PATH=/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin Start 2012-09-12T06:20:04 ActivePerl-1205 CPAN-1.9402 Going to read '/export/home/fly1232/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Wed, 12 Sep 2012 11:07:03 GMT Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/MooseX-Singleton-0.19.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SA/SARTAK/MooseX-Singleton-0.19.tar.gz ok MooseX-Singleton-0.19/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/ChangeLog MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/inc/Module/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/Method/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/Method/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/Singleton/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/Makefile.PL MooseX-Singleton-0.19/MANIFEST MooseX-Singleton-0.19/META.yml MooseX-Singleton-0.19/t/ MooseX-Singleton-0.19/t/001-basic.t MooseX-Singleton-0.19/t/002-init.t MooseX-Singleton-0.19/t/003-immutable.t MooseX-Singleton-0.19/t/004-build_bug.t MooseX-Singleton-0.19/t/005-build_bug-immutable.t Going to build S/SA/SARTAK/MooseX-Singleton-0.19.tar.gz >>> /export/home/fly1232/bin/perl Makefile.PL Cannot determine perl version info from lib/MooseX/ Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: README Please inform the author. Version::Requirements is deprecated; replace with CPAN::Meta::Requirements at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 17. require Version/ called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/CPAN/Meta/ line 10 CPAN::Meta::Prereqs::BEGIN() called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 eval {...} called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 require CPAN/Meta/ called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/CPAN/Meta/ line 7 CPAN::Meta::Feature::BEGIN() called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 eval {...} called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 require CPAN/Meta/ called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/CPAN/ line 9 CPAN::Meta::BEGIN() called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 eval {...} called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/Version/ line 0 require CPAN/ called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 733 eval {...} called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 732 ExtUtils::MM_Any::_has_cpan_meta() called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 1231 ExtUtils::MM_Any::_mymeta_from_meta('PACK001=HASH(0x2f62c0)', '') called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 1207 ExtUtils::MM_Any::mymeta('PACK001=HASH(0x2f62c0)') called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 1037 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::flush('PACK001=HASH(0x2f62c0)') called at /export/home/fly1232/var/megalib/ExtUtils/ line 61 ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile('realclean', 'HASH(0x1c3f20)', 'NAME', 'MooseX::Singleton', 'DISTNAME', 'MooseX-Singleton', 'AUTHOR', 'Shawn M Moore ', 'DIR', ...) called at inc/Module/Install/ line 203 Module::Install::Makefile::write('Module::Install::Makefile=HASH(0x560e08)') called at inc/Module/Install/ line 38 Module::Install::WriteAll::WriteAll(undef) called at Makefile.PL line 15 Writing Makefile for MooseX::Singleton Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/MooseX/Singleton/ blib/lib/MooseX/Singleton/ cp lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ blib/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ cp lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/Method/ blib/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/Method/ cp lib/MooseX/ blib/lib/MooseX/ cp lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ blib/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/ Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Instance.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Singleton::Object.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Singleton.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Class.3 SARTAK/MooseX-Singleton-0.19.tar.gz make -- OK Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /export/home/fly1232/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/001-basic.t ................ 1..17 ok 1 - Singleton->instance returns a real instance isa MooseX::Singleton::Test ok 2 - default keys ok 3 - added key ok 4 - added another key ok 5 - instances are the same object ok 6 - Singleton->instance returns a real instance isa MooseX::Singleton::Test ok 7 - keys from before ok 8 - attributes are shared even after ->instance ok 9 - attributes are shared even after ->instance ok 10 - Package->reader works ok 11 - Package->add works ok 12 - Package->add works ok 13 - Package->add works ok 14 - Package->clear works ok 15 - Package->clear works ok 16 - Package->clear works ok 17 - back to the default ok t/002-init.t ................. 1..9 ok 1 - can't get the Singleton if requires attrs and we don't provide them ok 2 - can't call any Singleton attr reader if Singleton can't be inited ok 3 - The object isa MooseX::Singleton::Test2 ok 4 - the instance has the given attribute value ok 5 - the class method, called directly, returns the given attribute value ok 6 - can't make new singleton with conflicting attributes ok 7 - ...but a second ->new without args is okay ok 8 - ...we get the originally inited number from it ok 9 - ...but ->initialize() is still an error ok Can't locate object method "_generate_params" via package "MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Method::Constructor" at /export/home/fly1232/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Singleton-0.19-MTtuHc/blib/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/Method/ line 25. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/003-immutable.t ............ 1..17 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 17/17 subtests t/004-build_bug.t ............ ok 1 - BUILDARGS changed value of attrib when instance was auto-instantiated ok 2 - BUILDARGS changed value of attrib when instance was explicitly instantiated 1..2 ok Can't locate object method "_generate_params" via package "MooseX::Singleton::Meta::Method::Constructor" at /export/home/fly1232/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Singleton-0.19-MTtuHc/blib/lib/MooseX/Singleton/Meta/Method/ line 25. # Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything. t/005-build_bug-immutable.t .. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) No subtests run Test Summary Report ------------------- t/003-immutable.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 17 tests but ran 0. t/005-build_bug-immutable.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output Files=5, Tests=28, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr 0.06 sys + 5.21 cusr 0.48 csys = 5.85 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 2/5 test programs. 0/28 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255 SARTAK/MooseX-Singleton-0.19.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports SARTAK/MooseX-Singleton-0.19.tar.gz Finished 2012-09-12T06:20:20