PATH=/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin Start 2012-06-05T13:12:27 ActivePerl-1600 CPAN-1.9402 Going to read '/home/fly1600/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Tue, 05 Jun 2012 19:35:03 GMT Running make for M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz ok Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/Changes Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/dist.ini Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/INSTALL Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/LICENSE Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/Makefile.PL Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/MANIFEST Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/META.json Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/META.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/README Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/Task/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/Task/BeLike/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/lib/Task/BeLike/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/CAPTTOFU.DBD-mysql.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/CNANDOR.Mac-AppleEvents-Simple.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/CNANDOR.Mac-Carbon.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/HAYASHI.Term-ReadLine-Gnu.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/ILYAZ.Term-ReadLine-Perl.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007/contrib/prefs/THOR.Net-LibIDN.yml Going to build M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Unparsable version 'v0.9.4' for prerequisite Carton at Makefile.PL line 365. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::AIO 1.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::Gearman 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::HTTPD 0.93 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::Redis 0.23 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream 0.22 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo 0.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::XMPP 0.52 not found. Warning: prerequisite AnyMQ 0.34 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::BashComplete 0.008 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Genpass 2.30 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::HTTPThis 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Nopaste 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Notifo 0.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Uni 8 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Whiff 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::cpanoutdated 0.20 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::pod2pdf 0.42 not found. Warning: prerequisite Archive::Tar::Wrapper 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Async::Hooks 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Authen::Simple::Passwd 0.6 not found. Warning: prerequisite CGI::Emulate::PSGI 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Mini 1.111008 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Mini::Webserver 0.57 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Reporter 1.2006 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::SQLite 0.202 not found. Warning: prerequisite CSS::Minifier 0.01 not found. Warning: prerequisite Cache::CacheFactory 1.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite Carp::Always 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Carton 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Engine::PSGI 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Log::Log4perl 1.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode 0.93 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::View::Tenjin 0.050001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Class::C3::XS 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Clipboard 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::DataDictionary 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::Indexing 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::Shortcuts 0.007 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler 0.002114 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn 0.00011 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency 0.02005 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::URI 0.01002 not found. Warning: prerequisite Data::UUID::MT 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite Date::Tiny 1.04 not found. Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::Excel 0.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::LeakGuard::Object 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::TraceUse 2.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla 4.300017 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover 1.101001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide 1.200000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LatestPrereqs 0.4 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodPurler 0.093400 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MELO 0.004 not found. Warning: prerequisite FCGI::Client 0.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite FCGI::ProcManager 0.24 not found. Warning: prerequisite File::HomeDir::PathClass 1.112060 not found. Warning: prerequisite Github::Import 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite GraphViz 2.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Mason 1.48 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Expr 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::JIT 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Pro 0.9509 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Parser 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite IO::Handle::Util 0.01 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB 0.52 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::DBI 1.21 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Redis 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Carbon 0.82 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::FSEvents 0.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Glue 1.30 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Growl 0.67 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mail::IMAPClient 3.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Markapl 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite Modern::Perl 1.20120521 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Info 0.32 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::AuthorTests 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::AutoManifest 0.003 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::ProvidesClass 1.000000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::Repository 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::XSUtil 0.42 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Which 0.0207 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::MultiMethods 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite NTS::Template 2.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Bonjour 0.96 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Rendezvous 0.92 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Backend::Apple 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::SMTP::TLS 0.12 not found. Warning: prerequisite POE::XS::Queue::Array 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite PPI::HTML 1.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIProfile 0.102 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Server::AnyEvent 0.04 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP 0.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::Cpandoc 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::POM::Web 1.17 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::PseudoPod 0.18 not found. Warning: prerequisite Server::Starter 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite String::FriendlyID 0.019 not found. Warning: prerequisite TAP::Formatter::HTML 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite TAP::Formatter::TextMate 0.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Kensho 0.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Plack 0.26 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Alloy 1.016 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Declare 0.45 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Parser::CET 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Sandbox 1.04 not found. Warning: prerequisite Tenjin 0.070001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Term::ProgressBar 2.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.20 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Continuous 0.73 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Inline::Extract 2.212 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Kit 0.101 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Reporter 1.58 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase 1.999008 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::ClearSilver 0.010005004 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::MicroMason 2.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Template::Simple 0.86 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Tmpl 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite TextMate::JumpTo 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite Throwable::X 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite Time::y2038 20100403 not found. Warning: prerequisite TryCatch 1.003000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Unicode::Stringprep 1.104 not found. Warning: prerequisite Unicode::Tussle 1.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite XML::Feed 0.49 not found. Warning: prerequisite XS::Assert 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite autodie 2.11 not found. We have 2.10. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Task::BeLike::MELO Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.007.tar.gz ---- DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler [requires] CPAN::Mini::Webserver [requires] Async::Hooks [requires] Carton [requires] GraphViz [requires] POE::XS::Queue::Array [requires] Test::Kit [requires] Text::ClearSilver [requires] AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream [requires] XML::Feed [requires] Text::Template::Simple [requires] Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase [requires] HTTP::Parser [requires] AnyEvent::Redis [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog [requires] Mac::Glue [requires] Time::y2038 [requires] HTML::Mason [requires] Pod::Cpandoc [requires] Github::Import [requires] MooseX::MultiMethods [requires] Throwable::X [requires] Archive::Tar::Wrapper [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIProfile [requires] Data::UUID::MT [requires] DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn [requires] Text::Tmpl [requires] Catalyst::View::Tenjin [requires] App::Nopaste [requires] Clipboard [requires] HTML::Template::Expr [requires] TryCatch [requires] Catalyst::Log::Log4perl [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide [requires] Cache::CacheFactory [requires] Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Backend::Apple [requires] Module::Info [requires] App::Uni [requires] FCGI::Client [requires] Template::Declare [requires] AnyEvent::Gearman [requires] Class::C3::XS [requires] Devel::LeakGuard::Object [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace [requires] Authen::Simple::Passwd [requires] DBICx::Shortcuts [requires] Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MELO [requires] TAP::Formatter::TextMate [requires] Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP [requires] Net::SMTP::TLS [requires] HTML::Template::Pro [requires] Net::Rendezvous [requires] Plack::Server::AnyEvent [requires] App::Notifo [requires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::URI [requires] Devel::TraceUse [requires] Mac::FSEvents [requires] AnyEvent::HTTPD [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode [requires] Term::ReadLine::Gnu [requires] Dist::Zilla [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodPurler [requires] Module::Install::XSUtil [requires] KiokuDB [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::DBI [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Redis [requires] PPI::HTML [requires] Template::Sandbox [requires] String::FriendlyID [requires] Tenjin [requires] TextMate::JumpTo [requires] IO::Handle::Util [requires] Mac::Carbon [requires] Module::Install::AuthorTests [requires] DBICx::DataDictionary [requires] Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover [requires] Module::Install::Repository [requires] CGI::Emulate::PSGI [requires] autodie [requires] Catalyst::Engine::PSGI [requires] Markapl [requires] CPAN::Mini [requires] Net::Bonjour [requires] NTS::Template [requires] Unicode::Stringprep [requires] Term::ProgressBar [requires] Text::MicroMason [requires] Template::Parser::CET [requires] Modern::Perl [requires] DateTime::Format::Excel [requires] DBICx::Indexing [requires] AnyEvent::AIO [requires] Pod::PseudoPod [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LatestPrereqs [requires] CPAN::Reporter [requires] CSS::Minifier [requires] AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo [requires] Mac::Growl [requires] Task::Plack [requires] App::Whiff [requires] Task::Kensho [requires] HTML::Template::JIT [requires] App::HTTPThis [requires] Module::Install::AutoManifest [requires] Module::Install::ProvidesClass [requires] AnyMQ [requires] Carp::Always [requires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency [requires] Test::Reporter [requires] Module::Which [requires] App::BashComplete [requires] Server::Starter [requires] AnyEvent::XMPP [requires] Test::Inline::Extract [requires] Template::Alloy [requires] Mail::IMAPClient [requires] FCGI::ProcManager [requires] App::Genpass [requires] CPAN::SQLite [requires] Pod::POM::Web [requires] Test::Continuous [requires] Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals [requires] File::HomeDir::PathClass [requires] Unicode::Tussle [requires] XS::Assert [requires] Date::Tiny [requires] App::pod2pdf [requires] TAP::Formatter::HTML [requires] App::cpanoutdated [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler' Running make for F/FR/FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FR/FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz ok DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114 DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/README DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/Changes DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/LICENSE DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/dist.ini DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/MANIFEST DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/META.json DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/weaver.ini DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/Makefile.PL DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/04-preconnect.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/03-deprecated.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/lib DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/02-instantiation.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/10-split-sql-chunk.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/release-pod-syntax.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/bugs DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/bugs/01-emailed-bug-01.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/02-instantiation-no-ddl.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/version_storages DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/version_storages/standard.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/version_handlers DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/version_handlers/monotonic.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/no-component-lib DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/no-component-lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/02-instantiation-wo-component.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/deploy_methods DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/deploy_methods/script-helpers.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/deploy_methods/sql_translator.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/deploy_methods/coderef-leakage.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/no-component-lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/no-component-lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/no-component-lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/no-component-lib/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/version_handlers/explict_versions.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/version_handlers/db_schema_versions.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/deploy_methods/sql_translator_deprecated.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/sql/SQLite/deploy/1.0 DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/sql/SQLite/deploy/1.0/001-auto-__VERSION.sql DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/sql/_source/deploy/1.0 DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/sql/_source/deploy/1.0/001-auto-__VERSION.yml DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/Intro.pod DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/t/deploy_methods/sql_translator_protoschema_transform.t DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/CatalystIntro.pod DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Cookbook DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Cookbook/CustomResultSource.pod DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ Going to build F/FR/FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite SQL::Translator 0.11005 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz ---- SQL::Translator [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'SQL::Translator' Running make for F/FR/FREW/SQL-Translator-0.11011.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FR/FREW/SQL-Translator-0.11011.tar.gz ok SQL-Translator-0.11011/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/Install/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/inc/Module/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/Changes SQL-Translator-0.11011/Makefile.PL SQL-Translator-0.11011/xt/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/xt/eol.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/xt/pod.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/xt/notabs.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/30sqlt-new-diff-pgsql.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/61translator_agnostic.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/15oracle-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/55-oracle-producer.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/56-sqlite-producer.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/35-access-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/31dumper.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/53-oracle-delay-constraints_quoted.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/13schema.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/50-sqlserver-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/36-filters.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/70sqlt-diff_script.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/03mysql-to-oracle.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/02mysql-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/72-sqlite-add-drop-fields.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/30sqlt-new-diff.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/51-xml-to-oracle.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/53-oracle-delay-constraints.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/46xml-to-pg.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/45db2-producer.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/09sqlt-diagram.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/26sybase.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/32schema-lookups.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/57-class-dbi.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/18ttschema-producer.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/39-filter-globals.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/25storable.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/04file,fh,string.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/55-oracle-add-field.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/70sqlt-diff_script_old.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/49xml-to-pg-samefield.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/14postgres-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/40oracle-parser-dbi.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/08postgres-to-mysql.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/63-spacial-pgsql.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/16xml-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/schema_diff_a.yaml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/schema_with_options.yaml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/schema_diff_c.yaml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/create.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/schema_diff_b.yaml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/oracle/create2.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/access/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/access/gdpdm.ddl SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sqlserver/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sqlserver/create.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/roundtrip.xml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/BGEP-RE-create.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/create.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/entire_syntax.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/Apache-Session-MySQL.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/sqlfxml-producer-basic.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/cashmusic_db.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/mysql/create2.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/pgsql/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/pgsql/Chado-CV-PostGreSQL.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/pgsql/entire_syntax.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/pgsql/turnkey.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/xml/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/xml/samefield.xml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/xml/schema.xml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/diff/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/diff/create1.yml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/diff/create2.yml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/diff/pgsql/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/diff/pgsql/create1.yml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/diff/pgsql/create2.yml SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sybase/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sybase/create.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/template/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/template/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/template/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/template/testresult_table.txt SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/template/testresult_basic.txt SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/Excel/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/Excel/t.xls SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sqlite/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sqlite/create.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sqlite/named.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/data/sqlite/create2.sql SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/10excel.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/29html.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/48xml-to-sqlite.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/05bgep-re.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/30sqlt-new-diff-mysql.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/64xml-to-mysql.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/52-oracle-options.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/33tt-table-producer.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/24yaml.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/mysql-sqlite-translate.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/73-sqlite-respects-quote.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/19sybase-parser.t SQL-Translator-0.11011/t/62roundtrip_datacheck.t 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SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/PrecompiledParsers/Parse/RecDescent/DDL/SQLT/README SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/uml-class-all.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/diagram.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/uml-attribute.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/uml-class-start.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/schema.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/layer.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/uml-class.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/share/DiaUml/uml-class-end.tt2 SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt.cgi SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt-diagram SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt-diff-old SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt-diff SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt-graph SQL-Translator-0.11011/script/sqlt-dumper SQL-Translator-0.11011/META.yml SQL-Translator-0.11011/README SQL-Translator-0.11011/MANIFEST SQL-Translator-0.11011/lib/ SQL-Translator-0.11011/lib/SQL/ 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take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98 >= 0.88) - Test::Exception ...loaded. (0.31 >= 0.31) - Test::Differences ...loaded. (0.61) - YAML ...loaded. (0.81 >= 0.66) - ExtUtils::MakeMaker ...loaded. (6.62 >= 6.11) - IO::Scalar ...loaded. (2.110 >= 2.110) - Class::Base ...loaded. (0.05) - Moo ...loaded. (0.091007 >= 0.009007) - File::Spec ...loaded. (3.33) - Parse::RecDescent ...loaded. (1.967009 >= 1.967009) - File::ShareDir ...loaded. (1.03 >= 1.0) - XML::Writer ...loaded. (0.615 >= 0.500) - Digest::SHA ...loaded. (5.71) - Carp::Clan ...loaded. (6.04) - Class::Data::Inheritable ...loaded. (0.08 >= 0.02) - DBI ...loaded. (1.621) *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for SQL::Translator Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/SQL/Translator/Filter/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Filter/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ cp lib/SQL/ blib/lib/SQL/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/DBI/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/DBI/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/DBI/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/DBI/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/Role/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Generator/Role/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Producer/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Parser/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/ blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Schema/ cp lib/SQL/Translator/Manual.pod blib/lib/SQL/Translator/Manual.pod cp 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script/sqlt-dumper blib/script/sqlt-dumper /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/sqlt-dumper cp script/sqlt-diagram blib/script/sqlt-diagram /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/sqlt-diagram cp script/sqlt-graph blib/script/sqlt-graph /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/sqlt-graph cp script/sqlt-diff blib/script/sqlt-diff /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/sqlt-diff cp script/sqlt-diff-old blib/script/sqlt-diff-old /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/sqlt-diff-old cp script/sqlt blib/script/sqlt /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/sqlt Manifying blib/man1/sqlt-dumper.1 Manifying blib/man1/sqlt-diagram.1 Manifying blib/man1/sqlt-graph.1 Manifying blib/man1/sqlt-diff.1 Manifying blib/man1/sqlt-diff-old.1 Manifying blib/man1/sqlt.1 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::Storable.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Filter::DefaultExtra.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::MySQL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::Access.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::SQLite.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::Sybase.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::Diagram.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Generator::Role::DDL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Table.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::xSV.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::Excel.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Index.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Manual.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::GraphViz.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::DB2.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLServer.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::View.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLite.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::XML::SQLFairy.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::XML.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::HTML.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::YAML.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Base.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::XML::SQLFairy.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::TTSchema.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::Oracle.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Table.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Utils.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::XML.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::DiaUml.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Diff.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::PostgreSQL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLite.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::ClassDBI.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Oracle.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::SQLServer.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Filter::Globals.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLServer.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::Latex.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::Dumper.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Generator::DDL::SQLServer.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Field.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::POD.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Filter::Names.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::DB2.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::Storable.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Object.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::Sybase.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::SQL::Translator.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Sybase.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML.3 Manifying blib/man3/SQL::Translator::Generator::Role::Quote.3 FREW/SQL-Translator-0.11011.tar.gz make -- OK Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/02mysql-parser.t ...................... 1..346 ok 1 - Schema is valid ok 2 - Right number of tables (1) ok 3 - Found "sessions" table ok 4 - Right number of fields (4) ok 5 - First field name is "id" ok 6 - Type is "char" ok 7 - Size is "32" ok 8 - Field cannot be null ok 9 - Default value is "0" ok 10 - Field is PK ok 11 - Second field name is "a_session" ok 12 - Type is "text" ok 13 - Size is "65,535" ok 14 - Field can be null ok 15 - Default value is undefined ok 16 - Field is not PK ok 17 - Right number of indices (2) ok 18 - Found fulltext ok 19 - Right number of constraints (2) ok 20 - Constraint is a PK ok 21 - Constraint is on "id" ok 22 - Constraint is UNIQUE ok 23 - Constraint is on "ssn" ok 24 - Schema is valid ok 25 - Right number of tables (1) ok 26 - Found "check" table ok 27 - Right number of fields (13) ok 28 - First field name is "check_id" ok 29 - Type is "int" ok 30 - Size is "7" ok 31 - Field cannot be null ok 32 - Default value is "0000000" ok 33 - Field is PK ok 34 - Field is auto inc ok 35 - Field is unsigned ok 36 - Field is zerofill ok 37 - Second field name is "successful" ok 38 - Type is "date" ok 39 - Size is "0" ok 40 - Field cannot be null ok 41 - Default value is "0000-00-00" ok 42 - Field is not PK ok 43 - Third field name is "unsuccessful" ok 44 - Type is "date" ok 45 - Size is "0" ok 46 - Field can be null ok 47 - Default value is "0000-00-00" ok 48 - Field is not PK ok 49 - Fourth field name is "i1" ok 50 - Type is "int" ok 51 - Size is "11" ok 52 - Field cannot be null ok 53 - Default value is "0" ok 54 - Field is not PK ok 55 - Fifth field name is "s1" ok 56 - Type is "set" ok 57 - Size is "1" ok 58 - Field can be null ok 59 - Default value is "b" ok 60 - Field is not PK ok 61 - List is "a,b,c" ok 62 - Sixth field name is "e1" ok 63 - Type is "enum" ok 64 - Size is "1" ok 65 - Field can be null ok 66 - Default value is "c" ok 67 - Field is not PK ok 68 - List is "a,b,c" ok 69 - Seventh field name is "name" ok 70 - Type is "varchar" ok 71 - Size is "30" ok 72 - Field can be null ok 73 - Default value is "NULL" ok 74 - Field is not PK ok 75 - Eighth field name is "foo_type" ok 76 - Type is "enum" ok 77 - Size is "2" ok 78 - Field cannot be null ok 79 - Default value is "vk" ok 80 - Field is not PK ok 81 - List is "vk,ck" ok 82 - Ninth field name is "date" ok 83 - Type is "timestamp" ok 84 - Size is "0" ok 85 - Field can be null ok 86 - Default value is undefined ok 87 - Field is not PK ok 88 - Tenth field name is "time_stamp2" ok 89 - Type is "timestamp" ok 90 - Size is "0" ok 91 - Field can be null ok 92 - Default value is undefined ok 93 - Field is not PK ok 94 - Eleventh field name is "foo_enabled" ok 95 - Type is "bit" ok 96 - Size is "1" ok 97 - Field can be null ok 98 - Default value is 0 ok 99 - Field is not PK ok 100 - Twelveth field name is "bar_enabled" ok 101 - Type is "bit" ok 102 - Size is "1" ok 103 - Field can be null ok 104 - Default value is 1 ok 105 - Field is not PK ok 106 - Thirteenth field name is "long_foo_enabled" ok 107 - Type is "bit" ok 108 - Size is "10" ok 109 - Field can be null ok 110 - Default value is 1010101 ok 111 - Field is not PK ok 112 - Right number of indices (3) ok 113 - No name on index ok 114 - Normal index ok 115 - Index is on field "i1" ok 116 - Name is "date_idx" ok 117 - Normal index ok 118 - Index is on field "date" ok 119 - Name is "name_idx" ok 120 - Normal index ok 121 - Index is on field "name(10)" ok 122 - Right number of constraints (2) ok 123 - Constraint is a PK ok 124 - Constraint is on "check_id" ok 125 - Constraint is UNIQUE ok 126 - Constraint is on "date, i1" ok 127 - Schema is valid ok 128 - Right number of tables (2) ok 129 - Found "orders" table ok 130 - Table comment OK ok 131 - Right number of fields (10) ok 132 - First field name is "order_id" ok 133 - Type is "int" ok 134 - Size is "11" ok 135 - Field cannot be null ok 136 - Default value is undefined ok 137 - Field is PK ok 138 - Field is auto inc ok 139 - Second field name is "member_id" ok 140 - Type is "varchar" ok 141 - Size is "255" ok 142 - Field can be null ok 143 - Field comment OK ok 144 - Default value is undefined ok 145 - Third field name is "billing_address_id" ok 146 - Type is "int" ok 147 - Size is "11" ok 148 - Fourth field name is "shipping_address_id" ok 149 - Type is "int" ok 150 - Size is "11" ok 151 - Fifth field name is "credit_card_id" ok 152 - Type is "int" ok 153 - Size is "11" ok 154 - Sixth field name is "status" ok 155 - Type is "smallint" ok 156 - Size is "6" ok 157 - Field cannot be null ok 158 - Seventh field name is "store_id" ok 159 - Type is "varchar" ok 160 - Size is "255" ok 161 - Field cannot be null ok 162 - Field is a FK ok 163 - FK isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 164 - FK is to "store" table ok 165 - Eighth field name is "tax" ok 166 - Type is "decimal" ok 167 - Size is "8,2" ok 168 - Ninth field name is "shipping_charge" ok 169 - Type is "decimal" ok 170 - Size is "8,2" ok 171 - Tenth field name is "price_paid" ok 172 - Type is "decimal" ok 173 - Size is "8,2" ok 174 - Right number of indices (4) ok 175 - First index is normal ok 176 - Index is on "status" ok 177 - Second index is normal ok 178 - Index is on "billing_address_id" ok 179 - Third index is normal ok 180 - Index is on "shipping_address_id" ok 181 - Third index is normal ok 182 - Index is on "member_id,store_id" ok 183 - Right number of constraints (5) ok 184 - Constraint is a PK ok 185 - Constraint is on "order_id" ok 186 - Constraint is a FK ok 187 - Constraint is on "status" ok 188 - To table "order_status" ok 189 - To field "id" ok 190 - Constraint is a FK ok 191 - Constraint is on "billing_address_id" ok 192 - To table "address" ok 193 - To field "address_id" ok 194 - Constraint is a FK ok 195 - Constraint is on "shipping_address_id" ok 196 - To table "address" ok 197 - To field "address_id" ok 198 - Constraint is a FK ok 199 - Constraint is on "store_id" ok 200 - To table "store" ok 201 - No reference fields defined ok 202 - Found "address" table ok 203 - Right number of fields (8) ok 204 - Schema is valid ok 205 - Database name extracted from USE ok 206 - Right number of tables (2) ok 207 - Found "one" table ok 208 - Found "two" table ok 209 - Right number of constraints (2) on table one ok 210 - Constraint is a PK ok 211 - Constraint is on "id" ok 212 - Constraint is a FK ok 213 - Constraint is on "two_id" ok 214 - To table "two" ok 215 - To field "id" ok 216 - Right number of constraints (2) on table two ok 217 - Constraint is a PK ok 218 - Constraint is on "id" ok 219 - Constraint is a FK ok 220 - Constraint is on "one_id" ok 221 - To table "one" ok 222 - To field "id" ok 223 - Schema is valid ok 224 - Right number of tables (1) ok 225 - Found "one" table ok 226 - Right number of fields (3) on table one ok 227 - Table has right table type option ok 228 - Table has right character set option ok 229 - Field is a varchar ok 230 - Field is right size ok 231 - Field has right character set qualifier ok 232 - Field has right collate qualifier ok 233 - Field has right default value ok 234 - Field is a timestamp ok 235 - Field is not nullable ok 236 - Field has right default value ok 237 - Field has right on update qualifier ok 238 - Field is a datetime ok 239 - Field is not nullable ok 240 - Field has right default value ok 241 - Right number of views (3) ok 242 - Found "vs_asset" view ok 243 - Found "vs_asset2" view ok 244 - Found "vs_asset3" view ok 245 - Detected view vs_asset ok 246 - First view has correct fields ok 247 - Only version 50013 options parsed ok 248 - Right number of procedures (2) ok 249 - Found "ap_from_millitime_nullable" procedure ok 250 - Detected procedure ap_from_millitime_nullable ok 251 - Found "sp_update_security_acl" procedure ok 252 - Detected procedure sp_update_security_acl ok 253 - Schema is valid ok 254 - Right number of tables (1) ok 255 - Found "test" table ok 256 - Collate found ok 257 - Character set found ok 258 - '4' parsed as perl version '4' ok 259 - '5.01.0' parsed as perl version '5.001' ok 260 - '50003' parsed as perl version '5.000003' ok 261 - '5.1' parsed as perl version '5.001' ok 262 - '3.23.2' parsed as perl version '3.023002' ok 263 - '4' parsed as mysql version '40000' ok 264 - '5.01.0' parsed as mysql version '50100' ok 265 - '50003' parsed as mysql version '50003' ok 266 - '5.1' parsed as mysql version '50100' ok 267 - '3.23.2' parsed as mysql version '32302' ok 268 - Exception thrown on invalid version string ok 269 - Schema is valid ok 270 - Right number of tables (1) ok 271 - Found "merge_example" table ok 272 - Table has right table engine option ok 273 - UNION option has correct set ok 274 - Right number of fields (2) ok 275 - First field name is "id" ok 276 - Type is "int" ok 277 - Size is "11" ok 278 - Field cannot be null ok 279 - Field is PK ok 280 - Second field name is "shape_field" ok 281 - Type is "geometry" ok 282 - Field cannot be null ok 283 - Field is not PK ok 284 - Right number of indices (1) ok 285 - No name on index ok 286 - Spatial index ok 287 - Right number of constraints (1) ok 288 - Constraint is a PK ok 289 - Constraint is on "id" ok 290 - Schema is valid ok 291 - Right number of tables (1) ok 292 - Found "quote" table ok 293 - Table has right table engine option ok 294 - First field name is "id" ok 295 - Type is "int" ok 296 - Size is "11" ok 297 - Field cannot be null ok 298 - Field is PK ok 299 - Schema is valid ok 300 - Right number of tables (1) ok 301 - Found "quote" table ok 302 - Table has right table engine option ok 303 - First field name is "id" ok 304 - Type is "int" ok 305 - Size is "11" ok 306 - Field cannot be null ok 307 - Field is PK ok 308 - Schema is valid ok 309 - Right number of tables (1) ok 310 - Found "quote" table ok 311 - Table has right table engine option ok 312 - First field name is "id" ok 313 - Type is "int" ok 314 - Size is "11" ok 315 - Field cannot be null ok 316 - Field is PK ok 317 - Schema is valid ok 318 - Right number of tables (1) ok 319 - Found "sessions" table ok 320 - Right number of fields (3) ok 321 - First field name is "id" ok 322 - Type is "char" ok 323 - Size is "32" ok 324 - Field cannot be null ok 325 - Default value is "0" ok 326 - Field is PK ok 327 - Second field name is "ssn" ok 328 - Type is "varchar" ok 329 - Size is "12" ok 330 - Field can not be null ok 331 - Single quote in default value is escaped properly ok 332 - Field is not PK ok 333 - Second field name is "user" ok 334 - Type is "varchar" ok 335 - Size is "20" ok 336 - Field can not be null ok 337 - Single quote in default value is escaped properly ok 338 - Field is not PK ok 339 - Parse failed error without default value ok 340 - Both fields parsed correctly ok 341 - Defaults on field id correct ok 342 - Defaults on field ssn correct ok 343 - File exists ok 344 - File translated ok 345 - no error ok 346 - got schema ok t/03mysql-to-oracle.t ................... 1..3 ok 1 - Translate MySQL to Oracle ok 2 - Normal index definition translated. ok 3 - Unique index definition translated. ok t/04file,fh,string.t .................... 1..3 ok 1 - passing string (filename) works ok 2 - passing string as SCALAR reference ok 3 - from file == from string ok t/05bgep-re.t ........................... 1..2 ok 1 - MySQL->XML-SQLFairy ok 2 - Successfully parsed output ok t/06xsv.t ............................... skipped: Missing dependency: Text::RecordParser t/07p_args.t ............................ 1..9 ok 1 - parser_args works when called directly ok 2 - right number of tables ok 3 - right number of fields ok 4 - parser_args works when called indirectly ok 5 - right number of tables ok 6 - right number of fields ok 7 - parser_args works when called as constructor arg ok 8 - right number of tables ok 9 - right number of fields with new delimiter ok t/08postgres-to-mysql.t ................. 1..1 ok 1 - Translate PG2My ok t/09sqlt-diagram.t ...................... skipped: Missing dependency: Graph::Directed t/10excel.t ............................. 1..31 ok 1 - Parsed 1 table ok 2 - Table name is "Sheet1" ok 3 - Table has 7 fields ok 4 - First field name is "ID" ok 5 - Data type is "integer" ok 6 - Size is "5" ok 7 - Field is PK ok 8 - Second field name is "text" ok 9 - Data type is "char" ok 10 - Size is "7" ok 11 - Field is not PK ok 12 - Third field name is "number" ok 13 - Data type is "integer" ok 14 - Size is "1" ok 15 - Field is not PK ok 16 - Fourth field name is "math" ok 17 - Data type is "float" ok 18 - Size is "3,1" ok 19 - Field is not PK ok 20 - Fifth field name is "bitmap" ok 21 - Data type is "char" ok 22 - Size is "1" ok 23 - Field is not PK ok 24 - Sixth field name is "today" ok 25 - Data type is "CHAR" ok 26 - Size is "10" ok 27 - Field is not PK ok 28 - Seventh field name is "silly_field_with_random_characters" ok 29 - Data type is "CHAR" ok 30 - Size is "11" ok 31 - Field is not PK ok t/11normalize.t ......................... 1..5 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Utils; ok 2 - normalize_name('- 9s80 qwehjf 4r') => '_9s80_qwehjf_4r' ok 3 - normalize_name('hello, world') => 'hello_world' ok 4 - normalize_name('444') => '_444' ok 5 - normalize_name('silly field (with random characters)') => 'silly_field_with_random_characters' ok t/12header_comment.t .................... 1..5 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Utils; ok 2 - default comment ok 3 - Created by... ok 4 - Multiline header comment... ok 5 - ...with additional junk ok t/13schema.t ............................ 1..245 ok 1 - require SQL::Translator; ok 2 - require SQL::Translator::Schema; ok 3 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 4 - Schema name is "foo" ok 5 - Schema name changed to "bar" ok 6 - Schema database is "MySQL" ok 7 - Schema database changed to "PostgreSQL" ok 8 - Schema not valid... ok 9 - ...because there are no tables ok 10 - Table "foo" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 11 - Table "bar" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 12 - Add table "bar" ok 13 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 14 - Can't change name of table "bar" to "foo"... ok 15 - ...because "foo" exists ok 16 - Can't create another "foo" table... ok 17 - ... because "foo" exists ok 18 - Can't add an anonymous table... ok 19 - ... because it has no name ok 20 - Can't create an anonymous table ok 21 - ... because it has no name ok 22 - Dropped table "foo" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 23 - Dropped table "foo" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 24 - Can't drop non-existant table "foo" ok 25 - Table name is "foo" ok 26 - Table stringifies to "foo" ok 27 - Table "foo" is not yet valid ok 28 - Table "foo" has no fields ok 29 - Error for no fields ok 30 - No comments ok 31 - Table name is "person" ok 32 - Table is not yet valid ok 33 - Comments = "foo" ok 34 - Table comments = "foo,bar" ok 35 - Table comments = "foo,bar" ok 36 - Field isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 37 - Field name is "foo" ok 38 - Field full_name is "" ok 39 - Field stringifies to "foo" ok 40 - Field data type is blank ok 41 - Field size is "0" ok 42 - Field is_primary_key is false ok 43 - Field can be NULL ok 44 - Field default is undefined ok 45 - No comments ok 46 - Field table is person ok 47 - Field schema shortcut works ok 48 - f2 isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 49 - Add field "f2" ok 50 - Field cannot be NULL ok 51 - Field cannot be NULL ok 52 - Field cannot be NULL ok 53 - Field default is empty string ok 54 - Field comment = "foo" ok 55 - Field comment = "foo,bar" ok 56 - Field comment = "foo,bar" ok 57 - person_table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 58 - Can't set field name of "f2" to "foo"... ok 59 - ...because name exists ok 60 - Didn't create another "f2" field... ok 61 - ... because it exists ok 62 - Didn't add a "" field... ok 63 - ... because it has no name ok 64 - Didn't create a "" field... ok 65 - ... because it has no name ok 66 - Table "foo" has 2 fields ok 67 - First field is "foo" ok 68 - Second field is "f2" ok 69 - field_names is "foo,f2" ok 70 - Dropped field "f2" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 71 - Dropped field "f2" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 72 - Can't drop non-existant field "f2" ok 73 - Field name is "person_name" ok 74 - Field data type is "varchar" ok 75 - Field size is "30" ok 76 - Field is_primary_key is negative ok 77 - Field extra "foo" is "bar" ok 78 - Field extra "baz" is "quux" ok 79 - Field name is "age" ok 80 - Field data type is "float" ok 81 - Field size is "10,2" ok 82 - Field size still "10,2" ok 83 - Field size still "10,2" ok 84 - Field size still "10,2" ok 85 - Field size returns array ok 86 - No indices ok 87 - Error for no indices ok 88 - Index isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Index ok 89 - Index name is "foo" ok 90 - Index name is not valid... ok 91 - ...because it has no fields ok 92 - Index accepts fields ok 93 - Index name is not valid... ok 94 - ...because it used fields not in the table ok 95 - Index accepts fields ok 96 - Index name is now valid ok 97 - Index type is "normal" ok 98 - Index isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Index ok 99 - Index name is "bar" ok 100 - Two indices ok 101 - "foo" index ok 102 - "bar" index ok 103 - Dropped index "foo" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Index ok 104 - Dropped index "foo" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Index ok 105 - Dropped correct index "foo" ok 106 - Can't drop non-existant index "foo" ok 107 - No constraints ok 108 - Error for no constraints ok 109 - Constraint isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 110 - Constraint name is "foo" ok 111 - Constraint field = "age" ok 112 - Constraint fields returns a SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 113 - Constraint field = "age" ok 114 - Constraint field = "age,name" ok 115 - Constraint field = "age,name" ok 116 - Constraint field = "age,name" ok 117 - Constraint field = "age,name" ok 118 - Constraint field = "age,name" ok 119 - Constraint field_names = "age,name" ok 120 - Constraint match type is empty ok 121 - Constraint match type rejects bad arg... ok 122 - ...because it is invalid ok 123 - Constraint match type = "full" ok 124 - Constraint isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 125 - Constraint name is "bar" ok 126 - Constraint isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 127 - Constraint type is "CHECK" ok 128 - Constraint expression is "foo bar" ok 129 - Three constraints ok 130 - "foo" constraint ok 131 - "bar" constraint ok 132 - Dropped constraint "foo" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 133 - Dropped constraint "foo" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 134 - Dropped correct constraint "foo" ok 135 - Can't drop non-existant constraint "foo" ok 136 - View isa SQL::Translator::Schema::View ok 137 - View SQL is good ok 138 - Add view "view2" ok 139 - Didn't create another "view2" view... ok 140 - ... because it exists ok 141 - Dropped view "view1" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::View ok 142 - Dropped view "view1" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::View ok 143 - Dropped correct view "view1" ok 144 - Can't drop non-existant view "view1" ok 145 - Error on no arg to get_table ok 146 - Error on bad arg to get_table ok 147 - Error on no arg to get_view ok 148 - Error on bad arg to get_view ok 149 - Table "foo" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 150 - View "view1" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::View ok 151 - View SQL is good ok 152 - Found 2 tables ok 153 - Found 1 view ok 154 - Field is PK ok 155 - Field is auto inc ok 156 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 157 - ...because it has no type ok 158 - Constraint type now a FK ok 159 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 160 - ...because it has no fields ok 161 - Fields now = "foo" ok 162 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 163 - ...because field "foo" doesn't exist ok 164 - Added field "pet_id" ok 165 - Fields now = "pet_id" ok 166 - Fields now = "f1,f2" ok 167 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 168 - ...because too many fields for FK ok 169 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 170 - ...because there's no reference table ok 171 - Reference table now = "foo" ok 172 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 173 - ...because reference table "foo" doesn't exist ok 174 - Added "pet" table ok 175 - Reference table now = "pet" ok 176 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 177 - ...because there're no reference fields ok 178 - Reference fields = "pet_id" ok 179 - Constraint on "person" not valid... ok 180 - ...because there's no "pet_id" field in "pet" ok 181 - Added field "pet_id" ok 182 - Constraint now valid ok 183 - No primary key ok 184 - Can't make PK on "person_id"... ok 185 - ...because it doesn't exist ok 186 - Constraint isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 187 - Constraint now on "person_id" ok 188 - Constraint now on "person_id" and "name" ok 189 - Found 1 constraint ok 190 - Made "person_id" PK on "person" ok 191 - FK found PK "" ok 192 - View isa SQL::Translator::Schema::View ok 193 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 194 - Schema name is "'ViewTest'" ok 195 - Name is "foo_view" ok 196 - Name is "select name, age from person" ok 197 - Fields are "name, age" ok 198 - Number of views is 1 ok 199 - View isa SQL::Translator::Schema::View ok 200 - Name is "foo_view" ok 201 - Trigger isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger ok 202 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 203 - Schema name is "'TrigTest'" ok 204 - Name is "foo_trigger" ok 205 - Perform action when is "after" ok 206 - Database event is "insert" ok 207 - table is a Table" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 208 - Action is "update modified=timestamp();" ok 209 - Number of triggers is 1 ok 210 - Trigger isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger ok 211 - Name is "foo_trigger" ok 212 - Trigger isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger ok 213 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 214 - Schema name is "'TrigTest2'" ok 215 - Name is "foo_trigger" ok 216 - Database events are [qw/insert update/] ok 217 - Database events isa ARRAY ok 218 - Compare two Triggers with database_event and database_events ok 219 - Compare two Triggers with database_event ok 220 - Compare two Triggers with database_events ok 221 - Dropped trigger "foo_trigger" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger ok 222 - Dropped trigger "foo_trigger" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Trigger ok 223 - Dropped correct trigger "foo_trigger" ok 224 - Can't drop non-existant trigger "foo_trigger" ok 225 - Procedure isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure ok 226 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 227 - Schema name is "'ProcTest'" ok 228 - Name is "foo_proc" ok 229 - SQL is "select foo from bar" ok 230 - Params = 'foo,bar' ok 231 - Comments = "Go Sox!" ok 232 - Number of procedures is 1 ok 233 - Procedure isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure ok 234 - Name is "foo_proc" ok 235 - Dropped procedure "foo_proc" isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure ok 236 - Dropped procedure "foo_proc" by object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Procedure ok 237 - Dropped correct procedure "foo_proc" ok 238 - Can't drop non-existant procedure "foo_proc" ok 239 - Field order is passed, order is 1 ok 240 - Field order is passed, order is 2 ok 241 - Field order is passed, order is 3 ok 242 - Field order is not passed, order is 4 ok 243 - Field order is not passed, order is 5 ok 244 - threw Regexp ((?^:Requested\ order\ \'2\'\ for\ column\ \'name2\'\ conflicts\ with\ already\ existing\ column\ \'name\')) ok 245 - threw Regexp ((?^:field order incomplete)) ok t/14postgres-parser.t ................... 1..140 ok 1 - Schema object isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 2 - Five tables ok 3 - Table t_test1 exists ok 4 - Table comment exists ok 5 - 13 fields in t_test1 ok 6 - First field is "f_serial" ok 7 - Field is an integer ok 8 - Field cannot be null ok 9 - Size is "11" ok 10 - Default value is "0" ok 11 - Field is PK ok 12 - Comment ok 13 - Field is auto increment ok 14 - Second field is "f_varchar" ok 15 - Field is a varchar ok 16 - Field can be null ok 17 - Size is "255" ok 18 - Default value is undefined ok 19 - Field is not PK ok 20 - Field is not auto increment ok 21 - Third field is "f_double" ok 22 - Field is a float ok 23 - Field can be null ok 24 - Size is "20" ok 25 - Default value is undefined ok 26 - Field is not PK ok 27 - Fourth field is "f_bigint" ok 28 - Field is an integer ok 29 - Field cannot be null ok 30 - Size is "20" ok 31 - Default value is undefined ok 32 - Field is not PK ok 33 - Fifth field is "f_char" ok 34 - Field is char ok 35 - Field can be null ok 36 - Size is "10" ok 37 - Default value is undefined ok 38 - Field is not PK ok 39 - Sixth field is "f_bool" ok 40 - Field is a boolean ok 41 - Field can be null ok 42 - Size is "0" ok 43 - Default value is undefined ok 44 - Field is not PK ok 45 - Seventh field is "f_bin" ok 46 - Field is bytea ok 47 - Field can be null ok 48 - Size is "0" ok 49 - Default value is undefined ok 50 - Field is not PK ok 51 - Eighth field is "f_tz" ok 52 - Field is a timestamp ok 53 - Field can be null ok 54 - Size is "0" ok 55 - Default value is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 ok 56 - Field is not PK ok 57 - Ninth field is "f_text" ok 58 - Field is text ok 59 - Field can be null ok 60 - Size is "64,000" ok 61 - Default value is undefined ok 62 - Field is not PK ok 63 - Tenth field is "f_fk1" ok 64 - Field is an integer ok 65 - Field cannot be null ok 66 - Size is "10" ok 67 - Default value is undefined ok 68 - Field is not PK ok 69 - Field is a FK ok 70 - FK isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 71 - FK is to "t_test2" table ok 72 - Eleventh field is "f_timestamp" ok 73 - Field is a timestamp with time zone ok 74 - Field can be null ok 75 - Size is "0" ok 76 - Default value is "undef" ok 77 - Field is not PK ok 78 - Field is not FK ok 79 - 12th field is "f_timestamp2" ok 80 - Field is a timestamp without time zone ok 81 - Field can be null ok 82 - Size is "0" ok 83 - Default value is "undef" ok 84 - Field is not PK ok 85 - Field is not FK ok 86 - 8 constraints on t_test1 ok 87 - First constraint is PK ok 88 - Constraint is on field "f_serial" ok 89 - Second constraint is foreign key ok 90 - Constraint is on field "f_fk1" ok 91 - Constraint is to table "t_test2" ok 92 - Constraint is to field "f_id" ok 93 - Third constraint is unique ok 94 - Constraint is on field "f_varchar" ok 95 - Fourth constraint is foreign key ok 96 - Constraint is on field "f_fk2" ok 97 - Constraint is to table "t_test2" ok 98 - Constraint is to field "f_id" ok 99 - On delete: cascade ok 100 - On delete: no action ok 101 - Match type: simple ok 102 - Deferrable detected ok 103 - Table t_test2 exists ok 104 - 4 fields in t_test2 ok 105 - First field is "f_id" ok 106 - Field is an integer ok 107 - Field cannot be null ok 108 - Size is "10" ok 109 - Default value is undefined ok 110 - Field is PK ok 111 - Second field is "f_varchar" ok 112 - Field is an varchar ok 113 - Field can be null ok 114 - Size is "25" ok 115 - Default value is undefined ok 116 - Field is not PK ok 117 - Third field is "f_int" ok 118 - Field is an integer ok 119 - Field can be null ok 120 - Size is "5" ok 121 - Default value is undefined ok 122 - Field is not PK ok 123 - Fourth field is "f_smallint" ok 124 - Field is an integer ok 125 - Field can be null ok 126 - Size is "5" ok 127 - Default value is 0 ok 128 - Field is not PK ok 129 - Three constraints on table ok 130 - Constraint is NOT NULL ok 131 - Constraint is a PK ok 132 - Constraint is a 'CHECK' ok 133 - Table is NOT temporary ok 134 - Table is TEMP ok 135 - Table is TEMPORARY ok 136 - Trigger is on correct table ok 137 - Correct events for trigger ok 138 - Correct time for trigger ok 139 - Correct scope for trigger ok 140 - Correct action for trigger ok t/15oracle-parser.t ..................... 1..99 ok 1 - Schema object isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 2 - Found four tables ok 3 - First table is "qtl_trait_category" ok 4 - Comment = "hey, hey, hey, hey" ok 5 - 2 fields in table ok 6 - First field is "qtl_trait_category_id" ok 7 - Field is a number ok 8 - Size is "11" ok 9 - Field cannot be null ok 10 - Default value is undefined ok 11 - Field is PK ok 12 - Comment = "the primary key!" ok 13 - Second field is "trait_category" ok 14 - Field is a varchar2 ok 15 - Size is "100" ok 16 - Field cannot be null ok 17 - Default value is undefined ok 18 - Field is not PK ok 19 - 0 indices on table ok 20 - 3 constraints on table ok 21 - Constraint name is "pk_qtl_trait_category" ok 22 - First constraint is PK ok 23 - Constraint is on field "qtl_trait_category_id" ok 24 - Second constraint is a check ok 25 - Constraint is on field "trait_category" ok 26 - Third constraint is unique ok 27 - Constraint is on field "trait_category" ok 28 - Table "qtl_trait" exists ok 29 - Comment "foo bar" exists ok 30 - 4 fields in table ok 31 - First field is "qtl_trait_id" ok 32 - Field is a number ok 33 - Size is "11" ok 34 - Field cannot be null ok 35 - Default value is undefined ok 36 - Field is PK ok 37 - Second field is "trait_symbol" ok 38 - Field is a varchar2 ok 39 - Size is "100" ok 40 - Field cannot be null ok 41 - Field is not a FK ok 42 - Third field is "trait_name" ok 43 - Field is a varchar2 ok 44 - Size is "200" ok 45 - Field cannot be null ok 46 - Field is not a FK ok 47 - Fourth field is "qtl_trait_category_id" ok 48 - Field is a number ok 49 - Size is "11" ok 50 - Field cannot be null ok 51 - Field is a FK ok 52 - FK isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint ok 53 - FK references table "qtl_trait_category" ok 54 - FK references field "qtl_trait_category_id" ok 55 - 4 constraints on table ok 56 - First constraint is PK ok 57 - Name is "pk_qtl_trait" ok 58 - Fields = "qtl_trait_id" ok 59 - Second constraint is unique ok 60 - No name ok 61 - Fields = "trait_symbol" ok 62 - Third constraint is unique ok 63 - No name ok 64 - Fields = "trait_name" ok 65 - Fourth constraint is FK ok 66 - No name ok 67 - Fields = "qtl_trait_category_id" ok 68 - Reference table = "qtl_trait_category" ok 69 - Reference fields = "qtl_trait_category_id" ok 70 - Table "qtl" exists ok 71 - 8 fields in table ok 72 - 4 constraints on table ok 73 - Fourth constraint is unique ok 74 - Name = "qtl_accession_upper" ok 75 - Fields = "UPPER(qtl_accession_id)" ok 76 - Comment "qtl table comment" exists ok 77 - Comment "qtl_id comment" exists ok 78 - Comment "accession comment" exists ok 79 - 1 index on table ok 80 - First index is normal ok 81 - Name is "qtl_index" ok 82 - Fields = "qtl_accession_id" ok 83 - Table "qtl_trait_synonym" exists ok 84 - 3 fields in table ok 85 - 3 constraints on table ok 86 - Third constraint is FK ok 87 - No name ok 88 - Fields = "qtl_trait_id" ok 89 - Reference table = "qtl_trait" ok 90 - Reference fields = "qtl_trait_id" ok 91 - on_delete = "SET NULL" ok 92 - Right number of views (1) ok 93 - Found "VS_ASSET" view ok 94 - Detected view VS_ASSET ok 95 - Did not detect CMDOMAIN_MIG ok 96 - Right number of procedures (1) ok 97 - Found "P_24_HOUR_EVENT_SUMMARY" procedure ok 98 - Detected procedure P_24_HOUR_EVENT_SUMMARY ok 99 - Did not detect CMDOMAIN_MIG ok t/16xml-parser.t ........................ 1..238 ok 1 - database_event deprecation warning issued ok 2 - Schema name is '' ok 3 - database is '' ok 4 - extra ok 5 - is valid ok 6 - table names match ok 7 - Table 'Basic' ok 8 - options are 'HASH(0x1291d48)' ok 9 - extra ok 10 - field names are id, title, description, email, explicitnulldef, explicitemptystring, emptytagdef, another_id, timest ok 11 - Field '' ok 12 - is valid ok 13 - type is 'int' ok 14 - size is '10' ok 15 - default value is UNDEF ok 16 - cannot be null ok 17 - cannot be unique ok 18 - is a primary_key ok 19 - is not a foreign_key ok 20 - is an auto_increment ok 21 - comments ok 22 - extra ok 23 - Field 'Basic.title' ok 24 - is valid ok 25 - type is 'varchar' ok 26 - size is '100' ok 27 - default value is 'hello' ok 28 - cannot be null ok 29 - can be unique ok 30 - is not a primary_key ok 31 - is not a foreign_key ok 32 - is not an auto_increment ok 33 - comments ok 34 - extra ok 35 - Field 'Basic.description' ok 36 - is valid ok 37 - type is 'text' ok 38 - size is '0' ok 39 - default value is '' ok 40 - can be null ok 41 - cannot be unique ok 42 - is not a primary_key ok 43 - is not a foreign_key ok 44 - is not an auto_increment ok 45 - comments ok 46 - extra ok 47 - Field '' ok 48 - is valid ok 49 - type is 'varchar' ok 50 - size is '500' ok 51 - default value is UNDEF ok 52 - can be null ok 53 - can be unique ok 54 - is not a primary_key ok 55 - is not a foreign_key ok 56 - is not an auto_increment ok 57 - comments ok 58 - extra ok 59 - Field 'Basic.explicitnulldef' ok 60 - is valid ok 61 - type is 'varchar' ok 62 - size is '255' ok 63 - default value is UNDEF ok 64 - can be null ok 65 - cannot be unique ok 66 - is not a primary_key ok 67 - is not a foreign_key ok 68 - is not an auto_increment ok 69 - comments ok 70 - extra ok 71 - Field 'Basic.explicitemptystring' ok 72 - is valid ok 73 - type is 'varchar' ok 74 - size is '255' ok 75 - default value is '' ok 76 - can be null ok 77 - cannot be unique ok 78 - is not a primary_key ok 79 - is not a foreign_key ok 80 - is not an auto_increment ok 81 - comments ok 82 - extra ok 83 - Field 'Basic.emptytagdef' ok 84 - is valid ok 85 - type is 'varchar' ok 86 - size is '255' ok 87 - default value is '' ok 88 - can be null ok 89 - cannot be unique ok 90 - is not a primary_key ok 91 - is not a foreign_key ok 92 - is not an auto_increment ok 93 - comments ok 94 - extra ok 95 - Field 'Basic.another_id' ok 96 - is valid ok 97 - type is 'int' ok 98 - size is '10' ok 99 - default value is '2' ok 100 - can be null ok 101 - cannot be unique ok 102 - is not a primary_key ok 103 - is a foreign_key ok 104 - is not an auto_increment ok 105 - comments ok 106 - extra ok 107 - Field 'Basic.timest' ok 108 - is valid ok 109 - type is 'timestamp' ok 110 - size is '0' ok 111 - default value is UNDEF ok 112 - can be null ok 113 - cannot be unique ok 114 - is not a primary_key ok 115 - is not a foreign_key ok 116 - is not an auto_increment ok 117 - comments ok 118 - extra ok 119 - Table has 1 indices ok 120 - Index 'titleindex' ok 121 - is valid ok 122 - type is 'NORMAL' ok 123 - fields are 'title' ok 124 - options are '' ok 125 - extra ok 126 - Table has 4 constraints ok 127 - Constraint '' ok 128 - type is 'PRIMARY KEY' ok 129 - can be deferred ok 130 - is valid ok 131 - table is 'Basic' ok 132 - expression is '' ok 133 - fields are 'id' ok 134 - reference_table is '' ok 135 - reference_fields are '' ok 136 - match_type is '' ok 137 - on_delete is '' ok 138 - on_update is '' ok 139 - options are '' ok 140 - extra ok 141 - Constraint 'emailuniqueindex' ok 142 - type is 'UNIQUE' ok 143 - can be deferred ok 144 - is valid ok 145 - table is 'Basic' ok 146 - expression is '' ok 147 - fields are 'email' ok 148 - reference_table is '' ok 149 - reference_fields are '' ok 150 - match_type is '' ok 151 - on_delete is '' ok 152 - on_update is '' ok 153 - options are '' ok 154 - extra ok 155 - Constraint 'very_long_index_name_on_title_field_which_should_be_truncated_for_various_rdbms' ok 156 - type is 'UNIQUE' ok 157 - can be deferred ok 158 - is valid ok 159 - table is 'Basic' ok 160 - expression is '' ok 161 - fields are 'title' ok 162 - reference_table is '' ok 163 - reference_fields are '' ok 164 - match_type is '' ok 165 - on_delete is '' ok 166 - on_update is '' ok 167 - options are '' ok 168 - extra ok 169 - Constraint 'Basic_fk' ok 170 - type is 'FOREIGN KEY' ok 171 - can be deferred ok 172 - is valid ok 173 - table is 'Basic' ok 174 - expression is '' ok 175 - fields are 'another_id' ok 176 - reference_table is 'Another' ok 177 - reference_fields are 'id' ok 178 - match_type is '' ok 179 - on_delete is '' ok 180 - on_update is '' ok 181 - options are '' ok 182 - extra ok 183 - Table 'Another' ok 184 - options are 'HASH(0x12ae988)' ok 185 - extra ok 186 - field names are id, num ok 187 - Field '' ok 188 - is valid ok 189 - type is 'int' ok 190 - size is '10' ok 191 - default value is UNDEF ok 192 - cannot be null ok 193 - cannot be unique ok 194 - is a primary_key ok 195 - is not a foreign_key ok 196 - is an auto_increment ok 197 - comments ok 198 - extra ok 199 - Field 'Another.num' ok 200 - is valid ok 201 - type is 'numeric' ok 202 - size is '10,2' ok 203 - default value is UNDEF ok 204 - can be null ok 205 - cannot be unique ok 206 - is not a primary_key ok 207 - is not a foreign_key ok 208 - is not an auto_increment ok 209 - comments ok 210 - extra ok 211 - Schema has 2 triggers ok 212 - Trigger 'foo_trigger' ok 213 - is valid ok 214 - perform_action_when is 'after' ok 215 - database_events is 'insert' ok 216 - on_table is 'Basic' ok 217 - action is 'update modified=timestamp();' ok 218 - extra ok 219 - Trigger 'bar_trigger' ok 220 - is valid ok 221 - perform_action_when is 'before' ok 222 - database_events is 'insert,update' ok 223 - on_table is 'Basic' ok 224 - action is 'update modified2=timestamp();' ok 225 - extra ok 226 - Schema has 1 views ok 227 - View 'email_list' ok 228 - is valid ok 229 - sql is 'SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE (email IS NOT NULL)' ok 230 - fields are 'email' ok 231 - extra ok 232 - Schema has 1 procedures ok 233 - Procedure 'foo_proc' ok 234 - sql is 'select foo from bar' ok 235 - parameters are 'foo,bar' ok 236 - comments is 'Go Sox!' ok 237 - owner is 'Nomar' ok 238 - extra ok t/17sqlfxml-producer.t .................. 1..14 ok 1 - Produced something! ok 2 - XML looks right ok 3 - Translate (View) ran ok 4 - Produced something! ok 5 - XML looks right ok 6 - Translate (Trigger) ran ok 7 - Produced something! ok 8 - XML looks right ok 9 - Translate (Procedure) ran ok 10 - Produced something! ok 11 - XML looks right ok 12 - Translate (Field.extra) ran ok 13 - Produced something! ok 14 - XML looks right ok t/18ttschema-producer.t ................. 1..6 ok 1 - Translate ran ok 2 - Produced something! ok 3 - Output looks right ok 4 - Translate ran ok 5 - Produced something! ok 6 - Output looks right ok t/19sybase-parser.t ..................... 1..41 ok 1 - File exists ok 2 - Data ok 3 - Parse ok 4 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 5 - Schema is valid ok 6 - Nine tables ok 7 - Table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 8 - Name = 'jdbc_function_escapes' ok 9 - Two fields ok 10 - First field name is 'escape_name' ok 11 - First field is 'varchar' ok 12 - First field size is '40' ok 13 - First field cannot be null ok 14 - Second field name is 'map_string' ok 15 - Second field is 'varchar' ok 16 - Second field size is '40' ok 17 - Second field cannot be null ok 18 - Table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 19 - Name = 'spt_jtext' ok 20 - Two fields ok 21 - First field name is 'mdinfo' ok 22 - First field is 'varchar' ok 23 - First field size is '30' ok 24 - First field cannot be null ok 25 - Second field name is 'value' ok 26 - Second field is 'text' ok 27 - Second field size is '0' ok 28 - Second field cannot be null ok 29 - One constraint ok 30 - Constraint is UNIQUE ok 31 - On "mdinfo" ok 32 - Table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 33 - Name = 'spt_mda' ok 34 - Seven fields ok 35 - First field name is 'mdinfo' ok 36 - First field is 'varchar' ok 37 - First field size is '30' ok 38 - First field cannot be null ok 39 - One constraint ok 40 - Constraint is UNIQUE ok 41 - On "mdinfo,mdaver_end,srvver_end" ok t/20format_X_name.t ..................... 1..25 ok 1 ok 2 - $tr->format_table_name("foo") == "foo" ok 3 - $tr->format_package_name("foo") == "foo" ok 4 - $tr->format_fk_name("foo") == "foo" ok 5 - $tr->format_pk_name("foo") == "foo" ok 6 - $tr->format_table_name(sub { "table_$_[0]" }) ok 7 - $tr->format_table_name("foo") == "table_foo" ok 8 - $tr->format_package_name(sub { "package_$_[0]" }) ok 9 - $tr->format_package_name("foo") == "package_foo" ok 10 - $tr->format_fk_name(sub { "fk_$_[0]" }) ok 11 - $tr->format_fk_name("foo") == "fk_foo" ok 12 - $tr->format_pk_name(sub { "pk_$_[0]" }) ok 13 - $tr->format_pk_name("foo") == "pk_foo" ok 14 - $tr->format_table_name(sub { "table_$_[0]" }) ok 15 - $tr->format_table_name("foo") == "table_foo" ok 16 - $tr->format_package_name(sub { "package_$_[0]" }) ok 17 - $tr->format_package_name("foo") == "package_foo" ok 18 - $tr->format_fk_name(sub { "fk_$_[0]" }) ok 19 - $tr->format_fk_name("foo") == "fk_foo" ok 20 - $tr->format_pk_name(sub { "pk_$_[0]" }) ok 21 - $tr->format_pk_name("foo") == "pk_foo" ok 22 - $tr->format_table_name(sub { "table_$_[0]" }, "foo") == "table_foo" ok 23 - $tr->format_package_name(sub { "package_$_[0]" }, "foo") == "package_foo" ok 24 - $tr->format_fk_name(sub { "fk_$_[0]" }, "foo") == "fk_foo" ok 25 - $tr->format_pk_name(sub { "pk_$_[0]" }, "foo") == "pk_foo" ok t/24yaml.t .............................. 1..2 ok 1 - Translate SQLite to YAML ok 2 - YAML matches expected ok t/25storable.t .......................... 1..2 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::Storable; ok 2 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::Storable; ok t/26sybase.t ............................ 1..3 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Sybase; ok 2 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::Storable; ok 3 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::Storable; ok t/27sqlite-parser.t ..................... 1..21 ok 1 - Parsed two tables ok 2 - 'Person' table ok 3 - Six fields in "person" table ok 4 - First field is "person_id" ok 5 - Is an autoincrement field ok 6 - 'Pet' table ok 7 - 3 constraints on pet ok 8 - FK constraint ok 9 - References person table ok 10 - References person_id field ok 11 - Parsed one views ok 12 - Parsed one triggers ok 13 - Parsed one table ok 14 - 'Pet' table ok 15 - 3 constraints on pet ok 16 - FK constraint ok 17 - References person table ok 18 - Constraint name fk_person_id ok 19 - On delete restrict ok 20 - On update cascade ok 21 - References person_id field ok t/29html.t .............................. 1..5 ok 1 - Parsed table OK ok 2 - Parsed HTML OK ok 3 - One table in the SQL produces 3 tags ok 4 - One 'LinkTable' class ok 5 - SQLfairy plug is alive and well ok t/30sqlt-new-diff-mysql.t ............... 1..9 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Diff; ok 2 - Got a list ok 3 - Diff as expected ok 4 - Diff as expected ok 5 - No differences found ok 6 - No differences found ok 7 - Batch alter of constraints work for InnoDB ok 8 - Alter/drop constraints works with rename table ok 9 - Quoting can be turned on ok t/30sqlt-new-diff-pgsql.t ............... 1..4 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Diff; ok 2 - Diff as expected ok 3 - Diff as expected ok 4 - No differences found ok t/30sqlt-new-diff-sqlite.t .............. 1..4 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Diff; ok 2 - Diff as expected ok 3 - Diff as expected ok 4 - No differences found ok t/30sqlt-new-diff.t ..................... 1..10 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Diff; ok 2 - Correct differences correct on employee table ok 3 - Correct differences correct on person table ok 4 - tables_to_drop right ok 5 - tables_to_create right ok 6 - Correct differences correct on employee table ok 7 - Correct differences correct on person table ok 8 - No differences ok 9 - tables_to_drop right ok 10 - tables_to_create right ok t/31dumper.t ............................ 1..5 ok 1 - Got dumper script ok 2 - Script contains correct DSN, db user and password ok 3 - Found "person" table ok 4 - Skipped "pet" table ok 5 - Generated script syntax is OK ok t/32schema-lookups.t .................... 1..15 ok 1 - pkey_fields ok 2 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 3 - fkey_fields ok 4 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 5 - nonpkey_fields ok 6 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 7 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 8 - data_fields ok 9 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 10 - unique_fields ok 11 - The object isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Field ok 12 - Number of unique_constraints is 1 ok 13 - unique_constraints ok 14 - Number of fkey_constraints is 1 ok 15 - fkey_constraints ok t/33tt-table-producer.t ................. 1..8 ok 1 - Translate ran ok 2 - Produced something! ok 3 - Output looks right ok 4 - Wrote 2 files. ok 5 - Wrote person.txt ok 6 - Wrote pet.txt ok 7 - person.txt looks right ok 8 - pet.txt looks right ok t/34tt-base.t ........................... 1..4 ok 1 - Translate ran ok 2 - No errors ok 3 - Produced something! ok 4 - Output looks right ok t/35-access-parser.t .................... ok 1 - Parsed OK ok 2 - Schema is valid ok 3 - Right number of tables (24) ok 4 - tables ok 5 - Table 'div_aa_annotation' ok 6 - options are '' ok 7 - extra ok 8 - field names are div_aa_annotation_id, div_annotation_type_id, div_allele_assay_id, annotation_value ok 9 - Field 'div_aa_annotation.div_aa_annotation_id' ok 10 - is valid ok 11 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 12 - size is '4' ok 13 - default value is UNDEF ok 14 - can be null ok 15 - cannot be unique ok 16 - is not a primary_key ok 17 - is not a foreign_key ok 18 - is not an auto_increment ok 19 - comments ok 20 - extra ok 21 - Field 'div_aa_annotation.div_annotation_type_id' ok 22 - is valid ok 23 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 24 - size is '4' ok 25 - default value is UNDEF ok 26 - can be null ok 27 - cannot be unique ok 28 - is not a primary_key ok 29 - is not a foreign_key ok 30 - is not an auto_increment ok 31 - comments ok 32 - extra ok 33 - Field 'div_aa_annotation.div_allele_assay_id' ok 34 - is valid ok 35 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 36 - size is '4' ok 37 - default value is UNDEF ok 38 - can be null ok 39 - cannot be unique ok 40 - is not a primary_key ok 41 - is not a foreign_key ok 42 - is not an auto_increment ok 43 - comments ok 44 - extra ok 45 - Field 'div_aa_annotation.annotation_value' ok 46 - is valid ok 47 - type is 'Text' ok 48 - size is '50' ok 49 - default value is UNDEF ok 50 - can be null ok 51 - cannot be unique ok 52 - is not a primary_key ok 53 - is not a foreign_key ok 54 - is not an auto_increment ok 55 - comments ok 56 - extra ok 57 - Table 'div_allele' ok 58 - options are '' ok 59 - extra ok 60 - field names are div_allele_id, div_obs_unit_sample_id, div_allele_assay_id, allele_num, quality, value ok 61 - Field 'div_allele.div_allele_id' ok 62 - is valid ok 63 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 64 - size is '4' ok 65 - default value is UNDEF ok 66 - can be null ok 67 - cannot be unique ok 68 - is not a primary_key ok 69 - is not a foreign_key ok 70 - is not an auto_increment ok 71 - comments ok 72 - extra ok 73 - Field 'div_allele.div_obs_unit_sample_id' ok 74 - is valid ok 75 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 76 - size is '4' ok 77 - default value is UNDEF ok 78 - can be null ok 79 - cannot be unique ok 80 - is not a primary_key ok 81 - is not a foreign_key ok 82 - is not an auto_increment ok 83 - comments ok 84 - extra ok 85 - Field 'div_allele.div_allele_assay_id' ok 86 - is valid ok 87 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 88 - size is '4' ok 89 - default value is UNDEF ok 90 - can be null ok 91 - cannot be unique ok 92 - is not a primary_key ok 93 - is not a foreign_key ok 94 - is not an auto_increment ok 95 - comments ok 96 - extra ok 97 - Field 'div_allele.allele_num' ok 98 - is valid ok 99 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 100 - size is '4' ok 101 - default value is UNDEF ok 102 - can be null ok 103 - cannot be unique ok 104 - is not a primary_key ok 105 - is not a foreign_key ok 106 - is not an auto_increment ok 107 - comments ok 108 - extra ok 109 - Field 'div_allele.quality' ok 110 - is valid ok 111 - type is 'Long Integer' ok 112 - size is '4' ok 113 - default value is UNDEF ok 114 - can be null ok 115 - cannot be unique ok 116 - is not a primary_key ok 117 - is not a foreign_key ok 118 - is not an auto_increment ok 119 - comments ok 120 - extra ok 121 - Field 'div_allele.value' ok 122 - is valid ok 123 - type is 'Text' ok 124 - size is '50' ok 125 - default value is UNDEF ok 126 - can be null ok 127 - cannot be unique ok 128 - is not a primary_key ok 129 - is not a foreign_key ok 130 - is not an auto_increment ok 131 - comments ok 132 - extra 1..132 ok t/36-filters.t .......................... 