PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/Users/fly1400/var/megalib/bin Start 2013-09-03T05:05:27 ActivePerl-1400 CPAN-2.00 Reading '/Users/fly1400/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 07:09:14 GMT Running make for K/KE/KENTNL/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/K/KE/KENTNL/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200.tar.gz ok Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/LICENSE Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/Changes Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/lib/Dist/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/lib/Dist/Zilla/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/Bootstrap/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/Bootstrap/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/pod-coverage.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/cpan-changes.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/pod-syntax.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/distmeta.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/minimum-version.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/kwalitee.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/release/eol.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/author/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/xt/author/critic.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/Build.PL Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/04-try_built_nofallback.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/05-try_built_nofallback-pass2.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/02-try_built.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/03-try_built-pass2.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/00-compile.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/01-basic.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/t/000-report-versions-tiny.t Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/.travis.yml Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/README Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/META.yml Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/perlcritic.rc Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_02/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_02/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_02/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_02/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/E-0.01/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/E-0.01/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/E-0.01/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/E-0.01/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/E-0.01/META.json Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_05/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_04/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_04/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_04/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_04/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/E-0.01/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/E-0.01/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/E-0.01/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/E-0.01/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/E-0.01/META.json Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_03/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_01/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_01/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_01/lib/ Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/corpus/fake_dist_01/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/dist.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/.perltidyrc Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/META.json Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/weaver.ini Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200/MANIFEST Building K/KE/KENTNL/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1400/ap1400/bin/perl Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib' version '0.03000200' >>> ./Build Building Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib KENTNL/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200.tar.gz ./Build -- OK Running Build test >>> ./Build test verbose=1 t/00-compile.t ..................... 1..1 ok 1 - Dist/Zilla/Plugin/Bootstrap/ loaded ok ok # Version::Requirements is deprecated; replace with CPAN::Meta::Requirements at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Version/ line 17. require Version/ called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/ line 14 Dist::Zilla::Prereqs::BEGIN() called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 eval {...} called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 require Dist/Zilla/ called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/ line 26 Dist::Zilla::BEGIN() called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 eval {...} called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 require Dist/ called at (eval 5) line 1 eval 'require Dist::Zilla;' called at t/000-report-versions-tiny.t line 26 main::pmver('Dist::Zilla', 'any version') called at t/000-report-versions-tiny.t line 52 eval {...} called at t/000-report-versions-tiny.t line 52 # # Generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReportVersions::Tiny v1.09 # perl: 5.014000 (wanted 5.006) on darwin from /Users/fly1400/ap1400/bin/perl # # Cwd => 3.40 (want any version) # Dist::Zilla => 4.200005 (want any version) # Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL => module not found. (want v1.8.3) # Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Lite => 1.0.6 (want v1.3.0) # File::Copy::Recursive => 0.38 (want any version) # IO::Handle => 1.28 (want any version) # IPC::Open3 => 1.09 (want any version) # Module::Build => 0.4007 (want 0.4007) # Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass => (want any version) # Path::FindDev => 0.2.0 (want any version) # Path::Tiny => 0.031 (want any version) # Pod::Coverage::TrustPod => 0.100002 (want any version) # Role::Tiny => 1.003001 (want any version) # Test::CPAN::Changes => 0.23 (want 0.19) # Test::CPAN::Meta => 0.23 (want any version) # Test::Kwalitee => 1.13 (want 1.08) # Test::More => 0.98 (want 0.98) # Test::Pod => 1.48 (want 1.41) # Test::Pod::Coverage => 1.08 (want 1.08) # lib => 0.63 (want any version) # strict => 1.04 (want any version) # version => 0.9904 (want 0.9901) # warnings => 1.12 (want any version) # # Thanks for using my code. I hope it works for you. # If not, please try and include this output in the bug report. # That will help me reproduce the issue and solve your problem. # t/000-report-versions-tiny.t ....... ok 1 - we really didn't test anything, just reporting data 1..1 ok String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 32, near "throw "$origin is not a file"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 98. App::Cmd::_command('Dist::Zilla::App', undef) called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 72 App::Cmd::new('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 203 App::Cmd::run('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/bin/dzil line 11 # Failed test 'dzil build ran ok' # at t/01-basic.t line 20. # got: '65280' # expected: '0' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/01-basic.t ....................... not ok 1 - dzil build ran ok 1..1 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 32, near "throw "$origin is not a file"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 98. App::Cmd::_command('Dist::Zilla::App', undef) called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 72 App::Cmd::new('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 203 App::Cmd::run('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/bin/dzil line 11 # Failed test 'dzil build ran ok' # at t/02-try_built.t line 20. # got: '65280' # expected: '0' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/02-try_built.t ................... not ok 1 - dzil build ran ok 1..1 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 32, near "throw "$origin is not a file"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 98. App::Cmd::_command('Dist::Zilla::App', undef) called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 72 App::Cmd::new('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 203 App::Cmd::run('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/bin/dzil line 11 # Failed test 'dzil build ran ok' # at t/03-try_built-pass2.t line 20. # got: '65280' # expected: '0' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/03-try_built-pass2.t ............. not ok 1 - dzil build ran ok 1..1 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests # You can ignore the warning about dzil authordeps here String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 32, near "throw "$origin is not a file"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 98. App::Cmd::_command('Dist::Zilla::App', undef) called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 72 App::Cmd::new('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 203 App::Cmd::run('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/bin/dzil line 11 t/04-try_built_nofallback.t ........ ok 1 - dzil building a no-fallback dist that isnt installed fails 1..1 ok String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 32, near "throw "$origin is not a file"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) String found where operator expected at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" (Do you need to predeclare throw?) syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 31, near "throw "$origin does not exist"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 60, near "throw "Must specify a path"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 64, near "throw "Failed to remove path $path: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 69, near "throw "Failed to remove directory $dir: $!"" syntax error at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 97, near "throw "CHECKSUM generation failed for $dir: $_"" Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Pinto/ line 13. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/ line 9. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/Dist/Zilla/App/Command/ line 8. Compilation failed in require at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 98. App::Cmd::_command('Dist::Zilla::App', undef) called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 72 App::Cmd::new('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/App/ line 203 App::Cmd::run('Dist::Zilla::App') called at /Users/fly1400/var/megalib/bin/dzil line 11 # Failed test 'dzil building a no-fallback dist a second time is ok' # at t/05-try_built_nofallback-pass2.t line 20. # got: '65280' # expected: '0' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1. t/05-try_built_nofallback-pass2.t .. not ok 1 - dzil building a no-fallback dist a second time is ok 1..1 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/1 subtests Test Summary Report ------------------- t/01-basic.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/02-try_built.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/03-try_built-pass2.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/05-try_built_nofallback-pass2.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 1 Files=7, Tests=7, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.03 sys + 7.77 cusr 0.61 csys = 8.45 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 4/7 test programs. 4/7 subtests failed. KENTNL/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200.tar.gz ./Build test verbose=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports KENTNL/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib-0.03000200.tar.gz Finished 2013-09-03T05:05:40