PATH=/usr/bin:/bin Start 2012-06-06T04:12:44 ActivePerl-1600 CPAN-1.9402 Going to read '/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Wed, 06 Jun 2012 09:51:04 GMT Running make for M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz ok Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/Changes Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/dist.ini Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/INSTALL Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/LICENSE Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/Makefile.PL Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/MANIFEST Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/META.json Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/META.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/README Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/Task/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/Task/BeLike/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/Task/BeLike/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/CAPTTOFU.DBD-mysql.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/CNANDOR.Mac-AppleEvents-Simple.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/CNANDOR.Mac-Carbon.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/HAYASHI.Term-ReadLine-Gnu.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/ILYAZ.Term-ReadLine-Perl.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/THOR.Net-LibIDN.yml Going to build M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Unparsable version 'v0.9.4' for prerequisite Carton at Makefile.PL line 365. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent 7.01 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::AIO 1.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::Gearman 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::HTTP 2.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::HTTPD 0.93 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::Redis 0.23 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream 0.22 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo 0.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::XMPP 0.52 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyMQ 0.34 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::AltSQL 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::ArchiveDevelCover 1.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::BashComplete 0.008 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Genpass 2.30 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::HTTPThis 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Nopaste 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Notifo 0.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Uni 8 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Whiff 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::cpanoutdated 0.20 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::pod2pdf 0.42 not found. Warning: prerequisite Archive::Tar::Wrapper 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Async::Hooks 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Authen::Simple::Passwd 0.6 not found. Warning: prerequisite CGI::Emulate::PSGI 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Mini::Webserver 0.57 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Reporter 1.2006 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::SQLite 0.202 not found. Warning: prerequisite CSS::Minifier 0.01 not found. Warning: prerequisite Cache::CacheFactory 1.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite Carp::Always 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Carton 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Devel 1.37 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Log::Log4perl 1.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode 0.93 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::View::TT 0.39 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::View::Tenjin 0.050001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Class::C3::XS 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Clipboard 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Coro 6.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt 0.009 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBD::mysql 4.021 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::DataDictionary 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::Indexing 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::Shortcuts 0.007 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn 0.00011 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency 0.02005 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::URI 0.01002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Connector 0.52 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Tracer 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite Data::ObjectDriver 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite Data::UUID::MT 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite Date::Tiny 1.04 not found. Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::DateParse 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::Excel 0.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::Cover 0.87 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::LeakGuard::Object 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::REPL 1.003013 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::TraceUse 2.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla 4.300017 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover 1.101001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide 1.200000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LatestPrereqs 0.4 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodPurler 0.093400 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MELO 0.004 not found. Warning: prerequisite EV 4.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite FCGI::Client 0.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite FCGI::ProcManager 0.24 not found. Warning: prerequisite File::ChangeNotify 0.22 not found. Warning: prerequisite File::HomeDir::PathClass 1.112060 not found. Warning: prerequisite Gearman::Client 1.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Gearman::Worker 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Github::Import 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite Graph::Easy 0.71 not found. Warning: prerequisite GraphViz 2.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Expr 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::JIT 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Pro 0.9509 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Parser 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Parser::XS 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Tiny 0.022 not found. We have 0.021. Warning: prerequisite IO::AIO 4.15 not found. Warning: prerequisite IO::All 0.44 not found. Warning: prerequisite IO::Handle::Util 0.01 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB 0.52 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::DBI 1.21 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Redis 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::FSEvents 0.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Glue 1.30 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Growl 0.67 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mail::IMAPClient 3.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Markapl 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite Modern::Perl 1.20120521 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Info 0.32 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::AuthorTests 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::AutoManifest 0.003 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::ProvidesClass 1.000000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod 0.18 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::Repository 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::XSUtil 0.42 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Which 0.0207 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::Aliases 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::AttributeHelpers 0.23 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::Declare 0.35 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::Has::Sugar 0.05070420 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::MultiMethods 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite NTS::Template 2.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Bonjour 0.96 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Rendezvous 0.92 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Backend::Apple 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::SMTP::TLS 0.12 not found. Warning: prerequisite Object::Event 1.23 not found. Warning: prerequisite POE::XS::Queue::Array 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite PPI::HTML 1.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Parallel::Prefork 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Params::Coerce 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIProfile 0.102 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Server::AnyEvent 0.04 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP 0.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::Coverage::TrustPod 0.100002 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::Elemental 0.102362 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::POM::Web 1.17 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::PseudoPod 0.18 not found. Warning: prerequisite Redis 1.951 not found. Warning: prerequisite Server::Starter 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite String::CRC32 1.4 not found. Warning: prerequisite String::FriendlyID 0.019 not found. Warning: prerequisite TAP::Formatter::HTML 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite TAP::Formatter::TextMate 0.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Kensho 0.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Moose 0.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Plack 0.26 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Alloy 1.016 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Declare 0.45 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Parser::CET 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Sandbox 1.04 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Tiny 1.12 not found. Warning: prerequisite Tenjin 0.070001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Term::ProgressBar 2.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.20 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::CPAN::Meta 0.21 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Compile 0.17 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Continuous 0.73 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Inline::Extract 2.212 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Kit 0.101 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Reporter 1.58 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase 1.999008 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::ClearSilver 0.010005004 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Markdown 1.000031 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::MicroMason 2.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::MultiMarkdown 1.000034 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Template::Simple 0.86 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Textile 2.12 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Tmpl 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Unaccent 1.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Xslate 1.5012 not found. Warning: prerequisite TextMate::JumpTo 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite Throwable::X 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite Time::ParseDate 2011.0517 not found. Warning: prerequisite Time::y2038 20100403 not found. Warning: prerequisite TryCatch 1.003000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Twiggy 0.1020 not found. Warning: prerequisite Unicode::Stringprep 1.104 not found. Warning: prerequisite Unicode::Tussle 1.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite Web::Scraper 0.36 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile 1.25 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile::WSDL11 2.26 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Feed 0.49 not found. Warning: prerequisite XS::Assert 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite autodie 2.11 not found. We have 2.10. Warning: prerequisite local::lib 1.008004 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Task::BeLike::MELO Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz ---- XML::Compile::WSDL11 [requires] DBIx::Connector [requires] CPAN::Mini::Webserver [requires] Async::Hooks [requires] Carton [requires] GraphViz [requires] POE::XS::Queue::Array [requires] Test::Kit [requires] Text::ClearSilver [requires] AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream [requires] XML::Feed [requires] Text::Template::Simple [requires] Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase [requires] Params::Coerce [requires] HTTP::Parser [requires] AnyEvent::Redis [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog [requires] Mac::Glue [requires] Time::y2038 [requires] Web::Scraper [requires] Parallel::Prefork [requires] Github::Import [requires] MooseX::MultiMethods [requires] Throwable::X [requires] IO::AIO [requires] Archive::Tar::Wrapper [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIProfile [requires] Data::UUID::MT [requires] DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn [requires] Catalyst::View::TT [requires] Text::Tmpl [requires] Catalyst::View::Tenjin [requires] App::Nopaste [requires] Clipboard [requires] HTML::Template::Expr [requires] Coro [requires] TryCatch [requires] App::AltSQL [requires] Catalyst::Log::Log4perl [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide [requires] Test::CPAN::Meta [requires] Cache::CacheFactory [requires] local::lib [requires] Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Backend::Apple [requires] Module::Info [requires] DBD::mysql [requires] Devel::Cover [requires] MooseX::Has::Sugar [requires] MooseX::Declare [requires] App::Uni [requires] Graph::Easy [requires] FCGI::Client [requires] Template::Declare [requires] AnyEvent::Gearman [requires] Class::C3::XS [requires] Devel::LeakGuard::Object [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace [requires] Authen::Simple::Passwd [requires] MooseX::AttributeHelpers [requires] DBICx::Shortcuts [requires] Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MELO [requires] Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt [requires] TAP::Formatter::TextMate [requires] Pod::Elemental [requires] Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP [requires] Net::SMTP::TLS [requires] Catalyst::Devel [requires] EV [requires] HTML::Template::Pro [requires] AnyEvent [requires] Net::Rendezvous [requires] Twiggy [requires] Plack::Server::AnyEvent [requires] App::Notifo [requires] DateTime::Format::DateParse [requires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::URI [requires] Devel::TraceUse [requires] Mac::FSEvents [requires] AnyEvent::HTTPD [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode [requires] Term::ReadLine::Gnu [requires] Dist::Zilla [requires] Object::Event [requires] Gearman::Worker [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodPurler [requires] Module::Install::XSUtil [requires] KiokuDB [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::DBI [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Redis [requires] PPI::HTML [requires] Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl [requires] Template::Sandbox [requires] IO::All [requires] String::FriendlyID [requires] Tenjin [requires] TextMate::JumpTo [requires] IO::Handle::Util [requires] Module::Install::AuthorTests [requires] DBICx::DataDictionary [requires] Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover [requires] Module::Install::Repository [requires] Text::Textile [requires] CGI::Emulate::PSGI [requires] Pod::Coverage::TrustPod [requires] File::ChangeNotify [requires] autodie [requires] Text::Unaccent [requires] Markapl [requires] AnyEvent::HTTP [requires] Net::Bonjour [requires] Data::ObjectDriver [requires] NTS::Template [requires] Unicode::Stringprep [requires] Term::ProgressBar [requires] Text::MultiMarkdown [requires] Text::MicroMason [requires] Template::Parser::CET [requires] Modern::Perl [requires] MooseX::Aliases [requires] DBIx::Tracer [requires] DateTime::Format::Excel [requires] DBICx::Indexing [requires] AnyEvent::AIO [requires] Pod::PseudoPod [requires] Redis [requires] Gearman::Client [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LatestPrereqs [requires] CPAN::Reporter [requires] CSS::Minifier [requires] Template::Tiny [requires] AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo [requires] HTTP::Tiny [requires] Mac::Growl [requires] Task::Plack [requires] App::ArchiveDevelCover [requires] App::Whiff [requires] Time::ParseDate [requires] Task::Kensho [requires] HTML::Template::JIT [requires] App::HTTPThis [requires] HTTP::Parser::XS [requires] Module::Install::AutoManifest [requires] Test::Compile [requires] Module::Install::ProvidesClass [requires] Devel::REPL [requires] AnyMQ [requires] Carp::Always [requires] Text::Xslate [requires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency [requires] Test::Reporter [requires] Text::Markdown [requires] Module::Which [requires] App::BashComplete [requires] Server::Starter [requires] String::CRC32 [requires] Task::Moose [requires] AnyEvent::XMPP [requires] Test::Inline::Extract [requires] Template::Alloy [requires] Mail::IMAPClient [requires] FCGI::ProcManager [requires] App::Genpass [requires] CPAN::SQLite [requires] Pod::POM::Web [requires] Test::Continuous [requires] XML::Compile [requires] Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals [requires] File::HomeDir::PathClass [requires] Unicode::Tussle [requires] XS::Assert [requires] Date::Tiny [requires] App::pod2pdf [requires] TAP::Formatter::HTML [requires] App::cpanoutdated [requires] Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'XML::Compile::WSDL11' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz ok XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/Makefile.PL XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/TODO XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/60xop.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/01use.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/11soapfault.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/12soapmust.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/54wsdlrpclit.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/10soap.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/52wsdlfault.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/51wsdloneway.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/50wsdl.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/30charenc.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/53wsdlrpclit.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/t/55wsdlrpcone.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/ChangeLog XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/META.yml XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-http.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-soap.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-mime.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/Operation.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/SOAPHTTP.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/Transport.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Client.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Server.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-encoding.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope-patch.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Operation.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Encoding.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Util.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Client.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Trace.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Operation.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Extension.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/FAQ.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200505-xmlmime.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200411-xmlmime.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/Include.pod XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/rpc-literal/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/rpc-literal/type.wsdl XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/rpc-literal/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/rpc-literal/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/rpc-literal/README XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/rpc-literal/element.wsdl XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/namesservice.xsd XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/namesservice.wsdl XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/README XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/examples/document/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/xt/ XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/xt/99pod.t XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/MANIFEST XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/README Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Log::Report 0.9 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile 1.22 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile::Cache 0.98 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile::Tester 0.05 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::Compile::SOAP Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz ---- XML::Compile::Cache [requires] XML::Compile::Tester [requires] Log::Report [requires] XML::Compile [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'XML::Compile::Cache' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz ok XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/ XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/Makefile.PL XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/t/ XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/t/01use.t XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/t/10declare.t XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/t/99pod.t XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/ChangeLog XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/META.yml XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/lib/ XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/lib/XML/ XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/lib/XML/Compile/Cache.pod XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/MANIFEST XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/README Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Log::Report 0.19 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile 1.2 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Compile::Tester 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::LibXML::Simple 0.13 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::Compile::Cache Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz ---- XML::Compile::Tester [requires] XML::LibXML::Simple [requires] Log::Report [requires] XML::Compile [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'XML::Compile::Tester' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz ok XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/ XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/MANIFEST XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/ChangeLog XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/Makefile.PL XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/t/ XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/t/99pod.t XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/t/01use.t XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/META.yml XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/lib/ XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/lib/XML/ XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/lib/XML/Compile/Tester.pod XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/README Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Log::Report 0.17 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::Compile::Tester Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz ---- Log::Report [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Log::Report' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz ok Log-Report-0.94/ Log-Report-0.94/Makefile.PL Log-Report-0.94/t/ Log-Report-0.94/t/22compact.t Log-Report-0.94/t/ Log-Report-0.94/t/11concat.t Log-Report-0.94/t/30index.t Log-Report-0.94/t/52logdisp.t Log-Report-0.94/t/50file.t Log-Report-0.94/t/51syslog.t Log-Report-0.94/t/00use.t Log-Report-0.94/t/10interp.t Log-Report-0.94/t/53log4perl.t Log-Report-0.94/t/04locale.t Log-Report-0.94/t/21pot_modif.t Log-Report-0.94/t/31stack.t Log-Report-0.94/t/40ppi.t Log-Report-0.94/t/54try.t Log-Report-0.94/t/05util.t Log-Report-0.94/t/99pod.t Log-Report-0.94/t/41die.t Log-Report-0.94/t/20pot_read.t Log-Report-0.94/t/hello-world-slovak.po Log-Report-0.94/ChangeLog Log-Report-0.94/META.yml Log-Report-0.94/lib/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Util.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/messages/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report.utf-8.po Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/nl_NL.po Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Translator.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Die.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Extract/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Extract/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/ Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Exception.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report/Message.pod Log-Report-0.94/lib/Log/Report.pod Log-Report-0.94/bin/ Log-Report-0.94/bin/xgettext-perl Log-Report-0.94/MANIFEST Log-Report-0.94/README Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Log::Report Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.pod cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.pod cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Translator/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.pod cp lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report.utf-8.po blib/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report.utf-8.po cp lib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.pod cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Exception.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Exception.pod cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.pod cp lib/Log/Report.pod blib/lib/Log/Report.pod cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Message.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Message.pod cp lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/nl_NL.po blib/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/nl_NL.po cp lib/Log/Report/Translator.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Util.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Util.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.pod cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Translator/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.pod cp lib/Log/ blib/lib/Log/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Extract/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/ cp lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ cp lib/Log/Report/Die.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Die.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.pod cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ cp lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.pod cp bin/xgettext-perl blib/script/xgettext-perl /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/xgettext-perl Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::LogDispatch.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::POT.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Log4perl.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::Index.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Util.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Translator::POT.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Perl.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Callback.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::File.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Win32Locale.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Die.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Exception.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Translator::Gettext.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Message.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Syslog.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Translator.3 Manifying blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::PO.3 MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz make -- OK Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t Perl 5.016000 Log::Dispatch version 2.32 Log::Log4perl version 1.37 POSIX version 1.30 PPI version 1.215 Sys::Syslog version 0.29 Test::Pod version 1.45 t/00use.t ........ 1..16 ok 1 - use Log::Report; ok 2 - use Log::Report::Die; ok 3 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher; ok 4 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher::File; ok 5 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try; ok 6 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher::Perl; ok 7 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher::Callback; ok 8 - use Log::Report::Exception; ok 9 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::Index; ok 10 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::PO; ok 11 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::POT; ok 12 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact; ok 13 - use Log::Report::Message; ok 14 - use Log::Report::Translator; ok 15 - use Log::Report::Translator::POT; ok 16 - use Log::Report::Util; ok *** WARNING: setlocale() returns new locale value, not the previous *** ERROR: changing language of libc error messages did not work t/04locale.t ..... 1..11 ok 1 - alt locale: nl_NL.utf-8 ok 2 - set C ok 3 - explicit C found ok 4 ok 5 - No such file or directory ok 6 - returned change to alternative locale ok 7 - WARNING: setlocale() returns new locale value, not the previous ok 8 - set to nl_NL.utf-8 successful? ok 9 - No such file or directory ok 10 - ERROR: libc translations not switched ok 11 - No such file or directory ok t/05util.t ....... 1..53 ok 1 - nl ok 2 - ... territory ok 3 - ... charset ok 4 - ... modifier ok 5 - ok 6 - ... territory ok 7 - ... charset ok 8 - ... modifier ok 9 - nl_NL ok 10 - ... territory ok 11 - ... charset ok 12 - ... modifier ok 13 - nl_NL.utf-8 ok 14 - ... territory ok 15 - ... charset ok 16 - ... modifier ok 17 - nl_NL.utf-8@mod ok 18 - ... territory ok 19 - ... charset ok 20 - ... modifier ok 21 - nl.utf-8 ok 22 - ... territory ok 23 - ... charset ok 24 - ... modifier ok 25 - nl.utf-8@mod ok 26 - ... territory ok 27 - ... charset ok 28 - ... modifier ok 29 - nl_NL@mod ok 30 - ... territory ok 31 - ... charset ok 32 - ... modifier ok 33 - nl@mod ok 34 - ... territory ok 35 - ... charset ok 36 - ... modifier ok 37 - C ok 38 - ... territory ok 39 - ... charset ok 40 - ... modifier ok 41 - POSIX ok 42 - ... territory ok 43 - ... charset ok 44 - ... modifier ok 45 - ok 46 - TRACE ok 47 - PANIC,TRACE ok 48 - USER ok 49 - USER,PROGRAM,SYSTEM ok 50 - ALL ok 51 - WARNING-FAULT ok 52 - -INFO ok 53 - ALERT- ok t/10interp.t ..... 