1..16 ok 1 - Filter 1 called ok 2 - Filter 1, arg0 isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 3 - Filter 1, got no args ok 4 - Filter 2 called ok 5 - Filter 2, arg0 isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 6 - Filter 2, got no args ok 7 - Filter 3 called ok 8 - Filter 3, arg0 isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 9 - Filter 3, go 2 args ok 10 - Filter 3, arg1=hello ok 11 - Filter 3, arg2=world ok 12 - Filter called with args: SQL::Translator::Schema=HASH(0x69aae8) ok 13 - Translate ran ok 14 - No errors ok 15 - Produced something! ok 16 - Output looks right ok t/37-translator-graph.t ................. skipped: Missing dependency: Class::MakeMethods t/38-filter-names.t ..................... 1..4 ok 1 - Translate ran ok 2 - No errors ok 3 - Produced something! ok 4 - Output looks right ok t/38-mysql-producer.t ................... 1..73 ok 1 - Produced something! ok 2 - Scalar output looks right with quoting ok 3 - Array output looks right with quoting ok 4 - Output looks right without quoting ok 5 - Array output looks right without quoting ok 6 - Output looks right with DROP TABLEs ok 7 - Array output looks right with DROP TABLEs ok 8 - Create field works ok 9 - Alter field works ok 10 - Add field works ok 11 - Drop field works ok 12 - For Mysql >= 4, use boolean type ok 13 - For Mysql < 4, use enum for boolean type ok 14 - When no version specified, use enum for boolean type ok 15 - Use int for NUMBER types of size 4 ok 16 - Use tinyint for NUMBER types of size 1 ok 17 - Use double for NUMBER types of size 3, 2 ok 18 - Use bigint for NUMBER types of size 12 ok 19 - VARCHAR(255) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 20 - VARCHAR(255) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 21 - VARCHAR(255) is not substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 22 - VARCHAR(256) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 23 - VARCHAR(256) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 24 - VARCHAR(256) is substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 25 - VARCHAR(65535) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 26 - VARCHAR(65535) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 27 - VARCHAR(65535) is substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 28 - VARCHAR(65536) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 29 - VARCHAR(65536) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 30 - VARCHAR(65536) is substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 31 - correct "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" SQL ok 32 - correct "CREATE VIEW" SQL ok 33 - Extra attributes ok 34 - Extra attributes after first reset_extra call ok 35 - Extra attributes completely removed ok 36 - Skip length param for type date ok 37 - Skip length param for type time ok 38 - Skip length param for type timestamp ok 39 - Skip length param for type datetime ok 40 - Skip length param for type year ok 41 - Alter field works ok 42 - Add field works ok 43 - Drop field works ok 44 - For Mysql >= 4, use boolean type ok 45 - For Mysql < 4, use enum for boolean type ok 46 - When no version specified, use enum for boolean type ok 47 - Use int for NUMBER types of size 4 ok 48 - Use tinyint for NUMBER types of size 1 ok 49 - Use double for NUMBER types of size 3, 2 ok 50 - Use bigint for NUMBER types of size 12 ok 51 - VARCHAR(255) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 52 - VARCHAR(255) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 53 - VARCHAR(255) is not substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 54 - VARCHAR(256) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 55 - VARCHAR(256) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 56 - VARCHAR(256) is substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 57 - VARCHAR(65535) is not substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 58 - VARCHAR(65535) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 59 - VARCHAR(65535) is substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 60 - VARCHAR(65536) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql >= 5.0.3 ok 61 - VARCHAR(65536) is substituted with TEXT for Mysql < 5.0.3 ok 62 - VARCHAR(65536) is substituted with TEXT when no version specified ok 63 - correct "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" SQL ok 64 - correct "CREATE VIEW" SQL ok 65 - Extra attributes ok 66 - Extra attributes after first reset_extra call ok 67 - Extra attributes completely removed ok 68 - Skip length param for type date ok 69 - Skip length param for type time ok 70 - Skip length param for type timestamp ok 71 - Skip length param for type datetime ok 72 - Skip length param for type year ok 73 - valid drop primary key ok t/39-filter-globals.t ................... 1..3 ok 1 - Translate/yaml reload ran ok 2 - No errors ok 3 - Expected final yaml-schema ok t/40oracle-parser-dbi.t ................. 1..1 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::Oracle; ok t/43xml-to-db2.t ........................ 1..1 ok 1 ok t/44-xml-to-db2-array.t ................. 1..1 ok 1 - Got correct DB2 statements in list context ok t/45db2-producer.t ...................... 1..4 ok 1 - Create field works ok 2 - Alter field works ok 3 - Add field works ok 4 - Drop field works ok t/46xml-to-pg.t ......................... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/47postgres-producer.t ................. 1..51 ok 1 - Create field works ok 2 - Create field works ok 3 - precheck of create_Primary Key constraint ok 4 - Create Primary Key Constraint works ok 5 - Alter drop Primary Key constraint works ok 6 - precheck of create_Foreign Key constraint ok 7 - Create Foreign Key Constraint works ok 8 - Alter drop Foreign Key constraint works ok 9 - precheck of create_Foreign Key constraint ok 10 - Create named Foreign Key Constraint works ok 11 - Alter drop named Foreign Key constraint works ok 12 - Alter field works ok 13 - Complex Alter field works ok 14 - Add field works ok 15 - Drop field works ok 16 - Create time field works ok 17 - Create time field with time zone and size, works ok 18 - Create time field without time zone but with size, works ok 19 - Create numeric field works ok 20 - Create bytea field works ok 21 - Create real enum field works ok 22 - DROP DEFAULT ok 23 - DEFAULT with escaping ok 24 - DEFAULT unescaped if scalarref ok 25 - DROP NOT NULL ok 26 - timestamp with precision ok 27 - time with precision ok 28 - time with precision ok 29 - time with precision ok 30 - time with precision ok 31 - Create real enum field works ok 32 - default str ok 33 - default null ok 34 - default null from special cased string ok 35 - unquoted default from scalar ref ok 36 - correct "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" SQL ok 37 - correct "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW" SQL 2 ok 38 - index created ok 39 - index created w/ quotes ok 40 - index created ok 41 - index created w/ quotes ok 42 - index created ok 43 - index created w/ quotes ok 44 - constraint created ok 45 - constraint created w/ quotes ok 46 - constraint created ok 47 - constraint created w/ quotes ok 48 - constraint created ok 49 - constraint created w/ quotes ok 50 - My DROP VIEW statement for 8.1 is correct ok 51 - My DROP VIEW statement for 9.1 is correct ok t/48xml-to-sqlite.t ..................... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 - SQLite translate in list context matches ok t/49xml-to-pg-samefield.t ............... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/50-sqlserver-parser.t ................. 1..46 ok 1 - File exists ok 2 - Data ok 3 - Parse ok 4 - Schema isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 5 - Schema is valid ok 6 - Eight tables ok 7 - Table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 8 - Name = 'jdbc_function_escapes' ok 9 - Two fields ok 10 - First field name is 'escape_name' ok 11 - First field is 'varchar' ok 12 - First field size is '40' ok 13 - First field cannot be null ok 14 - Second field name is 'map_string' ok 15 - Second field is 'varchar' ok 16 - Second field size is '40' ok 17 - Second field cannot be null ok 18 - Table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 19 - Name = 'spt_jtext' ok 20 - Two fields ok 21 - First field name is 'mdinfo' ok 22 - First field is 'varchar' ok 23 - First field size is '30' ok 24 - First field cannot be null ok 25 - Second field name is 'value' ok 26 - Second field is 'text' ok 27 - Second field size is '0' ok 28 - Second field cannot be null ok 29 - One constraint ok 30 - Constraint is UNIQUE ok 31 - On "mdinfo" ok 32 - Table isa SQL::Translator::Schema::Table ok 33 - Name = 'spt_mda' ok 34 - Seven fields ok 35 - First field name is 'mdinfo' ok 36 - First field is 'varchar' ok 37 - First field size is '30' ok 38 - First field cannot be null ok 39 - One constraint ok 40 - Constraint is UNIQUE ok 41 - On "mdinfo,mdaver_end,srvver_end" ok 42 - One view ok 43 - Detected view vs_xdp_data ok 44 - Ten procedures ok 45 - Detected procedure Tx_B_Get_Vlan ok 46 - Detected function [dbo].inet_ntoa ok t/51-xml-to-oracle.t .................... 1..2 ok 1 - Got correct Oracle statements in list context ok 2 ok t/51-xml-to-oracle_quoted.t ............. 1..2 ok 1 - Got correct Oracle statements in list context ok 2 ok t/52-oracle-options.t ................... 1..3 ok 1 - Translation successfull ok 2 - Table options ok 3 - Index options ok t/53-oracle-delay-constraints.t ......... 1..2 ok 1 - Translation successfull ok 2 - constraints delayed ok t/53-oracle-delay-constraints_quoted.t .. 1..2 ok 1 - Translation successfull ok 2 - constraints delayed ok t/54-oracle-alter-field.t ............... 1..3 ok 1 - Diff generated. ok 2 - Alter table generated. ok 3 - Alter table generated. ok t/55-oracle-add-field.t ................. 1..2 ok 1 - Diff generated. ok 2 - Alter table generated. ok t/55-oracle-producer.t .................. ok 1 - correct "CREATE CONSTRAINT" SQL 1..1 ok t/56-sqlite-producer.t .................. ok 1 - correct "CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW" SQL ok 2 - correct "CREATE VIEW" SQL ok 3 - correct "FOREIGN KEY" ok 4 - correctly unquoted DEFAULT ok 5 - correctly translated bytea to blob ok 6 - correctly unquoted DEFAULT ok 7 - correctly quoted DEFAULT ok 8 - correctly unquoted excempted DEFAULTs 1..8 ok t/57-class-dbi.t ........................ 1..2 ok 1 - correct "CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW" SQL ok 2 - correct "CREATE VIEW" SQL ok t/60roundtrip.t ......................... ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::XML; ok 2 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::XML; ok 3 - Received some meaningful output from the first XML production ok 4 - First XML parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 5 - Schema tables generally match afer XML parser trip ok 6 - Received some meaningful output from the second XML production ok 7 - XML SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 8 - Round trip for XML did not throw an exception ok 9 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::YAML; ok 10 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::YAML; ok 11 - Received some meaningful output from the first YAML production ok 12 - First YAML parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 13 - Schema tables generally match afer YAML parser trip ok 14 - Received some meaningful output from the second YAML production ok 15 - YAML SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 16 - Round trip for YAML did not throw an exception ok 17 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite; ok 18 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLite; ok 19 - Got proper parser instance ok 20 - Received some meaningful output from the first SQLite production ok 21 - First SQLite parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 22 - Schema tables generally match afer SQLite parser trip ok 23 - Received some meaningful output from the second SQLite production ok 24 - SQLite SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 25 - Round trip for SQLite did not throw an exception ok 26 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL; ok 27 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL; ok 28 - Got proper parser instance ok 29 - Received some meaningful output from the first MySQL production ok 30 - First MySQL parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 31 - Schema tables generally match afer MySQL parser trip ok 32 - Received some meaningful output from the second MySQL production ok 33 - MySQL SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 34 - Round trip for MySQL did not throw an exception ok 35 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL; ok 36 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL; ok 37 - Got proper parser instance ok 38 - Received some meaningful output from the first MySQL 5.0 production ok 39 - First MySQL 5.0 parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 40 - Schema tables generally match afer MySQL 5.0 parser trip ok 41 - Received some meaningful output from the second MySQL 5.0 production ok 42 - MySQL 5.0 SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 43 - Round trip for MySQL 5.0 did not throw an exception ok 44 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL; ok 45 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL; ok 46 - Got proper parser instance ok 47 - Received some meaningful output from the first MySQL 5.1 production ok 48 - First MySQL 5.1 parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 49 - Schema tables generally match afer MySQL 5.1 parser trip ok 50 - Received some meaningful output from the second MySQL 5.1 production ok 51 - MySQL 5.1 SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 52 - Round trip for MySQL 5.1 did not throw an exception ok 53 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL; ok 54 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::PostgreSQL; ok 55 - Got proper parser instance ok 56 - Received some meaningful output from the first PostgreSQL production ok 57 - First PostgreSQL parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 58 - Schema tables generally match afer PostgreSQL parser trip ok 59 - Received some meaningful output from the second PostgreSQL production ok 60 - PostgreSQL SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 61 - Round trip for PostgreSQL did not throw an exception ok 62 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLServer; ok 63 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::SQLServer; ok 64 - Got proper parser instance ok 65 - Received some meaningful output from the first SQLServer production ok 66 - First SQLServer parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema ok 67 - Schema tables generally match afer SQLServer parser trip ok 68 - Received some meaningful output from the second SQLServer production ok 69 - SQLServer SQL roundtrip successful - SQL statements match ok 70 - Round trip for SQLServer did not throw an exception ok 71 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::Oracle; ok 72 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle; ok 73 - Got proper parser instance ok 74 - Received some meaningful output from the first Oracle production # TODO Needs volunteers not ok 75 - First Oracle parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema # TODO Needs volunteers # Failed (TODO) test 'First Oracle parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema' # at t/60roundtrip.t line 181. # First Oracle parser pass produced a schema: isn't defined # translate: Error with parser 'SQL::Translator::Parser::Oracle': Parse failed. # Unparseable DDL: # ============================================================================ # 1: DROP TABLE "Basic" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; # 2: # 3: DROP SEQUENCE "sq_Basic_id"; # 4: # 5: CREATE SEQUENCE "sq_Basic_id"; # 6: # 7: CREATE TABLE "Basic" ( # 8: "id" number(10) NOT NULL, # 9: "title" varchar2(100) DEFAULT 'hello' NOT NULL, # 10: "description" clob DEFAULT '', # 11: "email" varchar2(500), # 12: "explicitnulldef" varchar2(255), # 13: "explicitemptystring" varchar2(255) DEFAULT '', # 14: "emptytagdef" varchar2(255) DEFAULT '', # 15: "another_id" number(10) DEFAULT '2', # 16: "timest" date, # 17: "numeric" number(9,1), # 18: "decimal" number(10,2), # 19: PRIMARY KEY ("id"), # 20: CONSTRAINT "u_Basic_emailuniqueindex" UNIQUE ("email") # 21: ) # 22: ENGINE InnoDB; # 23: # 24: DROP TABLE "Another" CASCADE CONSTRAINTS; # 25: # 26: DROP SEQUENCE "sq_Another_id"; # 27: # 28: CREATE SEQUENCE "sq_Another_id"; # 29: # 30: CREATE TABLE "Another" ( # 31: "id" number(10) NOT NULL, # 32: PRIMARY KEY ("id") # 33: ) # 34: ENGINE InnoDB; # 35: # 36: DROP VIEW "email_list"; # 37: # 38: CREATE VIEW "email_list" AS # 39: SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE (email IS NOT NULL); # 40: # 41: ALTER TABLE "Basic" ADD CONSTRAINT "Basic_another_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("another_id") REFERENCES "Another" ("id"); # 42: # 43: CREATE INDEX "titleindex" on "Basic" ("title"); # 44: # 45: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "ai_Basic_id" # 46: BEFORE INSERT ON "Basic" # 47: FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( # 48: new."id" IS NULL OR new."id" = 0 # 49: ) # 50: BEGIN # 51: SELECT "sq_Basic_id".nextval # 52: INTO :new."id" # 53: FROM dual; # 54: END; # 55: / # 56: # 57: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "ts_Basic_timest" # 58: BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON "Basic" # 59: FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new."timest" IS NULL) # 60: BEGIN # 61: SELECT sysdate INTO :new."timest" FROM dual; # 62: END; # 63: / # 64: # 65: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER "ai_Another_id" # 66: BEFORE INSERT ON "Another" # 67: FOR EACH ROW WHEN ( # 68: new."id" IS NULL OR new."id" = 0 # 69: ) # 70: BEGIN # 71: SELECT "sq_Another_id".nextval # 72: INTO :new."id" # 73: FROM dual; # 74: END; # 75: / # ============================================================================ ok 76 - Round trip for Oracle did not throw an exception # TODO Needs volunteers ok 77 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::Sybase; ok 78 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::Sybase; ok 79 - Got proper parser instance ok 80 - Received some meaningful output from the first Sybase production # TODO Needs volunteers not ok 81 - First Sybase parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema # TODO Needs volunteers # Failed (TODO) test 'First Sybase parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema' # at t/60roundtrip.t line 181. # First Sybase parser pass produced a schema: isn't defined # translate: Error with parser 'SQL::Translator::Parser::Sybase': no results # Unparseable DDL: # ============================================================================ # 1: DROP TABLE Basic; # 2: CREATE TABLE Basic ( # 3: id IDENTITY int(10) NOT NULL, # 4: title varchar(100) DEFAULT 'hello' NOT NULL, # 5: description varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NULL, # 6: email varchar(500) NULL, # 7: explicitnulldef varchar(255) NULL, # 8: explicitemptystring varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NULL, # 9: emptytagdef varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NULL, # 10: another_id numeric(10) DEFAULT '2' NULL, # 11: timest datetime NULL, # 12: numeric numeric(9,1) NULL, # 13: decimal decimal(10,2) NULL, # 14: CONSTRAINT pk_Basic PRIMARY KEY (id), # 15: CONSTRAINT emailuniqueindex UNIQUE (email), # 16: CONSTRAINT Basic FOREIGN KEY (another_id) REFERENCES Another (id) # 17: ); # 18: # 19: CREATE INDEX titleindex ON Basic (title); # 20: # 21: DROP TABLE Another; # 22: CREATE TABLE Another ( # 23: id IDENTITY int(10) NOT NULL, # 24: CONSTRAINT pk_Another PRIMARY KEY (id) # 25: ); # 26: # 27: SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE (email IS NOT NULL)select foo from bar # ============================================================================ ok 82 - Round trip for Sybase did not throw an exception # TODO Needs volunteers ok 83 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::DB2; ok 84 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2; ok 85 - Got proper parser instance ok 86 - Received some meaningful output from the first DB2 production # TODO Needs volunteers not ok 87 - First DB2 parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema # TODO Needs volunteers # Failed (TODO) test 'First DB2 parser pass produced a schema: isa SQL::Translator::Schema' # at t/60roundtrip.t line 181. # First DB2 parser pass produced a schema: isn't defined # translate: Error with parser 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DB2': no results # Unparseable DDL: # ============================================================================ # 1: DROP TABLE Basic; # 2: # 3: CREATE TABLE Basic ( # 4: id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1) NOT NULL, # 5: title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'hello', # 6: description VARCHAR(0) DEFAULT '', # 7: email VARCHAR(500), # 8: explicitnulldef VARCHAR(255), # 9: explicitemptystring VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', # 10: emptytagdef VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', # 11: another_id INTEGER DEFAULT 2, # 12: timest TIMESTAMP, # 13: numeric NUMERIC(9,1), # 14: decimal DECIMAL(10,2), # 15: PRIMARY KEY (id), # 16: CONSTRAINT emailuniqueindex UNIQUE (email) # 17: ); # 18: # 19: DROP TABLE Another; # 20: # 21: CREATE TABLE Another ( # 22: id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1) NOT NULL, # 23: PRIMARY KEY (id) # 24: ); # 25: # 26: ALTER TABLE Basic ADD CONSTRAINT Basic FOREIGN KEY (another_id) REFERENCES Another(id); # 27: # 28: CREATE INDEX titleindex ON Basic ( title ); # 29: # 30: CREATE VIEW email_list AS # 31: SELECT email FROM Basic WHERE (email IS NOT NULL); # 32: # 33: CREATE TRIGGER foo_trigger after insert ON Basic REFERENCING OLD AS oldrow NEW AS newrow FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL update modified=timestamp(); # 34: # 35: CREATE TRIGGER bar_trigger before insert, update ON Basic REFERENCING OLD AS oldrow NEW AS newrow FOR EACH ROW MODE DB2SQL update modified2=timestamp(); # ============================================================================ ok 88 - Round trip for DB2 did not throw an exception # TODO Needs volunteers 1..88 ok t/61translator_agnostic.t ............... 1..1 not ok 1 - Received some meaningful output from the producer # TODO This will probably not work before the rewrite # Failed (TODO) test 'Received some meaningful output from the producer' # at t/61translator_agnostic.t line 42. # 'BEGIN TRANSACTION; # # COMMIT; # ' # doesn't match '(?^m:^\s*CREATE TABLE)' ok t/62roundtrip_datacheck.t ............... 1..1 ok 1 - YAML test schema matches original XML schema ok t/63-spacial-pgsql.t .................... 1..10 ok 1 - Create geometry field works ok 2 - Add geometry column works ok 3 - Add geometry constraints works ok 4 - Alter field geometry to non geometry works ok 5 - Alter field non geometry to geometry works ok 6 - Add geometry field works ok 7 - Drop geometry field works ok 8 - Create table with geometry works. ok 9 - Rename table with geometry works. ok 10 - Drop table with geometry works. ok t/64xml-to-mysql.t ...................... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t .............. 1..61 ok 1 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL; ok 2 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 3 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 4 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 5 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 6 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 7 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 8 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 9 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 10 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 11 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 12 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 13 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 14 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 15 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 16 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 17 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 18 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 19 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 20 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 21 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 22 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 23 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 24 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 25 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 26 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 27 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 28 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 29 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 30 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 31 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 32 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 33 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 34 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 35 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 36 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 37 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 38 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 39 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 40 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 41 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 42 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 43 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 44 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 45 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 46 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 47 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 48 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 49 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 50 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 51 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 52 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 53 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 54 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 55 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 56 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 57 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 58 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 59 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 60 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok 61 # skip No connection to test db. DBI says 'DBI connect('dbname=postgres','',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory # Is the server running locally and accepting # connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? at t/66-postgres-dbi-parser.t line 23.' ok t/70sqlt-diff_script.t .................. 1..16 ok 1 - Detected altered 'person_id' field ok 2 - Detected altered 'iq' field ok 3 - Detected altered 'name' field ok 4 - Detected altered 'age' field ok 5 - Detected missing rock star field ok 6 - Detected missing unique constraint ok 7 - Detected unique index with different name ok 8 - Detected drop foreign key ok 9 - Detected add constraint ok 10 - Primary key looks different when it shouldn't ok 11 - Quoted table name ok 12 - Quoted 'person_id' field ok 13 - Quoted 'iq' field ok 14 - Quoted 'name' field ok 15 - Quoted 'age' field ok 16 - Properly detected no differences ok t/70sqlt-diff_script_old.t .............. 1..21 ok 1 - Found sqlt-diff script ok 2 - Detected 'untested' comment ok 3 - Detected altered 'iq' field ok 4 - Detected missing rock star field ok 5 - Properly detected no differences ok 6 - Did not detect 'untested' comment ok 7 - Detected altered 'person_id' field ok 8 - Detected altered 'iq' field ok 9 - Detected altered 'name' field ok 10 - Detected altered 'age' field ok 11 - Detected missing rock star field ok 12 - Detected missing unique constraint ok 13 - Detected unique index with different name ok 14 - Detected altered table option ok 15 - Detected drop foreign key ok 16 - Detected add constraint ok 17 - Primary key looks different when it shouldn't ok 18 - Properly detected no differences ok 19 - Did not detect 'untested' comment ok 20 - Detected drop foreign key ok 21 - Detected add constraint ok t/71-generator-sql_server.t ............. ok 1 - simple field is generated correctly ok 2 - sized field is generated correctly 1..2 ok t/72-sqlite-add-drop-fields.t ........... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 - Diff as expected ok t/73-sqlite-respects-quote.t ............ 1..3 ok 1 - DDL with default quoting ok 2 - mix and match quotes is asinine ok 3 - DDL with quoting ok t/mysql-sqlite-translate.t .............. ok 1 - use SQL::Translator; ok 2 - use SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL; ok 3 - use SQL::Translator::Producer::SQLite; ok 4 1..4 ok All tests successful. Test Summary Report ------------------- t/60roundtrip.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 88 Failed: 0) TODO passed: 74, 76, 80, 82, 86, 88 Files=69, Tests=1881, 37 wallclock secs ( 0.34 usr 0.37 sys + 31.29 cusr 4.30 csys = 36.30 CPU) Result: PASS FREW/SQL-Translator-0.11011.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for SQL-Translator-0.11011 already made Running make for F/FR/FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build F/FR/FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Cookbook/CustomResultSource.pod blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Cookbook/CustomResultSource.pod cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/Intro.pod blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/Intro.pod cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/CatalystIntro.pod blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/CatalystIntro.pod cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::WithReasonableDefaults.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::ExplicitVersions.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::Deprecated.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Deprecated.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Cookbook::CustomResultSource.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::WithApplicatorDumple.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Types.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Logger.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::ScriptHelpers.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::Intro.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::VersionResultSet.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::VersionResult.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::VersionResultSet.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::VersionResult.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::Component.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersioning.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::Component.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::CatalystIntro.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::DatabaseToSchemaVersions.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::Monotonic.3 FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/bugs/*.t t/deploy_methods/*.t t/version_handlers/*.t t/version_storages/*.t t/02-instantiation-no-ddl.t .............................. ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBICVersion::Schema 1 instantiates correctly ok 3 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/1 instantiates correctly ok 4 - schema not deployed ok 5 - cannot install twice ok 6 - schema is deployed ok 7 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 8 - DBICVersion::Schema 2 instantiates correctly ok 9 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2 instantiates correctly ok 10 - schema not deployed ok 11 - schema not uppgrayyed ok 12 - schema is deployed ok 13 - use DBICVersion_v3; ok 14 - DBICVersion::Schema 3 instantiates correctly ok 15 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/3 instantiates correctly ok 16 - schema not deployed ok 17 - schema is deployed ok 18 - use DBICVersion_v4; ok 19 - DBICVersion::Schema 2 instantiates correctly ok 20 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2 instantiates correctly ok 21 - schema at version 3 ok 22 - schema not at version 3 ok 23 - schema is at version 2 ok 24 - database version is down to 2 1..24 ok t/02-instantiation-wo-component.t ........................ ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBICVersion::Schema 1 instantiates correctly ok 3 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/1 instantiates correctly ok 4 - schema not deployed ok 5 - cannot install twice ok 6 - schema is deployed ok 7 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 1 - correctly set version to 1 1..1 ok 8 - bug deploying first version ok 9 - DBICVersion::Schema 2 instantiates correctly ok 10 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2 instantiates correctly ok 11 - schema not deployed ok 12 - schema not uppgrayyed ok 13 - schema is deployed ok 14 - use DBICVersion_v3; ok 15 - DBICVersion::Schema 3 instantiates correctly ok 16 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/3 instantiates correctly ok 17 - schema not deployed ok 18 - schema is deployed ok 19 - use DBICVersion_v4; ok 20 - DBICVersion::Schema 2 instantiates correctly ok 21 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2 instantiates correctly ok 22 - schema at version 3 ok 23 - schema not at version 3 ok 24 - schema is at version 2 1..24 ok t/02-instantiation.t ..................................... ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBICVersion::Schema 1 instantiates correctly ok 3 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/1 instantiates correctly ok 4 - schema not deployed ok 5 - cannot install twice ok 6 - schema is deployed ok 7 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 8 - DBICVersion::Schema 2 instantiates correctly ok 9 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2 instantiates correctly ok 10 - schema not deployed ok 11 - schema not uppgrayyed ok 12 - schema is deployed ok 13 - use DBICVersion_v3; ok 14 - DBICVersion::Schema 3 instantiates correctly ok 15 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/3 instantiates correctly ok 16 - schema not deployed ok 17 - schema is deployed ok 18 - use DBICVersion_v4; ok 19 - DBICVersion::Schema 2 instantiates correctly ok 20 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2 instantiates correctly ok 21 - schema at version 3 ok 22 - schema not at version 3 ok 23 - schema is at version 2 1..23 ok t/03-deprecated.t ........................................ ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - schema version is at 1.0 ok 3 - DBICVersion::Schema 1.0 instantiates correctly ok 4 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/1.0 instantiates correctly ok 5 - schema not deployed ok 6 - cannot install twice ok 7 - schema is deployed ok 8 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 9 - schema version is at 2.0 ok 10 - DBICVersion::Schema 2.0 instantiates correctly ok 11 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/2.0 instantiates correctly ok 12 - schema not deployed ok 13 - schema not uppgrayyed ok 14 - schema is deployed ok 15 - use DBICVersion_v3; ok 16 - schema version is at 3.0 ok 17 - DBICVersion::Schema 3.0 instantiates correctly ok 18 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/3.0 instantiates correctly ok 19 - schema not deployed ok 20 - schema is deployed 1..20 ok t/04-preconnect.t ........................................ ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBICVersion::Schema 1 instantiates correctly ok 3 - creating schema did not connect ok 4 - creating handler did not connect ok 5 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/1 instantiates correctly ok 6 - creating schema did not connect 1..6 ok t/10-split-sql-chunk.t ................................... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/bugs/01-emailed-bug-01.t ............................... ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBICVersion::Schema 1 instantiates correctly ok 3 - DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler w/1 instantiates correctly ok 4 - version_storage not installed ok 5 - version_storage installed 1..5 ok t/deploy_methods/coderef-leakage.t ....................... ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - info should not leak between coderefs 1..2 ok t/deploy_methods/script-helpers.t ........................ ok 1 - dbh is correctly reused ok 2 - version correctly passed ok 3 - The object isa DBI::db ok 4 - coderef ran 1..4 ok 1 - dbh ok 1 - dbh is correctly reused ok 2 - version correctly passed ok 3 - schema has expected type ok 4 - and schema is not totally worthless - isa DBIx::Class::Schema ok 5 - coderef ran 1..5 ok 1 - sub { $dbh }, ... ok 1 - dbh is correctly reused ok 2 - version correctly passed ok 3 - schema has expected type ok 4 - and schema is not totally worthless - isa DBIx::Class::Schema ok 5 - coderef ran 1..5 ok 2 - $dsn, $user, $pass, ... ok 1 - dbh is correctly reused ok 2 - version correctly passed ok 3 - schema has expected type ok 4 - and schema is not totally worthless - isa DBIx::Class::Schema ok 5 - coderef ran 1..5 ok 3 - ({ dsn => ..., ... }) ok 1 - dbh is correctly reused ok 2 - version correctly passed ok 3 - schema has expected type ok 4 - and schema is not totally worthless - isa DBIx::Class::Schema ok 5 - coderef ran 1..5 ok 4 - ({ dbh_maker => ..., ... }) 1..4 ok 2 - schema_from_schema_loader 1..2 ok t/deploy_methods/sql_translator.t ........................ ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBIC::DH::DM::SQL::Translator gets instantiated correctly ok 3 - code got run in preinit ok 4 - prepare_deploy dies if you run it twice ok 5 - 1.0 schema gets generated properly ok 6 - schema not deployed ok 7 - schema is deployed ok 8 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 9 - DBIC::DH::SQL::Translator w/2.0 instantiates correctly ok 10 - 2.0 schema gets generated properly ok 11 - prepare_upgrade with a bogus preversion warns ok 12 - 1.0-2.0 diff gets generated properly and default start and end versions get set ok 13 - 2.0-1.0 diff gets generated properly ok 14 - schema not deployed ok 15 - schema not uppgrayyed ok 16 - _common migration got run ok 17 - _common perl migration got run ok 18 - schema is deployed ok 19 - schema is downgrayyed ok 20 - use DBICVersion_v3; ok 21 - DBIC::DH::SQL::Translator w/3.0 instantiates correctly ok 22 - 2.0 schema gets generated properly ok 23 - 3.0-1.0 diff gets generated properly ok 24 - 1.0-3.0 diff gets generated properly ok 25 - prepare_upgrade dies if you clobber an existing upgrade file ok 26 - 2.0-3.0 diff gets generated properly ok 27 - schema not deployed ok 28 - schema is deployed ok 29 - dies when sql dir does not exist ok 30 - _any got ran the right amount of times with the right args 1..30 ok t/deploy_methods/sql_translator_deprecated.t ............. ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - DBIC::DH::DM::SQLT::Deprecated gets instantiated correctly ok 3 - 1.0 schema gets generated properly ok 4 - schema not deployed ok 5 - schema is deployed ok 6 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 7 - DBIC::DH::DM::SQLT::Deprecated gets instantiated correctly w/ version 2.0 ok 8 - schema not deployed ok 9 - schema not uppgrayyed ok 10 - schema is deployed 1..10 ok t/deploy_methods/sql_translator_protoschema_transform.t .. ok 1 - use DBICVersion_v1; ok 2 - use DBICVersion_v2; ok 3 - intermediate script ran with the right args 1..3 ok t/release-pod-syntax.t ................................... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/version_handlers/db_schema_versions.t .................. ok 1 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 2 - db version and to_version get correctly put into version set ok 3 - next_version_set only works once ok 4 - seriously. ok 5 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 6 - VersionHandler is null when schema_version and db_verison are the same ok 7 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 8 - VersionHandler is null when schema_version and db_verison are the same ok 9 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 10 - db version and schema version get correctly put into version set ok 11 - VersionHandler is null on next try 1..11 ok t/version_handlers/explict_versions.t .................... ok 1 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 2 - first version pair works ok 3 - next version set returns undef when we are done ok 4 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 5 - next version set returns undef if we are at the version requested ok 6 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 7 - first version pair works ok 8 - second version pair works ok 9 - third version pair works ok 10 - fourth version pair works ok 11 - no more versions after final pair ok 12 - still no more versions after final pair ok 13 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 14 - first version pair works ok 15 - second version pair works ok 16 - third version pair works ok 17 - fourth version pair works ok 18 - no more versions after final pair ok 19 - still no more versions after final pair ok 20 - dies if database version not found in ordered_versions ok 21 - cannot request an upgrade before the current version ok 22 - cannot request a downgrade after the current version 1..22 ok t/version_handlers/monotonic.t ........................... ok 1 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 2 - first version pair works ok 3 - next version set returns undef when we are done ok 4 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 5 - next version set returns undef if we are at the version requested ok 6 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 7 - first version pair works ok 8 - second version pair works ok 9 - third version pair works ok 10 - fourth version pair works ok 11 - no more versions after final pair ok 12 - still no more versions after final pair ok 13 - VersionHandler gets instantiated ok 14 - first version pair works ok 15 - second version pair works ok 16 - third version pair works ok 17 - fourth version pair works ok 18 - no more versions before initial pair ok 19 - still no more versions before initial pair ok 20 - dies if database version not an Int ok 21 - cannot request an upgrade version before the current version ok 22 - cannot request a downgrade version after the current version 1..22 ok t/version_storages/standard.t ............................ ok 1 - warning when database is unversioned ok 2 - DBIC::DH::VersionStorage::Standard instantiates correctly ok 3 - VersionStorage is not yet installed ok 4 - VersionStorage is now installed ok 5 - initial version works correctly ok 6 - database version is 1.0 ok 7 - database version is 2.0 ok 8 - adding another version works correctly ok 9 - warning when database/schema mismatch ok 10 - VersionStorage is still installed even if all versions are deleted 1..10 ok All tests successful. Files=17, Tests=215, 12 wallclock secs ( 0.08 usr 0.10 sys + 10.00 cusr 1.15 csys = 11.33 CPU) Result: PASS FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Picked up version from Makefile Picked up distname from Makefile Picked up abstract from Makefile Arthur Axel 'fREW' Schmidt <> Extensible DBIx::Class deployment >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz && tar cvf - DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/F/FR/FREW/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.tar.gz DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/DBIx/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Deprecated/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionStorage/Standard/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Cookbook/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Cookbook/CustomResultSource.pod blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/CatalystIntro.pod blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/Manual/Intro.pod blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/Translator/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/DeployMethod/SQL/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/DeploymentHandler/VersionHandler/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::Intro.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::WithApplicatorDumple.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersioning.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::Monotonic.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Cookbook::CustomResultSource.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::VersionResultSet.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Deprecated.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Types.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::WithReasonableDefaults.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::ScriptHelpers.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::VersionResult.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::DatabaseToSchemaVersions.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::Component.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::CatalystIntro.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::Component.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::DeployMethod::SQL::Translator::Deprecated.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesDeploy.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Deprecated::VersionResult.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Logger.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Dad.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionHandler::ExplicitVersions.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::HandlesVersionStorage.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::VersionStorage::Standard::VersionResultSet.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/F/FR/FREW Running test for module 'CPAN::Mini::Webserver' Running make for M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz ok CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57 CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/LICENSE CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/dist.ini CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/META.yml CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/index.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/whois.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/META.json CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/simple.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/README.mkdn CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/Makefile.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/MANIFEST.SKIP CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/00-compile.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/distmeta.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/kwalitee.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/bin CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/bin/minicpan_webserver CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/.minicpanrc CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/pod-syntax.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/lib CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/t/lib/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/pod-coverage.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/xt/release/test-version.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/.minicpanrc CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/01mailrc.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/modules CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/modules/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/authors CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/authors/00whois.xml CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/authors/01mailrc.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/modules/02packages.details.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CHECKSUMS.2nd CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/modules CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini_whois/modules/02packages.details.txt CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/patches CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/patches/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/cpantestdummies CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/cpantestdummies/CHECKSUMS CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/M/ME/MELEZHIK CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/M/ME/MELEZHIK/AMZ_TEST-0.0.2.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/Build.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/Makefile.PL CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make/t/00_load.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/Changes CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-1.03.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/ CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build/t/00_load.t CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-Zip/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Build-Fails/README CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-BuildOrMake 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CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57/corpus/mini/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree/lib/CPAN/Test/Dummy/Perl5/Make/ Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Mini::App 0.565 not found. Warning: prerequisite Lingua::StopWords 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::InstalledVersion 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite PPI::HTML 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Parse::CPAN::Authors 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Search::QueryParser 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Search::Tokenizer 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Declare 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Declare::Tags 0.29 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for CPAN::Mini::Webserver Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz ---- Search::QueryParser [requires] Module::InstalledVersion [requires] Template::Declare [requires] Lingua::StopWords [requires] Parse::CPAN::Authors [requires] PPI::HTML [requires] Template::Declare::Tags [requires] CPAN::Mini::App [requires] Search::Tokenizer [requires] Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Search::QueryParser' Running make for D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz ok Search-QueryParser-0.94/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/Changes Search-QueryParser-0.94/lib/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/lib/Search/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/lib/Search/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/Makefile.PL Search-QueryParser-0.94/MANIFEST Search-QueryParser-0.94/META.yml Search-QueryParser-0.94/README Search-QueryParser-0.94/t/ Search-QueryParser-0.94/t/Search-QueryParser.t Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Search::QueryParser Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ Manifying blib/man3/Search::QueryParser.3 DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/Search-QueryParser.t .. 1..14 ok 1 - use Search::QueryParser; ok 2 - The object isa Search::QueryParser ok 3 - The reference isa HASH ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - parse error ok 14 - parse error ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=14, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.03 cusr 0.00 csys = 0.06 CPU) Result: PASS DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Laurent Dami <laurent dami *AT* free fr> parses a query string into a data structure >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK && tar cvf - Search-QueryParser-0.94.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI/Search-QueryParser-0.94.tar.gz Search-QueryParser-0.94.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Search::QueryParser.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/Search-QueryParser-0.94.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI Running test for module 'Module::InstalledVersion' Running make for S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz ok Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/modversion Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/t/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/t/miv.t Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/Changes Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/Makefile.PL Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/lib/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/lib/Module/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/lib/Module/ Module-InstalledVersion-0.05/MANIFEST Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Module::InstalledVersion Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/ cp modversion blib/script/modversion /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/modversion Manifying blib/man3/Module::InstalledVersion.3 SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/miv.t .. ok 1 - use Module::InstalledVersion; ok 2 - create new object for CPAN ok 3 - Picked up version of CPAN ok 4 - create new object for Fcntl ok 5 - Picked up version of Fcntl ok 6 - create new object for Text::Wrap ok 7 - Picked up version of Text::Wrap 1..7 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=7, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.19 cusr 0.06 csys = 0.28 CPU) Result: PASS SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Picked up version from Makefile Picked up distname from Makefile Picked up abstract from lib/Module/ Kirrily 'Skud' Robert <> Find out what version of a module is installed >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9 && tar cvf - Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SK/SKUD/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.tar.gz Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/modversion blib/lib/ blib/lib/Module/ blib/lib/Module/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Module::InstalledVersion.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SK/SKUD Running test for module 'Template::Declare' Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz ok Template-Declare-0.45/ Template-Declare-0.45/Changes Template-Declare-0.45/inc/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/ Template-Declare-0.45/Makefile.PL Template-Declare-0.45/MANIFEST Template-Declare-0.45/MANIFEST.SKIP Template-Declare-0.45/META.yml Template-Declare-0.45/README Template-Declare-0.45/SIGNATURE Template-Declare-0.45/t/ Template-Declare-0.45/t/99-pod-coverage.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/99-pod.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/aliasing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/alternative.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/arg-declaration-styles.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/arg-passing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/attributes.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/closures.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/composition.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/deep_aliasing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/deep_importing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/deep_mixing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/dispatch_order.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/duplicate_element_ids.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/forms.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/import-regression.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/importing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/indent.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/indexhtml.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/inline-tagset.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/inline_xml_rendering.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/instrumentation.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/mixing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/ Template-Declare-0.45/t/namespace.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/nested_show.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/overloaded.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/pitfalls.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/postprocessor.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/private.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/relative-aliasing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/relative-mixing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/relative-pathing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/rt-37622.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/self.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/siblings.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/similar-aliases.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/smart_tag_wrapper.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/strict.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/subclassing.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/subtemplates.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tag_sub_list.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_html.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_mix.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_rdf.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_rdf_em.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/tagset_xul.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/trivial.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/utf8.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/ Template-Declare-0.45/t/wrappers.t Template-Declare-0.45/t/xss.t Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ Template-Declare-0.45/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Template-Declare-0.45/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98) - Test::Warn ...loaded. (0.24 >= 0.11) - Class::Accessor::Fast ...loaded. (0.34) - Class::Data::Inheritable ...loaded. (0.08) - Class::ISA ...loaded. (0.36) - String::BufferStack ...missing. (would need 1.1) [HTML Lint testing] - HTML::Lint ...missing. ==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [y/N] n *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite String::BufferStack 1.1 not found. Writing Makefile for Template::Declare Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz ---- String::BufferStack [requires] Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'String::BufferStack' Running make for A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz ok String-BufferStack-1.16/ String-BufferStack-1.16/lib/ String-BufferStack-1.16/lib/String/ String-BufferStack-1.16/lib/String/ String-BufferStack-1.16/Changes String-BufferStack-1.16/README String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/inc/Module/Install/ String-BufferStack-1.16/t/ String-BufferStack-1.16/t/01-basic.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/05-preappend.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/03-capture.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/04-filter.t String-BufferStack-1.16/t/02-simple-stack.t String-BufferStack-1.16/SIGNATURE String-BufferStack-1.16/MANIFEST String-BufferStack-1.16/Makefile.PL String-BufferStack-1.16/META.yml Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for String::BufferStack Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/String/ blib/lib/String/ Manifying blib/man3/String::BufferStack.3 ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01-basic.t ......... 1..35 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No output after append ok 5 - Saw content on STDOUT ok 6 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 7 - Same as output buffer ok 8 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 9 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 10 - Same as output buffer ok 11 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 12 - Output ref is a ref to a scalar isa SCALAR ok 13 - Dereferencing shows content ok 14 - Altering it changes output ref, deref'd ok 15 - Altering it changes output itself ok 16 - Also top buffer ok 17 - Flush clears output ok 18 - Also output buffer ok 19 - Flush moved to output ok 20 - Append after flush goes through ok 21 - Same as output buffer ok 22 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 23 - Flush clears output ok 24 - Also output buffer ok 25 - Flush moved to output ok 26 - See the append ok 27 - Same as output buffer ok 28 - Clear empties the buffers ok 29 - output buffer as well ok 30 - No buffers, no output after flush ok 31 - See the append ok 32 - Same as output buffer ok 33 - Clear empties the buffers ok 34 - output buffer as well ok 35 - No buffers, no output after flush ok t/02-simple-stack.t .. 1..32 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 5 - Same as output buffer ok 6 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 7 - Has no depth yet ok 8 - Has a frame ok 9 - One step down, append goes through to output ok 10 - Same as output buffer ok 11 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 12 - Still has a frame ok 13 - No frames anymore ok 14 - One step down, append goes through to output ok 15 - Same as output buffer ok 16 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 17 - Flush clears output ok 18 - Also output buffer ok 19 - Flush moved to output ok 20 - Popping again returns undef ok 21 - And leaves depth unchanged ok 22 - Buffer is still empty ok 23 - Also output buffer ok 24 - Nested append ok 25 - Nested append carried through to output ok 26 - Popping produces correct content ok 27 - Nested append ok 28 - Nested append carried through to output ok 29 - Popping produces correct content ok 30 - Nested append ok 31 - Nested append carried through to output ok 32 - Too many pops returns undef ok t/03-capture.t ....... 1..22 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 5 - Same as output buffer ok 6 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 7 - One step down, append doesn't go through ok 8 - Output is different ok 9 - Append caught by lower level ok 10 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 11 - Back to as it was ok 12 - As well ok 13 - Append has effect ok 14 - Output buffer unchanged ok 15 - clear_top only affects top buffer ok 16 - Referenced buffer is cleared ok 17 - With depth, flush is just filters ok 18 - Hence no output seen ok 19 - flush_all pushes the output buffer ok 20 - But not non-output buffers ok 21 - ..nor their variables ok 22 - Output seen ok t/04-filter.t ........ 1..54 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 - No stack, append goes through to output ok 5 - Same as output buffer ok 6 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 7 - Buffer is shared with output, nothing yet ok 8 - Output is still there ok 9 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 10 - Flushing filters gets to buffer ok 11 - Which is also output ok 12 - ..but not flushed ok 13 - Unchanged after pop ok 14 - Also output is ok 15 - Nothing yet ok 16 - Also nothing in output ok 17 - Without flush, doesn't output ok 18 - See upper-case filter output ok 19 - Also in output ok 20 - See filter output ok 21 - Also in output ok 22 - Clear emptied it out ok 23 - Still empty ok 24 - See last append after clear ok 25 - No input, no output ok 26 - Still no input, no output ok 27 - Input, but not flushed ok 28 - Flushed once, get output ok 29 - Flushed again, no more ok 30 - Appending nothing does nothing ok 31 - Appending undef does nothing ok 32 - Nothing yet ok 33 - First filter output ok 34 - Output buffer as well ok 35 - Nothing on the new buffer ok 36 - Nothing more yet ok 37 - Nothing on the new buffer ok 38 - Nothing more yet ok 39 - Pushes output through ok 40 - Output unchanged yet ok 41 - Flushing all of them clears the buffer ok 42 - And adds to output ok 43 - Unchanged after pop ok 44 - Also output ok 45 - Top level has no filter ok 46 - Filter does nothing with no stack ok 47 - First filter output ok 48 - Without flush, no result yet ok 49 - Unsetting filter flushes ok 50 - No flush needed anymore ok 51 - No flush needed anymore ok 52 - No flush, no data ok 53 - Changing does a flush ok 54 - See new filter in action ok t/05-preappend.t ..... 1..26 ok 1 - use String::BufferStack; ok 2 - Made an object ok 3 - The object isa String::BufferStack ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - First pre-append seen ok 10 - First pre-append seen again ok 11 - Second pre-append seen as well ok 12 - First pre-append seen yet again ok 13 - But not second ok 14 - No change in first ok 15 - Nor second ok 16 - First pre-append seen ok 17 - First pre-append seen again ok 18 - Second pre-append seen as well ok 19 - First hits again! ok 20 - Second as well ok 21 - First is done ok 22 - Second still going strong ok 23 - First is done ok 24 - Second is also done ok 25 - First is still done ok 26 - Second is also done ok All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=169, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.13 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.18 CPU) Result: PASS ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Alex Vandiver <> Nested buffers for templating systems >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF && tar cvf - String-BufferStack-1.16.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AL/ALEXMV/String-BufferStack-1.16.tar.gz String-BufferStack-1.16.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/String/ blib/lib/String/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/String::BufferStack.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/String-BufferStack-1.16.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AL/ALEXMV Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Going to build S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ cp lib/Template/ blib/lib/Template/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ cp lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ cp lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ cp lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::Tags.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF::EM.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::HTML.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::Buffer.3 Manifying blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet.3 SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/99-pod-coverage.t t/99-pod.t t/aliasing.t t/alternative.t t/arg-declaration-styles.t t/arg-passing.t t/attributes.t t/closures.t t/composition.t t/deep_aliasing.t t/deep_importing.t t/deep_mixing.t t/dispatch_order.t t/duplicate_element_ids.t t/forms.t t/import-regression.t t/importing.t t/indent.t t/indexhtml.t t/inline-tagset.t t/inline_xml_rendering.t t/instrumentation.t t/mixing.t t/namespace.t t/nested_show.t t/overloaded.t t/pitfalls.t t/postprocessor.t t/private.t t/relative-aliasing.t t/relative-mixing.t t/relative-pathing.t t/rt-37622.t t/self.t t/siblings.t t/similar-aliases.t t/smart_tag_wrapper.t t/strict.t t/subclassing.t t/subtemplates.t t/tag_sub_list.t t/tagset_html.t t/tagset_mix.t t/tagset_rdf.t t/tagset_rdf_em.t t/tagset_xul.t t/trivial.t t/utf8.t t/wrappers.t t/xss.t t/99-pod-coverage.t ......... skipped: Coverage tests only run for authors t/99-pod.t .................. skipped: Coverage tests only run for authors t/aliasing.t ................ 1..30 ok 1 - Aliased package should have template ok 2 - Unrelated package should not ok 3 - Subclass should ok 4 - TD should find alias ok 5 - TD should find private mix ok 6 - Alias should be visible in a subclass, too ok 7 - Should get output from alias template ok 8 - Its output should be right ok 9 - The variable was set ok 10 - $self is correct in template block ok 11 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 12 - Should get output from second alias ok 13 - Its output should be right ok 14 - But the variable should not be set ok 15 - $self is correct in template block ok 16 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 17 - Should get output from third alias ok 18 - Its output should be right ok 19 - But the variable should not be set ok 20 - $self is correct in template block ok 21 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 22 - Should get output from fourth alias ok 23 - Its output should be right ok 24 - But the variable should not be set ok 25 - $self is correct in template block ok 26 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 27 - Should get output from superclass template ok 28 - We should get the aliased version in the subclass ok 29 - $self is correct in template block ok 30 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/alternative.t ............. 1..7 ok 1 - td is invalid ok 2 ok 3 - tr is invalid ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok t/arg-declaration-styles.t .. 1..39 ok 1 - content ok 2 - content ok 3 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 4 - content_curly ok 5 - content_curly ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 - content_explicit ok 8 - content_explicit ok 9 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 10 - content_mixed1 ok 11 - content_mixed1 ok 12 - content_mixed1 ok 13 - content_mixed1 ok 14 - content_mixed1 ok 15 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 16 - content_mixed2 ok 17 - content_mixed2 ok 18 - content_mixed2 ok 19 - content_mixed2 ok 20 - content_mixed2 ok 21 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 22 - content_attrs ok 23 - content_attrs ok 24 - content_attrs ok 25 - content_attrs ok 26 - content_attrs ok 27 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 28 - content_withs ok 29 - content_withs ok 30 - content_withs ok 31 - content_withs ok 32 - content_withs ok 33 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 34 - content_curlies ok 35 - content_curlies ok 36 - content_curlies ok 37 - content_curlies ok 38 - content_curlies ok 39 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/arg-passing.t ............. 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 - show and TD->show are the same ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - show and TD->show are the same ok 6 ok 7 - show and TD->show are the same ok 8 ok 9 - show and TD->show are the same ok t/attributes.t .............. 1..10 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 ok 8 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 9 ok 10 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/closures.t ................ 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 - closure_1 matched ok 8 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 9 - closure_2 matched ok 10 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 11 - closure_3 matched ok 12 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 13 - Showed closure_5 ok 14 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 15 ok 16 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/composition.t ............. 1..3 ok 1 - Should get mixed in template output ok 2 - Should get page with default sidebar ok 3 - Should get page with politics sidebar ok t/deep_aliasing.t ........... 1..14 ok 1 - Should have toplevel template ok 2 - the listing template isn't imported to the top level ok 3 - The search template isn't imported to the top level ok 4 - has listing template ok 5 - has search template ok 6 - Can execute toplevel template ok 7 - Cannot call a toplevel "listing" template ok 8 - listing is private ok 9 - Cannot call a toplevel /search ok 10 - Search could not be found ok 11 - Can call /plugin/listing ok 12 - Can call plugin/listing ok 13 - Can call /plugin/search ok 14 - Can call plugin/search ok t/deep_importing.t .......... 1..14 ok 1 - Should have toplevel template ok 2 - the listing template isn't imported to the top level ok 3 - The search template isn't imported to the top level ok 4 - has listing template ok 5 - has search template ok 6 - Can execute toplevel template ok 7 - Cannot call a toplevel "listing" template ok 8 - calling a missing component gets warned ok 9 - Can call /plugin/listing ok 10 - Can call plugin/listing ok 11 - Cannot call a toplevel /search ok 12 - calling a missing component gets warned ok 13 - Can call /plugin/search ok 14 - Can call plugin/search ok t/deep_mixing.t ............. 1..14 ok 1 - Should have toplevel template ok 2 - the listing template isn't imported to the top level ok 3 - The search template isn't imported to the top level ok 4 - has listing template ok 5 - has search template ok 6 - Can execute toplevel template ok 7 - Cannot call a toplevel "listing" template ok 8 - listing is private ok 9 - Cannot call a toplevel /search ok 10 - Search could not be found ok 11 - Can call /plugin/listing ok 12 - Can call plugin/listing ok 13 - Can call /plugin/search ok 14 - Can call plugin/search ok t/dispatch_order.t .......... 1..24 ok 1 - init with Foo and Bar as roots ok 2 - Bar should have precedence ok 3 - init to dispatch to Foo and Bar ok 4 - Foo should have precedence ok 5 - init to dispatch to Foo and Bar again ok 6 - Foo should still have precedence ok 7 - init to dispatch to Foo and Bar one more time ok 8 - Baz::hello should have replaced Foo::hello ok 9 - init to dispatch to Bip and Foo ok 10 - Bip should now have precedence ok 11 - init to dispatch to Mifty::Foo and Mifty::Bar ok 12 - Mifty::Foo should have precedence ok 13 - init to dispatch to Mifty::Foo and Mifty::Bar again ok 14 - Mifty::Baz::hello should have replaced Mifty::Foo::hello ok 15 - init to dispatch to Mifty::Bip and Mifty::Foo ok 16 - Mifty::Bip should now have precedence ok 17 - init to dispatch to Sifty::Foo and Sifty::Bar ok 18 - Sifty::Foo should have precedence ok 19 - init to dispatch to Sifty::Foo and Sifty::Bar again ok 20 - Sifty::Baz::hello should have replaced Sifty::Foo::hello ok 21 - init to dispatch to Sifty::Bip and Sifty::Foo ok 22 - Sifty::Bip should now have precedence ok 23 - Should get standard image output ok 24 - Should get formal image output ok t/duplicate_element_ids.t ... 1..8 ok 1 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 2 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 3 - Duplicate id given in different case should be warned ok 4 - Should not duplicate id warnings if there are none. ok 5 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 6 - Duplicate id should be warned ok 7 - Duplicate id given in different case should be warned ok 8 - Should not duplicate id warnings if there are none. ok t/forms.t ................... 1..2 ok 1 - we have a form ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/import-regression.t ....... ok 1 - Template should be under new path ok 2 - Original template name should be visible ok 3 - Moved template should be visible from subclass ok 4 - Original template name should be visible from subclass ok 5 - Should get output ok 6 - Output should be correct 1..6 ok t/importing.t ............... 1..18 ok 1 - Original template should be visible in its own class ok 2 - And be visible in a subclass ok 3 - But it should not be visible in Template::Declare ok 4 - Nor in the packge it was imported into ok 5 - But it should be visible in its imported path ok 6 - And it should be visible when imported from a subclass ok 7 - The imported template should not be visible when imported into non-root package not ok 8 - The path for the imported template should be correct # TODO path_for is confused # Failed (TODO) test 'The path for the imported template should be correct' # at t/importing.t line 80. # got: '/other_subclass/imported' # expected: '/imported_subclass_pkg/imported' ok 9 - The imported template path should be correct for the last package it was imported into ok 10 - Simple template should be in the root path ok 11 - Should get output for imported template ok 12 - Its output should be correct ok 13 - $self is correct in template block ok 14 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 15 - Should get output from imported template from subclass ok 16 - We got the imported version in the subclass ok 17 - $self is correct in template block ok 18 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/indent.t .................. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/indexhtml.t ............... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/inline-tagset.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - use inline TagSet ok t/inline_xml_rendering.t .... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/instrumentation.t ......... 1..32 ok 1 ok 2 - one template called ok 3 - first argument is $orig ok 4 - second argument is template path ok 5 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 6 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 - one pre_template called ok 10 - first argument is $orig ok 11 - nested templates ok 12 - nested templates) ok 13 - nested templates ok 14 - nested templates ok 15 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 16 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 17 ok 18 - one template called ok 19 - first argument is $orig ok 20 - second argument is template path ok 21 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 22 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 23 ok 24 - one template called ok 25 - first argument is $orig ok 26 - first argument is $orig ok 27 - second argument is template path ok 28 - second argument is template path ok 29 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 30 - third argument is the list of arguments ok 31 - fourth argument is template coderef ok 32 - fourth argument is template coderef ok t/mixing.t .................. 1..30 ok 1 - Mixed package should have template ok 2 - Unrelated package should not ok 3 - Subclass should ok 4 - TD should find mix ok 5 - TD should find private mix ok 6 - Mix should be visible in a subclass, too ok 7 - Should get output from mix template ok 8 - Its output should be right ok 9 - The variable was set ok 10 - $self is correct in template block ok 11 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 12 - Should get output from second mix ok 13 - Its output should be right ok 14 - But the variable should not be set ok 15 - $self is correct in template block ok 16 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 17 - Should get output from third mix ok 18 - Its output should be right ok 19 - But the variable should not be set ok 20 - $self is correct in template block ok 21 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 22 - Should get output from fourth mix ok 23 - Its output should be right ok 24 - But the variable should not be set ok 25 - $self is correct in template block ok 26 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 27 - Should get output from superclass template ok 28 - We should get the mixed version in the subclass ok 29 - $self is correct in template block ok 30 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/namespace.t ............... 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 - htm:: is invalid ok 3 - package htm is intact ok 4 ok 5 ok t/nested_show.t ............. 1..2 ok 1 - show => sub { div { show a_tag } } ok 2 - show => sub { div { show a_tag } } ok t/overloaded.t .............. 1..4 not ok 1 - head { $obj } # TODO it's something we can fix, but not now # Failed (TODO) test 'head { $obj }' # at t/overloaded.t line 62. # ' # ok 4 ok t/tagset_mix.t .............. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/tagset_rdf.t .............. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/tagset_rdf_em.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/tagset_xul.t .............. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/trivial.t ................. 1..9 ok 1 - show fucntion returned context ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 - T::D->show returns a string ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 - show simple filled the buffer ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 - We found fireball in the output ok 8 - Only found one ok 9 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/utf8.t .................... 1..12 ok 1 ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 ok 8 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 9 ok 10 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 11 ok 12 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok t/wrappers.t ................ 1..2 ok 1 - Get inner output ok 2 - Should have the wrapped output ok t/xss.t ..................... 1..8 ok 1 - #
This is my <b>content</b>
ok 2 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 3 - #
This is my <b>content</b>
ok 4 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 5 - #

