail.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/converter-fragments.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/converter.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/load-bad.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/merge.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/meta-obj.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/no-index.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/prereqs-finalize.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/prereqs-merge.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/prereqs.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/README-data.txt CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/repository.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/save-load.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/strings.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/validator.t CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/1122575719-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/1206545041-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/1985684504-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/476602558-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/META-1_0.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/META-1_1.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-valid/scalar-meta-spec.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/gpl-1_4.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-1_0.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-1_1.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-1_2.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-1_3.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-1_4.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/META-2.meta CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/provides-version-missing.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/resources.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/restricted-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/restrictive-1_4.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/unicode.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/version-not-normal.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/version-ranges-1_4.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-test/version-ranges-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/107650337-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/1598804075-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/1927486199-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/1985980974-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/2031017050-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/284247103-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/344981821-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/35478989-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/98042513-META.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/invalid-meta-spec-version.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/invalid-meta-spec-version.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/META-1_2.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/META-1_3.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/META-1_4.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/META-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/restrictive-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fixable/version-ranges-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/META-1_0.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/META-1_1.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/META-1_2.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/META-1_3.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/META-1_4.yml CPAN-Meta-2.142060/t/data-fail/META-2.json CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/lib/CPAN/Meta/ CPAN-Meta-2.142060/history/META-spec-1_0.html CPAN-Meta-2.142060/history/META-spec-1_1.html CPAN-Meta-2.142060/history/META-spec-1_2.pod CPAN-Meta-2.142060/history/META-spec-1_3.pod CPAN-Meta-2.142060/history/META-spec-1_4.pod Building D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.142060.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl-5.20\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a dmake-style Makefile Writing Makefile for CPAN::Meta Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> dmake cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ cp lib/CPAN/ blib\lib\CPAN\ cp lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib\lib\CPAN\Meta\ DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.142060.tar.gz dmake -- OK Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl-5.20\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t # # Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones): # # === Configure Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ---- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.17 6.98 # # === Build Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------- ---- ---- # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 6.98 # # === Test Requires === # # Module Want Have # --------------------- ---- -------- # Data::Dumper any 2.154 # ExtUtils::MakeMaker any 6.98 # File::Basename any 2.85 # File::Spec any 3.47 # File::Spec::Functions any 3.47 # File::Temp 0.20 0.2304 # IO::Dir any 1.10 # List::Util any 1.41 # Scalar::Util any 1.41 # Test::More 0.88 1.001006 # overload any 1.22 # utf8 any 1.13_01 # version 0.88 0.9909 # # === Test Recommends === # # Module Want Have # ------------------------ -------- -------- # CPAN::Meta any 2.142060 # CPAN::Meta::Prereqs any 2.142060 # CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.120900 2.126 # # === Runtime Requires === # # Module Want Have # ------------------------ ------- ------- # CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.121 2.126 # CPAN::Meta::YAML 0.008 0.012 # Carp any 1.3301 # JSON::PP 2.27200 2.27203 # Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414 1.4414 # Scalar::Util any 1.41 # strict any 1.08 # version 0.88 0.9909 # warnings any 1.23 # t/00-report-prereqs.t .... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/converter-bad.t ........ ok 1 - loaded t/data-valid/scalar-meta-spec.yml ok 2 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 3 - up converted META is valid ok 4 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 5 - up converted META is valid ok 6 - loaded t/data-valid/META-1_1.yml ok 7 - up converted spec version 1.1 to spec version 2 ok 8 - up converted META is valid ok 9 - up converted spec version 1.1 to spec version 1.4 ok 10 - up converted META is valid ok 11 - down converted spec version 1.1 to spec version 1.0 ok 12 - down converted META is valid ok 13 - loaded t/data-valid/META-1_0.yml ok 14 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 15 - up converted META is valid ok 16 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 17 - up converted META is valid ok 18 - loaded t/data-valid/476602558-META.yml ok 19 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 20 - up converted META is valid ok 21 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 22 - down converted META is valid ok 23 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 24 - down converted META is valid ok 25 - loaded t/data-valid/1985684504-META.yml ok 26 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 2 ok 27 - up converted META is valid ok 28 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.4 ok 29 - up converted META is valid ok 30 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.0 ok 31 - down converted META is valid ok 32 - loaded t/data-valid/1206545041-META.yml ok 33 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 34 - up converted META is valid ok 35 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 36 - up converted META is valid ok 37 - loaded t/data-valid/1122575719-META.yml ok 38 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 39 - up converted META is valid ok 40 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 41 - down converted META is valid ok 42 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 43 - down converted META is valid ok 44 - loaded t/data-fixable/version-ranges-2.json ok 45 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 46 - down converted META is valid ok 47 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 48 - down converted META is valid ok 49 - loaded t/data-fixable/restrictive-2.json ok 50 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 51 - down converted META is valid ok 52 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 53 - down converted META is valid ok 54 - loaded t/data-fixable/meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.yml ok 55 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 56 - up converted META is valid ok 57 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 58 - down converted META is valid ok 59 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 60 - down converted META is valid ok 61 - loaded t/data-fixable/meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.json ok 62 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 63 - down converted META is valid ok 64 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 65 - down converted META is valid ok 66 - loaded t/data-fixable/invalid-meta-spec-version.yml ok 67 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 2 ok 68 - up converted META is valid ok 69 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.4 ok 70 - up converted META is valid ok 71 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.0 ok 72 - down converted META is valid ok 73 - loaded t/data-fixable/invalid-meta-spec-version.json ok 74 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 75 - down converted META is valid ok 76 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 77 - down converted META is valid ok 78 - loaded t/data-fixable/META-2.json ok 79 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 80 - down converted META is valid ok 81 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 82 - down converted META is valid ok 83 - loaded t/data-fixable/META-1_4.yml ok 84 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 85 - up converted META is valid ok 86 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 87 - down converted META is valid ok 88 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 89 - down converted META is valid ok 90 - loaded t/data-fixable/META-1_3.yml ok 91 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 2 ok 92 - up converted META is valid ok 93 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.4 ok 94 - up converted META is valid ok 95 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.2 ok 96 - down converted META is valid ok 97 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.0 ok 98 - down converted META is valid ok 99 - loaded t/data-fixable/META-1_2.yml ok 100 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 2 ok 101 - up converted META is valid ok 102 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.4 ok 103 - up converted META is valid ok 104 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.0 ok 105 - down converted META is valid ok 106 - loaded t/data-fixable/98042513-META.yml ok 107 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 108 - up converted META is valid ok 109 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 110 - up converted META is valid ok 111 - loaded t/data-fixable/35478989-META.yml ok 112 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 2 ok 113 - up converted META is valid ok 114 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.4 ok 115 - up converted META is valid ok 116 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.2 ok 117 - down converted META is valid ok 118 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.0 ok 119 - down converted META is valid ok 120 - loaded t/data-fixable/344981821-META.yml ok 121 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 2 ok 122 - up converted META is valid ok 123 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.4 ok 124 - up converted META is valid ok 125 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.2 ok 126 - down converted META is valid ok 127 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.0 ok 128 - down converted META is valid ok 129 - loaded t/data-fixable/284247103-META.yml ok 130 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 2 ok 131 - up converted META is valid ok 132 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.4 ok 133 - up converted META is valid ok 134 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.0 ok 135 - down converted META is valid ok 136 - loaded t/data-fixable/2031017050-META.yml ok 137 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 138 - up converted META is valid ok 139 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 140 - down converted META is valid ok 141 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 142 - down converted META is valid ok 143 - loaded t/data-fixable/1985980974-META.yml ok 144 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 145 - up converted META is valid ok 146 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 147 - down converted META is valid ok 148 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 149 - down converted META is valid ok 150 - loaded t/data-fixable/1927486199-META.yml ok 151 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 152 - up converted META is valid ok 153 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 154 - up converted META is valid ok 155 - loaded t/data-fixable/1598804075-META.yml ok 156 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 157 - up converted META is valid ok 158 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 159 - up converted META is valid ok 160 - loaded t/data-fixable/107650337-META.yml ok 161 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 2 ok 162 - up converted META is valid ok 163 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.4 ok 164 - up converted META is valid ok 165 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.0 ok 166 - down converted META is valid 1..166 ok t/converter-fail.t ....... ok 1 - loaded invalid META-2.json ok 2 - error thrown down converting ok 3 - loaded invalid META-1_4.yml ok 4 - error thrown up converting ok 5 - error thrown down converting ok 6 - loaded invalid META-1_3.yml ok 7 - error thrown up converting ok 8 - error thrown down converting ok 9 - loaded invalid META-1_2.yml ok 10 - error thrown up converting ok 11 - error thrown down converting ok 12 - loaded invalid META-1_1.yml ok 13 - error thrown up converting ok 14 - error thrown down converting ok 15 - loaded invalid META-1_0.yml ok 16 - error thrown up converting 1..16 ok t/converter-fragments.t .. ok 1 - v1.4 requires -> v2 prereqs ok 2 - v1.4 x_custom -> v2 x_custom ok 3 - meta-spec included ok 4 - default version ok 5 - v1.4 prereq stuff -> v2 prereqs ok 6 - v1.1 license_url: -> v2 license 1..6 ok t/converter.t ............ ok 1 - loaded version-ranges-2.json ok 2 - up converted spec version 2 to spec version 2 ok 3 - up converted META is valid ok 4 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 5 - down converted META is valid ok 6 - downconversion from 2 merge test and build requirements ok 7 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 8 - down converted META is valid ok 9 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 10 - loaded version-ranges-1_4.yml ok 11 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 12 - up converted META is valid ok 13 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.4 ok 14 - up converted META is valid ok 15 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 16 - down converted META is valid ok 17 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 18 - down converted META is valid ok 19 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 20 - loaded version-not-normal.json ok 21 - up converted spec version 2 to spec version 2 ok 22 - up converted META is valid ok 23 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 24 - down converted META is valid ok 25 - downconversion from 2 merge test and build requirements ok 26 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 27 - down converted META is valid ok 28 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 29 - loaded unicode.yml ok 30 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 31 - up converted META is valid ok 32 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.4 ok 33 - up converted META is valid ok 34 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 35 - down converted META is valid ok 36 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 37 - down converted META is valid ok 38 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 39 - loaded restrictive-1_4.yml ok 40 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 41 - up converted META is valid ok 42 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.4 ok 43 - up converted META is valid ok 44 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 45 - down converted META is valid ok 46 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 47 - down converted META is valid ok 48 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 49 - loaded restricted-2.json ok 50 - up converted spec version 2 to spec version 2 ok 51 - up converted META is valid ok 52 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 53 - down converted META is valid ok 54 - downconversion from 2 merge test and build requirements ok 55 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 56 - down converted META is valid ok 57 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 58 - loaded resources.yml ok 59 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 60 - up converted META is valid ok 61 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.4 ok 62 - up converted META is valid ok 63 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 64 - down converted META is valid ok 65 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 66 - down converted META is valid ok 67 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 68 - loaded provides-version-missing.json ok 69 - up converted spec version 2 to spec version 2 ok 70 - up converted META is valid ok 71 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 72 - down converted META is valid ok 73 - downconversion from 2 merge test and build requirements ok 74 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 75 - down converted META is valid ok 76 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 77 - loaded gpl-1_4.yml ok 78 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 79 - up converted META is valid ok 80 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.4 ok 81 - up converted META is valid ok 82 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 83 - down converted META is valid ok 84 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 85 - down converted META is valid ok 86 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 