1..63 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 56 ok 57 ok 58 ok 59 ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 ok t/11concat.t ..... 1..15 ok 1 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 2 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 15 ok t/20pot_read.t ... 1..43 ok 1 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::PO; ok 2 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::POT; ok 3 - read pot file ok 4 - The object isa Log::Report::Lexicon::POT ok 5 - access to header ok 6 - test plural evaluation ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 - got greeting ok 16 - The object isa Log::Report::Lexicon::PO ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 - msgstr by plural ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 - test multi ok 43 ok t/21pot_modif.t .. 1..29 ok 1 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::PO; ok 2 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::POT; ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - no translation ok 13 - with translation ok 14 - add plural ok 15 - is fuzzy ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 - add ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 - rm last ref ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok t/22compact.t .... 1..21 ok 1 - use Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact; ok 2 - read pot file ok 3 - The object isa Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact ok 4 - access to header ok 5 - got greeting ok 6 - one translation only ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - msgstr by plural ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 - test multi ok 21 ok t/30index.t ...... skipped: cannot find sample translations, no problem t/31stack.t ...... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/40ppi.t ........ 1..110 ok 1 - use Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI; ok 2 - created parser ok 3 - The object isa Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI ok 4 - one file created ok 5 ok 6 - produced file /tmp/LTVmGDSB0r/first-domain.utf-8.po has size ok 7 - a0 ok 8 - a1 ok 9 - a2 ok 10 - a3b ok 11 - a4 ok 12 - a7 ok 13 - a8 ok 14 - a9 ok 15 - b2 ok 16 - b3a ok 17 - b4 ok 18 - b5a ok 19 - b6a ok 20 - b7a ok 21 - b8a ok 22 - b9a ok 23 - c1 ok 24 - c4 ok 25 - c5 ok 26 - c8 ok 27 - d1 ok 28 - d2,d3 ok 29 - d4,d5,d6,d7 ok 30 - read translation table ok 31 ok 32 - correct number tests ok 33 ok 34 - processing c3 ok 35 - check not double ok 36 - was expected ok 37 - plural was expected ok 38 - processing b8a ok 39 - check not double ok 40 - was expected ok 41 - processing ok 42 - check not double ok 43 - was expected ok 44 - processing d2 ok 45 - check not double ok 46 - was expected ok 47 - processing a2 ok 48 - check not double ok 49 - was expected ok 50 - processing c7 ok 51 - check not double ok 52 - was expected ok 53 - plural was expected ok 54 - processing b7a ok 55 - check not double ok 56 - was expected ok 57 - processing c5 ok 58 - check not double ok 59 - was expected ok 60 - plural was expected ok 61 - processing a1 ok 62 - check not double ok 63 - was expected ok 64 - processing d1 ok 65 - check not double ok 66 - was expected ok 67 - processing b6a ok 68 - check not double ok 69 - was expected ok 70 - processing d5 ok 71 - check not double ok 72 - was expected ok 73 - processing d4 ok 74 - check not double ok 75 - was expected ok 76 - processing b5a ok 77 - check not double ok 78 - was expected ok 79 - processing b9a ok 80 - check not double ok 81 - was expected ok 82 - processing b4 ok 83 - check not double ok 84 - was expected ok 85 - processing d3 ok 86 - check not double ok 87 - was expected ok 88 - processing a4 ok 89 - check not double ok 90 - was expected ok 91 - processing d7 ok 92 - check not double ok 93 - was expected ok 94 - processing b3a ok 95 - check not double ok 96 - was expected ok 97 - processing a3a ok 98 - check not double ok 99 - was expected ok 100 - processing b2 ok 101 - check not double ok 102 - was expected ok 103 - processing d6 ok 104 - check not double ok 105 - was expected ok 106 - processing c1 ok 107 - check not double ok 108 - was expected ok 109 - plural was expected ok 110 - all msgids found ok t/41die.t ........ 1..27 ok 1 - err 3 is 'No such process' ok 2 - die ok 3 - die ok 4 - die ok 5 - die ok 6 - croak ok 7 - croak ok 8 - croak ok 9 - croak ok 10 - confess ok 11 - confess ok 12 - confess ok 13 - confess ok 14 - try before you die ok 15 - no value returned ok 16 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try ok 17 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 18 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 19 ok 20 - parse not perl ok 21 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 22 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 23 ok 24 - perl error ok 25 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 26 - The object isa Log::Report::Message ok 27 ok t/50file.t ....... 1..38 ok 1 ok 2 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher ok 3 ok 4 - created file dispatcher ok 5 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::File ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - needs ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - created second disp ok 13 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::File ok 14 ok 15 - needs ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 - disp1 ignores trace ok 22 - disp2 take trace ok 23 ok 24 - disp1 ignores assert ok 25 - disp2 take assert ok 26 ok 27 - disp1 ignores info ok 28 - disp2 take info ok 29 ok 30 - disp1 take notice ok 31 ok 32 - disp2 ignores notice ok 33 - disp1 take warning ok 34 ok 35 - disp2 ignores warnings ok 36 - capture message ok 37 ok 38 - do not capture message ok t/51syslog.t ..... 1..1 ok 1 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher::Syslog; ok t/52logdisp.t .... 1..5 ok 1 - use Log::Report::Dispatcher::LogDispatch; ok 2 - use Log::Dispatch::File; ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok t/53log4perl.t ... 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/54try.t ........ 1..49 ok 1 - created normal file logger ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 - only try dispatcher ok 7 ok 8 - original dispatcher restored ok 9 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 16 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 - passed on loggings ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 - try in SCALAR context ok 31 ok 32 - try in VOID context ok 33 - try in LIST context ok 34 ok 35 - caught die ok 36 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try ok 37 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 - caught croak ok 41 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try ok 42 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 - caught confess ok 46 - The object isa Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try ok 47 - The object isa Log::Report::Exception ok 48 ok 49 ok t/99pod.t ........ 1..45 ok 1 - POD test for blib/script/xgettext-perl (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/ (no pod) ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report.pod ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Die.pod ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.pod ok 8 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 9 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Exception.pod ok 10 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 11 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Message.pod ok 12 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 13 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator.pod ok 14 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 15 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Util.pod ok 16 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/ (no pod) ok 17 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.pod ok 18 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 19 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.pod ok 20 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 21 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.pod ok 22 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 23 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.pod ok 24 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 25 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.pod ok 26 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 27 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.pod ok 28 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 29 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.pod ok 30 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ (no pod) ok 31 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.pod ok 32 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/ (no pod) ok 33 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.pod ok 34 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ (no pod) ok 35 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.pod ok 36 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ (no pod) ok 37 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.pod ok 38 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ (no pod) ok 39 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.pod ok 40 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ (no pod) ok 41 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.pod ok 42 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ (no pod) ok 43 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.pod ok 44 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ (no pod) ok 45 - POD test for blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.pod ok All tests successful. Files=18, Tests=530, 4 wallclock secs ( 0.13 usr 0.06 sys + 2.42 cusr 0.28 csys = 2.89 CPU) Result: PASS MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Mark Overmeer <> report a problem, pluggable handlers and language support >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9 && tar cvf - Log-Report-0.94.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz Log-Report-0.94.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Log/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Die.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Exception.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Message.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/messages/ blib/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/nl_NL.po blib/lib/Log/Report/messages/log-report.utf-8.po blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Translator.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Util.pod blib/lib/Log/Report/ blib/lib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.pod blib/lib/Log/ blib/lib/Log/Report.pod blib/man3/ blib/man3/Log::Report.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Die.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Callback.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::File.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Log4perl.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::LogDispatch.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Perl.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Syslog.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Exception.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Extract::PerlPPI.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::Index.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::PO.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::POT.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Lexicon::POTcompact.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Message.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Translator.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Translator::Gettext.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Translator::POT.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Util.3 blib/man3/Log::Report::Win32Locale.3 blib/script/ blib/script/xgettext-perl >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/Log-Report-0.94.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV Can't log to '/Users/fly1600/var/tmp/Library/Logs/ppm4.log': No such file or directory at /Users/fly1600/lib/ActivePerl/PPM/ line 95. [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing Log-Report with id 657 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-eShAFY/Log-Report-0.94/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Die.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Exception.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Message.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Translator.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Util.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Log/Report.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-eShAFY/Log-Report-0.94/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Die.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Callback.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/File.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Log4perl.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/LogDispatch.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Perl.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Syslog.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher/Try.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Dispatcher.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Exception.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Extract/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Extract/PerlPPI.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/Index.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/PO.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POT.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Lexicon/POTcompact.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Message.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Translator/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Translator/Gettext.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Translator/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Translator/POT.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Translator.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Util.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/Win32Locale.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/messages/log-report/nl_NL.po written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report/messages/log-report.utf-8.po written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Log/Report.pod written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-eShAFY/Log-Report-0.94/blib/script --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin/xgettext-perl written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_ Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Tester.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Tester.pod Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Tester.3 MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01use.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - require XML::Compile::Tester; ok t/99pod.t .. 1..2 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Compile/ (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Compile/Tester.pod ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=3, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.17 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.22 CPU) Result: PASS MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Mark Overmeer <> support XML::Compile related regression testing >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_ && tar cvf - XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Tester.pod blib/man3/ blib/man3/XML::Compile::Tester.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing XML-Compile-Tester with id 658 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-mwsqac/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Tester.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-mwsqac/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Tester.pod written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'XML::LibXML::Simple' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.tar.gz ok XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/Makefile.PL XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/10XMLin.t XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/srt.xml XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/01use.t XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/subdir/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/subdir/test2.xml XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/test1.xml XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/10XMLin.xml XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/t/99pod.t XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/ChangeLog XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/META.yml XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/lib/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/lib/XML/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/lib/XML/LibXML/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/lib/XML/LibXML/Simple.pod XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/lib/XML/LibXML/ XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/MANIFEST XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/README Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::LibXML::Simple Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/XML/LibXML/ blib/lib/XML/LibXML/ cp lib/XML/LibXML/Simple.pod blib/lib/XML/LibXML/Simple.pod Manifying blib/man3/XML::LibXML::Simple.3 MARKOV/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t Test::More version 0.98 XML::LibXML version 1.99 libxml2 2.7.3 t/01use.t .... 1..1 ok 1 - require XML::LibXML::Simple; ok t/10XMLin.t .. 1..117 ok 1 - use XML::LibXML::Simple; ok 2 - XMLin() didn't crash ok 3 - and it returned a value ok 4 - and a hasref at that ok 5 - matches expectations (attributes) ok 6 - same again with nested elements ok 7 - attributes in empty element ok 8 - repeated child elements give arrays of scalars ok 9 - nested element gives hash ok 10 - repeated child elements give list of hashes ok 11 - array folded on default key 'name' ok 12 - not folded when keyattr turned off ok 13 - still works when keyattr is empty hash ok 14 - folded on default key 'key' ok 15 - folded on default key 'id' ok 16 - folded on non-default key 'xname' ok 17 - same again but keyattr set with hash ok 18 - keyattr as array with value in second position ok 19 - keyattr as scalar ok 20 - KeyAttr as scalar ok 21 - key_attr as scalar ok 22 - fold same array on two different keys ok 23 - same again but with priority switch ok 24 - folded on multi-key keyattr hash ok 25 - same again but with '+' prefix to copy keys ok 26 - did not fold on default key with non-scalar value ok 27 - no warning issued ok 28 - did not fold on specific key with non-scalar value ok 29 - warning issued as expected ok 30 - text in warning is correct ok 31 - same again but with keyattr as array ok 32 - warning issued as expected ok 33 - text in warning is correct ok 34 - did not fold on specific key with non-scalar value ok 35 - no warning issued (as expected) ok 36 - did not fold when element missing key attribute ok 37 - expected warning issued ok 38 - same again ok 39 - but with no warning this time ok 40 - folded elements despite non-unique key attribute ok 41 - expected warning issued ok 42 - same again but with keyattr as array ok 43 - expected warning issued ok 44 - same again ok 45 - but with no warning this time ok 46 - keeproot option works ok 47 - CDATA section parsed correctly ok 48 - CDATA section containing markup characters parsed correctly ok 49 - XMLin didn't choke on named external file ok 50 - and contents parsed as expected ok 51 - XMLin didn't choke on un-named (default) external file ok 52 - and contents parsed as expected ok 53 - XMLin found file using searchpath ok 54 - and contents parsed as expected ok 55 - XMLin choked on nonexistant file ok 56 - with the expected message ok 57 - nonexistant file not found in current directory ok 58 - with the expected message ok 59 - search path ignored when pathname supplied ok 60 - XMLin didn't choke on an IO::File object ok 61 - and it parsed the right file ok 62 - XMLin didn't choke on STDIN ('-') ok 63 - and data parsed correctly ok 64 - anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 65 - anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 66 - top level anonymous array returned arrayref ok 67 - nested anonymous arrays parsed correctly ok 68 - 'content' key appears as expected ok 69 - 'content' key successfully renamed to 'text' ok 70 - 'content' key not munged by forcearray ok 71 - gratuitous use of content key works as expected ok 72 - even when we change it's name to 'text' ok 73 - spurious content keys not eliminated after folding ok 74 - spurious content keys not eliminated after folding ok 75 - mixed content doesn't work - no surprises there ok 76 - nested element rolls up to scalar ok 77 - array folding works with single nested hash ok 78 - but not if forcearray is turned off ok 79 - selective application of forcearray successful ok 80 - forcearray using regex successful ok 81 - forcearray using a single regex successful ok 82 - attributes successfully skipped ok 83 - noattr does not intefere with array folding ok 84 - empty elements parse to hashrefs ok 85 - grouped tags parse normally ok 86 - disintermediation of grouped tags works ok 87 - disintermediation works with multiple groups ok 88 - folding and ungrouping work together ok 89 - folding, ungrouping and content stripping work together ok 90 - folding without forcearray but with ungrouping fails as expected ok 91 - folding with forcearray and ungrouping works ok 92 - disintermediation using wrong child key - as expected ok 93 - invalid options are trapped ok 94 - with correct error message ok 95 - invalid number of options are trapped ok 96 - with correct error message ok 97 - NS-1: folding OK ok 98 - NS-2: space normalised in hash key ok 99 - NS-3: space normalised in hash key ok 100 - NS-4: space not normalised in hash value ok 101 - NS-1a: folding OK ok 102 - NS-2a: space normalised in hash key ok 103 - NS-3a: space normalised in hash key ok 104 - NS-4a: space not normalised in hash value ok 105 - NS-5: folding OK ok 106 - NS-6: space normalised in hash key ok 107 - NS-7: space normalised in attribute value ok 108 - NS-8: space normalised in hash key ok 109 - NS-9: space normalised in element text content ok 110 - NS-10: space normalised in anonymous array ok 111 - NS-11: space normalized in anonymous array ok 112 - Nothing special about 'value' attributes ok 113 - ValueAttr as arrayref works ok 114 - ValueAttr as arrayref works ok 115 - ValueAttr as hashref works too ok 116 - ValueAttr as hashref works too ok 117 - successfully read an SRT config file ok t/99pod.t .... 1..2 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/LibXML/ (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/LibXML/Simple.pod ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=120, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 0.40 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.49 CPU) Result: PASS MARKOV/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Mark Overmeer <> XML::LibXML based XML::Simple clone >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP && tar cvf - XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.tar.gz XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/LibXML/ blib/lib/XML/LibXML/ blib/lib/XML/LibXML/Simple.pod blib/man3/ blib/man3/XML::LibXML::Simple.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing XML-LibXML-Simple with id 659 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-1gxPDc/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/LibXML/Simple.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-1gxPDc/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/LibXML/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/LibXML/Simple.pod written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'Log::Report' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9 Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Has already been made Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'XML::Compile' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz ok XML-Compile-1.25/ XML-Compile-1.25/Makefile.PL XML-Compile-1.25/html/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/details/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/details/index.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/methods/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/methods/index.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/manuals/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/manuals/head.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/manuals/list.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/manuals/index.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/xml.css XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/diagnostics/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/diagnostics/index.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/index.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/other/jump.cgi XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/ XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/relations.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/head.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/doclist.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/main.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/grouped.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/sorted.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/index.html XML-Compile-1.25/html/manual/methods.html XML-Compile-1.25/t/ XML-Compile-1.25/t/91noqual.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/45ctcext.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/21types.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/34abstract.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/52anytype.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/54nil.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/41choice.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/62recurse.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/90nons.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/73rewrite.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/43group.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/55facet_list.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/72typemap.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/20spec.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/01use.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/ XML-Compile-1.25/t/56pats.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/48subst.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/75type.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/76blocked.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/33ref.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/70templ.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/59big.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/47ctsres.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/31elem.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/22call.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/74qname.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/50union.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/40seq.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/61hooks_w.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/81-2000.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/02ext.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/58default.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/63mixed.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/45ctcres.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/55facet.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/51any.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/39ns.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/30compile.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/46ctsext.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/32attr.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/60hooks_r.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/49list.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/44stres.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/42all.t XML-Compile-1.25/t/57fixed.t XML-Compile-1.25/ChangeLog XML-Compile-1.25/README.todo XML-Compile-1.25/META.yml XML-Compile-1.25/lib/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Iterator.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Util.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Instance.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInFacets.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/NameSpaces.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Specs.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInTypes.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema.xsd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.xsd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-datatypes.dtd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.dtd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema-part2.xsd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2000-XMLSchema.xsd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1998-namespace.xsd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema-instance.xsd XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Schema.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Template.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Writer.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/FAQ.pod XML-Compile-1.25/lib/XML/Compile/ XML-Compile-1.25/xt/ XML-Compile-1.25/xt/99pod.t XML-Compile-1.25/bin/ XML-Compile-1.25/bin/xml2yaml XML-Compile-1.25/bin/schema2example XML-Compile-1.25/MANIFEST XML-Compile-1.25/README Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::Compile Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/NameSpaces.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/NameSpaces.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Specs.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Specs.pod cp lib/XML/Compile.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Instance.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Instance.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Iterator.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Iterator.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInFacets.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInFacets.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.dtd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.dtd cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInTypes.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInTypes.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema-instance.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema-instance.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/FAQ.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/FAQ.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema-part2.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema-part2.