This is my <b>content</b>

ok 6 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok 7 - #

This is my # content #

ok 8 # skip HTML::Lint not installed. Skipping ok All tests successful. Files=50, Tests=478, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr 0.09 sys + 2.13 cusr 0.43 csys = 2.83 CPU) Result: PASS SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Shawn M Moore <> Perlish declarative templates >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa && tar cvf - Template-Declare-0.45.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz Template-Declare-0.45.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Template/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/RDF/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/TagSet/ blib/lib/Template/Declare/ blib/lib/Template/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Template::Declare::Buffer.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare::Tags.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::HTML.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL.3 blib/man3/Template::Declare::TagSet::RDF::EM.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/Template-Declare-0.45.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SA/SARTAK Running test for module 'Lingua::StopWords' Running make for C/CR/CREAMYG/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CR/CREAMYG/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.tar.gz ok Lingua-StopWords-0.09 Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/lib/Lingua/ Lingua-StopWords-0.09/Changes Lingua-StopWords-0.09/t Lingua-StopWords-0.09/t/1-basic.t Lingua-StopWords-0.09/t/2-utf8.t Lingua-StopWords-0.09/t/99-TestPodCoverage.t Lingua-StopWords-0.09/t/98-TestPod.t Lingua-StopWords-0.09/MANIFEST Lingua-StopWords-0.09/devel Lingua-StopWords-0.09/devel/gen_modules.plx Lingua-StopWords-0.09/META.yml Lingua-StopWords-0.09/README Lingua-StopWords-0.09/Makefile.PL Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build C/CR/CREAMYG/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Lingua::StopWords Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/ blib/lib/Lingua/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ cp lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ Manifying blib/man3/Lingua::StopWords.3 CREAMYG/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/1-basic.t ............. 1..8 ok 1 - use Lingua::StopWords; ok 2 - use Lingua::StopWords::EN; ok 3 - use Lingua::StopWords::FR; ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok t/2-utf8.t .............. 1..5 ok 1 - use Lingua::StopWords; ok 2 - UTF-8 encoded version present in stoplist ok 3 - the stoplist keys are flagged as UTF-8 ok 4 - Non-utf8-flagged version present ok 5 - the stoplist keys are not flagged as UTF-8 ok t/98-TestPod.t .......... 1..14 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 8 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 9 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 10 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 11 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 12 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 13 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok 14 - POD test for blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ (no pod) ok t/99-TestPodCoverage.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage is OK for Lingua::StopWords ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=28, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.16 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.22 CPU) Result: PASS CREAMYG/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Marvin Humphrey <> Stop words for several languages. >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2 && tar cvf - Lingua-StopWords-0.09.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/C/CR/CREAMYG/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.tar.gz Lingua-StopWords-0.09.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Lingua/ blib/lib/Lingua/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/lib/Lingua/StopWords/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Lingua::StopWords.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/Lingua-StopWords-0.09.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/C/CR/CREAMYG Running test for module 'Parse::CPAN::Authors' Running make for L/LB/LBROCARD/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/L/LB/LBROCARD/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.tar.gz ok Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/lib/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/lib/Parse/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/lib/Parse/CPAN/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/lib/Parse/CPAN/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/MANIFEST Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/Build.PL Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/t/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/t/pod_coverage.t Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/t/pod.t Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/t/01mailrc.txt.gz Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/t/simple.t Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/t/01mailrc.txt Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/README Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/CHANGES Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/META.yml Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/Makefile.PL Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/examples/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/examples/ Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27/examples/ Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build L/LB/LBROCARD/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Parse::CPAN::Authors Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ cp lib/Parse/CPAN/ blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/ Manifying blib/man3/Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author.3 Manifying blib/man3/Parse::CPAN::Authors.3 LBROCARD/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/pod.t ........... 1..2 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ ok t/pod_coverage.t .. 1..2 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Parse::CPAN::Authors ok 2 - Pod coverage on Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok t/simple.t ........ 1..43 ok 1 - use Parse::CPAN::Authors; ok 2 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors ok 3 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors ok 13 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors ok 23 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors ok 33 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 - The object isa Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 - threw Regexp ((?^:Failed to read)) ok 43 - threw Regexp ((?^:Failed to read)) ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=47, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.25 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.31 CPU) Result: PASS LBROCARD/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Leon Brocard <> Parse 01mailrc.txt.gz >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8 && tar cvf - Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/L/LB/LBROCARD/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.tar.gz Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Parse/ blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/ blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/ blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ blib/lib/Parse/CPAN/Authors/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author.3 blib/man3/Parse::CPAN::Authors.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/L/LB/LBROCARD Running test for module 'PPI::HTML' Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz ok PPI-HTML-1.08/ PPI-HTML-1.08/Makefile.PL PPI-HTML-1.08/LICENSE PPI-HTML-1.08/README PPI-HTML-1.08/META.yml PPI-HTML-1.08/bin/ PPI-HTML-1.08/bin/ppi2html PPI-HTML-1.08/lib/ PPI-HTML-1.08/lib/PPI/ PPI-HTML-1.08/lib/PPI/HTML/ PPI-HTML-1.08/lib/PPI/HTML/ PPI-HTML-1.08/lib/PPI/ PPI-HTML-1.08/MANIFEST PPI-HTML-1.08/Changes PPI-HTML-1.08/t/ PPI-HTML-1.08/t/97_meta.t PPI-HTML-1.08/t/01_compile.t PPI-HTML-1.08/t/98_pod.t PPI-HTML-1.08/t/02_main.t PPI-HTML-1.08/t/99_pmv.t PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/Install/ PPI-HTML-1.08/inc/Module/ Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build A/AD/ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite CSS::Tiny 1.10 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for PPI::HTML Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz ---- CSS::Tiny [requires] Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'CSS::Tiny' Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.19.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.19.tar.gz ok CSS-Tiny-1.19/ CSS-Tiny-1.19/META.yml CSS-Tiny-1.19/README CSS-Tiny-1.19/Makefile.PL CSS-Tiny-1.19/LICENSE CSS-Tiny-1.19/test.css CSS-Tiny-1.19/xt/ CSS-Tiny-1.19/xt/meta.t CSS-Tiny-1.19/xt/pmv.t CSS-Tiny-1.19/xt/pod.t CSS-Tiny-1.19/MANIFEST CSS-Tiny-1.19/Changes CSS-Tiny-1.19/lib/ CSS-Tiny-1.19/lib/CSS/ CSS-Tiny-1.19/lib/CSS/ CSS-Tiny-1.19/t/ CSS-Tiny-1.19/t/04_rt.t CSS-Tiny-1.19/t/01_compile.t CSS-Tiny-1.19/t/03_inline_clone.t CSS-Tiny-1.19/t/02_main.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.19.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for CSS::Tiny Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/CSS/ blib/lib/CSS/ Manifying blib/man3/CSS::Tiny.3 ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.19.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t xt/*.t t/01_compile.t ....... 1..2 ok 1 - Your perl is new enough ok 2 - use CSS::Tiny; ok t/02_main.t .......... 1..23 ok 1 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 2 - ->new returns an empty object ok 3 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 4 - ->read returns expected structure ok 5 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 6 - ->clone works as expected ok 7 - >read_string() returns true ok 8 - ->read_string() returns expected ok 9 - object->read_string() returns expected ok 10 - ->write_string returns something ok 11 - ->write_string returns the correct file contents ok 12 - ->write returned true ok 13 - ->write actually created a file ok 14 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 15 - We get back what we wrote out ok 16 - CSS::Tiny reads mergable CSS ok ok 17 - Mergable CSS merges ok ok 18 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 19 - ->html returns empty string for empty stylesheet ok 20 - ->html returns correct looking HTML ok 21 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 22 - ->xhtml returns empty string for empty stylesheet ok 23 - ->xhtml returns correct looking HTML ok t/03_inline_clone.t .. 1..7 ok 1 - use CSS::Tiny; ok 2 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 3 - ->new returns an empty object ok 4 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 5 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 6 - ->clone works as expected ok 7 - The inline ->clone was used as expected ok t/04_rt.t ............ 1..2 ok 1 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 2 - Bug 60776: Parsing with multiple whitespace ok xt/meta.t ............ 1..2 ok 1 - META.yml contains valid YAML ok 2 - META.yml meets the designated specification ok xt/pmv.t ............. skipped: Test::MinimumVersion 0.101080 not available for testing xt/pod.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/CSS/ ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=37, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.28 cusr 0.07 csys = 0.39 CPU) Result: PASS ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.19.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Adam Kennedy <> Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e && tar cvf - CSS-Tiny-1.19.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AD/ADAMK/CSS-Tiny-1.19.tar.gz CSS-Tiny-1.19.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/CSS/ blib/lib/CSS/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/CSS::Tiny.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/CSS-Tiny-1.19.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AD/ADAMK Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build A/AD/ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/PPI/ blib/lib/PPI/ cp lib/PPI/HTML/ blib/lib/PPI/HTML/ cp bin/ppi2html blib/script/ppi2html /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/ppi2html Manifying blib/man3/PPI::HTML.3 ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01_compile.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - Your perl is new enough ok 2 - use PPI::HTML; ok 3 - use PPI::HTML::Fragment; ok Subroutine new_ok redefined at t/02_main.t line 33. t/02_main.t ..... 1..13 ok 1 - The object isa PPI::HTML ok 2 - The object isa PPI::HTML ok 3 - The object isa PPI::Document ok 4 - Trivial document matches expected HTML ok 5 - PPI::HTML object remains unchanged ok 6 - Trivial document works with direct source reference ok 7 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 8 - The object isa PPI::HTML ok 9 - The object isa CSS::Tiny ok 10 - The object isa PPI::HTML ok 11 - Trivial document matches expected HTML ok 12 - The object isa PPI::HTML ok 13 - Page wrapped, manually coloured page matches expected ok t/97_meta.t ..... 1..2 ok 1 - META.yml contains valid YAML ok 2 - META.yml meets the designated specification ok t/98_pod.t ...... 1..3 ok 1 - POD test for blib/script/ppi2html (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/PPI/ ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/PPI/HTML/ (no pod) ok t/99_pmv.t ...... skipped: Test::MinimumVersion 0.008 not available for testing All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=21, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 0.31 cusr 0.11 csys = 0.48 CPU) Result: PASS ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Adam Kennedy <> Generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl using PPI >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN && tar cvf - PPI-HTML-1.08.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AD/ADAMK/PPI-HTML-1.08.tar.gz PPI-HTML-1.08.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/ppi2html blib/lib/ blib/lib/PPI/ blib/lib/PPI/ blib/lib/PPI/HTML/ blib/lib/PPI/HTML/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/PPI::HTML.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/PPI-HTML-1.08.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/A/AD/ADAMK Running test for module 'Template::Declare::Tags' Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/Template-Declare-0.45.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa Prepending %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Has already been made Prepending %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'CPAN::Mini::App' Running make for R/RJ/RJBS/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.tar.gz ok CPAN-Mini-1.111008 CPAN-Mini-1.111008/README CPAN-Mini-1.111008/Changes CPAN-Mini-1.111008/t CPAN-Mini-1.111008/t/app.t CPAN-Mini-1.111008/LICENSE CPAN-Mini-1.111008/dist.ini CPAN-Mini-1.111008/META.yml CPAN-Mini-1.111008/MANIFEST CPAN-Mini-1.111008/xt CPAN-Mini-1.111008/xt/fake.t CPAN-Mini-1.111008/META.json CPAN-Mini-1.111008/t/filter.t CPAN-Mini-1.111008/t/00-load.t CPAN-Mini-1.111008/Makefile.PL CPAN-Mini-1.111008/bin CPAN-Mini-1.111008/bin/minicpan CPAN-Mini-1.111008/MANIFEST.SKIP CPAN-Mini-1.111008/t/config-file.t CPAN-Mini-1.111008/lib/CPAN CPAN-Mini-1.111008/lib/CPAN/ CPAN-Mini-1.111008/lib/CPAN/Mini CPAN-Mini-1.111008/lib/CPAN/Mini/ CPAN-Mini-1.111008/t/release-pod-syntax.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build R/RJ/RJBS/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for CPAN::Mini Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/CPAN/ blib/lib/CPAN/ cp lib/CPAN/Mini/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/ cp bin/minicpan blib/script/minicpan /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/minicpan Manifying blib/man1/minicpan.1 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::App.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini.3 RJBS/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing CPAN::Mini 1.111008 t/00-load.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 - use CPAN::Mini; ok t/app.t ................. ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - default log level is info 1..2 ok 1 - defaults ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - --debug to get log level debug 1..2 ok 2 - --debug ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - debug from config file 1..2 ok 3 - config: log_level ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - --debug overrides config file 1..2 ok 4 - --debug overrides config ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - --debug to get log level debug 1..2 ok 5 - --log-level ok 1 - can't use --debug -q together ok 2 - can't use --debug --log-level debug together 1..2 ok 6 - only one log-level-like switch allowed ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - -qq gets us log level 'fatal' 1..2 ok 7 - extra quiet with -qq ok 1 - The object isa CPAN::Mini ok 2 - --qq gets us log level 'fatal' 1..2 ok 8 - extra quiet with --qq 1..8 ok t/config-file.t ......... 1..18 ok 1 - use CPAN::Mini; ok 2 - CPAN::Mini->can('config_file') ok 3 - file name [Changes] exists ok 4 - selects config file name from command line ok 5 - file name [t/config-file.t] exists ok 6 - selects config file name from environment with no args ok 7 - selects config file name from environment with empty hash ref ok 8 - selects config file name from environment with non-ref arg ok 9 - file name [Changes] exists ok 10 - __homedir_configfile returns mocked name ok 11 - selects default config file name ok 12 - file name [Changes] does exist ok 13 - __homedir_configfile returns mocked name ok 14 - __default_configfile returns mocked name ok 15 - selects default config file name ok 16 - __homedir_configfile returns mocked name ok 17 - __default_configfile returns mocked name ok 18 - returns undef when no config file is found ok t/filter.t .............. 1..19 ok 1 - perl distro skip check ok 2 - bioperl distro skip check ok 3 - embperl distro skip check ok 4 - POE distro not-skip check ok 5 - ponie distro skip check ok 6 - parrot distro skip check ok 7 - perl distro no-skip check ok 8 - path_filters skip check skipme 1 ok 9 - path_filters no-skip check ok 10 - path_filters skip check skipme 2 ok 11 - path_filters skip check burnme ok 12 - path_filters skip check (by sub) ok 13 - path_filters no-skip check ok 14 - module_filters skip check skipme 1 ok 15 - module_filters no-skip check ok 16 - module_filters skip check skipme 2 ok 17 - module_filters skip check burnme ok 18 - module_filters skip check (by sub) ok 19 - module_filters no-skip check ok t/release-pod-syntax.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=46, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.03 sys + 0.48 cusr 0.13 csys = 0.68 CPU) Result: PASS RJBS/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Ricardo SIGNES <> create a minimal mirror of CPAN >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss && tar cvf - CPAN-Mini-1.111008.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/R/RJ/RJBS/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-1.111008.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/minicpan blib/lib/ blib/lib/CPAN/ blib/lib/CPAN/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/ blib/man1/ blib/man1/minicpan.1 blib/man3/ blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::App.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Mini.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/CPAN-Mini-1.111008.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/R/RJ/RJBS Running test for module 'Search::Tokenizer' Running make for D/DA/DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz ok Search-Tokenizer-1.00 Search-Tokenizer-1.00/Build.PL Search-Tokenizer-1.00/Changes Search-Tokenizer-1.00/ignore.txt Search-Tokenizer-1.00/Makefile.PL Search-Tokenizer-1.00/MANIFEST Search-Tokenizer-1.00/META.yml Search-Tokenizer-1.00/README Search-Tokenizer-1.00/lib Search-Tokenizer-1.00/lib/Search Search-Tokenizer-1.00/lib/Search/ Search-Tokenizer-1.00/t Search-Tokenizer-1.00/t/00-tokenizer.t Search-Tokenizer-1.00/t/pod.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Text::Transliterator::Unaccent 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Search::Tokenizer Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz ---- Text::Transliterator::Unaccent [requires] Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Text::Transliterator::Unaccent' Running make for D/DA/DAMI/Text-Transliterator-1.00.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAMI/Text-Transliterator-1.00.tar.gz ok Text-Transliterator-1.00 Text-Transliterator-1.00/Build.PL Text-Transliterator-1.00/Changes Text-Transliterator-1.00/ignore.txt Text-Transliterator-1.00/Makefile.PL Text-Transliterator-1.00/MANIFEST Text-Transliterator-1.00/META.yml Text-Transliterator-1.00/README Text-Transliterator-1.00/lib Text-Transliterator-1.00/lib/Text Text-Transliterator-1.00/lib/Text/ Text-Transliterator-1.00/lib/Text/Transliterator Text-Transliterator-1.00/lib/Text/Transliterator/ Text-Transliterator-1.00/t Text-Transliterator-1.00/t/00-load.t Text-Transliterator-1.00/t/01-transliterator.t Text-Transliterator-1.00/t/02-unaccent.t Text-Transliterator-1.00/t/pod-coverage.t Text-Transliterator-1.00/t/pod.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAMI/Text-Transliterator-1.00.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Text::Transliterator Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Text/ blib/lib/Text/ cp lib/Text/Transliterator/ blib/lib/Text/Transliterator/ Manifying blib/man3/Text::Transliterator.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Transliterator::Unaccent.3 DAMI/Text-Transliterator-1.00.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Text::Transliterator 1.00, Perl 5.016000, /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static t/00-load.t ............ 1..2 ok 1 - use Text::Transliterator; ok 2 - use Text::Transliterator::Unaccent; ok t/01-transliterator.t .. 1..2 ok 1 - string API ok 2 - hashref API ok t/02-unaccent.t ........ 1..1 ok 1 ok t/pod-coverage.t ....... 1..2 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Text::Transliterator ok 2 - Pod coverage on Text::Transliterator::Unaccent ok t/pod.t ................ 1..2 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Transliterator/ ok All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=9, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.02 sys + 0.23 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.35 CPU) Result: PASS DAMI/Text-Transliterator-1.00.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Laurent Dami <laurent dami *AT* free fr> Wrapper around Perl tr/../../ operator >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD && tar cvf - Text-Transliterator-1.00.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI/Text-Transliterator-1.00.tar.gz Text-Transliterator-1.00.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Text/ blib/lib/Text/Transliterator/ blib/lib/Text/Transliterator/ blib/lib/Text/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Text::Transliterator.3 blib/man3/Text::Transliterator::Unaccent.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/Text-Transliterator-1.00.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI Running make for D/DA/DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 12 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 12 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ Manifying blib/man3/Search::Tokenizer.3 DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 12 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Search::Tokenizer 1.00, Perl 5.016000, /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static t/00-tokenizer.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - use Search::Tokenizer; ok 2 - new tokenizer ok 3 - unaccent ok t/pod.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Search/ ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=4, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.00 sys + 0.11 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.14 CPU) Result: PASS DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Laurent Dami <laurent dami *AT* free fr> Decompose a string into tokens (words) >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE && tar cvf - Search-Tokenizer-1.00.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.tar.gz Search-Tokenizer-1.00.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Search::Tokenizer.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/Search-Tokenizer-1.00.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAMI Running make for M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 13 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 13 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ cp lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ cp lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ cp lib/CPAN/Mini/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/ cp lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ cp bin/minicpan_webserver blib/script/minicpan_webserver /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/minicpan_webserver Manifying blib/man1/minicpan_webserver.1 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Index.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::Images.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::CSS.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver.3 MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 13 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t .. 1..6 ok 1 - CPAN::Mini::Webserver loaded ok ok 2 - CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Index loaded ok ok 3 - CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates loaded ok ok 4 - CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::CSS loaded ok ok 5 - CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::Images loaded ok ok 6 - minicpan_webserver script compiles ok t/index.t ....... 1..1 ok 1 - items are not added in duplicate ok t/simple.t ...... ok 1 - html page from '/' ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 - html page from '/search/' ok 5 ok 6 - html page from '/search/' ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 - html page from '~andk/' ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - html page from '~andk/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/' ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 - html page from '~andk/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/Changes' ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 - html page from '~andk/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/lib/Bundle/' ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 - html page from '/raw/~andk/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/lib/Bundle/' ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 - redirect from '/package/andk/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/Bundle::CpanTestDummies/' ok 29 - error 404 for '/package/andk/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/Bundle::CpanTestDummies2/' ok 30 - css from '/static/css/screen.css' ok 31 - css from '/static/css/print.css' ok 32 - css from '/static/css/ie.css' ok 33 - png from '/static/images/logo.png' ok 34 - png from '/static/images/favicon.png' ok 35 - png from 'favicon.ico' ok 36 - opensearch from '/static/xml/opensearch.xml' ok 37 - error 404 for '/this/doesnt/exist' ok 38 - download for '/download/~ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05/README' ok 39 ok 40 - redirect from '/download/~ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05' ok 41 - download for '/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-1.05.tar.gz' ok 42 - download for '/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz' ok 43 ok 44 - download for '/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz' ok 45 ok 46 - download for '/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CHECKSUMS' ok 47 ok 48 - error 404 for '/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CHECKSUMZ' ok 49 - download for '/download/~MELEZHIK/AMZ_TEST-0.0.2/AMZ_TEST-v0.0.3/lib/AMZ/' ok 50 - utf8 text in file downloads survives undamaged ok 51 - error 500 for '/download/~MELEZHIK/AMZ_TEST-v0.0.3/AMZ_TEST-v0.0.3/lib/AMZ/' ok 52 1..52 ok t/whois.t ....... ok 1 - cache dir set via config ok 2 - searching for a word returns a package ok 3 - html page from '/search/' ok 4 - first preview block is found ok 5 - preview match is found ok 6 - first preview block is found ok 7 - html page from '~andk/' ok 8 - mirror with 00whois.xml does not cause a crash ok 9 - sidebar tree structure seems to exist ok 10 - there's a link in the sidebar ok 11 - base url in config is observed, no local links 1..11 ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=70, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.05 sys + 3.70 cusr 0.70 csys = 4.48 CPU) Result: PASS MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Christian Walde <> Search and browse Mini CPAN >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT && tar cvf - CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MI/MITHALDU/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.tar.gz CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/minicpan_webserver blib/lib/ blib/lib/CPAN/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/Templates/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/Webserver/ blib/lib/CPAN/Mini/ blib/man1/ blib/man1/minicpan_webserver.1 blib/man3/ blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::Images.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Index.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates::CSS.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Mini::Webserver::Templates.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MI/MITHALDU Running test for module 'Async::Hooks' Running make for M/ME/MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/ME/MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz ok Async-Hooks-0.16/ Async-Hooks-0.16/Changes Async-Hooks-0.16/dist.ini Async-Hooks-0.16/INSTALL Async-Hooks-0.16/lib/ Async-Hooks-0.16/LICENSE Async-Hooks-0.16/Makefile.PL Async-Hooks-0.16/MANIFEST Async-Hooks-0.16/META.json Async-Hooks-0.16/META.yml Async-Hooks-0.16/README Async-Hooks-0.16/t/ Async-Hooks-0.16/t/00-load.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/10-ctl.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/20-hooks.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/30-with-moose.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/release-distmeta.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/release-no-tabs.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/release-pod-coverage.t Async-Hooks-0.16/t/release-pod-syntax.t Async-Hooks-0.16/lib/Async/ Async-Hooks-0.16/lib/Async/Hooks/ Async-Hooks-0.16/lib/Async/ Async-Hooks-0.16/lib/Async/Hooks/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build M/ME/MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Mo 0.30 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Async::Hooks Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz ---- Mo [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Mo' Running make for I/IN/INGY/Mo-0.31.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/I/IN/INGY/Mo-0.31.tar.gz ok Mo-0.31/ Mo-0.31/lib/ Mo-0.31/lib/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Mouse.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Inline.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/xs.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/option.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Moose.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Design.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/import.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/default.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/required.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/builder.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/ Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/coerce.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Features.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Hacking.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/chain.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/importer.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/Golf.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/is.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo/exports.pod Mo-0.31/lib/Mo.pod Mo-0.31/META.yml Mo-0.31/README Mo-0.31/LICENSE Mo-0.31/inc/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/Install/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/ Mo-0.31/inc/Module/ Mo-0.31/Makefile.PL Mo-0.31/MANIFEST Mo-0.31/Changes Mo-0.31/t/ Mo-0.31/t/required.t Mo-0.31/t/importer.t Mo-0.31/t/object.t Mo-0.31/t/Mouse.t Mo-0.31/t/chain.t Mo-0.31/t/Moose.t Mo-0.31/t/main_sub.t Mo-0.31/t/build.t Mo-0.31/t/ Mo-0.31/t/test.t Mo-0.31/t/coerce.t Mo-0.31/t/option.t Mo-0.31/t/xs.t Mo-0.31/t/ Mo-0.31/t/extends.t Mo-0.31/t/is.t Mo-0.31/t/ Mo-0.31/t/combined.t Mo-0.31/t/strict.t Mo-0.31/bin/ Mo-0.31/bin/mo-inline Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build I/IN/INGY/Mo-0.31.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Mo Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/Features.pod blib/lib/Mo/Features.pod cp lib/Mo/import.pod blib/lib/Mo/import.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/exports.pod blib/lib/Mo/exports.pod cp lib/Mo/is.pod blib/lib/Mo/is.pod cp lib/Mo/Design.pod blib/lib/Mo/Design.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/Moose.pod blib/lib/Mo/Moose.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/Hacking.pod blib/lib/Mo/Hacking.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/Inline.pod blib/lib/Mo/Inline.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/ blib/lib/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/Golf.pod blib/lib/Mo/Golf.pod cp lib/Mo/xs.pod blib/lib/Mo/xs.pod cp lib/Mo/chain.pod blib/lib/Mo/chain.pod cp lib/Mo/option.pod blib/lib/Mo/option.pod cp lib/Mo.pod blib/lib/Mo.pod cp lib/Mo/required.pod blib/lib/Mo/required.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/importer.pod blib/lib/Mo/importer.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/default.pod blib/lib/Mo/default.pod cp lib/Mo/Mouse.pod blib/lib/Mo/Mouse.pod cp lib/Mo/coerce.pod blib/lib/Mo/coerce.pod cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ cp lib/Mo/builder.pod blib/lib/Mo/builder.pod cp bin/mo-inline blib/script/mo-inline /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/mo-inline Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Golf.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Features.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Inline.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::import.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::exports.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Golf.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::is.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::xs.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::chain.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::option.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Design.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::required.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::importer.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Moose.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::default.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Hacking.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Mouse.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::coerce.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::Inline.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mo::builder.3 INGY/Mo-0.31.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/build.t ..... 1..2 ok 1 - foo builds first ok 2 - baz builds second ok t/chain.t ..... 1..25 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 - The object isa Test::Chain ok 4 - The object isa Test::Chain ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 - The object isa Test::ChainWithDefault ok 18 - The object isa Test::ChainWithDefault ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok t/coerce.t .... 1..2 ok 1 - values passed to constructor are successfully coerced ok 2 - values passed to setters are successfully coerced ok t/combined.t .. 1..8 ok 1 - Plain accessor works ok 2 - builder works ok 3 - coerce works ok 4 - coerce works for readonly accessors ok 5 - setting readonly values fails as expected ok 6 - default works ok 7 - coerce works for readonly accessors ok 8 - setting readonly values fails as expected ok t/extends.t ... 1..4 ok 1 - Bar is a subclass of Foo ok 2 - Extends with multiple classes not supported ok 3 - Foo is loaded ok 4 - Boo is not loaded ok t/importer.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Mo::importer works ok t/is.t ........ 1..2 ok 1 - values passed to constructor are successfully accepted ok 2 - setting values after initialization throws an exception ok t/main_sub.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Mo works with global sub called "" ok t/Moose.t ..... 1..5 ok 1 - ISA Moose::Object ok 2 - Normal ok 3 - before (lazy) ok 4 - default ok 5 - after ok t/Mouse.t ..... 1..5 ok 1 - ISA Mouse::Object ok 2 - Normal ok 3 - before (lazy) ok 4 - default ok 5 - after ok t/object.t .... 1..2 ok 1 - Didn't mess with caller's ISA ok 2 - Didn't export anything ok t/option.t .... 1..4 ok 1 - Read this ok 2 - Read that ok 3 - Option on ok 4 - Option off ok t/required.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - Mo dies when a required value is not provided ok 2 - Object is correctly initialized when required values are provided ok 3 - Object is correctly initialized when required is combined with is ok t/strict.t .... 1..1 ok 1 - Mo is strict ok t/test.t ...... 1..39 ok 1 - Mo exports has ok 2 - Mo exports extends ok 3 - Mo does not export new ok 4 - Foo isa Mo::Object ok 5 - @Foo::ISA is Mo::Object ok 6 - Foo can new ok 7 - Foo can this ok 8 - this does not exist ok 9 - this is not defined ok 10 - this is it ok 11 - {this} is it ok 12 - this is that ok 13 - {this} is that ok 14 - this is not defined ok 15 - {this} is not defined ok 16 - Bar isa Mo::Object ok 17 - Bar isa Foo ok 18 - @Bar::ISA is Foo ok 19 - Bar can new ok 20 - Bar can this ok 21 - Bar can that ok 22 - Bar can them ok 23 - Object created ok 24 - Inheritance works ok 25 - Bar isa Mo::Object since Foo isa Mo::Object ok 26 - Read works in parent class ok 27 - Read works in current class ok 28 - default works ok 29 - default works as a method call ok 30 - plop is undef ok 31 - default works again ok 32 - default works again ok 33 - no default is undef ok 34 - builder works ok 35 - default trumps builder ok 36 - BUILD works ok 37 - $_ is untouched ok 38 - BUILD works again ok 39 - BUILD works in parent class ok t/xs.t ........ 1..4 ok 1 - constructor works ok 2 - XS accessor works ok 3 - builder still works ok 4 - default still works ok All tests successful. Files=16, Tests=108, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.03 sys + 0.59 cusr 0.15 csys = 0.83 CPU) Result: PASS INGY/Mo-0.31.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Ingy dot Net <> Micro Objects. Mo is less. >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y && tar cvf - Mo-0.31.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/I/IN/INGY/Mo-0.31.tar.gz Mo-0.31.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/mo-inline blib/lib/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/Features.pod blib/lib/Mo/importer.pod blib/lib/Mo/xs.pod blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/Golf.pod blib/lib/Mo/import.pod blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/coerce.pod blib/lib/Mo/required.pod blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/Hacking.pod blib/lib/Mo/Moose.pod blib/lib/Mo/default.pod blib/lib/Mo/exports.pod blib/lib/Mo/Design.pod blib/lib/Mo/Inline.pod blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/chain.pod blib/lib/Mo/option.pod blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/Mouse.pod blib/lib/Mo/ blib/lib/Mo/builder.pod blib/lib/Mo/is.pod blib/lib/ blib/lib/Mo.pod blib/man3/ blib/man3/Mo.3 blib/man3/Mo::importer.3 blib/man3/Mo::chain.3 blib/man3/Mo::Design.3 blib/man3/Mo::Golf.3 blib/man3/Mo::import.3 blib/man3/Mo::Mouse.3 blib/man3/Mo::required.3 blib/man3/Mo::Moose.3 blib/man3/Mo::coerce.3 blib/man3/Mo::Hacking.3 blib/man3/Mo::option.3 blib/man3/Mo::builder.3 blib/man3/Mo::exports.3 blib/man3/Mo::Inline.3 blib/man3/Mo::xs.3 blib/man3/Mo::default.3 blib/man3/Mo::is.3 blib/man3/Mo::Features.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/Mo-0.31.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/I/IN/INGY Duplicate POD found (shadowing?): lib::Mo::Golf (/tmp/ppm-Uog9V6/Mo-0.31/blib/lib/Mo/Golf.pod) Already seen in /tmp/ppm-Uog9V6/Mo-0.31/blib/lib/Mo/ Duplicate POD found (shadowing?): lib::Mo::Inline (/tmp/ppm-Uog9V6/Mo-0.31/blib/lib/Mo/Inline.pod) Already seen in /tmp/ppm-Uog9V6/Mo-0.31/blib/lib/Mo/ Running make for M/ME/MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 15 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 15 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build M/ME/MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Async/ blib/lib/Async/ cp lib/Async/Hooks/ blib/lib/Async/Hooks/ Manifying blib/man3/Async::Hooks.3 Manifying blib/man3/Async::Hooks::Ctl.3 MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 15 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Async::Hooks 0.16, Perl 5.016000, /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static t/00-load.t ............... ok 1 - use Async::Hooks; 1..1 ok t/10-ctl.t ................ ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 1..6 ok 1 - test arguments ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 1..10 ok 2 - test hooks 1..2 ok t/20-hooks.t .............. ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 1..12 ok 1 - registry tests ok 1 - h1, try 1 ok 2 - h2, try 1 ok 3 - non-existent, try 1 ok 4 - non-existent with clean, try 1 ok 5 - h1, try 2 ok 6 - h2, try 2 ok 7 - non-existent, try 2 ok 8 - non-existent with clean, try 2 ok 9 - h1, try 3 ok 10 - h2, try 3 ok 11 - non-existent, try 3 ok 12 - non-existent with clean, try 3 1..12 ok 2 - basic tests ok 1 - The object isa Async::Hooks::Ctl ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 - The object isa Async::Hooks::Ctl ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 1..10 ok 3 - is_done flag tests ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 1..10 ok 4 - modifiable args test ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 1..9 ok 5 - API abuse tests ok 1 - Async::Hooks has no 'confess' method, good ok 2 - Async::Hooks has no 'has' method, good ok 3 - Async::Hooks has no 'extends' method, good 1..3 ok 6 - namespace clean tests - making sure we keep our house clean 1..6 ok t/30-with-moose.t ......... ok 1 - borked just fine... ok 2 1..2 ok t/release-distmeta.t ...... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-no-tabs.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing All tests successful. Files=8, Tests=11, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 0.46 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.61 CPU) Result: PASS MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Pedro Melo <> Hook system with asynchronous capabilities >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn && tar cvf - Async-Hooks-0.16.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/ME/MELO/Async-Hooks-0.16.tar.gz Async-Hooks-0.16.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Async/ blib/lib/Async/ blib/lib/Async/Hooks/ blib/lib/Async/Hooks/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Async::Hooks::Ctl.3 blib/man3/Async::Hooks.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/Async-Hooks-0.16.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/ME/MELO Running test for module 'Carton' Running make for M/MI/MIYAGAWA/carton-v0.9.4.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 16 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/carton-v0.9.4.tar.gz ok carton-v0.9.4/ carton-v0.9.4/.gitignore carton-v0.9.4/bin/ carton-v0.9.4/Changes carton-v0.9.4/docs/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/ carton-v0.9.4/Makefile.PL carton-v0.9.4/MANIFEST carton-v0.9.4/META.yml carton-v0.9.4/README carton-v0.9.4/t/ carton-v0.9.4/xt/ carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/ carton-v0.9.4/xt/ carton-v0.9.4/xt/mirror/ carton-v0.9.4/xt/pod.t carton-v0.9.4/xt/mirror/modules/ carton-v0.9.4/xt/mirror/modules/02packages.details.txt carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/check.t carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/exec.t carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/mirror.t carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/uninstall.t carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/uninstall_dep.t carton-v0.9.4/xt/cli/version.t carton-v0.9.4/t/00_compile.t carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/ carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Check.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Exec.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/FAQ.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Install.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/List.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Show.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Tree.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Uninstall.pod carton-v0.9.4/lib/Carton/Doc/Version.pod carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/inc/Module/Install/ carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-check.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-exec.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-faq.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-install.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-list.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-show.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-tree.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-uninstall.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton-version.pod carton-v0.9.4/docs/carton.pod carton-v0.9.4/bin/carton Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 16 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build M/MI/MIYAGAWA/carton-v0.9.4.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for carton Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ cp lib/Carton/Doc/Uninstall.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Uninstall.pod cp lib/Carton.pod blib/lib/Carton.pod cp lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ cp lib/Carton/Doc/Exec.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Exec.pod cp lib/Carton/Doc/Show.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Show.pod cp lib/Carton/Doc/Check.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Check.pod cp lib/Carton/Doc/List.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/List.pod cp lib/ blib/lib/ cp lib/Carton/Doc/Tree.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Tree.pod cp lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ cp lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ cp lib/Carton/Doc/FAQ.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/FAQ.pod cp lib/Carton/Doc/Install.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Install.pod cp lib/Carton/Doc/Version.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Version.pod cp bin/carton blib/script/carton /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/carton Manifying blib/man1/carton-list.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-show.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-tree.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-uninstall.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-exec.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-install.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-faq.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-check.1 Manifying blib/man1/carton-version.1 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Uninstall.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Show.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Exec.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Check.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::List.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Tree.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Install.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::FAQ.3 Manifying blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Version.3 MIYAGAWA/carton-v0.9.4.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 16 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00_compile.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - use Carton; ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.07 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.13 CPU) Result: PASS MIYAGAWA/carton-v0.9.4.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <> >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh && tar cvf - carton-v0.9.4.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/carton-v0.9.4.tar.gz carton-v0.9.4.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/carton blib/lib/ blib/lib/Carton.pod blib/lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/Doc/ blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Install.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Tree.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/FAQ.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Version.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/List.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Uninstall.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Check.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Exec.pod blib/lib/Carton/Doc/Show.pod blib/lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ blib/lib/Carton/ blib/lib/ blib/man1/ blib/man1/carton-install.1 blib/man1/carton-check.1 blib/man1/carton-uninstall.1 blib/man1/carton-exec.1 blib/man1/carton-show.1 blib/man1/carton.1 blib/man1/carton-tree.1 blib/man1/carton-list.1 blib/man1/carton-version.1 blib/man1/carton-faq.1 blib/man3/ blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Tree.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Show.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Check.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Install.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::List.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Version.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Exec.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::FAQ.3 blib/man3/Carton::Doc::Uninstall.3 blib/man3/Carton.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/carton-v0.9.4.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MI/MIYAGAWA Running test for module 'GraphViz' Running make for R/RS/RSAVAGE/GraphViz-2.10.tgz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RS/RSAVAGE/GraphViz-2.10.tgz ok GraphViz-2.10 GraphViz-2.10/Makefile.PL GraphViz-2.10/README GraphViz-2.10/META.json GraphViz-2.10/CHANGES GraphViz-2.10/Changelog.ini GraphViz-2.10/Build.PL GraphViz-2.10/META.yml GraphViz-2.10/MANIFEST GraphViz-2.10/t GraphViz-2.10/t/dumper.t GraphViz-2.10/t/pod.t GraphViz-2.10/t/foo.t GraphViz-2.10/t/simple.t GraphViz-2.10/lib GraphViz-2.10/lib/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/Data GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/Data/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/Parse GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/Parse/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/Parse/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/GraphViz/Parse/ GraphViz-2.10/lib/Devel GraphViz-2.10/lib/Devel/ GraphViz-2.10/examples GraphViz-2.10/examples/tmon.out GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/perly.output GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/dprofpp.graphviz GraphViz-2.10/examples/README GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/Yapp.output GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ GraphViz-2.10/examples/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build R/RS/RSAVAGE/GraphViz-2.10.tgz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Please install Graphviz from Warning: No success on command[/home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL] RSAVAGE/GraphViz-2.10.tgz /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL -- NOT OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running test for module 'POE::XS::Queue::Array' Running make for T/TO/TONYC/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/T/TO/TONYC/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.tar.gz ok POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/ POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/alloc.c POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/queue.h POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/Array.xs POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/META.yml POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/README POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/Changes POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/typemap POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/MANIFEST POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/bench2.perl POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/ POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/queue.c POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/Makefile.PL POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/bench1.perl POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/ POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/91_pod_cover.t POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/90_pod.t POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/05_pfork.t POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/02_release.t POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/01_array.t POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/t/03_errno.t POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006/alloc.h Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build T/TO/TONYC/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for POE::XS::Queue::Array Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/POE/XS/Queue/ /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static /home/fly1600/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap Array.xs > Array.xsc && mv Array.xsc Array.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.006\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.006\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE" Array.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.006\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.006\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE" queue.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.006\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.006\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE" alloc.c Running Mkbootstrap for POE::XS::Queue::Array () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ gcc -shared -O2 Array.o queue.o alloc.o -o blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ \ \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ cp blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ Manifying blib/man3/POE::XS::Queue::Array.3 TONYC/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01_array.t ...... 1..2048 ok 1 - use POE::XS::Queue::Array; ok 2 - The object isa POE::Queue ok 3 - queue begins empty ok 4 - can't dequeue from empty queue ok 5 - first enqueue has id 1 ok 6 - second enqueue has id 2 ok 7 - third enqueue has id 3 ok 8 - event one dequeued correctly ok 9 - event two dequeued correctly ok 10 - event three dequeued correctly ok 11 - empty queue marker dequeued correctly ok 12 - enqueued event a correctly ok 13 - enqueued event c correctly ok 14 - enqueued event e correctly ok 15 - enqueued event b correctly ok 16 - enqueued event d correctly ok 17 - removed event b by its ID ok 18 - removed event c by its ID ok 19 - removed event d by its ID ok 20 - didn't have permission to remove event e ok 21 - couldn't remove nonexistent event d ok 22 - dequeued event a correctly ok 23 - dequeued event e correctly ok 24 - empty queue marker dequeued correctly ok 25 - enqueued event a correctly ok 26 - enqueued event c correctly ok 27 - enqueued event e correctly ok 28 - enqueued event b correctly ok 29 - enqueued event d correctly ok 30 - enqueued event f correctly ok 31 - queue contains six events ok 32 - removed odd letters from queue ok 33 - leaving three events ok 34 - no more odd letters to remove ok 35 - removed even letters from queue ok 36 - leaving the queue empty ok 37 - enqueued event a correctly ok 38 - enqueued event b correctly ok 39 - enqueued event c correctly ok 40 - enqueued event d correctly ok 41 - enqueued event e correctly ok 42 - enqueued event f correctly ok 43 - leaving six events in the queue ok 44 - found even letters in queue ok 45 - adjusted event e priority by -15 ok 46 - adjusted event b priority by +15 ok 47 - colliding priorities are FIFO ok 48 - full queue removal leaves zero events !!!!!!!! 1 ok 49 - 000 - -1000 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 50 - 002 - -998 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 51 - 004 - -996 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 52 - 006 - -994 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 53 - 008 - -992 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 54 - 010 - -990 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 55 - 012 - -988 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 56 - 014 - -986 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 57 - 016 - -984 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 58 - 018 - -982 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 59 - 020 - -980 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 60 - 022 - -978 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 61 - 024 - -976 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 62 - 026 - -974 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 63 - 028 - -972 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 64 - 030 - -970 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 65 - 032 - -968 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 66 - 034 - -966 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 67 - 036 - -964 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 68 - 038 - -962 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 69 - 040 - -960 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 70 - 042 - -958 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 71 - 044 - -956 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 72 - 046 - -954 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 73 - 048 - -952 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 74 - 050 - -950 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 75 - 052 - -948 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 76 - 054 - -946 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 77 - 056 - -944 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 78 - 058 - -942 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 79 - 060 - -940 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 80 - 062 - -938 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 81 - 064 - -936 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 82 - 066 - -934 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 83 - 068 - -932 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 84 - 070 - -930 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 85 - 072 - -928 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 86 - 074 - -926 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 87 - 076 - -924 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 88 - 078 - -922 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 89 - 080 - -920 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 90 - 082 - -918 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 91 - 084 - -916 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 92 - 086 - -914 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 93 - 088 - -912 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 94 - 090 - -910 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 95 - 092 - -908 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 96 - 094 - -906 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 97 - 096 - -904 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 98 - 098 - -902 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 99 - 100 - -900 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 100 - 102 - -898 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 101 - 104 - -896 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 102 - 106 - -894 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 103 - 108 - -892 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 104 - 110 - -890 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 105 - 112 - -888 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 106 - 114 - -886 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 107 - 116 - -884 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 108 - 118 - -882 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 109 - 120 - -880 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 110 - 122 - -878 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 111 - 124 - -876 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 112 - 126 - -874 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 113 - 128 - -872 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 114 - 130 - -870 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 115 - 132 - -868 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 116 - 134 - -866 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 117 - 136 - -864 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 118 - 138 - -862 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 119 - 140 - -860 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 120 - 142 - -858 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 121 - 144 - -856 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 122 - 146 - -854 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 123 - 148 - -852 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 124 - 150 - -850 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 125 - 152 - -848 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 126 - 154 - -846 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 127 - 156 - -844 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 128 - 158 - -842 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 129 - 160 - -840 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 130 - 162 - -838 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 131 - 164 - -836 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 132 - 166 - -834 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 133 - 168 - -832 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 134 - 170 - -830 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 135 - 172 - -828 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 136 - 174 - -826 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 137 - 176 - -824 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 138 - 178 - -822 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 139 - 180 - -820 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 140 - 182 - -818 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 141 - 184 - -816 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 142 - 186 - -814 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 143 - 188 - -812 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 144 - 190 - -810 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 145 - 192 - -808 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 146 - 194 - -806 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 147 - 196 - -804 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 148 - 198 - -802 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 149 - 200 - -800 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 150 - 202 - -798 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 151 - 204 - -796 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 152 - 206 - -794 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 153 - 208 - -792 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 154 - 210 - -790 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 155 - 212 - -788 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 156 - 214 - -786 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 157 - 216 - -784 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 158 - 218 - -782 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 159 - 220 - -780 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 160 - 222 - -778 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 161 - 224 - -776 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 162 - 226 - -774 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 163 - 228 - -772 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 164 - 230 - -770 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 165 - 232 - -768 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 166 - 234 - -766 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 167 - 236 - -764 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 168 - 238 - -762 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 169 - 240 - -760 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 170 - 242 - -758 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 171 - 244 - -756 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 172 - 246 - -754 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 173 - 248 - -752 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 174 - 250 - -750 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 175 - 252 - -748 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 176 - 254 - -746 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 177 - 256 - -744 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 178 - 258 - -742 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 179 - 260 - -740 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 180 - 262 - -738 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 181 - 264 - -736 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 182 - 266 - -734 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 183 - 268 - -732 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 184 - 270 - -730 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 185 - 272 - -728 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 186 - 274 - -726 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 187 - 276 - -724 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 188 - 278 - -722 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 189 - 280 - -720 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 190 - 282 - -718 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 191 - 284 - -716 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 192 - 286 - -714 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 193 - 288 - -712 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 194 - 290 - -710 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 195 - 292 - -708 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 196 - 294 - -706 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 197 - 296 - -704 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 198 - 298 - -702 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 199 - 300 - -700 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 200 - 302 - -698 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 201 - 304 - -696 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 202 - 306 - -694 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 203 - 308 - -692 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 204 - 310 - -690 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 205 - 312 - -688 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 206 - 314 - -686 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 207 - 316 - -684 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 208 - 318 - -682 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 209 - 320 - -680 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 210 - 322 - -678 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 211 - 324 - -676 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 212 - 326 - -674 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 213 - 328 - -672 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 214 - 330 - -670 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 215 - 332 - -668 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 216 - 334 - -666 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 217 - 336 - -664 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 218 - 338 - -662 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 219 - 340 - -660 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 220 - 342 - -658 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 221 - 344 - -656 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 222 - 346 - -654 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 223 - 348 - -652 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 224 - 350 - -650 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 225 - 352 - -648 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 226 - 354 - -646 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 227 - 356 - -644 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 228 - 358 - -642 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 229 - 360 - -640 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 230 - 362 - -638 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 231 - 364 - -636 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 232 - 366 - -634 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 233 - 368 - -632 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 234 - 370 - -630 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 235 - 372 - -628 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 236 - 374 - -626 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 237 - 376 - -624 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 238 - 378 - -622 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 239 - 380 - -620 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 240 - 382 - -618 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 241 - 384 - -616 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 242 - 386 - -614 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 243 - 388 - -612 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 244 - 390 - -610 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 245 - 392 - -608 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 246 - 394 - -606 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 247 - 396 - -604 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 248 - 398 - -602 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 249 - 400 - -600 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 250 - 402 - -598 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 251 - 404 - -596 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 252 - 406 - -594 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 253 - 408 - -592 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 254 - 410 - -590 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 255 - 412 - -588 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 256 - 414 - -586 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 257 - 416 - -584 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 258 - 418 - -582 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 259 - 420 - -580 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 260 - 422 - -578 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 261 - 424 - -576 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 262 - 426 - -574 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 263 - 428 - -572 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 264 - 430 - -570 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 265 - 432 - -568 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 266 - 434 - -566 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 267 - 436 - -564 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 268 - 438 - -562 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 269 - 440 - -560 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 270 - 442 - -558 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 271 - 444 - -556 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 272 - 446 - -554 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 273 - 448 - -552 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 274 - 450 - -550 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 275 - 452 - -548 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 276 - 454 - -546 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 277 - 456 - -544 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 278 - 458 - -542 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 279 - 460 - -540 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 280 - 462 - -538 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 281 - 464 - -536 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 282 - 466 - -534 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 283 - 468 - -532 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 284 - 470 - -530 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 285 - 472 - -528 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 286 - 474 - -526 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 287 - 476 - -524 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 288 - 478 - -522 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 289 - 480 - -520 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 290 - 482 - -518 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 291 - 484 - -516 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 292 - 486 - -514 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 293 - 488 - -512 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 294 - 490 - -510 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 295 - 492 - -508 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 296 - 494 - -506 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 297 - 496 - -504 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 298 - 498 - -502 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 299 - 500 - -500 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 300 - 502 - -498 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 301 - 504 - -496 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 302 - 506 - -494 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 303 - 508 - -492 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 304 - 510 - -490 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 305 - 512 - -488 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 306 - 514 - -486 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 307 - 516 - -484 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 308 - 518 - -482 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 309 - 520 - -480 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 310 - 522 - -478 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 311 - 524 - -476 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 312 - 526 - -474 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 313 - 528 - -472 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 314 - 530 - -470 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 315 - 532 - -468 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 316 - 534 - -466 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 317 - 536 - -464 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 318 - 538 - -462 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 319 - 540 - -460 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 320 - 542 - -458 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 321 - 544 - -456 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 322 - 546 - -454 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 323 - 548 - -452 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 324 - 550 - -450 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 325 - 552 - -448 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 326 - 554 - -446 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 327 - 556 - -444 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 328 - 558 - -442 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 329 - 560 - -440 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 330 - 562 - -438 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 331 - 564 - -436 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 332 - 566 - -434 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 333 - 568 - -432 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 334 - 570 - -430 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 335 - 572 - -428 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 336 - 574 - -426 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 337 - 576 - -424 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 338 - 578 - -422 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 339 - 580 - -420 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 340 - 582 - -418 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 341 - 584 - -416 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 342 - 586 - -414 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 343 - 588 - -412 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 344 - 590 - -410 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 345 - 592 - -408 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 346 - 594 - -406 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 347 - 596 - -404 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 348 - 598 - -402 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 349 - 600 - -400 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 350 - 602 - -398 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 351 - 604 - -396 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 352 - 606 - -394 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 353 - 608 - -392 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 354 - 610 - -390 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 355 - 612 - -388 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 356 - 614 - -386 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 357 - 616 - -384 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 358 - 618 - -382 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 359 - 620 - -380 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 360 - 622 - -378 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 361 - 624 - -376 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 362 - 626 - -374 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 363 - 628 - -372 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 364 - 630 - -370 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 365 - 632 - -368 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 366 - 634 - -366 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 367 - 636 - -364 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 368 - 638 - -362 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 369 - 640 - -360 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 370 - 642 - -358 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 371 - 644 - -356 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 372 - 646 - -354 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 373 - 648 - -352 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 374 - 650 - -350 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 375 - 652 - -348 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 376 - 654 - -346 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 377 - 656 - -344 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 378 - 658 - -342 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 379 - 660 - -340 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 380 - 662 - -338 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 381 - 664 - -336 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 382 - 666 - -334 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 383 - 668 - -332 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 384 - 670 - -330 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 385 - 672 - -328 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 386 - 674 - -326 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 387 - 676 - -324 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 388 - 678 - -322 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 389 - 680 - -320 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 390 - 682 - -318 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 391 - 684 - -316 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 392 - 686 - -314 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 393 - 688 - -312 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 394 - 690 - -310 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 395 - 692 - -308 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 396 - 694 - -306 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 397 - 696 - -304 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 398 - 698 - -302 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 399 - 700 - -300 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 400 - 702 - -298 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 401 - 704 - -296 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 402 - 706 - -294 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 403 - 708 - -292 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 404 - 710 - -290 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 405 - 712 - -288 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 406 - 714 - -286 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 407 - 716 - -284 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 408 - 718 - -282 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 409 - 720 - -280 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 410 - 722 - -278 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 411 - 724 - -276 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 412 - 726 - -274 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 413 - 728 - -272 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 414 - 730 - -270 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 415 - 732 - -268 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 416 - 734 - -266 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 417 - 736 - -264 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 418 - 738 - -262 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 419 - 740 - -260 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 420 - 742 - -258 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 421 - 744 - -256 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 422 - 746 - -254 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 423 - 748 - -252 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 424 - 750 - -250 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 425 - 752 - -248 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 426 - 754 - -246 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 427 - 756 - -244 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 428 - 758 - -242 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 429 - 760 - -240 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 430 - 762 - -238 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 431 - 764 - -236 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 432 - 766 - -234 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 433 - 768 - -232 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 434 - 770 - -230 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 435 - 772 - -228 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 436 - 774 - -226 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 437 - 776 - -224 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 438 - 778 - -222 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 439 - 780 - -220 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 440 - 782 - -218 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 441 - 784 - -216 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 442 - 786 - -214 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 443 - 788 - -212 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 444 - 790 - -210 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 445 - 792 - -208 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 446 - 794 - -206 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 447 - 796 - -204 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 448 - 798 - -202 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 449 - 800 - -200 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 450 - 802 - -198 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 451 - 804 - -196 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 452 - 806 - -194 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 453 - 808 - -192 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 454 - 810 - -190 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 455 - 812 - -188 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 456 - 814 - -186 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 457 - 816 - -184 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 458 - 818 - -182 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 459 - 820 - -180 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 460 - 822 - -178 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 461 - 824 - -176 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 462 - 826 - -174 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 463 - 828 - -172 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 464 - 830 - -170 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 465 - 832 - -168 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 466 - 834 - -166 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 467 - 836 - -164 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 468 - 838 - -162 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 469 - 840 - -160 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 470 - 842 - -158 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 471 - 844 - -156 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 472 - 846 - -154 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 473 - 848 - -152 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 474 - 850 - -150 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 475 - 852 - -148 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 476 - 854 - -146 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 477 - 856 - -144 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 478 - 858 - -142 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 479 - 860 - -140 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 480 - 862 - -138 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 481 - 864 - -136 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 482 - 866 - -134 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 483 - 868 - -132 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 484 - 870 - -130 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 485 - 872 - -128 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 486 - 874 - -126 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 487 - 876 - -124 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 488 - 878 - -122 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 489 - 880 - -120 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 490 - 882 - -118 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 491 - 884 - -116 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 492 - 886 - -114 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 493 - 888 - -112 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 494 - 890 - -110 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 495 - 892 - -108 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 496 - 894 - -106 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 497 - 896 - -104 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 498 - 898 - -102 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 499 - 900 - -100 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 500 - 902 - -98 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 501 - 904 - -96 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 502 - 906 - -94 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 503 - 908 - -92 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 504 - 910 - -90 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 505 - 912 - -88 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 506 - 914 - -86 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 507 - 916 - -84 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 508 - 918 - -82 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 509 - 920 - -80 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 510 - 922 - -78 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 511 - 924 - -76 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 512 - 926 - -74 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 513 - 928 - -72 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 514 - 930 - -70 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 515 - 932 - -68 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 516 - 934 - -66 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 517 - 936 - -64 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 518 - 938 - -62 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 519 - 940 - -60 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 520 - 942 - -58 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 521 - 944 - -56 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 522 - 946 - -54 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 523 - 948 - -52 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 524 - 950 - -50 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 525 - 952 - -48 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 526 - 954 - -46 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 527 - 956 - -44 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 528 - 958 - -42 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 529 - 960 - -40 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 530 - 962 - -38 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 531 - 964 - -36 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 532 - 966 - -34 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 533 - 968 - -32 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 534 - 970 - -30 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 535 - 972 - -28 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 536 - 974 - -26 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 537 - 976 - -24 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 538 - 978 - -22 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 539 - 980 - -20 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 540 - 982 - -18 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 541 - 984 - -16 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 542 - 986 - -14 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 543 - 988 - -12 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 544 - 990 - -10 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 545 - 992 - -8 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 546 - 994 - -6 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 547 - 996 - -4 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 548 - 998 - -2 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 549 - 001 - 1001 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 550 - 003 - 1003 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 551 - 005 - 1005 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 552 - 007 - 1007 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 553 - 009 - 1009 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 554 - 011 - 1011 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 555 - 013 - 1013 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 556 - 015 - 1015 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 557 - 017 - 1017 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 558 - 019 - 1019 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 559 - 021 - 1021 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 560 - 023 - 1023 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 561 - 025 - 1025 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 562 - 027 - 1027 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 563 - 029 - 1029 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 564 - 031 - 1031 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 565 - 033 - 1033 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 566 - 035 - 1035 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 567 - 037 - 1037 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 568 - 039 - 1039 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 569 - 041 - 1041 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 570 - 043 - 1043 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 571 - 045 - 1045 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 572 - 047 - 1047 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 573 - 049 - 1049 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 574 - 051 - 1051 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 575 - 053 - 1053 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 576 - 055 - 1055 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 577 - 057 - 1057 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 578 - 059 - 1059 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 579 - 061 - 1061 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 580 - 063 - 1063 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 581 - 065 - 1065 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 582 - 067 - 1067 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 583 - 069 - 1069 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 584 - 071 - 1071 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 585 - 073 - 1073 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 586 - 075 - 1075 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 587 - 077 - 1077 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 588 - 079 - 1079 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 589 - 081 - 1081 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 590 - 083 - 1083 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 591 - 085 - 1085 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 592 - 087 - 1087 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 593 - 089 - 1089 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 594 - 091 - 1091 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 595 - 093 - 1093 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 596 - 095 - 1095 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 597 - 097 - 1097 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 598 - 099 - 1099 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 599 - 101 - 1101 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 600 - 103 - 1103 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 601 - 105 - 1105 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 602 - 107 - 1107 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 603 - 109 - 1109 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 604 - 111 - 1111 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 605 - 113 - 1113 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 606 - 115 - 1115 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 607 - 117 - 1117 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 608 - 119 - 1119 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 609 - 121 - 1121 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 610 - 123 - 1123 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 611 - 125 - 1125 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 612 - 127 - 1127 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 613 - 129 - 1129 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 614 - 131 - 1131 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 615 - 133 - 1133 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 616 - 135 - 1135 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 617 - 137 - 1137 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 618 - 139 - 1139 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 619 - 141 - 1141 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 620 - 143 - 1143 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 621 - 145 - 1145 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 622 - 147 - 1147 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 623 - 149 - 1149 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 624 - 151 - 1151 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 625 - 153 - 1153 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 626 - 155 - 1155 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 627 - 157 - 1157 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 628 - 159 - 1159 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 629 - 161 - 1161 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 630 - 163 - 1163 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 631 - 165 - 1165 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 632 - 167 - 1167 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 633 - 169 - 1169 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 634 - 171 - 1171 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 635 - 173 - 1173 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 636 - 175 - 1175 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 637 - 177 - 1177 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 638 - 179 - 1179 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 639 - 181 - 1181 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 640 - 183 - 1183 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 641 - 185 - 1185 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 642 - 187 - 1187 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 643 - 189 - 1189 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 644 - 191 - 1191 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 645 - 193 - 1193 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 646 - 195 - 1195 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 647 - 197 - 1197 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 648 - 199 - 1199 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 649 - 201 - 1201 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 650 - 203 - 1203 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 651 - 205 - 1205 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 652 - 207 - 1207 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 653 - 209 - 1209 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 654 - 211 - 1211 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 655 - 213 - 1213 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 656 - 215 - 1215 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 657 - 217 - 1217 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 658 - 219 - 1219 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 659 - 221 - 1221 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 660 - 223 - 1223 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 661 - 225 - 1225 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 662 - 227 - 1227 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 663 - 229 - 1229 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 664 - 231 - 1231 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 665 - 233 - 1233 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 666 - 235 - 1235 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 667 - 237 - 1237 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 668 - 239 - 1239 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 669 - 241 - 1241 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 670 - 243 - 1243 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 671 - 245 - 1245 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 672 - 247 - 1247 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 673 - 249 - 1249 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 674 - 251 - 1251 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 675 - 253 - 1253 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 676 - 255 - 1255 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 677 - 257 - 1257 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 678 - 259 - 1259 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 679 - 261 - 1261 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 680 - 263 - 1263 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 681 - 265 - 1265 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 682 - 267 - 1267 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 683 - 269 - 1269 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 684 - 271 - 1271 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 685 - 273 - 1273 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 686 - 275 - 1275 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 687 - 277 - 1277 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 688 - 279 - 1279 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 689 - 281 - 1281 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 690 - 283 - 1283 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 691 - 285 - 1285 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 692 - 287 - 1287 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 693 - 289 - 1289 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 694 - 291 - 1291 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 695 - 293 - 1293 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 696 - 295 - 1295 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 697 - 297 - 1297 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 698 - 299 - 1299 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 699 - 301 - 1301 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 700 - 303 - 1303 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 701 - 305 - 1305 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 702 - 307 - 1307 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 703 - 309 - 1309 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 704 - 311 - 1311 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 705 - 313 - 1313 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 706 - 315 - 1315 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 707 - 317 - 1317 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 708 - 319 - 1319 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 709 - 321 - 1321 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 710 - 323 - 1323 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 711 - 325 - 1325 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 712 - 327 - 1327 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 713 - 329 - 1329 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 714 - 331 - 1331 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 715 - 333 - 1333 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 716 - 335 - 1335 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 717 - 337 - 1337 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 718 - 339 - 1339 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 719 - 341 - 1341 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 720 - 343 - 1343 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 721 - 345 - 1345 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 722 - 347 - 1347 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 723 - 349 - 1349 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 724 - 351 - 1351 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 725 - 353 - 1353 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 726 - 355 - 1355 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 727 - 357 - 1357 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 728 - 359 - 1359 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 729 - 361 - 1361 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 730 - 363 - 1363 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 731 - 365 - 1365 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 732 - 367 - 1367 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 733 - 369 - 1369 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 734 - 371 - 1371 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 735 - 373 - 1373 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 736 - 375 - 1375 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 737 - 377 - 1377 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 738 - 379 - 1379 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 739 - 381 - 1381 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 740 - 383 - 1383 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 741 - 385 - 1385 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 742 - 387 - 1387 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 743 - 389 - 1389 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 744 - 391 - 1391 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 745 - 393 - 1393 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 746 - 395 - 1395 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 747 - 397 - 1397 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 748 - 399 - 1399 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 749 - 401 - 1401 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 750 - 403 - 1403 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 751 - 405 - 1405 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 752 - 407 - 1407 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 753 - 409 - 1409 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 754 - 411 - 1411 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 755 - 413 - 1413 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 756 - 415 - 1415 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 757 - 417 - 1417 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 758 - 419 - 1419 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 759 - 421 - 1421 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 760 - 423 - 1423 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 761 - 425 - 1425 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 762 - 427 - 1427 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 763 - 429 - 1429 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 764 - 431 - 1431 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 765 - 433 - 1433 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 766 - 435 - 1435 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 767 - 437 - 1437 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 768 - 439 - 1439 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 769 - 441 - 1441 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 770 - 443 - 1443 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 771 - 445 - 1445 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 772 - 447 - 1447 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 773 - 449 - 1449 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 774 - 451 - 1451 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 775 - 453 - 1453 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 776 - 455 - 1455 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 777 - 457 - 1457 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 778 - 459 - 1459 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 779 - 461 - 1461 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 780 - 463 - 1463 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 781 - 465 - 1465 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 782 - 467 - 1467 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 783 - 469 - 1469 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 784 - 471 - 1471 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 785 - 473 - 1473 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 786 - 475 - 1475 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 787 - 477 - 1477 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 788 - 479 - 1479 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 789 - 481 - 1481 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 790 - 483 - 1483 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 791 - 485 - 1485 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 792 - 487 - 1487 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 793 - 489 - 1489 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 794 - 491 - 1491 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 795 - 493 - 1493 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 796 - 495 - 1495 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 797 - 497 - 1497 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 798 - 499 - 1499 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 799 - 501 - 1501 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 800 - 503 - 1503 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 801 - 505 - 1505 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 802 - 507 - 1507 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 803 - 509 - 1509 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 804 - 511 - 1511 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 805 - 513 - 1513 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 806 - 515 - 1515 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 807 - 517 - 1517 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 808 - 519 - 1519 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 809 - 521 - 1521 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 810 - 523 - 1523 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 811 - 525 - 1525 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 812 - 527 - 1527 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 813 - 529 - 1529 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 814 - 531 - 1531 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 815 - 533 - 1533 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 816 - 535 - 1535 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 817 - 537 - 1537 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 818 - 539 - 1539 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 819 - 541 - 1541 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 820 - 543 - 1543 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 821 - 545 - 1545 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 822 - 547 - 1547 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 823 - 549 - 1549 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 824 - 551 - 1551 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 825 - 553 - 1553 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 826 - 555 - 1555 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 827 - 557 - 1557 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 828 - 559 - 1559 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 829 - 561 - 1561 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 830 - 563 - 1563 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 831 - 565 - 1565 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 832 - 567 - 1567 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 833 - 569 - 1569 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 834 - 571 - 1571 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 835 - 573 - 1573 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 836 - 575 - 1575 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 837 - 577 - 1577 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 838 - 579 - 1579 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 839 - 581 - 1581 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 840 - 583 - 1583 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 841 - 585 - 1585 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 842 - 587 - 1587 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 843 - 589 - 1589 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 844 - 591 - 1591 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 845 - 593 - 1593 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 846 - 595 - 1595 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 847 - 597 - 1597 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 848 - 599 - 1599 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 849 - 601 - 1601 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 850 - 603 - 1603 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 851 - 605 - 1605 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 852 - 607 - 1607 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 853 - 609 - 1609 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 854 - 611 - 1611 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 855 - 613 - 1613 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 856 - 615 - 1615 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 857 - 617 - 1617 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 858 - 619 - 1619 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 859 - 621 - 1621 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 860 - 623 - 1623 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 861 - 625 - 1625 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 862 - 627 - 1627 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 863 - 629 - 1629 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 864 - 631 - 1631 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 865 - 633 - 1633 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 866 - 635 - 1635 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 867 - 637 - 1637 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 868 - 639 - 1639 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 869 - 641 - 1641 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 870 - 643 - 1643 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 871 - 645 - 1645 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 872 - 647 - 1647 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 873 - 649 - 1649 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 874 - 651 - 1651 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 875 - 653 - 1653 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 876 - 655 - 1655 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 877 - 657 - 1657 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 878 - 659 - 1659 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 879 - 661 - 1661 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 880 - 663 - 1663 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 881 - 665 - 1665 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 882 - 667 - 1667 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 883 - 669 - 1669 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 884 - 671 - 1671 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 885 - 673 - 1673 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 886 - 675 - 1675 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 887 - 677 - 1677 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 888 - 679 - 1679 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 889 - 681 - 1681 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 890 - 683 - 1683 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 891 - 685 - 1685 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 892 - 687 - 1687 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 893 - 689 - 1689 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 894 - 691 - 1691 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 895 - 693 - 1693 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 896 - 695 - 1695 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 897 - 697 - 1697 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 898 - 699 - 1699 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 899 - 701 - 1701 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 900 - 703 - 1703 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 901 - 705 - 1705 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 902 - 707 - 1707 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 903 - 709 - 1709 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 904 - 711 - 1711 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 905 - 713 - 1713 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 906 - 715 - 1715 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 907 - 717 - 1717 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 908 - 719 - 1719 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 909 - 721 - 1721 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 910 - 723 - 1723 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 911 - 725 - 1725 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 912 - 727 - 1727 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 913 - 729 - 1729 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 914 - 731 - 1731 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 915 - 733 - 1733 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 916 - 735 - 1735 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 917 - 737 - 1737 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 918 - 739 - 1739 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 919 - 741 - 1741 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 920 - 743 - 1743 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 921 - 745 - 1745 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 922 - 747 - 1747 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 923 - 749 - 1749 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 924 - 751 - 1751 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 925 - 753 - 1753 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 926 - 755 - 1755 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 927 - 757 - 1757 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 928 - 759 - 1759 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 929 - 761 - 1761 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 930 - 763 - 1763 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 931 - 765 - 1765 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 932 - 767 - 1767 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 933 - 769 - 1769 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 934 - 771 - 1771 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 935 - 773 - 1773 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 936 - 775 - 1775 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 937 - 777 - 1777 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 938 - 779 - 1779 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 939 - 781 - 1781 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 940 - 783 - 1783 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 941 - 785 - 1785 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 942 - 787 - 1787 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 943 - 789 - 1789 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 944 - 791 - 1791 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 945 - 793 - 1793 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 946 - 795 - 1795 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 947 - 797 - 1797 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 948 - 799 - 1799 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 949 - 801 - 1801 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 950 - 803 - 1803 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 