87 - loaded META-2.meta ok 88 - up converted spec version 2 to spec version 2 ok 89 - up converted META is valid ok 90 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 91 - down converted META is valid ok 92 - downconversion from 2 merge test and build requirements ok 93 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 94 - down converted META is valid ok 95 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 96 - loaded META-2.json ok 97 - up converted spec version 2 to spec version 2 ok 98 - up converted META is valid ok 99 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.2 ok 100 - down converted META is valid ok 101 - downconversion from 2 merge test and build requirements ok 102 - down converted spec version 2 to spec version 1.0 ok 103 - down converted META is valid ok 104 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 105 - loaded META-1_4.yml ok 106 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 2 ok 107 - up converted META is valid ok 108 - up converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.4 ok 109 - up converted META is valid ok 110 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.2 ok 111 - down converted META is valid ok 112 - down converted spec version 1.4 to spec version 1.0 ok 113 - down converted META is valid ok 114 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 115 - loaded META-1_3.yml ok 116 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 2 ok 117 - up converted META is valid ok 118 - up converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.4 ok 119 - up converted META is valid ok 120 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.2 ok 121 - down converted META is valid ok 122 - down converted spec version 1.3 to spec version 1.0 ok 123 - down converted META is valid ok 124 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 125 - loaded META-1_2.yml ok 126 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 2 ok 127 - up converted META is valid ok 128 - up converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.4 ok 129 - up converted META is valid ok 130 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.2 ok 131 - down converted META is valid ok 132 - down converted spec version 1.2 to spec version 1.0 ok 133 - down converted META is valid ok 134 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 135 - loaded META-1_1.yml ok 136 - up converted spec version 1.1 to spec version 2 ok 137 - up converted META is valid ok 138 - up converted spec version 1.1 to spec version 1.4 ok 139 - up converted META is valid ok 140 - down converted spec version 1.1 to spec version 1.0 ok 141 - down converted META is valid ok 142 - added converter mark to generated_by ok 143 - loaded META-1_0.yml ok 144 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 2 ok 145 - up converted META is valid ok 146 - up converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.4 ok 147 - up converted META is valid ok 148 - down converted spec version 1.0 to spec version 1.0 ok 149 - down converted META is valid ok 150 - loaded META-1_4.yml ok 151 - up converted 'x-' to 'x_' ok 152 - up converted 'x_' as 'x_' ok 153 - up converted 'XFoo' to 'x_Foo' ok 154 - loaded META-2.json ok 155 - down converted 'x_' as 'x_' ok 156 - loaded gpl-1_4.yml ok 157 - up converted 'gpl' to 'open_source' ok 158 - loaded resources.yml ok 159 - upconversion of resources ok 160 - loaded resources.yml ok 161 - round-trip of resources (1.4->2->1.4) ok 162 - loaded resources.yml ok 163 - replaced some data fields with objects ok 164 - conversion successful ok 165 - unicode.yml ok 166 - Unicode characters preserved in authors ok 167 - loaded version-ranges-2.json ok 168 - version ranges preserved in conversion ok 169 - loaded version-ranges-1_4.yml ok 170 - version ranges preserved in conversion ok 171 - loaded version-not-normal.json ok 172 - normalize v0.1 ok 173 - normalize v1.0.0 ok 174 - loaded provides-version-missing.json ok 175 - Foo::Bar provides correct ok 176 - Foo::Bar::Blah provides correct ok 177 - Foo::Bar provides correct ok 178 - loaded META-2.json ok 179 - multiple license preserved (v2) ok 180 - multiple license converted to open_source (v1.4) 1..180 ok t/load-bad.t ............. ok 1 - load_file('107650337-META.yml') ok 2 - load_yaml_string(slurp('107650337-META.yml')) ok 3 - load_file('1598804075-META.yml') ok 4 - load_yaml_string(slurp('1598804075-META.yml')) ok 5 - load_file('1927486199-META.yml') ok 6 - load_yaml_string(slurp('1927486199-META.yml')) ok 7 - load_file('1985980974-META.yml') ok 8 - load_yaml_string(slurp('1985980974-META.yml')) ok 9 - load_file('2031017050-META.yml') ok 10 - load_yaml_string(slurp('2031017050-META.yml')) ok 11 - load_file('284247103-META.yml') ok 12 - load_yaml_string(slurp('284247103-META.yml')) ok 13 - load_file('344981821-META.yml') ok 14 - load_yaml_string(slurp('344981821-META.yml')) ok 15 - load_file('35478989-META.yml') ok 16 - load_yaml_string(slurp('35478989-META.yml')) ok 17 - load_file('98042513-META.yml') ok 18 - load_yaml_string(slurp('98042513-META.yml')) ok 19 - load_file('META-1_2.yml') ok 20 - load_yaml_string(slurp('META-1_2.yml')) ok 21 - load_file('META-1_3.yml') ok 22 - load_yaml_string(slurp('META-1_3.yml')) ok 23 - load_file('META-1_4.yml') ok 24 - load_yaml_string(slurp('META-1_4.yml')) ok 25 - load_file('META-2.json') ok 26 - load_json_string(slurp('META-2.json')) ok 27 - load_file('invalid-meta-spec-version.json') ok 28 - load_json_string(slurp('invalid-meta-spec-version.json')) ok 29 - load_file('invalid-meta-spec-version.yml') ok 30 - load_yaml_string(slurp('invalid-meta-spec-version.yml')) ok 31 - load_file('meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.json') ok 32 - load_json_string(slurp('meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.json')) ok 33 - load_file('meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.yml') ok 34 - load_yaml_string(slurp('meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.yml')) ok 35 - load_file('restrictive-2.json') ok 36 - load_json_string(slurp('restrictive-2.json')) ok 37 - load_file('version-ranges-2.json') ok 38 - load_json_string(slurp('version-ranges-2.json')) 1..38 ok t/merge.t ................ ok 1 - First result is as expected ok 2 - Can merge in identical abstract ok 3 - Trying to merge different author gives an exception ok 4 - Exception looks right ok 5 - Trying to merge different author gives an exception ok 6 - Exception looks right 1..6 ok t/meta-obj.t ............. ok 1 - the result of ->as_struct is unblessed ok 2 - ->as_struct (deep comparison) ok 3 - ->as_struct (is a deep clone) ok 4 - ->as_struct (downconversion) ok 5 - ->resource (map values are deep cloned) ok 6 - ->name ok 7 - ->abstract ok 8 - ->description ok 9 - ->version ok 10 - ->dynamic_config ok 11 - ->author ok 12 - ->authors ok 13 - ->license ok 14 - ->licenses ok 15 - ->keywords ok 16 - ->resources ok 17 - ->meta_spec ok 18 - ->meta_spec_version ok 19 - ->generated_by ok 20 - ->effective_prereqs() ok 21 - ->custom_keys ok 22 - ->custom(X) ok 23 - ->custom(X) [is_deeply] ok 24 - ->custom(x) [is a deep clone] ok 25 - ->effective_prereqs([ qw(domination) ]) ok 26 - we got one feature ok 27 - An object of class 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' ok 28 - $feature->identifier ok 29 - $feature->description ok 30 - $feature->prereqs ok 31 - An object of class 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Feature' ok 32 - $feature->identifier ok 33 - $feature->description ok 34 - $feature->prereqs 1..34 ok t/no-index.t ............. ok 1 - we index any old package, without a no_index rule ok 2 - we index any old file, without a no_index rule ok 3 - exclude a specific package ok 4 - namespace X does not exclude package X ok 5 - exclude something under a namespace ok 6 - exclude a specific file ok 7 - do not exclude a file with a name like an excluded dir ok 8 - exclude something under a directory 1..8 ok t/prereqs-finalize.t ..... ok 1 - An object of class 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' ok 2 - cloned obj is not finalized ok 3 - ...and still round-trip ok 4 - ...we can add a minimum if it has no effect ok 5 - ...but we die if it would alter a finalized prereqs ok 6 - ...we can get a V:R object for a previously unconfigured phase ok 7 - ...but we die if we try to put anything in it ok 8 - 'cloned prereqs obj' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' ok 9 - cloned obj is not finalized ok 10 - still round-trips ok 11 - ...we can add minimum if it has no effect ok 12 - ...or if it has an effect ok 13 - ...we can get a V:R object for a previously unconfigured phase ok 14 - ...and we can add stuff to it 1..14 ok t/prereqs-merge.t ........ ok 1 - 'first prereq' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' ok 2 - ...and it round trips ok 3 - 'second prereq' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' ok 4 - ...and it round trips ok 5 - we get the right result of merging two prereqs ok 6 - ...and the merge works the same in reverse 1..6 ok t/prereqs.t .............. ok 1 - An object of class 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' isa 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs' ok 2 - round-trip okay ok 3 - we got the runtime requirements ok 4 - ...but not the runtime recommendations ok 5 - ...nor the build requirements ok 6 - we got the runtime requirements ok 7 - ...and the runtime recommendations ok 8 - ...but not the build requirements ok 9 - empty set of runtime/suggests requirements ok 10 - empty set of develop/suggests requirements ok 11 - we can accumulate new requirements on a prereq object ok 12 - we can merge requirements for phases/types ok 13 - default merging is runtime/build/test for requires/recommends 1..13 ok t/repository.t ........... ok 1 - (version 1.4) old repository winds up in 'url' ok 2 - (version 2 ) http in web passed through unchanged ok 3 - (version 2 ) http in url passed through unchanged ok 4 - (version 2 ) svn in url adds svn type ok 5 - (version 2 ) git in url adds svn type ok 6 - (version 2 ) pre-existing type preserved 1..6 ok t/save-load.t ............ ok 1 - save returns true ok 2 - save meta to file ok 3 - load saved file ok 4 - name correct ok 5 - load META-1.4 ok 6 - name correct ok 7 - save meta to META.yml with conversion ok 8 - load saved file ok 9 - name correct ok 10 - prereq correct ok 11 - load_file META-2.meta ok 12 - load META-2.meta from string 1..12 ok t/strings.t .............. ok 1 - exact version (==) ok 2 - lower version (==) ok 3 - higher version (==) ok 4 - exact version (!=) ok 5 - lower version (!=) ok 6 - higher version (!=) ok 7 - exact version (>=) ok 8 - lower version (>=) ok 9 - higher version (>=) ok 10 - exact version (<=) ok 11 - lower version (<=) ok 12 - higher version (<=) ok 13 - exact version (>=) ok 14 - lower version (>=) ok 15 - higher version (>=) ok 16 - middle version (>=, <=, !) ok 17 - lower version (>=, <=, !) ok 18 - higher version (>=, <=, !) ok 19 - excluded version (>=, <=, !) ok 20 - die without a requirement string 1..20 ok t/validator.t ............ ok 1 - t/data-test/META-1_0.yml validates ok 2 - t/data-test/META-1_1.yml validates ok 3 - t/data-test/META-1_2.yml validates ok 4 - t/data-test/META-1_3.yml validates ok 5 - t/data-test/META-1_4.yml validates ok 6 - t/data-test/META-2.json validates ok 7 - t/data-test/META-2.meta validates ok 8 - t/data-test/gpl-1_4.yml validates ok 9 - t/data-test/provides-version-missing.json validates ok 10 - t/data-test/resources.yml validates ok 11 - t/data-test/restricted-2.json validates ok 12 - t/data-test/restrictive-1_4.yml validates ok 13 - t/data-test/unicode.yml validates ok 14 - t/data-test/version-not-normal.json validates ok 15 - t/data-test/version-ranges-1_4.yml validates ok 16 - t/data-test/version-ranges-2.json validates ok 17 - t/data-valid/1122575719-META.yml validates ok 18 - t/data-valid/1206545041-META.yml validates ok 19 - t/data-valid/1985684504-META.yml validates ok 20 - t/data-valid/476602558-META.yml validates ok 21 - t/data-valid/META-1_0.yml validates ok 22 - t/data-valid/META-1_1.yml validates ok 23 - t/data-valid/scalar-meta-spec.yml validates ok 24 - t/data-fail/META-1_0.yml shouldn't validate ok 25 - t/data-fail/META-1_1.yml shouldn't validate ok 26 - t/data-fail/META-1_2.yml shouldn't validate ok 27 - t/data-fail/META-1_3.yml shouldn't validate ok 28 - t/data-fail/META-1_4.yml shouldn't validate ok 29 - t/data-fail/META-2.json shouldn't validate ok 30 - t/data-fixable/107650337-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 31 - t/data-fixable/1598804075-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 32 - t/data-fixable/1927486199-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 33 - t/data-fixable/1985980974-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 34 - t/data-fixable/2031017050-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 35 - t/data-fixable/284247103-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 36 - t/data-fixable/344981821-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 37 - t/data-fixable/35478989-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 38 - t/data-fixable/98042513-META.yml shouldn't validate ok 39 - t/data-fixable/META-1_2.yml shouldn't validate ok 40 - t/data-fixable/META-1_3.yml shouldn't validate ok 41 - t/data-fixable/META-1_4.yml shouldn't validate ok 42 - t/data-fixable/META-2.json shouldn't validate ok 43 - t/data-fixable/invalid-meta-spec-version.json shouldn't validate ok 44 - t/data-fixable/invalid-meta-spec-version.yml shouldn't validate ok 45 - t/data-fixable/meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.json shouldn't validate ok 46 - t/data-fixable/meta-spec-version-trailing-zeros.yml shouldn't validate ok 47 - t/data-fixable/restrictive-2.json shouldn't validate ok 48 - t/data-fixable/version-ranges-2.json shouldn't validate 1..48 ok All tests successful. Files=16, Tests=574, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.09 CPU) Result: PASS DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.142060.tar.gz dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Golden <> the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist >>> (cd C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv && tar cvf - CPAN-Meta-2.142060.ppd blib) | gzip -c >C:/cpanfly-5.20/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Meta-2.142060.tar.gz CPAN-Meta-2.142060.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/CPAN/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/Meta/ blib/lib/CPAN/ >>> mv C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/CPAN-Meta-2.142060.ppd C:/cpanfly-5.20/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN Running make for L/LE/LEONT/Module-Build-0.4210.tar.gz Prepending C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/blib/arch C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Prepending C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/blib/arch C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building L/LE/LEONT/Module-Build-0.4210.tar.gz >>> C:\Perl-5.20\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL # running Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Module-Build' version '0.4210' >>> dmake C:\Perl-5.20\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1 Building Module-Build LEONT/Module-Build-0.4210.tar.gz dmake -- OK Prepending C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/blib/arch C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\CPAN-Meta-2.142060-QbpVNv/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> dmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1 C:\Perl-5.20\bin\perl.exe Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test t/00-compile.t ................. 1..21 ok 1 - compiling lib/Module/ ok 2 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 3 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 4 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 5 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 6 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 7 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 8 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 9 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 10 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 11 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 12 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 13 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 14 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 15 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 16 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 17 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 18 - compiling lib/Module/Build/Platform/ ok 19 - compiling lib/Module/Build/ ok 20 - compiling lib/inc/ ok 21 - compiling lib/inc/latest/ ok Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. t/PL_files.t ................... 1..8 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' Building Simple Installing test_install\lib\perl5\ Installing test_install\lib\perl5\ Installing test_install\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing test_install\html\site\lib\Simple.html Installing test_install\bin\foo Installing test_install\bin\foo.bat Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 1 - Generated PL_files installed from bin ok 2 - and from lib ok 3 - PL_files not installed from bin ok 4 - nor from lib ok 5 - Generated bin contains correct content ok 6 - so does the lib Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 7 - special PL file ran ok 8 - generated special file not added to cleanup ok t/actions/installdeps.t ........ 1..6 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - cpan_client is mocked with perl ok 3 - ran mocked Build installdeps ok 4 - saw File::Spec prereq ok 5 - saw Getopt::Long prereq ok 6 - Build installdeps with bad cpan_client fails ok t/actions/manifest_skip.t ...... 1..7 ok 1 - MANIFEST.SKIP doesn't exist at start ok 2 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 3 - 'Build manifest_skip' creates MANIFEST.SKIP ok 4 - Saw creation message ok 5 - Running it again warns about pre-existing MANIFEST.SKIP ok 6 - File does not appear modified ok 7 - MANIFEST.SKIP still exists after distclean ok t/add_property.t ............... 1..27 ok 1 - Create new build object ok 2 - Property "foo" should be undef ok 3 - Set "foo" ok 4 - Now "foo" should have new value ok 5 - Property "bar" should be its default ok 6 - Set "bar" ok 7 - Now "bar" should have new value ok 8 - Property "check" should be its default ok 9 - Should get an error for an invalid value ok 10 - It should be the correct error ok 11 - Property "code" should have its code value ok 12 - Property "hash" should be default ok 13 - Should be able to get key in hash ok 14 - Add a key to the hash prop ok 15 - New key should be in hash ok 16 - Should get exception for assigning invalid hash ok 17 - It should be the correct error ok 18 - Should get exception for assigning an array for a hash ok 19 - It should be the proper error ok 20 - Should be able to set hash to undef ok 21 - Property "installdirs" should be default ok 22 - Set "installdirst" to "core" ok 23 - Now "installdirs" should be "core" ok 24 - Should have caught exception setting "installdirs" to "perl" ok 25 - And it should suggest "core" in the error message ok 26 - Should catch exception for invalid "installdirs" value ok 27 - And it should suggest the proper values in the error message ok t/add_property_array.t ......... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/add_property_hash.t .......... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/basic.t ...................... 1..58 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files Checking whether your kit is complete... Looks good Checking prerequisites... Looks good Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 - bar ok 30 - bat ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 - dist_author converted to array if simple string ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 - Should split shell string into list ok 47 - Should split shell string into list Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 48 ok 49 - Should split shell string into list ok 50 - Should split shell string into list ok 51 ok 52 - Should have include dirs ok 53 ok 54 - Should have string include dir Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 55 ok 56 - Should have include dirs Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 57 ok 58 - Should have single include dir ok t/bundle_inc.t ................. skipped: $ENV{MB_TEST_EXPERIMENTAL} is not set t/compat.t ..................... ok 1 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 2 - small Makefile.PL created ok 3 - Makefile.PL does not require a perl version ok 4 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 5 - Makefile exists ok 6 - (skipping cleanup) ok 7 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 8 - make ran without error ok 9 - make test ran without error ok 10 - make test output indicated success ok 11 - make realclean ran without error ok 12 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 13 - Makefile exists ok 14 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 15 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 16 - Makefile exists ok 17 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 18 - cleaned up Makefile ok 19 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 20 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 21 - Makefile.PL does not require a perl version ok 22 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 23 - Makefile exists ok 24 - (skipping cleanup) ok 25 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 26 - make ran without error ok 27 - make test ran without error ok 28 - make test output indicated success ok 29 - make realclean ran without error ok 30 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 31 - Makefile exists ok 32 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 33 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 34 - Makefile exists ok 35 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 36 - cleaned up Makefile ok 37 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 38 - traditional Makefile.PL created ok 39 - Makefile.PL does not require a perl version ok 40 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 41 - Makefile exists ok 42 - (skipping cleanup) ok 43 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 44 - Found WriteMakefile arguments ok 45 - Makefile.PL has correct PL_FILES line ok 46 - make ran without error ok 47 - make test ran without error ok 48 - make test output indicated success ok 49 - make realclean ran without error ok 50 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 51 - Makefile exists ok 52 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 53 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 54 - Makefile exists ok 55 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 56 - cleaned up Makefile ok 57 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 58 - small Makefile.PL created ok 59 - Makefile.PL has 'require 5.020001;' ok 60 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 61 - Makefile exists ok 62 - (skipping cleanup) ok 63 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 64 - make ran without error ok 65 - PL_files generated - foo ok 66 - make test ran without error ok 67 - make test output indicated success ok 68 - make realclean ran without error ok 69 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 70 - Makefile exists ok 71 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 72 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 73 - Makefile exists ok 74 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 75 - cleaned up Makefile ok 76 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 77 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 78 - Makefile.PL has 'require 5.020001;' ok 79 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 80 - Makefile exists ok 81 - (skipping cleanup) ok 82 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 83 - make ran without error ok 84 - PL_files generated - foo ok 85 - make test ran without error ok 86 - make test output indicated success ok 87 - make realclean ran without error ok 88 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 89 - Makefile exists ok 90 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 91 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 92 - Makefile exists ok 93 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 94 - cleaned up Makefile ok 95 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 96 - traditional Makefile.PL created ok 97 - Makefile.PL has 'require 5.020001;' ok 98 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 99 - Makefile exists ok 100 - (skipping cleanup) ok 101 - Makefile has correct PREREQ_PM line ok 102 - Found WriteMakefile arguments ok 103 - Makefile.PL has correct PL_FILES line ok 104 - make ran without error ok 105 - PL_files generated - foo ok 106 - make test ran without error ok 107 - make test output indicated success ok 108 - make realclean ran without error ok 109 - Makefile.PL ran without error (postargs: INSTALLDIRS=vendor) ok 110 - Makefile exists ok 111 - Makefile cleaned up with realclean ok 112 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 113 - Makefile exists ok 114 - Makefile cleaned up with distclean ok 115 - cleaned up Makefile ok 116 - Module::Build->new_from_context ok 117 - fake_makefile lived ok 118 - found 'realclean' in fake_makefile output ok 119 - saw warning about 'build_class' ok 120 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 121 - Makefile.PL failed ok 122 - custom builder wasn't found ok 123 - small Makefile.PL created ok 124 - Makefile.PL failed ok 125 - custom builder wasn't found ok 126 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 127 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 128 - small Makefile.PL created ok 129 - Makefile.PL ran without error ok 130 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 131 - passthrough Makefile.PL ran with arguments ok 132 - Build.PL generated ok 133 - installdirs is core ok 134 - tests set for verbose ok 135 - custom libdir ok 136 - PERL_POLLUTE set ok 137 - make test ran without error ok 138 - Should be verbose ok 139 - make test without verbose ran ok ok 140 - Should be non-verbose ok 141 - fakeinstall INSTALLDIRS=vendor ran ok ok 142 - Saw destination directory for INSTALLDIRS=vendor ok 143 - fakeinstall PREFIX=$libdir2 ran ok ok 144 - Saw destination directory for PREFIX=$libdir2 ok 145 - fakeinstall PREFIX=$libdir2 LIB=mylib ran ok ok 146 - Saw destination directory for PREFIX=$libdir2 LIB=mylib ok 147 - Makefile shouldn't exist ok 148 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 149 - passthrough Makefile.PL created ok 150 - install_base set ok 151 - Tildes should be expanded ok 152 - Makefile shouldn't exist ok 153 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 154 - traditional Makefile.PL created ok 155 - Found WriteMakefile arguments ok 156 - Makefile.PL has correct TESTS line for recursive test files ok 157 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 158 - Makefile.PL created ok 159 - Correctly complains and converts dotted-decimal ok 160 - Properly converted dotted-decimal ok 161 - Makefile.PL cleaned up ok 162 - Makefile.PL doesn't exist before we start ok 163 - Correctly dies when it encounters invalid prereq ok 164 - Makefile.PL NOT created ok 165 - Makefile.PL cleaned up 1..165 ok t/compat/exit.t ................ 1..3 ok 1 - Makefile.PL exit ok 2 ok 3 ok t/debug.t ...................... 1..1 ok 1 - found nested ACTION_* debug statements ok t/destinations.t ............... 