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Util.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Util.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Template.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Template.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-datatypes.dtd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-datatypes.dtd cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1998-namespace.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1998-namespace.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ cp lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2000-XMLSchema.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2000-XMLSchema.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Writer.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Writer.pod cp bin/schema2example blib/script/schema2example /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/schema2example cp bin/xml2yaml blib/script/xml2yaml /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/xml2yaml Manifying blib/man1/schema2example.1 Manifying blib/man1/xml2yaml.1 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Util.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate::Template.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::NameSpaces.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::Specs.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate::Writer.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::Instance.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::FAQ.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInFacets.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate::Reader.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Iterator.3 MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t Test::More version 0.98 Test::Deep version 0.109 XML::LibXML version 1.99 Math::BigInt version 1.997 XML::Compile version 1.25 XML::Compile::SOAP not installed XML::Compile::Tester version 0.06 XML::Compile::Dumper not installed XML::Compile::Cache not installed libxml2 2.7.3 t/01use.t ......... 1..13 ok 1 - require XML::Compile; ok 2 - require XML::Compile::Iterator; ok 3 - require XML::Compile::Schema; ok 4 - require XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInFacets; ok 5 - require XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes; ok 6 - require XML::Compile::Schema::Instance; ok 7 - require XML::Compile::Schema::NameSpaces; ok 8 - require XML::Compile::Schema::Specs; ok 9 - require XML::Compile::Translate; ok 10 - require XML::Compile::Translate::Reader; ok 11 - require XML::Compile::Translate::Writer; ok 12 - require XML::Compile::Translate::Template; ok 13 - require XML::Compile::Util; ok t/02ext.t ......... 1..20 ok 1 - anyType <- anyType ok 2 - anySimpleType <- anyType ok 3 - not anyType <- anySimpleType ok 4 - unsignedByte <- unsignedShort ok 5 - unsignedByte <- unsignedInt ok 6 - unsignedByte <- unsignedLong ok 7 - unsignedByte <- nonNegativeInteger ok 8 - unsignedByte <- integer ok 9 - unsignedByte <- decimal ok 10 - unsignedByte <- anyAtomicType ok 11 - unsignedByte <- anySimpleType ok 12 - unsignedByte <- anyType ok 13 - {http://test-types}t1 <- {http://test-types}t1 ok 14 - {http://test-types}t1 <- int ok 15 - {http://test-types}t2 <- int ok 16 - {http://test-types}t2 <- {http://test-types}t1 ok 17 - {http://test-types}t1 <- anySimpleType ok 18 - {http://test-types}t2 <- anySimpleType ok 19 - {http://test-types}t3 <- {http://test-types}t2 ok 20 - {http://test-types}t3 <- {http://test-types}t1 ok t/20spec.t ........ 1..22 ok 1 - find demo file ok 2 - parsing schema ok 3 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 4 ok 5 - The object isa XML::Compile::Schema::NameSpaces ok 6 - one target namespace ok 7 ok 8 - found ns ok 9 - one schema ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 - found simpleType ok 21 ok 22 ok t/21types.t ....... 1..151 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok 50 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 51 - from xml ok 52 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 53 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 54 ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 56 - not tempered with written structure ok 57 ok 58 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 59 - from xml ok 60 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 61 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 64 - not tempered with written structure ok 65 ok 66 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 67 - from xml ok 68 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 69 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 70 ok 71 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 72 - not tempered with written structure ok 73 ok 74 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 75 - from xml ok 76 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 77 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 78 ok 79 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 80 - not tempered with written structure ok 81 ok 82 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 83 - from xml ok 84 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 85 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 86 ok 87 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 88 - not tempered with written structure ok 89 ok 90 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 91 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 92 - ER=illegal value `' for type {}float ok 93 ok 94 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 95 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 96 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 97 - EW=illegal value `aap' for type {}float ok 98 ok 99 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 100 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 101 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 102 - EW=illegal value `' for type {}float ok 103 ok 104 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 105 - from xml ok 106 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 107 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 108 ok 109 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 110 - not tempered with written structure ok 111 ok 112 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 113 - from xml ok 114 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 115 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 116 ok 117 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 118 - not tempered with written structure ok 119 ok 120 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 121 - from xml ok 122 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 123 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 124 ok 125 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 126 - not tempered with written structure ok 127 ok 128 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 129 - from xml ok 130 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 131 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 132 ok 133 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 134 - not tempered with written structure ok 135 ok 136 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 137 - from xml ok 138 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 139 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 140 ok 141 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 142 - not tempered with written structure ok 143 ok 144 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 145 - from xml ok 146 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 147 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 148 ok 149 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 150 - not tempered with written structure ok 151 ok t/22call.t ........ 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 - writer element complexType writer isa CODE ok 3 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 4 ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 6 ok 7 - writer element simpleType writer isa CODE ok 8 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 9 ok 10 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 11 ok t/30compile.t ..... 1..14 ok 1 ok 2 - read an int ok 3 ok 4 - write an int ok 5 - created XML node ok 6 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Text ok 7 ok 8 - reader element test1 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - reader simpleType test2 ok 12 ok 13 - reader complexType test3 ok 14 ok t/31elem.t ........ 1..65 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok 50 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 51 - from xml ok 52 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 53 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 54 ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 56 - not tempered with written structure ok 57 ok 58 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 59 - from xml ok 60 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 61 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 64 - not tempered with written structure ok 65 ok t/32attr.t ........ 1..95 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 19 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 20 - ER=attribute `a1_b' is required at {http://test-types}test1/@a1_b ok 21 ok 22 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 25 - EW=required value for element `t1_b' missing at {http://test-types}test1 ok 26 ok 27 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 28 - from xml ok 29 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 30 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 31 ok 32 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 33 - not tempered with written structure ok 34 ok 35 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 36 - from xml ok 37 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 38 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 39 ok 40 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 41 - not tempered with written structure ok 42 ok 43 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 44 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 45 - ER=attribute `a2_e' is prohibited at {http://test-types}test2/@a2_e ok 46 ok 47 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 48 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 49 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 50 - EW=attribute `a2_e' is prohibited at {http://test-types}test2/@a2_e ok 51 ok 52 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 53 - from xml ok 54 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 56 ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 58 - not tempered with written structure ok 59 ok 60 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 61 - from xml ok 62 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 64 ok 65 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 66 - not tempered with written structure ok 67 ok 68 - reader element a4 isa CODE ok 69 - from xml ok 70 - writer element a4 isa CODE ok 71 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 72 ok 73 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 74 - not tempered with written structure ok 75 ok 76 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 77 - from xml ok 78 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 79 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 80 ok 81 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 82 - not tempered with written structure ok 83 ok 84 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test5 isa CODE ok 85 - no return for {http://test-types}test5 ok 86 - ER=invalid enumerate `not-two' at {http://test-types}test5\#facet ok 87 ok 88 - reader element a5 isa CODE ok 89 - from xml ok 90 - writer element a5 isa CODE ok 91 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 92 ok 93 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 94 - not tempered with written structure ok 95 ok t/33ref.t ......... 1..25 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element {http://second-ns}test4 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element {http://second-ns}test4 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok t/34abstract.t .... 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 3 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 4 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 5 - EW=attempt to instantiate abstract element `test1' at {http://test-types}test2/test1 ok 6 ok 7 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 8 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 9 - ER=abstract element `test1' used at {http://test-types}test2/test1 ok 10 ok 11 ok t/39ns.t .......... 1..52 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 - ** Testing simple namespace ok 5 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 6 - from xml ok 7 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 8 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 9 ok 10 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 11 - not tempered with written structure ok 12 ok 13 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 14 - from xml ok 15 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 16 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 17 ok 18 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 19 - not tempered with written structure ok 20 ok 21 - reader element {http://test2/ns}test3 isa CODE ok 22 - from xml ok 23 - writer element {http://test2/ns}test3 isa CODE ok 24 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 25 ok 26 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 27 - not tempered with written structure ok 28 ok 29 - reader element {http://test2/ns}test4 isa CODE ok 30 - from xml ok 31 - writer element {http://test2/ns}test4 isa CODE ok 32 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 33 ok 34 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 35 - not tempered with written structure ok 36 ok 37 - reader element {http://test2/ns}test3 isa CODE ok 38 - from xml ok 39 - writer element {http://test2/ns}test3 isa CODE ok 40 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 41 ok 42 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 43 - not tempered with written structure ok 44 ok 45 - reader element {http://test2/ns}test6 isa CODE ok 46 - from xml ok 47 - writer element {http://test2/ns}test6 isa CODE ok 48 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 49 ok 50 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 51 - not tempered with written structure ok 52 ok t/40seq.t ......... 1..230 ok 1 ok 2 - ** Testing sequence with 1 element ok 3 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 4 - from xml ok 5 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 6 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 7 ok 8 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 9 - not tempered with written structure ok 10 ok 11 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 12 - from xml ok 13 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 14 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 15 ok 16 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 17 - not tempered with written structure ok 18 ok 19 - ** Testing sequence with 2 elements ok 20 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 21 - from xml ok 22 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 ok 25 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 26 - not tempered with written structure ok 27 ok 28 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 29 - from xml ok 30 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 32 ok 33 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 34 - not tempered with written structure ok 35 ok 36 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 37 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 ok 38 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t6_a' missing at {http://test-types}test6 ok 39 ok 40 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 41 - from xml ok 42 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 43 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 44 ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 46 - not tempered with written structure ok 47 ok 48 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test7 isa CODE ok 49 - no return for {http://test-types}test7 ok 50 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t7_c' missing at {http://test-types}test7 ok 51 ok 52 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 53 - from xml ok 54 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 56 ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 58 - not tempered with written structure ok 59 ok 60 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 61 - from xml ok 62 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 64 ok 65 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 66 - not tempered with written structure ok 67 ok 68 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 69 - from xml ok 70 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 71 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 72 ok 73 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 74 - not tempered with written structure ok 75 ok 76 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 77 - from xml ok 78 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 79 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 80 ok 81 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 82 - not tempered with written structure ok 83 ok 84 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 85 - from xml ok 86 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 87 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 88 ok 89 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 90 - not tempered with written structure ok 91 ok 92 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 93 - from xml ok 94 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 95 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 96 ok 97 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 98 - not tempered with written structure ok 99 ok 100 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 101 - from xml ok 102 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 103 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 104 ok 105 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 106 - not tempered with written structure ok 107 ok 108 - reader element test11 isa CODE ok 109 - from xml ok 110 - writer element test11 isa CODE ok 111 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 112 ok 113 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 114 - not tempered with written structure ok 115 ok 116 - reader element test11 isa CODE ok 117 - from xml ok 118 - writer element test11 isa CODE ok 119 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 120 ok 121 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 122 - not tempered with written structure ok 123 ok 124 - reader element test11 isa CODE ok 125 - from xml ok 126 - writer element test11 isa CODE ok 127 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 128 ok 129 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 130 - not tempered with written structure ok 131 ok 132 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 133 - from xml ok 134 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 135 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 136 ok 137 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 138 - not tempered with written structure ok 139 ok 140 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 141 - from xml ok 142 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 143 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 144 ok 145 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 146 - not tempered with written structure ok 147 ok 148 - reader element test13 isa CODE ok 149 - from xml ok 150 - writer element test13 isa CODE ok 151 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 152 ok 153 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 154 - not tempered with written structure ok 155 ok 156 ok 157 ok 158 - reader element test16 isa CODE ok 159 - from xml ok 160 - writer element test16 isa CODE ok 161 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 162 ok 163 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 164 - not tempered with written structure ok 165 ok 166 - reader element test17 isa CODE ok 167 - from xml ok 168 - writer element test17 isa CODE ok 169 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 170 ok 171 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 172 - not tempered with written structure ok 173 ok 174 - reader element test17 isa CODE ok 175 - from xml ok 176 - writer element test17 isa CODE ok 177 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 178 ok 179 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 180 - not tempered with written structure ok 181 ok 182 - reader element test18 isa CODE ok 183 - from xml ok 184 - writer element test18 isa CODE ok 185 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 186 ok 187 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 188 - not tempered with written structure ok 189 ok 190 - reader element test19 isa CODE ok 191 - from xml ok 192 - writer element test19 isa CODE ok 193 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 194 ok 195 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 196 - not tempered with written structure ok 197 ok 198 - reader element test19 isa CODE ok 199 - from xml ok 200 - writer element test19 isa CODE ok 201 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 202 ok 203 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 204 - not tempered with written structure ok 205 ok 206 - reader element test20 isa CODE ok 207 - from xml ok 208 - writer element test20 isa CODE ok 209 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 210 ok 211 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 212 - not tempered with written structure ok 213 ok 214 - reader element test20 isa CODE ok 215 - from xml ok 216 - writer element test20 isa CODE ok 217 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 218 ok 219 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 220 - not tempered with written structure ok 221 ok 222 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test20 isa CODE ok 223 - no return for {http://test-types}test20 ok 224 - ER=data for element or block starting with `c' missing at {http://test-types}test20 ok 225 ok 226 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test20 isa CODE ok 227 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 228 - no return for {http://test-types}test20 expected ok 229 - EW=required value for element `c' missing at {http://test-types}test20 ok 230 ok t/41choice.t ...... 1..219 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 11 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 12 - ER=element `extra' not processed at {http://test-types}test1 ok 13 ok 14 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 15 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 16 - ER=element `t1_a' expected for choice at {http://test-types}test1 ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok 50 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 51 - from xml ok 52 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 53 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 54 ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 56 - not tempered with written structure ok 57 ok 58 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 59 - from xml ok 60 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 61 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 64 - not tempered with written structure ok 65 ok 66 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 67 - from xml ok 68 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 69 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 70 ok 71 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 72 - not tempered with written structure ok 73 ok 74 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 75 - from xml ok 76 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 77 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 78 ok 79 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 80 - not tempered with written structure ok 81 ok 82 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 83 - from xml ok 84 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 85 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 86 ok 87 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 88 - not tempered with written structure ok 89 ok 90 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 91 - from xml ok 92 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 93 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 94 ok 95 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 96 - not tempered with written structure ok 97 ok 98 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 99 - from xml ok 100 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 101 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 102 ok 103 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 104 - not tempered with written structure ok 105 ok 106 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 107 - from xml ok 108 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 109 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 110 ok 111 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 112 - not tempered with written structure ok 113 ok 114 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 115 - from xml ok 116 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 117 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 118 ok 119 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 120 - not tempered with written structure ok 121 ok 122 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 123 - from xml ok 124 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 125 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 126 ok 127 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 128 - not tempered with written structure ok 129 ok 130 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 131 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 ok 132 - ER=no element left to pick choice at {http://test-types}test6 ok 133 ok 134 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 135 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 136 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 expected ok 137 - EW=found 0 blocks for `cho_t6_a', must be between 1 and 3 inclusive at {http://test-types}test6 ok 138 ok 139 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 140 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 ok 141 - ER=element `t6_a' not processed at {http://test-types}test6 ok 142 ok 143 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 144 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 145 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 expected ok 146 - EW=found 4 blocks for `cho_t6_a', must be between 1 and 3 inclusive at {http://test-types}test6 ok 147 ok 148 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 149 - from xml ok 150 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 151 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 152 ok 153 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 154 - not tempered with written structure ok 155 ok 156 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 157 - from xml ok 158 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 159 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 160 ok 161 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 162 - not tempered with written structure ok 163 ok 164 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 165 - from xml ok 166 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 167 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 168 ok 169 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 170 - not tempered with written structure ok 171 ok 172 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 173 - from xml ok 174 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 175 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 176 ok 177 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 178 - not tempered with written structure ok 179 ok 180 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 181 - from xml ok 182 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 183 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 184 ok 185 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 186 - not tempered with written structure ok 187 ok 188 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 189 - from xml ok 190 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 191 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 192 ok 193 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 194 - not tempered with written structure ok 195 ok 196 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 197 - from xml ok 198 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 199 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 200 ok 201 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 202 - not tempered with written structure ok 203 ok 204 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 205 - from xml ok 206 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 207 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 208 ok 209 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 210 - not tempered with written structure ok 211 ok 212 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 213 - from xml ok 214 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 215 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 216 ok 217 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 218 - not tempered with written structure ok 219 ok t/42all.t ......... 