PATH=/usr/bin:/bin Start 2013-06-17T07:37:52 ActivePerl-1800 CPAN-2.00 Reading '/home/fly1800/var/cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Mon, 17 Jun 2013 12:17:03 GMT Running make for M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010.tar.gz ok Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/Changes Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/dist.ini Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/INSTALL Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/lib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/LICENSE Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/Makefile.PL Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/MANIFEST Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/META.json Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/META.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/README Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/lib/Task/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/lib/Task/BeLike/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/lib/Task/BeLike/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/ Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/CAPTTOFU.DBD-mysql.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/CNANDOR.Mac-AppleEvents-Simple.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/CNANDOR.Mac-Carbon.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/HAYASHI.Term-ReadLine-Gnu.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/ILYAZ.Term-ReadLine-Perl.yml Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010/contrib/prefs/THOR.Net-LibIDN.yml Building M/ME/MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo 0.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Ack 1.96 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::AltSQL 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::HTTPThis 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Notifo 0.001 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::Uni 8 not found. Warning: prerequisite App::pod2pdf 0.42 not found. Warning: prerequisite Archive::Tar::Wrapper 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Async::Hooks 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite CHI 0.55 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Mini::Webserver 0.58 not found. Warning: prerequisite CPAN::Reporter 1.2006 not found. Warning: prerequisite Cache::CacheFactory 1.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite Carton v0.9.4 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Devel 1.37 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Engine::PSGI 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Log::Log4perl 1.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap 0.16 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace 0.11 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode 0.93 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::View::TT 0.39 not found. Warning: prerequisite Catalyst::View::Tenjin 0.050001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Class::C3::XS 0.13 not found. Warning: prerequisite Code::TidyAll 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Code::TidyAll::Plugin::PerlTidy 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Code::TidyAll::Plugin::PodTidy 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::DataDictionary 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::Indexing 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBICx::Shortcuts 0.007 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn 0.00011 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency 0.02005 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::URI 0.01002 not found. Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Tracer 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::Excel 0.31 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::LeakGuard::Object 0.06 not found. Warning: prerequisite Devel::REPL 1.003013 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla 4.300021 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover 1.101001 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide 1.200000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LatestPrereqs 0.4 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodPurler 0.093400 not found. Warning: prerequisite Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MELO 0.004 not found. Warning: prerequisite Github::Import 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite GraphViz 2.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Expr 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::JIT 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB 0.52 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::DBI 1.22 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Redis 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Carbon 0.82 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::FSEvents 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Glue 1.30 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mac::Growl 0.67 not found. Warning: prerequisite Markapl 0.14 not found. Warning: prerequisite Mason 2.20 not found. Warning: prerequisite Message::Passing::ZeroMQ 0.005 not found. Warning: prerequisite Method::Signatures 20120523 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Install::ProvidesClass 1.000000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Module::Which 0.0207 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::AttributeHelpers 0.23 not found. Warning: prerequisite MooseX::MultiMethods 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite NTS::Template 2.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Bonjour 0.96 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Rendezvous 0.92 not found. Warning: prerequisite Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Backend::Apple 0.02 not found. Warning: prerequisite POE::XS::Queue::Array 0.006 not found. Warning: prerequisite PPI::HTML 1.08 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP 0.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::PseudoPod 0.18 not found. Warning: prerequisite Pod::Tidy 0.10 not found. Warning: prerequisite Poet 0.12 not found. Warning: prerequisite String::FriendlyID 0.019 not found. Warning: prerequisite Sys::UniqueID 1.0 not found. Warning: prerequisite TAP::Formatter::HTML 0.09 not found. Warning: prerequisite TAP::Formatter::TextMate 0.1 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Devel::Cover::Recommended 0.930002 not found. Warning: prerequisite Task::Kensho 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template 2.24 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Alloy 1.016 not found. Warning: prerequisite Template::Parser::CET 0.05 not found. Warning: prerequisite Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.20 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Continuous 0.73 not found. Warning: prerequisite Test::Kit 0.101 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::ClearSilver 0.010005004 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Template::Simple 0.86 not found. Warning: prerequisite Text::Tmpl 0.33 not found. Warning: prerequisite TextMate::JumpTo 0.07 not found. Warning: prerequisite Time::y2038 20100403 not found. Warning: prerequisite TryCatch 1.003000 not found. Warning: prerequisite Unicode::Tussle 1.03 not found. Warning: prerequisite XS::Assert 0.002 not found. Warning: prerequisite ZMQ 1.01 not found. Warning: prerequisite ZMQ::LibZMQ2 1.02 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Task::BeLike::MELO Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MELO/Task-BeLike-MELO-0.010.tar.gz ---- KiokuDB::Backend::DBI [requires] Data::UUID::MT [requires] Net::Bonjour [requires] CPAN::Mini::Webserver [requires] Email::Abstract [requires] AnyMQ [requires] Message::Passing::Redis [requires] Message::Passing::ZeroMQ [requires] GraphViz [requires] Template::Tiny [requires] Message::Passing [requires] Catalyst::Action::RenderView [requires] Cache::CacheFactory [requires] NTS::Template [requires] FCGI::ProcManager [requires] Template::Declare [requires] Mac::Glue [requires] Carton [requires] App::Whiff [requires] Format::Human::Bytes [requires] File::MMagic [requires] TAP::Formatter::TextMate [requires] MooseX::AttributeShortcuts [requires] App::cpanoutdated [requires] Time::y2038 [requires] XML::XPath [requires] POE [requires] DBICx::DataDictionary [requires] DBIx::Connector [requires] MIME::Entity [requires] Text::Unaccent [requires] AnyEvent::HTTPD [requires] FCGI::Client [requires] Archive::Tar::Wrapper [requires] Test::Fatal [requires] namespace::autoclean [requires] Code::TidyAll [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap [requires] Test::CPAN::Meta [requires] App::Genpass [requires] CPAN::SQLite [requires] Module::Install [requires] Parse::RecDescent [requires] Module::Install::AuthorTests [requires] CHI [requires] MooseX::Aliases [requires] Text::Markdown [requires] Check::ISA [requires] Template [requires] Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod [requires] IO::All [requires] Module::Info [requires] DateTime [requires] YAML [requires] Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst [requires] App::Ack [requires] local::lib [requires] CPAN::Mini [requires] DBIx::Tracer [requires] Math::Round [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace [requires] HTML::Template::Expr [requires] Web::Scraper [requires] Test::Base [requires] Plack [requires] Mason [requires] Module::Install::AutoManifest [requires] MooseX::Types::DateTime [requires] DBIx::Class::TimeStamp [requires] Object::Event [requires] Term::ProgressBar [requires] MooseX::MethodAttributes [requires] App::ArchiveDevelCover [requires] Module::Install::Repository [requires] aliased [requires] POE::XS::Queue::Array [requires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::URI [requires] AnyEvent::XMPP [requires] XML::Compile::WSDL11 [requires] Coro [requires] Guard [requires] Test::Reporter [requires] Term::ReadLine::Gnu [requires] Sys::UniqueID [requires] Parallel::Prefork [requires] Tie::IxHash [requires] XML::Feed [requires] Mac::FSEvents [requires] Config::Any [requires] Devel::BeginLift [requires] URI::Find [requires] Path::Class [requires] Devel::LeakGuard::Object [requires] Perl::Tidy [requires] MooseX::Types [requires] MIME::Lite [requires] Code::TidyAll::Plugin::PodTidy [requires] Spreadsheet::ParseExcel [requires] Task::Plack [requires] Unicode::String [requires] AnyEvent::Redis [requires] XML::Compile [requires] DBICx::Shortcuts [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIC::QueryLog [requires] Pod::POM::Web [requires] MLDBM [requires] App::pod2pdf [requires] Perl::PrereqScanner [requires] Text::MultiMarkdown [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication [requires] AnyEvent::AIO [requires] App::Uni [requires] Devel::REPL [requires] App::Notifo [requires] Pod::Tidy [requires] Method::Signatures [requires] Mail::Address [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug [requires] Text::MicroMason [requires] DateTime::Format::Excel [requires] Gearman::Client [requires] KiokuDB [requires] DateTime::Format::SQLite [requires] App::HTTPThis [requires] DateTime::Format::DateParse [requires] MooseX::LazyRequire [requires] Test::Continuous [requires] Text::Template::Simple [requires] AnyEvent::HTTP [requires] PPI::HTML [requires] Pod::Elemental [requires] Tenjin [requires] HTTP::Parser::XS [requires] Test::Inline::Extract [requires] Catalyst::View::TT [requires] Text::Textile [requires] MooseX::AttributeHelpers [requires] String::FriendlyID [requires] Date::Tiny [requires] MooseX::Declare [requires] HTTP::Parser [requires] Test::Compile [requires] File::HomeDir::PathClass [requires] FCGI [requires] JSON::XS [requires] Plack::Middleware::Debug::DBIProfile [requires] Pod::Coverage::TrustPod [requires] Moo [requires] Text::Xslate [requires] Markapl [requires] HTML::Template::JIT [requires] XML::LibXML [requires] Unicode::Stringprep [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodPurler [requires] Email::Simple [requires] Log::Any [requires] Net::Rendezvous [requires] App::AltSQL [requires] MooseX::MultiMethods [requires] Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase [requires] DBIx::Class::Candy [requires] DBIx::Class [requires] Module::Which [requires] Catalyst::Devel [requires] Module::Install::ProvidesClass [requires] CSS::Minifier [requires] Throwable::X [requires] Async::Hooks [requires] Twiggy [requires] Crypt::SSLeay [requires] Plack::Server::ReverseHTTP [requires] Text::Tmpl [requires] Net::SMTP::TLS [requires] Params::Coerce [requires] AnyEvent [requires] MooseX::Has::Sugar [requires] MooseX::ConfigFromFile [requires] DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn [requires] Server::Starter [requires] DBIx::Class::Helpers [requires] MooseX::Role::WithOverloading [requires] DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler [requires] Date::Manip [requires] Mac::Carbon [requires] App::Nopaste [requires] namespace::clean [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie [requires] MooseX::Getopt [requires] MooseX::Method::Signatures [requires] Task::Devel::Cover::Recommended [requires] Time::ParseDate [requires] DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader [requires] Log::Any::Adapter [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Redis [requires] Code::TidyAll::Plugin::PerlTidy [requires] Devel::Cycle [requires] DBICx::Indexing [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::LatestPrereqs [requires] Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover [requires] Dist::Zilla [requires] Config::GitLike [requires] Mac::Growl [requires] HTML::Template::Pro [requires] Net::DNS [requires] Catalyst::Engine::PSGI [requires] TextMate::JumpTo [requires] Template::Alloy [requires] AnyEvent::WebService::Notifo [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode [requires] Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl [requires] Mail::IMAPClient [requires] AnyEvent::Gearman [requires] Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide [requires] HTML::Mason [requires] Spreadsheet::WriteExcel [requires] Catalyst::View::Tenjin [requires] Log::Log4perl [requires] DBD::mysql [requires] Devel::StackTrace::WithLexicals [requires] MIME::Parser [requires] Unicode::Tussle [requires] AnyEvent::Twitter::Stream [requires] Test::Deep [requires] Task::Kensho [requires] Net::Rendezvous::Publish::Backend::Apple [requires] Test::TCP [requires] ZMQ [requires] Github::Import [requires] Image::Size [requires] Clipboard [requires] Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::MELO [requires] MooseX::Traits [requires] TAP::Formatter::HTML [requires] Module::Install::XSUtil [requires] App::BashComplete [requires] Authen::Simple::Passwd [requires] MooseX::StrictConstructor [requires] Data::ObjectDriver [requires] Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt [requires] IO::Handle::Util [requires] MooseX::Types::Moose [requires] Text::ClearSilver [requires] File::ChangeNotify [requires] String::CRC32 [requires] Test::Kit [requires] CPAN::Reporter [requires] Class::C3::XS [requires] Catalyst::Log::Log4perl [requires] Graph::Easy [requires] Poet [requires] Carp::Always [requires] App::cpanminus [requires] Template::Sandbox [requires] DateTime::Format::MySQL [requires] Devel::TraceUse [requires] Pod::Cpandoc [requires] Catalyst::Runtime [requires] CGI::Emulate::PSGI [requires] Redis [requires] Catalyst::Plugin::Session [requires] Test::Output [requires] Catalyst::Controller::REST [requires] Modern::Perl [requires] Task::Moose [requires] Pod::PseudoPod [requires] TryCatch [requires] IO::AIO [requires] Class::XSAccessor [requires] XS::Assert [requires] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::Currency [requires] ZMQ::LibZMQ2 [requires] EV [requires] Template::Parser::CET [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'KiokuDB::Backend::DBI' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22.tar.gz ok KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22 KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/README KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/Changes KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/LICENSE KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/dist.ini KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/dbic.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/META.yml KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/MANIFEST KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/basic.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/META.json KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/01load.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/Makefile.PL KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/fixtures.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/MANIFEST.SKIP KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/set_query.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/inc KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/inc/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/release-eol.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/release-no-tabs.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/examples KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/examples/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/autovivify_handle.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/release-pod-syntax.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/inc/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/t/release-pod-coverage.t KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/DBIx/Class KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/DBIx/Class/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/Backend KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/DBIx/Class/Schema/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/DBI KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/DBI/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/DBIx/Class/KiokuDB KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/DBIx/Class/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/DBIC KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/DBIC/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/DBIC/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/DBIC/ KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/DBIC/ /bin/tar: Read 1024 bytes from - Building D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB 0.46 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Clear 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Concurrency::POSIX 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::GC 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::GIN 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::Simple 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Scan 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::Delegate 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::Test 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::TypeMap 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry 0 not found. Warning: prerequisite KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive 0 not found. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for KiokuDB::Backend::DBI Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DOY/KiokuDB-Backend-DBI-1.22.tar.gz ---- Data::Stream::Bulk [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN [requires] Search::GIN [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::GC [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::GIN [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::Delegate [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Concurrency::POSIX [requires] KiokuDB::TypeMap [requires] DBIx::Class [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::Simple [requires] KiokuDB::Test [build_requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Clear [requires] MooseX::Types [requires] SQL::Translator [requires] KiokuDB::Backend [requires] KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive [requires] KiokuDB [requires] KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Scan [requires] KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry [requires] Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Data::Stream::Bulk' Running make for D/DO/DOY/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11.tar.gz Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DO/DOY/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11.tar.gz ok Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11 Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/README Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/Changes Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/dbi.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/LICENSE Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/dist.ini Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/dbic.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/META.yml Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/MANIFEST Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/basic.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/META.json Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/Makefile.PL Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/path_class.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/00-compile.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/release-eol.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/release-pod-syntax.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/t/release-pod-coverage.t Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/Path /bin/tar: Read 5120 bytes from - Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/Path/ Building D/DO/DOY/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Data::Stream::Bulk Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/Path/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/Path/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ cp lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ blib/lib/Data/Stream/Bulk/ Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Util.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::DBI.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Cat.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Path::Class.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::FileHandle.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::DoneFlag.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Array.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::DBIC.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Chunked.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Filter.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Stream::Bulk::Callback.3 DOY/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11.tar.gz make -- OK Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ............ 1..13 ok 1 - Data::Stream::Bulk loaded ok ok 2 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Array loaded ok ok 3 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Callback loaded ok ok 4 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Cat loaded ok ok 5 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Chunked loaded ok ok 6 - Data::Stream::Bulk::DBI loaded ok ok 7 - Data::Stream::Bulk::DBIC loaded ok ok 8 - Data::Stream::Bulk::DoneFlag loaded ok ok 9 - Data::Stream::Bulk::FileHandle loaded ok ok 10 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Filter loaded ok ok 11 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil loaded ok ok 12 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Path::Class loaded ok ok 13 - Data::Stream::Bulk::Util loaded ok ok t/basic.t ................. ok 1 - Nil is always done ok 2 - no next block ok 3 - nil() helper isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 4 - nil is realized ok 5 - bulk() helper with no items isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 6 - cating nil with nil results in nil isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 7 - cat with no args returns nil isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 8 - cat of nil is nil isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 9 - cat of several nil is nil isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 10 - no items ok 11 - nothing at all ok 12 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Nil ok 13 - array is realized ok 14 - not done ok 15 - next ok 16 - now it's done ok 17 - no next block ok 18 - bulk() helper ok 19 - nil cat Array results in Array isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Array ok 20 - Array cat Array resuls in Array isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Array ok 21 - concatenated array into one block ok 22 - cat helper function ok 23 - not done ok 24 - items method ok 25 - now it's done ok 26 - no next block ok 27 - not done ok 28 - items method ok 29 - not done ok 30 - items method ok 31 - not done ok 32 - items method ok 33 - now it's done ok 34 - no next ok 35 - callback is not realized ok 36 - all method ok 37 - done ok 38 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Cat ok 39 - not done ok 40 - items method ok 41 - not done ok 42 - items method ok 43 - not done ok 44 - reached array ok 45 - not done ok 46 - items method ok 47 - now it's done ok 48 - no next ok 49 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Cat ok 50 - concatenation is not realized ok 51 - list_cat simplified concatenation ok 52 - not done ok 53 - array block ok 54 - not done ok 55 - items method ok 56 - not done ok 57 - items method ok 58 - not done ok 59 - items method ok 60 - not done ok 61 - items method ok 62 - not done ok 63 - items method ok 64 - now it's done ok 65 - no next ok 66 - no streams in concatenated ok 67 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Array ok 68 - not done ok 69 - items method ok 70 - done ok 71 - no next ok 72 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Filter ok 73 - not done ok 74 - items method ok 75 - not done ok 76 - items method ok 77 - not done ok 78 - items method ok 79 - now it's done ok 80 - no next ok 81 - not done ok 82 - items method ok 83 - not done ok 84 - items method ok 85 - not done ok 86 - items method ok 87 - unique on array returns array isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Array ok 88 - unique with refs ok 89 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Chunked ok 90 - stream is not done ok 91 ok 92 ok 93 ok 94 - stream is done ok 95 - stream is done ok 96 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::FileHandle ok 97 - stream is not done ok 98 ok 99 ok 100 ok 101 ok 102 - stream is done ok 103 - stream is done 1..103 ok t/dbi.t ................... ok 1 - not yet done ok 2 - two rows ok 3 - not yet done ok 4 - one more ok 5 - not yet done ok 6 - no more ok 7 - now we're done ok 8 - not yet done ok 9 - one row ok 10 - not yet done ok 11 - all remaining rows ok 12 - now we're done 1..12 ok t/dbic.t .................. skipped: Cannot copy to ARRAY in goto at /home/fly1800/var/megalib/DBIx/Class/ResultSourceProxy/ line 104. t/path_class.t ............ ok 1 - not done ok 2 - not done ok 3 - done ok 4 - done ok 5 - breadth first traversal path set ok 6 - breadth first traversal order ok 7 - not done ok 8 - not done ok 9 - done ok 10 - done ok 11 - depth first traversal path set ok 12 - depth first traversal order ok 13 - not done ok 14 - not done ok 15 - done ok 16 - done ok 17 - breadth first traversal path set ok 18 - breadth first traversal order ok 19 - not done ok 20 - not done ok 21 - done ok 22 - done ok 23 - breadth first traversal path set ok 24 - breadth first traversal order ok 25 - not done ok 26 - not done ok 27 - done ok 28 - done ok 29 - depth first traversal path set ok 30 - depth first traversal order ok 31 - not done ok 32 - not done ok 33 - done ok 34 - done ok 35 - breadth first traversal path set ok 36 - breadth first traversal order ok 37 - not done ok 38 - not done ok 39 - done ok 40 - done ok 41 - breadth first traversal path set ok 42 - breadth first traversal order ok 43 - not done ok 44 - not done ok 45 - done ok 46 - done ok 47 - depth first traversal path set ok 48 - depth first traversal order ok 49 - not done ok 50 - not done ok 51 - done ok 52 - done ok 53 - breadth first traversal path set ok 54 - breadth first traversal order 1..54 ok t/release-eol.t ........... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing All tests successful. Files=8, Tests=182, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.03 sys + 7.42 cusr 0.54 csys = 8.05 CPU) Result: PASS DOY/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11 already made Running test for module 'KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz ok KiokuDB-0.52/ KiokuDB-0.52/bin/ KiokuDB-0.52/bin/kioku KiokuDB-0.52/notes/ KiokuDB-0.52/notes/std_layout.txt KiokuDB-0.52/Makefile.PL KiokuDB-0.52/t/ KiokuDB-0.52/t/uuid.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/gin.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/collapser.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/hash_backend.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/link_checker.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/kiokudb_class_native.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_extra.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_entry_passthrough.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/gc_naive.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_resolver.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/lazy.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_default_json.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/ref.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/digest.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/serializer.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/link_checker_real.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_values.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/stream.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_entry_callback.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_entry_mop.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/moose_triggers.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/hash.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_entry_naive.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/directory.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/live_objs.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/jspon_serialization.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/coderefs.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/versioning.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/tied.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/entry.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/scaling.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_default_storable.t KiokuDB-0.52/t/typemap_entry_storable.t KiokuDB-0.52/TODO KiokuDB-0.52/MANIFEST.SKIP KiokuDB-0.52/META.yml KiokuDB-0.52/lib/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/POD2/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/POD2/JA/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/POD2/JA/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/POD2/JA/KiokuDB/Tutorial.pod KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial/JA.pod KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Stream/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Stream/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Error/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Error/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Error/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/GIN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/GIN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial.pod KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/Handlers/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/Handlers/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Immutable/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Immutable/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/Memory/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/Memory/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Concurrency/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Concurrency/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/Simple/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/Simple/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/JSON/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/JSON/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/LinkChecker/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/LinkChecker/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Entry/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Collapser/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/Collapser/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/GC/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/GC/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ KiokuDB-0.52/lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ KiokuDB-0.52/Changes KiokuDB-0.52/README.mkdn KiokuDB-0.52/MANIFEST KiokuDB-0.52/bench/ KiokuDB-0.52/bench/ KiokuDB-0.52/bench/ KiokuDB-0.52/bench/ Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for KiokuDB Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz ---- MooseX::Role::Parameterized [requires] JSON::XS [requires] Data::Visitor [requires] namespace::clean [requires] Search::GIN [requires] Data::Stream::Bulk [requires] Set::Object [requires] Data::UUID [requires] Cache::Ref [requires] MooseX::YAML [requires] PadWalker [requires] MooseX::Clone [requires] Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'MooseX::Role::Parameterized' Running make for S/SA/SARTAK/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/S/SA/SARTAK/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00.tar.gz ok MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/Changes MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/Makefile.PL MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/MANIFEST MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/META.yml MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/001-parameters.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/002-role-block.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/003-apply.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/004-with.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/005-with-parameterized.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/006-requires.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/007-excludes.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/008-method-modifers.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/009-override-super.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/010-blessed-confess.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/011-reference-parameters.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/012-rename-role.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/013-does.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/014-compose-parameterizable.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/015-compose-keywords.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/016-trait.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/017-current_metaclass.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/018-parameter-roles.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/019-custom-metaclass.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/020-metaclass-reinitialize.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/021-parameter-trait.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/100-erroneous-keywords.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/101-alias-excludes.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/102-nested.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/150-composite-role-application.t MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/lib/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/t/lib/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Extending.pod MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Tutorial.pod MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Trait/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Trait/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ /bin/tar: Read 8192 bytes from - MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00/inc/Module/Install/ Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building S/SA/SARTAK/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for MooseX::Role::Parameterized Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Tutorial.pod blib/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Tutorial.pod cp lib/MooseX/Role/ blib/lib/MooseX/Role/ cp lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Trait/ blib/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Trait/ cp lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/ blib/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/ cp lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ blib/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ cp lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Extending.pod blib/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Extending.pod cp lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ blib/lib/MooseX/Role/Parameterized/Meta/Role/ Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Parameters.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Role::Parameterizable.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Tutorial.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterized.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Extending.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Role::Parameterized.3 SARTAK/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/001-parameters.t .................. ok 1 - MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Parameters->can('meta') ok 2 - no parameters ok 3 - exactly one parameter ok 4 - parameter name ok 5 - parameter is required ok 6 - has_parameter ok 7 - has_parameter ok 8 ok 9 - correct length ok 10 ok 11 - three parameters ok 12 - first_name type constraint ok 13 - first_name is optional ok 14 - last_name type constraint ok 15 - last_name is optional 1..15 ok t/002-role-block.t .................. ok 1 - MyPerson has a role generator ok 1 - generate_role created a role isa Moose::Meta::Role ok 2 - ...with an anonymous name ok 3 - the generated role knows its parameters ok 4 ok 5 - we pass in the role metaclass that we're operating on ok 6 - role's age attribute has the right default ok 7 - method name ok 8 - package name 1..8 ok 2 - generation of an anonymous role ok 1 - generate_role created a role isa Moose::Meta::Role ok 2 - ...with the name we expected ok 3 - the generated role knows its parameters ok 4 ok 5 - we pass in the role metaclass that we're operating on ok 6 - role's age attribute has the right default ok 7 - method name ok 8 - package name 1..8 ok 3 - generating a role with a provided name 1..3 ok t/003-apply.t ....................... ok 1 - MyClass::Dumper->can(...) ok 2 - MyClass::Dumper cannot freeze_Storable ok 3 - MyClass::Dumper cannot thaw_Storable ok 4 - Role block receives consumer ok 5 - genitor ok 6 - MyClass::Storable->can(...) ok 7 - MyClass::Storable cannot freeze_Dumper ok 8 - MyClass::Storable cannot thaw_Dumper ok 9 - Role block receives consumer ok 10 - MyClass::DumperRenamed->can(...) ok 11 - MyClass::DumperRenamed cannot freeze_Dumper ok 12 - MyClass::DumperRenamed cannot freeze_Storable ok 13 - MyClass::DumperRenamed cannot thaw_Dumper ok 14 - MyClass::DumperRenamed cannot thaw_Storable ok 15 - Role block receives consumer ok 16 - MyClass::Both->can(...) ok 17 - Role block receives consumer ok 18 - MyClass::Three->can(...) ok 19 - Role block receives consumer ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 1..22 ok t/004-with.t ........................ ok 1 - MyItem::Helmet->can(...) ok 2 - MyItem::Belt->can(...) ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 1..6 ok t/005-with-parameterized.t .......... ok 1 - MyItem::Helmet->can(...) ok 2 - MyItem::Belt->can(...) ok 3 - default for helmet is not worn ok 4 ok 5 - default for belt is worn ok 6 1..6 ok t/006-requires.t .................... ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 1..5 ok t/007-excludes.t .................... ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 1..3 ok t/008-method-modifers.t ............. ok 1 - no calls yet ok 2 - instrumented new 1..2 ok t/009-override-super.t .............. ok 1 - no calls yet ok 2 - instrumented new 1..2 ok t/010-blessed-confess.t ............. ok 1 - confess ok 2 - blessed 1..2 ok t/011-reference-parameters.t ........ ok 1 - MyArrayConsumer->can(...) ok 2 - MyArrayConsumer cannot baz ok 3 - MyRegexConsumer->can(...) ok 4 - MyRegexConsumer cannot foo ok 5 - MyHashConsumer->can(...) ok 6 - MyHashConsumer cannot foo ok 7 - MyHashConsumer cannot bar ok 8 - MyHashConsumer cannot baz 1..8 ok t/012-rename-role.t ................. ok 1 - renaming the role block export works 1..1 ok t/013-does.t ........................ ok 1 - class does the generate role ok 2 - class does the parameterized role ok 3 - generated role does the parameterized role 1..3 ok t/014-compose-parameterizable.t ..... ok 1 - the parameterized attribute was composed ok 2 - the unparameterized method was composed 1..2 ok t/015-compose-keywords.t ............ ok 1 - has ok 2 - method ok 3 - sub ok 4 - before ok 5 - after ok 6 - around ok 7 - override ok 8 - with ok 9 - requires ok 10 - excludes ok 11 - has ok 12 - method ok 13 - sub ok 14 - before ok 15 - after ok 16 - around ok 17 - override ok 18 - with ok 19 - requires ok 20 - excludes 1..20 ok t/016-trait.t ....................... ok 1 ok 2 1..2 ok t/017-current_metaclass.t ........... ok 1 - no metaclass yet ok 2 - no metaclass yet ok 3 - no metaclass yet ok 4 - no metaclass yet ok 5 - now we have a metaclass ok 6 - now we have a metaclass ok 7 - metaclass is gone now 1..7 ok t/018-parameter-roles.t ............. skipped: Not implemented yet t/019-custom-metaclass.t ............ ok 1 - parameterized role should do the MyTrait trait 1..1 ok t/020-metaclass-reinitialize.t ...... ok 1 - applied_attribute metaroles work 1..1 ok t/021-parameter-trait.t ............. ok 1 ok 2 1..2 ok t/100-erroneous-keywords.t .......... ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 1..6 ok t/101-alias-excludes.t .............. ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 1..7 ok t/102-nested.t ...................... ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 - Foo got the "is_foo" method ok 4 - Foo did not get the "is_bar" method from Bar ok 5 - Bar got the "is_bar" method ok 6 - Bar does not get "is_foo" ok 7 - Foo has outer param ok 8 - Bar has include_is_bar param ok 9 - Foo does not have include_is_bar param ok 10 - Bar does not have outer param 1..10 ok t/150-composite-role-application.t .. ok 1 - first role in composite applied successfully ok 2 - second role in composite applied successfully ok 3 - role composed directly applied successfully ok 4 - role composed through other role applied successfully ok 5 - role composing other role applied successfully ok 6 - proxied role got applied successfully ok 7 - other role besides proxied one got applied successfully 1..7 ok All tests successful. Files=25, Tests=143, 11 wallclock secs ( 0.13 usr 0.08 sys + 10.19 cusr 0.78 csys = 11.18 CPU) Result: PASS SARTAK/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00 already made Running test for module 'JSON::XS' Running make for M/ML/MLEHMANN/JSON-XS-2.34.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/ML/MLEHMANN/JSON-XS-2.34.tar.gz ok JSON-XS-2.34/ JSON-XS-2.34/XS/ JSON-XS-2.34/XS/ JSON-XS-2.34/t/ JSON-XS-2.34/t/14_latin1.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/15_prefix.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/20_faihu.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/04_dwiw_encode.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/06_pc_pretty.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/16_tied.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/12_blessed.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/19_incr.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/09_pc_extra_number.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/21_evans.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/99_binary.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/11_pc_expo.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/07_pc_esc.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/08_pc_base.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/02_error.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/17_relaxed.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/18_json_checker.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/13_limit.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/22_comment_at_eof.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/00_load.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/01_utf8.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/03_types.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/10_pc_keysort.t JSON-XS-2.34/t/05_dwiw_decode.t JSON-XS-2.34/Changes JSON-XS-2.34/bin/ JSON-XS-2.34/bin/json_xs JSON-XS-2.34/META.json JSON-XS-2.34/META.yml JSON-XS-2.34/README JSON-XS-2.34/XS.xs JSON-XS-2.34/eg/ JSON-XS-2.34/eg/bench JSON-XS-2.34/Makefile.PL JSON-XS-2.34/typemap JSON-XS-2.34/COPYING JSON-XS-2.34/ JSON-XS-2.34/MANIFEST Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building M/ML/MLEHMANN/JSON-XS-2.34.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for JSON::XS Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/JSON/ cp XS/ blib/lib/JSON/XS/ /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap XS.xs > XS.xsc && mv XS.xsc XS.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"2.34\" -DXS_VERSION=\"2.34\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/CORE" XS.c XS.xs: In function 'decode_hv': XS.xs:1324: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type Running Mkbootstrap for JSON::XS () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/JSON/XS/ gcc -shared -O2 -fstack-protector XS.o -o blib/arch/auto/JSON/XS/ \ \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/JSON/XS/ cp blib/arch/auto/JSON/XS/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/JSON/XS/ cp bin/json_xs blib/script/json_xs /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/json_xs Manifying blib/man1/json_xs.1 Manifying blib/man3/JSON::XS.3 Manifying blib/man3/JSON::XS::Boolean.3 MLEHMANN/JSON-XS-2.34.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00_load.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/01_utf8.t ............. 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok t/02_error.t ............ 1..31 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok t/03_types.t ............ 1..76 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok 30 ok 31 ok 32 ok 33 ok 34 ok 35 ok 36 ok 37 ok 38 ok 39 ok 40 ok 41 ok 42 ok 43 ok 44 ok 45 ok 46 ok 47 ok 48 ok 49 ok 50 ok 51 ok 52 ok 53 ok 54 ok 55 ok 56 ok 57 ok 58 ok 59 ok 60 ok 61 ok 62 ok 63 ok 64 ok 65 ok 66 ok 67 ok 68 ok 69 ok 70 ok 71 ok 72 ok 73 ok 74 ok 75 ok 76 ok t/04_dwiw_encode.t ...... 1..5 # Running under perl version 5.018000 for linux # Current time local: Mon Jun 17 07:38:23 2013 # Current time GMT: Mon Jun 17 14:38:23 2013 # Using version 1.26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok t/05_dwiw_decode.t ...... 1..7 # Running under perl version 5.018000 for linux # Current time local: Mon Jun 17 07:38:23 2013 # Current time GMT: Mon Jun 17 14:38:23 2013 # Using version 1.26 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok t/06_pc_pretty.t ........ 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 - nospace ok 7 - after ok 8 - both ok 9 - before ok t/07_pc_esc.t ........... 1..17 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 - {"id":"abc\ndef"} ok 16 - {"id":"abc\\ndef"} ok 17 - {"id":"abc\\\ndef"} ok t/08_pc_base.t .......... 1..20 ok 1 - {} ok 2 - [] ok 3 ok 4 - {"foo":"bar"} ok 5 - {"foo":""} ok 6 - {"foo":" "} ok 7 - {"foo":"0"} - autoencode (default) ok 8 - {"foo":"0 0"} ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 - invalid value (coderef) ok 20 - invalid value (ref) ok t/09_pc_extra_number.t .. 1..6 ok 1 - normal 0 ok 2 - normal 0.1 ok 3 - normal 10 ok 4 - normal -10 ok 5 - normal 0 ok 6 - normal 0.1 ok t/10_pc_keysort.t ....... 1..1 ok 1 ok t/11_pc_expo.t .......... 1..8 ok 1 - digit -12.34 ok 2 - digit -12.34 ok 3 - digit -1.234e5 ok 4 - digit -1.234e5 ok 5 - digit 1.23E-4 ok 6 - digit 1.23E-4 ok 7 - digit 1.01e+30 ok 8 - digit 1.01e+30 ok t/12_blessed.t .......... 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok t/13_limit.t ............ 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok t/14_latin1.t ........... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/15_prefix.t ........... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/16_tied.t ............. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/17_relaxed.t .......... 1..8 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok t/18_json_checker.t ..... 1..39 ok 1 - fail1.json # (JSON text must be an object or array (but found number, string, true, false or null, use allow_nonref to allow this) at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 2. # ) ok 2 - fail10.json # (garbage after JSON object, at character offset 34 (before ""misplaced quoted va...") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 4. # ) ok 3 - fail11.json # (, or } expected while parsing object/hash, at character offset 25 (before "+ 2}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 6. # ) ok 4 - fail12.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 23 (before "alert()}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 8. # ) ok 5 - fail13.json # (malformed number (leading zero must not be followed by another digit), at character offset 40 (before "13}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 10. # ) ok 6 - fail14.json # (, or } expected while parsing object/hash, at character offset 27 (before "x14}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 12. # ) ok 7 - fail15.json # (illegal backslash escape sequence in string, at character offset 28 (before "\\x15"]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 14. # ) ok 8 - fail16.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 1 (before "\\naked]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 16. # ) ok 9 - fail17.json # (illegal backslash escape sequence in string, at character offset 28 (before "\\017"]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 18. # ) ok 10 - fail18.json # (json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?), at character offset 33 (before ""Too deep"]]]]]]]]]]...") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 20. # ) ok 11 - fail19.json # (':' expected, at character offset 17 (before "null}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 22. # ) ok 12 - fail2.json # (, or ] expected while parsing array, at character offset 17 (before "(end of string)") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 24. # ) ok 13 - fail20.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 16 (before ": null}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 26. # ) ok 14 - fail21.json # (':' expected, at character offset 25 (before ", null}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 28. # ) ok 15 - fail22.json # (, or ] expected while parsing array, at character offset 25 (before ": false]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 30. # ) ok 16 - fail23.json # ('true' expected, at character offset 14 (before "truth]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 32. # ) ok 17 - fail24.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 1 (before "'single quote']") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 34. # ) ok 18 - fail25.json # (invalid character encountered while parsing JSON string, at character offset 2 (before "\ttab\tcharacter\tin...") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 36. # ) ok 19 - fail26.json # (illegal backslash escape sequence in string, at character offset 5 (before "\\ character\\ i...") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 38. # ) ok 20 - fail27.json # (invalid character encountered while parsing JSON string, at character offset 6 (before "\nbreak"]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 40. # ) ok 21 - fail28.json # (illegal backslash escape sequence in string, at character offset 6 (before "\\\nbreak"]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 42. # ) ok 22 - fail29.json # (malformed number (no digits after exp sign), at character offset 3 (before "]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 44. # ) ok 23 - fail3.json # ('"' expected, at character offset 1 (before "unquoted_key: "keys ...") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 46. # ) ok 24 - fail30.json # (malformed number (no digits after exp sign), at character offset 4 (before "]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 48. # ) ok 25 - fail31.json # (malformed number (no digits after exp sign), at character offset 4 (before "-1]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 50. # ) ok 26 - fail32.json # ('"' expected, at character offset 40 (before "(end of string)") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 52. # ) ok 27 - fail33.json # (, or ] expected while parsing array, at character offset 11 (before "}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 54. # ) ok 28 - fail4.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 15 (before "]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 56. # ) ok 29 - fail5.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 22 (before ",]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 58. # ) ok 30 - fail6.json # (malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 4 (before ", "<-- missing value...") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 60. # ) ok 31 - fail7.json # (garbage after JSON object, at character offset 25 (before ",") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 62. # ) ok 32 - fail8.json # (garbage after JSON object, at character offset 15 (before "]") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 64. # ) ok 33 - fail9.json # ('"' expected, at character offset 21 (before "}") at t/18_json_checker.t line 25, line 66. # ) ok 34 - pass1.json # ok 35 ok 36 - pass2.json # ok 37 ok 38 - pass3.json # ok 39 ok t/19_incr.t ............. 1..697 ok 1 ok 2 - data ok 3 - tailws ok 4 ok 5 - data ok 6 - tailws ok 7 ok 8 - data ok 9 - tailws ok 10 ok 11 - data ok 12 - tailws ok 13 ok 14 - data ok 15 - tailws ok 16 ok 17 - data ok 18 - tailws ok 19 ok 20 - data ok 21 - tailws ok 22 ok 23 - data ok 24 - tailws ok 25 ok 26 - data ok 27 - tailws ok 28 ok 29 - data ok 30 - tailws ok 31 ok 32 - data ok 33 - tailws ok 34 ok 35 - data ok 36 - tailws ok 37 ok 38 - data ok 39 - tailws ok 40 ok 41 - data ok 42 - tailws ok 43 ok 44 - data ok 45 - tailws ok 46 ok 47 - data ok 48 - tailws ok 49 ok 50 - data ok 51 - tailws ok 52 ok 53 - data ok 54 - tailws ok 55 ok 56 - data ok 57 - tailws ok 58 ok 59 - data ok 60 - tailws ok 61 ok 62 - data ok 63 - tailws ok 64 ok 65 - data ok 66 - tailws ok 67 ok 68 - data ok 69 - tailws ok 70 ok 71 - data ok 72 - tailws ok 73 ok 74 - data ok 75 - tailws ok 76 ok 77 - data ok 78 - tailws ok 79 ok 80 - data ok 81 - tailws ok 82 ok 83 - data ok 84 - tailws ok 85 ok 86 - data ok 87 - tailws ok 88 ok 89 - data ok 90 - tailws ok 91 ok 92 - data ok 93 - tailws ok 94 ok 95 - data ok 96 - tailws ok 97 ok 98 - data ok 99 - tailws ok 100 ok 101 - data ok 102 - tailws ok 103 ok 104 - data ok 105 - tailws ok 106 ok 107 - data ok 108 - tailws ok 109 ok 110 - data ok 111 - tailws ok 112 ok 113 - data ok 114 - tailws ok 115 ok 116 - data ok 117 - tailws ok 118 ok 119 - data ok 120 - tailws ok 121 ok 122 - data ok 123 - tailws ok 124 ok 125 - data ok 126 - tailws ok 127 ok 128 - data ok 129 - tailws ok 130 ok 131 - data ok 132 - tailws ok 133 ok 134 - data ok 135 - tailws ok 136 ok 137 - data ok 138 - tailws ok 139 ok 140 - data ok 141 - tailws ok 142 ok 143 - data ok 144 - tailws ok 145 ok 146 - data ok 147 - tailws ok 148 ok 149 - data ok 150 - tailws ok 151 ok 152 - data ok 153 - tailws ok 154 ok 155 - data ok 156 - tailws ok 157 ok 158 - data ok 159 - tailws ok 160 ok 161 - data ok 162 - tailws ok 163 ok 164 - data ok 165 - tailws ok 166 ok 167 - data ok 168 - tailws ok 169 ok 170 - data ok 171 - tailws ok 172 ok 173 - data ok 174 - tailws ok 175 ok 176 - data ok 177 - tailws ok 178 ok 179 - data ok 180 - tailws ok 181 ok 182 - data ok 183 - tailws ok 184 ok 185 - data ok 186 - tailws ok 187 ok 188 - data ok 189 - tailws ok 190 ok 191 - data ok 192 - tailws ok 193 ok 194 - data ok 195 - tailws ok 196 ok 197 - data ok 198 - tailws ok 199 ok 200 - data ok 201 - tailws ok 202 ok 203 - data ok 204 - tailws ok 205 ok 206 - data ok 207 - tailws ok 208 ok 209 - data ok 210 - tailws ok 211 ok 212 - data ok 213 - tailws ok 214 ok 215 - data ok 216 - tailws ok 217 ok 218 - data ok 219 - tailws ok 220 ok 221 - data ok 222 - tailws ok 223 ok 224 - data ok 225 - tailws ok 226 ok 227 - data ok 228 - tailws ok 229 ok 230 - data ok 231 - tailws ok 232 ok 233 - data ok 234 - tailws ok 235 ok 236 - data ok 237 - tailws ok 238 ok 239 - data ok 240 - tailws ok 241 ok 242 - data ok 243 - tailws ok 244 ok 245 - data ok 246 - tailws ok 247 ok 248 - data ok 249 - tailws ok 250 ok 251 - data ok 252 - tailws ok 253 ok 254 - data ok 255 - tailws ok 256 ok 257 - data ok 258 - tailws ok 259 ok 260 - data ok 261 - tailws ok 262 ok 263 - data ok 264 - tailws ok 265 ok 266 - data ok 267 - tailws ok 268 ok 269 - data ok 270 - tailws ok 271 ok 272 - data ok 273 - tailws ok 274 ok 275 - data ok 276 - tailws ok 277 ok 278 - data ok 279 - tailws ok 280 ok 281 - data ok 282 - tailws ok 283 ok 284 - data ok 285 - tailws ok 286 ok 287 - data ok 288 - tailws ok 289 ok 290 - data ok 291 - tailws ok 292 ok 293 - data ok 294 - tailws ok 295 ok 296 - data ok 297 - tailws ok 298 ok 299 - data ok 300 - tailws ok 301 ok 302 - data ok 303 - tailws ok 304 ok 305 - data ok 306 - tailws ok 307 ok 308 - data ok 309 - tailws ok 310 ok 311 - data ok 312 - tailws ok 313 ok 314 - data ok 315 - tailws ok 316 ok 317 - data ok 318 - tailws ok 319 ok 320 - data ok 321 - tailws ok 322 ok 323 - data ok 324 - tailws ok 325 ok 326 - data ok 327 - tailws ok 328 ok 329 - data ok 330 - tailws ok 331 ok 332 - data ok 333 - tailws ok 334 ok 335 - data ok 336 - tailws ok 337 - cskip1 ok 338 - cskip2 ok 339 - cskip3 ok 340 - cskip4 ok 341 - cskip5 ok 342 - cjson1 ok 343 - cjson2 ok 344 - cjson3 ok 345 - cjson4 ok 346 - cjson5 ok 347 - cskip1 ok 348 - cskip2 ok 349 - cskip3 ok 350 - cskip4 ok 351 - cskip5 ok 352 - cjson1 ok 353 - cjson2 ok 354 - cjson3 ok 355 - cjson4 ok 356 - cjson5 ok 357 - cskip1 ok 358 - cskip2 ok 359 - cskip3 ok 360 - cskip4 ok 361 - cskip5 ok 362 - cjson1 ok 363 - cjson2 ok 364 - cjson3 ok 365 - cjson4 ok 366 - cjson5 ok 367 - cskip1 ok 368 - cskip2 ok 369 - cskip3 ok 370 - cskip4 ok 371 - cskip5 ok 372 - cjson1 ok 373 - cjson2 ok 374 - cjson3 ok 375 - cjson4 ok 376 - cjson5 ok 377 - cskip1 ok 378 - cskip2 ok 379 - cskip3 ok 380 - cskip4 ok 381 - cskip5 ok 382 - cjson1 ok 383 - cjson2 ok 384 - cjson3 ok 385 - cjson4 ok 386 - cjson5 ok 387 - cskip1 ok 388 - cskip2 ok 389 - cskip3 ok 390 - cskip4 ok 391 - cskip5 ok 392 - cjson1 ok 393 - cjson2 ok 394 - cjson3 ok 395 - cjson4 ok 396 - cjson5 ok 397 - cskip1 ok 398 - cskip2 ok 399 - cskip3 ok 400 - cskip4 ok 401 - cskip5 ok 402 - cjson1 ok 403 - cjson2 ok 404 - cjson3 ok 405 - cjson4 ok 406 - cjson5 ok 407 - cskip1 ok 408 - cskip2 ok 409 - cskip3 ok 410 - cskip4 ok 411 - cskip5 ok 412 - cjson1 ok 413 - cjson2 ok 414 - cjson3 ok 415 - cjson4 ok 416 - cjson5 ok 417 - cskip1 ok 418 - cskip2 ok 419 - cskip3 ok 420 - cskip4 ok 421 - cskip5 ok 422 - cjson1 ok 423 - cjson2 ok 424 - cjson3 ok 425 - cjson4 ok 426 - cjson5 ok 427 - cskip1 ok 428 - cskip2 ok 429 - cskip3 ok 430 - cskip4 ok 431 - cskip5 ok 432 - cjson1 ok 433 - cjson2 ok 434 - cjson3 ok 435 - cjson4 ok 436 - cjson5 ok 437 - cskip1 ok 438 - cskip2 ok 439 - cskip3 ok 440 - cskip4 ok 441 - cskip5 ok 442 - cjson1 ok 443 - cjson2 ok 444 - cjson3 ok 445 - cjson4 ok 446 - cjson5 ok 447 - cskip1 ok 448 - cskip2 ok 449 - cskip3 ok 450 - cskip4 ok 451 - cskip5 ok 452 - cjson1 ok 453 - cjson2 ok 454 - cjson3 ok 455 - cjson4 ok 456 - cjson5 ok 457 - cskip1 ok 458 - cskip2 ok 459 - cskip3 ok 460 - cskip4 ok 461 - cskip5 ok 462 - cjson1 ok 463 - cjson2 ok 464 - cjson3 ok 465 - cjson4 ok 466 - cjson5 ok 467 - cskip1 ok 468 - cskip2 ok 469 - cskip3 ok 470 - cskip4 ok 471 - cskip5 ok 472 - cjson1 ok 473 - cjson2 ok 474 - cjson3 ok 475 - cjson4 ok 476 - cjson5 ok 477 - cskip1 ok 478 - cskip2 ok 479 - cskip3 ok 480 - cskip4 ok 481 - cskip5 ok 482 - cjson1 ok 483 - cjson2 ok 484 - cjson3 ok 485 - cjson4 ok 486 - cjson5 ok 487 - cskip1 ok 488 - cskip2 ok 489 - cskip3 ok 490 - cskip4 ok 491 - cskip5 ok 492 - cjson1 ok 493 - cjson2 ok 494 - cjson3 ok 495 - cjson4 ok 496 - cjson5 ok 497 - cskip1 ok 498 - cskip2 ok 499 - cskip3 ok 500 - cskip4 ok 501 - cskip5 ok 502 - cjson1 ok 503 - cjson2 ok 504 - cjson3 ok 505 - cjson4 ok 506 - cjson5 ok 507 - cskip1 ok 508 - cskip2 ok 509 - cskip3 ok 510 - cskip4 ok 511 - cskip5 ok 512 - cjson1 ok 513 - cjson2 ok 514 - cjson3 ok 515 - cjson4 ok 516 - cjson5 ok 517 - cskip1 ok 518 - cskip2 ok 519 - cskip3 ok 520 - cskip4 ok 521 - cskip5 ok 522 - cjson1 ok 523 - cjson2 ok 524 - cjson3 ok 525 - cjson4 ok 526 - cjson5 ok 527 - cskip1 ok 528 - cskip2 ok 529 - cskip3 ok 530 - cskip4 ok 531 - cskip5 ok 532 - cjson1 ok 533 - cjson2 ok 534 - cjson3 ok 535 - cjson4 ok 536 - cjson5 ok 537 - cskip1 ok 538 - cskip2 ok 539 - cskip3 ok 540 - cskip4 ok 541 - cskip5 ok 542 - cjson1 ok 543 - cjson2 ok 544 - cjson3 ok 545 - cjson4 ok 546 - cjson5 ok 547 - cskip1 ok 548 - cskip2 ok 549 - cskip3 ok 550 - cskip4 ok 551 - cskip5 ok 552 - cjson1 ok 553 - cjson2 ok 554 - cjson3 ok 555 - cjson4 ok 556 - cjson5 ok 557 - cskip1 ok 558 - cskip2 ok 559 - cskip3 ok 560 - cskip4 ok 561 - cskip5 ok 562 - cjson1 ok 563 - cjson2 ok 564 - cjson3 ok 565 - cjson4 ok 566 - cjson5 ok 567 - cskip1 ok 568 - cskip2 ok 569 - cskip3 ok 570 - cskip4 ok 571 - cskip5 ok 572 - cjson1 ok 573 - cjson2 ok 574 - cjson3 ok 575 - cjson4 ok 576 - cjson5 ok 577 - cskip1 ok 578 - cskip2 ok 579 - cskip3 ok 580 - cskip4 ok 581 - cskip5 ok 582 - cjson1 ok 583 - cjson2 ok 584 - cjson3 ok 585 - cjson4 ok 586 - cjson5 ok 587 - cskip1 ok 588 - cskip2 ok 589 - cskip3 ok 590 - cskip4 ok 591 - cskip5 ok 592 - cjson1 ok 593 - cjson2 ok 594 - cjson3 ok 595 - cjson4 ok 596 - cjson5 ok 597 - cskip1 ok 598 - cskip2 ok 599 - cskip3 ok 600 - cskip4 ok 601 - cskip5 ok 602 - cjson1 ok 603 - cjson2 ok 604 - cjson3 ok 605 - cjson4 ok 606 - cjson5 ok 607 - cskip1 ok 608 - cskip2 ok 609 - cskip3 ok 610 - cskip4 ok 611 - cskip5 ok 612 - cjson1 ok 613 - cjson2 ok 614 - cjson3 ok 615 - cjson4 ok 616 - cjson5 ok 617 - cskip1 ok 618 - cskip2 ok 619 - cskip3 ok 620 - cskip4 ok 621 - cskip5 ok 622 - cjson1 ok 623 - cjson2 ok 624 - cjson3 ok 625 - cjson4 ok 626 - cjson5 ok 627 - cskip1 ok 628 - cskip2 ok 629 - cskip3 ok 630 - cskip4 ok 631 - cskip5 ok 632 - cjson1 ok 633 - cjson2 ok 634 - cjson3 ok 635 - cjson4 ok 636 - cjson5 ok 637 - cskip1 ok 638 - cskip2 ok 639 - cskip3 ok 640 - cskip4 ok 641 - cskip5 ok 642 - cjson1 ok 643 - cjson2 ok 644 - cjson3 ok 645 - cjson4 ok 646 - cjson5 ok 647 - cskip1 ok 648 - cskip2 ok 649 - cskip3 ok 650 - cskip4 ok 651 - cskip5 ok 652 - cjson1 ok 653 - cjson2 ok 654 - cjson3 ok 655 - cjson4 ok 656 - cjson5 ok 657 - cskip1 ok 658 - cskip2 ok 659 - cskip3 ok 660 - cskip4 ok 661 - cskip5 ok 662 - cjson1 ok 663 - cjson2 ok 664 - cjson3 ok 665 - cjson4 ok 666 - cjson5 ok 667 - cskip1 ok 668 - cskip2 ok 669 - cskip3 ok 670 - cskip4 ok 671 - cskip5 ok 672 - cjson1 ok 673 - cjson2 ok 674 - cjson3 ok 675 - cjson4 ok 676 - cjson5 ok 677 - cskip1 ok 678 - cskip2 ok 679 - cskip3 ok 680 - cskip4 ok 681 - cskip5 ok 682 - cjson1 ok 683 - cjson2 ok 684 - cjson3 ok 685 - cjson4 ok 686 - cjson5 ok 687 - sparse1 ok 688 - sparse2 ok 689 - sparse3 ok 690 - incsize1 ok 691 - incsize2 attempted decode of JSON text of 6 bytes size, but max_size is set to 5 at t/19_incr.t line 72. # ok 692 - incdepth1 ok 693 - incdepth2 json text or perl structure exceeds maximum nesting level (max_depth set too low?) at t/19_incr.t line 78. # ok 694 - unbalanced bracket ok 695 - got error ok 696 - malformed json string error ok 697 - valid data after incr_skip ok t/20_faihu.t ............ 1..3 ok 1 - JSON in ASCII roundtrips correctly ok 2 - JSON in UTF-8 roundtrips correctly ok 3 - JSON with external recoding roundtrips correctly ok t/21_evans.t ............ 1..1 ok 1 # ok t/22_comment_at_eof.t ... 1..13 ok 1 - array baseline ok 2 - space ignored before array ok 3 - newline ignored before array ok 4 - comment ignored before array ok 5 - comment ignored before array ok 6 - comment ignored before array ok 7 - comment ignored inside array ok 8 - eof baseline ok 9 - space ignored before eof ok 10 - newline ignored before eof ok 11 - comment ignored before eof ok 12 - comment ignored before eof ok 13 - array and string in multiple lines ok t/99_binary.t ........... 1..24576 ok 1 - 0 ok 2 - 1 ok 3 - 2 ok 4 - 3 ok 5 - 4 ok 6 - 5 ok 7 - 6 ok 8 - 7 ok 9 - 0 ok 10 - 1 ok 11 - 2 ok 12 - 3 ok 13 - 4 ok 14 - 5 ok 15 - 6 ok 16 - 7 ok 17 - 0 ok 18 - 1 ok 19 - 2 ok 20 - 3 ok 21 - 4 ok 22 - 5 ok 23 - 6 ok 24 - 7 ok 25 - 0 ok 26 - 1 ok 27 - 2 ok 28 - 3 ok 29 - 4 ok 30 - 5 ok 31 - 6 ok 32 - 7 ok 33 - 0 ok 34 - 1 ok 35 - 2 ok 36 - 3 ok 37 - 4 ok 38 - 5 ok 39 - 6 ok 40 - 7 ok 41 - 0 ok 42 - 1 ok 43 - 2 ok 44 - 3 ok 45 - 4 ok 46 - 5 ok 47 - 6 ok 48 - 7 ok 49 - 0 ok 50 - 1 ok 51 - 2 ok 52 - 3 ok 53 - 4 ok 54 - 5 ok 55 - 6 ok 56 - 7 ok 57 - 0 ok 58 - 1 ok 59 - 2 ok 60 - 3 ok 61 - 4 ok 62 - 5 ok 63 - 6 ok 64 - 7 ok 65 - 0 ok 66 - 1 ok 67 - 2 ok 68 - 3 ok 69 - 4 ok 70 - 5 ok 71 - 6 ok 72 - 7 ok 73 - 0 ok 74 - 1 ok 75 - 2 ok 76 - 3 ok 77 - 4 ok 78 - 5 ok 79 - 6 ok 80 - 7 ok 81 - 0 ok 82 - 1 ok 83 - 2 ok 84 - 3 ok 85 - 4 ok 86 - 5 ok 87 - 6 ok 88 - 7 ok 89 - 0 ok 90 - 1 ok 91 - 2 ok 92 - 3 ok 93 - 4 ok 94 - 5 ok 95 - 6 ok 96 - 7 ok 97 - 0 ok 98 - 1 ok 99 - 2 ok 100 - 3 ok 101 - 4 ok 102 - 5 ok 103 - 6 ok 104 - 7 ok 105 - 0 ok 106 - 1 ok 107 - 2 ok 108 - 3 ok 109 - 4 ok 110 - 5 ok 111 - 6 ok 112 - 7 ok 113 - 0 ok 114 - 1 ok 115 - 2 ok 116 - 3 ok 117 - 4 ok 118 - 5 ok 119 - 6 ok 120 - 7 ok 121 - 0 ok 122 - 1 ok 123 - 2 ok 124 - 3 ok 125 - 4 ok 126 - 5 ok 127 - 6 ok 128 - 7 ok 129 - 0 ok 130 - 1 ok 131 - 2 ok 132 - 3 ok 133 - 4 ok 134 - 5 ok 135 - 6 ok 136 - 7 ok 137 - 0 ok 138 - 1 ok 139 - 2 ok 140 - 3 ok 141 - 4 ok 142 - 5 ok 143 - 6 ok 144 - 7 ok 145 - 0 ok 146 - 1 ok 147 - 2 ok 148 - 3 ok 149 - 4 ok 150 - 5 ok 151 - 6 ok 152 - 7 ok 153 - 0 ok 154 - 1 ok 155 - 2 ok 156 - 3 ok 157 - 4 ok 158 - 5 ok 159 - 6 ok 160 - 7 ok 161 - 0 ok 162 - 1 ok 163 - 2 ok 164 - 3 ok 165 - 4 ok 166 - 5 ok 167 - 6 ok 168 - 7 ok 169 - 0 ok 170 - 1 ok 171 - 2 ok 172 - 3 ok 173 - 4 ok 174 - 5 ok 175 - 6 ok 176 - 7 ok 177 - 0 ok 178 - 1 ok 179 - 2 ok 180 - 3 ok 181 - 4 ok 182 - 5 ok 183 - 6 ok 184 - 7 ok 185 - 0 ok 186 - 1 ok 187 - 2 ok 188 - 3 ok 189 - 4 ok 190 - 5 ok 191 - 6 ok 192 - 7 ok 193 - 0 ok 194 - 1 ok 195 - 2 ok 196 - 3 ok 197 - 4 ok 198 - 5 ok 199 - 6 ok 200 - 7 ok 201 - 0 ok 202 - 1 ok 203 - 2 ok 204 - 3 ok 205 - 4 ok 206 - 5 ok 207 - 6 ok 208 - 7 ok 209 - 0 ok 210 - 1 ok 211 - 2 ok 212 - 3 ok 213 - 4 ok 214 - 5 ok 215 - 6 ok 216 - 7 ok 217 - 0 ok 218 - 1 ok 219 - 2 ok 220 - 3 ok 221 - 4 ok 222 - 5 ok 223 - 6 ok 224 - 7 ok 225 - 0 ok 226 - 1 ok 227 - 2 ok 228 - 3 ok 229 - 4 ok 230 - 5 ok 231 - 6 ok 232 - 7 ok 233 - 0 ok 234 - 1 ok 235 - 2 ok 236 - 3 ok 237 - 4 ok 238 - 5 ok 239 - 6 ok 240 - 7 ok 241 - 0 ok 242 - 1 ok 243 - 2 ok 244 - 3 ok 245 - 4 ok 246 - 5 ok 247 - 6 ok 248 - 7 ok 249 - 0 ok 250 - 1 ok 251 - 2 ok 252 - 3 ok 253 - 4 ok 254 - 5 ok 255 - 6 ok 256 - 7 ok 257 - 0 ok 258 - 1 ok 259 - 2 ok 260 - 3 ok 261 - 4 ok 262 - 5 ok 263 - 6 ok 264 - 7 ok 265 - 0 ok 266 - 1 ok 267 - 2 ok 268 - 3 ok 269 - 4 ok 270 - 5 ok 271 - 6 ok 272 - 7 ok 273 - 0 ok 274 - 1 ok 275 - 2 ok 276 - 3 ok 277 - 4 ok 278 - 5 ok 279 - 6 ok 280 - 7 ok 281 - 0 ok 282 - 1 ok 283 - 2 ok 284 - 3 ok 285 - 4 ok 286 - 5 ok 287 - 6 ok 288 - 7 ok 289 - 0 ok 290 - 1 ok 291 - 2 ok 292 - 3 ok 293 - 4 ok 294 - 5 ok 295 - 6 ok 296 - 7 ok 297 - 0 ok 298 - 1 ok 299 - 2 ok 300 - 3 ok 301 - 4 ok 302 - 5 ok 303 - 6 ok 304 - 7 ok 305 - 0 ok 306 - 1 ok 307 - 2 ok 308 - 3 ok 309 - 4 ok 310 - 5 ok 311 - 6 ok 312 - 7 ok 313 - 0 ok 314 - 1 ok 315 - 2 ok 316 - 3 ok 317 - 4 ok 318 - 5 ok 319 - 6 ok 320 - 7 ok 321 - 0 ok 322 - 1 ok 323 - 2 ok 324 - 3 ok 325 - 4 ok 326 - 5 ok 327 - 6 ok 328 - 7 ok 329 - 0 ok 330 - 1 ok 331 - 2 ok 332 - 3 ok 333 - 4 ok 334 - 5 ok 335 - 6 ok 336 - 7 ok 337 - 0 ok 338 - 1 ok 339 - 2 ok 340 - 3 ok 341 - 4 ok 342 - 5 ok 343 - 6 ok 344 - 7 ok 345 - 0 ok 346 - 1 ok 347 - 2 ok 348 - 3 ok 349 - 4 ok 350 - 5 ok 351 - 6 ok 352 - 7 ok 353 - 0 ok 354 - 1 ok 355 - 2 ok 356 - 3 ok 357 - 4 ok 358 - 5 ok 359 - 6 ok 360 - 7 ok 361 - 0 ok 362 - 1 ok 363 - 2 ok 364 - 3 ok 365 - 4 ok 366 - 5 ok 367 - 6 ok 368 - 7 ok 369 - 0 ok 370 - 1 ok 371 - 2 ok 372 - 3 ok 373 - 4 ok 374 - 5 ok 375 - 6 ok 376 - 7 ok 377 - 0 ok 378 - 1 ok 379 - 2 ok 380 - 3 ok 381 - 4 ok 382 - 5 ok 383 - 6 ok 384 - 7 ok 385 - 0 ok 386 - 1 ok 387 - 2 ok 388 - 3 ok 389 - 4 ok 390 - 5 ok 391 - 6 ok 392 - 7 ok 393 - 0 ok 394 - 1 ok 395 - 2 ok 396 - 3 ok 397 - 4 ok 398 - 5 ok 399 - 6 ok 400 - 7 ok 401 - 0 ok 402 - 1 ok 403 - 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7 ok All tests successful. Files=24, Tests=25564, 6 wallclock secs ( 2.42 usr 0.06 sys + 3.19 cusr 0.16 csys = 5.83 CPU) Result: PASS MLEHMANN/JSON-XS-2.34.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for JSON-XS-2.34 already made Running test for module 'Data::Visitor' Running make for D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz ok Data-Visitor-0.28 Data-Visitor-0.28/README Data-Visitor-0.28/Changes Data-Visitor-0.28/LICENSE Data-Visitor-0.28/dist.ini Data-Visitor-0.28/t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/weak.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/bugs.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/base.t Data-Visitor-0.28/META.yml Data-Visitor-0.28/MANIFEST Data-Visitor-0.28/t/magic.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/globs.t Data-Visitor-0.28/META.json Data-Visitor-0.28/Makefile.PL Data-Visitor-0.28/t/callback.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/00-compile.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/release-eol.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/circular_refs.t Data-Visitor-0.28/lib/Data Data-Visitor-0.28/lib/Data/ Data-Visitor-0.28/t/callback_aliasing.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/release-pod-syntax.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/callback_hash_entry.t Data-Visitor-0.28/t/release-pod-coverage.t Data-Visitor-0.28/lib/Data/Visitor Data-Visitor-0.28/lib/Data/Visitor/ /bin/tar: Read 9728 bytes from - Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Data::Visitor Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz ---- namespace::clean [requires] Tie::ToObject [requires] Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'namespace::clean' Running make for R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz ok namespace-clean-0.24/ namespace-clean-0.24/Changes namespace-clean-0.24/META.json namespace-clean-0.24/Makefile.PL namespace-clean-0.24/MANIFEST namespace-clean-0.24/META.yml namespace-clean-0.24/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/lib/namespace/ namespace-clean-0.24/lib/namespace/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/10-pure-perl.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/04-except.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/00-basic.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/09-fiddle-hinthash.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/05-syntax-error.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/01-function-wipeout.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/07-debugger.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/08-const-sub.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/05-explicit-cleanee.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/lib/ namespace-clean-0.24/t/03-unimport.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/02-inheritance.t namespace-clean-0.24/t/06-other-types.t Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for namespace::clean Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz ---- B::Hooks::EndOfScope [requires] Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'B::Hooks::EndOfScope' Running make for B/BO/BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/B/BO/BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz ok B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12 B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/README B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/Changes B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/LICENSE B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/dist.ini B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/META.yml B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/MANIFEST B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/META.json B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/Makefile.PL B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/01-eval.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/00-basic.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/02-localise.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/release-eol.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/11-direct_xs.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/12-direct_pp.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/05-exception_xs.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/06-exception_pp.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/release-no-tabs.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/release-pod-syntax.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/release-pod-coverage.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/ B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/ B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/ B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/t/10-test_without_vm_pure_pp.t B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP /bin/tar: Read 5120 bytes from - B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP/ B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP/ Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building B/BO/BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for B::Hooks::EndOfScope Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz ---- Devel::Hide [requires] Sub::Exporter::Progressive [requires] Variable::Magic [requires] Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Devel::Hide' Running make for F/FE/FERREIRA/Devel-Hide-0.0009.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FE/FERREIRA/Devel-Hide-0.0009.tar.gz ok Devel-Hide-0.0009/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/Changes Devel-Hide-0.0009/lib/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/Makefile.PL Devel-Hide-0.0009/MANIFEST Devel-Hide-0.0009/META.json Devel-Hide-0.0009/META.yml Devel-Hide-0.0009/README Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/001use.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/002basic.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/003user.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/004env.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/005lib.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/006before.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/050child-processes.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/090pod.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/098pod-coverage.t Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/t/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/lib/Devel/ Devel-Hide-0.0009/lib/Devel/ /bin/tar: Read 6144 bytes from - Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building F/FE/FERREIRA/Devel-Hide-0.0009.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Devel::Hide Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Devel/ blib/lib/Devel/ Manifying blib/man3/Devel::Hide.3 FERREIRA/Devel-Hide-0.0009.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Devel::Hide 0.0009, Perl 5.018000, /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static t/001use.t .............. 1..1 ok 1 - use Devel::Hide; ok Devel::Hide hides, t/002basic.t ............ 1..5 ok 1 - use lib; ok 2 - use Devel::Hide; ok 3 - P was loaded (as it should) ok 4 - Q not found (as it should) ok 5 - R not found (as it should) ok Devel::Hide hides, t/003user.t ............. 1..5 ok 1 - use lib; ok 2 - use Devel::Hide; ok 3 - P was loaded (as it should) ok 4 - Q not found (as it should) ok 5 - R not found (as it should) ok Devel::Hide hides, t/004env.t .............. 1..5 ok 1 - use lib; ok 2 - use Devel::Hide; ok 3 - P was loaded (as it should) ok 4 - Q not found (as it should) ok 5 - R not found (as it should) ok t/005lib.t .............. 1..4 ok 1 - use lib; ok 2 - use Devel::Hide; ok 3 - use lib; ok 4 - P was loaded (as it should) ok Devel::Hide: Too late to hide t/006before.t ........... 1..4 ok 1 - use lib; ok 2 - use P; ok 3 - use Devel::Hide; ok 4 - P was loaded (as it should) ok Devel::Hide hides, Devel::Hide hides, t/050child-processes.t .. 1..4 ok 1 - PERL5OPT is added to, not overwritten: Mlib=t,R ok 2 - P was loaded (as it should) ok 3 - Q not found (as it should) ok 4 - R not found (as it should) ok t/090pod.t .............. 1..16 ok 1 - POD test for ./Makefile.PL (no pod) ok 2 - POD test for ./t/ (no pod) ok 3 - POD test for ./t/050child-processes.t (no pod) ok 4 - POD test for ./t/090pod.t (no pod) ok 5 - POD test for ./t/003user.t (no pod) ok 6 - POD test for ./t/004env.t (no pod) ok 7 - POD test for ./t/006before.t (no pod) ok 8 - POD test for ./t/005lib.t (no pod) ok 9 - POD test for ./t/ (no pod) ok 10 - POD test for ./t/ (no pod) ok 11 - POD test for ./t/001use.t (no pod) ok 12 - POD test for ./t/002basic.t (no pod) ok 13 - POD test for ./t/098pod-coverage.t (no pod) ok 14 - POD test for ./t/ (no pod) ok 15 - POD test for ./blib/lib/Devel/ ok 16 - POD test for ./lib/Devel/ ok t/098pod-coverage.t ..... 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Devel::Hide ok All tests successful. Files=9, Tests=45, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.01 sys + 0.43 cusr 0.06 csys = 0.55 CPU) Result: PASS FERREIRA/Devel-Hide-0.0009.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Devel-Hide-0.0009 already made Running test for module 'Sub::Exporter::Progressive' Running make for F/FR/FREW/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FR/FREW/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010.tar.gz ok Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/Changes Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/lib/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/lib/Sub/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/lib/Sub/Exporter/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/lib/Sub/Exporter/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/Makefile.PL Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/META.json Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/version-check.t Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/lib/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/lib/A/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/lib/A/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/lib/A/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/all.t Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/basic.t Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/sex.t Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/tags.t Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/t/default.t Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/META.yml Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/maint/ Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/maint/Makefile.PL.include Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/MANIFEST Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010/README Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building F/FR/FREW/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Sub::Exporter::Progressive Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Sub/Exporter/ blib/lib/Sub/Exporter/ Manifying blib/man3/Sub::Exporter::Progressive.3 FREW/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/all.t ............ ok 1 - sub exported ok 2 - sub exported ok 3 - Sub::Exporter not loaded ok 4 - sub exported ok 5 - sub exported ok 6 - Sub::Exporter not loaded 1..6 ok t/basic.t .......... ok 1 - requested sub exported ok 2 - Sub::Exporter not loaded 1..2 ok t/default.t ........ ok 1 - sub exported ok 2 - Sub::Exporter not loaded 1..2 ok t/sex.t ............ ok 1 - sub renamed with Sub::Exporter ok 2 - Sub::Exporter loaded 1..2 ok t/tags.t ........... ok 1 - junk1 not exported ok 2 - junk2 not exported ok 3 - junk3 exported ok 4 - Sub::Exporter not loaded ok 5 - ':default' tag: Local::Importer1 compiled ok 6 - ':default' tag: Local::Importer1->can("foo") ok 7 - ':default' tag: Local::Importer1->can't("bar") ok 8 - ':default' tag: Local::Importer1->can't("baz") ok 9 - '-default' tag: Local::Importer2 compiled ok 10 - '-default' tag: Local::Importer2->can("foo") ok 11 - '-default' tag: Local::Importer2->can't("bar") ok 12 - '-default' tag: Local::Importer2->can't("baz") ok 13 - ':default bar' tag: Local::Importer3 compiled ok 14 - ':default bar' tag: Local::Importer3->can("foo") ok 15 - ':default bar' tag: Local::Importer3->can("bar") ok 16 - ':default bar' tag: Local::Importer3->can't("baz") ok 17 - '-default bar' tag: Local::Importer4 compiled ok 18 - '-default bar' tag: Local::Importer4->can("foo") ok 19 - '-default bar' tag: Local::Importer4->can("bar") ok 20 - '-default bar' tag: Local::Importer4->can't("baz") ok 21 - ':bb' tag: Local::Importer5 compiled ok 22 - ':bb' tag: Local::Importer5->can("bar") ok 23 - ':bb' tag: Local::Importer5->can("baz") ok 24 - ':bb' tag: Local::Importer5->can't("foo") ok 25 - '-bb' tag: Local::Importer6 compiled ok 26 - '-bb' tag: Local::Importer6->can("bar") ok 27 - '-bb' tag: Local::Importer6->can("baz") ok 28 - '-bb' tag: Local::Importer6->can't("foo") ok 29 - ':all' tag: Local::Importer7 compiled ok 30 - ':all' tag: Local::Importer7->can("foo") ok 31 - ':all' tag: Local::Importer7->can("bar") ok 32 - ':all' tag: Local::Importer7->can("baz") ok 33 - '-all' tag: Local::Importer8 compiled ok 34 - '-all' tag: Local::Importer8->can("foo") ok 35 - '-all' tag: Local::Importer8->can("bar") ok 36 - '-all' tag: Local::Importer8->can("baz") ok 37 - 'bar :default' tag: Local::Importer9 compiled ok 38 - 'bar :default' tag: Local::Importer9->can("foo") ok 39 - 'bar :default' tag: Local::Importer9->can("bar") ok 40 - 'bar :default' tag: Local::Importer9->can't("baz") ok 41 - 'bar -default' tag: Local::Importer10 compiled ok 42 - 'bar -default' tag: Local::Importer10->can("foo") ok 43 - 'bar -default' tag: Local::Importer10->can("bar") ok 44 - 'bar -default' tag: Local::Importer10->can't("baz") 1..44 ok t/version-check.t .. ok 1 - perl built-in module version check ok 2 - perl built-in module version check ok 3 - perl built-in module version check error message ok 4 - version check ok 5 - Sub::Exporter::Progressive error message 1..5 ok All tests successful. Files=6, Tests=61, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.01 sys + 0.24 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.34 CPU) Result: PASS FREW/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010 already made Running test for module 'Variable::Magic' Running make for V/VP/VPIT/Variable-Magic-0.52.tar.gz Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/V/VP/VPIT/Variable-Magic-0.52.tar.gz ok Variable-Magic-0.52/ Variable-Magic-0.52/Changes Variable-Magic-0.52/lib/ Variable-Magic-0.52/Magic.xs Variable-Magic-0.52/Makefile.PL Variable-Magic-0.52/MANIFEST Variable-Magic-0.52/META.json Variable-Magic-0.52/META.yml Variable-Magic-0.52/README Variable-Magic-0.52/samples/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/00-load.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/01-import.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/02-constants.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/10-simple.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/11-multiple.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/13-data.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/14-callbacks.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/15-self.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/16-huf.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/17-ctl.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/18-opinfo.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/20-get.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/21-set.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/22-len.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/23-clear.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/24-free.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/25-copy.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/27-local.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/28-uvar.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/30-scalar.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/31-array.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/32-hash.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/33-code.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/34-glob.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/35-stash.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/40-threads.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/41-clone.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/80-leaks.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/91-pod.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/92-pod-coverage.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/93-pod-spelling.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/95-portability-files.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/99-kwalitee.t Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/VPIT/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/VPIT/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/t/lib/Variable/Magic/ Variable-Magic-0.52/samples/ Variable-Magic-0.52/samples/ Variable-Magic-0.52/samples/ Variable-Magic-0.52/samples/ Variable-Magic-0.52/samples/ Variable-Magic-0.52/lib/Variable/ Variable-Magic-0.52/lib/Variable/ /bin/tar: Read 1024 bytes from - Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'make' Building V/VP/VPIT/Variable-Magic-0.52.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if this is ActiveState Perl 5.8.8 build 822 or higher... no Checking if this is gcc 3.4 on Windows trying to link against an import library... no Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Variable::Magic Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Variable/ blib/lib/Variable/ /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/ExtUtils/typemap Magic.xs > Magic.xsc && mv Magic.xsc Magic.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"0.52\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.52\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/CORE" Magic.c Running Mkbootstrap for Variable::Magic () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/Variable/Magic/ gcc -shared -O2 -fstack-protector Magic.o -o blib/arch/auto/Variable/Magic/ \ \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Variable/Magic/ cp blib/arch/auto/Variable/Magic/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Variable/Magic/ Manifying blib/man3/Variable::Magic.3 VPIT/Variable-Magic-0.52.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Variable::Magic 0.52, Perl 5.018000 (no patchlevel), /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static # This is ActiveState Perl 5.018000 build 1800 t/00-load.t ............... 1..1 ok 1 - use Variable::Magic; ok t/01-import.t ............. 1..42 ok 1 - import MGf_COPY ok 2 - prototype MGf_COPY ok 3 - import MGf_DUP ok 4 - prototype MGf_DUP ok 5 - import MGf_LOCAL ok 6 - prototype MGf_LOCAL ok 7 - import VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_PUSH_NOLEN ok 8 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_PUSH_NOLEN ok 9 - import VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_PUSH_NOLEN_VOID ok 10 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_PUSH_NOLEN_VOID ok 11 - import VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_UNDEF_CLEAR ok 12 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_UNDEF_CLEAR ok 13 - import VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_UNSHIFT_NOLEN_VOID ok 14 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_ARRAY_UNSHIFT_NOLEN_VOID ok 15 - import VMG_COMPAT_GLOB_GET ok 16 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_GLOB_GET ok 17 - import VMG_COMPAT_HASH_DELETE_NOUVAR_VOID ok 18 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_HASH_DELETE_NOUVAR_VOID ok 19 - import VMG_COMPAT_SCALAR_LENGTH_NOLEN ok 20 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_SCALAR_LENGTH_NOLEN ok 21 - import VMG_COMPAT_SCALAR_NOLEN ok 22 - prototype VMG_COMPAT_SCALAR_NOLEN ok 23 - import VMG_FORKSAFE ok 24 - prototype VMG_FORKSAFE ok 25 - import VMG_OP_INFO_NAME ok 26 - prototype VMG_OP_INFO_NAME ok 27 - import VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT ok 28 - prototype VMG_OP_INFO_OBJECT ok 29 - import VMG_PERL_PATCHLEVEL ok 30 - prototype VMG_PERL_PATCHLEVEL ok 31 - import VMG_THREADSAFE ok 32 - prototype VMG_THREADSAFE ok 33 - import VMG_UVAR ok 34 - prototype VMG_UVAR ok 35 - import cast ok 36 - prototype cast ok 37 - import dispell ok 38 - prototype dispell ok 39 - import getdata ok 40 - prototype getdata ok 41 - import wizard ok 42 - prototype wizard ok t/02-constants.t .......... 1..2 ok 1 - MGf_COPY is always true ok 2 - MGf_DUP is always true ok t/10-simple.t ............. 1..43 ok 1 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 2 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 3 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 4 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 5 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 6 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 7 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 8 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 9 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 10 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 11 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 12 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 13 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 14 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 15 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 16 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 17 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 18 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 19 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 20 - _wizard called directly with a wrong number of arguments croaks ok 21 - wizard called with an odd number of arguments croaks ok 22 - wizard called with an odd number of arguments croaks ok 23 - wizard called with an odd number of arguments croaks ok 24 - wizard called with an odd number of arguments croaks ok 25 - wizard doesn't croak ok 26 - wizard is defined ok 27 - wizard is a scalar ref ok 28 - cast doesn't croak ok 29 - cast is valid ok 30 - dispell from wizard doesn't croak ok 31 - dispell from wizard is valid ok 32 - re-cast doesn't croak ok 33 - re-cast is valid ok 34 - re-dispell from wrong wizard croaks ok 35 - re-dispell from wrong wizard doesn't return anything ok 36 - re-dispell from undef croaks ok 37 - re-dispell from undef doesn't return anything ok 38 - re-dispell from good wizard doesn't croak ok 39 - re-dispell from good wizard is valid ok 40 - dispell non-magic object doesn't croak ok 41 - dispell non-magic object returns 0 ok 42 - cast from undef croaks ok 43 - cast from undef doesn't return anything ok t/11-multiple.t ........... 1..74 ok 1 - wizard 0 creation doesn't croak ok 2 - wizard 1 creation doesn't croak ok 3 - wizard 2 creation doesn't croak ok 4 - wizard 0 is defined ok 5 - wizard 0 is a scalar ref ok 6 - wizard 1 is defined ok 7 - wizard 1 is a scalar ref ok 8 - wizard 2 is defined ok 9 - wizard 2 is a scalar ref ok 10 - cast magic 0 doesn't croak ok 11 - cast magic 0 is valid ok 12 - cast magic 1 doesn't croak ok 13 - cast magic 1 is valid ok 14 - cast magic 2 doesn't croak ok 15 - cast magic 2 is valid ok 16 - get magic 0 ok 17 - get magic 1 ok 18 - get magic 2 ok 19 - set magic 0 ok 20 - set magic 1 ok 21 - set magic 2 ok 22 - dispell magic 1 doesn't croak ok 23 - dispell magic 1 is valid ok 24 - get magic 0 after dispelled 1 ok 25 - get magic 2 after dispelled 1 ok 26 - set magic 0 after dispelled 1 ok 27 - set magic 2 after dispelled 1 ok 28 - dispell magic 0 doesn't croak ok 29 - dispell magic 0 is valid ok 30 - get magic 2 after dispelled 1 & 0 ok 31 - set magic 2 after dispelled 1 & 0 ok 32 - dispell magic 2 doesn't croak ok 33 - dispell magic 2 is valid ok 34 - wizard with uvar 0 doesn't croak ok 35 - wizard with uvar 1 doesn't croak ok 36 - wizard with uvar 2 doesn't croak ok 37 - wizard with uvar 0 is defined ok 38 - wizard with uvar 0 is a scalar ref ok 39 - wizard with uvar 1 is defined ok 40 - wizard with uvar 1 is a scalar ref ok 41 - wizard with uvar 2 is defined ok 42 - wizard with uvar 2 is a scalar ref ok 43 - cast uvar magic 0 doesn't croak ok 44 - cast uvar magic 0 is valid ok 45 - cast uvar magic 1 doesn't croak ok 46 - cast uvar magic 1 is valid ok 47 - cast uvar magic 2 doesn't croak ok 48 - cast uvar magic 2 is valid ok 49 - fetch magic doesn't clobber ok 50 - fetch magic 0 ok 51 - fetch magic 1 ok 52 - fetch magic 2 ok 53 - store magic 0 ok 54 - store magic 1 ok 55 - store magic 2 ok 56 - store magic doesn't clobber ok 57 - dispell uvar magic 1 doesn't croak ok 58 - dispell uvar magic 1 is valid ok 59 - fetch magic after dispelled 1 doesn't clobber ok 60 - fetch magic 0 after dispelled 1 ok 61 - fetch magic 2 after dispelled 1 ok 62 - store magic 0 after dispelled 1 ok 63 - store magic 2 after dispelled 1 ok 64 - store magic after dispelled 1 doesn't clobber ok 65 - dispell uvar magic 2 doesn't croak ok 66 - dispell uvar magic 2 is valid ok 67 - fetch magic after dispelled 1,2 doesn't clobber ok 68 - fetch magic 0 after dispelled 1,2 ok 69 - store magic 0 after dispelled 1,2 ok 70 - store magic after dispelled 1,2 doesn't clobber ok 71 - dispell uvar magic 0 doesn't croak ok 72 - dispell uvar magic 0 is valid ok 73 - fetch magic after dispelled 1,2,0 doesn't clobber ok 74 - store magic after dispelled 1,2,0 doesn't clobber ok t/13-data.t ............... 1..35 ok 1 - wizard doesn't croak ok 2 - wizard is defined ok 3 - wizard is a scalar ref ok 4 - cast doesn't croak ok 5 - cast returns true ok 6 - getdata from non-magical scalar doesn't croak ok 7 - getdata from non-magical scalar returns undef ok 8 - getdata from wizard doesn't croak ok 9 - getdata from wizard returns true ok 10 - getdata from wizard return value is ok ok 11 - get magic : pass data ok 12 - get magic : data updated ok 13 - set magic : pass data ok 14 - set magic : pass data ok 15 - getdata from invalid wizard croaks ok 16 - getdata from invalid wizard returns undef ok 17 - getdata from undef croaks ok 18 - getdata from undef doesn't return anything ok 19 - dispell doesn't croak ok 20 - dispell returns true ok 21 - cast with arguments doesn't croak ok 22 - cast with arguments returns true ok 23 - getdata from wizard with arguments doesn't croak ok 24 - getdata from wizard with arguments returns true ok 25 - getdata from wizard with arguments return value is ok ok 26 - cast non-data wizard doesn't croak ok 27 - cast non-data wizard returns true ok 28 - getdata from non-data wizard doesn't croak ok 29 - getdata from non-data wizard invalid returns undef ok 30 - data from d is what we expected ok 31 - cast arguments from d were passed by alias ok 32 - data from e is what we expected ok 33 - cast arguments from e were passed by alias ok 34 - data from d wasn't changed ok 35 - data from e wasn't changed ok t/14-callbacks.t .......... 1..26 ok 1 - wizard creation doesn't croak ok 2 - wizard is defined ok 3 - wizard is a scalar ref ok 4 - cast doesn't croak ok 5 - cast is valid ok 6 - callback returning undef doesn't warn/croak ok 7 - callback returning undef fails ok 8 - wizard with a qualified string callback doesn't croak ok 9 - cast a wizard with a qualified string callback doesn't croak ok 10 - qualified string callback doesn't warn/croak ok 11 - qualified string callback is called ok 12 - qualified string callback returns the right thing ok 13 - wizard with a short string callback doesn't croak ok 14 - cast a wizard with a short string callback doesn't croak ok 15 - short string callback doesn't warn/croak ok 16 - short string callback is called ok 17 - short string callback returns the right thing ok 18 - wizard with a ref-to-undef callback doesn't croak ok 19 - cast a wizard with a ref-to-undef callback doesn't croak ok 20 - ref-to-undef callback doesn't warn/croak ok 21 - ref-to-undef callback returns the right thing ok 22 - caller into callback returns the right thing ok 23 - caller into callback returns the right thing (second time) ok 24 - caller into callback into block returns the right thing ok 25 - caller into callback doesn't croak ok 26 - caller into callback into eval returns the right thing ok t/15-self.t ............... 1..161 ok 1 - wizard creation error doesn't croak ok 2 - wizard is defined ok 3 - wizard is a scalar ref ok 4 - cast on self doesn't croak ok 5 - cast on self is valid ok 6 - magic works correctly on self ok 7 - dispell on self doesn't croak ok 8 - dispell on self is valid ok 9 - magic is no longer invoked on self when dispelled ok 10 - re-cast on self doesn't croak ok 11 - re-cast on self is valid ok 12 - getdata on magical self doesn't trigger callbacks ok 13 - re-dispell on self doesn't croak ok 14 - re-dispell on self is valid ok 15 - re-re-cast on self doesn't croak ok 16 - re-re-cast on self is valid ok 17 - cast a SCALAR from a get callback: no error ok 18 - cast a SCALAR from a get callback: returned value ok 19 - cast a SCALAR from a get callback: correctly cast ok 20 - cast a SCALAR from a get callback and dieing: correct error ok 21 - cast a SCALAR from a get callback and dieing: returned undef ok 22 - cast a SCALAR from a get callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 23 - dispell a SCALAR from a get callback: no error ok 24 - dispell a SCALAR from a get callback: returned value ok 25 - dispell a SCALAR from a get callback: correctly dispelled ok 26 - dispell a SCALAR from a get callback and dieing: correct error ok 27 - dispell a SCALAR from a get callback and dieing: returned undef ok 28 - dispell a SCALAR from a get callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 29 - cast a SCALAR from a set callback: no error ok 30 - cast a SCALAR from a set callback: returned value ok 31 - cast a SCALAR from a set callback: correctly cast ok 32 - cast a SCALAR from a set callback and dieing: correct error ok 33 - cast a SCALAR from a set callback and dieing: returned undef ok 34 - cast a SCALAR from a set callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 35 - dispell a SCALAR from a set callback: no error ok 36 - dispell a SCALAR from a set callback: returned value ok 37 - dispell a SCALAR from a set callback: correctly dispelled ok 38 - dispell a SCALAR from a set callback and dieing: correct error ok 39 - dispell a SCALAR from a set callback and dieing: returned undef ok 40 - dispell a SCALAR from a set callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 41 - cast a SCALAR from a free callback: no error ok 42 - cast a SCALAR from a free callback: returned value ok 43 - cast a SCALAR from a free callback: meaningless ok 44 - cast a SCALAR from a free callback and dieing: correct error ok 45 - cast a SCALAR from a free callback and dieing: returned undef ok 46 - cast a SCALAR from a free callback and dieing: meaningless ok 47 - dispell a SCALAR from a free callback: no error ok 48 - dispell a SCALAR from a free callback: returned value ok 49 - dispell a SCALAR from a free callback: meaningless ok 50 - dispell a SCALAR from a free callback and dieing: correct error ok 51 - dispell a SCALAR from a free callback and dieing: returned undef ok 52 - dispell a SCALAR from a free callback and dieing: meaningless ok 53 - cast a ARRAY from a len callback: no error ok 54 - cast a ARRAY from a len callback: returned value ok 55 - cast a ARRAY from a len callback: correctly cast ok 56 - cast a ARRAY from a len callback and dieing: correct error ok 57 - cast a ARRAY from a len callback and dieing: returned undef ok 58 - cast a ARRAY from a len callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 59 - dispell a ARRAY from a len callback: no error ok 60 - dispell a ARRAY from a len callback: returned value ok 61 - dispell a ARRAY from a len callback: correctly dispelled ok 62 - dispell a ARRAY from a len callback and dieing: correct error ok 63 - dispell a ARRAY from a len callback and dieing: returned undef ok 64 - dispell a ARRAY from a len callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 65 - cast a ARRAY from a clear callback: no error ok 66 - cast a ARRAY from a clear callback: returned value ok 67 - cast a ARRAY from a clear callback: correctly cast ok 68 - cast a ARRAY from a clear callback and dieing: correct error ok 69 - cast a ARRAY from a clear callback and dieing: returned undef ok 70 - cast a ARRAY from a clear callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 71 - dispell a ARRAY from a clear callback: no error ok 72 - dispell a ARRAY from a clear callback: returned value ok 73 - dispell a ARRAY from a clear callback: correctly dispelled ok 74 - dispell a ARRAY from a clear callback and dieing: correct error ok 75 - dispell a ARRAY from a clear callback and dieing: returned undef ok 76 - dispell a ARRAY from a clear callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 77 - cast a ARRAY from a free callback: no error ok 78 - cast a ARRAY from a free callback: returned value ok 79 - cast a ARRAY from a free callback: meaningless ok 80 - cast a ARRAY from a free callback and dieing: correct error ok 81 - cast a ARRAY from a free callback and dieing: returned undef ok 82 - cast a ARRAY from a free callback and dieing: meaningless ok 83 - dispell a ARRAY from a free callback: no error ok 84 - dispell a ARRAY from a free callback: returned value ok 85 - dispell a ARRAY from a free callback: meaningless ok 86 - dispell a ARRAY from a free callback and dieing: correct error ok 87 - dispell a ARRAY from a free callback and dieing: returned undef ok 88 - dispell a ARRAY from a free callback and dieing: meaningless ok 89 - cast a HASH from a clear callback: no error ok 90 - cast a HASH from a clear callback: returned value ok 91 - cast a HASH from a clear callback: correctly cast ok 92 - cast a HASH from a clear callback and dieing: correct error ok 93 - cast a HASH from a clear callback and dieing: returned undef ok 94 - cast a HASH from a clear callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 95 - dispell a HASH from a clear callback: no error ok 96 - dispell a HASH from a clear callback: returned value ok 97 - dispell a HASH from a clear callback: correctly dispelled ok 98 - dispell a HASH from a clear callback and dieing: correct error ok 99 - dispell a HASH from a clear callback and dieing: returned undef ok 100 - dispell a HASH from a clear callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 101 - cast a HASH from a free callback: no error ok 102 - cast a HASH from a free callback: returned value ok 103 - cast a HASH from a free callback: meaningless ok 104 - cast a HASH from a free callback and dieing: correct error ok 105 - cast a HASH from a free callback and dieing: returned undef ok 106 - cast a HASH from a free callback and dieing: meaningless ok 107 - dispell a HASH from a free callback: no error ok 108 - dispell a HASH from a free callback: returned value ok 109 - dispell a HASH from a free callback: meaningless ok 110 - dispell a HASH from a free callback and dieing: correct error ok 111 - dispell a HASH from a free callback and dieing: returned undef ok 112 - dispell a HASH from a free callback and dieing: meaningless ok 113 - cast a HASH from a fetch callback: no error ok 114 - cast a HASH from a fetch callback: returned value ok 115 - cast a HASH from a fetch callback: correctly cast ok 116 - cast a HASH from a fetch callback and dieing: correct error ok 117 - cast a HASH from a fetch callback and dieing: returned undef ok 118 - cast a HASH from a fetch callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 119 - dispell a HASH from a fetch callback: no error ok 120 - dispell a HASH from a fetch callback: returned value ok 121 - dispell a HASH from a fetch callback: correctly dispelled ok 122 - dispell a HASH from a fetch callback and dieing: correct error ok 123 - dispell a HASH from a fetch callback and dieing: returned undef ok 124 - dispell a HASH from a fetch callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 125 - cast a HASH from a store callback: no error ok 126 - cast a HASH from a store callback: returned value ok 127 - cast a HASH from a store callback: correctly cast ok 128 - cast a HASH from a store callback and dieing: correct error ok 129 - cast a HASH from a store callback and dieing: returned undef ok 130 - cast a HASH from a store callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 131 - dispell a HASH from a store callback: no error ok 132 - dispell a HASH from a store callback: returned value ok 133 - dispell a HASH from a store callback: correctly dispelled ok 134 - dispell a HASH from a store callback and dieing: correct error ok 135 - dispell a HASH from a store callback and dieing: returned undef ok 136 - dispell a HASH from a store callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 137 - cast a HASH from a exists callback: no error ok 138 - cast a HASH from a exists callback: returned value ok 139 - cast a HASH from a exists callback: correctly cast ok 140 - cast a HASH from a exists callback and dieing: correct error ok 141 - cast a HASH from a exists callback and dieing: returned undef ok 142 - cast a HASH from a exists callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 143 - dispell a HASH from a exists callback: no error ok 144 - dispell a HASH from a exists callback: returned value ok 145 - dispell a HASH from a exists callback: correctly dispelled ok 146 - dispell a HASH from a exists callback and dieing: correct error ok 147 - dispell a HASH from a exists callback and dieing: returned undef ok 148 - dispell a HASH from a exists callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 149 - cast a HASH from a delete callback: no error ok 150 - cast a HASH from a delete callback: returned value ok 151 - cast a HASH from a delete callback: correctly cast ok 152 - cast a HASH from a delete callback and dieing: correct error ok 153 - cast a HASH from a delete callback and dieing: returned undef ok 154 - cast a HASH from a delete callback and dieing: correctly cast ok 155 - dispell a HASH from a delete callback: no error ok 156 - dispell a HASH from a delete callback: returned value ok 157 - dispell a HASH from a delete callback: correctly dispelled ok 158 - dispell a HASH from a delete callback and dieing: correct error ok 159 - dispell a HASH from a delete callback and dieing: returned undef ok 160 - dispell a HASH from a delete callback and dieing: correctly dispelled ok 161 - wizard destruction at the end of BEGIN-time require doesn't panic ok # Using Hash::Util::FieldHash 1.10 t/16-huf.t ................ 1..18 ok 1 - huf: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - huf: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - huf: wizard with uvar is defined ok 4 - huf: wizard with uvar is a scalar ref ok 5 - huf: cast uvar magic on fieldhash doesn't croak ok 6 - huf: cast uvar magic on fieldhash triggers magic correctly ok 7 - huf: cast uvar magic on fieldhash succeeded ok 8 - huf: fetch on magical fieldhash doesn't croak ok 9 - huf: fetch on magical fieldhash triggers magic correctly ok 10 - huf: fetch on magical fieldhash succeeded ok 11 - huf: store on magical fieldhash doesn't croak ok 12 - huf: store on magical fieldhash triggers magic correctly ok 13 - huf: store on magical fieldhash succeeded ok 14 - huf: dispell uvar magic on fieldhash doesn't croak ok 15 - huf: dispell uvar magic on fieldhash triggers magic correctly ok 16 - huf: dispell uvar magic on fieldhash succeeded ok 17 - huf: store/fetch on fieldhash after dispell still ok ok 18 - huf: magic triggered at END time ok # Using Capture::Tiny 0.22 t/17-ctl.t ................ 1..96 ok 1 - die in data callback (direct, $@ unset) in eval ok 2 - die in data callback (direct, $@ set) in eval ok 3 - die in data callback (direct, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 4 - die in data callback (direct, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 5 - die in data callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 6 - die in data callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 7 - die in data callback (indirect, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 8 - die in data callback (indirect, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 9 - die in get callback (direct, $@ unset) in eval ok 10 - die in get callback (direct, $@ set) in eval ok 11 - die in get callback (direct, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 12 - die in get callback (direct, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 13 - die in get callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 14 - die in get callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 15 - die in get callback (indirect, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 16 - die in get callback (indirect, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 17 - die in set callback (direct, $@ unset) in eval ok 18 - die in set callback (direct, $@ set) in eval ok 19 - die in set callback (direct, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 20 - die in set callback (direct, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 21 - die in set callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 22 - die in set callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 23 - die in set callback (indirect, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 24 - die in set callback (indirect, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 25 - die in len callback (direct, $@ unset) in eval ok 26 - die in len callback (direct, $@ set) in eval ok 27 - die in len callback (direct, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 28 - die in len callback (direct, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 29 - die in len callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 30 - die in len callback (indirect, $@ unset) in eval ok 31 - die in len callback (indirect, $@ unset) in BEGIN ok 32 - die in len callback (indirect, $@ set) in BEGIN ok 33 - die in free callback at eval BLOCK 1a ok 34 - die in free callback at eval STRING 1a ok 35 - die in free callback at eval BLOCK 1b ok 36 - die in free callback at eval STRING 1b ok 37 - die in free callback at eval BLOCK 2a ok 38 - die in free callback at eval STRING 2a ok 39 - die in free callback at eval BLOCK 2b ok 40 - die in free callback at eval STRING 2b ok 41 - die in free callback at eval BLOCK 3 ok 42 - die in free callback at eval STRING 3 ok 43 - die in free callback at block in eval BLOCK ok 44 - die in free callback at block in eval STRING ok 45 - die in free callback did not over-unwind the save stack ok 46 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval BLOCK 1a ok 47 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval STRING 1a ok 48 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval BLOCK 1b ok 49 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval STRING 1b ok 50 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval BLOCK 2a ok 51 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval STRING 2a ok 52 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval BLOCK 2b ok 53 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval STRING 2b ok 54 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval BLOCK 3 ok 55 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at eval STRING 3 ok 56 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at block in eval BLOCK ok 57 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside at block in eval STRING ok 58 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside did not over-unwind the save stack ok 59 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval BLOCK 1a ok 60 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval STRING 1a ok 61 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval BLOCK 1b ok 62 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval STRING 1b ok 63 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval BLOCK 2a ok 64 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval STRING 2a ok 65 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval BLOCK 2b ok 66 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval STRING 2b ok 67 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval BLOCK 3 ok 68 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at eval STRING 3 ok 69 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at block in eval BLOCK ok 70 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside at block in eval STRING ok 71 - die in free callback with $@ localized outside did not over-unwind the save stack ok 72 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval BLOCK 1a ok 73 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval STRING 1a ok 74 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval BLOCK 1b ok 75 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval STRING 1b ok 76 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval BLOCK 2a ok 77 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval STRING 2a ok 78 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval BLOCK 2b ok 79 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval STRING 2b ok 80 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval BLOCK 3 ok 81 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at eval STRING 3 ok 82 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at block in eval BLOCK ok 83 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside at block in eval STRING ok 84 - die in free callback with $@ localized inside and outside did not over-unwind the save stack ok 85 - die in sub in free callback ok 86 - die in free callback in block in eval with $@ unset ok 87 - die in free callback in block in eval with $@ set ok 88 - die in free callback in BEGIN ok 89 - die in free callback in len callback in BEGIN ok 90 - die in free callback at end of scope ok 91 - in hints hash destructor ok 92 - die in BEGIN in require in eval string triggers hints hash destructor ok 93 - in hints hash destructor 2 ok 94 - die in BEGIN in eval triggers hints hash destructor ok 95 - die in free callback at compile time and not in eval string ok 96 - die in free callback at compile time and not in eval string ok t/18-opinfo.t ............. 1..125 ok 1 - len wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 2 - len magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 3 - len magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 4 - len wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 5 - len magic with op_info == 2 isa B::OP ok 6 - len magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 7 - len magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 8 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 9 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 10 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 11 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 12 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::OP ok 13 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 14 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 15 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 16 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 17 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 18 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 19 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::BINOP ok 20 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 21 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 22 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 23 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 24 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 25 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 26 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::UNOP ok 27 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 28 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 29 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 30 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 31 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 32 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 33 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::BINOP ok 34 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 35 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 36 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 37 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 38 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 39 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 40 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::BINOP ok 41 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 42 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 43 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 44 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 45 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 46 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 47 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::LOGOP ok 48 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 49 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 50 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 51 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 52 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 53 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 54 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::UNOP ok 55 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 56 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 57 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 58 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 59 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 60 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 61 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::UNOP ok 62 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 63 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 64 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 65 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 66 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 67 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 68 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::UNOP ok 69 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 70 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 71 - set wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 72 - set magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 73 - set magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 74 - set wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 75 - set magic with op_info == 2 isa B::LISTOP ok 76 - set magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 77 - set magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 78 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 79 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 80 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 81 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 82 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::PMOP ok 83 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 84 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 85 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 86 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 87 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 88 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 89 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::SVOP ok 90 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 91 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 92 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 93 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 94 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 95 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 96 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::PVOP ok 97 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 98 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 99 - get wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 100 - get magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 101 - get magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 102 - get wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 103 - get magic with op_info == 2 isa B::LOOP ok 104 - get magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 105 - get magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 106 - free wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 107 - free magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 108 - free magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 109 - free wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 110 - free magic with op_info == 2 isa B::OP ok 111 - free magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 112 - free magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 113 - free wizard with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 114 - free magic with op_info == 1 gets the right op info ok 115 - free magic with op_info == 1 doesn't croak ok 116 - free wizard with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 117 - free magic with op_info == 2 isa B::OP ok 118 - free magic with op_info == 2 gets the right op info ok 119 - free magic with op_info == 2 doesn't croak ok 120 - get wizard with out of bounds op_info doesn't croak ok 121 - get cast with out of bounds op_info doesn't croak ok 122 - get magic with out of bounds op_info ok 123 - get magic with out of bounds op_info doesn't croak ok 124 - get dispell with out of bounds op_info doesn't croak ok 125 - wizard(op_info => "text") throws numeric warnings ok t/20-get.t ................ 1..15 ok 1 - get: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - get: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - get: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - get: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - get: assign to doesn't croak ok 6 - get: assign to triggers magic correctly ok 7 - get: assign to correctly ok 8 - get: interpolate doesn't croak ok 9 - get: interpolate triggers magic correctly ok 10 - get: interpolate correctly ok 11 - get: wizard() doesn't croak ok 12 - get: cast() doesn't croak ok 13 - get: value ok 14 - get: value doesn't croak ok 15 - get: magic triggered at END time ok t/21-set.t ................ 1..18 ok 1 - set: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - set: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - set: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - set: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - set: assign doesn't croak ok 6 - set: assign triggers magic correctly ok 7 - set: assign correctly ok 8 - set: increment doesn't croak ok 9 - set: increment triggers magic correctly ok 10 - set: increment correctly ok 11 - set: decrement doesn't croak ok 12 - set: decrement triggers magic correctly ok 13 - set: decrement correctly ok 14 - set: wizard() doesn't croak ok 15 - set: cast() doesn't croak ok 16 - set: value ok 17 - set: value doesn't croak ok 18 - set: magic triggered at END time ok t/22-len.t ................ 1..55 ok 1 - len: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 2 - len: cast on array doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - len: get array length triggers magic correctly ok 4 - len: get array length have correct default length ok 5 - len: get array length correctly ok 6 - len: get last array index triggers magic correctly ok 7 - len: get last array index have correct default length ok 8 - len: get last array index correctly ok 9 - len: get array length 0 triggers magic correctly ok 10 - len: get array length 0 have correct default length ok 11 - len: get array length 0 correctly ok 12 - len: get empty array length triggers magic correctly ok 13 - len: get empty array length have correct default length ok 14 - len: get empty array length correctly ok 15 - len: get last empty array index triggers magic correctly ok 16 - len: get last empty array index have correct default length ok 17 - len: get last empty array index correctly ok 18 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 19 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 20 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 21 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 22 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 23 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 24 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 25 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 26 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 27 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 28 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 29 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 30 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 31 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 32 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 33 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 34 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 35 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 36 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 37 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 38 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 39 # skip len magic is no longer called for scalars ok 40 - len: wizard() doesn't croak ok 41 - len: cast() doesn't croak ok 42 - len: value ok 43 - len: value doesn't croak ok 44 - len: after value ok 45 - len: noop wizard (for arrays) creation does not croak ok 46 - len: noop wizard (for arrays) cast does not croak ok 47 - len: noop wizard (for arrays) invocation does not croak ok 48 - len: noop magic on an array returns the previous length ok 49 - len: noop wizard (for strings) creation does not croak ok 50 - len: noop wizard (for strings) cast does not croak ok 51 - len: noop wizard (for strings) invocation does not croak ok 52 - len: noop magic on a string returns the previous length ok 53 - len: noop wizard (for strings) cast does not croak ok 54 - len: noop wizard (for strings) invocation does not croak ok 55 - len: noop magic on a unicode string returns the previous length ok t/23-clear.t .............. 1..18 ok 1 - clear: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - clear: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - clear: cast array doesn't croak ok 4 - clear: cast array triggers magic correctly ok 5 - clear: clear array doesn't croak ok 6 - clear: clear array triggers magic correctly ok 7 - clear: clear array correctly ok 8 - clear: cast hash doesn't croak ok 9 - clear: cast hash triggers magic correctly ok 10 - clear: clear hash doesn't croak ok 11 - clear: clear hash triggers magic correctly ok 12 - clear: clear hash correctly ok 13 - clear: wizard() doesn't croak ok 14 - clear: cast() doesn't croak ok 15 - clear: value ok 16 - clear: value doesn't croak ok 17 - clear: value after ok 18 - clear: magic triggered at END time ok t/24-free.t ............... 1..11 ok 1 - free: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - free: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - free: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - free: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - free: deletion at the end of the scope doesn't croak ok 6 - free: deletion at the end of the scope triggers magic correctly ok 7 - free: cast 2 doesn't croak ok 8 - free: cast 2 triggers magic correctly ok 9 - free: explicit deletion with undef() doesn't croak ok 10 - free: explicit deletion with undef() triggers magic correctly ok 11 - free: magic triggered at END time ok # Using Tie::Array 1.05 # Using Tie::Hash 1.04 t/25-copy.t ............... 1..45 ok 1 - copy: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - copy: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - copy: cast on tied array doesn't croak ok 4 - copy: cast on tied array triggers magic correctly ok 5 - copy: cast on tied array succeeded ok 6 - copy: tied array store doesn't croak ok 7 - copy: tied array store triggers magic correctly ok 8 - copy: tied array fetch doesn't croak ok 9 - copy: tied array fetch triggers magic correctly ok 10 - copy: tied array fetch correctly ok 11 - copy: tied array exists doesn't croak ok 12 - copy: tied array exists triggers magic correctly ok 13 - copy: tied array exists correctly ok 14 - copy: tied array undef doesn't croak ok 15 - copy: tied array undef triggers magic correctly ok 16 - copy: wizard() doesn't croak ok 17 - copy: cast() doesn't croak ok 18 - copy: value ok 19 - copy: value doesn't croak ok 20 - copy: value after ok 21 - copy: cast on tied hash doesn't croak ok 22 - copy: cast on tied hash triggers magic correctly ok 23 - copy: cast on tied hash succeeded ok 24 - copy: tied hash store doesn't croak ok 25 - copy: tied hash store triggers magic correctly ok 26 - copy: tied hash fetch doesn't croak ok 27 - copy: tied hash fetch triggers magic correctly ok 28 - copy: tied hash fetch correctly ok 29 - copy: tied hash exists doesn't croak ok 30 - copy: tied hash exists triggers magic correctly ok 31 - copy: tied hash exists correctly ok 32 - copy: tied hash delete doesn't croak ok 33 - copy: tied hash delete triggers magic correctly ok 34 - copy: tied hash delete correctly ok 35 - copy: tied hash each doesn't croak ok 36 - copy: tied hash each triggers magic correctly ok 37 - copy: tied hash keys doesn't croak ok 38 - copy: tied hash keys triggers magic correctly ok 39 - copy: tied hash keys correctly ok 40 - copy: tied hash values doesn't croak ok 41 - copy: tied hash values triggers magic correctly ok 42 - copy: tied hash values correctly ok 43 - copy: tied hash undef doesn't croak ok 44 - copy: tied hash undef triggers magic correctly ok 45 - copy: magic triggered at END time ok t/27-local.t .............. 1..24 ok 1 - local: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - local: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - local: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - local: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - local: cast succeeded ok 6 - local: localized doesn't croak ok 7 - local: localized triggers magic correctly ok 8 - local: noop wizard creation does not croak ok 9 - local: dummy wizard creation does not croak ok 10 - local: noop magic (first) cast does not croak ok 11 - local: noop magic (first) cast succeeded ok 12 - local: dummy magic (second) cast does not croak ok 13 - local: dummy magic (second) cast succeeded ok 14 - local: noop/dummy magic invocation does not croak ok 15 - local: noop magic (first) prevented magic copy ok 16 - local: dummy magic (second) was copied ok 17 - local: dummy magic (first) cast does not croak ok 18 - local: dummy magic (first) cast succeeded ok 19 - local: noop magic (second) cast does not croak ok 20 - local: noop magic (second) cast succeeded ok 21 - local: dummy/noop magic invocation does not croak ok 22 - local: dummy magic (first) was copied ok 23 - local: noop magic (second) prevented magic copy ok 24 - local: magic triggered at END time ok # Using Tie::Hash 1.04 t/28-uvar.t ............... 1..75 ok 1 - uvar: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - uvar: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - uvar: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - uvar: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - uvar: cast succeeded ok 6 - uvar: fetch directly doesn't croak ok 7 - uvar: fetch directly triggers magic correctly ok 8 - uvar: fetch directly correctly ok 9 - uvar: fetch by interpolation doesn't croak ok 10 - uvar: fetch by interpolation triggers magic correctly ok 11 - uvar: fetch by interpolation correctly ok 12 - uvar: store directly doesn't croak ok 13 - uvar: store directly triggers magic correctly ok 14 - uvar: fetch and store doesn't croak ok 15 - uvar: fetch and store triggers magic correctly ok 16 - uvar: fetch and store correctly ok 17 - uvar: exists doesn't croak ok 18 - uvar: exists triggers magic correctly ok 19 - uvar: exists correctly ok 20 - uvar: delete existing key doesn't croak ok 21 - uvar: delete existing key triggers magic correctly ok 22 - uvar: delete existing key correctly ok 23 - uvar: delete non-existing key doesn't croak ok 24 - uvar: delete non-existing key triggers magic correctly ok 25 - uvar: delete non-existing key correctly ok 26 - uvar: fetch directly with also non uvar magic doesn't croak ok 27 - uvar: fetch directly with also non uvar magic triggers magic correctly ok 28 - uvar: fetch directly with also non uvar magic correctly ok 29 - uvar: cast on tied hash doesn't croak ok 30 - uvar: cast on tied hash triggers magic correctly ok 31 - uvar: cast on tied hash succeeded ok 32 - uvar: fetch on tied hash doesn't croak ok 33 - uvar: fetch on tied hash triggers magic correctly ok 34 - uvar: fetch on tied hash succeeded ok 35 - uvar: store on tied hash doesn't croak ok 36 - uvar: store on tied hash triggers magic correctly ok 37 - uvar: exists on tied hash doesn't croak ok 38 - uvar: exists on tied hash triggers magic correctly ok 39 - uvar: exists on tied hash succeeded ok 40 - uvar: delete on tied hash doesn't croak ok 41 - uvar: delete on tied hash triggers magic correctly ok 42 - uvar: delete on tied hash succeeded ok 43 - uvar: fetch with incomplete magic doesn't croak ok 44 - uvar: fetch with incomplete magic correctly ok 45 - uvar: store with incomplete magic doesn't croak ok 46 - uvar: store with incomplete magic correctly ok 47 - uvar: change key in store doesn't croak (1) ok 48 - uvar: change key didn't clobber $key (1) ok 49 - uvar: change key in store correcty (1) ok 50 - uvar: change key in store doesn't croak (2) ok 51 - uvar: change key didn't clobber $key (2) ok 52 - uvar: change key in store correcty (2) ok 53 - uvar: change readonly key in store doesn't croak (1) ok 54 - uvar: change readonly key in store correcty (1) ok 55 - uvar: change readonly key in store doesn't croak (2) ok 56 - uvar: change readonly key in store correcty (2) ok 57 - uvar: wizard() doesn't croak ok 58 - uvar: cast() doesn't croak ok 59 - uvar: value ok 60 - uvar: value doesn't croak ok 61 - uvar: wizard() doesn't croak ok 62 - uvar: cast() doesn't croak ok 63 - uvar: value ok 64 - uvar: value doesn't croak ok 65 - uvar: value after store ok 66 - uvar: wizard() doesn't croak ok 67 - uvar: cast() doesn't croak ok 68 - uvar: value ok 69 - uvar: value doesn't croak ok 70 - uvar: wizard() doesn't croak ok 71 - uvar: cast() doesn't croak ok 72 - uvar: value ok 73 - uvar: value doesn't croak ok 74 - uvar: value after delete ok 75 - uvar: magic triggered at END time ok # Using Tie::Array 1.05 t/30-scalar.t ............. 1..76 ok 1 - scalar: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - scalar: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - scalar: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - scalar: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - scalar: assign to doesn't croak ok 6 - scalar: assign to triggers magic correctly ok 7 - scalar: assign to correctly ok 8 - scalar: interpolate doesn't croak ok 9 - scalar: interpolate triggers magic correctly ok 10 - scalar: interpolate correctly ok 11 - scalar: reference doesn't croak ok 12 - scalar: reference triggers magic correctly ok 13 - scalar: assign to doesn't croak ok 14 - scalar: assign to triggers magic correctly ok 15 - scalar: increment doesn't croak ok 16 - scalar: increment triggers magic correctly ok 17 - scalar: decrement doesn't croak ok 18 - scalar: decrement triggers magic correctly ok 19 - scalar: multiply in place doesn't croak ok 20 - scalar: multiply in place triggers magic correctly ok 21 - scalar: divide in place doesn't croak ok 22 - scalar: divide in place triggers magic correctly ok 23 - scalar: cast 2 doesn't croak ok 24 - scalar: cast 2 triggers magic correctly ok 25 - scalar: scope end doesn't croak ok 26 - scalar: scope end triggers magic correctly ok 27 - scalar: undef doesn't croak ok 28 - scalar: undef triggers magic correctly ok 29 - scalar: dispell doesn't croak ok 30 - scalar: dispell triggers magic correctly ok 31 - scalar: array element: cast doesn't croak ok 32 - scalar: array element: cast triggers magic correctly ok 33 - scalar: array element: set doesn't croak ok 34 - scalar: array element: set triggers magic correctly ok 35 - scalar: array element: get doesn't croak ok 36 - scalar: array element: get triggers magic correctly ok 37 - scalar: array element: get correctly ok 38 - scalar: array element: set other doesn't croak ok 39 - scalar: array element: set other triggers magic correctly ok 40 - scalar: array element: get other doesn't croak ok 41 - scalar: array element: get other triggers magic correctly ok 42 - scalar: array element: get other correctly ok 43 - scalar: array element: exists doesn't croak ok 44 - scalar: array element: exists triggers magic correctly ok 45 - scalar: array element: exists correctly ok 46 - scalar: array element: delete doesn't croak ok 47 - scalar: array element: delete triggers magic correctly ok 48 - scalar: array element: delete correctly ok 49 - scalar: array element: set after delete doesn't croak ok 50 - scalar: array element: set after delete triggers magic correctly ok 51 - scalar: hash element: cast doesn't croak ok 52 - scalar: hash element: cast triggers magic correctly ok 53 - scalar: hash element: set doesn't croak ok 54 - scalar: hash element: set triggers magic correctly ok 55 - scalar: hash element: get doesn't croak ok 56 - scalar: hash element: get triggers magic correctly ok 57 - scalar: hash element: get correctly ok 58 - scalar: hash element: set other doesn't croak ok 59 - scalar: hash element: set other triggers magic correctly ok 60 - scalar: hash element: get other doesn't croak ok 61 - scalar: hash element: get other triggers magic correctly ok 62 - scalar: hash element: get other correctly ok 63 - scalar: hash element: exists doesn't croak ok 64 - scalar: hash element: exists triggers magic correctly ok 65 - scalar: hash element: exists correctly ok 66 - scalar: hash element: delete doesn't croak ok 67 - scalar: hash element: delete triggers magic correctly ok 68 - scalar: hash element: delete correctly ok 69 - scalar: hash element: set after delete doesn't croak ok 70 - scalar: hash element: set after delete triggers magic correctly ok 71 - cast copy magic on tied array ok 72 - scalar: delete from tied array in void context doesn't croak ok 73 - scalar: delete from tied array in void context triggers magic correctly ok 74 - scalar: delete from tied array in scalar context doesn't croak ok 75 - scalar: delete from tied array in scalar context triggers magic correctly ok 76 - scalar: magic triggered at END time ok t/31-array.t .............. 1..68 ok 1 - array: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - array: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - array: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - array: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - array: assign element to doesn't croak ok 6 - array: assign element to triggers magic correctly ok 7 - array: assign element to correctly ok 8 - array: assign to doesn't croak ok 9 - array: assign to triggers magic correctly ok 10 - array: assign to correctly ok 11 - array: interpolate doesn't croak ok 12 - array: interpolate triggers magic correctly ok 13 - array: interpolate correctly ok 14 - array: reference doesn't croak ok 15 - array: reference triggers magic correctly ok 16 - array: slice doesn't croak ok 17 - array: slice triggers magic correctly ok 18 - array: slice correctly ok 19 - array: assign doesn't croak ok 20 - array: assign triggers magic correctly ok 21 - array: assign old element doesn't croak ok 22 - array: assign old element triggers magic correctly ok 23 - array: assign new element doesn't croak ok 24 - array: assign new element triggers magic correctly ok 25 - array: exists doesn't croak ok 26 - array: exists triggers magic correctly ok 27 - array: exists correctly ok 28 - array: delete doesn't croak ok 29 - array: delete triggers magic correctly ok 30 - array: delete correctly ok 31 - array: length @ doesn't croak ok 32 - array: length @ triggers magic correctly ok 33 - array: length @ correctly ok 34 - array: length $\# doesn't croak ok 35 - array: length $\# triggers magic correctly ok 36 - array: length $\# correctly ok 37 - array: push (void) doesn't croak ok 38 - array: push (void) triggers magic correctly ok 39 - array: push (scalar) doesn't croak ok 40 - array: push (scalar) triggers magic correctly ok 41 - array: push (scalar) correctly ok 42 - array: pop doesn't croak ok 43 - array: pop triggers magic correctly ok 44 - array: pop correctly ok 45 - array: unshift (void) doesn't croak ok 46 - array: unshift (void) triggers magic correctly ok 47 - array: unshift (scalar) doesn't croak ok 48 - array: unshift (scalar) triggers magic correctly ok 49 - unshift (scalar) correctly ok 50 - array: shift doesn't croak ok 51 - array: shift triggers magic correctly ok 52 - array: shift correctly ok 53 - array: map doesn't croak ok 54 - array: map triggers magic correctly ok 55 - array: grep doesn't croak ok 56 - array: grep triggers magic correctly ok 57 - array: grep correctly ok 58 - array: for doesn't croak ok 59 - array: for triggers magic correctly ok 60 - array: cast 2 doesn't croak ok 61 - array: cast 2 triggers magic correctly ok 62 - array: scope end doesn't croak ok 63 - array: scope end triggers magic correctly ok 64 - array: undef doesn't croak ok 65 - array: undef triggers magic correctly ok 66 - array: dispell doesn't croak ok 67 - array: dispell triggers magic correctly ok 68 - array: magic triggered at END time ok t/32-hash.t ............... 1..94 ok 1 - hash: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - hash: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - hash: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - hash: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - hash: assign element to doesn't croak ok 6 - hash: assign element to triggers magic correctly ok 7 - hash: assign element to correctly ok 8 - hash: assign to doesn't croak ok 9 - hash: assign to triggers magic correctly ok 10 - hash: assign to correctly ok 11 - hash: reference doesn't croak ok 12 - hash: reference triggers magic correctly ok 13 - hash: slice doesn't croak ok 14 - hash: slice triggers magic correctly ok 15 - hash: slice correctly ok 16 - hash: exists in void context doesn't croak ok 17 - hash: exists in void context triggers magic correctly ok 18 - hash: exists in scalar context (1) doesn't croak ok 19 - hash: exists in scalar context (1) triggers magic correctly ok 20 - hash: exists correctly (1) ok 21 - hash: exists in scalar context (2) doesn't croak ok 22 - hash: exists in scalar context (2) triggers magic correctly ok 23 - hash: exists correctly (2) ok 24 - hash: delete in void context doesn't croak ok 25 - hash: delete in void context triggers magic correctly ok 26 - hash: delete in scalar context (1) doesn't croak ok 27 - hash: delete in scalar context (1) triggers magic correctly ok 28 - hash: delete correctly (1) ok 29 - hash: delete in scalar context (2) doesn't croak ok 30 - hash: delete in scalar context (2) triggers magic correctly ok 31 - hash: delete correctly (2) ok 32 - hash: empty in list context doesn't croak ok 33 - hash: empty in list context triggers magic correctly ok 34 - hash: empty and set in void context doesn't croak ok 35 - hash: empty and set in void context triggers magic correctly ok 36 - hash: assign from list in void context doesn't croak ok 37 - hash: assign from list in void context triggers magic correctly ok 38 - hash: assign from list in void context doesn't croak ok 39 - hash: assign from list in void context triggers magic correctly ok 40 - hash: assign from map in void context doesn't croak ok 41 - hash: assign from map in void context triggers magic correctly ok 42 - hash: assign old element doesn't croak ok 43 - hash: assign old element triggers magic correctly ok 44 - hash: assign new element doesn't croak ok 45 - hash: assign new element triggers magic correctly ok 46 - hash: buckets doesn't croak ok 47 - hash: buckets triggers magic correctly ok 48 - hash: keys doesn't croak ok 49 - hash: keys triggers magic correctly ok 50 - hash: keys correctly ok 51 - hash: values doesn't croak ok 52 - hash: values triggers magic correctly ok 53 - hash: values correctly ok 54 - hash: each doesn't croak ok 55 - hash: each triggers magic correctly ok 56 - hash: cast 2 doesn't croak ok 57 - hash: cast 2 triggers magic correctly ok 58 - hash: scope end doesn't croak ok 59 - hash: scope end triggers magic correctly ok 60 - hash: undef doesn't croak ok 61 - hash: undef triggers magic correctly ok 62 - hash: dispell doesn't croak ok 63 - hash: dispell triggers magic correctly ok 64 - hash: cast clear/uvar on first hash doesn't croak ok 65 - hash: cast clear/uvar on first hash triggers magic correctly ok 66 - hash: fetch constant 'a' from first hash doesn't croak ok 67 - hash: fetch constant 'a' from first hash triggers magic correctly ok 68 - uvar: fetch constant 'a' from first hash was correct ok 69 - uvar: code deparses correctly after constant fetch from first hash ok 70 - hash: fetch variable 'b' from first hash doesn't croak ok 71 - hash: fetch variable 'b' from first hash triggers magic correctly ok 72 - uvar: fetch variable 'b' from first hash was correct ok 73 - uvar: code deparses correctly after variable fetch from first hash ok 74 - hash: fixed clear for first hash doesn't croak ok 75 - hash: fixed clear for first hash triggers magic correctly ok 76 - hash: dispell clear/uvar from first hash doesn't croak ok 77 - hash: dispell clear/uvar from first hash triggers magic correctly ok 78 - first hash no longer has the RMG flag set ok 79 - hash: cast clear/uvar on second hash doesn't croak ok 80 - hash: cast clear/uvar on second hash triggers magic correctly ok 81 - hash: fetch constant 'a' from second hash doesn't croak ok 82 - hash: fetch constant 'a' from second hash triggers magic correctly ok 83 - uvar: fetch constant 'a' from second hash was correct ok 84 - uvar: code deparses correctly after constant fetch from second hash ok 85 - hash: fetch variable 'b' from second hash doesn't croak ok 86 - hash: fetch variable 'b' from second hash triggers magic correctly ok 87 - uvar: fetch variable 'b' from second hash was correct ok 88 - uvar: code deparses correctly after variable fetch from second hash ok 89 - hash: fixed clear for second hash doesn't croak ok 90 - hash: fixed clear for second hash triggers magic correctly ok 91 - hash: dispell clear/uvar from second hash doesn't croak ok 92 - hash: dispell clear/uvar from second hash triggers magic correctly ok 93 - second hash no longer has the RMG flag set ok 94 - hash: magic triggered at END time ok t/33-code.t ............... 1..36 ok 1 - code: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - code: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - code: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - code: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - code: cast didn't called code ok 6 - code: call without arguments doesn't croak ok 7 - code: call without arguments triggers magic correctly ok 8 - code: call without arguments succeeded ok 9 - code: call with arguments doesn't croak ok 10 - code: call with arguments triggers magic correctly ok 11 - code: call with arguments succeeded ok 12 - code: undef symbol table entry doesn't croak ok 13 - code: undef symbol table entry triggers magic correctly ok 14 - code: undef symbol table entry didn't call code ok 15 - code: redefining sub doesn't croak ok 16 - code: redefining sub triggers magic correctly ok 17 - code: re-cast doesn't croak ok 18 - code: re-cast triggers magic correctly ok 19 - code: re-cast didn't called code ok 20 - code: reference doesn't croak ok 21 - code: reference triggers magic correctly ok 22 - code: reference didn't called code ok 23 - code: call reference doesn't croak ok 24 - code: call reference triggers magic correctly ok 25 - code: call reference succeeded ok 26 - code: call reference didn't called the previous code ok 27 - code: redefining sub 2 doesn't croak ok 28 - code: redefining sub 2 triggers magic correctly ok 29 - code: call without arguments 2 doesn't croak ok 30 - code: call without arguments 2 triggers magic correctly ok 31 - code: call without arguments 2 succeeded ok 32 - code: call without arguments 2 didn't called the previous code ok 33 - code: dispell doesn't croak ok 34 - code: dispell triggers magic correctly ok 35 - code: dispell didn't called code ok 36 - code: magic triggered at END time ok # Using Symbol 1.07 t/34-glob.t ............... 1..35 ok 1 - glob: wizard() doesn't croak ok 2 - glob: wizard() doesn't trigger magic ok 3 - glob: cast doesn't croak ok 4 - glob: cast triggers magic correctly ok 5 - glob: assign to doesn't croak ok 6 - glob: assign to triggers magic correctly ok 7 - glob: assign scalar slot in void contex doesn't croak ok 8 - glob: assign scalar slot in void contex triggers magic correctly ok 9 - glob: assign array slot in void contex doesn't croak ok 10 - glob: assign array slot in void contex triggers magic correctly ok 11 - glob: assign hash slot in void contex doesn't croak ok 12 - glob: assign hash slot in void contex triggers magic correctly ok 13 - glob: assign code slot in void contex doesn't croak ok 14 - glob: assign code slot in void contex triggers magic correctly ok 15 - glob: assign glob in void contex doesn't croak ok 16 - glob: assign glob in void contex triggers magic correctly ok 17 - glob: assign scalar slot in scalar context doesn't croak ok 18 - glob: assign scalar slot in scalar context triggers magic correctly ok 19 - glob: assign array slot in scalar context doesn't croak ok 20 - glob: assign array slot in scalar context triggers magic correctly ok 21 - glob: assign hash slot in scalar context doesn't croak ok 22 - glob: assign hash slot in scalar context triggers magic correctly ok 23 - glob: assign code slot in scalar context doesn't croak ok 24 - glob: assign code slot in scalar context triggers magic correctly ok 25 - glob: assign glob in scalar context doesn't croak ok 26 - glob: assign glob in scalar context triggers magic correctly ok 27 - glob: cast 2 doesn't croak ok 28 - glob: cast 2 triggers magic correctly ok 29 - glob: scope end doesn't croak ok 30 - glob: scope end triggers magic correctly ok 31 - glob: undef doesn't croak ok 32 - glob: undef triggers magic correctly ok 33 - glob: dispell doesn't croak ok 34 - glob: dispell triggers magic correctly ok 35 - glob: magic triggered at END time ok t/35-stash.t .............. 