PATH=/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/csw/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin Start 2014-07-03T02:32:47 ActivePerl-1402 CPAN-2.00 Reading '/export/home/fly1432/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 08:06:21 GMT Running make for S/SA/SANKO/Readonly-2.00.tar.gz Fetching with LWP: Fetching with LWP: Checksum for /export/home/fly1432/var/cpan/sources/authors/id/S/SA/SANKO/Readonly-2.00.tar.gz ok Readonly-2.00/ Readonly-2.00/t/ Readonly-2.00/t/general/ Readonly-2.00/t/general/export.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/readonly.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/deepa.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/scalar.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/docs.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/deeps.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/tie.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/hash.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/reassign.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/deeph.t Readonly-2.00/t/general/array.t Readonly-2.00/t/bugs/ Readonly-2.00/t/bugs/007_implicit_undef.t Readonly-2.00/Changes Readonly-2.00/Build.PL Readonly-2.00/eg/ Readonly-2.00/eg/ Readonly-2.00/LICENSE Readonly-2.00/cpanfile Readonly-2.00/META.json Readonly-2.00/MANIFEST Readonly-2.00/ Readonly-2.00/lib/ Readonly-2.00/lib/ Readonly-2.00/META.yml Building S/SA/SANKO/Readonly-2.00.tar.gz >>> /export/home/fly1432/bin/perl Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Readonly' version '2.00' Merging cpanfile prereqs to MYMETA.yml Merging cpanfile prereqs to MYMETA.json >>> ./Build Building Readonly SANKO/Readonly-2.00.tar.gz ./Build -- OK Running Build test >>> ./Build test verbose=1 t/bugs/007_implicit_undef.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Simple API allows for implicit undef values ok 3 - Readonly::Scalar does not allow implicit undef values ok t/general/array.t ............ 1..23 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Create empty global array ok 3 - Create empty lexical array ok 4 - Create global array ok 5 - Fetch global ok 6 - Fetch global ok 7 - Fetch global ok 8 - Global size (zero) ok 9 - Lexical size (zero) ok 10 - Global last element (nonzero) ok 11 - Lexical store ok 12 - Global store ok 13 - Change size ok 14 - Extend ok 15 - Global exists ok 16 - Lexical exists ok 17 - Clear ok 18 - Push ok 19 - Unshift ok 20 - Pop ok 21 - shift ok 22 - Splice ok 23 - Untie ok t/general/deepa.t ............ 1..13 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Create a deep reference array ok 3 - Create a shallow reference array ok 4 - Modify a1 ok 5 - Modify a2 ok 6 - Deep-modify a1 ok 7 - a1 unchanged ok 8 - Deep-modify a2 ok 9 - a2 modification successful ok 10 - Deep-deep modify a1 ok 11 - a1 unchanged ok 12 - Deep-deep modify a2 ok 13 - a2 mod successful ok t/general/deeph.t ............ 1..13 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Create a deep reference array ok 3 - Create a shallow reference array ok 4 - Modify h1 ok 5 - Modify h2 ok 6 - Deep-modify h1 ok 7 - h1 unchanged ok 8 - Deep-modify h2 ok 9 - h2 modification successful ok 10 - Deep-deep modify h1 ok 11 - h1 unchanged ok 12 - Deep-deep modify h2 ok 13 - h2 mod successful ok t/general/deeps.t ............ 1..21 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Create a shallow reference scalar ok 3 - Create a deep reference scalar ok 4 - Create a shallow scalar ref ok 5 - Create a deep scalar ref ok 6 - Modify s1 ok 7 - Modify s2 ok 8 - Modify s3 ok 9 - Modify s4 ok 10 - Deep-modify s1 ok 11 - s1 modification successful ok 12 - Deep-modify s2 ok 13 - s2 modification supposed to fail ok 14 - Deep-deep modify s1 ok 15 - s1 mod successful ok 16 - Deep-deep modify s2 ok 17 - s2 mod supposed to fail ok 18 - Deep-modify s4 should fail ok 19 - s4 mod should fail ok 20 - deep s3 mod ok 21 - deep s3 mod ok t/general/docs.t ............. 