1..182 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 11 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 12 - ER=element `extra' not processed at {http://test-types}test1 ok 13 ok 14 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 15 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 16 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t1_a' missing at {http://test-types}test1 ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 19 - empty result ok 20 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - from xml ok 22 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 ok 25 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 26 - not tempered with written structure ok 27 ok 28 - try t3_a, t3_b, t3_c ok 29 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 30 - from xml ok 31 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 32 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 33 ok 34 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 35 - not tempered with written structure ok 36 ok 37 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 38 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 39 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_c' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 40 ok 41 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 42 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 43 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_c' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 44 ok 45 - try t3_a, t3_c, t3_b ok 46 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 47 - from xml ok 48 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 49 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 50 ok 51 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 52 - not tempered with written structure ok 53 ok 54 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 55 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 56 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_b' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 57 ok 58 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 59 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 60 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_c' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 61 ok 62 - try t3_b, t3_a, t3_c ok 63 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 64 - from xml ok 65 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 66 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 67 ok 68 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 69 - not tempered with written structure ok 70 ok 71 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 72 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 73 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_c' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 74 ok 75 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 76 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 77 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_a' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 78 ok 79 - try t3_b, t3_c, t3_a ok 80 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 81 - from xml ok 82 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 83 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 84 ok 85 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 86 - not tempered with written structure ok 87 ok 88 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 89 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 90 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_a' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 91 ok 92 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 93 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 94 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_a' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 95 ok 96 - try t3_c, t3_a, t3_b ok 97 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 98 - from xml ok 99 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 100 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 101 ok 102 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 103 - not tempered with written structure ok 104 ok 105 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 106 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 107 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_b' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 108 ok 109 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 110 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 111 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_a' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 112 ok 113 - try t3_c, t3_b, t3_a ok 114 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 115 - from xml ok 116 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 117 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 118 ok 119 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 120 - not tempered with written structure ok 121 ok 122 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 123 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 124 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_a' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 125 ok 126 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 127 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 128 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t3_a' missing at {http://test-types}test3 ok 129 ok 130 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 131 - from xml ok 132 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 133 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 134 ok 135 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 136 - not tempered with written structure ok 137 ok 138 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 139 - from xml ok 140 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 141 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 142 ok 143 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 144 - not tempered with written structure ok 145 ok 146 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test4 isa CODE ok 147 - no return for {http://test-types}test4 ok 148 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t4_b' missing at {http://test-types}test4 ok 149 ok 150 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 151 - from xml ok 152 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 153 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 154 ok 155 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 156 - not tempered with written structure ok 157 ok 158 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 159 - from xml ok 160 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 161 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 162 ok 163 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 164 - not tempered with written structure ok 165 ok 166 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 167 - from xml ok 168 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 169 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 170 ok 171 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 172 - not tempered with written structure ok 173 ok 174 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 175 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 ok 176 - ER=data for element or block starting with `t6_b' missing at {http://test-types}test6 ok 177 ok 178 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 179 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 180 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 expected ok 181 - EW=found 0 blocks for `all_t6_a', must be between 1 and 3 inclusive at {http://test-types}test6 ok 182 ok t/43group.t ....... 1..17 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok t/44stres.t ....... 1..76 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 35 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 36 - ER=too small inclusive 6, min 10 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 37 ok 38 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 40 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 41 - EW=too small inclusive 6, min 10 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 42 ok 43 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 44 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 45 - ER=too small inclusive 6, min 10 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 46 ok 47 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 48 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 49 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 50 - EW=too small inclusive 6, min 10 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 51 ok 52 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 53 - from xml ok 54 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 56 ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 58 - not tempered with written structure ok 59 ok 60 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 61 - from xml ok 62 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 64 ok 65 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 66 - not tempered with written structure ok 67 ok 68 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 69 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 70 - ER=too large inclusive 57, max 20 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 71 ok 72 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 73 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 74 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 75 - EW=too large inclusive 57, max 20 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 76 ok t/45ctcext.t ...... 1..49 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok t/45ctcres.t ...... 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok t/46ctsext.t ...... 1..33 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok t/47ctsres.t ...... 1..33 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok t/48subst.t ....... 1..57 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - compile-time error ok 4 ok 5 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 6 - from xml ok 7 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 8 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 9 ok 10 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 11 - not tempered with written structure ok 12 ok 13 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 14 - from xml ok 15 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 16 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 17 ok 18 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 19 - not tempered with written structure ok 20 ok 21 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 22 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 23 - ER=abstract element `head' used at {http://test-types}test1/head ok 24 ok 25 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 26 - from xml ok 27 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 28 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 29 ok 30 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 31 - not tempered with written structure ok 32 ok 33 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 34 - from xml ok 35 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 36 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 37 ok 38 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 39 - not tempered with written structure ok 40 ok 41 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 42 - from xml ok 43 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 44 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 45 ok 46 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 47 - not tempered with written structure ok 48 ok 49 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 50 - from xml ok 51 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 52 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 53 ok 54 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 55 - not tempered with written structure ok 56 ok 57 ok t/49list.t ........ 1..92 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok 50 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 51 - from xml ok 52 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 53 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 54 ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 56 - not tempered with written structure ok 57 ok 58 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 59 - from xml ok 60 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 61 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 64 - not tempered with written structure ok 65 ok 66 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 67 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 68 - ER=invalid enumerate `2 2' at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 69 ok 70 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 71 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 72 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 73 - EW=invalid enumerate `3 3' at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 74 ok 75 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 76 - from xml ok 77 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 78 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 79 ok 80 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 81 - not tempered with written structure ok 82 ok 83 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test4 isa CODE ok 84 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 85 - no return for {http://test-types}test4 expected ok 86 - EW=invalid enumerate `3 3' at {http://test-types}test4\#facet ok 87 ok 88 - writer element HASH param isa CODE ok 89 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 90 ok 91 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 92 ok t/50union.t ....... 1..91 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 19 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 20 - ER=no match for `other' in union at {http://test-types}test1\#union ok 21 ok 22 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 25 - EW=no match for `other' in union at {http://test-types}test1\#union ok 26 ok 27 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 28 - from xml ok 29 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 30 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 31 ok 32 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 33 - not tempered with written structure ok 34 ok 35 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 36 - from xml ok 37 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 38 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 39 ok 40 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 41 - not tempered with written structure ok 42 ok 43 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 44 - from xml ok 45 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 46 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 47 ok 48 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 49 - not tempered with written structure ok 50 ok 51 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 52 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 53 - ER=no match for `other' in union at {http://test-types}test3\#union ok 54 ok 55 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 56 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 57 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 58 - EW=no match for `other' in union at {http://test-types}test3\#union ok 59 ok 60 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 61 - from xml ok 62 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 64 ok 65 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 66 - not tempered with written structure ok 67 ok 68 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 69 - from xml ok 70 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 71 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 72 ok 73 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 74 - not tempered with written structure ok 75 ok 76 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 77 - from xml ok 78 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 79 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 80 ok 81 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 82 - not tempered with written structure ok 83 ok 84 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 85 - from xml ok 86 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 87 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 88 ok 89 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 90 - not tempered with written structure ok 91 ok t/51any.t ......... 1..77 ok 1 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 2 ok 3 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 4 - from xml ok 5 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 6 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 7 ok 8 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 9 - not tempered with written structure ok 10 ok 11 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 18 - The reference isa ARRAY ok 19 ok 20 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 - create native attribute nat_at ok 24 - create foreign attribute for_at ok 25 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 26 - create native element nat_el ok 27 ok 28 - create foreign element for_el ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 30 ok 31 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 32 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 33 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 34 - EW=unused tags {http://x}for_at {http://x}for_el at {http://test-types}test2 ok 35 ok 36 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 - The reference isa ARRAY ok 44 ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 49 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 50 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 51 - EW=unused tags {http://test-types}nat_at {http://test-types}nat_el at {http://test-types}test3 ok 52 ok 53 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 58 ok 59 ok 60 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 64 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 65 ok 66 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 67 ok 68 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 69 - filter {http://test-types}any_a ok 70 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 71 - filter {http://x}any_b ok 72 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Attr ok 73 ok 74 ok 75 ok 76 ok 77 ok t/52anytype.t ..... 1..15 ok 1 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 2 ok 3 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 4 - from xml ok 5 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 6 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 7 ok 8 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 9 - not tempered with written structure ok 10 ok 11 - reader element struct isa CODE ok 12 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 13 ok 14 - reader element struct isa CODE ok 15 ok t/54nil.t ......... 1..142 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 27 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 28 - ER=illegal value `' for type {}int ok 29 ok 30 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 32 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 33 - EW=required value for element `e1' missing at {http://test-types}test1 ok 34 ok 35 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 36 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 37 - ER=data for element or block starting with `e2' missing at {http://test-types}test1 ok 38 ok 39 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 40 - from xml ok 41 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 42 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 43 ok 44 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 45 - not tempered with written structure ok 46 ok 47 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 48 - from xml ok 49 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 50 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 51 ok 52 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 53 - not tempered with written structure ok 54 ok 55 - reader element roleId isa CODE ok 56 - from xml ok 57 - writer element roleId isa CODE ok 58 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 59 ok 60 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 61 - not tempered with written structure ok 62 ok 63 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 64 - from xml ok 65 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 66 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 67 ok 68 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 69 - not tempered with written structure ok 70 ok 71 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 72 - from xml ok 73 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 74 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 75 ok 76 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 77 - not tempered with written structure ok 78 ok 79 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 80 - from xml ok 81 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 82 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 83 ok 84 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 85 - not tempered with written structure ok 86 ok 87 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 88 - from xml ok 89 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 90 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 91 ok 92 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 93 - not tempered with written structure ok 94 ok 95 - reader element outer isa CODE ok 96 - from xml ok 97 - writer element outer isa CODE ok 98 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 99 ok 100 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 101 - not tempered with written structure ok 102 ok 103 - reader element outer isa CODE ok 104 - from xml ok 105 - writer element outer isa CODE ok 106 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 107 ok 108 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 109 - not tempered with written structure ok 110 ok 111 - reader element outer isa CODE ok 112 - from xml ok 113 - writer element outer isa CODE ok 114 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 115 ok 116 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 117 - not tempered with written structure ok 118 ok 119 - reader element updateAddress isa CODE ok 120 - from xml ok 121 - writer element updateAddress isa CODE ok 122 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 123 ok 124 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 125 - not tempered with written structure ok 126 ok 127 - reader element updateAddress isa CODE ok 128 - from xml ok 129 - writer element updateAddress isa CODE ok 130 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 131 ok 132 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 133 - not tempered with written structure ok 134 ok 135 - reader element updateAddress isa CODE ok 136 - from xml ok 137 - writer element updateAddress isa CODE ok 138 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 139 ok 140 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 141 - not tempered with written structure ok 142 ok t/55facet.t ....... 1..366 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 27 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 28 - ER=too large inclusive 43, max 42 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 29 ok 30 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 32 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 33 - EW=too large inclusive 43, max 42 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 34 ok 35 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 36 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 37 - ER=too small inclusive 11, min 12 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 38 ok 39 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 40 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 41 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 42 - EW=too small inclusive 11, min 12 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 43 ok 44 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 45 - from xml ok 46 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 48 ok 49 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 50 - not tempered with written structure ok 51 ok 52 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 53 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 54 - ER=too large exclusive 45, smaller 45 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 55 ok 56 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 58 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 59 - EW=too large exclusive 45, smaller 45 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 60 ok 61 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 62 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 63 - ER=too small exclusive 13, larger 13 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 64 ok 65 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 66 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 67 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 68 - EW=too small exclusive 13, larger 13 at {http://test-types}test3\#facet ok 69 ok 70 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 71 - from xml ok 72 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 73 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 74 ok 75 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 76 - not tempered with written structure ok 77 ok 78 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test4 isa CODE ok 79 - no return for {http://test-types}test4 ok 80 - ER=string `noot' does not have required length 3 but 4 at {http://test-types}test4\#facet ok 81 ok 82 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test4 isa CODE ok 83 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 84 - no return for {http://test-types}test4 expected ok 85 - EW=string `noot' does not have required length 3 but 4 at {http://test-types}test4\#facet ok 86 ok 87 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test4 isa CODE ok 88 - no return for {http://test-types}test4 ok 89 - ER=string `ik' does not have required length 3 but 2 at {http://test-types}test4\#facet ok 90 ok 91 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test4 isa CODE ok 92 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 93 - no return for {http://test-types}test4 expected ok 94 - EW=string `ik' does not have required length 3 but 2 at {http://test-types}test4\#facet ok 95 ok 96 - reader element test5 isa CODE ok 97 - from xml ok 98 - writer element test5 isa CODE ok 99 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 100 ok 101 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 102 - not tempered with written structure ok 103 ok 104 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 105 - from xml ok 106 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 107 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 108 ok 109 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 110 - not tempered with written structure ok 111 ok 112 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 113 - from xml ok 114 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 115 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 116 ok 117 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 118 - not tempered with written structure ok 119 ok 120 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 121 - from xml ok 122 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 123 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 124 ok 125 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 126 - not tempered with written structure ok 127 ok 128 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 129 - from xml ok 130 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 131 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 132 ok 133 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 134 - not tempered with written structure ok 135 ok 136 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test8 isa CODE ok 137 - no return for {http://test-types}test8 ok 138 - ER=invalid enumerate `three' at {http://test-types}test8\#facet ok 139 ok 140 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test8 isa CODE ok 141 - no return for {http://test-types}test8 ok 142 - ER=invalid enumerate `' at {http://test-types}test8\#facet ok 143 ok 144 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 145 - from xml ok 146 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 147 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 148 ok 149 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 150 - not tempered with written structure ok 151 ok 152 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 153 - from xml ok 154 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 155 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 156 ok 157 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 158 - not tempered with written structure ok 159 ok 160 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 161 - from xml ok 162 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 163 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 164 ok 165 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 166 - not tempered with written structure ok 167 ok 168 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 169 - from xml ok 170 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 171 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 172 ok 173 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 174 - not tempered with written structure ok 175 ok 176 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test9 isa CODE ok 177 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 178 - no return for {http://test-types}test9 expected ok 179 - EW=decimal too long, got 5 digits max 4 at {http://test-types}test9\#facet ok 180 ok 181 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test9 isa CODE ok 182 - no return for {http://test-types}test9 ok 183 - ER=decimal too long, got 5 digits max 4 at {http://test-types}test9\#facet ok 184 ok 185 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 186 - from xml ok 187 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 188 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 189 ok 190 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 191 - not tempered with written structure ok 192 ok 193 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 194 - from xml ok 195 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 196 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 197 ok 198 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 199 - not tempered with written structure ok 200 ok 201 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 202 - from xml ok 203 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 204 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 205 ok 206 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 207 - not tempered with written structure ok 208 ok 209 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 210 - from xml ok 211 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 212 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 213 ok 214 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 215 - not tempered with written structure ok 216 ok 217 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 218 - from xml ok 219 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 220 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 221 ok 222 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 223 - not tempered with written structure ok 224 ok 225 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 226 - from xml ok 227 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 228 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 229 ok 230 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 231 - not tempered with written structure ok 232 ok 233 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 234 - from xml ok 235 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 236 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 237 ok 238 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 239 - not tempered with written structure ok 240 ok 241 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 242 - from xml ok 243 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 244 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 245 ok 246 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 247 - not tempered with written structure ok 248 ok 249 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test11 isa CODE ok 250 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 251 - no return for {http://test-types}test11 expected ok 252 - EW=too small inclusive 3, min 12 at {http://test-types}test11/t11\#facet ok 253 ok 254 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 255 - from xml ok 256 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 257 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 258 ok 259 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 260 - not tempered with written structure ok 261 ok 262 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 263 - from xml ok 264 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 265 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 266 ok 267 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 268 - not tempered with written structure ok 269 ok 270 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 271 - from xml ok 272 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 273 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 274 ok 275 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 276 - not tempered with written structure ok 277 ok 278 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 279 - from xml ok 280 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 281 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 282 ok 283 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 284 - not tempered with written structure ok 285 ok 286 - reader element test12 isa CODE ok 287 - from xml ok 288 - writer element test12 isa CODE ok 289 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 290 ok 291 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 292 - not tempered with written structure ok 293 ok 294 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test12 isa CODE ok 295 - no return for {http://test-types}test12 ok 296 - ER=string `1' does not match pattern `[0-9]{1,13}\.