1..43 ok 1 - stash: variables compiled fine ok 2 - stash: variables ok 3 - stash: function definitions compiled fine ok 4 - stash: function definitions ok 5 - stash: function calls compiled fine ok 6 - stash: function calls ok 7 - stash: valid method call ran fine ok 8 - stash: valid method call ok 9 - stash: second valid method call ran fine ok 10 - stash: second valid method call ok 11 - stash: valid dynamic method call ran fine ok 12 - stash: valid dynamic method call ok 13 - inherited valid method call ran fine ok 14 - stash: inherited valid method call ok 15 - second inherited valid method call ran fine ok 16 - stash: second inherited valid method call doesn't call magic ok 17 - inherited previously called valid method call ran fine ok 18 - stash: inherited previously called valid method call ok 19 - second inherited previously called valid method call ran fine ok 20 - stash: second inherited previously called valid method call doesn't call magic ok 21 - stash: invalid method call croaked ok 22 - stash: invalid method call ok 23 - stash: invalid dynamic method call croaked ok 24 - stash: invalid dynamic method call ok 25 - stash: invalid inherited method call croaked ok 26 - stash: invalid method call ok 27 - stash: delete executed fine ok 28 - stash: delete ok 29 - stash: autoloaded method call ran fine ok 30 - stash: autoloaded method call returned the right thing ok 31 - stash: autoloaded method call ok 32 - stash: inherited autoloaded method call ran fine ok 33 - stash: inherited autoloaded method returned the right thing ok 34 - stash: inherited autoloaded method call ok 35 - stash: no undef op before function call with op name ok 36 - stash: function call with op name compiled fine ok 37 - stash: undef op after function call with op name ok 38 - stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op name ok 39 - stash: no undef op before function call with op object ok 40 - stash: function call with op object compiled fine ok 41 - stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op object ok 42 - stash: undef op after dispell for function call with op object ok 43 - stash: magic that remains at END time ok # Using threads 1.87 # Using threads::shared 1.43 t/40-threads.t ............ ok 1 - wizard in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 2 - wizard in thread 2 is defined ok 3 - wizard in thread 2 doesn't trigger magic ok 4 - cast in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 5 - cast in thread 2 doesn't trigger magic ok 6 - get in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 7 - get in thread 2 returns the right thing ok 8 - get in thread 2 triggers magic ok 9 - getdata in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 10 - getdata in thread 2 returns the right thing ok 11 - getdata in thread 2 doesn't trigger magic ok 12 - op name in thread 2 is correct ok 13 - set in thread 2 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 14 - dispell in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 15 - dispell in thread 2 doesn't trigger magic ok 16 - get in thread 2 after dispell doesn't croak ok 17 - get in thread 2 after dispell returns the right thing ok 18 - get in thread 2 after dispell doesn't trigger magic ok 19 - wizard in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 20 - wizard in thread 1 is defined ok 21 - wizard in thread 1 doesn't trigger magic ok 22 - cast in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 23 - cast in thread 1 doesn't trigger magic ok 24 - get in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 25 - get in thread 1 returns the right thing ok 26 - get in thread 1 triggers magic ok 27 - getdata in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 28 - getdata in thread 1 returns the right thing ok 29 - getdata in thread 1 doesn't trigger magic ok 30 - op name in thread 1 is correct ok 31 - set in thread 1 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 32 - dispell in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 33 - dispell in thread 1 doesn't trigger magic ok 34 - get in thread 1 after dispell doesn't croak ok 35 - get in thread 1 after dispell returns the right thing ok 36 - get in thread 1 after dispell doesn't trigger magic ok 37 - wizard in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 38 - wizard in thread 4 is defined ok 39 - wizard in thread 4 doesn't trigger magic ok 40 - cast in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 41 - cast in thread 4 doesn't trigger magic ok 42 - get in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 43 - get in thread 4 returns the right thing ok 44 - get in thread 4 triggers magic ok 45 - getdata in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 46 - getdata in thread 4 returns the right thing ok 47 - getdata in thread 4 doesn't trigger magic ok 48 - op object in thread 4 is correct ok 49 - set in thread 4 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 50 - dispell in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 51 - dispell in thread 4 doesn't trigger magic ok 52 - get in thread 4 after dispell doesn't croak ok 53 - get in thread 4 after dispell returns the right thing ok 54 - get in thread 4 after dispell doesn't trigger magic ok 55 - wizard in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 56 - wizard in thread 3 is defined ok 57 - wizard in thread 3 doesn't trigger magic ok 58 - cast in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 59 - cast in thread 3 doesn't trigger magic ok 60 - get in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 61 - get in thread 3 returns the right thing ok 62 - get in thread 3 triggers magic ok 63 - getdata in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 64 - getdata in thread 3 returns the right thing ok 65 - getdata in thread 3 doesn't trigger magic ok 66 - op object in thread 3 is correct ok 67 - set in thread 3 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 68 - dispell in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 69 - dispell in thread 3 doesn't trigger magic ok 70 - get in thread 3 after dispell doesn't croak ok 71 - get in thread 3 after dispell returns the right thing ok 72 - get in thread 3 after dispell doesn't trigger magic ok 73 - destructors ok 74 - wizard in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 75 - wizard in thread 5 is defined ok 76 - wizard in thread 5 doesn't trigger magic ok 77 - cast in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 78 - cast in thread 5 doesn't trigger magic ok 79 - get in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 80 - get in thread 5 returns the right thing ok 81 - get in thread 5 triggers magic ok 82 - getdata in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 83 - getdata in thread 5 returns the right thing ok 84 - getdata in thread 5 doesn't trigger magic ok 85 - op name in thread 5 is correct ok 86 - set in thread 5 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 87 - wizard in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 88 - wizard in thread 6 is defined ok 89 - wizard in thread 6 doesn't trigger magic ok 90 - cast in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 91 - cast in thread 6 doesn't trigger magic ok 92 - get in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 93 - get in thread 6 returns the right thing ok 94 - get in thread 6 triggers magic ok 95 - getdata in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 96 - getdata in thread 6 returns the right thing ok 97 - getdata in thread 6 doesn't trigger magic ok 98 - op name in thread 6 is correct ok 99 - set in thread 6 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 100 - wizard in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 101 - wizard in thread 7 is defined ok 102 - wizard in thread 7 doesn't trigger magic ok 103 - cast in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 104 - cast in thread 7 doesn't trigger magic ok 105 - get in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 106 - get in thread 7 returns the right thing ok 107 - get in thread 7 triggers magic ok 108 - getdata in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 109 - getdata in thread 7 returns the right thing ok 110 - getdata in thread 7 doesn't trigger magic ok 111 - op object in thread 7 is correct ok 112 - set in thread 7 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 113 - wizard in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 114 - wizard in thread 8 is defined ok 115 - wizard in thread 8 doesn't trigger magic ok 116 - cast in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 117 - cast in thread 8 doesn't trigger magic ok 118 - get in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 119 - get in thread 8 returns the right thing ok 120 - get in thread 8 triggers magic ok 121 - getdata in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 122 - getdata in thread 8 returns the right thing ok 123 - getdata in thread 8 doesn't trigger magic ok 124 - op object in thread 8 is correct ok 125 - set in thread 8 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 126 - destructors 1..126 ok # Using threads 1.87 # Using threads::shared 1.43 t/41-clone.t .............. ok 1 - wizard with op_info 1 in main thread doesn't croak ok 2 - wizard with op_info 1 in main thread is defined ok 3 - wizard with op_info 1 in main thread doesn't trigger magic ok 4 - wizard with op_info 2 in main thread doesn't croak ok 5 - wizard with op_info 2 in main thread is defined ok 6 - wizard with op_info 2 in main thread doesn't trigger magic ok 7 - cast in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 8 - get in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 9 - get in thread 1 returns the right thing ok 10 - getdata in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 11 - getdata in thread 1 returns the right thing ok 12 - op name in thread 1 is correct ok 13 - set in thread 1 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 14 - dispell in thread 1 doesn't croak ok 15 - get in thread 1 after dispell doesn't croak ok 16 - get in thread 1 after dispell returns the right thing ok 17 - cast in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 18 - get in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 19 - get in thread 2 returns the right thing ok 20 - getdata in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 21 - getdata in thread 2 returns the right thing ok 22 - op name in thread 2 is correct ok 23 - set in thread 2 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 24 - dispell in thread 2 doesn't croak ok 25 - get in thread 2 after dispell doesn't croak ok 26 - get in thread 2 after dispell returns the right thing ok 27 - get triggered twice ok 28 - destructors ok 29 - cast in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 30 - get in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 31 - get in thread 3 returns the right thing ok 32 - getdata in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 33 - getdata in thread 3 returns the right thing ok 34 - op object in thread 3 is correct ok 35 - set in thread 3 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 36 - dispell in thread 3 doesn't croak ok 37 - get in thread 3 after dispell doesn't croak ok 38 - get in thread 3 after dispell returns the right thing ok 39 - cast in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 40 - get in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 41 - get in thread 4 returns the right thing ok 42 - getdata in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 43 - getdata in thread 4 returns the right thing ok 44 - op object in thread 4 is correct ok 45 - set in thread 4 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 46 - dispell in thread 4 doesn't croak ok 47 - get in thread 4 after dispell doesn't croak ok 48 - get in thread 4 after dispell returns the right thing ok 49 - get triggered twice ok 50 - destructors ok 51 - cast in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 52 - get in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 53 - get in thread 5 returns the right thing ok 54 - getdata in thread 5 doesn't croak ok 55 - getdata in thread 5 returns the right thing ok 56 - op name in thread 5 is correct ok 57 - set in thread 5 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 58 - cast in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 59 - get in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 60 - get in thread 6 returns the right thing ok 61 - getdata in thread 6 doesn't croak ok 62 - getdata in thread 6 returns the right thing ok 63 - op name in thread 6 is correct ok 64 - set in thread 6 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 65 - get triggered twice ok 66 - destructors ok 67 - cast in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 68 - get in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 69 - get in thread 7 returns the right thing ok 70 - getdata in thread 7 doesn't croak ok 71 - getdata in thread 7 returns the right thing ok 72 - op object in thread 7 is correct ok 73 - set in thread 7 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 74 - cast in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 75 - get in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 76 - get in thread 8 returns the right thing ok 77 - getdata in thread 8 doesn't croak ok 78 - getdata in thread 8 returns the right thing ok 79 - op object in thread 8 is correct ok 80 - set in thread 8 (check opname) doesn't croak ok 81 - get triggered twice ok 82 - destructors ok 83 - wizard is destroyed ok 84 - set callback called in thread 11 ok 85 - $var could be assigned to in thread 11 ok 86 - set callback called in thread 12 ok 87 - $var could be assigned to in thread 12 ok 88 - set callback called in thread 13 ok 89 - $var could be assigned to in thread 13 ok 90 - set callback called in thread 9 ok 91 - $var could be assigned to in thread 9 ok 92 - set callback called in thread 10 ok 93 - $var could be assigned to in thread 10 1..93 ok t/80-leaks.t .............. 1..11 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok # Using Test::Pod 1.48 t/91-pod.t ................ 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Variable/ ok # Using Test::Pod::Coverage 1.08 # Using Pod::Coverage 0.23 t/92-pod-coverage.t ....... 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Variable::Magic ok t/93-pod-spelling.t ....... skipped: Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes 1.0 required for testing POD spelling # Using Test::Portability::Files 0.06 t/95-portability-files.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - File names portability ok # Using Parse::RecDescent 1.967009 # Using Module::ExtractUse 0.31 # Using Test::Kwalitee 1.06 t/99-kwalitee.t ........... 1..13 ok 1 - extractable ok 2 - has_buildtool ok 3 - has_changelog ok 4 - has_manifest ok 5 - has_meta_yml ok 6 - has_readme ok 7 - has_tests ok 8 - no_symlinks ok 9 - proper_libs ok 10 - no_pod_errors ok 11 - has_test_pod ok 12 - has_test_pod_coverage ok 13 - use_strict ok All tests successful. Files=33, Tests=1482, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.25 usr 0.09 sys + 3.48 cusr 0.45 csys = 4.27 CPU) Result: PASS VPIT/Variable-Magic-0.52.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Variable-Magic-0.52 already made Running make for B/BO/BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Building B/BO/BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/ blib/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/ cp lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/ blib/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/ cp lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP/ blib/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP/ cp lib/B/Hooks/ blib/lib/B/Hooks/ cp lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP/ blib/lib/B/Hooks/EndOfScope/PP/ Manifying blib/man3/B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS.3 Manifying blib/man3/B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP::HintHash.3 Manifying blib/man3/B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP::FieldHash.3 Manifying blib/man3/B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP.3 Manifying blib/man3/B::Hooks::EndOfScope.3 BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-basic.t .................... ok 1 - use B::Hooks::EndOfScope; ok 2 - on_scope_end imported ok 3 - .. and has the right prototype ok 4 - first callback invoked ok 5 - .. but the second is invoked later ok 6 - value still set at runtime 1..6 ok t/01-eval.t ..................... ok 1 - callback invoked 1..1 ok t/02-localise.t ................. ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 1..9 ok t/05-exception_xs.t ............. ok 1 ok 2 - no segfault 1..2 ok t/06-exception_pp.t ............. skipped: Skipping PP fallback test in XS mode t/10-test_without_vm_pure_pp.t .. # retesting /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/00-basic.t ok 1 - use B::Hooks::EndOfScope; ok 2 - on_scope_end imported ok 3 - .. and has the right prototype ok 4 - first callback invoked ok 5 - .. but the second is invoked later ok 6 - value still set at runtime 1..6 ok 1 - Wstat 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MDevel::Hide=Variable::Magic /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/00-basic.t # retesting /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/01-eval.t ok 1 - callback invoked 1..1 ok 2 - Wstat 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MDevel::Hide=Variable::Magic /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/01-eval.t # retesting /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/02-localise.t ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 1..9 ok 3 - Wstat 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MDevel::Hide=Variable::Magic /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/02-localise.t # retesting /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/05-exception_xs.t 1..0 # SKIP Skiping XS test in PP mode ok 4 - Wstat 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MDevel::Hide=Variable::Magic /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/05-exception_xs.t # retesting /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/06-exception_pp.t ok 1 - Warning on lost callback exception correctly emited 1..1 ok 5 - Wstat 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MDevel::Hide=Variable::Magic /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/t/06-exception_pp.t 1..5 ok t/11-direct_xs.t ................ ok 1 - on_scope_end imported ok 2 - .. and has the right prototype ok 3 - value set at compiletime ok 4 - value still set at runtime 1..4 ok t/12-direct_pp.t ................ ok 1 - on_scope_end imported ok 2 - .. and has the right prototype ok 3 - value set at compiletime ok 4 - value still set at runtime 1..4 ok t/release-eol.t ................. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-no-tabs.t ............. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t ........ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .......... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing All tests successful. Files=12, Tests=31, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr 0.03 sys + 0.77 cusr 0.15 csys = 1.02 CPU) Result: PASS BOBTFISH/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12 already made Running make for R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId Prepending %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Building R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/namespace/ blib/lib/namespace/ Manifying blib/man3/namespace::clean.3 RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-basic.t ............. 1..4 ok 1 - methods are there before cleanup ok 2 - module use ok ok 3 - foo function removed ok 4 - bar function removed ok t/01-function-wipeout.t .. 1..9 ok 1 - use FunctionWipeout; ok 2 - imported function removed ok 3 - previously declared function removed ok 4 - later declared function still exists ok 5 - removed functions still bound ok 6 - -except flag keeps import ok 7 - kept import still works ok 8 - non-code symbol was not removed ok 9 - non-code symbol still has correct value ok t/02-inheritance.t ....... 1..10 ok 1 - use Inheritance; ok 2 - function removed in parent ok 3 - method still in parent ok 4 - method works, function still bound ok 5 - function removed in subclass ok 6 - method still in subclass ok 7 - parent function not available in subclass ok 8 - parent method available in subclass ok 9 - parent method works in subclass ok 10 - subclass method calls to parent work ok t/03-unimport.t .......... 1..6 ok 1 - use Unimport; ok 2 - first function correctly removed ok 3 - excluded method still in package ok 4 - second function correctly removed ok 5 - last method still in package ok 6 - all functions are still bound ok t/04-except.t ............ 1..6 ok 1 - first of except list still there ok 2 - second of except list still there ok 3 - item not in except list was removed ok 4 - first item not in except still there ok 5 - second item not in except still there ok 6 - except item was removed ok t/05-explicit-cleanee.t .. 1..2019 ok 1 - use CleaneeTarget; ok 2 - symbol in exception list still there ok 3 - symbol after import call still there ok 4 - normal symbol has disappeared ok 5 - explicitely removed disappeared (1/2) ok 6 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 7 - explicitely removed disappeared (2/2) ok 8 - directly removed disappeared (1/2) ok 9 - not in direct removal and still there ok 10 - directly removed disappeared (2/2) ok 11 - testing sub in cleanee (1/9) ok 12 - testing sub in cleanee (2/9) ok 13 - testing sub in cleanee (3/9) ok 14 - testing sub in cleanee (4/9) ok 15 - testing sub in cleanee (5/9) ok 16 - testing sub in cleanee (6/9) ok 17 - testing sub in cleanee (7/9) ok 18 - testing sub in cleanee (8/9) ok 19 - testing sub in cleanee (9/9) ok 20 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 21 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 22 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 23 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 24 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 25 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 26 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 27 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 28 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 29 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 30 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 31 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 32 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 33 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 34 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 35 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 36 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 37 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 38 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 39 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 40 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 41 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 42 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 43 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 44 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 45 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 46 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 47 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 48 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 49 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 50 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 51 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 52 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 53 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 54 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 55 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 56 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 57 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 58 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 59 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 60 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 61 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 62 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 63 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 64 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 65 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 66 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 67 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 68 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 69 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 70 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 71 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 72 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 73 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 74 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 75 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 76 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 77 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 78 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 79 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 80 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 81 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 82 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 83 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 84 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 85 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 86 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 87 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 88 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 89 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 90 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 91 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 92 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 93 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 94 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 95 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 96 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 97 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 98 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 99 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 100 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 101 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 102 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 103 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 104 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 105 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 106 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 107 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 108 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 109 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 110 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 111 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 112 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 113 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 114 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 115 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 116 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 117 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 118 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 119 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 120 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 121 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 122 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 123 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 124 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 125 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 126 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 127 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 128 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 129 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 130 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 131 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 132 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 133 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 134 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 135 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 136 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 137 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 138 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 139 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 140 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 141 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 142 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 143 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 144 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 145 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 146 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 147 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 148 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 149 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 150 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 151 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 152 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 153 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 154 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 155 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 156 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 157 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 158 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 159 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 160 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 161 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 162 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 163 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 164 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 165 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 166 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 167 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 168 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 169 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 170 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 171 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 172 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 173 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 174 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 175 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 176 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 177 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 178 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 179 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 180 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 181 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 182 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 183 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 184 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 185 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 186 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 187 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 188 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 189 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 190 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 191 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 192 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 193 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 194 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 195 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 196 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 197 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 198 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 199 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 200 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 201 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 202 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 203 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 204 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 205 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 206 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 207 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 208 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 209 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 210 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 211 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 212 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 213 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 214 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 215 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 216 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 217 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 218 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 219 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 220 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 221 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 222 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 223 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 224 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 225 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 226 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 227 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 228 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 229 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 230 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 231 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 232 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 233 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 234 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 235 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 236 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 237 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 238 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 239 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 240 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 241 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 242 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 243 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 244 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 245 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 246 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 247 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 248 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 249 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 250 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 251 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 252 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 253 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 254 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 255 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 256 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 257 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 258 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 259 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 260 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 261 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 262 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 263 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 264 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 265 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 266 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 267 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 268 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 269 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 270 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 271 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 272 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 273 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 274 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 275 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 276 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 277 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 278 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 279 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 280 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 281 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 282 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 283 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 284 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 285 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 286 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 287 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 288 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 289 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 290 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 291 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 292 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 293 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 294 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 295 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 296 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 297 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 298 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 299 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 300 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 301 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 302 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 303 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 304 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 305 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 306 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 307 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 308 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 309 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 310 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 311 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 312 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 313 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 314 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 315 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 316 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 317 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 318 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 319 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 320 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 321 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 322 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 323 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 324 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 325 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 326 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 327 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 328 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 329 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 330 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 331 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 332 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 333 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 334 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 335 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 336 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 337 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 338 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 339 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 340 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 341 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 342 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 343 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 344 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 345 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 346 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 347 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 348 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 349 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 350 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 351 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 352 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 353 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 354 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 355 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 356 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 357 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 358 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 359 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 360 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 361 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 362 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 363 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 364 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 365 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 366 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 367 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 368 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 369 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 370 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 371 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 372 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 373 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 374 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 375 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 376 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 377 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 378 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 379 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 380 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 381 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 382 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 383 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 384 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 385 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 386 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 387 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 388 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 389 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 390 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 391 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 392 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 393 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 394 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 395 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 396 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 397 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 398 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 399 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 400 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 401 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 402 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 403 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 404 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 405 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 406 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 407 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 408 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 409 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 410 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 411 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 412 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 413 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 414 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 415 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 416 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 417 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 418 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 419 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 420 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 421 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 422 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 423 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 424 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 425 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 426 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 427 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 428 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 429 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 430 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 431 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 432 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 433 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 434 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 435 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 436 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 437 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 438 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 439 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 440 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 441 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 442 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 443 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 444 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 445 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 446 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 447 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 448 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 449 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 450 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 451 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 452 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 453 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 454 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 455 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 456 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 457 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 458 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 459 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 460 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 461 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 462 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 463 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 464 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 465 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 466 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 467 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 468 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 469 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 470 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 471 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 472 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 473 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 474 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 475 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 476 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 477 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 478 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 479 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 480 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 481 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 482 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 483 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 484 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 485 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 486 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 487 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 488 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 489 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 490 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 491 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 492 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 493 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 494 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 495 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 496 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 497 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 498 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 499 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 500 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 501 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 502 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 503 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 504 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 505 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 506 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 507 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 508 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 509 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 510 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 511 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 512 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 513 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 514 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 515 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 516 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 517 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 518 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 519 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 520 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 521 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 522 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 523 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 524 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 525 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 526 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 527 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 528 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 529 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 530 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 531 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 532 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 533 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 534 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 535 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 536 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 537 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 538 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 539 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 540 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 541 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 542 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 543 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 544 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 545 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 546 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 547 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 548 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 549 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 550 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 551 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 552 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 553 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 554 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 555 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 556 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 557 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 558 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 559 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 560 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 561 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 562 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 563 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 564 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 565 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 566 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 567 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 568 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 569 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 570 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 571 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 572 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 573 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 574 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 575 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 576 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 577 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 578 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 579 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 580 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 581 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 582 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 583 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 584 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 585 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 586 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 587 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 588 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 589 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 590 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 591 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 592 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 593 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 594 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 595 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 596 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 597 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 598 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 599 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 600 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 601 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 602 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 603 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 604 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 605 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 606 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 607 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 608 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 609 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 610 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 611 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 612 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 613 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 614 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 615 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 616 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 617 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 618 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 619 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 620 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 621 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 622 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 623 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 624 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 625 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 626 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 627 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 628 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 629 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 630 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 631 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 632 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 633 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 634 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 635 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 636 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 637 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 638 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 639 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 640 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 641 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 642 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 643 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 644 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 645 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 646 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 647 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 648 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 649 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 650 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 651 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 652 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 653 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 654 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 655 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 656 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 657 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 658 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 659 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 660 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 661 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 662 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 663 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 664 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 665 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 666 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 667 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 668 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 669 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 670 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 671 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 672 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 673 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 674 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 675 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 676 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 677 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 678 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 679 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 680 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 681 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 682 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 683 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 684 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 685 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 686 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 687 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 688 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 689 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 690 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 691 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 692 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 693 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 694 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 695 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 696 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 697 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 698 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 699 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 700 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 701 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 702 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 703 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 704 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 705 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 706 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 707 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 708 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 709 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 710 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 711 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 712 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 713 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 714 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 715 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 716 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 717 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 718 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 719 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 720 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 721 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 722 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 723 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 724 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 725 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 726 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 727 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 728 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 729 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 730 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 731 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 732 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 733 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 734 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 735 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 736 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 737 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 738 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 739 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 740 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 741 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 742 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 743 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 744 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 745 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 746 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 747 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 748 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 749 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 750 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 751 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 752 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 753 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 754 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 755 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 756 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 757 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 758 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 759 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 760 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 761 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 762 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 763 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 764 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 765 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 766 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 767 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 768 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 769 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 770 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 771 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 772 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 773 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 774 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 775 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 776 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 777 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 778 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 779 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 780 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 781 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 782 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 783 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 784 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 785 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 786 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 787 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 788 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 789 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 790 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 791 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 792 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 793 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 794 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 795 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 796 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 797 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 798 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 799 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 800 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 801 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 802 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 803 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 804 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 805 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 806 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 807 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 808 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 809 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 810 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 811 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 812 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 813 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 814 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 815 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 816 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 817 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 818 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 819 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 820 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 821 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 822 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 823 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 824 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 825 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 826 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 827 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 828 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 829 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 830 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 831 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 832 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 833 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 834 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 835 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 836 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 837 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 838 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 839 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 840 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 841 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 842 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 843 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 844 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 845 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 846 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 847 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 848 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 849 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 850 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 851 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 852 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 853 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 854 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 855 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 856 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 857 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 858 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 859 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 860 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 861 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 862 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 863 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 864 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 865 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 866 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 867 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 868 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 869 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 870 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 871 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 872 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 873 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 874 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 875 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 876 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 877 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 878 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 879 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 880 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 881 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 882 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 883 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 884 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 885 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 886 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 887 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 888 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 889 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 890 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 891 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 892 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 893 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 894 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 895 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 896 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 897 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 898 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 899 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 900 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 901 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 902 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 903 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 904 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 905 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 906 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 907 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 908 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 909 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 910 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 911 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 912 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 913 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 914 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 915 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 916 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 917 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 918 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 919 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 920 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 921 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 922 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 923 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 924 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 925 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 926 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 927 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 928 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 929 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 930 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 931 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 932 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 933 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 934 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 935 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 936 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 937 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 938 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 939 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 940 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 941 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 942 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 943 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 944 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 945 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 946 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 947 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 948 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 949 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 950 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 951 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 952 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 953 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 954 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 955 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 956 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 957 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 958 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 959 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 960 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 961 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 962 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 963 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 964 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 965 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 966 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 967 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 968 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 969 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 970 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 971 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 972 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 973 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 974 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 975 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 976 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 977 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 978 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 979 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 980 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 981 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 982 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 983 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 984 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 985 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 986 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 987 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 988 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 989 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 990 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 991 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 992 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 993 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 994 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 995 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 996 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 997 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 998 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 999 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1000 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1001 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1002 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1003 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1004 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1005 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1006 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1007 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1008 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1009 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1010 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1011 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1012 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1013 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1014 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1015 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1016 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1017 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1018 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1019 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1020 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1021 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1022 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1023 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1024 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1025 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1026 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1027 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1028 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1029 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1030 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1031 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1032 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1033 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1034 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1035 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1036 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1037 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1038 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1039 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1040 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1041 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1042 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1043 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1044 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1045 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1046 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1047 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1048 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1049 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1050 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1051 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1052 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1053 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1054 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1055 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1056 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1057 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1058 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1059 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1060 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1061 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1062 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1063 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1064 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1065 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1066 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1067 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1068 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1069 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1070 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1071 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1072 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1073 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1074 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1075 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1076 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1077 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1078 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1079 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1080 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1081 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1082 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1083 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1084 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1085 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1086 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1087 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1088 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1089 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1090 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1091 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1092 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1093 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1094 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1095 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1096 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1097 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1098 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1099 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1100 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1101 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1102 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1103 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1104 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1105 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1106 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1107 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1108 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1109 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1110 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1111 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1112 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1113 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1114 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1115 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1116 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1117 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1118 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1119 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1120 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1121 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1122 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1123 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1124 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1125 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1126 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1127 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1128 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1129 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1130 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1131 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1132 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1133 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1134 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1135 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1136 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1137 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1138 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1139 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1140 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1141 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1142 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1143 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1144 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1145 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1146 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1147 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1148 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1149 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1150 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1151 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1152 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1153 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1154 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1155 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1156 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1157 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1158 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1159 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1160 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1161 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1162 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1163 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1164 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1165 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1166 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1167 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1168 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1169 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1170 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1171 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1172 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1173 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1174 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1175 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1176 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1177 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1178 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1179 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1180 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1181 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1182 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1183 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1184 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1185 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1186 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1187 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1188 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1189 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1190 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1191 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1192 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1193 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1194 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1195 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1196 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1197 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1198 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1199 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1200 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1201 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1202 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1203 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1204 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1205 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1206 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1207 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1208 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1209 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1210 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1211 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1212 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1213 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1214 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1215 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1216 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1217 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1218 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1219 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1220 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1221 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1222 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1223 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1224 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1225 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1226 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1227 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1228 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1229 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1230 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1231 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1232 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1233 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1234 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1235 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1236 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1237 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1238 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1239 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1240 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1241 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1242 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1243 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1244 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1245 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1246 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1247 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1248 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1249 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1250 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1251 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1252 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1253 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1254 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1255 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1256 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1257 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1258 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1259 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1260 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1261 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1262 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1263 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1264 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1265 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1266 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1267 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1268 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1269 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1270 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1271 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1272 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1273 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1274 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1275 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1276 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1277 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1278 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1279 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1280 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1281 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1282 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1283 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1284 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1285 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1286 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1287 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1288 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1289 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1290 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1291 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1292 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1293 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1294 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1295 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1296 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1297 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1298 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1299 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1300 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1301 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1302 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1303 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1304 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1305 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1306 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1307 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1308 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1309 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1310 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1311 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1312 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1313 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1314 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1315 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1316 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1317 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1318 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1319 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1320 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1321 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1322 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1323 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1324 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1325 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1326 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1327 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1328 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1329 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1330 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1331 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1332 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1333 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1334 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1335 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1336 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1337 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1338 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1339 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1340 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1341 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1342 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1343 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1344 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1345 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1346 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1347 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1348 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1349 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1350 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1351 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1352 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1353 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1354 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1355 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1356 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1357 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1358 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1359 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1360 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1361 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1362 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1363 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1364 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1365 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1366 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1367 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1368 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1369 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1370 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1371 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1372 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1373 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1374 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1375 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1376 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1377 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1378 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1379 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1380 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1381 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1382 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1383 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1384 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1385 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1386 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1387 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1388 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1389 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1390 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1391 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1392 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1393 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1394 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1395 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1396 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1397 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1398 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1399 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1400 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1401 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1402 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1403 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1404 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1405 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1406 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1407 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1408 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1409 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1410 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1411 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1412 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1413 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1414 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1415 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1416 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1417 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1418 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1419 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1420 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1421 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1422 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1423 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1424 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1425 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1426 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1427 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1428 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1429 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1430 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1431 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1432 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1433 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1434 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1435 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1436 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1437 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1438 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1439 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1440 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1441 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1442 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1443 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1444 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1445 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1446 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1447 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1448 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1449 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1450 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1451 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1452 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1453 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1454 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1455 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1456 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1457 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1458 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1459 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1460 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1461 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1462 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1463 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1464 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1465 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1466 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1467 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1468 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1469 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1470 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1471 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1472 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1473 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1474 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1475 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1476 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1477 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1478 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1479 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1480 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1481 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1482 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1483 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1484 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1485 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1486 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1487 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1488 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1489 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1490 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1491 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1492 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1493 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1494 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1495 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1496 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1497 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1498 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1499 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1500 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1501 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1502 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1503 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1504 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1505 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1506 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1507 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1508 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1509 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1510 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1511 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1512 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1513 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1514 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1515 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1516 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1517 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1518 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1519 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1520 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1521 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1522 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1523 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1524 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1525 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1526 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1527 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1528 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1529 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1530 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1531 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1532 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1533 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1534 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1535 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1536 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1537 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1538 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1539 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1540 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1541 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1542 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1543 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1544 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1545 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1546 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1547 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1548 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1549 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1550 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1551 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1552 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1553 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1554 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1555 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1556 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1557 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1558 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1559 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1560 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1561 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1562 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1563 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1564 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1565 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1566 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1567 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1568 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1569 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1570 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1571 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1572 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1573 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1574 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1575 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1576 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1577 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1578 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1579 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1580 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1581 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1582 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1583 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1584 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1585 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1586 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1587 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1588 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1589 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1590 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1591 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1592 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1593 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1594 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1595 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1596 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1597 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1598 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1599 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1600 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1601 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1602 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1603 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1604 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1605 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1606 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1607 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1608 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1609 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1610 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1611 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1612 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1613 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1614 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1615 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1616 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1617 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1618 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1619 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1620 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1621 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1622 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1623 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1624 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1625 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1626 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1627 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1628 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1629 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1630 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1631 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1632 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1633 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1634 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1635 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1636 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1637 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1638 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1639 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1640 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1641 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1642 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1643 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1644 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1645 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1646 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1647 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1648 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1649 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1650 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1651 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1652 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1653 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1654 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1655 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1656 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1657 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1658 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1659 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1660 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1661 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1662 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1663 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1664 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1665 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1666 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1667 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1668 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1669 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1670 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1671 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1672 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1673 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1674 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1675 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1676 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1677 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1678 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1679 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1680 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1681 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1682 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1683 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1684 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1685 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1686 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1687 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1688 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1689 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1690 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1691 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1692 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1693 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1694 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1695 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1696 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1697 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1698 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1699 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1700 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1701 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1702 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1703 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1704 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1705 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1706 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1707 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1708 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1709 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1710 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1711 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1712 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1713 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1714 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1715 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1716 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1717 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1718 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1719 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1720 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1721 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1722 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1723 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1724 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1725 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1726 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1727 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1728 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1729 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1730 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1731 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1732 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1733 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1734 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1735 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1736 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1737 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1738 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1739 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1740 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1741 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1742 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1743 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1744 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1745 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1746 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1747 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1748 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1749 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1750 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1751 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1752 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1753 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1754 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1755 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1756 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1757 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1758 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1759 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1760 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1761 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1762 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1763 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1764 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1765 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1766 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1767 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1768 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1769 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1770 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1771 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1772 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1773 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1774 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1775 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1776 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1777 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1778 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1779 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1780 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1781 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1782 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1783 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1784 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1785 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1786 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1787 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1788 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1789 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1790 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1791 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1792 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1793 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1794 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1795 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1796 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1797 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1798 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1799 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1800 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1801 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1802 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1803 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1804 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1805 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1806 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1807 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1808 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1809 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1810 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1811 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1812 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1813 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1814 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1815 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1816 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1817 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1818 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1819 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1820 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1821 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1822 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1823 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1824 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1825 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1826 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1827 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1828 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1829 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1830 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1831 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1832 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1833 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1834 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1835 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1836 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1837 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1838 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1839 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1840 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1841 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1842 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1843 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1844 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1845 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1846 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1847 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1848 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1849 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1850 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1851 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1852 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1853 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1854 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1855 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1856 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1857 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1858 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1859 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1860 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1861 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1862 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1863 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1864 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1865 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1866 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1867 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1868 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1869 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1870 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1871 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1872 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1873 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1874 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1875 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1876 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1877 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1878 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1879 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1880 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1881 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1882 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1883 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1884 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1885 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1886 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1887 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1888 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1889 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1890 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1891 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1892 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1893 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1894 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1895 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1896 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1897 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1898 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1899 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1900 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1901 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1902 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1903 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1904 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1905 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1906 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1907 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1908 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1909 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1910 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1911 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1912 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1913 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1914 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1915 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1916 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1917 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1918 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1919 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1920 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1921 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1922 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1923 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1924 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1925 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1926 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1927 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1928 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1929 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1930 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1931 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1932 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1933 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1934 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1935 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1936 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1937 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1938 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1939 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1940 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1941 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1942 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1943 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1944 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1945 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1946 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1947 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1948 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1949 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1950 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1951 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1952 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1953 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1954 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1955 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1956 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1957 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1958 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1959 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1960 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1961 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1962 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1963 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1964 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1965 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1966 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1967 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1968 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1969 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1970 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1971 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1972 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1973 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1974 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1975 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1976 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1977 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1978 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1979 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1980 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1981 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1982 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1983 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1984 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1985 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1986 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1987 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1988 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1989 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1990 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1991 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1992 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1993 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1994 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1995 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1996 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1997 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1998 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1999 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2000 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2001 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2002 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2003 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2004 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2005 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2006 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2007 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2008 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2009 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2010 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2011 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2012 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2013 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2014 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2015 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2016 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2017 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2018 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2019 - not in explicit removal and still there ok t/05-syntax-error.t ...... 1..1 ok 1 - Syntax Error reported correctly ok t/06-other-types.t ....... 