1..22 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - A string value ok 3 - Scalar computed value ok 4 - Array, with parens ok 5 - Array, without parens ok 6 - Array, with qw ok 7 - Array, with computed values ok 8 - Empty array 1 ok 9 - Empty array 2 ok 10 - Hash constant ok 11 - Hash, computed values ok 12 - Empty hash 1 ok 13 - Empty hash 2 ok 14 - Odd number of values ok 15 - deep test 1 ok 16 - deep test 1 confirm ok 17 - deep test 2 ok 18 - deep test 2 confirm ok 19 - deep test 3 ok 20 - deep test 3 confirm ok 21 - deep test 4 ok 22 - deep test 4 confirm ok t/general/export.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok t/general/hash.t ............. 1..20 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Create global hash ok 3 - Odd number of values ok 4 - Create lexical hash ok 5 - Fetch global ok 6 - Nonexistent element undefined ok 7 - Fetch lexical ok 8 - Store ok 9 - Delete ok 10 - Clear ok 11 - Exists ok 12 - Doesn't exist ok 13 - Doesn't exist (no error) ok 14 - Keys a ok 15 - Keys b ok 16 - Values A ok 17 - Values B ok 18 - Each C ok 19 - Each D ok 20 - Untie ok t/general/readonly.t ......... 1..19 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 3 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 4 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 5 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 6 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 7 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 8 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 9 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 10 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 11 - Create scalar ok 12 - Modify scalar ok 13 - Create array ok 14 - Modify array ok 15 - Create hash (list) ok 16 - Odd number of values ok 17 - Modify hash ok 18 - Create hash (hashref) ok 19 - Modify hash ok t/general/reassign.t ......... 1..22 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Readonly::Scalar reassign die ok 3 - Readonly::Scalar reassign no effect ok 4 - Readonly::Array reassign die ok 5 - Readonly::Array reassign no effect ok 6 - Readonly::Hash reassign die ok 7 - Readonly::Hash reassign no effect ok 8 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 9 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 10 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 11 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 12 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 13 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 14 # skip Readonly \ syntax is for perls earlier than 5.8 ok 15 - Readonly Scalar reassign die ok 16 - Readonly Scalar reassign no effect ok 17 - Readonly Array reassign die ok 18 - Readonly Array reassign no effect ok 19 - Readonly Hash reassign die ok 20 - Readonly Hash reassign no effect ok 21 - Reassign real string ok 22 - Reassign real number ok t/general/scalar.t ........... 1..12 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Create a global scalar ok 3 - Create a lexical scalar ok 4 - Create an undef global scalar ok 5 - Try w/o args ok 6 - Fetch global ok 7 - Fetch lexical ok 8 - Fetch undef global ok 9 - Fetch undef lexical ok 10 - Error setting global ok 11 - Readonly global value unchanged ok 12 # skip Scalars not tied: XS in use ok t/general/tie.t .............. 1..4 ok 1 - use Readonly; ok 2 - Direct scalar tie ok 3 - Direct array tie ok 4 - Direct hash tie ok All tests successful. Files=12, Tests=173, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.23 usr 0.04 sys + 1.43 cusr 0.20 csys = 1.90 CPU) Result: PASS SANKO/Readonly-2.00.tar.gz ./Build test verbose=1 -- OK Sanko Robinson <> Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes >>> (cd /export/home/fly1432/var/cpan/build/Readonly-2.00-QeUPnF && tar cvf - Readonly-2.00.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/export/home/fly1432/var/REPO/S/SA/SANKO/Readonly-2.00.tar.gz Readonly-2.00.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/ >>> mv /export/home/fly1432/var/cpan/build/Readonly-2.00-QeUPnF/Readonly-2.00.ppd /export/home/fly1432/var/REPO/S/SA/SANKO Finished 2014-07-03T02:33:03