951 - 805 - 1805 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 952 - 807 - 1807 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 953 - 809 - 1809 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 954 - 811 - 1811 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 955 - 813 - 1813 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 956 - 815 - 1815 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 957 - 817 - 1817 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 958 - 819 - 1819 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 959 - 821 - 1821 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 960 - 823 - 1823 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 961 - 825 - 1825 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 962 - 827 - 1827 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 963 - 829 - 1829 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 964 - 831 - 1831 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 965 - 833 - 1833 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 966 - 835 - 1835 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 967 - 837 - 1837 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 968 - 839 - 1839 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 969 - 841 - 1841 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 970 - 843 - 1843 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 971 - 845 - 1845 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 972 - 847 - 1847 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 973 - 849 - 1849 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 974 - 851 - 1851 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 975 - 853 - 1853 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 976 - 855 - 1855 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 977 - 857 - 1857 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 978 - 859 - 1859 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 979 - 861 - 1861 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 980 - 863 - 1863 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 981 - 865 - 1865 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 982 - 867 - 1867 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 983 - 869 - 1869 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 984 - 871 - 1871 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 985 - 873 - 1873 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 986 - 875 - 1875 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 987 - 877 - 1877 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 988 - 879 - 1879 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 989 - 881 - 1881 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 990 - 883 - 1883 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 991 - 885 - 1885 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 992 - 887 - 1887 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 993 - 889 - 1889 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 994 - 891 - 1891 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 995 - 893 - 1893 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 996 - 895 - 1895 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 997 - 897 - 1897 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 998 - 899 - 1899 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 999 - 901 - 1901 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1000 - 903 - 1903 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1001 - 905 - 1905 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1002 - 907 - 1907 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1003 - 909 - 1909 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1004 - 911 - 1911 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1005 - 913 - 1913 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1006 - 915 - 1915 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1007 - 917 - 1917 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1008 - 919 - 1919 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1009 - 921 - 1921 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1010 - 923 - 1923 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1011 - 925 - 1925 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1012 - 927 - 1927 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1013 - 929 - 1929 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1014 - 931 - 1931 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1015 - 933 - 1933 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1016 - 935 - 1935 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1017 - 937 - 1937 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1018 - 939 - 1939 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1019 - 941 - 1941 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1020 - 943 - 1943 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1021 - 945 - 1945 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1022 - 947 - 1947 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1023 - 949 - 1949 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1024 - 951 - 1951 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1025 - 953 - 1953 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1026 - 955 - 1955 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1027 - 957 - 1957 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1028 - 959 - 1959 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1029 - 961 - 1961 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1030 - 963 - 1963 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1031 - 965 - 1965 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1032 - 967 - 1967 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1033 - 969 - 1969 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1034 - 971 - 1971 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1035 - 973 - 1973 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1036 - 975 - 1975 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1037 - 977 - 1977 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1038 - 979 - 1979 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1039 - 981 - 1981 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1040 - 983 - 1983 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1041 - 985 - 1985 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1042 - 987 - 1987 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1043 - 989 - 1989 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1044 - 991 - 1991 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1045 - 993 - 1993 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1046 - 995 - 1995 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1047 - 997 - 1997 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1048 - 999 - 1999 == 1000 (should be 1000) ok 1049 - 000 - 500 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1050 - 001 - 501 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1051 - 002 - 502 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1052 - 003 - 503 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1053 - 004 - 504 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1054 - 005 - 505 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1055 - 006 - 506 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1056 - 007 - 507 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1057 - 008 - 508 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1058 - 009 - 509 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1059 - 010 - 510 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1060 - 011 - 511 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1061 - 012 - 512 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1062 - 013 - 513 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1063 - 014 - 514 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1064 - 015 - 515 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1065 - 016 - 516 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1066 - 017 - 517 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1067 - 018 - 518 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1068 - 019 - 519 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1069 - 020 - 520 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1070 - 021 - 521 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1071 - 022 - 522 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1072 - 023 - 523 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1073 - 024 - 524 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1074 - 025 - 525 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1075 - 026 - 526 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1076 - 027 - 527 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1077 - 028 - 528 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1078 - 029 - 529 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1079 - 030 - 530 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1080 - 031 - 531 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1081 - 032 - 532 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1082 - 033 - 533 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1083 - 034 - 534 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1084 - 035 - 535 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1085 - 036 - 536 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1086 - 037 - 537 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1087 - 038 - 538 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1088 - 039 - 539 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1089 - 040 - 540 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1090 - 041 - 541 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1091 - 042 - 542 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1092 - 043 - 543 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1093 - 044 - 544 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1094 - 045 - 545 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1095 - 046 - 546 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1096 - 047 - 547 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1097 - 048 - 548 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1098 - 049 - 549 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1099 - 050 - 550 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1100 - 051 - 551 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1101 - 052 - 552 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1102 - 053 - 553 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1103 - 054 - 554 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1104 - 055 - 555 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1105 - 056 - 556 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1106 - 057 - 557 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1107 - 058 - 558 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1108 - 059 - 559 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1109 - 060 - 560 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1110 - 061 - 561 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1111 - 062 - 562 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1112 - 063 - 563 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1113 - 064 - 564 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1114 - 065 - 565 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1115 - 066 - 566 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1116 - 067 - 567 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1117 - 068 - 568 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1118 - 069 - 569 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1119 - 070 - 570 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1120 - 071 - 571 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1121 - 072 - 572 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1122 - 073 - 573 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1123 - 074 - 574 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1124 - 075 - 575 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1125 - 076 - 576 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1126 - 077 - 577 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1127 - 078 - 578 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1128 - 079 - 579 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1129 - 080 - 580 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1130 - 081 - 581 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1131 - 082 - 582 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1132 - 083 - 583 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1133 - 084 - 584 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1134 - 085 - 585 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1135 - 086 - 586 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1136 - 087 - 587 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1137 - 088 - 588 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1138 - 089 - 589 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1139 - 090 - 590 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1140 - 091 - 591 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1141 - 092 - 592 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1142 - 093 - 593 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1143 - 094 - 594 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1144 - 095 - 595 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1145 - 096 - 596 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1146 - 097 - 597 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1147 - 098 - 598 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1148 - 099 - 599 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1149 - 100 - 600 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1150 - 101 - 601 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1151 - 102 - 602 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1152 - 103 - 603 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1153 - 104 - 604 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1154 - 105 - 605 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1155 - 106 - 606 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1156 - 107 - 607 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1157 - 108 - 608 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1158 - 109 - 609 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1159 - 110 - 610 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1160 - 111 - 611 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1161 - 112 - 612 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1162 - 113 - 613 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1163 - 114 - 614 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1164 - 115 - 615 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1165 - 116 - 616 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1166 - 117 - 617 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1167 - 118 - 618 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1168 - 119 - 619 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1169 - 120 - 620 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1170 - 121 - 621 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1171 - 122 - 622 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1172 - 123 - 623 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1173 - 124 - 624 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1174 - 125 - 625 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1175 - 126 - 626 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1176 - 127 - 627 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1177 - 128 - 628 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1178 - 129 - 629 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1179 - 130 - 630 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1180 - 131 - 631 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1181 - 132 - 632 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1182 - 133 - 633 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1183 - 134 - 634 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1184 - 135 - 635 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1185 - 136 - 636 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1186 - 137 - 637 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1187 - 138 - 638 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1188 - 139 - 639 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1189 - 140 - 640 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1190 - 141 - 641 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1191 - 142 - 642 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1192 - 143 - 643 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1193 - 144 - 644 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1194 - 145 - 645 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1195 - 146 - 646 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1196 - 147 - 647 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1197 - 148 - 648 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1198 - 149 - 649 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1199 - 150 - 650 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1200 - 151 - 651 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1201 - 152 - 652 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1202 - 153 - 653 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1203 - 154 - 654 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1204 - 155 - 655 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1205 - 156 - 656 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1206 - 157 - 657 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1207 - 158 - 658 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1208 - 159 - 659 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1209 - 160 - 660 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1210 - 161 - 661 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1211 - 162 - 662 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1212 - 163 - 663 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1213 - 164 - 664 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1214 - 165 - 665 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1215 - 166 - 666 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1216 - 167 - 667 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1217 - 168 - 668 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1218 - 169 - 669 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1219 - 170 - 670 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1220 - 171 - 671 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1221 - 172 - 672 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1222 - 173 - 673 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1223 - 174 - 674 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1224 - 175 - 675 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1225 - 176 - 676 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1226 - 177 - 677 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1227 - 178 - 678 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1228 - 179 - 679 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1229 - 180 - 680 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1230 - 181 - 681 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1231 - 182 - 682 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1232 - 183 - 683 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1233 - 184 - 684 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1234 - 185 - 685 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1235 - 186 - 686 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1236 - 187 - 687 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1237 - 188 - 688 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1238 - 189 - 689 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1239 - 190 - 690 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1240 - 191 - 691 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1241 - 192 - 692 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1242 - 193 - 693 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1243 - 194 - 694 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1244 - 195 - 695 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1245 - 196 - 696 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1246 - 197 - 697 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1247 - 198 - 698 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1248 - 199 - 699 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1249 - 200 - 700 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1250 - 201 - 701 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1251 - 202 - 702 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1252 - 203 - 703 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1253 - 204 - 704 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1254 - 205 - 705 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1255 - 206 - 706 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1256 - 207 - 707 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1257 - 208 - 708 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1258 - 209 - 709 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1259 - 210 - 710 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1260 - 211 - 711 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1261 - 212 - 712 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1262 - 213 - 713 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1263 - 214 - 714 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1264 - 215 - 715 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1265 - 216 - 716 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1266 - 217 - 717 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1267 - 218 - 718 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1268 - 219 - 719 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1269 - 220 - 720 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1270 - 221 - 721 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1271 - 222 - 722 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1272 - 223 - 723 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1273 - 224 - 724 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1274 - 225 - 725 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1275 - 226 - 726 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1276 - 227 - 727 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1277 - 228 - 728 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1278 - 229 - 729 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1279 - 230 - 730 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1280 - 231 - 731 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1281 - 232 - 732 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1282 - 233 - 733 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1283 - 234 - 734 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1284 - 235 - 735 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1285 - 236 - 736 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1286 - 237 - 737 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1287 - 238 - 738 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1288 - 239 - 739 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1289 - 240 - 740 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1290 - 241 - 741 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1291 - 242 - 742 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1292 - 243 - 743 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1293 - 244 - 744 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1294 - 245 - 745 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1295 - 246 - 746 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1296 - 247 - 747 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1297 - 248 - 748 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1298 - 249 - 749 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1299 - 250 - 750 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1300 - 251 - 751 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1301 - 252 - 752 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1302 - 253 - 753 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1303 - 254 - 754 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1304 - 255 - 755 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1305 - 256 - 756 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1306 - 257 - 757 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1307 - 258 - 758 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1308 - 259 - 759 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1309 - 260 - 760 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1310 - 261 - 761 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1311 - 262 - 762 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1312 - 263 - 763 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1313 - 264 - 764 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1314 - 265 - 765 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1315 - 266 - 766 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1316 - 267 - 767 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1317 - 268 - 768 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1318 - 269 - 769 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1319 - 270 - 770 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1320 - 271 - 771 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1321 - 272 - 772 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1322 - 273 - 773 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1323 - 274 - 774 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1324 - 275 - 775 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1325 - 276 - 776 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1326 - 277 - 777 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1327 - 278 - 778 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1328 - 279 - 779 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1329 - 280 - 780 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1330 - 281 - 781 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1331 - 282 - 782 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1332 - 283 - 783 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1333 - 284 - 784 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1334 - 285 - 785 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1335 - 286 - 786 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1336 - 287 - 787 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1337 - 288 - 788 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1338 - 289 - 789 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1339 - 290 - 790 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1340 - 291 - 791 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1341 - 292 - 792 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1342 - 293 - 793 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1343 - 294 - 794 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1344 - 295 - 795 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1345 - 296 - 796 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1346 - 297 - 797 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1347 - 298 - 798 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1348 - 299 - 799 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1349 - 300 - 800 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1350 - 301 - 801 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1351 - 302 - 802 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1352 - 303 - 803 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1353 - 304 - 804 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1354 - 305 - 805 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1355 - 306 - 806 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1356 - 307 - 807 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1357 - 308 - 808 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1358 - 309 - 809 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1359 - 310 - 810 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1360 - 311 - 811 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1361 - 312 - 812 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1362 - 313 - 813 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1363 - 314 - 814 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1364 - 315 - 815 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1365 - 316 - 816 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1366 - 317 - 817 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1367 - 318 - 818 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1368 - 319 - 819 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1369 - 320 - 820 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1370 - 321 - 821 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1371 - 322 - 822 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1372 - 323 - 823 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1373 - 324 - 824 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1374 - 325 - 825 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1375 - 326 - 826 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1376 - 327 - 827 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1377 - 328 - 828 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1378 - 329 - 829 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1379 - 330 - 830 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1380 - 331 - 831 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1381 - 332 - 832 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1382 - 333 - 833 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1383 - 334 - 834 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1384 - 335 - 835 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1385 - 336 - 836 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1386 - 337 - 837 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1387 - 338 - 838 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1388 - 339 - 839 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1389 - 340 - 840 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1390 - 341 - 841 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1391 - 342 - 842 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1392 - 343 - 843 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1393 - 344 - 844 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1394 - 345 - 845 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1395 - 346 - 846 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1396 - 347 - 847 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1397 - 348 - 848 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1398 - 349 - 849 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1399 - 350 - 850 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1400 - 351 - 851 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1401 - 352 - 852 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1402 - 353 - 853 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1403 - 354 - 854 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1404 - 355 - 855 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1405 - 356 - 856 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1406 - 357 - 857 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1407 - 358 - 858 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1408 - 359 - 859 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1409 - 360 - 860 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1410 - 361 - 861 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1411 - 362 - 862 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1412 - 363 - 863 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1413 - 364 - 864 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1414 - 365 - 865 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1415 - 366 - 866 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1416 - 367 - 867 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1417 - 368 - 868 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1418 - 369 - 869 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1419 - 370 - 870 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1420 - 371 - 871 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1421 - 372 - 872 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1422 - 373 - 873 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1423 - 374 - 874 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1424 - 375 - 875 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1425 - 376 - 876 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1426 - 377 - 877 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1427 - 378 - 878 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1428 - 379 - 879 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1429 - 380 - 880 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1430 - 381 - 881 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1431 - 382 - 882 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1432 - 383 - 883 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1433 - 384 - 884 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1434 - 385 - 885 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1435 - 386 - 886 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1436 - 387 - 887 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1437 - 388 - 888 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1438 - 389 - 889 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1439 - 390 - 890 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1440 - 391 - 891 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1441 - 392 - 892 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1442 - 393 - 893 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1443 - 394 - 894 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1444 - 395 - 895 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1445 - 396 - 896 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1446 - 397 - 897 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1447 - 398 - 898 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1448 - 399 - 899 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1449 - 400 - 900 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1450 - 401 - 901 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1451 - 402 - 902 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1452 - 403 - 903 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1453 - 404 - 904 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1454 - 405 - 905 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1455 - 406 - 906 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1456 - 407 - 907 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1457 - 408 - 908 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1458 - 409 - 909 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1459 - 410 - 910 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1460 - 411 - 911 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1461 - 412 - 912 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1462 - 413 - 913 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1463 - 414 - 914 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1464 - 415 - 915 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1465 - 416 - 916 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1466 - 417 - 917 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1467 - 418 - 918 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1468 - 419 - 919 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1469 - 420 - 920 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1470 - 421 - 921 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1471 - 422 - 922 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1472 - 423 - 923 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1473 - 424 - 924 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1474 - 425 - 925 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1475 - 426 - 926 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1476 - 427 - 927 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1477 - 428 - 928 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1478 - 429 - 929 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1479 - 430 - 930 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1480 - 431 - 931 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1481 - 432 - 932 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1482 - 433 - 933 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1483 - 434 - 934 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1484 - 435 - 935 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1485 - 436 - 936 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1486 - 437 - 937 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1487 - 438 - 938 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1488 - 439 - 939 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1489 - 440 - 940 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1490 - 441 - 941 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1491 - 442 - 942 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1492 - 443 - 943 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1493 - 444 - 944 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1494 - 445 - 945 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1495 - 446 - 946 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1496 - 447 - 947 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1497 - 448 - 948 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1498 - 449 - 949 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1499 - 450 - 950 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1500 - 451 - 951 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1501 - 452 - 952 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1502 - 453 - 953 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1503 - 454 - 954 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1504 - 455 - 955 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1505 - 456 - 956 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1506 - 457 - 957 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1507 - 458 - 958 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1508 - 459 - 959 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1509 - 460 - 960 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1510 - 461 - 961 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1511 - 462 - 962 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1512 - 463 - 963 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1513 - 464 - 964 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1514 - 465 - 965 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1515 - 466 - 966 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1516 - 467 - 967 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1517 - 468 - 968 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1518 - 469 - 969 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1519 - 470 - 970 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1520 - 471 - 971 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1521 - 472 - 972 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1522 - 473 - 973 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1523 - 474 - 974 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1524 - 475 - 975 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1525 - 476 - 976 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1526 - 477 - 977 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1527 - 478 - 978 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1528 - 479 - 979 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1529 - 480 - 980 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1530 - 481 - 981 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1531 - 482 - 982 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1532 - 483 - 983 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1533 - 484 - 984 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1534 - 485 - 985 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1535 - 486 - 986 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1536 - 487 - 987 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1537 - 488 - 988 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1538 - 489 - 989 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1539 - 490 - 990 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1540 - 491 - 991 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1541 - 492 - 992 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1542 - 493 - 993 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1543 - 494 - 994 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1544 - 495 - 995 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1545 - 496 - 996 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1546 - 497 - 997 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1547 - 498 - 998 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1548 - 499 - 999 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1549 - 500 - 1000 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1550 - 501 - 1001 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1551 - 502 - 1002 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1552 - 503 - 1003 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1553 - 504 - 1004 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1554 - 505 - 1005 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1555 - 506 - 1006 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1556 - 507 - 1007 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1557 - 508 - 1008 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1558 - 509 - 1009 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1559 - 510 - 1010 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1560 - 511 - 1011 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1561 - 512 - 1012 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1562 - 513 - 1013 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1563 - 514 - 1014 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1564 - 515 - 1015 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1565 - 516 - 1016 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1566 - 517 - 1017 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1567 - 518 - 1018 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1568 - 519 - 1019 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1569 - 520 - 1020 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1570 - 521 - 1021 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1571 - 522 - 1022 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1572 - 523 - 1023 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1573 - 524 - 1024 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1574 - 525 - 1025 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1575 - 526 - 1026 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1576 - 527 - 1027 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1577 - 528 - 1028 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1578 - 529 - 1029 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1579 - 530 - 1030 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1580 - 531 - 1031 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1581 - 532 - 1032 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1582 - 533 - 1033 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1583 - 534 - 1034 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1584 - 535 - 1035 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1585 - 536 - 1036 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1586 - 537 - 1037 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1587 - 538 - 1038 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1588 - 539 - 1039 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1589 - 540 - 1040 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1590 - 541 - 1041 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1591 - 542 - 1042 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1592 - 543 - 1043 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1593 - 544 - 1044 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1594 - 545 - 1045 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1595 - 546 - 1046 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1596 - 547 - 1047 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1597 - 548 - 1048 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1598 - 549 - 1049 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1599 - 550 - 1050 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1600 - 551 - 1051 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1601 - 552 - 1052 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1602 - 553 - 1053 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1603 - 554 - 1054 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1604 - 555 - 1055 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1605 - 556 - 1056 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1606 - 557 - 1057 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1607 - 558 - 1058 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1608 - 559 - 1059 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1609 - 560 - 1060 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1610 - 561 - 1061 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1611 - 562 - 1062 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1612 - 563 - 1063 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1613 - 564 - 1064 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1614 - 565 - 1065 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1615 - 566 - 1066 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1616 - 567 - 1067 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1617 - 568 - 1068 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1618 - 569 - 1069 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1619 - 570 - 1070 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1620 - 571 - 1071 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1621 - 572 - 1072 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1622 - 573 - 1073 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1623 - 574 - 1074 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1624 - 575 - 1075 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1625 - 576 - 1076 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1626 - 577 - 1077 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1627 - 578 - 1078 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1628 - 579 - 1079 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1629 - 580 - 1080 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1630 - 581 - 1081 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1631 - 582 - 1082 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1632 - 583 - 1083 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1633 - 584 - 1084 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1634 - 585 - 1085 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1635 - 586 - 1086 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1636 - 587 - 1087 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1637 - 588 - 1088 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1638 - 589 - 1089 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1639 - 590 - 1090 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1640 - 591 - 1091 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1641 - 592 - 1092 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1642 - 593 - 1093 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1643 - 594 - 1094 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1644 - 595 - 1095 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1645 - 596 - 1096 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1646 - 597 - 1097 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1647 - 598 - 1098 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1648 - 599 - 1099 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1649 - 600 - 1100 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1650 - 601 - 1101 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1651 - 602 - 1102 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1652 - 603 - 1103 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1653 - 604 - 1104 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1654 - 605 - 1105 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1655 - 606 - 1106 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1656 - 607 - 1107 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1657 - 608 - 1108 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1658 - 609 - 1109 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1659 - 610 - 1110 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1660 - 611 - 1111 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1661 - 612 - 1112 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1662 - 613 - 1113 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1663 - 614 - 1114 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1664 - 615 - 1115 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1665 - 616 - 1116 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1666 - 617 - 1117 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1667 - 618 - 1118 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1668 - 619 - 1119 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1669 - 620 - 1120 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1670 - 621 - 1121 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1671 - 622 - 1122 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1672 - 623 - 1123 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1673 - 624 - 1124 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1674 - 625 - 1125 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1675 - 626 - 1126 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1676 - 627 - 1127 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1677 - 628 - 1128 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1678 - 629 - 1129 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1679 - 630 - 1130 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1680 - 631 - 1131 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1681 - 632 - 1132 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1682 - 633 - 1133 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1683 - 634 - 1134 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1684 - 635 - 1135 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1685 - 636 - 1136 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1686 - 637 - 1137 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1687 - 638 - 1138 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1688 - 639 - 1139 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1689 - 640 - 1140 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1690 - 641 - 1141 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1691 - 642 - 1142 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1692 - 643 - 1143 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1693 - 644 - 1144 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1694 - 645 - 1145 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1695 - 646 - 1146 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1696 - 647 - 1147 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1697 - 648 - 1148 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1698 - 649 - 1149 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1699 - 650 - 1150 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1700 - 651 - 1151 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1701 - 652 - 1152 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1702 - 653 - 1153 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1703 - 654 - 1154 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1704 - 655 - 1155 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1705 - 656 - 1156 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1706 - 657 - 1157 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1707 - 658 - 1158 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1708 - 659 - 1159 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1709 - 660 - 1160 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1710 - 661 - 1161 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1711 - 662 - 1162 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1712 - 663 - 1163 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1713 - 664 - 1164 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1714 - 665 - 1165 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1715 - 666 - 1166 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1716 - 667 - 1167 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1717 - 668 - 1168 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1718 - 669 - 1169 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1719 - 670 - 1170 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1720 - 671 - 1171 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1721 - 672 - 1172 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1722 - 673 - 1173 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1723 - 674 - 1174 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1724 - 675 - 1175 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1725 - 676 - 1176 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1726 - 677 - 1177 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1727 - 678 - 1178 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1728 - 679 - 1179 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1729 - 680 - 1180 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1730 - 681 - 1181 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1731 - 682 - 1182 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1732 - 683 - 1183 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1733 - 684 - 1184 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1734 - 685 - 1185 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1735 - 686 - 1186 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1736 - 687 - 1187 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1737 - 688 - 1188 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1738 - 689 - 1189 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1739 - 690 - 1190 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1740 - 691 - 1191 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1741 - 692 - 1192 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1742 - 693 - 1193 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1743 - 694 - 1194 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1744 - 695 - 1195 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1745 - 696 - 1196 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1746 - 697 - 1197 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1747 - 698 - 1198 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1748 - 699 - 1199 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1749 - 700 - 1200 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1750 - 701 - 1201 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1751 - 702 - 1202 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1752 - 703 - 1203 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1753 - 704 - 1204 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1754 - 705 - 1205 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1755 - 706 - 1206 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1756 - 707 - 1207 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1757 - 708 - 1208 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1758 - 709 - 1209 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1759 - 710 - 1210 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1760 - 711 - 1211 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1761 - 712 - 1212 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1762 - 713 - 1213 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1763 - 714 - 1214 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1764 - 715 - 1215 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1765 - 716 - 1216 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1766 - 717 - 1217 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1767 - 718 - 1218 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1768 - 719 - 1219 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1769 - 720 - 1220 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1770 - 721 - 1221 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1771 - 722 - 1222 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1772 - 723 - 1223 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1773 - 724 - 1224 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1774 - 725 - 1225 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1775 - 726 - 1226 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1776 - 727 - 1227 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1777 - 728 - 1228 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1778 - 729 - 1229 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1779 - 730 - 1230 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1780 - 731 - 1231 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1781 - 732 - 1232 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1782 - 733 - 1233 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1783 - 734 - 1234 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1784 - 735 - 1235 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1785 - 736 - 1236 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1786 - 737 - 1237 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1787 - 738 - 1238 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1788 - 739 - 1239 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1789 - 740 - 1240 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1790 - 741 - 1241 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1791 - 742 - 1242 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1792 - 743 - 1243 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1793 - 744 - 1244 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1794 - 745 - 1245 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1795 - 746 - 1246 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1796 - 747 - 1247 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1797 - 748 - 1248 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1798 - 749 - 1249 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1799 - 750 - 1250 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1800 - 751 - 1251 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1801 - 752 - 1252 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1802 - 753 - 1253 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1803 - 754 - 1254 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1804 - 755 - 1255 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1805 - 756 - 1256 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1806 - 757 - 1257 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1807 - 758 - 1258 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1808 - 759 - 1259 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1809 - 760 - 1260 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1810 - 761 - 1261 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1811 - 762 - 1262 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1812 - 763 - 1263 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1813 - 764 - 1264 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1814 - 765 - 1265 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1815 - 766 - 1266 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1816 - 767 - 1267 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1817 - 768 - 1268 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1818 - 769 - 1269 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1819 - 770 - 1270 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1820 - 771 - 1271 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1821 - 772 - 1272 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1822 - 773 - 1273 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1823 - 774 - 1274 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1824 - 775 - 1275 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1825 - 776 - 1276 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1826 - 777 - 1277 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1827 - 778 - 1278 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1828 - 779 - 1279 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1829 - 780 - 1280 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1830 - 781 - 1281 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1831 - 782 - 1282 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1832 - 783 - 1283 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1833 - 784 - 1284 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1834 - 785 - 1285 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1835 - 786 - 1286 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1836 - 787 - 1287 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1837 - 788 - 1288 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1838 - 789 - 1289 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1839 - 790 - 1290 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1840 - 791 - 1291 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1841 - 792 - 1292 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1842 - 793 - 1293 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1843 - 794 - 1294 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1844 - 795 - 1295 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1845 - 796 - 1296 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1846 - 797 - 1297 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1847 - 798 - 1298 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1848 - 799 - 1299 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1849 - 800 - 1300 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1850 - 801 - 1301 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1851 - 802 - 1302 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1852 - 803 - 1303 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1853 - 804 - 1304 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1854 - 805 - 1305 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1855 - 806 - 1306 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1856 - 807 - 1307 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1857 - 808 - 1308 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1858 - 809 - 1309 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1859 - 810 - 1310 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1860 - 811 - 1311 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1861 - 812 - 1312 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1862 - 813 - 1313 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1863 - 814 - 1314 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1864 - 815 - 1315 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1865 - 816 - 1316 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1866 - 817 - 1317 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1867 - 818 - 1318 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1868 - 819 - 1319 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1869 - 820 - 1320 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1870 - 821 - 1321 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1871 - 822 - 1322 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1872 - 823 - 1323 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1873 - 824 - 1324 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1874 - 825 - 1325 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1875 - 826 - 1326 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1876 - 827 - 1327 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1877 - 828 - 1328 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1878 - 829 - 1329 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1879 - 830 - 1330 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1880 - 831 - 1331 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1881 - 832 - 1332 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1882 - 833 - 1333 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1883 - 834 - 1334 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1884 - 835 - 1335 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1885 - 836 - 1336 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1886 - 837 - 1337 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1887 - 838 - 1338 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1888 - 839 - 1339 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1889 - 840 - 1340 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1890 - 841 - 1341 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1891 - 842 - 1342 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1892 - 843 - 1343 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1893 - 844 - 1344 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1894 - 845 - 1345 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1895 - 846 - 1346 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1896 - 847 - 1347 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1897 - 848 - 1348 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1898 - 849 - 1349 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1899 - 850 - 1350 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1900 - 851 - 1351 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1901 - 852 - 1352 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1902 - 853 - 1353 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1903 - 854 - 1354 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1904 - 855 - 1355 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1905 - 856 - 1356 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1906 - 857 - 1357 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1907 - 858 - 1358 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1908 - 859 - 1359 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1909 - 860 - 1360 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1910 - 861 - 1361 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1911 - 862 - 1362 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1912 - 863 - 1363 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1913 - 864 - 1364 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1914 - 865 - 1365 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1915 - 866 - 1366 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1916 - 867 - 1367 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1917 - 868 - 1368 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1918 - 869 - 1369 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1919 - 870 - 1370 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1920 - 871 - 1371 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1921 - 872 - 1372 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1922 - 873 - 1373 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1923 - 874 - 1374 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1924 - 875 - 1375 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1925 - 876 - 1376 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1926 - 877 - 1377 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1927 - 878 - 1378 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1928 - 879 - 1379 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1929 - 880 - 1380 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1930 - 881 - 1381 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1931 - 882 - 1382 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1932 - 883 - 1383 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1933 - 884 - 1384 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1934 - 885 - 1385 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1935 - 886 - 1386 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1936 - 887 - 1387 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1937 - 888 - 1388 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1938 - 889 - 1389 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1939 - 890 - 1390 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1940 - 891 - 1391 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1941 - 892 - 1392 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1942 - 893 - 1393 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1943 - 894 - 1394 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1944 - 895 - 1395 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1945 - 896 - 1396 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1946 - 897 - 1397 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1947 - 898 - 1398 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1948 - 899 - 1399 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1949 - 900 - 1400 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1950 - 901 - 1401 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1951 - 902 - 1402 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1952 - 903 - 1403 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1953 - 904 - 1404 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1954 - 905 - 1405 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1955 - 906 - 1406 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1956 - 907 - 1407 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1957 - 908 - 1408 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1958 - 909 - 1409 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1959 - 910 - 1410 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1960 - 911 - 1411 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1961 - 912 - 1412 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1962 - 913 - 1413 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1963 - 914 - 1414 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1964 - 915 - 1415 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1965 - 916 - 1416 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1966 - 917 - 1417 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1967 - 918 - 1418 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1968 - 919 - 1419 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1969 - 920 - 1420 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1970 - 921 - 1421 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1971 - 922 - 1422 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1972 - 923 - 1423 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1973 - 924 - 1424 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1974 - 925 - 1425 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1975 - 926 - 1426 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1976 - 927 - 1427 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1977 - 928 - 1428 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1978 - 929 - 1429 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1979 - 930 - 1430 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1980 - 931 - 1431 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1981 - 932 - 1432 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1982 - 933 - 1433 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1983 - 934 - 1434 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1984 - 935 - 1435 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1985 - 936 - 1436 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1986 - 937 - 1437 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1987 - 938 - 1438 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1988 - 939 - 1439 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1989 - 940 - 1440 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1990 - 941 - 1441 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1991 - 942 - 1442 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1992 - 943 - 1443 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1993 - 944 - 1444 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1994 - 945 - 1445 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1995 - 946 - 1446 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1996 - 947 - 1447 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1997 - 948 - 1448 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1998 - 949 - 1449 == 500 (should be 500) ok 1999 - 950 - 1450 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2000 - 951 - 1451 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2001 - 952 - 1452 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2002 - 953 - 1453 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2003 - 954 - 1454 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2004 - 955 - 1455 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2005 - 956 - 1456 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2006 - 957 - 1457 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2007 - 958 - 1458 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2008 - 959 - 1459 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2009 - 960 - 1460 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2010 - 961 - 1461 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2011 - 962 - 1462 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2012 - 963 - 1463 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2013 - 964 - 1464 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2014 - 965 - 1465 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2015 - 966 - 1466 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2016 - 967 - 1467 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2017 - 968 - 1468 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2018 - 969 - 1469 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2019 - 970 - 1470 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2020 - 971 - 1471 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2021 - 972 - 1472 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2022 - 973 - 1473 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2023 - 974 - 1474 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2024 - 975 - 1475 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2025 - 976 - 1476 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2026 - 977 - 1477 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2027 - 978 - 1478 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2028 - 979 - 1479 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2029 - 980 - 1480 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2030 - 981 - 1481 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2031 - 982 - 1482 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2032 - 983 - 1483 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2033 - 984 - 1484 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2034 - 985 - 1485 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2035 - 986 - 1486 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2036 - 987 - 1487 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2037 - 988 - 1488 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2038 - 989 - 1489 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2039 - 990 - 1490 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2040 - 991 - 1491 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2041 - 992 - 1492 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2042 - 993 - 1493 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2043 - 994 - 1494 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2044 - 995 - 1495 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2045 - 996 - 1496 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2046 - 997 - 1497 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2047 - 998 - 1498 == 500 (should be 500) ok 2048 - 999 - 1499 == 500 (should be 500) ok t/02_release.t .... 1..37 ok 1 - use POE::XS::Queue::Array; # created AA # trivial one item and dequeue it ok 2 - check it's not released too early # destroyed AA ok 3 - or too late in void context dequeue # created AB ok 4 - check early release for list dequeue ok 5 - check early release for list dequeue (in array) # destroyed AB ok 6 - should be free now ok 7 - check only one released # remove single item - item at the front - void context # created AC # created AD ok 8 - check neither ... ok 9 - ... has been released # destroyed AC ok 10 - check it's released ok 11 - and other isn't ok 12 - check only one released ok 13 - check count # remove single item - item at the front - list context # created AE ok 14 - check neither ... ok 15 - ... has been released # destroyed AE ok 16 - check it's released ok 17 - and other isn't ok 18 - check only one released # remove single item - item at the end # created AF ok 19 - check not released yet # destroyed AF ok 20 - check it was released ok 21 - and other isn't ok 22 - check only one released # remove single item - item in the middle # created AG # created AH # destroyed AD ok 23 - check it was released ok 24 - and others ... ok 25 - ... weren't # peek at the contents ok 26 - check nothing released ok 27 - still nothing released # destroyed AG ok 28 - check one released # destroyed AH ok 29 - check other released ok 30 - check nothing else released # bulk removal # created AI # created AJ # created AK ok 31 - nothing released yet # destroyed AK ok 32 - check it was released ok 33 - and nothing else # destroyed AJ # destroyed AI ok 34 - check both ... ok 35 - ... have been released ok 36 - and nothing else ok 37 - and queue is empty # created AL # created AM # created AN # destroyed AL # destroyed AM # destroyed AN ok t/03_errno.t ...... 1..2 ok 1 - check errno set in .xs ok 2 - check errno set in queue.c ok t/05_pfork.t ...... skipped: (no reason given) t/90_pod.t ........ 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/POE/XS/Queue/ ok t/91_pod_cover.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage on POE::XS::Queue::Array ok All tests successful. Files=6, Tests=2089, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr 0.02 sys + 0.44 cusr 0.07 csys = 0.71 CPU) Result: PASS TONYC/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Tony Cook <> XS version of POE::Queue::Array >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv && tar cvf - POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/T/TO/TONYC/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.tar.gz POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/POE/ blib/lib/POE/XS/ blib/lib/POE/XS/Queue/ blib/lib/POE/XS/Queue/ blib/arch/ blib/arch/auto/ blib/arch/auto/POE/ blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/ blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/ blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ blib/arch/auto/POE/XS/Queue/Array/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/POE::XS::Queue::Array.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/T/TO/TONYC Running test for module 'Test::Kit' Running make for O/OV/OVID/Test-Kit-0.101.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/O/OV/OVID/Test-Kit-0.101.tar.gz ok Test-Kit-0.101 Test-Kit-0.101/Build.PL Test-Kit-0.101/Changes Test-Kit-0.101/Makefile.PL Test-Kit-0.101/MANIFEST Test-Kit-0.101/META.yml Test-Kit-0.101/README Test-Kit-0.101/lib Test-Kit-0.101/lib/Test Test-Kit-0.101/lib/Test/ Test-Kit-0.101/lib/Test/Kit Test-Kit-0.101/lib/Test/Kit/ Test-Kit-0.101/t Test-Kit-0.101/t/00-load.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/basic.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/compose.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/exceptions.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/exclude.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/regression.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/rename.t Test-Kit-0.101/t/lib Test-Kit-0.101/t/lib/ Test-Kit-0.101/t/lib/ Test-Kit-0.101/t/lib/ Test-Kit-0.101/t/lib/ Test-Kit-0.101/t/lib/ Test-Kit-0.101/xt Test-Kit-0.101/xt/pod-coverage.t Test-Kit-0.101/xt/pod.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build O/OV/OVID/Test-Kit-0.101.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::Kit Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/ cp lib/Test/Kit/ blib/lib/Test/Kit/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::Kit.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Kit::Features.3 OVID/Test-Kit-0.101.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Test::Kit 0.101, Perl 5.016000, /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static t/00-load.t ..... 1..2 ok 1 - use Test::Kit; ok 2 - use Test::Kit::Features; ok t/basic.t ....... 1..4 ok 1 - Trying to export conflicting functions should fail ok 2 - ... and composing non-conflicting packages should succeed ok 3 - ... and the Test::More functions should be exported ok 4 - ... as should Test::Differences functions ok t/compose.t ..... 1..8 ok 1 - This is from Test::More ok 2 - This is from Test::Differences ok 3 - ... and Test::More::is_deeply should be excluded ok 4 - ... but non-excluded Test::More functions should be available ok 5 - ... and explain should be included ok 6 - ... on_fail should be exported not ok 7 # TODO testing # Failed (TODO) test at t/compose.t line 19. ok 8 ok t/exceptions.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - Trying to use a non-existent test module should fail ok 2 - ... or when you already have an import method defined ok 3 - ... and trying to use unknown keys in definitions should fail ok t/exclude.t ..... 1..1 ok 1 - ... and the Test::More functions should be exported ok Subroutine main::explain redefined at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib/Test/Kit/ line 92. t/regression.t .. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/rename.t ...... 1..2 ok 1 - ... and the Test::More functions should be exported ok 2 - ... NaughtyTest::ok should be callable ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=21, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.03 sys + 0.34 cusr 0.13 csys = 0.54 CPU) Result: PASS OVID/Test-Kit-0.101.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Curtis 'Ovid' Poe <> Build custom test packages with only the features you want. >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn && tar cvf - Test-Kit-0.101.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/O/OV/OVID/Test-Kit-0.101.tar.gz Test-Kit-0.101.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/Kit/ blib/lib/Test/Kit/ blib/lib/Test/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Test::Kit.3 blib/man3/Test::Kit::Features.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/Test-Kit-0.101.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/O/OV/OVID Running test for module 'Text::ClearSilver' Running make for C/CR/CRAFTWORK/Text-ClearSilver- Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 19 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CR/CRAFTWORK/Text-ClearSilver- ok Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- 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file name... a.out checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of executables... checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E checking whether ln -s works... yes checking for ar... ar checking for ranlib... ranlib checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking for Neotonic Paths... not found checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes checking for library containing opendir... none required checking for egrep... grep -E checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for sys/wait.h that is POSIX.1 compatible... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for memory.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking fcntl.h usability... yes checking fcntl.h presence... yes checking for fcntl.h... yes checking stdarg.h usability... yes checking stdarg.h presence... yes checking for stdarg.h... yes checking varargs.h usability... no checking varargs.h presence... no checking for varargs.h... no checking limits.h usability... yes checking limits.h presence... yes checking for limits.h... yes checking for strings.h... (cached) yes checking sys/ioctl.h usability... yes checking sys/ioctl.h presence... yes checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes checking sys/time.h usability... yes checking sys/time.h presence... yes checking for sys/time.h... yes checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes checking features.h usability... yes checking features.h presence... yes checking for features.h... yes checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes checking for mode_t... yes checking for off_t... yes checking for pid_t... yes checking for size_t... yes checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h checking for struct tm.tm_zone... yes checking return type of signal handlers... void checking for strftime... yes checking for vprintf... yes checking for _doprnt... no checking for wait3 that fills in rusage... yes checking for gettimeofday... yes checking for mktime... yes checking for putenv... yes checking for strerror... yes checking for strspn... yes checking for strtod... yes checking for strtol... yes checking for strtoul... yes checking for random... yes checking for rand... yes checking for drand48... yes Disabling wdb code checking for lockf... yes checking pthread.h usability... yes checking pthread.h presence... yes checking for pthread.h... yes checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu checking for snprintf... yes checking for vsnprintf... yes checking for localtime_r... yes checking whether localtime_r is declared... yes checking for gmtime_r... yes checking whether gmtime_r is declared... yes checking for strtok_r... yes checking whether strtok_r is declared... yes checking for mkstemp... yes checking for regexec... yes checking for deflate in -lz... yes Disabling HTML Compression support Disabling Apache 1.3.x Module Disabling python module Disabling perl module Disabling ruby module Disabling java module Disabling csharp module configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating config.status: creating cs_config.h make ******************************************* ** Building Dependencies ** OSNAME: Linux ** (done) make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' ******************************************* ** Building Dependencies ** OSNAME: Linux ** (done) make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' ******************************************* ** Building Dependencies ** OSNAME: Linux ** (done) make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' ******************************************* ** Building Dependencies ** OSNAME: Linux ** (done) make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_err.o -c neo_err.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_files.o -c neo_files.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_misc.o -c neo_misc.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_rand.o -c neo_rand.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o ulist.o -c ulist.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_hdf.o -c neo_hdf.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_str.o -c neo_str.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_date.o -c neo_date.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o wildmat.o -c wildmat.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_hash.o -c neo_hash.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o ulocks.o -c ulocks.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o rcfs.o -c rcfs.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o skiplist.o -c skiplist.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o dict.o -c dict.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o filter.o -c filter.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_net.o -c neo_net.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o neo_server.o -c neo_server.c ar cr ../libs/libneo_utl.a neo_err.o neo_files.o neo_misc.o neo_rand.o ulist.o neo_hdf.o neo_str.o neo_date.o wildmat.o neo_hash.o ulocks.o rcfs.o skiplist.o dict.o filter.o neo_net.o neo_server.o ranlib ../libs/libneo_utl.a make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o csparse.o -c csparse.c csparse.c: In function ‘tcs_var_lookup’: csparse.c:4455: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘var_lookup’ discards qualifiers from pointer target type csparse.c: In function ‘tcs_var_int_lookup’: csparse.c:4460: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘var_int_lookup’ discards qualifiers from pointer target type csparse.c: In function ‘tcs_var_lookup_obj’: csparse.c:4465: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘var_lookup_obj’ discards qualifiers from pointer target type ar cr ../libs/libneo_cs.a csparse.o ranlib ../libs/libneo_cs.a gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o cstest.o -c cstest.c gcc -o cstest cstest.o -L../libs/ -lneo_cs -lneo_utl # -lefence gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o cs.o -c cs.c gcc -o cs cs.o -L../libs/ -lneo_cs -lneo_utl # -lefence Running cs regression tests Failed Regression Test: test_crc.cs See test_crc.cs.out and test_crc.cs.err make[1]: *** [test] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o cgiwrap.o -c cgiwrap.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o cgi.o -c cgi.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o html.o -c html.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o date.o -c date.c gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o rfc2388.o -c rfc2388.c ar cr ../libs/libneo_cgi.a cgiwrap.o cgi.o html.o date.o rfc2388.o ranlib ../libs/libneo_cgi.a gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o static.o -c static.c gcc -o cs_static.cgi static.o -L../libs/ -lneo_cgi -lneo_cs -lneo_utl gcc -shared -fPIC -o cs_static.cso static.o -L../libs/ -lneo_cgi -lneo_cs -lneo_utl gcc -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -Wall -I.. -fPIC -o cgi_cstest.o -c cgi_cstest.c gcc -o cgi_cstest cgi_cstest.o -L../libs/ -lneo_cgi -lneo_cs -lneo_utl make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver-' Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Text::ClearSilver Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/ cp lib/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/ cp lib/Text/ blib/lib/Text/ cp lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ cp lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" /home/fly1600/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/ExtUtils/typemap xs/CSPARSE.xs > xs/CSPARSE.xsc && mv xs/CSPARSE.xsc xs/CSPARSE.c gcc -c "-I." "-I." "-Ics" "-Ics/util" "-Ics/cgi" "-Ics/cs" -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wall -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -O2 -DVERSION=\"\" -DXS_VERSION=\"\" -o xs/CSPARSE.o -fPIC "-I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE" -DUSE_PPPORT xs/CSPARSE.c /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" /home/fly1600/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/ExtUtils/typemap xs/ClearSilver.xs > xs/ClearSilver.xsc && mv xs/ClearSilver.xsc xs/ClearSilver.c gcc -c "-I." "-I." "-Ics" "-Ics/util" "-Ics/cgi" "-Ics/cs" -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wall -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -O2 -DVERSION=\"\" -DXS_VERSION=\"\" -o xs/ClearSilver.o -fPIC "-I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE" -DUSE_PPPORT xs/ClearSilver.c /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" /home/fly1600/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/ExtUtils/typemap xs/HDF.xs > xs/HDF.xsc && mv xs/HDF.xsc xs/HDF.c Warning: Found a 'CODE' section which seems to be using 'RETVAL' but no 'OUTPUT' section. in HDF.xs, line 282 gcc -c "-I." "-I." "-Ics" "-Ics/util" "-Ics/cgi" "-Ics/cs" -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wall -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -O2 -DVERSION=\"\" -DXS_VERSION=\"\" -o xs/HDF.o -fPIC "-I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE" -DUSE_PPPORT xs/HDF.c Running Mkbootstrap for Text::ClearSilver () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ gcc -shared -O2 xs/CSPARSE.o xs/ClearSilver.o xs/HDF.o -o blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ \ -L/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- -lneo_cs -L/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- -lneo_utl -L/home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- -lneo_cgi \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ cp blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ Manifying blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::Compat.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet::string.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet::html.3 CRAFTWORK/Text-ClearSilver- make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 19 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Text::ClearSilver/ t/00_load.t .......... 1..1 ok 1 - use Text::ClearSilver; ok t/01_basic.t ......... # 1 ok 1 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver::HDF ok 2 - $hdf->dump ok 3 - get_obj ok 4 - obj_name ok 5 - obj_child ok 6 ok 7 - obj_value ok 8 - obj_next ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - get_child ok 12 - set_value/get_value ok 13 - no such node ok 14 - no such node/default value ok 15 - copy ok 16 - set_symlink ok 17 - the original is not affected ok 18 - remove_tree ok 19 ok 20 - sort_obj ok 21 - sort_obj ok 22 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver::CS ok 23 - parse_string & render ok 24 - parse_string & render (again) ok 25 - render to filehandle ok 26 - $cs->dump ok 27 - parse_file & render # 2 ok 28 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver::HDF ok 29 - $hdf->dump ok 30 - get_obj ok 31 - obj_name ok 32 - obj_child ok 33 ok 34 - obj_value ok 35 - obj_next ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 - get_child ok 39 - set_value/get_value ok 40 - no such node ok 41 - no such node/default value ok 42 - copy ok 43 - set_symlink ok 44 - the original is not affected ok 45 - remove_tree ok 46 ok 47 - sort_obj ok 48 - sort_obj ok 49 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver::CS ok 50 - parse_string & render ok 51 - parse_string & render (again) ok 52 - render to filehandle ok 53 - $cs->dump ok 54 - parse_file & render 1..54 ok t/02_hdf.t ........... # [1] ok 1 - new HDF from Perl data ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 - new HDF from string ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - write_file with :scalar ok 12 ok 13 - new CS from Perl data ok 14 - render ok 15 ok 16 # [2] ok 17 - new HDF from Perl data ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 - new HDF from string ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 - write_file with :scalar ok 28 ok 29 - new CS from Perl data ok 30 - render ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 1..39 ok t/03_wrong_uses.t .... # for Text::ClearSilver::HDF ok 1 - call get_obj as a class method ok 2 - call get_obj as a class method ok 3 - call get_obj as a class method ok 4 - call get_child as a class method ok 5 - call get_child as a class method ok 6 - call get_child as a class method ok 7 - call dump as a class method ok 8 - call dump as a class method ok 9 - call dump as a class method ok 10 - call sort_obj as a class method ok 11 - call sort_obj as a class method ok 12 - call sort_obj as a class method ok 13 - call read_string as a class method ok 14 - call read_string as a class method ok 15 - call read_string as a class method ok 16 - call obj_value as a class method ok 17 - call obj_value as a class method ok 18 - call obj_value as a class method ok 19 - call get_value as a class method ok 20 - call get_value as a class method ok 21 - call get_value as a class method ok 22 - call copy as a class method ok 23 - call copy as a class method ok 24 - call copy as a class method ok 25 - call write_file as a class method ok 26 - call write_file as a class method ok 27 - call write_file as a class method ok 28 - call obj_child as a class method ok 29 - call obj_child as a class method ok 30 - call obj_child as a class method ok 31 - call obj_name as a class method ok 32 - call obj_name as a class method ok 33 - call obj_name as a class method ok 34 - call set_value as a class method ok 35 - call set_value as a class method ok 36 - call set_value as a class method ok 37 - call remove_tree as a class method ok 38 - call remove_tree as a class method ok 39 - call remove_tree as a class method ok 40 - call obj_next as a class method ok 41 - call obj_next as a class method ok 42 - call obj_next as a class method ok 43 - call set_symlink as a class method ok 44 - call set_symlink as a class method ok 45 - call set_symlink as a class method ok 46 - call read_file as a class method ok 47 - call read_file as a class method ok 48 - call read_file as a class method # for Text::ClearSilver::CS ok 49 - call dump as a class method ok 50 - call dump as a class method ok 51 - call dump as a class method ok 52 - call parse_file as a class method ok 53 - call parse_file as a class method ok 54 - call parse_file as a class method ok 55 - call parse_string as a class method ok 56 - call parse_string as a class method ok 57 - call parse_string as a class method ok 58 - call render as a class method ok 59 - call render as a class method ok 60 - call render as a class method ok 61 # for Text::ClearSilver ok 62 - parameters ok 63 - parameters ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 - check error 1..66 ok t/04_cs_has_a_hdf.t .. ok 1 ok 2 - cs has a hdf 1..2 ok t/05_process.t ....... # 1 ok 1 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 2 - process to scalar ref ok 3 - process with defout ok 4 - dataset includes Config ok 5 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 6 - dataset includes TagStart ok 7 - with Config ok 8 - config in place ok 9 - config in place ok 10 - dataset from instance ok 11 - load_path ok 12 - output to a file ok 13 # 2 ok 14 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 15 - process to scalar ref ok 16 - process with defout ok 17 - dataset includes Config ok 18 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 19 - dataset includes TagStart ok 20 - with Config ok 21 - config in place ok 22 - config in place ok 23 - dataset from instance ok 24 - load_path ok 25 - output to a file ok 26 # 3 ok 27 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 28 - process to scalar ref ok 29 - process with defout ok 30 - dataset includes Config ok 31 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 32 - dataset includes TagStart ok 33 - with Config ok 34 - config in place ok 35 - config in place ok 36 - dataset from instance ok 37 - load_path ok 38 - output to a file ok 39 # 4 ok 40 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 41 - process to scalar ref ok 42 - process with defout ok 43 - dataset includes Config ok 44 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 45 - dataset includes TagStart ok 46 - with Config ok 47 - config in place ok 48 - config in place ok 49 - dataset from instance ok 50 - load_path ok 51 - output to a file ok 52 # 5 ok 53 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 54 - process to scalar ref ok 55 - process with defout ok 56 - dataset includes Config ok 57 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 58 - dataset includes TagStart ok 59 - with Config ok 60 - config in place ok 61 - config in place ok 62 - dataset from instance ok 63 - load_path ok 64 - output to a file ok 65 ok 66 - HASH ok 67 - clear_cache # 6 ok 68 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 69 - process to scalar ref ok 70 - process with defout ok 71 - dataset includes Config ok 72 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 73 - dataset includes TagStart ok 74 - with Config ok 75 - config in place ok 76 - config in place ok 77 - dataset from instance ok 78 - load_path ok 79 - output to a file ok 80 # 7 ok 81 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 82 - process to scalar ref ok 83 - process with defout ok 84 - dataset includes Config ok 85 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 86 - dataset includes TagStart ok 87 - with Config ok 88 - config in place ok 89 - config in place ok 90 - dataset from instance ok 91 - load_path ok 92 - output to a file ok 93 # 8 ok 94 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 95 - process to scalar ref ok 96 - process with defout ok 97 - dataset includes Config ok 98 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 99 - dataset includes TagStart ok 100 - with Config ok 101 - config in place ok 102 - config in place ok 103 - dataset from instance ok 104 - load_path ok 105 - output to a file ok 106 # 9 ok 107 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 108 - process to scalar ref ok 109 - process with defout ok 110 - dataset includes Config ok 111 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 112 - dataset includes TagStart ok 113 - with Config ok 114 - config in place ok 115 - config in place ok 116 - dataset from instance ok 117 - load_path ok 118 - output to a file ok 119 # 10 ok 120 - The object isa Text::ClearSilver ok 121 - process to scalar ref ok 122 - process with defout ok 123 - dataset includes Config ok 124 - dataset includes VarEscapeMode ok 125 - dataset includes TagStart ok 126 - with Config ok 127 - config in place ok 128 - config in place ok 129 - dataset from instance ok 130 - load_path ok 131 - output to a file ok 132 1..132 ok t/06_compat.t ........ # Testing with Text::ClearSilver # 1 ok 1 - The object isa ClearSilver::HDF ok 2 - get_obj ok 3 - obj_name ok 4 - obj_child ok 5 ok 6 - obj_value ok 7 - obj_next ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 - get_child ok 11 - set_value/get_value ok 12 - no such node ok 13 - no such node/default value ok 14 - copy ok 15 - set_symlink ok 16 - the original is not affected ok 17 - remove_tree ok 18 ok 19 - sort_obj ok 20 - sort_obj ok 21 - The object isa ClearSilver::CS ok 22 - parse_string & render ok 23 - parse_string & render (again) ok 24 ok 25 - parse_file & render ok 26 - Data::ClearSilver::HDF->hdf isa ClearSilver::HDF ok 27 # 2 ok 28 - The object isa ClearSilver::HDF ok 29 - get_obj ok 30 - obj_name ok 31 - obj_child ok 32 ok 33 - obj_value ok 34 - obj_next ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 - get_child ok 38 - set_value/get_value ok 39 - no such node ok 40 - no such node/default value ok 41 - copy ok 42 - set_symlink ok 43 - the original is not affected ok 44 - remove_tree ok 45 ok 46 - sort_obj ok 47 - sort_obj ok 48 - The object isa ClearSilver::CS ok 49 - parse_string & render ok 50 - parse_string & render (again) ok 51 ok 52 - parse_file & render ok 53 - Data::ClearSilver::HDF->hdf isa ClearSilver::HDF ok 54 1..54 ok t/07_funcs.t ......... # 1 ok 1 - register_function ok 2 ok 3 - take HDF node ok 4 - f(g(x)) ok 5 - f(g(x)) ok 6 - die in callback ok 7 ok 8 - _() is not registered ok 9 - Cannot redefine builtins # 2 ok 10 - register_function ok 11 ok 12 - take HDF node ok 13 - f(g(x)) ok 14 - f(g(x)) ok 15 - die in callback ok 16 ok 17 - _() is not registered ok 18 - Cannot redefine builtins 1..18 ok t/08_function_set.t .. # 1 ok 1 - lc ok 2 - uc ok 3 - lcfirst ok 4 - ucfirst ok 5 - substr ok 6 - substr ok 7 - sprintf ok 8 - builtin sprintf ok 9 - nl2br ok 10 ok 11 # 2 ok 12 - lc ok 13 - uc ok 14 - lcfirst ok 15 - ucfirst ok 16 - substr ok 17 - substr ok 18 - sprintf ok 19 - builtin sprintf ok 20 - nl2br ok 21 ok 22 1..22 ok t/09_utf8.t .......... ok 1 - encoding => 'utf8' ok 2 - encoding => 'bytes' breaks the output ok 3 - encoding => 'utf8' ok 4 - encoding => 'utf8' ok 5 - encoding => 'bytes' breaks the output ok 6 - $template is not touched ok 7 ok 8 - $template is not touched ok 9 ok 10 - function arguments are utf8 ok 11 - function arguments are not utf8 ok 12 - can define substr() ok 13 - The value ("\203\211\203N\203_") is not utf8-flagged nor utf8-encoded at t/09_utf8.t line 78. # ok 14 - The key ("\203\211\203N\203_") is not utf8-flagged nor utf8-encoded at t/09_utf8.t line 83. # ok 15 - utf8 encoded bytes 1..15 ok All tests successful. Files=10, Tests=403, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr 0.03 sys + 0.30 cusr 0.10 csys = 0.50 CPU) Result: PASS CRAFTWORK/Text-ClearSilver- make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Craftworks <CENSORED> Perl interface to the ClearSilver template engine >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- && tar cvf - Text-ClearSilver- blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/C/CR/CRAFTWORK/Text-ClearSilver- Text-ClearSilver- blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Text/ blib/lib/Text/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/FunctionSet/ blib/lib/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/arch/ blib/arch/auto/ blib/arch/auto/Text/ blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/arch/auto/Text/ClearSilver/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet.3 blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet::string.3 blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver.3 blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::Compat.3 blib/man3/Text::ClearSilver::FunctionSet::html.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/REPO/C/CR/CRAFTWORK Running test for module 'AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream' Running make for M/MI/MIYAGAWA/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.tar.gz ok AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/.gitignore AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/Changes AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/eg/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/lib/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/Makefile.PL AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/MANIFEST AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/META.yml AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/README AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/t/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/xt/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/xt/perlcritic.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/xt/pod.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/xt/podspell.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/xt/synopsis.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/t/00_compile.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/t/streaming.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/t/timeout.t AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/lib/AnyEvent/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/lib/AnyEvent/Twitter/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/lib/AnyEvent/Twitter/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/Base/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/Builder/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/SharedFork/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/SharedFork/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/SharedFork/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/SharedFork/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/Builder/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Test/Base/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22/eg/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build M/MI/MIYAGAWA/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/AnyEvent/Twitter/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/Twitter/ Manifying blib/man3/AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream.3 MIYAGAWA/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00_compile.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - use AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream; ok t/streaming.t ... # try sample # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'GET', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/sample.json', # 'param' => {} # }; ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 - deleted one tweet ok 6 - got no event ok 7 - received ok 8 - destroyed # try firehose # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'GET', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/firehose.json', # 'param' => {} # }; ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 - deleted no tweet ok 14 - got no event ok 15 - received ok 16 - destroyed # try filter # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'POST', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/filter.json', # 'param' => { # 'track' => 'hogehoge' # } # }; ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 - deleted no tweet ok 22 - got no event ok 23 - received ok 24 - destroyed # try filter # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'POST', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/filter.json', # 'param' => { # 'follow' => '123123' # } # }; ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 - deleted no tweet ok 30 - got no event ok 31 - received ok 32 - destroyed # try userstream ok 33 ok 34 - deleted no tweet ok 35 - got one event ok 36 - destroyed # try sample # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'GET', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/sample.json', # 'param' => {} # }; ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 - deleted one tweet ok 42 - got no event ok 43 - received ok 44 - destroyed # try firehose # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'GET', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/firehose.json', # 'param' => {} # }; ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 - deleted no tweet ok 50 - got no event ok 51 - received ok 52 - destroyed # try filter # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'POST', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/filter.json', # 'param' => { # 'track' => 'hogehoge' # } # }; ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 ok 57 - deleted no tweet ok 58 - got no event ok 59 - received ok 60 - destroyed # try filter # $VAR1 = { # 'hello' => 1, # 'request_method' => 'POST', # 'user' => 'test', # 'path' => '/1/statuses/filter.json', # 'param' => { # 'follow' => '123123' # } # }; ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 ok 64 ok 65 - deleted no tweet ok 66 - got no event ok 67 - received ok 68 - destroyed # try userstream ok 69 ok 70 - deleted no tweet ok 71 - got one event ok 72 - destroyed 1..72 ok t/timeout.t ..... # $VAR1 = { # 'count' => 0, # 'rand' => '0.833604816188206' # }; # $VAR1 = { # 'count' => 1, # 'rand' => '0.934064098933863' # }; # $VAR1 = { # 'count' => 2, # 'rand' => '0.936540387618649' # }; ok 1 - wait_0_0_0: destroyed ok 2 - received # AnyEvent::Handle uncaught error: Broken pipe at /home/fly1600/var/megalib/Twiggy/ line 601. # on_error: timeout ok 3 - wait_0_5_0: destroyed ok 4 - received # on_error: timeout ok 5 - wait_5_0_0: destroyed ok 6 - received # $VAR1 = { # 'count' => 0, # 'rand' => '0.39018673145727' # }; # AnyEvent::Handle uncaught error: Broken pipe at /home/fly1600/var/megalib/Twiggy/ line 601. # on_error: timeout ok 7 - wait_0_0_5: destroyed ok 8 - received 1..8 ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=81, 16 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.02 sys + 0.53 cusr 0.31 csys = 0.89 CPU) Result: PASS MIYAGAWA/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <> Receive Twitter streaming API in an event loop >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi && tar cvf - AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.tar.gz AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/Twitter/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/Twitter/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MI/MIYAGAWA Running test for module 'XML::Feed' Running make for D/DA/DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz ok XML-Feed-0.49 XML-Feed-0.49/Changes XML-Feed-0.49/MANIFEST XML-Feed-0.49/META.json XML-Feed-0.49/Build.PL XML-Feed-0.49/README XML-Feed-0.49/Makefile.PL XML-Feed-0.49/MANIFEST.SKIP XML-Feed-0.49/META.yml XML-Feed-0.49/eg XML-Feed-0.49/eg/ XML-Feed-0.49/t XML-Feed-0.49/t/19-double3.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/15-odd-date.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/14-enclosures.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/13-category-hash-bug.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/05-atom10-link.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/22-bug73160.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/pod-coverage.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/08-convert-summary-bug.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/12-multi-subjects-rss.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/17-double.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/00-compile.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/07-atom10-create.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/10-mix-and-match.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/14-multi-enclosures.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/12-multi-categories-atom.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/11-xml-base-atom.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/06-atom10.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/20-no-enclosures.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/12-multi-categories-rss.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/18-double2.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/21-rss2-permalinks.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/12-multi-categories.base XML-Feed-0.49/t/11-xml-base-rss.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/pod.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/02-create.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/04-splice-rss.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/16-convert-mult-categories.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/23-eval.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/04-splice-atom.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/01-parse.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/09-missing-content-bug.t XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss20-p.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss-multiple-subjects.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss20-enclosure.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/atom-multi-enclosure.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/atom.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/atom-10-example.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/category-bug.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/base_atom.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss10.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss10-odd-date.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss-multiple-categories.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/base_rss.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/atom-full.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss20-double.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss20.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss10-double2.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss10-double.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss20-no-summary.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/atom-multiple-categories.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/atom-enclosure.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss10-datespaces.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss20-multi-enclosure.xml XML-Feed-0.49/t/samples/rss10-invalid-date.xml XML-Feed-0.49/lib XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Entry XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Format XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ XML-Feed-0.49/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Feed::Find 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite URI::Fetch 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for XML::Feed Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz ---- Feed::Find [requires] URI::Fetch [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Feed::Find' Running make for B/BT/BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/B/BT/BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz ok Feed-Find-0.07/ Feed-Find-0.07/Changes Feed-Find-0.07/inc/ Feed-Find-0.07/lib/ Feed-Find-0.07/Makefile.PL Feed-Find-0.07/MANIFEST Feed-Find-0.07/META.yml Feed-Find-0.07/README Feed-Find-0.07/t/ Feed-Find-0.07/xt/ Feed-Find-0.07/xt/pod.t Feed-Find-0.07/xt/synopsis.t Feed-Find-0.07/t/00-compile.t Feed-Find-0.07/t/01-find.t Feed-Find-0.07/lib/Feed/ Feed-Find-0.07/lib/Feed/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/Base/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/Builder/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/Builder/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Test/Base/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Feed-Find-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build B/BT/BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Feed::Find Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Feed/ blib/lib/Feed/ Manifying blib/man3/Feed::Find.3 BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - use Feed::Find; ok # Failed test at t/01-find.t line 19. # got: '0' # expected: '1' # Failed test at t/01-find.t line 20. # got: undef # expected: '' # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 4. t/01-find.t ..... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 not ok 3 not ok 4 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/4 subtests Test Summary Report ------------------- t/01-find.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 4 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 3-4 Non-zero exit status: 2 Files=2, Tests=5, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.01 sys + 0.16 cusr 0.06 csys = 0.25 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/2 test programs. 2/5 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2 BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz Running test for module 'URI::Fetch' Running make for B/BT/BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/B/BT/BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz ok URI-Fetch-0.09/ URI-Fetch-0.09/Changes URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/ URI-Fetch-0.09/lib/ URI-Fetch-0.09/Makefile.PL URI-Fetch-0.09/MANIFEST URI-Fetch-0.09/META.yml URI-Fetch-0.09/README URI-Fetch-0.09/t/ URI-Fetch-0.09/xt/ URI-Fetch-0.09/xt/pod.t URI-Fetch-0.09/xt/synopsis.t URI-Fetch-0.09/t/00-compile.t URI-Fetch-0.09/t/01-fetch.t URI-Fetch-0.09/t/02-freezethaw.t URI-Fetch-0.09/lib/URI/ URI-Fetch-0.09/lib/URI/Fetch/ URI-Fetch-0.09/lib/URI/ URI-Fetch-0.09/lib/URI/Fetch/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/Base/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/Builder/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/Builder/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Test/Base/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ URI-Fetch-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build B/BT/BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for URI::Fetch Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/URI/ blib/lib/URI/ cp lib/URI/Fetch/ blib/lib/URI/Fetch/ Manifying blib/man3/URI::Fetch.3 Manifying blib/man3/URI::Fetch::Response.3 BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ..... 1..1 ok 1 - use URI::Fetch; ok # Failed test at t/01-fetch.t line 40. # got: '200' # expected: '304' # Failed test at t/01-fetch.t line 41. # got: '200' # expected: '304' # Failed test at t/01-fetch.t line 42. # got: ' # # # # #,2003:weblog-8 # # 2004-08-19T06:36:16Z # There is no content here. # # TypePad # #
This is an Atom formatted XML site feed. It is intended to be viewed in a Newsreader or syndicated to another site. Please visit for more info.
# # My Listening Mood # # #,2003:post-1986173 # 2004-08-18T23:36:16-07:00 # 2004-08-19T06:56:35Z # 2004-08-19T06:36:16Z # I've been in a very album-listening mood lately. Well, that's not completely true--over the past week I've been listening constantly to Usher's "Yeah," going so far as to make it my ringtone. But other than that, I've been listening to... # # Benjamin Trott # # Television, Music, Film # # #