1..17 ok 1 - use OtherTypes; ok 2 - SCALAR slot intact at compile time ok 3 - ARRAY slot intact at compile time ok 4 - HASH slot intact at compile time ok 5 - IO slot intact at compile time ok 6 - SCALAR slot correct at compile time ok 7 - ARRAY slot correct at compile time ok 8 - HASH slot correct at compile time ok 9 - IO slot correct at compile time ok 10 - SCALAR slot intact at run time ok 11 - ARRAY slot intact at run time ok 12 - HASH slot intact at run time ok 13 - IO slot intact at run time ok 14 - SCALAR slot correct at run time ok 15 - ARRAY slot correct at run time ok 16 - HASH slot correct at run time ok 17 - IO slot correct at run time ok t/07-debugger.t .......... ok 1 - foo cleaned up ok 2 - baz cleaned up ok 3 ok 4 1..4 ok t/08-const-sub.t ......... ok 1 ok 2 1..2 ok t/09-fiddle-hinthash.t ... ok 1 - compiletime hinthash intact after n::c ok 2 - compile-time hinthash intact in inner scope ok 3 - hinthash values visible in caller ok 4 - no segfault 1..4 ok t/10-pure-perl.t ......... ok 1 - PP BHEOS loaded properly 1..4 ok 1 - methods are there before cleanup ok 2 - module use ok ok 3 - foo function removed ok 4 - bar function removed ok 2 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/00-basic.t 1..9 ok 1 - use FunctionWipeout; ok 2 - imported function removed ok 3 - previously declared function removed ok 4 - later declared function still exists ok 5 - removed functions still bound ok 6 - -except flag keeps import ok 7 - kept import still works ok 8 - non-code symbol was not removed ok 9 - non-code symbol still has correct value ok 3 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/01-function-wipeout.t 1..10 ok 1 - use Inheritance; ok 2 - function removed in parent ok 3 - method still in parent ok 4 - method works, function still bound ok 5 - function removed in subclass ok 6 - method still in subclass ok 7 - parent function not available in subclass ok 8 - parent method available in subclass ok 9 - parent method works in subclass ok 10 - subclass method calls to parent work ok 4 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/02-inheritance.t 1..6 ok 1 - use Unimport; ok 2 - first function correctly removed ok 3 - excluded method still in package ok 4 - second function correctly removed ok 5 - last method still in package ok 6 - all functions are still bound ok 5 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/03-unimport.t 1..6 ok 1 - first of except list still there ok 2 - second of except list still there ok 3 - item not in except list was removed ok 4 - first item not in except still there ok 5 - second item not in except still there ok 6 - except item was removed ok 6 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/04-except.t 1..2019 ok 1 - use CleaneeTarget; ok 2 - symbol in exception list still there ok 3 - symbol after import call still there ok 4 - normal symbol has disappeared ok 5 - explicitely removed disappeared (1/2) ok 6 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 7 - explicitely removed disappeared (2/2) ok 8 - directly removed disappeared (1/2) ok 9 - not in direct removal and still there ok 10 - directly removed disappeared (2/2) ok 11 - testing sub in cleanee (1/9) ok 12 - testing sub in cleanee (2/9) ok 13 - testing sub in cleanee (3/9) ok 14 - testing sub in cleanee (4/9) ok 15 - testing sub in cleanee (5/9) ok 16 - testing sub in cleanee (6/9) ok 17 - testing sub in cleanee (7/9) ok 18 - testing sub in cleanee (8/9) ok 19 - testing sub in cleanee (9/9) ok 20 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 21 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 22 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 23 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 24 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 25 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 26 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 27 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 28 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 29 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 30 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 31 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 32 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 33 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 34 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 35 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 36 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 37 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 38 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 39 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 40 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 41 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 42 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 43 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 44 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 45 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 46 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 47 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 48 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 49 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 50 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 51 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 52 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 53 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 54 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 55 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 56 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 57 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 58 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 59 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 60 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 61 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 62 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 63 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 64 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 65 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 66 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 67 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 68 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 69 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 70 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 71 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 72 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 73 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 74 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 75 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 76 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 77 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 78 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 79 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 80 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 81 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 82 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 83 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 84 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 85 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 86 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 87 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 88 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 89 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 90 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 91 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 92 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 93 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 94 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 95 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 96 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 97 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 98 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 99 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 100 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 101 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 102 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 103 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 104 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 105 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 106 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 107 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 108 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 109 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 110 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 111 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 112 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 113 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 114 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 115 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 116 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 117 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 118 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 119 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 120 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 121 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 122 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 123 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 124 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 125 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 126 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 127 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 128 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 129 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 130 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 131 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 132 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 133 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 134 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 135 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 136 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 137 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 138 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 139 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 140 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 141 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 142 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 143 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 144 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 145 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 146 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 147 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 148 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 149 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 150 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 151 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 152 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 153 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 154 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 155 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 156 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 157 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 158 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 159 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 160 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 161 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 162 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 163 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 164 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 165 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 166 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 167 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 168 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 169 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 170 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 171 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 172 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 173 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 174 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 175 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 176 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 177 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 178 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 179 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 180 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 181 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 182 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 183 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 184 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 185 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 186 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 187 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 188 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 189 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 190 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 191 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 192 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 193 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 194 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 195 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 196 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 197 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 198 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 199 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 200 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 201 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 202 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 203 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 204 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 205 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 206 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 207 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 208 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 209 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 210 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 211 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 212 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 213 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 214 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 215 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 216 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 217 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 218 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 219 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 220 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 221 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 222 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 223 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 224 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 225 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 226 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 227 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 228 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 229 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 230 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 231 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 232 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 233 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 234 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 235 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 236 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 237 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 238 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 239 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 240 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 241 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 242 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 243 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 244 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 245 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 246 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 247 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 248 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 249 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 250 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 251 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 252 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 253 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 254 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 255 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 256 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 257 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 258 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 259 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 260 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 261 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 262 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 263 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 264 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 265 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 266 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 267 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 268 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 269 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 270 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 271 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 272 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 273 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 274 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 275 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 276 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 277 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 278 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 279 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 280 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 281 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 282 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 283 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 284 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 285 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 286 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 287 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 288 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 289 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 290 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 291 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 292 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 293 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 294 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 295 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 296 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 297 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 298 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 299 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 300 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 301 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 302 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 303 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 304 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 305 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 306 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 307 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 308 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 309 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 310 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 311 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 312 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 313 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 314 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 315 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 316 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 317 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 318 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 319 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 320 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 321 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 322 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 323 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 324 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 325 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 326 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 327 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 328 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 329 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 330 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 331 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 332 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 333 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 334 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 335 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 336 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 337 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 338 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 339 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 340 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 341 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 342 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 343 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 344 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 345 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 346 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 347 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 348 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 349 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 350 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 351 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 352 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 353 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 354 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 355 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 356 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 357 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 358 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 359 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 360 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 361 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 362 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 363 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 364 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 365 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 366 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 367 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 368 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 369 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 370 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 371 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 372 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 373 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 374 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 375 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 376 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 377 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 378 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 379 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 380 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 381 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 382 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 383 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 384 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 385 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 386 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 387 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 388 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 389 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 390 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 391 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 392 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 393 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 394 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 395 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 396 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 397 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 398 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 399 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 400 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 401 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 402 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 403 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 404 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 405 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 406 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 407 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 408 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 409 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 410 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 411 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 412 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 413 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 414 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 415 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 416 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 417 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 418 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 419 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 420 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 421 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 422 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 423 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 424 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 425 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 426 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 427 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 428 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 429 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 430 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 431 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 432 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 433 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 434 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 435 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 436 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 437 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 438 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 439 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 440 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 441 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 442 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 443 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 444 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 445 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 446 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 447 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 448 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 449 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 450 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 451 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 452 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 453 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 454 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 455 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 456 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 457 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 458 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 459 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 460 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 461 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 462 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 463 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 464 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 465 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 466 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 467 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 468 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 469 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 470 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 471 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 472 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 473 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 474 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 475 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 476 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 477 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 478 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 479 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 480 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 481 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 482 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 483 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 484 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 485 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 486 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 487 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 488 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 489 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 490 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 491 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 492 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 493 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 494 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 495 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 496 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 497 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 498 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 499 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 500 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 501 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 502 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 503 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 504 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 505 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 506 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 507 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 508 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 509 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 510 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 511 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 512 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 513 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 514 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 515 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 516 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 517 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 518 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 519 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 520 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 521 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 522 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 523 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 524 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 525 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 526 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 527 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 528 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 529 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 530 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 531 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 532 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 533 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 534 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 535 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 536 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 537 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 538 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 539 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 540 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 541 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 542 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 543 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 544 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 545 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 546 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 547 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 548 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 549 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 550 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 551 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 552 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 553 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 554 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 555 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 556 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 557 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 558 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 559 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 560 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 561 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 562 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 563 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 564 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 565 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 566 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 567 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 568 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 569 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 570 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 571 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 572 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 573 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 574 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 575 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 576 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 577 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 578 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 579 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 580 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 581 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 582 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 583 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 584 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 585 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 586 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 587 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 588 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 589 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 590 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 591 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 592 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 593 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 594 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 595 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 596 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 597 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 598 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 599 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 600 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 601 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 602 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 603 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 604 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 605 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 606 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 607 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 608 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 609 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 610 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 611 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 612 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 613 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 614 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 615 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 616 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 617 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 618 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 619 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 620 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 621 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 622 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 623 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 624 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 625 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 626 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 627 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 628 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 629 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 630 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 631 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 632 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 633 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 634 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 635 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 636 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 637 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 638 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 639 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 640 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 641 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 642 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 643 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 644 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 645 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 646 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 647 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 648 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 649 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 650 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 651 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 652 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 653 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 654 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 655 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 656 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 657 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 658 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 659 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 660 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 661 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 662 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 663 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 664 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 665 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 666 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 667 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 668 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 669 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 670 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 671 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 672 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 673 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 674 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 675 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 676 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 677 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 678 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 679 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 680 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 681 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 682 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 683 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 684 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 685 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 686 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 687 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 688 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 689 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 690 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 691 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 692 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 693 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 694 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 695 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 696 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 697 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 698 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 699 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 700 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 701 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 702 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 703 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 704 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 705 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 706 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 707 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 708 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 709 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 710 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 711 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 712 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 713 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 714 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 715 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 716 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 717 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 718 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 719 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 720 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 721 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 722 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 723 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 724 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 725 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 726 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 727 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 728 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 729 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 730 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 731 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 732 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 733 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 734 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 735 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 736 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 737 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 738 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 739 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 740 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 741 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 742 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 743 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 744 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 745 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 746 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 747 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 748 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 749 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 750 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 751 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 752 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 753 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 754 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 755 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 756 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 757 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 758 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 759 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 760 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 761 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 762 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 763 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 764 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 765 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 766 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 767 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 768 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 769 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 770 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 771 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 772 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 773 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 774 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 775 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 776 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 777 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 778 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 779 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 780 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 781 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 782 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 783 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 784 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 785 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 786 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 787 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 788 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 789 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 790 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 791 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 792 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 793 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 794 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 795 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 796 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 797 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 798 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 799 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 800 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 801 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 802 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 803 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 804 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 805 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 806 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 807 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 808 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 809 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 810 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 811 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 812 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 813 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 814 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 815 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 816 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 817 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 818 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 819 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 820 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 821 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 822 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 823 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 824 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 825 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 826 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 827 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 828 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 829 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 830 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 831 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 832 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 833 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 834 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 835 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 836 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 837 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 838 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 839 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 840 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 841 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 842 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 843 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 844 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 845 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 846 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 847 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 848 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 849 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 850 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 851 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 852 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 853 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 854 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 855 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 856 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 857 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 858 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 859 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 860 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 861 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 862 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 863 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 864 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 865 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 866 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 867 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 868 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 869 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 870 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 871 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 872 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 873 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 874 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 875 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 876 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 877 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 878 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 879 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 880 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 881 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 882 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 883 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 884 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 885 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 886 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 887 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 888 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 889 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 890 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 891 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 892 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 893 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 894 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 895 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 896 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 897 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 898 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 899 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 900 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 901 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 902 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 903 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 904 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 905 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 906 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 907 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 908 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 909 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 910 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 911 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 912 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 913 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 914 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 915 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 916 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 917 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 918 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 919 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 920 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 921 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 922 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 923 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 924 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 925 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 926 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 927 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 928 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 929 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 930 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 931 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 932 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 933 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 934 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 935 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 936 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 937 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 938 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 939 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 940 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 941 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 942 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 943 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 944 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 945 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 946 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 947 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 948 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 949 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 950 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 951 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 952 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 953 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 954 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 955 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 956 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 957 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 958 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 959 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 960 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 961 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 962 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 963 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 964 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 965 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 966 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 967 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 968 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 969 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 970 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 971 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 972 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 973 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 974 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 975 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 976 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 977 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 978 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 979 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 980 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 981 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 982 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 983 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 984 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 985 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 986 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 987 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 988 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 989 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 990 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 991 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 992 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 993 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 994 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 995 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 996 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 997 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 998 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 999 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1000 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1001 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1002 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1003 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1004 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1005 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1006 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1007 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1008 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1009 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1010 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1011 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1012 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1013 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1014 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1015 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1016 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1017 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1018 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1019 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1020 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1021 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1022 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1023 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1024 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1025 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1026 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1027 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1028 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1029 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1030 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1031 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1032 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1033 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1034 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1035 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1036 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1037 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1038 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1039 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1040 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1041 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1042 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1043 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1044 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1045 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1046 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1047 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1048 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1049 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1050 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1051 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1052 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1053 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1054 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1055 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1056 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1057 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1058 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1059 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1060 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1061 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1062 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1063 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1064 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1065 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1066 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1067 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1068 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1069 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1070 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1071 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1072 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1073 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1074 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1075 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1076 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1077 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1078 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1079 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1080 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1081 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1082 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1083 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1084 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1085 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1086 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1087 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1088 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1089 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1090 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1091 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1092 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1093 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1094 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1095 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1096 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1097 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1098 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1099 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1100 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1101 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1102 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1103 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1104 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1105 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1106 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1107 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1108 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1109 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1110 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1111 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1112 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1113 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1114 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1115 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1116 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1117 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1118 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1119 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1120 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1121 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1122 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1123 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1124 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1125 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1126 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1127 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1128 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1129 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1130 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1131 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1132 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1133 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1134 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1135 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1136 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1137 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1138 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1139 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1140 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1141 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1142 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1143 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1144 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1145 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1146 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1147 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1148 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1149 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1150 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1151 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1152 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1153 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1154 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1155 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1156 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1157 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1158 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1159 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1160 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1161 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1162 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1163 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1164 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1165 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1166 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1167 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1168 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1169 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1170 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1171 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1172 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1173 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1174 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1175 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1176 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1177 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1178 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1179 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1180 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1181 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1182 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1183 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1184 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1185 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1186 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1187 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1188 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1189 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1190 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1191 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1192 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1193 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1194 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1195 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1196 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1197 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1198 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1199 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1200 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1201 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1202 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1203 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1204 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1205 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1206 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1207 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1208 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1209 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1210 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1211 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1212 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1213 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1214 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1215 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1216 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1217 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1218 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1219 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1220 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1221 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1222 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1223 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1224 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1225 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1226 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1227 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1228 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1229 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1230 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1231 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1232 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1233 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1234 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1235 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1236 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1237 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1238 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1239 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1240 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1241 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1242 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1243 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1244 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1245 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1246 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1247 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1248 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1249 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1250 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1251 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1252 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1253 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1254 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1255 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1256 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1257 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1258 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1259 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1260 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1261 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1262 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1263 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1264 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1265 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1266 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1267 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1268 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1269 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1270 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1271 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1272 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1273 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1274 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1275 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1276 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1277 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1278 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1279 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1280 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1281 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1282 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1283 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1284 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1285 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1286 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1287 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1288 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1289 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1290 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1291 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1292 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1293 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1294 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1295 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1296 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1297 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1298 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1299 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1300 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1301 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1302 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1303 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1304 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1305 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1306 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1307 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1308 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1309 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1310 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1311 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1312 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1313 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1314 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1315 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1316 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1317 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1318 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1319 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1320 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1321 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1322 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1323 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1324 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1325 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1326 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1327 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1328 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1329 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1330 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1331 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1332 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1333 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1334 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1335 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1336 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1337 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1338 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1339 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1340 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1341 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1342 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1343 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1344 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1345 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1346 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1347 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1348 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1349 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1350 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1351 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1352 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1353 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1354 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1355 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1356 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1357 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1358 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1359 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1360 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1361 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1362 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1363 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1364 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1365 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1366 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1367 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1368 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1369 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1370 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1371 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1372 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1373 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1374 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1375 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1376 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1377 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1378 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1379 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1380 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1381 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1382 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1383 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1384 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1385 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1386 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1387 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1388 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1389 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1390 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1391 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1392 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1393 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1394 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1395 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1396 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1397 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1398 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1399 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1400 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1401 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1402 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1403 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1404 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1405 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1406 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1407 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1408 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1409 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1410 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1411 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1412 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1413 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1414 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1415 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1416 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1417 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1418 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1419 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1420 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1421 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1422 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1423 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1424 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1425 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1426 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1427 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1428 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1429 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1430 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1431 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1432 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1433 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1434 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1435 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1436 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1437 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1438 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1439 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1440 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1441 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1442 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1443 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1444 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1445 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1446 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1447 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1448 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1449 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1450 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1451 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1452 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1453 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1454 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1455 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1456 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1457 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1458 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1459 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1460 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1461 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1462 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1463 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1464 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1465 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1466 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1467 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1468 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1469 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1470 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1471 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1472 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1473 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1474 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1475 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1476 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1477 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1478 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1479 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1480 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1481 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1482 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1483 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1484 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1485 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1486 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1487 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1488 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1489 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1490 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1491 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1492 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1493 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1494 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1495 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1496 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1497 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1498 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1499 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1500 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1501 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1502 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1503 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1504 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1505 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1506 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1507 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1508 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1509 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1510 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1511 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1512 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1513 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1514 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1515 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1516 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1517 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1518 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1519 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1520 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1521 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1522 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1523 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1524 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1525 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1526 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1527 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1528 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1529 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1530 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1531 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1532 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1533 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1534 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1535 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1536 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1537 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1538 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1539 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1540 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1541 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1542 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1543 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1544 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1545 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1546 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1547 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1548 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1549 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1550 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1551 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1552 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1553 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1554 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1555 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1556 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1557 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1558 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1559 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1560 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1561 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1562 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1563 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1564 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1565 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1566 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1567 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1568 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1569 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1570 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1571 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1572 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1573 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1574 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1575 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1576 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1577 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1578 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1579 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1580 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1581 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1582 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1583 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1584 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1585 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1586 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1587 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1588 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1589 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1590 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1591 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1592 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1593 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1594 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1595 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1596 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1597 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1598 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1599 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1600 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1601 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1602 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1603 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1604 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1605 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1606 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1607 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1608 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1609 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1610 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1611 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1612 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1613 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1614 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1615 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1616 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1617 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1618 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1619 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1620 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1621 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1622 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1623 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1624 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1625 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1626 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1627 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1628 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1629 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1630 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1631 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1632 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1633 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1634 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1635 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1636 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1637 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1638 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1639 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1640 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1641 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1642 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1643 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1644 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1645 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1646 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1647 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1648 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1649 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1650 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1651 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1652 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1653 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1654 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1655 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1656 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1657 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1658 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1659 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1660 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1661 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1662 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1663 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1664 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1665 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1666 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1667 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1668 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1669 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1670 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1671 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1672 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1673 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1674 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1675 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1676 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1677 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1678 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1679 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1680 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1681 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1682 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1683 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1684 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1685 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1686 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1687 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1688 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1689 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1690 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1691 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1692 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1693 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1694 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1695 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1696 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1697 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1698 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1699 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1700 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1701 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1702 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1703 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1704 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1705 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1706 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1707 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1708 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1709 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1710 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1711 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1712 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1713 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1714 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1715 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1716 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1717 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1718 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1719 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1720 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1721 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1722 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1723 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1724 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1725 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1726 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1727 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1728 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1729 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1730 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1731 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1732 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1733 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1734 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1735 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1736 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1737 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1738 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1739 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1740 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1741 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1742 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1743 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1744 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1745 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1746 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1747 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1748 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1749 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1750 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1751 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1752 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1753 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1754 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1755 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1756 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1757 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1758 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1759 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1760 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1761 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1762 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1763 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1764 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1765 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1766 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1767 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1768 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1769 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1770 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1771 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1772 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1773 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1774 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1775 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1776 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1777 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1778 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1779 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1780 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1781 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1782 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1783 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1784 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1785 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1786 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1787 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1788 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1789 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1790 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1791 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1792 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1793 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1794 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1795 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1796 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1797 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1798 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1799 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1800 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1801 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1802 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1803 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1804 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1805 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1806 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1807 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1808 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1809 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1810 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1811 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1812 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1813 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1814 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1815 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1816 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1817 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1818 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1819 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1820 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1821 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1822 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1823 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1824 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1825 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1826 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1827 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1828 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1829 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1830 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1831 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1832 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1833 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1834 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1835 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1836 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1837 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1838 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1839 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1840 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1841 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1842 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1843 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1844 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1845 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1846 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1847 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1848 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1849 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1850 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1851 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1852 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1853 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1854 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1855 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1856 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1857 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1858 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1859 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1860 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1861 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1862 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1863 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1864 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1865 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1866 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1867 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1868 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1869 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1870 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1871 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1872 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1873 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1874 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1875 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1876 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1877 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1878 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1879 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1880 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1881 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1882 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1883 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1884 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1885 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1886 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1887 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1888 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1889 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1890 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1891 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1892 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1893 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1894 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1895 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1896 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1897 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1898 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1899 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1900 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1901 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1902 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1903 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1904 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1905 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1906 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1907 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1908 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1909 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1910 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1911 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1912 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1913 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1914 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1915 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1916 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1917 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1918 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1919 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1920 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1921 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1922 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1923 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1924 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1925 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1926 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1927 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1928 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1929 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1930 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1931 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1932 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1933 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1934 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1935 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1936 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1937 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1938 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1939 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1940 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1941 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1942 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1943 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1944 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1945 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1946 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1947 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1948 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1949 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1950 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1951 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1952 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1953 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1954 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1955 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1956 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1957 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1958 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1959 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1960 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1961 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1962 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1963 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1964 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1965 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1966 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1967 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1968 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1969 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1970 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1971 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1972 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1973 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1974 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1975 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1976 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1977 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1978 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1979 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1980 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1981 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1982 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1983 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1984 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1985 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1986 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1987 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1988 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1989 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1990 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1991 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1992 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1993 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1994 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1995 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1996 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1997 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 1998 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 1999 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2000 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2001 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2002 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2003 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2004 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2005 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2006 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2007 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2008 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2009 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2010 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2011 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2012 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2013 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2014 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2015 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2016 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2017 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 2018 - explicitely removed disappeared ok 2019 - not in explicit removal and still there ok 7 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/05-explicit-cleanee.t 1..1 ok 1 - Syntax Error reported correctly ok 8 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/05-syntax-error.t 1..17 ok 1 - use OtherTypes; ok 2 - SCALAR slot intact at compile time ok 3 - ARRAY slot intact at compile time ok 4 - HASH slot intact at compile time ok 5 - IO slot intact at compile time ok 6 - SCALAR slot correct at compile time ok 7 - ARRAY slot correct at compile time ok 8 - HASH slot correct at compile time ok 9 - IO slot correct at compile time ok 10 - SCALAR slot intact at run time ok 11 - ARRAY slot intact at run time ok 12 - HASH slot intact at run time ok 13 - IO slot intact at run time ok 14 - SCALAR slot correct at run time ok 15 - ARRAY slot correct at run time ok 16 - HASH slot correct at run time ok 17 - IO slot correct at run time ok 9 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/06-other-types.t ok 1 - foo cleaned up ok 2 - baz cleaned up ok 3 ok 4 1..4 ok 10 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/07-debugger.t ok 1 ok 2 1..2 ok 11 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/08-const-sub.t ok 1 - compiletime hinthash intact after n::c ok 2 - compile-time hinthash intact in inner scope ok 3 - hinthash values visible in caller ok 4 - no segfault 1..4 ok 12 - Exit 0 from: /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/t/09-fiddle-hinthash.t 1..12 ok All tests successful. Files=12, Tests=2094, 4 wallclock secs ( 0.39 usr 0.13 sys + 2.98 cusr 0.44 csys = 3.94 CPU) Result: PASS RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for namespace-clean-0.24 already made Running test for module 'Tie::ToObject' Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/N/NU/NUFFIN/Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz ok Tie-ToObject-0.03/ Tie-ToObject-0.03/lib/ Tie-ToObject-0.03/lib/Tie/ Tie-ToObject-0.03/lib/Tie/ Tie-ToObject-0.03/Makefile.PL Tie-ToObject-0.03/MANIFEST Tie-ToObject-0.03/MANIFEST.SKIP Tie-ToObject-0.03/META.yml Tie-ToObject-0.03/SIGNATURE Tie-ToObject-0.03/t/ Tie-ToObject-0.03/t/tie.t Prepending %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Tie::ToObject Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Tie/ blib/lib/Tie/ Manifying blib/man3/Tie::ToObject.3 NUFFIN/Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/tie.t .. 1..10 ok 1 - use Tie::ToObject; ok 2 - tied is the same ok 3 - is_deeply ok 4 - tie is just the identity function ok 5 - error ok 6 - right error ok 7 - error ok 8 - right error ok 9 - error ok 10 - right error ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=10, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.00 sys + 0.04 cusr 0.00 csys = 0.07 CPU) Result: PASS NUFFIN/Tie-ToObject-0.03.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Tie-ToObject-0.03 already made Running make for D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Building D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Data/Visitor/ blib/lib/Data/Visitor/ cp lib/Data/ blib/lib/Data/ Manifying blib/man3/Data::Visitor.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Visitor::Callback.3 DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t ............ 1..2 ok 1 - Data::Visitor loaded ok ok 2 - Data::Visitor::Callback loaded ok ok t/base.t .................. ok 1 - Data::Visitor->can('new') ok 2 - The object isa Data::Visitor ok 3 - Data::Visitor->can('visit') ok 4 - visit returns value unlatered ok 5 - visit returns value unlatered ok 6 - visit returns value unlatered ok 7 - visit returns value unlatered ok 8 - visit returns value unlatered ok 9 - visit returns value unlatered ok 10 - visit returns value unlatered ok 11 - visit returns value unlatered ok 12 - Data::Visitor->can('visit_value') ok 13 - Data::Visitor->can('visit_object') ok 14 - Data::Visitor->can('visit_hash') ok 15 - Data::Visitor->can('visit_array') ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 - visit_value not called ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 - visit_value not called ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 - fmap behavior on value ok 30 - fmap behavior on hash ok 31 - fmap behavior on array 1..31 ok t/bugs.t .................. ok 1 - ignore_return_values defaults to false ok 2 - but can be set as initial param ok 3 1..3 ok t/callback.t .............. ok 1 - Data::Visitor::Callback->can('new') ok 2 - string ok 3 - undef ok 4 - array ok 5 - hash ok 6 - deep array ok 7 - object ok 8 - object ok 9 - scalar_ref ok 10 - glob ok 11 - code ok 12 - regex 1..12 ok t/callback_aliasing.t ..... ok 1 - $_ unchanged in outer scope ok 2 - values were modified ok 3 - entire structure can also be changed ok 4 - $_ unchanged in outer scope ok 5 - values were modified ok 6 - entire structure can also be changed 1..6 ok t/callback_hash_entry.t ... ok 1 - get_recursive_hash_value_visitor, all values ok 2 - get_recursive_hash_value_visitor, only "point" keys 1..2 ok t/circular_refs.t ......... ok 1 - circular structures don't cause an endless loop ok 2 - Structure recreated ok 3 - circular address ok 4 - circular address ok 5 - copy of object is a mapped copy ok 6 - equality preserved ok 7 - original replaced ok 8 - data is as expected ok 9 - structure retained ok 10 - seen callback ok 11 - scalar ref to hash element ok 12 - structures eq deeply not ok 13 - scalar ref in copy # TODO hash/array elements are not yet references internally # Failed (TODO) test 'scalar ref in copy' # at t/circular_refs.t line 134. # got: '223117024' # expected: '223991528' ok 14 - scalar ref to sibling hash element ok 15 - structures eq deeply not ok 16 - scalar ref in copy # TODO hash/array elements are not yet references internally # Failed (TODO) test 'scalar ref in copy' # at t/circular_refs.t line 151. # got: '223992200' # expected: '223992560' 1..16 ok t/globs.t ................. ok 1 - scalar glob created correctly ok 2 - hash glob created correctly ok 3 - container ok 4 - glob ref ok 5 - value in glob's scalar slot ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 1..9 ok t/magic.t ................. ok 1 - it's a copy ok 2 - the tied hash is a copy, too ok 3 - identity preserved ok 4 - the subhash is tied ok 5 - tied to correct class isa Tie::RefHash ok 6 - tied is different ok 7 - the key is a ref ok 8 - keys eq deeply ok 9 - not tied ok 10 - tied array ok 11 - copy is tied ok 12 - tied array ok 13 - copy is tied ok 14 - tied array ok 15 - copy is tied ok 16 - tied array ok 17 - copy is tied ok 18 - tied array ok 19 - copy is tied ok 20 - tied array ok 21 - copy is tied ok 22 - tied array ok 23 - copy is tied ok 24 - tied array ok 25 - copy is tied 1..25 ok t/release-eol.t ........... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/weak.t .................. skipped: Test requires module 'Data::Alias' but it's not found All tests successful. Files=13, Tests=106, 5 wallclock secs ( 0.07 usr 0.05 sys + 4.22 cusr 0.49 csys = 4.83 CPU) Result: PASS DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Data-Visitor-0.28 already made Running test for module 'namespace::clean' Running make for R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Has already been made Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'Search::GIN' Running make for D/DR/DRUOSO/Search-GIN-0.08.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DR/DRUOSO/Search-GIN-0.08.tar.gz ok Search-GIN-0.08 Search-GIN-0.08/README Search-GIN-0.08/Changes Search-GIN-0.08/LICENSE Search-GIN-0.08/dist.ini Search-GIN-0.08/t Search-GIN-0.08/t/rels.t Search-GIN-0.08/t/core.t Search-GIN-0.08/META.yml Search-GIN-0.08/MANIFEST Search-GIN-0.08/t/class.t Search-GIN-0.08/t/attrs.t Search-GIN-0.08/Makefile.PL Search-GIN-0.08/t/00-compile.t Search-GIN-0.08/t/key_expansion.t Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/t/release-pod-syntax.t Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Keys Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Query Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Extract Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ Search-GIN-0.08/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Building D/DR/DRUOSO/Search-GIN-0.08.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Search::GIN Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Query/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Query/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Query/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ cp lib/Search/ blib/lib/Search/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Keys/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Extract/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Query/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Query/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/ cp lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/Driver/Pack/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ cp lib/Search/GIN/ blib/lib/Search/GIN/ Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Keys::Deep.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Extract::Callback.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Extract::Delegate.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Extract::Class.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::UUID.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Pack.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Delim.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::DelegateToIndexed.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Keys::Expand.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Keys::Join.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Core.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Extract::Multiplex.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Indexable.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Query::Set.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Values.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Query::Class.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::SelfIDs.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Length.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Query::Attributes.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Hash.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Query.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Keys.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Extract.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Extract::Attributes.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Query::Manual.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::TXN.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::IDs.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN.3 Manifying blib/man3/Search::GIN::Callbacks.3 DRUOSO/Search-GIN-0.08.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-compile.t .......... 1..30 ok 1 - Search::GIN loaded ok ok 2 - Search::GIN::Callbacks loaded ok ok 3 - Search::GIN::Core loaded ok ok 4 - Search::GIN::DelegateToIndexed loaded ok ok 5 - Search::GIN::Driver loaded ok ok 6 - Search::GIN::Driver::Hash loaded ok ok 7 - Search::GIN::Driver::Pack loaded ok ok 8 - Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Delim loaded ok ok 9 - Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::IDs loaded ok ok 10 - Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Length loaded ok ok 11 - Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::UUID loaded ok ok 12 - Search::GIN::Driver::Pack::Values loaded ok ok 13 - Search::GIN::Driver::TXN loaded ok ok 14 - Search::GIN::Extract loaded ok ok 15 - Search::GIN::Extract::Attributes loaded ok ok 16 - Search::GIN::Extract::Callback loaded ok ok 17 - Search::GIN::Extract::Class loaded ok ok 18 - Search::GIN::Extract::Delegate loaded ok ok 19 - Search::GIN::Extract::Multiplex loaded ok ok 20 - Search::GIN::Indexable loaded ok ok 21 - Search::GIN::Keys loaded ok ok 22 - Search::GIN::Keys::Deep loaded ok ok 23 - Search::GIN::Keys::Expand loaded ok ok 24 - Search::GIN::Keys::Join loaded ok ok 25 - Search::GIN::Query loaded ok ok 26 - Search::GIN::Query::Attributes loaded ok ok 27 - Search::GIN::Query::Class loaded ok ok 28 - Search::GIN::Query::Manual loaded ok ok 29 - Search::GIN::Query::Set loaded ok ok 30 - Search::GIN::SelfIDs loaded ok ok t/attrs.t ............... ok 1 - use Search::GIN::Query::Attributes; ok 2 - use Search::GIN::Extract::Attributes; ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 1..5 ok t/class.t ............... ok 1 - use Search::GIN::Query::Class; ok 2 - use Search::GIN::Extract::Class; ok 3 - use Search::GIN::Query::Manual; ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 1..7 ok t/core.t ................ ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 1..6 ok t/key_expansion.t ....... ok 1 - use Search::GIN::Keys::Deep; ok 2 - does Join ok 3 - does Expand ok 4 - join keys ok 5 - expand keys ok 6 - simple keys ok 7 - prefixing ok 8 - complex ok 9 - empty ok 10 - empty ok 11 - empty ok 12 - empty 1..12 ok t/release-pod-syntax.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/rels.t ................ ok 1 - use Search::GIN::Query::Class; ok 2 - use Search::GIN::Extract::Class; ok 3 - friends of person 1 1..3 ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=63, 15 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.02 sys + 13.21 cusr 1.45 csys = 14.74 CPU) Result: PASS DRUOSO/Search-GIN-0.08.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Search-GIN-0.08 already made Running test for module 'Data::Stream::Bulk' Running make for D/DO/DOY/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Has already been made Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'Set::Object' Running make for R/RU/RURBAN/Set-Object-1.31.tar.gz Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RU/RURBAN/Set-Object-1.31.tar.gz ok Set-Object-1.31/ Set-Object-1.31/t/ Set-Object-1.31/t/object/ Set-Object-1.31/t/object/flags.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/ Set-Object-1.31/t/object/storable.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/clear.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/weakref.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/difference.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/ Set-Object-1.31/t/object/refcount.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/includes.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/union.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/members.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/insert.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/set_subclass.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/ Set-Object-1.31/t/object/equal.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/remove.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/symmetric_difference.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/subsuper.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/abuse.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/intersection.t Set-Object-1.31/t/object/properties.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/ Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/pod.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/undef.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/more_leaks.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/pod_coverage.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/segfault.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/leaks.t Set-Object-1.31/t/misc/threads.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/ Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/has.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/unique.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/misc.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/set_set.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/difference.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/clear.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/union.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/member.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/boolean.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/basic.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/intersection.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/each.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/symmdiff.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/storable.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/compare.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/basic_overload.t Set-Object-1.31/t/scalar/custom_display.t Set-Object-1.31/t/ingy/ Set-Object-1.31/t/ingy/arrayref.t Set-Object-1.31/MANIFEST Set-Object-1.31/typemap Set-Object-1.31/Changes.pod Set-Object-1.31/Object.xs Set-Object-1.31/lib/ Set-Object-1.31/lib/Set/ Set-Object-1.31/lib/Set/ Set-Object-1.31/lib/Set/Object/ Set-Object-1.31/lib/Set/Object/ Set-Object-1.31/ppport.h Set-Object-1.31/Makefile.PL Set-Object-1.31/README Set-Object-1.31/META.yml Set-Object-1.31/META.json Set-Object-1.31/SIGNATURE Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'make' Building R/RU/RURBAN/Set-Object-1.31.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Set::Object Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Set/Object/ blib/lib/Set/Object/ cp Changes.pod blib/lib/Set/Changes.pod cp lib/Set/ blib/lib/Set/ AutoSplitting blib/lib/Set/ (blib/lib/auto/Set/Object) /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap Object.xs > Object.xsc && mv Object.xsc Object.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"1.31\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.31\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/CORE" Object.c Running Mkbootstrap for Set::Object () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/Set/Object/ gcc -shared -O2 -fstack-protector Object.o -o blib/arch/auto/Set/Object/ \ \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Set/Object/ cp blib/arch/auto/Set/Object/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Set/Object/ Manifying blib/man3/Set::Changes.3 Manifying blib/man3/Set::Object::Weak.3 Manifying blib/man3/Set::Object.3 RURBAN/Set-Object-1.31.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch %BUILDDIR%/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib to PERL5LIB; %BUILDDIR%=/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/ingy/arrayref.t t/misc/leaks.t t/misc/more_leaks.t t/misc/pod.t t/misc/pod_coverage.t t/misc/segfault.t t/misc/threads.t t/misc/undef.t t/object/abuse.t t/object/clear.t t/object/difference.t t/object/equal.t t/object/flags.t t/object/includes.t t/object/insert.t t/object/intersection.t t/object/members.t t/object/properties.t t/object/refcount.t t/object/remove.t t/object/set_subclass.t t/object/storable.t t/object/subsuper.t t/object/symmetric_difference.t t/object/union.t t/object/weakref.t t/scalar/basic.t t/scalar/basic_overload.t t/scalar/boolean.t t/scalar/clear.t t/scalar/compare.t t/scalar/custom_display.t t/scalar/difference.t t/scalar/each.t t/scalar/has.t t/scalar/intersection.t t/scalar/member.t t/scalar/misc.t t/scalar/set_set.t t/scalar/storable.t t/scalar/symmdiff.t t/scalar/union.t t/scalar/unique.t t/ingy/arrayref.t ................ 1..15 ok 1 - set() isa Set::Object ok 2 - scalar list context ok 3 - tied array PUSH ok 4 - tied array UNSHIFT ok 5 - size right ok 6 - shift off in right order ok 7 - pop off in right order ok 8 - size still right ok 9 - array STORESIZE ok 10 - array STORE ok 11 - array STORE doesn't increase size ok 12 - array EXISTS ok 13 - array EXISTS didn't increase size ok 14 - array DELETE ok 15 - splice (and list context) ok t/misc/leaks.t ................... 1..9 ok 1 - use Set::Object; ok 2 - no flat yet ok 3 - still no flat ok 4 - aha, got something now ok 5 - and it looks like the right one ok 6 - didn't drop out of existence on weaken() ok 7 - sanity check ok 8 - we've really got the right hash ok 9 - internal hashref drops out of existence ok t/misc/more_leaks.t .............. # linux x86_64-linux-thread-multi # perl version 5.018000 # Moose-2.0802 # Set::Object-1.31 # Test::LeakTrace-0.14 ok 1 - Testing Set::Object for leaking (leaks 0 <= 0) ok 2 - Testing Set::Object::Weak for leaking (leaks 0 <= 0) 1..2 ok t/misc/pod.t ..................... 1..3 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Set/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Set/Changes.pod ok 3 - POD test for blib/lib/Set/Object/ ok t/misc/pod_coverage.t ............ 1..2 ok 1 - Set::Object, except the functions we know are private ok 2 - Set::Object::Weak, with all-caps functions as privates ok t/misc/segfault.t ................ 1..1 ok 1 ok Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '3', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '4', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '5', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '6', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '7', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '8', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Attempt to free nonexistent shared string '9', Perl interpreter: 0x1b806d50 at t/misc/threads.t line 44. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "5" during global destruction. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "8" during global destruction. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "3" during global destruction. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "6" during global destruction. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "9" during global destruction. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "4" during global destruction. Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "7" during global destruction. t/misc/threads.t ................. 1..2 ok 1 not ok 2 # TODO Set::Object has still refcount issues with threads RT#22760 # Failed (TODO) test at t/misc/threads.t line 38. # got: undef # expected: '5' ok t/misc/undef.t ................... ok 1 - didn't segfault removing undef from an empty set ok 2 - set ignores undef as a member ok 3 - undef can never exist in a set ok 4 - undef is never included in a set 1..4 ok t/object/abuse.t ................. 1..20 ok 1 - as_string ok 2 - == operator ok 3 - equal method ok 4 - != operator ok 5 - not_equal method ok 6 - union method ok 7 - * operator ok 8 - intersection method ok 9 - - operator ok 10 - difference ok 11 - % operator ok 12 - symmetric_difference ok 13 - < operator ok 14 - proper_subset ok 15 - <= operator ok 16 - subset ok 17 - > operator ok 18 - proper_superset ok 19 - >= operator ok 20 - superset ok t/object/clear.t ................. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/object/difference.t ............ 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok t/object/equal.t ................. 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/object/flags.t ................. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/object/includes.t .............. 1..7 ok 1 - Set::Object->includes() ok 2 - Set::Object->includes(single) ok 3 - Set::Object->includes(many) ok 4 - !Set::Object->includes(non-member) ok 5 - !Set::Object->includes(members, non-member) ok 6 - !Set::Object->includes(Set::Object->new()) ok 7 - !Set::Object->includes('bogon') ok t/object/insert.t ................ 1..18 ok 1 - Set::Object->size() [ no contents ] ok 2 - Set::Object->insert() [ returned \# added ] ok 3 - Set::Object->size() [ one member ] ok 4 - Set::Object->insert() [ returned \# added ] ok 5 - Set::Object->size() [ one member ] ok 6 - Set::Object->insert() [ returned \# added ] ok 7 - Set::Object->size() [ two members ] ok 8 - Set::Object->size() [ lots of inserts ] ok 9 - as_string on bogon-ified set ok 10 - Inserted an array OK ok 11 - Can put non-objects in a set ok 12 - Can put scalars in a set ok 13 - Lookup of identical item doesn't work ok 14 - Inserted an array OK ok 15 - Inserted an hash OK ok 16 - Can put non-objects in a set ok 17 - Lookup of identical item doesn't work ok 18 - Inserted an array OK ok t/object/intersection.t .......... 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 # size = 0 ok t/object/members.t ............... 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/object/properties.t ............ 1..79 ok 1 - is_int(0) ok 2 - is_int(7) ok 3 - is_key(7) ok 4 - !is_int(7.0) ok 5 - is_key(7.0) ok 6 - !is_int('7') ok 7 - is_key('7') ok 8 - !is_string() ok 9 - !is_string(7.0) ok 10 - is_string('7') ok 11 - !is_double(7) ok 12 - is_double(7.0) ok 13 - !is_double('7') ok 14 - !is_int($foo = '7') ok 15 - !is_double(7) ok 16 - !ish_int(7) ok 17 - is_int(int($foo)) ok 18 - ish_int(7) ok 19 - is_double($foo + 0) ok 20 - is_double(7) ok 21 - is_int(int($foo)) ok 22 - ish_int(7) ok 23 - !defined(ish_int(7am = '7am')) ok 24 - ish_int($foo + 0) == 7 ok 25 - is_double(7am) ok 26 - !defined(ish_int(7am)) ok 27 - !defined(ish_int(7.0 = '7.0')) ok 28 - ish_int(7.0 + 0) == 7 ok 29 - is_double(7.0) ok 30 - !defined(ish_int(7.0)) ok 31 - !defined(ish_int(7e6 = '7e6')) ok 32 - ish_int(7e6 + 0) == 7e6 ok 33 - is_double(7e6) ok 34 - !defined(ish_int(7e6)) ok 35 - !defined(ish_int(7 = '7')) ok 36 - ish_int(7 + 0) == 7 ok 37 - is_double(7) ok 38 - ish_int(7) == 7 ok 39 - !defined(ish_int(0 = '0')) ok 40 - ish_int(0 + 0) == 0 ok 41 - is_double(0) ok 42 - ish_int(0) == 7 ok 43 - !ish_int(7.000000001234) ok 44 - ish_int(7.0000000001234) == 7 ok 45 - !blessed($foo = []) ok 46 - is_key([]) ok 47 - reftype($foo) eq 'ARRAY' ok 48 - blessed($foo) eq 'This' ok 49 - reftype($foo) eq 'ARRAY' ok 50 - is_key(blessed array) ok 51 - reftype({}) ok 52 - reftype($foo) ok 53 - is_key(blessed hash) ok 54 - reftype(%foo) - tied ok 55 - reftype($tiehandle) ok 56 - Pseudonum numifies OK ok 57 - Pseudonum numifies OK ok 58 - Pseudonum stringifies OK ok 59 - Pseudonum is blessed ok 60 - ish_int(Pseudonum) ok 61 - is_key(psuedonum) ok 62 - is_key(psuedonum/hash) ok 63 - nevernum dies when numified ok 64 - nevernum dies when doublified ok 65 - nevernum stringifies OK ok 66 - nevernum is blessed ok 67 - ish_int(Nevernum) ok 68 - is_key(nevernum) ok 69 - notreallynum numifies OK ok 70 - notreallynum numifies OK ok 71 - notreallynum stringifies OK ok 72 - nevernum is blessed ok 73 - ish_int(notreallynum) ok 74 - is_key(notreallynum) ok 75 - $foo is tied ok 76 - ish_int(tied var) ok 77 - ish_int(tied var) ok 78 - is_key(tied var) ok 79 - refaddr() ok t/object/refcount.t .............. 1..9 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok t/object/remove.t ................ 1..7 ok 1 - new size correct after remove ok 2 - remove returned number of elements removed ok 3 - set contents correct ok 4 - remove of non-member didn't reduce size ok 5 - remove returned no elements removed ok 6 - remove of mixed members & non-members ok 7 - remove returned correct num of elements removed ok t/object/set_subclass.t .......... 1..4 ok 1 - union of SetSubClass with SetSubClass isa SetSubClass ok 2 - intersection of SetSubClass with SetSubClass isa SetSubClass ok 3 - difference of SetSubClass with SetSubClass isa SetSubClass ok 4 - invert of SetSubClass with SetSubClass isa SetSubClass ok t/object/storable.t .............. 1..7 ok 1 - use Set::Object; ok 2 - Storable works ok 3 - Set::Object serialises via Storable! ok 4 - thaw returned a new Set::Object ok 5 - Set::Object dclones via Storable! ok 6 - dclone returned a new Set::Object ok 7 - empty sets ok t/object/subsuper.t .............. 1..14 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok t/object/symmetric_difference.t .. 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/object/union.t ................. 1..10 ok 1 - union method ok 2 - op_union ok 3 - op union with ops reversed ok 4 - union with self ok 5 - union with empty set ok 6 - union method ok 7 - op_union ok 8 - op union with ops reversed ok 9 - union with self ok 10 - union with empty set ok t/object/weakref.t ............... ok 1 - sanity check 1 ok 2 - it's a Set::Object isa Set::Object ok 3 - but not weak ok 4 - weaken not too eager ok 5 - it's now a Set::Object::Weak isa Set::Object::Weak ok 6 - weaken makes refcnt lower ok 7 - Set knows that the object expired ok 8 - weakened sets can't hold temporary objects ok 9 - sanity check 2 ok 10 - sanity check 3 ok 11 - Set has size ok 12 - Set contents preserved ok 13 - weaken preserved over dclone() ok 14 - sanity check 4 ok 15 - sanity check 5 ok 16 - starts as a Set::Object::Weak isa Set::Object::Weak ok 17 - it's a Set::Object isa Set::Object ok 18 - but not weak ok 19 - ->strengthen() ok 20 - Magic detected ok 21 - Magic removed ok 22 - sanity check 6 ok 23 - sanity check 7 ok 24 - weak_set magic doesn't interfere with tie magic ok 25 - Magic detected ok 26 - hash not ruined by _dispel_magic ok 27 - Magic removed ok 28 - tie magic not interefered with by _dispel_magic ok 29 - sanity check 8 ok 30 - Magic detected ok 31 - Magic removed ok 32 - tie magic not interefered with by _dispel_magic [reverse] ok 33 - Set::Object::Weak->new() ok 34 - weak_set() ok 35 - Set::Object::weak_set ok 36 - made a weak set ok 37 - Set::Object::Weak::set() inserts its arguments ok 38 - computations on sets don't care that they're weak 1..38 ok t/scalar/basic.t ................. 1..24 ok 1 - new set size is 0 ok 2 - ->is_null() ok 3 - stringify ok 4 - ->size() [scalar] ok 5 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 6 - stringify ok 7 - ->size() [scalar] ok 8 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 9 - stringify ok 10 - ->size() [scalar] ok 11 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 12 - stringify ok 13 - ->size() [scalar] ok 14 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 15 - stringify ok 16 - ->size() [scalar] ok 17 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 18 - stringify ok 19 - ->size() [scalar] ok 20 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 21 - stringify ok 22 - ->size() [scalar] ok 23 - ->is_null() [scalar] ok 24 - stringify ok t/scalar/basic_overload.t ........ 1..18 ok 1 - new set size is 0 ok 2 - ->is_null() ok 3 - stringify ok 4 - ->size() ok 5 - ->is_null() ok 6 - stringify ok 7 - ->size() ok 8 - ->is_null() ok 9 - stringify ok 10 - ->size() ok 11 - ->is_null() ok 12 - stringify ok 13 - ->size() ok 14 - ->is_null() ok 15 - stringify ok 16 - ->size() ok 17 - ->is_null() ok 18 - stringify ok t/scalar/boolean.t ............... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 - Set::Object() ok t/scalar/clear.t ................. 1..1 ok 1 ok t/scalar/compare.t ............... 1..24 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok t/scalar/custom_display.t ........ 1..7 ok 1 # Set::Object(a b c d e) ok 2 # a,b,c,d,e ok 3 # a-b-c-d-e ok 4 # Skip misplaced functionality ok 5 # Set::Object(a b c d e) ok 6 # Skip misplaced functionality ok 7 # Set::Object(a b c d e) ok t/scalar/difference.t ............ 1..28 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok t/scalar/each.t .................. skipped: TO-DO t/scalar/has.t ................... 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/scalar/intersection.t .......... 1..20 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok t/scalar/member.t ................ 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/scalar/misc.t .................. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/scalar/set_set.t ............... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/scalar/storable.t .............. 1..7 ok 1 - use Set::Object; ok 2 - Storable works ok 3 - Set::Object serialises via Storable! ok 4 - thaw returned a new Set::Object ok 5 - Set::Object dclones via Storable! ok 6 - dclone returned a new Set::Object ok 7 - empty sets ok t/scalar/symmdiff.t .............. 1..21 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok t/scalar/union.t ................. 1..16 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok t/scalar/unique.t ................ 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 # Set::Object() ok All tests successful. Files=43, Tests=459, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr 0.10 sys + 2.27 cusr 0.44 csys = 3.00 CPU) Result: PASS RURBAN/Set-Object-1.31.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Set-Object-1.31 already made Running test for module 'Data::UUID' Running make for R/RJ/RJBS/Data-UUID-1.218.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 12 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/Data-UUID-1.218.tar.gz ok Data-UUID-1.218/ Data-UUID-1.218/Changes Data-UUID-1.218/LICENSE Data-UUID-1.218/Makefile.PL Data-UUID-1.218/MANIFEST Data-UUID-1.218/META.json Data-UUID-1.218/META.yml Data-UUID-1.218/ptable.h Data-UUID-1.218/README Data-UUID-1.218/smp-test/ Data-UUID-1.218/t/ Data-UUID-1.218/typemap Data-UUID-1.218/UUID.h Data-UUID-1.218/ Data-UUID-1.218/UUID.xs Data-UUID-1.218/t/basic.t Data-UUID-1.218/t/from-name-collisions.t Data-UUID-1.218/t/leaky_dollar_bang.t Data-UUID-1.218/t/pod-coverage.t Data-UUID-1.218/t/pod.t Data-UUID-1.218/t/segv.t Data-UUID-1.218/t/threads.t /bin/tar: Read 4096 bytes from - Data-UUID-1.218/smp-test/collision.t Data-UUID-1.218/smp-test/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 12 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building R/RJ/RJBS/Data-UUID-1.218.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Configured options (run perl Makefile.PL --help for how to change this): UUID state storage: /tmp default umask: 0007 Writing Makefile for Data::UUID Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/Data/ /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap UUID.xs > UUID.xsc && mv UUID.xsc UUID.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"1.218\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.218\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/CORE" -D_STDIR=\"/tmp\" -D__linux__ -D_DEFAULT_UMASK=0007 UUID.c Running Mkbootstrap for Data::UUID () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/Data/UUID/ gcc -shared -O2 -fstack-protector UUID.o -o blib/arch/auto/Data/UUID/ \ \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Data/UUID/ cp blib/arch/auto/Data/UUID/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Data/UUID/ Manifying blib/man3/Data::UUID.3 RJBS/Data-UUID-1.218.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 12 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic.t ................. 1..28 ok 1 - use Data::UUID; ok 2 - The object isa Data::UUID ok 3 - create a new uuid ok 4 - correct length of uuid ok 5 - hexstringify it ok 6 - create a uuid from that string ok 7 - they compare as equal ok 8 - get base64 string of original uuid ok 9 - get base64 string of from_string ok 10 - those base64 strings are equal ok 11 - make uuid from the base64 string ok 12 - and it compares at equal, too ok 13 - we get all unique UUIDs ok 14 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 15 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 16 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 17 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 18 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 19 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 20 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 21 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 22 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 23 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 24 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 25 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 26 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 27 - no carriage return in base64 version ok 28 - no carriage return in base64 version ok t/from-name-collisions.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - no collisions ok t/leaky_dollar_bang.t ..... 1..1 ok 1 - $! didn't leak! ok t/pod-coverage.t .......... skipped: Pod coverage tests are not active. Please set $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} to activate. t/pod.t ................... skipped: Pod coverage tests are not active. Please set $ENV{AUTHOR_TESTING} to activate. t/segv.t .................. 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/threads.t ............... 1..4 ok 1 - we survived our threads ok 2 - got as all the uuids we expected ok 3 - uuids look sane ok 4 - all UUIDs are unique ok All tests successful. Files=7, Tests=36, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.01 sys + 0.40 cusr 0.08 csys = 0.55 CPU) Result: PASS RJBS/Data-UUID-1.218.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Data-UUID-1.218 already made Running test for module 'Cache::Ref' Running make for B/BR/BRUNOV/Cache-Ref-0.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 13 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/B/BR/BRUNOV/Cache-Ref-0.04.tar.gz ok Cache-Ref-0.04 Cache-Ref-0.04/README Cache-Ref-0.04/Changes Cache-Ref-0.04/t Cache-Ref-0.04/t/lru.t Cache-Ref-0.04/t/car.t Cache-Ref-0.04/LICENSE Cache-Ref-0.04/dist.ini Cache-Ref-0.04/t/null.t Cache-Ref-0.04/t/fifo.t Cache-Ref-0.04/t/lifo.t Cache-Ref-0.04/META.yml Cache-Ref-0.04/MANIFEST Cache-Ref-0.04/t/clock.t Cache-Ref-0.04/META.json Cache-Ref-0.04/t/random.t Cache-Ref-0.04/Makefile.PL Cache-Ref-0.04/t/util_lru.t Cache-Ref-0.04/t/release-eol.t Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/ Cache-Ref-0.04/t/release-no-tabs.t Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/t/release-pod-syntax.t Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/ Cache-Ref-0.04/t/release-pod-coverage.t Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/CAR Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/CAR/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Role Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/CLOCK Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/CLOCK/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ /bin/tar: Read 9728 bytes from - Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ Cache-Ref-0.04/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 13 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building B/BR/BRUNOV/Cache-Ref-0.04.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Cache::Ref Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/CLOCK/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/CLOCK/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/CAR/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/CAR/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Util/LRU/ cp lib/Cache/ blib/lib/Cache/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ cp lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Role::WithDoublyLinkedList.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::List.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::LIFO.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Role::API.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::LRU.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Role::Index.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::CART.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::Array.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::GCLOCK.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::CAR.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Null.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::FIFO.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Random.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::CLOCK.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::CAR::Base.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::CLOCK::Base.3 Manifying blib/man3/Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::API.3 BRUNOV/Cache-Ref-0.04.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 13 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/car.t ................... ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::CAR; ok 2 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 3 - foo in cache ok 4 - foo still in cache ok 5 - bar in cache ok 6 - foo still in cache ok 7 - bar still in cache ok 8 - baz in cache ok 9 - foo no longer in cache ok 10 - bar still in cache ok 11 - baz still in cache ok 12 - zot in cache ok 13 - foo no longer in cache ok 14 - bar still in cache ok 15 - baz still in cache ok 16 - zot no longer in cache ok 17 - oi in cache ok 18 - foo in cache ok 19 - bar still in cache, new value ok 20 - baz no longer in cache ok 21 - zot no longer in cache ok 22 - oi still in cache ok 23 - mget ok 24 - foo removed ok 25 - mget ok 26 - hit rate during random access of small sigma (9895 >= 105 * 3) ok 27 - miss rate during random access of small sigma (105 <= max offset * 4) ok 28 - hit rate during random access of medium sigma (1857 >= 1143) ok 29 - hit rate during random access of large sigma (359 >= 2641/10) ok 30 - hit rate during small linear scans (892 >= 908/2) ok 31 - hit rate during medium linear scan (600 >= 1700/5) ok 32 - hit rate during medium linear scan (600 >= 4200/10) ok 33 - hit rate during small sigma weighted random access (569 >= 931/3) ok 34 - hit rate during alternating small/large random access (496 >= 4304/20) ok 35 - hit rate during large weighted sigma, random access (1324 >= 8676/10) ok 36 - invariants ran at least a few times ok 37 - use Cache::Ref::CART; ok 38 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 39 - foo in cache ok 40 - foo still in cache ok 41 - bar in cache ok 42 - foo still in cache ok 43 - bar still in cache ok 44 - baz in cache ok 45 - foo no longer in cache ok 46 - bar still in cache ok 47 - baz still in cache ok 48 - zot in cache ok 49 - foo no longer in cache ok 50 - bar still in cache ok 51 - baz still in cache ok 52 - zot no longer in cache ok 53 - oi in cache ok 54 - foo in cache ok 55 - bar still in cache, new value ok 56 - baz no longer in cache ok 57 - zot no longer in cache ok 58 - oi still in cache ok 59 - mget ok 60 - foo removed ok 61 - mget ok 62 - hit rate during random access of small sigma (9704 >= 296 * 3) ok 63 - miss rate during random access of small sigma (296 <= max offset * 4) ok 64 - hit rate during random access of medium sigma (1808 >= 1192) ok 65 - hit rate during random access of large sigma (373 >= 2627/10) ok 66 - hit rate during small linear scans (600 >= 1200/2) ok 67 - hit rate during medium linear scan (300 >= 2000/10) ok 68 - hit rate during medium linear scan (300 >= 4500/20) ok 69 - hit rate during small sigma weighted random access (537 >= 963/3) ok 70 - hit rate during alternating small/large random access (395 >= 4405/20) ok 71 - hit rate during large weighted sigma, random access (1102 >= 8898/10) ok 72 - invariants ran at least a few times 1..72 ok t/clock.t ................. ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::CLOCK; ok 2 - use Cache::Ref::GCLOCK; ok 3 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 4 - foo ok 5 - bar ok 6 - baz ok 7 - zot ok 8 - bar still in cache ok 9 - foo no longer in cache ok 10 - bar still in cache ok 11 - baz no longer in cache ok 12 - zot still in cache ok 13 - quxx in cache ok 14 - bar still in cache ok 15 - baz no longer in cache ok 16 - zot still in cache ok 17 - quxx removed from cache ok 18 - two elements in cache ok 19 - bar still in cache ok 20 - baz no longer in cache ok 21 - zot still in cache ok 22 - quxx in cache ok 23 - bar still in cache ok 24 - baz no longer in cache ok 25 - zot no longer in cache ok 26 - quxx no longer in cache ok 27 - new still in cache ok 28 - another still in cache ok 29 - mget ok 30 - cache size ok 31 - expired ok 32 - no elements in cache ok 33 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1227 >= 773) ok 34 - no significant hits during linear scans (3) ok 35 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 36 - foo ok 37 - bar ok 38 - baz ok 39 - zot ok 40 - bar still in cache ok 41 - foo no longer in cache ok 42 - bar still in cache ok 43 - baz no longer in cache ok 44 - zot still in cache ok 45 - quxx in cache ok 46 - bar still in cache ok 47 - baz no longer in cache ok 48 - zot still in cache ok 49 - quxx removed from cache ok 50 - two elements in cache ok 51 - bar still in cache ok 52 - baz no longer in cache ok 53 - zot still in cache ok 54 - quxx in cache ok 55 - bar still in cache ok 56 - baz no longer in cache ok 57 - zot no longer in cache ok 58 - quxx no longer in cache ok 59 - new still in cache ok 60 - another still in cache ok 61 - mget ok 62 - cache size ok 63 - expired ok 64 - no elements in cache ok 65 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1248 >= 752) ok 66 - no significant hits during linear scans (2) 1..66 ok t/fifo.t .................. ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::FIFO; ok 2 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 3 - foo in cache ok 4 - foo still in cache ok 5 - bar in cache ok 6 - foo still in cache ok 7 - bar still in cache ok 8 - baz in cache ok 9 - foo no longer in cache ok 10 - bar still in cache ok 11 - baz still in cache ok 12 - zot in cache ok 13 - foo no longer in cache ok 14 - bar no longer in cache ok 15 - baz still in cache ok 16 - zot still in cache ok 17 - quxx in cache ok 18 - foo no longer in cache ok 19 - bar no longer in cache ok 20 - baz still in cache ok 21 - zot still in cache ok 22 - quxx removed from cache ok 23 - mget ok 24 - two elements in cache ok 25 - get 1 ok 26 - get 2 ok 27 - get 3 ok 28 - refilled ok 29 - expired ok 30 - no elements in cache ok 31 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1211 >= 789) ok 32 - no significant hits during linear scans (5) 1..32 ok t/lifo.t .................. ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::LIFO; ok 2 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 3 - foo in cache ok 4 - foo still in cache ok 5 - bar in cache ok 6 - foo still in cache ok 7 - bar still in cache ok 8 - baz in cache ok 9 - foo still in cache ok 10 - bar still in cache ok 11 - baz still in cache ok 12 - zot in not in cache ok 13 - foo still in cache ok 14 - bar still in cache ok 15 - baz still in cache ok 16 - zot in not in cache ok 17 - quxx not in cache ok 18 - foo still in cache ok 19 - bar still in cache ok 20 - baz still in cache ok 21 - zot in not in cache ok 22 - quxx not in cache ok 23 - foo no longer in cache ok 24 - bar still in cache ok 25 - baz still in cache ok 26 - zot in not in cache ok 27 - quxx not in cache ok 28 - foo no longer in cache ok 29 - bar still in cache ok 30 - baz still in cache ok 31 - zot in not in cache ok 32 - quxx in cache ok 33 - mget ok 34 - refilled ok 35 - expired ok 36 - no elements in cache ok 37 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1241 >= 759) ok 38 - hit rate during linear scan (500 == 500) 1..38 ok t/lru.t ................... ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::LRU; ok 2 - use Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::Array; ok 3 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 4 - foo in cache ok 5 - foo still in cache ok 6 - bar in cache ok 7 - foo still in cache ok 8 - bar still in cache ok 9 - baz in cache ok 10 - did not compute ok 11 - did compute ok 12 - foo no longer in cache ok 13 - bar still in cache ok 14 - baz still in cache ok 15 - zot in cache ok 16 - mru ok 17 - lru ok 18 - foo no longer in cache ok 19 - bar still in cache ok 20 - baz no longer in cache ok 21 - zot still in cache ok 22 - oi in cache ok 23 - foo in cache ok 24 - bar still in cache, new value ok 25 - baz no longer in cache ok 26 - zot no longer in cache ok 27 - oi still in cache ok 28 - mget ok 29 - oi removed from cache ok 30 - two elements in cache ok 31 - expired one entry ok 32 - cache is empty ok 33 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1262 >= 738) ok 34 - no significant hits during linear scans (2) ok 35 - use Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::List; ok 36 - The object isa Cache::Ref ok 37 - foo in cache ok 38 - foo still in cache ok 39 - bar in cache ok 40 - foo still in cache ok 41 - bar still in cache ok 42 - baz in cache ok 43 - did not compute ok 44 - did compute ok 45 - foo no longer in cache ok 46 - bar still in cache ok 47 - baz still in cache ok 48 - zot in cache ok 49 - mru ok 50 - lru ok 51 - foo no longer in cache ok 52 - bar still in cache ok 53 - baz no longer in cache ok 54 - zot still in cache ok 55 - oi in cache ok 56 - foo in cache ok 57 - bar still in cache, new value ok 58 - baz no longer in cache ok 59 - zot no longer in cache ok 60 - oi still in cache ok 61 - mget ok 62 - oi removed from cache ok 63 - two elements in cache ok 64 - expired one entry ok 65 - cache is empty ok 66 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1263 >= 737) ok 67 - no significant hits during linear scans (2) 1..67 ok t/null.t .................. ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::Null; ok 2 - no value for get ok 3 - no value for after set 1..3 ok t/random.t ................ ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::Random; ok 2 - more cache hits than misses during random access of small sigma (1278 >= 722) ok 3 - hit rate in linear scans(279 >= 521 / 3) ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 1..23 ok t/release-eol.t ........... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-no-tabs.t ....... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-coverage.t .. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .... skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing Use of uninitialized value within @ret in reverse at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib/Cache/Ref/Role/ line 107. t/util_lru.t .............. ok 1 - use Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::List; ok 2 - The object isa Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::List ok 3 - The object does Cache::Ref::Util::LRU::API ok 4 - no mru ok 5 - no lru ok 6 - get mru ok 7 - get lru ok 8 - get mru ok 9 - get lru ok 10 - get mru ok 11 - get lru ok 12 - get mru ok 13 - get lru ok 14 - get mru ok 15 - get lru ok 16 - remove lru ok 17 - remove lru ok 18 - remove lru ok 19 - remove lru ok 20 - lru ok 21 - mru ok 22 - remove ok 23 - nothing to remove ok 24 - nothing to remove ok 25 - lru ok 26 - mru ok 27 - remove ok 28 - nothing to remove ok 29 - nothing to remove ok 30 - get mru ok 31 - get lru ok 32 - get mru ok 33 - get lru ok 34 - get mru ok 35 - get lru ok 36 - get mru ok 37 - get lru ok 38 - get mru ok 39 - get lru ok 40 - get mru ok 41 - get lru ok 42 - remove lru ok 43 - get lru ok 44 - get mru ok 45 - get lru ok 46 - remove mru ok 47 - get mru ok 48 - get lru ok 49 ok 50 - no lru ok 51 - no mru ok 52 - get mru ok 53 - get lru ok 54 - get lru ok 55 - get lru ok 56 - no lru ok 57 - no mru ok 58 - get mru ok 59 - get lru ok 60 - no lru ok 61 - no mru ok 62 - no lru ok 63 - no mru 1..63 ok All tests successful. Files=12, Tests=364, 20 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr 0.06 sys + 18.61 cusr 0.50 csys = 19.27 CPU) Result: PASS BRUNOV/Cache-Ref-0.04.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Cache-Ref-0.04 already made Running test for module 'MooseX::YAML' Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz ok MooseX-YAML-0.04/ MooseX-YAML-0.04/Changes MooseX-YAML-0.04/lib/ MooseX-YAML-0.04/Makefile.PL MooseX-YAML-0.04/MANIFEST MooseX-YAML-0.04/MANIFEST.SKIP MooseX-YAML-0.04/META.yml MooseX-YAML-0.04/SIGNATURE MooseX-YAML-0.04/t/ MooseX-YAML-0.04/t/basic.t /bin/tar: Read 7680 bytes from - MooseX-YAML-0.04/t/fq.t MooseX-YAML-0.04/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-YAML-0.04/lib/MooseX/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for MooseX::YAML Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz ---- MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct' Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz ok MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/ MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/Changes MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/lib/ MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/Makefile.PL MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/MANIFEST MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/MANIFEST.SKIP MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/META.yml MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/SIGNATURE MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/t/ MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/t/basic.t /bin/tar: Read 8704 bytes from - MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/lib/MooseX/Blessed/ MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04/lib/MooseX/Blessed/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz ---- Data::Visitor [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Data::Visitor' Running make for D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/MooseX/Blessed/ blib/lib/MooseX/Blessed/ Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct.3 NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 14 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - use MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct; ok 2 - The object isa MooseX::Blessed::Reconstruct ok 3 - The object isa Some::Foo ok 4 - The object isa Some::Bar ok 5 - The object isa Some::Bar ok 6 - refaddr for shared ref ok 7 - simple value ok 8 - default not yet created ok 9 - BUILD not called ok 10 - new object ok 11 - The object isa A::Moose::Class ok 12 - The object isa A::Nonmoose::Class ok 13 - simple data ok 14 - nested object data ok 15 - init_arg value works ok 16 - "default" worked ok 17 - no init-arg ok 18 - BUILD called ok 19 - proto was not destroyed ok 20 - proto was not destroyed 1..20 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=20, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.01 sys + 0.39 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.48 CPU) Result: PASS NUFFIN/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04 already made Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 15 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 15 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/MooseX/ blib/lib/MooseX/ Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::YAML.3 NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 15 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/basic.t .. ok 1 - use MooseX::YAML; ok 2 - The object isa Foo ok 3 - simple attr ok 4 - default ok 5 - BUILD ok 6 - The object isa Foo ok 7 - simple attr ok 8 - default ok 9 - BUILD ok 10 - The object isa Foo ok 11 - simple attr ok 12 - default ok 13 - BUILD ok 14 - The object isa Foo ok 15 - simple attr ok 16 - default ok 17 - BUILD 1..17 ok t/fq.t ..... ok 1 - require MooseX::YAML; ok 2 - The object isa Foo ok 3 - simple attr ok 4 - default ok 5 - BUILD 1..5 ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=22, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.02 sys + 0.90 cusr 0.11 csys = 1.06 CPU) Result: PASS NUFFIN/MooseX-YAML-0.04.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for MooseX-YAML-0.04 already made Running test for module 'PadWalker' Running make for R/RO/ROBIN/PadWalker-1.96.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 16 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RO/ROBIN/PadWalker-1.96.tar.gz ok PadWalker-1.96/ PadWalker-1.96/Changes PadWalker-1.96/Makefile.PL PadWalker-1.96/MANIFEST PadWalker-1.96/META.yml PadWalker-1.96/ PadWalker-1.96/PadWalker.xs PadWalker-1.96/README PadWalker-1.96/t/ PadWalker-1.96/t/ PadWalker-1.96/t/ PadWalker-1.96/t/closure.t PadWalker-1.96/t/dm.t PadWalker-1.96/t/foo.t PadWalker-1.96/t/our.t PadWalker-1.96/t/recurse.t PadWalker-1.96/t/sub.t PadWalker-1.96/t/test.t PadWalker-1.96/t/tt.t PadWalker-1.96/t/var_name.t PadWalker-1.96/t/ PadWalker-1.96/t/ /bin/tar: Read 1536 bytes from - Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 16 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building R/RO/ROBIN/PadWalker-1.96.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for PadWalker Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/ /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static /home/fly1800/var/megalib/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/ExtUtils/typemap PadWalker.xs > PadWalker.xsc && mv PadWalker.xsc PadWalker.c gcc -c -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE_SITECUSTOMIZE -DPERL_RELOCATABLE_INCPUSH -fno-merge-constants -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -DVERSION=\"1.96\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.96\" -fPIC "-I/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/CORE" PadWalker.c Running Mkbootstrap for PadWalker () chmod 644 rm -f blib/arch/auto/PadWalker/ gcc -shared -O2 -fstack-protector PadWalker.o -o blib/arch/auto/PadWalker/ \ \ chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/PadWalker/ cp blib/arch/auto/PadWalker/ chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/PadWalker/ Manifying blib/man3/PadWalker.3 ROBIN/PadWalker-1.96.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 16 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/closure.t ... 1..29 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok 29 ok t/dm.t ........ 1..8 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok t/foo.t ....... 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok t/our.t ....... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/recurse.t ... 1..2 ok 1 ok 2 ok t/sub.t ....... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/test.t ...... 1..15 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok t/tt.t ........ 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok t/var_name.t .. 1..8 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok All tests successful. Files=9, Tests=79, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.02 sys + 0.15 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.28 CPU) Result: PASS ROBIN/PadWalker-1.96.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for PadWalker-1.96 already made Running test for module 'MooseX::Clone' Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz ok MooseX-Clone-0.05/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/Changes MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/Makefile.PL MooseX-Clone-0.05/MANIFEST MooseX-Clone-0.05/MANIFEST.SKIP MooseX-Clone-0.05/META.yml MooseX-Clone-0.05/SIGNATURE MooseX-Clone-0.05/t/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/t/01_basic.t MooseX-Clone-0.05/t/02_auto_deref.t MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ MooseX-Clone-0.05/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ /bin/tar: Read 1536 bytes from - Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for MooseX::Clone Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz ---- namespace::clean [requires] Data::Visitor [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'namespace::clean' Running make for R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'Data::Visitor' Running make for D/DO/DOY/Data-Visitor-0.28.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running make for N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building N/NU/NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ blib/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ cp lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ blib/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ cp lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ blib/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ cp lib/MooseX/ blib/lib/MooseX/ cp lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ blib/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/Clone/ cp lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ blib/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ cp lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ blib/lib/MooseX/Clone/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::StorableClone.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Copy.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Clone.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Clone.3 Manifying blib/man3/MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoClone.3 NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 17 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01_basic.t ....... ok 1 - The object isa Bar ok 2 - The object isa Foo ok 3 - The object isa Foo ok 4 - explicit init_arg ok 5 - first copy ok 6 - first copy ok 7 - default value for other attr ok 8 - copy ok 9 - NoClone ok 10 - copy number incremented ok 11 - not incremented for uncloned attr ok 12 - default value for other attr ok 13 - copy ok 14 - copy ok 15 - Value carried over to recursive call to clone ok 16 - hash copied ok 17 - hash keys exist in clone ok 18 - The object isa Foo ok 19 - foo inside hash cloned too ok 20 - copy number ok 21 - hash copied ok 22 - hash keys exist in clone ok 23 - The object isa Foo ok 24 - foo inside hash not cloned ok 25 - array inside hash not cloned ok 26 - foo copied ok 27 - but not using ->clone 1..27 ok t/02_auto_deref.t .. 1..5 ok 1 - cloning simple obj with a ArrayRef ok 2 - cloning simple obj with a ArrayRef (3 elements) and auto_deref ok 3 - got a clone ok 4 - value cloned properly ok 5 - cloning simple obj with a ArrayRef (2 elements) and auto_deref ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=32, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 0.91 cusr 0.12 csys = 1.08 CPU) Result: PASS NUFFIN/MooseX-Clone-0.05.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for MooseX-Clone-0.05 already made Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ cp lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/GIN/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/GIN/ cp lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/ blib/lib/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/Immutable/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Immutable/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Meta/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Set/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Error/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Error/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ cp lib/KiokuDB/GC/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/GC/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ID/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Error/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Error/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Set/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Concurrency/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Concurrency/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ cp lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/GC/Naive/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Stream/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Stream/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Set/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/ cp lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/Simple/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/Simple/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Set/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/LiveObjects/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/LinkChecker/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/LinkChecker/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/Memory/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/Memory/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial.pod blib/lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial.pod cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Set/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Meta/Attribute/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/TXN/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/Std/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/JSPON/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/Query/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/Handlers/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/Upgrade/Handlers/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/JSON/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Entry/JSON/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/TypeMap/Default/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/TypeMap/Default/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/TXN/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial/JA.pod blib/lib/KiokuDB/Tutorial/JA.pod cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Backend/Serialize/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ cp lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/Moose/Meta/Attribute/Custom/Trait/KiokuDB/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Collapser/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Collapser/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Set/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Set/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Test/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ cp lib/POD2/JA/KiokuDB/Tutorial.pod blib/lib/POD2/JA/KiokuDB/Tutorial.pod cp lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Role/UUIDs/ cp lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/Serializer/ cp lib/KiokuDB/ blib/lib/KiokuDB/ cp bin/kioku blib/script/kioku /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/kioku Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Intrinsic.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::LiveObjects::TXNScope.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Stream::Objects.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Meta::Instance.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::GIN.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Upgrade::Handlers::Table.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Alias.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Compiled.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Upgrade::Data.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Class.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Std.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::UnicodeSafe.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Immutable.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Set::Transient.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::ID::Content.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::LiveObjects::Scope.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Set.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSON.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Set::Deferred.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Reference.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::LiveObjects.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::API.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Scan.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Tutorial::JA.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::BinarySafe.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON::Collapser.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::LinkChecker.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Verbosity.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::Simple::Linear.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Test.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Passthrough.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::GC::Naive.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN::Memory.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Entry.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::Storable.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Set::Storage.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Set::Stored.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::ID.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Default::Canonical.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN::Nested.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Scan.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::TXN.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::StorableHook.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Set::Loaded.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::SerialIDs.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Collapser.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Broken.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::YAML.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Hash.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::ClassBuilders.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Default::Passthrough.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Std::ID.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::Simple.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Composite.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Util.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Thunk.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Callback.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON::Expander.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Linker.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Set.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Meta::Attribute::DoNotSerialize.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON::Converter.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Role::Immutable::Transitive.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::TypeMap::Default.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Std::Intrinsic.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::Delegate.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Std::Compile.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Default.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Serializer.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Tutorial.3 Manifying blib/man3/POD2::JA::KiokuDB::Tutorial.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Clear.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::TypeMap::Shadow.3 Manifying blib/man3/KiokuDB::Meta::Attribute::Lazy.3 DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/coderefs.t ................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - store object with coderef ok 3 - no live objects ok 4 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_WithCodeRef ok 5 - apply coderef ok 6 - SV ok 7 - AV ok 8 - HV ok 9 - SV, AV, HV ok 10 - no live objects ok 11 - load closure sv ok 12 - thawed closure ok 13 - first invocation ok 14 - second invocation ok 15 - no live objects ok 16 - load closure av ok 17 - thawed closure ok 18 - first invocation ok 19 - second invocation ok 20 - no live objects ok 21 - load closure hv ok 22 - thawed closure ok 23 - first invocation ok 24 - second invocation ok 25 - no live objects ok 26 - load closure all ok 27 - thawed closure ok 28 - first invocation ok 29 - second invocation ok 30 - apply closure before storing ok 31 - store object with closure ok 32 - no live objects ok 33 - closure variable thawed ok 34 - no live objects ok 35 - closure variable update not stored without call to update ok 36 - code ref has an ID ok 37 - no live objects ok 38 - closure variable updated ok 39 - peek ok 40 - peek ok 41 - store pair of closures ok 42 - no live objects ok 43 - count thawed ok 44 - peek thawed ok 45 - closure sharing ok 46 - closure sharing ok 47 - closure sharing thawed ok 48 - peek ok 49 - peek ok 50 - store pair of closures ok 51 - no live objects ok 52 - count thawed ok 53 - peek thawed ok 54 - closure sharing ok 55 - closure sharing ok 56 - closure sharing thawed ok 57 - no live objects ok 58 - closure sharing thawed after deep update from other closure ok 59 - peek ok 60 - peek ok 61 - store count closure ok 62 - store peek closures ok 63 - no live objects ok 64 - count thawed ok 65 - peek thawed ok 66 - closure sharing ok 67 - closure sharing ok 68 - closure sharing thawed ok 69 - no live objects ok 70 - closure sharing thawed after deep update from other closure ok 71 - peek ok 72 - peek ok 73 - store pair of closures ok 74 - no live objects ok 75 - peek thawed ok 76 - closure sharing ok 77 - count thawed ok 78 - closure sharing ok 79 - peek thawed ok 80 - closure sharing after disjoint update ok 81 - peek ok 82 - peek ok 83 - store pair of closures ok 84 - no live objects ok 85 - peek thawed ok 86 - closure sharing ok 87 - count thawed ok 88 - closure sharing ok 89 - closure sharing after disjoint update (both values live) ok 90 - names is live ok 91 - got set ok 92 - still live closure variable updated ok 93 - names updated ok 94 - got named sub ok 95 - correct value ok 96 - right refaddr ok 97 - not loaded ok 98 - loaded sub ok 99 - loaded ok 100 - right refaddr ok 101 - right value ok 102 - Moose accessor detected ok 103 - FQ reference only ok 104 - XSUB detected ok 105 - FQ reference only 1..105 ok t/collapser.t .................. ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP; ok 7 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Callback; ok 8 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Ref; ok 9 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 10 - correct error ok 11 - correct error ok 12 - correct error ok 13 - The object isa KiokuDB::Collapser::Buffer ok 14 - one entry for known obj collapse ok 15 ok 16 - got an id ok 17 - no other return values ok 18 - two entries ok 19 - class ok 20 - KiokuDB_Test_Foo object ok 21 - KiokuDB_Test_Bar object ok 22 - two entries ok 23 - parent object ok 24 - shared ref ok 25 - two entries ok 26 - class ok 27 - KiokuDB_Test_Foo object ok 28 - KiokuDB_Test_Bar object ok 29 - two entries ok 30 - parent object ok 31 - shared ref ok 32 - two entries ok 33 - parent object ok 34 - shared ref ok 35 - correct error ok 36 - two entries ok 37 - one entry with compacter ok 38 - two entries for deep collapse ok 39 - one root set ID ok 40 - one entry for shallow collapse ok 41 - one root set ID ok 42 - one entries for deep collapse with intrinsic value ok 43 - one root set ID ok 44 - intrinsic entry data ok 45 - one entries for deep collapse with shared intrinsic value ok 46 - one root set ID ok 47 - intrinsic entry data ok 48 - one root set ID ok 49 - intrinsic collapsing of Tie::RefHash ok 50 - one root set ID ok 51 - first class collapsing of Tie::RefHash ok 52 - one entry ok 53 - one root set ID ok 54 - class ok 55 - one entry with only_in_storage ok 56 - one root set ID ok 57 - class ok 58 - two entries ok 59 - one root set ID ok 60 - class ok 61 - custom ID for object ok 62 - one entry ok 63 - one root set ID ok 64 - class ok 65 - two entries ok 66 - one root set ID ok 67 - class ok 68 - known object doesn't exist in entry set ok 69 - references ok 70 ok 71 - one entry ok 72 - one root set ID ok 73 - threw Regexp ((?^:ID conflict)) ok 74 - one entry ok 75 - one root set ID ok 76 - (?^:ID conflict) ok 77 - no entries produced for backend on duplicate CAS object 1..77 ok t/digest.t ..................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Test::Digested; ok 2 - got a digest ok 3 - got a digest ok 4 - digests differ ok 5 - digests differ ok 6 - digests differ ok 7 - digest is the same for new object ok 8 - contains digest parts 1..8 ok t/directory.t .................. ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 3 - no cycles in proto obj ok 4 - cycle is weak ok 5 - no cycles in scope ok 6 - no cycles in live objects ok 7 - no cycles in scope ok 8 - no cycles in live objects ok 9 - got an entry for 0001 ok 10 - with the right entry ok 11 - and the right object ok 12 - store did not introduce cycles ok 13 - live object set ok 14 - live object set is empty ok 15 - live entry set is empty ok 16 - no cycles in live objects ok 17 - no cycles in object ok 18 - no cycles in scope ok 19 - no cycles in live objects ok 20 - simple attr ok 21 - object attr isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 22 - simple attr of sub object ok 23 - object attr of sub object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 24 - circular ref ok 25 - weak ref to object died ok 26 - live object set is empty ok 27 - live entry set is empty ok 28 - no cycles in live objects ok 29 - got two ids ok 30 - first object is dead ok 31 - second is still alive ok 32 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 33 - object retrieved ok 34 - object is already live ok 35 - link recreated ok 36 - live object set is empty ok 37 - live entry set is empty ok 38 - live object set is empty ok 39 - live entry set is empty ok 40 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 41 - normal attr ok 42 - shared object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 43 - normal attr of shared ok 44 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 45 - normal attr ok 46 - shared object ok 47 - live object set is empty ok 48 - live entry set is empty ok 49 - live object set is empty ok 50 - live entry set is empty ok 51 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 52 - normal attr ok 53 - shared hash ok 54 - hash data ok 55 - indirect shared child isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 56 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 57 - normal attr ok 58 - shared value ok 59 - live object set is empty ok 60 - live entry set is empty ok 61 - live object set is empty ok 62 - live entry set is empty ok 63 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 64 - normal attr ok 65 - shared hash ok 66 - hash data ok 67 - circular ref ok 68 - weak ref ok 69 - live object set is empty ok 70 - live entry set is empty ok 71 - insert returns ID for new object ok 72 - live object set is empty ok 73 - live entry set is empty ok 74 - stored by insert ok 75 - insertion of present object is an error ok 76 - live object set is empty ok 77 - live entry set is empty ok 78 - live object set is empty ok 79 - live entry set is empty ok 80 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 81 - normal attr ok 82 - attr changed ok 83 - live object set is empty ok 84 - live entry set is empty ok 85 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 86 - change not saved ok 87 - attr changed ok 88 - insertion of present object is an error ok 89 - live object set is empty ok 90 - live entry set is empty ok 91 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 92 - change not saved ok 93 - attr changed ok 94 - ID ok 95 - live object set is empty ok 96 - live entry set is empty ok 97 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 98 - store saved change ok 99 - no 'bar' attr ok 100 - ID ok 101 - live object set is empty ok 102 - live entry set is empty ok 103 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 104 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 105 - child object's attr ok 106 - only child in live object set ok 107 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 108 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 109 - child object's attr ok 110 - same refaddr as live object ok 111 - two objects in live object set ok 112 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 113 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 114 - child object's attr unchanged ok 115 - same refaddr as live object ok 116 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 117 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 118 - same refaddr as live object ok 119 - child inserted due to parent's update ok 120 - live object set is empty ok 121 - live entry set is empty ok 122 - insert returns ID for new object ok 123 - live object set is empty ok 124 - live entry set is empty ok 125 - stored by insert ok 126 - live object set is empty ok 127 - live entry set is empty ok 128 - not updated ok 129 - got an entry ok 130 - right id ok 131 - got an update entry ok 132 - right id ok 133 - prev entry ok 134 - live object set is empty ok 135 - live entry set is empty ok 136 - updated ok 137 - update with a partial object ok 138 - child has ID now ok 139 - its in storage ok 140 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 141 - no error this time ok 142 - updated ok 143 - live object set is empty ok 144 - live entry set is empty ok 145 - update is shallow ok 146 - live object set is empty ok 147 - live entry set is empty ok 148 - updated ok 149 - live object set is empty ok 150 - live entry set is empty ok 151 - live object set is empty ok 152 - live entry set is empty ok 153 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 154 - live object set is empty ok 155 - live entry set is empty ok 156 - live object set is empty ok 157 - live entry set is empty ok 158 - deleted ok 159 - live object set is empty ok 160 - live entry set is empty ok 161 - two entries ok 162 - entry object ok 163 - entry object ok 164 - no entry object ok 165 - no entry object ok 166 - live object set is empty ok 167 - live entry set is empty ok 168 - custom id ok 169 - object to id ok 170 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 171 - root object ok 172 - object is in root set ok 173 - live object set is empty ok 174 - live entry set is empty ok 175 - custom id ok 176 - object to id ok 177 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 178 - not root ok 179 - object is not in root set ok 180 - live object set is empty ok 181 - live entry set is empty ok 182 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 183 - field upgraded ok 184 - live object set is empty ok 185 - live entry set is empty ok 186 - no cycles in proto obj ok 187 - cycle is weak ok 188 - no cycles in scope ok 189 - no cycles in live objects ok 190 - no cycles in scope ok 191 - no cycles in live objects ok 192 - no entry ok 193 - store did not introduce cycles ok 194 - live object set ok 195 - live object set is empty ok 196 - live entry set is empty ok 197 - no cycles in live objects ok 198 - no cycles in object ok 199 - no cycles in scope ok 200 - no cycles in live objects ok 201 - simple attr ok 202 - object attr isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 203 - simple attr of sub object ok 204 - object attr of sub object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 205 - circular ref ok 206 - weak ref to object died ok 207 - live object set is empty ok 208 - live entry set is empty ok 209 - no cycles in live objects ok 210 - got two ids ok 211 - first object is dead ok 212 - second is still alive ok 213 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 214 - object retrieved ok 215 - object is already live ok 216 - link recreated ok 217 - live object set is empty ok 218 - live entry set is empty ok 219 - live object set is empty ok 220 - live entry set is empty ok 221 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 222 - normal attr ok 223 - shared object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 224 - normal attr of shared ok 225 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 226 - normal attr ok 227 - shared object ok 228 - live object set is empty ok 229 - live entry set is empty ok 230 - live object set is empty ok 231 - live entry set is empty ok 232 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 233 - normal attr ok 234 - shared hash ok 235 - hash data ok 236 - indirect shared child isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 237 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 238 - normal attr ok 239 - shared value ok 240 - live object set is empty ok 241 - live entry set is empty ok 242 - live object set is empty ok 243 - live entry set is empty ok 244 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 245 - normal attr ok 246 - shared hash ok 247 - hash data ok 248 - circular ref ok 249 - weak ref ok 250 - live object set is empty ok 251 - live entry set is empty ok 252 - insert returns ID for new object ok 253 - live object set is empty ok 254 - live entry set is empty ok 255 - stored by insert ok 256 - insertion of present object is an error ok 257 - live object set is empty ok 258 - live entry set is empty ok 259 - live object set is empty ok 260 - live entry set is empty ok 261 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 262 - normal attr ok 263 - attr changed ok 264 - live object set is empty ok 265 - live entry set is empty ok 266 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 267 - change not saved ok 268 - attr changed ok 269 - insertion of present object is an error ok 270 - live object set is empty ok 271 - live entry set is empty ok 272 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 273 - change not saved ok 274 - attr changed ok 275 - ID ok 276 - live object set is empty ok 277 - live entry set is empty ok 278 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 279 - store saved change ok 280 - no 'bar' attr ok 281 - ID ok 282 - live object set is empty ok 283 - live entry set is empty ok 284 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 285 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 286 - child object's attr ok 287 - only child in live object set ok 288 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 289 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 290 - child object's attr ok 291 - same refaddr as live object ok 292 - two objects in live object set ok 293 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 294 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 295 - child object's attr unchanged ok 296 - same refaddr as live object ok 297 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 298 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 299 - same refaddr as live object ok 300 - child inserted due to parent's update ok 301 - live object set is empty ok 302 - live entry set is empty ok 303 - insert returns ID for new object ok 304 - live object set is empty ok 305 - live entry set is empty ok 306 - stored by insert ok 307 - live object set is empty ok 308 - live entry set is empty ok 309 - not updated ok 310 - no entry ok 311 - no entry ok 312 - live object set is empty ok 313 - live entry set is empty ok 314 - updated ok 315 - update with a partial object ok 316 - child has ID now ok 317 - its in storage ok 318 - KiokuDB::Entry ok 319 - no error this time ok 320 - updated ok 321 - live object set is empty ok 322 - live entry set is empty ok 323 - update is shallow ok 324 - live object set is empty ok 325 - live entry set is empty ok 326 - updated ok 327 - live object set is empty ok 328 - live entry set is empty ok 329 - live object set is empty ok 330 - live entry set is empty ok 331 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 332 - live object set is empty ok 333 - live entry set is empty ok 334 - live object set is empty ok 335 - live entry set is empty ok 336 - deleted ok 337 - live object set is empty ok 338 - live entry set is empty ok 339 - no live entries ok 340 - live object set is empty ok 341 - live entry set is empty ok 342 - custom id ok 343 - object to id ok 344 - no entry ok 345 - object is in root set ok 346 - live object set is empty ok 347 - live entry set is empty ok 348 - custom id ok 349 - object to id ok 350 - no entry ok 351 - object is not in root set ok 352 - live object set is empty ok 353 - live entry set is empty ok 354 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 355 - field upgraded ok 356 - live object set is empty ok 357 - live entry set is empty 1..357 ok t/entry.t ...................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Reference; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 4 - no object in copy ok 5 - no prev in copy ok 6 - ID is the same ok 7 - copy is_deeply orig ok 8 - round trip of copy ok 9 - id in old pack format ok 10 - class in old pack format ok 11 - root in old pack format ok 12 - deleted in old pack format ok 13 - tied in old pack format ok 14 - no object in copy ok 15 - no prev in copy ok 16 - ID is the same ok 17 - copy is_deeply orig ok 18 - round trip of copy ok 19 - id in old pack format ok 20 - class in old pack format ok 21 - root in old pack format ok 22 - deleted in old pack format ok 23 - tied in old pack format ok 24 - no object in copy ok 25 - no prev in copy ok 26 - ID is the same ok 27 - copy is_deeply orig ok 28 - round trip of copy ok 29 - id in old pack format ok 30 - class in old pack format ok 31 - root in old pack format ok 32 - deleted in old pack format ok 33 - tied in old pack format ok 34 - no object in copy ok 35 - no prev in copy ok 36 - ID is the same ok 37 - copy is_deeply orig ok 38 - round trip of copy ok 39 - id in old pack format ok 40 - class in old pack format ok 41 - root in old pack format ok 42 - deleted in old pack format ok 43 - tied in old pack format ok 44 - no object in copy ok 45 - no prev in copy ok 46 - ID is the same ok 47 - copy is_deeply orig ok 48 - round trip of copy ok 49 - id in old pack format ok 50 - class in old pack format ok 51 - root in old pack format ok 52 - deleted in old pack format ok 53 - tied in old pack format ok 54 - no object in copy ok 55 - no prev in copy ok 56 - ID is the same ok 57 - copy is_deeply orig ok 58 - round trip of copy ok 59 - id in old pack format ok 60 - class in old pack format ok 61 - root in old pack format ok 62 - deleted in old pack format ok 63 - tied in old pack format ok 64 - no object in copy ok 65 - no prev in copy ok 66 - ID is the same ok 67 - copy is_deeply orig ok 68 - round trip of copy ok 69 - id in old pack format ok 70 - class in old pack format ok 71 - root in old pack format ok 72 - deleted in old pack format ok 73 - tied in old pack format ok 74 - no object in copy ok 75 - no prev in copy ok 76 - ID is the same ok 77 - copy is_deeply orig ok 78 - round trip of copy ok 79 - id in old pack format ok 80 - class in old pack format ok 81 - root in old pack format ok 82 - deleted in old pack format ok 83 - tied in old pack format ok 84 - no object in copy ok 85 - no prev in copy ok 86 - ID is the same ok 87 - copy is_deeply orig ok 88 - round trip of copy ok 89 - id in old pack format ok 90 - class in old pack format ok 91 - root in old pack format ok 92 - deleted in old pack format ok 93 - tied in old pack format ok 94 - no object in copy ok 95 - no prev in copy ok 96 - ID is the same ok 97 - copy is_deeply orig ok 98 - round trip of copy ok 99 - id in old pack format ok 100 - class in old pack format ok 101 - root in old pack format ok 102 - deleted in old pack format ok 103 - tied in old pack format ok 104 - no object in copy ok 105 - no prev in copy ok 106 - ID is the same ok 107 - copy is_deeply orig ok 108 - round trip of copy ok 109 - id in old pack format ok 110 - class in old pack format ok 111 - root in old pack format ok 112 - deleted in old pack format ok 113 - tied in old pack format ok 114 - no object in copy ok 115 - no prev in copy ok 116 - ID is the same ok 117 - copy is_deeply orig ok 118 - round trip of copy ok 119 - id in old pack format ok 120 - class in old pack format ok 121 - root in old pack format ok 122 - deleted in old pack format ok 123 - tied in old pack format ok 124 - no object in copy ok 125 - no prev in copy ok 126 - ID is the same ok 127 - copy is_deeply orig ok 128 - round trip of copy ok 129 - simple ref ok 130 - simple ref in hash ok 131 - multiple refs ok 132 - intrinsic entry ok 133 - intrinsic entry (ids) ok 134 - set entry ok 135 - set entry (ids) 1..135 ok t/gc_naive.t ................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::GC::Naive; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Reference; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 5 - one garbage ID ok 6 - garbage ID is 'bar' ok 7 - no root IDs ok 8 - one garbage ID (cyclic) ok 9 - garbage ID is 'bar' ok 10 - no root IDs ok 11 - one garbage ID) ok 12 - garbage ID is 'bar' ok 13 - one root ID ok 14 - referenced ID is 'gorch' ok 15 - no garbage entries ok 16 - three seen IDs ok 17 - seen IDs are 'foo', 'bar' and 'parent' ok 18 - no garbage entries ok 19 - three seen IDs ok 20 - seen IDs are 'foo', 'bar' and 'parent' ok 21 - two garbage entries ok 22 - missing ID is 'gorch' ok 23 - two seen ID ok 24 - seen ID is 'parent' ok 25 - two garbage entries ok 26 - missing ID is 'gorch' ok 27 - two seen ID ok 28 - seen ID is 'parent' ok 29 - no garbage entries ok 30 - seen IDs ok 31 - seen IDs are 'foo', 'bar' and 'parent' ok 32 - no garbage entries ok 33 - seen IDs ok 34 - seen IDs are 'foo', 'bar' and 'parent' 1..34 ok t/gin.t ........................ ok 1 - use KiokuDB::GIN; ok 2 - use KiokuDB; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Test::Fixture::Small; ok 5 - use Search::GIN::Query::Class; ok 6 - use Search::GIN::Extract::Class; ok 7 - no live objects at start of GIN::Class fixture ok 8 - no live entries at start of GIN::Class fixture ok 9 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 11 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12 - stored 2 objects ok 13 - correct live objects ok 14 - no live objects ok 15 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17 - lookup 1 objects ok 18 - all lookups succeeded ok 19 - employees ok 20 - lookup 1 objects ok 21 - all lookups succeeded ok 22 - set of all people ok 23 - transaction finished without errors ok 24 - no live objects ok 25 - no live entries ok 26 - loaded first object ok 27 - loaded second object ok 28 - loaded third object ok 29 - interrelated objects loaded in one graph ok 30 - transaction finished without errors ok 31 - no live objects ok 32 - no live entries ok 33 - no error in fixture ok 34 - no live objects at end of GIN::Class fixture ok 35 - no live entries at end of GIN::Class fixture ok 36 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 37 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 38 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 39 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 40 - stored 2 objects ok 41 - correct live objects ok 42 - no live objects ok 43 - lookup 1 objects ok 44 - all lookups succeeded ok 45 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 46 - name attr ok 47 - update ok 48 - no live objects ok 49 - no live entries ok 50 - lookup 1 objects ok 51 - all lookups succeeded ok 52 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 53 - data attr ok 54 - update (noop) ok 55 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 56 - no live objects ok 57 - no live entries ok 58 - can't insert duplicate ok 59 - no live objects ok 60 - no live entries ok 61 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 62 - no live objects ok 63 - no live entries ok 64 - lookup 1 objects ok 65 - all lookups succeeded ok 66 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 67 - no live objects ok 68 - no live entries ok 69 - no error in fixture ok 70 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 71 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 72 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 73 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 74 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 75 - stored 1 objects ok 76 - correct live objects ok 77 - no live objects ok 78 - lookup 1 objects ok 79 - all lookups succeeded ok 80 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 81 - name ok 82 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 83 - age attr ok 84 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 85 - no error in refresh ok 86 - age updated ok 87 - transaction finished without errors ok 88 - no error in fixture ok 89 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 90 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 91 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 92 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 93 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 94 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 95 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 96 - stored 2 objects ok 97 - correct live objects ok 98 - no live objects ok 99 - lookup 2 objects ok 100 - all lookups succeeded ok 101 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 102 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 103 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 104 - entry is associated with object ok 105 - the right object ok 106 - name ok 107 - parents ok 108 - array ref ok 109 - one parent ok 110 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 111 - parent name ok 112 - company ok 113 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 114 - name ok 115 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 116 - transaction finished without errors ok 117 - no error in fixture ok 118 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 119 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 120 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 121 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 122 - stored 1 objects ok 123 - no live objects ok 124 - lookup 1 objects ok 125 - all lookups succeeded ok 126 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 127 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 128 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 129 - transaction finished without errors ok 130 - no live objects ok 131 - no live entries ok 132 - lookup 1 objects ok 133 - all lookups succeeded ok 134 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 135 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 136 - updated 1 objects ok 137 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 138 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 139 - transaction finished without errors ok 140 - no live objects ok 141 - no live entries ok 142 - lookup 1 objects ok 143 - all lookups succeeded ok 144 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 145 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 146 - [root_person CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 147 - updated 1 objects ok 148 - [root_person CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 149 - transaction finished without errors ok 150 - no live objects ok 151 - no live entries ok 152 - lookup 1 objects ok 153 - all lookups succeeded ok 154 - [root_person CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 155 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 156 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 157 - transaction finished without errors ok 158 - no live objects ok 159 - no live entries ok 160 - lookup 1 objects ok 161 - all lookups succeeded ok 162 - [root_person CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 163 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 164 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 165 - updated 1 objects ok 166 - transaction finished without errors ok 167 - no live objects ok 168 - no live entries ok 169 - lookup 1 objects ok 170 - all lookups succeeded ok 171 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 172 - [CB184592-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 173 - transaction finished without errors ok 174 - no error in fixture ok 175 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 176 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 177 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 178 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 179 - stored 2 objects ok 180 - no live objects ok 181 - lookup 2 objects ok 182 - all lookups succeeded ok 183 - transaction finished without errors ok 184 - transaction finished without errors ok 185 - CB218ED6-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 CB21B6D6-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 186 - transaction finished without errors ok 187 - no error in fixture ok 188 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 189 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 190 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 191 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 192 - stored 2 objects ok 193 - no live objects ok 194 - lookup 2 objects ok 195 - all lookups succeeded ok 196 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 197 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 198 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 199 - decoded cleanly ok 200 - decoded to correct value ok 201 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 202 - bytes not truncated ok 203 - bytes equal ok 204 - transaction finished without errors ok 205 - no error in fixture ok 206 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 207 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 208 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 209 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 210 - stored 1 objects ok 211 - no live objects ok 212 - no live objects ok 213 - no live entries ok 214 - lookup 1 objects ok 215 - all lookups succeeded ok 216 - id is object digest ok 217 - field retained ok 218 - transaction finished without errors ok 219 - no live objects ok 220 - no live entries ok 221 - inserted 1 objects ok 222 - transaction finished without errors ok 223 - no live objects ok 224 - no live entries ok 225 - lookup 1 objects ok 226 - all lookups succeeded ok 227 - inserted 1 objects not ok 228 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 229 - transaction finished without errors ok 230 - no live objects ok 231 - no live entries ok 232 - lookup 1 objects ok 233 - all lookups succeeded ok 234 - inserted 1 objects ok 235 - got a new ID ok 236 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 237 - transaction finished without errors ok 238 - no live objects ok 239 - no live entries ok 240 - no error in fixture ok 241 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 242 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 243 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 244 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 245 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 246 - stored 3 objects ok 247 - no live objects ok 248 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 249 - root set ok 250 - root set IDs ok 251 - transaction finished without errors ok 252 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 253 - nonroot entries ok 254 - nonroot IDs ok 255 - transaction finished without errors ok 256 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 257 - all entries ok 258 - all IDs ok 259 - transaction finished without errors ok 260 - no error in fixture ok 261 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 262 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 263 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 264 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 265 - stored 3 objects ok 266 - no live objects ok 267 - lookup 3 objects ok 268 - all lookups succeeded ok 269 - no members ok 270 - set members ok 271 - set is loaded ok 272 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 273 - set still loaded ok 274 - inserting ID of live object ok 275 - set still loaded ok 276 - members ok 277 - removed element ok 278 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 279 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 280 - members ok 281 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 282 - members ok 283 - set not loaded ok 284 - lookup 1 objects ok 285 - all lookups succeeded ok 286 - set vivified ok 287 - now marked as loaded ok 288 - lookup 3 objects ok 289 - all lookups succeeded ok 290 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 291 - members ok 292 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 293 - members ok 294 - set size is 0 ok 295 - no members ok 296 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 297 - lookup 3 objects ok 298 - all lookups succeeded ok 299 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 300 - lookup 1 objects ok 301 - all lookups succeeded ok 302 - removed element ok 303 - set not loaded ok 304 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 305 - union is deferred ok 306 - lookup 2 objects ok 307 - all lookups succeeded ok 308 - members ok 309 - now it is loaded ok 310 - lookup 3 objects ok 311 - all lookups succeeded ok 312 - union ok 313 - no live objects ok 314 - no live entries ok 315 - no members ok 316 - set not loaded ok 317 - cleared ok 318 - cleared set is loaded ok 319 - no live objects ok 320 - no live entries ok 321 - lookup 3 objects ok 322 - all lookups succeeded ok 323 - stored 1 objects ok 324 - no live objects ok 325 - no live entries ok 326 - lookup 1 objects ok 327 - all lookups succeeded ok 328 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 329 - set size ok 330 - lookup 1 objects ok 331 - all lookups succeeded ok 332 - members ok 333 - loaded set ok 334 - no live objects ok 335 - no live entries ok 336 - lookup 1 objects ok 337 - all lookups succeeded ok 338 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 339 - set size ok 340 - lookup 1 objects ok 341 - all lookups succeeded ok 342 - set size is 2 ok 343 - set not loaded ok 344 - stored 1 objects ok 345 - set not loaded by ->store ok 346 - no live objects ok 347 - no live entries ok 348 - lookup 1 objects ok 349 - all lookups succeeded ok 350 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 351 - set size ok 352 - lookup 2 objects ok 353 - all lookups succeeded ok 354 - members ok 355 - loaded set ok 356 - no live objects ok 357 - no live entries ok 358 - no error in fixture ok 359 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 360 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 361 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 362 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 363 - stored 3 objects ok 364 - no live objects ok 365 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 366 - one object ok 367 - name attr ok 368 - no live objects ok 369 - no live entries ok 370 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 371 - two objects ok 372 - name attr ok 373 - name attr ok 374 - no error in fixture ok 375 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 376 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 377 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 378 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 379 - stored 13 objects ok 380 - no live objects ok 381 - lookup 1 objects ok 382 - all lookups succeeded ok 383 - reftype for scalar ok 384 - value ok 385 - no live objects ok 386 - no live entries ok 387 - lookup 1 objects ok 388 - all lookups succeeded ok 389 - plain hash ok 390 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 391 - keys ok 392 - no live objects ok 393 - no live entries ok 394 - lookup 1 objects ok 395 - all lookups succeeded ok 396 - coderef ok 397 - invoke closure ok 398 - invoke closure ok 399 - no live objects ok 400 - no live entries ok 401 - lookup 1 objects ok 402 - all lookups succeeded ok 403 - coderef ok 404 - invoke closure ok 405 - invoke closure ok 406 - stored 1 objects ok 407 - no live objects ok 408 - no live entries ok 409 - lookup 1 objects ok 410 - all lookups succeeded ok 411 - coderef ok 412 - closure updated ok 413 - no live objects ok 414 - no live entries ok 415 - lookup 1 objects ok 416 - all lookups succeeded ok 417 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 418 - class attr ok 419 - does runtime role ok 420 - role attr ok 421 - anon class ok 422 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 423 - no live objects ok 424 - no live entries ok 425 - lookup 1 objects ok 426 - all lookups succeeded ok 427 - plain hash ok 428 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 429 - key order preserved ok 430 - no live objects ok 431 - no live entries ok 432 - lookup 1 objects ok 433 - all lookups succeeded ok 434 - The object isa DateTime ok 435 - no live objects ok 436 - no live entries ok 437 - lookup 1 objects ok 438 - all lookups succeeded ok 439 - The object isa DateTime ok 440 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 441 - no live objects ok 442 - no live entries ok 443 - lookup 1 objects ok 444 - all lookups succeeded ok 445 - The object isa URI ok 446 - uri ok 447 - no live objects ok 448 - no live entries ok 449 - lookup 1 objects ok 450 - all lookups succeeded ok 451 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 452 - The object isa URI ok 453 - no live objects ok 454 - no live entries ok 455 - lookup 1 objects ok 456 - all lookups succeeded ok 457 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 458 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 459 - basename ok 460 - no live objects ok 461 - no live entries ok 462 - lookup 1 objects ok 463 - all lookups succeeded ok 464 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 465 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 466 - trait attr ok 467 - normal attr ok 468 - no live objects ok 469 - no live entries ok 470 - lookup 1 objects ok 471 - all lookups succeeded ok 472 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 473 - role attr ok 474 - lookup 1 objects ok 475 - all lookups succeeded ok 476 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 477 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 478 - role attr ok 479 - no error in fixture ok 480 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 481 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 482 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 483 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 484 - stored 1 objects ok 485 - no live objects ok 486 - lookup 1 objects ok 487 - all lookups succeeded ok 488 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 489 - preserved is_utf8 ok 490 - correct value ok 491 - transaction finished without errors ok 492 - no error in fixture ok 493 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 494 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 495 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 496 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 497 - stored 1024 objects ok 498 - no live objects ok 499 - no live entries ok 500 - lookup 1024 objects ok 501 - all lookups succeeded ok 502 - no live objects ok 503 - no live entries ok 504 - no error in fixture ok 505 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 506 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 507 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 508 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 509 - stored 3 objects ok 510 - no live objects ok 511 - no live entries ok 512 - lookup CC603108-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 ok 513 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 514 - ref to other object ok 515 - mututal ref ok 516 - ref in auxillary structure ok 517 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 518 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 519 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 520 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 521 - Putin is paranoid ok 522 - updated 1 objects ok 523 - transaction finished without errors ok 524 - no live objects ok 525 - no live entries ok 526 - lookup CC603108-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 ok 527 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 528 - Georgia got plastered ok 529 - correct live objects ok 530 - Putin is a dead object ok 531 - updated live objects ok 532 - transaction finished without errors ok 533 - no live objects ok 534 - no live entries ok 535 - lookup CC61C77A-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 ok 536 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 537 - inter object rels ok 538 - updated 1 objects ok 539 - transaction finished without errors ok 540 - no live objects ok 541 - no live entries ok 542 - lookup CC61C77A-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 ok 543 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 544 - name ok 545 - transaction finished without errors ok 546 - no live objects ok 547 - no live entries ok 548 - lookup CC619D54-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 ok 549 - correct live objects ok 550 - updated 1 objects ok 551 - updated 1 objects ok 552 - updated 1 objects ok 553 - updated 1 objects ok 554 - transaction finished without errors ok 555 - no live objects ok 556 - no live entries ok 557 - lookup CC619D54-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 ok 558 - updated in storage ok 559 - deleted 1 objects ok 560 - CC619D54-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 561 - lookup no longer returns object ok 562 - transaction finished without errors ok 563 - no live objects ok 564 - no live entries ok 565 - CC619D54-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 566 - no error in fixture ok 567 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 568 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 569 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 570 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 571 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 572 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 573 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 574 - stored 2 objects ok 575 - correct live objects ok 576 - no live objects ok 577 - [CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] exist in DB ok 578 - lookup 1 objects ok 579 - all lookups succeeded ok 580 - name attr ok 581 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 582 - updated 1 objects ok 583 - entry updated ok 584 - parent of updated is orig ok 585 - successful transaction ok 586 - entry updated ok 587 - parent of updated is orig ok 588 - name attr ok 589 - no live objects ok 590 - no live entries ok 591 - lookup 1 objects ok 592 - all lookups succeeded ok 593 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 594 - updated 1 objects ok 595 - entry updated ok 596 - parent of updated is orig ok 597 - failed transaction ok 598 - entry rolled back ok 599 - name not rolled back in live object ok 600 - no live objects ok 601 - no live entries ok 602 - lookup 1 objects ok 603 - all lookups succeeded ok 604 - name rolled back in DB ok 605 - no live objects ok 606 - no live entries ok 607 - lookup 1 objects ok 608 - all lookups succeeded ok 609 - name attr ok 610 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 611 - updated 1 objects ok 612 - updated 1 objects ok 613 - entry updated ok 614 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 615 - failed transaction ok 616 - entry rolled back ok 617 - name attr of object ok 618 - no live objects ok 619 - no live entries ok 620 - lookup 1 objects ok 621 - all lookups succeeded ok 622 - name rolled back in DB ok 623 - no live objects ok 624 - no live entries ok 625 - lookup 1 objects ok 626 - all lookups succeeded ok 627 - updated 1 objects ok 628 - lookup 1 objects ok 629 - all lookups succeeded ok 630 - deleted 1 objects ok 631 - CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 632 - failed transaction ok 633 - [CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] exist in DB ok 634 - no live objects ok 635 - no live entries ok 636 - [CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] exist in DB ok 637 - lookup 1 objects ok 638 - all lookups succeeded ok 639 - no live objects ok 640 - no live entries ok 641 - deleted 1 objects ok 642 - CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 643 - failed transaction ok 644 - [CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] exist in DB ok 645 - no live objects ok 646 - no live entries ok 647 - [CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405] exist in DB ok 648 - deleted 1 objects ok 649 - CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 650 - CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 651 - no live objects ok 652 - no live entries ok 653 - CC7301FC-D75B-11E2-AA8E-49952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 654 - no error in fixture ok 655 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 656 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 657 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 658 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 659 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 660 - stored 3 objects ok 661 - no live objects ok 662 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 663 - root set ok 664 - root set IDs ok 665 - transaction finished without errors ok 666 - inserted 1 objects ok 667 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 668 - root set reflects insertion ok 669 - root set IDs are the same ok 670 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 671 - root set rolled back ok 672 - ids are the same ok 673 - transaction finished without errors ok 674 - transaction finished without errors ok 675 - got an ID for foo ok 676 - deleted 1 objects ok 677 - root set reflects deletion ok 678 - root set IDs are the same ok 679 - inserted 1 objects ok 680 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 681 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 682 - root set IDs are the same ok 683 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 684 - root set ok 685 - ids are the same ok 686 - transaction finished without errors ok 687 - all entries ok 688 - all IDs ok 689 - transaction finished without errors ok 690 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 691 - inserted 1 objects ok 692 - one entry ok 693 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 694 - transaction finished without errors ok 695 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 696 - rolled back ok 697 - all entries restored ok 698 - all IDs ok 699 - transaction finished without errors ok 700 - transaction finished without errors ok 701 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 702 - transaction finished without errors ok 703 - no error in fixture ok 704 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 705 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture 1..705 ok t/hash.t ....................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 3 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 4 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 5 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 6 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 8 - stored 2 objects ok 9 - correct live objects ok 10 - no live objects ok 11 - lookup 1 objects ok 12 - all lookups succeeded ok 13 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14 - name attr ok 15 - update ok 16 - no live objects ok 17 - no live entries ok 18 - lookup 1 objects ok 19 - all lookups succeeded ok 20 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 21 - data attr ok 22 - update (noop) ok 23 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 24 - no live objects ok 25 - no live entries ok 26 - can't insert duplicate ok 27 - no live objects ok 28 - no live entries ok 29 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 30 - no live objects ok 31 - no live entries ok 32 - lookup 1 objects ok 33 - all lookups succeeded ok 34 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 35 - no live objects ok 36 - no live entries ok 37 - no error in fixture ok 38 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 39 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 40 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 41 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 42 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 43 - stored 1 objects ok 44 - correct live objects ok 45 - no live objects ok 46 - lookup 1 objects ok 47 - all lookups succeeded ok 48 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 49 - name ok 50 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 51 - age attr ok 52 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 53 - no error in refresh ok 54 - age updated ok 55 - transaction finished without errors ok 56 - no error in fixture ok 57 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 58 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 59 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 60 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 61 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 62 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 63 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 64 - stored 2 objects ok 65 - correct live objects ok 66 - no live objects ok 67 - lookup 2 objects ok 68 - all lookups succeeded ok 69 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 70 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 71 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 72 - entry is associated with object ok 73 - the right object ok 74 - name ok 75 - parents ok 76 - array ref ok 77 - one parent ok 78 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 79 - parent name ok 80 - company ok 81 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 82 - name ok 83 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 84 - transaction finished without errors ok 85 - no error in fixture ok 86 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 87 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 88 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 89 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 90 - stored 1 objects ok 91 - no live objects ok 92 - lookup 1 objects ok 93 - all lookups succeeded ok 94 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 95 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 96 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 97 - transaction finished without errors ok 98 - no live objects ok 99 - no live entries ok 100 - lookup 1 objects ok 101 - all lookups succeeded ok 102 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 103 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 104 - updated 1 objects ok 105 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 106 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 107 - transaction finished without errors ok 108 - no live objects ok 109 - no live entries ok 110 - lookup 1 objects ok 111 - all lookups succeeded ok 112 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 113 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 114 - [root_person CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 115 - updated 1 objects ok 116 - [root_person CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 117 - transaction finished without errors ok 118 - no live objects ok 119 - no live entries ok 120 - lookup 1 objects ok 121 - all lookups succeeded ok 122 - [root_person CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 123 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 124 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 125 - transaction finished without errors ok 126 - no live objects ok 127 - no live entries ok 128 - lookup 1 objects ok 129 - all lookups succeeded ok 130 - [root_person CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 131 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 132 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 133 - updated 1 objects ok 134 - transaction finished without errors ok 135 - no live objects ok 136 - no live entries ok 137 - lookup 1 objects ok 138 - all lookups succeeded ok 139 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 140 - [CE02E794-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 141 - transaction finished without errors ok 142 - no error in fixture ok 143 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 144 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 145 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 146 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 147 - stored 2 objects ok 148 - no live objects ok 149 - lookup 2 objects ok 150 - all lookups succeeded ok 151 - transaction finished without errors ok 152 - transaction finished without errors ok 153 - CE0BB798-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 CE0BDE9E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 154 - transaction finished without errors ok 155 - no error in fixture ok 156 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 157 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 158 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 159 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 160 - stored 2 objects ok 161 - no live objects ok 162 - lookup 2 objects ok 163 - all lookups succeeded ok 164 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 165 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 166 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 167 - decoded cleanly ok 168 - decoded to correct value ok 169 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 170 - bytes not truncated ok 171 - bytes equal ok 172 - transaction finished without errors ok 173 - no error in fixture ok 174 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 175 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 176 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 177 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 178 - stored 1 objects ok 179 - no live objects ok 180 - no live objects ok 181 - no live entries ok 182 - lookup 1 objects ok 183 - all lookups succeeded ok 184 - id is object digest ok 185 - field retained ok 186 - transaction finished without errors ok 187 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 188 - correct live objects ok 189 - no live objects ok 190 - no live entries ok 191 - inserted 1 objects ok 192 - transaction finished without errors ok 193 - no live objects ok 194 - no live entries ok 195 - lookup 1 objects ok 196 - all lookups succeeded ok 197 - inserted 1 objects not ok 198 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 199 - transaction finished without errors ok 200 - no live objects ok 201 - no live entries ok 202 - lookup 1 objects ok 203 - all lookups succeeded ok 204 - inserted 1 objects ok 205 - got a new ID ok 206 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 207 - transaction finished without errors ok 208 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 209 - correct live objects ok 210 - no live objects ok 211 - no live entries ok 212 - no error in fixture ok 213 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 214 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 215 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 216 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 217 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 218 - stored 3 objects ok 219 - no live objects ok 220 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 221 - root set ok 222 - root set IDs ok 223 - transaction finished without errors ok 224 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 225 - nonroot entries ok 226 - nonroot IDs ok 227 - transaction finished without errors ok 228 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 229 - all entries ok 230 - all IDs ok 231 - transaction finished without errors ok 232 - no error in fixture ok 233 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 234 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 235 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 236 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 237 - stored 3 objects ok 238 - no live objects ok 239 - lookup 3 objects ok 240 - all lookups succeeded ok 241 - no members ok 242 - set members ok 243 - set is loaded ok 244 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 245 - set still loaded ok 246 - inserting ID of live object ok 247 - set still loaded ok 248 - members ok 249 - removed element ok 250 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 251 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 252 - members ok 253 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 254 - members ok 255 - set not loaded ok 256 - lookup 1 objects ok 257 - all lookups succeeded ok 258 - set vivified ok 259 - now marked as loaded ok 260 - lookup 3 objects ok 261 - all lookups succeeded ok 262 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 263 - members ok 264 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 265 - members ok 266 - set size is 0 ok 267 - no members ok 268 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 269 - lookup 3 objects ok 270 - all lookups succeeded ok 271 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 272 - lookup 1 objects ok 273 - all lookups succeeded ok 274 - removed element ok 275 - set not loaded ok 276 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 277 - union is deferred ok 278 - lookup 2 objects ok 279 - all lookups succeeded ok 280 - members ok 281 - now it is loaded ok 282 - lookup 3 objects ok 283 - all lookups succeeded ok 284 - union ok 285 - no live objects ok 286 - no live entries ok 287 - no members ok 288 - set not loaded ok 289 - cleared ok 290 - cleared set is loaded ok 291 - no live objects ok 292 - no live entries ok 293 - lookup 3 objects ok 294 - all lookups succeeded ok 295 - stored 1 objects ok 296 - no live objects ok 297 - no live entries ok 298 - lookup 1 objects ok 299 - all lookups succeeded ok 300 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 301 - set size ok 302 - lookup 1 objects ok 303 - all lookups succeeded ok 304 - members ok 305 - loaded set ok 306 - no live objects ok 307 - no live entries ok 308 - lookup 1 objects ok 309 - all lookups succeeded ok 310 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 311 - set size ok 312 - lookup 1 objects ok 313 - all lookups succeeded ok 314 - set size is 2 ok 315 - set not loaded ok 316 - stored 1 objects ok 317 - set not loaded by ->store ok 318 - no live objects ok 319 - no live entries ok 320 - lookup 1 objects ok 321 - all lookups succeeded ok 322 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 323 - set size ok 324 - lookup 2 objects ok 325 - all lookups succeeded ok 326 - members ok 327 - loaded set ok 328 - no live objects ok 329 - no live entries ok 330 - no error in fixture ok 331 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 332 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 333 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 334 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 335 - stored 3 objects ok 336 - no live objects ok 337 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 338 - one object ok 339 - name attr ok 340 - no live objects ok 341 - no live entries ok 342 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 343 - two objects ok 344 - name attr ok 345 - name attr ok 346 - no error in fixture ok 347 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 348 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 349 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 350 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 351 - stored 13 objects ok 352 - no live objects ok 353 - lookup 1 objects ok 354 - all lookups succeeded ok 355 - reftype for scalar ok 356 - value ok 357 - no live objects ok 358 - no live entries ok 359 - lookup 1 objects ok 360 - all lookups succeeded ok 361 - plain hash ok 362 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 363 - keys ok 364 - no live objects ok 365 - no live entries ok 366 - lookup 1 objects ok 367 - all lookups succeeded ok 368 - coderef ok 369 - invoke closure ok 370 - invoke closure ok 371 - no live objects ok 372 - no live entries ok 373 - lookup 1 objects ok 374 - all lookups succeeded ok 375 - coderef ok 376 - invoke closure ok 377 - invoke closure ok 378 - stored 1 objects ok 379 - no live objects ok 380 - no live entries ok 381 - lookup 1 objects ok 382 - all lookups succeeded ok 383 - coderef ok 384 - closure updated ok 385 - no live objects ok 386 - no live entries ok 387 - lookup 1 objects ok 388 - all lookups succeeded ok 389 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 390 - class attr ok 391 - does runtime role ok 392 - role attr ok 393 - anon class ok 394 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 395 - no live objects ok 396 - no live entries ok 397 - lookup 1 objects ok 398 - all lookups succeeded ok 399 - plain hash ok 400 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 401 - key order preserved ok 402 - no live objects ok 403 - no live entries ok 404 - lookup 1 objects ok 405 - all lookups succeeded ok 406 - The object isa DateTime ok 407 - no live objects ok 408 - no live entries ok 409 - lookup 1 objects ok 410 - all lookups succeeded ok 411 - The object isa DateTime ok 412 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 413 - no live objects ok 414 - no live entries ok 415 - lookup 1 objects ok 416 - all lookups succeeded ok 417 - The object isa URI ok 418 - uri ok 419 - no live objects ok 420 - no live entries ok 421 - lookup 1 objects ok 422 - all lookups succeeded ok 423 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 424 - The object isa URI ok 425 - no live objects ok 426 - no live entries ok 427 - lookup 1 objects ok 428 - all lookups succeeded ok 429 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 430 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 431 - basename ok 432 - no live objects ok 433 - no live entries ok 434 - lookup 1 objects ok 435 - all lookups succeeded ok 436 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 437 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 438 - trait attr ok 439 - normal attr ok 440 - no live objects ok 441 - no live entries ok 442 - lookup 1 objects ok 443 - all lookups succeeded ok 444 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 445 - role attr ok 446 - lookup 1 objects ok 447 - all lookups succeeded ok 448 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 449 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 450 - role attr ok 451 - no error in fixture ok 452 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 453 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 454 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 455 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 456 - stored 1 objects ok 457 - no live objects ok 458 - lookup 1 objects ok 459 - all lookups succeeded ok 460 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 461 - preserved is_utf8 ok 462 - correct value ok 463 - transaction finished without errors ok 464 - no error in fixture ok 465 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 466 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 467 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 468 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 469 - stored 1024 objects ok 470 - no live objects ok 471 - no live entries ok 472 - lookup 1024 objects ok 473 - all lookups succeeded ok 474 - no live objects ok 475 - no live entries ok 476 - no error in fixture ok 477 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 478 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 479 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 480 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 481 - stored 3 objects ok 482 - no live objects ok 483 - no live entries ok 484 - lookup CF47E51E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 485 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 486 - ref to other object ok 487 - mututal ref ok 488 - ref in auxillary structure ok 489 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 490 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 491 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 492 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 493 - Putin is paranoid ok 494 - updated 1 objects ok 495 - transaction finished without errors ok 496 - no live objects ok 497 - no live entries ok 498 - lookup CF47E51E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 499 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 500 - Georgia got plastered ok 501 - correct live objects ok 502 - Putin is a dead object ok 503 - updated live objects ok 504 - transaction finished without errors ok 505 - no live objects ok 506 - no live entries ok 507 - lookup CF499BC0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 508 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 509 - inter object rels ok 510 - updated 1 objects ok 511 - transaction finished without errors ok 512 - no live objects ok 513 - no live entries ok 514 - lookup CF499BC0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 515 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 516 - name ok 517 - transaction finished without errors ok 518 - no live objects ok 519 - no live entries ok 520 - lookup CF48E5A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 521 - correct live objects ok 522 - updated 1 objects ok 523 - updated 1 objects ok 524 - updated 1 objects ok 525 - updated 1 objects ok 526 - transaction finished without errors ok 527 - no live objects ok 528 - no live entries ok 529 - lookup CF48E5A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 530 - updated in storage ok 531 - deleted 1 objects ok 532 - CF48E5A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 533 - lookup no longer returns object ok 534 - transaction finished without errors ok 535 - no live objects ok 536 - no live entries ok 537 - CF48E5A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 538 - no error in fixture ok 539 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 540 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 541 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 542 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 543 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 544 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 545 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 546 - stored 2 objects ok 547 - correct live objects ok 548 - no live objects ok 549 - [CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 550 - lookup 1 objects ok 551 - all lookups succeeded ok 552 - name attr ok 553 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 554 - updated 1 objects ok 555 - entry updated ok 556 - parent of updated is orig ok 557 - successful transaction ok 558 - entry updated ok 559 - parent of updated is orig ok 560 - name attr ok 561 - no live objects ok 562 - no live entries ok 563 - lookup 1 objects ok 564 - all lookups succeeded ok 565 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 566 - updated 1 objects ok 567 - entry updated ok 568 - parent of updated is orig ok 569 - failed transaction ok 570 - entry rolled back ok 571 - name not rolled back in live object ok 572 - no live objects ok 573 - no live entries ok 574 - lookup 1 objects ok 575 - all lookups succeeded ok 576 - name rolled back in DB ok 577 - no live objects ok 578 - no live entries ok 579 - lookup 1 objects ok 580 - all lookups succeeded ok 581 - name attr ok 582 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 583 - updated 1 objects ok 584 - updated 1 objects ok 585 - entry updated ok 586 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 587 - failed transaction ok 588 - entry rolled back ok 589 - name attr of object ok 590 - no live objects ok 591 - no live entries ok 592 - lookup 1 objects ok 593 - all lookups succeeded ok 594 - name rolled back in DB ok 595 - no live objects ok 596 - no live entries ok 597 - lookup 1 objects ok 598 - all lookups succeeded ok 599 - updated 1 objects ok 600 - lookup 1 objects ok 601 - all lookups succeeded ok 602 - deleted 1 objects ok 603 - CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 604 - failed transaction ok 605 - [CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 606 - no live objects ok 607 - no live entries ok 608 - [CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 609 - lookup 1 objects ok 610 - all lookups succeeded ok 611 - no live objects ok 612 - no live entries ok 613 - deleted 1 objects ok 614 - CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 615 - failed transaction ok 616 - [CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 617 - no live objects ok 618 - no live entries ok 619 - [CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 620 - deleted 1 objects ok 621 - CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 622 - CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 623 - no live objects ok 624 - no live entries ok 625 - CF5BBB84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 626 - no error in fixture ok 627 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 628 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 629 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 630 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 631 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 632 - stored 3 objects ok 633 - no live objects ok 634 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 635 - root set ok 636 - root set IDs ok 637 - transaction finished without errors ok 638 - inserted 1 objects ok 639 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 640 - root set reflects insertion ok 641 - root set IDs are the same ok 642 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 643 - root set rolled back ok 644 - ids are the same ok 645 - transaction finished without errors ok 646 - transaction finished without errors ok 647 - got an ID for foo ok 648 - deleted 1 objects ok 649 - root set reflects deletion ok 650 - root set IDs are the same ok 651 - inserted 1 objects ok 652 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 653 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 654 - root set IDs are the same ok 655 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 656 - root set ok 657 - ids are the same ok 658 - transaction finished without errors ok 659 - all entries ok 660 - all IDs ok 661 - transaction finished without errors ok 662 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 663 - inserted 1 objects ok 664 - one entry ok 665 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 666 - transaction finished without errors ok 667 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 668 - rolled back ok 669 - all entries restored ok 670 - all IDs ok 671 - transaction finished without errors ok 672 - transaction finished without errors ok 673 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 674 - transaction finished without errors ok 675 - no error in fixture ok 676 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 677 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 678 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 679 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 680 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 681 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 682 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 683 - stored 2 objects ok 684 - correct live objects ok 685 - no live objects ok 686 - lookup 1 objects ok 687 - all lookups succeeded ok 688 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 689 - name attr ok 690 - update ok 691 - no live objects ok 692 - no live entries ok 693 - lookup 1 objects ok 694 - all lookups succeeded ok 695 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 696 - data attr ok 697 - update (noop) ok 698 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 699 - no live objects ok 700 - no live entries ok 701 - can't insert duplicate ok 702 - no live objects ok 703 - no live entries ok 704 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 705 - no live objects ok 706 - no live entries ok 707 - lookup 1 objects ok 708 - all lookups succeeded ok 709 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 710 - no live objects ok 711 - no live entries ok 712 - no error in fixture ok 713 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 714 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 715 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 716 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 717 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 718 - stored 1 objects ok 719 - correct live objects ok 720 - no live objects ok 721 - lookup 1 objects ok 722 - all lookups succeeded ok 723 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 724 - name ok 725 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 726 - age attr ok 727 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 728 - no error in refresh ok 729 - age updated ok 730 - transaction finished without errors ok 731 - no error in fixture ok 732 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 733 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 734 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 735 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 736 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 737 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 738 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 739 - stored 2 objects ok 740 - correct live objects ok 741 - no live objects ok 742 - lookup 2 objects ok 743 - all lookups succeeded ok 744 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 745 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 746 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 747 - entry is associated with object ok 748 - the right object ok 749 - name ok 750 - parents ok 751 - array ref ok 752 - one parent ok 753 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 754 - parent name ok 755 - company ok 756 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 757 - name ok 758 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 759 - transaction finished without errors ok 760 - no error in fixture ok 761 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 762 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 763 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 764 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 765 - stored 1 objects ok 766 - no live objects ok 767 - lookup 1 objects ok 768 - all lookups succeeded ok 769 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 770 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 771 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 772 - transaction finished without errors ok 773 - no live objects ok 774 - no live entries ok 775 - lookup 1 objects ok 776 - all lookups succeeded ok 777 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 778 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 779 - updated 1 objects ok 780 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 781 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 782 - transaction finished without errors ok 783 - no live objects ok 784 - no live entries ok 785 - lookup 1 objects ok 786 - all lookups succeeded ok 787 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 788 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 789 - [root_person CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 790 - updated 1 objects ok 791 - [root_person CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 792 - transaction finished without errors ok 793 - no live objects ok 794 - no live entries ok 795 - lookup 1 objects ok 796 - all lookups succeeded ok 797 - [root_person CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 798 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 799 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 800 - transaction finished without errors ok 801 - no live objects ok 802 - no live entries ok 803 - lookup 1 objects ok 804 - all lookups succeeded ok 805 - [root_person CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 806 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 807 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 808 - updated 1 objects ok 809 - transaction finished without errors ok 810 - no live objects ok 811 - no live entries ok 812 - lookup 1 objects ok 813 - all lookups succeeded ok 814 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 815 - [CF836ECC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 816 - transaction finished without errors ok 817 - no error in fixture ok 818 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 819 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 820 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 821 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 822 - stored 2 objects ok 823 - no live objects ok 824 - lookup 2 objects ok 825 - all lookups succeeded ok 826 - transaction finished without errors ok 827 - transaction finished without errors ok 828 - CF8C7DE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 CF8CA370-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 829 - transaction finished without errors ok 830 - no error in fixture ok 831 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 832 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 833 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 834 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 835 - stored 2 objects ok 836 - no live objects ok 837 - lookup 2 objects ok 838 - all lookups succeeded ok 839 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 840 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 841 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 842 - decoded cleanly ok 843 - decoded to correct value ok 844 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 845 - bytes not truncated ok 846 - bytes equal ok 847 - transaction finished without errors ok 848 - no error in fixture ok 849 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 850 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 851 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 852 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 853 - stored 1 objects ok 854 - no live objects ok 855 - no live objects ok 856 - no live entries ok 857 - lookup 1 objects ok 858 - all lookups succeeded ok 859 - id is object digest ok 860 - field retained ok 861 - transaction finished without errors ok 862 - no live objects ok 863 - no live entries ok 864 - inserted 1 objects ok 865 - transaction finished without errors ok 866 - no live objects ok 867 - no live entries ok 868 - lookup 1 objects ok 869 - all lookups succeeded ok 870 - inserted 1 objects not ok 871 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 872 - transaction finished without errors ok 873 - no live objects ok 874 - no live entries ok 875 - lookup 1 objects ok 876 - all lookups succeeded ok 877 - inserted 1 objects ok 878 - got a new ID ok 879 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 880 - transaction finished without errors ok 881 - no live objects ok 882 - no live entries ok 883 - no error in fixture ok 884 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 885 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 886 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 887 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 888 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 889 - stored 3 objects ok 890 - no live objects ok 891 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 892 - root set ok 893 - root set IDs ok 894 - transaction finished without errors ok 895 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 896 - nonroot entries ok 897 - nonroot IDs ok 898 - transaction finished without errors ok 899 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 900 - all entries ok 901 - all IDs ok 902 - transaction finished without errors ok 903 - no error in fixture ok 904 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 905 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 906 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 907 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 908 - stored 3 objects ok 909 - no live objects ok 910 - lookup 3 objects ok 911 - all lookups succeeded ok 912 - no members ok 913 - set members ok 914 - set is loaded ok 915 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 916 - set still loaded ok 917 - inserting ID of live object ok 918 - set still loaded ok 919 - members ok 920 - removed element ok 921 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 922 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 923 - members ok 924 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 925 - members ok 926 - set not loaded ok 927 - lookup 1 objects ok 928 - all lookups succeeded ok 929 - set vivified ok 930 - now marked as loaded ok 931 - lookup 3 objects ok 932 - all lookups succeeded ok 933 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 934 - members ok 935 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 936 - members ok 937 - set size is 0 ok 938 - no members ok 939 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 940 - lookup 3 objects ok 941 - all lookups succeeded ok 942 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 943 - lookup 1 objects ok 944 - all lookups succeeded ok 945 - removed element ok 946 - set not loaded ok 947 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 948 - union is deferred ok 949 - lookup 2 objects ok 950 - all lookups succeeded ok 951 - members ok 952 - now it is loaded ok 953 - lookup 3 objects ok 954 - all lookups succeeded ok 955 - union ok 956 - no live objects ok 957 - no live entries ok 958 - no members ok 959 - set not loaded ok 960 - cleared ok 961 - cleared set is loaded ok 962 - no live objects ok 963 - no live entries ok 964 - lookup 3 objects ok 965 - all lookups succeeded ok 966 - stored 1 objects ok 967 - no live objects ok 968 - no live entries ok 969 - lookup 1 objects ok 970 - all lookups succeeded ok 971 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 972 - set size ok 973 - lookup 1 objects ok 974 - all lookups succeeded ok 975 - members ok 976 - loaded set ok 977 - no live objects ok 978 - no live entries ok 979 - lookup 1 objects ok 980 - all lookups succeeded ok 981 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 982 - set size ok 983 - lookup 1 objects ok 984 - all lookups succeeded ok 985 - set size is 2 ok 986 - set not loaded ok 987 - stored 1 objects ok 988 - set not loaded by ->store ok 989 - no live objects ok 990 - no live entries ok 991 - lookup 1 objects ok 992 - all lookups succeeded ok 993 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 994 - set size ok 995 - lookup 2 objects ok 996 - all lookups succeeded ok 997 - members ok 998 - loaded set ok 999 - no live objects ok 1000 - no live entries ok 1001 - no error in fixture ok 1002 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 1003 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 1004 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1005 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1006 - stored 3 objects ok 1007 - no live objects ok 1008 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1009 - one object ok 1010 - name attr ok 1011 - no live objects ok 1012 - no live entries ok 1013 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1014 - two objects ok 1015 - name attr ok 1016 - name attr ok 1017 - no error in fixture ok 1018 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1019 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1020 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1021 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1022 - stored 13 objects ok 1023 - no live objects ok 1024 - lookup 1 objects ok 1025 - all lookups succeeded ok 1026 - reftype for scalar ok 1027 - value ok 1028 - no live objects ok 1029 - no live entries ok 1030 - lookup 1 objects ok 1031 - all lookups succeeded ok 1032 - plain hash ok 1033 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 1034 - keys ok 1035 - no live objects ok 1036 - no live entries ok 1037 - lookup 1 objects ok 1038 - all lookups succeeded ok 1039 - coderef ok 1040 - invoke closure ok 1041 - invoke closure ok 1042 - no live objects ok 1043 - no live entries ok 1044 - lookup 1 objects ok 1045 - all lookups succeeded ok 1046 - coderef ok 1047 - invoke closure ok 1048 - invoke closure ok 1049 - stored 1 objects ok 1050 - no live objects ok 1051 - no live entries ok 1052 - lookup 1 objects ok 1053 - all lookups succeeded ok 1054 - coderef ok 1055 - closure updated ok 1056 - no live objects ok 1057 - no live entries ok 1058 - lookup 1 objects ok 1059 - all lookups succeeded ok 1060 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1061 - class attr ok 1062 - does runtime role ok 1063 - role attr ok 1064 - anon class ok 1065 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 1066 - no live objects ok 1067 - no live entries ok 1068 - lookup 1 objects ok 1069 - all lookups succeeded ok 1070 - plain hash ok 1071 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 1072 - key order preserved ok 1073 - no live objects ok 1074 - no live entries ok 1075 - lookup 1 objects ok 1076 - all lookups succeeded ok 1077 - The object isa DateTime ok 1078 - no live objects ok 1079 - no live entries ok 1080 - lookup 1 objects ok 1081 - all lookups succeeded ok 1082 - The object isa DateTime ok 1083 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 1084 - no live objects ok 1085 - no live entries ok 1086 - lookup 1 objects ok 1087 - all lookups succeeded ok 1088 - The object isa URI ok 1089 - uri ok 1090 - no live objects ok 1091 - no live entries ok 1092 - lookup 1 objects ok 1093 - all lookups succeeded ok 1094 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 1095 - The object isa URI ok 1096 - no live objects ok 1097 - no live entries ok 1098 - lookup 1 objects ok 1099 - all lookups succeeded ok 1100 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 1101 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 1102 - basename ok 1103 - no live objects ok 1104 - no live entries ok 1105 - lookup 1 objects ok 1106 - all lookups succeeded ok 1107 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 1108 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 1109 - trait attr ok 1110 - normal attr ok 1111 - no live objects ok 1112 - no live entries ok 1113 - lookup 1 objects ok 1114 - all lookups succeeded ok 1115 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 1116 - role attr ok 1117 - lookup 1 objects ok 1118 - all lookups succeeded ok 1119 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 1120 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 1121 - role attr ok 1122 - no error in fixture ok 1123 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1124 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1125 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 1126 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 1127 - stored 1 objects ok 1128 - no live objects ok 1129 - lookup 1 objects ok 1130 - all lookups succeeded ok 1131 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1132 - preserved is_utf8 ok 1133 - correct value ok 1134 - transaction finished without errors ok 1135 - no error in fixture ok 1136 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 1137 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 1138 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 1139 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 1140 - stored 1024 objects ok 1141 - no live objects ok 1142 - no live entries ok 1143 - lookup 1024 objects ok 1144 - all lookups succeeded ok 1145 - no live objects ok 1146 - no live entries ok 1147 - no error in fixture ok 1148 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 1149 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 1150 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1151 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1152 - stored 3 objects ok 1153 - no live objects ok 1154 - no live entries ok 1155 - lookup D0C5BC2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1156 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1157 - ref to other object ok 1158 - mututal ref ok 1159 - ref in auxillary structure ok 1160 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 1161 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 1162 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 1163 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 1164 - Putin is paranoid ok 1165 - updated 1 objects ok 1166 - transaction finished without errors ok 1167 - no live objects ok 1168 - no live entries ok 1169 - lookup D0C5BC2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1170 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1171 - Georgia got plastered ok 1172 - correct live objects ok 1173 - Putin is a dead object ok 1174 - updated live objects ok 1175 - transaction finished without errors ok 1176 - no live objects ok 1177 - no live entries ok 1178 - lookup D0C76B4E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1179 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1180 - inter object rels ok 1181 - updated 1 objects ok 1182 - transaction finished without errors ok 1183 - no live objects ok 1184 - no live entries ok 1185 - lookup D0C76B4E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1186 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1187 - name ok 1188 - transaction finished without errors ok 1189 - no live objects ok 1190 - no live entries ok 1191 - lookup D0C6BEE2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1192 - correct live objects ok 1193 - updated 1 objects ok 1194 - updated 1 objects ok 1195 - updated 1 objects ok 1196 - updated 1 objects ok 1197 - transaction finished without errors ok 1198 - no live objects ok 1199 - no live entries ok 1200 - lookup D0C6BEE2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1201 - updated in storage ok 1202 - deleted 1 objects ok 1203 - D0C6BEE2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1204 - lookup no longer returns object ok 1205 - transaction finished without errors ok 1206 - no live objects ok 1207 - no live entries ok 1208 - D0C6BEE2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1209 - no error in fixture ok 1210 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1211 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1212 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 1213 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 1214 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1215 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 1216 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1217 - stored 2 objects ok 1218 - correct live objects ok 1219 - no live objects ok 1220 - [D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1221 - lookup 1 objects ok 1222 - all lookups succeeded ok 1223 - name attr ok 1224 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1225 - updated 1 objects ok 1226 - entry updated ok 1227 - parent of updated is orig ok 1228 - successful transaction ok 1229 - entry updated ok 1230 - parent of updated is orig ok 1231 - name attr ok 1232 - no live objects ok 1233 - no live entries ok 1234 - lookup 1 objects ok 1235 - all lookups succeeded ok 1236 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1237 - updated 1 objects ok 1238 - entry updated ok 1239 - parent of updated is orig ok 1240 - failed transaction ok 1241 - entry rolled back ok 1242 - name not rolled back in live object ok 1243 - no live objects ok 1244 - no live entries ok 1245 - lookup 1 objects ok 1246 - all lookups succeeded ok 1247 - name rolled back in DB ok 1248 - no live objects ok 1249 - no live entries ok 1250 - lookup 1 objects ok 1251 - all lookups succeeded ok 1252 - name attr ok 1253 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1254 - updated 1 objects ok 1255 - updated 1 objects ok 1256 - entry updated ok 1257 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 1258 - failed transaction ok 1259 - entry rolled back ok 1260 - name attr of object ok 1261 - no live objects ok 1262 - no live entries ok 1263 - lookup 1 objects ok 1264 - all lookups succeeded ok 1265 - name rolled back in DB ok 1266 - no live objects ok 1267 - no live entries ok 1268 - lookup 1 objects ok 1269 - all lookups succeeded ok 1270 - updated 1 objects ok 1271 - lookup 1 objects ok 1272 - all lookups succeeded ok 1273 - deleted 1 objects ok 1274 - D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1275 - failed transaction ok 1276 - [D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1277 - no live objects ok 1278 - no live entries ok 1279 - [D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1280 - lookup 1 objects ok 1281 - all lookups succeeded ok 1282 - no live objects ok 1283 - no live entries ok 1284 - deleted 1 objects ok 1285 - D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1286 - failed transaction ok 1287 - [D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1288 - no live objects ok 1289 - no live entries ok 1290 - [D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1291 - deleted 1 objects ok 1292 - D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1293 - D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1294 - no live objects ok 1295 - no live entries ok 1296 - D0D961DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1297 - no error in fixture ok 1298 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 1299 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 1300 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 1301 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 1302 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 1303 - stored 3 objects ok 1304 - no live objects ok 1305 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1306 - root set ok 1307 - root set IDs ok 1308 - transaction finished without errors ok 1309 - inserted 1 objects ok 1310 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1311 - root set reflects insertion ok 1312 - root set IDs are the same ok 1313 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 1314 - root set rolled back ok 1315 - ids are the same ok 1316 - transaction finished without errors ok 1317 - transaction finished without errors ok 1318 - got an ID for foo ok 1319 - deleted 1 objects ok 1320 - root set reflects deletion ok 1321 - root set IDs are the same ok 1322 - inserted 1 objects ok 1323 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1324 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 1325 - root set IDs are the same ok 1326 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 1327 - root set ok 1328 - ids are the same ok 1329 - transaction finished without errors ok 1330 - all entries ok 1331 - all IDs ok 1332 - transaction finished without errors ok 1333 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 1334 - inserted 1 objects ok 1335 - one entry ok 1336 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 1337 - transaction finished without errors ok 1338 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 1339 - rolled back ok 1340 - all entries restored ok 1341 - all IDs ok 1342 - transaction finished without errors ok 1343 - transaction finished without errors ok 1344 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 1345 - transaction finished without errors ok 1346 - no error in fixture ok 1347 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 1348 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 1349 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 1350 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 1351 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 1352 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1353 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 1354 - stored 2 objects ok 1355 - correct live objects ok 1356 - no live objects ok 1357 - lookup 1 objects ok 1358 - all lookups succeeded ok 1359 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1360 - name attr ok 1361 - update ok 1362 - no live objects ok 1363 - no live entries ok 1364 - lookup 1 objects ok 1365 - all lookups succeeded ok 1366 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 1367 - data attr ok 1368 - update (noop) ok 1369 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 1370 - no live objects ok 1371 - no live entries ok 1372 - can't insert duplicate ok 1373 - no live objects ok 1374 - no live entries ok 1375 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 1376 - no live objects ok 1377 - no live entries ok 1378 - lookup 1 objects ok 1379 - all lookups succeeded ok 1380 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 1381 - no live objects ok 1382 - no live entries ok 1383 - no error in fixture ok 1384 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 1385 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 1386 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 1387 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 1388 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1389 - stored 1 objects ok 1390 - correct live objects ok 1391 - no live objects ok 1392 - lookup 1 objects ok 1393 - all lookups succeeded ok 1394 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1395 - name ok 1396 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1397 - age attr ok 1398 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 1399 - no error in refresh ok 1400 - age updated ok 1401 - transaction finished without errors ok 1402 - no error in fixture ok 1403 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 1404 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 1405 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 1406 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 1407 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1408 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 1409 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1410 - stored 2 objects ok 1411 - correct live objects ok 1412 - no live objects ok 1413 - lookup 2 objects ok 1414 - all lookups succeeded ok 1415 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1416 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 1417 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1418 - entry is associated with object ok 1419 - the right object ok 1420 - name ok 1421 - parents ok 1422 - array ref ok 1423 - one parent ok 1424 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1425 - parent name ok 1426 - company ok 1427 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 1428 - name ok 1429 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 1430 - transaction finished without errors ok 1431 - no error in fixture ok 1432 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 1433 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 1434 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 1435 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 1436 - stored 1 objects ok 1437 - no live objects ok 1438 - lookup 1 objects ok 1439 - all lookups succeeded ok 1440 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1441 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1442 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1443 - transaction finished without errors ok 1444 - no live objects ok 1445 - no live entries ok 1446 - lookup 1 objects ok 1447 - all lookups succeeded ok 1448 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1449 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1450 - updated 1 objects ok 1451 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1452 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1453 - transaction finished without errors ok 1454 - no live objects ok 1455 - no live entries ok 1456 - lookup 1 objects ok 1457 - all lookups succeeded ok 1458 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1459 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1460 - [root_person D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1461 - updated 1 objects ok 1462 - [root_person D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1463 - transaction finished without errors ok 1464 - no live objects ok 1465 - no live entries ok 1466 - lookup 1 objects ok 1467 - all lookups succeeded ok 1468 - [root_person D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1469 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1470 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1471 - transaction finished without errors ok 1472 - no live objects ok 1473 - no live entries ok 1474 - lookup 1 objects ok 1475 - all lookups succeeded ok 1476 - [root_person D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1477 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1478 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1479 - updated 1 objects ok 1480 - transaction finished without errors ok 1481 - no live objects ok 1482 - no live entries ok 1483 - lookup 1 objects ok 1484 - all lookups succeeded ok 1485 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 1486 - [D101B740-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 1487 - transaction finished without errors ok 1488 - no error in fixture ok 1489 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 1490 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 1491 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 1492 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 1493 - stored 2 objects ok 1494 - no live objects ok 1495 - lookup 2 objects ok 1496 - all lookups succeeded ok 1497 - transaction finished without errors ok 1498 - transaction finished without errors ok 1499 - D10ADE74-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 D10B0624-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1500 - transaction finished without errors ok 1501 - no error in fixture ok 1502 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 1503 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 1504 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 1505 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 1506 - stored 2 objects ok 1507 - no live objects ok 1508 - lookup 2 objects ok 1509 - all lookups succeeded ok 1510 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1511 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1512 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 1513 - decoded cleanly ok 1514 - decoded to correct value ok 1515 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 1516 - bytes not truncated ok 1517 - bytes equal ok 1518 - transaction finished without errors ok 1519 - no error in fixture ok 1520 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 1521 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 1522 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 1523 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 1524 - stored 1 objects ok 1525 - no live objects ok 1526 - no live objects ok 1527 - no live entries ok 1528 - lookup 1 objects ok 1529 - all lookups succeeded ok 1530 - id is object digest ok 1531 - field retained ok 1532 - transaction finished without errors ok 1533 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 1534 - correct live objects ok 1535 - no live objects ok 1536 - no live entries ok 1537 - inserted 1 objects ok 1538 - transaction finished without errors ok 1539 - no live objects ok 1540 - no live entries ok 1541 - lookup 1 objects ok 1542 - all lookups succeeded ok 1543 - inserted 1 objects not ok 1544 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 1545 - transaction finished without errors ok 1546 - no live objects ok 1547 - no live entries ok 1548 - lookup 1 objects ok 1549 - all lookups succeeded ok 1550 - inserted 1 objects ok 1551 - got a new ID ok 1552 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 1553 - transaction finished without errors ok 1554 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 1555 - correct live objects ok 1556 - no live objects ok 1557 - no live entries ok 1558 - no error in fixture ok 1559 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 1560 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 1561 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 1562 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 1563 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 1564 - stored 3 objects ok 1565 - no live objects ok 1566 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1567 - root set ok 1568 - root set IDs ok 1569 - transaction finished without errors ok 1570 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1571 - nonroot entries ok 1572 - nonroot IDs ok 1573 - transaction finished without errors ok 1574 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1575 - all entries ok 1576 - all IDs ok 1577 - transaction finished without errors ok 1578 - no error in fixture ok 1579 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 1580 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 1581 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 1582 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 1583 - stored 3 objects ok 1584 - no live objects ok 1585 - lookup 3 objects ok 1586 - all lookups succeeded ok 1587 - no members ok 1588 - set members ok 1589 - set is loaded ok 1590 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 1591 - set still loaded ok 1592 - inserting ID of live object ok 1593 - set still loaded ok 1594 - members ok 1595 - removed element ok 1596 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 1597 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 1598 - members ok 1599 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 1600 - members ok 1601 - set not loaded ok 1602 - lookup 1 objects ok 1603 - all lookups succeeded ok 1604 - set vivified ok 1605 - now marked as loaded ok 1606 - lookup 3 objects ok 1607 - all lookups succeeded ok 1608 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 1609 - members ok 1610 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 1611 - members ok 1612 - set size is 0 ok 1613 - no members ok 1614 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 1615 - lookup 3 objects ok 1616 - all lookups succeeded ok 1617 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 1618 - lookup 1 objects ok 1619 - all lookups succeeded ok 1620 - removed element ok 1621 - set not loaded ok 1622 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 1623 - union is deferred ok 1624 - lookup 2 objects ok 1625 - all lookups succeeded ok 1626 - members ok 1627 - now it is loaded ok 1628 - lookup 3 objects ok 1629 - all lookups succeeded ok 1630 - union ok 1631 - no live objects ok 1632 - no live entries ok 1633 - no members ok 1634 - set not loaded ok 1635 - cleared ok 1636 - cleared set is loaded ok 1637 - no live objects ok 1638 - no live entries ok 1639 - lookup 3 objects ok 1640 - all lookups succeeded ok 1641 - stored 1 objects ok 1642 - no live objects ok 1643 - no live entries ok 1644 - lookup 1 objects ok 1645 - all lookups succeeded ok 1646 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 1647 - set size ok 1648 - lookup 1 objects ok 1649 - all lookups succeeded ok 1650 - members ok 1651 - loaded set ok 1652 - no live objects ok 1653 - no live entries ok 1654 - lookup 1 objects ok 1655 - all lookups succeeded ok 1656 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 1657 - set size ok 1658 - lookup 1 objects ok 1659 - all lookups succeeded ok 1660 - set size is 2 ok 1661 - set not loaded ok 1662 - stored 1 objects ok 1663 - set not loaded by ->store ok 1664 - no live objects ok 1665 - no live entries ok 1666 - lookup 1 objects ok 1667 - all lookups succeeded ok 1668 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 1669 - set size ok 1670 - lookup 2 objects ok 1671 - all lookups succeeded ok 1672 - members ok 1673 - loaded set ok 1674 - no live objects ok 1675 - no live entries ok 1676 - no error in fixture ok 1677 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 1678 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 1679 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1680 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1681 - stored 3 objects ok 1682 - no live objects ok 1683 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1684 - one object ok 1685 - name attr ok 1686 - no live objects ok 1687 - no live entries ok 1688 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1689 - two objects ok 1690 - name attr ok 1691 - name attr ok 1692 - no error in fixture ok 1693 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1694 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 1695 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1696 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1697 - stored 13 objects ok 1698 - no live objects ok 1699 - lookup 1 objects ok 1700 - all lookups succeeded ok 1701 - reftype for scalar ok 1702 - value ok 1703 - no live objects ok 1704 - no live entries ok 1705 - lookup 1 objects ok 1706 - all lookups succeeded ok 1707 - plain hash ok 1708 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 1709 - keys ok 1710 - no live objects ok 1711 - no live entries ok 1712 - lookup 1 objects ok 1713 - all lookups succeeded ok 1714 - coderef ok 1715 - invoke closure ok 1716 - invoke closure ok 1717 - no live objects ok 1718 - no live entries ok 1719 - lookup 1 objects ok 1720 - all lookups succeeded ok 1721 - coderef ok 1722 - invoke closure ok 1723 - invoke closure ok 1724 - stored 1 objects ok 1725 - no live objects ok 1726 - no live entries ok 1727 - lookup 1 objects ok 1728 - all lookups succeeded ok 1729 - coderef ok 1730 - closure updated ok 1731 - no live objects ok 1732 - no live entries ok 1733 - lookup 1 objects ok 1734 - all lookups succeeded ok 1735 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1736 - class attr ok 1737 - does runtime role ok 1738 - role attr ok 1739 - anon class ok 1740 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 1741 - no live objects ok 1742 - no live entries ok 1743 - lookup 1 objects ok 1744 - all lookups succeeded ok 1745 - plain hash ok 1746 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 1747 - key order preserved ok 1748 - no live objects ok 1749 - no live entries ok 1750 - lookup 1 objects ok 1751 - all lookups succeeded ok 1752 - The object isa DateTime ok 1753 - no live objects ok 1754 - no live entries ok 1755 - lookup 1 objects ok 1756 - all lookups succeeded ok 1757 - The object isa DateTime ok 1758 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 1759 - no live objects ok 1760 - no live entries ok 1761 - lookup 1 objects ok 1762 - all lookups succeeded ok 1763 - The object isa URI ok 1764 - uri ok 1765 - no live objects ok 1766 - no live entries ok 1767 - lookup 1 objects ok 1768 - all lookups succeeded ok 1769 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 1770 - The object isa URI ok 1771 - no live objects ok 1772 - no live entries ok 1773 - lookup 1 objects ok 1774 - all lookups succeeded ok 1775 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 1776 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 1777 - basename ok 1778 - no live objects ok 1779 - no live entries ok 1780 - lookup 1 objects ok 1781 - all lookups succeeded ok 1782 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 1783 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 1784 - trait attr ok 1785 - normal attr ok 1786 - no live objects ok 1787 - no live entries ok 1788 - lookup 1 objects ok 1789 - all lookups succeeded ok 1790 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 1791 - role attr ok 1792 - lookup 1 objects ok 1793 - all lookups succeeded ok 1794 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 1795 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 1796 - role attr ok 1797 - no error in fixture ok 1798 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1799 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 1800 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 1801 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 1802 - stored 1 objects ok 1803 - no live objects ok 1804 - lookup 1 objects ok 1805 - all lookups succeeded ok 1806 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1807 - preserved is_utf8 ok 1808 - correct value ok 1809 - transaction finished without errors ok 1810 - no error in fixture ok 1811 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 1812 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 1813 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 1814 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 1815 - stored 1024 objects ok 1816 - no live objects ok 1817 - no live entries ok 1818 - lookup 1024 objects ok 1819 - all lookups succeeded ok 1820 - no live objects ok 1821 - no live entries ok 1822 - no error in fixture ok 1823 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 1824 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 1825 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1826 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1827 - stored 3 objects ok 1828 - no live objects ok 1829 - no live entries ok 1830 - lookup D24E7E44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1831 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1832 - ref to other object ok 1833 - mututal ref ok 1834 - ref in auxillary structure ok 1835 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 1836 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 1837 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 1838 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 1839 - Putin is paranoid ok 1840 - updated 1 objects ok 1841 - transaction finished without errors ok 1842 - no live objects ok 1843 - no live entries ok 1844 - lookup D24E7E44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1845 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1846 - Georgia got plastered ok 1847 - correct live objects ok 1848 - Putin is a dead object ok 1849 - updated live objects ok 1850 - transaction finished without errors ok 1851 - no live objects ok 1852 - no live entries ok 1853 - lookup D2503C2A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1854 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1855 - inter object rels ok 1856 - updated 1 objects ok 1857 - transaction finished without errors ok 1858 - no live objects ok 1859 - no live entries ok 1860 - lookup D2503C2A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1861 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1862 - name ok 1863 - transaction finished without errors ok 1864 - no live objects ok 1865 - no live entries ok 1866 - lookup D24F89BA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1867 - correct live objects ok 1868 - updated 1 objects ok 1869 - updated 1 objects ok 1870 - updated 1 objects ok 1871 - updated 1 objects ok 1872 - transaction finished without errors ok 1873 - no live objects ok 1874 - no live entries ok 1875 - lookup D24F89BA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 1876 - updated in storage ok 1877 - deleted 1 objects ok 1878 - D24F89BA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1879 - lookup no longer returns object ok 1880 - transaction finished without errors ok 1881 - no live objects ok 1882 - no live entries ok 1883 - D24F89BA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1884 - no error in fixture ok 1885 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1886 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 1887 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 1888 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 1889 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1890 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 1891 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 1892 - stored 2 objects ok 1893 - correct live objects ok 1894 - no live objects ok 1895 - [D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1896 - lookup 1 objects ok 1897 - all lookups succeeded ok 1898 - name attr ok 1899 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1900 - updated 1 objects ok 1901 - entry updated ok 1902 - parent of updated is orig ok 1903 - successful transaction ok 1904 - entry updated ok 1905 - parent of updated is orig ok 1906 - name attr ok 1907 - no live objects ok 1908 - no live entries ok 1909 - lookup 1 objects ok 1910 - all lookups succeeded ok 1911 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1912 - updated 1 objects ok 1913 - entry updated ok 1914 - parent of updated is orig ok 1915 - failed transaction ok 1916 - entry rolled back ok 1917 - name not rolled back in live object ok 1918 - no live objects ok 1919 - no live entries ok 1920 - lookup 1 objects ok 1921 - all lookups succeeded ok 1922 - name rolled back in DB ok 1923 - no live objects ok 1924 - no live entries ok 1925 - lookup 1 objects ok 1926 - all lookups succeeded ok 1927 - name attr ok 1928 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 1929 - updated 1 objects ok 1930 - updated 1 objects ok 1931 - entry updated ok 1932 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 1933 - failed transaction ok 1934 - entry rolled back ok 1935 - name attr of object ok 1936 - no live objects ok 1937 - no live entries ok 1938 - lookup 1 objects ok 1939 - all lookups succeeded ok 1940 - name rolled back in DB ok 1941 - no live objects ok 1942 - no live entries ok 1943 - lookup 1 objects ok 1944 - all lookups succeeded ok 1945 - updated 1 objects ok 1946 - lookup 1 objects ok 1947 - all lookups succeeded ok 1948 - deleted 1 objects ok 1949 - D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1950 - failed transaction ok 1951 - [D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1952 - no live objects ok 1953 - no live entries ok 1954 - [D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1955 - lookup 1 objects ok 1956 - all lookups succeeded ok 1957 - no live objects ok 1958 - no live entries ok 1959 - deleted 1 objects ok 1960 - D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1961 - failed transaction ok 1962 - [D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1963 - no live objects ok 1964 - no live entries ok 1965 - [D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 1966 - deleted 1 objects ok 1967 - D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1968 - D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1969 - no live objects ok 1970 - no live entries ok 1971 - D26339EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 1972 - no error in fixture ok 1973 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 1974 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 1975 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 1976 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 1977 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 1978 - stored 3 objects ok 1979 - no live objects ok 1980 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1981 - root set ok 1982 - root set IDs ok 1983 - transaction finished without errors ok 1984 - inserted 1 objects ok 1985 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1986 - root set reflects insertion ok 1987 - root set IDs are the same ok 1988 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 1989 - root set rolled back ok 1990 - ids are the same ok 1991 - transaction finished without errors ok 1992 - transaction finished without errors ok 1993 - got an ID for foo ok 1994 - deleted 1 objects ok 1995 - root set reflects deletion ok 1996 - root set IDs are the same ok 1997 - inserted 1 objects ok 1998 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 1999 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 2000 - root set IDs are the same ok 2001 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 2002 - root set ok 2003 - ids are the same ok 2004 - transaction finished without errors ok 2005 - all entries ok 2006 - all IDs ok 2007 - transaction finished without errors ok 2008 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2009 - inserted 1 objects ok 2010 - one entry ok 2011 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2012 - transaction finished without errors ok 2013 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2014 - rolled back ok 2015 - all entries restored ok 2016 - all IDs ok 2017 - transaction finished without errors ok 2018 - transaction finished without errors ok 2019 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2020 - transaction finished without errors ok 2021 - no error in fixture ok 2022 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 2023 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 2024 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 2025 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 2026 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 2027 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2028 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 2029 - stored 2 objects ok 2030 - correct live objects ok 2031 - no live objects ok 2032 - lookup 1 objects ok 2033 - all lookups succeeded ok 2034 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2035 - name attr ok 2036 - update ok 2037 - no live objects ok 2038 - no live entries ok 2039 - lookup 1 objects ok 2040 - all lookups succeeded ok 2041 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 2042 - data attr ok 2043 - update (noop) ok 2044 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 2045 - no live objects ok 2046 - no live entries ok 2047 - can't insert duplicate ok 2048 - no live objects ok 2049 - no live entries ok 2050 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 2051 - no live objects ok 2052 - no live entries ok 2053 - lookup 1 objects ok 2054 - all lookups succeeded ok 2055 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 2056 - no live objects ok 2057 - no live entries ok 2058 - no error in fixture ok 2059 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 2060 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 2061 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 2062 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 2063 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2064 - stored 1 objects ok 2065 - correct live objects ok 2066 - no live objects ok 2067 - lookup 1 objects ok 2068 - all lookups succeeded ok 2069 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2070 - name ok 2071 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 2072 - age attr ok 2073 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 2074 - no error in refresh ok 2075 - age updated ok 2076 - transaction finished without errors ok 2077 - no error in fixture ok 2078 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 2079 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 2080 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 2081 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 2082 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2083 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 2084 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2085 - stored 2 objects ok 2086 - correct live objects ok 2087 - no live objects ok 2088 - lookup 2 objects ok 2089 - all lookups succeeded ok 2090 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2091 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 2092 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2093 - entry is associated with object ok 2094 - the right object ok 2095 - name ok 2096 - parents ok 2097 - array ref ok 2098 - one parent ok 2099 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2100 - parent name ok 2101 - company ok 2102 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 2103 - name ok 2104 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 2105 - transaction finished without errors ok 2106 - no error in fixture ok 2107 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 2108 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 2109 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 2110 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 2111 - stored 1 objects ok 2112 - no live objects ok 2113 - lookup 1 objects ok 2114 - all lookups succeeded ok 2115 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2116 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2117 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2118 - transaction finished without errors ok 2119 - no live objects ok 2120 - no live entries ok 2121 - lookup 1 objects ok 2122 - all lookups succeeded ok 2123 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2124 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2125 - updated 1 objects ok 2126 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2127 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2128 - transaction finished without errors ok 2129 - no live objects ok 2130 - no live entries ok 2131 - lookup 1 objects ok 2132 - all lookups succeeded ok 2133 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2134 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2135 - [root_person D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2136 - updated 1 objects ok 2137 - [root_person D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2138 - transaction finished without errors ok 2139 - no live objects ok 2140 - no live entries ok 2141 - lookup 1 objects ok 2142 - all lookups succeeded ok 2143 - [root_person D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2144 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2145 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2146 - transaction finished without errors ok 2147 - no live objects ok 2148 - no live entries ok 2149 - lookup 1 objects ok 2150 - all lookups succeeded ok 2151 - [root_person D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2152 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2153 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2154 - updated 1 objects ok 2155 - transaction finished without errors ok 2156 - no live objects ok 2157 - no live entries ok 2158 - lookup 1 objects ok 2159 - all lookups succeeded ok 2160 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2161 - [D28BB28C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2162 - transaction finished without errors ok 2163 - no error in fixture ok 2164 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 2165 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 2166 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 2167 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 2168 - stored 2 objects ok 2169 - no live objects ok 2170 - lookup 2 objects ok 2171 - all lookups succeeded ok 2172 - transaction finished without errors ok 2173 - transaction finished without errors ok 2174 - D294AAB8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 D294D970-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2175 - transaction finished without errors ok 2176 - no error in fixture ok 2177 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 2178 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 2179 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 2180 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 2181 - stored 2 objects ok 2182 - no live objects ok 2183 - lookup 2 objects ok 2184 - all lookups succeeded ok 2185 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2186 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2187 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 2188 - decoded cleanly ok 2189 - decoded to correct value ok 2190 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 2191 - bytes not truncated ok 2192 - bytes equal ok 2193 - transaction finished without errors ok 2194 - no error in fixture ok 2195 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 2196 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 2197 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 2198 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 2199 - stored 1 objects ok 2200 - no live objects ok 2201 - no live objects ok 2202 - no live entries ok 2203 - lookup 1 objects ok 2204 - all lookups succeeded ok 2205 - id is object digest ok 2206 - field retained ok 2207 - transaction finished without errors ok 2208 - no live objects ok 2209 - no live entries ok 2210 - inserted 1 objects ok 2211 - transaction finished without errors ok 2212 - no live objects ok 2213 - no live entries ok 2214 - lookup 1 objects ok 2215 - all lookups succeeded ok 2216 - inserted 1 objects not ok 2217 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 2218 - transaction finished without errors ok 2219 - no live objects ok 2220 - no live entries ok 2221 - lookup 1 objects ok 2222 - all lookups succeeded ok 2223 - inserted 1 objects ok 2224 - got a new ID ok 2225 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 2226 - transaction finished without errors ok 2227 - no live objects ok 2228 - no live entries ok 2229 - no error in fixture ok 2230 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 2231 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 2232 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 2233 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 2234 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 2235 - stored 3 objects ok 2236 - no live objects ok 2237 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2238 - root set ok 2239 - root set IDs ok 2240 - transaction finished without errors ok 2241 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2242 - nonroot entries ok 2243 - nonroot IDs ok 2244 - transaction finished without errors ok 2245 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2246 - all entries ok 2247 - all IDs ok 2248 - transaction finished without errors ok 2249 - no error in fixture ok 2250 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 2251 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 2252 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 2253 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 2254 - stored 3 objects ok 2255 - no live objects ok 2256 - lookup 3 objects ok 2257 - all lookups succeeded ok 2258 - no members ok 2259 - set members ok 2260 - set is loaded ok 2261 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 2262 - set still loaded ok 2263 - inserting ID of live object ok 2264 - set still loaded ok 2265 - members ok 2266 - removed element ok 2267 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 2268 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 2269 - members ok 2270 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 2271 - members ok 2272 - set not loaded ok 2273 - lookup 1 objects ok 2274 - all lookups succeeded ok 2275 - set vivified ok 2276 - now marked as loaded ok 2277 - lookup 3 objects ok 2278 - all lookups succeeded ok 2279 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 2280 - members ok 2281 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 2282 - members ok 2283 - set size is 0 ok 2284 - no members ok 2285 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 2286 - lookup 3 objects ok 2287 - all lookups succeeded ok 2288 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 2289 - lookup 1 objects ok 2290 - all lookups succeeded ok 2291 - removed element ok 2292 - set not loaded ok 2293 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 2294 - union is deferred ok 2295 - lookup 2 objects ok 2296 - all lookups succeeded ok 2297 - members ok 2298 - now it is loaded ok 2299 - lookup 3 objects ok 2300 - all lookups succeeded ok 2301 - union ok 2302 - no live objects ok 2303 - no live entries ok 2304 - no members ok 2305 - set not loaded ok 2306 - cleared ok 2307 - cleared set is loaded ok 2308 - no live objects ok 2309 - no live entries ok 2310 - lookup 3 objects ok 2311 - all lookups succeeded ok 2312 - stored 1 objects ok 2313 - no live objects ok 2314 - no live entries ok 2315 - lookup 1 objects ok 2316 - all lookups succeeded ok 2317 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 2318 - set size ok 2319 - lookup 1 objects ok 2320 - all lookups succeeded ok 2321 - members ok 2322 - loaded set ok 2323 - no live objects ok 2324 - no live entries ok 2325 - lookup 1 objects ok 2326 - all lookups succeeded ok 2327 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 2328 - set size ok 2329 - lookup 1 objects ok 2330 - all lookups succeeded ok 2331 - set size is 2 ok 2332 - set not loaded ok 2333 - stored 1 objects ok 2334 - set not loaded by ->store ok 2335 - no live objects ok 2336 - no live entries ok 2337 - lookup 1 objects ok 2338 - all lookups succeeded ok 2339 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 2340 - set size ok 2341 - lookup 2 objects ok 2342 - all lookups succeeded ok 2343 - members ok 2344 - loaded set ok 2345 - no live objects ok 2346 - no live entries ok 2347 - no error in fixture ok 2348 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 2349 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 2350 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 2351 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 2352 - stored 3 objects ok 2353 - no live objects ok 2354 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2355 - one object ok 2356 - name attr ok 2357 - no live objects ok 2358 - no live entries ok 2359 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2360 - two objects ok 2361 - name attr ok 2362 - name attr ok 2363 - no error in fixture ok 2364 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 2365 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 2366 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 2367 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 2368 - stored 13 objects ok 2369 - no live objects ok 2370 - lookup 1 objects ok 2371 - all lookups succeeded ok 2372 - reftype for scalar ok 2373 - value ok 2374 - no live objects ok 2375 - no live entries ok 2376 - lookup 1 objects ok 2377 - all lookups succeeded ok 2378 - plain hash ok 2379 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 2380 - keys ok 2381 - no live objects ok 2382 - no live entries ok 2383 - lookup 1 objects ok 2384 - all lookups succeeded ok 2385 - coderef ok 2386 - invoke closure ok 2387 - invoke closure ok 2388 - no live objects ok 2389 - no live entries ok 2390 - lookup 1 objects ok 2391 - all lookups succeeded ok 2392 - coderef ok 2393 - invoke closure ok 2394 - invoke closure ok 2395 - stored 1 objects ok 2396 - no live objects ok 2397 - no live entries ok 2398 - lookup 1 objects ok 2399 - all lookups succeeded ok 2400 - coderef ok 2401 - closure updated ok 2402 - no live objects ok 2403 - no live entries ok 2404 - lookup 1 objects ok 2405 - all lookups succeeded ok 2406 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2407 - class attr ok 2408 - does runtime role ok 2409 - role attr ok 2410 - anon class ok 2411 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 2412 - no live objects ok 2413 - no live entries ok 2414 - lookup 1 objects ok 2415 - all lookups succeeded ok 2416 - plain hash ok 2417 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 2418 - key order preserved ok 2419 - no live objects ok 2420 - no live entries ok 2421 - lookup 1 objects ok 2422 - all lookups succeeded ok 2423 - The object isa DateTime ok 2424 - no live objects ok 2425 - no live entries ok 2426 - lookup 1 objects ok 2427 - all lookups succeeded ok 2428 - The object isa DateTime ok 2429 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 2430 - no live objects ok 2431 - no live entries ok 2432 - lookup 1 objects ok 2433 - all lookups succeeded ok 2434 - The object isa URI ok 2435 - uri ok 2436 - no live objects ok 2437 - no live entries ok 2438 - lookup 1 objects ok 2439 - all lookups succeeded ok 2440 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 2441 - The object isa URI ok 2442 - no live objects ok 2443 - no live entries ok 2444 - lookup 1 objects ok 2445 - all lookups succeeded ok 2446 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 2447 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 2448 - basename ok 2449 - no live objects ok 2450 - no live entries ok 2451 - lookup 1 objects ok 2452 - all lookups succeeded ok 2453 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 2454 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 2455 - trait attr ok 2456 - normal attr ok 2457 - no live objects ok 2458 - no live entries ok 2459 - lookup 1 objects ok 2460 - all lookups succeeded ok 2461 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 2462 - role attr ok 2463 - lookup 1 objects ok 2464 - all lookups succeeded ok 2465 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 2466 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 2467 - role attr ok 2468 - no error in fixture ok 2469 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 2470 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 2471 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 2472 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 2473 - stored 1 objects ok 2474 - no live objects ok 2475 - lookup 1 objects ok 2476 - all lookups succeeded ok 2477 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2478 - preserved is_utf8 ok 2479 - correct value ok 2480 - transaction finished without errors ok 2481 - no error in fixture ok 2482 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 2483 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 2484 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 2485 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 2486 - stored 1024 objects ok 2487 - no live objects ok 2488 - no live entries ok 2489 - lookup 1024 objects ok 2490 - all lookups succeeded ok 2491 - no live objects ok 2492 - no live entries ok 2493 - no error in fixture ok 2494 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 2495 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 2496 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 2497 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 2498 - stored 3 objects ok 2499 - no live objects ok 2500 - no live entries ok 2501 - lookup D3D45FD6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 2502 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2503 - ref to other object ok 2504 - mututal ref ok 2505 - ref in auxillary structure ok 2506 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 2507 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 2508 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 2509 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 2510 - Putin is paranoid ok 2511 - updated 1 objects ok 2512 - transaction finished without errors ok 2513 - no live objects ok 2514 - no live entries ok 2515 - lookup D3D45FD6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 2516 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2517 - Georgia got plastered ok 2518 - correct live objects ok 2519 - Putin is a dead object ok 2520 - updated live objects ok 2521 - transaction finished without errors ok 2522 - no live objects ok 2523 - no live entries ok 2524 - lookup D3D62708-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 2525 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2526 - inter object rels ok 2527 - updated 1 objects ok 2528 - transaction finished without errors ok 2529 - no live objects ok 2530 - no live entries ok 2531 - lookup D3D62708-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 2532 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2533 - name ok 2534 - transaction finished without errors ok 2535 - no live objects ok 2536 - no live entries ok 2537 - lookup D3D56CE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 2538 - correct live objects ok 2539 - updated 1 objects ok 2540 - updated 1 objects ok 2541 - updated 1 objects ok 2542 - updated 1 objects ok 2543 - transaction finished without errors ok 2544 - no live objects ok 2545 - no live entries ok 2546 - lookup D3D56CE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 2547 - updated in storage ok 2548 - deleted 1 objects ok 2549 - D3D56CE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2550 - lookup no longer returns object ok 2551 - transaction finished without errors ok 2552 - no live objects ok 2553 - no live entries ok 2554 - D3D56CE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2555 - no error in fixture ok 2556 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 2557 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 2558 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 2559 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 2560 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2561 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 2562 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2563 - stored 2 objects ok 2564 - correct live objects ok 2565 - no live objects ok 2566 - [D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 2567 - lookup 1 objects ok 2568 - all lookups succeeded ok 2569 - name attr ok 2570 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 2571 - updated 1 objects ok 2572 - entry updated ok 2573 - parent of updated is orig ok 2574 - successful transaction ok 2575 - entry updated ok 2576 - parent of updated is orig ok 2577 - name attr ok 2578 - no live objects ok 2579 - no live entries ok 2580 - lookup 1 objects ok 2581 - all lookups succeeded ok 2582 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 2583 - updated 1 objects ok 2584 - entry updated ok 2585 - parent of updated is orig ok 2586 - failed transaction ok 2587 - entry rolled back ok 2588 - name not rolled back in live object ok 2589 - no live objects ok 2590 - no live entries ok 2591 - lookup 1 objects ok 2592 - all lookups succeeded ok 2593 - name rolled back in DB ok 2594 - no live objects ok 2595 - no live entries ok 2596 - lookup 1 objects ok 2597 - all lookups succeeded ok 2598 - name attr ok 2599 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 2600 - updated 1 objects ok 2601 - updated 1 objects ok 2602 - entry updated ok 2603 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 2604 - failed transaction ok 2605 - entry rolled back ok 2606 - name attr of object ok 2607 - no live objects ok 2608 - no live entries ok 2609 - lookup 1 objects ok 2610 - all lookups succeeded ok 2611 - name rolled back in DB ok 2612 - no live objects ok 2613 - no live entries ok 2614 - lookup 1 objects ok 2615 - all lookups succeeded ok 2616 - updated 1 objects ok 2617 - lookup 1 objects ok 2618 - all lookups succeeded ok 2619 - deleted 1 objects ok 2620 - D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2621 - failed transaction ok 2622 - [D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 2623 - no live objects ok 2624 - no live entries ok 2625 - [D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 2626 - lookup 1 objects ok 2627 - all lookups succeeded ok 2628 - no live objects ok 2629 - no live entries ok 2630 - deleted 1 objects ok 2631 - D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2632 - failed transaction ok 2633 - [D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 2634 - no live objects ok 2635 - no live entries ok 2636 - [D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 2637 - deleted 1 objects ok 2638 - D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2639 - D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2640 - no live objects ok 2641 - no live entries ok 2642 - D3E8BCB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2643 - no error in fixture ok 2644 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 2645 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 2646 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 2647 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 2648 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 2649 - stored 3 objects ok 2650 - no live objects ok 2651 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2652 - root set ok 2653 - root set IDs ok 2654 - transaction finished without errors ok 2655 - inserted 1 objects ok 2656 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2657 - root set reflects insertion ok 2658 - root set IDs are the same ok 2659 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 2660 - root set rolled back ok 2661 - ids are the same ok 2662 - transaction finished without errors ok 2663 - transaction finished without errors ok 2664 - got an ID for foo ok 2665 - deleted 1 objects ok 2666 - root set reflects deletion ok 2667 - root set IDs are the same ok 2668 - inserted 1 objects ok 2669 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2670 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 2671 - root set IDs are the same ok 2672 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 2673 - root set ok 2674 - ids are the same ok 2675 - transaction finished without errors ok 2676 - all entries ok 2677 - all IDs ok 2678 - transaction finished without errors ok 2679 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2680 - inserted 1 objects ok 2681 - one entry ok 2682 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2683 - transaction finished without errors ok 2684 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2685 - rolled back ok 2686 - all entries restored ok 2687 - all IDs ok 2688 - transaction finished without errors ok 2689 - transaction finished without errors ok 2690 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 2691 - transaction finished without errors ok 2692 - no error in fixture ok 2693 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 2694 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 2695 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 2696 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 2697 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 2698 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2699 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 2700 - stored 2 objects ok 2701 - correct live objects ok 2702 - no live objects ok 2703 - no live entries ok 2704 - lookup 1 objects ok 2705 - all lookups succeeded ok 2706 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2707 - name attr ok 2708 - update ok 2709 - no live objects ok 2710 - no live entries ok 2711 - lookup 1 objects ok 2712 - all lookups succeeded ok 2713 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 2714 - data attr ok 2715 - update (noop) ok 2716 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 2717 - no live objects ok 2718 - no live entries ok 2719 - can't insert duplicate ok 2720 - no live objects ok 2721 - no live entries ok 2722 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 2723 - no live objects ok 2724 - no live entries ok 2725 - lookup 1 objects ok 2726 - all lookups succeeded ok 2727 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 2728 - no live objects ok 2729 - no live entries ok 2730 - no error in fixture ok 2731 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 2732 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 2733 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 2734 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 2735 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2736 - stored 1 objects ok 2737 - correct live objects ok 2738 - no live objects ok 2739 - no live entries ok 2740 - lookup 1 objects ok 2741 - all lookups succeeded ok 2742 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2743 - name ok 2744 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 2745 - age attr ok 2746 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 2747 - no error in refresh ok 2748 - age updated ok 2749 - transaction finished without errors ok 2750 - no error in fixture ok 2751 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 2752 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 2753 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 2754 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 2755 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2756 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 2757 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2758 - stored 2 objects ok 2759 - correct live objects ok 2760 - no live objects ok 2761 - no live entries ok 2762 - lookup 2 objects ok 2763 - all lookups succeeded ok 2764 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2765 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 2766 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2767 - entry is associated with object ok 2768 - the right object ok 2769 - name ok 2770 - parents ok 2771 - array ref ok 2772 - one parent ok 2773 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2774 - parent name ok 2775 - company ok 2776 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 2777 - name ok 2778 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 2779 - transaction finished without errors ok 2780 - no error in fixture ok 2781 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 2782 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 2783 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 2784 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 2785 - stored 1 objects ok 2786 - no live objects ok 2787 - no live entries ok 2788 - lookup 1 objects ok 2789 - all lookups succeeded ok 2790 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2791 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2792 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2793 - transaction finished without errors ok 2794 - no live objects ok 2795 - no live entries ok 2796 - lookup 1 objects ok 2797 - all lookups succeeded ok 2798 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2799 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2800 - updated 1 objects ok 2801 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2802 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2803 - transaction finished without errors ok 2804 - no live objects ok 2805 - no live entries ok 2806 - lookup 1 objects ok 2807 - all lookups succeeded ok 2808 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2809 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2810 - [root_person D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2811 - updated 1 objects ok 2812 - [root_person D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2813 - transaction finished without errors ok 2814 - no live objects ok 2815 - no live entries ok 2816 - lookup 1 objects ok 2817 - all lookups succeeded ok 2818 - [root_person D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2819 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2820 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2821 - transaction finished without errors ok 2822 - no live objects ok 2823 - no live entries ok 2824 - lookup 1 objects ok 2825 - all lookups succeeded ok 2826 - [root_person D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2827 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2828 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2829 - updated 1 objects ok 2830 - transaction finished without errors ok 2831 - no live objects ok 2832 - no live entries ok 2833 - lookup 1 objects ok 2834 - all lookups succeeded ok 2835 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 2836 - [D4113D52-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 2837 - transaction finished without errors ok 2838 - no error in fixture ok 2839 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 2840 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 2841 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 2842 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 2843 - stored 2 objects ok 2844 - no live objects ok 2845 - no live entries ok 2846 - lookup 2 objects ok 2847 - all lookups succeeded ok 2848 - transaction finished without errors ok 2849 - transaction finished without errors ok 2850 - D41A3CD6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 D41A7534-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 2851 - transaction finished without errors ok 2852 - no error in fixture ok 2853 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 2854 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 2855 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 2856 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 2857 - stored 2 objects ok 2858 - no live objects ok 2859 - no live entries ok 2860 - lookup 2 objects ok 2861 - all lookups succeeded ok 2862 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2863 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 2864 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 2865 - decoded cleanly ok 2866 - decoded to correct value ok 2867 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 2868 - bytes not truncated ok 2869 - bytes equal ok 2870 - transaction finished without errors ok 2871 - no error in fixture ok 2872 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 2873 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 2874 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 2875 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 2876 - stored 1 objects ok 2877 - no live objects ok 2878 - no live entries ok 2879 - no live objects ok 2880 - no live entries ok 2881 - lookup 1 objects ok 2882 - all lookups succeeded ok 2883 - id is object digest ok 2884 - field retained ok 2885 - transaction finished without errors ok 2886 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 2887 - correct live objects ok 2888 - no live objects ok 2889 - no live entries ok 2890 - inserted 1 objects ok 2891 - transaction finished without errors ok 2892 - no live objects ok 2893 - no live entries ok 2894 - lookup 1 objects ok 2895 - all lookups succeeded ok 2896 - inserted 1 objects not ok 2897 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 2898 - transaction finished without errors ok 2899 - no live objects ok 2900 - no live entries ok 2901 - lookup 1 objects ok 2902 - all lookups succeeded ok 2903 - inserted 1 objects ok 2904 - got a new ID ok 2905 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 2906 - transaction finished without errors ok 2907 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 2908 - correct live objects ok 2909 - no live objects ok 2910 - no live entries ok 2911 - no error in fixture ok 2912 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 2913 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 2914 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 2915 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 2916 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 2917 - stored 3 objects ok 2918 - no live objects ok 2919 - no live entries ok 2920 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2921 - root set ok 2922 - root set IDs ok 2923 - transaction finished without errors ok 2924 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2925 - nonroot entries ok 2926 - nonroot IDs ok 2927 - transaction finished without errors ok 2928 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 2929 - all entries ok 2930 - all IDs ok 2931 - transaction finished without errors ok 2932 - no error in fixture ok 2933 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 2934 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 2935 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 2936 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 2937 - stored 3 objects ok 2938 - no live objects ok 2939 - no live entries ok 2940 - lookup 3 objects ok 2941 - all lookups succeeded ok 2942 - no members ok 2943 - set members ok 2944 - set is loaded ok 2945 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 2946 - set still loaded ok 2947 - inserting ID of live object ok 2948 - set still loaded ok 2949 - members ok 2950 - removed element ok 2951 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 2952 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 2953 - members ok 2954 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 2955 - members ok 2956 - set not loaded ok 2957 - lookup 1 objects ok 2958 - all lookups succeeded ok 2959 - set vivified ok 2960 - now marked as loaded ok 2961 - lookup 3 objects ok 2962 - all lookups succeeded ok 2963 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 2964 - members ok 2965 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 2966 - members ok 2967 - set size is 0 ok 2968 - no members ok 2969 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 2970 - lookup 3 objects ok 2971 - all lookups succeeded ok 2972 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 2973 - lookup 1 objects ok 2974 - all lookups succeeded ok 2975 - removed element ok 2976 - set not loaded ok 2977 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 2978 - union is deferred ok 2979 - lookup 2 objects ok 2980 - all lookups succeeded ok 2981 - members ok 2982 - now it is loaded ok 2983 - lookup 3 objects ok 2984 - all lookups succeeded ok 2985 - union ok 2986 - no live objects ok 2987 - no live entries ok 2988 - no members ok 2989 - set not loaded ok 2990 - cleared ok 2991 - cleared set is loaded ok 2992 - no live objects ok 2993 - no live entries ok 2994 - lookup 3 objects ok 2995 - all lookups succeeded ok 2996 - stored 1 objects ok 2997 - no live objects ok 2998 - no live entries ok 2999 - lookup 1 objects ok 3000 - all lookups succeeded ok 3001 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3002 - set size ok 3003 - lookup 1 objects ok 3004 - all lookups succeeded ok 3005 - members ok 3006 - loaded set ok 3007 - no live objects ok 3008 - no live entries ok 3009 - lookup 1 objects ok 3010 - all lookups succeeded ok 3011 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3012 - set size ok 3013 - lookup 1 objects ok 3014 - all lookups succeeded ok 3015 - set size is 2 ok 3016 - set not loaded ok 3017 - stored 1 objects ok 3018 - set not loaded by ->store ok 3019 - no live objects ok 3020 - no live entries ok 3021 - lookup 1 objects ok 3022 - all lookups succeeded ok 3023 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3024 - set size ok 3025 - lookup 2 objects ok 3026 - all lookups succeeded ok 3027 - members ok 3028 - loaded set ok 3029 - no live objects ok 3030 - no live entries ok 3031 - no error in fixture ok 3032 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 3033 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 3034 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3035 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3036 - stored 3 objects ok 3037 - no live objects ok 3038 - no live entries ok 3039 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3040 - one object ok 3041 - name attr ok 3042 - no live objects ok 3043 - no live entries ok 3044 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3045 - two objects ok 3046 - name attr ok 3047 - name attr ok 3048 - no error in fixture ok 3049 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3050 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3051 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3052 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3053 - stored 13 objects ok 3054 - no live objects ok 3055 - no live entries ok 3056 - lookup 1 objects ok 3057 - all lookups succeeded ok 3058 - reftype for scalar ok 3059 - value ok 3060 - no live objects ok 3061 - no live entries ok 3062 - lookup 1 objects ok 3063 - all lookups succeeded ok 3064 - plain hash ok 3065 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 3066 - keys ok 3067 - no live objects ok 3068 - no live entries ok 3069 - lookup 1 objects ok 3070 - all lookups succeeded ok 3071 - coderef ok 3072 - invoke closure ok 3073 - invoke closure ok 3074 - no live objects ok 3075 - no live entries ok 3076 - lookup 1 objects ok 3077 - all lookups succeeded ok 3078 - coderef ok 3079 - invoke closure ok 3080 - invoke closure ok 3081 - stored 1 objects ok 3082 - no live objects ok 3083 - no live entries ok 3084 - lookup 1 objects ok 3085 - all lookups succeeded ok 3086 - coderef ok 3087 - closure updated ok 3088 - no live objects ok 3089 - no live entries ok 3090 - lookup 1 objects ok 3091 - all lookups succeeded ok 3092 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3093 - class attr ok 3094 - does runtime role ok 3095 - role attr ok 3096 - anon class ok 3097 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 3098 - no live objects ok 3099 - no live entries ok 3100 - lookup 1 objects ok 3101 - all lookups succeeded ok 3102 - plain hash ok 3103 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 3104 - key order preserved ok 3105 - no live objects ok 3106 - no live entries ok 3107 - lookup 1 objects ok 3108 - all lookups succeeded ok 3109 - The object isa DateTime ok 3110 - no live objects ok 3111 - no live entries ok 3112 - lookup 1 objects ok 3113 - all lookups succeeded ok 3114 - The object isa DateTime ok 3115 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 3116 - no live objects ok 3117 - no live entries ok 3118 - lookup 1 objects ok 3119 - all lookups succeeded ok 3120 - The object isa URI ok 3121 - uri ok 3122 - no live objects ok 3123 - no live entries ok 3124 - lookup 1 objects ok 3125 - all lookups succeeded ok 3126 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 3127 - The object isa URI ok 3128 - no live objects ok 3129 - no live entries ok 3130 - lookup 1 objects ok 3131 - all lookups succeeded ok 3132 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 3133 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 3134 - basename ok 3135 - no live objects ok 3136 - no live entries ok 3137 - lookup 1 objects ok 3138 - all lookups succeeded ok 3139 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 3140 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 3141 - trait attr ok 3142 - normal attr ok 3143 - no live objects ok 3144 - no live entries ok 3145 - lookup 1 objects ok 3146 - all lookups succeeded ok 3147 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 3148 - role attr ok 3149 - lookup 1 objects ok 3150 - all lookups succeeded ok 3151 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 3152 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 3153 - role attr ok 3154 - no error in fixture ok 3155 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3156 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3157 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 3158 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 3159 - stored 1 objects ok 3160 - no live objects ok 3161 - no live entries ok 3162 - lookup 1 objects ok 3163 - all lookups succeeded ok 3164 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3165 - preserved is_utf8 ok 3166 - correct value ok 3167 - transaction finished without errors ok 3168 - no error in fixture ok 3169 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 3170 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 3171 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 3172 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 3173 - stored 1024 objects ok 3174 - no live objects ok 3175 - no live entries ok 3176 - lookup 1024 objects ok 3177 - all lookups succeeded ok 3178 - no live objects ok 3179 - no live entries ok 3180 - no error in fixture ok 3181 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 3182 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 3183 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3184 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3185 - stored 3 objects ok 3186 - no live objects ok 3187 - no live entries ok 3188 - lookup D55AFB8A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3189 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3190 - ref to other object ok 3191 - mututal ref ok 3192 - ref in auxillary structure ok 3193 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 3194 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 3195 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 3196 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 3197 - Putin is paranoid ok 3198 - updated 1 objects ok 3199 - transaction finished without errors ok 3200 - no live objects ok 3201 - no live entries ok 3202 - lookup D55AFB8A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3203 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3204 - Georgia got plastered ok 3205 - correct live objects ok 3206 - Putin is a dead object ok 3207 - updated live objects ok 3208 - transaction finished without errors ok 3209 - no live objects ok 3210 - no live entries ok 3211 - lookup D55CCB7C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3212 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3213 - inter object rels ok 3214 - updated 1 objects ok 3215 - transaction finished without errors ok 3216 - no live objects ok 3217 - no live entries ok 3218 - lookup D55CCB7C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3219 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3220 - name ok 3221 - transaction finished without errors ok 3222 - no live objects ok 3223 - no live entries ok 3224 - lookup D55BF828-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3225 - correct live objects ok 3226 - updated 1 objects ok 3227 - updated 1 objects ok 3228 - updated 1 objects ok 3229 - updated 1 objects ok 3230 - transaction finished without errors ok 3231 - no live objects ok 3232 - no live entries ok 3233 - lookup D55BF828-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3234 - updated in storage ok 3235 - deleted 1 objects ok 3236 - D55BF828-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3237 - lookup no longer returns object ok 3238 - transaction finished without errors ok 3239 - no live objects ok 3240 - no live entries ok 3241 - D55BF828-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3242 - no error in fixture ok 3243 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3244 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3245 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 3246 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 3247 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3248 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 3249 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3250 - stored 2 objects ok 3251 - correct live objects ok 3252 - no live objects ok 3253 - no live entries ok 3254 - [D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3255 - lookup 1 objects ok 3256 - all lookups succeeded ok 3257 - name attr ok 3258 - updated 1 objects ok 3259 - successful transaction ok 3260 - name attr ok 3261 - no live objects ok 3262 - no live entries ok 3263 - lookup 1 objects ok 3264 - all lookups succeeded ok 3265 - updated 1 objects ok 3266 - failed transaction ok 3267 - name not rolled back in live object ok 3268 - no live objects ok 3269 - no live entries ok 3270 - lookup 1 objects ok 3271 - all lookups succeeded ok 3272 - name rolled back in DB ok 3273 - no live objects ok 3274 - no live entries ok 3275 - lookup 1 objects ok 3276 - all lookups succeeded ok 3277 - name attr ok 3278 - updated 1 objects ok 3279 - updated 1 objects ok 3280 - failed transaction ok 3281 - name attr of object ok 3282 - no live objects ok 3283 - no live entries ok 3284 - lookup 1 objects ok 3285 - all lookups succeeded ok 3286 - name rolled back in DB ok 3287 - no live objects ok 3288 - no live entries ok 3289 - lookup 1 objects ok 3290 - all lookups succeeded ok 3291 - updated 1 objects ok 3292 - lookup 1 objects ok 3293 - all lookups succeeded ok 3294 - deleted 1 objects ok 3295 - D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3296 - failed transaction ok 3297 - [D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3298 - no live objects ok 3299 - no live entries ok 3300 - [D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3301 - lookup 1 objects ok 3302 - all lookups succeeded ok 3303 - no live objects ok 3304 - no live entries ok 3305 - deleted 1 objects ok 3306 - D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3307 - failed transaction ok 3308 - [D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3309 - no live objects ok 3310 - no live entries ok 3311 - [D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3312 - deleted 1 objects ok 3313 - D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3314 - D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3315 - no live objects ok 3316 - no live entries ok 3317 - D56F0774-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3318 - no error in fixture ok 3319 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 3320 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 3321 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 3322 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 3323 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 3324 - stored 3 objects ok 3325 - no live objects ok 3326 - no live entries ok 3327 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3328 - root set ok 3329 - root set IDs ok 3330 - transaction finished without errors ok 3331 - inserted 1 objects ok 3332 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3333 - root set reflects insertion ok 3334 - root set IDs are the same ok 3335 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 3336 - root set rolled back ok 3337 - ids are the same ok 3338 - transaction finished without errors ok 3339 - transaction finished without errors ok 3340 - got an ID for foo ok 3341 - deleted 1 objects ok 3342 - root set reflects deletion ok 3343 - root set IDs are the same ok 3344 - inserted 1 objects ok 3345 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3346 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 3347 - root set IDs are the same ok 3348 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 3349 - root set ok 3350 - ids are the same ok 3351 - transaction finished without errors ok 3352 - all entries ok 3353 - all IDs ok 3354 - transaction finished without errors ok 3355 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 3356 - inserted 1 objects ok 3357 - one entry ok 3358 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 3359 - transaction finished without errors ok 3360 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 3361 - rolled back ok 3362 - all entries restored ok 3363 - all IDs ok 3364 - transaction finished without errors ok 3365 - transaction finished without errors ok 3366 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 3367 - transaction finished without errors ok 3368 - no error in fixture ok 3369 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 3370 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 3371 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 3372 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 3373 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 3374 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3375 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 3376 - stored 2 objects ok 3377 - correct live objects ok 3378 - no live objects ok 3379 - no live entries ok 3380 - lookup 1 objects ok 3381 - all lookups succeeded ok 3382 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3383 - name attr ok 3384 - update ok 3385 - no live objects ok 3386 - no live entries ok 3387 - lookup 1 objects ok 3388 - all lookups succeeded ok 3389 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 3390 - data attr ok 3391 - update (noop) ok 3392 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 3393 - no live objects ok 3394 - no live entries ok 3395 - can't insert duplicate ok 3396 - no live objects ok 3397 - no live entries ok 3398 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 3399 - no live objects ok 3400 - no live entries ok 3401 - lookup 1 objects ok 3402 - all lookups succeeded ok 3403 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 3404 - no live objects ok 3405 - no live entries ok 3406 - no error in fixture ok 3407 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 3408 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 3409 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 3410 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 3411 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3412 - stored 1 objects ok 3413 - correct live objects ok 3414 - no live objects ok 3415 - no live entries ok 3416 - lookup 1 objects ok 3417 - all lookups succeeded ok 3418 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3419 - name ok 3420 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 3421 - age attr ok 3422 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 3423 - no error in refresh ok 3424 - age updated ok 3425 - transaction finished without errors ok 3426 - no error in fixture ok 3427 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 3428 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 3429 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 3430 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 3431 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3432 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 3433 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3434 - stored 2 objects ok 3435 - correct live objects ok 3436 - no live objects ok 3437 - no live entries ok 3438 - lookup 2 objects ok 3439 - all lookups succeeded ok 3440 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3441 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 3442 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3443 - entry is associated with object ok 3444 - the right object ok 3445 - name ok 3446 - parents ok 3447 - array ref ok 3448 - one parent ok 3449 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3450 - parent name ok 3451 - company ok 3452 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 3453 - name ok 3454 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 3455 - transaction finished without errors ok 3456 - no error in fixture ok 3457 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 3458 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 3459 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 3460 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 3461 - stored 1 objects ok 3462 - no live objects ok 3463 - no live entries ok 3464 - lookup 1 objects ok 3465 - all lookups succeeded ok 3466 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3467 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3468 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3469 - transaction finished without errors ok 3470 - no live objects ok 3471 - no live entries ok 3472 - lookup 1 objects ok 3473 - all lookups succeeded ok 3474 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3475 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3476 - updated 1 objects ok 3477 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3478 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3479 - transaction finished without errors ok 3480 - no live objects ok 3481 - no live entries ok 3482 - lookup 1 objects ok 3483 - all lookups succeeded ok 3484 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3485 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3486 - [root_person D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3487 - updated 1 objects ok 3488 - [root_person D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3489 - transaction finished without errors ok 3490 - no live objects ok 3491 - no live entries ok 3492 - lookup 1 objects ok 3493 - all lookups succeeded ok 3494 - [root_person D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3495 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3496 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3497 - transaction finished without errors ok 3498 - no live objects ok 3499 - no live entries ok 3500 - lookup 1 objects ok 3501 - all lookups succeeded ok 3502 - [root_person D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3503 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3504 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3505 - updated 1 objects ok 3506 - transaction finished without errors ok 3507 - no live objects ok 3508 - no live entries ok 3509 - lookup 1 objects ok 3510 - all lookups succeeded ok 3511 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 3512 - [D596219C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 3513 - transaction finished without errors ok 3514 - no error in fixture ok 3515 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 3516 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 3517 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 3518 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 3519 - stored 2 objects ok 3520 - no live objects ok 3521 - no live entries ok 3522 - lookup 2 objects ok 3523 - all lookups succeeded ok 3524 - transaction finished without errors ok 3525 - transaction finished without errors ok 3526 - D59F155E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 D59F35B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3527 - transaction finished without errors ok 3528 - no error in fixture ok 3529 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 3530 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 3531 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 3532 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 3533 - stored 2 objects ok 3534 - no live objects ok 3535 - no live entries ok 3536 - lookup 2 objects ok 3537 - all lookups succeeded ok 3538 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3539 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3540 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 3541 - decoded cleanly ok 3542 - decoded to correct value ok 3543 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 3544 - bytes not truncated ok 3545 - bytes equal ok 3546 - transaction finished without errors ok 3547 - no error in fixture ok 3548 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 3549 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 3550 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 3551 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 3552 - stored 1 objects ok 3553 - no live objects ok 3554 - no live entries ok 3555 - no live objects ok 3556 - no live entries ok 3557 - lookup 1 objects ok 3558 - all lookups succeeded ok 3559 - id is object digest ok 3560 - field retained ok 3561 - transaction finished without errors ok 3562 - no live objects ok 3563 - no live entries ok 3564 - inserted 1 objects ok 3565 - transaction finished without errors ok 3566 - no live objects ok 3567 - no live entries ok 3568 - lookup 1 objects ok 3569 - all lookups succeeded ok 3570 - inserted 1 objects not ok 3571 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 3572 - transaction finished without errors ok 3573 - no live objects ok 3574 - no live entries ok 3575 - lookup 1 objects ok 3576 - all lookups succeeded ok 3577 - inserted 1 objects ok 3578 - got a new ID ok 3579 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 3580 - transaction finished without errors ok 3581 - no live objects ok 3582 - no live entries ok 3583 - no error in fixture ok 3584 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 3585 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 3586 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 3587 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 3588 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 3589 - stored 3 objects ok 3590 - no live objects ok 3591 - no live entries ok 3592 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3593 - root set ok 3594 - root set IDs ok 3595 - transaction finished without errors ok 3596 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3597 - nonroot entries ok 3598 - nonroot IDs ok 3599 - transaction finished without errors ok 3600 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3601 - all entries ok 3602 - all IDs ok 3603 - transaction finished without errors ok 3604 - no error in fixture ok 3605 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 3606 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 3607 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 3608 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 3609 - stored 3 objects ok 3610 - no live objects ok 3611 - no live entries ok 3612 - lookup 3 objects ok 3613 - all lookups succeeded ok 3614 - no members ok 3615 - set members ok 3616 - set is loaded ok 3617 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 3618 - set still loaded ok 3619 - inserting ID of live object ok 3620 - set still loaded ok 3621 - members ok 3622 - removed element ok 3623 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 3624 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 3625 - members ok 3626 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 3627 - members ok 3628 - set not loaded ok 3629 - lookup 1 objects ok 3630 - all lookups succeeded ok 3631 - set vivified ok 3632 - now marked as loaded ok 3633 - lookup 3 objects ok 3634 - all lookups succeeded ok 3635 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 3636 - members ok 3637 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 3638 - members ok 3639 - set size is 0 ok 3640 - no members ok 3641 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 3642 - lookup 3 objects ok 3643 - all lookups succeeded ok 3644 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 3645 - lookup 1 objects ok 3646 - all lookups succeeded ok 3647 - removed element ok 3648 - set not loaded ok 3649 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3650 - union is deferred ok 3651 - lookup 2 objects ok 3652 - all lookups succeeded ok 3653 - members ok 3654 - now it is loaded ok 3655 - lookup 3 objects ok 3656 - all lookups succeeded ok 3657 - union ok 3658 - no live objects ok 3659 - no live entries ok 3660 - no members ok 3661 - set not loaded ok 3662 - cleared ok 3663 - cleared set is loaded ok 3664 - no live objects ok 3665 - no live entries ok 3666 - lookup 3 objects ok 3667 - all lookups succeeded ok 3668 - stored 1 objects ok 3669 - no live objects ok 3670 - no live entries ok 3671 - lookup 1 objects ok 3672 - all lookups succeeded ok 3673 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3674 - set size ok 3675 - lookup 1 objects ok 3676 - all lookups succeeded ok 3677 - members ok 3678 - loaded set ok 3679 - no live objects ok 3680 - no live entries ok 3681 - lookup 1 objects ok 3682 - all lookups succeeded ok 3683 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3684 - set size ok 3685 - lookup 1 objects ok 3686 - all lookups succeeded ok 3687 - set size is 2 ok 3688 - set not loaded ok 3689 - stored 1 objects ok 3690 - set not loaded by ->store ok 3691 - no live objects ok 3692 - no live entries ok 3693 - lookup 1 objects ok 3694 - all lookups succeeded ok 3695 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 3696 - set size ok 3697 - lookup 2 objects ok 3698 - all lookups succeeded ok 3699 - members ok 3700 - loaded set ok 3701 - no live objects ok 3702 - no live entries ok 3703 - no error in fixture ok 3704 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 3705 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 3706 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3707 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3708 - stored 3 objects ok 3709 - no live objects ok 3710 - no live entries ok 3711 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3712 - one object ok 3713 - name attr ok 3714 - no live objects ok 3715 - no live entries ok 3716 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 3717 - two objects ok 3718 - name attr ok 3719 - name attr ok 3720 - no error in fixture ok 3721 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3722 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 3723 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3724 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3725 - stored 13 objects ok 3726 - no live objects ok 3727 - no live entries ok 3728 - lookup 1 objects ok 3729 - all lookups succeeded ok 3730 - reftype for scalar ok 3731 - value ok 3732 - no live objects ok 3733 - no live entries ok 3734 - lookup 1 objects ok 3735 - all lookups succeeded ok 3736 - plain hash ok 3737 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 3738 - keys ok 3739 - no live objects ok 3740 - no live entries ok 3741 - lookup 1 objects ok 3742 - all lookups succeeded ok 3743 - coderef ok 3744 - invoke closure ok 3745 - invoke closure ok 3746 - no live objects ok 3747 - no live entries ok 3748 - lookup 1 objects ok 3749 - all lookups succeeded ok 3750 - coderef ok 3751 - invoke closure ok 3752 - invoke closure ok 3753 - stored 1 objects ok 3754 - no live objects ok 3755 - no live entries ok 3756 - lookup 1 objects ok 3757 - all lookups succeeded ok 3758 - coderef ok 3759 - closure updated ok 3760 - no live objects ok 3761 - no live entries ok 3762 - lookup 1 objects ok 3763 - all lookups succeeded ok 3764 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3765 - class attr ok 3766 - does runtime role ok 3767 - role attr ok 3768 - anon class ok 3769 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 3770 - no live objects ok 3771 - no live entries ok 3772 - lookup 1 objects ok 3773 - all lookups succeeded ok 3774 - plain hash ok 3775 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 3776 - key order preserved ok 3777 - no live objects ok 3778 - no live entries ok 3779 - lookup 1 objects ok 3780 - all lookups succeeded ok 3781 - The object isa DateTime ok 3782 - no live objects ok 3783 - no live entries ok 3784 - lookup 1 objects ok 3785 - all lookups succeeded ok 3786 - The object isa DateTime ok 3787 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 3788 - no live objects ok 3789 - no live entries ok 3790 - lookup 1 objects ok 3791 - all lookups succeeded ok 3792 - The object isa URI ok 3793 - uri ok 3794 - no live objects ok 3795 - no live entries ok 3796 - lookup 1 objects ok 3797 - all lookups succeeded ok 3798 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 3799 - The object isa URI ok 3800 - no live objects ok 3801 - no live entries ok 3802 - lookup 1 objects ok 3803 - all lookups succeeded ok 3804 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 3805 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 3806 - basename ok 3807 - no live objects ok 3808 - no live entries ok 3809 - lookup 1 objects ok 3810 - all lookups succeeded ok 3811 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 3812 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 3813 - trait attr ok 3814 - normal attr ok 3815 - no live objects ok 3816 - no live entries ok 3817 - lookup 1 objects ok 3818 - all lookups succeeded ok 3819 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 3820 - role attr ok 3821 - lookup 1 objects ok 3822 - all lookups succeeded ok 3823 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 3824 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 3825 - role attr ok 3826 - no error in fixture ok 3827 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3828 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 3829 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 3830 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 3831 - stored 1 objects ok 3832 - no live objects ok 3833 - no live entries ok 3834 - lookup 1 objects ok 3835 - all lookups succeeded ok 3836 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3837 - preserved is_utf8 ok 3838 - correct value ok 3839 - transaction finished without errors ok 3840 - no error in fixture ok 3841 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 3842 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 3843 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 3844 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 3845 - stored 1024 objects ok 3846 - no live objects ok 3847 - no live entries ok 3848 - lookup 1024 objects ok 3849 - all lookups succeeded ok 3850 - no live objects ok 3851 - no live entries ok 3852 - no error in fixture ok 3853 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 3854 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 3855 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3856 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3857 - stored 3 objects ok 3858 - no live objects ok 3859 - no live entries ok 3860 - lookup D6DB3556-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3861 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3862 - ref to other object ok 3863 - mututal ref ok 3864 - ref in auxillary structure ok 3865 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 3866 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 3867 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 3868 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 3869 - Putin is paranoid ok 3870 - updated 1 objects ok 3871 - transaction finished without errors ok 3872 - no live objects ok 3873 - no live entries ok 3874 - lookup D6DB3556-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3875 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3876 - Georgia got plastered ok 3877 - correct live objects ok 3878 - Putin is a dead object ok 3879 - updated live objects ok 3880 - transaction finished without errors ok 3881 - no live objects ok 3882 - no live entries ok 3883 - lookup D6DCF6AC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3884 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3885 - inter object rels ok 3886 - updated 1 objects ok 3887 - transaction finished without errors ok 3888 - no live objects ok 3889 - no live entries ok 3890 - lookup D6DCF6AC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3891 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3892 - name ok 3893 - transaction finished without errors ok 3894 - no live objects ok 3895 - no live entries ok 3896 - lookup D6DC47B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3897 - correct live objects ok 3898 - updated 1 objects ok 3899 - updated 1 objects ok 3900 - updated 1 objects ok 3901 - updated 1 objects ok 3902 - transaction finished without errors ok 3903 - no live objects ok 3904 - no live entries ok 3905 - lookup D6DC47B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 3906 - updated in storage ok 3907 - deleted 1 objects ok 3908 - D6DC47B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3909 - lookup no longer returns object ok 3910 - transaction finished without errors ok 3911 - no live objects ok 3912 - no live entries ok 3913 - D6DC47B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3914 - no error in fixture ok 3915 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3916 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 3917 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 3918 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 3919 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3920 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 3921 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 3922 - stored 2 objects ok 3923 - correct live objects ok 3924 - no live objects ok 3925 - no live entries ok 3926 - [D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3927 - lookup 1 objects ok 3928 - all lookups succeeded ok 3929 - name attr ok 3930 - updated 1 objects ok 3931 - successful transaction ok 3932 - name attr ok 3933 - no live objects ok 3934 - no live entries ok 3935 - lookup 1 objects ok 3936 - all lookups succeeded ok 3937 - updated 1 objects ok 3938 - failed transaction ok 3939 - name not rolled back in live object ok 3940 - no live objects ok 3941 - no live entries ok 3942 - lookup 1 objects ok 3943 - all lookups succeeded ok 3944 - name rolled back in DB ok 3945 - no live objects ok 3946 - no live entries ok 3947 - lookup 1 objects ok 3948 - all lookups succeeded ok 3949 - name attr ok 3950 - updated 1 objects ok 3951 - updated 1 objects ok 3952 - failed transaction ok 3953 - name attr of object ok 3954 - no live objects ok 3955 - no live entries ok 3956 - lookup 1 objects ok 3957 - all lookups succeeded ok 3958 - name rolled back in DB ok 3959 - no live objects ok 3960 - no live entries ok 3961 - lookup 1 objects ok 3962 - all lookups succeeded ok 3963 - updated 1 objects ok 3964 - lookup 1 objects ok 3965 - all lookups succeeded ok 3966 - deleted 1 objects ok 3967 - D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3968 - failed transaction ok 3969 - [D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3970 - no live objects ok 3971 - no live entries ok 3972 - [D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3973 - lookup 1 objects ok 3974 - all lookups succeeded ok 3975 - no live objects ok 3976 - no live entries ok 3977 - deleted 1 objects ok 3978 - D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3979 - failed transaction ok 3980 - [D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3981 - no live objects ok 3982 - no live entries ok 3983 - [D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 3984 - deleted 1 objects ok 3985 - D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3986 - D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3987 - no live objects ok 3988 - no live entries ok 3989 - D6EF5EA0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 3990 - no error in fixture ok 3991 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 3992 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 3993 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 3994 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 3995 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 3996 - stored 3 objects ok 3997 - no live objects ok 3998 - no live entries ok 3999 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4000 - root set ok 4001 - root set IDs ok 4002 - transaction finished without errors ok 4003 - inserted 1 objects ok 4004 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4005 - root set reflects insertion ok 4006 - root set IDs are the same ok 4007 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 4008 - root set rolled back ok 4009 - ids are the same ok 4010 - transaction finished without errors ok 4011 - transaction finished without errors ok 4012 - got an ID for foo ok 4013 - deleted 1 objects ok 4014 - root set reflects deletion ok 4015 - root set IDs are the same ok 4016 - inserted 1 objects ok 4017 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4018 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 4019 - root set IDs are the same ok 4020 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 4021 - root set ok 4022 - ids are the same ok 4023 - transaction finished without errors ok 4024 - all entries ok 4025 - all IDs ok 4026 - transaction finished without errors ok 4027 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4028 - inserted 1 objects ok 4029 - one entry ok 4030 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4031 - transaction finished without errors ok 4032 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4033 - rolled back ok 4034 - all entries restored ok 4035 - all IDs ok 4036 - transaction finished without errors ok 4037 - transaction finished without errors ok 4038 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4039 - transaction finished without errors ok 4040 - no error in fixture ok 4041 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 4042 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 4043 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 4044 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 4045 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 4046 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4047 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 4048 - stored 2 objects ok 4049 - correct live objects ok 4050 - no live objects ok 4051 - no live entries ok 4052 - lookup 1 objects ok 4053 - all lookups succeeded ok 4054 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4055 - name attr ok 4056 - update ok 4057 - no live objects ok 4058 - no live entries ok 4059 - lookup 1 objects ok 4060 - all lookups succeeded ok 4061 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 4062 - data attr ok 4063 - update (noop) ok 4064 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 4065 - no live objects ok 4066 - no live entries ok 4067 - can't insert duplicate ok 4068 - no live objects ok 4069 - no live entries ok 4070 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 4071 - no live objects ok 4072 - no live entries ok 4073 - lookup 1 objects ok 4074 - all lookups succeeded ok 4075 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 4076 - no live objects ok 4077 - no live entries ok 4078 - no error in fixture ok 4079 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 4080 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 4081 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 4082 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 4083 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4084 - stored 1 objects ok 4085 - correct live objects ok 4086 - no live objects ok 4087 - no live entries ok 4088 - lookup 1 objects ok 4089 - all lookups succeeded ok 4090 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4091 - name ok 4092 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 4093 - age attr ok 4094 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 4095 - no error in refresh ok 4096 - age updated ok 4097 - transaction finished without errors ok 4098 - no error in fixture ok 4099 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 4100 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 4101 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 4102 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 4103 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4104 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 4105 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4106 - stored 2 objects ok 4107 - correct live objects ok 4108 - no live objects ok 4109 - no live entries ok 4110 - lookup 2 objects ok 4111 - all lookups succeeded ok 4112 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4113 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 4114 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4115 - entry is associated with object ok 4116 - the right object ok 4117 - name ok 4118 - parents ok 4119 - array ref ok 4120 - one parent ok 4121 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4122 - parent name ok 4123 - company ok 4124 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 4125 - name ok 4126 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 4127 - transaction finished without errors ok 4128 - no error in fixture ok 4129 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 4130 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 4131 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 4132 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 4133 - stored 1 objects ok 4134 - no live objects ok 4135 - no live entries ok 4136 - lookup 1 objects ok 4137 - all lookups succeeded ok 4138 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4139 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4140 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4141 - transaction finished without errors ok 4142 - no live objects ok 4143 - no live entries ok 4144 - lookup 1 objects ok 4145 - all lookups succeeded ok 4146 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4147 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4148 - updated 1 objects ok 4149 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4150 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4151 - transaction finished without errors ok 4152 - no live objects ok 4153 - no live entries ok 4154 - lookup 1 objects ok 4155 - all lookups succeeded ok 4156 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4157 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4158 - [root_person D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4159 - updated 1 objects ok 4160 - [root_person D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4161 - transaction finished without errors ok 4162 - no live objects ok 4163 - no live entries ok 4164 - lookup 1 objects ok 4165 - all lookups succeeded ok 4166 - [root_person D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4167 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4168 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4169 - transaction finished without errors ok 4170 - no live objects ok 4171 - no live entries ok 4172 - lookup 1 objects ok 4173 - all lookups succeeded ok 4174 - [root_person D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4175 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4176 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4177 - updated 1 objects ok 4178 - transaction finished without errors ok 4179 - no live objects ok 4180 - no live entries ok 4181 - lookup 1 objects ok 4182 - all lookups succeeded ok 4183 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4184 - [D7169A4C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4185 - transaction finished without errors ok 4186 - no error in fixture ok 4187 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 4188 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 4189 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 4190 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 4191 - stored 2 objects ok 4192 - no live objects ok 4193 - no live entries ok 4194 - lookup 2 objects ok 4195 - all lookups succeeded ok 4196 - transaction finished without errors ok 4197 - transaction finished without errors ok 4198 - D71FC888-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 D71FEDC2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4199 - transaction finished without errors ok 4200 - no error in fixture ok 4201 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 4202 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 4203 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 4204 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 4205 - stored 2 objects ok 4206 - no live objects ok 4207 - no live entries ok 4208 - lookup 2 objects ok 4209 - all lookups succeeded ok 4210 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4211 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4212 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 4213 - decoded cleanly ok 4214 - decoded to correct value ok 4215 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 4216 - bytes not truncated ok 4217 - bytes equal ok 4218 - transaction finished without errors ok 4219 - no error in fixture ok 4220 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 4221 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 4222 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 4223 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 4224 - stored 1 objects ok 4225 - no live objects ok 4226 - no live entries ok 4227 - no live objects ok 4228 - no live entries ok 4229 - lookup 1 objects ok 4230 - all lookups succeeded ok 4231 - id is object digest ok 4232 - field retained ok 4233 - transaction finished without errors ok 4234 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 4235 - correct live objects ok 4236 - no live objects ok 4237 - no live entries ok 4238 - inserted 1 objects ok 4239 - transaction finished without errors ok 4240 - no live objects ok 4241 - no live entries ok 4242 - lookup 1 objects ok 4243 - all lookups succeeded ok 4244 - inserted 1 objects not ok 4245 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 4246 - transaction finished without errors ok 4247 - no live objects ok 4248 - no live entries ok 4249 - lookup 1 objects ok 4250 - all lookups succeeded ok 4251 - inserted 1 objects ok 4252 - got a new ID ok 4253 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 4254 - transaction finished without errors ok 4255 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 4256 - correct live objects ok 4257 - no live objects ok 4258 - no live entries ok 4259 - no error in fixture ok 4260 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 4261 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 4262 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 4263 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 4264 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 4265 - stored 3 objects ok 4266 - no live objects ok 4267 - no live entries ok 4268 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4269 - root set ok 4270 - root set IDs ok 4271 - transaction finished without errors ok 4272 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4273 - nonroot entries ok 4274 - nonroot IDs ok 4275 - transaction finished without errors ok 4276 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4277 - all entries ok 4278 - all IDs ok 4279 - transaction finished without errors ok 4280 - no error in fixture ok 4281 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 4282 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 4283 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 4284 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 4285 - stored 3 objects ok 4286 - no live objects ok 4287 - no live entries ok 4288 - lookup 3 objects ok 4289 - all lookups succeeded ok 4290 - no members ok 4291 - set members ok 4292 - set is loaded ok 4293 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 4294 - set still loaded ok 4295 - inserting ID of live object ok 4296 - set still loaded ok 4297 - members ok 4298 - removed element ok 4299 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 4300 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 4301 - members ok 4302 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 4303 - members ok 4304 - set not loaded ok 4305 - lookup 1 objects ok 4306 - all lookups succeeded ok 4307 - set vivified ok 4308 - now marked as loaded ok 4309 - lookup 3 objects ok 4310 - all lookups succeeded ok 4311 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 4312 - members ok 4313 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 4314 - members ok 4315 - set size is 0 ok 4316 - no members ok 4317 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 4318 - lookup 3 objects ok 4319 - all lookups succeeded ok 4320 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 4321 - lookup 1 objects ok 4322 - all lookups succeeded ok 4323 - removed element ok 4324 - set not loaded ok 4325 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 4326 - union is deferred ok 4327 - lookup 2 objects ok 4328 - all lookups succeeded ok 4329 - members ok 4330 - now it is loaded ok 4331 - lookup 3 objects ok 4332 - all lookups succeeded ok 4333 - union ok 4334 - no live objects ok 4335 - no live entries ok 4336 - no members ok 4337 - set not loaded ok 4338 - cleared ok 4339 - cleared set is loaded ok 4340 - no live objects ok 4341 - no live entries ok 4342 - lookup 3 objects ok 4343 - all lookups succeeded ok 4344 - stored 1 objects ok 4345 - no live objects ok 4346 - no live entries ok 4347 - lookup 1 objects ok 4348 - all lookups succeeded ok 4349 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 4350 - set size ok 4351 - lookup 1 objects ok 4352 - all lookups succeeded ok 4353 - members ok 4354 - loaded set ok 4355 - no live objects ok 4356 - no live entries ok 4357 - lookup 1 objects ok 4358 - all lookups succeeded ok 4359 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 4360 - set size ok 4361 - lookup 1 objects ok 4362 - all lookups succeeded ok 4363 - set size is 2 ok 4364 - set not loaded ok 4365 - stored 1 objects ok 4366 - set not loaded by ->store ok 4367 - no live objects ok 4368 - no live entries ok 4369 - lookup 1 objects ok 4370 - all lookups succeeded ok 4371 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 4372 - set size ok 4373 - lookup 2 objects ok 4374 - all lookups succeeded ok 4375 - members ok 4376 - loaded set ok 4377 - no live objects ok 4378 - no live entries ok 4379 - no error in fixture ok 4380 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 4381 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 4382 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 4383 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 4384 - stored 3 objects ok 4385 - no live objects ok 4386 - no live entries ok 4387 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4388 - one object ok 4389 - name attr ok 4390 - no live objects ok 4391 - no live entries ok 4392 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4393 - two objects ok 4394 - name attr ok 4395 - name attr ok 4396 - no error in fixture ok 4397 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 4398 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 4399 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 4400 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 4401 - stored 13 objects ok 4402 - no live objects ok 4403 - no live entries ok 4404 - lookup 1 objects ok 4405 - all lookups succeeded ok 4406 - reftype for scalar ok 4407 - value ok 4408 - no live objects ok 4409 - no live entries ok 4410 - lookup 1 objects ok 4411 - all lookups succeeded ok 4412 - plain hash ok 4413 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 4414 - keys ok 4415 - no live objects ok 4416 - no live entries ok 4417 - lookup 1 objects ok 4418 - all lookups succeeded ok 4419 - coderef ok 4420 - invoke closure ok 4421 - invoke closure ok 4422 - no live objects ok 4423 - no live entries ok 4424 - lookup 1 objects ok 4425 - all lookups succeeded ok 4426 - coderef ok 4427 - invoke closure ok 4428 - invoke closure ok 4429 - stored 1 objects ok 4430 - no live objects ok 4431 - no live entries ok 4432 - lookup 1 objects ok 4433 - all lookups succeeded ok 4434 - coderef ok 4435 - closure updated ok 4436 - no live objects ok 4437 - no live entries ok 4438 - lookup 1 objects ok 4439 - all lookups succeeded ok 4440 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4441 - class attr ok 4442 - does runtime role ok 4443 - role attr ok 4444 - anon class ok 4445 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 4446 - no live objects ok 4447 - no live entries ok 4448 - lookup 1 objects ok 4449 - all lookups succeeded ok 4450 - plain hash ok 4451 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 4452 - key order preserved ok 4453 - no live objects ok 4454 - no live entries ok 4455 - lookup 1 objects ok 4456 - all lookups succeeded ok 4457 - The object isa DateTime ok 4458 - no live objects ok 4459 - no live entries ok 4460 - lookup 1 objects ok 4461 - all lookups succeeded ok 4462 - The object isa DateTime ok 4463 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 4464 - no live objects ok 4465 - no live entries ok 4466 - lookup 1 objects ok 4467 - all lookups succeeded ok 4468 - The object isa URI ok 4469 - uri ok 4470 - no live objects ok 4471 - no live entries ok 4472 - lookup 1 objects ok 4473 - all lookups succeeded ok 4474 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 4475 - The object isa URI ok 4476 - no live objects ok 4477 - no live entries ok 4478 - lookup 1 objects ok 4479 - all lookups succeeded ok 4480 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 4481 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 4482 - basename ok 4483 - no live objects ok 4484 - no live entries ok 4485 - lookup 1 objects ok 4486 - all lookups succeeded ok 4487 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 4488 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 4489 - trait attr ok 4490 - normal attr ok 4491 - no live objects ok 4492 - no live entries ok 4493 - lookup 1 objects ok 4494 - all lookups succeeded ok 4495 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 4496 - role attr ok 4497 - lookup 1 objects ok 4498 - all lookups succeeded ok 4499 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 4500 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 4501 - role attr ok 4502 - no error in fixture ok 4503 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 4504 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 4505 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 4506 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 4507 - stored 1 objects ok 4508 - no live objects ok 4509 - no live entries ok 4510 - lookup 1 objects ok 4511 - all lookups succeeded ok 4512 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4513 - preserved is_utf8 ok 4514 - correct value ok 4515 - transaction finished without errors ok 4516 - no error in fixture ok 4517 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 4518 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 4519 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 4520 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 4521 - stored 1024 objects ok 4522 - no live objects ok 4523 - no live entries ok 4524 - lookup 1024 objects ok 4525 - all lookups succeeded ok 4526 - no live objects ok 4527 - no live entries ok 4528 - no error in fixture ok 4529 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 4530 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 4531 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 4532 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 4533 - stored 3 objects ok 4534 - no live objects ok 4535 - no live entries ok 4536 - lookup D864DD6E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 4537 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4538 - ref to other object ok 4539 - mututal ref ok 4540 - ref in auxillary structure ok 4541 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 4542 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 4543 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 4544 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 4545 - Putin is paranoid ok 4546 - updated 1 objects ok 4547 - transaction finished without errors ok 4548 - no live objects ok 4549 - no live entries ok 4550 - lookup D864DD6E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 4551 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4552 - Georgia got plastered ok 4553 - correct live objects ok 4554 - Putin is a dead object ok 4555 - updated live objects ok 4556 - transaction finished without errors ok 4557 - no live objects ok 4558 - no live entries ok 4559 - lookup D866965E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 4560 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4561 - inter object rels ok 4562 - updated 1 objects ok 4563 - transaction finished without errors ok 4564 - no live objects ok 4565 - no live entries ok 4566 - lookup D866965E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 4567 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4568 - name ok 4569 - transaction finished without errors ok 4570 - no live objects ok 4571 - no live entries ok 4572 - lookup D865D00C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 4573 - correct live objects ok 4574 - updated 1 objects ok 4575 - updated 1 objects ok 4576 - updated 1 objects ok 4577 - updated 1 objects ok 4578 - transaction finished without errors ok 4579 - no live objects ok 4580 - no live entries ok 4581 - lookup D865D00C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 4582 - updated in storage ok 4583 - deleted 1 objects ok 4584 - D865D00C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4585 - lookup no longer returns object ok 4586 - transaction finished without errors ok 4587 - no live objects ok 4588 - no live entries ok 4589 - D865D00C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4590 - no error in fixture ok 4591 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 4592 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 4593 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 4594 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 4595 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4596 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 4597 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4598 - stored 2 objects ok 4599 - correct live objects ok 4600 - no live objects ok 4601 - no live entries ok 4602 - [D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 4603 - lookup 1 objects ok 4604 - all lookups succeeded ok 4605 - name attr ok 4606 - updated 1 objects ok 4607 - successful transaction ok 4608 - name attr ok 4609 - no live objects ok 4610 - no live entries ok 4611 - lookup 1 objects ok 4612 - all lookups succeeded ok 4613 - updated 1 objects ok 4614 - failed transaction ok 4615 - name not rolled back in live object ok 4616 - no live objects ok 4617 - no live entries ok 4618 - lookup 1 objects ok 4619 - all lookups succeeded ok 4620 - name rolled back in DB ok 4621 - no live objects ok 4622 - no live entries ok 4623 - lookup 1 objects ok 4624 - all lookups succeeded ok 4625 - name attr ok 4626 - updated 1 objects ok 4627 - updated 1 objects ok 4628 - failed transaction ok 4629 - name attr of object ok 4630 - no live objects ok 4631 - no live entries ok 4632 - lookup 1 objects ok 4633 - all lookups succeeded ok 4634 - name rolled back in DB ok 4635 - no live objects ok 4636 - no live entries ok 4637 - lookup 1 objects ok 4638 - all lookups succeeded ok 4639 - updated 1 objects ok 4640 - lookup 1 objects ok 4641 - all lookups succeeded ok 4642 - deleted 1 objects ok 4643 - D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4644 - failed transaction ok 4645 - [D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 4646 - no live objects ok 4647 - no live entries ok 4648 - [D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 4649 - lookup 1 objects ok 4650 - all lookups succeeded ok 4651 - no live objects ok 4652 - no live entries ok 4653 - deleted 1 objects ok 4654 - D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4655 - failed transaction ok 4656 - [D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 4657 - no live objects ok 4658 - no live entries ok 4659 - [D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 4660 - deleted 1 objects ok 4661 - D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4662 - D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4663 - no live objects ok 4664 - no live entries ok 4665 - D879613A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4666 - no error in fixture ok 4667 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 4668 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 4669 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 4670 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 4671 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 4672 - stored 3 objects ok 4673 - no live objects ok 4674 - no live entries ok 4675 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4676 - root set ok 4677 - root set IDs ok 4678 - transaction finished without errors ok 4679 - inserted 1 objects ok 4680 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4681 - root set reflects insertion ok 4682 - root set IDs are the same ok 4683 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 4684 - root set rolled back ok 4685 - ids are the same ok 4686 - transaction finished without errors ok 4687 - transaction finished without errors ok 4688 - got an ID for foo ok 4689 - deleted 1 objects ok 4690 - root set reflects deletion ok 4691 - root set IDs are the same ok 4692 - inserted 1 objects ok 4693 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4694 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 4695 - root set IDs are the same ok 4696 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 4697 - root set ok 4698 - ids are the same ok 4699 - transaction finished without errors ok 4700 - all entries ok 4701 - all IDs ok 4702 - transaction finished without errors ok 4703 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4704 - inserted 1 objects ok 4705 - one entry ok 4706 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4707 - transaction finished without errors ok 4708 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4709 - rolled back ok 4710 - all entries restored ok 4711 - all IDs ok 4712 - transaction finished without errors ok 4713 - transaction finished without errors ok 4714 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 4715 - transaction finished without errors ok 4716 - no error in fixture ok 4717 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 4718 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 4719 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 4720 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 4721 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 4722 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4723 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 4724 - stored 2 objects ok 4725 - correct live objects ok 4726 - no live objects ok 4727 - no live entries ok 4728 - lookup 1 objects ok 4729 - all lookups succeeded ok 4730 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4731 - name attr ok 4732 - update ok 4733 - no live objects ok 4734 - no live entries ok 4735 - lookup 1 objects ok 4736 - all lookups succeeded ok 4737 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 4738 - data attr ok 4739 - update (noop) ok 4740 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 4741 - no live objects ok 4742 - no live entries ok 4743 - can't insert duplicate ok 4744 - no live objects ok 4745 - no live entries ok 4746 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 4747 - no live objects ok 4748 - no live entries ok 4749 - lookup 1 objects ok 4750 - all lookups succeeded ok 4751 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 4752 - no live objects ok 4753 - no live entries ok 4754 - no error in fixture ok 4755 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 4756 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 4757 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 4758 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 4759 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4760 - stored 1 objects ok 4761 - correct live objects ok 4762 - no live objects ok 4763 - no live entries ok 4764 - lookup 1 objects ok 4765 - all lookups succeeded ok 4766 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4767 - name ok 4768 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 4769 - age attr ok 4770 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 4771 - no error in refresh ok 4772 - age updated ok 4773 - transaction finished without errors ok 4774 - no error in fixture ok 4775 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 4776 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 4777 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 4778 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 4779 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4780 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 4781 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4782 - stored 2 objects ok 4783 - correct live objects ok 4784 - no live objects ok 4785 - no live entries ok 4786 - lookup 2 objects ok 4787 - all lookups succeeded ok 4788 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4789 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 4790 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4791 - entry is associated with object ok 4792 - the right object ok 4793 - name ok 4794 - parents ok 4795 - array ref ok 4796 - one parent ok 4797 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4798 - parent name ok 4799 - company ok 4800 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 4801 - name ok 4802 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 4803 - transaction finished without errors ok 4804 - no error in fixture ok 4805 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 4806 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 4807 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 4808 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 4809 - stored 1 objects ok 4810 - no live objects ok 4811 - no live entries ok 4812 - lookup 1 objects ok 4813 - all lookups succeeded ok 4814 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4815 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4816 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4817 - transaction finished without errors ok 4818 - no live objects ok 4819 - no live entries ok 4820 - lookup 1 objects ok 4821 - all lookups succeeded ok 4822 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4823 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4824 - updated 1 objects ok 4825 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4826 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4827 - transaction finished without errors ok 4828 - no live objects ok 4829 - no live entries ok 4830 - lookup 1 objects ok 4831 - all lookups succeeded ok 4832 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4833 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4834 - [root_person D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4835 - updated 1 objects ok 4836 - [root_person D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4837 - transaction finished without errors ok 4838 - no live objects ok 4839 - no live entries ok 4840 - lookup 1 objects ok 4841 - all lookups succeeded ok 4842 - [root_person D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4843 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4844 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4845 - transaction finished without errors ok 4846 - no live objects ok 4847 - no live entries ok 4848 - lookup 1 objects ok 4849 - all lookups succeeded ok 4850 - [root_person D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4851 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4852 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4853 - updated 1 objects ok 4854 - transaction finished without errors ok 4855 - no live objects ok 4856 - no live entries ok 4857 - lookup 1 objects ok 4858 - all lookups succeeded ok 4859 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 4860 - [D89F7294-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 4861 - transaction finished without errors ok 4862 - no error in fixture ok 4863 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 4864 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 4865 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 4866 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 4867 - stored 2 objects ok 4868 - no live objects ok 4869 - no live entries ok 4870 - lookup 2 objects ok 4871 - all lookups succeeded ok 4872 - transaction finished without errors ok 4873 - transaction finished without errors ok 4874 - D8A7FDB0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 D8A8254C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 4875 - transaction finished without errors ok 4876 - no error in fixture ok 4877 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 4878 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 4879 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 4880 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 4881 - stored 2 objects ok 4882 - no live objects ok 4883 - no live entries ok 4884 - lookup 2 objects ok 4885 - all lookups succeeded ok 4886 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4887 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 4888 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 4889 - decoded cleanly ok 4890 - decoded to correct value ok 4891 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 4892 - bytes not truncated ok 4893 - bytes equal ok 4894 - transaction finished without errors ok 4895 - no error in fixture ok 4896 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 4897 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 4898 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 4899 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 4900 - stored 1 objects ok 4901 - no live objects ok 4902 - no live entries ok 4903 - no live objects ok 4904 - no live entries ok 4905 - lookup 1 objects ok 4906 - all lookups succeeded ok 4907 - id is object digest ok 4908 - field retained ok 4909 - transaction finished without errors ok 4910 - no live objects ok 4911 - no live entries ok 4912 - inserted 1 objects ok 4913 - transaction finished without errors ok 4914 - no live objects ok 4915 - no live entries ok 4916 - lookup 1 objects ok 4917 - all lookups succeeded ok 4918 - inserted 1 objects not ok 4919 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 4920 - transaction finished without errors ok 4921 - no live objects ok 4922 - no live entries ok 4923 - lookup 1 objects ok 4924 - all lookups succeeded ok 4925 - inserted 1 objects ok 4926 - got a new ID ok 4927 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 4928 - transaction finished without errors ok 4929 - no live objects ok 4930 - no live entries ok 4931 - no error in fixture ok 4932 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 4933 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 4934 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 4935 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 4936 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 4937 - stored 3 objects ok 4938 - no live objects ok 4939 - no live entries ok 4940 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4941 - root set ok 4942 - root set IDs ok 4943 - transaction finished without errors ok 4944 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4945 - nonroot entries ok 4946 - nonroot IDs ok 4947 - transaction finished without errors ok 4948 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 4949 - all entries ok 4950 - all IDs ok 4951 - transaction finished without errors ok 4952 - no error in fixture ok 4953 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 4954 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 4955 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 4956 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 4957 - stored 3 objects ok 4958 - no live objects ok 4959 - no live entries ok 4960 - lookup 3 objects ok 4961 - all lookups succeeded ok 4962 - no members ok 4963 - set members ok 4964 - set is loaded ok 4965 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 4966 - set still loaded ok 4967 - inserting ID of live object ok 4968 - set still loaded ok 4969 - members ok 4970 - removed element ok 4971 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 4972 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 4973 - members ok 4974 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 4975 - members ok 4976 - set not loaded ok 4977 - lookup 1 objects ok 4978 - all lookups succeeded ok 4979 - set vivified ok 4980 - now marked as loaded ok 4981 - lookup 3 objects ok 4982 - all lookups succeeded ok 4983 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 4984 - members ok 4985 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 4986 - members ok 4987 - set size is 0 ok 4988 - no members ok 4989 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 4990 - lookup 3 objects ok 4991 - all lookups succeeded ok 4992 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 4993 - lookup 1 objects ok 4994 - all lookups succeeded ok 4995 - removed element ok 4996 - set not loaded ok 4997 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 4998 - union is deferred ok 4999 - lookup 2 objects ok 5000 - all lookups succeeded ok 5001 - members ok 5002 - now it is loaded ok 5003 - lookup 3 objects ok 5004 - all lookups succeeded ok 5005 - union ok 5006 - no live objects ok 5007 - no live entries ok 5008 - no members ok 5009 - set not loaded ok 5010 - cleared ok 5011 - cleared set is loaded ok 5012 - no live objects ok 5013 - no live entries ok 5014 - lookup 3 objects ok 5015 - all lookups succeeded ok 5016 - stored 1 objects ok 5017 - no live objects ok 5018 - no live entries ok 5019 - lookup 1 objects ok 5020 - all lookups succeeded ok 5021 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5022 - set size ok 5023 - lookup 1 objects ok 5024 - all lookups succeeded ok 5025 - members ok 5026 - loaded set ok 5027 - no live objects ok 5028 - no live entries ok 5029 - lookup 1 objects ok 5030 - all lookups succeeded ok 5031 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5032 - set size ok 5033 - lookup 1 objects ok 5034 - all lookups succeeded ok 5035 - set size is 2 ok 5036 - set not loaded ok 5037 - stored 1 objects ok 5038 - set not loaded by ->store ok 5039 - no live objects ok 5040 - no live entries ok 5041 - lookup 1 objects ok 5042 - all lookups succeeded ok 5043 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5044 - set size ok 5045 - lookup 2 objects ok 5046 - all lookups succeeded ok 5047 - members ok 5048 - loaded set ok 5049 - no live objects ok 5050 - no live entries ok 5051 - no error in fixture ok 5052 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 5053 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 5054 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5055 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5056 - stored 3 objects ok 5057 - no live objects ok 5058 - no live entries ok 5059 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5060 - one object ok 5061 - name attr ok 5062 - no live objects ok 5063 - no live entries ok 5064 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5065 - two objects ok 5066 - name attr ok 5067 - name attr ok 5068 - no error in fixture ok 5069 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5070 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5071 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5072 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5073 - stored 13 objects ok 5074 - no live objects ok 5075 - no live entries ok 5076 - lookup 1 objects ok 5077 - all lookups succeeded ok 5078 - reftype for scalar ok 5079 - value ok 5080 - no live objects ok 5081 - no live entries ok 5082 - lookup 1 objects ok 5083 - all lookups succeeded ok 5084 - plain hash ok 5085 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 5086 - keys ok 5087 - no live objects ok 5088 - no live entries ok 5089 - lookup 1 objects ok 5090 - all lookups succeeded ok 5091 - coderef ok 5092 - invoke closure ok 5093 - invoke closure ok 5094 - no live objects ok 5095 - no live entries ok 5096 - lookup 1 objects ok 5097 - all lookups succeeded ok 5098 - coderef ok 5099 - invoke closure ok 5100 - invoke closure ok 5101 - stored 1 objects ok 5102 - no live objects ok 5103 - no live entries ok 5104 - lookup 1 objects ok 5105 - all lookups succeeded ok 5106 - coderef ok 5107 - closure updated ok 5108 - no live objects ok 5109 - no live entries ok 5110 - lookup 1 objects ok 5111 - all lookups succeeded ok 5112 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5113 - class attr ok 5114 - does runtime role ok 5115 - role attr ok 5116 - anon class ok 5117 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 5118 - no live objects ok 5119 - no live entries ok 5120 - lookup 1 objects ok 5121 - all lookups succeeded ok 5122 - plain hash ok 5123 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 5124 - key order preserved ok 5125 - no live objects ok 5126 - no live entries ok 5127 - lookup 1 objects ok 5128 - all lookups succeeded ok 5129 - The object isa DateTime ok 5130 - no live objects ok 5131 - no live entries ok 5132 - lookup 1 objects ok 5133 - all lookups succeeded ok 5134 - The object isa DateTime ok 5135 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 5136 - no live objects ok 5137 - no live entries ok 5138 - lookup 1 objects ok 5139 - all lookups succeeded ok 5140 - The object isa URI ok 5141 - uri ok 5142 - no live objects ok 5143 - no live entries ok 5144 - lookup 1 objects ok 5145 - all lookups succeeded ok 5146 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 5147 - The object isa URI ok 5148 - no live objects ok 5149 - no live entries ok 5150 - lookup 1 objects ok 5151 - all lookups succeeded ok 5152 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 5153 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 5154 - basename ok 5155 - no live objects ok 5156 - no live entries ok 5157 - lookup 1 objects ok 5158 - all lookups succeeded ok 5159 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 5160 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 5161 - trait attr ok 5162 - normal attr ok 5163 - no live objects ok 5164 - no live entries ok 5165 - lookup 1 objects ok 5166 - all lookups succeeded ok 5167 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 5168 - role attr ok 5169 - lookup 1 objects ok 5170 - all lookups succeeded ok 5171 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 5172 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 5173 - role attr ok 5174 - no error in fixture ok 5175 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5176 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5177 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 5178 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 5179 - stored 1 objects ok 5180 - no live objects ok 5181 - no live entries ok 5182 - lookup 1 objects ok 5183 - all lookups succeeded ok 5184 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5185 - preserved is_utf8 ok 5186 - correct value ok 5187 - transaction finished without errors ok 5188 - no error in fixture ok 5189 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 5190 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 5191 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 5192 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 5193 - stored 1024 objects ok 5194 - no live objects ok 5195 - no live entries ok 5196 - lookup 1024 objects ok 5197 - all lookups succeeded ok 5198 - no live objects ok 5199 - no live entries ok 5200 - no error in fixture ok 5201 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 5202 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 5203 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5204 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5205 - stored 3 objects ok 5206 - no live objects ok 5207 - no live entries ok 5208 - lookup D9E4A0FC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5209 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5210 - ref to other object ok 5211 - mututal ref ok 5212 - ref in auxillary structure ok 5213 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 5214 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 5215 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 5216 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 5217 - Putin is paranoid ok 5218 - updated 1 objects ok 5219 - transaction finished without errors ok 5220 - no live objects ok 5221 - no live entries ok 5222 - lookup D9E4A0FC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5223 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5224 - Georgia got plastered ok 5225 - correct live objects ok 5226 - Putin is a dead object ok 5227 - updated live objects ok 5228 - transaction finished without errors ok 5229 - no live objects ok 5230 - no live entries ok 5231 - lookup D9E65A28-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5232 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5233 - inter object rels ok 5234 - updated 1 objects ok 5235 - transaction finished without errors ok 5236 - no live objects ok 5237 - no live entries ok 5238 - lookup D9E65A28-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5239 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5240 - name ok 5241 - transaction finished without errors ok 5242 - no live objects ok 5243 - no live entries ok 5244 - lookup D9E5916A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5245 - correct live objects ok 5246 - updated 1 objects ok 5247 - updated 1 objects ok 5248 - updated 1 objects ok 5249 - updated 1 objects ok 5250 - transaction finished without errors ok 5251 - no live objects ok 5252 - no live entries ok 5253 - lookup D9E5916A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5254 - updated in storage ok 5255 - deleted 1 objects ok 5256 - D9E5916A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5257 - lookup no longer returns object ok 5258 - transaction finished without errors ok 5259 - no live objects ok 5260 - no live entries ok 5261 - D9E5916A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5262 - no error in fixture ok 5263 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5264 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5265 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 5266 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 5267 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5268 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 5269 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5270 - stored 2 objects ok 5271 - correct live objects ok 5272 - no live objects ok 5273 - no live entries ok 5274 - [D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5275 - lookup 1 objects ok 5276 - all lookups succeeded ok 5277 - name attr ok 5278 - updated 1 objects ok 5279 - successful transaction ok 5280 - name attr ok 5281 - no live objects ok 5282 - no live entries ok 5283 - lookup 1 objects ok 5284 - all lookups succeeded ok 5285 - updated 1 objects ok 5286 - failed transaction ok 5287 - name not rolled back in live object ok 5288 - no live objects ok 5289 - no live entries ok 5290 - lookup 1 objects ok 5291 - all lookups succeeded ok 5292 - name rolled back in DB ok 5293 - no live objects ok 5294 - no live entries ok 5295 - lookup 1 objects ok 5296 - all lookups succeeded ok 5297 - name attr ok 5298 - updated 1 objects ok 5299 - updated 1 objects ok 5300 - failed transaction ok 5301 - name attr of object ok 5302 - no live objects ok 5303 - no live entries ok 5304 - lookup 1 objects ok 5305 - all lookups succeeded ok 5306 - name rolled back in DB ok 5307 - no live objects ok 5308 - no live entries ok 5309 - lookup 1 objects ok 5310 - all lookups succeeded ok 5311 - updated 1 objects ok 5312 - lookup 1 objects ok 5313 - all lookups succeeded ok 5314 - deleted 1 objects ok 5315 - D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5316 - failed transaction ok 5317 - [D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5318 - no live objects ok 5319 - no live entries ok 5320 - [D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5321 - lookup 1 objects ok 5322 - all lookups succeeded ok 5323 - no live objects ok 5324 - no live entries ok 5325 - deleted 1 objects ok 5326 - D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5327 - failed transaction ok 5328 - [D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5329 - no live objects ok 5330 - no live entries ok 5331 - [D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5332 - deleted 1 objects ok 5333 - D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5334 - D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5335 - no live objects ok 5336 - no live entries ok 5337 - D9F8802C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5338 - no error in fixture ok 5339 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 5340 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 5341 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 5342 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 5343 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 5344 - stored 3 objects ok 5345 - no live objects ok 5346 - no live entries ok 5347 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5348 - root set ok 5349 - root set IDs ok 5350 - transaction finished without errors ok 5351 - inserted 1 objects ok 5352 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5353 - root set reflects insertion ok 5354 - root set IDs are the same ok 5355 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 5356 - root set rolled back ok 5357 - ids are the same ok 5358 - transaction finished without errors ok 5359 - transaction finished without errors ok 5360 - got an ID for foo ok 5361 - deleted 1 objects ok 5362 - root set reflects deletion ok 5363 - root set IDs are the same ok 5364 - inserted 1 objects ok 5365 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5366 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 5367 - root set IDs are the same ok 5368 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 5369 - root set ok 5370 - ids are the same ok 5371 - transaction finished without errors ok 5372 - all entries ok 5373 - all IDs ok 5374 - transaction finished without errors ok 5375 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 5376 - inserted 1 objects ok 5377 - one entry ok 5378 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 5379 - transaction finished without errors ok 5380 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 5381 - rolled back ok 5382 - all entries restored ok 5383 - all IDs ok 5384 - transaction finished without errors ok 5385 - transaction finished without errors ok 5386 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 5387 - transaction finished without errors ok 5388 - no error in fixture ok 5389 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 5390 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 5391 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 5392 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 5393 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 5394 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5395 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 5396 - stored 2 objects ok 5397 - correct live objects ok 5398 - no live objects ok 5399 - lookup 1 objects ok 5400 - all lookups succeeded ok 5401 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5402 - name attr ok 5403 - update ok 5404 - no live objects ok 5405 - no live entries ok 5406 - lookup 1 objects ok 5407 - all lookups succeeded ok 5408 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 5409 - data attr ok 5410 - update (noop) ok 5411 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 5412 - no live objects ok 5413 - no live entries ok 5414 - can't insert duplicate ok 5415 - no live objects ok 5416 - no live entries ok 5417 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 5418 - no live objects ok 5419 - no live entries ok 5420 - lookup 1 objects ok 5421 - all lookups succeeded ok 5422 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 5423 - no live objects ok 5424 - no live entries ok 5425 - no error in fixture ok 5426 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 5427 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 5428 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 5429 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 5430 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5431 - stored 1 objects ok 5432 - correct live objects ok 5433 - no live objects ok 5434 - lookup 1 objects ok 5435 - all lookups succeeded ok 5436 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5437 - name ok 5438 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 5439 - age attr ok 5440 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 5441 - no error in refresh ok 5442 - age updated ok 5443 - transaction finished without errors ok 5444 - no error in fixture ok 5445 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 5446 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 5447 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 5448 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 5449 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5450 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 5451 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5452 - stored 2 objects ok 5453 - correct live objects ok 5454 - no live objects ok 5455 - lookup 2 objects ok 5456 - all lookups succeeded ok 5457 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5458 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 5459 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5460 - entry is associated with object ok 5461 - the right object ok 5462 - name ok 5463 - parents ok 5464 - array ref ok 5465 - one parent ok 5466 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5467 - parent name ok 5468 - company ok 5469 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 5470 - name ok 5471 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 5472 - transaction finished without errors ok 5473 - no error in fixture ok 5474 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 5475 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 5476 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 5477 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 5478 - stored 1 objects ok 5479 - no live objects ok 5480 - lookup 1 objects ok 5481 - all lookups succeeded ok 5482 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5483 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5484 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5485 - transaction finished without errors ok 5486 - no live objects ok 5487 - no live entries ok 5488 - lookup 1 objects ok 5489 - all lookups succeeded ok 5490 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5491 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5492 - updated 1 objects ok 5493 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5494 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5495 - transaction finished without errors ok 5496 - no live objects ok 5497 - no live entries ok 5498 - lookup 1 objects ok 5499 - all lookups succeeded ok 5500 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5501 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5502 - [root_person DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5503 - updated 1 objects ok 5504 - [root_person DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5505 - transaction finished without errors ok 5506 - no live objects ok 5507 - no live entries ok 5508 - lookup 1 objects ok 5509 - all lookups succeeded ok 5510 - [root_person DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5511 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5512 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5513 - transaction finished without errors ok 5514 - no live objects ok 5515 - no live entries ok 5516 - lookup 1 objects ok 5517 - all lookups succeeded ok 5518 - [root_person DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5519 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5520 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5521 - updated 1 objects ok 5522 - transaction finished without errors ok 5523 - no live objects ok 5524 - no live entries ok 5525 - lookup 1 objects ok 5526 - all lookups succeeded ok 5527 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 5528 - [DA21D33C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 5529 - transaction finished without errors ok 5530 - no error in fixture ok 5531 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 5532 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 5533 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 5534 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 5535 - stored 2 objects ok 5536 - no live objects ok 5537 - lookup 2 objects ok 5538 - all lookups succeeded ok 5539 - transaction finished without errors ok 5540 - transaction finished without errors ok 5541 - DA2A7226-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 DA2A9490-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5542 - transaction finished without errors ok 5543 - no error in fixture ok 5544 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 5545 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 5546 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 5547 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 5548 - stored 2 objects ok 5549 - no live objects ok 5550 - lookup 2 objects ok 5551 - all lookups succeeded ok 5552 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5553 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5554 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 5555 - decoded cleanly ok 5556 - decoded to correct value ok 5557 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 5558 - bytes not truncated ok 5559 - bytes equal ok 5560 - transaction finished without errors ok 5561 - no error in fixture ok 5562 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 5563 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 5564 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 5565 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 5566 - stored 1 objects ok 5567 - no live objects ok 5568 - no live objects ok 5569 - no live entries ok 5570 - lookup 1 objects ok 5571 - all lookups succeeded ok 5572 - id is object digest ok 5573 - field retained ok 5574 - transaction finished without errors ok 5575 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 5576 - correct live objects ok 5577 - no live objects ok 5578 - no live entries ok 5579 - inserted 1 objects ok 5580 - transaction finished without errors ok 5581 - no live objects ok 5582 - no live entries ok 5583 - lookup 1 objects ok 5584 - all lookups succeeded ok 5585 - inserted 1 objects not ok 5586 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 5587 - transaction finished without errors ok 5588 - no live objects ok 5589 - no live entries ok 5590 - lookup 1 objects ok 5591 - all lookups succeeded ok 5592 - inserted 1 objects ok 5593 - got a new ID ok 5594 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 5595 - transaction finished without errors ok 5596 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 5597 - correct live objects ok 5598 - no live objects ok 5599 - no live entries ok 5600 - no error in fixture ok 5601 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 5602 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 5603 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 5604 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 5605 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 5606 - stored 3 objects ok 5607 - no live objects ok 5608 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5609 - root set ok 5610 - root set IDs ok 5611 - transaction finished without errors ok 5612 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5613 - nonroot entries ok 5614 - nonroot IDs ok 5615 - transaction finished without errors ok 5616 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5617 - all entries ok 5618 - all IDs ok 5619 - transaction finished without errors ok 5620 - no error in fixture ok 5621 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 5622 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 5623 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 5624 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 5625 - stored 3 objects ok 5626 - no live objects ok 5627 - lookup 3 objects ok 5628 - all lookups succeeded ok 5629 - no members ok 5630 - set members ok 5631 - set is loaded ok 5632 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 5633 - set still loaded ok 5634 - inserting ID of live object ok 5635 - set still loaded ok 5636 - members ok 5637 - removed element ok 5638 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 5639 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 5640 - members ok 5641 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 5642 - members ok 5643 - set not loaded ok 5644 - lookup 1 objects ok 5645 - all lookups succeeded ok 5646 - set vivified ok 5647 - now marked as loaded ok 5648 - lookup 3 objects ok 5649 - all lookups succeeded ok 5650 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 5651 - members ok 5652 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 5653 - members ok 5654 - set size is 0 ok 5655 - no members ok 5656 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 5657 - lookup 3 objects ok 5658 - all lookups succeeded ok 5659 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 5660 - lookup 1 objects ok 5661 - all lookups succeeded ok 5662 - removed element ok 5663 - set not loaded ok 5664 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5665 - union is deferred ok 5666 - lookup 2 objects ok 5667 - all lookups succeeded ok 5668 - members ok 5669 - now it is loaded ok 5670 - lookup 3 objects ok 5671 - all lookups succeeded ok 5672 - union ok 5673 - no live objects ok 5674 - no live entries ok 5675 - no members ok 5676 - set not loaded ok 5677 - cleared ok 5678 - cleared set is loaded ok 5679 - no live objects ok 5680 - no live entries ok 5681 - lookup 3 objects ok 5682 - all lookups succeeded ok 5683 - stored 1 objects ok 5684 - no live objects ok 5685 - no live entries ok 5686 - lookup 1 objects ok 5687 - all lookups succeeded ok 5688 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5689 - set size ok 5690 - lookup 1 objects ok 5691 - all lookups succeeded ok 5692 - members ok 5693 - loaded set ok 5694 - no live objects ok 5695 - no live entries ok 5696 - lookup 1 objects ok 5697 - all lookups succeeded ok 5698 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5699 - set size ok 5700 - lookup 1 objects ok 5701 - all lookups succeeded ok 5702 - set size is 2 ok 5703 - set not loaded ok 5704 - stored 1 objects ok 5705 - set not loaded by ->store ok 5706 - no live objects ok 5707 - no live entries ok 5708 - lookup 1 objects ok 5709 - all lookups succeeded ok 5710 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 5711 - set size ok 5712 - lookup 2 objects ok 5713 - all lookups succeeded ok 5714 - members ok 5715 - loaded set ok 5716 - no live objects ok 5717 - no live entries ok 5718 - no error in fixture ok 5719 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 5720 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 5721 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5722 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5723 - stored 3 objects ok 5724 - no live objects ok 5725 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5726 - one object ok 5727 - name attr ok 5728 - no live objects ok 5729 - no live entries ok 5730 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 5731 - two objects ok 5732 - name attr ok 5733 - name attr ok 5734 - no error in fixture ok 5735 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5736 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 5737 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5738 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5739 - stored 13 objects ok 5740 - no live objects ok 5741 - lookup 1 objects ok 5742 - all lookups succeeded ok 5743 - reftype for scalar ok 5744 - value ok 5745 - no live objects ok 5746 - no live entries ok 5747 - lookup 1 objects ok 5748 - all lookups succeeded ok 5749 - plain hash ok 5750 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 5751 - keys ok 5752 - no live objects ok 5753 - no live entries ok 5754 - lookup 1 objects ok 5755 - all lookups succeeded ok 5756 - coderef ok 5757 - invoke closure ok 5758 - invoke closure ok 5759 - no live objects ok 5760 - no live entries ok 5761 - lookup 1 objects ok 5762 - all lookups succeeded ok 5763 - coderef ok 5764 - invoke closure ok 5765 - invoke closure ok 5766 - stored 1 objects ok 5767 - no live objects ok 5768 - no live entries ok 5769 - lookup 1 objects ok 5770 - all lookups succeeded ok 5771 - coderef ok 5772 - closure updated ok 5773 - no live objects ok 5774 - no live entries ok 5775 - lookup 1 objects ok 5776 - all lookups succeeded ok 5777 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5778 - class attr ok 5779 - does runtime role ok 5780 - role attr ok 5781 - anon class ok 5782 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 5783 - no live objects ok 5784 - no live entries ok 5785 - lookup 1 objects ok 5786 - all lookups succeeded ok 5787 - plain hash ok 5788 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 5789 - key order preserved ok 5790 - no live objects ok 5791 - no live entries ok 5792 - lookup 1 objects ok 5793 - all lookups succeeded ok 5794 - The object isa DateTime ok 5795 - no live objects ok 5796 - no live entries ok 5797 - lookup 1 objects ok 5798 - all lookups succeeded ok 5799 - The object isa DateTime ok 5800 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 5801 - no live objects ok 5802 - no live entries ok 5803 - lookup 1 objects ok 5804 - all lookups succeeded ok 5805 - The object isa URI ok 5806 - uri ok 5807 - no live objects ok 5808 - no live entries ok 5809 - lookup 1 objects ok 5810 - all lookups succeeded ok 5811 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 5812 - The object isa URI ok 5813 - no live objects ok 5814 - no live entries ok 5815 - lookup 1 objects ok 5816 - all lookups succeeded ok 5817 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 5818 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 5819 - basename ok 5820 - no live objects ok 5821 - no live entries ok 5822 - lookup 1 objects ok 5823 - all lookups succeeded ok 5824 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 5825 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 5826 - trait attr ok 5827 - normal attr ok 5828 - no live objects ok 5829 - no live entries ok 5830 - lookup 1 objects ok 5831 - all lookups succeeded ok 5832 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 5833 - role attr ok 5834 - lookup 1 objects ok 5835 - all lookups succeeded ok 5836 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 5837 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 5838 - role attr ok 5839 - no error in fixture ok 5840 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5841 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 5842 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 5843 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 5844 - stored 1 objects ok 5845 - no live objects ok 5846 - lookup 1 objects ok 5847 - all lookups succeeded ok 5848 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5849 - preserved is_utf8 ok 5850 - correct value ok 5851 - transaction finished without errors ok 5852 - no error in fixture ok 5853 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 5854 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 5855 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 5856 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 5857 - stored 1024 objects ok 5858 - no live objects ok 5859 - no live entries ok 5860 - lookup 1024 objects ok 5861 - all lookups succeeded ok 5862 - no live objects ok 5863 - no live entries ok 5864 - no error in fixture ok 5865 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 5866 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 5867 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5868 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5869 - stored 3 objects ok 5870 - no live objects ok 5871 - no live entries ok 5872 - lookup DB5FA17A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5873 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5874 - ref to other object ok 5875 - mututal ref ok 5876 - ref in auxillary structure ok 5877 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 5878 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 5879 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 5880 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 5881 - Putin is paranoid ok 5882 - updated 1 objects ok 5883 - transaction finished without errors ok 5884 - no live objects ok 5885 - no live entries ok 5886 - lookup DB5FA17A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5887 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5888 - Georgia got plastered ok 5889 - correct live objects ok 5890 - Putin is a dead object ok 5891 - updated live objects ok 5892 - transaction finished without errors ok 5893 - no live objects ok 5894 - no live entries ok 5895 - lookup DB616A50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5896 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5897 - inter object rels ok 5898 - updated 1 objects ok 5899 - transaction finished without errors ok 5900 - no live objects ok 5901 - no live entries ok 5902 - lookup DB616A50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5903 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5904 - name ok 5905 - transaction finished without errors ok 5906 - no live objects ok 5907 - no live entries ok 5908 - lookup DB60AD04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5909 - correct live objects ok 5910 - updated 1 objects ok 5911 - updated 1 objects ok 5912 - updated 1 objects ok 5913 - updated 1 objects ok 5914 - transaction finished without errors ok 5915 - no live objects ok 5916 - no live entries ok 5917 - lookup DB60AD04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 5918 - updated in storage ok 5919 - deleted 1 objects ok 5920 - DB60AD04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5921 - lookup no longer returns object ok 5922 - transaction finished without errors ok 5923 - no live objects ok 5924 - no live entries ok 5925 - DB60AD04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5926 - no error in fixture ok 5927 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5928 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 5929 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 5930 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 5931 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5932 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 5933 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 5934 - stored 2 objects ok 5935 - correct live objects ok 5936 - no live objects ok 5937 - [DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5938 - lookup 1 objects ok 5939 - all lookups succeeded ok 5940 - name attr ok 5941 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 5942 - updated 1 objects ok 5943 - entry updated ok 5944 - parent of updated is orig ok 5945 - successful transaction ok 5946 - entry updated ok 5947 - parent of updated is orig ok 5948 - name attr ok 5949 - no live objects ok 5950 - no live entries ok 5951 - lookup 1 objects ok 5952 - all lookups succeeded ok 5953 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 5954 - updated 1 objects ok 5955 - entry updated ok 5956 - parent of updated is orig ok 5957 - failed transaction ok 5958 - entry rolled back ok 5959 - name not rolled back in live object ok 5960 - no live objects ok 5961 - no live entries ok 5962 - lookup 1 objects ok 5963 - all lookups succeeded ok 5964 - name rolled back in DB ok 5965 - no live objects ok 5966 - no live entries ok 5967 - lookup 1 objects ok 5968 - all lookups succeeded ok 5969 - name attr ok 5970 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 5971 - updated 1 objects ok 5972 - updated 1 objects ok 5973 - entry updated ok 5974 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 5975 - failed transaction ok 5976 - entry rolled back ok 5977 - name attr of object ok 5978 - no live objects ok 5979 - no live entries ok 5980 - lookup 1 objects ok 5981 - all lookups succeeded ok 5982 - name rolled back in DB ok 5983 - no live objects ok 5984 - no live entries ok 5985 - lookup 1 objects ok 5986 - all lookups succeeded ok 5987 - updated 1 objects ok 5988 - lookup 1 objects ok 5989 - all lookups succeeded ok 5990 - deleted 1 objects ok 5991 - DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 5992 - failed transaction ok 5993 - [DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5994 - no live objects ok 5995 - no live entries ok 5996 - [DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 5997 - lookup 1 objects ok 5998 - all lookups succeeded ok 5999 - no live objects ok 6000 - no live entries ok 6001 - deleted 1 objects ok 6002 - DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6003 - failed transaction ok 6004 - [DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6005 - no live objects ok 6006 - no live entries ok 6007 - [DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6008 - deleted 1 objects ok 6009 - DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6010 - DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6011 - no live objects ok 6012 - no live entries ok 6013 - DB725612-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6014 - no error in fixture ok 6015 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 6016 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 6017 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 6018 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6019 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6020 - stored 3 objects ok 6021 - no live objects ok 6022 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6023 - root set ok 6024 - root set IDs ok 6025 - transaction finished without errors ok 6026 - inserted 1 objects ok 6027 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6028 - root set reflects insertion ok 6029 - root set IDs are the same ok 6030 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 6031 - root set rolled back ok 6032 - ids are the same ok 6033 - transaction finished without errors ok 6034 - transaction finished without errors ok 6035 - got an ID for foo ok 6036 - deleted 1 objects ok 6037 - root set reflects deletion ok 6038 - root set IDs are the same ok 6039 - inserted 1 objects ok 6040 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6041 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 6042 - root set IDs are the same ok 6043 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 6044 - root set ok 6045 - ids are the same ok 6046 - transaction finished without errors ok 6047 - all entries ok 6048 - all IDs ok 6049 - transaction finished without errors ok 6050 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6051 - inserted 1 objects ok 6052 - one entry ok 6053 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6054 - transaction finished without errors ok 6055 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6056 - rolled back ok 6057 - all entries restored ok 6058 - all IDs ok 6059 - transaction finished without errors ok 6060 - transaction finished without errors ok 6061 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6062 - transaction finished without errors ok 6063 - no error in fixture ok 6064 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6065 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6066 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 6067 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 6068 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 6069 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6070 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 6071 - stored 2 objects ok 6072 - correct live objects ok 6073 - no live objects ok 6074 - lookup 1 objects ok 6075 - all lookups succeeded ok 6076 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6077 - name attr ok 6078 - update ok 6079 - no live objects ok 6080 - no live entries ok 6081 - lookup 1 objects ok 6082 - all lookups succeeded ok 6083 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 6084 - data attr ok 6085 - update (noop) ok 6086 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 6087 - no live objects ok 6088 - no live entries ok 6089 - can't insert duplicate ok 6090 - no live objects ok 6091 - no live entries ok 6092 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 6093 - no live objects ok 6094 - no live entries ok 6095 - lookup 1 objects ok 6096 - all lookups succeeded ok 6097 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 6098 - no live objects ok 6099 - no live entries ok 6100 - no error in fixture ok 6101 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 6102 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 6103 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 6104 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 6105 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6106 - stored 1 objects ok 6107 - correct live objects ok 6108 - no live objects ok 6109 - lookup 1 objects ok 6110 - all lookups succeeded ok 6111 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6112 - name ok 6113 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 6114 - age attr ok 6115 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 6116 - no error in refresh ok 6117 - age updated ok 6118 - transaction finished without errors ok 6119 - no error in fixture ok 6120 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 6121 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 6122 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 6123 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 6124 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6125 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 6126 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6127 - stored 2 objects ok 6128 - correct live objects ok 6129 - no live objects ok 6130 - lookup 2 objects ok 6131 - all lookups succeeded ok 6132 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6133 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 6134 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6135 - entry is associated with object ok 6136 - the right object ok 6137 - name ok 6138 - parents ok 6139 - array ref ok 6140 - one parent ok 6141 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6142 - parent name ok 6143 - company ok 6144 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 6145 - name ok 6146 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 6147 - transaction finished without errors ok 6148 - no error in fixture ok 6149 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 6150 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 6151 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 6152 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 6153 - stored 1 objects ok 6154 - no live objects ok 6155 - lookup 1 objects ok 6156 - all lookups succeeded ok 6157 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6158 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6159 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6160 - transaction finished without errors ok 6161 - no live objects ok 6162 - no live entries ok 6163 - lookup 1 objects ok 6164 - all lookups succeeded ok 6165 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6166 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6167 - updated 1 objects ok 6168 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6169 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6170 - transaction finished without errors ok 6171 - no live objects ok 6172 - no live entries ok 6173 - lookup 1 objects ok 6174 - all lookups succeeded ok 6175 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6176 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6177 - [root_person DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6178 - updated 1 objects ok 6179 - [root_person DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6180 - transaction finished without errors ok 6181 - no live objects ok 6182 - no live entries ok 6183 - lookup 1 objects ok 6184 - all lookups succeeded ok 6185 - [root_person DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6186 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6187 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6188 - transaction finished without errors ok 6189 - no live objects ok 6190 - no live entries ok 6191 - lookup 1 objects ok 6192 - all lookups succeeded ok 6193 - [root_person DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6194 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6195 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6196 - updated 1 objects ok 6197 - transaction finished without errors ok 6198 - no live objects ok 6199 - no live entries ok 6200 - lookup 1 objects ok 6201 - all lookups succeeded ok 6202 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6203 - [DB970E80-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6204 - transaction finished without errors ok 6205 - no error in fixture ok 6206 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 6207 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 6208 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 6209 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 6210 - stored 2 objects ok 6211 - no live objects ok 6212 - lookup 2 objects ok 6213 - all lookups succeeded ok 6214 - transaction finished without errors ok 6215 - transaction finished without errors ok 6216 - DB9FB51C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 DB9FE9A6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6217 - transaction finished without errors ok 6218 - no error in fixture ok 6219 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 6220 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 6221 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 6222 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 6223 - stored 2 objects ok 6224 - no live objects ok 6225 - lookup 2 objects ok 6226 - all lookups succeeded ok 6227 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6228 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6229 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 6230 - decoded cleanly ok 6231 - decoded to correct value ok 6232 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 6233 - bytes not truncated ok 6234 - bytes equal ok 6235 - transaction finished without errors ok 6236 - no error in fixture ok 6237 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 6238 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 6239 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 6240 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 6241 - stored 1 objects ok 6242 - no live objects ok 6243 - no live objects ok 6244 - no live entries ok 6245 - lookup 1 objects ok 6246 - all lookups succeeded ok 6247 - id is object digest ok 6248 - field retained ok 6249 - transaction finished without errors ok 6250 - no live objects ok 6251 - no live entries ok 6252 - inserted 1 objects ok 6253 - transaction finished without errors ok 6254 - no live objects ok 6255 - no live entries ok 6256 - lookup 1 objects ok 6257 - all lookups succeeded ok 6258 - inserted 1 objects not ok 6259 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 6260 - transaction finished without errors ok 6261 - no live objects ok 6262 - no live entries ok 6263 - lookup 1 objects ok 6264 - all lookups succeeded ok 6265 - inserted 1 objects ok 6266 - got a new ID ok 6267 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 6268 - transaction finished without errors ok 6269 - no live objects ok 6270 - no live entries ok 6271 - no error in fixture ok 6272 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 6273 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 6274 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 6275 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 6276 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 6277 - stored 3 objects ok 6278 - no live objects ok 6279 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6280 - root set ok 6281 - root set IDs ok 6282 - transaction finished without errors ok 6283 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6284 - nonroot entries ok 6285 - nonroot IDs ok 6286 - transaction finished without errors ok 6287 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6288 - all entries ok 6289 - all IDs ok 6290 - transaction finished without errors ok 6291 - no error in fixture ok 6292 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 6293 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 6294 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 6295 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 6296 - stored 3 objects ok 6297 - no live objects ok 6298 - lookup 3 objects ok 6299 - all lookups succeeded ok 6300 - no members ok 6301 - set members ok 6302 - set is loaded ok 6303 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 6304 - set still loaded ok 6305 - inserting ID of live object ok 6306 - set still loaded ok 6307 - members ok 6308 - removed element ok 6309 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 6310 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 6311 - members ok 6312 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 6313 - members ok 6314 - set not loaded ok 6315 - lookup 1 objects ok 6316 - all lookups succeeded ok 6317 - set vivified ok 6318 - now marked as loaded ok 6319 - lookup 3 objects ok 6320 - all lookups succeeded ok 6321 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 6322 - members ok 6323 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 6324 - members ok 6325 - set size is 0 ok 6326 - no members ok 6327 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 6328 - lookup 3 objects ok 6329 - all lookups succeeded ok 6330 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 6331 - lookup 1 objects ok 6332 - all lookups succeeded ok 6333 - removed element ok 6334 - set not loaded ok 6335 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 6336 - union is deferred ok 6337 - lookup 2 objects ok 6338 - all lookups succeeded ok 6339 - members ok 6340 - now it is loaded ok 6341 - lookup 3 objects ok 6342 - all lookups succeeded ok 6343 - union ok 6344 - no live objects ok 6345 - no live entries ok 6346 - no members ok 6347 - set not loaded ok 6348 - cleared ok 6349 - cleared set is loaded ok 6350 - no live objects ok 6351 - no live entries ok 6352 - lookup 3 objects ok 6353 - all lookups succeeded ok 6354 - stored 1 objects ok 6355 - no live objects ok 6356 - no live entries ok 6357 - lookup 1 objects ok 6358 - all lookups succeeded ok 6359 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 6360 - set size ok 6361 - lookup 1 objects ok 6362 - all lookups succeeded ok 6363 - members ok 6364 - loaded set ok 6365 - no live