[0-9]{0,2}' at {http://test-types}test12\#facet ok 297 ok 298 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test12 isa CODE ok 299 - no return for {http://test-types}test12 ok 300 - ER=string `42' does not match pattern `[0-9]{1,13}\.[0-9]{0,2}' at {http://test-types}test12\#facet ok 301 ok 302 - reader element test13 isa CODE ok 303 - from xml ok 304 - writer element test13 isa CODE ok 305 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 306 ok 307 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 308 - not tempered with written structure ok 309 ok 310 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test13 isa CODE ok 311 - no return for {http://test-types}test13 ok 312 - ER=string `abcabcde' does not have required length 5 but 8 at {http://test-types}test13\#facet ok 313 ok 314 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test13 isa CODE ok 315 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 316 - no return for {http://test-types}test13 expected ok 317 - EW=base64 data does not have required length 5, but 6 at {http://test-types}test13\#facet ok 318 ok 319 - reader element test15 isa CODE ok 320 - from xml ok 321 - writer element test15 isa CODE ok 322 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 323 ok 324 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 325 - not tempered with written structure ok 326 ok 327 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test15 isa CODE ok 328 - no return for {http://test-types}test15 ok 329 - ER=string `4Vx' does not have required length 4 but 3 at {http://test-types}test15\#facet ok 330 ok 331 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test15 isa CODE ok 332 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 333 - no return for {http://test-types}test15 expected ok 334 - EW=hex data does not have required length 4, but 3 at {http://test-types}test15\#facet ok 335 ok 336 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test15 isa CODE ok 337 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 338 - no return for {http://test-types}test15 expected ok 339 - EW=hex data does not have required length 4, but 8 at {http://test-types}test15\#facet ok 340 ok 341 - reader element test14 isa CODE ok 342 - from xml ok 343 - writer element test14 isa CODE ok 344 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 345 ok 346 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 347 - not tempered with written structure ok 348 ok 349 - reader element frac 2r isa CODE ok 350 ok 351 ok 352 ok 353 - writer element frac 2w isa CODE ok 354 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 355 ok 356 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 357 ok 358 - reader element total 5, frac 2r isa CODE ok 359 ok 360 ok 361 ok 362 - writer element total 5, frac 2w isa CODE ok 363 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 364 ok 365 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 366 ok t/55facet_list.t .. 1..60 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 3 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 4 - ER=list `9 10 11' does not have required length 2 at {http://test-types}test1\#facet ok 5 ok 6 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 7 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 8 - ER=list `12' does not have required length 2 at {http://test-types}test1\#facet ok 9 ok 10 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 11 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 12 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 13 - EW=list `13' does not have required length 2 at {http://test-types}test1\#facet ok 14 ok 15 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 16 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 17 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 18 - EW=list `14 15 16' does not have required length 2 at {http://test-types}test1\#facet ok 19 ok 20 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 21 - from xml ok 22 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 ok 25 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 26 - not tempered with written structure ok 27 ok 28 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 29 - from xml ok 30 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 32 ok 33 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 34 - not tempered with written structure ok 35 ok 36 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 37 - from xml ok 38 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 40 ok 41 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 42 - not tempered with written structure ok 43 ok 44 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 45 - from xml ok 46 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 48 ok 49 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 50 - not tempered with written structure ok 51 ok 52 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 53 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 54 - ER=string `999' does not match pattern `123\s+(\d+\s)*456' at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 55 ok 56 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 58 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 59 - EW=string `111 999' does not match pattern `123\s+(\d+\s)*456' at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 60 ok t/56pats.t ........ 1..18 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 11 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 12 - ER=string `abbc' does not match pattern `a.c' at {http://test-types}test1\#facet ok 13 ok 14 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 16 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 17 - EW=string `abbc' does not match pattern `a.c' at {http://test-types}test1\#facet ok 18 ok t/57fixed.t ....... 1..48 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element missing fixed reader isa CODE ok 11 - The reference isa CODE ok 12 ok 13 - writer element missing fixed writer isa CODE ok 14 - The reference isa CODE ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 16 ok 17 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 18 ok 19 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 20 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 21 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 22 - EW=element `t1a' has value fixed to `not-changeable', got `wrong' at {http://test-types}test1/t1a ok 23 ok 24 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 25 - from xml ok 26 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 27 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 28 ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 30 - not tempered with written structure ok 31 ok 32 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 33 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 34 - ER=value of attribute `t2b' is fixed to `13', not `12' at {http://test-types}test2/@t2b ok 35 ok 36 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 39 - EW=value of attribute `t2b' is fixed to `13', not `12' at {http://test-types}test2/@t2b ok 40 ok 41 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 42 - from xml ok 43 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 44 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 45 ok 46 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 47 - not tempered with written structure ok 48 ok t/58default.t ..... 1..89 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok 50 - reader element reader extend isa CODE ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 - writer element writer extend isa CODE ok 54 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 55 ok 56 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 57 ok 58 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 59 - from xml ok 60 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 61 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 64 - not tempered with written structure ok 65 ok 66 - reader element reader ignore isa CODE ok 67 ok 68 ok 69 - writer element writer ignore isa CODE ok 70 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 71 ok 72 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 73 ok 74 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 75 - from xml ok 76 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 77 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 78 ok 79 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 80 - not tempered with written structure ok 81 ok 82 - reader element reader minimal isa CODE ok 83 ok 84 ok 85 - writer element writer minimal isa CODE ok 86 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 87 ok 88 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 89 ok t/59big.t ......... 1..66 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 35 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 ok 36 - ER=too large inclusive 243587092790745290879, max 12432156239876121237 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 37 ok 38 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test2 isa CODE ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 40 - no return for {http://test-types}test2 expected ok 41 - EW=too large inclusive 243587092790745290879, max 12432156239876121237 at {http://test-types}test2\#facet ok 42 ok 43 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 44 - from xml ok 45 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 46 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 47 ok 48 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 49 - not tempered with written structure ok 50 ok 51 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 52 - from xml ok 53 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 54 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 55 ok 56 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 57 - not tempered with written structure ok 58 ok 59 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 60 - from xml ok 61 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 62 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 63 ok 64 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 65 - not tempered with written structure ok 66 ok t/60hooks_r.t ..... 1..45 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element combined hook isa CODE ok 11 - returned hash ok 12 - The reference isa HASH ok 13 - 3 objects logged before ok 14 - 3 objects logged after ok 15 - reader element after PATH and NODE isa CODE ok 16 - multiple after predefined ok 17 - PRINT_PATH ok 18 - simpleType expanded ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 23 ok 24 - reader element replace SKIP isa CODE ok 25 - test skip ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 - reader element read ORDER isa CODE ok 31 - node order ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 - no elements ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 - reader element element order isa CODE ok 39 - node order ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 - no attributes ok t/61hooks_w.t ..... 1..31 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - writer element combined test isa CODE ok 11 ok 12 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 13 ok 14 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 15 ok 16 - 3 objects logged before ok 17 - 3 objects logged after ok 18 ok 19 - writer element multiple after isa CODE ok 20 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 21 ok 22 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 23 - multiple after predefined ok 24 - PRINT_PATH ok 25 ok 26 - writer element test SKIP isa CODE ok 27 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 28 ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 30 - test skip ok 31 ok t/62recurse.t ..... 1..65 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok 34 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 35 - from xml ok 36 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 37 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 38 ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 40 - not tempered with written structure ok 41 ok 42 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 43 - from xml ok 44 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 45 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 46 ok 47 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 48 - not tempered with written structure ok 49 ok 50 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 51 - from xml ok 52 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 53 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 54 ok 55 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 56 - not tempered with written structure ok 57 ok 58 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 59 - from xml ok 60 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 61 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 64 - not tempered with written structure ok 65 ok t/63mixed.t ....... 1..39 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element nameless with attrs isa CODE ok 3 - got result isa HASH ok 4 - check attribute ok 5 - has node ok 6 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 7 ok 8 - writer element nameless with attrs isa CODE ok 9 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 10 ok 11 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 12 ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 - reader element attributes isa CODE ok 19 - got result isa HASH ok 20 - check attribute ok 21 - has node ok 22 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 23 ok 24 - reader element code reference isa CODE ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 28 - reader element xml-node isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 30 - reader element textual isa CODE ok 31 - got result isa HASH ok 32 - check attribute ok 33 - has text ok 34 ok 35 - reader element structural isa CODE ok 36 ok 37 - reader element xml-string isa CODE ok 38 - returned is string ok 39 ok t/70templ.t ....... 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok t/72typemap.t ..... 1..65 ok 1 - created document ok 2 - reader element after hook isa CODE ok 3 - after read isa CODE ok 4 - reader works ok 5 - hook called with 3 params ok 6 - got node isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 7 - parsed data ok 8 - writer element after hook isa CODE ok 9 - after read isa CODE ok 10 - writer works isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 11 - hook called with 4 params ok 12 - document ok 13 - generated node isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 14 - type ok 15 - data ok 16 - reader element typemap code isa CODE ok 17 - typemap reader from code ok 18 - reader with CODE ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 - The reference isa HASH ok 23 ok 24 - reader element typemap class isa CODE ok 25 - typemap reader from class ok 26 - fromXML called ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 - The reference isa HASH ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 - reader element typemap object isa CODE ok 33 - typemap reader from object ok 34 - fromXML called ok 35 - The object isa My::Class ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 - writer element toXML CODE isa CODE ok 39 - typemap writer from code ok 40 - writer with CODE ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 - writer element toXML Class isa CODE ok 48 - typemap writer from class ok 49 - toXML called ok 50 ok 51 - The object isa My::Class ok 52 ok 53 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 - writer element toXML object isa CODE ok 57 - typemap writer from object ok 58 - toXML called ok 59 - The object isa My::Class ok 60 - The object isa My::Class ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 64 ok 65 ok t/73rewrite.t ..... 1..44 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element changed prefix isa CODE ok 27 ok 28 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 29 - from xml ok 30 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 32 ok 33 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 34 - not tempered with written structure ok 35 ok 36 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 37 - from xml ok 38 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 39 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 40 ok 41 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 42 - not tempered with written structure ok 43 ok 44 ok t/74qname.t ....... 1..33 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 11 - from xml ok 12 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 14 ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - not tempered with written structure ok 17 ok 18 - reader element test3 isa CODE ok 19 - from xml ok 20 - writer element test3 isa CODE ok 21 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 22 ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 24 - not tempered with written structure ok 25 ok 26 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 27 - from xml ok 28 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 29 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 30 ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 32 - not tempered with written structure ok 33 ok t/75type.t ........ 1..18 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element f_test isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element f_test isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - reader element f_test isa CODE ok 12 - from xml ok 13 - writer element f_test isa CODE ok 14 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 15 ok 16 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 17 - not tempered with written structure ok 18 ok t/76blocked.t ..... 1..129 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 3 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 ok 4 - ER=use of `{http://test2/ns}t1' blocked at {http://test-types}test1 ok 5 ok 6 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test1 isa CODE ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 8 - no return for {http://test-types}test1 expected ok 9 - EW=use of `{http://test2/ns}t1' blocked at {http://test-types}test1 ok 10 ok 11 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 12 - from xml ok 13 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 14 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 15 ok 16 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 17 - not tempered with written structure ok 18 ok 19 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 20 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 ok 21 - ER=use of simpleType `{http://test2/ns}t3' blocked at {http://test-types}test3/@test3 ok 22 ok 23 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test3 isa CODE ok 24 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 25 - no return for {http://test-types}test3 expected ok 26 - EW=use of simpleType `{http://test2/ns}t3' blocked at {http://test-types}test3/@test3 ok 27 ok 28 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 29 - from xml ok 30 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 31 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 32 ok 33 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 34 - not tempered with written structure ok 35 ok 36 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test5 isa CODE ok 37 - no return for {http://test-types}test5 ok 38 - ER=use of simpleType `{http://test2/ns}t5' blocked at {http://test-types}test5\#sres ok 39 ok 40 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test5 isa CODE ok 41 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 42 - no return for {http://test-types}test5 expected ok 43 - EW=use of simpleType `{http://test2/ns}t5' blocked at {http://test-types}test5\#sres ok 44 ok 45 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 46 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 ok 47 - ER=use of `{http://test2/ns}t6' blocked at {http://test-types}test6/a ok 48 ok 49 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test6 isa CODE ok 50 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 51 - no return for {http://test-types}test6 expected ok 52 - EW=use of `{http://test2/ns}t6' blocked at {http://test-types}test6/a ok 53 ok 54 - reader element test6 isa CODE ok 55 - from xml ok 56 - writer element test6 isa CODE ok 57 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 58 ok 59 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 60 - not tempered with written structure ok 61 ok 62 - reader element test7 isa CODE ok 63 - from xml ok 64 - writer element test7 isa CODE ok 65 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 66 ok 67 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 68 - not tempered with written structure ok 69 ok 70 - reader element test8 isa CODE ok 71 - from xml ok 72 - writer element test8 isa CODE ok 73 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 74 ok 75 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 76 - not tempered with written structure ok 77 ok 78 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test9 isa CODE ok 79 - no return for {http://test-types}test9 ok 80 - ER=no applicable choice for `t9' at {http://test-types}test9 ok 81 ok 82 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test9 isa CODE ok 83 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 84 - no return for {http://test-types}test9 expected ok 85 - EW=no match for required block `cho_test1' at {http://test-types}test9 ok 86 ok 87 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test9 isa CODE ok 88 - no return for {http://test-types}test9 ok 89 - ER=use of `{http://test2/ns}t1' blocked at {http://test-types}test9/test1 ok 90 ok 91 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test9 isa CODE ok 92 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 93 - no return for {http://test-types}test9 expected ok 94 - EW=use of `{http://test2/ns}t1' blocked at {http://test-types}test9/test1 ok 95 ok 96 - reader element test9 isa CODE ok 97 - from xml ok 98 - writer element test9 isa CODE ok 99 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 100 ok 101 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 102 - not tempered with written structure ok 103 ok 104 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test10 isa CODE ok 105 - no return for {http://test-types}test10 ok 106 - ER=element `t10' not processed at {http://test-types}test10 ok 107 ok 108 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test10 isa CODE ok 109 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 110 - no return for {http://test-types}test10 expected ok 111 - EW=tag `t10' not used at {http://test-types}test10 ok 112 ok 113 - reader element check read error {http://test-types}test10 isa CODE ok 114 - no return for {http://test-types}test10 ok 115 - ER=use of `{http://test2/ns}t1' blocked at {http://test-types}test10/test1 ok 116 ok 117 - writer element writer for {http://test-types}test10 isa CODE ok 118 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 119 - no return for {http://test-types}test10 expected ok 120 - EW=use of `{http://test2/ns}t1' blocked at {http://test-types}test10/test1 ok 121 ok 122 - reader element test10 isa CODE ok 123 - from xml ok 124 - writer element test10 isa CODE ok 125 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 126 ok 127 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 128 - not tempered with written structure ok 129 ok t/81-2000.t ....... 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 3 - from xml ok 4 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 - not tempered with written structure ok 9 ok t/90nons.t ........ 1..27 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 - reader element {}test1 isa CODE ok 5 - from xml ok 6 - writer element {}test1 isa CODE ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 8 ok 9 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 10 - not tempered with written structure ok 11 ok 12 - reader element {}test2 isa CODE ok 13 - from xml ok 14 - writer element {}test2 isa CODE ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 16 ok 17 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 18 - not tempered with written structure ok 19 ok 20 - reader element {}test4 isa CODE ok 21 - from xml ok 22 - writer element {}test4 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 ok 25 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 26 - not tempered with written structure ok 27 ok t/91noqual.t ...... 1..27 ok 1 - compiled schema ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 - reader element test1 isa CODE ok 5 - from xml ok 6 - writer element test1 isa CODE ok 7 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 8 ok 9 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 10 - not tempered with written structure ok 11 ok 12 - reader element test2 isa CODE ok 13 - from xml ok 14 - writer element test2 isa CODE ok 15 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 16 ok 17 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 18 - not tempered with written structure ok 19 ok 20 - reader element test4 isa CODE ok 21 - from xml ok 22 - writer element test4 isa CODE ok 23 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Document ok 24 ok 25 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 26 - not tempered with written structure ok 27 ok All tests successful. Files=45, Tests=2986, 15 wallclock secs ( 0.51 usr 0.17 sys + 13.30 cusr 1.40 csys = 15.38 CPU) Result: PASS MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Mark Overmeer <> Compilation based XML processing >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY && tar cvf - XML-Compile-1.25.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz XML-Compile-1.25.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/FAQ.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Iterator.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInFacets.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInTypes.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Instance.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/NameSpaces.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Specs.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Schema.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Template.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Writer.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Translate.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Util.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1998-namespace.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema-part2.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2000-XMLSchema.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-datatypes.dtd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema-instance.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.dtd blib/lib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.xsd blib/lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/Compile.pod blib/man1/ blib/man1/schema2example.1 blib/man1/xml2yaml.1 blib/man3/ blib/man3/XML::Compile.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::FAQ.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Iterator.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInFacets.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::BuiltInTypes.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::Instance.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::NameSpaces.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Schema::Specs.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate::Reader.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate::Template.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Translate::Writer.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Util.3 blib/script/ blib/script/schema2example blib/script/xml2yaml >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/XML-Compile-1.25.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing XML-Compile with id 660 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-8EK3Sm/XML-Compile-1.25/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/bin/schema2example.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/bin/xml2yaml.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/FAQ.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Iterator.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInFacets.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInTypes.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Instance.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/NameSpaces.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Schema/Specs.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Schema.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Template.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Translate/Writer.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Translate.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Util.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-8EK3Sm/XML-Compile-1.25/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/FAQ.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Iterator.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInFacets.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/BuiltInTypes.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/Instance.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/NameSpaces.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema/Specs.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Schema.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate/Reader.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate/Template.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate/Writer.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Translate.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Util.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/1998-namespace.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema-part2.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/1999-XMLSchema.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/2000-XMLSchema.