1..113 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build::Base' ok 2 - install_path() accessor ok 3 - returns assigned path ok 4 - can read stored path ok 5 - can access map ok 6 - can delete a path element ok 7 - deletes path from map ok 8 - install_base_relpaths() accessor ok 9 - emits error if path not relative ok 10 - returns assigned path ok 11 - can read stored path ok 12 - can access map ok 13 - can delete a path element ok 14 - deletes path from map ok 15 - prefix_relpaths() accessor ok 16 - defaults to 'site' ok 17 - emits error if path not relative ok 18 - returns assigned path ok 19 - can read stored path ok 20 - can access map ok 21 - can delete a path element ok 22 - deletes path from map ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 - arch destination ok 27 - binhtml destination ok 28 - lib destination ok 29 - libdoc destination ok 30 - bindoc destination ok 31 - script destination ok 32 - bin destination ok 33 - libhtml destination ok 34 ok 35 - libhtml destination ok 36 - bin destination ok 37 - script destination ok 38 - bindoc destination ok 39 - libdoc destination ok 40 - lib destination ok 41 - binhtml destination ok 42 - arch destination ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 - libhtml destination ok 47 - bin destination ok 48 - script destination ok 49 - binhtml destination ok 50 - arch destination ok 51 - bindoc destination ok 52 - libdoc destination ok 53 - lib destination ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 - lib prefixed ok 57 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\lib\perl5\site_perl + some\prefix = some\prefix\lib\perl5\site_perl) ok 58 - arch prefixed ok 59 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.20.1\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int + some\prefix = some\prefix\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.20.1\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int) ok 60 - bin prefixed ok 61 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\bin + some\prefix = some\prefix\bin) ok 62 - script prefixed ok 63 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\bin + some\prefix = some\prefix\bin) ok 64 - bindoc prefixed ok 65 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\man\man1 + some\prefix = some\prefix\man\man1) ok 66 - libdoc prefixed ok 67 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\man\man3 + some\prefix = some\prefix\man\man3) ok 68 - binhtml prefixed ok 69 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\html + some\prefix = some\prefix\html) ok 70 - libhtml prefixed ok 71 - suffix correctish (C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-RvxfoUAZ\site\html + some\prefix = some\prefix\html) ok 72 ok 73 - lib prefixed ok 74 # skip 'lib' not configured ok 75 - arch prefixed ok 76 # skip 'arch' not configured ok 77 - bin prefixed ok 78 # skip 'bin' not configured ok 79 - script prefixed ok 80 # skip 'script' not configured ok 81 - bindoc prefixed ok 82 # skip 'bindoc' not configured ok 83 - libdoc prefixed ok 84 # skip 'libdoc' not configured ok 85 - binhtml prefixed ok 86 # skip 'binhtml' not configured ok 87 - libhtml prefixed ok 88 # skip 'libhtml' not configured ok 89 ok 90 - lib prefixed ok 91 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\lib\perl5\site_perl + another\prefix = another\prefix\lib\perl5\site_perl) ok 92 - arch prefixed ok 93 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.20.1\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int + another\prefix = another\prefix\lib\perl5\site_perl\5.20.1\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int) ok 94 - bin prefixed ok 95 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\bin + another\prefix = another\prefix\bin) ok 96 - script prefixed ok 97 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\bin + another\prefix = another\prefix\bin) ok 98 - bindoc prefixed ok 99 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\man\man1 + another\prefix = another\prefix\man\man1) ok 100 - libdoc prefixed ok 101 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\man\man3 + another\prefix = another\prefix\man\man3) ok 102 - binhtml prefixed ok 103 - suffix correctish (\html + another\prefix = another\prefix\html) ok 104 - libhtml prefixed ok 105 - suffix correctish (\foo\bar\html + another\prefix = another\prefix\html) ok 106 - bindoc destination ok 107 - libdoc destination ok 108 - lib destination ok 109 - binhtml destination ok 110 - arch destination ok 111 - libhtml destination ok 112 - bin destination ok 113 - script destination ok t/ext.t ........................ 1..185 ok 1 - Split using Module::Build ok 2 - Split using Module::Build ok 3 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Unix ok 4 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Unix ok 5 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Windows ok 6 - Split using Module::Build::Platform::Windows ok 7 - 'one t'wo th'ree f"o\"ur " "five" ' result all defined ok 8 ok 9 - ' foo bar ' result all defined ok 10 ok 11 - ' D\'oh f{g\'h\"i\]\* ' result all defined ok 12 ok 13 - ' D\$foo ' result all defined ok 14 ok 15 - 'one\ # two' result all defined ok 16 ok 17 - 'a" "b\c" "d' result all defined ok 18 ok 19 - '"a b\c d"' result all defined ok 20 ok 21 - '"a b"\"c d"' result all defined ok 22 ok 23 - '"a b"\\"c d"' result all defined ok 24 ok 25 - '"a"\"b" "a\"b"' result all defined ok 26 ok 27 - '"a"\\"b" "a\\"b"' result all defined ok 28 ok 29 - '"a"\"b a\"b"' result all defined ok 30 ok 31 - 'a"\"b" "a\"b' result all defined ok 32 ok 33 - 'a"\"b" "a\"b' result all defined ok 34 ok 35 - 'a b' result all defined ok 36 ok 37 - 'a"\"b a\"b' result all defined ok 38 ok 39 - '"a""b" "a"b"' result all defined ok 40 ok 41 - '\"a\"' result all defined ok 42 ok 43 - '"a"" "b"' result all defined ok 44 ok 45 - 'a"b' result all defined ok 46 ok 47 - 'a""b' result all defined ok 48 ok 49 - 'a"""b' result all defined ok 50 ok 51 - 'a""""b' result all defined ok 52 ok 53 - 'a"""""b' result all defined ok 54 ok 55 - 'a""""""b' result all defined ok 56 ok 57 - '"a"b"' result all defined ok 58 ok 59 - '"a""b"' result all defined ok 60 ok 61 - '"a"""b"' result all defined ok 62 ok 63 - '"a""""b"' result all defined ok 64 ok 65 - '"a"""""b"' result all defined ok 66 ok 67 - '"a""""""b"' result all defined ok 68 ok 69 - '' result all defined ok 70 ok 71 - ' ' result all defined ok 72 ok 73 - '""' result all defined ok 74 ok 75 - '" "' result all defined ok 76 ok 77 - '""a' result all defined ok 78 ok 79 - '""a b' result all defined ok 80 ok 81 - 'a""' result all defined ok 82 ok 83 - 'a"" b' result all defined ok 84 ok 85 - '"" a' result all defined ok 86 ok 87 - 'a ""' result all defined ok 88 ok 89 - 'a "" b' result all defined ok 90 ok 91 - 'a " " b' result all defined ok 92 ok 93 - 'a " b " c' result all defined ok 94 ok 95 ok 96 ok 97 - perl round trip for {one}{two three}{fo"ur }{five} ok 98 - perl round trip for {foo}{bar} ok 99 - perl round trip for {D'oh}{f{g'h"i]*} ok 100 - perl round trip for {D$foo} ok 101 - perl round trip for {one # two} ok 102 - perl round trip for {a b\c d} ok 103 - perl round trip for {a b\c d} ok 104 - perl round trip for {a b"c}{d} ok 105 - perl round trip for {a b\c d} ok 106 - perl round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 107 - perl round trip for {a\b}{a\b} ok 108 - perl round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 109 - perl round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 110 - perl round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 111 - perl round trip for {a}{b} ok 112 - perl round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 113 - perl round trip for {a"b ab} ok 114 - perl round trip for {"a"} ok 115 - perl round trip for {a"}{b} ok 116 - perl round trip for {ab} ok 117 - perl round trip for {ab} ok 118 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 119 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 120 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 121 - perl round trip for {a""b} ok 122 - perl round trip for {ab} ok 123 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 124 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 125 - perl round trip for {a"b} ok 126 - perl round trip for {a""b} ok 127 - perl round trip for {a""b} ok 128 - perl round trip for ok 129 - perl round trip for ok 130 - perl round trip for {} ok 131 - perl round trip for { } ok 132 - perl round trip for {a} ok 133 - perl round trip for {a}{b} ok 134 - perl round trip for {a} ok 135 - perl round trip for {a}{b} ok 136 - perl round trip for {}{a} ok 137 - perl round trip for {a}{} ok 138 - perl round trip for {a}{}{b} ok 139 - perl round trip for {a}{ }{b} ok 140 - perl round trip for {a}{ b }{c} ok 141 - backticks round trip for {one}{two three}{fo"ur }{five} ok 142 - backticks round trip for {foo}{bar} ok 143 - backticks round trip for {D'oh}{f{g'h"i]*} ok 144 - backticks round trip for {D$foo} ok 145 - backticks round trip for {one # two} ok 146 - backticks round trip for {a b\c d} ok 147 - backticks round trip for {a b\c d} ok 148 - backticks round trip for {a b"c}{d} ok 149 - backticks round trip for {a b\c d} ok 150 - backticks round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 151 - backticks round trip for {a\b}{a\b} ok 152 - backticks round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 153 - backticks round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 154 - backticks round trip for {a"b}{a"b} ok 155 - backticks round trip for {a}{b} ok 156 - backticks round trip for {a"b a"b} ok 157 - backticks round trip for {a"b ab} ok 158 - backticks round trip for {"a"} ok 159 - backticks round trip for {a"}{b} ok 160 - backticks round trip for {ab} ok 161 - backticks round trip for {ab} ok 162 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 163 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 164 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 165 - backticks round trip for {a""b} ok 166 - backticks round trip for {ab} ok 167 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 168 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 169 - backticks round trip for {a"b} ok 170 - backticks round trip for {a""b} ok 171 - backticks round trip for {a""b} ok 172 - backticks round trip for ok 173 - backticks round trip for ok 174 - backticks round trip for {} ok 175 - backticks round trip for { } ok 176 - backticks round trip for {a} ok 177 - backticks round trip for {a}{b} ok 178 - backticks round trip for {a} ok 179 - backticks round trip for {a}{b} ok 180 - backticks round trip for {}{a} ok 181 - backticks round trip for {a}{} ok 182 - backticks round trip for {a}{}{b} ok 183 - backticks round trip for {a}{ }{b} ok 184 - backticks round trip for {a}{ b }{c} ok 185 ok t/extend.t ..................... 