Setting PATH to /opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin Start 2009-06-16T09:07:10 ActivePerl-1003 CPAN-1.94 Going to read '/export/home/fly1003/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:26:57 GMT Running make for I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz Could not find '/net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz' Fetching with LWP: file:///net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz LWP failed with code[404] message[File `/net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz' does not exist] Could not find '/net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz' Fetching with LWP: file:///net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz LWP failed with code[404] message[File `/net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz' does not exist] Fetching with LWP: LWP failed with code[404] message[Not Found] Fetching with LWP: LWP failed with code[404] message[Not Found] No external ftp command available I would like to connect to one of the following sites to get 'authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz': Is it OK to try to connect to the Internet? [yes] yes Fetching with LWP: LWP failed with code[404] message[Not Found] Fetching with LWP: LWP failed with code[404] message[Can't chdir to I] Fetching with Net::FTP: Couldn't cwd pub/CPAN/authors/id/I/I/I/I/I/IB/IBMTORDB2: Failed to change directory. Fetching with Net::FTP Couldn't cwd pub/CPAN/authors/id/I/I/I/I/I/IB/IBMTORDB2: Failed to change directory. No external ftp command available Please check, if the URLs I found in your configuration file (file:///net/nas/data/cpan,, are valid. The urllist can be edited. E.g. with 'o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/' Could not fetch authors/id/I/I//I/I//I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz Giving up on '/export/home/fly1003/var/cpan/sources/authors/id/I/I/I/I/I/IB/IBMTORDB2/DBD-DB2-1.71.tar.gz' Note: Current database in memory was generated on Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:26:57 GMT /export/home/fly1003/bin/perl exits with 9