I've been in a very album-listening mood lately. Well, that's not completely true--over the past week I've been listening constantly to Usher's "Yeah," going so far as to make it my ringtone.

# #

But other than that, I've been listening to albums on a whole. A couple of those albums follow.

# #

Maxi Geil & Playcolt, A Message to my Audience - Found through FluxBlog, Mena and I are now both obsessed with Guy Richard Smit and his alter ego. The album is fantastic, with "Please Remember Me" a particular standout, with Maxi channeling over-the-top Manifesto-era Bryan Ferry. Now I just want a Maxi Geil shirt! (They're out of stock.) (Support an artist today!)

# #

Phoenix, Alphabetical - Phoenix are French, so by that metric, I shouldn't even have to listen to them in order to like them. But, since I have, I like their charmingly uncool mix of early 80s pop and soul that much more.

# #

The Fiery Furnaces, Blueberry Boat - What can I say, other than that I think this album is amazing, and I've never heard a song that makes me as thrilled to hear music as "Chris Michaels".

]]> #
# # #
# # Dior her. Please. # # #,2003:post-1986136 # 2004-08-18T23:20:05-07:00 # 2004-08-19T06:21:24Z # 2004-08-19T06:20:05Z # Didn't have a chance to contribute to the fabled banjo fund? Here's your chance to help out! Contribute to Mena's Dior Whore campaign on DropCash (direct link to the campaign).... # # Benjamin Trott # # Information # # #

Didn't have a chance to contribute to the fabled banjo fund?

# #

Here's your chance to help out! Contribute to Mena's Dior Whore campaign on DropCash (direct link to the campaign).