1..63 ok 1 ok 2 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 3 - MBB->can('ACTION_loop') ok 4 - MBB->can('ACTION_loop2') ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - The foo element should be in build_elements only once Building Simple ok 13 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 - An object of class 'MBSub' isa 'Module::Build' ok 21 - An object of class 'MBSub' isa 'MBSub' ok 22 ok 23 - MBSub->can('module_name') ok 24 - MBSub->can('foo') ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 - MBSub->can('bar') ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 - MBSub->can('hash') ok 34 - A reference of type 'HASH' isa 'HASH' ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 - MBSub->can('hash') ok 39 - A reference of type 'HASH' isa 'HASH' ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 - An object of class 'MBSub2' isa 'Module::Build' ok 44 - An object of class 'MBSub2' isa 'MBSub2' ok 45 ok 46 - MBSub2->can('bar') ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 - prompt() requires a prompt ok 54 - y_n() requires a prompt ok 55 - y_n() requires a default of 'y' or 'n' Is this a question? ok 56 - Do not allow default-less y_n() for unattended builds Is this a question? ok 57 - Do not allow default-less prompt() for unattended builds Is this a question? ok 58 - prompt() doesn't require default for interactive builds Say yes ok 59 - y_n() doesn't require default for interactive build Is this a question ok 60 - default for prompt() without a default is '' Is this a question [y ]y ok 61 - prompt() with a default Is this a question [y ]y ok 62 - y_n() with a default Is this a question [] ok 63 - prompt() with undef() default ok t/files.t ...................... 1..4 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/help.t ....................... 1..23 ok 1 ok 2 - MyModuleBuilder->can('ACTION_foo') ok 3 - got doc for 'foo' ok 4 - got the right doc ok 5 - got doc for 'bar' ok 6 - got the right doc ok 7 - got doc for 'baz' ok 8 - got the right doc ok 9 - slap ok 10 - informative error ok 11 - got doc for 'help' not ok 12 - got the right doc # TODO Do we allow overrides on just docs? # Failed (TODO) test 'got the right doc' # at t/help.t line 93. # '=item help # # Does the help thing. # # You should probably not be seeing this. That is, we haven't # overridden the help action, but we're able to override just the # docs? That almost seems reasonable, but is probably wrong. # # =item help # # [version 0.03] # # This action will simply print out a message that is meant to help you # use the build process. It will show you a list of available build # actions too. # # With an optional argument specifying an action name (e.g. C), the 'help' action will show you any POD documentation it can # find for that action. # # ' # matches '(?^s:^=\w+ help\n\nDoes the help thing\.)' not ok 13 - got doc for 'foo' # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got doc for 'foo'' # at t/help.t line 182. not ok 14 - got the right doc # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got the right doc' # at t/help.t line 183. # 'undef' # doesn't match '(?^s:^=\w+ foo\n\nDoes the foo thing\.)' not ok 15 - got doc for 'bar' # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got doc for 'bar'' # at t/help.t line 182. not ok 16 - got the right doc # TODO Support capitalized Actions section # Failed (TODO) test 'got the right doc' # at t/help.t line 183. # 'undef' # doesn't match '(?^s:^=\w+ bar\n\nDoes the bar thing\.)' ok 17 - got doc for 'foo' ok 18 - got the right doc ok 19 - got doc for 'bar' ok 20 - got the right doc ok 21 - got doc for 'baz' ok 22 - got the right doc ok 23 - nothing after uplevel ok Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. t/install.t .................... 1..34 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\lib\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-Q3IqblVm\site\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\html\site\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\bin\script Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\bin\script.bat Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\lib\auto\Simple\.packlist should be written Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\lib\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-Q3IqblVm\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\html\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\bin\script Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\bin\script.bat Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 6 ok 7 Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\bar\ Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 8 ok 9 Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\base\lib\perl5\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\base\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\base\html\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\base\html\site\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\base\bin\script Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\base\bin\script.bat Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 10 ok 11 Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\lib\Simple\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\cpanfly-5.20\var\tmp\MB-Q3IqblVm\site\man\man3\Simple.ConfigData.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\html\site\lib\Simple\ConfigData.html Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 20 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 21 Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\lib\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\html\site\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\bin\script Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\Perl-5.20\site\bin\script.bat Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 22 ok 23 Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\bar\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\bar\html\site\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\bar\bin\script Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\bar\bin\script.bat Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 24 ok 25 - Look for file at C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test4072\foo\lib\ Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. t/install_extra_target.t ....... 1..6 ok 1 - Built etc/config ok 2 - Built shared/data ok 3 - Built shared/html ok 4 - installed etc/config ok 5 - installed shared/data ok 6 - installed shared/html ok Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. t/manifypods.t ................. 1..21 ok 1 - bindoc_dirs ok 2 - libdoc_dirs Building Simple ok 3 ok 4 - bin\ should contain POD ok 5 - Created blib\bindoc\ manpage ok 6 - lib\ should contain POD ok 7 - Created blib\libdoc\Simple.3 manpage ok 8 - lib\Simple\ should not contain POD ok 9 - lib\Simple\AllPod.pod should contain POD ok 10 - Created blib\libdoc\Simple.AllPod.3 manpage ok 11 - bin\ should not contain POD Building Simple Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\man\man1\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\html\bin\haspod.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\lib\perl5\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\lib\perl5\Simple\AllPod.pod Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\lib\perl5\Simple\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\man\man3\Simple.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\man\man3\Simple.AllPod.3 Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\html\site\lib\Simple.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\html\site\lib\Simple\AllPod.html Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\bin\haspod.bat Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\bin\ Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\bin\nopod.bat Installing C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\bin\ Building ActivePerl Table of Contents For ActivePerl's PPM: touch 'C:\Perl-5.20\lib\perllocal.pod' ok 12 - Created C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\man\man1\ manpage ok 13 - Created C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\man\man3\Simple.3 manpage ok 14 - Created C:\cpanfly-5.20\var\cpan\build\Module-Build-0.4210-T2YxxS\t\install_test3440\man\man3\Simple.AllPod.3 manpage Cleaning up build files Cleaning up configuration files ok 15 - override libdoc_dirs ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 - =item testcover # # [version 0.26] # # Runs the C action using C, generating a # code-coverage report showing which parts of the code were actually # exercised during the tests. # # To pass options to C, set the C<$DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS> # environment variable: # # DEVEL_COVER_OPTIONS=-ignore,Build ./Build testcover # # ok 20 ok 21 - =item disttest # # [version 0.05] # # Performs the 'distdir' action, then switches into that directory and runs a # C, followed by the 'build' and 'test' actions in that directory. # Use PERL_MB_OPT or F<.modulebuildrc> to set options that should be applied # during subprocesses # # # ok t/manifypods_with_utf8.t ....... 