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema-instance.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.dtd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-XMLSchema.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/xsd/2001-datatypes.dtd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile.pod written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-8EK3Sm/XML-Compile-1.25/blib/script --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin/schema2example written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin/xml2yaml written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Cache.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Cache.pod Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Cache.3 MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t Test::More version 0.98 XML::Compile version 1.25 XML::Compile::Tester version 0.06 t/01use.t ...... 1..1 ok 1 - require XML::Compile::Cache; ok t/10declare.t .. 1..43 ok 1 - The object isa XML::Compile::Cache ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::Schema ok 3 - nothing declared ok 4 - three declared ok 5 - got reader test1 ok 6 - The reference isa CODE ok 7 - test parsing ok 8 - cached code ref ok 9 - no writer for test1 declared ok 10 ok 11 - got reader test2 ok 12 - The reference isa CODE ok 13 - test parsing ok 14 - cached code ref ok 15 - got writer test2 ok 16 - The reference isa CODE ok 17 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 18 ok 19 - cached code ref ok 20 - got writer test3 ok 21 - The reference isa CODE ok 22 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 23 ok 24 - cached code ref ok 25 - no reader for test3 declared ok 26 ok 27 - no reader for test4 declared ok 28 ok 29 - no writer for test4 declared ok 30 ok 31 - default not undeclared ok 32 - set allow undeclared ok 33 - allow undeclared ok 34 - got reader test4 ok 35 - The reference isa CODE ok 36 - test parsing ok 37 - cached code ref ok 38 - got writer test4 ok 39 - The reference isa CODE ok 40 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Element ok 41 ok 42 - cached code ref ok 43 - all are compiled ok t/99pod.t ...... 1..2 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Compile/ (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Compile/Cache.pod ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=46, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.60 cusr 0.07 csys = 0.71 CPU) Result: PASS MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Mark Overmeer <> Cache compiled XML translators >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht && tar cvf - XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.tar.gz XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Cache.pod blib/man3/ blib/man3/XML::Compile::Cache.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing XML-Compile-Cache with id 661 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-lYyOYP/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Cache.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-lYyOYP/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Cache.pod written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'XML::Compile::Tester' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_ Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Has already been made Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'Log::Report' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/Log-Report-0.94.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9 Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Has already been made Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'XML::Compile' Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-1.25.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Has already been made Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running make for M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-encoding.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-encoding.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope-patch.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope-patch.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Trace.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Trace.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Util.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Util.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Operation.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Operation.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-soap.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-soap.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/XOP/Include.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/Include.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/XOP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200411-xmlmime.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200411-xmlmime.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/FAQ.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/FAQ.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/Operation.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/Operation.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200505-xmlmime.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200505-xmlmime.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Client.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Client.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-http.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-http.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-mime.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-mime.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Transport/SOAPHTTP.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/SOAPHTTP.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Server.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Server.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Extension.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Extension.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Operation.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Operation.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/XOP.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope.xsd cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/Transport.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Client.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Client.pod cp lib/XML/Compile/Transport/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/ cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ cp lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Encoding.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Encoding.pod Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Server.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Util.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP10.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::WSDL11.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::XOP::Include.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::XOP.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::Transport.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP10::Operation.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Client.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Encoding.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP.3 MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t Test::More version 0.98 Test::Deep version 0.109 XML::Compile version 1.25 XML::Compile::Tester version 0.06 XML::Compile::Cache version 0.991 XML::Compile::SOAP::WSA not installed XML::LibXML version 1.99 Math::BigInt version 1.997 libxml2 2.7.3 t/01use.t ......... 1..19 ok 1 - use XML::Compile::SOAP::Util; ok 2 - use XML::Compile::SOAP; ok 3 - use XML::Compile::SOAP::Server; ok 4 - use XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace; ok 5 - use XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation; ok 6 - use XML::Compile::SOAP::Client; ok 7 - use XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension; ok 8 - use XML::Compile::SOAP10; ok 9 - use XML::Compile::SOAP10::Operation; ok 10 - use XML::Compile::SOAP11; ok 11 - use XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client; ok 12 - use XML::Compile::SOAP11::Encoding; ok 13 - use XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation; ok 14 - use XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server; ok 15 - use XML::Compile::Transport; ok 16 - use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP; ok 17 - use XML::Compile::WSDL11; ok 18 - use XML::Compile::XOP; ok 19 - use XML::Compile::XOP::Include; ok t/10soap.t ........ 1..10 ok 1 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11 ok 3 - compiled a client ok 4 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 5 ok 6 - got message structure ok 7 ok 8 - compiled a server ok 9 - produced HASH ok 10 - server parsed input ok t/11soapfault.t ... 1..35 ok 1 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11 ok 3 - compiled a sender ok 4 - compiled a receiver ok 5 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 6 ok 7 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 8 ok 9 - produced HASH ok 10 - server parsed input ok 11 - send message 2: fault1 ok 12 ok 13 - produced HASH ok 14 - encoded fault present ok 15 ok 16 - faultcode ok 17 - faultactor ok 18 - faultstring ok 19 - detail ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 - has one ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 - decoded fault present ok 28 ok 29 - reason ok 30 - code ok 31 - role ok 32 - class ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok t/12soapmust.t .... 1..18 ok 1 - compiled a sender ok 2 - compiled a receiver ok 3 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 4 ok 5 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 6 ok 7 - produced HASH ok 8 - server parsed input ok 9 - compiled unknowing receiver ok 10 - received2 works ok 11 - produced HASH ok 12 - fault ok 13 - faultcode ok 14 - faultstring ok 15 - produced XML fault isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 16 - correct structure ok 17 - received decodes fault ok 18 ok t/30charenc.t ..... 1..12 ok 1 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client ok 2 - got writer ok 3 - got reader ok 4 - test_string is utf8 ok 5 - The object isa HTTP::Request ok 6 ok 7 - decoded_content is utf8 ok 8 - expect is utf8 ok 9 - request content ok 10 - call succeeded ok 11 - got result ok 12 - result is utf8 ok t/50wsdl.t ........ 1..41 ok 1 - created object ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::WSDL11 ok 3 ok 4 - find service list context ok 5 ok 6 - find non-existing service ok 7 ok 8 - request existing service StockQuoteService ok 9 - no errors ok 10 ok 11 - request only service, not by name ok 12 - no errors ok 13 - twice same definition ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 - non-existing operation ok 17 ok 18 - existing operation ok 19 - no errors ok 20 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 21 ok 22 - get endpoint address ok 23 ok 24 - action ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 - one op hash listed ok 28 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation ok 29 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 30 - got name ok 31 - got action ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 - compiled client ok 38 - The reference isa CODE ok 39 - fake server received ok 40 - got answer ok 41 ok t/51wsdloneway.t .. 1..11 ok 1 - created object ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::WSDL11 ok 3 - existing operation ok 4 - no errors ok 5 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 6 ok 7 - compiled client ok 8 - The reference isa CODE ok 9 - fake server received ok 10 - got answer ok 11 ok t/52wsdlfault.t ... 1..12 ok 1 - created object ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::WSDL11 ok 3 - existing operation ok 4 - no errors ok 5 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation ok 6 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 7 ok 8 - compiled client ok 9 - The reference isa CODE ok 10 - got answer ok 11 - got fault string ok 12 - parsed response XML ok t/53wsdlrpclit.t .. 1..24 ok 1 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11 ok 3 - created object ok 4 - The object isa XML::Compile::WSDL11 ok 5 - ** using element ok 6 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - The reference isa CODE ok 10 - fake server received ok 11 - got element answer ok 12 - The reference isa HASH ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 - ** using type ok 16 - using type isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 - The reference isa CODE ok 20 - fake server received ok 21 - got type answer ok 22 - The reference isa HASH ok 23 ok 24 ok t/54wsdlrpclit.t .. 1..14 ok 1 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11 ok 3 - created object ok 4 - The object isa XML::Compile::WSDL11 ok 5 - ** using element ok 6 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - The reference isa CODE ok 10 - fake server received ok 11 - got element answer ok 12 - The reference isa HASH ok 13 ok 14 ok t/55wsdlrpcone.t .. 1..11 ok 1 - created object ok 2 - The object isa XML::Compile::WSDL11 ok 3 - existing operation ok 4 - no errors ok 5 - The object isa XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation ok 6 ok 7 - compiled client ok 8 - The reference isa CODE ok 9 - fake server received ok 10 - got answer ok 11 ok t/60xop.t ......... 1..25 ok 1 - create client ok 2 - compiled a sender ok 3 - compiled a receiver ok 4 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 5 ok 6 - produced HASH ok 7 - server parsed input ok 8 - The object isa XML::Compile::XOP ok 9 - The object isa XML::Compile::XOP::Include ok 10 - test stringification ok 11 - fallback ok 12 - produced XML isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 13 ok 14 - one xop object ok 15 - The object isa XML::Compile::XOP::Include ok 16 - The object isa HTTP::Message ok 17 ok 18 - soaphttp ok 19 - transport hook isa CODE ok 20 - The object isa XML::LibXML::Node ok 21 - returned XOPs isa ARRAY ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 - produced HASH isa HASH ok 25 - server parsed input ok All tests successful. Files=12, Tests=232, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.04 sys + 4.56 cusr 0.51 csys = 5.20 CPU) Result: PASS MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Mark Overmeer <> SOAP and WSDL, client side >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR && tar cvf - XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.tar.gz XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Client.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Extension.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/FAQ.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Operation.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Trace.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Util.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/Operation.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Client.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Encoding.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Operation.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Server.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-encoding.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope-patch.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/SOAPHTTP.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/Transport.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-http.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-mime.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-soap.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/Include.pod blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200411-xmlmime.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200505-xmlmime.xsd blib/lib/XML/Compile/ blib/lib/XML/Compile/XOP.pod blib/man3/ blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Client.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Extension.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::FAQ.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Operation.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Server.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP::Util.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP10.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP10::Operation.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Encoding.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Operation.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::SOAP11::Server.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Transport.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::WSDL11.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::XOP.3 blib/man3/XML::Compile::XOP::Include.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MA/MARKOV [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing XML-Compile-SOAP with id 662 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-cX4hei/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Client.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Extension.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/FAQ.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Operation.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Trace.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Util.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/Operation.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP10.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Client.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Encoding.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Operation.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Server.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/SOAP11.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Transport/SOAPHTTP.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/Transport.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/WSDL11.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/XOP/Include.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/XML/Compile/XOP.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-cX4hei/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Client.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Extension.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/FAQ.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Operation.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Trace.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP/Util.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP10/Operation.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP10.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Client.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Encoding.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Operation.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/Server.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-encoding.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope-patch.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11/xsd/soap-envelope.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/SOAP11.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Transport/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Transport/SOAPHTTP.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/Transport.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-http.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-mime.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl-soap.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/WSDL11/xsd/wsdl.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/WSDL11.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/XOP/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/XOP/Include.pod written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200411-xmlmime.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/XOP/xsd/200505-xmlmime.xsd written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/XML/Compile/XOP.pod written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'DBIx::Connector' Running make for D/DW/DWHEELER/DBIx-Connector-0.52.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/DBIx-Connector-0.52.tar.gz ok DBIx-Connector-0.52 DBIx-Connector-0.52/Build.PL DBIx-Connector-0.52/Changes DBIx-Connector-0.52/MANIFEST DBIx-Connector-0.52/META.json DBIx-Connector-0.52/META.yml DBIx-Connector-0.52/README DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ DBIx-Connector-0.52/t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/base.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/driver.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/load.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/pod-coverage.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/pod.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/run.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/run_fixup.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/run_ping.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/svp.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/svp_fixup.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/svp_live.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/svp_ping.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/txn.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/txn_fixup.t DBIx-Connector-0.52/t/txn_ping.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build D/DW/DWHEELER/DBIx-Connector-0.52.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'DBIx-Connector' version '0.52' >>> ./Build Building DBIx-Connector DWHEELER/DBIx-Connector-0.52.tar.gz ./Build -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running Build test >>> ./Build test verbose=1 t/base.t .......... 1..131 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Create new connector object ok 3 - The object isa DBIx::Connector ok 4 - Should not be connected ok 5 - Should not be in txn ok 6 - Should get error for no connector args ok 7 - Disconnect should not complain ok 8 - Mode should be "no_ping" ok 9 - Set mode to "fixup" ok 10 - Mode should now be "fixup" ok 11 - Set mode to "ping" ok 12 - Mode should now be "ping" ok 13 - Should get an error for invalid mode ok 14 - It should be the expected error ok 15 - Should disconnect on destroy by default ok 16 - Set disconnect on destroy to false ok 17 - Should no longer disconnect on destroy ok 18 - Set disconnect on destroy to true ok 19 - Should disconnect on destroy again ok 20 - Construct object with bad args ok 21 - Should get error for bad args ok 22 - Construct connector with good args ok 23 - The object isa DBIx::Connector ok 24 - Should not yet be connected ok 25 - tid should be undef ok 26 - pid should be undef ok 27 - Connect to the database ok 28 - The object isa DBI::db ok 29 - The _dbh attribute should be set ok 30 - tid should still be undef ok 31 - pid should be set ok 32 - We should not be in a txn ok 33 - We should be connected ok 34 - No pings yet ok 35 - disconnect should execute without error ok 36 - disconnect should not have pinged ok 37 - It should have called disconnect on the database handle ok 38 - But not rollback ok 39 - The _dbh accessor should now return undef ok 40 - Connect again and start a transaction ok 41 - disconnect again ok 42 - disconnect still should not have pinged ok 43 - It should have called disconnect on the database handle ok 44 - DESTROY should be fine ok 45 - Disconnect should not have been called ok 46 - And neither should rollback ok 47 - Instantiate again ok 48 - It should be a different object ok 49 - Connect again ok 50 - New handle, no ping ok 51 - DESTROY with a connector ok 52 - Disconnect should have been called ok 53 - Disconnect should not have called ping ok 54 - Instantiate once more ok 55 - Connect once more ok 56 - Another new handle, no ping ok 57 - PrintError should be true ok 58 - RaiseError should be true ok 59 - Add attributes to the connect args ok 60 - Connect with attrs ok 61 - Yet another new handle, another ping ok 62 - Now PrintError should be false ok 63 - And RaiseError should be false ok 64 - And AutoCommit should be false ok 65 - As should in_txn() ok 66 - Fetch the database handle again ok 67 - Handle should have been pinged ok 68 - The object isa DBI::db ok 69 - PrintError should be false ok 70 - RaiseError should be false ok 71 - Should not call ping() ok 72 - Should get the database handle as usual ok 73 - Should get the database handle in do block ok 74 - _dbh should work ok 75 - _dbh should not have pinged ok 76 - Get a dbh via connect() with same args ok 77 - It should not be the same dbh ok 78 - disconnect() should not have been called ok 79 - Get dbh with different args ok 80 - It should be a different database handle ok 81 - disconnect() still should not have been called ok 82 - Get dbh with the same args again ok 83 - It should be a different database handle ok 84 - disconnect() still should not have been called ok 85 - Create new connection ok 86 - Disable disconnect on destroy ok 87 - Get the database handle ok 88 - disconnect() should not have been called ok 89 - Apache::DBI should be disabled ok 90 - Construct for PID tests ok 91 - Get its database handle ok 92 - InactiveDestroy should be false ok 93 - Fetch with different PID ok 94 - It should be a different handle ok 95 - InactiveDestroy should be true for old handle ok 96 - _dbh should return same dbh ok 97 - InactiveDestroy should be false in new handle ok 98 - Call _dbh again ok 99 - It should be a new handle ok 100 - InactiveDestroy should be true for second handle ok 101 - Fetch for inactive handle ok 102 - It should be yet another handle ok 103 - Handle should be inactive ok 104 - _dbh should not return inactive handle ok 105 - Get a new handle ok 106 - Should seem connected ok 107 - Deactivate ok 108 - Should no longer seem connected ok 109 - Construct for TID tests ok 110 - Get its database handle ok 111 - pid should be wrong ok 112 - tid should be undef ok 113 - Connect to the database with threads ok 114 - tid should now be set ok 115 - pid should be set again ok 116 - Get new threaded handle ok 117 - It should be a different handle ok 118 - _dbh should return same dbh ok 119 - Call _dbh again with new tid ok 120 - It should be a new handle ok 121 - And the tid should be set ok 122 - AutoInactiveDestroy should be set when no attributes ok 123 - AutoInactiveDestroy should be set when empty attrs ok 124 - AutoInactiveDestroy should be set when not passed ok 125 - AutoInactiveDestroy should be set when passed true ok 126 - AutoInactiveDestroy should not be true when passed false ok 127 - Add HandleError to connect args ok 128 - Grab the database handle ok 129 - PrintError should be true ok 130 - And HandleError should be true ok 131 - And RaiseError should be false ok t/driver.t ........ 1..31 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver; ok 2 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 3 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL; ok 4 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle; ok 5 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg; ok 6 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite; ok 7 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql; ok 8 - The class isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 9 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL->can(...) ok 10 - The class isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 11 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle->can(...) ok 12 - The class isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 13 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg->can(...) ok 14 - The class isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 15 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite->can(...) ok 16 - The class isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 17 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql->can(...) ok 18 - Create a new driver ok 19 - The object isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 20 - It should be a singleton ok 21 - Get a Pg driver ok 22 - The object isa DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg ok 23 - The object isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 24 - It should be a different object ok 25 - But it should be a singleton ok 26 - And it should be returned from the factory constructor ok 27 - Construct example connection ok 28 - It should have the driver ok 29 - Construct a Pg connection ok 30 - The object isa DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg ok 31 - It should be the Pg singleton ok t/load.t .......... 1..18 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - DBIx::Connector->can(...) ok 3 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver; ok 4 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL; ok 5 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 6 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL->can(...) ok 7 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql; ok 8 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 9 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql->can(...) ok 10 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle; ok 11 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 12 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle->can(...) ok 13 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg; ok 14 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 15 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg->can(...) ok 16 - use DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite; ok 17 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite isa DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 18 - DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite->can(...) ok t/pod-coverage.t .. 1..7 ok 1 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector ok 2 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector::Driver ok 3 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector::Driver::MSSQL ok 4 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector::Driver::mysql ok 5 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector::Driver::Oracle ok 6 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector::Driver::Pg ok 7 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Connector::Driver::SQLite ok t/pod.t ........... 1..7 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/ ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ ok t/run.t ........... 