# # #
# # I'm your superhero # # #,2003:post-1690874 # 2004-06-28T23:19:12-07:00 # 2004-07-21T01:36:12Z # 2004-06-29T06:19:12Z # I've been thinking about it for awhile, and after tonight's episode, I'm now convinced: Six Feet Under must be a joke. By which I mean, I can't possibly be meant to take this seriously, can I? The end of last... # # Benjamin Trott # # Television, Music, Film # # #

I've been thinking about it for awhile, and after tonight's episode, I'm now convinced:

# #

Six Feet Under must be a joke.

# #

By which I mean, I can't possibly be meant to take this seriously, can I?

# #

The end of last night's episode featured the entire pathetic family standing around a bonfire, burning all of their old stuff (ooh, symbolic). And then, here's the kicker: Claire runs up to her room, opens the window, takes out a boombox, and turns on...

# #

Fucking Radiohead. *

# #

Seriously. Both Mena and I completely lost it.

# #

Who writes this awful, awful show? College creative writing students?

# #
# #

* To which Mena says "it is a pretty song." Well, sure, but the point is that it's Radiohead.

# # #
# # Why don't you just... # # #,2003:post-1486085 # 2004-05-26T22:26:13-07:00 # 2004-05-27T05:33:59Z # 2004-05-27T05:26:13Z # The weirdest thing about the Orkut newsletter that Jeremy Zawodny received is the closing: stay beautiful, team "stay beautiful"? Is this a Manic Street Preachers mailing list?... # # Benjamin Trott # # Television, Music, Film # # #

The weirdest thing about the Orkut newsletter that Jeremy Zawodny received is the closing:

# #
# stay beautiful, # team #
# #

"stay beautiful"? Is this a Manic Street Preachers mailing list?

# # #
# # Enjoy the 10-Minute Cooking Pearls! # # #,2003:post-1089823 # 2004-05-05T21:50:00-07:00 # 2004-05-26T06:52:55Z # 2004-05-06T04:50:00Z # Two months ago, I got it into my head that running a bubble tea shop might be a really fun side business. I even contemplated setting up a bubble tea stand at work. Two months later, I finally got around... # # Benjamin Trott # # Information # # #

Two months ago, I got it into my head that running a bubble tea shop might be a really fun side business. I even contemplated setting up a bubble tea stand at work.

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Two months later, I finally got around to making some bubble tea myself, with predictably lame results.

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A couple of notes:

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  • It's a bad sign when Step 6 is "fill shaker glass with ice cubes to 70%", and Step 7 is "fill shaker glass with cold water to 70%".
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  • The "10-minute cooking pearls" were still somewhat hard in the center after 10 minutes of cooking.
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  • The strawberry fruit powder bubble tea tastes medicinal.
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  • I really need to try making bubble tea using syrup instead of powder.
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  • Making the pearls is the most time-intensive part, and they don't keep very well. That part put me off so much that I haven't made bubble tea for about a month and a half.
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# ' # expected: undef # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 76. t/01-fetch.t ....... 1..76 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 not ok 13 not ok 14 not ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 - The object isa URI::Fetch::Response ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 ok 57 ok 58 ok 59 ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 ok 67 ok 68 ok 69 ok 70 ok 71 ok 72 ok 73 ok 74 ok 75 ok 76 Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/76 subtests t/02-freezethaw.t .. 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/01-fetch.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 76 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 13-15 Non-zero exit status: 3 Files=3, Tests=88, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.03 sys + 0.39 cusr 0.20 csys = 0.65 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/3 test programs. 3/88 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255 BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz Running make for D/DA/DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Feed::Find => 0' for 'DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz' failed when processing 'BTROTT/Feed-Find-0.07.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'URI::Fetch => 0' for 'DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz' failed when processing 'BTROTT/URI-Fetch-0.09.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> make cp lib/XML/Feed/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/ cp lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ cp lib/XML/Feed/Format/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ cp lib/XML/ blib/lib/XML/ cp lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ cp lib/XML/Feed/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/ cp lib/XML/Feed/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/ cp lib/XML/Feed/Format/ blib/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ Manifying blib/man3/XML::Feed::Entry.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Feed.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Feed::Enclosure.3 Manifying blib/man3/XML::Feed::Content.3 DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Failed test 'use XML::Feed;' # at t/00-compile.t line 6. # Tried to use 'XML::Feed'. # Error: Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 4) line 2. # Failed test 'use XML::Feed::Format::RSS;' # at t/00-compile.t line 8. # Tried to use 'XML::Feed::Format::RSS'. # Error: Attempt to reload XML/ aborted. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 12) line 2. # ...propagated at /home/fly1600/var/megalib/ line 84. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ line 6. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 11) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 11) line 2. # Failed test 'use XML::Feed::Format::Atom;' # at t/00-compile.t line 9. # Tried to use 'XML::Feed::Format::Atom'. # Error: Attempt to reload XML/ aborted. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 14) line 2. # ...propagated at /home/fly1600/var/megalib/ line 84. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ line 6. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 13) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 13) line 2. # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 4. t/00-compile.t .................. 1..4 not ok 1 - use XML::Feed; ok 2 - use XML::Feed::Entry; not ok 3 - use XML::Feed::Format::RSS; not ok 4 - use XML::Feed::Format::Atom; Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/4 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/01-parse.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/01-parse.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/01-parse.t .................... 1..75 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 75/75 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/02-create.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/02-create.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/02-create.t ................... 1..72 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 72/72 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/04-splice-atom.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/04-splice-atom.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/04-splice-atom.t .............. 1..3 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 3/3 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/04-splice-rss.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/04-splice-rss.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/04-splice-rss.t ............... 1..3 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 3/3 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/05-atom10-link.t line 2. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/05-atom10-link.t line 2. t/05-atom10-link.t .............. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/06-atom10.t line 2. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/06-atom10.t line 2. t/06-atom10.t ................... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/07-atom10-create.t line 4. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/07-atom10-create.t line 4. t/07-atom10-create.t ............ Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/08-convert-summary-bug.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/08-convert-summary-bug.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/08-convert-summary-bug.t ...... 1..1 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 1/1 subtests # Failed test 'use XML::Feed;' # at t/09-missing-content-bug.t line 6. # Tried to use 'XML::Feed'. # Error: Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. # Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 2. # BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 4) line 2. Can't locate object method "new" via package "XML::Feed" at t/09-missing-content-bug.t line 10. # Looks like you planned 13 tests but ran 1. # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1 run. # Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 1. t/09-missing-content-bug.t ...... 1..13 not ok 1 - use XML::Feed; Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) Failed 13/13 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/10-mix-and-match.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/10-mix-and-match.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/10-mix-and-match.t ............ 1..6 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 6/6 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/11-xml-base-atom.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/11-xml-base-atom.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/11-xml-base-atom.t ............ 1..13 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 13/13 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/11-xml-base-rss.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/11-xml-base-rss.t line 5. t/11-xml-base-rss.t ............. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/12-multi-categories.base line 3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/12-multi-categories.base line 3. Compilation failed in require at t/12-multi-categories-atom.t line 6. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/12-multi-categories-atom.t .... 1..6 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 6/6 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/12-multi-categories.base line 3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/12-multi-categories.base line 3. Compilation failed in require at t/12-multi-categories-rss.t line 6. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/12-multi-categories-rss.t ..... 1..6 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 6/6 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/12-multi-categories.base line 3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/12-multi-categories.base line 3. Compilation failed in require at t/12-multi-subjects-rss.t line 6. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/12-multi-subjects-rss.t ....... 1..6 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 6/6 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/13-category-hash-bug.t line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/13-category-hash-bug.t line 9. t/13-category-hash-bug.t ........ Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/14-enclosures.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/14-enclosures.t line 5. t/14-enclosures.t ............... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/14-multi-enclosures.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/14-multi-enclosures.t line 5. t/14-multi-enclosures.t ......... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/15-odd-date.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/15-odd-date.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/15-odd-date.t ................. 1..3 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 3/3 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/16-convert-mult-categories.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/16-convert-mult-categories.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/16-convert-mult-categories.t .. 1..2 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/2 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/17-double.t line 3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/17-double.t line 3. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/17-double.t ................... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/18-double2.t line 6. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/18-double2.t line 6. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/18-double2.t .................. 1..14 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 14/14 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/19-double3.t line 6. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/19-double3.t line 6. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/19-double3.t .................. 1..14 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 14/14 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/20-no-enclosures.t line 4. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/20-no-enclosures.t line 4. t/20-no-enclosures.t ............ Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/21-rss2-permalinks.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/21-rss2-permalinks.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/21-rss2-permalinks.t .......... 1..2 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/2 subtests Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/22-bug73160.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/22-bug73160.t line 5. t/22-bug73160.t ................. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) No subtests run Can't locate Feed/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/XML-Feed-0.49-Yf4pcW/blib/lib/XML/ line 5. Compilation failed in require at t/23-eval.t line 5. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/23-eval.t line 5. # Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything. t/23-eval.t ..................... 1..8 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 8/8 subtests t/pod-coverage.t ................ 1..4 ok 1 - Pod coverage on XML::Feed ok 2 - Pod coverage on XML::Feed::Enclosure ok 3 - Pod coverage on XML::Feed::Entry ok 4 - Pod coverage on XML::Feed::Content ok t/pod.t ......................... 1..8 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/ ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/ ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/ ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ (no pod) ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/Format/ (no pod) ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ (no pod) ok 8 - POD test for blib/lib/XML/Feed/Entry/Format/ (no pod) ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/00-compile.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 4 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 1, 3-4 Non-zero exit status: 3 t/01-parse.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 75 tests but ran 0. t/02-create.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 72 tests but ran 0. t/04-splice-atom.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 3 tests but ran 0. t/04-splice-rss.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 3 tests but ran 0. t/05-atom10-link.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/06-atom10.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/07-atom10-create.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/08-convert-summary-bug.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 1 tests but ran 0. t/09-missing-content-bug.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 1 Failed: 1) Failed test: 1 Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 13 tests but ran 1. t/10-mix-and-match.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 0. t/11-xml-base-atom.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 13 tests but ran 0. t/11-xml-base-rss.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/12-multi-categories-atom.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 0. t/12-multi-categories-rss.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 0. t/12-multi-subjects-rss.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 0. t/13-category-hash-bug.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/14-enclosures.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/14-multi-enclosures.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/15-odd-date.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 3 tests but ran 0. t/16-convert-mult-categories.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 2 tests but ran 0. t/17-double.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/18-double2.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 14 tests but ran 0. t/19-double3.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 14 tests but ran 0. t/20-no-enclosures.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/21-rss2-permalinks.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 2 tests but ran 0. t/22-bug73160.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/23-eval.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 0 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 2 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 8 tests but ran 0. Files=30, Tests=17, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.11 usr 0.06 sys + 0.64 cusr 0.23 csys = 1.04 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 28/30 test programs. 4/17 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255 DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports DAVECROSS/XML-Feed-0.49.tar.gz Running test for module 'Text::Template::Simple' Running make for B/BU/BURAK/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/B/BU/BURAK/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.tar.gz ok Text-Template-Simple-0.86 Text-Template-Simple-0.86/.perlcriticrc Text-Template-Simple-0.86/Build.PL Text-Template-Simple-0.86/Changes Text-Template-Simple-0.86/LICENSE Text-Template-Simple-0.86/Makefile.PL Text-Template-Simple-0.86/MANIFEST Text-Template-Simple-0.86/META.json Text-Template-Simple-0.86/META.yml Text-Template-Simple-0.86/README Text-Template-Simple-0.86/SPEC Text-Template-Simple-0.86/TODO Text-Template-Simple-0.86/builder Text-Template-Simple-0.86/builder/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/builder/Build Text-Template-Simple-0.86/builder/Build/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/eg Text-Template-Simple-0.86/eg/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/etc Text-Template-Simple-0.86/etc/flowchart.txt Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/API.pod Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler Text-Template-Simple-0.86/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/monolithic_version Text-Template-Simple-0.86/monolithic_version/README Text-Template-Simple-0.86/monolithic_version/Text Text-Template-Simple-0.86/monolithic_version/Text/Template Text-Template-Simple-0.86/monolithic_version/Text/Template/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/003-simple.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/003-taint-mode-simple.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/004-extend.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/004-taint-mode-extend.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/005-safe.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/005-taint-mode-safe.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/006-iolayer.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/006-taint-mode-iolayer.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/007-stack.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/007-taint-mode-stack.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/008-escape-delim.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/008-taint-mode-escape-delim.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/009-subclass.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/009-taint-mode-subclass.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/010-subclass-define-bufvar.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/010-taint-mode-subclass-define-bufvar.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/011-cache-mem.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/011-taint-mode-cache-mem.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/012-cache-disk.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/012-taint-mode-cache-disk.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/013-cache-other.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/013-taint-mode-cache-other.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/014-interface.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/014-taint-mode-interface.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/015-connector.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/015-taint-mode-connector.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/016-include-static.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/016-taint-mode-include-static.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/017-include-dynamic.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/017-taint-mode-include-dynamic.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/018-include-dynamic-recursive.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/018-taint-mode-include-dynamic-recursive.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/019-dynamic-static-interpolate.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/019-taint-mode-dynamic-static-interpolate.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/020-fake-include-recursive.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/020-taint-mode-fake-include-recursive.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/021-comment.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/021-taint-mode-comment.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/022-monolith.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/022-taint-mode-monolith.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/023-change-delims.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/023-taint-mode-change-delims.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/024-include-paths.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/024-taint-mode-include-paths.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/025-chomp.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/025-taint-mode-chomp.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/026-taint-mode-template-name-dollar-zero.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/026-template-name-dollar-zero.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/027-include-param.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/027-taint-mode-include-param.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/028-include-filter.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/028-taint-mode-include-filter.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/029-block-filter.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/029-taint-mode-block-filter.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/030-taint-mode-toke-substr.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/030-toke-substr.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/031-capture-warnings.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/031-taint-mode-capture-warnings.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/032-empty-includes.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/032-taint-mode-empty-includes.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/033-dynamic-include-shared-vars.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/033-taint-mode-dynamic-include-shared-vars.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/201-pod.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/202-pod-coverage.t Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/027-dynamic-inc.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/027-dynamic.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/028-dynamic.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/dynamic.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/dynamic_delim.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/empty.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/interpolate.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/interpolate_data.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/monolith-1.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/monolith-2.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/monolith-3.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/monolith.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/raw.txt Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/recursive.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/shared-var-1.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/shared-var-2.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/shared-var-3.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/shared-var.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/static.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/test.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/test_var.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/tname_main.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/tname_sub.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/path1 Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/path1/test1.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/path1/test4.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/path2 Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/path2/test2.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/data/path2/test3.tts Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/lib Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/lib/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/lib/ Text-Template-Simple-0.86/t/lib/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build B/BU/BURAK/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Recommended Modules: Devel::Size v0.77 Perl::Tidy v0 Text::Table v1.107 Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Text::Template::Simple Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Text/Template/ blib/lib/Text/Template/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/API.pod blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/API.pod cp lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Constants.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Compiler::Safe.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Compiler.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Util.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::IO.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Examine.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Caller.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Cache.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Dummy.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Tokenizer.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Parser.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Include.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::API.3 Manifying blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Compiler.3 BURAK/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/003-simple.t .................................. ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - simple() object ok 3 - simple() result ok 4 - Simple test 1 ok 5 - simple2() object ok 6 - simple2() result ok 7 - Simple test 2 ok 8 - Got the object ok 9 - Correct cache type is set 1..9 ok t/003-taint-mode-simple.t ....................... ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - simple() object ok 3 - simple() result ok 4 - Simple test 1 ok 5 - simple2() object ok 6 - simple2() result ok 7 - Simple test 2 ok 8 - Got the object ok 9 - Correct cache type is set 1..9 ok t/004-extend.t .................................. ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - My::VERSION defined Extending Text::Template::Simple with My v0.20 ok 3 - Object created ok 4 - Compiled ok 5 - Got output Function call : Dear Burak, this is a template function! Global variable: X is Y Dumping template namespace symbol table ... %SYMBOL = ( '__ANON__' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::__ANON__, 'stack' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::stack, 'hello' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::hello, 'BEGIN' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::BEGIN, 'VERSION' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::VERSION, 'GLOBAL' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::GLOBAL, 'import' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::import ); 1..5 ok t/004-taint-mode-extend.t ....................... ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - My::VERSION defined Extending Text::Template::Simple with My v0.20 ok 3 - Object created ok 4 - Compiled ok 5 - Got output Function call : Dear Burak, this is a template function! Global variable: X is Y Dumping template namespace symbol table ... %SYMBOL = ( '__ANON__' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::__ANON__, 'stack' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::stack, 'hello' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::hello, 'BEGIN' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::BEGIN, 'VERSION' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::VERSION, 'GLOBAL' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::GLOBAL, 'import' => *Text::Template::Simple::Dummy::import ); 1..5 ok t/005-safe.t .................................... ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - Object created ok 3 - compile() ok 4 - Got compiled output ok 5 - Output is correct Hello Burak, you are safe! 1..5 ok t/005-taint-mode-safe.t ......................... ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - Object created ok 3 - compile() ok 4 - Got compiled output ok 5 - Output is correct Hello Burak, you are safe! 1..5 ok t/006-iolayer.t ................................. ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - object ok 3 - result ok 4 - Simple test 1 ok 5 - object ok 6 - result ok 7 - Simple test 2 1..7 ok t/006-taint-mode-iolayer.t ...................... ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - object ok 3 - result ok 4 - Simple test 1 ok 5 - object ok 6 - result ok 7 - Simple test 2 1..7 ok t/007-stack.t ................................... ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - object ok 3 - result ok 4 - String Dumper ok 5 - object ok 6 - result ok 7 - HTML Comment Dumper ok 8 - object ok 9 - result ok 10 - HTML Table Dumper ok 11 - object ok 12 - result ok 13 - Text Table Dumper 1..13 ok t/007-taint-mode-stack.t ........................ ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - object ok 3 - result ok 4 - String Dumper ok 5 - object ok 6 - result ok 7 - HTML Comment Dumper ok 8 - object ok 9 - result ok 10 - HTML Table Dumper ok 11 - object ok 12 - result ok 13 - Text Table Dumper 1..13 ok t/008-escape-delim.t ............................ ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - object ok 3 - Escaped delim 1 ok 4 - Escaped delim 2 1..4 ok t/008-taint-mode-escape-delim.t ................. ok 1 - use Text::Template::Simple; ok 2 - object ok 3 - Escaped delim 1 ok 4 - Escaped delim 2 1..4 ok t/009-subclass.t ................................ Sub class defined the constructor! ok 1 - object Delimiters are: <% & %> ok 2 - Compiled by subclass 1..2 ok t/009-taint-mode-subclass.t ..................... Sub class defined the constructor! ok 1 - object Delimiters are: <% & %> ok 2 - Compiled by subclass 1..2 ok t/010-subclass-define-bufvar.t .................. ok 1 - object ok 2 - Define output buffer variables 1..2 ok t/010-taint-mode-subclass-define-bufvar.t ....... ok 1 - object ok 2 - Define output buffer variables 1..2 ok t/011-cache-mem.t ............................... ok 1 - object ok 2 - compile raw1 ok 3 - Run 1: Cache has DATA ok 4 - Run 1: Cache has ID ok 5 - compile raw2 ok 6 - Run 2: Cache has DATA ok 7 - Run 2: Cache has ID ok 8 - compile raw3 ok 9 - Run 3: Cache has DATA ok 10 - Run 3: Cache has ID ok 11 - Cache ID OK ok 12 - RAW1 EQ RAW2 ok 13 - RAW2 EQ RAW3 ok 14 - Correct cache type is set 1..14 ok t/011-taint-mode-cache-mem.t .................... ok 1 - object ok 2 - compile raw1 ok 3 - Run 1: Cache has DATA ok 4 - Run 1: Cache has ID ok 5 - compile raw2 ok 6 - Run 2: Cache has DATA ok 7 - Run 2: Cache has ID ok 8 - compile raw3 ok 9 - Run 3: Cache has DATA ok 10 - Run 3: Cache has ID ok 11 - Cache ID OK ok 12 - RAW1 EQ RAW2 ok 13 - RAW2 EQ RAW3 ok 14 - Correct cache type is set 1..14 ok t/012-cache-disk.t .............................. ok 1 - object ok 2 - compile raw1 ok 3 - Run 1: Cache has DATA ok 4 - Run 1: Cache has ID ok 5 - compile raw2 ok 6 - Run 2: Cache has DATA ok 7 - Run 2: Cache has ID ok 8 - compile raw3 ok 9 - Run 3: Cache has DATA ok 10 - Run 3: Cache has ID ok 11 - Cache ID OK ok 12 - RAW1 EQ RAW2 ok 13 - RAW2 EQ RAW3 ok 14 - Correct cache type is set 1..14 ok t/012-taint-mode-cache-disk.t ................... ok 1 - object ok 2 - compile raw1 ok 3 - Run 1: Cache has DATA ok 4 - Run 1: Cache has ID ok 5 - compile raw2 ok 6 - Run 2: Cache has DATA ok 7 - Run 2: Cache has ID ok 8 - compile raw3 ok 9 - Run 3: Cache has DATA ok 10 - Run 3: Cache has ID ok 11 - Cache ID OK ok 12 - RAW1 EQ RAW2 ok 13 - RAW2 EQ RAW3 ok 14 - Correct cache type is set 1..14 ok t/013-cache-other.t ............................. ok 1 - cache=1 ok 2 - cache=dir ok 3 - compile ok 4 - structure dumped $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => sub { package Text::Template::Simple::Dummy; use warnings; use strict; local $0 = '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2'; my $SCALAR0xd0881010610 = ''; $SCALAR0xd0881010610 .= 'Time now: '; $SCALAR0xd0881010610 .= sub { scalar localtime 1219952008; } ->(); $SCALAR0xd0881010610 .= "\n"; return $SCALAR0xd0881010610; }, 'FAKER_SELF' => '$SELF0xd088108364', 'NEEDS_OBJECT' => 0 } }; ok 5 - Got the structure ok 6 - Got the structure with varname $ABC = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => sub { package Text::Template::Simple::Dummy; use warnings; use strict; local $0 = '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2'; my $SCALAR0xd0881010610 = ''; $SCALAR0xd0881010610 .= 'Time now: '; $SCALAR0xd0881010610 .= sub { scalar localtime 1219952008; } ->(); $SCALAR0xd0881010610 .= "\n"; return $SCALAR0xd0881010610; }, 'FAKER_SELF' => '$SELF0xd088108364', 'NEEDS_OBJECT' => 0 } }; ok 7 - Got the structure with the specified name ok 8 - Got the structure with no_deparse $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => sub { "DUMMY" }, 'FAKER_SELF' => '$SELF0xd088108364', 'NEEDS_OBJECT' => 0 } }; ok 9 - Got the structure without deparse ok 10 - Dumped ids $CACHE_IDS = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 11 - Got the ids ok 12 - Dumped ids with varname $XYZ = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 13 - Got the ids with the specified name ok 14 - Got cache type ok 15 - Cache type (MEMORY) is OK ok 16 # skip Devel::Size not installed ok 17 - compile ok 18 - structure dumped $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => '', 'MTIME' => 1338927322 } }; ok 19 - Got the structure ok 20 - Got the structure with varname $ABC = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => '', 'MTIME' => 1338927322 } }; ok 21 - Got the structure with the specified name ok 22 - Got the structure with no_deparse $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => '', 'MTIME' => 1338927322 } }; ok 23 - Got the structure without deparse ok 24 - Dumped ids $CACHE_IDS = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 25 - Got the ids ok 26 - Dumped ids with varname $XYZ = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 27 - Got the ids with the specified name ok 28 - Got cache type ok 29 - Cache type (DISK) is OK ok 30 - Got cache size ok 31 - We could call size( 675 bytes ) ok 32 - Cache reset ok 33 - Cache size changed ok 34 - Cache size is zero after reset: 0 1..34 ok t/013-taint-mode-cache-other.t .................. ok 1 - cache=1 ok 2 - cache=dir ok 3 - compile ok 4 - structure dumped $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => sub { package Text::Template::Simple::Dummy; use warnings; use strict; local $0 = '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2'; my $SCALAR0xd1771010350 = ''; $SCALAR0xd1771010350 .= 'Time now: '; $SCALAR0xd1771010350 .= sub { scalar localtime 1219952008; } ->(); $SCALAR0xd1771010350 .= "\n"; return $SCALAR0xd1771010350; }, 'FAKER_SELF' => '$SELF0xd177101598', 'NEEDS_OBJECT' => 0 } }; ok 5 - Got the structure ok 6 - Got the structure with varname $ABC = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => sub { package Text::Template::Simple::Dummy; use warnings; use strict; local $0 = '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2'; my $SCALAR0xd1771010350 = ''; $SCALAR0xd1771010350 .= 'Time now: '; $SCALAR0xd1771010350 .= sub { scalar localtime 1219952008; } ->(); $SCALAR0xd1771010350 .= "\n"; return $SCALAR0xd1771010350; }, 'FAKER_SELF' => '$SELF0xd177101598', 'NEEDS_OBJECT' => 0 } }; ok 7 - Got the structure with the specified name ok 8 - Got the structure with no_deparse $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => sub { "DUMMY" }, 'FAKER_SELF' => '$SELF0xd177101598', 'NEEDS_OBJECT' => 0 } }; ok 9 - Got the structure without deparse ok 10 - Dumped ids $CACHE_IDS = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 11 - Got the ids ok 12 - Dumped ids with varname $XYZ = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 13 - Got the ids with the specified name ok 14 - Got cache type ok 15 - Cache type (MEMORY) is OK ok 16 # skip Devel::Size not installed ok 17 - compile ok 18 - structure dumped $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => '', 'MTIME' => '1338927322' } }; ok 19 - Got the structure ok 20 - Got the structure with varname $ABC = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => '', 'MTIME' => '1338927322' } }; ok 21 - Got the structure with the specified name ok 22 - Got the structure with no_deparse $CACHE = { '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' => { 'CODE' => '', 'MTIME' => '1338927322' } }; ok 23 - Got the structure without deparse ok 24 - Dumped ids $CACHE_IDS = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 25 - Got the ids ok 26 - Dumped ids with varname $XYZ = [ '1af296f10b3939a5a4d4a6fad88f935d1a0368e2' ]; ok 27 - Got the ids with the specified name ok 28 - Got cache type ok 29 - Cache type (DISK) is OK ok 30 - Got cache size ok 31 - We could call size( 665 bytes ) ok 32 - Cache reset ok 33 - Cache size changed ok 34 - Cache size is zero after reset: 0 1..34 ok t/014-interface.t ............................... ok 1 - Text::Template::Simple->can(...) ok 2 - Text::Template::Simple::Constants->can(...) ok 3 - Text::Template::Simple::Dummy->can('stack') ok 4 - Text::Template::Simple::Compiler->can('compile') ok 5 - Text::Template::Simple::Compiler::Safe->can(...) ok 6 - Text::Template::Simple::Caller->can(...) ok 7 - Text::Template::Simple::Tokenizer->can(...) ok 8 - Text::Template::Simple::Util->can(...) ok 9 - Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID->can(...) ok 10 - Text::Template::Simple::Cache->can(...) ok 11 - Text::Template::Simple::IO->can(...) 1..11 ok t/014-taint-mode-interface.t .................... ok 1 - Text::Template::Simple->can(...) ok 2 - Text::Template::Simple::Constants->can(...) ok 3 - Text::Template::Simple::Dummy->can('stack') ok 4 - Text::Template::Simple::Compiler->can('compile') ok 5 - Text::Template::Simple::Compiler::Safe->can(...) ok 6 - Text::Template::Simple::Caller->can(...) ok 7 - Text::Template::Simple::Tokenizer->can(...) ok 8 - Text::Template::Simple::Util->can(...) ok 9 - Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID->can(...) ok 10 - Text::Template::Simple::Cache->can(...) ok 11 - Text::Template::Simple::IO->can(...) 1..11 ok t/015-connector.t ............................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Got the sub-class object ok 3 - Connector Cache ok 4 - Connector Cache::ID ok 5 - Connector IO ok 6 - Connector Tokenizer ok 7 - S-Connector Cache ok 8 - S-Connector Cache::ID ok 9 - S-Connector IO ok 10 - S-Connector Tokenizer ok 11 - Compile from subclass 1..11 ok t/015-taint-mode-connector.t .................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Got the sub-class object ok 3 - Connector Cache ok 4 - Connector Cache::ID ok 5 - Connector IO ok 6 - Connector Tokenizer ok 7 - S-Connector Cache ok 8 - S-Connector Cache::ID ok 9 - S-Connector IO ok 10 - S-Connector Tokenizer ok 11 - Compile from subclass 1..11 ok t/016-include-static.t .......................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile OUTPUT: RAW 1: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 2: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 3: raw content <%= $$ %> ok 3 - Valid output from static inclusion 1..3 ok t/016-taint-mode-include-static.t ............... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile OUTPUT: RAW 1: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 2: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 3: raw content <%= $$ %> ok 3 - Valid output from static inclusion 1..3 ok t/017-include-dynamic.t ......................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile OUTPUT: RAW 1: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 2: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 3: raw content <%= $$ %> ok 3 - Valid output from dynamic inclusion 1..3 ok t/017-taint-mode-include-dynamic.t .............. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile OUTPUT: RAW 1: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 2: raw content <%= $$ %> RAW 3: raw content <%= $$ %> ok 3 - Valid output from dynamic inclusion 1..3 ok t/018-include-dynamic-recursive.t ............... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: [ dynamic include error ] Deep recursion (>=50) detected in the included file: t/data/recursive.tts ok 3 - Nasty recursive test did not fail 1..3 ok t/018-taint-mode-include-dynamic-recursive.t .... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: Recursing: [ dynamic include error ] Deep recursion (>=50) detected in the included file: t/data/recursive.tts ok 3 - Nasty recursive test did not fail 1..3 ok t/019-dynamic-static-interpolate.t .............. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile OUTPUT( Test: linux Test: <%= $^O %> Test: linux Test: <%= $^O %> ) ok 3 - Interpolated dynamic & static include ok 4 - Interpolated include has correct data 1..4 ok t/019-taint-mode-dynamic-static-interpolate.t ... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile OUTPUT( Test: linux Test: <%= $^O %> Test: linux Test: <%= $^O %> ) ok 3 - Interpolated dynamic & static include ok 4 - Interpolated include has correct data 1..4 ok t/020-fake-include-recursive.t .................. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 3 - Compile OK ok 4 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 5 - Compile OK ok 6 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 7 - Compile OK ok 8 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 9 - Compile OK ok 10 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 11 - Compile OK ok 12 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 13 - Compile OK ok 14 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 15 - Compile OK ok 16 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 17 - Compile OK ok 18 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 19 - Compile OK ok 20 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 21 - Compile OK ok 22 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 23 - Compile OK ok 24 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 25 - Compile OK ok 26 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 27 - Compile OK ok 28 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 29 - Compile OK ok 30 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 31 - Compile OK ok 32 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 33 - Compile OK ok 34 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 35 - Compile OK ok 36 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 37 - Compile OK ok 38 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 39 - Compile OK ok 40 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 41 - Compile OK ok 42 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 43 - Compile OK ok 44 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 45 - Compile OK ok 46 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 47 - Compile OK ok 48 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 49 - Compile OK ok 50 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 51 - Compile OK ok 52 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 53 - Compile OK ok 54 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 55 - Compile OK ok 56 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 57 - Compile OK ok 58 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 59 - Compile OK ok 60 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 61 - Compile OK ok 62 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 63 - Compile OK ok 64 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 65 - Compile OK ok 66 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 67 - Compile OK ok 68 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 69 - Compile OK ok 70 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 71 - Compile OK ok 72 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 73 - Compile OK ok 74 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 75 - Compile OK ok 76 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 77 - Compile OK ok 78 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 79 - Compile OK ok 80 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 81 - Compile OK ok 82 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 83 - Compile OK ok 84 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 85 - Compile OK ok 86 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 87 - Compile OK ok 88 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 89 - Compile OK ok 90 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 91 - Compile OK ok 92 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 93 - Compile OK ok 94 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 95 - Compile OK ok 96 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 97 - Compile OK ok 98 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 99 - Compile OK ok 100 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 101 - Compile OK ok 102 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 103 - Compile OK ok 104 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 105 - Compile OK ok 106 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 107 - Compile OK ok 108 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 109 - Compile OK ok 110 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 111 - Compile OK ok 112 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 113 - Compile OK ok 114 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 115 - Compile OK ok 116 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 117 - Compile OK ok 118 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 119 - Compile OK ok 120 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 121 - Compile OK ok 122 - Compile GOT: 13159 ok 123 - Compile OK ok 124 - Fake recursive test did not fail 1..124 ok t/020-taint-mode-fake-include-recursive.t ....... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 3 - Compile OK ok 4 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 5 - Compile OK ok 6 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 7 - Compile OK ok 8 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 9 - Compile OK ok 10 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 11 - Compile OK ok 12 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 13 - Compile OK ok 14 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 15 - Compile OK ok 16 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 17 - Compile OK ok 18 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 19 - Compile OK ok 20 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 21 - Compile OK ok 22 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 23 - Compile OK ok 24 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 25 - Compile OK ok 26 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 27 - Compile OK ok 28 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 29 - Compile OK ok 30 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 31 - Compile OK ok 32 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 33 - Compile OK ok 34 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 35 - Compile OK ok 36 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 37 - Compile OK ok 38 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 39 - Compile OK ok 40 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 41 - Compile OK ok 42 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 43 - Compile OK ok 44 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 45 - Compile OK ok 46 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 47 - Compile OK ok 48 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 49 - Compile OK ok 50 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 51 - Compile OK ok 52 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 53 - Compile OK ok 54 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 55 - Compile OK ok 56 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 57 - Compile OK ok 58 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 59 - Compile OK ok 60 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 61 - Compile OK ok 62 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 63 - Compile OK ok 64 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 65 - Compile OK ok 66 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 67 - Compile OK ok 68 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 69 - Compile OK ok 70 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 71 - Compile OK ok 72 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 73 - Compile OK ok 74 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 75 - Compile OK ok 76 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 77 - Compile OK ok 78 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 79 - Compile OK ok 80 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 81 - Compile OK ok 82 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 83 - Compile OK ok 84 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 85 - Compile OK ok 86 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 87 - Compile OK ok 88 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 89 - Compile OK ok 90 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 91 - Compile OK ok 92 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 93 - Compile OK ok 94 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 95 - Compile OK ok 96 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 97 - Compile OK ok 98 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 99 - Compile OK ok 100 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 101 - Compile OK ok 102 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 103 - Compile OK ok 104 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 105 - Compile OK ok 106 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 107 - Compile OK ok 108 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 109 - Compile OK ok 110 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 111 - Compile OK ok 112 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 113 - Compile OK ok 114 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 115 - Compile OK ok 116 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 117 - Compile OK ok 118 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 119 - Compile OK ok 120 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 121 - Compile OK ok 122 - Compile GOT: 13160 ok 123 - Compile OK ok 124 - Fake recursive test did not fail 1..124 ok t/021-comment.t ................................. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Comment removed successfully 1..2 ok t/021-taint-mode-comment.t ...................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Comment removed successfully 1..2 ok t/022-monolith.t ................................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 ok 3 - Testing Monolith 1..3 ok t/022-taint-mode-monolith.t ..................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 ok 3 - Testing Monolith 1..3 ok t/023-change-delims.t ........................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - CODE/CAPTURE/COMMENT: Delimiters changed into ok 3 - STATIC: Delimiters changed into ok 4 - DYNAMIC: Delimiters changed into 1..4 ok t/023-taint-mode-change-delims.t ................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - CODE/CAPTURE/COMMENT: Delimiters changed into ok 3 - STATIC: Delimiters changed into ok 4 - DYNAMIC: Delimiters changed into 1..4 ok t/024-include-paths.t ........................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Got the include object ok 3 - Compile test1.tts (inc) ok 4 - Compile test2.tts (inc) ok 5 - Compile test1.tts ok 6 - Compile test2.tts ok 7 - Compile or error 1 ok 8 - Compile or error 2 ok 9 - Include path successful for test1 ok 10 - Include path/dynamic/static successful for test1:'test2: test2.tts - dynamic t/data/path2/test3.tts - static <%= $0 %>' ok 11 - First test: Parameter interpreted as string ok 12 - Second test: Parameter interpreted as string ok 13 - First test: code died since file does not exists and include_paths unset ok 14 - Second test: code died since file does not exists and include_paths unset 1..14 ok t/024-taint-mode-include-paths.t ................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Got the include object ok 3 - Compile test1.tts (inc) ok 4 - Compile test2.tts (inc) ok 5 - Compile test1.tts ok 6 - Compile test2.tts ok 7 - Compile or error 1 ok 8 - Compile or error 2 ok 9 - Include path successful for test1 ok 10 - Include path/dynamic/static successful for test1:'test2: test2.tts - dynamic t/data/path2/test3.tts - static <%= $0 %>' ok 11 - First test: Parameter interpreted as string ok 12 - Second test: Parameter interpreted as string ok 13 - First test: code died since file does not exists and include_paths unset ok 14 - Second test: code died since file does not exists and include_paths unset 1..14 ok t/025-chomp.t ................................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Got the object (pre) ok 3 - Got the object (post) ok 4 - Got the object (prec) ok 5 - Got the object (postc) ok 6 - Got the object (both) ok 7 - Got the object (bothc) ok 8 - Compile ok 9 - Test return value ok 10 - Chomping 1 ok 11 - Chomping 2 ok 12 - Chomping 3 ok 13 - Chomping 4 ok 14 - Chomping 5 ok 15 - Chomping 6 ok 16 - Chomping 7 ok 17 - Chomping 8 ok 18 - Chomping 9 ok 19 - Chomping 10 ok 20 - Chomping 11 ok 21 - Chomping 12 1..21 ok t/025-taint-mode-chomp.t ........................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Got the object (pre) ok 3 - Got the object (post) ok 4 - Got the object (prec) ok 5 - Got the object (postc) ok 6 - Got the object (both) ok 7 - Got the object (bothc) ok 8 - Compile ok 9 - Test return value ok 10 - Chomping 1 ok 11 - Chomping 2 ok 12 - Chomping 3 ok 13 - Chomping 4 ok 14 - Chomping 5 ok 15 - Chomping 6 ok 16 - Chomping 7 ok 17 - Chomping 8 ok 18 - Chomping 9 ok 19 - Chomping 10 ok 20 - Chomping 11 ok 21 - Chomping 12 1..21 ok t/026-taint-mode-template-name-dollar-zero.t .... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Template names are accessible via dollar zero 1..3 ok t/026-template-name-dollar-zero.t ............... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Template names are accessible via dollar zero 1..3 ok t/027-include-param.t ........................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Dynamic include got params 1..3 ok t/027-taint-mode-include-param.t ................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Dynamic include got params 1..3 ok t/028-include-filter.t .......................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Dynamic include got params 1..3 ok t/028-taint-mode-include-filter.t ............... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Dynamic include got params 1..3 ok t/029-block-filter.t ............................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Filtered block with loop around it 1..3 ok t/029-taint-mode-block-filter.t ................. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Filtered block with loop around it 1..3 ok t/030-taint-mode-toke-substr.t .................. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Test edge case 1..2 ok t/030-toke-substr.t ............................. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Test edge case 1..2 ok t/031-capture-warnings.t ........................ ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Warning captured 1..3 ok t/031-taint-mode-capture-warnings.t ............. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Warning captured 1..3 ok t/032-empty-includes.t .......................... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Empty includes (static+dynamic) did not die ok 3 - Empty includes (static+dynamic) returned empty string 1..3 ok t/032-taint-mode-empty-includes.t ............... ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Empty includes (static+dynamic) did not die ok 3 - Empty includes (static+dynamic) returned empty string 1..3 ok t/033-dynamic-include-shared-vars.t ............. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Shared variables seem to work as intended 1..3 ok t/033-taint-mode-dynamic-include-shared-vars.t .. ok 1 - Got the object ok 2 - Compile ok 3 - Shared variables seem to work as intended 1..3 ok t/201-pod.t ..................................... 1..16 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/API.pod ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 8 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 9 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 10 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ ok 11 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache/ ok 12 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/ ok 13 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ ok 14 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ ok 15 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ ok 16 - POD test for blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ ok t/202-pod-coverage.t ............................ 1..15 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple ok 2 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Tokenizer ok 3 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Constants ok 4 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Cache ok 5 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Util ok 6 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::IO ok 7 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Dummy ok 8 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Caller ok 9 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Compiler ok 10 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID ok 11 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Compiler::Safe ok 12 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Base::Examine ok 13 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Base::Include ok 14 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Base::Compiler ok 15 - Pod coverage on Text::Template::Simple::Base::Parser ok All tests successful. Files=64, Tests=701, 7 wallclock secs ( 0.32 usr 0.15 sys + 4.86 cusr 1.09 csys = 6.42 CPU) Result: PASS BURAK/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Burak Gursoy <> Simple text template engine >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Template-Simple-0.86-vEvGf6 && tar cvf - Text-Template-Simple-0.86.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/B/BU/BURAK/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.tar.gz Text-Template-Simple-0.86.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Text/ blib/lib/Text/Template/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/API.pod blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Cache/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Compiler/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/Base/ blib/lib/Text/Template/Simple/ blib/lib/Text/Template/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Cache.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Include.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Caller.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Compiler.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Examine.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Parser.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Cache::ID.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Dummy.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::API.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::IO.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Compiler::Safe.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Base::Compiler.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Tokenizer.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Constants.3 blib/man3/Text::Template::Simple::Util.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Template-Simple-0.86-vEvGf6/Text-Template-Simple-0.86.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/B/BU/BURAK Running test for module 'Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz ok Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008 Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/Changes Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/dist.ini Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/t/00-load.t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/LICENSE Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/t/00-compile.t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/xt/release Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/xt/release/distmeta.t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/xt/release/pod-syntax.t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/xt/release/pod-coverage.t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/xt/release/portability.t Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/META.yml Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/META.json Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/MANIFEST Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/README Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008/Makefile.PL Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Testers::Report 1.999001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Config::Perl::V 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Metabase::Client::Simple 0.008 not found. Warning: prerequisite Metabase::User::Profile 0.016 not found. Warning: prerequisite Metabase::User::Secret 0.016 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Reporter::Transport 1.57 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz ---- Metabase::Client::Simple [requires] Metabase::User::Profile [requires] Config::Perl::V [requires] CPAN::Testers::Report [requires] Test::Reporter::Transport [requires] Metabase::User::Secret [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Metabase::Client::Simple' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz ok Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008 Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/Changes Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/dist.ini Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/lib/Metabase/Client Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/lib/Metabase/Client/ Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/t/client.t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/t/data Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/t/data/id.json Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/LICENSE Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/t/00-compile.t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/xt/release Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/xt/release/distmeta.t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/xt/release/pod-syntax.t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/xt/release/pod-coverage.t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/xt/release/portability.t Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/META.yml Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/META.json Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/MANIFEST Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/README Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008/Makefile.PL Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Metabase::User::Profile 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Metabase::User::Secret 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Metabase::Client::Simple Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz ---- Metabase::User::Profile [build_requires] Metabase::User::Secret [build_requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Metabase::User::Profile' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz ok Metabase-Fact-0.021/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/bin/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/bin/metabase-profile Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/cpan/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/cpan/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/perl/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/perl/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Resource/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/User/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/User/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/User/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/User/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/User/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Fact/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Fact/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/Fact/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/lib/Metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/release/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/release/test-version.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/release/pod-coverage.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/release/portability.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/release/pod-syntax.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/release/distmeta.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/author/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/author/pod-spell.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/xt/author/critic.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/README.PATCHING Metabase-Fact-0.021/README.hacking Metabase-Fact-0.021/Makefile.PL Metabase-Fact-0.021/META.json Metabase-Fact-0.021/MANIFEST Metabase-Fact-0.021/META.yml Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/report/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/report/report-open-close.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/report/report-check-spec.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/report/report-as-string.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/lib/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/lib/Test/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/lib/Test/Metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/lib/Test/Metabase/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/lib/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/lib/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/resource/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/resource/perl.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/resource/cpan.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/resource/base.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/user/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/user/profile.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/00-compile.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/fact/ Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/fact/string.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/fact/hash.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/t/base.t Metabase-Fact-0.021/dist.ini Metabase-Fact-0.021/LICENSE Metabase-Fact-0.021/Changes Metabase-Fact-0.021/README Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Data::GUID 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Metabase::Fact Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz ---- Data::GUID [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Data::GUID' Running make for R/RJ/RJBS/Data-GUID-0.046.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/Data-GUID-0.046.tar.gz ok Data-GUID-0.046/ Data-GUID-0.046/Changes Data-GUID-0.046/lib/ Data-GUID-0.046/LICENSE Data-GUID-0.046/Makefile.PL Data-GUID-0.046/MANIFEST Data-GUID-0.046/META.yml Data-GUID-0.046/README Data-GUID-0.046/t/ Data-GUID-0.046/t/00-load.t Data-GUID-0.046/t/basic.t Data-GUID-0.046/t/import.t Data-GUID-0.046/t/multipass_from.t Data-GUID-0.046/t/perl-critic.t Data-GUID-0.046/t/pod-coverage.t Data-GUID-0.046/t/pod.t Data-GUID-0.046/lib/Data/ Data-GUID-0.046/lib/Data/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build R/RJ/RJBS/Data-GUID-0.046.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Data::GUID Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Data/ blib/lib/Data/ Manifying blib/man3/Data::GUID.3 RJBS/Data-GUID-0.046.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Data::GUID 0.046 t/00-load.t ......... 1..1 ok 1 - use Data::GUID; ok t/basic.t ........... ok 1 - use Data::GUID; ok 2 - The object isa Data::GUID ok 3 - GUID as_string looks OK ok 4 - stringified GUID looks OK ok 5 - GUID as_hex looks OK ok 6 - GUID as_hex looks OK ok 7 - guid is equal to itself ok 8 - guid on rhs of unbalanced <=> is (x * -1) ok 9 - from_data_uuid isa Data::GUID ok 10 - invalid Data::UUID value rejected ok 11 - invalid Data::UUID value rejected ok 12 - invalid Data::UUID value rejected ok 13 - guid from hex isa Data::GUID ok 14 - original guid is equal to copy round-tripped via hex ok 15 - invalid input to from_hex croaks ok 16 - invalid input to from_hex croaks ok 17 - invalid input to from_hex croaks ok 18 - guid_hex method ok ok 19 - guid from string isa Data::GUID ok 20 - original guid is equal to copy round-tripped via string ok 21 - invalid input to from_string croaks ok 22 - invalid input to from_string croaks ok 23 - invalid input to from_string croaks ok 24 - guid_string method ok ok 25 - guid from base64 isa Data::GUID ok 26 - original guid is equal to copy round-tripped via base64 ok 27 - invalid input to from_base64 croaks ok 28 - invalid input to from_base64 croaks ok 29 - invalid input to from_base64 croaks ok 30 - guid_base64 method ok ok 31 - we can from_string a dash-less str 1..31 ok t/import.t .......... 1..11 ok 1 - use Data::GUID; ok 2 - croak on bad import arg ok 3 - the guid_string sub imported (:all) isa CODE ok 4 - the guid_hex sub imported (:all) isa CODE ok 5 - the guid_base64 sub imported (:all) isa CODE ok 6 - the guid_string sub imported (named) isa CODE ok 7 - the guid_hex sub imported (named) isa CODE ok 8 - the guid_base64 sub imported (named) isa CODE ok 9 - the guid_string sub imported (alone) isa CODE ok 10 - the guid_hex sub was not imported ok 11 - the guid_base64 sub was not imported ok t/multipass_from.t .. 1..52 ok 1 - use Data::GUID; ok 2 - guid from guid method isa Data::GUID ok 3 - best_guess returns equivalent guid for Data::GUID object ok 4 - bogus value makes best_guess carp ok 5 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 6 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 7 - bogus value makes best_guess carp ok 8 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 9 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 10 - bogus value makes best_guess carp ok 11 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 12 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 13 - bogus value makes best_guess carp ok 14 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 15 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 16 - guid_string gave string-like string ok 17 - remade from string via best_guess isa Data::GUID ok 18 - guid_string gave string-like string ok 19 - remade from string via best_guess isa Data::GUID ok 20 - guid_base64 gave base64-like string ok 21 - remade from string via best_guess isa Data::GUID ok 22 - guid_base64 gave base64-like string ok 23 - remade from string via best_guess isa Data::GUID ok 24 - guid_hex gave hex-like string ok 25 - remade from string via best_guess isa Data::GUID ok 26 - guid_hex gave hex-like string ok 27 - remade from string via best_guess isa Data::GUID ok 28 - from_any_string returns equivalent guid for Data::GUID object ok 29 - bogus value makes from_any_string carp ok 30 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 31 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 32 - bogus value makes from_any_string carp ok 33 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 34 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 35 - bogus value makes from_any_string carp ok 36 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 37 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 38 - bogus value makes from_any_string carp ok 39 - guid_from_anything doesn't carp on bad data... ok 40 - ...but doesn't return anything either ok 41 - guid_string gave string-like string ok 42 - remade from string via from_any_string isa Data::GUID ok 43 - guid_string gave string-like string ok 44 - remade from string via from_any_string isa Data::GUID ok 45 - guid_base64 gave base64-like string ok 46 - remade from string via from_any_string isa Data::GUID ok 47 - guid_base64 gave base64-like string ok 48 - remade from string via from_any_string isa Data::GUID ok 49 - guid_hex gave hex-like string ok 50 - remade from string via from_any_string isa Data::GUID ok 51 - guid_hex gave hex-like string ok 52 - remade from string via from_any_string isa Data::GUID ok t/perl-critic.t ..... skipped: define PERL_TEST_CRITIC to run these tests t/pod-coverage.t .... 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Data::GUID ok t/pod.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Data/ ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=97, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.03 sys + 0.30 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.47 CPU) Result: PASS RJBS/Data-GUID-0.046.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Ricardo SIGNES <> globally unique identifiers >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Data-GUID-0.046-nD5cW_ && tar cvf - Data-GUID-0.046.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/R/RJ/RJBS/Data-GUID-0.046.tar.gz Data-GUID-0.046.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Data/ blib/lib/Data/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Data::GUID.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Data-GUID-0.046-nD5cW_/Data-GUID-0.046.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/R/RJ/RJBS Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 23 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 23 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/perl/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/perl/ cp lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ cp lib/Metabase/Fact/ blib/lib/Metabase/Fact/ cp lib/Metabase/Fact/ blib/lib/Metabase/Fact/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ cp lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/cpan/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/cpan/ cp lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ cp lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ cp lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ cp lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/ cp lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ cp bin/metabase-profile blib/script/metabase-profile /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/metabase-profile Manifying blib/man1/metabase-profile.1 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::User::FullName.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::User::EmailAddress.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::perl::commit.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::perl.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Fact::String.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::User::Secret.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::metabase::fact.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Fact::Hash.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::cpan::distfile.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Fact.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::metabase::user.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::metabase.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::cpan.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Report.3 Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::User::Profile.3 DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 23 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/fact/*.t t/report/*.t t/resource/*.t t/user/*.t t/00-compile.t ................ 1..17 ok 1 - Metabase::Fact loaded ok ok 2 - Metabase::Fact::Hash loaded ok ok 3 - Metabase::Fact::String loaded ok ok 4 - Metabase::Report loaded ok ok 5 - Metabase::Resource loaded ok ok 6 - Metabase::Resource::cpan loaded ok ok 7 - Metabase::Resource::cpan::distfile loaded ok ok 8 - Metabase::Resource::metabase loaded ok ok 9 - Metabase::Resource::metabase::fact loaded ok ok 10 - Metabase::Resource::metabase::user loaded ok ok 11 - Metabase::Resource::perl loaded ok ok 12 - Metabase::Resource::perl::commit loaded ok ok 13 - Metabase::User::EmailAddress loaded ok ok 14 - Metabase::User::FullName loaded ok ok 15 - Metabase::User::Profile loaded ok ok 16 - Metabase::User::Secret loaded ok ok 17 - metabase-profile script compiles ok t/base.t ...................... 1..17 ok 1 - require Metabase::Fact; ok 2 - new() without params throws error ok 3 - ... 'resource' noted missing ok 4 - ... 'content' noted missing ok 5 - schema_version() defaults to 1 ok 6 - ->type converts class name ok 7 - content_as_bytes not implemented ok 8 - content_from_bytes not implemented ok 9 - validate_content not implemented ok 10 - new( ) doesn't die ok 11 - The object isa Test::Metabase::StringFact ok 12 - new( ) doesn't die ok 13 - The object isa Test::Metabase::StringFact ok 14 - object type is correct ok 15 - object content correct ok 16 - fact class loading validates class name ok 17 - fact class loading validates class name ok t/fact/hash.t ................. 1..23 ok 1 - require ''; ok 2 - missing required dies ok 3 - undef required field is OK ok 4 - new( ) doesn't die ok 5 - invalid key dies ok 6 - The object isa Metabase::Fact::Hash ok 7 - new( ) doesn't die ok 8 - The object isa Metabase::Fact::Hash ok 9 - object has a GUID ok 10 - object type is correct ok 11 - object type is set internally ok 12 - object refers to distribution ok 13 - object content_metadata() correct ok 14 - object content correct ok 15 - creation_time equals update_time ok 16 - creation_time is ISO 8601 Zulu ok 17 - object as_struct correct ok 18 - object as_struct correct w/creator ok 19 - set_valid(0) ok 20 - set_valid(2) normalized to '1' ok 21 - roundtrip as->from struct ok 22 - got object (set upper case guid manually) ok 23 - object has correct lower-case guid ok t/fact/string.t ............... 1..12 ok 1 - require ''; ok 2 - new( ) doesn't die ok 3 - The object isa Metabase::Fact::String ok 4 - new( ) doesn't die ok 5 - The object isa Metabase::Fact::String ok 6 - object type is correct ok 7 - object refers to distribution ok 8 - object content_metadata() correct ok 9 - object content correct ok 10 - creation_time equals update_time ok 11 - creation_time is ISO 8601 Zulu ok 12 - object as_struct() correct ok t/report/report-as-string.t ... 1..13 ok 1 - require Metabase::Report; ok 2 - require Test::Metabase::StringFact; ok 3 - lives: open() given no facts ok 4 - The object isa JustOneFact ok 5 - lives: add( 'Class' => 'foo' ) ok 6 - lives: close() ok 7 - lives: as_struct->from_struct ok 8 - The object isa JustOneFact ok 9 - report2 is a clone of report ok 10 - no creator (round 1) ok 11 - no creator (round 1) ok 12 - creator set properly (round 2) ok 13 - creator set properly (round 2) ok t/report/report-check-spec.t .. 1..9 ok 1 - require Metabase::Report; ok 2 - require Test::Metabase::StringFact; ok 3 - lives: new() takes 1 fact, and given 1 fact ok 4 - dies: new() takes 1 fact, but given none ok 5 - dies: new() takes 1 fact, but given 2 facts ok 6 - lives: new() takes 1+ fact, and given 2 facts ok 7 - lives: new() takes 1 of each, given 1 of each ok 8 - dies: new() takes 1 of each, given 2 of one kind ok 9 - lives: new() takes 1 specific 3 total, given correctly ok t/report/report-open-close.t .. 1..15 ok 1 - require Metabase::Report; ok 2 - require Test::Metabase::StringFact; ok 3 - lives: open() given no facts ok 4 - The object isa JustOneFact ok 5 - lives: add( 'Class' => 'foo' ) ok 6 - lives: close() ok 7 - lives: open() given no facts ok 8 - The object isa JustOneFact ok 9 - lives: add( $fact ) ok 10 - lives: close() ok 11 - lives: open() given no facts ok 12 - The object isa JustOneFact ok 13 - lives: add( 'Class' => 'foo' ) ok 14 - lives: add( 'Class2' => 'foo' ) ok 15 - dies: close() with two facts ok t/resource/base.t ............. 1..14 ok 1 - require Metabase::Resource; ok 2 - require Metabase::Resource::metabase; ok 3 - new() without string throws error ok 4 - validate not implemented ok 5 - no schema found ok 6 - Metabase::Resource->new($string) should not die ok 7 - The object isa Metabase::Resource::metabase ok 8 - The object isa Metabase::Resource::metabase::user ok 9 - $obj->resource correct ok 10 - string overloading working correctly ok 11 - Metadata types ok 12 - Metadata ok 13 - $obj->guid ok 14 - $obj->type ok t/resource/cpan.t ............. 1..7 ok 1 - require Metabase::Resource; ok 2 - new() without string throws error ok 3 - Metabase::Resource->new($string) should not die ok 4 - The object isa Metabase::Resource::cpan ok 5 - object content correct ok 6 - Metadata types ok 7 - Metadata ok t/resource/perl.t ............. 1..10 ok 1 - require Metabase::Resource; ok 2 - new() without string throws error ok 3 - Metabase::Resource->new($string) should not die ok 4 - The object isa Metabase::Resource::perl ok 5 - object content correct ok 6 - Metadata types ok 7 - Metadata ok 8 - sha1() correct ok 9 - full_url() ok 10 - full_url('') ok t/user/profile.t .............. ok 1 - require Metabase::User::Profile; ok 2 - require Metabase::User::Secret; ok 3 - create new profile ok 4 - The object isa Metabase::User::Profile ok 5 - profile saved to file ok 6 - Loaded profile file (created with ->create) ok 7 - The object isa Metabase::User::Profile ok 8 - Checking URI ok 9 - Checking GUID ok 10 - Checking fact 0 ok 11 - Checking fact 1 ok 12 - created named profile file with metabase-profile ok 13 - created default profile file with metabase-profile ok 14 - Loaded profile from file ok 15 - Loaded secret from file 1..15 ok All tests successful. Files=11, Tests=152, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.05 sys + 1.36 cusr 0.54 csys = 2.01 CPU) Result: PASS DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Golden <> base class for Metabase Facts >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi && tar cvf - Metabase-Fact-0.021.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz Metabase-Fact-0.021.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/metabase-profile blib/lib/ blib/lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Fact/ blib/lib/Metabase/Fact/ blib/lib/Metabase/Fact/ blib/lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/perl/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/perl/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/cpan/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/cpan/ blib/lib/Metabase/Resource/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ blib/lib/Metabase/User/ blib/man1/ blib/man1/metabase-profile.1 blib/man3/ blib/man3/Metabase::User::EmailAddress.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Fact::String.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::perl.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::cpan.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Report.3 blib/man3/Metabase::User::Secret.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::metabase.3 blib/man3/Metabase::User::Profile.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Fact.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::perl::commit.3 blib/man3/Metabase::User::FullName.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::metabase::user.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Fact::Hash.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::metabase::fact.3 blib/man3/Metabase::Resource::cpan::distfile.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi/Metabase-Fact-0.021.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN Running test for module 'Metabase::User::Secret' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008-UXNwpn Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Metabase/Client/ blib/lib/Metabase/Client/ Manifying blib/man3/Metabase::Client::Simple.3 DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Metabase::Client::Simple loaded ok ok t/client.t ...... ok 1 - require Metabase::Client::Simple; ok 2 - The object isa Metabase::Client::Simple ok 3 - UA agent string set correctly ok 4 - The object isa Metabase::Client::Simple ok 5 - Trailing slash added ok 6 - Bad scheme causes new() to die 1..6 ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=7, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.26 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.39 CPU) Result: PASS DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Golden <> a client that submits to Metabase servers >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008-UXNwpn && tar cvf - Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.tar.gz Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Metabase/ blib/lib/Metabase/Client/ blib/lib/Metabase/Client/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Metabase::Client::Simple.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008-UXNwpn/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN Running test for module 'Metabase::User::Profile' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'Config::Perl::V' Running make for H/HM/HMBRAND/Config-Perl-V-0.14.tgz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/H/HM/HMBRAND/Config-Perl-V-0.14.tgz ok Config-Perl-V-0.14/ Config-Perl-V-0.14/examples/ Config-Perl-V-0.14/examples/ Config-Perl-V-0.14/ Config-Perl-V-0.14/META.yml Config-Perl-V-0.14/MANIFEST Config-Perl-V-0.14/Changelog Config-Perl-V-0.14/Makefile.PL Config-Perl-V-0.14/README Config-Perl-V-0.14/META.json Config-Perl-V-0.14/t/ Config-Perl-V-0.14/t/00_pod.t Config-Perl-V-0.14/t/01_pod.t Config-Perl-V-0.14/t/20_plv.t Config-Perl-V-0.14/t/10_base.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build H/HM/HMBRAND/Config-Perl-V-0.14.tgz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Config::Perl::V Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/Config/Perl/ Manifying blib/man3/Config::Perl::V.3 HMBRAND/Config-Perl-V-0.14.tgz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00_pod.t ... 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Config/Perl/ ok t/01_pod.t ... 1..1 ok 1 - Config::Perl::V is covered ok t/10_base.t .. 1..8 ok 1 - use Config::Perl::V; ok 2 - Read config ok 3 - Has build entry ok 4 - Has build entry ok 5 - Has build entry ok 6 - Has build entry ok 7 - osname ok 8 - no warnings ok t/20_plv.t ... 1..9 ok 1 - Read perl -v block ok 2 - Has build entry ok 3 - Has build entry ok 4 - Has build entry ok 5 - Has build entry ok 6 - osname ok 7 - No build time known ok 8 - reconstructed %Config{version} ok 9 - no warnings ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=19, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.20 cusr 0.06 csys = 0.30 CPU) Result: PASS HMBRAND/Config-Perl-V-0.14.tgz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK H.Merijn Brand <> Structured data retreival of perl -V output >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Config-Perl-V-0.14-G5Cawr && tar cvf - Config-Perl-V-0.14.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/H/HM/HMBRAND/Config-Perl-V-0.14.tar.gz Config-Perl-V-0.14.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Config/ blib/lib/Config/Perl/ blib/lib/Config/Perl/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Config::Perl::V.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Config-Perl-V-0.14-G5Cawr/Config-Perl-V-0.14.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/H/HM/HMBRAND Running test for module 'CPAN::Testers::Report' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 26 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.tar.gz ok CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001 CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/Changes CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/Todo CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/dist.ini CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/t/01-CPAN-Testers-Report.t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/LICENSE CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/t/00-compile.t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/xt/release CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/xt/release/distmeta.t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/xt/release/pod-syntax.t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/xt/release/pod-coverage.t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/xt/release/portability.t CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/META.yml CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/META.json CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/MANIFEST CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/README CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001/Makefile.PL Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 26 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for CPAN::Testers::Report Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ cp lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::InstalledModules.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TesterComment.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestOutput.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Report.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestEnvironment.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig.3 Manifying blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::Prereqs.3 DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 26 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t .............. 1..9 ok 1 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::InstalledModules loaded ok ok 2 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport loaded ok ok 3 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig loaded ok ok 4 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::Prereqs loaded ok ok 5 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestEnvironment loaded ok ok 6 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestOutput loaded ok ok 7 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary loaded ok ok 8 - CPAN::Testers::Fact::TesterComment loaded ok ok 9 - CPAN::Testers::Report loaded ok ok t/01-CPAN-Testers-Report.t .. 1..9 ok 1 - require CPAN::Testers::Report; ok 2 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary; ok 3 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestOutput; ok 4 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport; ok 5 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::TesterComment; ok 6 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::Prereqs; ok 7 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::InstalledModules; ok 8 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestEnvironment; ok 9 - require CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig; ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=18, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.52 cusr 0.24 csys = 0.80 CPU) Result: PASS DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Golden <> CPAN Testers report object >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001-IfJmh0 && tar cvf - CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.tar.gz CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/CPAN/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/Fact/ blib/lib/CPAN/Testers/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestOutput.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::Prereqs.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Report.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestEnvironment.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::TesterComment.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::PerlConfig.3 blib/man3/CPAN::Testers::Fact::InstalledModules.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001-IfJmh0/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN Running test for module 'Test::Reporter::Transport' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-1.58.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 27 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-1.58.tar.gz ok Test-Reporter-1.58 Test-Reporter-1.58/README Test-Reporter-1.58/COPYING Test-Reporter-1.58/Changes Test-Reporter-1.58/INSTALL Test-Reporter-1.58/LICENSE Test-Reporter-1.58/META.yml Test-Reporter-1.58/MANIFEST Test-Reporter-1.58/META.json Test-Reporter-1.58/Makefile.PL Test-Reporter-1.58/MANIFEST.SKIP Test-Reporter-1.58/t Test-Reporter-1.58/t/1-reporter.t Test-Reporter-1.58/t/00-compile.t Test-Reporter-1.58/README.PATCHING Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test/ Test-Reporter-1.58/t/3-file-transport.t Test-Reporter-1.58/t/6-write-read-crlf.t Test-Reporter-1.58/xt/release Test-Reporter-1.58/xt/release/distmeta.t Test-Reporter-1.58/xt/release/pod-syntax.t Test-Reporter-1.58/xt/release/portability.t Test-Reporter-1.58/xt/release/pod-coverage.t Test-Reporter-1.58/xt/release/test-version.t Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test/Reporter Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test/Reporter/ Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ Test-Reporter-1.58/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 27 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-1.58.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::Reporter Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ cp lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/ cp lib/Test/Reporter/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/ cp lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport::Null.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Reporter.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport::File.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport.3 DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-1.58.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 27 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ......... 1..4 ok 1 - Test::Reporter loaded ok ok 2 - Test::Reporter::Transport loaded ok ok 3 - Test::Reporter::Transport::File loaded ok ok 4 - Test::Reporter::Transport::Null loaded ok ok t/1-reporter.t ......... ok 1 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 26 ok 27 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 - Regenerated _myconfig ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 - perl version roundtrip ok 57 ok 58 ok 59 ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 ok 67 ok 68 ok 69 ok 70 ok 71 ok 72 ok 73 ok 74 ok 75 ok 76 ok 77 ok 78 ok 79 ok 80 ok 81 ok 82 ok 83 ok 84 ok 85 ok 86 ok 87 ok 88 ok 89 ok 90 ok 91 ok 92 ok 93 ok 94 ok 95 ok 96 ok 97 ok 98 ok 99 ok 100 ok 101 ok 102 ok 103 ok 104 ok 105 ok 106 ok 107 ok 108 ok 109 ok 110 ok 111 ok 112 ok 113 ok 114 ok 115 ok 116 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 117 ok 118 ok 119 ok 120 1..120 ok t/3-file-transport.t ... ok 1 - require Test::Reporter; ok 2 - Test::Reporter ok 3 - report sent ok ok 4 - found a report in the directory 1..4 ok t/6-write-read-crlf.t .. 1..14 ok 1 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 - The object isa Test::Reporter ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 - Regenerated _myconfig ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=142, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.04 sys + 0.58 cusr 0.28 csys = 0.93 CPU) Result: PASS DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-1.58.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Golden <> sends test results to >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-1.58-Incgc1 && tar cvf - Test-Reporter-1.58.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-1.58.tar.gz Test-Reporter-1.58.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport.3 blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport::File.3 blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport::Null.3 blib/man3/Test::Reporter.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-1.58-Incgc1/Test-Reporter-1.58.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN Running test for module 'Metabase::User::Secret' Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Metabase-Fact-0.021.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running make for D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008-kY30lJ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase.3 DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase loaded ok ok # Testing Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase 1.999008, Perl 5.016000, /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static t/00-load.t ..... 1..1 ok 1 - use Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase; ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=2, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.02 sys + 0.22 cusr 0.11 csys = 0.38 CPU) Result: PASS DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Golden <> Metabase transport for Test::Reporter >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008-kY30lJ && tar cvf - Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.tar.gz Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/lib/Test/Reporter/Transport/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008-kY30lJ/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DA/DAGOLDEN Running test for module 'HTTP::Parser' Running make for E/ED/EDECA/HTTP-Parser-0.06.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 29 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/E/ED/EDECA/HTTP-Parser-0.06.tar.gz ok HTTP-Parser-0.06/ HTTP-Parser-0.06/ HTTP-Parser-0.06/MANIFEST HTTP-Parser-0.06/t/ HTTP-Parser-0.06/t/1.t HTTP-Parser-0.06/META.yml HTTP-Parser-0.06/README HTTP-Parser-0.06/Changes HTTP-Parser-0.06/Makefile.PL Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 29 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build E/ED/EDECA/HTTP-Parser-0.06.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for HTTP::Parser Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/HTTP/ Manifying blib/man3/HTTP::Parser.3 EDECA/HTTP-Parser-0.06.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 29 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/1.t .. 1..22 ok 1 - use HTTP::Parser; ok 2 - Passing 'GET / HTTP/1.1' ok 3 - Passing 'Host: localhost' ok 4 - Passing 'Connection: close' ok 5 - Passing '' ok 6 - The object isa HTTP::Request ok 7 - Method ok 8 - The object isa URI ok 9 - URI path ok 10 - Headers ok 11 - Content ok 12 - response failed by default ok 13 - Passing 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' ok 14 - Passing 'Server: Test/0.1' ok 15 - Passing 'Content-Length: 15' ok 16 - Passing 'Content-Type: text/plain' ok 17 - Passing '' ok 18 - Passing 'Some content!' ok 19 - The object isa HTTP::Response ok 20 - content type is correct ok 21 - content is correct ok 22 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=22, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.04 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.09 CPU) Result: PASS EDECA/HTTP-Parser-0.06.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Cannings <> parse HTTP/1.1 request into HTTP::Request/Response object >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTTP-Parser-0.06-7jtRJQ && tar cvf - HTTP-Parser-0.06.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/E/ED/EDECA/HTTP-Parser-0.06.tar.gz HTTP-Parser-0.06.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/HTTP/ blib/lib/HTTP/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/HTTP::Parser.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTTP-Parser-0.06-7jtRJQ/HTTP-Parser-0.06.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/E/ED/EDECA Running test for module 'AnyEvent::Redis' Running make for D/DG/DGL/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DG/DGL/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.tar.gz ok AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/.gitignore AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/Changes AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/lib/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/Makefile.PL AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/MANIFEST AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/META.yml AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/README AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/xt/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/xt/perlcritic.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/xt/pod.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/xt/podspell.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/xt/synopsis.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/00_compile.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/client.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/leak.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/lrange.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/multi.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/pubsub.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/reconnect.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/redis.conf.base AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/t/utf8.t AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/lib/AnyEvent/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/lib/AnyEvent/Redis/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/lib/AnyEvent/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/lib/AnyEvent/Redis/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ AnyEvent-Redis-0.23/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DG/DGL/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for AnyEvent::Redis Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/AnyEvent/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/ cp lib/AnyEvent/Redis/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/Redis/ Manifying blib/man3/AnyEvent::Redis.3 Manifying blib/man3/AnyEvent::Redis::Protocol.3 DGL/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00_compile.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - use AnyEvent::Redis; ok which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/client.t ...... skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/leak.t ........ skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/lrange.t ...... skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/multi.t ....... skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/pubsub.t ...... skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/reconnect.t ... skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH which: no redis-server in (/home/fly1600/var/libs/bin:/home/fly1600/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin) t/utf8.t ........ skipped: redis-server not found in your PATH All tests successful. Files=8, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.03 sys + 0.80 cusr 0.35 csys = 1.22 CPU) Result: PASS DGL/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK David Leadbeater <> Non-blocking Redis client >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23-Ip841l && tar cvf - AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DG/DGL/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.tar.gz AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/Redis/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/Redis/ blib/lib/AnyEvent/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/AnyEvent::Redis.3 blib/man3/AnyEvent::Redis::Protocol.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23-Ip841l/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/D/DG/DGL Running test for module 'Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog' Running make for J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz ok Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/Changes Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/lib/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/maint/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/Makefile.PL Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/MANIFEST Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/META.yml Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/README.mkdn Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/t/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/t/basic.t Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/t/use.t Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/t/web.t Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/maint/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/lib/Plack/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/lib/Plack/Middleware/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/DBIC/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/DBIC/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Pod/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Pod/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/app.psgi Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/Schema/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/Schema/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/Schema/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/Schema/ Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09/example/lib/Example/Schema/Result/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.04 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - Test::Fatal ...loaded. (0.010) - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98 >= 0.96) - Plack::Test ...loaded. (0) - Plack::Builder ...loaded. (0) - HTTP::Request::Common ...loaded. (6.03) - Scalar::Util ...loaded. (1.25) - Data::Dump ...loaded. (1.21) - Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog ...missing. - Plack ...loaded. (0.9988) - Plack::Middleware::Debug ...loaded. (0.14) - Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog ...missing. (would need 0.05) - DBIx::Class::QueryLog ...missing. - DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer ...missing. - SQL::Abstract ...loaded. (1.72 >= 1.70) - Moo ...loaded. (0.091007 >= 0.009005) *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::QueryLog 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog 0 not found. Writing Makefile for Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz ---- Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog [requires] DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer [requires] DBIx::Class::QueryLog [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog' Running make for J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz ok Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/Changes Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/lib/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/maint/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/Makefile.PL Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/MANIFEST Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/META.yml Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/README.mkdn Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/t/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/t/basic.t Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/t/use.t Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/t/web.t Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/maint/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/lib/Plack/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/lib/Plack/Middleware/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/lib/Plack/Middleware/DBIC/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/lib/Plack/Middleware/DBIC/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Pod/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Pod/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - HTTP::Request::Common ...loaded. (6.03) - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98) - Test::Fatal ...loaded. (0.010) - Data::Dump ...loaded. (1.21) - Scalar::Util ...loaded. (1.25) - Plack::Middleware::Debug ...loaded. (0.14) - Plack ...loaded. (0.9988 >= 0.9957) - Moo ...loaded. (0.091007 >= 0.009004) - DBIx::Class::QueryLog ...missing. (would need 1.3.0) *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::QueryLog 1.3.0 not found. Writing Makefile for Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz ---- DBIx::Class::QueryLog [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'DBIx::Class::QueryLog' Running make for G/GP/GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/G/GP/GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz ok DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/Changes DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/Makefile.PL DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/MANIFEST DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/META.yml DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/README DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/00-load.