1..2 Building Simple ok 1 - Manpage is found at blib\libdoc\Simple.PodWithUtf8.3 ok 2 - POD should contain special characters ok t/metadata.t ................... 1..14 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' ok 1 - saw warning about M::B not in configure_requires ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 - Add M::B to configure_requires ok 8 - Test::More was required by ->new ok 9 ok 10 - 'meta-spec' -> 'version' field present in META.yml ok 11 - 'meta-spec' -> 'url' field present in META.yml ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - Add M::B to configure_requires ok t/metadata2.t .................. 1..18 ok 1 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' Created META.yml and META.json ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - Creating Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' Creating README using Pod::Text ok 6 - Generating README from .pm ok 7 - Extracting AUTHOR from .pm ok 8 - Extracting abstract from .pm ok 9 - Creating ok 10 - Creating Simple.pod Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' Creating README using Pod::Text ok 11 - Generating README from .pod ok 12 - Extracting AUTHOR from .pod ok 13 - Extracting abstract from .pod ok 14 - Creating ok 15 - Creating Simple.pod Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '3.14159265' Creating README using Pod::Text ok 16 - Generating README from .pod over .pm ok 17 - Extracting AUTHOR from .pod over .pm ok 18 - Extracting abstract from .pod over .pm ok t/mymeta.t ..................... 1..41 ok 1 - META.yml doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 2 - MYMETA.yml doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 3 - META.json doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 4 - MYMETA.json doesn't exist before Build.PL runs ok 5 - Ran Build.PL and saw MYMETA.yml creation message ok 6 - MYMETA.yml exists ok 7 - MYMETA.json exists ok 8 - Ran Build distmeta to create META.yml ok 9 - Re-ran Build.PL and regenerated MYMETA.yml based on META.yml ok 10 - META.yml 'dynamic_config' is 1 ok 11 - MYMETA.yml 'dynamic_config' is 0 ok 12 - Other generated MYMETA.yml matches generated META.yml ok 13 - CPAN meta spec mentioned in meta-spec URL ok 14 - META.json 'dynamic_config' is 1 ok 15 - MYMETA.json 'dynamic_config' is 0 ok 16 - Other generated MYMETA.json matches generated META.json ok 17 - CPAN meta spec mentioned in meta-spec URL ok 18 - Ran realclean ok 19 - Build file removed ok 20 - MYMETA.yml file removed ok 21 - MYMETA.json file removed ok 22 - Ran Build.PL with dynamic config ok 23 - MYMETA.yml exists ok 24 - MYMETA.json exists ok 25 - MYMETA.yml requires differs from META.yml ok 26 - MYMETA.json requires differs from META.json ok 27 - Ran realclean ok 28 - Build file removed ok 29 - MYMETA file removed ok 30 - MYMETA file removed ok 31 - Wrote manually modified META.yml ok 32 - Wrote manually modified META.json ok 33 - Ran Build.PL ok 34 - MYMETA.yml preserved META.yml modifications ok 35 - MYMETA.json preserved META.json modifications ok 36 - MANIFEST.SKIP created for distcheck ok 37 - MYMETA not flagged by distcheck ok 38 - Ran Build.PL and saw MYMETA.yml creation message ok 39 - No MYMETA.yml after distclean ok 40 - No MYMETA.json after distclean ok 41 - No MANIFEST.SKIP after distclean ok t/new_from_context.t ........... 1..2 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 - dodged the bullet ok 2 ok t/notes.t ...................... 1..11 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 10 ok 11 ok t/par.t ........................ skipped: PAR::Dist 0.17 or up not installed to check .par's. t/parents.t .................... 1..26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok t/perl_mb_opt.t ................ 1..8 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_name is 'Simple' ok 3 - set for no recursive testing ok 4 - recursive tests run via PERL_MB_OPT Checking whether your kit is complete... Looks good Checking prerequisites... Looks good Deleting MYMETA.json Removed previous 'MYMETA.json' Deleting MYMETA.yml Removed previous 'MYMETA.yml' Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Deleting Build Removed previous script 'Build' Creating new 'Build' script for 'Simple' version '0.01' ok 5 - PERL_MB_OPT set recusive tests in Build.PL ok 6 - PERL_MB_OPT set verbose in Build.PL ok 7 - PERL_MB_OPT cleared ok 8 - recursive tests run via Build object ok t/pod_parser.t ................. 1..14 ok 1 - object created ok 2 - author ok 3 - abstract ok 4 - object created ok 5 - author ok 6 - abstract ok 7 - object created ok 8 - author ok 9 - abstract ok 10 - object created ok 11 - author ok 12 - abstract ok 13 - object created ok 14 - abstract ok t/ppm.t ........................ 1..12 ok 1 Using default codebase 'PPM-Simple-0.01.tar.gz' ok 2 ok 3 - blib/arch/auto/Simple/Simple.dll ok 4 - blib/lib/ ok 5 - blib/script/hello ok 6 - blib/man3/Simple.3 ok 7 - blib/man1/hello.1 ok 8 - blib/html/site/lib/Simple.html ok 9 - blib/html/bin/hello.html Using default codebase 'PPM-Simple-0.01.tar.gz' ok 10 ok 11 - blib/html/site/lib/Simple.html ok 12 - blib/html/bin/hello.html ok t/properties/dist_suffix.t ..... 1..2 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_suffix set correctly ok t/properties/license.t ......... ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - license 'perl' is valid ok 3 - META license will be 'perl' ok 4 - META license URL is correct ok 5 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 6 - license 'VaporWare' is valid ok 7 - META license will be 'unrestricted' ok 8 - META license URL is correct 1..8 ok t/properties/module_name.t ..... 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - module_name guessed from dist_name ok 3 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 4 - module_name guessed from dist_version_from ok t/properties/needs_compiler.t .. 1..19 ok 1 - Default Build.PL ok 2 - needs_compiler is false ok 3 - ExtUtils::CBuilder is not in build_requires ok 4 - Build.PL with c_source ok 5 - c_source is set ok 6 - needs_compiler is true ok 7 - ExtUtils::CBuilder was added to build_requires ok 8 - Build.PL with xs files ok 9 - needs_compiler is true ok 10 - ExtUtils::CBuilder was added to build_requires ok 11 - Build.PL with xs files, but needs_compiler => 0 ok 12 - needs_compiler is false ok 13 - ExtUtils::CBuilder is not in build_requires ok 14 - Build.PL with xs files, build_requires EU::CB 0.2 ok 15 - needs_compiler is true ok 16 - build_requires for ExtUtils::CBuilder is correct version ok 17 - Build.PL while hiding compiler ok 18 - hidden compiler resulted in warning message during Build.PL ok 19 - hidden compiler resulted in fatal message during Build ok t/properties/release_status.t .. ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - regular version has release_status 'stable' ok 3 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 4 - dotted-decimal version has release_status 'stable' ok 5 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 6 - alpha version has release_status 'testing' ok 7 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 8 - dotted alpha version has release_status 'testing' ok 9 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 10 - explicit 'unstable' keeps release_status 'unstable' ok 11 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 12 - regular version marked 'testing' gets 'TRIAL' suffix ok 13 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 14 - dotted version marked 'testing' gets 'TRIAL' suffix ok 15 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 16 - regular version marked 'unstable' gets 'TRIAL' suffix ok 17 - Got error message for illegal release_status ok 18 - Got error message for illegal 'stable' with alpha version ok 19 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 20 - non-standard dist_version does not get a suffix ok 21 - non-standard dist_version defaults to stable release_status 1..21 ok t/properties/requires.t ........ 1..4 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - undef prereq converted to 0 ok 3 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 4 - empty string prereq converted to 0 ok Can't open 'C:\Perl-5.20\html/perltoc.html': Permission denied at C:\Perl-5.20\lib/ActivePerl/ line 36. t/properties/share_dir.t ....... 1..23 ok 1 - Created Module::Build object ok 2 - default share_dir undef if no 'share' dir exists ok 3 - File::ShareDir not added to 'requires' ok 4 - Created 'share' directory ok 5 - Created 'share/subdir/share' directory ok 6 - Created 'share/subdir/whatever' directory ok 7 - Created 'other/share' directory ok 8 - Default share_dir is undef even if 'share' exists ok 9 - File::ShareDir not added to 'requires' ok 10 - Scalar share_dir set as dist-type share ok 11 - Arrayref share_dir set as dist-type share ok 12 - Hashref share_dir w/ scalar dist set as dist-type share ok 13 - Hashref share_dir w/ arrayref dist set as dist-type share ok 14 - Hashref share_dir w/ both dist and module shares (scalar-form) ok 15 - Hashref share_dir w/ both dist and module shares (array-form) ok 16 - share_dir filemap for copying to lib complete ok 17 - Build ran and blib exists ok 18 - blib/lib/auto/share exists ok 19 - share_dir files copied to blib ok 20 - temp install dir created ok 21 - share_dir files correctly installed ok 22 # skip needs File::ShareDir 1.00 ok 23 # skip needs File::ShareDir 1.00 ok t/resume.t ..................... 1..3 ok 1 - An object of class 'Module::Build' isa 'Module::Build' ok 2 - dist_name is 'Simple' ok 3 - resume added @INC addition to @INC ok Timeout (max run time is 300s) C:\Perl-5.20\bin\perl.exe exits with 37.