1..59 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Inside, we should not be in a transaction ok 5 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 6 - _in_run should be true ok 7 - Do something with no existing handle ok 8 - Fetch the dbh ok 9 - The dbh should be the stored ok 10 - No pings yet ok 11 - We should be connected ok 12 - Ping should have been called ok 13 - Ping should not have been called before the run ok 14 - The database handle should have been passed ok 15 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 16 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 17 - ping should not have been called again ok 18 - Should get different dbh if after disconnect ok 19 - Do something with handle ok 20 - Do in scalar context ok 21 - The return value should be the last value ok 22 - Do in scalar context ok 23 - Callback should know when its context is scalar ok 24 - Do in array context ok 25 - The return value should be the list ok 26 - Do in array context ok 27 - Callback should know when its context is list ok 28 - We should have died ok 29 - _in_run should be false ok 30 - _in_run should be set inside run() ok 31 - Nested should get the same when inactive ok 32 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 33 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 34 - _in_run should be set inside nested run() ok 35 - _in_run should be false again ok 36 - Increase the transacation depth ok 37 - Disconnect the handle ok 38 - The txn nested call to run() should get the deactivated handle ok 39 - Its should also be in $_ ok 40 - _in_run should be set inside run() ok 41 - Nested get the same dbh even if ping is false ok 42 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 43 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 44 - _in_run should be set inside nested run() ok 45 - Default mode should be no_ping ok 46 - Mode should be "ping" inside ping run ok 47 - Back outside, should be "no_ping" again ok 48 - Mode should be "fixup" inside fixup run ok 49 - Back outside, should be "no_ping" again ok 50 - Se mode to "ping" ok 51 - Mode should implicitly be "ping" ok 52 - Se mode to "fixup" ok 53 - Mode should implicitly be "fixup" ok 54 - Return via next should fail ok 55 - Return via last should fail ok 56 - Return via next should fail ok 57 - Return via last should fail ok 58 - Return via next should fail ok 59 - Return via last should fail ok t/run_fixup.t ..... 1..49 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Inside, we should not be in a transaction ok 5 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 6 - _in_run should be true ok 7 - Do something with no existing handle ok 8 - Fetch the dbh ok 9 - The dbh should be stored ok 10 - No pings yet ok 11 - We should be connected ok 12 - Ping should have been called ok 13 - Ping should not have been called before the run ok 14 - The database handle should have been passed ok 15 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 16 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 17 - ping should not have been called again ok 18 - Should get different dbh if after disconnect ok 19 - Do something with handle ok 20 - Do in scalar context ok 21 - The return value should be the last value ok 22 - Do in array context ok 23 - The return value should be the list ok 24 - We should have died ok 25 - _in_run should be true ok 26 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 27 - Should have stored dbh ok 28 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 29 - Should have been no ping ok 30 - Disconnect ok 31 - _in_run should be true ok 32 - Should have new dbh ok 33 - Sub should have been called twice ok 34 - _in_run should be false ok 35 - _in_run should be set inside run( fixup => ) ok 36 - Nested should get the same when inactive ok 37 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 38 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 39 - _in_run should be set inside nested run( fixup => ) ok 40 - _in_run should be false again ok 41 - Increase the transacation depth ok 42 - Disconnect the handle ok 43 - The txn nested call to run( fixup => ) should get the deactivated handle ok 44 - Its should also be in $_ ok 45 - _in_run should be set inside run( fixup => ) ok 46 - Nested get the same dbh even if ping is false ok 47 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 48 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 49 - _in_run should be set inside nested run( fixup => ) ok t/run_ping.t ...... 1..40 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Inside, we should not be in a transaction ok 5 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 6 - _in_run should be true ok 7 - Do something with no existing handle ok 8 - Fetch the dbh ok 9 - The dbh should be stored ok 10 - No pings yet ok 11 - We should be connected ok 12 - Ping should have been called ok 13 - Ping should have been called before the run ok 14 - The database handle should have been passed ok 15 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 16 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 17 - ping should not have been called again ok 18 - Should get different dbh if after disconnect ok 19 - Do something with stored handle ok 20 - Do in scalar context ok 21 - The return value should be the last value ok 22 - Do in array context ok 23 - The return value should be the list ok 24 - We should have died ok 25 - _in_run should be false ok 26 - _in_run should be set inside run() ok 27 - Nested should get the same when inactive ok 28 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 29 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 30 - _in_run should be set inside nested run() ok 31 - _in_run should be false again ok 32 - Increase the transacation depth ok 33 - Disconnect the handle ok 34 - The txn nested call to run() should get the deactivated handle ok 35 - Its should also be in $_ ok 36 - _in_run should be set inside run() ok 37 - Nested get the same dbh even if ping is false ok 38 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 39 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 40 - _in_run should be set inside nested run() ok t/svp.t ........... 1..88 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Fetch the database handle ok 5 - _in_run should be false ok 6 - AutoCommit should be true ok 7 - in_txn() should return false ok 8 - Depth should be 0 ok 9 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 10 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 11 - _in_run should be true ok 12 - Depth should still be 0 ok 13 - Do something with no existing handle ok 14 - _in_run should be false again ok 15 - Transaction should be committed ok 16 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 17 - Depth should be 0 again ok 18 - The dbh should be stored ok 19 - We should be connected ok 20 - The handle should have been passed ok 21 - It should also be in $_ ok 22 - We should be in a transaction ok 23 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 24 - Do something with stored handle ok 25 - The handle should have been passed ok 26 - It should also be in $_ ok 27 - We should be in a transaction ok 28 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 29 - Do something inside a transaction ok 30 - Do in scalar context ok 31 - The return value should be the last value ok 32 - Do in scalar context ok 33 - Callback should know when its context is scalar ok 34 - Do in array context ok 35 - The return value should be the list ok 36 - Do in array context ok 37 - Callback should know when its context is list ok 38 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 39 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 40 - Depth should be 0 ok 41 - Nested svp should always get the current dbh ok 42 - Nested txn should be in the txn ok 43 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 44 - Depth should be 1 ok 45 - Souble nested svp should get the current dbh ok 46 - Double nested txn should be in the txn ok 47 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 48 - Depth should be 2 ok 49 - Depth should be 0 again ok 50 - Default mode should be no_ping ok 51 - Mode should be "ping" inside ping svp ok 52 - Back outside, should be "no_ping" again ok 53 - Mode should be "fixup" inside fixup svp ok 54 - Back outside, should be "no_ping" again ok 55 - Se mode to "ping" ok 56 - Mode should implicitly be "ping" ok 57 - Se mode to "fixup" ok 58 - Mode should implicitly be "fixup" ok 59 - Commit should be called when returning via next ok 60 - Return via next should fail ok 61 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 62 - Return via last should fail ok 63 - Commit should be called when returning via next ok 64 - Return via next should fail ok 65 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 66 - Return via last should fail ok 67 - Commit should be called when returning via next ok 68 - Return via next should fail ok 69 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 70 - Return via last should fail ok 71 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 72 - We should have died ok 73 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::SvpRollbackError ok 74 - Should have the savepoint error ok 75 - Should have the savepoint rollback error ok 76 - Should have rollback error ok 77 - Should have savepoint error ok 78 - We should have died again ok 79 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::SvpRollbackError ok 80 - Should have rollback error ok 81 - Should have nested savepoint error ok 82 - We should have died ok 83 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 84 - Should have rollback error ok 85 - The savepoint errror isa DBIx::Connector::SvpRollbackError ok 86 - Stringification should have savepoint errror ok 87 - Stringification should have savepoint rollback failure ok 88 - Stringification should have transaction rollback failure ok t/svp_fixup.t ..... 1..42 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Fetch the database handle ok 5 - _in_run should be false ok 6 - AutoCommit should be true ok 7 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 8 - Depth should be 0 ok 9 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 10 - in_txn() should know it that ok 11 - _in_run should be true ok 12 - Depth should still be 0 ok 13 - Do something with no existing handle ok 14 - _in_run should be false again ok 15 - Transaction should be committed ok 16 - And in_txn() should know it ok 17 - Depth should be 0 again ok 18 - The dbh should be stored ok 19 - We should be connected ok 20 - The handle should have been passed ok 21 - It should also be in $_ ok 22 - We should be in a transaction ok 23 - in_txn() should know all about it ok 24 - Do something with existing handle ok 25 - Should be in fixup mode ok 26 - The handle should have been passed ok 27 - It should also be in $_ ok 28 - We should be in a transaction ok 29 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 30 - Do something inside a transaction ok 31 - Do in scalar context ok 32 - The return value should be the last value ok 33 - Do in array context ok 34 - The return value should be the list ok 35 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 36 - in_txn() should know all about it ok 37 - Depth should be 0 ok 38 - Nested svp should always get the current dbh ok 39 - Nested txn_runup should be in the txn ok 40 - in_txn() should know all about it ok 41 - Depth should be 1 ok 42 - Depth should be 0 again ok t/svp_live.t ...... skipped: Set DBICTEST_DSN _USER and _PASS to run savepoint tests t/svp_ping.t ...... 1..42 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Fetch the database handle ok 5 - _in_run should be false ok 6 - AutoCommit should be true ok 7 - in_txn() should return false ok 8 - Depth should be 0 ok 9 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 10 - in_txn() should know all about it ok 11 - _in_run should be true ok 12 - Depth should be 0 ok 13 - Do something with no existing handle ok 14 - _in_run should be false again ok 15 - Transaction should be committed ok 16 - in_txn() should know know that, too ok 17 - Depth should still be 0 again ok 18 - The dbh should be stored ok 19 - We should be connected ok 20 - The handle should have been passed ok 21 - It should also be in $_ ok 22 - We should be in a transaction ok 23 - in_txn() should know all about it ok 24 - Do something with existing handle ok 25 - Should be in ping mode ok 26 - The handle should have been passed ok 27 - It should also be in $_ ok 28 - We should be in a transaction ok 29 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 30 - Do something inside a transaction ok 31 - Do in scalar context ok 32 - The return value should be the last value ok 33 - Do in array context ok 34 - The return value should be the list ok 35 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 36 - in_txn() should know all about it ok 37 - Depth should be 0 ok 38 - Nested svp should always get the current dbh ok 39 - Nested txn_runup should be in the txn ok 40 - in_txn() should know all about it, too ok 41 - Depth should be 1 ok 42 - Depth should be 0 again ok t/txn.t ........... 1..94 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Fetch the database handle ok 5 - We should not be in a txn ok 6 - in_txn() should know that, too ok 7 - _in_run should be false ok 8 - The dbh should be stored ok 9 - No pings yet ok 10 - We should be connected ok 11 - Ping should have been called ok 12 - Ping should not have been called before the txn ok 13 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 14 - We should be in a txn ok 15 - _in_run should be true ok 16 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 17 - ping should not have been called again ok 18 - Do something with no existing handle ok 19 - _in_run should be false again ok 20 - Transaction should be committed ok 21 - in_txn() should know it ok 22 - The dbh should be stored ok 23 - We should be connected ok 24 - The handle should have been passed ok 25 - It should also be in $_ ok 26 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 27 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 28 - We should be in a transaction ok 29 - in_txn() should know about it ok 30 - Do something with stored handle ok 31 - New transaction should be committed ok 32 - in_txn() should know it, too ok 33 - Do in scalar context ok 34 - The return value should be the last value ok 35 - Do in scalar context ok 36 - Callback should know when its context is scalar ok 37 - Do in array context ok 38 - The return value should be the list ok 39 - Do in scalar context ok 40 - Callback should know when its context is list ok 41 - We should have died ok 42 - New transaction should rolled back ok 43 - in_txn() should know that ok 44 - We should be in a txn ok 45 - in_txn() should know about it ok 46 - Nested txn should not get inactive dbh ok 47 - Nested txn should be in the txn ok 48 - in_txn() should know it ok 49 - Transaction should be started ok 50 - in_txn() should know it ok 51 - We should have the same database handle ok 52 - It should also be in $_ ok 53 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 54 - Transaction should still be going ok 55 - in_txn() should know it ok 56 - Transaction should stil be live after txn ok 57 - in_txn() should know it ok 58 - We should be in a txn ok 59 - in_txn() should know that, too ok 60 - Nested txn should get same dbh, even though inactive ok 61 - Nested txn should be in the txn ok 62 - in_txn() should know that, too ok 63 - Default mode should be no_ping ok 64 - Mode should be "ping" inside ping txn ok 65 - Back outside, should be "no_ping" again ok 66 - Mode should be "fixup" inside fixup txn ok 67 - Back outside, should be "no_ping" again ok 68 - Se mode to "ping" ok 69 - Mode should implicitly be "ping" ok 70 - Se mode to "fixup" ok 71 - Mode should implicitly be "fixup" ok 72 - Commit should be called when returning via next ok 73 - Return via next should fail ok 74 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 75 - Return via last should fail ok 76 - Commit should be called when returning via next ok 77 - Return via next should fail ok 78 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 79 - Return via last should fail ok 80 - Commit should be called when returning via next ok 81 - Return via next should fail ok 82 - Commit should be called when returning via last ok 83 - Return via last should fail ok 84 - We should have died ok 85 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 86 - Should have the transaction error ok 87 - Should have the rollback error ok 88 - Should have rollback error ok 89 - Should have transaction error ok 90 - We should have died again ok 91 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 92 - Should have rollback error ok 93 - Should have nested transaction error ok 94 - The nested error should not be an object ok t/txn_fixup.t ..... 1..93 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Fetch the database handle ok 5 - We should not be in a txn ok 6 - in_txn() should know that, too ok 7 - _in_run should be false ok 8 - The dbh should be stored ok 9 - No pings yet ok 10 - We should be connected ok 11 - Ping should have been called ok 12 - Ping should not have been called before the txn ok 13 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 14 - in_txn() should know it ok 15 - _in_run should be true ok 16 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 17 - ping should not have been called again ok 18 - Do something with no existing handle ok 19 - _in_run should be false again ok 20 - Transaction should be committed ok 21 - And in_txn() should know it ok 22 - The dbh should be stored ok 23 - We should be connected ok 24 - The handle should have been passed ok 25 - It should also be in $_ ok 26 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 27 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 28 - Should have been no ping ok 29 - We should be in a transaction ok 30 - in_txn() should know about that ok 31 - Do something with stored handle ok 32 - New transaction should be committed ok 33 - And in_txn() should know it ok 34 - Do in scalar context ok 35 - The return value should be the last value ok 36 - Do in array context ok 37 - The return value should be the list ok 38 - We should have died ok 39 - New transaction should rolled back ok 40 - And in_txn() should know it ok 41 - We should be in a transaction ok 42 - in_txn() should know it ok 43 - Should have the stored dbh ok 44 - It should also be in $_ ok 45 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 46 - Should have been no ping ok 47 - Disconnect ok 48 - We should be in a transaction ok 49 - in_txn() should know it ok 50 - Should have new dbh ok 51 - Get the new handle ok 52 - New transaction should be committed ok 53 - And in_txn() should know it ok 54 - Sub should have been called twice ok 55 - We should be in a transaction ok 56 - in_txn() should know it ok 57 - Should have the stored dbh again ok 58 - It should also be in $_ ok 59 - We should be in a transaction ok 60 - in_txn() should know it ok 61 - We should have died ok 62 - We should have killed ourselves ok 63 - Sub should have been called twice ok 64 - We should be in a txn ok 65 - in_txn() should know it ok 66 - Nested txn_fixup_run should not get inactive dbh ok 67 - Nested txn_fixup_run should be in the txn ok 68 - in_txn() should know it ok 69 - Transaction should be started ok 70 - And in_txn() should know it ok 71 - We should have the same database handle ok 72 - It should also be in $_ ok 73 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 74 - Should have been no ping ok 75 - Transaction should still be going ok 76 - in_txn() should know that ok 77 - Transaction should stil be live after txn_fixup_run ok 78 - We should be in a txn ok 79 - in_txn() should know it ok 80 - Nested txn_fixup_run should get same dbh, even though inactive ok 81 - Nested txn_fixup_run should be in the txn ok 82 - in_txn() should know it ok 83 - We should have died ok 84 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 85 - Should have the transaction error ok 86 - Should have the rollback error ok 87 - Should have rollback error ok 88 - Should have transaction error ok 89 - We should have died again ok 90 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 91 - Should have rollback error ok 92 - Should have nested transaction error ok 93 - The nested error should not be an object ok t/txn_ping.t ...... 1..69 ok 1 - use DBIx::Connector; ok 2 - Get a connection ok 3 - _connect should be called ok 4 - Fetch the database handle ok 5 - We should not be in a txn ok 6 - in_txn() should know it ok 7 - _in_run should be false ok 8 - The dbh should be stored ok 9 - No pings yet ok 10 - We should be connected ok 11 - Ping should have been called ok 12 - Ping should have been called before the txn_ping_run ok 13 - Inside, we should be in a transaction ok 14 - in_txn() should know that ok 15 - _in_run should be true ok 16 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 17 - ping should not have been called again ok 18 - Do something with no existing handle ok 19 - _in_run should be false again ok 20 - Transaction should be committed ok 21 - in_txn() should recognize that ok 22 - The dbh should be stored ok 23 - We should be connected ok 24 - The handle should have been passed ok 25 - It should also be in $_ ok 26 - Should have dbh in $_ ok 27 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 28 - We should be in a transaction ok 29 - in_txn() should recognize that ok 30 - Do something with stored handle ok 31 - New transaction should be committed ok 32 - in_txn() should be all about that ok 33 - Do in scalar context ok 34 - The return value should be the last value ok 35 - Do in array context ok 36 - The return value should be the list ok 37 - We should have died ok 38 - New transaction should rolled back ok 39 - in_txn() should be all over that ok 40 - We should be in a txn ok 41 - in_txn() should know it ok 42 - Nested txn_ping_run should not get inactive dbh ok 43 - Nested txn_ping_run should be in the txn ok 44 - in_txn() should know it ok 45 - Transaction should be started ok 46 - in_txn() should know it ok 47 - We should have the same database handle ok 48 - It should also be in $_ ok 49 - Should get same dbh from dbh() ok 50 - Transaction should still be going ok 51 - in_txn() should know it ok 52 - Transaction should stil be live after txn_ping_run ok 53 - in_txn() should know it still! ok 54 - We should be in a txn ok 55 - in_txn() should know it ok 56 - Nested txn_ping_run should get same dbh, even though inactive ok 57 - Nested txn_ping_run should be in the txn ok 58 - in_txn() should know it ok 59 - We should have died ok 60 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 61 - Should have the transaction error ok 62 - Should have the rollback error ok 63 - Should have rollback error ok 64 - Should have transaction error ok 65 - We should have died again ok 66 - The exception isa DBIx::Connector::TxnRollbackError ok 67 - Should have rollback error ok 68 - Should have nested transaction error ok 69 - The nested error should not be an object ok All tests successful. Files=15, Tests=770, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.15 usr 0.07 sys + 1.19 cusr 0.18 csys = 1.59 CPU) Result: PASS DWHEELER/DBIx-Connector-0.52.tar.gz ./Build test verbose=1 -- OK David E. Wheeler <> Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL && tar cvf - DBIx-Connector-0.52.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DW/DWHEELER/DBIx-Connector-0.52.tar.gz DBIx-Connector-0.52.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/DBIx/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ blib/lib/DBIx/Connector/ blib/lib/DBIx/ >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/DBIx-Connector-0.52.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DW/DWHEELER [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing DBIx-Connector with id 663 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-IARKHz/DBIx-Connector-0.52/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/MSSQL.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/Oracle.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/Pg.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/SQLite.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/mysql.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector/Driver.html written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/DBIx/Connector.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-IARKHz/DBIx-Connector-0.52/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/Connector/Driver/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/Connector/ written [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/DBIx/ written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'CPAN::Mini::Webserver' Running make for M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz ok CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57 CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/LICENSE CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/dist.ini CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/META.yml CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/index.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/whois.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/META.json CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/simple.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/README.mkdn CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/Makefile.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/MANIFEST.SKIP CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/00-compile.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/distmeta.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/kwalitee.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/bin CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/bin/minicpan_webserver CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/.minicpanrc CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/pod-syntax.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/lib CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/lib/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/pod-coverage.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/test-version.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/.minicpanrc CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/01mailrc.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/modules CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/modules/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/authors CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/authors/00whois.xml CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/authors/01mailrc.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/modules/02packages.details.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CHECKSUMS.2nd CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/modules CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/modules/02packages.details.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/patches CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/patches/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/cpantestdummies CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/cpantestdummies/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/M/ME/MELEZHIK CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/M/ME/MELEZHIK/AMZ_TEST-0.0.2.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/Build.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/Makefile.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/t/00_load.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-1.03.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/t/00_load.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-BuildOrMake CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-BuildOrMake/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Expect CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Expect/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-BuildOrMake/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-ConfReq CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-ConfReq/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Expect/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails/Build.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-BuildOrMake/Build.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-BuildOrMake/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-ConfReq/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Expect/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Features CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Features/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-TimeSkew CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-TimeSkew/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/Makefile.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/t/00_load.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-ConfReq/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Failearly CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Failearly/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Features/Changes 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CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeTwo/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-UnsatPrereq/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-UnsatPrereq/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make/ Prepending %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite App::Cache 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Lingua::StopWords 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::InstalledVersion 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite PPI::HTML 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Parse::CPAN::Authors 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Search::QueryParser 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Search::Tokenizer 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Declare 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Declare::Tags 0.29 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for CPAN::Mini::Webserver Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz ---- Search::QueryParser [requires] App::Cache [requires] Module::InstalledVersion [requires] Template::Declare [requires] Lingua::StopWords [requires] Parse::CPAN::Authors [requires] PPI::HTML [requires] Template::Declare::Tags [requires] Search::Tokenizer [requires] Prepending %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Search::QueryParser' Running make for D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz ok Search-QueryParser-0.94/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/Changes Search-QueryParser-0.94/lib/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/lib/Search/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/lib/Search/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/Makefile.PL Search-QueryParser-0.94/MANIFEST Search-QueryParser-0.94/META.yml Search-QueryParser-0.94/README Search-QueryParser-0.94/t/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/t/Search-QueryParser.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Search::QueryParser Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ Manifying blib/man3/Search::QueryParser.3 DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/Search-QueryParser.t .. 1..14 ok 1 - use Search::QueryParser; ok 2 - The object isa Search::QueryParser ok 3 - The reference isa HASH ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - parse error ok 14 - parse error ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=14, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.04 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.08 CPU) Result: PASS DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Laurent Dami <laurent dami *AT* free fr> parses a query string into a data structure >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO && tar cvf - Search-QueryParser-0.94.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz Search-QueryParser-0.94.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Search::QueryParser.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/Search-QueryParser-0.94.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing Search-QueryParser with id 664 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-HI4f3M/Search-QueryParser-0.94/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Search/QueryParser.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-HI4f3M/Search-QueryParser-0.94/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Search/ written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'App::Cache' Running make for L/LB/LBROCARD/App-Cache-0.37.