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/01-quickies.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/02-analyzer.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/03-buckets.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/04-fastslow.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/pod-coverage.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/t/pod.t DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/Class/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/Class/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build G/GP/GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Cannot determine perl version info from lib/DBIx/Class/ *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.04 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98) - Class::Accessor ...loaded. (0.34) - Moose ...loaded. (2.0602 >= 0.90) - Time::HiRes ...loaded. (1.9725) - DBIx::Class ...loaded. (0.08196 >= 0.07000) *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for DBIx::Class::QueryLog Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ cp lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Transaction.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog.3 Manifying blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Query.3 GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/00-load.t t/01-quickies.t t/02-analyzer.t t/03-buckets.t t/04-fastslow.t t/pod-coverage.t t/pod.t # Testing DBIx::Class::QueryLog 1.3.2, Perl 5.016000, /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static t/00-load.t ....... 1..1 ok 1 - use DBIx::Class::QueryLog; ok t/01-quickies.t ... 1..12 ok 1 - new ok 2 - extends base debug object ok 3 - log count w/1 query ok 4 - log count w/1 query + 1 trans ok 5 - 1 query in txn ok 6 - Committed txn ok 7 - ! Rolled back txn ok 8 - log count w/1 query + 2 trans ok 9 - 2 queries in 2nd txn ok 10 - Rolled back 2nd txn ok 11 - Not committed 2nd txn ok 12 - Passthrough worked ok t/02-analyzer.t ... 1..14 ok 1 - use DBIx::Class::QueryLog; ok 2 - use DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer; ok 3 - require DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer; ok 4 - new ok 5 - log count w/1 query ok 6 - The object isa DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer ok 7 - The object isa DBIx::Class::QueryLog ok 8 - Sorted Count ok 9 - 2 different queries ok 10 - 1 executions ok 11 - 2 executions ok 12 - Total time ok 13 - 1 stored queries ok 14 - 2 stored queries ok t/03-buckets.t .... 1..5 ok 1 - default bucket ok 2 - foo bucket ok 3 - inner query bucket ok 4 - first still default bucket ok 5 - 2 buckets ok t/04-fastslow.t ... 1..9 ok 1 - 3 executions found ok 2 - slow executions 0 ok 3 - slow executions 1 ok 4 - slow executions 2 ok 5 - 1 executions found ok 6 - 3 executions found ok 7 - fast executions 2 ok 8 - fast executions 1 ok 9 - fast executions 0 ok t/pod-coverage.t .. 1..4 ok 1 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Class::QueryLog ok 2 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Transaction ok 3 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Query ok 4 - Pod coverage on DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer ok t/pod.t ........... 1..4 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=49, 9 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.04 sys + 2.15 cusr 0.51 csys = 2.73 CPU) Result: PASS GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Cory G Watson <> Log queries for later analysis. >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2-3MW_0T && tar cvf - DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/G/GP/GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/DBIx/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/lib/DBIx/Class/QueryLog/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Query.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Transaction.3 blib/man3/DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2-3MW_0T/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/G/GP/GPHAT Running make for J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 32 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05-M0T9Ns Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 32 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Plack/Middleware/DBIC/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/DBIC/ Manifying blib/man3/Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog.3 JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 32 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - created test object ok 2 - correct default attribute ok 3 - correct default attribute ok 4 - correctly created querylog isa DBIx::Class::QueryLog ok 5 - made a plack compatible application ok 6 - No errors wrapping the application ok 7 - Got the expected PSGI_KEY constant 1..7 ok t/use.t .... 1..1 ok 1 - use Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog; ok t/web.t .... ok 1 - Got a sample plack application ok 2 - Wrapped application with middleware ok 3 - got PSGI_KEY ok 4 - Correct default querylog instance ok 5 - got PSGI_KEY ok 6 - Correct default querylog instance ok 7 - Verify we get a new querylog each time 1..7 ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=15, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.03 sys + 0.80 cusr 0.26 csys = 1.12 CPU) Result: PASS JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK John Napiorkowski <> Expose a DBIC QueryLog Instance in Middleware >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05-M0T9Ns && tar cvf - Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.tar.gz Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Plack/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/DBIC/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/DBIC/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Plack::Middleware::DBIC::QueryLog.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05-M0T9Ns/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK Running test for module 'DBIx::Class::QueryLog::Analyzer' Running make for G/GP/GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2-3MW_0T Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'DBIx::Class::QueryLog' Running make for G/GP/GPHAT/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2-3MW_0T Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running make for J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09-AmtCsH Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/DBIC/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/DBIC/ Manifying blib/man3/Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog.3 JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 33 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - made a plack compatible application ok 2 - No errors wrapping the application 1..2 ok t/use.t .... 1..1 ok 1 - use Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog; ok t/web.t .... ok 1 - Got a sample plack application ok 2 - got PSGI_KEY ok 3 - Correct default querylog instance ok 4 - got PSGI_KEY ok 5 - Correct default querylog instance ok 6 - Verify we get a new querylog each time 1..6 ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=9, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.02 sys + 0.51 cusr 0.21 csys = 0.78 CPU) Result: PASS JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK John Napiorkowski <> DBIC Query Log and Query Analyzer >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09-AmtCsH && tar cvf - Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.tar.gz Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Plack/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/DBIC/ blib/lib/Plack/Middleware/Debug/DBIC/ blib/man3/ blib/man3/Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09-AmtCsH/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/J/JJ/JJNAPIORK Running test for module 'Mac::Glue' ______________________ D i s t r o P r e f s ______________________ Mac-Glue.yml[0] Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz ok Mac-Glue-1.30/ Mac-Glue-1.30/Changes Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/ Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/00_README Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/address_book Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/appleworks_stuff Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/bettertelnet_login Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/browsers_open_window Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/dialog_director_more_lists Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/dialog_director_stuff Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/eudora_make_hidden Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/eudora_send_email Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/filemaker_extract_data Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/finder_clean_up Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/finder_get_system_folder_files Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/finder_label Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/finder_label_and_beep Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/finder_label_and_beep_cool_version Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/finder_volume_names Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/handle_errors Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/interarchy_stuff Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/itunes Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/netscape_open_window Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/progress_bar_stuff Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/sherlock_search_drive Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/sherlock_search_internet Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/simple_text_and_prefab_player Mac-Glue-1.30/ex/url_access Mac-Glue-1.30/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/AETE/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/Glue/ Mac-Glue-1.30/lib/Mac/Glue/ Mac-Glue-1.30/make_glues Mac-Glue-1.30/Makefile.PL Mac-Glue-1.30/MANIFEST Mac-Glue-1.30/MANIFEST.SKIP Mac-Glue-1.30/README Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/ Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/gluedialect.PL Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/gluedoc.PL Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/glueedit.PL Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/gluemac.PL Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/gluescriptadds.PL Mac-Glue-1.30/scripts/show_glue_pods Mac-Glue-1.30/t/ Mac-Glue-1.30/t/glue.t Mac-Glue-1.30/t/pod.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Mac::AppleEvents::Simple 1.18 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Apps::Launch 1.92 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Carbon 0.77 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Mac::Glue Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz ---- Mac::AppleEvents::Simple [requires] Mac::Apps::Launch [requires] Mac::Carbon [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Mac::AppleEvents::Simple' ______________________ D i s t r o P r e f s ______________________ Mac-AppleEvents-Simple.yml[0] Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz ok Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/ Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/Changes Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/Makefile.PL Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/MANIFEST Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/README Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/ Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/t/ Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/t/pod.t Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18/t/simple.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Mac::AppleEvents 1.3 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Apps::Launch 1.81 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Processes 1.04 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Mac::AppleEvents::Simple Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz ---- Mac::Apps::Launch [requires] Mac::Processes [requires] Mac::AppleEvents [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Mac::Apps::Launch' ______________________ D i s t r o P r e f s ______________________ Mac-Apps-Launch.yml[0] Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz ok Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/ Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/.cvsignore Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/.releaserc Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/Changes Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/ Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/Makefile.PL Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/MANIFEST Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/README Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/t/ Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/t/launch.t Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93/t/pod.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite Mac::Processes 1.04 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Mac::Apps::Launch Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz ---- Mac::Processes [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Mac::Processes' ______________________ D i s t r o P r e f s ______________________ Mac-Carbon.yml[0] Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz ok Mac-Carbon-0.82/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Carbon.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Changes Mac-Carbon-0.82/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Gestalt/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/MANIFEST Mac-Carbon-0.82/MANIFEST.SKIP Mac-Carbon-0.82/Memory/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/QuickDraw/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/README Mac-Carbon-0.82/Resources/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Types/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/xsubpps/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/xsubpps/xsubpp-5.6.1 Mac-Carbon-0.82/xsubpps/xsubpp-5.8.0 Mac-Carbon-0.82/Types/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Types/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Types/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Types/Types.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Types/t/Types.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/t/Carbon.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/Speech.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/t/Speech.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/eg/Cellist.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/eg/DumpVoices.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/eg/JukeBox.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/Speech/eg/Phonemes.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/Sound.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/t/Scream.rsrc Mac-Carbon-0.82/Sound/t/Sound.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Resources/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Resources/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Resources/Resources.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Resources/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Resources/t/Resources.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/QuickDraw/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/Processes.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/t/Processes.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Processes/eg/Processes.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/OSA.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/OSA/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/Notification.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/t/Notification.rsrc Mac-Carbon-0.82/Notification/t/Notification.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MF.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/t/MoreFiles.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/DirectoryCopy.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/DirectoryCopy.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/FileCopy.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/FileCopy.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/FSpCompat.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/FSpCompat.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/FullPath.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/FullPath.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/IterateDirectory.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/IterateDirectory.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/MoreDesktopMgr.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/MoreDesktopMgr.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/MoreFiles.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/MoreFiles.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/MoreFilesExtras.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/MoreFilesExtras.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/Optimization.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/OptimizationEnd.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/Search.c Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/MoreFilesSrc/Search.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/eg/Application.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/MoreFiles/eg/Iterate.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/Memory/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Memory/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Memory/Memory.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Memory/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Memory/t/Memory.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/MacPerl.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/OSA.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/MacPerl/t/MacPerl.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/InternetConfig.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/eg/IC.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/eg/ICDump.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/InternetConfig/eg/ICDumpMap.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/Gestalt/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Gestalt/Gestalt.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Gestalt/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Gestalt/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Gestalt/t/Gestalt.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/Files.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/t/Alias.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/t/Constants.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/t/Files.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Files/t/Info.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/Components.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/typemap Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/t/Components.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/Components/eg/ListComponents.plx Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/AppleEvents.xs Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/CarbonAE.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/Makefile.PL Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/PerlAEUtils.cp Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/PerlAEUtils.h Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/t/desc.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/t/event.t Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/t/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/eg/ Mac-Carbon-0.82/AppleEvents/eg/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL *** 64-BIT WARNING *** *** 64-BIT WARNING *** *** 64-BIT WARNING *** Mac-Carbon does not run under 64-bit perl, and it appears you're running a 64-bit perl. We can try to compile anyway, in case this is a fat binary; we'll try to leave out the 64-bit compilation. My guess is that you're running a 64-bit, non-fat, perl and that there's no real chance this will work. If you want to try anyway, run: perl Makefile.PL TRY_ANYWAY=1 Exiting. No 'Makefile' created CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL -- NOT OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93-DZqMb0 Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::Processes => 1.04' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz' with 'writemakefile => NO -- No 'Makefile' created '. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> make cp blib/lib/Mac/Apps/ Manifying blib/man3/Mac::Apps::Launch.3 CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> echo 1 ok TEST_VERBOSE=1 1 ok TEST_VERBOSE=1 CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz Tests succeeded but one dependency not OK (Mac::Processes) CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz [dependencies] -- NA Running test for module 'Mac::Processes' Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-Carbon-0.82-20exSb Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' No 'Makefile' created , won't make Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running test for module 'Mac::AppleEvents' Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-Carbon-0.82-20exSb Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' No 'Makefile' created , won't make Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18-m42myl Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::Apps::Launch => 1.81' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (Mac::Processes)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::Processes => 1.04' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz' with 'writemakefile => NO -- No 'Makefile' created '. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::AppleEvents => 1.3' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz' with 'writemakefile => NO -- No 'Makefile' created '. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> make cp blib/lib/Mac/AppleEvents/ Manifying blib/man3/Mac::AppleEvents::Simple.3 CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> echo 1 ok TEST_VERBOSE=1 1 ok TEST_VERBOSE=1 CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz Tests succeeded but 3 dependencies missing (Mac::AppleEvents,Mac::Apps::Launch,Mac::Processes) CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz [dependencies] -- NA Running test for module 'Mac::Apps::Launch' Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93-DZqMb0 Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::Processes => 1.04' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz' with 'writemakefile => NO -- No 'Makefile' created '. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'Mac::Carbon' Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-Carbon-0.82-20exSb Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' No 'Makefile' created , won't make Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running make for C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mac-Glue-1.30-xYFtwN Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CN/CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::AppleEvents::Simple => 1.18' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-AppleEvents-Simple-1.18.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO 3 dependencies missing (Mac::AppleEvents,Mac::Apps::Launch,Mac::Processes)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::Apps::Launch => 1.92' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Apps-Launch-1.93.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO one dependency not OK (Mac::Processes)'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. Warning: Prerequisite 'Mac::Carbon => 0.77' for 'CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz' failed when processing 'CNANDOR/Mac-Carbon-0.82.tar.gz' with 'writemakefile => NO -- No 'Makefile' created '. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited. >>> make cp lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ blib/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ cp blib/lib/Mac/ cp lib/Mac/AETE/ blib/lib/Mac/AETE/ cp lib/Mac/AETE/ blib/lib/Mac/AETE/ cp lib/Mac/AETE/ blib/lib/Mac/AETE/ cp lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ blib/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ cp lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ blib/lib/Mac/AETE/Format/ cp lib/Mac/Glue/ blib/lib/Mac/Glue/ /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" scripts/glueedit.PL scripts/glueedit Extracting glueedit (with variable substitutions) cp scripts/glueedit blib/script/glueedit /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/glueedit /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" scripts/gluedialect.PL scripts/gluedialect Extracting gluedialect (with variable substitutions) cp scripts/gluedialect blib/script/gluedialect /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/gluedialect /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" scripts/gluemac.PL scripts/gluemac Extracting gluemac (with variable substitutions) cp scripts/gluemac blib/script/gluemac /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/gluemac /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" scripts/gluedoc.PL scripts/gluedoc Extracting gluedoc (with variable substitutions) cp scripts/gluedoc blib/script/gluedoc /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/gluedoc /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" scripts/gluescriptadds.PL scripts/gluescriptadds Extracting gluescriptadds (with variable substitutions) cp scripts/gluescriptadds blib/script/gluescriptadds /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/gluescriptadds Manifying blib/man3/Mac::AETE::App.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mac::Glue.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mac::AETE::Format::Glue.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mac::AETE::Dialect.3 Manifying blib/man3/Mac::AETE::Parser.3 Can't locate Mac/ in @INC (@INC contains: blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09-AmtCsH/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-Debug-DBIC-QueryLog-0.09-AmtCsH/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05-M0T9Ns/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog-0.05-M0T9Ns/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2-3MW_0T/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2-3MW_0T/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23-Ip841l/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Redis-0.23-Ip841l/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTTP-Parser-0.06-7jtRJQ/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTTP-Parser-0.06-7jtRJQ/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008-kY30lJ/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008-kY30lJ/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-1.58-Incgc1/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Reporter-1.58-Incgc1/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001-IfJmh0/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001-IfJmh0/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Config-Perl-V-0.14-G5Cawr/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Config-Perl-V-0.14-G5Cawr/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008-UXNwpn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Client-Simple-0.008-UXNwpn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Metabase-Fact-0.021-Pdwjsi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Data-GUID-0.046-nD5cW_/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Data-GUID-0.046-nD5cW_/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Template-Simple-0.86-vEvGf6/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Template-Simple-0.86-vEvGf6/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22-Eq8Ivi/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-ClearSilver- /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Test-Kit-0.101-R8vwSn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006-pSvsQv/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/carton-v0.9.4-j_Xxsh/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Async-Hooks-0.16-Kpjcvn/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Mo-0.31-eGYs9Y/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-Webserver-0.57-UIaOxT/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-Tokenizer-1.00-boTyBE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Text-Transliterator-1.00-5R0EFD/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CPAN-Mini-1.111008-D3vgss/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/PPI-HTML-1.08-7rb4zN/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/CSS-Tiny-1.19-TcOk9e/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Parse-CPAN-Authors-2.27-jncZn8/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Lingua-StopWords-0.09-0hFEF2/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Template-Declare-0.45-4tVoSa/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/String-BufferStack-1.16-34SutF/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Module-InstalledVersion-0.05-8LQPr9/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Search-QueryParser-0.94-mJcKsK/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002114-xTEpwz/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/arch /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/SQL-Translator-0.11011-cELtbE/blib/lib /home/fly1600/var/megalib /home/fly1600/ap1600/site/lib /home/fly1600/ap1600/lib .) at make_glues line 3. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at make_glues line 3. make: *** [.makeglues] Error 2 CNANDOR/Mac-Glue-1.30.tar.gz make -- NOT OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Can't test without successful make Running test for module 'Time::y2038' Running make for M/MS/MSCHWERN/Time-y2038-20100403.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MS/MSCHWERN/Time-y2038-20100403.tar.gz ok Time-y2038-20100403 Time-y2038-20100403/Build.PL Time-y2038-20100403/Changes Time-y2038-20100403/check_max.c Time-y2038-20100403/INSTALL Time-y2038-20100403/MANIFEST Time-y2038-20100403/MANIFEST.SKIP Time-y2038-20100403/META.yml Time-y2038-20100403/munge_config Time-y2038-20100403/SIGNATURE Time-y2038-20100403/typemap Time-y2038-20100403/inc Time-y2038-20100403/inc/Local Time-y2038-20100403/inc/Local/Module Time-y2038-20100403/inc/Local/Module/ Time-y2038-20100403/lib Time-y2038-20100403/lib/Time Time-y2038-20100403/lib/Time/ Time-y2038-20100403/lib/Time/y2038.xs Time-y2038-20100403/lib/Time/y2038 Time-y2038-20100403/lib/Time/y2038/ Time-y2038-20100403/t Time-y2038-20100403/t/everywhere.t Time-y2038-20100403/t/localtimetz.t Time-y2038-20100403/t/time.t Time-y2038-20100403/t/timegm.t Time-y2038-20100403/y2038 Time-y2038-20100403/y2038/time64.c Time-y2038-20100403/y2038/time64.h Time-y2038-20100403/y2038/ Time-y2038-20100403/y2038/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build M/MS/MSCHWERN/Time-y2038-20100403.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'Time-y2038' version '20100403' >>> ./Build Probing time.h capabilities. You may see some C errors, that's ok. Building Time-y2038 try.c: In function ‘main’: try.c:9: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type Building a program to test the range of your system time functions... gcc -Iy2038 -I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE -fPIC -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -o check_max.o check_max.c gcc -o check_max check_max.o and running it... Done. gmtime_max: 67768036160140800 gmtime_min: -67768036191676800 localtime_max: 67768036160140800 localtime_min: -67768036191676800 mktime_max_tm_gmtoff: -28800 mktime_max_tm_hour: 15 mktime_max_tm_isdst: 0 mktime_max_tm_mday: 31 mktime_max_tm_min: 59 mktime_max_tm_mon: 11 mktime_max_tm_sec: 59 mktime_max_tm_wday: 2 mktime_max_tm_yday: 364 mktime_max_tm_year: 2147483646 mktime_max_tm_zone: PST mktime_min_tm_gmtoff: -28800 mktime_min_tm_hour: 16 mktime_min_tm_isdst: 0 mktime_min_tm_mday: 1 mktime_min_tm_min: 0 mktime_min_tm_mon: 0 mktime_min_tm_sec: 0 mktime_min_tm_wday: 3 mktime_min_tm_yday: 0 mktime_min_tm_year: -2147483508 mktime_min_tm_zone: PST timegm_max_tm_gmtoff: 0 timegm_max_tm_hour: 23 timegm_max_tm_isdst: 0 timegm_max_tm_mday: 31 timegm_max_tm_min: 59 timegm_max_tm_mon: 11 timegm_max_tm_sec: 59 timegm_max_tm_wday: 2 timegm_max_tm_yday: 364 timegm_max_tm_year: 2147483646 timegm_max_tm_zone: GMT timegm_min_tm_gmtoff: 0 timegm_min_tm_hour: 0 timegm_min_tm_isdst: 0 timegm_min_tm_mday: 2 timegm_min_tm_min: 0 timegm_min_tm_mon: 0 timegm_min_tm_sec: 0 timegm_min_tm_wday: 4 timegm_min_tm_yday: 1 timegm_min_tm_year: -2147483508 timegm_min_tm_zone: GMT gcc -Iy2038 -Iy2038 -I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE -fPIC -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -o y2038/time64.o y2038/time64.c y2038/time64.c: In function ‘copy_tm_to_TM64’: y2038/time64.c:416: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target type gcc -Iy2038 -Iy2038 -I/home/fly1600/ap1600/lib/CORE -DXS_VERSION="20100403" -DVERSION="20100403" -fPIC -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -o lib/Time/y2038.o lib/Time/y2038.c ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap::Mkbootstrap('blib/arch/auto/Time/y2038/') gcc -shared -O2 -o blib/arch/auto/Time/y2038/ lib/Time/y2038.o y2038/time64.o MSCHWERN/Time-y2038-20100403.tar.gz ./Build -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 34 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running Build test >>> ./Build test verbose=1 t/everywhere.t ... ok 1 ok 2 1..2 ok t/localtimetz.t .. ok 1 - localtime() honors TZ 1..1 ok t/time.t ......... ok 1 - use Time::y2038; ok 2 - gmtime(0) ok 3 - localtimetime(0) ok 4 - gmtime(2**30) ok 5 - localtimetime(2**30) ok 6 - scalar gmtime(0) ok 7 - scalar localtime(0) ok 8 - scalar gmtime(2**30) ok 9 - scalar localtime(2**30) ok 10 - gmtime(2**52) ok 11 - gmtime(-2**52) ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 - localtime(2**52) ok 15 - localtime(-2**52) ok 16 - localtime() w/dst ok 17 - localtime(-34359738368) ok 18 - localtime(-4503599627370496) ok 19 - localtime(-2251799813685248) ok 20 - localtime(4503599627370496) ok 21 - localtime(34359738368) ok 22 - localtime(1224479316) ok 23 - localtime(1125899906842624) ok 24 - localtime(-1125899906842624) ok 25 - localtime(2251799813685248) ok 26 - year check, gmtime(-281474976710656) ok 27 - year check, localtime(-281474976710656) ok 28 - year check, gmtime(-4.5035996273705e+15) ok 29 - year check, localtime(-4.5035996273705e+15) ok 30 - year check, gmtime(-4.61168601842739e+18) ok 31 - year check, localtime(-4.61168601842739e+18) ok 32 - year check, gmtime(-70368744177664) ok 33 - year check, localtime(-70368744177664) ok 34 - year check, gmtime(281474976710656) ok 35 - year check, localtime(281474976710656) ok 36 - year check, gmtime(4.5035996273705e+15) ok 37 - year check, localtime(4.5035996273705e+15) ok 38 - year check, gmtime(4.61168601842739e+18) ok 39 - year check, localtime(4.61168601842739e+18) ok 40 - year check, gmtime(70368744177664) ok 41 - year check, localtime(70368744177664) ok 42 - void context warning ok 43 - prototype(gmtime) ok 44 - gmtime() ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 - void context warning ok 50 - prototype(localtime) ok 51 - localtime() ok 52 ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 1..55 ok t/timegm.t ....... ok 1 - use Time::y2038; ok 2 - timegm(gmtime(-4503599627370496)) ok 3 - timelocal(localtime(-4503599627370496)) ok 4 - timegm(gmtime(-1)) ok 5 - timelocal(localtime(-1)) ok 6 - timegm(gmtime(0)) ok 7 - timelocal(localtime(0)) ok 8 - timegm(gmtime(1)) ok 9 - timelocal(localtime(1)) ok 10 - timegm(gmtime(4503599627370496)) ok 11 - timelocal(localtime(4503599627370496)) ok 12 - DST just before spring ahead ok 13 ok 14 - DST just after spring ahead ok 15 ok 16 - DST just before fall back ok 17 ok 18 - DST at 1am ok 19 ok 20 - not DST at 1am ok 21 ok 22 - 3am after DST fall back is 2 hours after 2am ok 23 ok 24 - threw Regexp ((?^:^Usage: timegm\(\$sec, \$min, \$hour, \$mday, \$month, \$year\) at t\/timegm\.t line 17\.$)) ok 25 - threw Regexp ((?^:^Usage: timelocal\(\$sec, \$min, \$hour, \$mday, \$month, \$year\) at t\/timegm\.t line 25\.$)) 1..25 ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=83, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.02 sys + 0.15 cusr 0.07 csys = 0.27 CPU) Result: PASS MSCHWERN/Time-y2038-20100403.tar.gz ./Build test verbose=1 -- OK Michael G Schwern <> Versions of Perl's time functions which work beyond 2038 >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Time-y2038-20100403-BeQIw3 && tar cvf - Time-y2038-20100403.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MS/MSCHWERN/Time-y2038-20100403.tar.gz Time-y2038-20100403.ppd blib/ blib/lib/ blib/lib/Time/ blib/lib/Time/y2038/ blib/lib/Time/y2038/ blib/lib/Time/ blib/arch/ blib/arch/auto/ blib/arch/auto/Time/ blib/arch/auto/Time/y2038/ blib/arch/auto/Time/y2038/ blib/arch/auto/Time/y2038/ >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Time-y2038-20100403-BeQIw3/Time-y2038-20100403.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/M/MS/MSCHWERN Running test for module 'HTML::Mason' Running make for D/DR/DROLSKY/HTML-Mason-1.48.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 35 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DR/DROLSKY/HTML-Mason-1.48.tar.gz ok HTML-Mason-1.48 HTML-Mason-1.48/CREDITS HTML-Mason-1.48/Makefile.PL HTML-Mason-1.48/UPGRADE HTML-Mason-1.48/Changes HTML-Mason-1.48/LICENSE HTML-Mason-1.48/META.json HTML-Mason-1.48/MANIFEST HTML-Mason-1.48/Build.PL HTML-Mason-1.48/MANIFEST.SKIP HTML-Mason-1.48/META.yml HTML-Mason-1.48/README HTML-Mason-1.48/bin HTML-Mason-1.48/bin/ HTML-Mason-1.48/bin/convert0.8.README HTML-Mason-1.48/bin/ HTML-Mason-1.48/bin/ HTML-Mason-1.48/bin/convert0.6.README HTML-Mason-1.48/eg HTML-Mason-1.48/eg/httpd.conf HTML-Mason-1.48/eg/MyApp HTML-Mason-1.48/eg/MyApp/ HTML-Mason-1.48/eg/MyApp/ HTML-Mason-1.48/samples HTML-Mason-1.48/samples/dump-request HTML-Mason-1.48/samples/show-env HTML-Mason-1.48/samples/README HTML-Mason-1.48/t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/20-plugins.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/run_tests HTML-Mason-1.48/t/run_one_test HTML-Mason-1.48/t/07b-interp-static-source.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/01a-comp-calls.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/09a-comp_content.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/ HTML-Mason-1.48/t/18-leak.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/22-path-security.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/23-leak2.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/14-cgi.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/06-compiler.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/19-subrequest.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/06a-compiler_obj.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/11-inherit.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/15-subclass.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/12-taint.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/10-cache.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/02-sections.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/13-errors.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/10b-cache-chi.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/06c-compiler-spaces-path.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/24-tools.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/99-pod.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/05a-stack-corruption.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/06b-compiler-named-subs.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/01-syntax.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/17-print.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/taint.comp HTML-Mason-1.48/t/04-misc.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/25-log.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/21-escapes.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/07a-interp-mcr.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/25-flush-in-content.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/10a-cache-1.0x.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/05-request.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/14a-fake_apache.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/07-interp.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/09-component.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/02a-filter.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib/ HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib/ HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib/Mason HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib/Apache HTML-Mason-1.48/t/lib/Apache/ HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/no-config.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/multi-conf.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/libapreq-no-handler.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/libapreq-with-handler.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/CGIHandler.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/single-level-server-root.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/cgi-no-handler.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/taint.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/apache-filter.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/set-content-type.t HTML-Mason-1.48/t/live/cgi-with-handler.t HTML-Mason-1.48/lib HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Admin.pod HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Devel.pod HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Params.pod HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Subclassing.pod HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Resolver HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Resolver/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Resolver/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Component HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Component/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Component/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Cache HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Cache/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Apache HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Apache/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Plugin HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Plugin/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Compiler HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/HTML/Mason/Compiler/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/Bundle HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/Bundle/HTML HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/Bundle/HTML/ HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/Apache HTML-Mason-1.48/lib/Apache/ HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/FakeApache.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Component.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/index.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Compiler.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Resolver.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Devel.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Exceptions.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Params.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Lexer.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Escapes.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Plugin.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Tools.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Utils.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Interp.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Mason.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Admin.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/ApacheHandler.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Parser.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/CGIHandler.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/ComponentSource.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/MethodMaker.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Tests.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Subclassing.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Request.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Resolver HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Resolver/File.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Resolver/Null.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Component HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Component/FileBased.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Component/Subcomponent.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Cache HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Cache/BaseCache.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Plugin HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Plugin/Context.html HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Compiler HTML-Mason-1.48/htdocs/Compiler/ToObject.html HTML-Mason-1.48/inc HTML-Mason-1.48/inc/params.mtxt HTML-Mason-1.48/inc/Mason HTML-Mason-1.48/inc/Mason/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 35 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build D/DR/DROLSKY/HTML-Mason-1.48.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL # running Build.PL Created MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Creating new 'Build' script for 'HTML-Mason' version '1.48' >>> make /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Build --makefile_env_macros 1 Building HTML-Mason Converting custom POD tags in files under blib DROLSKY/HTML-Mason-1.48.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 35 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test Converting custom POD tags in files under blib # Running syntax tests (16 tests): Basic component syntax tests # Running replace (#1): tests <% %> tag # Running percent (#2): tests %-line syntax # Running fake_percent (#3): tests % in text section # Running empty_percents (#4): tests empty %-lines # Running empty_percents2 (#5): tests empty %-lines followed by other %-lines # Running space_after_method_name (#6): tests that spaces are allowed after method/subcomp names # Running comment_in_attr_flags (#7): tests that comments are allowed at end of flag/attr lines # Running dash in subcomp named (#8): tests that dashes are allowed in subcomponent names # Running flags_on_one_line (#9): tests that a flags block can be one line # Running attr_uc_ending (#10): tests that an attr ending tag can be upper-case # Running args_uc_ending (#11): tests that args ending tag can be mixed case # Running comment_in_call (#12): make a comp call with a commented line # Running comment_in_call2 (#13): make a comp call with content with a commented line # Running call_starts_with_newline (#14): make a comp call where the tag starts with a newline # Running cleanup_init (#15): test that cleanup block has access to variables from init section # Running cleanup_perl (#16): test that cleanup block has access to variables from perl section t/01-syntax.t ...................... 1..16 ok 1 - replace ok 2 - percent ok 3 - fake_percent ok 4 - empty_percents ok 5 - empty_percents2 ok 6 - space_after_method_name ok 7 - comment_in_attr_flags ok 8 - dash in subcomp named ok 9 - flags_on_one_line ok 10 - attr_uc_ending ok 11 - args_uc_ending ok 12 - comment_in_call ok 13 - comment_in_call2 ok 14 - call_starts_with_newline ok 15 - cleanup_init ok 16 - cleanup_perl ok # Running comp-calls tests (14 tests): Component call syntax # Running ampersand (#1): tests all variations of component call path syntax # Running ampersand_with_args (#2): tests variations of component calls with arguments # Running ampersand_with_funny_name (#3): component with non-alphabetic characters # Running canonicalize_paths (#4): test that various paths are canonicalized to the same component # Running fetch_comp_no_arg (#5): fetch_comp with blank or undefined argument returns undef # Running outside_comp_root_prepare (#6): test that file exists in dist/t for next two tests # Running outside_comp_root_absolute (#7): cannot call components outside comp root with absolute path # Running outside_comp_root_relative (#8): cannot call components outside comp root with relative path # Running outside_comp_root_relative_from_top (#9): cannot call components outside comp root with relative path from component at top of root # Running parent_designator_with_no_parent (#10): using PARENT from component with no parent # Running no_such_method (#11): calling nonexistent method on existing component # Running fetch_comp_no_errors (#12): fetch_comp should not throw any errors # Running comp_exists (#13): test comp_exists with various types of paths # Running comp_exists_no_arg (#14): comp_exists with blank or undefined argument returns 0 t/01a-comp-calls.t ................. 1..14 ok 1 - ampersand ok 2 - ampersand_with_args ok 3 - ampersand_with_funny_name ok 4 - canonicalize_paths ok 5 - fetch_comp_no_arg ok 6 - outside_comp_root_prepare ok 7 - outside_comp_root_absolute ok 8 - outside_comp_root_relative ok 9 - outside_comp_root_relative_from_top ok 10 - parent_designator_with_no_parent ok 11 - no_such_method ok 12 - fetch_comp_no_errors ok 13 - comp_exists ok 14 - comp_exists_no_arg ok # Running sections tests (15 tests): Tests various <%foo> sections # Running args (#1): tests <%args> block # Running attr (#2): tests <%attr> block # Running def (#3): tests <%def> block # Running doc (#4): tests <%doc> section # Running filter (#5): tests <%filter> section # Running flags (#6): tests <%flags> section # Running init (#7): tests <%init> section # Running method (#8): tests <%method> section # Running once (#9): tests <%once> block # Running perl (#10): test <%perl> sections and makes sure block names are case-insensitive # Running omitted_args (#11): tests error message when expect args are not passed # Running overridden_args (#12): tests overriding of default args values # Running shared (#13): tests <%shared> section # Running text (#14): tests <%text> section # Running multiple (#15): tests repeated blocks of the same type t/02-sections.t .................... 1..15 ok 1 - args ok 2 - attr ok 3 - def ok 4 - doc ok 5 - filter ok 6 - flags ok 7 - init ok 8 - method ok 9 - once ok 10 - perl ok 11 - omitted_args ok 12 - overridden_args ok 13 - shared ok 14 - text ok 15 - multiple ok # Running filter tests (14 tests): Tests <%filter> specific problems # Running filter_and_shared (#1): make sure <%filter> can see variables from <%shared> # Running filter_and_ARGS (#2): make sure <%filter> can see variables %ARGS # Running filter_and_ARGS_assign (#3): make sure <%filter> can see changes to %ARGS # Running filter_and_args_section (#4): make sure <%filter> can see variables from <%args> section # Running filter_and_args_error (#5): args error should not present a problem for <%filter> # Running filter_and_clear (#6): make sure <%filter> does not break $m->clear_buffer # Running filters_in_subcomps (#7): test <%filter> sections in subcomps only # Running filters_in_comp_and_subcomps (#8): test <%filter> sections in both main comp and subcomps # Running filter_and_flush (#9): test that filter still occurs in presence of flush # Running clear_in_comp_called_with_filter (#10): Test that clear_buffer clears _all_ buffers, even inside a filter # Running comp_call_in_filter (#11): Test that calling another component from a filter section works # Running auto_filter_die/abort_comp_call_in_filter_with_autohandler (#12): Test that calling another component that dies from a filter section in a component wrapped by an autohandler produces a proper error # Running abort_in_filter (#13): Test that abort in a filter causes no output # Running abort_in_shared_with_filter (#14): Test that abort in a shared block works when component has a filter block t/02a-filter.t ..................... 1..14 ok 1 - filter_and_shared ok 2 - filter_and_ARGS ok 3 - filter_and_ARGS_assign ok 4 - filter_and_args_section ok 5 - filter_and_args_error ok 6 - filter_and_clear ok 7 - filters_in_subcomps ok 8 - filters_in_comp_and_subcomps ok 9 - filter_and_flush ok 10 - clear_in_comp_called_with_filter ok 11 - comp_call_in_filter ok 12 - auto_filter_die/abort_comp_call_in_filter_with_autohandler ok 13 - abort_in_filter ok 14 - abort_in_shared_with_filter ok # Running misc tests (11 tests): autohandler and dhandler functionality # Running autohandler (#1): autohandler test # Running dhandler1 (#2): tests dhandler against nonexistent comp # Running dhandler2 (#3): real comp to make sure the real comp is invoked, not the dhandler # Running dhandler3 (#4): real comp declines the request to make sure the dhandler is invoked # Running dhandler4 (#5): declines twice to make sure higher level dhandler is called # Running dhandler5 (#6): decline with doubled slash (//) in URL path # Running dhandler6 (#7): test that a dhandler more than one directory up is found # Running accessor_validate (#8): test accessor parameter validation # Running contained_accessor_validate (#9): test contained accessor parameter validation # Running top_level_dhandler_handles (#10): make sure dhandler at /dhandler is called correctly after decline from lower-level dhandler # Running top_level_dhandler_declines (#11): make sure /dhandler decline results in not-found error t/04-misc.t ........................ 1..11 ok 1 - autohandler ok 2 - dhandler1 ok 3 - dhandler2 ok 4 - dhandler3 ok 5 - dhandler4 ok 6 - dhandler5 ok 7 - dhandler6 ok 8 - accessor_validate ok 9 - contained_accessor_validate ok 10 - top_level_dhandler_handles ok 11 - top_level_dhandler_declines ok # Running request tests (38 tests): request object functionality # Running abort (#1): test $m->abort method (autoflush on) # Running abort_0 (#2): test $m->abort method with value of 0 # Running abort (#3): test $m->abort method (autoflush off) # Running file (#4): tests $m->file method # Running file_in_subcomp (#5): tests $m->file method in subcomponent # Running list_out (#6): tests that $m->print can handle a list of arguments # Running req_obj (#7): tests various operations such as comp calls, $m->current_comp # Running various (#8): tests caller, callers, fetch_comp, process_comp_path, comp_exists and scomp # Running fetch_next (#9): Test $m->fetch_next and $m->fetch_next_all # Running print (#10): Test print function from a component # Running printf (#11): Test printf function from a component # Running autoflush_print (#12): Test print function from a component with autoflush on # Running autoflush_printf (#13): Test printf function from a component with autoflush on # Running flush_print (#14): Test print function from a component in conjunction with $m->flush_buffer call # Running flush_print_autoflush (#15): Test print function from a component with autoflush on in conjunction with $m->flush_buffer call # Running flush_filter (#16): Test $m->flush_buffer in presence of filter # Running clear_buffer (#17): Test $m->clear_buffer in a normal component # Running clear_filter (#18): Test $m->clear_buffer in presence of filter # Running autoflush_disabled (#19): Using autoflush when disabled generates an error # Running instance (#20): Test HTML::Mason::Request->instance # Running abort_and_filter (#21): Test that an abort in a filtered component still generates _some_ output, and that filter is run only once # Running abort_and_filter_2 (#22): Test that $m->aborted can be checked in a filter section # Running abort_and_store (#23): Test that an abort in a store'd component still generates _some_ output # Running clear_and_abort (#24): Test the clear_and_abort() method # Running reexec (#25): test that $m cannot be reexecuted # Running caller_in_subcomp (#26): tests $m->caller() in subcomponent # Running caller_at_top_level (#27): tests $m->caller() from top component # Running longjump (#28): Accidentally calling next to exit a component does not corrupt stack # Got warnings: Exiting subroutine via next at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14762/comps/request/support/subdir/longjump_test2 line 2. # Exiting subroutine via next at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14762/comps/request/support/subdir/longjump_test2 line 2. # Exiting subroutine via next at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14762/comps/request/support/subdir/longjump_test2 line 2. # Exiting subroutine via next at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14762/comps/request/support/subdir/longjump_test2 line 2. # Exiting subroutine via next at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14762/comps/request/support/subdir/longjump_test2 line 2. # Exiting subroutine via next at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14762/comps/request/support/subdir/longjump_test2 line 2. # Running callers_out_of_bounds (#29): tests $m->callers() for out of bounds indexes # Running call_self (#30): Test $m->call_self # Running call_self_retval (#31): Test that we can get return value of component via $m->call_self # Running call_self_output_and_retval (#32): Test that we can get return value and output of component via $m->call_self # Running call_self_with_filter (#33): Test that $m->call_self works in presence of filter # Running subcomp_from_shared (#34): Test calling a subcomponent inside shared block # Running method_in_shared (#35): Test calling a method inside shared block # Running notes (#36): Test the notes() method # Running flush_and_store (#37): Test that $m->flush_buffer is ignored in a store'd component # Running flush_and_scomp_recursive (#38): Test that $m->flush_buffer is ignored in a recursive scomp() call t/05-request.t ..................... 1..38 ok 1 - abort ok 2 - abort_0 ok 3 - abort ok 4 - file ok 5 - file_in_subcomp ok 6 - list_out ok 7 - req_obj ok 8 - various ok 9 - fetch_next ok 10 - print ok 11 - printf ok 12 - autoflush_print ok 13 - autoflush_printf ok 14 - flush_print ok 15 - flush_print_autoflush ok 16 - flush_filter ok 17 - clear_buffer ok 18 - clear_filter ok 19 - autoflush_disabled ok 20 - instance ok 21 - abort_and_filter ok 22 - abort_and_filter_2 ok 23 - abort_and_store ok 24 - clear_and_abort ok 25 - reexec ok 26 - caller_in_subcomp ok 27 - caller_at_top_level ok 28 - longjump ok 29 - callers_out_of_bounds ok 30 - call_self ok 31 - call_self_retval ok 32 - call_self_output_and_retval ok 33 - call_self_with_filter ok 34 - subcomp_from_shared ok 35 - method_in_shared ok 36 - notes ok 37 - flush_and_store ok 38 - flush_and_scomp_recursive ok # Running stack_corruption tests (1 tests): tests for stack corruption # Running stack_corruption (#1): test for stack corruption with comp-with-content call t/05a-stack-corruption.t ........... 1..1 ok 1 - stack_corruption ok # Running compiler tests (64 tests): compiler and lexer object functionality # Running allowed_globals (#1): test that undeclared globals cause an error # Running allowed_globals2 (#2): test that undeclared globals cause an error # Running allowed_globals3 (#3): test that declared globals are allowed # Running default_escape_flags (#4): test that no escaping is done by default # Running default_escape_flags_new (#5): test new escape flags # Running default_escape_flags_2 (#6): test that turning on default escaping works # Running default_escape_flags_2_new (#7): test that turning on default escaping works with new flags # Running setting_escapes (#8): test setting escapes # Running invalid_escape_name (#9): test setting an escape with an invalid name # Running globals_in_default_package (#10): tests that components are executed in HTML::Mason::Commands package by default # Running globals_in_different_package (#11): tests in_package compiler parameter # Running preamble (#12): tests preamble compiler parameter # Running postamble (#13): tests postamble compiler parameter # Running preprocess (#14): test preprocess compiler parameter # Running postprocess_text1 (#15): test postprocess compiler parameter (alpha blocks) # Running postprocess_text2 (#16): test postprocess compiler parameter (alpha blocks) # Running postprocess_perl1 (#17): test postprocess compiler parameter (perl blocks) # Running postprocess_perl2 (#18): test postprocess compiler parameter (perl blocks) # Running bad_var_name (#19): test that invalid Perl variable names are caught # Running whitespace_near_args (#20): test that whitespace is allowed before # Running line_nums (#21): make sure that errors are reported with the correct line numbers # Running line_nums2 (#22): make sure that errors are reported with the correct line numbers # Running line_nums3 (#23): make sure that errors are reported with the correct line numbers # Running line_nums4 (#24): make sure that errors are reported with the correct line numbers in <%once> blocks # Running line_nums_with_escaped_newlines (#25): Check line numbers of error messages after escaped newlines # Running line_nums_off_by_one (#26): make sure that line number reporting is not off by one # Running line_nums_off_2 (#27): make sure that line number reporting is not off (another buggy case) # Running attr_block_zero (#28): test proper handling of zero in <%attr> block values # Running attr_flag_block_comment (#29): test comment lines in attr and flags blocks # Running attr_flag_block_empty (#30): test empty attr and flags blocks # Running subcomp_parse_error (#31): A misnamed block at the beginning of a component was throwing the lexer into an infinite loop. Now it should be compiled into a component with a syntax error. # Running error_in_args (#32): Test line number reporting for <%args> block # Running block_end_without_nl (#33): Test that a block can end without a newline before it # Running more_block_variations (#34): Test various mixture of whitespace with blocks # Running percent_at_end (#35): Make sure that percent signs are only considered perl lines when at the beginning of the line # Running nameless_method (#36): Check for appropriate error message when there is a method or def block without a name # Running invalid_method_name (#37): Check for appropriate error message when there is a method with an invalid name # Running uc_method (#38): make sure that <%METHOD ...> is allowed # Running no_strict (#39): test turning off strict in a component # Running no_strict_no_object_files (#40): test turning off strict in a component when not using object files # Running weird_case (#41): test weird parsing case # Running subst_tag_comments (#42): Make sure comments parse correctly in substitution tags # Running shared_to_init (#43): Make sure <%init> can see lexicals in <%shared> # Running shared_to_init_global (#44): Make sure <%init> can see global variables in <%shared> # Running double_pipe_or (#45): Make sure || works in a substitution # Running double_pipe_or_2 (#46): Make sure || works in a substitution (again) # Running flags_regex (#47): Make sure flags must start with alpha or underscore # Running qw_in_perl_lines (#48): Make sure that Mason that a qw() list stretching across multiple perl-lines works # Running subcomp_leak (#49): Make sure subcomps from one component do not show up in other components # Running use_source_line_numbers_1 (#50): test presence of line directives when use_source_line_numbers is 1 (default) # Running use_source_line_numbers_0 (#51): test absence of line directives when use_source_line_numbers is 1 # Running define_args_hash_never (#52): test setting define_args_hash to never # Running define_args_hash_always (#53): test setting define_args_hash to always # Running define_args_hash_auto (#54): test setting define_args_hash to always # Running comment_in_sub (#55): test a substitution that only contains a comment # Running in_package_shared (#56): Make sure in_package works with %shared # Running in_package_m_in_shared (#57): Make sure $m works with %shared when in_package is set # Running compiler_id_change (#58): Make sure different compiler params use different object dirs # Running no_warnings (#59): Make sure no warnings are generated for trying to output undef # Running no_warnings_without_autoflush (#60): Make sure no warnings are generated for trying to output undef when enable_autoflush is off # Running warnings (#61): Make sure that warnings _are_ generated for other bad use of uninit # Got warnings: Use of uninitialized value $x in addition (+) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14768/comps/compiler/warnings line 2. # Running warnings_without_autoflush (#62): Make sure that warnings _are_ generated for other bad use of uninit when enable_autoflush is off # Got warnings: Use of uninitialized value $x in addition (+) at /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/HTML-Mason-1.48-rGHm_j/mason_tests/14768/comps/compiler/warnings_without_autoflush line 2. # Running unbalanced_content_block_error (#63): Detect and report unbalanced tags # Running unbalanced_content_block_subcomp_error (#64): Detect and report unbalanced tags in subcomponents t/06-compiler.t .................... 1..64 ok 1 - allowed_globals ok 2 - allowed_globals2 ok 3 - allowed_globals3 ok 4 - default_escape_flags ok 5 - default_escape_flags_new ok 6 - default_escape_flags_2 ok 7 - default_escape_flags_2_new ok 8 - setting_escapes ok 9 - invalid_escape_name ok 10 - globals_in_default_package ok 11 - globals_in_different_package ok 12 - preamble ok 13 - postamble ok 14 - preprocess ok 15 - postprocess_text1 ok 16 - postprocess_text2 ok 17 - postprocess_perl1 ok 18 - postprocess_perl2 ok 19 - bad_var_name ok 20 - whitespace_near_args ok 21 - line_nums ok 22 - line_nums2 ok 23 - line_nums3 ok 24 - line_nums4 ok 25 - line_nums_with_escaped_newlines ok 26 - line_nums_off_by_one ok 27 - line_nums_off_2 ok 28 - attr_block_zero ok 29 - attr_flag_block_comment ok 30 - attr_flag_block_empty ok 31 - subcomp_parse_error ok 32 - error_in_args ok 33 - block_end_without_nl ok 34 - more_block_variations ok 35 - percent_at_end ok 36 - nameless_method ok 37 - invalid_method_name ok 38 - uc_method ok 39 - no_strict ok 40 - no_strict_no_object_files ok 41 - weird_case ok 42 - subst_tag_comments ok 43 - shared_to_init ok 44 - shared_to_init_global ok 45 - double_pipe_or ok 46 - double_pipe_or_2 ok 47 - flags_regex ok 48 - qw_in_perl_lines ok 49 - subcomp_leak ok 50 - use_source_line_numbers_1 ok 51 - use_source_line_numbers_0 ok 52 - define_args_hash_never ok 53 - define_args_hash_always ok 54 - define_args_hash_auto ok 55 - comment_in_sub ok 56 - in_package_shared ok 57 - in_package_m_in_shared ok 58 - compiler_id_change ok 59 - no_warnings ok 60 - no_warnings_without_autoflush ok 61 - warnings ok 62 - warnings_without_autoflush ok 63 - unbalanced_content_block_error ok 64 - unbalanced_content_block_subcomp_error ok t/06a-compiler_obj.t ............... 1..4 # Running under perl version 5.016000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Jun 5 13:16:42 2012 # Current time GMT: Tue Jun 5 20:16:42 2012 # Using version 1.25 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok # Running compiler_named_subs tests (4 tests): compiler with named subs in components # Running basic (#1): Make sure that named_component_subs_works # Running subcomps (#2): Make sure that named_component_subs_works with subcomps # Running methods (#3): Make sure that named_component_subs_works with methods # Running shared (#4): Make sure that named_component_subs_works with shared block t/06b-compiler-named-subs.t ........ 1..4 ok 1 - basic ok 2 - subcomps ok 3 - methods ok 4 - shared ok # Running has space tests (1 tests): compiler test for paths with spaces # Running whatever (#1): error in component in path with spaces t/06c-compiler-spaces-path.t ....... 1..1 ok 1 - whatever ok # Running interp tests (35 tests): interp object functionality # Running no recursive autohandlers (#1): tests turning off recursive autohandlers # Running no autohandlers (#2): tests turning off autohandlers by setting name to "" # Running alternate autohandler name (#3): tests that providing an alternate name for autohandlers works # Running shared (#4): test that component in both comp_roots is called in first comp_root # Running private1 (#5): test that component in first comp_root is found # Running private2 (#6): test that component in second comp_root is found # Running max_recurse_1 (#7): Test that recursion 8 levels deep is allowed # Running max_recurse_2 (#8): Test that recursion is stopped after 32 levels # Running max_recurse_3 (#9): Test interp max_recurse param # Running code_cache_unlimited (#10): code cache: max_size = unlimited # Running code_cache_0 (#11): code cache: max_size = 0 # Running code_cache_4 (#12): code cache: max_size = 4 # Running code_cache_8 (#13): code cache: max_size = 8 # Running dhandler_name (#14): Test that providing an alternate name for dhandlers works # Running dhandler_name2 (#15): Shut off dhandlers # Running dhandler_name0 (#16): dhandler_name => 0 should not shut off dhandlers # Running no_autoflush_mode (#17): Test that no autoflush (batch) mode setting works # Running autoflush_mode (#18): Test that autoflush setting works # Running preload_1 (#19): Make sure no preloading is done by default # Running preload_2 (#20): Preload a single component by filename # Running preload_3 (#21): Preload all components (including subdirectory) by glob pattern # Running globals (#22): Test setting a global in interp & compiler objects # Running process_comp_path (#23): Test that component paths cannot be resolved outside the comp root # Running process_comp_path2 (#24): Test that component paths containing /../ work as long they stay in the comp root # Running default_warnings (#25): test that warnings during component compilation cause an exception except for redefined subs # Running ignore_warnings (#26): test that setting ignore_warnings_exp works # Running ignore_all_warnings (#27): test ignoring all warnings # Running make_anonymous_component (#28): test make_component() without a path # Running read_write_contained (#29): test that we can read/write contained object params # Running no_data_dir (#30): test interp without a data directory # Running no_comp_root (#31): test interp without a comp root or data dir # Running make_component_error (#32): make sure a proper exception is thrown with make_component syntax errors # Running escape_flags (#33): test setting escape flags via constructor # Running set_out_method (#34): test setting out_method on the interp object # Running corrupt_object_file (#35): test that Mason can recover from a corrupt or empty object file t/07-interp.t ...................... 1..35 ok 1 - no recursive autohandlers ok 2 - no autohandlers ok 3 - alternate autohandler name ok 4 - shared ok 5 - private1 ok 6 - private2 ok 7 - max_recurse_1 ok 8 - max_recurse_2 ok 9 - max_recurse_3 ok 10 - code_cache_unlimited ok 11 - code_cache_0 ok 12 - code_cache_4 ok 13 - code_cache_8 ok 14 - dhandler_name ok 15 - dhandler_name2 ok 16 - dhandler_name0 ok 17 - no_autoflush_mode ok 18 - autoflush_mode ok 19 - preload_1 ok 20 - preload_2 ok 21 - preload_3 ok 22 - globals ok 23 - process_comp_path ok 24 - process_comp_path2 ok 25 - default_warnings ok 26 - ignore_warnings ok 27 - ignore_all_warnings ok 28 - make_anonymous_component ok 29 - read_write_contained ok 30 - no_data_dir ok 31 - no_comp_root ok 32 - make_component_error ok 33 - escape_flags ok 34 - set_out_method ok 35 - corrupt_object_file ok # Running interp-mcr tests (17 tests): In-depth testing of multiple component roots # Running no_dynamic_comp_root (#1): change comp root without dynamic_comp_root # Running change_single_comp_root (#2): change single root # Running reuse_comp_root_key (#3): change comp root key mapping # Running test17-0 (#4): test roots assigned to 1, 7, static_source=0 # Running test12348-0 (#5): test roots assigned to 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, static_source=0 # Running test1237-0 (#6): test roots assigned to 1, 2, 3, 7, static_source=0 # Running test2347-0 (#7): test roots assigned to 2, 3, 4, 7, static_source=0 # Running test54238-0 (#8): test roots assigned to 5, 4, 2, 3, 8, static_source=0 # Running test56-0 (#9): test roots assigned to 5, 6, static_source=0 # Running test1234-0 (#10): test roots assigned to 1, 2, 3, 4, static_source=0 # Running test17-1 (#11): test roots assigned to 1, 7, static_source=1 # Running test12348-1 (#12): test roots assigned to 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, static_source=1 # Running test1237-1 (#13): test roots assigned to 1, 2, 3, 7, static_source=1 # Running test2347-1 (#14): test roots assigned to 2, 3, 4, 7, static_source=1 # Running test54238-1 (#15): test roots assigned to 5, 4, 2, 3, 8, static_source=1 # Running test56-1 (#16): test roots assigned to 5, 6, static_source=1 # Running test1234-1 (#17): test roots assigned to 1, 2, 3, 4, static_source=1 t/07a-interp-mcr.t ................. 1..17 ok 1 - no_dynamic_comp_root ok 2 - change_single_comp_root ok 3 - reuse_comp_root_key ok 4 - test17-0 ok 5 - test12348-0 ok 6 - test1237-0 ok 7 - test2347-0 ok 8 - test54238-0 ok 9 - test56-0 ok 10 - test1234-0 ok 11 - test17-1 ok 12 - test12348-1 ok 13 - test1237-1 ok 14 - test2347-1 ok 15 - test54238-1 ok 16 - test56-1 ok 17 - test1234-1 ok # Running interp-static-source tests (6 tests): interp static source mode # Running change_component_without_static_source (#1): test that on-the-fly component changes are detected with static_source=0 # Running change_component_with_static_source (#2): test that changing component has no effect with static_source=1 # Running change_component_with_static_source_touch_file (#3): test that changing component has no effect until touch file is touched # Running remove_component_without_static_source (#4): test that removing source causes component not found with static_source=0 # Running remove_component_with_static_source (#5): test that removing source has no effect with static_source=1 # Running flush_code_cache_with_static_source (#6): test that code cache flush & object file removal works with static_source=1 t/07b-interp-static-source.t ....... 1..6 ok 1 - change_component_without_static_source ok 2 - change_component_with_static_source ok 3 - change_component_with_static_source_touch_file ok 4 - remove_component_without_static_source ok 5 - remove_component_with_static_source ok 6 - flush_code_cache_with_static_source ok # Running component tests (14 tests): Component object functionality # Running comp_obj (#1): Tests several component object methods # Running context (#2): Tests list/scalar context propogation in comp calls # Running scomp (#3): Test scomp Request method # Running mfu_count (#4): Test mfu_count component method # Running store (#5): Test store parameter to component call # Running flush_clear (#6): Flush then clear # Running flush_clear_scomp (#7): Flush then clear inside scomp - flush only affects top buffer # Running attr_if_exists (#8): Test attr_if_exists method # Running methods (#9): Test methods method # Running subcomps (#10): Test subcomps method # Running attributes (#11): Test attributes method # Running component_args_copying (#12): Test that @_ contains aliases, <%args> and %ARGS contain copies after comp # Running subrequest_args_copying (#13): Test that @_ contains aliases, <%args> and %ARGS contain copies after subrequest # Running modification_read_only_arg (#14): Test that read-only argument cannot be modified through @_ t/09-component.t ................... 1..14 ok 1 - comp_obj ok 2 - context ok 3 - scomp ok 4 - mfu_count ok 5 - store ok 6 - flush_clear ok 7 - flush_clear_scomp ok 8 - attr_if_exists ok 9 - methods ok 10 - subcomps ok 11 - attributes ok 12 - component_args_copying ok 13 - subrequest_args_copying ok 14 - modification_read_only_arg ok # Running filters tests (22 tests): Filter Component # Running repeat (#1): Tests a filter which outputs the content multiple times, with different values # Running filter (#2): Tests a filter changes the contents # Running nested (#3): Tests nested filters # Running contentless (#4): test a filter with no content # Running default_content (#5): test a filter which does not access content # Running current_component (#6): test $m->current_comp inside filter content # Running various_tags (#7): test various tags in content # Running filter_with_filter (#8): test interaction with filter section # Running top_level_content (#9): test $m->content at top level is empty # Running filter_content (#10): test filtering $m->content # Running subcomponent_filter (#11): test method as filter # Running dollar_underscore (#12): Test using $_ in a filter # Running multi_filter (#13): Test order of multiple filters # Running clear_in_filter (#14): Test clear_buffer in a filtered call # Running clear_in_filter2 (#15): More clear_buffer in a filtered call # Running flush_in_filter (#16): Test flush_buffer in a filtered call # Running has_content (#17): Test $m->has_content # Running ending_tag_match (#18): Test # Running ending_tag_nomatch (#19): Test bad match # Running ending_tag_expr (#20): Test expr in <& expr> not matched # Running ending_tag_expr2 (#21): Test expr in not allowed # Running multiline_open_close (#22): Tests multiline opening and closing blocks for component with content call tags t/09a-comp_content.t ............... 1..22 ok 1 - repeat ok 2 - filter ok 3 - nested ok 4 - contentless ok 5 - default_content ok 6 - current_component ok 7 - various_tags ok 8 - filter_with_filter ok 9 - top_level_content ok 10 - filter_content ok 11 - subcomponent_filter ok 12 - dollar_underscore ok 13 - multi_filter ok 14 - clear_in_filter ok 15 - clear_in_filter2 ok 16 - flush_in_filter ok 17 - has_content ok 18 - ending_tag_match ok 19 - ending_tag_nomatch ok 20 - ending_tag_expr ok 21 - ending_tag_expr2 ok 22 - multiline_open_close ok # Running cache tests (20 tests): Test caching # Running cache_packages (#1): test that Mason cache packages get created # Running cache (#2): basic caching functionality # Running keys (#3): test multiple keys and $m->cache->get_keys # Running cache_self (#4): test $m->cache_self # Running cache_self_expires_in (#5): test that $m->cache_self respects expires_in parameter # Running cache_self_expire_in (#6): test that $m->cache_self respects expire_in parameter # Running cache_self_expire_if (#7): test that $m->cache_self respects expire_if parameter # Running cache_self_key (#8): test $m->cache_self with a key # Running cache_self_error (#9): test $m->cache_self with an error to make sure errors are propogated # Running cache_self_scomp (#10): make sure that $m->cache_self cooperates with $m->scomp # Running cache_self_filtered (#11): test $m->cache_self with a filter block # Running cache_self_filtered_scomp (#12): test $m->cache_self with a filter block callled via $m->scomp # Running cache_self_filtered_2 (#13): make sure that results are only filtered once # Running expire_if (#14): test expire_if # Running busy_lock (#15): test busy_lock # Running busy_lock_expiration (#16): test busy_lock expiration # Running cache_self_death (#17): test $m->cache_self and death # Running cache_self_abort (#18): test $m->cache_self and abort # Running cache_self_with_subexec (#19): test $m->subexec in presence of $m->cache_self # Running declined/cache_self_decline (#20): test $m->decline in presence of $m->cache_self t/10-cache.t ....................... 1..20 ok 1 - cache_packages ok 2 - cache ok 3 - keys ok 4 - cache_self ok 5 - cache_self_expires_in ok 6 - cache_self_expire_in ok 7 - cache_self_expire_if ok 8 - cache_self_key ok 9 - cache_self_error ok 10 - cache_self_scomp ok 11 - cache_self_filtered ok 12 - cache_self_filtered_scomp ok 13 - cache_self_filtered_2 ok 14 - expire_if ok 15 - busy_lock ok 16 - busy_lock_expiration ok 17 - cache_self_death ok 18 - cache_self_abort ok 19 - cache_self_with_subexec ok 20 - declined/cache_self_decline ok # Running cache tests (6 tests): Test caching # Running cache (#1): basic caching functionality # Running cache_self (#2): cache_self functionality # Running keys (#3): test $m->cache( action => 'keys' ) # Running expire_if (#4): test expire_if # Running busy_lock (#5): test busy_lock # Running busy_lock_expiration (#6): test busy_lock expiration t/10a-cache-1.0x.t ................. 1..6 ok 1 - cache ok 2 - cache_self ok 3 - keys ok 4 - expire_if ok 5 - busy_lock ok 6 - busy_lock_expiration ok # Running cache tests (20 tests): Test caching # Running cache (#1): basic caching functionality # Running keys (#2): test multiple keys and $m->cache->get_keys # Running cache_self (#3): test $m->cache_self # Running cache_self_expires_in (#4): test that $m->cache_self respects expires_in parameter # Running cache_self_expire_in (#5): test that $m->cache_self respects expire_in parameter # Running cache_self_expire_if (#6): test that $m->cache_self respects expire_if parameter # Running cache_self_key (#7): test $m->cache_self with a key # Running cache_self_error (#8): test $m->cache_self with an error to make sure errors are propogated # Running cache_self_scomp (#9): make sure that $m->cache_self cooperates with $m->scomp # Running cache_self_filtered (#10): test $m->cache_self with a filter block # Running cache_self_filtered_scomp (#11): test $m->cache_self with a filter block callled via $m->scomp # Running cache_self_filtered_2 (#12): make sure that results are only filtered once # Running expire_if (#13): test expire_if # Running busy_lock (#14): test busy_lock # Running busy_lock_expiration (#15): test busy_lock expiration # Running cache_self_death (#16): test $m->cache_self and death # Running cache_self_abort (#17): test $m->cache_self and abort # Running cache_self_with_subexec (#18): test $m->subexec in presence of $m->cache_self # Running declined/cache_self_decline (#19): test $m->decline in presence of $m->cache_self # Running data_cache_defaults (#20): modifying data_cache_defaults t/10b-cache-chi.t .................. 1..20 ok 1 - cache ok 2 - keys ok 3 - cache_self ok 4 - cache_self_expires_in ok 5 - cache_self_expire_in ok 6 - cache_self_expire_if ok 7 - cache_self_key ok 8 - cache_self_error ok 9 - cache_self_scomp ok 10 - cache_self_filtered ok 11 - cache_self_filtered_scomp ok 12 - cache_self_filtered_2 ok 13 - expire_if ok 14 - busy_lock ok 15 - busy_lock_expiration ok 16 - cache_self_death ok 17 - cache_self_abort ok 18 - cache_self_with_subexec ok 19 - declined/cache_self_decline ok 20 - data_cache_defaults ok # Running inherit tests (10 tests): Test inheritance # Running bypass (#1): test inheritance that skips one autohandler # Running ignore (#2): turning off inheritance # Running normal (#3): normal inheritance path # Running base_comp (#4): base_comp test # Running base_comp_method (#5): base_comp method inheritance test # Running double_parent (#6): test that parent does not confuse children # Running subcomponent (#7): test subcomponents # Running call_next_in_def (#8): Test call_next() inside a subcomponent # Running subcomponent_inheritance (#9): test base_comp with subcomponents # Running request_tests (#10): Test that REQUEST: works t/11-inherit.t ..................... 1..10 ok 1 - bypass ok 2 - ignore ok 3 - normal ok 4 - base_comp ok 5 - base_comp_method ok 6 - double_parent ok 7 - subcomponent ok 8 - call_next_in_def ok 9 - subcomponent_inheritance ok 10 - request_tests ok t/12-taint.t ....................... 1..9 # Running under perl version 5.016000 for linux # Current time local: Tue Jun 5 13:17:15 2012 # Current time GMT: Tue Jun 5 20:17:15 2012 # Using version 1.25 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok # Running errors tests (26 tests): Test that errors are generated properly # Running bad_args (#1): Make sure a bad args line is caught properly # Running backtrace (#2): Make sure trace for second error is accurate when first error is caught by eval # Running read_zero_size (#3): Make sure that Mason handles a zero length source file correctly # Running bad_source_callback (#4): Make sure that a bad source_callback for a ComponentSource object reports a useful error # Running bad_escape_flag (#5): Make sure that an invalid escape flag is reported properly # Running error_mode_output (#6): Make sure that existing output is cleared when an error occurs in error_mode=output # Running error_in_subrequest (#7): Make sure that an error in a subrequest is propogated back to the main request # Running check_error_format (#8): Make sure setting error_format => "html" works # Running check_exec_not_found (#9): Request to non-existent component # Running check_exec_not_found_html_format (#10): Request to non-existent component in html format # Running check_comp_not_found (#11): Component call to non-existent component # Running change_error_format (#12): Make sure setting $m->error_format($foo) works on the fly # Running check_error_format_brief (#13): Make sure setting error_format => "brief" works # Running object_exception (#14): Make sure Mason doesn't co-opt non Exception::Class exception objects # Running subcomponent_redefined (#15): Make sure Mason doesn't allow redefinition of subcomponent # Running method_redefined (#16): Make sure Mason doesn't allow redefinition of method # Running method_subcomp_conflict (#17): Make sure Mason doesn't allow a subcomponent and method to have the same name # Running subcomp_bad_name (#18): Make sure Mason doesn't allow a subcomponent with a bad name # Running content_comp_wrong_error (#19): Make sure syntax error inside <&|> tags is thrown correctly # Running top_level_compilation_error (#20): Make sure top-level compiler errors work in output mode # Running component_error_handler_false (#21): Test error-handling with component_error_handler set to false # Running component_error_Handler_no_upgrade (#22): Test that errors do not become object with component_error_handler set to false # Running component_error_handler_false_fatal_mode (#23): Test error-handling with component_error_handler set to false and error_mode set to fatal # Running component_error_handler_uc_message (#24): Test error-handling with component_error_handler set to a subroutine that upper-cases all text # Running use_bad_module (#25): Use a module with an error # Running require_bad_module_in_once (#26): Require a module with an error in a once block t/13-errors.t ...................... 1..26 ok 1 - bad_args ok 2 - backtrace ok 3 - read_zero_size ok 4 - bad_source_callback ok 5 - bad_escape_flag ok 6 - error_mode_output ok 7 - error_in_subrequest ok 8 - check_error_format ok 9 - check_exec_not_found ok 10 - check_exec_not_found_html_format ok 11 - check_comp_not_found ok 12 - change_error_format ok 13 - check_error_format_brief ok 14 - object_exception ok 15 - subcomponent_redefined ok 16 - method_redefined ok 17 - method_subcomp_conflict ok 18 - subcomp_bad_name ok 19 - content_comp_wrong_error ok 20 - top_level_compilation_error ok 21 - component_error_handler_false ok 22 - component_error_Handler_no_upgrade ok 23 - component_error_handler_false_fatal_mode ok 24 - component_error_handler_uc_message ok 25 - use_bad_module ok 26 - require_bad_module_in_once ok # Running cgi tests (7 tests): HTML::Mason::CGIHandler class # Running basic (#1): Test basic CGIHandler operation # Running dynamic (#2): Test CGIHandler operation with dynamic components # Running args (#3): Test CGIHandler operation with arguments # Running cgi_object (#4): Test access to the CGI request object # Running fatal_error (#5): Test fatal error_mode # Running headers (#6): Test header generation # Running redirect_headers (#7): Test header generation t/14-cgi.t ......................... 1..7 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ok 1 - basic Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ok 2 - dynamic Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ok 3 - args Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ok 4 - cgi_object ok 5 - fatal_error Foo: bar Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 ok 6 - headers Status: 302 Location: /hello.html ok 7 - redirect_headers ok t/14a-fake_apache.t ................ 1..97 ok 1 - use HTML::Mason::CGIHandler; ok 2 - Create new FakeTable ok 3 - Assing to Location ok 4 - Location if 'foo' ok 5 - location if 'foo' ok 6 - Delete location ok 7 - Set 'Hey' to 1 ok 8 - Add another value to 'Hey' ok 9 - Get array for 'Hey' ok 10 - Get first 'Hey' value only ok 11 - Check key in 'do' ok 12 - Check value in 'do' ok 13 - Check key in short 'do' ok 14 - Check value in short 'do' ok 15 - Set 'Hey' to 'bar' ok 16 - Get 'Hey' ok 17 - Get 'Hey' with get() ok 18 - Add 'you' to 'Hey' ok 19 - Get 'Hey' ok 20 - Get 'Hey' with get() ok 21 - Unset 'Hey' ok 22 - Hey doesn't exist ok 23 - Hey is undef ok 24 - Add Foo value ok 25 - Hey doesn't exist ok 26 - Hey is undef ok 27 - Create new FakeApache ok 28 - Check request method ok 29 - Set content type ok 30 - Check content type ok 31 - Get headers out ok 32 - Check header content-type ok 33 - Check lc header content-type ok 34 - Check header content-type ok 35 - Check lc header content-type ok 36 - Get headers out ok 37 - Check header content-type ok 38 - List context returns new hash list ok 39 - Set annoyance level ok 40 - Check annoyance level ok 41 - Check the hash directly ok 42 - Unset annoyance level ok 43 - Check annoyance level again ok 44 - Check the hash directly again ok 45 - Set cookie ok 46 - Set cookie ok 47 - Get error headers out ok 48 - Check for no error headers out ok 49 - Set location header ok 50 - Check Location ok 51 - Check location ok 52 - Get Location ok 53 - Get location ok 54 - Check user agent ok 55 - Get headers in table ok 56 - Check referer ok 57 - Check in content type ok 58 - Get notes ok 59 - No notes yet ok 60 - Set note 'foo' ok 61 - Get note 'foo' ok 62 - Get note 'FOO' ok 63 - Check note 'foo' ok 64 - Check uc note 'foo' ok 65 - Set 'bar' to 'ARRAY(0xf5aa58)' ok 66 - Check for stringified ref ok 67 - Get stringified ref ok 68 - Get pnotes ok 69 - No pnotes yet ok 70 - Set note 'foo' ok 71 - Get note 'foo' ok 72 - Check note 'foo' ok 73 - Set 'bar' to 'ARRAY(0xf60ac8)' ok 74 - Check for stringified ref ok 75 - Get params ok 76 - Check 'foo' ok 77 - Check 'bar' ok 78 - Check 'you' ok 79 - Get CONTENT_LENGTH env ok 80 - Get content_length env ok 81 - Check CONTENT_LENGTH env ok 82 - Check content_length env ok 83 - Set CONTENT_LENGTH 56 ok 84 - Check CONTENT_LENGTH env 56 ok 85 - Check content_length env 56 ok 86 - Reset env ok 87 - Check CONTENT_LENGTH env again ok 88 - Check content_length env again ok 89 - Get http headers ok 90 - Check status ok 91 - Check location ok 92 - Check content type ok 93 - Check first cookie ok 94 - Check second cookie ok 95 - test uri method ok 96 - test path_info method ok 97 - print does not include the object itself ok # Running subclass tests (4 tests): Test use of subclasses for various core classes # Running request_subclass (#1): use a HTML::Mason::Request subclass # Running request_subclass_of_subclass (#2): use a HTML::Mason::Request grandchild # Running lexer_subclass (#3): use a HTML::Mason::Lexer subclass # Running compiler_subclass (#4): use a HTML::Mason::Compiler subclass t/15-subclass.t .................... 1..4 ok 1 - request_subclass ok 2 - request_subclass_of_subclass ok 3 - lexer_subclass ok 4 - compiler_subclass ok t/17-print.t ....................... 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok # Running 18-leak.t tests (5 tests): Tests that various memory leaks are no longer with us # Running interp_destroy (#1): Test that interps with components in cache still get destroyed # Running request_destroy (#2): Test that requests get destroyed after top-level component error # Running component_destroy (#3): Test that components get freed when cleared from the main cache # Running component_destroy_static_source (#4): Test that components get freed in static source mode # Running subcomponent_destroy (#5): Test that defs and methods don't cause components to leak t/18-leak.t ........................ 1..5 ok 1 - interp_destroy ok 2 - request_destroy ok 3 - component_destroy ok 4 - component_destroy_static_source ok 5 - subcomponent_destroy ok # Running subrequest tests (15 tests): subrequest-related features # Running subrequest (#1): tests the official subrequest mechanism # Running subrequest_with_autohandler (#2): tests the subrequest mechanism with an autohandler # Running subreq_exec_order (#3): Test that output from a subrequest comes out when we expect it to. # Running autoflush_subrequest (#4): make sure that a subrequest respects its parent autoflush setting # Running subrequest_inherits_no_autoflush (#5): make sure that a subrequest inherits its parent autoflush setting (autoflush off) # Running autoflush_in_subrequest (#6): make sure that a subrequest with autoflush on does not flush parent # Running return_scalar (#7): tests that exec returns scalar return value of top component # Running return_list (#8): tests that exec returns list return value of top component # Running return_nothing (#9): tests exec in non-return context # Running kwindla (#10): tests bug report from Kwindla Kramer # Running in_package (#11): use in_package with subrequest # Running relative_path_call (#12): call subrequest with relative path # Running comp_object_call (#13): call subrequest with component object # Running max_recurse_1 (#14): Test that recursion 8 levels deep is allowed # Running max_recurse_2 (#15): Test that recursion is stopped after 32 subexecs t/19-subrequest.t .................. 1..15 ok 1 - subrequest ok 2 - subrequest_with_autohandler ok 3 - subreq_exec_order ok 4 - autoflush_subrequest ok 5 - subrequest_inherits_no_autoflush ok 6 - autoflush_in_subrequest ok 7 - return_scalar ok 8 - return_list ok 9 - return_nothing ok 10 - kwindla ok 11 - in_package ok 12 - relative_path_call ok 13 - comp_object_call ok 14 - max_recurse_1 ok 15 - max_recurse_2 ok # Running plugins tests (17 tests): request and component plugin hooks # Running before_and_after_request (#1): a simple plugin for requests # Running before_and_after_component (#2): a simple plugin for components # Running two_plugins (#3): using two different plugins # Running plugin_ordering (#4): make sure plugins are called in reverse order when ending # Running two_of_the_same_plugin (#5): two_of_the_same_plugin # Running reset_each_request (#6): use the same plugin twice, they should be different objects # Running error_on_start_request (#7): a plugin that dies # Running error_on_end_request (#8): a plugin that dies # Running error_on_start_component (#9): a plugin that dies # Running error_on_end_component (#10): a plugin that dies # Running not_persistent_across_requests (#11): different plugin for each request # Running persistent_across_requests (#12): same plugin across a subrequest # Running modify_return_end_component (#13): an end_component plugin that modifies its return value # Running modify_return_end_request (#14): an end_request plugin that modifies its return value # Running catch_error_end_component (#15): an end_component plugin that modifies its arguments to trap errors # Running catch_error_end_request (#16): an end_request plugin that modifies its arguments to trap errors # Running modify_content_end_request (#17): modify content at end of request t/20-plugins.t ..................... 1..17 ok 1 - before_and_after_request ok 2 - before_and_after_component ok 3 - two_plugins ok 4 - plugin_ordering ok 5 - two_of_the_same_plugin ok 6 - reset_each_request ok 7 - error_on_start_request ok 8 - error_on_end_request ok 9 - error_on_start_component ok 10 - error_on_end_component ok 11 - not_persistent_across_requests ok 12 - persistent_across_requests ok 13 - modify_return_end_component ok 14 - modify_return_end_request ok 15 - catch_error_end_component ok 16 - catch_error_end_request ok 17 - modify_content_end_request ok t/21-escapes.t ..................... 1..3 ok 1 - test basic HTML escape ok 2 - test HTML::Entities escape ok 3 - test url escape ok t/22-path-security.t ............... 1..1 ok 1 - Cannot get at /etc/passwd with bogus comp path ok Unhandled type: REGEXP at /home/fly1600/var/megalib/Devel/ line 107. t/23-leak2.t ....................... 1..8 ok 1 - Interp before making a request ok 2 - Interp after making a request with in-memory comp ok 3 - Interp after making a request with on-disk comp ok 4 - object passed into request was destroyed ok 5 - Request object ok 6 - object passed into make_request was destroyed ok 7 - one object was destroyed in comp1 ok 8 - object was destroyed - 2 layers of comp-with-content ok t/24-tools.t ....................... 1..1 ok 1 ok # Running flush-in-content tests (1 tests): recursive calls with $m->content # Running flush-in-deep-content (#1): make sure flush does not flush when we are in $m->content() t/25-flush-in-content.t ............ 1..1 ok 1 - flush-in-deep-content ok t/25-log.t ......................... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/99-pod.t ......................... 1..37 ok 1 - POD test for blib/script/ (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for blib/script/ (no pod) ok 3 - POD test for blib/script/ (no pod) ok 4 - POD test for blib/lib/Apache/ (no pod) ok 5 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/ ok 6 - POD test for blib/lib/Bundle/HTML/ ok 7 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 8 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 9 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 10 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 11 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 12 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 13 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 14 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 15 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 16 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Subclassing.pod ok 17 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 18 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 19 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Params.pod ok 20 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Admin.pod ok 21 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 22 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 23 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Devel.pod ok 24 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 25 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 26 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ (no pod) ok 27 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 28 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 29 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/ ok 30 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Component/ ok 31 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Component/ ok 32 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Resolver/ ok 33 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Resolver/ ok 34 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Apache/ (no pod) ok 35 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Cache/ ok 36 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Compiler/ ok 37 - POD test for blib/lib/HTML/Mason/Plugin/ ok t/live/CGIHandler.t ................ skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/apache-filter.t ............. skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/cgi-no-handler.t ............ skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/cgi-with-handler.t .......... skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/libapreq-no-handler.t ....... skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/libapreq-with-handler.t ..... skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/multi-conf.t ................ skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/no-config.t ................. skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/set-content-type.t .......... skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/single-level-server-root.t .. skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory t/live/taint.t ..................... skipped: $TestConfig->{is_maintainer} is not true or $TestConfig->{apache_dir} is not a directory All tests successful. Files=47, Tests=573, 41 wallclock secs ( 0.23 usr 0.37 sys + 8.17 cusr 3.19 csys = 11.96 CPU) Result: PASS DROLSKY/HTML-Mason-1.48.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for HTML-Mason-1.48 already made Running test for module 'Pod::Cpandoc' Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 36 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SA/SARTAK/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.tar.gz ok Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/bin/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/Changes Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/lib/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/Makefile.PL Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/MANIFEST Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/META.yml Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/README Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/lib/Pod/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/lib/Pod/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/inc/Module/Install/ Pod-Cpandoc-0.11/bin/cpandoc Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 36 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build S/SA/SARTAK/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Pod::Cpandoc Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Pod/ blib/lib/Pod/ cp bin/cpandoc blib/script/cpandoc /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static "-Iinc" -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/cpandoc Manifying blib/man1/cpandoc.1 Manifying blib/man3/Pod::Cpandoc.3 SARTAK/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 36 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 No tests defined for Pod::Cpandoc extension. SARTAK/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK Shawn M Moore <> perldoc that works for modules you don't have installed >>> (cd /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11-h0SbPq && tar cvf - Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.ppd blib) | gzip -c >/home/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SA/SARTAK/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.tar.gz Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.ppd blib/ blib/script/ blib/script/cpandoc blib/lib/ blib/lib/Pod/ blib/lib/Pod/ blib/man1/ blib/man1/cpandoc.1 blib/man3/ blib/man3/Pod::Cpandoc.3 >>> mv /home/fly1600/var/cpan/build/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11-h0SbPq/Pod-Cpandoc-0.11.ppd /home/fly1600/var/REPO/S/SA/SARTAK Running test for module 'Github::Import' Running make for J/JR/JROCKWAY/Github-Import-0.07.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/J/JR/JROCKWAY/Github-Import-0.07.tar.gz ok Github-Import-0.07/ Github-Import-0.07/.gitignore Github-Import-0.07/META.yml Github-Import-0.07/Makefile.PL Github-Import-0.07/MANIFEST Github-Import-0.07/inc/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/Install/ Github-Import-0.07/inc/Module/ Github-Import-0.07/Changes Github-Import-0.07/README.mkdn Github-Import-0.07/MANIFEST.SKIP Github-Import-0.07/lib/ Github-Import-0.07/lib/Github/ Github-Import-0.07/lib/Github/ Github-Import-0.07/t/ Github-Import-0.07/t/01load.t Github-Import-0.07/t/02basic.t Github-Import-0.07/bin/ Github-Import-0.07/bin/github-import Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build J/JR/JROCKWAY/Github-Import-0.07.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Cannot determine perl version info from lib/Github/ Warning: prerequisite Git 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Github::Import Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- JROCKWAY/Github-Import-0.07.tar.gz ---- Git [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Git' Running make for C/CO/CORNELIUS/App-gh-0.553.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CO/CORNELIUS/App-gh-0.553.tar.gz ok App-gh-0.553/ App-gh-0.553/.shipit App-gh-0.553/Changes App-gh-0.553/completion/ App-gh-0.553/inc/ App-gh-0.553/lib/ App-gh-0.553/Makefile.PL App-gh-0.553/MANIFEST App-gh-0.553/MANIFEST.SKIP App-gh-0.553/META.yml App-gh-0.553/README.mkd App-gh-0.553/scripts/ App-gh-0.553/t/ App-gh-0.553/ App-gh-0.553/xt/ App-gh-0.553/xt/01-git.t App-gh-0.553/t/00-load.t App-gh-0.553/t/01-git.t App-gh-0.553/t/manifest.t App-gh-0.553/t/pod.t App-gh-0.553/scripts/gh App-gh-0.553/lib/App/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Issue/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Pullreq/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Pullreq/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Pullreq/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Pullreq/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Issue/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Issue/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Issue/ App-gh-0.553/lib/App/gh/Command/Issue/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/inc/Module/Install/ App-gh-0.553/completion/bash/ App-gh-0.553/completion/zsh/ App-gh-0.553/completion/zsh/_gh App-gh-0.553/completion/bash/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build C/CO/CORNELIUS/App-gh-0.553.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Cannot determine perl version info from lib/App/ *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98) - Term::ANSIColor ...loaded. (3.02) - File::Temp ...loaded. (0.22) - File::Basename ...loaded. (2.84) - App::CLI ...missing. - File::Path ...loaded. (2.08) - File::Spec ...loaded. (3.33) - File::HomeDir ...loaded. (0.99) - LWP::Simple ...loaded. (6.00) - URI ...loaded. (1.60) - Text::Wrap ...loaded. (2009.0305) - JSON::XS ...loaded. (2.32) - HTML::Strip ...loaded. (1.06) - Term::ReadLine ...loaded. (1.09) - Scope::Guard ...loaded. (0.20) - Error ...loaded. (0.17018) - Try::Tiny ...loaded. (0.11) - IO::Pager ...missing. *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite App::CLI 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite IO::Pager 0 not found. Writing Makefile for App::gh Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- CORNELIUS/App-gh-0.553.tar.gz ---- IO::Pager [requires] App::CLI [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'IO::Pager' Running make for J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-0.24.tgz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-0.24.tgz ok IO-Pager-0.24/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/IO/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/IO/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/IO/Pager/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/IO/Pager/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/IO/Pager/ IO-Pager-0.24/lib/IO/Pager/ IO-Pager-0.24/t/ IO-Pager-0.24/t/10-close_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/ IO-Pager-0.24/t/07-oo_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/09-open.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/02-which_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/04-buffered_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/01-load.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/02-which.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/03-bald_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/ IO-Pager-0.24/t/06-scalar_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/05-binmode_interactive.t IO-Pager-0.24/t/08-redirect.t IO-Pager-0.24/MANIFEST IO-Pager-0.24/TODO IO-Pager-0.24/CHANGES IO-Pager-0.24/ IO-Pager-0.24/README IO-Pager-0.24/Makefile.PL IO-Pager-0.24/META.yml Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 37 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Going to build J/JP/JPIERCE/IO-Pager-0.24.tgz >>> /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for IO::Pager Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make Timeout (max run time is 300s) /home/fly1600/ap1600/bin/perl-static killed by signal 15.