objects ok 6366 - no live entries ok 6367 - lookup 1 objects ok 6368 - all lookups succeeded ok 6369 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 6370 - set size ok 6371 - lookup 1 objects ok 6372 - all lookups succeeded ok 6373 - set size is 2 ok 6374 - set not loaded ok 6375 - stored 1 objects ok 6376 - set not loaded by ->store ok 6377 - no live objects ok 6378 - no live entries ok 6379 - lookup 1 objects ok 6380 - all lookups succeeded ok 6381 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 6382 - set size ok 6383 - lookup 2 objects ok 6384 - all lookups succeeded ok 6385 - members ok 6386 - loaded set ok 6387 - no live objects ok 6388 - no live entries ok 6389 - no error in fixture ok 6390 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 6391 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 6392 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 6393 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 6394 - stored 3 objects ok 6395 - no live objects ok 6396 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6397 - one object ok 6398 - name attr ok 6399 - no live objects ok 6400 - no live entries ok 6401 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6402 - two objects ok 6403 - name attr ok 6404 - name attr ok 6405 - no error in fixture ok 6406 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 6407 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 6408 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 6409 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 6410 - stored 13 objects ok 6411 - no live objects ok 6412 - lookup 1 objects ok 6413 - all lookups succeeded ok 6414 - reftype for scalar ok 6415 - value ok 6416 - no live objects ok 6417 - no live entries ok 6418 - lookup 1 objects ok 6419 - all lookups succeeded ok 6420 - plain hash ok 6421 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 6422 - keys ok 6423 - no live objects ok 6424 - no live entries ok 6425 - lookup 1 objects ok 6426 - all lookups succeeded ok 6427 - coderef ok 6428 - invoke closure ok 6429 - invoke closure ok 6430 - no live objects ok 6431 - no live entries ok 6432 - lookup 1 objects ok 6433 - all lookups succeeded ok 6434 - coderef ok 6435 - invoke closure ok 6436 - invoke closure ok 6437 - stored 1 objects ok 6438 - no live objects ok 6439 - no live entries ok 6440 - lookup 1 objects ok 6441 - all lookups succeeded ok 6442 - coderef ok 6443 - closure updated ok 6444 - no live objects ok 6445 - no live entries ok 6446 - lookup 1 objects ok 6447 - all lookups succeeded ok 6448 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6449 - class attr ok 6450 - does runtime role ok 6451 - role attr ok 6452 - anon class ok 6453 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 6454 - no live objects ok 6455 - no live entries ok 6456 - lookup 1 objects ok 6457 - all lookups succeeded ok 6458 - plain hash ok 6459 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 6460 - key order preserved ok 6461 - no live objects ok 6462 - no live entries ok 6463 - lookup 1 objects ok 6464 - all lookups succeeded ok 6465 - The object isa DateTime ok 6466 - no live objects ok 6467 - no live entries ok 6468 - lookup 1 objects ok 6469 - all lookups succeeded ok 6470 - The object isa DateTime ok 6471 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 6472 - no live objects ok 6473 - no live entries ok 6474 - lookup 1 objects ok 6475 - all lookups succeeded ok 6476 - The object isa URI ok 6477 - uri ok 6478 - no live objects ok 6479 - no live entries ok 6480 - lookup 1 objects ok 6481 - all lookups succeeded ok 6482 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 6483 - The object isa URI ok 6484 - no live objects ok 6485 - no live entries ok 6486 - lookup 1 objects ok 6487 - all lookups succeeded ok 6488 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 6489 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 6490 - basename ok 6491 - no live objects ok 6492 - no live entries ok 6493 - lookup 1 objects ok 6494 - all lookups succeeded ok 6495 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 6496 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 6497 - trait attr ok 6498 - normal attr ok 6499 - no live objects ok 6500 - no live entries ok 6501 - lookup 1 objects ok 6502 - all lookups succeeded ok 6503 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 6504 - role attr ok 6505 - lookup 1 objects ok 6506 - all lookups succeeded ok 6507 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 6508 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 6509 - role attr ok 6510 - no error in fixture ok 6511 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 6512 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 6513 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 6514 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 6515 - stored 1 objects ok 6516 - no live objects ok 6517 - lookup 1 objects ok 6518 - all lookups succeeded ok 6519 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6520 - preserved is_utf8 ok 6521 - correct value ok 6522 - transaction finished without errors ok 6523 - no error in fixture ok 6524 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 6525 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 6526 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 6527 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 6528 - stored 1024 objects ok 6529 - no live objects ok 6530 - no live entries ok 6531 - lookup 1024 objects ok 6532 - all lookups succeeded ok 6533 - no live objects ok 6534 - no live entries ok 6535 - no error in fixture ok 6536 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 6537 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 6538 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 6539 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 6540 - stored 3 objects ok 6541 - no live objects ok 6542 - no live entries ok 6543 - lookup DCCE275C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 6544 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6545 - ref to other object ok 6546 - mututal ref ok 6547 - ref in auxillary structure ok 6548 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 6549 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 6550 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 6551 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 6552 - Putin is paranoid ok 6553 - updated 1 objects ok 6554 - transaction finished without errors ok 6555 - no live objects ok 6556 - no live entries ok 6557 - lookup DCCE275C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 6558 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6559 - Georgia got plastered ok 6560 - correct live objects ok 6561 - Putin is a dead object ok 6562 - updated live objects ok 6563 - transaction finished without errors ok 6564 - no live objects ok 6565 - no live entries ok 6566 - lookup DCCFD5AC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 6567 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6568 - inter object rels ok 6569 - updated 1 objects ok 6570 - transaction finished without errors ok 6571 - no live objects ok 6572 - no live entries ok 6573 - lookup DCCFD5AC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 6574 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6575 - name ok 6576 - transaction finished without errors ok 6577 - no live objects ok 6578 - no live entries ok 6579 - lookup DCCF280A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 6580 - correct live objects ok 6581 - updated 1 objects ok 6582 - updated 1 objects ok 6583 - updated 1 objects ok 6584 - updated 1 objects ok 6585 - transaction finished without errors ok 6586 - no live objects ok 6587 - no live entries ok 6588 - lookup DCCF280A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 6589 - updated in storage ok 6590 - deleted 1 objects ok 6591 - DCCF280A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6592 - lookup no longer returns object ok 6593 - transaction finished without errors ok 6594 - no live objects ok 6595 - no live entries ok 6596 - DCCF280A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6597 - no error in fixture ok 6598 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 6599 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 6600 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 6601 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 6602 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6603 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 6604 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6605 - stored 2 objects ok 6606 - correct live objects ok 6607 - no live objects ok 6608 - [DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6609 - lookup 1 objects ok 6610 - all lookups succeeded ok 6611 - name attr ok 6612 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 6613 - updated 1 objects ok 6614 - entry updated ok 6615 - parent of updated is orig ok 6616 - successful transaction ok 6617 - entry updated ok 6618 - parent of updated is orig ok 6619 - name attr ok 6620 - no live objects ok 6621 - no live entries ok 6622 - lookup 1 objects ok 6623 - all lookups succeeded ok 6624 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 6625 - updated 1 objects ok 6626 - entry updated ok 6627 - parent of updated is orig ok 6628 - failed transaction ok 6629 - entry rolled back ok 6630 - name not rolled back in live object ok 6631 - no live objects ok 6632 - no live entries ok 6633 - lookup 1 objects ok 6634 - all lookups succeeded ok 6635 - name rolled back in DB ok 6636 - no live objects ok 6637 - no live entries ok 6638 - lookup 1 objects ok 6639 - all lookups succeeded ok 6640 - name attr ok 6641 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 6642 - updated 1 objects ok 6643 - updated 1 objects ok 6644 - entry updated ok 6645 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 6646 - failed transaction ok 6647 - entry rolled back ok 6648 - name attr of object ok 6649 - no live objects ok 6650 - no live entries ok 6651 - lookup 1 objects ok 6652 - all lookups succeeded ok 6653 - name rolled back in DB ok 6654 - no live objects ok 6655 - no live entries ok 6656 - lookup 1 objects ok 6657 - all lookups succeeded ok 6658 - updated 1 objects ok 6659 - lookup 1 objects ok 6660 - all lookups succeeded ok 6661 - deleted 1 objects ok 6662 - DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6663 - failed transaction ok 6664 - [DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6665 - no live objects ok 6666 - no live entries ok 6667 - [DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6668 - lookup 1 objects ok 6669 - all lookups succeeded ok 6670 - no live objects ok 6671 - no live entries ok 6672 - deleted 1 objects ok 6673 - DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6674 - failed transaction ok 6675 - [DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6676 - no live objects ok 6677 - no live entries ok 6678 - [DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 6679 - deleted 1 objects ok 6680 - DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6681 - DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6682 - no live objects ok 6683 - no live entries ok 6684 - DCE10C50-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6685 - no error in fixture ok 6686 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 6687 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 6688 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 6689 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6690 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6691 - stored 3 objects ok 6692 - no live objects ok 6693 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6694 - root set ok 6695 - root set IDs ok 6696 - transaction finished without errors ok 6697 - inserted 1 objects ok 6698 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6699 - root set reflects insertion ok 6700 - root set IDs are the same ok 6701 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 6702 - root set rolled back ok 6703 - ids are the same ok 6704 - transaction finished without errors ok 6705 - transaction finished without errors ok 6706 - got an ID for foo ok 6707 - deleted 1 objects ok 6708 - root set reflects deletion ok 6709 - root set IDs are the same ok 6710 - inserted 1 objects ok 6711 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6712 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 6713 - root set IDs are the same ok 6714 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 6715 - root set ok 6716 - ids are the same ok 6717 - transaction finished without errors ok 6718 - all entries ok 6719 - all IDs ok 6720 - transaction finished without errors ok 6721 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6722 - inserted 1 objects ok 6723 - one entry ok 6724 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6725 - transaction finished without errors ok 6726 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6727 - rolled back ok 6728 - all entries restored ok 6729 - all IDs ok 6730 - transaction finished without errors ok 6731 - transaction finished without errors ok 6732 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 6733 - transaction finished without errors ok 6734 - no error in fixture ok 6735 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6736 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 6737 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 6738 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 6739 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 6740 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6741 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 6742 - stored 2 objects ok 6743 - correct live objects ok 6744 - no live objects ok 6745 - lookup 1 objects ok 6746 - all lookups succeeded ok 6747 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6748 - name attr ok 6749 - update ok 6750 - no live objects ok 6751 - no live entries ok 6752 - lookup 1 objects ok 6753 - all lookups succeeded ok 6754 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 6755 - data attr ok 6756 - update (noop) ok 6757 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 6758 - no live objects ok 6759 - no live entries ok 6760 - can't insert duplicate ok 6761 - no live objects ok 6762 - no live entries ok 6763 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 6764 - no live objects ok 6765 - no live entries ok 6766 - lookup 1 objects ok 6767 - all lookups succeeded ok 6768 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 6769 - no live objects ok 6770 - no live entries ok 6771 - no error in fixture ok 6772 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 6773 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 6774 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 6775 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 6776 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6777 - stored 1 objects ok 6778 - correct live objects ok 6779 - no live objects ok 6780 - lookup 1 objects ok 6781 - all lookups succeeded ok 6782 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6783 - name ok 6784 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 6785 - age attr ok 6786 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 6787 - no error in refresh ok 6788 - age updated ok 6789 - transaction finished without errors ok 6790 - no error in fixture ok 6791 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 6792 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 6793 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 6794 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 6795 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6796 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 6797 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6798 - stored 2 objects ok 6799 - correct live objects ok 6800 - no live objects ok 6801 - lookup 2 objects ok 6802 - all lookups succeeded ok 6803 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6804 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 6805 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6806 - entry is associated with object ok 6807 - the right object ok 6808 - name ok 6809 - parents ok 6810 - array ref ok 6811 - one parent ok 6812 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6813 - parent name ok 6814 - company ok 6815 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 6816 - name ok 6817 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 6818 - transaction finished without errors ok 6819 - no error in fixture ok 6820 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 6821 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 6822 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 6823 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 6824 - stored 1 objects ok 6825 - no live objects ok 6826 - lookup 1 objects ok 6827 - all lookups succeeded ok 6828 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6829 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6830 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6831 - transaction finished without errors ok 6832 - no live objects ok 6833 - no live entries ok 6834 - lookup 1 objects ok 6835 - all lookups succeeded ok 6836 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6837 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6838 - updated 1 objects ok 6839 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6840 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6841 - transaction finished without errors ok 6842 - no live objects ok 6843 - no live entries ok 6844 - lookup 1 objects ok 6845 - all lookups succeeded ok 6846 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6847 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6848 - [root_person DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6849 - updated 1 objects ok 6850 - [root_person DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6851 - transaction finished without errors ok 6852 - no live objects ok 6853 - no live entries ok 6854 - lookup 1 objects ok 6855 - all lookups succeeded ok 6856 - [root_person DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6857 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6858 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6859 - transaction finished without errors ok 6860 - no live objects ok 6861 - no live entries ok 6862 - lookup 1 objects ok 6863 - all lookups succeeded ok 6864 - [root_person DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6865 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6866 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6867 - updated 1 objects ok 6868 - transaction finished without errors ok 6869 - no live objects ok 6870 - no live entries ok 6871 - lookup 1 objects ok 6872 - all lookups succeeded ok 6873 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 6874 - [DD04A71E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 6875 - transaction finished without errors ok 6876 - no error in fixture ok 6877 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 6878 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 6879 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 6880 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 6881 - stored 2 objects ok 6882 - no live objects ok 6883 - lookup 2 objects ok 6884 - all lookups succeeded ok 6885 - transaction finished without errors ok 6886 - transaction finished without errors ok 6887 - DD0D5526-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 DD0D88F2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 6888 - transaction finished without errors ok 6889 - no error in fixture ok 6890 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 6891 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 6892 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 6893 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 6894 - stored 2 objects ok 6895 - no live objects ok 6896 - lookup 2 objects ok 6897 - all lookups succeeded ok 6898 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6899 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 6900 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 6901 - decoded cleanly ok 6902 - decoded to correct value ok 6903 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 6904 - bytes not truncated ok 6905 - bytes equal ok 6906 - transaction finished without errors ok 6907 - no error in fixture ok 6908 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 6909 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 6910 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 6911 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 6912 - stored 1 objects ok 6913 - no live objects ok 6914 - no live objects ok 6915 - no live entries ok 6916 - lookup 1 objects ok 6917 - all lookups succeeded ok 6918 - id is object digest ok 6919 - field retained ok 6920 - transaction finished without errors ok 6921 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 6922 - correct live objects ok 6923 - no live objects ok 6924 - no live entries ok 6925 - inserted 1 objects ok 6926 - transaction finished without errors ok 6927 - no live objects ok 6928 - no live entries ok 6929 - lookup 1 objects ok 6930 - all lookups succeeded ok 6931 - inserted 1 objects not ok 6932 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 6933 - transaction finished without errors ok 6934 - no live objects ok 6935 - no live entries ok 6936 - lookup 1 objects ok 6937 - all lookups succeeded ok 6938 - inserted 1 objects ok 6939 - got a new ID ok 6940 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 6941 - transaction finished without errors ok 6942 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 6943 - correct live objects ok 6944 - no live objects ok 6945 - no live entries ok 6946 - no error in fixture ok 6947 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 6948 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 6949 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 6950 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 6951 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 6952 - stored 3 objects ok 6953 - no live objects ok 6954 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6955 - root set ok 6956 - root set IDs ok 6957 - transaction finished without errors ok 6958 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6959 - nonroot entries ok 6960 - nonroot IDs ok 6961 - transaction finished without errors ok 6962 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 6963 - all entries ok 6964 - all IDs ok 6965 - transaction finished without errors ok 6966 - no error in fixture ok 6967 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 6968 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 6969 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 6970 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 6971 - stored 3 objects ok 6972 - no live objects ok 6973 - lookup 3 objects ok 6974 - all lookups succeeded ok 6975 - no members ok 6976 - set members ok 6977 - set is loaded ok 6978 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 6979 - set still loaded ok 6980 - inserting ID of live object ok 6981 - set still loaded ok 6982 - members ok 6983 - removed element ok 6984 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 6985 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 6986 - members ok 6987 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 6988 - members ok 6989 - set not loaded ok 6990 - lookup 1 objects ok 6991 - all lookups succeeded ok 6992 - set vivified ok 6993 - now marked as loaded ok 6994 - lookup 3 objects ok 6995 - all lookups succeeded ok 6996 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 6997 - members ok 6998 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 6999 - members ok 7000 - set size is 0 ok 7001 - no members ok 7002 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 7003 - lookup 3 objects ok 7004 - all lookups succeeded ok 7005 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 7006 - lookup 1 objects ok 7007 - all lookups succeeded ok 7008 - removed element ok 7009 - set not loaded ok 7010 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7011 - union is deferred ok 7012 - lookup 2 objects ok 7013 - all lookups succeeded ok 7014 - members ok 7015 - now it is loaded ok 7016 - lookup 3 objects ok 7017 - all lookups succeeded ok 7018 - union ok 7019 - no live objects ok 7020 - no live entries ok 7021 - no members ok 7022 - set not loaded ok 7023 - cleared ok 7024 - cleared set is loaded ok 7025 - no live objects ok 7026 - no live entries ok 7027 - lookup 3 objects ok 7028 - all lookups succeeded ok 7029 - stored 1 objects ok 7030 - no live objects ok 7031 - no live entries ok 7032 - lookup 1 objects ok 7033 - all lookups succeeded ok 7034 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7035 - set size ok 7036 - lookup 1 objects ok 7037 - all lookups succeeded ok 7038 - members ok 7039 - loaded set ok 7040 - no live objects ok 7041 - no live entries ok 7042 - lookup 1 objects ok 7043 - all lookups succeeded ok 7044 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7045 - set size ok 7046 - lookup 1 objects ok 7047 - all lookups succeeded ok 7048 - set size is 2 ok 7049 - set not loaded ok 7050 - stored 1 objects ok 7051 - set not loaded by ->store ok 7052 - no live objects ok 7053 - no live entries ok 7054 - lookup 1 objects ok 7055 - all lookups succeeded ok 7056 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7057 - set size ok 7058 - lookup 2 objects ok 7059 - all lookups succeeded ok 7060 - members ok 7061 - loaded set ok 7062 - no live objects ok 7063 - no live entries ok 7064 - no error in fixture ok 7065 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 7066 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 7067 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7068 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7069 - stored 3 objects ok 7070 - no live objects ok 7071 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7072 - one object ok 7073 - name attr ok 7074 - no live objects ok 7075 - no live entries ok 7076 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7077 - two objects ok 7078 - name attr ok 7079 - name attr ok 7080 - no error in fixture ok 7081 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7082 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7083 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7084 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7085 - stored 13 objects ok 7086 - no live objects ok 7087 - lookup 1 objects ok 7088 - all lookups succeeded ok 7089 - reftype for scalar ok 7090 - value ok 7091 - no live objects ok 7092 - no live entries ok 7093 - lookup 1 objects ok 7094 - all lookups succeeded ok 7095 - plain hash ok 7096 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 7097 - keys ok 7098 - no live objects ok 7099 - no live entries ok 7100 - lookup 1 objects ok 7101 - all lookups succeeded ok 7102 - coderef ok 7103 - invoke closure ok 7104 - invoke closure ok 7105 - no live objects ok 7106 - no live entries ok 7107 - lookup 1 objects ok 7108 - all lookups succeeded ok 7109 - coderef ok 7110 - invoke closure ok 7111 - invoke closure ok 7112 - stored 1 objects ok 7113 - no live objects ok 7114 - no live entries ok 7115 - lookup 1 objects ok 7116 - all lookups succeeded ok 7117 - coderef ok 7118 - closure updated ok 7119 - no live objects ok 7120 - no live entries ok 7121 - lookup 1 objects ok 7122 - all lookups succeeded ok 7123 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7124 - class attr ok 7125 - does runtime role ok 7126 - role attr ok 7127 - anon class ok 7128 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 7129 - no live objects ok 7130 - no live entries ok 7131 - lookup 1 objects ok 7132 - all lookups succeeded ok 7133 - plain hash ok 7134 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 7135 - key order preserved ok 7136 - no live objects ok 7137 - no live entries ok 7138 - lookup 1 objects ok 7139 - all lookups succeeded ok 7140 - The object isa DateTime ok 7141 - no live objects ok 7142 - no live entries ok 7143 - lookup 1 objects ok 7144 - all lookups succeeded ok 7145 - The object isa DateTime ok 7146 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 7147 - no live objects ok 7148 - no live entries ok 7149 - lookup 1 objects ok 7150 - all lookups succeeded ok 7151 - The object isa URI ok 7152 - uri ok 7153 - no live objects ok 7154 - no live entries ok 7155 - lookup 1 objects ok 7156 - all lookups succeeded ok 7157 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 7158 - The object isa URI ok 7159 - no live objects ok 7160 - no live entries ok 7161 - lookup 1 objects ok 7162 - all lookups succeeded ok 7163 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 7164 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 7165 - basename ok 7166 - no live objects ok 7167 - no live entries ok 7168 - lookup 1 objects ok 7169 - all lookups succeeded ok 7170 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 7171 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 7172 - trait attr ok 7173 - normal attr ok 7174 - no live objects ok 7175 - no live entries ok 7176 - lookup 1 objects ok 7177 - all lookups succeeded ok 7178 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 7179 - role attr ok 7180 - lookup 1 objects ok 7181 - all lookups succeeded ok 7182 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 7183 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 7184 - role attr ok 7185 - no error in fixture ok 7186 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7187 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7188 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 7189 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 7190 - stored 1 objects ok 7191 - no live objects ok 7192 - lookup 1 objects ok 7193 - all lookups succeeded ok 7194 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7195 - preserved is_utf8 ok 7196 - correct value ok 7197 - transaction finished without errors ok 7198 - no error in fixture ok 7199 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 7200 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 7201 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 7202 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 7203 - stored 1024 objects ok 7204 - no live objects ok 7205 - no live entries ok 7206 - lookup 1024 objects ok 7207 - all lookups succeeded ok 7208 - no live objects ok 7209 - no live entries ok 7210 - no error in fixture ok 7211 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 7212 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 7213 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7214 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7215 - stored 3 objects ok 7216 - no live objects ok 7217 - no live entries ok 7218 - lookup DE43279A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7219 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7220 - ref to other object ok 7221 - mututal ref ok 7222 - ref in auxillary structure ok 7223 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 7224 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 7225 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 7226 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 7227 - Putin is paranoid ok 7228 - updated 1 objects ok 7229 - transaction finished without errors ok 7230 - no live objects ok 7231 - no live entries ok 7232 - lookup DE43279A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7233 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7234 - Georgia got plastered ok 7235 - correct live objects ok 7236 - Putin is a dead object ok 7237 - updated live objects ok 7238 - transaction finished without errors ok 7239 - no live objects ok 7240 - no live entries ok 7241 - lookup DE44F020-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7242 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7243 - inter object rels ok 7244 - updated 1 objects ok 7245 - transaction finished without errors ok 7246 - no live objects ok 7247 - no live entries ok 7248 - lookup DE44F020-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7249 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7250 - name ok 7251 - transaction finished without errors ok 7252 - no live objects ok 7253 - no live entries ok 7254 - lookup DE4431BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7255 - correct live objects ok 7256 - updated 1 objects ok 7257 - updated 1 objects ok 7258 - updated 1 objects ok 7259 - updated 1 objects ok 7260 - transaction finished without errors ok 7261 - no live objects ok 7262 - no live entries ok 7263 - lookup DE4431BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7264 - updated in storage ok 7265 - deleted 1 objects ok 7266 - DE4431BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7267 - lookup no longer returns object ok 7268 - transaction finished without errors ok 7269 - no live objects ok 7270 - no live entries ok 7271 - DE4431BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7272 - no error in fixture ok 7273 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7274 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7275 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 7276 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 7277 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7278 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 7279 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7280 - stored 2 objects ok 7281 - correct live objects ok 7282 - no live objects ok 7283 - [DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 7284 - lookup 1 objects ok 7285 - all lookups succeeded ok 7286 - name attr ok 7287 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7288 - updated 1 objects ok 7289 - entry updated ok 7290 - parent of updated is orig ok 7291 - successful transaction ok 7292 - entry updated ok 7293 - parent of updated is orig ok 7294 - name attr ok 7295 - no live objects ok 7296 - no live entries ok 7297 - lookup 1 objects ok 7298 - all lookups succeeded ok 7299 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7300 - updated 1 objects ok 7301 - entry updated ok 7302 - parent of updated is orig ok 7303 - failed transaction ok 7304 - entry rolled back ok 7305 - name not rolled back in live object ok 7306 - no live objects ok 7307 - no live entries ok 7308 - lookup 1 objects ok 7309 - all lookups succeeded ok 7310 - name rolled back in DB ok 7311 - no live objects ok 7312 - no live entries ok 7313 - lookup 1 objects ok 7314 - all lookups succeeded ok 7315 - name attr ok 7316 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7317 - updated 1 objects ok 7318 - updated 1 objects ok 7319 - entry updated ok 7320 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 7321 - failed transaction ok 7322 - entry rolled back ok 7323 - name attr of object ok 7324 - no live objects ok 7325 - no live entries ok 7326 - lookup 1 objects ok 7327 - all lookups succeeded ok 7328 - name rolled back in DB ok 7329 - no live objects ok 7330 - no live entries ok 7331 - lookup 1 objects ok 7332 - all lookups succeeded ok 7333 - updated 1 objects ok 7334 - lookup 1 objects ok 7335 - all lookups succeeded ok 7336 - deleted 1 objects ok 7337 - DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7338 - failed transaction ok 7339 - [DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 7340 - no live objects ok 7341 - no live entries ok 7342 - [DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 7343 - lookup 1 objects ok 7344 - all lookups succeeded ok 7345 - no live objects ok 7346 - no live entries ok 7347 - deleted 1 objects ok 7348 - DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7349 - failed transaction ok 7350 - [DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 7351 - no live objects ok 7352 - no live entries ok 7353 - [DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 7354 - deleted 1 objects ok 7355 - DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7356 - DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7357 - no live objects ok 7358 - no live entries ok 7359 - DE5671EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7360 - no error in fixture ok 7361 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 7362 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 7363 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 7364 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 7365 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 7366 - stored 3 objects ok 7367 - no live objects ok 7368 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7369 - root set ok 7370 - root set IDs ok 7371 - transaction finished without errors ok 7372 - inserted 1 objects ok 7373 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7374 - root set reflects insertion ok 7375 - root set IDs are the same ok 7376 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 7377 - root set rolled back ok 7378 - ids are the same ok 7379 - transaction finished without errors ok 7380 - transaction finished without errors ok 7381 - got an ID for foo ok 7382 - deleted 1 objects ok 7383 - root set reflects deletion ok 7384 - root set IDs are the same ok 7385 - inserted 1 objects ok 7386 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7387 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 7388 - root set IDs are the same ok 7389 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 7390 - root set ok 7391 - ids are the same ok 7392 - transaction finished without errors ok 7393 - all entries ok 7394 - all IDs ok 7395 - transaction finished without errors ok 7396 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 7397 - inserted 1 objects ok 7398 - one entry ok 7399 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 7400 - transaction finished without errors ok 7401 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 7402 - rolled back ok 7403 - all entries restored ok 7404 - all IDs ok 7405 - transaction finished without errors ok 7406 - transaction finished without errors ok 7407 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 7408 - transaction finished without errors ok 7409 - no error in fixture ok 7410 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 7411 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 7412 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 7413 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 7414 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 7415 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7416 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 7417 - stored 2 objects ok 7418 - correct live objects ok 7419 - no live objects ok 7420 - lookup 1 objects ok 7421 - all lookups succeeded ok 7422 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7423 - name attr ok 7424 - update ok 7425 - no live objects ok 7426 - no live entries ok 7427 - lookup 1 objects ok 7428 - all lookups succeeded ok 7429 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 7430 - data attr ok 7431 - update (noop) ok 7432 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 7433 - no live objects ok 7434 - no live entries ok 7435 - can't insert duplicate ok 7436 - no live objects ok 7437 - no live entries ok 7438 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 7439 - no live objects ok 7440 - no live entries ok 7441 - lookup 1 objects ok 7442 - all lookups succeeded ok 7443 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 7444 - no live objects ok 7445 - no live entries ok 7446 - no error in fixture ok 7447 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 7448 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 7449 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 7450 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 7451 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7452 - stored 1 objects ok 7453 - correct live objects ok 7454 - no live objects ok 7455 - lookup 1 objects ok 7456 - all lookups succeeded ok 7457 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7458 - name ok 7459 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7460 - age attr ok 7461 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 7462 - no error in refresh ok 7463 - age updated ok 7464 - transaction finished without errors ok 7465 - no error in fixture ok 7466 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 7467 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 7468 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 7469 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 7470 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7471 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 7472 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7473 - stored 2 objects ok 7474 - correct live objects ok 7475 - no live objects ok 7476 - lookup 2 objects ok 7477 - all lookups succeeded ok 7478 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7479 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 7480 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7481 - entry is associated with object ok 7482 - the right object ok 7483 - name ok 7484 - parents ok 7485 - array ref ok 7486 - one parent ok 7487 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7488 - parent name ok 7489 - company ok 7490 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 7491 - name ok 7492 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 7493 - transaction finished without errors ok 7494 - no error in fixture ok 7495 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 7496 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 7497 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 7498 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 7499 - stored 1 objects ok 7500 - no live objects ok 7501 - lookup 1 objects ok 7502 - all lookups succeeded ok 7503 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7504 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7505 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7506 - transaction finished without errors ok 7507 - no live objects ok 7508 - no live entries ok 7509 - lookup 1 objects ok 7510 - all lookups succeeded ok 7511 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7512 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7513 - updated 1 objects ok 7514 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7515 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7516 - transaction finished without errors ok 7517 - no live objects ok 7518 - no live entries ok 7519 - lookup 1 objects ok 7520 - all lookups succeeded ok 7521 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7522 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7523 - [root_person DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7524 - updated 1 objects ok 7525 - [root_person DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7526 - transaction finished without errors ok 7527 - no live objects ok 7528 - no live entries ok 7529 - lookup 1 objects ok 7530 - all lookups succeeded ok 7531 - [root_person DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7532 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7533 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7534 - transaction finished without errors ok 7535 - no live objects ok 7536 - no live entries ok 7537 - lookup 1 objects ok 7538 - all lookups succeeded ok 7539 - [root_person DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7540 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7541 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7542 - updated 1 objects ok 7543 - transaction finished without errors ok 7544 - no live objects ok 7545 - no live entries ok 7546 - lookup 1 objects ok 7547 - all lookups succeeded ok 7548 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 7549 - [DE7AEF04-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 7550 - transaction finished without errors ok 7551 - no error in fixture ok 7552 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 7553 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 7554 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 7555 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 7556 - stored 2 objects ok 7557 - no live objects ok 7558 - lookup 2 objects ok 7559 - all lookups succeeded ok 7560 - transaction finished without errors ok 7561 - transaction finished without errors ok 7562 - DE83994C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 DE83C840-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7563 - transaction finished without errors ok 7564 - no error in fixture ok 7565 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 7566 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 7567 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 7568 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 7569 - stored 2 objects ok 7570 - no live objects ok 7571 - lookup 2 objects ok 7572 - all lookups succeeded ok 7573 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7574 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7575 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 7576 - decoded cleanly ok 7577 - decoded to correct value ok 7578 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 7579 - bytes not truncated ok 7580 - bytes equal ok 7581 - transaction finished without errors ok 7582 - no error in fixture ok 7583 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 7584 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 7585 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 7586 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 7587 - stored 1 objects ok 7588 - no live objects ok 7589 - no live objects ok 7590 - no live entries ok 7591 - lookup 1 objects ok 7592 - all lookups succeeded ok 7593 - id is object digest ok 7594 - field retained ok 7595 - transaction finished without errors ok 7596 - no live objects ok 7597 - no live entries ok 7598 - inserted 1 objects ok 7599 - transaction finished without errors ok 7600 - no live objects ok 7601 - no live entries ok 7602 - lookup 1 objects ok 7603 - all lookups succeeded ok 7604 - inserted 1 objects not ok 7605 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 7606 - transaction finished without errors ok 7607 - no live objects ok 7608 - no live entries ok 7609 - lookup 1 objects ok 7610 - all lookups succeeded ok 7611 - inserted 1 objects ok 7612 - got a new ID ok 7613 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 7614 - transaction finished without errors ok 7615 - no live objects ok 7616 - no live entries ok 7617 - no error in fixture ok 7618 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 7619 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 7620 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 7621 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 7622 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 7623 - stored 3 objects ok 7624 - no live objects ok 7625 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7626 - root set ok 7627 - root set IDs ok 7628 - transaction finished without errors ok 7629 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7630 - nonroot entries ok 7631 - nonroot IDs ok 7632 - transaction finished without errors ok 7633 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7634 - all entries ok 7635 - all IDs ok 7636 - transaction finished without errors ok 7637 - no error in fixture ok 7638 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 7639 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 7640 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 7641 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 7642 - stored 3 objects ok 7643 - no live objects ok 7644 - lookup 3 objects ok 7645 - all lookups succeeded ok 7646 - no members ok 7647 - set members ok 7648 - set is loaded ok 7649 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 7650 - set still loaded ok 7651 - inserting ID of live object ok 7652 - set still loaded ok 7653 - members ok 7654 - removed element ok 7655 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 7656 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 7657 - members ok 7658 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 7659 - members ok 7660 - set not loaded ok 7661 - lookup 1 objects ok 7662 - all lookups succeeded ok 7663 - set vivified ok 7664 - now marked as loaded ok 7665 - lookup 3 objects ok 7666 - all lookups succeeded ok 7667 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 7668 - members ok 7669 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 7670 - members ok 7671 - set size is 0 ok 7672 - no members ok 7673 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 7674 - lookup 3 objects ok 7675 - all lookups succeeded ok 7676 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 7677 - lookup 1 objects ok 7678 - all lookups succeeded ok 7679 - removed element ok 7680 - set not loaded ok 7681 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7682 - union is deferred ok 7683 - lookup 2 objects ok 7684 - all lookups succeeded ok 7685 - members ok 7686 - now it is loaded ok 7687 - lookup 3 objects ok 7688 - all lookups succeeded ok 7689 - union ok 7690 - no live objects ok 7691 - no live entries ok 7692 - no members ok 7693 - set not loaded ok 7694 - cleared ok 7695 - cleared set is loaded ok 7696 - no live objects ok 7697 - no live entries ok 7698 - lookup 3 objects ok 7699 - all lookups succeeded ok 7700 - stored 1 objects ok 7701 - no live objects ok 7702 - no live entries ok 7703 - lookup 1 objects ok 7704 - all lookups succeeded ok 7705 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7706 - set size ok 7707 - lookup 1 objects ok 7708 - all lookups succeeded ok 7709 - members ok 7710 - loaded set ok 7711 - no live objects ok 7712 - no live entries ok 7713 - lookup 1 objects ok 7714 - all lookups succeeded ok 7715 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7716 - set size ok 7717 - lookup 1 objects ok 7718 - all lookups succeeded ok 7719 - set size is 2 ok 7720 - set not loaded ok 7721 - stored 1 objects ok 7722 - set not loaded by ->store ok 7723 - no live objects ok 7724 - no live entries ok 7725 - lookup 1 objects ok 7726 - all lookups succeeded ok 7727 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 7728 - set size ok 7729 - lookup 2 objects ok 7730 - all lookups succeeded ok 7731 - members ok 7732 - loaded set ok 7733 - no live objects ok 7734 - no live entries ok 7735 - no error in fixture ok 7736 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 7737 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 7738 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7739 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7740 - stored 3 objects ok 7741 - no live objects ok 7742 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7743 - one object ok 7744 - name attr ok 7745 - no live objects ok 7746 - no live entries ok 7747 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 7748 - two objects ok 7749 - name attr ok 7750 - name attr ok 7751 - no error in fixture ok 7752 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7753 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 7754 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7755 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7756 - stored 13 objects ok 7757 - no live objects ok 7758 - lookup 1 objects ok 7759 - all lookups succeeded ok 7760 - reftype for scalar ok 7761 - value ok 7762 - no live objects ok 7763 - no live entries ok 7764 - lookup 1 objects ok 7765 - all lookups succeeded ok 7766 - plain hash ok 7767 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 7768 - keys ok 7769 - no live objects ok 7770 - no live entries ok 7771 - lookup 1 objects ok 7772 - all lookups succeeded ok 7773 - coderef ok 7774 - invoke closure ok 7775 - invoke closure ok 7776 - no live objects ok 7777 - no live entries ok 7778 - lookup 1 objects ok 7779 - all lookups succeeded ok 7780 - coderef ok 7781 - invoke closure ok 7782 - invoke closure ok 7783 - stored 1 objects ok 7784 - no live objects ok 7785 - no live entries ok 7786 - lookup 1 objects ok 7787 - all lookups succeeded ok 7788 - coderef ok 7789 - closure updated ok 7790 - no live objects ok 7791 - no live entries ok 7792 - lookup 1 objects ok 7793 - all lookups succeeded ok 7794 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7795 - class attr ok 7796 - does runtime role ok 7797 - role attr ok 7798 - anon class ok 7799 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 7800 - no live objects ok 7801 - no live entries ok 7802 - lookup 1 objects ok 7803 - all lookups succeeded ok 7804 - plain hash ok 7805 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 7806 - key order preserved ok 7807 - no live objects ok 7808 - no live entries ok 7809 - lookup 1 objects ok 7810 - all lookups succeeded ok 7811 - The object isa DateTime ok 7812 - no live objects ok 7813 - no live entries ok 7814 - lookup 1 objects ok 7815 - all lookups succeeded ok 7816 - The object isa DateTime ok 7817 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 7818 - no live objects ok 7819 - no live entries ok 7820 - lookup 1 objects ok 7821 - all lookups succeeded ok 7822 - The object isa URI ok 7823 - uri ok 7824 - no live objects ok 7825 - no live entries ok 7826 - lookup 1 objects ok 7827 - all lookups succeeded ok 7828 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 7829 - The object isa URI ok 7830 - no live objects ok 7831 - no live entries ok 7832 - lookup 1 objects ok 7833 - all lookups succeeded ok 7834 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 7835 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 7836 - basename ok 7837 - no live objects ok 7838 - no live entries ok 7839 - lookup 1 objects ok 7840 - all lookups succeeded ok 7841 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 7842 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 7843 - trait attr ok 7844 - normal attr ok 7845 - no live objects ok 7846 - no live entries ok 7847 - lookup 1 objects ok 7848 - all lookups succeeded ok 7849 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 7850 - role attr ok 7851 - lookup 1 objects ok 7852 - all lookups succeeded ok 7853 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 7854 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 7855 - role attr ok 7856 - no error in fixture ok 7857 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7858 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 7859 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 7860 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 7861 - stored 1 objects ok 7862 - no live objects ok 7863 - lookup 1 objects ok 7864 - all lookups succeeded ok 7865 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7866 - preserved is_utf8 ok 7867 - correct value ok 7868 - transaction finished without errors ok 7869 - no error in fixture ok 7870 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 7871 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 7872 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 7873 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 7874 - stored 1024 objects ok 7875 - no live objects ok 7876 - no live entries ok 7877 - lookup 1024 objects ok 7878 - all lookups succeeded ok 7879 - no live objects ok 7880 - no live entries ok 7881 - no error in fixture ok 7882 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 7883 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 7884 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7885 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7886 - stored 3 objects ok 7887 - no live objects ok 7888 - no live entries ok 7889 - lookup DFB28788-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7890 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7891 - ref to other object ok 7892 - mututal ref ok 7893 - ref in auxillary structure ok 7894 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 7895 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 7896 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 7897 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 7898 - Putin is paranoid ok 7899 - updated 1 objects ok 7900 - transaction finished without errors ok 7901 - no live objects ok 7902 - no live entries ok 7903 - lookup DFB28788-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7904 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7905 - Georgia got plastered ok 7906 - correct live objects ok 7907 - Putin is a dead object ok 7908 - updated live objects ok 7909 - transaction finished without errors ok 7910 - no live objects ok 7911 - no live entries ok 7912 - lookup DFB4473A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7913 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7914 - inter object rels ok 7915 - updated 1 objects ok 7916 - transaction finished without errors ok 7917 - no live objects ok 7918 - no live entries ok 7919 - lookup DFB4473A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7920 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7921 - name ok 7922 - transaction finished without errors ok 7923 - no live objects ok 7924 - no live entries ok 7925 - lookup DFB38AF2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7926 - correct live objects ok 7927 - updated 1 objects ok 7928 - updated 1 objects ok 7929 - updated 1 objects ok 7930 - updated 1 objects ok 7931 - transaction finished without errors ok 7932 - no live objects ok 7933 - no live entries ok 7934 - lookup DFB38AF2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 7935 - updated in storage ok 7936 - deleted 1 objects ok 7937 - DFB38AF2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7938 - lookup no longer returns object ok 7939 - transaction finished without errors ok 7940 - no live objects ok 7941 - no live entries ok 7942 - DFB38AF2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 7943 - no error in fixture ok 7944 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7945 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 7946 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 7947 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 7948 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7949 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 7950 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 7951 - stored 2 objects ok 7952 - correct live objects ok 7953 - no live objects ok 7954 - [DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 7955 - lookup 1 objects ok 7956 - all lookups succeeded ok 7957 - name attr ok 7958 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7959 - updated 1 objects ok 7960 - entry updated ok 7961 - parent of updated is orig ok 7962 - successful transaction ok 7963 - entry updated ok 7964 - parent of updated is orig ok 7965 - name attr ok 7966 - no live objects ok 7967 - no live entries ok 7968 - lookup 1 objects ok 7969 - all lookups succeeded ok 7970 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7971 - updated 1 objects ok 7972 - entry updated ok 7973 - parent of updated is orig ok 7974 - failed transaction ok 7975 - entry rolled back ok 7976 - name not rolled back in live object ok 7977 - no live objects ok 7978 - no live entries ok 7979 - lookup 1 objects ok 7980 - all lookups succeeded ok 7981 - name rolled back in DB ok 7982 - no live objects ok 7983 - no live entries ok 7984 - lookup 1 objects ok 7985 - all lookups succeeded ok 7986 - name attr ok 7987 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 7988 - updated 1 objects ok 7989 - updated 1 objects ok 7990 - entry updated ok 7991 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 7992 - failed transaction ok 7993 - entry rolled back ok 7994 - name attr of object ok 7995 - no live objects ok 7996 - no live entries ok 7997 - lookup 1 objects ok 7998 - all lookups succeeded ok 7999 - name rolled back in DB ok 8000 - no live objects ok 8001 - no live entries ok 8002 - lookup 1 objects ok 8003 - all lookups succeeded ok 8004 - updated 1 objects ok 8005 - lookup 1 objects ok 8006 - all lookups succeeded ok 8007 - deleted 1 objects ok 8008 - DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8009 - failed transaction ok 8010 - [DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8011 - no live objects ok 8012 - no live entries ok 8013 - [DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8014 - lookup 1 objects ok 8015 - all lookups succeeded ok 8016 - no live objects ok 8017 - no live entries ok 8018 - deleted 1 objects ok 8019 - DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8020 - failed transaction ok 8021 - [DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8022 - no live objects ok 8023 - no live entries ok 8024 - [DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8025 - deleted 1 objects ok 8026 - DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8027 - DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8028 - no live objects ok 8029 - no live entries ok 8030 - DFC57046-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8031 - no error in fixture ok 8032 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 8033 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 8034 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 8035 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8036 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8037 - stored 3 objects ok 8038 - no live objects ok 8039 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8040 - root set ok 8041 - root set IDs ok 8042 - transaction finished without errors ok 8043 - inserted 1 objects ok 8044 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8045 - root set reflects insertion ok 8046 - root set IDs are the same ok 8047 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 8048 - root set rolled back ok 8049 - ids are the same ok 8050 - transaction finished without errors ok 8051 - transaction finished without errors ok 8052 - got an ID for foo ok 8053 - deleted 1 objects ok 8054 - root set reflects deletion ok 8055 - root set IDs are the same ok 8056 - inserted 1 objects ok 8057 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8058 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 8059 - root set IDs are the same ok 8060 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 8061 - root set ok 8062 - ids are the same ok 8063 - transaction finished without errors ok 8064 - all entries ok 8065 - all IDs ok 8066 - transaction finished without errors ok 8067 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8068 - inserted 1 objects ok 8069 - one entry ok 8070 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8071 - transaction finished without errors ok 8072 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8073 - rolled back ok 8074 - all entries restored ok 8075 - all IDs ok 8076 - transaction finished without errors ok 8077 - transaction finished without errors ok 8078 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8079 - transaction finished without errors ok 8080 - no error in fixture ok 8081 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8082 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8083 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 8084 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 8085 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 8086 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8087 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 8088 - stored 2 objects ok 8089 - correct live objects ok 8090 - no live objects ok 8091 - no live entries ok 8092 - lookup 1 objects ok 8093 - all lookups succeeded ok 8094 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8095 - name attr ok 8096 - update ok 8097 - no live objects ok 8098 - no live entries ok 8099 - lookup 1 objects ok 8100 - all lookups succeeded ok 8101 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 8102 - data attr ok 8103 - update (noop) ok 8104 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 8105 - no live objects ok 8106 - no live entries ok 8107 - can't insert duplicate ok 8108 - no live objects ok 8109 - no live entries ok 8110 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 8111 - no live objects ok 8112 - no live entries ok 8113 - lookup 1 objects ok 8114 - all lookups succeeded ok 8115 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 8116 - no live objects ok 8117 - no live entries ok 8118 - no error in fixture ok 8119 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 8120 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 8121 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 8122 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 8123 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8124 - stored 1 objects ok 8125 - correct live objects ok 8126 - no live objects ok 8127 - no live entries ok 8128 - lookup 1 objects ok 8129 - all lookups succeeded ok 8130 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8131 - name ok 8132 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 8133 - age attr ok 8134 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 8135 - no error in refresh ok 8136 - age updated ok 8137 - transaction finished without errors ok 8138 - no error in fixture ok 8139 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 8140 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 8141 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 8142 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 8143 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8144 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 8145 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8146 - stored 2 objects ok 8147 - correct live objects ok 8148 - no live objects ok 8149 - no live entries ok 8150 - lookup 2 objects ok 8151 - all lookups succeeded ok 8152 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8153 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 8154 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8155 - entry is associated with object ok 8156 - the right object ok 8157 - name ok 8158 - parents ok 8159 - array ref ok 8160 - one parent ok 8161 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8162 - parent name ok 8163 - company ok 8164 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 8165 - name ok 8166 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 8167 - transaction finished without errors ok 8168 - no error in fixture ok 8169 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 8170 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 8171 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 8172 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 8173 - stored 1 objects ok 8174 - no live objects ok 8175 - no live entries ok 8176 - lookup 1 objects ok 8177 - all lookups succeeded ok 8178 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8179 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8180 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8181 - transaction finished without errors ok 8182 - no live objects ok 8183 - no live entries ok 8184 - lookup 1 objects ok 8185 - all lookups succeeded ok 8186 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8187 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8188 - updated 1 objects ok 8189 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8190 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8191 - transaction finished without errors ok 8192 - no live objects ok 8193 - no live entries ok 8194 - lookup 1 objects ok 8195 - all lookups succeeded ok 8196 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8197 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8198 - [root_person DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8199 - updated 1 objects ok 8200 - [root_person DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8201 - transaction finished without errors ok 8202 - no live objects ok 8203 - no live entries ok 8204 - lookup 1 objects ok 8205 - all lookups succeeded ok 8206 - [root_person DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8207 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8208 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8209 - transaction finished without errors ok 8210 - no live objects ok 8211 - no live entries ok 8212 - lookup 1 objects ok 8213 - all lookups succeeded ok 8214 - [root_person DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8215 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8216 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8217 - updated 1 objects ok 8218 - transaction finished without errors ok 8219 - no live objects ok 8220 - no live entries ok 8221 - lookup 1 objects ok 8222 - all lookups succeeded ok 8223 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8224 - [DFE8BB00-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8225 - transaction finished without errors ok 8226 - no error in fixture ok 8227 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 8228 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 8229 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 8230 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 8231 - stored 2 objects ok 8232 - no live objects ok 8233 - no live entries ok 8234 - lookup 2 objects ok 8235 - all lookups succeeded ok 8236 - transaction finished without errors ok 8237 - transaction finished without errors ok 8238 - DFF16962-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 DFF1A7A6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8239 - transaction finished without errors ok 8240 - no error in fixture ok 8241 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 8242 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 8243 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 8244 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 8245 - stored 2 objects ok 8246 - no live objects ok 8247 - no live entries ok 8248 - lookup 2 objects ok 8249 - all lookups succeeded ok 8250 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8251 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8252 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 8253 - decoded cleanly ok 8254 - decoded to correct value ok 8255 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 8256 - bytes not truncated ok 8257 - bytes equal ok 8258 - transaction finished without errors ok 8259 - no error in fixture ok 8260 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 8261 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 8262 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 8263 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 8264 - stored 1 objects ok 8265 - no live objects ok 8266 - no live entries ok 8267 - no live objects ok 8268 - no live entries ok 8269 - lookup 1 objects ok 8270 - all lookups succeeded ok 8271 - id is object digest ok 8272 - field retained ok 8273 - transaction finished without errors ok 8274 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 8275 - correct live objects ok 8276 - no live objects ok 8277 - no live entries ok 8278 - inserted 1 objects ok 8279 - transaction finished without errors ok 8280 - no live objects ok 8281 - no live entries ok 8282 - lookup 1 objects ok 8283 - all lookups succeeded ok 8284 - inserted 1 objects not ok 8285 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 8286 - transaction finished without errors ok 8287 - no live objects ok 8288 - no live entries ok 8289 - lookup 1 objects ok 8290 - all lookups succeeded ok 8291 - inserted 1 objects ok 8292 - got a new ID ok 8293 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 8294 - transaction finished without errors ok 8295 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 8296 - correct live objects ok 8297 - no live objects ok 8298 - no live entries ok 8299 - no error in fixture ok 8300 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 8301 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 8302 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 8303 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 8304 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 8305 - stored 3 objects ok 8306 - no live objects ok 8307 - no live entries ok 8308 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8309 - root set ok 8310 - root set IDs ok 8311 - transaction finished without errors ok 8312 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8313 - nonroot entries ok 8314 - nonroot IDs ok 8315 - transaction finished without errors ok 8316 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8317 - all entries ok 8318 - all IDs ok 8319 - transaction finished without errors ok 8320 - no error in fixture ok 8321 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 8322 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 8323 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 8324 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 8325 - stored 3 objects ok 8326 - no live objects ok 8327 - no live entries ok 8328 - lookup 3 objects ok 8329 - all lookups succeeded ok 8330 - no members ok 8331 - set members ok 8332 - set is loaded ok 8333 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 8334 - set still loaded ok 8335 - inserting ID of live object ok 8336 - set still loaded ok 8337 - members ok 8338 - removed element ok 8339 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 8340 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 8341 - members ok 8342 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 8343 - members ok 8344 - set not loaded ok 8345 - lookup 1 objects ok 8346 - all lookups succeeded ok 8347 - set vivified ok 8348 - now marked as loaded ok 8349 - lookup 3 objects ok 8350 - all lookups succeeded ok 8351 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 8352 - members ok 8353 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 8354 - members ok 8355 - set size is 0 ok 8356 - no members ok 8357 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 8358 - lookup 3 objects ok 8359 - all lookups succeeded ok 8360 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 8361 - lookup 1 objects ok 8362 - all lookups succeeded ok 8363 - removed element ok 8364 - set not loaded ok 8365 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 8366 - union is deferred ok 8367 - lookup 2 objects ok 8368 - all lookups succeeded ok 8369 - members ok 8370 - now it is loaded ok 8371 - lookup 3 objects ok 8372 - all lookups succeeded ok 8373 - union ok 8374 - no live objects ok 8375 - no live entries ok 8376 - no members ok 8377 - set not loaded ok 8378 - cleared ok 8379 - cleared set is loaded ok 8380 - no live objects ok 8381 - no live entries ok 8382 - lookup 3 objects ok 8383 - all lookups succeeded ok 8384 - stored 1 objects ok 8385 - no live objects ok 8386 - no live entries ok 8387 - lookup 1 objects ok 8388 - all lookups succeeded ok 8389 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 8390 - set size ok 8391 - lookup 1 objects ok 8392 - all lookups succeeded ok 8393 - members ok 8394 - loaded set ok 8395 - no live objects ok 8396 - no live entries ok 8397 - lookup 1 objects ok 8398 - all lookups succeeded ok 8399 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 8400 - set size ok 8401 - lookup 1 objects ok 8402 - all lookups succeeded ok 8403 - set size is 2 ok 8404 - set not loaded ok 8405 - stored 1 objects ok 8406 - set not loaded by ->store ok 8407 - no live objects ok 8408 - no live entries ok 8409 - lookup 1 objects ok 8410 - all lookups succeeded ok 8411 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 8412 - set size ok 8413 - lookup 2 objects ok 8414 - all lookups succeeded ok 8415 - members ok 8416 - loaded set ok 8417 - no live objects ok 8418 - no live entries ok 8419 - no error in fixture ok 8420 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 8421 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 8422 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 8423 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 8424 - stored 3 objects ok 8425 - no live objects ok 8426 - no live entries ok 8427 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8428 - one object ok 8429 - name attr ok 8430 - no live objects ok 8431 - no live entries ok 8432 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8433 - two objects ok 8434 - name attr ok 8435 - name attr ok 8436 - no error in fixture ok 8437 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 8438 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 8439 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 8440 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 8441 - stored 13 objects ok 8442 - no live objects ok 8443 - no live entries ok 8444 - lookup 1 objects ok 8445 - all lookups succeeded ok 8446 - reftype for scalar ok 8447 - value ok 8448 - no live objects ok 8449 - no live entries ok 8450 - lookup 1 objects ok 8451 - all lookups succeeded ok 8452 - plain hash ok 8453 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 8454 - keys ok 8455 - no live objects ok 8456 - no live entries ok 8457 - lookup 1 objects ok 8458 - all lookups succeeded ok 8459 - coderef ok 8460 - invoke closure ok 8461 - invoke closure ok 8462 - no live objects ok 8463 - no live entries ok 8464 - lookup 1 objects ok 8465 - all lookups succeeded ok 8466 - coderef ok 8467 - invoke closure ok 8468 - invoke closure ok 8469 - stored 1 objects ok 8470 - no live objects ok 8471 - no live entries ok 8472 - lookup 1 objects ok 8473 - all lookups succeeded ok 8474 - coderef ok 8475 - closure updated ok 8476 - no live objects ok 8477 - no live entries ok 8478 - lookup 1 objects ok 8479 - all lookups succeeded ok 8480 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8481 - class attr ok 8482 - does runtime role ok 8483 - role attr ok 8484 - anon class ok 8485 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 8486 - no live objects ok 8487 - no live entries ok 8488 - lookup 1 objects ok 8489 - all lookups succeeded ok 8490 - plain hash ok 8491 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 8492 - key order preserved ok 8493 - no live objects ok 8494 - no live entries ok 8495 - lookup 1 objects ok 8496 - all lookups succeeded ok 8497 - The object isa DateTime ok 8498 - no live objects ok 8499 - no live entries ok 8500 - lookup 1 objects ok 8501 - all lookups succeeded ok 8502 - The object isa DateTime ok 8503 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 8504 - no live objects ok 8505 - no live entries ok 8506 - lookup 1 objects ok 8507 - all lookups succeeded ok 8508 - The object isa URI ok 8509 - uri ok 8510 - no live objects ok 8511 - no live entries ok 8512 - lookup 1 objects ok 8513 - all lookups succeeded ok 8514 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 8515 - The object isa URI ok 8516 - no live objects ok 8517 - no live entries ok 8518 - lookup 1 objects ok 8519 - all lookups succeeded ok 8520 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 8521 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 8522 - basename ok 8523 - no live objects ok 8524 - no live entries ok 8525 - lookup 1 objects ok 8526 - all lookups succeeded ok 8527 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 8528 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 8529 - trait attr ok 8530 - normal attr ok 8531 - no live objects ok 8532 - no live entries ok 8533 - lookup 1 objects ok 8534 - all lookups succeeded ok 8535 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 8536 - role attr ok 8537 - lookup 1 objects ok 8538 - all lookups succeeded ok 8539 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 8540 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 8541 - role attr ok 8542 - no error in fixture ok 8543 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 8544 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 8545 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 8546 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 8547 - stored 1 objects ok 8548 - no live objects ok 8549 - no live entries ok 8550 - lookup 1 objects ok 8551 - all lookups succeeded ok 8552 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8553 - preserved is_utf8 ok 8554 - correct value ok 8555 - transaction finished without errors ok 8556 - no error in fixture ok 8557 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 8558 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 8559 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 8560 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 8561 - stored 1024 objects ok 8562 - no live objects ok 8563 - no live entries ok 8564 - lookup 1024 objects ok 8565 - all lookups succeeded ok 8566 - no live objects ok 8567 - no live entries ok 8568 - no error in fixture ok 8569 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 8570 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 8571 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 8572 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 8573 - stored 3 objects ok 8574 - no live objects ok 8575 - no live entries ok 8576 - lookup E1235E08-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 8577 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8578 - ref to other object ok 8579 - mututal ref ok 8580 - ref in auxillary structure ok 8581 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 8582 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 8583 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 8584 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 8585 - Putin is paranoid ok 8586 - updated 1 objects ok 8587 - transaction finished without errors ok 8588 - no live objects ok 8589 - no live entries ok 8590 - lookup E1235E08-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 8591 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8592 - Georgia got plastered ok 8593 - correct live objects ok 8594 - Putin is a dead object ok 8595 - updated live objects ok 8596 - transaction finished without errors ok 8597 - no live objects ok 8598 - no live entries ok 8599 - lookup E1252DAA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 8600 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8601 - inter object rels ok 8602 - updated 1 objects ok 8603 - transaction finished without errors ok 8604 - no live objects ok 8605 - no live entries ok 8606 - lookup E1252DAA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 8607 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8608 - name ok 8609 - transaction finished without errors ok 8610 - no live objects ok 8611 - no live entries ok 8612 - lookup E1245C36-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 8613 - correct live objects ok 8614 - updated 1 objects ok 8615 - updated 1 objects ok 8616 - updated 1 objects ok 8617 - updated 1 objects ok 8618 - transaction finished without errors ok 8619 - no live objects ok 8620 - no live entries ok 8621 - lookup E1245C36-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 8622 - updated in storage ok 8623 - deleted 1 objects ok 8624 - E1245C36-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8625 - lookup no longer returns object ok 8626 - transaction finished without errors ok 8627 - no live objects ok 8628 - no live entries ok 8629 - E1245C36-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8630 - no error in fixture ok 8631 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 8632 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 8633 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 8634 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 8635 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8636 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 8637 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8638 - stored 2 objects ok 8639 - correct live objects ok 8640 - no live objects ok 8641 - no live entries ok 8642 - [E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8643 - lookup 1 objects ok 8644 - all lookups succeeded ok 8645 - name attr ok 8646 - updated 1 objects ok 8647 - successful transaction ok 8648 - name attr ok 8649 - no live objects ok 8650 - no live entries ok 8651 - lookup 1 objects ok 8652 - all lookups succeeded ok 8653 - updated 1 objects ok 8654 - failed transaction ok 8655 - name not rolled back in live object ok 8656 - no live objects ok 8657 - no live entries ok 8658 - lookup 1 objects ok 8659 - all lookups succeeded ok 8660 - name rolled back in DB ok 8661 - no live objects ok 8662 - no live entries ok 8663 - lookup 1 objects ok 8664 - all lookups succeeded ok 8665 - name attr ok 8666 - updated 1 objects ok 8667 - updated 1 objects ok 8668 - failed transaction ok 8669 - name attr of object ok 8670 - no live objects ok 8671 - no live entries ok 8672 - lookup 1 objects ok 8673 - all lookups succeeded ok 8674 - name rolled back in DB ok 8675 - no live objects ok 8676 - no live entries ok 8677 - lookup 1 objects ok 8678 - all lookups succeeded ok 8679 - updated 1 objects ok 8680 - lookup 1 objects ok 8681 - all lookups succeeded ok 8682 - deleted 1 objects ok 8683 - E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8684 - failed transaction ok 8685 - [E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8686 - no live objects ok 8687 - no live entries ok 8688 - [E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8689 - lookup 1 objects ok 8690 - all lookups succeeded ok 8691 - no live objects ok 8692 - no live entries ok 8693 - deleted 1 objects ok 8694 - E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8695 - failed transaction ok 8696 - [E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8697 - no live objects ok 8698 - no live entries ok 8699 - [E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 8700 - deleted 1 objects ok 8701 - E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8702 - E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8703 - no live objects ok 8704 - no live entries ok 8705 - E135BBCA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8706 - no error in fixture ok 8707 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 8708 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 8709 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 8710 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8711 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8712 - stored 3 objects ok 8713 - no live objects ok 8714 - no live entries ok 8715 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8716 - root set ok 8717 - root set IDs ok 8718 - transaction finished without errors ok 8719 - inserted 1 objects ok 8720 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8721 - root set reflects insertion ok 8722 - root set IDs are the same ok 8723 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 8724 - root set rolled back ok 8725 - ids are the same ok 8726 - transaction finished without errors ok 8727 - transaction finished without errors ok 8728 - got an ID for foo ok 8729 - deleted 1 objects ok 8730 - root set reflects deletion ok 8731 - root set IDs are the same ok 8732 - inserted 1 objects ok 8733 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8734 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 8735 - root set IDs are the same ok 8736 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 8737 - root set ok 8738 - ids are the same ok 8739 - transaction finished without errors ok 8740 - all entries ok 8741 - all IDs ok 8742 - transaction finished without errors ok 8743 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8744 - inserted 1 objects ok 8745 - one entry ok 8746 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8747 - transaction finished without errors ok 8748 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8749 - rolled back ok 8750 - all entries restored ok 8751 - all IDs ok 8752 - transaction finished without errors ok 8753 - transaction finished without errors ok 8754 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 8755 - transaction finished without errors ok 8756 - no error in fixture ok 8757 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8758 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 8759 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 8760 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 8761 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 8762 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8763 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 8764 - stored 2 objects ok 8765 - correct live objects ok 8766 - no live objects ok 8767 - no live entries ok 8768 - lookup 1 objects ok 8769 - all lookups succeeded ok 8770 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8771 - name attr ok 8772 - update ok 8773 - no live objects ok 8774 - no live entries ok 8775 - lookup 1 objects ok 8776 - all lookups succeeded ok 8777 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 8778 - data attr ok 8779 - update (noop) ok 8780 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 8781 - no live objects ok 8782 - no live entries ok 8783 - can't insert duplicate ok 8784 - no live objects ok 8785 - no live entries ok 8786 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 8787 - no live objects ok 8788 - no live entries ok 8789 - lookup 1 objects ok 8790 - all lookups succeeded ok 8791 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 8792 - no live objects ok 8793 - no live entries ok 8794 - no error in fixture ok 8795 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 8796 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 8797 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 8798 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 8799 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8800 - stored 1 objects ok 8801 - correct live objects ok 8802 - no live objects ok 8803 - no live entries ok 8804 - lookup 1 objects ok 8805 - all lookups succeeded ok 8806 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8807 - name ok 8808 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 8809 - age attr ok 8810 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 8811 - no error in refresh ok 8812 - age updated ok 8813 - transaction finished without errors ok 8814 - no error in fixture ok 8815 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 8816 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 8817 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 8818 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 8819 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8820 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 8821 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8822 - stored 2 objects ok 8823 - correct live objects ok 8824 - no live objects ok 8825 - no live entries ok 8826 - lookup 2 objects ok 8827 - all lookups succeeded ok 8828 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8829 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 8830 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8831 - entry is associated with object ok 8832 - the right object ok 8833 - name ok 8834 - parents ok 8835 - array ref ok 8836 - one parent ok 8837 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8838 - parent name ok 8839 - company ok 8840 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 8841 - name ok 8842 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 8843 - transaction finished without errors ok 8844 - no error in fixture ok 8845 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 8846 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 8847 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 8848 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 8849 - stored 1 objects ok 8850 - no live objects ok 8851 - no live entries ok 8852 - lookup 1 objects ok 8853 - all lookups succeeded ok 8854 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8855 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8856 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8857 - transaction finished without errors ok 8858 - no live objects ok 8859 - no live entries ok 8860 - lookup 1 objects ok 8861 - all lookups succeeded ok 8862 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8863 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8864 - updated 1 objects ok 8865 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8866 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8867 - transaction finished without errors ok 8868 - no live objects ok 8869 - no live entries ok 8870 - lookup 1 objects ok 8871 - all lookups succeeded ok 8872 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8873 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8874 - [root_person E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8875 - updated 1 objects ok 8876 - [root_person E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8877 - transaction finished without errors ok 8878 - no live objects ok 8879 - no live entries ok 8880 - lookup 1 objects ok 8881 - all lookups succeeded ok 8882 - [root_person E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8883 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8884 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8885 - transaction finished without errors ok 8886 - no live objects ok 8887 - no live entries ok 8888 - lookup 1 objects ok 8889 - all lookups succeeded ok 8890 - [root_person E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8891 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8892 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8893 - updated 1 objects ok 8894 - transaction finished without errors ok 8895 - no live objects ok 8896 - no live entries ok 8897 - lookup 1 objects ok 8898 - all lookups succeeded ok 8899 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 8900 - [E1585A90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 8901 - transaction finished without errors ok 8902 - no error in fixture ok 8903 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 8904 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 8905 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 8906 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 8907 - stored 2 objects ok 8908 - no live objects ok 8909 - no live entries ok 8910 - lookup 2 objects ok 8911 - all lookups succeeded ok 8912 - transaction finished without errors ok 8913 - transaction finished without errors ok 8914 - E160BF1E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 E160DD82-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 8915 - transaction finished without errors ok 8916 - no error in fixture ok 8917 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 8918 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 8919 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 8920 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 8921 - stored 2 objects ok 8922 - no live objects ok 8923 - no live entries ok 8924 - lookup 2 objects ok 8925 - all lookups succeeded ok 8926 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8927 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 8928 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 8929 - decoded cleanly ok 8930 - decoded to correct value ok 8931 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 8932 - bytes not truncated ok 8933 - bytes equal ok 8934 - transaction finished without errors ok 8935 - no error in fixture ok 8936 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 8937 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 8938 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 8939 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 8940 - stored 1 objects ok 8941 - no live objects ok 8942 - no live entries ok 8943 - no live objects ok 8944 - no live entries ok 8945 - lookup 1 objects ok 8946 - all lookups succeeded ok 8947 - id is object digest ok 8948 - field retained ok 8949 - transaction finished without errors ok 8950 - no live objects ok 8951 - no live entries ok 8952 - inserted 1 objects ok 8953 - transaction finished without errors ok 8954 - no live objects ok 8955 - no live entries ok 8956 - lookup 1 objects ok 8957 - all lookups succeeded ok 8958 - inserted 1 objects not ok 8959 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 8960 - transaction finished without errors ok 8961 - no live objects ok 8962 - no live entries ok 8963 - lookup 1 objects ok 8964 - all lookups succeeded ok 8965 - inserted 1 objects ok 8966 - got a new ID ok 8967 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 8968 - transaction finished without errors ok 8969 - no live objects ok 8970 - no live entries ok 8971 - no error in fixture ok 8972 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 8973 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 8974 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 8975 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 8976 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 8977 - stored 3 objects ok 8978 - no live objects ok 8979 - no live entries ok 8980 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8981 - root set ok 8982 - root set IDs ok 8983 - transaction finished without errors ok 8984 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8985 - nonroot entries ok 8986 - nonroot IDs ok 8987 - transaction finished without errors ok 8988 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 8989 - all entries ok 8990 - all IDs ok 8991 - transaction finished without errors ok 8992 - no error in fixture ok 8993 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 8994 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 8995 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 8996 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 8997 - stored 3 objects ok 8998 - no live objects ok 8999 - no live entries ok 9000 - lookup 3 objects ok 9001 - all lookups succeeded ok 9002 - no members ok 9003 - set members ok 9004 - set is loaded ok 9005 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 9006 - set still loaded ok 9007 - inserting ID of live object ok 9008 - set still loaded ok 9009 - members ok 9010 - removed element ok 9011 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 9012 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 9013 - members ok 9014 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 9015 - members ok 9016 - set not loaded ok 9017 - lookup 1 objects ok 9018 - all lookups succeeded ok 9019 - set vivified ok 9020 - now marked as loaded ok 9021 - lookup 3 objects ok 9022 - all lookups succeeded ok 9023 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 9024 - members ok 9025 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 9026 - members ok 9027 - set size is 0 ok 9028 - no members ok 9029 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 9030 - lookup 3 objects ok 9031 - all lookups succeeded ok 9032 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 9033 - lookup 1 objects ok 9034 - all lookups succeeded ok 9035 - removed element ok 9036 - set not loaded ok 9037 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9038 - union is deferred ok 9039 - lookup 2 objects ok 9040 - all lookups succeeded ok 9041 - members ok 9042 - now it is loaded ok 9043 - lookup 3 objects ok 9044 - all lookups succeeded ok 9045 - union ok 9046 - no live objects ok 9047 - no live entries ok 9048 - no members ok 9049 - set not loaded ok 9050 - cleared ok 9051 - cleared set is loaded ok 9052 - no live objects ok 9053 - no live entries ok 9054 - lookup 3 objects ok 9055 - all lookups succeeded ok 9056 - stored 1 objects ok 9057 - no live objects ok 9058 - no live entries ok 9059 - lookup 1 objects ok 9060 - all lookups succeeded ok 9061 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9062 - set size ok 9063 - lookup 1 objects ok 9064 - all lookups succeeded ok 9065 - members ok 9066 - loaded set ok 9067 - no live objects ok 9068 - no live entries ok 9069 - lookup 1 objects ok 9070 - all lookups succeeded ok 9071 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9072 - set size ok 9073 - lookup 1 objects ok 9074 - all lookups succeeded ok 9075 - set size is 2 ok 9076 - set not loaded ok 9077 - stored 1 objects ok 9078 - set not loaded by ->store ok 9079 - no live objects ok 9080 - no live entries ok 9081 - lookup 1 objects ok 9082 - all lookups succeeded ok 9083 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9084 - set size ok 9085 - lookup 2 objects ok 9086 - all lookups succeeded ok 9087 - members ok 9088 - loaded set ok 9089 - no live objects ok 9090 - no live entries ok 9091 - no error in fixture ok 9092 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 9093 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 9094 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9095 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9096 - stored 3 objects ok 9097 - no live objects ok 9098 - no live entries ok 9099 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9100 - one object ok 9101 - name attr ok 9102 - no live objects ok 9103 - no live entries ok 9104 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9105 - two objects ok 9106 - name attr ok 9107 - name attr ok 9108 - no error in fixture ok 9109 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9110 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9111 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9112 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9113 - stored 13 objects ok 9114 - no live objects ok 9115 - no live entries ok 9116 - lookup 1 objects ok 9117 - all lookups succeeded ok 9118 - reftype for scalar ok 9119 - value ok 9120 - no live objects ok 9121 - no live entries ok 9122 - lookup 1 objects ok 9123 - all lookups succeeded ok 9124 - plain hash ok 9125 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 9126 - keys ok 9127 - no live objects ok 9128 - no live entries ok 9129 - lookup 1 objects ok 9130 - all lookups succeeded ok 9131 - coderef ok 9132 - invoke closure ok 9133 - invoke closure ok 9134 - no live objects ok 9135 - no live entries ok 9136 - lookup 1 objects ok 9137 - all lookups succeeded ok 9138 - coderef ok 9139 - invoke closure ok 9140 - invoke closure ok 9141 - stored 1 objects ok 9142 - no live objects ok 9143 - no live entries ok 9144 - lookup 1 objects ok 9145 - all lookups succeeded ok 9146 - coderef ok 9147 - closure updated ok 9148 - no live objects ok 9149 - no live entries ok 9150 - lookup 1 objects ok 9151 - all lookups succeeded ok 9152 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9153 - class attr ok 9154 - does runtime role ok 9155 - role attr ok 9156 - anon class ok 9157 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 9158 - no live objects ok 9159 - no live entries ok 9160 - lookup 1 objects ok 9161 - all lookups succeeded ok 9162 - plain hash ok 9163 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 9164 - key order preserved ok 9165 - no live objects ok 9166 - no live entries ok 9167 - lookup 1 objects ok 9168 - all lookups succeeded ok 9169 - The object isa DateTime ok 9170 - no live objects ok 9171 - no live entries ok 9172 - lookup 1 objects ok 9173 - all lookups succeeded ok 9174 - The object isa DateTime ok 9175 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 9176 - no live objects ok 9177 - no live entries ok 9178 - lookup 1 objects ok 9179 - all lookups succeeded ok 9180 - The object isa URI ok 9181 - uri ok 9182 - no live objects ok 9183 - no live entries ok 9184 - lookup 1 objects ok 9185 - all lookups succeeded ok 9186 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 9187 - The object isa URI ok 9188 - no live objects ok 9189 - no live entries ok 9190 - lookup 1 objects ok 9191 - all lookups succeeded ok 9192 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 9193 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 9194 - basename ok 9195 - no live objects ok 9196 - no live entries ok 9197 - lookup 1 objects ok 9198 - all lookups succeeded ok 9199 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 9200 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 9201 - trait attr ok 9202 - normal attr ok 9203 - no live objects ok 9204 - no live entries ok 9205 - lookup 1 objects ok 9206 - all lookups succeeded ok 9207 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 9208 - role attr ok 9209 - lookup 1 objects ok 9210 - all lookups succeeded ok 9211 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 9212 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 9213 - role attr ok 9214 - no error in fixture ok 9215 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9216 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9217 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 9218 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 9219 - stored 1 objects ok 9220 - no live objects ok 9221 - no live entries ok 9222 - lookup 1 objects ok 9223 - all lookups succeeded ok 9224 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9225 - preserved is_utf8 ok 9226 - correct value ok 9227 - transaction finished without errors ok 9228 - no error in fixture ok 9229 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 9230 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 9231 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 9232 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 9233 - stored 1024 objects ok 9234 - no live objects ok 9235 - no live entries ok 9236 - lookup 1024 objects ok 9237 - all lookups succeeded ok 9238 - no live objects ok 9239 - no live entries ok 9240 - no error in fixture ok 9241 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 9242 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 9243 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9244 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9245 - stored 3 objects ok 9246 - no live objects ok 9247 - no live entries ok 9248 - lookup E28B1E2A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9249 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9250 - ref to other object ok 9251 - mututal ref ok 9252 - ref in auxillary structure ok 9253 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 9254 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 9255 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 9256 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 9257 - Putin is paranoid ok 9258 - updated 1 objects ok 9259 - transaction finished without errors ok 9260 - no live objects ok 9261 - no live entries ok 9262 - lookup E28B1E2A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9263 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9264 - Georgia got plastered ok 9265 - correct live objects ok 9266 - Putin is a dead object ok 9267 - updated live objects ok 9268 - transaction finished without errors ok 9269 - no live objects ok 9270 - no live entries ok 9271 - lookup E28CDB0C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9272 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9273 - inter object rels ok 9274 - updated 1 objects ok 9275 - transaction finished without errors ok 9276 - no live objects ok 9277 - no live entries ok 9278 - lookup E28CDB0C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9279 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9280 - name ok 9281 - transaction finished without errors ok 9282 - no live objects ok 9283 - no live entries ok 9284 - lookup E28C1FAA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9285 - correct live objects ok 9286 - updated 1 objects ok 9287 - updated 1 objects ok 9288 - updated 1 objects ok 9289 - updated 1 objects ok 9290 - transaction finished without errors ok 9291 - no live objects ok 9292 - no live entries ok 9293 - lookup E28C1FAA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9294 - updated in storage ok 9295 - deleted 1 objects ok 9296 - E28C1FAA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9297 - lookup no longer returns object ok 9298 - transaction finished without errors ok 9299 - no live objects ok 9300 - no live entries ok 9301 - E28C1FAA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9302 - no error in fixture ok 9303 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9304 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9305 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 9306 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 9307 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9308 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 9309 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9310 - stored 2 objects ok 9311 - correct live objects ok 9312 - no live objects ok 9313 - no live entries ok 9314 - [E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 9315 - lookup 1 objects ok 9316 - all lookups succeeded ok 9317 - name attr ok 9318 - updated 1 objects ok 9319 - successful transaction ok 9320 - name attr ok 9321 - no live objects ok 9322 - no live entries ok 9323 - lookup 1 objects ok 9324 - all lookups succeeded ok 9325 - updated 1 objects ok 9326 - failed transaction ok 9327 - name not rolled back in live object ok 9328 - no live objects ok 9329 - no live entries ok 9330 - lookup 1 objects ok 9331 - all lookups succeeded ok 9332 - name rolled back in DB ok 9333 - no live objects ok 9334 - no live entries ok 9335 - lookup 1 objects ok 9336 - all lookups succeeded ok 9337 - name attr ok 9338 - updated 1 objects ok 9339 - updated 1 objects ok 9340 - failed transaction ok 9341 - name attr of object ok 9342 - no live objects ok 9343 - no live entries ok 9344 - lookup 1 objects ok 9345 - all lookups succeeded ok 9346 - name rolled back in DB ok 9347 - no live objects ok 9348 - no live entries ok 9349 - lookup 1 objects ok 9350 - all lookups succeeded ok 9351 - updated 1 objects ok 9352 - lookup 1 objects ok 9353 - all lookups succeeded ok 9354 - deleted 1 objects ok 9355 - E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9356 - failed transaction ok 9357 - [E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 9358 - no live objects ok 9359 - no live entries ok 9360 - [E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 9361 - lookup 1 objects ok 9362 - all lookups succeeded ok 9363 - no live objects ok 9364 - no live entries ok 9365 - deleted 1 objects ok 9366 - E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9367 - failed transaction ok 9368 - [E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 9369 - no live objects ok 9370 - no live entries ok 9371 - [E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 9372 - deleted 1 objects ok 9373 - E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9374 - E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9375 - no live objects ok 9376 - no live entries ok 9377 - E29D2890-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9378 - no error in fixture ok 9379 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 9380 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 9381 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 9382 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 9383 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 9384 - stored 3 objects ok 9385 - no live objects ok 9386 - no live entries ok 9387 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9388 - root set ok 9389 - root set IDs ok 9390 - transaction finished without errors ok 9391 - inserted 1 objects ok 9392 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9393 - root set reflects insertion ok 9394 - root set IDs are the same ok 9395 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 9396 - root set rolled back ok 9397 - ids are the same ok 9398 - transaction finished without errors ok 9399 - transaction finished without errors ok 9400 - got an ID for foo ok 9401 - deleted 1 objects ok 9402 - root set reflects deletion ok 9403 - root set IDs are the same ok 9404 - inserted 1 objects ok 9405 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9406 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 9407 - root set IDs are the same ok 9408 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 9409 - root set ok 9410 - ids are the same ok 9411 - transaction finished without errors ok 9412 - all entries ok 9413 - all IDs ok 9414 - transaction finished without errors ok 9415 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 9416 - inserted 1 objects ok 9417 - one entry ok 9418 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 9419 - transaction finished without errors ok 9420 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 9421 - rolled back ok 9422 - all entries restored ok 9423 - all IDs ok 9424 - transaction finished without errors ok 9425 - transaction finished without errors ok 9426 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 9427 - transaction finished without errors ok 9428 - no error in fixture ok 9429 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 9430 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 9431 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 9432 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 9433 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 9434 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9435 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 9436 - stored 2 objects ok 9437 - correct live objects ok 9438 - no live objects ok 9439 - no live entries ok 9440 - lookup 1 objects ok 9441 - all lookups succeeded ok 9442 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9443 - name attr ok 9444 - update ok 9445 - no live objects ok 9446 - no live entries ok 9447 - lookup 1 objects ok 9448 - all lookups succeeded ok 9449 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 9450 - data attr ok 9451 - update (noop) ok 9452 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 9453 - no live objects ok 9454 - no live entries ok 9455 - can't insert duplicate ok 9456 - no live objects ok 9457 - no live entries ok 9458 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 9459 - no live objects ok 9460 - no live entries ok 9461 - lookup 1 objects ok 9462 - all lookups succeeded ok 9463 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 9464 - no live objects ok 9465 - no live entries ok 9466 - no error in fixture ok 9467 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 9468 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 9469 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 9470 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 9471 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9472 - stored 1 objects ok 9473 - correct live objects ok 9474 - no live objects ok 9475 - no live entries ok 9476 - lookup 1 objects ok 9477 - all lookups succeeded ok 9478 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9479 - name ok 9480 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 9481 - age attr ok 9482 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 9483 - no error in refresh ok 9484 - age updated ok 9485 - transaction finished without errors ok 9486 - no error in fixture ok 9487 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 9488 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 9489 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 9490 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 9491 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9492 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 9493 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9494 - stored 2 objects ok 9495 - correct live objects ok 9496 - no live objects ok 9497 - no live entries ok 9498 - lookup 2 objects ok 9499 - all lookups succeeded ok 9500 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9501 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 9502 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9503 - entry is associated with object ok 9504 - the right object ok 9505 - name ok 9506 - parents ok 9507 - array ref ok 9508 - one parent ok 9509 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9510 - parent name ok 9511 - company ok 9512 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 9513 - name ok 9514 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 9515 - transaction finished without errors ok 9516 - no error in fixture ok 9517 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 9518 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 9519 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 9520 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 9521 - stored 1 objects ok 9522 - no live objects ok 9523 - no live entries ok 9524 - lookup 1 objects ok 9525 - all lookups succeeded ok 9526 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9527 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9528 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9529 - transaction finished without errors ok 9530 - no live objects ok 9531 - no live entries ok 9532 - lookup 1 objects ok 9533 - all lookups succeeded ok 9534 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9535 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9536 - updated 1 objects ok 9537 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9538 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9539 - transaction finished without errors ok 9540 - no live objects ok 9541 - no live entries ok 9542 - lookup 1 objects ok 9543 - all lookups succeeded ok 9544 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9545 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9546 - [root_person E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9547 - updated 1 objects ok 9548 - [root_person E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9549 - transaction finished without errors ok 9550 - no live objects ok 9551 - no live entries ok 9552 - lookup 1 objects ok 9553 - all lookups succeeded ok 9554 - [root_person E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9555 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9556 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9557 - transaction finished without errors ok 9558 - no live objects ok 9559 - no live entries ok 9560 - lookup 1 objects ok 9561 - all lookups succeeded ok 9562 - [root_person E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9563 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9564 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9565 - updated 1 objects ok 9566 - transaction finished without errors ok 9567 - no live objects ok 9568 - no live entries ok 9569 - lookup 1 objects ok 9570 - all lookups succeeded ok 9571 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 9572 - [E2C0ACD4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 9573 - transaction finished without errors ok 9574 - no error in fixture ok 9575 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 9576 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 9577 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 9578 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 9579 - stored 2 objects ok 9580 - no live objects ok 9581 - no live entries ok 9582 - lookup 2 objects ok 9583 - all lookups succeeded ok 9584 - transaction finished without errors ok 9585 - transaction finished without errors ok 9586 - E2C92A9E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 E2C95C6C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9587 - transaction finished without errors ok 9588 - no error in fixture ok 9589 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 9590 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 9591 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 9592 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 9593 - stored 2 objects ok 9594 - no live objects ok 9595 - no live entries ok 9596 - lookup 2 objects ok 9597 - all lookups succeeded ok 9598 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9599 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9600 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 9601 - decoded cleanly ok 9602 - decoded to correct value ok 9603 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 9604 - bytes not truncated ok 9605 - bytes equal ok 9606 - transaction finished without errors ok 9607 - no error in fixture ok 9608 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 9609 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 9610 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 9611 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 9612 - stored 1 objects ok 9613 - no live objects ok 9614 - no live entries ok 9615 - no live objects ok 9616 - no live entries ok 9617 - lookup 1 objects ok 9618 - all lookups succeeded ok 9619 - id is object digest ok 9620 - field retained ok 9621 - transaction finished without errors ok 9622 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 9623 - correct live objects ok 9624 - no live objects ok 9625 - no live entries ok 9626 - inserted 1 objects ok 9627 - transaction finished without errors ok 9628 - no live objects ok 9629 - no live entries ok 9630 - lookup 1 objects ok 9631 - all lookups succeeded ok 9632 - inserted 1 objects not ok 9633 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 9634 - transaction finished without errors ok 9635 - no live objects ok 9636 - no live entries ok 9637 - lookup 1 objects ok 9638 - all lookups succeeded ok 9639 - inserted 1 objects ok 9640 - got a new ID ok 9641 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 9642 - transaction finished without errors ok 9643 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 9644 - correct live objects ok 9645 - no live objects ok 9646 - no live entries ok 9647 - no error in fixture ok 9648 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 9649 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 9650 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 9651 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 9652 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 9653 - stored 3 objects ok 9654 - no live objects ok 9655 - no live entries ok 9656 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9657 - root set ok 9658 - root set IDs ok 9659 - transaction finished without errors ok 9660 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9661 - nonroot entries ok 9662 - nonroot IDs ok 9663 - transaction finished without errors ok 9664 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9665 - all entries ok 9666 - all IDs ok 9667 - transaction finished without errors ok 9668 - no error in fixture ok 9669 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 9670 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 9671 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 9672 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 9673 - stored 3 objects ok 9674 - no live objects ok 9675 - no live entries ok 9676 - lookup 3 objects ok 9677 - all lookups succeeded ok 9678 - no members ok 9679 - set members ok 9680 - set is loaded ok 9681 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 9682 - set still loaded ok 9683 - inserting ID of live object ok 9684 - set still loaded ok 9685 - members ok 9686 - removed element ok 9687 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 9688 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 9689 - members ok 9690 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 9691 - members ok 9692 - set not loaded ok 9693 - lookup 1 objects ok 9694 - all lookups succeeded ok 9695 - set vivified ok 9696 - now marked as loaded ok 9697 - lookup 3 objects ok 9698 - all lookups succeeded ok 9699 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 9700 - members ok 9701 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 9702 - members ok 9703 - set size is 0 ok 9704 - no members ok 9705 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 9706 - lookup 3 objects ok 9707 - all lookups succeeded ok 9708 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 9709 - lookup 1 objects ok 9710 - all lookups succeeded ok 9711 - removed element ok 9712 - set not loaded ok 9713 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9714 - union is deferred ok 9715 - lookup 2 objects ok 9716 - all lookups succeeded ok 9717 - members ok 9718 - now it is loaded ok 9719 - lookup 3 objects ok 9720 - all lookups succeeded ok 9721 - union ok 9722 - no live objects ok 9723 - no live entries ok 9724 - no members ok 9725 - set not loaded ok 9726 - cleared ok 9727 - cleared set is loaded ok 9728 - no live objects ok 9729 - no live entries ok 9730 - lookup 3 objects ok 9731 - all lookups succeeded ok 9732 - stored 1 objects ok 9733 - no live objects ok 9734 - no live entries ok 9735 - lookup 1 objects ok 9736 - all lookups succeeded ok 9737 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9738 - set size ok 9739 - lookup 1 objects ok 9740 - all lookups succeeded ok 9741 - members ok 9742 - loaded set ok 9743 - no live objects ok 9744 - no live entries ok 9745 - lookup 1 objects ok 9746 - all lookups succeeded ok 9747 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9748 - set size ok 9749 - lookup 1 objects ok 9750 - all lookups succeeded ok 9751 - set size is 2 ok 9752 - set not loaded ok 9753 - stored 1 objects ok 9754 - set not loaded by ->store ok 9755 - no live objects ok 9756 - no live entries ok 9757 - lookup 1 objects ok 9758 - all lookups succeeded ok 9759 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 9760 - set size ok 9761 - lookup 2 objects ok 9762 - all lookups succeeded ok 9763 - members ok 9764 - loaded set ok 9765 - no live objects ok 9766 - no live entries ok 9767 - no error in fixture ok 9768 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 9769 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 9770 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9771 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9772 - stored 3 objects ok 9773 - no live objects ok 9774 - no live entries ok 9775 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9776 - one object ok 9777 - name attr ok 9778 - no live objects ok 9779 - no live entries ok 9780 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 9781 - two objects ok 9782 - name attr ok 9783 - name attr ok 9784 - no error in fixture ok 9785 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9786 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 9787 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9788 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9789 - stored 13 objects ok 9790 - no live objects ok 9791 - no live entries ok 9792 - lookup 1 objects ok 9793 - all lookups succeeded ok 9794 - reftype for scalar ok 9795 - value ok 9796 - no live objects ok 9797 - no live entries ok 9798 - lookup 1 objects ok 9799 - all lookups succeeded ok 9800 - plain hash ok 9801 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 9802 - keys ok 9803 - no live objects ok 9804 - no live entries ok 9805 - lookup 1 objects ok 9806 - all lookups succeeded ok 9807 - coderef ok 9808 - invoke closure ok 9809 - invoke closure ok 9810 - no live objects ok 9811 - no live entries ok 9812 - lookup 1 objects ok 9813 - all lookups succeeded ok 9814 - coderef ok 9815 - invoke closure ok 9816 - invoke closure ok 9817 - stored 1 objects ok 9818 - no live objects ok 9819 - no live entries ok 9820 - lookup 1 objects ok 9821 - all lookups succeeded ok 9822 - coderef ok 9823 - closure updated ok 9824 - no live objects ok 9825 - no live entries ok 9826 - lookup 1 objects ok 9827 - all lookups succeeded ok 9828 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9829 - class attr ok 9830 - does runtime role ok 9831 - role attr ok 9832 - anon class ok 9833 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 9834 - no live objects ok 9835 - no live entries ok 9836 - lookup 1 objects ok 9837 - all lookups succeeded ok 9838 - plain hash ok 9839 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 9840 - key order preserved ok 9841 - no live objects ok 9842 - no live entries ok 9843 - lookup 1 objects ok 9844 - all lookups succeeded ok 9845 - The object isa DateTime ok 9846 - no live objects ok 9847 - no live entries ok 9848 - lookup 1 objects ok 9849 - all lookups succeeded ok 9850 - The object isa DateTime ok 9851 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 9852 - no live objects ok 9853 - no live entries ok 9854 - lookup 1 objects ok 9855 - all lookups succeeded ok 9856 - The object isa URI ok 9857 - uri ok 9858 - no live objects ok 9859 - no live entries ok 9860 - lookup 1 objects ok 9861 - all lookups succeeded ok 9862 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 9863 - The object isa URI ok 9864 - no live objects ok 9865 - no live entries ok 9866 - lookup 1 objects ok 9867 - all lookups succeeded ok 9868 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 9869 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 9870 - basename ok 9871 - no live objects ok 9872 - no live entries ok 9873 - lookup 1 objects ok 9874 - all lookups succeeded ok 9875 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 9876 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 9877 - trait attr ok 9878 - normal attr ok 9879 - no live objects ok 9880 - no live entries ok 9881 - lookup 1 objects ok 9882 - all lookups succeeded ok 9883 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 9884 - role attr ok 9885 - lookup 1 objects ok 9886 - all lookups succeeded ok 9887 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 9888 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 9889 - role attr ok 9890 - no error in fixture ok 9891 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9892 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 9893 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 9894 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 9895 - stored 1 objects ok 9896 - no live objects ok 9897 - no live entries ok 9898 - lookup 1 objects ok 9899 - all lookups succeeded ok 9900 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9901 - preserved is_utf8 ok 9902 - correct value ok 9903 - transaction finished without errors ok 9904 - no error in fixture ok 9905 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 9906 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 9907 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 9908 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 9909 - stored 1024 objects ok 9910 - no live objects ok 9911 - no live entries ok 9912 - lookup 1024 objects ok 9913 - all lookups succeeded ok 9914 - no live objects ok 9915 - no live entries ok 9916 - no error in fixture ok 9917 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 9918 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 9919 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9920 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9921 - stored 3 objects ok 9922 - no live objects ok 9923 - no live entries ok 9924 - lookup E3FAA082-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9925 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9926 - ref to other object ok 9927 - mututal ref ok 9928 - ref in auxillary structure ok 9929 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 9930 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 9931 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 9932 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 9933 - Putin is paranoid ok 9934 - updated 1 objects ok 9935 - transaction finished without errors ok 9936 - no live objects ok 9937 - no live entries ok 9938 - lookup E3FAA082-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9939 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9940 - Georgia got plastered ok 9941 - correct live objects ok 9942 - Putin is a dead object ok 9943 - updated live objects ok 9944 - transaction finished without errors ok 9945 - no live objects ok 9946 - no live entries ok 9947 - lookup E3FC76B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9948 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9949 - inter object rels ok 9950 - updated 1 objects ok 9951 - transaction finished without errors ok 9952 - no live objects ok 9953 - no live entries ok 9954 - lookup E3FC76B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9955 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9956 - name ok 9957 - transaction finished without errors ok 9958 - no live objects ok 9959 - no live entries ok 9960 - lookup E3FBB198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9961 - correct live objects ok 9962 - updated 1 objects ok 9963 - updated 1 objects ok 9964 - updated 1 objects ok 9965 - updated 1 objects ok 9966 - transaction finished without errors ok 9967 - no live objects ok 9968 - no live entries ok 9969 - lookup E3FBB198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 9970 - updated in storage ok 9971 - deleted 1 objects ok 9972 - E3FBB198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9973 - lookup no longer returns object ok 9974 - transaction finished without errors ok 9975 - no live objects ok 9976 - no live entries ok 9977 - E3FBB198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 9978 - no error in fixture ok 9979 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9980 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 9981 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 9982 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 9983 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9984 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 9985 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 9986 - stored 2 objects ok 9987 - correct live objects ok 9988 - no live objects ok 9989 - no live entries ok 9990 - [E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 9991 - lookup 1 objects ok 9992 - all lookups succeeded ok 9993 - name attr ok 9994 - updated 1 objects ok 9995 - successful transaction ok 9996 - name attr ok 9997 - no live objects ok 9998 - no live entries ok 9999 - lookup 1 objects ok 10000 - all lookups succeeded ok 10001 - updated 1 objects ok 10002 - failed transaction ok 10003 - name not rolled back in live object ok 10004 - no live objects ok 10005 - no live entries ok 10006 - lookup 1 objects ok 10007 - all lookups succeeded ok 10008 - name rolled back in DB ok 10009 - no live objects ok 10010 - no live entries ok 10011 - lookup 1 objects ok 10012 - all lookups succeeded ok 10013 - name attr ok 10014 - updated 1 objects ok 10015 - updated 1 objects ok 10016 - failed transaction ok 10017 - name attr of object ok 10018 - no live objects ok 10019 - no live entries ok 10020 - lookup 1 objects ok 10021 - all lookups succeeded ok 10022 - name rolled back in DB ok 10023 - no live objects ok 10024 - no live entries ok 10025 - lookup 1 objects ok 10026 - all lookups succeeded ok 10027 - updated 1 objects ok 10028 - lookup 1 objects ok 10029 - all lookups succeeded ok 10030 - deleted 1 objects ok 10031 - E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10032 - failed transaction ok 10033 - [E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10034 - no live objects ok 10035 - no live entries ok 10036 - [E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10037 - lookup 1 objects ok 10038 - all lookups succeeded ok 10039 - no live objects ok 10040 - no live entries ok 10041 - deleted 1 objects ok 10042 - E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10043 - failed transaction ok 10044 - [E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10045 - no live objects ok 10046 - no live entries ok 10047 - [E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10048 - deleted 1 objects ok 10049 - E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10050 - E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10051 - no live objects ok 10052 - no live entries ok 10053 - E40E5492-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10054 - no error in fixture ok 10055 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 10056 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 10057 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 10058 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10059 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10060 - stored 3 objects ok 10061 - no live objects ok 10062 - no live entries ok 10063 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10064 - root set ok 10065 - root set IDs ok 10066 - transaction finished without errors ok 10067 - inserted 1 objects ok 10068 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10069 - root set reflects insertion ok 10070 - root set IDs are the same ok 10071 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 10072 - root set rolled back ok 10073 - ids are the same ok 10074 - transaction finished without errors ok 10075 - transaction finished without errors ok 10076 - got an ID for foo ok 10077 - deleted 1 objects ok 10078 - root set reflects deletion ok 10079 - root set IDs are the same ok 10080 - inserted 1 objects ok 10081 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10082 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 10083 - root set IDs are the same ok 10084 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 10085 - root set ok 10086 - ids are the same ok 10087 - transaction finished without errors ok 10088 - all entries ok 10089 - all IDs ok 10090 - transaction finished without errors ok 10091 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10092 - inserted 1 objects ok 10093 - one entry ok 10094 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10095 - transaction finished without errors ok 10096 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10097 - rolled back ok 10098 - all entries restored ok 10099 - all IDs ok 10100 - transaction finished without errors ok 10101 - transaction finished without errors ok 10102 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10103 - transaction finished without errors ok 10104 - no error in fixture ok 10105 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10106 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10107 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 10108 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 10109 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 10110 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10111 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 10112 - stored 2 objects ok 10113 - correct live objects ok 10114 - no live objects ok 10115 - no live entries ok 10116 - lookup 1 objects ok 10117 - all lookups succeeded ok 10118 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10119 - name attr ok 10120 - update ok 10121 - no live objects ok 10122 - no live entries ok 10123 - lookup 1 objects ok 10124 - all lookups succeeded ok 10125 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 10126 - data attr ok 10127 - update (noop) ok 10128 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 10129 - no live objects ok 10130 - no live entries ok 10131 - can't insert duplicate ok 10132 - no live objects ok 10133 - no live entries ok 10134 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 10135 - no live objects ok 10136 - no live entries ok 10137 - lookup 1 objects ok 10138 - all lookups succeeded ok 10139 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 10140 - no live objects ok 10141 - no live entries ok 10142 - no error in fixture ok 10143 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 10144 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 10145 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 10146 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 10147 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10148 - stored 1 objects ok 10149 - correct live objects ok 10150 - no live objects ok 10151 - no live entries ok 10152 - lookup 1 objects ok 10153 - all lookups succeeded ok 10154 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10155 - name ok 10156 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 10157 - age attr ok 10158 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 10159 - no error in refresh ok 10160 - age updated ok 10161 - transaction finished without errors ok 10162 - no error in fixture ok 10163 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 10164 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 10165 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 10166 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 10167 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10168 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 10169 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10170 - stored 2 objects ok 10171 - correct live objects ok 10172 - no live objects ok 10173 - no live entries ok 10174 - lookup 2 objects ok 10175 - all lookups succeeded ok 10176 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10177 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 10178 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10179 - entry is associated with object ok 10180 - the right object ok 10181 - name ok 10182 - parents ok 10183 - array ref ok 10184 - one parent ok 10185 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10186 - parent name ok 10187 - company ok 10188 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 10189 - name ok 10190 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 10191 - transaction finished without errors ok 10192 - no error in fixture ok 10193 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 10194 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 10195 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 10196 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 10197 - stored 1 objects ok 10198 - no live objects ok 10199 - no live entries ok 10200 - lookup 1 objects ok 10201 - all lookups succeeded ok 10202 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10203 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10204 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10205 - transaction finished without errors ok 10206 - no live objects ok 10207 - no live entries ok 10208 - lookup 1 objects ok 10209 - all lookups succeeded ok 10210 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10211 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10212 - updated 1 objects ok 10213 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10214 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10215 - transaction finished without errors ok 10216 - no live objects ok 10217 - no live entries ok 10218 - lookup 1 objects ok 10219 - all lookups succeeded ok 10220 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10221 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10222 - [root_person E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10223 - updated 1 objects ok 10224 - [root_person E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10225 - transaction finished without errors ok 10226 - no live objects ok 10227 - no live entries ok 10228 - lookup 1 objects ok 10229 - all lookups succeeded ok 10230 - [root_person E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10231 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10232 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10233 - transaction finished without errors ok 10234 - no live objects ok 10235 - no live entries ok 10236 - lookup 1 objects ok 10237 - all lookups succeeded ok 10238 - [root_person E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10239 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10240 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10241 - updated 1 objects ok 10242 - transaction finished without errors ok 10243 - no live objects ok 10244 - no live entries ok 10245 - lookup 1 objects ok 10246 - all lookups succeeded ok 10247 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10248 - [E431A0DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10249 - transaction finished without errors ok 10250 - no error in fixture ok 10251 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 10252 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 10253 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 10254 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 10255 - stored 2 objects ok 10256 - no live objects ok 10257 - no live entries ok 10258 - lookup 2 objects ok 10259 - all lookups succeeded ok 10260 - transaction finished without errors ok 10261 - transaction finished without errors ok 10262 - E439D7AC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 E439FE9E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10263 - transaction finished without errors ok 10264 - no error in fixture ok 10265 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 10266 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 10267 - no live objects at start of Binary fixture ok 10268 - no live entries at start of Binary fixture ok 10269 - stored 2 objects ok 10270 - no live objects ok 10271 - no live entries ok 10272 - lookup 2 objects ok 10273 - all lookups succeeded ok 10274 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10275 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10276 - preserved utf8 bytes ok 10277 - decoded cleanly ok 10278 - decoded to correct value ok 10279 - preserved arbitrary bytes ok 10280 - bytes not truncated ok 10281 - bytes equal ok 10282 - transaction finished without errors ok 10283 - no error in fixture ok 10284 - no live objects at end of Binary fixture ok 10285 - no live entries at end of Binary fixture ok 10286 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 10287 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 10288 - stored 1 objects ok 10289 - no live objects ok 10290 - no live entries ok 10291 - no live objects ok 10292 - no live entries ok 10293 - lookup 1 objects ok 10294 - all lookups succeeded ok 10295 - id is object digest ok 10296 - field retained ok 10297 - transaction finished without errors ok 10298 - no live objects ok 10299 - no live entries ok 10300 - inserted 1 objects ok 10301 - transaction finished without errors ok 10302 - no live objects ok 10303 - no live entries ok 10304 - lookup 1 objects ok 10305 - all lookups succeeded ok 10306 - inserted 1 objects not ok 10307 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 10308 - transaction finished without errors ok 10309 - no live objects ok 10310 - no live entries ok 10311 - lookup 1 objects ok 10312 - all lookups succeeded ok 10313 - inserted 1 objects ok 10314 - got a new ID ok 10315 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 10316 - transaction finished without errors ok 10317 - no live objects ok 10318 - no live entries ok 10319 - no error in fixture ok 10320 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 10321 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 10322 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 10323 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 10324 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 10325 - stored 3 objects ok 10326 - no live objects ok 10327 - no live entries ok 10328 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10329 - root set ok 10330 - root set IDs ok 10331 - transaction finished without errors ok 10332 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10333 - nonroot entries ok 10334 - nonroot IDs ok 10335 - transaction finished without errors ok 10336 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10337 - all entries ok 10338 - all IDs ok 10339 - transaction finished without errors ok 10340 - no error in fixture ok 10341 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 10342 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 10343 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 10344 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 10345 - stored 3 objects ok 10346 - no live objects ok 10347 - no live entries ok 10348 - lookup 3 objects ok 10349 - all lookups succeeded ok 10350 - no members ok 10351 - set members ok 10352 - set is loaded ok 10353 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 10354 - set still loaded ok 10355 - inserting ID of live object ok 10356 - set still loaded ok 10357 - members ok 10358 - removed element ok 10359 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 10360 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 10361 - members ok 10362 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 10363 - members ok 10364 - set not loaded ok 10365 - lookup 1 objects ok 10366 - all lookups succeeded ok 10367 - set vivified ok 10368 - now marked as loaded ok 10369 - lookup 3 objects ok 10370 - all lookups succeeded ok 10371 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 10372 - members ok 10373 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 10374 - members ok 10375 - set size is 0 ok 10376 - no members ok 10377 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 10378 - lookup 3 objects ok 10379 - all lookups succeeded ok 10380 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 10381 - lookup 1 objects ok 10382 - all lookups succeeded ok 10383 - removed element ok 10384 - set not loaded ok 10385 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 10386 - union is deferred ok 10387 - lookup 2 objects ok 10388 - all lookups succeeded ok 10389 - members ok 10390 - now it is loaded ok 10391 - lookup 3 objects ok 10392 - all lookups succeeded ok 10393 - union ok 10394 - no live objects ok 10395 - no live entries ok 10396 - no members ok 10397 - set not loaded ok 10398 - cleared ok 10399 - cleared set is loaded ok 10400 - no live objects ok 10401 - no live entries ok 10402 - lookup 3 objects ok 10403 - all lookups succeeded ok 10404 - stored 1 objects ok 10405 - no live objects ok 10406 - no live entries ok 10407 - lookup 1 objects ok 10408 - all lookups succeeded ok 10409 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 10410 - set size ok 10411 - lookup 1 objects ok 10412 - all lookups succeeded ok 10413 - members ok 10414 - loaded set ok 10415 - no live objects ok 10416 - no live entries ok 10417 - lookup 1 objects ok 10418 - all lookups succeeded ok 10419 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 10420 - set size ok 10421 - lookup 1 objects ok 10422 - all lookups succeeded ok 10423 - set size is 2 ok 10424 - set not loaded ok 10425 - stored 1 objects ok 10426 - set not loaded by ->store ok 10427 - no live objects ok 10428 - no live entries ok 10429 - lookup 1 objects ok 10430 - all lookups succeeded ok 10431 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 10432 - set size ok 10433 - lookup 2 objects ok 10434 - all lookups succeeded ok 10435 - members ok 10436 - loaded set ok 10437 - no live objects ok 10438 - no live entries ok 10439 - no error in fixture ok 10440 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 10441 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 10442 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 10443 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 10444 - stored 3 objects ok 10445 - no live objects ok 10446 - no live entries ok 10447 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10448 - one object ok 10449 - name attr ok 10450 - no live objects ok 10451 - no live entries ok 10452 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10453 - two objects ok 10454 - name attr ok 10455 - name attr ok 10456 - no error in fixture ok 10457 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 10458 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 10459 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 10460 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 10461 - stored 13 objects ok 10462 - no live objects ok 10463 - no live entries ok 10464 - lookup 1 objects ok 10465 - all lookups succeeded ok 10466 - reftype for scalar ok 10467 - value ok 10468 - no live objects ok 10469 - no live entries ok 10470 - lookup 1 objects ok 10471 - all lookups succeeded ok 10472 - plain hash ok 10473 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 10474 - keys ok 10475 - no live objects ok 10476 - no live entries ok 10477 - lookup 1 objects ok 10478 - all lookups succeeded ok 10479 - coderef ok 10480 - invoke closure ok 10481 - invoke closure ok 10482 - no live objects ok 10483 - no live entries ok 10484 - lookup 1 objects ok 10485 - all lookups succeeded ok 10486 - coderef ok 10487 - invoke closure ok 10488 - invoke closure ok 10489 - stored 1 objects ok 10490 - no live objects ok 10491 - no live entries ok 10492 - lookup 1 objects ok 10493 - all lookups succeeded ok 10494 - coderef ok 10495 - closure updated ok 10496 - no live objects ok 10497 - no live entries ok 10498 - lookup 1 objects ok 10499 - all lookups succeeded ok 10500 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10501 - class attr ok 10502 - does runtime role ok 10503 - role attr ok 10504 - anon class ok 10505 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 10506 - no live objects ok 10507 - no live entries ok 10508 - lookup 1 objects ok 10509 - all lookups succeeded ok 10510 - plain hash ok 10511 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 10512 - key order preserved ok 10513 - no live objects ok 10514 - no live entries ok 10515 - lookup 1 objects ok 10516 - all lookups succeeded ok 10517 - The object isa DateTime ok 10518 - no live objects ok 10519 - no live entries ok 10520 - lookup 1 objects ok 10521 - all lookups succeeded ok 10522 - The object isa DateTime ok 10523 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 10524 - no live objects ok 10525 - no live entries ok 10526 - lookup 1 objects ok 10527 - all lookups succeeded ok 10528 - The object isa URI ok 10529 - uri ok 10530 - no live objects ok 10531 - no live entries ok 10532 - lookup 1 objects ok 10533 - all lookups succeeded ok 10534 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 10535 - The object isa URI ok 10536 - no live objects ok 10537 - no live entries ok 10538 - lookup 1 objects ok 10539 - all lookups succeeded ok 10540 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 10541 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 10542 - basename ok 10543 - no live objects ok 10544 - no live entries ok 10545 - lookup 1 objects ok 10546 - all lookups succeeded ok 10547 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 10548 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 10549 - trait attr ok 10550 - normal attr ok 10551 - no live objects ok 10552 - no live entries ok 10553 - lookup 1 objects ok 10554 - all lookups succeeded ok 10555 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 10556 - role attr ok 10557 - lookup 1 objects ok 10558 - all lookups succeeded ok 10559 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 10560 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 10561 - role attr ok 10562 - no error in fixture ok 10563 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 10564 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 10565 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 10566 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 10567 - stored 1 objects ok 10568 - no live objects ok 10569 - no live entries ok 10570 - lookup 1 objects ok 10571 - all lookups succeeded ok 10572 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10573 - preserved is_utf8 ok 10574 - correct value ok 10575 - transaction finished without errors ok 10576 - no error in fixture ok 10577 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 10578 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 10579 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 10580 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 10581 - stored 1024 objects ok 10582 - no live objects ok 10583 - no live entries ok 10584 - lookup 1024 objects ok 10585 - all lookups succeeded ok 10586 - no live objects ok 10587 - no live entries ok 10588 - no error in fixture ok 10589 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 10590 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 10591 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 10592 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 10593 - stored 3 objects ok 10594 - no live objects ok 10595 - no live entries ok 10596 - lookup E5628F20-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 10597 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10598 - ref to other object ok 10599 - mututal ref ok 10600 - ref in auxillary structure ok 10601 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 10602 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 10603 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 10604 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 10605 - Putin is paranoid ok 10606 - updated 1 objects ok 10607 - transaction finished without errors ok 10608 - no live objects ok 10609 - no live entries ok 10610 - lookup E5628F20-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 10611 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10612 - Georgia got plastered ok 10613 - correct live objects ok 10614 - Putin is a dead object ok 10615 - updated live objects ok 10616 - transaction finished without errors ok 10617 - no live objects ok 10618 - no live entries ok 10619 - lookup E564571A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 10620 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10621 - inter object rels ok 10622 - updated 1 objects ok 10623 - transaction finished without errors ok 10624 - no live objects ok 10625 - no live entries ok 10626 - lookup E564571A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 10627 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10628 - name ok 10629 - transaction finished without errors ok 10630 - no live objects ok 10631 - no live entries ok 10632 - lookup E5639910-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 10633 - correct live objects ok 10634 - updated 1 objects ok 10635 - updated 1 objects ok 10636 - updated 1 objects ok 10637 - updated 1 objects ok 10638 - transaction finished without errors ok 10639 - no live objects ok 10640 - no live entries ok 10641 - lookup E5639910-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 10642 - updated in storage ok 10643 - deleted 1 objects ok 10644 - E5639910-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10645 - lookup no longer returns object ok 10646 - transaction finished without errors ok 10647 - no live objects ok 10648 - no live entries ok 10649 - E5639910-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10650 - no error in fixture ok 10651 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 10652 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 10653 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 10654 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 10655 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10656 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 10657 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10658 - stored 2 objects ok 10659 - correct live objects ok 10660 - no live objects ok 10661 - no live entries ok 10662 - [E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10663 - lookup 1 objects ok 10664 - all lookups succeeded ok 10665 - name attr ok 10666 - updated 1 objects ok 10667 - successful transaction ok 10668 - name attr ok 10669 - no live objects ok 10670 - no live entries ok 10671 - lookup 1 objects ok 10672 - all lookups succeeded ok 10673 - updated 1 objects ok 10674 - failed transaction ok 10675 - name not rolled back in live object ok 10676 - no live objects ok 10677 - no live entries ok 10678 - lookup 1 objects ok 10679 - all lookups succeeded ok 10680 - name rolled back in DB ok 10681 - no live objects ok 10682 - no live entries ok 10683 - lookup 1 objects ok 10684 - all lookups succeeded ok 10685 - name attr ok 10686 - updated 1 objects ok 10687 - updated 1 objects ok 10688 - failed transaction ok 10689 - name attr of object ok 10690 - no live objects ok 10691 - no live entries ok 10692 - lookup 1 objects ok 10693 - all lookups succeeded ok 10694 - name rolled back in DB ok 10695 - no live objects ok 10696 - no live entries ok 10697 - lookup 1 objects ok 10698 - all lookups succeeded ok 10699 - updated 1 objects ok 10700 - lookup 1 objects ok 10701 - all lookups succeeded ok 10702 - deleted 1 objects ok 10703 - E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10704 - failed transaction ok 10705 - [E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10706 - no live objects ok 10707 - no live entries ok 10708 - [E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10709 - lookup 1 objects ok 10710 - all lookups succeeded ok 10711 - no live objects ok 10712 - no live entries ok 10713 - deleted 1 objects ok 10714 - E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10715 - failed transaction ok 10716 - [E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10717 - no live objects ok 10718 - no live entries ok 10719 - [E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 10720 - deleted 1 objects ok 10721 - E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10722 - E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10723 - no live objects ok 10724 - no live entries ok 10725 - E5752EE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10726 - no error in fixture ok 10727 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 10728 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 10729 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 10730 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10731 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10732 - stored 3 objects ok 10733 - no live objects ok 10734 - no live entries ok 10735 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10736 - root set ok 10737 - root set IDs ok 10738 - transaction finished without errors ok 10739 - inserted 1 objects ok 10740 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10741 - root set reflects insertion ok 10742 - root set IDs are the same ok 10743 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 10744 - root set rolled back ok 10745 - ids are the same ok 10746 - transaction finished without errors ok 10747 - transaction finished without errors ok 10748 - got an ID for foo ok 10749 - deleted 1 objects ok 10750 - root set reflects deletion ok 10751 - root set IDs are the same ok 10752 - inserted 1 objects ok 10753 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10754 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 10755 - root set IDs are the same ok 10756 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 10757 - root set ok 10758 - ids are the same ok 10759 - transaction finished without errors ok 10760 - all entries ok 10761 - all IDs ok 10762 - transaction finished without errors ok 10763 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10764 - inserted 1 objects ok 10765 - one entry ok 10766 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10767 - transaction finished without errors ok 10768 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10769 - rolled back ok 10770 - all entries restored ok 10771 - all IDs ok 10772 - transaction finished without errors ok 10773 - transaction finished without errors ok 10774 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 10775 - transaction finished without errors ok 10776 - no error in fixture ok 10777 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10778 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 10779 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 10780 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 10781 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 10782 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10783 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 10784 - stored 2 objects ok 10785 - correct live objects ok 10786 - no live objects ok 10787 - lookup 1 objects ok 10788 - all lookups succeeded ok 10789 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10790 - name attr ok 10791 - update ok 10792 - no live objects ok 10793 - no live entries ok 10794 - lookup 1 objects ok 10795 - all lookups succeeded ok 10796 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 10797 - data attr ok 10798 - update (noop) ok 10799 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 10800 - no live objects ok 10801 - no live entries ok 10802 - can't insert duplicate ok 10803 - no live objects ok 10804 - no live entries ok 10805 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 10806 - no live objects ok 10807 - no live entries ok 10808 - lookup 1 objects ok 10809 - all lookups succeeded ok 10810 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 10811 - no live objects ok 10812 - no live entries ok 10813 - no error in fixture ok 10814 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 10815 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 10816 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 10817 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 10818 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10819 - stored 1 objects ok 10820 - correct live objects ok 10821 - no live objects ok 10822 - lookup 1 objects ok 10823 - all lookups succeeded ok 10824 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10825 - name ok 10826 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 10827 - age attr ok 10828 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 10829 - no error in refresh ok 10830 - age updated ok 10831 - transaction finished without errors ok 10832 - no error in fixture ok 10833 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 10834 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 10835 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 10836 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 10837 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10838 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 10839 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10840 - stored 2 objects ok 10841 - correct live objects ok 10842 - no live objects ok 10843 - lookup 2 objects ok 10844 - all lookups succeeded ok 10845 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10846 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 10847 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10848 - entry is associated with object ok 10849 - the right object ok 10850 - name ok 10851 - parents ok 10852 - array ref ok 10853 - one parent ok 10854 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10855 - parent name ok 10856 - company ok 10857 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 10858 - name ok 10859 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 10860 - transaction finished without errors ok 10861 - no error in fixture ok 10862 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 10863 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 10864 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 10865 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 10866 - stored 1 objects ok 10867 - no live objects ok 10868 - lookup 1 objects ok 10869 - all lookups succeeded ok 10870 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 10871 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10872 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10873 - transaction finished without errors ok 10874 - no live objects ok 10875 - no live entries ok 10876 - lookup 1 objects ok 10877 - all lookups succeeded ok 10878 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10879 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10880 - updated 1 objects ok 10881 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10882 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10883 - transaction finished without errors ok 10884 - no live objects ok 10885 - no live entries ok 10886 - lookup 1 objects ok 10887 - all lookups succeeded ok 10888 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10889 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10890 - [root_person E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10891 - updated 1 objects ok 10892 - [root_person E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10893 - transaction finished without errors ok 10894 - no live objects ok 10895 - no live entries ok 10896 - lookup 1 objects ok 10897 - all lookups succeeded ok 10898 - [root_person E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10899 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10900 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10901 - transaction finished without errors ok 10902 - no live objects ok 10903 - no live entries ok 10904 - lookup 1 objects ok 10905 - all lookups succeeded ok 10906 - [root_person E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10907 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10908 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10909 - updated 1 objects ok 10910 - transaction finished without errors ok 10911 - no live objects ok 10912 - no live entries ok 10913 - lookup 1 objects ok 10914 - all lookups succeeded ok 10915 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 10916 - [E5BCCE90-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 10917 - transaction finished without errors ok 10918 - no error in fixture ok 10919 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 10920 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 10921 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 10922 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 10923 - stored 2 objects ok 10924 - no live objects ok 10925 - lookup 2 objects ok 10926 - all lookups succeeded ok 10927 - transaction finished without errors ok 10928 - transaction finished without errors ok 10929 - E5C586DE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 E5C5B0AA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 10930 - transaction finished without errors ok 10931 - no error in fixture ok 10932 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 10933 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 10934 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 10935 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 10936 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 10937 - stored 1 objects ok 10938 - no live objects ok 10939 - no live objects ok 10940 - no live entries ok 10941 - lookup 1 objects ok 10942 - all lookups succeeded ok 10943 - id is object digest ok 10944 - field retained ok 10945 - transaction finished without errors ok 10946 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 10947 - correct live objects ok 10948 - no live objects ok 10949 - no live entries ok 10950 - inserted 1 objects ok 10951 - transaction finished without errors ok 10952 - no live objects ok 10953 - no live entries ok 10954 - lookup 1 objects ok 10955 - all lookups succeeded ok 10956 - inserted 1 objects not ok 10957 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 10958 - transaction finished without errors ok 10959 - no live objects ok 10960 - no live entries ok 10961 - lookup 1 objects ok 10962 - all lookups succeeded ok 10963 - inserted 1 objects ok 10964 - got a new ID ok 10965 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 10966 - transaction finished without errors ok 10967 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 10968 - correct live objects ok 10969 - no live objects ok 10970 - no live entries ok 10971 - no error in fixture ok 10972 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 10973 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 10974 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 10975 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 10976 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 10977 - stored 3 objects ok 10978 - no live objects ok 10979 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10980 - root set ok 10981 - root set IDs ok 10982 - transaction finished without errors ok 10983 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10984 - nonroot entries ok 10985 - nonroot IDs ok 10986 - transaction finished without errors ok 10987 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 10988 - all entries ok 10989 - all IDs ok 10990 - transaction finished without errors ok 10991 - no error in fixture ok 10992 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 10993 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 10994 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 10995 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 10996 - stored 3 objects ok 10997 - no live objects ok 10998 - lookup 3 objects ok 10999 - all lookups succeeded ok 11000 - no members ok 11001 - set members ok 11002 - set is loaded ok 11003 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 11004 - set still loaded ok 11005 - inserting ID of live object ok 11006 - set still loaded ok 11007 - members ok 11008 - removed element ok 11009 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 11010 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 11011 - members ok 11012 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 11013 - members ok 11014 - set not loaded ok 11015 - lookup 1 objects ok 11016 - all lookups succeeded ok 11017 - set vivified ok 11018 - now marked as loaded ok 11019 - lookup 3 objects ok 11020 - all lookups succeeded ok 11021 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 11022 - members ok 11023 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 11024 - members ok 11025 - set size is 0 ok 11026 - no members ok 11027 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 11028 - lookup 3 objects ok 11029 - all lookups succeeded ok 11030 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 11031 - lookup 1 objects ok 11032 - all lookups succeeded ok 11033 - removed element ok 11034 - set not loaded ok 11035 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11036 - union is deferred ok 11037 - lookup 2 objects ok 11038 - all lookups succeeded ok 11039 - members ok 11040 - now it is loaded ok 11041 - lookup 3 objects ok 11042 - all lookups succeeded ok 11043 - union ok 11044 - no live objects ok 11045 - no live entries ok 11046 - no members ok 11047 - set not loaded ok 11048 - cleared ok 11049 - cleared set is loaded ok 11050 - no live objects ok 11051 - no live entries ok 11052 - lookup 3 objects ok 11053 - all lookups succeeded ok 11054 - stored 1 objects ok 11055 - no live objects ok 11056 - no live entries ok 11057 - lookup 1 objects ok 11058 - all lookups succeeded ok 11059 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11060 - set size ok 11061 - lookup 1 objects ok 11062 - all lookups succeeded ok 11063 - members ok 11064 - loaded set ok 11065 - no live objects ok 11066 - no live entries ok 11067 - lookup 1 objects ok 11068 - all lookups succeeded ok 11069 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11070 - set size ok 11071 - lookup 1 objects ok 11072 - all lookups succeeded ok 11073 - set size is 2 ok 11074 - set not loaded ok 11075 - stored 1 objects ok 11076 - set not loaded by ->store ok 11077 - no live objects ok 11078 - no live entries ok 11079 - lookup 1 objects ok 11080 - all lookups succeeded ok 11081 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11082 - set size ok 11083 - lookup 2 objects ok 11084 - all lookups succeeded ok 11085 - members ok 11086 - loaded set ok 11087 - no live objects ok 11088 - no live entries ok 11089 - no error in fixture ok 11090 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 11091 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 11092 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11093 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11094 - stored 3 objects ok 11095 - no live objects ok 11096 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11097 - one object ok 11098 - name attr ok 11099 - no live objects ok 11100 - no live entries ok 11101 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11102 - two objects ok 11103 - name attr ok 11104 - name attr ok 11105 - no error in fixture ok 11106 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11107 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11108 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11109 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11110 - stored 13 objects ok 11111 - no live objects ok 11112 - lookup 1 objects ok 11113 - all lookups succeeded ok 11114 - reftype for scalar ok 11115 - value ok 11116 - no live objects ok 11117 - no live entries ok 11118 - lookup 1 objects ok 11119 - all lookups succeeded ok 11120 - plain hash ok 11121 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 11122 - keys ok 11123 - no live objects ok 11124 - no live entries ok 11125 - lookup 1 objects ok 11126 - all lookups succeeded ok 11127 - coderef ok 11128 - invoke closure ok 11129 - invoke closure ok 11130 - no live objects ok 11131 - no live entries ok 11132 - lookup 1 objects ok 11133 - all lookups succeeded ok 11134 - coderef ok 11135 - invoke closure ok 11136 - invoke closure ok 11137 - stored 1 objects ok 11138 - no live objects ok 11139 - no live entries ok 11140 - lookup 1 objects ok 11141 - all lookups succeeded ok 11142 - coderef ok 11143 - closure updated ok 11144 - no live objects ok 11145 - no live entries ok 11146 - lookup 1 objects ok 11147 - all lookups succeeded ok 11148 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11149 - class attr ok 11150 - does runtime role ok 11151 - role attr ok 11152 - anon class ok 11153 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 11154 - no live objects ok 11155 - no live entries ok 11156 - lookup 1 objects ok 11157 - all lookups succeeded ok 11158 - plain hash ok 11159 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 11160 - key order preserved ok 11161 - no live objects ok 11162 - no live entries ok 11163 - lookup 1 objects ok 11164 - all lookups succeeded ok 11165 - The object isa DateTime ok 11166 - no live objects ok 11167 - no live entries ok 11168 - lookup 1 objects ok 11169 - all lookups succeeded ok 11170 - The object isa DateTime ok 11171 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 11172 - no live objects ok 11173 - no live entries ok 11174 - lookup 1 objects ok 11175 - all lookups succeeded ok 11176 - The object isa URI ok 11177 - uri ok 11178 - no live objects ok 11179 - no live entries ok 11180 - lookup 1 objects ok 11181 - all lookups succeeded ok 11182 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 11183 - The object isa URI ok 11184 - no live objects ok 11185 - no live entries ok 11186 - lookup 1 objects ok 11187 - all lookups succeeded ok 11188 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 11189 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 11190 - basename ok 11191 - no live objects ok 11192 - no live entries ok 11193 - lookup 1 objects ok 11194 - all lookups succeeded ok 11195 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 11196 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 11197 - trait attr ok 11198 - normal attr ok 11199 - no live objects ok 11200 - no live entries ok 11201 - lookup 1 objects ok 11202 - all lookups succeeded ok 11203 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 11204 - role attr ok 11205 - lookup 1 objects ok 11206 - all lookups succeeded ok 11207 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 11208 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 11209 - role attr ok 11210 - no error in fixture ok 11211 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11212 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11213 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 11214 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 11215 - stored 1 objects ok 11216 - no live objects ok 11217 - lookup 1 objects ok 11218 - all lookups succeeded ok 11219 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11220 - preserved is_utf8 ok 11221 - correct value ok 11222 - transaction finished without errors ok 11223 - no error in fixture ok 11224 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 11225 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 11226 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 11227 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 11228 - stored 1024 objects ok 11229 - no live objects ok 11230 - no live entries ok 11231 - lookup 1024 objects ok 11232 - all lookups succeeded ok 11233 - no live objects ok 11234 - no live entries ok 11235 - no error in fixture ok 11236 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 11237 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 11238 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11239 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11240 - stored 3 objects ok 11241 - no live objects ok 11242 - no live entries ok 11243 - lookup E703DEE2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11244 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11245 - ref to other object ok 11246 - mututal ref ok 11247 - ref in auxillary structure ok 11248 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 11249 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 11250 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 11251 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 11252 - Putin is paranoid ok 11253 - updated 1 objects ok 11254 - transaction finished without errors ok 11255 - no live objects ok 11256 - no live entries ok 11257 - lookup E703DEE2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11258 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11259 - Georgia got plastered ok 11260 - correct live objects ok 11261 - Putin is a dead object ok 11262 - updated live objects ok 11263 - transaction finished without errors ok 11264 - no live objects ok 11265 - no live entries ok 11266 - lookup E70594E4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11267 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11268 - inter object rels ok 11269 - updated 1 objects ok 11270 - transaction finished without errors ok 11271 - no live objects ok 11272 - no live entries ok 11273 - lookup E70594E4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11274 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11275 - name ok 11276 - transaction finished without errors ok 11277 - no live objects ok 11278 - no live entries ok 11279 - lookup E704D568-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11280 - correct live objects ok 11281 - updated 1 objects ok 11282 - updated 1 objects ok 11283 - updated 1 objects ok 11284 - updated 1 objects ok 11285 - transaction finished without errors ok 11286 - no live objects ok 11287 - no live entries ok 11288 - lookup E704D568-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11289 - updated in storage ok 11290 - deleted 1 objects ok 11291 - E704D568-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11292 - lookup no longer returns object ok 11293 - transaction finished without errors ok 11294 - no live objects ok 11295 - no live entries ok 11296 - E704D568-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11297 - no error in fixture ok 11298 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11299 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11300 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 11301 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 11302 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11303 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 11304 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11305 - stored 2 objects ok 11306 - correct live objects ok 11307 - no live objects ok 11308 - [E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 11309 - lookup 1 objects ok 11310 - all lookups succeeded ok 11311 - name attr ok 11312 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11313 - updated 1 objects ok 11314 - entry updated ok 11315 - parent of updated is orig ok 11316 - successful transaction ok 11317 - entry updated ok 11318 - parent of updated is orig ok 11319 - name attr ok 11320 - no live objects ok 11321 - no live entries ok 11322 - lookup 1 objects ok 11323 - all lookups succeeded ok 11324 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11325 - updated 1 objects ok 11326 - entry updated ok 11327 - parent of updated is orig ok 11328 - failed transaction ok 11329 - entry rolled back ok 11330 - name not rolled back in live object ok 11331 - no live objects ok 11332 - no live entries ok 11333 - lookup 1 objects ok 11334 - all lookups succeeded ok 11335 - name rolled back in DB ok 11336 - no live objects ok 11337 - no live entries ok 11338 - lookup 1 objects ok 11339 - all lookups succeeded ok 11340 - name attr ok 11341 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11342 - updated 1 objects ok 11343 - updated 1 objects ok 11344 - entry updated ok 11345 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 11346 - failed transaction ok 11347 - entry rolled back ok 11348 - name attr of object ok 11349 - no live objects ok 11350 - no live entries ok 11351 - lookup 1 objects ok 11352 - all lookups succeeded ok 11353 - name rolled back in DB ok 11354 - no live objects ok 11355 - no live entries ok 11356 - lookup 1 objects ok 11357 - all lookups succeeded ok 11358 - updated 1 objects ok 11359 - lookup 1 objects ok 11360 - all lookups succeeded ok 11361 - deleted 1 objects ok 11362 - E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11363 - failed transaction ok 11364 - [E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 11365 - no live objects ok 11366 - no live entries ok 11367 - [E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 11368 - lookup 1 objects ok 11369 - all lookups succeeded ok 11370 - no live objects ok 11371 - no live entries ok 11372 - deleted 1 objects ok 11373 - E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11374 - failed transaction ok 11375 - [E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 11376 - no live objects ok 11377 - no live entries ok 11378 - [E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 11379 - deleted 1 objects ok 11380 - E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11381 - E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11382 - no live objects ok 11383 - no live entries ok 11384 - E716F586-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11385 - no error in fixture ok 11386 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 11387 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 11388 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 11389 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 11390 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 11391 - stored 3 objects ok 11392 - no live objects ok 11393 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11394 - root set ok 11395 - root set IDs ok 11396 - transaction finished without errors ok 11397 - inserted 1 objects ok 11398 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11399 - root set reflects insertion ok 11400 - root set IDs are the same ok 11401 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 11402 - root set rolled back ok 11403 - ids are the same ok 11404 - transaction finished without errors ok 11405 - transaction finished without errors ok 11406 - got an ID for foo ok 11407 - deleted 1 objects ok 11408 - root set reflects deletion ok 11409 - root set IDs are the same ok 11410 - inserted 1 objects ok 11411 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11412 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 11413 - root set IDs are the same ok 11414 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 11415 - root set ok 11416 - ids are the same ok 11417 - transaction finished without errors ok 11418 - all entries ok 11419 - all IDs ok 11420 - transaction finished without errors ok 11421 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 11422 - inserted 1 objects ok 11423 - one entry ok 11424 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 11425 - transaction finished without errors ok 11426 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 11427 - rolled back ok 11428 - all entries restored ok 11429 - all IDs ok 11430 - transaction finished without errors ok 11431 - transaction finished without errors ok 11432 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 11433 - transaction finished without errors ok 11434 - no error in fixture ok 11435 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 11436 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 11437 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 11438 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 11439 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 11440 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11441 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 11442 - stored 2 objects ok 11443 - correct live objects ok 11444 - no live objects ok 11445 - lookup 1 objects ok 11446 - all lookups succeeded ok 11447 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11448 - name attr ok 11449 - update ok 11450 - no live objects ok 11451 - no live entries ok 11452 - lookup 1 objects ok 11453 - all lookups succeeded ok 11454 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 11455 - data attr ok 11456 - update (noop) ok 11457 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 11458 - no live objects ok 11459 - no live entries ok 11460 - can't insert duplicate ok 11461 - no live objects ok 11462 - no live entries ok 11463 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 11464 - no live objects ok 11465 - no live entries ok 11466 - lookup 1 objects ok 11467 - all lookups succeeded ok 11468 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 11469 - no live objects ok 11470 - no live entries ok 11471 - no error in fixture ok 11472 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 11473 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 11474 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 11475 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 11476 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11477 - stored 1 objects ok 11478 - correct live objects ok 11479 - no live objects ok 11480 - lookup 1 objects ok 11481 - all lookups succeeded ok 11482 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11483 - name ok 11484 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11485 - age attr ok 11486 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 11487 - no error in refresh ok 11488 - age updated ok 11489 - transaction finished without errors ok 11490 - no error in fixture ok 11491 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 11492 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 11493 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 11494 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 11495 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11496 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 11497 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11498 - stored 2 objects ok 11499 - correct live objects ok 11500 - no live objects ok 11501 - lookup 2 objects ok 11502 - all lookups succeeded ok 11503 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11504 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 11505 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11506 - entry is associated with object ok 11507 - the right object ok 11508 - name ok 11509 - parents ok 11510 - array ref ok 11511 - one parent ok 11512 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11513 - parent name ok 11514 - company ok 11515 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 11516 - name ok 11517 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 11518 - transaction finished without errors ok 11519 - no error in fixture ok 11520 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 11521 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 11522 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 11523 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 11524 - stored 1 objects ok 11525 - no live objects ok 11526 - lookup 1 objects ok 11527 - all lookups succeeded ok 11528 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11529 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11530 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11531 - transaction finished without errors ok 11532 - no live objects ok 11533 - no live entries ok 11534 - lookup 1 objects ok 11535 - all lookups succeeded ok 11536 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11537 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11538 - updated 1 objects ok 11539 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11540 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11541 - transaction finished without errors ok 11542 - no live objects ok 11543 - no live entries ok 11544 - lookup 1 objects ok 11545 - all lookups succeeded ok 11546 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11547 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11548 - [root_person E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11549 - updated 1 objects ok 11550 - [root_person E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11551 - transaction finished without errors ok 11552 - no live objects ok 11553 - no live entries ok 11554 - lookup 1 objects ok 11555 - all lookups succeeded ok 11556 - [root_person E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11557 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11558 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11559 - transaction finished without errors ok 11560 - no live objects ok 11561 - no live entries ok 11562 - lookup 1 objects ok 11563 - all lookups succeeded ok 11564 - [root_person E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11565 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11566 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11567 - updated 1 objects ok 11568 - transaction finished without errors ok 11569 - no live objects ok 11570 - no live entries ok 11571 - lookup 1 objects ok 11572 - all lookups succeeded ok 11573 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 11574 - [E73D5B2C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 11575 - transaction finished without errors ok 11576 - no error in fixture ok 11577 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 11578 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 11579 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 11580 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 11581 - stored 2 objects ok 11582 - no live objects ok 11583 - lookup 2 objects ok 11584 - all lookups succeeded ok 11585 - transaction finished without errors ok 11586 - transaction finished without errors ok 11587 - E74629BE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 E7465E66-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11588 - transaction finished without errors ok 11589 - no error in fixture ok 11590 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 11591 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 11592 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 11593 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 11594 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 11595 - stored 1 objects ok 11596 - no live objects ok 11597 - no live objects ok 11598 - no live entries ok 11599 - lookup 1 objects ok 11600 - all lookups succeeded ok 11601 - id is object digest ok 11602 - field retained ok 11603 - transaction finished without errors ok 11604 - no live objects ok 11605 - no live entries ok 11606 - inserted 1 objects ok 11607 - transaction finished without errors ok 11608 - no live objects ok 11609 - no live entries ok 11610 - lookup 1 objects ok 11611 - all lookups succeeded ok 11612 - inserted 1 objects not ok 11613 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 11614 - transaction finished without errors ok 11615 - no live objects ok 11616 - no live entries ok 11617 - lookup 1 objects ok 11618 - all lookups succeeded ok 11619 - inserted 1 objects ok 11620 - got a new ID ok 11621 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 11622 - transaction finished without errors ok 11623 - no live objects ok 11624 - no live entries ok 11625 - no error in fixture ok 11626 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 11627 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 11628 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 11629 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 11630 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 11631 - stored 3 objects ok 11632 - no live objects ok 11633 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11634 - root set ok 11635 - root set IDs ok 11636 - transaction finished without errors ok 11637 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11638 - nonroot entries ok 11639 - nonroot IDs ok 11640 - transaction finished without errors ok 11641 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11642 - all entries ok 11643 - all IDs ok 11644 - transaction finished without errors ok 11645 - no error in fixture ok 11646 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 11647 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 11648 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 11649 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 11650 - stored 3 objects ok 11651 - no live objects ok 11652 - lookup 3 objects ok 11653 - all lookups succeeded ok 11654 - no members ok 11655 - set members ok 11656 - set is loaded ok 11657 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 11658 - set still loaded ok 11659 - inserting ID of live object ok 11660 - set still loaded ok 11661 - members ok 11662 - removed element ok 11663 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 11664 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 11665 - members ok 11666 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 11667 - members ok 11668 - set not loaded ok 11669 - lookup 1 objects ok 11670 - all lookups succeeded ok 11671 - set vivified ok 11672 - now marked as loaded ok 11673 - lookup 3 objects ok 11674 - all lookups succeeded ok 11675 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 11676 - members ok 11677 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 11678 - members ok 11679 - set size is 0 ok 11680 - no members ok 11681 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 11682 - lookup 3 objects ok 11683 - all lookups succeeded ok 11684 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 11685 - lookup 1 objects ok 11686 - all lookups succeeded ok 11687 - removed element ok 11688 - set not loaded ok 11689 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11690 - union is deferred ok 11691 - lookup 2 objects ok 11692 - all lookups succeeded ok 11693 - members ok 11694 - now it is loaded ok 11695 - lookup 3 objects ok 11696 - all lookups succeeded ok 11697 - union ok 11698 - no live objects ok 11699 - no live entries ok 11700 - no members ok 11701 - set not loaded ok 11702 - cleared ok 11703 - cleared set is loaded ok 11704 - no live objects ok 11705 - no live entries ok 11706 - lookup 3 objects ok 11707 - all lookups succeeded ok 11708 - stored 1 objects ok 11709 - no live objects ok 11710 - no live entries ok 11711 - lookup 1 objects ok 11712 - all lookups succeeded ok 11713 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11714 - set size ok 11715 - lookup 1 objects ok 11716 - all lookups succeeded ok 11717 - members ok 11718 - loaded set ok 11719 - no live objects ok 11720 - no live entries ok 11721 - lookup 1 objects ok 11722 - all lookups succeeded ok 11723 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11724 - set size ok 11725 - lookup 1 objects ok 11726 - all lookups succeeded ok 11727 - set size is 2 ok 11728 - set not loaded ok 11729 - stored 1 objects ok 11730 - set not loaded by ->store ok 11731 - no live objects ok 11732 - no live entries ok 11733 - lookup 1 objects ok 11734 - all lookups succeeded ok 11735 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 11736 - set size ok 11737 - lookup 2 objects ok 11738 - all lookups succeeded ok 11739 - members ok 11740 - loaded set ok 11741 - no live objects ok 11742 - no live entries ok 11743 - no error in fixture ok 11744 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 11745 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 11746 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11747 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11748 - stored 3 objects ok 11749 - no live objects ok 11750 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11751 - one object ok 11752 - name attr ok 11753 - no live objects ok 11754 - no live entries ok 11755 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 11756 - two objects ok 11757 - name attr ok 11758 - name attr ok 11759 - no error in fixture ok 11760 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11761 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 11762 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11763 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11764 - stored 13 objects ok 11765 - no live objects ok 11766 - lookup 1 objects ok 11767 - all lookups succeeded ok 11768 - reftype for scalar ok 11769 - value ok 11770 - no live objects ok 11771 - no live entries ok 11772 - lookup 1 objects ok 11773 - all lookups succeeded ok 11774 - plain hash ok 11775 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 11776 - keys ok 11777 - no live objects ok 11778 - no live entries ok 11779 - lookup 1 objects ok 11780 - all lookups succeeded ok 11781 - coderef ok 11782 - invoke closure ok 11783 - invoke closure ok 11784 - no live objects ok 11785 - no live entries ok 11786 - lookup 1 objects ok 11787 - all lookups succeeded ok 11788 - coderef ok 11789 - invoke closure ok 11790 - invoke closure ok 11791 - stored 1 objects ok 11792 - no live objects ok 11793 - no live entries ok 11794 - lookup 1 objects ok 11795 - all lookups succeeded ok 11796 - coderef ok 11797 - closure updated ok 11798 - no live objects ok 11799 - no live entries ok 11800 - lookup 1 objects ok 11801 - all lookups succeeded ok 11802 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11803 - class attr ok 11804 - does runtime role ok 11805 - role attr ok 11806 - anon class ok 11807 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 11808 - no live objects ok 11809 - no live entries ok 11810 - lookup 1 objects ok 11811 - all lookups succeeded ok 11812 - plain hash ok 11813 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 11814 - key order preserved ok 11815 - no live objects ok 11816 - no live entries ok 11817 - lookup 1 objects ok 11818 - all lookups succeeded ok 11819 - The object isa DateTime ok 11820 - no live objects ok 11821 - no live entries ok 11822 - lookup 1 objects ok 11823 - all lookups succeeded ok 11824 - The object isa DateTime ok 11825 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 11826 - no live objects ok 11827 - no live entries ok 11828 - lookup 1 objects ok 11829 - all lookups succeeded ok 11830 - The object isa URI ok 11831 - uri ok 11832 - no live objects ok 11833 - no live entries ok 11834 - lookup 1 objects ok 11835 - all lookups succeeded ok 11836 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 11837 - The object isa URI ok 11838 - no live objects ok 11839 - no live entries ok 11840 - lookup 1 objects ok 11841 - all lookups succeeded ok 11842 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 11843 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 11844 - basename ok 11845 - no live objects ok 11846 - no live entries ok 11847 - lookup 1 objects ok 11848 - all lookups succeeded ok 11849 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 11850 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 11851 - trait attr ok 11852 - normal attr ok 11853 - no live objects ok 11854 - no live entries ok 11855 - lookup 1 objects ok 11856 - all lookups succeeded ok 11857 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 11858 - role attr ok 11859 - lookup 1 objects ok 11860 - all lookups succeeded ok 11861 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 11862 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 11863 - role attr ok 11864 - no error in fixture ok 11865 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11866 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 11867 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 11868 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 11869 - stored 1 objects ok 11870 - no live objects ok 11871 - lookup 1 objects ok 11872 - all lookups succeeded ok 11873 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11874 - preserved is_utf8 ok 11875 - correct value ok 11876 - transaction finished without errors ok 11877 - no error in fixture ok 11878 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 11879 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 11880 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 11881 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 11882 - stored 1024 objects ok 11883 - no live objects ok 11884 - no live entries ok 11885 - lookup 1024 objects ok 11886 - all lookups succeeded ok 11887 - no live objects ok 11888 - no live entries ok 11889 - no error in fixture ok 11890 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 11891 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 11892 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11893 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11894 - stored 3 objects ok 11895 - no live objects ok 11896 - no live entries ok 11897 - lookup E87E21D8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11898 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11899 - ref to other object ok 11900 - mututal ref ok 11901 - ref in auxillary structure ok 11902 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 11903 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 11904 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 11905 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 11906 - Putin is paranoid ok 11907 - updated 1 objects ok 11908 - transaction finished without errors ok 11909 - no live objects ok 11910 - no live entries ok 11911 - lookup E87E21D8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11912 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11913 - Georgia got plastered ok 11914 - correct live objects ok 11915 - Putin is a dead object ok 11916 - updated live objects ok 11917 - transaction finished without errors ok 11918 - no live objects ok 11919 - no live entries ok 11920 - lookup E87FCAEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11921 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11922 - inter object rels ok 11923 - updated 1 objects ok 11924 - transaction finished without errors ok 11925 - no live objects ok 11926 - no live entries ok 11927 - lookup E87FCAEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11928 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11929 - name ok 11930 - transaction finished without errors ok 11931 - no live objects ok 11932 - no live entries ok 11933 - lookup E87F1200-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11934 - correct live objects ok 11935 - updated 1 objects ok 11936 - updated 1 objects ok 11937 - updated 1 objects ok 11938 - updated 1 objects ok 11939 - transaction finished without errors ok 11940 - no live objects ok 11941 - no live entries ok 11942 - lookup E87F1200-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 11943 - updated in storage ok 11944 - deleted 1 objects ok 11945 - E87F1200-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11946 - lookup no longer returns object ok 11947 - transaction finished without errors ok 11948 - no live objects ok 11949 - no live entries ok 11950 - E87F1200-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 11951 - no error in fixture ok 11952 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11953 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 11954 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 11955 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 11956 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11957 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 11958 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 11959 - stored 2 objects ok 11960 - correct live objects ok 11961 - no live objects ok 11962 - [E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 11963 - lookup 1 objects ok 11964 - all lookups succeeded ok 11965 - name attr ok 11966 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11967 - updated 1 objects ok 11968 - entry updated ok 11969 - parent of updated is orig ok 11970 - successful transaction ok 11971 - entry updated ok 11972 - parent of updated is orig ok 11973 - name attr ok 11974 - no live objects ok 11975 - no live entries ok 11976 - lookup 1 objects ok 11977 - all lookups succeeded ok 11978 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11979 - updated 1 objects ok 11980 - entry updated ok 11981 - parent of updated is orig ok 11982 - failed transaction ok 11983 - entry rolled back ok 11984 - name not rolled back in live object ok 11985 - no live objects ok 11986 - no live entries ok 11987 - lookup 1 objects ok 11988 - all lookups succeeded ok 11989 - name rolled back in DB ok 11990 - no live objects ok 11991 - no live entries ok 11992 - lookup 1 objects ok 11993 - all lookups succeeded ok 11994 - name attr ok 11995 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 11996 - updated 1 objects ok 11997 - updated 1 objects ok 11998 - entry updated ok 11999 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 12000 - failed transaction ok 12001 - entry rolled back ok 12002 - name attr of object ok 12003 - no live objects ok 12004 - no live entries ok 12005 - lookup 1 objects ok 12006 - all lookups succeeded ok 12007 - name rolled back in DB ok 12008 - no live objects ok 12009 - no live entries ok 12010 - lookup 1 objects ok 12011 - all lookups succeeded ok 12012 - updated 1 objects ok 12013 - lookup 1 objects ok 12014 - all lookups succeeded ok 12015 - deleted 1 objects ok 12016 - E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12017 - failed transaction ok 12018 - [E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12019 - no live objects ok 12020 - no live entries ok 12021 - [E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12022 - lookup 1 objects ok 12023 - all lookups succeeded ok 12024 - no live objects ok 12025 - no live entries ok 12026 - deleted 1 objects ok 12027 - E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12028 - failed transaction ok 12029 - [E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12030 - no live objects ok 12031 - no live entries ok 12032 - [E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12033 - deleted 1 objects ok 12034 - E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12035 - E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12036 - no live objects ok 12037 - no live entries ok 12038 - E8909002-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12039 - no error in fixture ok 12040 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 12041 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 12042 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 12043 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12044 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12045 - stored 3 objects ok 12046 - no live objects ok 12047 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12048 - root set ok 12049 - root set IDs ok 12050 - transaction finished without errors ok 12051 - inserted 1 objects ok 12052 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12053 - root set reflects insertion ok 12054 - root set IDs are the same ok 12055 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 12056 - root set rolled back ok 12057 - ids are the same ok 12058 - transaction finished without errors ok 12059 - transaction finished without errors ok 12060 - got an ID for foo ok 12061 - deleted 1 objects ok 12062 - root set reflects deletion ok 12063 - root set IDs are the same ok 12064 - inserted 1 objects ok 12065 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12066 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 12067 - root set IDs are the same ok 12068 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 12069 - root set ok 12070 - ids are the same ok 12071 - transaction finished without errors ok 12072 - all entries ok 12073 - all IDs ok 12074 - transaction finished without errors ok 12075 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12076 - inserted 1 objects ok 12077 - one entry ok 12078 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12079 - transaction finished without errors ok 12080 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12081 - rolled back ok 12082 - all entries restored ok 12083 - all IDs ok 12084 - transaction finished without errors ok 12085 - transaction finished without errors ok 12086 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12087 - transaction finished without errors ok 12088 - no error in fixture ok 12089 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12090 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12091 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 12092 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 12093 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 12094 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12095 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 12096 - stored 2 objects ok 12097 - correct live objects ok 12098 - no live objects ok 12099 - lookup 1 objects ok 12100 - all lookups succeeded ok 12101 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12102 - name attr ok 12103 - update ok 12104 - no live objects ok 12105 - no live entries ok 12106 - lookup 1 objects ok 12107 - all lookups succeeded ok 12108 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 12109 - data attr ok 12110 - update (noop) ok 12111 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 12112 - no live objects ok 12113 - no live entries ok 12114 - can't insert duplicate ok 12115 - no live objects ok 12116 - no live entries ok 12117 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 12118 - no live objects ok 12119 - no live entries ok 12120 - lookup 1 objects ok 12121 - all lookups succeeded ok 12122 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 12123 - no live objects ok 12124 - no live entries ok 12125 - no error in fixture ok 12126 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 12127 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 12128 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 12129 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 12130 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12131 - stored 1 objects ok 12132 - correct live objects ok 12133 - no live objects ok 12134 - lookup 1 objects ok 12135 - all lookups succeeded ok 12136 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12137 - name ok 12138 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 12139 - age attr ok 12140 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 12141 - no error in refresh ok 12142 - age updated ok 12143 - transaction finished without errors ok 12144 - no error in fixture ok 12145 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 12146 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 12147 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 12148 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 12149 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12150 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 12151 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12152 - stored 2 objects ok 12153 - correct live objects ok 12154 - no live objects ok 12155 - lookup 2 objects ok 12156 - all lookups succeeded ok 12157 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12158 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 12159 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12160 - entry is associated with object ok 12161 - the right object ok 12162 - name ok 12163 - parents ok 12164 - array ref ok 12165 - one parent ok 12166 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12167 - parent name ok 12168 - company ok 12169 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 12170 - name ok 12171 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 12172 - transaction finished without errors ok 12173 - no error in fixture ok 12174 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 12175 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 12176 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 12177 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 12178 - stored 1 objects ok 12179 - no live objects ok 12180 - lookup 1 objects ok 12181 - all lookups succeeded ok 12182 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12183 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12184 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12185 - transaction finished without errors ok 12186 - no live objects ok 12187 - no live entries ok 12188 - lookup 1 objects ok 12189 - all lookups succeeded ok 12190 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12191 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12192 - updated 1 objects ok 12193 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12194 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12195 - transaction finished without errors ok 12196 - no live objects ok 12197 - no live entries ok 12198 - lookup 1 objects ok 12199 - all lookups succeeded ok 12200 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12201 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12202 - [root_person E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12203 - updated 1 objects ok 12204 - [root_person E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12205 - transaction finished without errors ok 12206 - no live objects ok 12207 - no live entries ok 12208 - lookup 1 objects ok 12209 - all lookups succeeded ok 12210 - [root_person E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12211 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12212 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12213 - transaction finished without errors ok 12214 - no live objects ok 12215 - no live entries ok 12216 - lookup 1 objects ok 12217 - all lookups succeeded ok 12218 - [root_person E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12219 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12220 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12221 - updated 1 objects ok 12222 - transaction finished without errors ok 12223 - no live objects ok 12224 - no live entries ok 12225 - lookup 1 objects ok 12226 - all lookups succeeded ok 12227 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12228 - [E8B67A7E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12229 - transaction finished without errors ok 12230 - no error in fixture ok 12231 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 12232 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 12233 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 12234 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 12235 - stored 2 objects ok 12236 - no live objects ok 12237 - lookup 2 objects ok 12238 - all lookups succeeded ok 12239 - transaction finished without errors ok 12240 - transaction finished without errors ok 12241 - E8BF65E4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 E8BF897A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12242 - transaction finished without errors ok 12243 - no error in fixture ok 12244 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 12245 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 12246 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 12247 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 12248 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 12249 - stored 1 objects ok 12250 - no live objects ok 12251 - no live objects ok 12252 - no live entries ok 12253 - lookup 1 objects ok 12254 - all lookups succeeded ok 12255 - id is object digest ok 12256 - field retained ok 12257 - transaction finished without errors ok 12258 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 12259 - correct live objects ok 12260 - no live objects ok 12261 - no live entries ok 12262 - inserted 1 objects ok 12263 - transaction finished without errors ok 12264 - no live objects ok 12265 - no live entries ok 12266 - lookup 1 objects ok 12267 - all lookups succeeded ok 12268 - inserted 1 objects not ok 12269 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 12270 - transaction finished without errors ok 12271 - no live objects ok 12272 - no live entries ok 12273 - lookup 1 objects ok 12274 - all lookups succeeded ok 12275 - inserted 1 objects ok 12276 - got a new ID ok 12277 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 12278 - transaction finished without errors ok 12279 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 12280 - correct live objects ok 12281 - no live objects ok 12282 - no live entries ok 12283 - no error in fixture ok 12284 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 12285 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 12286 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 12287 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 12288 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 12289 - stored 3 objects ok 12290 - no live objects ok 12291 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12292 - root set ok 12293 - root set IDs ok 12294 - transaction finished without errors ok 12295 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12296 - nonroot entries ok 12297 - nonroot IDs ok 12298 - transaction finished without errors ok 12299 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12300 - all entries ok 12301 - all IDs ok 12302 - transaction finished without errors ok 12303 - no error in fixture ok 12304 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 12305 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 12306 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 12307 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 12308 - stored 3 objects ok 12309 - no live objects ok 12310 - lookup 3 objects ok 12311 - all lookups succeeded ok 12312 - no members ok 12313 - set members ok 12314 - set is loaded ok 12315 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 12316 - set still loaded ok 12317 - inserting ID of live object ok 12318 - set still loaded ok 12319 - members ok 12320 - removed element ok 12321 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 12322 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 12323 - members ok 12324 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 12325 - members ok 12326 - set not loaded ok 12327 - lookup 1 objects ok 12328 - all lookups succeeded ok 12329 - set vivified ok 12330 - now marked as loaded ok 12331 - lookup 3 objects ok 12332 - all lookups succeeded ok 12333 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 12334 - members ok 12335 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 12336 - members ok 12337 - set size is 0 ok 12338 - no members ok 12339 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 12340 - lookup 3 objects ok 12341 - all lookups succeeded ok 12342 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 12343 - lookup 1 objects ok 12344 - all lookups succeeded ok 12345 - removed element ok 12346 - set not loaded ok 12347 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 12348 - union is deferred ok 12349 - lookup 2 objects ok 12350 - all lookups succeeded ok 12351 - members ok 12352 - now it is loaded ok 12353 - lookup 3 objects ok 12354 - all lookups succeeded ok 12355 - union ok 12356 - no live objects ok 12357 - no live entries ok 12358 - no members ok 12359 - set not loaded ok 12360 - cleared ok 12361 - cleared set is loaded ok 12362 - no live objects ok 12363 - no live entries ok 12364 - lookup 3 objects ok 12365 - all lookups succeeded ok 12366 - stored 1 objects ok 12367 - no live objects ok 12368 - no live entries ok 12369 - lookup 1 objects ok 12370 - all lookups succeeded ok 12371 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 12372 - set size ok 12373 - lookup 1 objects ok 12374 - all lookups succeeded ok 12375 - members ok 12376 - loaded set ok 12377 - no live objects ok 12378 - no live entries ok 12379 - lookup 1 objects ok 12380 - all lookups succeeded ok 12381 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 12382 - set size ok 12383 - lookup 1 objects ok 12384 - all lookups succeeded ok 12385 - set size is 2 ok 12386 - set not loaded ok 12387 - stored 1 objects ok 12388 - set not loaded by ->store ok 12389 - no live objects ok 12390 - no live entries ok 12391 - lookup 1 objects ok 12392 - all lookups succeeded ok 12393 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 12394 - set size ok 12395 - lookup 2 objects ok 12396 - all lookups succeeded ok 12397 - members ok 12398 - loaded set ok 12399 - no live objects ok 12400 - no live entries ok 12401 - no error in fixture ok 12402 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 12403 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 12404 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 12405 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 12406 - stored 3 objects ok 12407 - no live objects ok 12408 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12409 - one object ok 12410 - name attr ok 12411 - no live objects ok 12412 - no live entries ok 12413 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12414 - two objects ok 12415 - name attr ok 12416 - name attr ok 12417 - no error in fixture ok 12418 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 12419 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 12420 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 12421 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 12422 - stored 13 objects ok 12423 - no live objects ok 12424 - lookup 1 objects ok 12425 - all lookups succeeded ok 12426 - reftype for scalar ok 12427 - value ok 12428 - no live objects ok 12429 - no live entries ok 12430 - lookup 1 objects ok 12431 - all lookups succeeded ok 12432 - plain hash ok 12433 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 12434 - keys ok 12435 - no live objects ok 12436 - no live entries ok 12437 - lookup 1 objects ok 12438 - all lookups succeeded ok 12439 - coderef ok 12440 - invoke closure ok 12441 - invoke closure ok 12442 - no live objects ok 12443 - no live entries ok 12444 - lookup 1 objects ok 12445 - all lookups succeeded ok 12446 - coderef ok 12447 - invoke closure ok 12448 - invoke closure ok 12449 - stored 1 objects ok 12450 - no live objects ok 12451 - no live entries ok 12452 - lookup 1 objects ok 12453 - all lookups succeeded ok 12454 - coderef ok 12455 - closure updated ok 12456 - no live objects ok 12457 - no live entries ok 12458 - lookup 1 objects ok 12459 - all lookups succeeded ok 12460 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12461 - class attr ok 12462 - does runtime role ok 12463 - role attr ok 12464 - anon class ok 12465 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 12466 - no live objects ok 12467 - no live entries ok 12468 - lookup 1 objects ok 12469 - all lookups succeeded ok 12470 - plain hash ok 12471 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 12472 - key order preserved ok 12473 - no live objects ok 12474 - no live entries ok 12475 - lookup 1 objects ok 12476 - all lookups succeeded ok 12477 - The object isa DateTime ok 12478 - no live objects ok 12479 - no live entries ok 12480 - lookup 1 objects ok 12481 - all lookups succeeded ok 12482 - The object isa DateTime ok 12483 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 12484 - no live objects ok 12485 - no live entries ok 12486 - lookup 1 objects ok 12487 - all lookups succeeded ok 12488 - The object isa URI ok 12489 - uri ok 12490 - no live objects ok 12491 - no live entries ok 12492 - lookup 1 objects ok 12493 - all lookups succeeded ok 12494 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 12495 - The object isa URI ok 12496 - no live objects ok 12497 - no live entries ok 12498 - lookup 1 objects ok 12499 - all lookups succeeded ok 12500 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 12501 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 12502 - basename ok 12503 - no live objects ok 12504 - no live entries ok 12505 - lookup 1 objects ok 12506 - all lookups succeeded ok 12507 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 12508 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 12509 - trait attr ok 12510 - normal attr ok 12511 - no live objects ok 12512 - no live entries ok 12513 - lookup 1 objects ok 12514 - all lookups succeeded ok 12515 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 12516 - role attr ok 12517 - lookup 1 objects ok 12518 - all lookups succeeded ok 12519 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 12520 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 12521 - role attr ok 12522 - no error in fixture ok 12523 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 12524 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 12525 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 12526 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 12527 - stored 1 objects ok 12528 - no live objects ok 12529 - lookup 1 objects ok 12530 - all lookups succeeded ok 12531 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12532 - preserved is_utf8 ok 12533 - correct value ok 12534 - transaction finished without errors ok 12535 - no error in fixture ok 12536 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 12537 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 12538 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 12539 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 12540 - stored 1024 objects ok 12541 - no live objects ok 12542 - no live entries ok 12543 - lookup 1024 objects ok 12544 - all lookups succeeded ok 12545 - no live objects ok 12546 - no live entries ok 12547 - no error in fixture ok 12548 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 12549 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 12550 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 12551 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 12552 - stored 3 objects ok 12553 - no live objects ok 12554 - no live entries ok 12555 - lookup E9FE097E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 12556 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12557 - ref to other object ok 12558 - mututal ref ok 12559 - ref in auxillary structure ok 12560 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 12561 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 12562 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 12563 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 12564 - Putin is paranoid ok 12565 - updated 1 objects ok 12566 - transaction finished without errors ok 12567 - no live objects ok 12568 - no live entries ok 12569 - lookup E9FE097E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 12570 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12571 - Georgia got plastered ok 12572 - correct live objects ok 12573 - Putin is a dead object ok 12574 - updated live objects ok 12575 - transaction finished without errors ok 12576 - no live objects ok 12577 - no live entries ok 12578 - lookup E9FFC188-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 12579 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12580 - inter object rels ok 12581 - updated 1 objects ok 12582 - transaction finished without errors ok 12583 - no live objects ok 12584 - no live entries ok 12585 - lookup E9FFC188-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 12586 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12587 - name ok 12588 - transaction finished without errors ok 12589 - no live objects ok 12590 - no live entries ok 12591 - lookup E9FEFB68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 12592 - correct live objects ok 12593 - updated 1 objects ok 12594 - updated 1 objects ok 12595 - updated 1 objects ok 12596 - updated 1 objects ok 12597 - transaction finished without errors ok 12598 - no live objects ok 12599 - no live entries ok 12600 - lookup E9FEFB68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 12601 - updated in storage ok 12602 - deleted 1 objects ok 12603 - E9FEFB68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12604 - lookup no longer returns object ok 12605 - transaction finished without errors ok 12606 - no live objects ok 12607 - no live entries ok 12608 - E9FEFB68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12609 - no error in fixture ok 12610 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 12611 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 12612 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 12613 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 12614 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12615 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 12616 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12617 - stored 2 objects ok 12618 - correct live objects ok 12619 - no live objects ok 12620 - [EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12621 - lookup 1 objects ok 12622 - all lookups succeeded ok 12623 - name attr ok 12624 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 12625 - updated 1 objects ok 12626 - entry updated ok 12627 - parent of updated is orig ok 12628 - successful transaction ok 12629 - entry updated ok 12630 - parent of updated is orig ok 12631 - name attr ok 12632 - no live objects ok 12633 - no live entries ok 12634 - lookup 1 objects ok 12635 - all lookups succeeded ok 12636 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 12637 - updated 1 objects ok 12638 - entry updated ok 12639 - parent of updated is orig ok 12640 - failed transaction ok 12641 - entry rolled back ok 12642 - name not rolled back in live object ok 12643 - no live objects ok 12644 - no live entries ok 12645 - lookup 1 objects ok 12646 - all lookups succeeded ok 12647 - name rolled back in DB ok 12648 - no live objects ok 12649 - no live entries ok 12650 - lookup 1 objects ok 12651 - all lookups succeeded ok 12652 - name attr ok 12653 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 12654 - updated 1 objects ok 12655 - updated 1 objects ok 12656 - entry updated ok 12657 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 12658 - failed transaction ok 12659 - entry rolled back ok 12660 - name attr of object ok 12661 - no live objects ok 12662 - no live entries ok 12663 - lookup 1 objects ok 12664 - all lookups succeeded ok 12665 - name rolled back in DB ok 12666 - no live objects ok 12667 - no live entries ok 12668 - lookup 1 objects ok 12669 - all lookups succeeded ok 12670 - updated 1 objects ok 12671 - lookup 1 objects ok 12672 - all lookups succeeded ok 12673 - deleted 1 objects ok 12674 - EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12675 - failed transaction ok 12676 - [EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12677 - no live objects ok 12678 - no live entries ok 12679 - [EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12680 - lookup 1 objects ok 12681 - all lookups succeeded ok 12682 - no live objects ok 12683 - no live entries ok 12684 - deleted 1 objects ok 12685 - EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12686 - failed transaction ok 12687 - [EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12688 - no live objects ok 12689 - no live entries ok 12690 - [EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 12691 - deleted 1 objects ok 12692 - EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12693 - EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12694 - no live objects ok 12695 - no live entries ok 12696 - EA1274C2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12697 - no error in fixture ok 12698 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 12699 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 12700 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 12701 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12702 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12703 - stored 3 objects ok 12704 - no live objects ok 12705 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12706 - root set ok 12707 - root set IDs ok 12708 - transaction finished without errors ok 12709 - inserted 1 objects ok 12710 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12711 - root set reflects insertion ok 12712 - root set IDs are the same ok 12713 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 12714 - root set rolled back ok 12715 - ids are the same ok 12716 - transaction finished without errors ok 12717 - transaction finished without errors ok 12718 - got an ID for foo ok 12719 - deleted 1 objects ok 12720 - root set reflects deletion ok 12721 - root set IDs are the same ok 12722 - inserted 1 objects ok 12723 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12724 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 12725 - root set IDs are the same ok 12726 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 12727 - root set ok 12728 - ids are the same ok 12729 - transaction finished without errors ok 12730 - all entries ok 12731 - all IDs ok 12732 - transaction finished without errors ok 12733 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12734 - inserted 1 objects ok 12735 - one entry ok 12736 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12737 - transaction finished without errors ok 12738 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12739 - rolled back ok 12740 - all entries restored ok 12741 - all IDs ok 12742 - transaction finished without errors ok 12743 - transaction finished without errors ok 12744 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 12745 - transaction finished without errors ok 12746 - no error in fixture ok 12747 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12748 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 12749 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 12750 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 12751 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 12752 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12753 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 12754 - stored 2 objects ok 12755 - correct live objects ok 12756 - no live objects ok 12757 - lookup 1 objects ok 12758 - all lookups succeeded ok 12759 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12760 - name attr ok 12761 - update ok 12762 - no live objects ok 12763 - no live entries ok 12764 - lookup 1 objects ok 12765 - all lookups succeeded ok 12766 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 12767 - data attr ok 12768 - update (noop) ok 12769 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 12770 - no live objects ok 12771 - no live entries ok 12772 - can't insert duplicate ok 12773 - no live objects ok 12774 - no live entries ok 12775 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 12776 - no live objects ok 12777 - no live entries ok 12778 - lookup 1 objects ok 12779 - all lookups succeeded ok 12780 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 12781 - no live objects ok 12782 - no live entries ok 12783 - no error in fixture ok 12784 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 12785 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 12786 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 12787 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 12788 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12789 - stored 1 objects ok 12790 - correct live objects ok 12791 - no live objects ok 12792 - lookup 1 objects ok 12793 - all lookups succeeded ok 12794 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12795 - name ok 12796 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 12797 - age attr ok 12798 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 12799 - no error in refresh ok 12800 - age updated ok 12801 - transaction finished without errors ok 12802 - no error in fixture ok 12803 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 12804 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 12805 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 12806 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 12807 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12808 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 12809 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12810 - stored 2 objects ok 12811 - correct live objects ok 12812 - no live objects ok 12813 - lookup 2 objects ok 12814 - all lookups succeeded ok 12815 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12816 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 12817 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12818 - entry is associated with object ok 12819 - the right object ok 12820 - name ok 12821 - parents ok 12822 - array ref ok 12823 - one parent ok 12824 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12825 - parent name ok 12826 - company ok 12827 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 12828 - name ok 12829 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 12830 - transaction finished without errors ok 12831 - no error in fixture ok 12832 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 12833 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 12834 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 12835 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 12836 - stored 1 objects ok 12837 - no live objects ok 12838 - lookup 1 objects ok 12839 - all lookups succeeded ok 12840 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12841 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12842 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12843 - transaction finished without errors ok 12844 - no live objects ok 12845 - no live entries ok 12846 - lookup 1 objects ok 12847 - all lookups succeeded ok 12848 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12849 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12850 - updated 1 objects ok 12851 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12852 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12853 - transaction finished without errors ok 12854 - no live objects ok 12855 - no live entries ok 12856 - lookup 1 objects ok 12857 - all lookups succeeded ok 12858 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12859 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12860 - [root_person EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12861 - updated 1 objects ok 12862 - [root_person EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12863 - transaction finished without errors ok 12864 - no live objects ok 12865 - no live entries ok 12866 - lookup 1 objects ok 12867 - all lookups succeeded ok 12868 - [root_person EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12869 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12870 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12871 - transaction finished without errors ok 12872 - no live objects ok 12873 - no live entries ok 12874 - lookup 1 objects ok 12875 - all lookups succeeded ok 12876 - [root_person EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12877 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12878 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12879 - updated 1 objects ok 12880 - transaction finished without errors ok 12881 - no live objects ok 12882 - no live entries ok 12883 - lookup 1 objects ok 12884 - all lookups succeeded ok 12885 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 12886 - [EA392A68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 12887 - transaction finished without errors ok 12888 - no error in fixture ok 12889 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 12890 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 12891 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 12892 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 12893 - stored 2 objects ok 12894 - no live objects ok 12895 - lookup 2 objects ok 12896 - all lookups succeeded ok 12897 - transaction finished without errors ok 12898 - transaction finished without errors ok 12899 - EA41FC56-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 EA422C76-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 12900 - transaction finished without errors ok 12901 - no error in fixture ok 12902 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 12903 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 12904 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 12905 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 12906 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 12907 - stored 1 objects ok 12908 - no live objects ok 12909 - no live objects ok 12910 - no live entries ok 12911 - lookup 1 objects ok 12912 - all lookups succeeded ok 12913 - id is object digest ok 12914 - field retained ok 12915 - transaction finished without errors ok 12916 - no live objects ok 12917 - no live entries ok 12918 - inserted 1 objects ok 12919 - transaction finished without errors ok 12920 - no live objects ok 12921 - no live entries ok 12922 - lookup 1 objects ok 12923 - all lookups succeeded ok 12924 - inserted 1 objects not ok 12925 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 12926 - transaction finished without errors ok 12927 - no live objects ok 12928 - no live entries ok 12929 - lookup 1 objects ok 12930 - all lookups succeeded ok 12931 - inserted 1 objects ok 12932 - got a new ID ok 12933 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 12934 - transaction finished without errors ok 12935 - no live objects ok 12936 - no live entries ok 12937 - no error in fixture ok 12938 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 12939 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 12940 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 12941 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 12942 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 12943 - stored 3 objects ok 12944 - no live objects ok 12945 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12946 - root set ok 12947 - root set IDs ok 12948 - transaction finished without errors ok 12949 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12950 - nonroot entries ok 12951 - nonroot IDs ok 12952 - transaction finished without errors ok 12953 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 12954 - all entries ok 12955 - all IDs ok 12956 - transaction finished without errors ok 12957 - no error in fixture ok 12958 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 12959 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 12960 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 12961 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 12962 - stored 3 objects ok 12963 - no live objects ok 12964 - lookup 3 objects ok 12965 - all lookups succeeded ok 12966 - no members ok 12967 - set members ok 12968 - set is loaded ok 12969 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 12970 - set still loaded ok 12971 - inserting ID of live object ok 12972 - set still loaded ok 12973 - members ok 12974 - removed element ok 12975 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 12976 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 12977 - members ok 12978 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 12979 - members ok 12980 - set not loaded ok 12981 - lookup 1 objects ok 12982 - all lookups succeeded ok 12983 - set vivified ok 12984 - now marked as loaded ok 12985 - lookup 3 objects ok 12986 - all lookups succeeded ok 12987 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 12988 - members ok 12989 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 12990 - members ok 12991 - set size is 0 ok 12992 - no members ok 12993 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 12994 - lookup 3 objects ok 12995 - all lookups succeeded ok 12996 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 12997 - lookup 1 objects ok 12998 - all lookups succeeded ok 12999 - removed element ok 13000 - set not loaded ok 13001 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13002 - union is deferred ok 13003 - lookup 2 objects ok 13004 - all lookups succeeded ok 13005 - members ok 13006 - now it is loaded ok 13007 - lookup 3 objects ok 13008 - all lookups succeeded ok 13009 - union ok 13010 - no live objects ok 13011 - no live entries ok 13012 - no members ok 13013 - set not loaded ok 13014 - cleared ok 13015 - cleared set is loaded ok 13016 - no live objects ok 13017 - no live entries ok 13018 - lookup 3 objects ok 13019 - all lookups succeeded ok 13020 - stored 1 objects ok 13021 - no live objects ok 13022 - no live entries ok 13023 - lookup 1 objects ok 13024 - all lookups succeeded ok 13025 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13026 - set size ok 13027 - lookup 1 objects ok 13028 - all lookups succeeded ok 13029 - members ok 13030 - loaded set ok 13031 - no live objects ok 13032 - no live entries ok 13033 - lookup 1 objects ok 13034 - all lookups succeeded ok 13035 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13036 - set size ok 13037 - lookup 1 objects ok 13038 - all lookups succeeded ok 13039 - set size is 2 ok 13040 - set not loaded ok 13041 - stored 1 objects ok 13042 - set not loaded by ->store ok 13043 - no live objects ok 13044 - no live entries ok 13045 - lookup 1 objects ok 13046 - all lookups succeeded ok 13047 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13048 - set size ok 13049 - lookup 2 objects ok 13050 - all lookups succeeded ok 13051 - members ok 13052 - loaded set ok 13053 - no live objects ok 13054 - no live entries ok 13055 - no error in fixture ok 13056 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 13057 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 13058 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13059 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13060 - stored 3 objects ok 13061 - no live objects ok 13062 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13063 - one object ok 13064 - name attr ok 13065 - no live objects ok 13066 - no live entries ok 13067 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13068 - two objects ok 13069 - name attr ok 13070 - name attr ok 13071 - no error in fixture ok 13072 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13073 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13074 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13075 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13076 - stored 13 objects ok 13077 - no live objects ok 13078 - lookup 1 objects ok 13079 - all lookups succeeded ok 13080 - reftype for scalar ok 13081 - value ok 13082 - no live objects ok 13083 - no live entries ok 13084 - lookup 1 objects ok 13085 - all lookups succeeded ok 13086 - plain hash ok 13087 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 13088 - keys ok 13089 - no live objects ok 13090 - no live entries ok 13091 - lookup 1 objects ok 13092 - all lookups succeeded ok 13093 - coderef ok 13094 - invoke closure ok 13095 - invoke closure ok 13096 - no live objects ok 13097 - no live entries ok 13098 - lookup 1 objects ok 13099 - all lookups succeeded ok 13100 - coderef ok 13101 - invoke closure ok 13102 - invoke closure ok 13103 - stored 1 objects ok 13104 - no live objects ok 13105 - no live entries ok 13106 - lookup 1 objects ok 13107 - all lookups succeeded ok 13108 - coderef ok 13109 - closure updated ok 13110 - no live objects ok 13111 - no live entries ok 13112 - lookup 1 objects ok 13113 - all lookups succeeded ok 13114 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13115 - class attr ok 13116 - does runtime role ok 13117 - role attr ok 13118 - anon class ok 13119 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 13120 - no live objects ok 13121 - no live entries ok 13122 - lookup 1 objects ok 13123 - all lookups succeeded ok 13124 - plain hash ok 13125 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 13126 - key order preserved ok 13127 - no live objects ok 13128 - no live entries ok 13129 - lookup 1 objects ok 13130 - all lookups succeeded ok 13131 - The object isa DateTime ok 13132 - no live objects ok 13133 - no live entries ok 13134 - lookup 1 objects ok 13135 - all lookups succeeded ok 13136 - The object isa DateTime ok 13137 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 13138 - no live objects ok 13139 - no live entries ok 13140 - lookup 1 objects ok 13141 - all lookups succeeded ok 13142 - The object isa URI ok 13143 - uri ok 13144 - no live objects ok 13145 - no live entries ok 13146 - lookup 1 objects ok 13147 - all lookups succeeded ok 13148 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 13149 - The object isa URI ok 13150 - no live objects ok 13151 - no live entries ok 13152 - lookup 1 objects ok 13153 - all lookups succeeded ok 13154 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 13155 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 13156 - basename ok 13157 - no live objects ok 13158 - no live entries ok 13159 - lookup 1 objects ok 13160 - all lookups succeeded ok 13161 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 13162 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 13163 - trait attr ok 13164 - normal attr ok 13165 - no live objects ok 13166 - no live entries ok 13167 - lookup 1 objects ok 13168 - all lookups succeeded ok 13169 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 13170 - role attr ok 13171 - lookup 1 objects ok 13172 - all lookups succeeded ok 13173 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 13174 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 13175 - role attr ok 13176 - no error in fixture ok 13177 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13178 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13179 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 13180 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 13181 - stored 1 objects ok 13182 - no live objects ok 13183 - lookup 1 objects ok 13184 - all lookups succeeded ok 13185 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13186 - preserved is_utf8 ok 13187 - correct value ok 13188 - transaction finished without errors ok 13189 - no error in fixture ok 13190 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 13191 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 13192 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 13193 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 13194 - stored 1024 objects ok 13195 - no live objects ok 13196 - no live entries ok 13197 - lookup 1024 objects ok 13198 - all lookups succeeded ok 13199 - no live objects ok 13200 - no live entries ok 13201 - no error in fixture ok 13202 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 13203 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 13204 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13205 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13206 - stored 3 objects ok 13207 - no live objects ok 13208 - no live entries ok 13209 - lookup EB7AEE48-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13210 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13211 - ref to other object ok 13212 - mututal ref ok 13213 - ref in auxillary structure ok 13214 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 13215 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 13216 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 13217 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 13218 - Putin is paranoid ok 13219 - updated 1 objects ok 13220 - transaction finished without errors ok 13221 - no live objects ok 13222 - no live entries ok 13223 - lookup EB7AEE48-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13224 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13225 - Georgia got plastered ok 13226 - correct live objects ok 13227 - Putin is a dead object ok 13228 - updated live objects ok 13229 - transaction finished without errors ok 13230 - no live objects ok 13231 - no live entries ok 13232 - lookup EB7C96A8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13233 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13234 - inter object rels ok 13235 - updated 1 objects ok 13236 - transaction finished without errors ok 13237 - no live objects ok 13238 - no live entries ok 13239 - lookup EB7C96A8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13240 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13241 - name ok 13242 - transaction finished without errors ok 13243 - no live objects ok 13244 - no live entries ok 13245 - lookup EB7BDD44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13246 - correct live objects ok 13247 - updated 1 objects ok 13248 - updated 1 objects ok 13249 - updated 1 objects ok 13250 - updated 1 objects ok 13251 - transaction finished without errors ok 13252 - no live objects ok 13253 - no live entries ok 13254 - lookup EB7BDD44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13255 - updated in storage ok 13256 - deleted 1 objects ok 13257 - EB7BDD44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13258 - lookup no longer returns object ok 13259 - transaction finished without errors ok 13260 - no live objects ok 13261 - no live entries ok 13262 - EB7BDD44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13263 - no error in fixture ok 13264 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13265 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13266 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 13267 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 13268 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13269 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 13270 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13271 - stored 2 objects ok 13272 - correct live objects ok 13273 - no live objects ok 13274 - [EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13275 - lookup 1 objects ok 13276 - all lookups succeeded ok 13277 - name attr ok 13278 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 13279 - updated 1 objects ok 13280 - entry updated ok 13281 - parent of updated is orig ok 13282 - successful transaction ok 13283 - entry updated ok 13284 - parent of updated is orig ok 13285 - name attr ok 13286 - no live objects ok 13287 - no live entries ok 13288 - lookup 1 objects ok 13289 - all lookups succeeded ok 13290 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 13291 - updated 1 objects ok 13292 - entry updated ok 13293 - parent of updated is orig ok 13294 - failed transaction ok 13295 - entry rolled back ok 13296 - name not rolled back in live object ok 13297 - no live objects ok 13298 - no live entries ok 13299 - lookup 1 objects ok 13300 - all lookups succeeded ok 13301 - name rolled back in DB ok 13302 - no live objects ok 13303 - no live entries ok 13304 - lookup 1 objects ok 13305 - all lookups succeeded ok 13306 - name attr ok 13307 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 13308 - updated 1 objects ok 13309 - updated 1 objects ok 13310 - entry updated ok 13311 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 13312 - failed transaction ok 13313 - entry rolled back ok 13314 - name attr of object ok 13315 - no live objects ok 13316 - no live entries ok 13317 - lookup 1 objects ok 13318 - all lookups succeeded ok 13319 - name rolled back in DB ok 13320 - no live objects ok 13321 - no live entries ok 13322 - lookup 1 objects ok 13323 - all lookups succeeded ok 13324 - updated 1 objects ok 13325 - lookup 1 objects ok 13326 - all lookups succeeded ok 13327 - deleted 1 objects ok 13328 - EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13329 - failed transaction ok 13330 - [EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13331 - no live objects ok 13332 - no live entries ok 13333 - [EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13334 - lookup 1 objects ok 13335 - all lookups succeeded ok 13336 - no live objects ok 13337 - no live entries ok 13338 - deleted 1 objects ok 13339 - EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13340 - failed transaction ok 13341 - [EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13342 - no live objects ok 13343 - no live entries ok 13344 - [EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13345 - deleted 1 objects ok 13346 - EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13347 - EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13348 - no live objects ok 13349 - no live entries ok 13350 - EB8EB900-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13351 - no error in fixture ok 13352 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 13353 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 13354 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 13355 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 13356 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 13357 - stored 3 objects ok 13358 - no live objects ok 13359 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13360 - root set ok 13361 - root set IDs ok 13362 - transaction finished without errors ok 13363 - inserted 1 objects ok 13364 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13365 - root set reflects insertion ok 13366 - root set IDs are the same ok 13367 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 13368 - root set rolled back ok 13369 - ids are the same ok 13370 - transaction finished without errors ok 13371 - transaction finished without errors ok 13372 - got an ID for foo ok 13373 - deleted 1 objects ok 13374 - root set reflects deletion ok 13375 - root set IDs are the same ok 13376 - inserted 1 objects ok 13377 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13378 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 13379 - root set IDs are the same ok 13380 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 13381 - root set ok 13382 - ids are the same ok 13383 - transaction finished without errors ok 13384 - all entries ok 13385 - all IDs ok 13386 - transaction finished without errors ok 13387 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 13388 - inserted 1 objects ok 13389 - one entry ok 13390 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 13391 - transaction finished without errors ok 13392 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 13393 - rolled back ok 13394 - all entries restored ok 13395 - all IDs ok 13396 - transaction finished without errors ok 13397 - transaction finished without errors ok 13398 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 13399 - transaction finished without errors ok 13400 - no error in fixture ok 13401 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 13402 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 13403 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 13404 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 13405 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 13406 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13407 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 13408 - stored 2 objects ok 13409 - correct live objects ok 13410 - no live objects ok 13411 - no live entries ok 13412 - lookup 1 objects ok 13413 - all lookups succeeded ok 13414 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13415 - name attr ok 13416 - update ok 13417 - no live objects ok 13418 - no live entries ok 13419 - lookup 1 objects ok 13420 - all lookups succeeded ok 13421 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 13422 - data attr ok 13423 - update (noop) ok 13424 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 13425 - no live objects ok 13426 - no live entries ok 13427 - can't insert duplicate ok 13428 - no live objects ok 13429 - no live entries ok 13430 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 13431 - no live objects ok 13432 - no live entries ok 13433 - lookup 1 objects ok 13434 - all lookups succeeded ok 13435 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 13436 - no live objects ok 13437 - no live entries ok 13438 - no error in fixture ok 13439 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 13440 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 13441 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 13442 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 13443 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13444 - stored 1 objects ok 13445 - correct live objects ok 13446 - no live objects ok 13447 - no live entries ok 13448 - lookup 1 objects ok 13449 - all lookups succeeded ok 13450 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13451 - name ok 13452 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 13453 - age attr ok 13454 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 13455 - no error in refresh ok 13456 - age updated ok 13457 - transaction finished without errors ok 13458 - no error in fixture ok 13459 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 13460 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 13461 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 13462 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 13463 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13464 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 13465 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13466 - stored 2 objects ok 13467 - correct live objects ok 13468 - no live objects ok 13469 - no live entries ok 13470 - lookup 2 objects ok 13471 - all lookups succeeded ok 13472 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13473 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 13474 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13475 - entry is associated with object ok 13476 - the right object ok 13477 - name ok 13478 - parents ok 13479 - array ref ok 13480 - one parent ok 13481 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13482 - parent name ok 13483 - company ok 13484 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 13485 - name ok 13486 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 13487 - transaction finished without errors ok 13488 - no error in fixture ok 13489 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 13490 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 13491 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 13492 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 13493 - stored 1 objects ok 13494 - no live objects ok 13495 - no live entries ok 13496 - lookup 1 objects ok 13497 - all lookups succeeded ok 13498 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13499 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13500 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13501 - transaction finished without errors ok 13502 - no live objects ok 13503 - no live entries ok 13504 - lookup 1 objects ok 13505 - all lookups succeeded ok 13506 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13507 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13508 - updated 1 objects ok 13509 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13510 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13511 - transaction finished without errors ok 13512 - no live objects ok 13513 - no live entries ok 13514 - lookup 1 objects ok 13515 - all lookups succeeded ok 13516 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13517 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13518 - [root_person EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13519 - updated 1 objects ok 13520 - [root_person EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13521 - transaction finished without errors ok 13522 - no live objects ok 13523 - no live entries ok 13524 - lookup 1 objects ok 13525 - all lookups succeeded ok 13526 - [root_person EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13527 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13528 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13529 - transaction finished without errors ok 13530 - no live objects ok 13531 - no live entries ok 13532 - lookup 1 objects ok 13533 - all lookups succeeded ok 13534 - [root_person EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13535 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13536 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13537 - updated 1 objects ok 13538 - transaction finished without errors ok 13539 - no live objects ok 13540 - no live entries ok 13541 - lookup 1 objects ok 13542 - all lookups succeeded ok 13543 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 13544 - [EBB5C43C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 13545 - transaction finished without errors ok 13546 - no error in fixture ok 13547 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 13548 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 13549 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 13550 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 13551 - stored 2 objects ok 13552 - no live objects ok 13553 - no live entries ok 13554 - lookup 2 objects ok 13555 - all lookups succeeded ok 13556 - transaction finished without errors ok 13557 - transaction finished without errors ok 13558 - EBBEADF4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 EBBEEBA2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13559 - transaction finished without errors ok 13560 - no error in fixture ok 13561 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 13562 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 13563 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 13564 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 13565 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 13566 - stored 1 objects ok 13567 - no live objects ok 13568 - no live entries ok 13569 - no live objects ok 13570 - no live entries ok 13571 - lookup 1 objects ok 13572 - all lookups succeeded ok 13573 - id is object digest ok 13574 - field retained ok 13575 - transaction finished without errors ok 13576 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 13577 - correct live objects ok 13578 - no live objects ok 13579 - no live entries ok 13580 - inserted 1 objects ok 13581 - transaction finished without errors ok 13582 - no live objects ok 13583 - no live entries ok 13584 - lookup 1 objects ok 13585 - all lookups succeeded ok 13586 - inserted 1 objects not ok 13587 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 13588 - transaction finished without errors ok 13589 - no live objects ok 13590 - no live entries ok 13591 - lookup 1 objects ok 13592 - all lookups succeeded ok 13593 - inserted 1 objects ok 13594 - got a new ID ok 13595 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 13596 - transaction finished without errors ok 13597 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 13598 - correct live objects ok 13599 - no live objects ok 13600 - no live entries ok 13601 - no error in fixture ok 13602 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 13603 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 13604 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 13605 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 13606 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 13607 - stored 3 objects ok 13608 - no live objects ok 13609 - no live entries ok 13610 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13611 - root set ok 13612 - root set IDs ok 13613 - transaction finished without errors ok 13614 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13615 - nonroot entries ok 13616 - nonroot IDs ok 13617 - transaction finished without errors ok 13618 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13619 - all entries ok 13620 - all IDs ok 13621 - transaction finished without errors ok 13622 - no error in fixture ok 13623 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 13624 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 13625 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 13626 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 13627 - stored 3 objects ok 13628 - no live objects ok 13629 - no live entries ok 13630 - lookup 3 objects ok 13631 - all lookups succeeded ok 13632 - no members ok 13633 - set members ok 13634 - set is loaded ok 13635 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 13636 - set still loaded ok 13637 - inserting ID of live object ok 13638 - set still loaded ok 13639 - members ok 13640 - removed element ok 13641 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 13642 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 13643 - members ok 13644 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 13645 - members ok 13646 - set not loaded ok 13647 - lookup 1 objects ok 13648 - all lookups succeeded ok 13649 - set vivified ok 13650 - now marked as loaded ok 13651 - lookup 3 objects ok 13652 - all lookups succeeded ok 13653 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 13654 - members ok 13655 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 13656 - members ok 13657 - set size is 0 ok 13658 - no members ok 13659 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 13660 - lookup 3 objects ok 13661 - all lookups succeeded ok 13662 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 13663 - lookup 1 objects ok 13664 - all lookups succeeded ok 13665 - removed element ok 13666 - set not loaded ok 13667 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13668 - union is deferred ok 13669 - lookup 2 objects ok 13670 - all lookups succeeded ok 13671 - members ok 13672 - now it is loaded ok 13673 - lookup 3 objects ok 13674 - all lookups succeeded ok 13675 - union ok 13676 - no live objects ok 13677 - no live entries ok 13678 - no members ok 13679 - set not loaded ok 13680 - cleared ok 13681 - cleared set is loaded ok 13682 - no live objects ok 13683 - no live entries ok 13684 - lookup 3 objects ok 13685 - all lookups succeeded ok 13686 - stored 1 objects ok 13687 - no live objects ok 13688 - no live entries ok 13689 - lookup 1 objects ok 13690 - all lookups succeeded ok 13691 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13692 - set size ok 13693 - lookup 1 objects ok 13694 - all lookups succeeded ok 13695 - members ok 13696 - loaded set ok 13697 - no live objects ok 13698 - no live entries ok 13699 - lookup 1 objects ok 13700 - all lookups succeeded ok 13701 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13702 - set size ok 13703 - lookup 1 objects ok 13704 - all lookups succeeded ok 13705 - set size is 2 ok 13706 - set not loaded ok 13707 - stored 1 objects ok 13708 - set not loaded by ->store ok 13709 - no live objects ok 13710 - no live entries ok 13711 - lookup 1 objects ok 13712 - all lookups succeeded ok 13713 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 13714 - set size ok 13715 - lookup 2 objects ok 13716 - all lookups succeeded ok 13717 - members ok 13718 - loaded set ok 13719 - no live objects ok 13720 - no live entries ok 13721 - no error in fixture ok 13722 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 13723 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 13724 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13725 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13726 - stored 3 objects ok 13727 - no live objects ok 13728 - no live entries ok 13729 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13730 - one object ok 13731 - name attr ok 13732 - no live objects ok 13733 - no live entries ok 13734 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 13735 - two objects ok 13736 - name attr ok 13737 - name attr ok 13738 - no error in fixture ok 13739 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13740 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 13741 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13742 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13743 - stored 13 objects ok 13744 - no live objects ok 13745 - no live entries ok 13746 - lookup 1 objects ok 13747 - all lookups succeeded ok 13748 - reftype for scalar ok 13749 - value ok 13750 - no live objects ok 13751 - no live entries ok 13752 - lookup 1 objects ok 13753 - all lookups succeeded ok 13754 - plain hash ok 13755 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 13756 - keys ok 13757 - no live objects ok 13758 - no live entries ok 13759 - lookup 1 objects ok 13760 - all lookups succeeded ok 13761 - coderef ok 13762 - invoke closure ok 13763 - invoke closure ok 13764 - no live objects ok 13765 - no live entries ok 13766 - lookup 1 objects ok 13767 - all lookups succeeded ok 13768 - coderef ok 13769 - invoke closure ok 13770 - invoke closure ok 13771 - stored 1 objects ok 13772 - no live objects ok 13773 - no live entries ok 13774 - lookup 1 objects ok 13775 - all lookups succeeded ok 13776 - coderef ok 13777 - closure updated ok 13778 - no live objects ok 13779 - no live entries ok 13780 - lookup 1 objects ok 13781 - all lookups succeeded ok 13782 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13783 - class attr ok 13784 - does runtime role ok 13785 - role attr ok 13786 - anon class ok 13787 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 13788 - no live objects ok 13789 - no live entries ok 13790 - lookup 1 objects ok 13791 - all lookups succeeded ok 13792 - plain hash ok 13793 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 13794 - key order preserved ok 13795 - no live objects ok 13796 - no live entries ok 13797 - lookup 1 objects ok 13798 - all lookups succeeded ok 13799 - The object isa DateTime ok 13800 - no live objects ok 13801 - no live entries ok 13802 - lookup 1 objects ok 13803 - all lookups succeeded ok 13804 - The object isa DateTime ok 13805 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 13806 - no live objects ok 13807 - no live entries ok 13808 - lookup 1 objects ok 13809 - all lookups succeeded ok 13810 - The object isa URI ok 13811 - uri ok 13812 - no live objects ok 13813 - no live entries ok 13814 - lookup 1 objects ok 13815 - all lookups succeeded ok 13816 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 13817 - The object isa URI ok 13818 - no live objects ok 13819 - no live entries ok 13820 - lookup 1 objects ok 13821 - all lookups succeeded ok 13822 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 13823 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 13824 - basename ok 13825 - no live objects ok 13826 - no live entries ok 13827 - lookup 1 objects ok 13828 - all lookups succeeded ok 13829 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 13830 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 13831 - trait attr ok 13832 - normal attr ok 13833 - no live objects ok 13834 - no live entries ok 13835 - lookup 1 objects ok 13836 - all lookups succeeded ok 13837 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 13838 - role attr ok 13839 - lookup 1 objects ok 13840 - all lookups succeeded ok 13841 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 13842 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 13843 - role attr ok 13844 - no error in fixture ok 13845 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13846 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 13847 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 13848 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 13849 - stored 1 objects ok 13850 - no live objects ok 13851 - no live entries ok 13852 - lookup 1 objects ok 13853 - all lookups succeeded ok 13854 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13855 - preserved is_utf8 ok 13856 - correct value ok 13857 - transaction finished without errors ok 13858 - no error in fixture ok 13859 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 13860 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 13861 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 13862 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 13863 - stored 1024 objects ok 13864 - no live objects ok 13865 - no live entries ok 13866 - lookup 1024 objects ok 13867 - all lookups succeeded ok 13868 - no live objects ok 13869 - no live entries ok 13870 - no error in fixture ok 13871 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 13872 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 13873 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13874 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13875 - stored 3 objects ok 13876 - no live objects ok 13877 - no live entries ok 13878 - lookup ECF7B1B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13879 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13880 - ref to other object ok 13881 - mututal ref ok 13882 - ref in auxillary structure ok 13883 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 13884 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 13885 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 13886 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 13887 - Putin is paranoid ok 13888 - updated 1 objects ok 13889 - transaction finished without errors ok 13890 - no live objects ok 13891 - no live entries ok 13892 - lookup ECF7B1B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13893 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13894 - Georgia got plastered ok 13895 - correct live objects ok 13896 - Putin is a dead object ok 13897 - updated live objects ok 13898 - transaction finished without errors ok 13899 - no live objects ok 13900 - no live entries ok 13901 - lookup ECF9859A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13902 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13903 - inter object rels ok 13904 - updated 1 objects ok 13905 - transaction finished without errors ok 13906 - no live objects ok 13907 - no live entries ok 13908 - lookup ECF9859A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13909 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13910 - name ok 13911 - transaction finished without errors ok 13912 - no live objects ok 13913 - no live entries ok 13914 - lookup ECF8C6AA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13915 - correct live objects ok 13916 - updated 1 objects ok 13917 - updated 1 objects ok 13918 - updated 1 objects ok 13919 - updated 1 objects ok 13920 - transaction finished without errors ok 13921 - no live objects ok 13922 - no live entries ok 13923 - lookup ECF8C6AA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 13924 - updated in storage ok 13925 - deleted 1 objects ok 13926 - ECF8C6AA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13927 - lookup no longer returns object ok 13928 - transaction finished without errors ok 13929 - no live objects ok 13930 - no live entries ok 13931 - ECF8C6AA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13932 - no error in fixture ok 13933 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13934 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 13935 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 13936 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 13937 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13938 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 13939 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 13940 - stored 2 objects ok 13941 - correct live objects ok 13942 - no live objects ok 13943 - no live entries ok 13944 - [ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13945 - lookup 1 objects ok 13946 - all lookups succeeded ok 13947 - name attr ok 13948 - updated 1 objects ok 13949 - successful transaction ok 13950 - name attr ok 13951 - no live objects ok 13952 - no live entries ok 13953 - lookup 1 objects ok 13954 - all lookups succeeded ok 13955 - updated 1 objects ok 13956 - failed transaction ok 13957 - name not rolled back in live object ok 13958 - no live objects ok 13959 - no live entries ok 13960 - lookup 1 objects ok 13961 - all lookups succeeded ok 13962 - name rolled back in DB ok 13963 - no live objects ok 13964 - no live entries ok 13965 - lookup 1 objects ok 13966 - all lookups succeeded ok 13967 - name attr ok 13968 - updated 1 objects ok 13969 - updated 1 objects ok 13970 - failed transaction ok 13971 - name attr of object ok 13972 - no live objects ok 13973 - no live entries ok 13974 - lookup 1 objects ok 13975 - all lookups succeeded ok 13976 - name rolled back in DB ok 13977 - no live objects ok 13978 - no live entries ok 13979 - lookup 1 objects ok 13980 - all lookups succeeded ok 13981 - updated 1 objects ok 13982 - lookup 1 objects ok 13983 - all lookups succeeded ok 13984 - deleted 1 objects ok 13985 - ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13986 - failed transaction ok 13987 - [ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13988 - no live objects ok 13989 - no live entries ok 13990 - [ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13991 - lookup 1 objects ok 13992 - all lookups succeeded ok 13993 - no live objects ok 13994 - no live entries ok 13995 - deleted 1 objects ok 13996 - ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 13997 - failed transaction ok 13998 - [ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 13999 - no live objects ok 14000 - no live entries ok 14001 - [ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 14002 - deleted 1 objects ok 14003 - ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14004 - ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14005 - no live objects ok 14006 - no live entries ok 14007 - ED0AFAD2-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14008 - no error in fixture ok 14009 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 14010 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 14011 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 14012 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14013 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14014 - stored 3 objects ok 14015 - no live objects ok 14016 - no live entries ok 14017 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14018 - root set ok 14019 - root set IDs ok 14020 - transaction finished without errors ok 14021 - inserted 1 objects ok 14022 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14023 - root set reflects insertion ok 14024 - root set IDs are the same ok 14025 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 14026 - root set rolled back ok 14027 - ids are the same ok 14028 - transaction finished without errors ok 14029 - transaction finished without errors ok 14030 - got an ID for foo ok 14031 - deleted 1 objects ok 14032 - root set reflects deletion ok 14033 - root set IDs are the same ok 14034 - inserted 1 objects ok 14035 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14036 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 14037 - root set IDs are the same ok 14038 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 14039 - root set ok 14040 - ids are the same ok 14041 - transaction finished without errors ok 14042 - all entries ok 14043 - all IDs ok 14044 - transaction finished without errors ok 14045 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14046 - inserted 1 objects ok 14047 - one entry ok 14048 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14049 - transaction finished without errors ok 14050 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14051 - rolled back ok 14052 - all entries restored ok 14053 - all IDs ok 14054 - transaction finished without errors ok 14055 - transaction finished without errors ok 14056 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14057 - transaction finished without errors ok 14058 - no error in fixture ok 14059 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14060 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14061 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 14062 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 14063 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 14064 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14065 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 14066 - stored 2 objects ok 14067 - correct live objects ok 14068 - no live objects ok 14069 - no live entries ok 14070 - lookup 1 objects ok 14071 - all lookups succeeded ok 14072 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14073 - name attr ok 14074 - update ok 14075 - no live objects ok 14076 - no live entries ok 14077 - lookup 1 objects ok 14078 - all lookups succeeded ok 14079 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 14080 - data attr ok 14081 - update (noop) ok 14082 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 14083 - no live objects ok 14084 - no live entries ok 14085 - can't insert duplicate ok 14086 - no live objects ok 14087 - no live entries ok 14088 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 14089 - no live objects ok 14090 - no live entries ok 14091 - lookup 1 objects ok 14092 - all lookups succeeded ok 14093 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 14094 - no live objects ok 14095 - no live entries ok 14096 - no error in fixture ok 14097 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 14098 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 14099 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 14100 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 14101 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14102 - stored 1 objects ok 14103 - correct live objects ok 14104 - no live objects ok 14105 - no live entries ok 14106 - lookup 1 objects ok 14107 - all lookups succeeded ok 14108 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14109 - name ok 14110 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 14111 - age attr ok 14112 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 14113 - no error in refresh ok 14114 - age updated ok 14115 - transaction finished without errors ok 14116 - no error in fixture ok 14117 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 14118 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 14119 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 14120 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 14121 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14122 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 14123 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14124 - stored 2 objects ok 14125 - correct live objects ok 14126 - no live objects ok 14127 - no live entries ok 14128 - lookup 2 objects ok 14129 - all lookups succeeded ok 14130 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14131 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 14132 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14133 - entry is associated with object ok 14134 - the right object ok 14135 - name ok 14136 - parents ok 14137 - array ref ok 14138 - one parent ok 14139 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14140 - parent name ok 14141 - company ok 14142 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 14143 - name ok 14144 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 14145 - transaction finished without errors ok 14146 - no error in fixture ok 14147 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 14148 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 14149 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 14150 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 14151 - stored 1 objects ok 14152 - no live objects ok 14153 - no live entries ok 14154 - lookup 1 objects ok 14155 - all lookups succeeded ok 14156 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14157 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14158 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14159 - transaction finished without errors ok 14160 - no live objects ok 14161 - no live entries ok 14162 - lookup 1 objects ok 14163 - all lookups succeeded ok 14164 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14165 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14166 - updated 1 objects ok 14167 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14168 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14169 - transaction finished without errors ok 14170 - no live objects ok 14171 - no live entries ok 14172 - lookup 1 objects ok 14173 - all lookups succeeded ok 14174 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14175 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14176 - [root_person ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14177 - updated 1 objects ok 14178 - [root_person ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14179 - transaction finished without errors ok 14180 - no live objects ok 14181 - no live entries ok 14182 - lookup 1 objects ok 14183 - all lookups succeeded ok 14184 - [root_person ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14185 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14186 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14187 - transaction finished without errors ok 14188 - no live objects ok 14189 - no live entries ok 14190 - lookup 1 objects ok 14191 - all lookups succeeded ok 14192 - [root_person ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14193 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14194 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14195 - updated 1 objects ok 14196 - transaction finished without errors ok 14197 - no live objects ok 14198 - no live entries ok 14199 - lookup 1 objects ok 14200 - all lookups succeeded ok 14201 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14202 - [ED310D12-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14203 - transaction finished without errors ok 14204 - no error in fixture ok 14205 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 14206 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 14207 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 14208 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 14209 - stored 2 objects ok 14210 - no live objects ok 14211 - no live entries ok 14212 - lookup 2 objects ok 14213 - all lookups succeeded ok 14214 - transaction finished without errors ok 14215 - transaction finished without errors ok 14216 - ED39DFBE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ED3A1024-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14217 - transaction finished without errors ok 14218 - no error in fixture ok 14219 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 14220 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 14221 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 14222 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 14223 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 14224 - stored 1 objects ok 14225 - no live objects ok 14226 - no live entries ok 14227 - no live objects ok 14228 - no live entries ok 14229 - lookup 1 objects ok 14230 - all lookups succeeded ok 14231 - id is object digest ok 14232 - field retained ok 14233 - transaction finished without errors ok 14234 - no live objects ok 14235 - no live entries ok 14236 - inserted 1 objects ok 14237 - transaction finished without errors ok 14238 - no live objects ok 14239 - no live entries ok 14240 - lookup 1 objects ok 14241 - all lookups succeeded ok 14242 - inserted 1 objects not ok 14243 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 14244 - transaction finished without errors ok 14245 - no live objects ok 14246 - no live entries ok 14247 - lookup 1 objects ok 14248 - all lookups succeeded ok 14249 - inserted 1 objects ok 14250 - got a new ID ok 14251 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 14252 - transaction finished without errors ok 14253 - no live objects ok 14254 - no live entries ok 14255 - no error in fixture ok 14256 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 14257 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 14258 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 14259 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 14260 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 14261 - stored 3 objects ok 14262 - no live objects ok 14263 - no live entries ok 14264 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14265 - root set ok 14266 - root set IDs ok 14267 - transaction finished without errors ok 14268 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14269 - nonroot entries ok 14270 - nonroot IDs ok 14271 - transaction finished without errors ok 14272 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14273 - all entries ok 14274 - all IDs ok 14275 - transaction finished without errors ok 14276 - no error in fixture ok 14277 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 14278 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 14279 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 14280 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 14281 - stored 3 objects ok 14282 - no live objects ok 14283 - no live entries ok 14284 - lookup 3 objects ok 14285 - all lookups succeeded ok 14286 - no members ok 14287 - set members ok 14288 - set is loaded ok 14289 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 14290 - set still loaded ok 14291 - inserting ID of live object ok 14292 - set still loaded ok 14293 - members ok 14294 - removed element ok 14295 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 14296 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 14297 - members ok 14298 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 14299 - members ok 14300 - set not loaded ok 14301 - lookup 1 objects ok 14302 - all lookups succeeded ok 14303 - set vivified ok 14304 - now marked as loaded ok 14305 - lookup 3 objects ok 14306 - all lookups succeeded ok 14307 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 14308 - members ok 14309 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 14310 - members ok 14311 - set size is 0 ok 14312 - no members ok 14313 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 14314 - lookup 3 objects ok 14315 - all lookups succeeded ok 14316 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 14317 - lookup 1 objects ok 14318 - all lookups succeeded ok 14319 - removed element ok 14320 - set not loaded ok 14321 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 14322 - union is deferred ok 14323 - lookup 2 objects ok 14324 - all lookups succeeded ok 14325 - members ok 14326 - now it is loaded ok 14327 - lookup 3 objects ok 14328 - all lookups succeeded ok 14329 - union ok 14330 - no live objects ok 14331 - no live entries ok 14332 - no members ok 14333 - set not loaded ok 14334 - cleared ok 14335 - cleared set is loaded ok 14336 - no live objects ok 14337 - no live entries ok 14338 - lookup 3 objects ok 14339 - all lookups succeeded ok 14340 - stored 1 objects ok 14341 - no live objects ok 14342 - no live entries ok 14343 - lookup 1 objects ok 14344 - all lookups succeeded ok 14345 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 14346 - set size ok 14347 - lookup 1 objects ok 14348 - all lookups succeeded ok 14349 - members ok 14350 - loaded set ok 14351 - no live objects ok 14352 - no live entries ok 14353 - lookup 1 objects ok 14354 - all lookups succeeded ok 14355 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 14356 - set size ok 14357 - lookup 1 objects ok 14358 - all lookups succeeded ok 14359 - set size is 2 ok 14360 - set not loaded ok 14361 - stored 1 objects ok 14362 - set not loaded by ->store ok 14363 - no live objects ok 14364 - no live entries ok 14365 - lookup 1 objects ok 14366 - all lookups succeeded ok 14367 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 14368 - set size ok 14369 - lookup 2 objects ok 14370 - all lookups succeeded ok 14371 - members ok 14372 - loaded set ok 14373 - no live objects ok 14374 - no live entries ok 14375 - no error in fixture ok 14376 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 14377 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 14378 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 14379 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 14380 - stored 3 objects ok 14381 - no live objects ok 14382 - no live entries ok 14383 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14384 - one object ok 14385 - name attr ok 14386 - no live objects ok 14387 - no live entries ok 14388 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14389 - two objects ok 14390 - name attr ok 14391 - name attr ok 14392 - no error in fixture ok 14393 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 14394 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 14395 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 14396 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 14397 - stored 13 objects ok 14398 - no live objects ok 14399 - no live entries ok 14400 - lookup 1 objects ok 14401 - all lookups succeeded ok 14402 - reftype for scalar ok 14403 - value ok 14404 - no live objects ok 14405 - no live entries ok 14406 - lookup 1 objects ok 14407 - all lookups succeeded ok 14408 - plain hash ok 14409 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 14410 - keys ok 14411 - no live objects ok 14412 - no live entries ok 14413 - lookup 1 objects ok 14414 - all lookups succeeded ok 14415 - coderef ok 14416 - invoke closure ok 14417 - invoke closure ok 14418 - no live objects ok 14419 - no live entries ok 14420 - lookup 1 objects ok 14421 - all lookups succeeded ok 14422 - coderef ok 14423 - invoke closure ok 14424 - invoke closure ok 14425 - stored 1 objects ok 14426 - no live objects ok 14427 - no live entries ok 14428 - lookup 1 objects ok 14429 - all lookups succeeded ok 14430 - coderef ok 14431 - closure updated ok 14432 - no live objects ok 14433 - no live entries ok 14434 - lookup 1 objects ok 14435 - all lookups succeeded ok 14436 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14437 - class attr ok 14438 - does runtime role ok 14439 - role attr ok 14440 - anon class ok 14441 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 14442 - no live objects ok 14443 - no live entries ok 14444 - lookup 1 objects ok 14445 - all lookups succeeded ok 14446 - plain hash ok 14447 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 14448 - key order preserved ok 14449 - no live objects ok 14450 - no live entries ok 14451 - lookup 1 objects ok 14452 - all lookups succeeded ok 14453 - The object isa DateTime ok 14454 - no live objects ok 14455 - no live entries ok 14456 - lookup 1 objects ok 14457 - all lookups succeeded ok 14458 - The object isa DateTime ok 14459 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 14460 - no live objects ok 14461 - no live entries ok 14462 - lookup 1 objects ok 14463 - all lookups succeeded ok 14464 - The object isa URI ok 14465 - uri ok 14466 - no live objects ok 14467 - no live entries ok 14468 - lookup 1 objects ok 14469 - all lookups succeeded ok 14470 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 14471 - The object isa URI ok 14472 - no live objects ok 14473 - no live entries ok 14474 - lookup 1 objects ok 14475 - all lookups succeeded ok 14476 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 14477 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 14478 - basename ok 14479 - no live objects ok 14480 - no live entries ok 14481 - lookup 1 objects ok 14482 - all lookups succeeded ok 14483 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 14484 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 14485 - trait attr ok 14486 - normal attr ok 14487 - no live objects ok 14488 - no live entries ok 14489 - lookup 1 objects ok 14490 - all lookups succeeded ok 14491 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 14492 - role attr ok 14493 - lookup 1 objects ok 14494 - all lookups succeeded ok 14495 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 14496 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 14497 - role attr ok 14498 - no error in fixture ok 14499 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 14500 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 14501 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 14502 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 14503 - stored 1 objects ok 14504 - no live objects ok 14505 - no live entries ok 14506 - lookup 1 objects ok 14507 - all lookups succeeded ok 14508 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14509 - preserved is_utf8 ok 14510 - correct value ok 14511 - transaction finished without errors ok 14512 - no error in fixture ok 14513 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 14514 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 14515 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 14516 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 14517 - stored 1024 objects ok 14518 - no live objects ok 14519 - no live entries ok 14520 - lookup 1024 objects ok 14521 - all lookups succeeded ok 14522 - no live objects ok 14523 - no live entries ok 14524 - no