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/L/LB/LBROCARD/App-Cache-0.37.tar.gz ok App-Cache-0.37/ App-Cache-0.37/META.yml App-Cache-0.37/README App-Cache-0.37/Makefile.PL App-Cache-0.37/lib/ App-Cache-0.37/lib/App/ App-Cache-0.37/lib/App/ App-Cache-0.37/CHANGES App-Cache-0.37/t/ App-Cache-0.37/t/lib/ App-Cache-0.37/t/lib/App/ App-Cache-0.37/t/lib/App/Cache/ App-Cache-0.37/t/lib/App/Cache/ App-Cache-0.37/t/pod.t App-Cache-0.37/t/pod_coverage.t App-Cache-0.37/t/simple.t App-Cache-0.37/MANIFEST Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build L/LB/LBROCARD/App-Cache-0.37.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for App::Cache Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/App/ blib/lib/App/ Manifying blib/man3/App::Cache.3 LBROCARD/App-Cache-0.37.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/pod.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/App/ ok t/pod_coverage.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage on App::Cache ok t/simple.t ........ 1..48 ok 1 - use App::Cache; ok 2 - use App::Cache::Test; ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 - The object isa App::Cache ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - The object isa App::Cache ok 15 ok 16 - tmp_dir exists ok ok 17 - tmp_dir removed successfully ok 18 - The object isa App::Cache ok 19 ok 20 - tmp_dir exists ok ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 # skip Can't access ok 45 # skip Can't access ok 46 # skip Can't access ok 47 - disabled does not cache ok 48 - removed cache dir ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=50, 7 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 0.55 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.70 CPU) Result: PASS LBROCARD/App-Cache-0.37.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Leon Brocard <> Easy application-level caching >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM && tar cvf - App-Cache-0.37.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/L/LB/LBROCARD/App-Cache-0.37.tar.gz App-Cache-0.37.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/App/ blib/lib/App/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/App::Cache.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/App-Cache-0.37.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/L/LB/LBROCARD [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing App-Cache with id 665 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-26_fQs/App-Cache-0.37/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/App/Cache.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-26_fQs/App-Cache-0.37/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/App/ written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'Module::InstalledVersion' Running make for S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz ok Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/modversion Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/t/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/t/miv.t Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/Changes Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/Makefile.PL Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/lib/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/lib/Module/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/lib/Module/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/MANIFEST Prepending %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Module::InstalledVersion Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/ cp modversion blib/script/modversion /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/modversion Manifying blib/man3/Module::InstalledVersion.3 SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/miv.t .. ok 1 - use Module::InstalledVersion; ok 2 - create new object for CPAN ok 3 - Picked up version of CPAN ok 4 - create new object for Fcntl ok 5 - Picked up version of Fcntl ok 6 - create new object for Text::Wrap ok 7 - Picked up version of Text::Wrap 1..7 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=7, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.28 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.35 CPU) Result: PASS SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Picked up version from Makefile Picked up distname from Makefile Picked up abstract from lib/Module/ Kirrily 'Skud' Robert <> Find out what version of a module is installed >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu && tar cvf - Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Module::InstalledVersion.3 blib/script/ blib/script/modversion >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SK/SKUD [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing Module-InstalledVersion with id 666 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-X_REc_/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/Module/InstalledVersion.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-X_REc_/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/Module/ written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-X_REc_/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/blib/script --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/bin/modversion written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running test for module 'Template::Declare' Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz ok Template-Declare-0.45/ Template-Declare-0.45/Changes Template-Declare-0.45/inc/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/ Template-Declare-0.45/Makefile.PL Template-Declare-0.45/MANIFEST Template-Declare-0.45/MANIFEST.SKIP Template-Declare-0.45/META.yml Template-Declare-0.45/README Template-Declare-0.45/SIGNATURE Template-Declare-0.45/t/ Template-Declare-0.45/t/99-pod-coverage.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/99-pod.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/aliasing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/alternative.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/arg-declaration-styles.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/arg-passing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/attributes.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/closures.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/composition.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/deep_aliasing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/deep_importing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/deep_mixing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/dispatch_order.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/duplicate_element_ids.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/forms.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/import-regression.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/importing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/indent.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/indexhtml.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/inline-tagset.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/inline_xml_rendering.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/instrumentation.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/mixing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/ Template-Declare-0.45/t/namespace.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/nested_show.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/overloaded.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/pitfalls.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/postprocessor.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/private.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/relative-aliasing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/relative-mixing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/relative-pathing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/rt-37622.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/self.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/siblings.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/similar-aliases.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/smart_tag_wrapper.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/strict.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/subclassing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/subtemplates.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tag_sub_list.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_html.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_mix.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_rdf.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_rdf_em.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_xul.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/trivial.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/utf8.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/ Template-Declare-0.45/t/wrappers.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/xss.t Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98) - Test::Warn ...loaded. (0.24 >= 0.11) - Class::Accessor::Fast ...loaded. (0.34) - Class::Data::Inheritable ...loaded. (0.08) - Class::ISA ...loaded. (0.36) - String::BufferStack ...missing. (would need 1.1) [HTML Lint testing] - HTML::Lint ...missing. ==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [y/N] n *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite String::BufferStack 1.1 not found. Writing Makefile for Template::Declare Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz ---- String::BufferStack [requires] Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'String::BufferStack' Running make for A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz ok String-BufferStack-1.16/ String-BufferStack-1.16/lib/ String-BufferStack-1.16/lib/String/ String-BufferStack-1.16/lib/String/ String-BufferStack-1.16/Changes String-BufferStack-1.16/README String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/t/ String-BufferStack-1.16/t/01-basic.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/05-preappend.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/03-capture.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/04-filter.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/02-simple-stack.t String-BufferStack-1.16/SIGNATURE String-BufferStack-1.16/MANIFEST String-BufferStack-1.16/Makefile.PL String-BufferStack-1.16/META.yml Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz >>> /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for String::BufferStack Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/String/ blib/lib/String/ Manifying blib/man3/String::BufferStack.3 ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01-basic.t ......... 1..35 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No output after append ok 5 - Saw content on STDOUT ok 6 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 7 - Same as output buffer ok 8 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 9 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 10 - Same as output buffer ok 11 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 12 - Output ref is a ref to a scalar isa SCALAR ok 13 - Dereferencing shows content ok 14 - Altering it changes output ref, deref'd ok 15 - Altering it changes output itself ok 16 - Also top buffer ok 17 - Flush clears output ok 18 - Also output buffer ok 19 - Flush moved to output ok 20 - Append after flush goes through ok 21 - Same as output buffer ok 22 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 23 - Flush clears output ok 24 - Also output buffer ok 25 - Flush moved to output ok 26 - See the append ok 27 - Same as output buffer ok 28 - Clear empties the buffers ok 29 - output buffer as well ok 30 - No buffers, no output after flush ok 31 - See the append ok 32 - Same as output buffer ok 33 - Clear empties the buffers ok 34 - output buffer as well ok 35 - No buffers, no output after flush ok t/02-simple-stack.t .. 1..32 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 5 - Same as output buffer ok 6 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 7 - Has no depth yet ok 8 - Has a frame ok 9 - One step down, append goes through to output ok 10 - Same as output buffer ok 11 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 12 - Still has a frame ok 13 - No frames anymore ok 14 - One step down, append goes through to output ok 15 - Same as output buffer ok 16 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 17 - Flush clears output ok 18 - Also output buffer ok 19 - Flush moved to output ok 20 - Popping again returns undef ok 21 - And leaves depth unchanged ok 22 - Buffer is still empty ok 23 - Also output buffer ok 24 - Nested append ok 25 - Nested append carried through to output ok 26 - Popping produces correct content ok 27 - Nested append ok 28 - Nested append carried through to output ok 29 - Popping produces correct content ok 30 - Nested append ok 31 - Nested append carried through to output ok 32 - Too many pops returns undef ok t/03-capture.t ....... 1..22 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 5 - Same as output buffer ok 6 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 7 - One step down, append doesn't go through ok 8 - Output is different ok 9 - Append caught by lower level ok 10 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 11 - Back to as it was ok 12 - As well ok 13 - Append has effect ok 14 - Output buffer unchanged ok 15 - clear_top only affects top buffer ok 16 - Referenced buffer is cleared ok 17 - With depth, flush is just filters ok 18 - Hence no output seen ok 19 - flush_all pushes the output buffer ok 20 - But not non-output buffers ok 21 - ..nor their variables ok 22 - Output seen ok t/04-filter.t ........ 1..54 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 5 - Same as output buffer ok 6 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 7 - Buffer is shared with output, nothing yet ok 8 - Output is still there ok 9 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 10 - Flushing filters gets to buffer ok 11 - Which is also output ok 12 - ..but not flushed ok 13 - Unchanged after pop ok 14 - Also output is ok 15 - Nothing yet ok 16 - Also nothing in output ok 17 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 18 - See upper-case filter output ok 19 - Also in output ok 20 - See filter output ok 21 - Also in output ok 22 - Clear emptied it out ok 23 - Still empty ok 24 - See last append after clear ok 25 - No input, no output ok 26 - Still no input, no output ok 27 - Input, but not flushed ok 28 - Flushed once, get output ok 29 - Flushed again, no more ok 30 - Appending nothing does nothing ok 31 - Appending undef does nothing ok 32 - Nothing yet ok 33 - First filter output ok 34 - Output buffer as well ok 35 - Nothing on the new buffer ok 36 - Nothing more yet ok 37 - Nothing on the new buffer ok 38 - Nothing more yet ok 39 - Pushes output through ok 40 - Output unchanged yet ok 41 - Flushing all of them clears the buffer ok 42 - And adds to output ok 43 - Unchanged after pop ok 44 - Also output ok 45 - Top level has no filter ok 46 - Filter does nothing with no stack ok 47 - First filter output ok 48 - Without flush, no result yet ok 49 - Unsetting filter flushes ok 50 - No flush needed anymore ok 51 - No flush needed anymore ok 52 - No flush, no data ok 53 - Changing does a flush ok 54 - See new filter in action ok t/05-preappend.t ..... 1..26 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - First pre-append seen ok 10 - First pre-append seen again ok 11 - Second pre-append seen as well ok 12 - First pre-append seen yet again ok 13 - But not second ok 14 - No change in first ok 15 - Nor second ok 16 - First pre-append seen ok 17 - First pre-append seen again ok 18 - Second pre-append seen as well ok 19 - First hits again! ok 20 - Second as well ok 21 - First is done ok 22 - Second still going strong ok 23 - First is done ok 24 - Second is also done ok 25 - First is still done ok 26 - Second is also done ok All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=169, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.02 sys + 0.18 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.29 CPU) Result: PASS ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Alex Vandiver <> Nested buffers for templating systems >>> (cd /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp && tar cvf - String-BufferStack-1.16.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/Users/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz String-BufferStack-1.16.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/String/ blib/lib/String/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/String::BufferStack.3 >>> mv /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/String-BufferStack-1.16.ppd /Users/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AL/ALEXMV [] Created /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty [] Installing String-BufferStack with id 667 [] Copy /tmp/ppm-l_k5Xi/String-BufferStack-1.16/blib/html --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/html/site/lib/String/BufferStack.html written [] Copy /tmp/ppm-l_k5Xi/String-BufferStack-1.16/blib/lib --> /Users/fly1600/var/megalib [] /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/String/ written [] Commit install [] unlink /Users/fly1600/var/megalib/etc/ppm-megalib-dirty Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-G6CiPC Prepending %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ cp lib/Template/ blib/lib/Template/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ cp lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ cp lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::Tags.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF::EM.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::HTML.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::Buffer.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet.3 SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-GTAhfp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-Tvu6eu/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/App-Cache-0.37-DbR0RM/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-m1dneO/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Connector-0.52-MkJsBL/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-SOAP-2.26-Hs5ebR/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Cache-0.991-L6fvht/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-1.25-zT_SDY/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91-BklwVP/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/XML-Compile-Tester-0.06-gHJMM_/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Log-Report-0.94-jsozW9/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/Users/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-dynamic "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/99-pod-coverage.t t/99-pod.t t/aliasing.t t/alternative.t t/arg-declaration-styles.t t/arg-passing.t t/attributes.t t/closures.t t/composition.t t/deep_aliasing.t t/deep_importing.t t/deep_mixing.t t/dispatch_order.t t/duplicate_element_ids.t t/forms.t t/import-regression.t t/importing.t t/indent.t t/indexhtml.t t/inline-tagset.t t/inline_xml_rendering.t t/instrumentation.t t/mixing.t t/namespace.t t/nested_show.t t/overloaded.t t/pitfalls.t t/postprocessor.t t/private.t t/relative-aliasing.t t/relative-mixing.t t/relative-pathing.t t/rt-37622.t t/self.t t/siblings.t t/similar-aliases.t t/smart_tag_wrapper.t t/strict.t t/subclassing.t t/subtemplates.t t/tag_sub_list.t t/tagset_html.t t/tagset_mix.t t/tagset_rdf.t t/tagset_rdf_em.t t/tagset_xul.t t/trivial.t t/utf8.t t/wrappers.t t/xss.t t/99-pod-coverage.t ......... skipped: Coverage tests only run for authors t/99-pod.t .................. skipped: Coverage tests only run for authors t/aliasing.t ................ 1..30 ok 1 - Aliased package should have template ok 2 - Unrelated package should not ok 3 - Subclass should ok 4 - TD should find alias ok 5 - TD should find private mix ok 6 - Alias should be visible in a subclass, too ok 7 - Should get output from alias template ok 8 - Its output should be right ok 9 - The variable was set ok 10 - $self is correct in template block ok 11 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 12 - Should get output from second alias ok 13 - Its output should be right ok 14 - But the variable should not be set ok 15 - $self is correct in template block ok 16 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 17 - Should get output from third alias ok 18 - Its output should be right ok 19 - But the variable should not be set ok 20 - $self is correct in template block ok 21 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 22 - Should get output from fourth alias ok 23 - Its output should be right ok 24 - But the variable should not be set ok 25 - $self is correct in template block ok 26 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 27 - Should get output from superclass template ok 28 - We should get the aliased version in the subclass ok 29 - $self is correct in template block ok 30 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/alternative.t ............. 1..7 ok 1 - td is invalid ok 2 ok 3 - tr is invalid ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok t/arg-declaration-styles.t .. 1..39 ok 1 - content ok 2 - content ok 3 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 4 - content_curly ok 5 - content_curly ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 - content_explicit ok 8 - content_explicit ok 9 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 10 - content_mixed1 ok 11 - content_mixed1 ok 12 - content_mixed1 ok 13 - content_mixed1 ok 14 - content_mixed1 ok 15 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 16 - content_mixed2 ok 17 - content_mixed2 ok 18 - content_mixed2 ok 19 - content_mixed2 ok 20 - content_mixed2 ok 21 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 22 - content_attrs ok 23 - content_attrs ok 24 - content_attrs ok 25 - content_attrs ok 26 - content_attrs ok 27 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 28 - content_withs ok 29 - content_withs ok 30 - content_withs ok 31 - content_withs ok 32 - content_withs ok 33 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 34 - content_curlies ok 35 - content_curlies ok 36 - content_curlies ok 37 - content_curlies ok 38 - content_curlies ok 39 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/arg-passing.t ............. 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 - show and TD->show are the same ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - show and TD->show are the same ok 6 ok 7 - show and TD->show are the same ok 8 ok 9 - show and TD->show are the same ok t/attributes.t .............. 1..10 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 ok 8 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 9 ok 10 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/closures.t ................ 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 - closure_1 matched ok 8 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 9 - closure_2 matched ok 10 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 11 - closure_3 matched ok 12 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 13 - Showed closure_5 ok 14 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 15 ok 16 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/composition.t ............. 1..3 ok 1 - Should get mixed in template output ok 2 - Should get page with default sidebar ok 3 - Should get page with politics sidebar ok t/deep_aliasing.t ........... 1..14 ok 1 - Should have toplevel template ok 2 - the listing template isn't imported to the top level ok 3 - The search template isn't imported to the top level ok 4 - has listing template ok 5 - has search template ok 6 - Can execute toplevel template ok 7 - Cannot call a toplevel "listing" template ok 8 - listing is private ok 9 - Cannot call a toplevel /search ok 10 - Search could not be found ok 11 - Can call /plugin/listing ok 12 - Can call plugin/listing ok 13 - Can call /plugin/search ok 14 - Can call plugin/search ok t/deep_importing.t .......... 1..14 ok 1 - Should have toplevel template ok 2 - the listing template isn't imported to the top level ok 3 - The search template isn't imported to the top level ok 4 - has listing template ok 5 - has search template ok 6 - Can execute toplevel template ok 7 - Cannot call a toplevel "listing" template ok 8 - calling a missing component gets warned ok 9 - Can call /plugin/listing ok 10 - Can call plugin/listing ok 11 - Cannot call a toplevel /search ok 12 - calling a missing component gets warned ok 13 - Can call /plugin/search ok 14 - Can call plugin/search ok t/deep_mixing.t ............. 1..14 ok 1 - Should have toplevel template ok 2 - the listing template isn't imported to the top level ok 3 - The search template isn't imported to the top level ok 4 - has listing template ok 5 - has search template ok 6 - Can execute toplevel template ok 7 - Cannot call a toplevel "listing" template ok 8 - listing is private ok 9 - Cannot call a toplevel /search ok 10 - Search could not be found ok 11 - Can call /plugin/listing ok 12 - Can call plugin/listing ok 13 - Can call /plugin/search ok 14 - Can call plugin/search ok t/dispatch_order.t .......... 1..24 ok 1 - init with Foo and Bar as roots ok 2 - Bar should have precedence ok 3 - init to dispatch to Foo and Bar ok 4 - Foo should have precedence ok 5 - init to dispatch to Foo and Bar again ok 6 - Foo should still have precedence ok 7 - init to dispatch to Foo and Bar one more time ok 8 - Baz::hello should have replaced Foo::hello ok 9 - init to dispatch to Bip and Foo ok 10 - Bip should now have precedence ok 11 - init to dispatch to Mifty::Foo and Mifty::Bar ok 12 - Mifty::Foo should have precedence ok 13 - init to dispatch to Mifty::Foo and Mifty::Bar again ok 14 - Mifty::Baz::hello should have replaced Mifty::Foo::hello ok 15 - init to dispatch to Mifty::Bip and Mifty::Foo ok 16 - Mifty::Bip should now have precedence ok 17 - init to dispatch to Sifty::Foo and Sifty::Bar ok 18 - Sifty::Foo should have precedence ok 19 - init to dispatch to Sifty::Foo and Sifty::Bar again ok 20 - Sifty::Baz::hello should have replaced Sifty::Foo::hello ok 21 - init to dispatch to Sifty::Bip and Sifty::Foo ok 22 - Sifty::Bip should now have precedence ok 23 - Should get standard image output ok 24 - Should get formal image output ok t/duplicate_element_ids.t ... 1..8 ok 1 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 2 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 3 - Duplicate id given in different case should be warned ok 4 - Should not duplicate id warnings if there are none. ok 5 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 6 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 7 - Duplicate id given in different case should be warned ok 8 - Should not duplicate id warnings if there are none. ok t/forms.t ................... 1..2 ok 1 - we have a form ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/import-regression.t ....... ok 1 - Template should be under new path ok 2 - Original template name should be visible ok 3 - Moved template should be visible from subclass ok 4 - Original template name should be visible from subclass ok 5 - Should get output ok 6 - Output should be correct 1..6 ok t/importing.t ............... 1..18 ok 1 - Original template should be visible in its own class ok 2 - And be visible in a subclass ok 3 - But it should not be visible in Template::Declare ok 4 - Nor in the packge it was imported into ok 5 - But it should be visible in its imported path ok 6 - And it should be visible when imported from a subclass ok 7 - The imported template should not be visible when imported into non-root package not ok 8 - The path for the imported template should be correct # TODO path_for is confused # Failed (TODO) test 'The path for the imported template should be correct' # at t/importing.t line 80. # got: '/other_subclass/imported' # expected: '/imported_subclass_pkg/imported' ok 9 - The imported template path should be correct for the last package it was imported into ok 10 - Simple template should be in the root path ok 11 - Should get output for imported template ok 12 - Its output should be correct ok 13 - $self is correct in template block ok 14 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 15 - Should get output from imported template from subclass ok 16 - We got the imported version in the subclass ok 17 - $self is correct in template block ok 18 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/indent.t .................. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/indexhtml.t ............... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/inline-tagset.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - use inline TagSet ok t/inline_xml_rendering.t .... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/instrumentation.t ......... 1..32 ok 1 ok 2 - one template called ok 3 - first argument is $orig ok 4 - second argument is template path ok 5 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 6 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - one pre_template called ok 10 - first argument is $orig ok 11 - nested templates ok 12 - nested templates) ok 13 - nested templates ok 14 - nested templates ok 15 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 16 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 17 ok 18 - one template called ok 19 - first argument is $orig ok 20 - second argument is template path ok 21 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 22 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 23 ok 24 - one template called ok 25 - first argument is $orig ok 26 - first argument is $orig ok 27 - second argument is template path ok 28 - second argument is template path ok 29 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 30 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 31 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 32 - fourth argument is template coderef ok t/mixing.t .................. 1..30 ok 1 - Mixed package should have template ok 2 - Unrelated package should not ok 3 - Subclass should ok 4 - TD should find mix ok 5 - TD should find private mix ok 6 - Mix should be visible in a subclass, too ok 7 - Should get output from mix template ok 8 - Its output should be right ok 9 - The variable was set ok 10 - $self is correct in template block ok 11 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 12 - Should get output from second mix ok 13 - Its output should be right ok 14 - But the variable should not be set ok 15 - $self is correct in template block ok 16 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 17 - Should get output from third mix ok 18 - Its output should be right ok 19 - But the variable should not be set ok 20 - $self is correct in template block ok 21 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 22 - Should get output from fourth mix ok 23 - Its output should be right ok 24 - But the variable should not be set ok 25 - $self is correct in template block ok 26 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 27 - Should get output from superclass template ok 28 - We should get the mixed version in the subclass ok 29 - $self is correct in template block ok 30 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/namespace.t ............... 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 - htm:: is invalid ok 3 - package htm is intact ok 4 ok 5 ok t/nested_show.t ............. 1..2 ok 1 - show => sub { div { show a_tag } } ok 2 - show => sub { div { show a_tag } } ok t/overloaded.t .............. 1..4 not ok 1 - head { $obj } # TODO it's something we can fix, but not now # Failed (TODO) test 'head { $obj }' # at t/overloaded.t line 62. # ' #