error in fixture ok 14525 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 14526 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 14527 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 14528 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 14529 - stored 3 objects ok 14530 - no live objects ok 14531 - no live entries ok 14532 - lookup EE6E352E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 14533 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14534 - ref to other object ok 14535 - mututal ref ok 14536 - ref in auxillary structure ok 14537 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 14538 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 14539 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 14540 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 14541 - Putin is paranoid ok 14542 - updated 1 objects ok 14543 - transaction finished without errors ok 14544 - no live objects ok 14545 - no live entries ok 14546 - lookup EE6E352E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 14547 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14548 - Georgia got plastered ok 14549 - correct live objects ok 14550 - Putin is a dead object ok 14551 - updated live objects ok 14552 - transaction finished without errors ok 14553 - no live objects ok 14554 - no live entries ok 14555 - lookup EE6FECAC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 14556 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14557 - inter object rels ok 14558 - updated 1 objects ok 14559 - transaction finished without errors ok 14560 - no live objects ok 14561 - no live entries ok 14562 - lookup EE6FECAC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 14563 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14564 - name ok 14565 - transaction finished without errors ok 14566 - no live objects ok 14567 - no live entries ok 14568 - lookup EE6F290C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 14569 - correct live objects ok 14570 - updated 1 objects ok 14571 - updated 1 objects ok 14572 - updated 1 objects ok 14573 - updated 1 objects ok 14574 - transaction finished without errors ok 14575 - no live objects ok 14576 - no live entries ok 14577 - lookup EE6F290C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 14578 - updated in storage ok 14579 - deleted 1 objects ok 14580 - EE6F290C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14581 - lookup no longer returns object ok 14582 - transaction finished without errors ok 14583 - no live objects ok 14584 - no live entries ok 14585 - EE6F290C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14586 - no error in fixture ok 14587 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 14588 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 14589 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 14590 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 14591 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14592 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 14593 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14594 - stored 2 objects ok 14595 - correct live objects ok 14596 - no live objects ok 14597 - no live entries ok 14598 - [EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 14599 - lookup 1 objects ok 14600 - all lookups succeeded ok 14601 - name attr ok 14602 - updated 1 objects ok 14603 - successful transaction ok 14604 - name attr ok 14605 - no live objects ok 14606 - no live entries ok 14607 - lookup 1 objects ok 14608 - all lookups succeeded ok 14609 - updated 1 objects ok 14610 - failed transaction ok 14611 - name not rolled back in live object ok 14612 - no live objects ok 14613 - no live entries ok 14614 - lookup 1 objects ok 14615 - all lookups succeeded ok 14616 - name rolled back in DB ok 14617 - no live objects ok 14618 - no live entries ok 14619 - lookup 1 objects ok 14620 - all lookups succeeded ok 14621 - name attr ok 14622 - updated 1 objects ok 14623 - updated 1 objects ok 14624 - failed transaction ok 14625 - name attr of object ok 14626 - no live objects ok 14627 - no live entries ok 14628 - lookup 1 objects ok 14629 - all lookups succeeded ok 14630 - name rolled back in DB ok 14631 - no live objects ok 14632 - no live entries ok 14633 - lookup 1 objects ok 14634 - all lookups succeeded ok 14635 - updated 1 objects ok 14636 - lookup 1 objects ok 14637 - all lookups succeeded ok 14638 - deleted 1 objects ok 14639 - EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14640 - failed transaction ok 14641 - [EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 14642 - no live objects ok 14643 - no live entries ok 14644 - [EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 14645 - lookup 1 objects ok 14646 - all lookups succeeded ok 14647 - no live objects ok 14648 - no live entries ok 14649 - deleted 1 objects ok 14650 - EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14651 - failed transaction ok 14652 - [EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 14653 - no live objects ok 14654 - no live entries ok 14655 - [EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 14656 - deleted 1 objects ok 14657 - EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14658 - EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14659 - no live objects ok 14660 - no live entries ok 14661 - EE8100FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14662 - no error in fixture ok 14663 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 14664 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 14665 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 14666 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14667 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14668 - stored 3 objects ok 14669 - no live objects ok 14670 - no live entries ok 14671 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14672 - root set ok 14673 - root set IDs ok 14674 - transaction finished without errors ok 14675 - inserted 1 objects ok 14676 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14677 - root set reflects insertion ok 14678 - root set IDs are the same ok 14679 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 14680 - root set rolled back ok 14681 - ids are the same ok 14682 - transaction finished without errors ok 14683 - transaction finished without errors ok 14684 - got an ID for foo ok 14685 - deleted 1 objects ok 14686 - root set reflects deletion ok 14687 - root set IDs are the same ok 14688 - inserted 1 objects ok 14689 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14690 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 14691 - root set IDs are the same ok 14692 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 14693 - root set ok 14694 - ids are the same ok 14695 - transaction finished without errors ok 14696 - all entries ok 14697 - all IDs ok 14698 - transaction finished without errors ok 14699 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14700 - inserted 1 objects ok 14701 - one entry ok 14702 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14703 - transaction finished without errors ok 14704 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14705 - rolled back ok 14706 - all entries restored ok 14707 - all IDs ok 14708 - transaction finished without errors ok 14709 - transaction finished without errors ok 14710 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 14711 - transaction finished without errors ok 14712 - no error in fixture ok 14713 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14714 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 14715 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 14716 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 14717 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 14718 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14719 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 14720 - stored 2 objects ok 14721 - correct live objects ok 14722 - no live objects ok 14723 - no live entries ok 14724 - lookup 1 objects ok 14725 - all lookups succeeded ok 14726 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14727 - name attr ok 14728 - update ok 14729 - no live objects ok 14730 - no live entries ok 14731 - lookup 1 objects ok 14732 - all lookups succeeded ok 14733 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 14734 - data attr ok 14735 - update (noop) ok 14736 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 14737 - no live objects ok 14738 - no live entries ok 14739 - can't insert duplicate ok 14740 - no live objects ok 14741 - no live entries ok 14742 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 14743 - no live objects ok 14744 - no live entries ok 14745 - lookup 1 objects ok 14746 - all lookups succeeded ok 14747 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 14748 - no live objects ok 14749 - no live entries ok 14750 - no error in fixture ok 14751 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 14752 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 14753 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 14754 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 14755 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14756 - stored 1 objects ok 14757 - correct live objects ok 14758 - no live objects ok 14759 - no live entries ok 14760 - lookup 1 objects ok 14761 - all lookups succeeded ok 14762 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14763 - name ok 14764 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 14765 - age attr ok 14766 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 14767 - no error in refresh ok 14768 - age updated ok 14769 - transaction finished without errors ok 14770 - no error in fixture ok 14771 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 14772 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 14773 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 14774 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 14775 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14776 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 14777 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14778 - stored 2 objects ok 14779 - correct live objects ok 14780 - no live objects ok 14781 - no live entries ok 14782 - lookup 2 objects ok 14783 - all lookups succeeded ok 14784 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14785 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 14786 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14787 - entry is associated with object ok 14788 - the right object ok 14789 - name ok 14790 - parents ok 14791 - array ref ok 14792 - one parent ok 14793 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14794 - parent name ok 14795 - company ok 14796 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 14797 - name ok 14798 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 14799 - transaction finished without errors ok 14800 - no error in fixture ok 14801 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 14802 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 14803 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 14804 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 14805 - stored 1 objects ok 14806 - no live objects ok 14807 - no live entries ok 14808 - lookup 1 objects ok 14809 - all lookups succeeded ok 14810 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 14811 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14812 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14813 - transaction finished without errors ok 14814 - no live objects ok 14815 - no live entries ok 14816 - lookup 1 objects ok 14817 - all lookups succeeded ok 14818 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14819 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14820 - updated 1 objects ok 14821 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14822 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14823 - transaction finished without errors ok 14824 - no live objects ok 14825 - no live entries ok 14826 - lookup 1 objects ok 14827 - all lookups succeeded ok 14828 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14829 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14830 - [root_person EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14831 - updated 1 objects ok 14832 - [root_person EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14833 - transaction finished without errors ok 14834 - no live objects ok 14835 - no live entries ok 14836 - lookup 1 objects ok 14837 - all lookups succeeded ok 14838 - [root_person EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14839 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14840 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14841 - transaction finished without errors ok 14842 - no live objects ok 14843 - no live entries ok 14844 - lookup 1 objects ok 14845 - all lookups succeeded ok 14846 - [root_person EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14847 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14848 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14849 - updated 1 objects ok 14850 - transaction finished without errors ok 14851 - no live objects ok 14852 - no live entries ok 14853 - lookup 1 objects ok 14854 - all lookups succeeded ok 14855 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 14856 - [EEA6934C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 14857 - transaction finished without errors ok 14858 - no error in fixture ok 14859 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 14860 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 14861 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 14862 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 14863 - stored 2 objects ok 14864 - no live objects ok 14865 - no live entries ok 14866 - lookup 2 objects ok 14867 - all lookups succeeded ok 14868 - transaction finished without errors ok 14869 - transaction finished without errors ok 14870 - EEAF62A6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 EEAF9FFA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 14871 - transaction finished without errors ok 14872 - no error in fixture ok 14873 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 14874 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 14875 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 14876 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 14877 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 14878 - stored 1 objects ok 14879 - no live objects ok 14880 - no live entries ok 14881 - no live objects ok 14882 - no live entries ok 14883 - lookup 1 objects ok 14884 - all lookups succeeded ok 14885 - id is object digest ok 14886 - field retained ok 14887 - transaction finished without errors ok 14888 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 14889 - correct live objects ok 14890 - no live objects ok 14891 - no live entries ok 14892 - inserted 1 objects ok 14893 - transaction finished without errors ok 14894 - no live objects ok 14895 - no live entries ok 14896 - lookup 1 objects ok 14897 - all lookups succeeded ok 14898 - inserted 1 objects not ok 14899 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 14900 - transaction finished without errors ok 14901 - no live objects ok 14902 - no live entries ok 14903 - lookup 1 objects ok 14904 - all lookups succeeded ok 14905 - inserted 1 objects ok 14906 - got a new ID ok 14907 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 14908 - transaction finished without errors ok 14909 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 14910 - correct live objects ok 14911 - no live objects ok 14912 - no live entries ok 14913 - no error in fixture ok 14914 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 14915 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 14916 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 14917 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 14918 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 14919 - stored 3 objects ok 14920 - no live objects ok 14921 - no live entries ok 14922 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14923 - root set ok 14924 - root set IDs ok 14925 - transaction finished without errors ok 14926 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14927 - nonroot entries ok 14928 - nonroot IDs ok 14929 - transaction finished without errors ok 14930 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 14931 - all entries ok 14932 - all IDs ok 14933 - transaction finished without errors ok 14934 - no error in fixture ok 14935 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 14936 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 14937 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 14938 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 14939 - stored 3 objects ok 14940 - no live objects ok 14941 - no live entries ok 14942 - lookup 3 objects ok 14943 - all lookups succeeded ok 14944 - no members ok 14945 - set members ok 14946 - set is loaded ok 14947 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 14948 - set still loaded ok 14949 - inserting ID of live object ok 14950 - set still loaded ok 14951 - members ok 14952 - removed element ok 14953 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 14954 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 14955 - members ok 14956 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 14957 - members ok 14958 - set not loaded ok 14959 - lookup 1 objects ok 14960 - all lookups succeeded ok 14961 - set vivified ok 14962 - now marked as loaded ok 14963 - lookup 3 objects ok 14964 - all lookups succeeded ok 14965 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 14966 - members ok 14967 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 14968 - members ok 14969 - set size is 0 ok 14970 - no members ok 14971 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 14972 - lookup 3 objects ok 14973 - all lookups succeeded ok 14974 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 14975 - lookup 1 objects ok 14976 - all lookups succeeded ok 14977 - removed element ok 14978 - set not loaded ok 14979 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 14980 - union is deferred ok 14981 - lookup 2 objects ok 14982 - all lookups succeeded ok 14983 - members ok 14984 - now it is loaded ok 14985 - lookup 3 objects ok 14986 - all lookups succeeded ok 14987 - union ok 14988 - no live objects ok 14989 - no live entries ok 14990 - no members ok 14991 - set not loaded ok 14992 - cleared ok 14993 - cleared set is loaded ok 14994 - no live objects ok 14995 - no live entries ok 14996 - lookup 3 objects ok 14997 - all lookups succeeded ok 14998 - stored 1 objects ok 14999 - no live objects ok 15000 - no live entries ok 15001 - lookup 1 objects ok 15002 - all lookups succeeded ok 15003 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15004 - set size ok 15005 - lookup 1 objects ok 15006 - all lookups succeeded ok 15007 - members ok 15008 - loaded set ok 15009 - no live objects ok 15010 - no live entries ok 15011 - lookup 1 objects ok 15012 - all lookups succeeded ok 15013 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15014 - set size ok 15015 - lookup 1 objects ok 15016 - all lookups succeeded ok 15017 - set size is 2 ok 15018 - set not loaded ok 15019 - stored 1 objects ok 15020 - set not loaded by ->store ok 15021 - no live objects ok 15022 - no live entries ok 15023 - lookup 1 objects ok 15024 - all lookups succeeded ok 15025 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15026 - set size ok 15027 - lookup 2 objects ok 15028 - all lookups succeeded ok 15029 - members ok 15030 - loaded set ok 15031 - no live objects ok 15032 - no live entries ok 15033 - no error in fixture ok 15034 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 15035 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 15036 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15037 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15038 - stored 3 objects ok 15039 - no live objects ok 15040 - no live entries ok 15041 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15042 - one object ok 15043 - name attr ok 15044 - no live objects ok 15045 - no live entries ok 15046 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15047 - two objects ok 15048 - name attr ok 15049 - name attr ok 15050 - no error in fixture ok 15051 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15052 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15053 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15054 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15055 - stored 13 objects ok 15056 - no live objects ok 15057 - no live entries ok 15058 - lookup 1 objects ok 15059 - all lookups succeeded ok 15060 - reftype for scalar ok 15061 - value ok 15062 - no live objects ok 15063 - no live entries ok 15064 - lookup 1 objects ok 15065 - all lookups succeeded ok 15066 - plain hash ok 15067 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 15068 - keys ok 15069 - no live objects ok 15070 - no live entries ok 15071 - lookup 1 objects ok 15072 - all lookups succeeded ok 15073 - coderef ok 15074 - invoke closure ok 15075 - invoke closure ok 15076 - no live objects ok 15077 - no live entries ok 15078 - lookup 1 objects ok 15079 - all lookups succeeded ok 15080 - coderef ok 15081 - invoke closure ok 15082 - invoke closure ok 15083 - stored 1 objects ok 15084 - no live objects ok 15085 - no live entries ok 15086 - lookup 1 objects ok 15087 - all lookups succeeded ok 15088 - coderef ok 15089 - closure updated ok 15090 - no live objects ok 15091 - no live entries ok 15092 - lookup 1 objects ok 15093 - all lookups succeeded ok 15094 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15095 - class attr ok 15096 - does runtime role ok 15097 - role attr ok 15098 - anon class ok 15099 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 15100 - no live objects ok 15101 - no live entries ok 15102 - lookup 1 objects ok 15103 - all lookups succeeded ok 15104 - plain hash ok 15105 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 15106 - key order preserved ok 15107 - no live objects ok 15108 - no live entries ok 15109 - lookup 1 objects ok 15110 - all lookups succeeded ok 15111 - The object isa DateTime ok 15112 - no live objects ok 15113 - no live entries ok 15114 - lookup 1 objects ok 15115 - all lookups succeeded ok 15116 - The object isa DateTime ok 15117 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 15118 - no live objects ok 15119 - no live entries ok 15120 - lookup 1 objects ok 15121 - all lookups succeeded ok 15122 - The object isa URI ok 15123 - uri ok 15124 - no live objects ok 15125 - no live entries ok 15126 - lookup 1 objects ok 15127 - all lookups succeeded ok 15128 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 15129 - The object isa URI ok 15130 - no live objects ok 15131 - no live entries ok 15132 - lookup 1 objects ok 15133 - all lookups succeeded ok 15134 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 15135 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 15136 - basename ok 15137 - no live objects ok 15138 - no live entries ok 15139 - lookup 1 objects ok 15140 - all lookups succeeded ok 15141 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 15142 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 15143 - trait attr ok 15144 - normal attr ok 15145 - no live objects ok 15146 - no live entries ok 15147 - lookup 1 objects ok 15148 - all lookups succeeded ok 15149 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 15150 - role attr ok 15151 - lookup 1 objects ok 15152 - all lookups succeeded ok 15153 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 15154 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 15155 - role attr ok 15156 - no error in fixture ok 15157 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15158 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15159 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 15160 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 15161 - stored 1 objects ok 15162 - no live objects ok 15163 - no live entries ok 15164 - lookup 1 objects ok 15165 - all lookups succeeded ok 15166 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15167 - preserved is_utf8 ok 15168 - correct value ok 15169 - transaction finished without errors ok 15170 - no error in fixture ok 15171 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 15172 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 15173 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 15174 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 15175 - stored 1024 objects ok 15176 - no live objects ok 15177 - no live entries ok 15178 - lookup 1024 objects ok 15179 - all lookups succeeded ok 15180 - no live objects ok 15181 - no live entries ok 15182 - no error in fixture ok 15183 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 15184 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 15185 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15186 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15187 - stored 3 objects ok 15188 - no live objects ok 15189 - no live entries ok 15190 - lookup EFEA2CFA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15191 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15192 - ref to other object ok 15193 - mututal ref ok 15194 - ref in auxillary structure ok 15195 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 15196 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 15197 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 15198 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 15199 - Putin is paranoid ok 15200 - updated 1 objects ok 15201 - transaction finished without errors ok 15202 - no live objects ok 15203 - no live entries ok 15204 - lookup EFEA2CFA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15205 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15206 - Georgia got plastered ok 15207 - correct live objects ok 15208 - Putin is a dead object ok 15209 - updated live objects ok 15210 - transaction finished without errors ok 15211 - no live objects ok 15212 - no live entries ok 15213 - lookup EFEBF44A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15214 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15215 - inter object rels ok 15216 - updated 1 objects ok 15217 - transaction finished without errors ok 15218 - no live objects ok 15219 - no live entries ok 15220 - lookup EFEBF44A-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15221 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15222 - name ok 15223 - transaction finished without errors ok 15224 - no live objects ok 15225 - no live entries ok 15226 - lookup EFEB3104-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15227 - correct live objects ok 15228 - updated 1 objects ok 15229 - updated 1 objects ok 15230 - updated 1 objects ok 15231 - updated 1 objects ok 15232 - transaction finished without errors ok 15233 - no live objects ok 15234 - no live entries ok 15235 - lookup EFEB3104-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15236 - updated in storage ok 15237 - deleted 1 objects ok 15238 - EFEB3104-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15239 - lookup no longer returns object ok 15240 - transaction finished without errors ok 15241 - no live objects ok 15242 - no live entries ok 15243 - EFEB3104-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15244 - no error in fixture ok 15245 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15246 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15247 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 15248 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 15249 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15250 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 15251 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15252 - stored 2 objects ok 15253 - correct live objects ok 15254 - no live objects ok 15255 - no live entries ok 15256 - [EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15257 - lookup 1 objects ok 15258 - all lookups succeeded ok 15259 - name attr ok 15260 - updated 1 objects ok 15261 - successful transaction ok 15262 - name attr ok 15263 - no live objects ok 15264 - no live entries ok 15265 - lookup 1 objects ok 15266 - all lookups succeeded ok 15267 - updated 1 objects ok 15268 - failed transaction ok 15269 - name not rolled back in live object ok 15270 - no live objects ok 15271 - no live entries ok 15272 - lookup 1 objects ok 15273 - all lookups succeeded ok 15274 - name rolled back in DB ok 15275 - no live objects ok 15276 - no live entries ok 15277 - lookup 1 objects ok 15278 - all lookups succeeded ok 15279 - name attr ok 15280 - updated 1 objects ok 15281 - updated 1 objects ok 15282 - failed transaction ok 15283 - name attr of object ok 15284 - no live objects ok 15285 - no live entries ok 15286 - lookup 1 objects ok 15287 - all lookups succeeded ok 15288 - name rolled back in DB ok 15289 - no live objects ok 15290 - no live entries ok 15291 - lookup 1 objects ok 15292 - all lookups succeeded ok 15293 - updated 1 objects ok 15294 - lookup 1 objects ok 15295 - all lookups succeeded ok 15296 - deleted 1 objects ok 15297 - EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15298 - failed transaction ok 15299 - [EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15300 - no live objects ok 15301 - no live entries ok 15302 - [EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15303 - lookup 1 objects ok 15304 - all lookups succeeded ok 15305 - no live objects ok 15306 - no live entries ok 15307 - deleted 1 objects ok 15308 - EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15309 - failed transaction ok 15310 - [EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15311 - no live objects ok 15312 - no live entries ok 15313 - [EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15314 - deleted 1 objects ok 15315 - EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15316 - EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15317 - no live objects ok 15318 - no live entries ok 15319 - EFFE177E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15320 - no error in fixture ok 15321 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 15322 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 15323 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 15324 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 15325 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 15326 - stored 3 objects ok 15327 - no live objects ok 15328 - no live entries ok 15329 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15330 - root set ok 15331 - root set IDs ok 15332 - transaction finished without errors ok 15333 - inserted 1 objects ok 15334 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15335 - root set reflects insertion ok 15336 - root set IDs are the same ok 15337 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 15338 - root set rolled back ok 15339 - ids are the same ok 15340 - transaction finished without errors ok 15341 - transaction finished without errors ok 15342 - got an ID for foo ok 15343 - deleted 1 objects ok 15344 - root set reflects deletion ok 15345 - root set IDs are the same ok 15346 - inserted 1 objects ok 15347 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15348 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 15349 - root set IDs are the same ok 15350 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 15351 - root set ok 15352 - ids are the same ok 15353 - transaction finished without errors ok 15354 - all entries ok 15355 - all IDs ok 15356 - transaction finished without errors ok 15357 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 15358 - inserted 1 objects ok 15359 - one entry ok 15360 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 15361 - transaction finished without errors ok 15362 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 15363 - rolled back ok 15364 - all entries restored ok 15365 - all IDs ok 15366 - transaction finished without errors ok 15367 - transaction finished without errors ok 15368 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 15369 - transaction finished without errors ok 15370 - no error in fixture ok 15371 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 15372 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 15373 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 15374 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 15375 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 15376 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15377 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 15378 - stored 2 objects ok 15379 - correct live objects ok 15380 - no live objects ok 15381 - no live entries ok 15382 - lookup 1 objects ok 15383 - all lookups succeeded ok 15384 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15385 - name attr ok 15386 - update ok 15387 - no live objects ok 15388 - no live entries ok 15389 - lookup 1 objects ok 15390 - all lookups succeeded ok 15391 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 15392 - data attr ok 15393 - update (noop) ok 15394 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 15395 - no live objects ok 15396 - no live entries ok 15397 - can't insert duplicate ok 15398 - no live objects ok 15399 - no live entries ok 15400 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 15401 - no live objects ok 15402 - no live entries ok 15403 - lookup 1 objects ok 15404 - all lookups succeeded ok 15405 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 15406 - no live objects ok 15407 - no live entries ok 15408 - no error in fixture ok 15409 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 15410 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 15411 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 15412 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 15413 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15414 - stored 1 objects ok 15415 - correct live objects ok 15416 - no live objects ok 15417 - no live entries ok 15418 - lookup 1 objects ok 15419 - all lookups succeeded ok 15420 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15421 - name ok 15422 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 15423 - age attr ok 15424 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 15425 - no error in refresh ok 15426 - age updated ok 15427 - transaction finished without errors ok 15428 - no error in fixture ok 15429 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 15430 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 15431 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 15432 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 15433 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15434 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 15435 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15436 - stored 2 objects ok 15437 - correct live objects ok 15438 - no live objects ok 15439 - no live entries ok 15440 - lookup 2 objects ok 15441 - all lookups succeeded ok 15442 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15443 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 15444 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15445 - entry is associated with object ok 15446 - the right object ok 15447 - name ok 15448 - parents ok 15449 - array ref ok 15450 - one parent ok 15451 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15452 - parent name ok 15453 - company ok 15454 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 15455 - name ok 15456 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 15457 - transaction finished without errors ok 15458 - no error in fixture ok 15459 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 15460 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 15461 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 15462 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 15463 - stored 1 objects ok 15464 - no live objects ok 15465 - no live entries ok 15466 - lookup 1 objects ok 15467 - all lookups succeeded ok 15468 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15469 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15470 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15471 - transaction finished without errors ok 15472 - no live objects ok 15473 - no live entries ok 15474 - lookup 1 objects ok 15475 - all lookups succeeded ok 15476 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15477 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15478 - updated 1 objects ok 15479 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15480 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15481 - transaction finished without errors ok 15482 - no live objects ok 15483 - no live entries ok 15484 - lookup 1 objects ok 15485 - all lookups succeeded ok 15486 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15487 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15488 - [root_person F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15489 - updated 1 objects ok 15490 - [root_person F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15491 - transaction finished without errors ok 15492 - no live objects ok 15493 - no live entries ok 15494 - lookup 1 objects ok 15495 - all lookups succeeded ok 15496 - [root_person F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15497 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15498 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15499 - transaction finished without errors ok 15500 - no live objects ok 15501 - no live entries ok 15502 - lookup 1 objects ok 15503 - all lookups succeeded ok 15504 - [root_person F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15505 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15506 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15507 - updated 1 objects ok 15508 - transaction finished without errors ok 15509 - no live objects ok 15510 - no live entries ok 15511 - lookup 1 objects ok 15512 - all lookups succeeded ok 15513 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 15514 - [F0248AEE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 15515 - transaction finished without errors ok 15516 - no error in fixture ok 15517 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 15518 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 15519 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 15520 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 15521 - stored 2 objects ok 15522 - no live objects ok 15523 - no live entries ok 15524 - lookup 2 objects ok 15525 - all lookups succeeded ok 15526 - transaction finished without errors ok 15527 - transaction finished without errors ok 15528 - F02D6128-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 F02D84BE-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15529 - transaction finished without errors ok 15530 - no error in fixture ok 15531 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 15532 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 15533 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 15534 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 15535 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 15536 - stored 1 objects ok 15537 - no live objects ok 15538 - no live entries ok 15539 - no live objects ok 15540 - no live entries ok 15541 - lookup 1 objects ok 15542 - all lookups succeeded ok 15543 - id is object digest ok 15544 - field retained ok 15545 - transaction finished without errors ok 15546 - no live objects ok 15547 - no live entries ok 15548 - inserted 1 objects ok 15549 - transaction finished without errors ok 15550 - no live objects ok 15551 - no live entries ok 15552 - lookup 1 objects ok 15553 - all lookups succeeded ok 15554 - inserted 1 objects not ok 15555 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 15556 - transaction finished without errors ok 15557 - no live objects ok 15558 - no live entries ok 15559 - lookup 1 objects ok 15560 - all lookups succeeded ok 15561 - inserted 1 objects ok 15562 - got a new ID ok 15563 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 15564 - transaction finished without errors ok 15565 - no live objects ok 15566 - no live entries ok 15567 - no error in fixture ok 15568 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 15569 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 15570 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 15571 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 15572 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 15573 - stored 3 objects ok 15574 - no live objects ok 15575 - no live entries ok 15576 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15577 - root set ok 15578 - root set IDs ok 15579 - transaction finished without errors ok 15580 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15581 - nonroot entries ok 15582 - nonroot IDs ok 15583 - transaction finished without errors ok 15584 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15585 - all entries ok 15586 - all IDs ok 15587 - transaction finished without errors ok 15588 - no error in fixture ok 15589 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 15590 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 15591 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 15592 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 15593 - stored 3 objects ok 15594 - no live objects ok 15595 - no live entries ok 15596 - lookup 3 objects ok 15597 - all lookups succeeded ok 15598 - no members ok 15599 - set members ok 15600 - set is loaded ok 15601 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 15602 - set still loaded ok 15603 - inserting ID of live object ok 15604 - set still loaded ok 15605 - members ok 15606 - removed element ok 15607 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 15608 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 15609 - members ok 15610 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 15611 - members ok 15612 - set not loaded ok 15613 - lookup 1 objects ok 15614 - all lookups succeeded ok 15615 - set vivified ok 15616 - now marked as loaded ok 15617 - lookup 3 objects ok 15618 - all lookups succeeded ok 15619 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 15620 - members ok 15621 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 15622 - members ok 15623 - set size is 0 ok 15624 - no members ok 15625 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 15626 - lookup 3 objects ok 15627 - all lookups succeeded ok 15628 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 15629 - lookup 1 objects ok 15630 - all lookups succeeded ok 15631 - removed element ok 15632 - set not loaded ok 15633 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15634 - union is deferred ok 15635 - lookup 2 objects ok 15636 - all lookups succeeded ok 15637 - members ok 15638 - now it is loaded ok 15639 - lookup 3 objects ok 15640 - all lookups succeeded ok 15641 - union ok 15642 - no live objects ok 15643 - no live entries ok 15644 - no members ok 15645 - set not loaded ok 15646 - cleared ok 15647 - cleared set is loaded ok 15648 - no live objects ok 15649 - no live entries ok 15650 - lookup 3 objects ok 15651 - all lookups succeeded ok 15652 - stored 1 objects ok 15653 - no live objects ok 15654 - no live entries ok 15655 - lookup 1 objects ok 15656 - all lookups succeeded ok 15657 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15658 - set size ok 15659 - lookup 1 objects ok 15660 - all lookups succeeded ok 15661 - members ok 15662 - loaded set ok 15663 - no live objects ok 15664 - no live entries ok 15665 - lookup 1 objects ok 15666 - all lookups succeeded ok 15667 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15668 - set size ok 15669 - lookup 1 objects ok 15670 - all lookups succeeded ok 15671 - set size is 2 ok 15672 - set not loaded ok 15673 - stored 1 objects ok 15674 - set not loaded by ->store ok 15675 - no live objects ok 15676 - no live entries ok 15677 - lookup 1 objects ok 15678 - all lookups succeeded ok 15679 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 15680 - set size ok 15681 - lookup 2 objects ok 15682 - all lookups succeeded ok 15683 - members ok 15684 - loaded set ok 15685 - no live objects ok 15686 - no live entries ok 15687 - no error in fixture ok 15688 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 15689 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 15690 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15691 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15692 - stored 3 objects ok 15693 - no live objects ok 15694 - no live entries ok 15695 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15696 - one object ok 15697 - name attr ok 15698 - no live objects ok 15699 - no live entries ok 15700 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15701 - two objects ok 15702 - name attr ok 15703 - name attr ok 15704 - no error in fixture ok 15705 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15706 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 15707 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15708 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15709 - stored 13 objects ok 15710 - no live objects ok 15711 - no live entries ok 15712 - lookup 1 objects ok 15713 - all lookups succeeded ok 15714 - reftype for scalar ok 15715 - value ok 15716 - no live objects ok 15717 - no live entries ok 15718 - lookup 1 objects ok 15719 - all lookups succeeded ok 15720 - plain hash ok 15721 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 15722 - keys ok 15723 - no live objects ok 15724 - no live entries ok 15725 - lookup 1 objects ok 15726 - all lookups succeeded ok 15727 - coderef ok 15728 - invoke closure ok 15729 - invoke closure ok 15730 - no live objects ok 15731 - no live entries ok 15732 - lookup 1 objects ok 15733 - all lookups succeeded ok 15734 - coderef ok 15735 - invoke closure ok 15736 - invoke closure ok 15737 - stored 1 objects ok 15738 - no live objects ok 15739 - no live entries ok 15740 - lookup 1 objects ok 15741 - all lookups succeeded ok 15742 - coderef ok 15743 - closure updated ok 15744 - no live objects ok 15745 - no live entries ok 15746 - lookup 1 objects ok 15747 - all lookups succeeded ok 15748 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15749 - class attr ok 15750 - does runtime role ok 15751 - role attr ok 15752 - anon class ok 15753 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 15754 - no live objects ok 15755 - no live entries ok 15756 - lookup 1 objects ok 15757 - all lookups succeeded ok 15758 - plain hash ok 15759 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 15760 - key order preserved ok 15761 - no live objects ok 15762 - no live entries ok 15763 - lookup 1 objects ok 15764 - all lookups succeeded ok 15765 - The object isa DateTime ok 15766 - no live objects ok 15767 - no live entries ok 15768 - lookup 1 objects ok 15769 - all lookups succeeded ok 15770 - The object isa DateTime ok 15771 # skip Not possible with JSON atm ok 15772 - no live objects ok 15773 - no live entries ok 15774 - lookup 1 objects ok 15775 - all lookups succeeded ok 15776 - The object isa URI ok 15777 - uri ok 15778 - no live objects ok 15779 - no live entries ok 15780 - lookup 1 objects ok 15781 - all lookups succeeded ok 15782 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 15783 - The object isa URI ok 15784 - no live objects ok 15785 - no live entries ok 15786 - lookup 1 objects ok 15787 - all lookups succeeded ok 15788 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 15789 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 15790 - basename ok 15791 - no live objects ok 15792 - no live entries ok 15793 - lookup 1 objects ok 15794 - all lookups succeeded ok 15795 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 15796 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 15797 - trait attr ok 15798 - normal attr ok 15799 - no live objects ok 15800 - no live entries ok 15801 - lookup 1 objects ok 15802 - all lookups succeeded ok 15803 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 15804 - role attr ok 15805 - lookup 1 objects ok 15806 - all lookups succeeded ok 15807 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 15808 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 15809 - role attr ok 15810 - no error in fixture ok 15811 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15812 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 15813 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 15814 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 15815 - stored 1 objects ok 15816 - no live objects ok 15817 - no live entries ok 15818 - lookup 1 objects ok 15819 - all lookups succeeded ok 15820 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15821 - preserved is_utf8 ok 15822 - correct value ok 15823 - transaction finished without errors ok 15824 - no error in fixture ok 15825 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 15826 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 15827 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 15828 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 15829 - stored 1024 objects ok 15830 - no live objects ok 15831 - no live entries ok 15832 - lookup 1024 objects ok 15833 - all lookups succeeded ok 15834 - no live objects ok 15835 - no live entries ok 15836 - no error in fixture ok 15837 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 15838 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 15839 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15840 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15841 - stored 3 objects ok 15842 - no live objects ok 15843 - no live entries ok 15844 - lookup F1606450-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15845 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15846 - ref to other object ok 15847 - mututal ref ok 15848 - ref in auxillary structure ok 15849 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 15850 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 15851 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 15852 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 15853 - Putin is paranoid ok 15854 - updated 1 objects ok 15855 - transaction finished without errors ok 15856 - no live objects ok 15857 - no live entries ok 15858 - lookup F1606450-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15859 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15860 - Georgia got plastered ok 15861 - correct live objects ok 15862 - Putin is a dead object ok 15863 - updated live objects ok 15864 - transaction finished without errors ok 15865 - no live objects ok 15866 - no live entries ok 15867 - lookup F1621A98-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15868 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15869 - inter object rels ok 15870 - updated 1 objects ok 15871 - transaction finished without errors ok 15872 - no live objects ok 15873 - no live entries ok 15874 - lookup F1621A98-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15875 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15876 - name ok 15877 - transaction finished without errors ok 15878 - no live objects ok 15879 - no live entries ok 15880 - lookup F161532E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15881 - correct live objects ok 15882 - updated 1 objects ok 15883 - updated 1 objects ok 15884 - updated 1 objects ok 15885 - updated 1 objects ok 15886 - transaction finished without errors ok 15887 - no live objects ok 15888 - no live entries ok 15889 - lookup F161532E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 15890 - updated in storage ok 15891 - deleted 1 objects ok 15892 - F161532E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15893 - lookup no longer returns object ok 15894 - transaction finished without errors ok 15895 - no live objects ok 15896 - no live entries ok 15897 - F161532E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15898 - no error in fixture ok 15899 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15900 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 15901 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 15902 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 15903 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15904 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 15905 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 15906 - stored 2 objects ok 15907 - correct live objects ok 15908 - no live objects ok 15909 - no live entries ok 15910 - [F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15911 - lookup 1 objects ok 15912 - all lookups succeeded ok 15913 - name attr ok 15914 - updated 1 objects ok 15915 - successful transaction ok 15916 - name attr ok 15917 - no live objects ok 15918 - no live entries ok 15919 - lookup 1 objects ok 15920 - all lookups succeeded ok 15921 - updated 1 objects ok 15922 - failed transaction ok 15923 - name not rolled back in live object ok 15924 - no live objects ok 15925 - no live entries ok 15926 - lookup 1 objects ok 15927 - all lookups succeeded ok 15928 - name rolled back in DB ok 15929 - no live objects ok 15930 - no live entries ok 15931 - lookup 1 objects ok 15932 - all lookups succeeded ok 15933 - name attr ok 15934 - updated 1 objects ok 15935 - updated 1 objects ok 15936 - failed transaction ok 15937 - name attr of object ok 15938 - no live objects ok 15939 - no live entries ok 15940 - lookup 1 objects ok 15941 - all lookups succeeded ok 15942 - name rolled back in DB ok 15943 - no live objects ok 15944 - no live entries ok 15945 - lookup 1 objects ok 15946 - all lookups succeeded ok 15947 - updated 1 objects ok 15948 - lookup 1 objects ok 15949 - all lookups succeeded ok 15950 - deleted 1 objects ok 15951 - F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15952 - failed transaction ok 15953 - [F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15954 - no live objects ok 15955 - no live entries ok 15956 - [F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15957 - lookup 1 objects ok 15958 - all lookups succeeded ok 15959 - no live objects ok 15960 - no live entries ok 15961 - deleted 1 objects ok 15962 - F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15963 - failed transaction ok 15964 - [F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15965 - no live objects ok 15966 - no live entries ok 15967 - [F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 15968 - deleted 1 objects ok 15969 - F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15970 - F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15971 - no live objects ok 15972 - no live entries ok 15973 - F173C1D0-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 15974 - no error in fixture ok 15975 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 15976 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 15977 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 15978 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 15979 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 15980 - stored 3 objects ok 15981 - no live objects ok 15982 - no live entries ok 15983 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15984 - root set ok 15985 - root set IDs ok 15986 - transaction finished without errors ok 15987 - inserted 1 objects ok 15988 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 15989 - root set reflects insertion ok 15990 - root set IDs are the same ok 15991 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 15992 - root set rolled back ok 15993 - ids are the same ok 15994 - transaction finished without errors ok 15995 - transaction finished without errors ok 15996 - got an ID for foo ok 15997 - deleted 1 objects ok 15998 - root set reflects deletion ok 15999 - root set IDs are the same ok 16000 - inserted 1 objects ok 16001 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16002 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 16003 - root set IDs are the same ok 16004 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 16005 - root set ok 16006 - ids are the same ok 16007 - transaction finished without errors ok 16008 - all entries ok 16009 - all IDs ok 16010 - transaction finished without errors ok 16011 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16012 - inserted 1 objects ok 16013 - one entry ok 16014 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16015 - transaction finished without errors ok 16016 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16017 - rolled back ok 16018 - all entries restored ok 16019 - all IDs ok 16020 - transaction finished without errors ok 16021 - transaction finished without errors ok 16022 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16023 - transaction finished without errors ok 16024 - no error in fixture ok 16025 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 16026 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 16027 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 16028 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 16029 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 16030 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16031 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 16032 - stored 2 objects ok 16033 - correct live objects ok 16034 - no live objects ok 16035 - lookup 1 objects ok 16036 - all lookups succeeded ok 16037 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16038 - name attr ok 16039 - update ok 16040 - no live objects ok 16041 - no live entries ok 16042 - lookup 1 objects ok 16043 - all lookups succeeded ok 16044 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 16045 - data attr ok 16046 - update (noop) ok 16047 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 16048 - no live objects ok 16049 - no live entries ok 16050 - can't insert duplicate ok 16051 - no live objects ok 16052 - no live entries ok 16053 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 16054 - no live objects ok 16055 - no live entries ok 16056 - lookup 1 objects ok 16057 - all lookups succeeded ok 16058 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 16059 - no live objects ok 16060 - no live entries ok 16061 - no error in fixture ok 16062 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 16063 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 16064 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 16065 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 16066 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16067 - stored 1 objects ok 16068 - correct live objects ok 16069 - no live objects ok 16070 - lookup 1 objects ok 16071 - all lookups succeeded ok 16072 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16073 - name ok 16074 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 16075 - age attr ok 16076 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 16077 - no error in refresh ok 16078 - age updated ok 16079 - transaction finished without errors ok 16080 - no error in fixture ok 16081 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 16082 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 16083 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 16084 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 16085 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16086 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 16087 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16088 - stored 2 objects ok 16089 - correct live objects ok 16090 - no live objects ok 16091 - lookup 2 objects ok 16092 - all lookups succeeded ok 16093 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16094 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 16095 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16096 - entry is associated with object ok 16097 - the right object ok 16098 - name ok 16099 - parents ok 16100 - array ref ok 16101 - one parent ok 16102 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16103 - parent name ok 16104 - company ok 16105 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 16106 - name ok 16107 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 16108 - transaction finished without errors ok 16109 - no error in fixture ok 16110 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 16111 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 16112 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 16113 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 16114 - stored 1 objects ok 16115 - no live objects ok 16116 - lookup 1 objects ok 16117 - all lookups succeeded ok 16118 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16119 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16120 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16121 - transaction finished without errors ok 16122 - no live objects ok 16123 - no live entries ok 16124 - lookup 1 objects ok 16125 - all lookups succeeded ok 16126 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16127 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16128 - updated 1 objects ok 16129 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16130 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16131 - transaction finished without errors ok 16132 - no live objects ok 16133 - no live entries ok 16134 - lookup 1 objects ok 16135 - all lookups succeeded ok 16136 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16137 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16138 - [root_person F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16139 - updated 1 objects ok 16140 - [root_person F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16141 - transaction finished without errors ok 16142 - no live objects ok 16143 - no live entries ok 16144 - lookup 1 objects ok 16145 - all lookups succeeded ok 16146 - [root_person F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16147 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16148 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16149 - transaction finished without errors ok 16150 - no live objects ok 16151 - no live entries ok 16152 - lookup 1 objects ok 16153 - all lookups succeeded ok 16154 - [root_person F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16155 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16156 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16157 - updated 1 objects ok 16158 - transaction finished without errors ok 16159 - no live objects ok 16160 - no live entries ok 16161 - lookup 1 objects ok 16162 - all lookups succeeded ok 16163 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16164 - [F19DD7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16165 - transaction finished without errors ok 16166 - no error in fixture ok 16167 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 16168 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 16169 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 16170 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 16171 - stored 2 objects ok 16172 - no live objects ok 16173 - lookup 2 objects ok 16174 - all lookups succeeded ok 16175 - transaction finished without errors ok 16176 - transaction finished without errors ok 16177 - F1A74DE8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 F1A77A34-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16178 - transaction finished without errors ok 16179 - no error in fixture ok 16180 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 16181 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 16182 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 16183 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 16184 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 16185 - stored 1 objects ok 16186 - no live objects ok 16187 - no live objects ok 16188 - no live entries ok 16189 - lookup 1 objects ok 16190 - all lookups succeeded ok 16191 - id is object digest ok 16192 - field retained ok 16193 - transaction finished without errors ok 16194 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 16195 - correct live objects ok 16196 - no live objects ok 16197 - no live entries ok 16198 - inserted 1 objects ok 16199 - transaction finished without errors ok 16200 - no live objects ok 16201 - no live entries ok 16202 - lookup 1 objects ok 16203 - all lookups succeeded ok 16204 - inserted 1 objects not ok 16205 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 16206 - transaction finished without errors ok 16207 - no live objects ok 16208 - no live entries ok 16209 - lookup 1 objects ok 16210 - all lookups succeeded ok 16211 - inserted 1 objects ok 16212 - got a new ID ok 16213 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 16214 - transaction finished without errors ok 16215 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 16216 - correct live objects ok 16217 - no live objects ok 16218 - no live entries ok 16219 - no error in fixture ok 16220 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 16221 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 16222 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 16223 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 16224 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 16225 - stored 3 objects ok 16226 - no live objects ok 16227 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16228 - root set ok 16229 - root set IDs ok 16230 - transaction finished without errors ok 16231 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16232 - nonroot entries ok 16233 - nonroot IDs ok 16234 - transaction finished without errors ok 16235 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16236 - all entries ok 16237 - all IDs ok 16238 - transaction finished without errors ok 16239 - no error in fixture ok 16240 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 16241 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 16242 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 16243 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 16244 - stored 3 objects ok 16245 - no live objects ok 16246 - lookup 3 objects ok 16247 - all lookups succeeded ok 16248 - no members ok 16249 - set members ok 16250 - set is loaded ok 16251 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 16252 - set still loaded ok 16253 - inserting ID of live object ok 16254 - set still loaded ok 16255 - members ok 16256 - removed element ok 16257 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 16258 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 16259 - members ok 16260 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 16261 - members ok 16262 - set not loaded ok 16263 - lookup 1 objects ok 16264 - all lookups succeeded ok 16265 - set vivified ok 16266 - now marked as loaded ok 16267 - lookup 3 objects ok 16268 - all lookups succeeded ok 16269 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 16270 - members ok 16271 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 16272 - members ok 16273 - set size is 0 ok 16274 - no members ok 16275 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 16276 - lookup 3 objects ok 16277 - all lookups succeeded ok 16278 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 16279 - lookup 1 objects ok 16280 - all lookups succeeded ok 16281 - removed element ok 16282 - set not loaded ok 16283 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16284 - union is deferred ok 16285 - lookup 2 objects ok 16286 - all lookups succeeded ok 16287 - members ok 16288 - now it is loaded ok 16289 - lookup 3 objects ok 16290 - all lookups succeeded ok 16291 - union ok 16292 - no live objects ok 16293 - no live entries ok 16294 - no members ok 16295 - set not loaded ok 16296 - cleared ok 16297 - cleared set is loaded ok 16298 - no live objects ok 16299 - no live entries ok 16300 - lookup 3 objects ok 16301 - all lookups succeeded ok 16302 - stored 1 objects ok 16303 - no live objects ok 16304 - no live entries ok 16305 - lookup 1 objects ok 16306 - all lookups succeeded ok 16307 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16308 - set size ok 16309 - lookup 1 objects ok 16310 - all lookups succeeded ok 16311 - members ok 16312 - loaded set ok 16313 - no live objects ok 16314 - no live entries ok 16315 - lookup 1 objects ok 16316 - all lookups succeeded ok 16317 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16318 - set size ok 16319 - lookup 1 objects ok 16320 - all lookups succeeded ok 16321 - set size is 2 ok 16322 - set not loaded ok 16323 - stored 1 objects ok 16324 - set not loaded by ->store ok 16325 - no live objects ok 16326 - no live entries ok 16327 - lookup 1 objects ok 16328 - all lookups succeeded ok 16329 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16330 - set size ok 16331 - lookup 2 objects ok 16332 - all lookups succeeded ok 16333 - members ok 16334 - loaded set ok 16335 - no live objects ok 16336 - no live entries ok 16337 - no error in fixture ok 16338 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 16339 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 16340 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 16341 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 16342 - stored 3 objects ok 16343 - no live objects ok 16344 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16345 - one object ok 16346 - name attr ok 16347 - no live objects ok 16348 - no live entries ok 16349 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16350 - two objects ok 16351 - name attr ok 16352 - name attr ok 16353 - no error in fixture ok 16354 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 16355 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 16356 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 16357 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 16358 - stored 13 objects ok 16359 - no live objects ok 16360 - lookup 1 objects ok 16361 - all lookups succeeded ok 16362 - reftype for scalar ok 16363 - value ok 16364 - no live objects ok 16365 - no live entries ok 16366 - lookup 1 objects ok 16367 - all lookups succeeded ok 16368 - plain hash ok 16369 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 16370 - keys ok 16371 - no live objects ok 16372 - no live entries ok 16373 - lookup 1 objects ok 16374 - all lookups succeeded ok 16375 - coderef ok 16376 - invoke closure ok 16377 - invoke closure ok 16378 - no live objects ok 16379 - no live entries ok 16380 - lookup 1 objects ok 16381 - all lookups succeeded ok 16382 - coderef ok 16383 - invoke closure ok 16384 - invoke closure ok 16385 - stored 1 objects ok 16386 - no live objects ok 16387 - no live entries ok 16388 - lookup 1 objects ok 16389 - all lookups succeeded ok 16390 - coderef ok 16391 - closure updated ok 16392 - no live objects ok 16393 - no live entries ok 16394 - lookup 1 objects ok 16395 - all lookups succeeded ok 16396 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16397 - class attr ok 16398 - does runtime role ok 16399 - role attr ok 16400 - anon class ok 16401 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 16402 - no live objects ok 16403 - no live entries ok 16404 - lookup 1 objects ok 16405 - all lookups succeeded ok 16406 - plain hash ok 16407 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 16408 - key order preserved ok 16409 - no live objects ok 16410 - no live entries ok 16411 - lookup 1 objects ok 16412 - all lookups succeeded ok 16413 - The object isa DateTime ok 16414 - no live objects ok 16415 - no live entries ok 16416 - lookup 1 objects ok 16417 - all lookups succeeded ok 16418 - The object isa DateTime ok 16419 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 16420 - no live objects ok 16421 - no live entries ok 16422 - lookup 1 objects ok 16423 - all lookups succeeded ok 16424 - The object isa URI ok 16425 - uri ok 16426 - no live objects ok 16427 - no live entries ok 16428 - lookup 1 objects ok 16429 - all lookups succeeded ok 16430 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 16431 - The object isa URI ok 16432 - no live objects ok 16433 - no live entries ok 16434 - lookup 1 objects ok 16435 - all lookups succeeded ok 16436 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 16437 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 16438 - basename ok 16439 - no live objects ok 16440 - no live entries ok 16441 - lookup 1 objects ok 16442 - all lookups succeeded ok 16443 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 16444 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 16445 - trait attr ok 16446 - normal attr ok 16447 - no live objects ok 16448 - no live entries ok 16449 - lookup 1 objects ok 16450 - all lookups succeeded ok 16451 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 16452 - role attr ok 16453 - lookup 1 objects ok 16454 - all lookups succeeded ok 16455 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 16456 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 16457 - role attr ok 16458 - no error in fixture ok 16459 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 16460 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 16461 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 16462 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 16463 - stored 1 objects ok 16464 - no live objects ok 16465 - lookup 1 objects ok 16466 - all lookups succeeded ok 16467 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16468 - preserved is_utf8 ok 16469 - correct value ok 16470 - transaction finished without errors ok 16471 - no error in fixture ok 16472 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 16473 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 16474 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 16475 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 16476 - stored 1024 objects ok 16477 - no live objects ok 16478 - no live entries ok 16479 - lookup 1024 objects ok 16480 - all lookups succeeded ok 16481 - no live objects ok 16482 - no live entries ok 16483 - no error in fixture ok 16484 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 16485 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 16486 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 16487 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 16488 - stored 3 objects ok 16489 - no live objects ok 16490 - no live entries ok 16491 - lookup F3661BE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 16492 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16493 - ref to other object ok 16494 - mututal ref ok 16495 - ref in auxillary structure ok 16496 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 16497 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 16498 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 16499 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 16500 - Putin is paranoid ok 16501 - updated 1 objects ok 16502 - transaction finished without errors ok 16503 - no live objects ok 16504 - no live entries ok 16505 - lookup F3661BE6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 16506 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16507 - Georgia got plastered ok 16508 - correct live objects ok 16509 - Putin is a dead object ok 16510 - updated live objects ok 16511 - transaction finished without errors ok 16512 - no live objects ok 16513 - no live entries ok 16514 - lookup F367C752-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 16515 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16516 - inter object rels ok 16517 - updated 1 objects ok 16518 - transaction finished without errors ok 16519 - no live objects ok 16520 - no live entries ok 16521 - lookup F367C752-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 16522 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16523 - name ok 16524 - transaction finished without errors ok 16525 - no live objects ok 16526 - no live entries ok 16527 - lookup F3670E84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 16528 - correct live objects ok 16529 - updated 1 objects ok 16530 - updated 1 objects ok 16531 - updated 1 objects ok 16532 - updated 1 objects ok 16533 - transaction finished without errors ok 16534 - no live objects ok 16535 - no live entries ok 16536 - lookup F3670E84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 16537 - updated in storage ok 16538 - deleted 1 objects ok 16539 - F3670E84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16540 - lookup no longer returns object ok 16541 - transaction finished without errors ok 16542 - no live objects ok 16543 - no live entries ok 16544 - F3670E84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16545 - no error in fixture ok 16546 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 16547 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 16548 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 16549 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 16550 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16551 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 16552 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16553 - stored 2 objects ok 16554 - correct live objects ok 16555 - no live objects ok 16556 - [F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 16557 - lookup 1 objects ok 16558 - all lookups succeeded ok 16559 - name attr ok 16560 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 16561 - updated 1 objects ok 16562 - entry updated ok 16563 - parent of updated is orig ok 16564 - successful transaction ok 16565 - entry updated ok 16566 - parent of updated is orig ok 16567 - name attr ok 16568 - no live objects ok 16569 - no live entries ok 16570 - lookup 1 objects ok 16571 - all lookups succeeded ok 16572 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 16573 - updated 1 objects ok 16574 - entry updated ok 16575 - parent of updated is orig ok 16576 - failed transaction ok 16577 - entry rolled back ok 16578 - name not rolled back in live object ok 16579 - no live objects ok 16580 - no live entries ok 16581 - lookup 1 objects ok 16582 - all lookups succeeded ok 16583 - name rolled back in DB ok 16584 - no live objects ok 16585 - no live entries ok 16586 - lookup 1 objects ok 16587 - all lookups succeeded ok 16588 - name attr ok 16589 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 16590 - updated 1 objects ok 16591 - updated 1 objects ok 16592 - entry updated ok 16593 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 16594 - failed transaction ok 16595 - entry rolled back ok 16596 - name attr of object ok 16597 - no live objects ok 16598 - no live entries ok 16599 - lookup 1 objects ok 16600 - all lookups succeeded ok 16601 - name rolled back in DB ok 16602 - no live objects ok 16603 - no live entries ok 16604 - lookup 1 objects ok 16605 - all lookups succeeded ok 16606 - updated 1 objects ok 16607 - lookup 1 objects ok 16608 - all lookups succeeded ok 16609 - deleted 1 objects ok 16610 - F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16611 - failed transaction ok 16612 - [F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 16613 - no live objects ok 16614 - no live entries ok 16615 - [F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 16616 - lookup 1 objects ok 16617 - all lookups succeeded ok 16618 - no live objects ok 16619 - no live entries ok 16620 - deleted 1 objects ok 16621 - F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16622 - failed transaction ok 16623 - [F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 16624 - no live objects ok 16625 - no live entries ok 16626 - [F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 16627 - deleted 1 objects ok 16628 - F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16629 - F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16630 - no live objects ok 16631 - no live entries ok 16632 - F37D1EEA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16633 - no error in fixture ok 16634 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 16635 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 16636 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 16637 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 16638 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 16639 - stored 3 objects ok 16640 - no live objects ok 16641 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16642 - root set ok 16643 - root set IDs ok 16644 - transaction finished without errors ok 16645 - inserted 1 objects ok 16646 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16647 - root set reflects insertion ok 16648 - root set IDs are the same ok 16649 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 16650 - root set rolled back ok 16651 - ids are the same ok 16652 - transaction finished without errors ok 16653 - transaction finished without errors ok 16654 - got an ID for foo ok 16655 - deleted 1 objects ok 16656 - root set reflects deletion ok 16657 - root set IDs are the same ok 16658 - inserted 1 objects ok 16659 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16660 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 16661 - root set IDs are the same ok 16662 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 16663 - root set ok 16664 - ids are the same ok 16665 - transaction finished without errors ok 16666 - all entries ok 16667 - all IDs ok 16668 - transaction finished without errors ok 16669 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16670 - inserted 1 objects ok 16671 - one entry ok 16672 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16673 - transaction finished without errors ok 16674 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16675 - rolled back ok 16676 - all entries restored ok 16677 - all IDs ok 16678 - transaction finished without errors ok 16679 - transaction finished without errors ok 16680 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 16681 - transaction finished without errors ok 16682 - no error in fixture ok 16683 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 16684 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 16685 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 16686 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 16687 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 16688 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16689 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 16690 - stored 2 objects ok 16691 - correct live objects ok 16692 - no live objects ok 16693 - lookup 1 objects ok 16694 - all lookups succeeded ok 16695 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16696 - name attr ok 16697 - update ok 16698 - no live objects ok 16699 - no live entries ok 16700 - lookup 1 objects ok 16701 - all lookups succeeded ok 16702 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 16703 - data attr ok 16704 - update (noop) ok 16705 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 16706 - no live objects ok 16707 - no live entries ok 16708 - can't insert duplicate ok 16709 - no live objects ok 16710 - no live entries ok 16711 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 16712 - no live objects ok 16713 - no live entries ok 16714 - lookup 1 objects ok 16715 - all lookups succeeded ok 16716 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 16717 - no live objects ok 16718 - no live entries ok 16719 - no error in fixture ok 16720 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 16721 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 16722 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 16723 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 16724 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16725 - stored 1 objects ok 16726 - correct live objects ok 16727 - no live objects ok 16728 - lookup 1 objects ok 16729 - all lookups succeeded ok 16730 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16731 - name ok 16732 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 16733 - age attr ok 16734 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 16735 - no error in refresh ok 16736 - age updated ok 16737 - transaction finished without errors ok 16738 - no error in fixture ok 16739 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 16740 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 16741 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 16742 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 16743 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16744 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 16745 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16746 - stored 2 objects ok 16747 - correct live objects ok 16748 - no live objects ok 16749 - lookup 2 objects ok 16750 - all lookups succeeded ok 16751 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16752 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 16753 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16754 - entry is associated with object ok 16755 - the right object ok 16756 - name ok 16757 - parents ok 16758 - array ref ok 16759 - one parent ok 16760 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16761 - parent name ok 16762 - company ok 16763 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 16764 - name ok 16765 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 16766 - transaction finished without errors ok 16767 - no error in fixture ok 16768 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 16769 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 16770 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 16771 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 16772 - stored 1 objects ok 16773 - no live objects ok 16774 - lookup 1 objects ok 16775 - all lookups succeeded ok 16776 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 16777 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16778 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16779 - transaction finished without errors ok 16780 - no live objects ok 16781 - no live entries ok 16782 - lookup 1 objects ok 16783 - all lookups succeeded ok 16784 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16785 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16786 - updated 1 objects ok 16787 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16788 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16789 - transaction finished without errors ok 16790 - no live objects ok 16791 - no live entries ok 16792 - lookup 1 objects ok 16793 - all lookups succeeded ok 16794 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16795 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16796 - [root_person F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16797 - updated 1 objects ok 16798 - [root_person F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16799 - transaction finished without errors ok 16800 - no live objects ok 16801 - no live entries ok 16802 - lookup 1 objects ok 16803 - all lookups succeeded ok 16804 - [root_person F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16805 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16806 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16807 - transaction finished without errors ok 16808 - no live objects ok 16809 - no live entries ok 16810 - lookup 1 objects ok 16811 - all lookups succeeded ok 16812 - [root_person F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16813 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16814 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16815 - updated 1 objects ok 16816 - transaction finished without errors ok 16817 - no live objects ok 16818 - no live entries ok 16819 - lookup 1 objects ok 16820 - all lookups succeeded ok 16821 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 16822 - [F3A5DE5C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 16823 - transaction finished without errors ok 16824 - no error in fixture ok 16825 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 16826 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 16827 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 16828 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 16829 - stored 2 objects ok 16830 - no live objects ok 16831 - lookup 2 objects ok 16832 - all lookups succeeded ok 16833 - transaction finished without errors ok 16834 - transaction finished without errors ok 16835 - F3AF53D8-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 F3AF72DC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 16836 - transaction finished without errors ok 16837 - no error in fixture ok 16838 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 16839 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 16840 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 16841 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 16842 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 16843 - stored 1 objects ok 16844 - no live objects ok 16845 - no live objects ok 16846 - no live entries ok 16847 - lookup 1 objects ok 16848 - all lookups succeeded ok 16849 - id is object digest ok 16850 - field retained ok 16851 - transaction finished without errors ok 16852 - no live objects ok 16853 - no live entries ok 16854 - inserted 1 objects ok 16855 - transaction finished without errors ok 16856 - no live objects ok 16857 - no live entries ok 16858 - lookup 1 objects ok 16859 - all lookups succeeded ok 16860 - inserted 1 objects not ok 16861 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 16862 - transaction finished without errors ok 16863 - no live objects ok 16864 - no live entries ok 16865 - lookup 1 objects ok 16866 - all lookups succeeded ok 16867 - inserted 1 objects ok 16868 - got a new ID ok 16869 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 16870 - transaction finished without errors ok 16871 - no live objects ok 16872 - no live entries ok 16873 - no error in fixture ok 16874 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 16875 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 16876 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 16877 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 16878 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 16879 - stored 3 objects ok 16880 - no live objects ok 16881 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16882 - root set ok 16883 - root set IDs ok 16884 - transaction finished without errors ok 16885 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16886 - nonroot entries ok 16887 - nonroot IDs ok 16888 - transaction finished without errors ok 16889 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16890 - all entries ok 16891 - all IDs ok 16892 - transaction finished without errors ok 16893 - no error in fixture ok 16894 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 16895 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 16896 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 16897 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 16898 - stored 3 objects ok 16899 - no live objects ok 16900 - lookup 3 objects ok 16901 - all lookups succeeded ok 16902 - no members ok 16903 - set members ok 16904 - set is loaded ok 16905 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 16906 - set still loaded ok 16907 - inserting ID of live object ok 16908 - set still loaded ok 16909 - members ok 16910 - removed element ok 16911 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 16912 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 16913 - members ok 16914 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 16915 - members ok 16916 - set not loaded ok 16917 - lookup 1 objects ok 16918 - all lookups succeeded ok 16919 - set vivified ok 16920 - now marked as loaded ok 16921 - lookup 3 objects ok 16922 - all lookups succeeded ok 16923 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 16924 - members ok 16925 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 16926 - members ok 16927 - set size is 0 ok 16928 - no members ok 16929 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 16930 - lookup 3 objects ok 16931 - all lookups succeeded ok 16932 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 16933 - lookup 1 objects ok 16934 - all lookups succeeded ok 16935 - removed element ok 16936 - set not loaded ok 16937 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16938 - union is deferred ok 16939 - lookup 2 objects ok 16940 - all lookups succeeded ok 16941 - members ok 16942 - now it is loaded ok 16943 - lookup 3 objects ok 16944 - all lookups succeeded ok 16945 - union ok 16946 - no live objects ok 16947 - no live entries ok 16948 - no members ok 16949 - set not loaded ok 16950 - cleared ok 16951 - cleared set is loaded ok 16952 - no live objects ok 16953 - no live entries ok 16954 - lookup 3 objects ok 16955 - all lookups succeeded ok 16956 - stored 1 objects ok 16957 - no live objects ok 16958 - no live entries ok 16959 - lookup 1 objects ok 16960 - all lookups succeeded ok 16961 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16962 - set size ok 16963 - lookup 1 objects ok 16964 - all lookups succeeded ok 16965 - members ok 16966 - loaded set ok 16967 - no live objects ok 16968 - no live entries ok 16969 - lookup 1 objects ok 16970 - all lookups succeeded ok 16971 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16972 - set size ok 16973 - lookup 1 objects ok 16974 - all lookups succeeded ok 16975 - set size is 2 ok 16976 - set not loaded ok 16977 - stored 1 objects ok 16978 - set not loaded by ->store ok 16979 - no live objects ok 16980 - no live entries ok 16981 - lookup 1 objects ok 16982 - all lookups succeeded ok 16983 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 16984 - set size ok 16985 - lookup 2 objects ok 16986 - all lookups succeeded ok 16987 - members ok 16988 - loaded set ok 16989 - no live objects ok 16990 - no live entries ok 16991 - no error in fixture ok 16992 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 16993 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 16994 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 16995 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 16996 - stored 3 objects ok 16997 - no live objects ok 16998 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 16999 - one object ok 17000 - name attr ok 17001 - no live objects ok 17002 - no live entries ok 17003 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17004 - two objects ok 17005 - name attr ok 17006 - name attr ok 17007 - no error in fixture ok 17008 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 17009 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 17010 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17011 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17012 - stored 13 objects ok 17013 - no live objects ok 17014 - lookup 1 objects ok 17015 - all lookups succeeded ok 17016 - reftype for scalar ok 17017 - value ok 17018 - no live objects ok 17019 - no live entries ok 17020 - lookup 1 objects ok 17021 - all lookups succeeded ok 17022 - plain hash ok 17023 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 17024 - keys ok 17025 - no live objects ok 17026 - no live entries ok 17027 - lookup 1 objects ok 17028 - all lookups succeeded ok 17029 - coderef ok 17030 - invoke closure ok 17031 - invoke closure ok 17032 - no live objects ok 17033 - no live entries ok 17034 - lookup 1 objects ok 17035 - all lookups succeeded ok 17036 - coderef ok 17037 - invoke closure ok 17038 - invoke closure ok 17039 - stored 1 objects ok 17040 - no live objects ok 17041 - no live entries ok 17042 - lookup 1 objects ok 17043 - all lookups succeeded ok 17044 - coderef ok 17045 - closure updated ok 17046 - no live objects ok 17047 - no live entries ok 17048 - lookup 1 objects ok 17049 - all lookups succeeded ok 17050 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17051 - class attr ok 17052 - does runtime role ok 17053 - role attr ok 17054 - anon class ok 17055 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 17056 - no live objects ok 17057 - no live entries ok 17058 - lookup 1 objects ok 17059 - all lookups succeeded ok 17060 - plain hash ok 17061 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 17062 - key order preserved ok 17063 - no live objects ok 17064 - no live entries ok 17065 - lookup 1 objects ok 17066 - all lookups succeeded ok 17067 - The object isa DateTime ok 17068 - no live objects ok 17069 - no live entries ok 17070 - lookup 1 objects ok 17071 - all lookups succeeded ok 17072 - The object isa DateTime ok 17073 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 17074 - no live objects ok 17075 - no live entries ok 17076 - lookup 1 objects ok 17077 - all lookups succeeded ok 17078 - The object isa URI ok 17079 - uri ok 17080 - no live objects ok 17081 - no live entries ok 17082 - lookup 1 objects ok 17083 - all lookups succeeded ok 17084 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 17085 - The object isa URI ok 17086 - no live objects ok 17087 - no live entries ok 17088 - lookup 1 objects ok 17089 - all lookups succeeded ok 17090 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 17091 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 17092 - basename ok 17093 - no live objects ok 17094 - no live entries ok 17095 - lookup 1 objects ok 17096 - all lookups succeeded ok 17097 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 17098 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 17099 - trait attr ok 17100 - normal attr ok 17101 - no live objects ok 17102 - no live entries ok 17103 - lookup 1 objects ok 17104 - all lookups succeeded ok 17105 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 17106 - role attr ok 17107 - lookup 1 objects ok 17108 - all lookups succeeded ok 17109 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 17110 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 17111 - role attr ok 17112 - no error in fixture ok 17113 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17114 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17115 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 17116 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 17117 - stored 1 objects ok 17118 - no live objects ok 17119 - lookup 1 objects ok 17120 - all lookups succeeded ok 17121 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17122 - preserved is_utf8 ok 17123 - correct value ok 17124 - transaction finished without errors ok 17125 - no error in fixture ok 17126 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 17127 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 17128 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 17129 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 17130 - stored 1024 objects ok 17131 - no live objects ok 17132 - no live entries ok 17133 - lookup 1024 objects ok 17134 - all lookups succeeded ok 17135 - no live objects ok 17136 - no live entries ok 17137 - no error in fixture ok 17138 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 17139 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 17140 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17141 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17142 - stored 3 objects ok 17143 - no live objects ok 17144 - no live entries ok 17145 - lookup F562E208-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17146 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17147 - ref to other object ok 17148 - mututal ref ok 17149 - ref in auxillary structure ok 17150 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 17151 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 17152 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 17153 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 17154 - Putin is paranoid ok 17155 - updated 1 objects ok 17156 - transaction finished without errors ok 17157 - no live objects ok 17158 - no live entries ok 17159 - lookup F562E208-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17160 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17161 - Georgia got plastered ok 17162 - correct live objects ok 17163 - Putin is a dead object ok 17164 - updated live objects ok 17165 - transaction finished without errors ok 17166 - no live objects ok 17167 - no live entries ok 17168 - lookup F564A5CA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17169 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17170 - inter object rels ok 17171 - updated 1 objects ok 17172 - transaction finished without errors ok 17173 - no live objects ok 17174 - no live entries ok 17175 - lookup F564A5CA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17176 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17177 - name ok 17178 - transaction finished without errors ok 17179 - no live objects ok 17180 - no live entries ok 17181 - lookup F563E2CA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17182 - correct live objects ok 17183 - updated 1 objects ok 17184 - updated 1 objects ok 17185 - updated 1 objects ok 17186 - updated 1 objects ok 17187 - transaction finished without errors ok 17188 - no live objects ok 17189 - no live entries ok 17190 - lookup F563E2CA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17191 - updated in storage ok 17192 - deleted 1 objects ok 17193 - F563E2CA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17194 - lookup no longer returns object ok 17195 - transaction finished without errors ok 17196 - no live objects ok 17197 - no live entries ok 17198 - F563E2CA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17199 - no error in fixture ok 17200 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17201 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17202 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 17203 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 17204 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17205 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 17206 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17207 - stored 2 objects ok 17208 - correct live objects ok 17209 - no live objects ok 17210 - [F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17211 - lookup 1 objects ok 17212 - all lookups succeeded ok 17213 - name attr ok 17214 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17215 - updated 1 objects ok 17216 - entry updated ok 17217 - parent of updated is orig ok 17218 - successful transaction ok 17219 - entry updated ok 17220 - parent of updated is orig ok 17221 - name attr ok 17222 - no live objects ok 17223 - no live entries ok 17224 - lookup 1 objects ok 17225 - all lookups succeeded ok 17226 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17227 - updated 1 objects ok 17228 - entry updated ok 17229 - parent of updated is orig ok 17230 - failed transaction ok 17231 - entry rolled back ok 17232 - name not rolled back in live object ok 17233 - no live objects ok 17234 - no live entries ok 17235 - lookup 1 objects ok 17236 - all lookups succeeded ok 17237 - name rolled back in DB ok 17238 - no live objects ok 17239 - no live entries ok 17240 - lookup 1 objects ok 17241 - all lookups succeeded ok 17242 - name attr ok 17243 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17244 - updated 1 objects ok 17245 - updated 1 objects ok 17246 - entry updated ok 17247 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 17248 - failed transaction ok 17249 - entry rolled back ok 17250 - name attr of object ok 17251 - no live objects ok 17252 - no live entries ok 17253 - lookup 1 objects ok 17254 - all lookups succeeded ok 17255 - name rolled back in DB ok 17256 - no live objects ok 17257 - no live entries ok 17258 - lookup 1 objects ok 17259 - all lookups succeeded ok 17260 - updated 1 objects ok 17261 - lookup 1 objects ok 17262 - all lookups succeeded ok 17263 - deleted 1 objects ok 17264 - F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17265 - failed transaction ok 17266 - [F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17267 - no live objects ok 17268 - no live entries ok 17269 - [F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17270 - lookup 1 objects ok 17271 - all lookups succeeded ok 17272 - no live objects ok 17273 - no live entries ok 17274 - deleted 1 objects ok 17275 - F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17276 - failed transaction ok 17277 - [F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17278 - no live objects ok 17279 - no live entries ok 17280 - [F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17281 - deleted 1 objects ok 17282 - F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17283 - F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17284 - no live objects ok 17285 - no live entries ok 17286 - F57A2030-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17287 - no error in fixture ok 17288 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 17289 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 17290 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 17291 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17292 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17293 - stored 3 objects ok 17294 - no live objects ok 17295 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17296 - root set ok 17297 - root set IDs ok 17298 - transaction finished without errors ok 17299 - inserted 1 objects ok 17300 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17301 - root set reflects insertion ok 17302 - root set IDs are the same ok 17303 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 17304 - root set rolled back ok 17305 - ids are the same ok 17306 - transaction finished without errors ok 17307 - transaction finished without errors ok 17308 - got an ID for foo ok 17309 - deleted 1 objects ok 17310 - root set reflects deletion ok 17311 - root set IDs are the same ok 17312 - inserted 1 objects ok 17313 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17314 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 17315 - root set IDs are the same ok 17316 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 17317 - root set ok 17318 - ids are the same ok 17319 - transaction finished without errors ok 17320 - all entries ok 17321 - all IDs ok 17322 - transaction finished without errors ok 17323 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17324 - inserted 1 objects ok 17325 - one entry ok 17326 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17327 - transaction finished without errors ok 17328 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17329 - rolled back ok 17330 - all entries restored ok 17331 - all IDs ok 17332 - transaction finished without errors ok 17333 - transaction finished without errors ok 17334 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17335 - transaction finished without errors ok 17336 - no error in fixture ok 17337 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17338 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17339 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 17340 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 17341 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 17342 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17343 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 17344 - stored 2 objects ok 17345 - correct live objects ok 17346 - no live objects ok 17347 - lookup 1 objects ok 17348 - all lookups succeeded ok 17349 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17350 - name attr ok 17351 - update ok 17352 - no live objects ok 17353 - no live entries ok 17354 - lookup 1 objects ok 17355 - all lookups succeeded ok 17356 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 17357 - data attr ok 17358 - update (noop) ok 17359 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 17360 - no live objects ok 17361 - no live entries ok 17362 - can't insert duplicate ok 17363 - no live objects ok 17364 - no live entries ok 17365 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 17366 - no live objects ok 17367 - no live entries ok 17368 - lookup 1 objects ok 17369 - all lookups succeeded ok 17370 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 17371 - no live objects ok 17372 - no live entries ok 17373 - no error in fixture ok 17374 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 17375 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 17376 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 17377 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 17378 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17379 - stored 1 objects ok 17380 - correct live objects ok 17381 - no live objects ok 17382 - lookup 1 objects ok 17383 - all lookups succeeded ok 17384 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17385 - name ok 17386 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17387 - age attr ok 17388 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 17389 - no error in refresh ok 17390 - age updated ok 17391 - transaction finished without errors ok 17392 - no error in fixture ok 17393 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 17394 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 17395 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 17396 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 17397 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17398 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 17399 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17400 - stored 2 objects ok 17401 - correct live objects ok 17402 - no live objects ok 17403 - lookup 2 objects ok 17404 - all lookups succeeded ok 17405 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17406 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 17407 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17408 - entry is associated with object ok 17409 - the right object ok 17410 - name ok 17411 - parents ok 17412 - array ref ok 17413 - one parent ok 17414 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17415 - parent name ok 17416 - company ok 17417 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 17418 - name ok 17419 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 17420 - transaction finished without errors ok 17421 - no error in fixture ok 17422 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 17423 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 17424 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 17425 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 17426 - stored 1 objects ok 17427 - no live objects ok 17428 - lookup 1 objects ok 17429 - all lookups succeeded ok 17430 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17431 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17432 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17433 - transaction finished without errors ok 17434 - no live objects ok 17435 - no live entries ok 17436 - lookup 1 objects ok 17437 - all lookups succeeded ok 17438 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17439 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17440 - updated 1 objects ok 17441 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17442 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17443 - transaction finished without errors ok 17444 - no live objects ok 17445 - no live entries ok 17446 - lookup 1 objects ok 17447 - all lookups succeeded ok 17448 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17449 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17450 - [root_person F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17451 - updated 1 objects ok 17452 - [root_person F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17453 - transaction finished without errors ok 17454 - no live objects ok 17455 - no live entries ok 17456 - lookup 1 objects ok 17457 - all lookups succeeded ok 17458 - [root_person F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17459 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17460 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17461 - transaction finished without errors ok 17462 - no live objects ok 17463 - no live entries ok 17464 - lookup 1 objects ok 17465 - all lookups succeeded ok 17466 - [root_person F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17467 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17468 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17469 - updated 1 objects ok 17470 - transaction finished without errors ok 17471 - no live objects ok 17472 - no live entries ok 17473 - lookup 1 objects ok 17474 - all lookups succeeded ok 17475 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 17476 - [F5A0DC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 17477 - transaction finished without errors ok 17478 - no error in fixture ok 17479 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 17480 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 17481 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 17482 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 17483 - stored 2 objects ok 17484 - no live objects ok 17485 - lookup 2 objects ok 17486 - all lookups succeeded ok 17487 - transaction finished without errors ok 17488 - transaction finished without errors ok 17489 - F5AA4120-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 F5AA70B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17490 - transaction finished without errors ok 17491 - no error in fixture ok 17492 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 17493 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 17494 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 17495 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 17496 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 17497 - stored 1 objects ok 17498 - no live objects ok 17499 - no live objects ok 17500 - no live entries ok 17501 - lookup 1 objects ok 17502 - all lookups succeeded ok 17503 - id is object digest ok 17504 - field retained ok 17505 - transaction finished without errors ok 17506 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 17507 - correct live objects ok 17508 - no live objects ok 17509 - no live entries ok 17510 - inserted 1 objects ok 17511 - transaction finished without errors ok 17512 - no live objects ok 17513 - no live entries ok 17514 - lookup 1 objects ok 17515 - all lookups succeeded ok 17516 - inserted 1 objects not ok 17517 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 17518 - transaction finished without errors ok 17519 - no live objects ok 17520 - no live entries ok 17521 - lookup 1 objects ok 17522 - all lookups succeeded ok 17523 - inserted 1 objects ok 17524 - got a new ID ok 17525 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 17526 - transaction finished without errors ok 17527 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 17528 - correct live objects ok 17529 - no live objects ok 17530 - no live entries ok 17531 - no error in fixture ok 17532 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 17533 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 17534 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 17535 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 17536 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 17537 - stored 3 objects ok 17538 - no live objects ok 17539 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17540 - root set ok 17541 - root set IDs ok 17542 - transaction finished without errors ok 17543 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17544 - nonroot entries ok 17545 - nonroot IDs ok 17546 - transaction finished without errors ok 17547 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17548 - all entries ok 17549 - all IDs ok 17550 - transaction finished without errors ok 17551 - no error in fixture ok 17552 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 17553 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 17554 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 17555 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 17556 - stored 3 objects ok 17557 - no live objects ok 17558 - lookup 3 objects ok 17559 - all lookups succeeded ok 17560 - no members ok 17561 - set members ok 17562 - set is loaded ok 17563 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 17564 - set still loaded ok 17565 - inserting ID of live object ok 17566 - set still loaded ok 17567 - members ok 17568 - removed element ok 17569 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 17570 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 17571 - members ok 17572 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 17573 - members ok 17574 - set not loaded ok 17575 - lookup 1 objects ok 17576 - all lookups succeeded ok 17577 - set vivified ok 17578 - now marked as loaded ok 17579 - lookup 3 objects ok 17580 - all lookups succeeded ok 17581 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 17582 - members ok 17583 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 17584 - members ok 17585 - set size is 0 ok 17586 - no members ok 17587 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 17588 - lookup 3 objects ok 17589 - all lookups succeeded ok 17590 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 17591 - lookup 1 objects ok 17592 - all lookups succeeded ok 17593 - removed element ok 17594 - set not loaded ok 17595 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 17596 - union is deferred ok 17597 - lookup 2 objects ok 17598 - all lookups succeeded ok 17599 - members ok 17600 - now it is loaded ok 17601 - lookup 3 objects ok 17602 - all lookups succeeded ok 17603 - union ok 17604 - no live objects ok 17605 - no live entries ok 17606 - no members ok 17607 - set not loaded ok 17608 - cleared ok 17609 - cleared set is loaded ok 17610 - no live objects ok 17611 - no live entries ok 17612 - lookup 3 objects ok 17613 - all lookups succeeded ok 17614 - stored 1 objects ok 17615 - no live objects ok 17616 - no live entries ok 17617 - lookup 1 objects ok 17618 - all lookups succeeded ok 17619 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 17620 - set size ok 17621 - lookup 1 objects ok 17622 - all lookups succeeded ok 17623 - members ok 17624 - loaded set ok 17625 - no live objects ok 17626 - no live entries ok 17627 - lookup 1 objects ok 17628 - all lookups succeeded ok 17629 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 17630 - set size ok 17631 - lookup 1 objects ok 17632 - all lookups succeeded ok 17633 - set size is 2 ok 17634 - set not loaded ok 17635 - stored 1 objects ok 17636 - set not loaded by ->store ok 17637 - no live objects ok 17638 - no live entries ok 17639 - lookup 1 objects ok 17640 - all lookups succeeded ok 17641 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 17642 - set size ok 17643 - lookup 2 objects ok 17644 - all lookups succeeded ok 17645 - members ok 17646 - loaded set ok 17647 - no live objects ok 17648 - no live entries ok 17649 - no error in fixture ok 17650 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 17651 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 17652 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 17653 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 17654 - stored 3 objects ok 17655 - no live objects ok 17656 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17657 - one object ok 17658 - name attr ok 17659 - no live objects ok 17660 - no live entries ok 17661 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17662 - two objects ok 17663 - name attr ok 17664 - name attr ok 17665 - no error in fixture ok 17666 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 17667 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 17668 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17669 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17670 - stored 13 objects ok 17671 - no live objects ok 17672 - lookup 1 objects ok 17673 - all lookups succeeded ok 17674 - reftype for scalar ok 17675 - value ok 17676 - no live objects ok 17677 - no live entries ok 17678 - lookup 1 objects ok 17679 - all lookups succeeded ok 17680 - plain hash ok 17681 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 17682 - keys ok 17683 - no live objects ok 17684 - no live entries ok 17685 - lookup 1 objects ok 17686 - all lookups succeeded ok 17687 - coderef ok 17688 - invoke closure ok 17689 - invoke closure ok 17690 - no live objects ok 17691 - no live entries ok 17692 - lookup 1 objects ok 17693 - all lookups succeeded ok 17694 - coderef ok 17695 - invoke closure ok 17696 - invoke closure ok 17697 - stored 1 objects ok 17698 - no live objects ok 17699 - no live entries ok 17700 - lookup 1 objects ok 17701 - all lookups succeeded ok 17702 - coderef ok 17703 - closure updated ok 17704 - no live objects ok 17705 - no live entries ok 17706 - lookup 1 objects ok 17707 - all lookups succeeded ok 17708 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17709 - class attr ok 17710 - does runtime role ok 17711 - role attr ok 17712 - anon class ok 17713 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 17714 - no live objects ok 17715 - no live entries ok 17716 - lookup 1 objects ok 17717 - all lookups succeeded ok 17718 - plain hash ok 17719 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 17720 - key order preserved ok 17721 - no live objects ok 17722 - no live entries ok 17723 - lookup 1 objects ok 17724 - all lookups succeeded ok 17725 - The object isa DateTime ok 17726 - no live objects ok 17727 - no live entries ok 17728 - lookup 1 objects ok 17729 - all lookups succeeded ok 17730 - The object isa DateTime ok 17731 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 17732 - no live objects ok 17733 - no live entries ok 17734 - lookup 1 objects ok 17735 - all lookups succeeded ok 17736 - The object isa URI ok 17737 - uri ok 17738 - no live objects ok 17739 - no live entries ok 17740 - lookup 1 objects ok 17741 - all lookups succeeded ok 17742 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 17743 - The object isa URI ok 17744 - no live objects ok 17745 - no live entries ok 17746 - lookup 1 objects ok 17747 - all lookups succeeded ok 17748 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 17749 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 17750 - basename ok 17751 - no live objects ok 17752 - no live entries ok 17753 - lookup 1 objects ok 17754 - all lookups succeeded ok 17755 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 17756 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 17757 - trait attr ok 17758 - normal attr ok 17759 - no live objects ok 17760 - no live entries ok 17761 - lookup 1 objects ok 17762 - all lookups succeeded ok 17763 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 17764 - role attr ok 17765 - lookup 1 objects ok 17766 - all lookups succeeded ok 17767 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 17768 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 17769 - role attr ok 17770 - no error in fixture ok 17771 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17772 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 17773 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 17774 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 17775 - stored 1 objects ok 17776 - no live objects ok 17777 - lookup 1 objects ok 17778 - all lookups succeeded ok 17779 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17780 - preserved is_utf8 ok 17781 - correct value ok 17782 - transaction finished without errors ok 17783 - no error in fixture ok 17784 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 17785 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 17786 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 17787 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 17788 - stored 1024 objects ok 17789 - no live objects ok 17790 - no live entries ok 17791 - lookup 1024 objects ok 17792 - all lookups succeeded ok 17793 - no live objects ok 17794 - no live entries ok 17795 - no error in fixture ok 17796 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 17797 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 17798 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17799 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17800 - stored 3 objects ok 17801 - no live objects ok 17802 - no live entries ok 17803 - lookup F768E5B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17804 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17805 - ref to other object ok 17806 - mututal ref ok 17807 - ref in auxillary structure ok 17808 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 17809 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 17810 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 17811 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 17812 - Putin is paranoid ok 17813 - updated 1 objects ok 17814 - transaction finished without errors ok 17815 - no live objects ok 17816 - no live entries ok 17817 - lookup F768E5B6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17818 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17819 - Georgia got plastered ok 17820 - correct live objects ok 17821 - Putin is a dead object ok 17822 - updated live objects ok 17823 - transaction finished without errors ok 17824 - no live objects ok 17825 - no live entries ok 17826 - lookup F76AAC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17827 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17828 - inter object rels ok 17829 - updated 1 objects ok 17830 - transaction finished without errors ok 17831 - no live objects ok 17832 - no live entries ok 17833 - lookup F76AAC84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17834 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17835 - name ok 17836 - transaction finished without errors ok 17837 - no live objects ok 17838 - no live entries ok 17839 - lookup F769EA88-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17840 - correct live objects ok 17841 - updated 1 objects ok 17842 - updated 1 objects ok 17843 - updated 1 objects ok 17844 - updated 1 objects ok 17845 - transaction finished without errors ok 17846 - no live objects ok 17847 - no live entries ok 17848 - lookup F769EA88-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 17849 - updated in storage ok 17850 - deleted 1 objects ok 17851 - F769EA88-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17852 - lookup no longer returns object ok 17853 - transaction finished without errors ok 17854 - no live objects ok 17855 - no live entries ok 17856 - F769EA88-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17857 - no error in fixture ok 17858 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17859 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 17860 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 17861 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 17862 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17863 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 17864 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 17865 - stored 2 objects ok 17866 - correct live objects ok 17867 - no live objects ok 17868 - [F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17869 - lookup 1 objects ok 17870 - all lookups succeeded ok 17871 - name attr ok 17872 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17873 - updated 1 objects ok 17874 - entry updated ok 17875 - parent of updated is orig ok 17876 - successful transaction ok 17877 - entry updated ok 17878 - parent of updated is orig ok 17879 - name attr ok 17880 - no live objects ok 17881 - no live entries ok 17882 - lookup 1 objects ok 17883 - all lookups succeeded ok 17884 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17885 - updated 1 objects ok 17886 - entry updated ok 17887 - parent of updated is orig ok 17888 - failed transaction ok 17889 - entry rolled back ok 17890 - name not rolled back in live object ok 17891 - no live objects ok 17892 - no live entries ok 17893 - lookup 1 objects ok 17894 - all lookups succeeded ok 17895 - name rolled back in DB ok 17896 - no live objects ok 17897 - no live entries ok 17898 - lookup 1 objects ok 17899 - all lookups succeeded ok 17900 - name attr ok 17901 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 17902 - updated 1 objects ok 17903 - updated 1 objects ok 17904 - entry updated ok 17905 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 17906 - failed transaction ok 17907 - entry rolled back ok 17908 - name attr of object ok 17909 - no live objects ok 17910 - no live entries ok 17911 - lookup 1 objects ok 17912 - all lookups succeeded ok 17913 - name rolled back in DB ok 17914 - no live objects ok 17915 - no live entries ok 17916 - lookup 1 objects ok 17917 - all lookups succeeded ok 17918 - updated 1 objects ok 17919 - lookup 1 objects ok 17920 - all lookups succeeded ok 17921 - deleted 1 objects ok 17922 - F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17923 - failed transaction ok 17924 - [F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17925 - no live objects ok 17926 - no live entries ok 17927 - [F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17928 - lookup 1 objects ok 17929 - all lookups succeeded ok 17930 - no live objects ok 17931 - no live entries ok 17932 - deleted 1 objects ok 17933 - F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17934 - failed transaction ok 17935 - [F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17936 - no live objects ok 17937 - no live entries ok 17938 - [F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 17939 - deleted 1 objects ok 17940 - F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17941 - F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17942 - no live objects ok 17943 - no live entries ok 17944 - F7815D44-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 17945 - no error in fixture ok 17946 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 17947 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 17948 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 17949 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17950 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17951 - stored 3 objects ok 17952 - no live objects ok 17953 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17954 - root set ok 17955 - root set IDs ok 17956 - transaction finished without errors ok 17957 - inserted 1 objects ok 17958 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17959 - root set reflects insertion ok 17960 - root set IDs are the same ok 17961 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 17962 - root set rolled back ok 17963 - ids are the same ok 17964 - transaction finished without errors ok 17965 - transaction finished without errors ok 17966 - got an ID for foo ok 17967 - deleted 1 objects ok 17968 - root set reflects deletion ok 17969 - root set IDs are the same ok 17970 - inserted 1 objects ok 17971 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 17972 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 17973 - root set IDs are the same ok 17974 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 17975 - root set ok 17976 - ids are the same ok 17977 - transaction finished without errors ok 17978 - all entries ok 17979 - all IDs ok 17980 - transaction finished without errors ok 17981 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17982 - inserted 1 objects ok 17983 - one entry ok 17984 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17985 - transaction finished without errors ok 17986 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17987 - rolled back ok 17988 - all entries restored ok 17989 - all IDs ok 17990 - transaction finished without errors ok 17991 - transaction finished without errors ok 17992 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 17993 - transaction finished without errors ok 17994 - no error in fixture ok 17995 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17996 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 17997 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 17998 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 17999 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 18000 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18001 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 18002 - stored 2 objects ok 18003 - correct live objects ok 18004 - no live objects ok 18005 - lookup 1 objects ok 18006 - all lookups succeeded ok 18007 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18008 - name attr ok 18009 - update ok 18010 - no live objects ok 18011 - no live entries ok 18012 - lookup 1 objects ok 18013 - all lookups succeeded ok 18014 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 18015 - data attr ok 18016 - update (noop) ok 18017 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 18018 - no live objects ok 18019 - no live entries ok 18020 - can't insert duplicate ok 18021 - no live objects ok 18022 - no live entries ok 18023 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 18024 - no live objects ok 18025 - no live entries ok 18026 - lookup 1 objects ok 18027 - all lookups succeeded ok 18028 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 18029 - no live objects ok 18030 - no live entries ok 18031 - no error in fixture ok 18032 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 18033 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 18034 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 18035 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 18036 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18037 - stored 1 objects ok 18038 - correct live objects ok 18039 - no live objects ok 18040 - lookup 1 objects ok 18041 - all lookups succeeded ok 18042 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18043 - name ok 18044 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 18045 - age attr ok 18046 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 18047 - no error in refresh ok 18048 - age updated ok 18049 - transaction finished without errors ok 18050 - no error in fixture ok 18051 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 18052 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 18053 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 18054 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 18055 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18056 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 18057 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18058 - stored 2 objects ok 18059 - correct live objects ok 18060 - no live objects ok 18061 - lookup 2 objects ok 18062 - all lookups succeeded ok 18063 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18064 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 18065 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18066 - entry is associated with object ok 18067 - the right object ok 18068 - name ok 18069 - parents ok 18070 - array ref ok 18071 - one parent ok 18072 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18073 - parent name ok 18074 - company ok 18075 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 18076 - name ok 18077 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 18078 - transaction finished without errors ok 18079 - no error in fixture ok 18080 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 18081 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 18082 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 18083 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 18084 - stored 1 objects ok 18085 - no live objects ok 18086 - lookup 1 objects ok 18087 - all lookups succeeded ok 18088 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18089 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18090 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18091 - transaction finished without errors ok 18092 - no live objects ok 18093 - no live entries ok 18094 - lookup 1 objects ok 18095 - all lookups succeeded ok 18096 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18097 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18098 - updated 1 objects ok 18099 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18100 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18101 - transaction finished without errors ok 18102 - no live objects ok 18103 - no live entries ok 18104 - lookup 1 objects ok 18105 - all lookups succeeded ok 18106 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18107 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18108 - [root_person F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18109 - updated 1 objects ok 18110 - [root_person F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18111 - transaction finished without errors ok 18112 - no live objects ok 18113 - no live entries ok 18114 - lookup 1 objects ok 18115 - all lookups succeeded ok 18116 - [root_person F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18117 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18118 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18119 - transaction finished without errors ok 18120 - no live objects ok 18121 - no live entries ok 18122 - lookup 1 objects ok 18123 - all lookups succeeded ok 18124 - [root_person F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18125 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18126 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18127 - updated 1 objects ok 18128 - transaction finished without errors ok 18129 - no live objects ok 18130 - no live entries ok 18131 - lookup 1 objects ok 18132 - all lookups succeeded ok 18133 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18134 - [F7A92BC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18135 - transaction finished without errors ok 18136 - no error in fixture ok 18137 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 18138 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 18139 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 18140 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 18141 - stored 2 objects ok 18142 - no live objects ok 18143 - lookup 2 objects ok 18144 - all lookups succeeded ok 18145 - transaction finished without errors ok 18146 - transaction finished without errors ok 18147 - F7B215EC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 F7B23F18-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18148 - transaction finished without errors ok 18149 - no error in fixture ok 18150 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 18151 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 18152 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 18153 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 18154 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 18155 - stored 1 objects ok 18156 - no live objects ok 18157 - no live objects ok 18158 - no live entries ok 18159 - lookup 1 objects ok 18160 - all lookups succeeded ok 18161 - id is object digest ok 18162 - field retained ok 18163 - transaction finished without errors ok 18164 - no live objects ok 18165 - no live entries ok 18166 - inserted 1 objects ok 18167 - transaction finished without errors ok 18168 - no live objects ok 18169 - no live entries ok 18170 - lookup 1 objects ok 18171 - all lookups succeeded ok 18172 - inserted 1 objects not ok 18173 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 18174 - transaction finished without errors ok 18175 - no live objects ok 18176 - no live entries ok 18177 - lookup 1 objects ok 18178 - all lookups succeeded ok 18179 - inserted 1 objects ok 18180 - got a new ID ok 18181 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 18182 - transaction finished without errors ok 18183 - no live objects ok 18184 - no live entries ok 18185 - no error in fixture ok 18186 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 18187 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 18188 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 18189 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 18190 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 18191 - stored 3 objects ok 18192 - no live objects ok 18193 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18194 - root set ok 18195 - root set IDs ok 18196 - transaction finished without errors ok 18197 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18198 - nonroot entries ok 18199 - nonroot IDs ok 18200 - transaction finished without errors ok 18201 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18202 - all entries ok 18203 - all IDs ok 18204 - transaction finished without errors ok 18205 - no error in fixture ok 18206 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 18207 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 18208 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 18209 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 18210 - stored 3 objects ok 18211 - no live objects ok 18212 - lookup 3 objects ok 18213 - all lookups succeeded ok 18214 - no members ok 18215 - set members ok 18216 - set is loaded ok 18217 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 18218 - set still loaded ok 18219 - inserting ID of live object ok 18220 - set still loaded ok 18221 - members ok 18222 - removed element ok 18223 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 18224 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 18225 - members ok 18226 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 18227 - members ok 18228 - set not loaded ok 18229 - lookup 1 objects ok 18230 - all lookups succeeded ok 18231 - set vivified ok 18232 - now marked as loaded ok 18233 - lookup 3 objects ok 18234 - all lookups succeeded ok 18235 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 18236 - members ok 18237 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 18238 - members ok 18239 - set size is 0 ok 18240 - no members ok 18241 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 18242 - lookup 3 objects ok 18243 - all lookups succeeded ok 18244 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 18245 - lookup 1 objects ok 18246 - all lookups succeeded ok 18247 - removed element ok 18248 - set not loaded ok 18249 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18250 - union is deferred ok 18251 - lookup 2 objects ok 18252 - all lookups succeeded ok 18253 - members ok 18254 - now it is loaded ok 18255 - lookup 3 objects ok 18256 - all lookups succeeded ok 18257 - union ok 18258 - no live objects ok 18259 - no live entries ok 18260 - no members ok 18261 - set not loaded ok 18262 - cleared ok 18263 - cleared set is loaded ok 18264 - no live objects ok 18265 - no live entries ok 18266 - lookup 3 objects ok 18267 - all lookups succeeded ok 18268 - stored 1 objects ok 18269 - no live objects ok 18270 - no live entries ok 18271 - lookup 1 objects ok 18272 - all lookups succeeded ok 18273 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18274 - set size ok 18275 - lookup 1 objects ok 18276 - all lookups succeeded ok 18277 - members ok 18278 - loaded set ok 18279 - no live objects ok 18280 - no live entries ok 18281 - lookup 1 objects ok 18282 - all lookups succeeded ok 18283 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18284 - set size ok 18285 - lookup 1 objects ok 18286 - all lookups succeeded ok 18287 - set size is 2 ok 18288 - set not loaded ok 18289 - stored 1 objects ok 18290 - set not loaded by ->store ok 18291 - no live objects ok 18292 - no live entries ok 18293 - lookup 1 objects ok 18294 - all lookups succeeded ok 18295 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18296 - set size ok 18297 - lookup 2 objects ok 18298 - all lookups succeeded ok 18299 - members ok 18300 - loaded set ok 18301 - no live objects ok 18302 - no live entries ok 18303 - no error in fixture ok 18304 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 18305 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 18306 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18307 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18308 - stored 3 objects ok 18309 - no live objects ok 18310 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18311 - one object ok 18312 - name attr ok 18313 - no live objects ok 18314 - no live entries ok 18315 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18316 - two objects ok 18317 - name attr ok 18318 - name attr ok 18319 - no error in fixture ok 18320 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18321 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18322 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 18323 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 18324 - stored 13 objects ok 18325 - no live objects ok 18326 - lookup 1 objects ok 18327 - all lookups succeeded ok 18328 - reftype for scalar ok 18329 - value ok 18330 - no live objects ok 18331 - no live entries ok 18332 - lookup 1 objects ok 18333 - all lookups succeeded ok 18334 - plain hash ok 18335 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 18336 - keys ok 18337 - no live objects ok 18338 - no live entries ok 18339 - lookup 1 objects ok 18340 - all lookups succeeded ok 18341 - coderef ok 18342 - invoke closure ok 18343 - invoke closure ok 18344 - no live objects ok 18345 - no live entries ok 18346 - lookup 1 objects ok 18347 - all lookups succeeded ok 18348 - coderef ok 18349 - invoke closure ok 18350 - invoke closure ok 18351 - stored 1 objects ok 18352 - no live objects ok 18353 - no live entries ok 18354 - lookup 1 objects ok 18355 - all lookups succeeded ok 18356 - coderef ok 18357 - closure updated ok 18358 - no live objects ok 18359 - no live entries ok 18360 - lookup 1 objects ok 18361 - all lookups succeeded ok 18362 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18363 - class attr ok 18364 - does runtime role ok 18365 - role attr ok 18366 - anon class ok 18367 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 18368 - no live objects ok 18369 - no live entries ok 18370 - lookup 1 objects ok 18371 - all lookups succeeded ok 18372 - plain hash ok 18373 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 18374 - key order preserved ok 18375 - no live objects ok 18376 - no live entries ok 18377 - lookup 1 objects ok 18378 - all lookups succeeded ok 18379 - The object isa DateTime ok 18380 - no live objects ok 18381 - no live entries ok 18382 - lookup 1 objects ok 18383 - all lookups succeeded ok 18384 - The object isa DateTime ok 18385 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 18386 - no live objects ok 18387 - no live entries ok 18388 - lookup 1 objects ok 18389 - all lookups succeeded ok 18390 - The object isa URI ok 18391 - uri ok 18392 - no live objects ok 18393 - no live entries ok 18394 - lookup 1 objects ok 18395 - all lookups succeeded ok 18396 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 18397 - The object isa URI ok 18398 - no live objects ok 18399 - no live entries ok 18400 - lookup 1 objects ok 18401 - all lookups succeeded ok 18402 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 18403 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 18404 - basename ok 18405 - no live objects ok 18406 - no live entries ok 18407 - lookup 1 objects ok 18408 - all lookups succeeded ok 18409 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 18410 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 18411 - trait attr ok 18412 - normal attr ok 18413 - no live objects ok 18414 - no live entries ok 18415 - lookup 1 objects ok 18416 - all lookups succeeded ok 18417 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 18418 - role attr ok 18419 - lookup 1 objects ok 18420 - all lookups succeeded ok 18421 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 18422 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 18423 - role attr ok 18424 - no error in fixture ok 18425 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 18426 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 18427 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 18428 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 18429 - stored 1 objects ok 18430 - no live objects ok 18431 - lookup 1 objects ok 18432 - all lookups succeeded ok 18433 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18434 - preserved is_utf8 ok 18435 - correct value ok 18436 - transaction finished without errors ok 18437 - no error in fixture ok 18438 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 18439 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 18440 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 18441 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 18442 - stored 1024 objects ok 18443 - no live objects ok 18444 - no live entries ok 18445 - lookup 1024 objects ok 18446 - all lookups succeeded ok 18447 - no live objects ok 18448 - no live entries ok 18449 - no error in fixture ok 18450 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 18451 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 18452 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 18453 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 18454 - stored 3 objects ok 18455 - no live objects ok 18456 - no live entries ok 18457 - lookup F9677E68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 18458 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18459 - ref to other object ok 18460 - mututal ref ok 18461 - ref in auxillary structure ok 18462 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 18463 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 18464 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 18465 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 18466 - Putin is paranoid ok 18467 - updated 1 objects ok 18468 - transaction finished without errors ok 18469 - no live objects ok 18470 - no live entries ok 18471 - lookup F9677E68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 18472 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18473 - Georgia got plastered ok 18474 - correct live objects ok 18475 - Putin is a dead object ok 18476 - updated live objects ok 18477 - transaction finished without errors ok 18478 - no live objects ok 18479 - no live entries ok 18480 - lookup F96932BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 18481 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18482 - inter object rels ok 18483 - updated 1 objects ok 18484 - transaction finished without errors ok 18485 - no live objects ok 18486 - no live entries ok 18487 - lookup F96932BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 18488 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18489 - name ok 18490 - transaction finished without errors ok 18491 - no live objects ok 18492 - no live entries ok 18493 - lookup F96879BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 18494 - correct live objects ok 18495 - updated 1 objects ok 18496 - updated 1 objects ok 18497 - updated 1 objects ok 18498 - updated 1 objects ok 18499 - transaction finished without errors ok 18500 - no live objects ok 18501 - no live entries ok 18502 - lookup F96879BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 18503 - updated in storage ok 18504 - deleted 1 objects ok 18505 - F96879BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18506 - lookup no longer returns object ok 18507 - transaction finished without errors ok 18508 - no live objects ok 18509 - no live entries ok 18510 - F96879BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18511 - no error in fixture ok 18512 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 18513 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 18514 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 18515 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 18516 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18517 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 18518 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18519 - stored 2 objects ok 18520 - correct live objects ok 18521 - no live objects ok 18522 - [F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 18523 - lookup 1 objects ok 18524 - all lookups succeeded ok 18525 - name attr ok 18526 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 18527 - updated 1 objects ok 18528 - entry updated ok 18529 - parent of updated is orig ok 18530 - successful transaction ok 18531 - entry updated ok 18532 - parent of updated is orig ok 18533 - name attr ok 18534 - no live objects ok 18535 - no live entries ok 18536 - lookup 1 objects ok 18537 - all lookups succeeded ok 18538 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 18539 - updated 1 objects ok 18540 - entry updated ok 18541 - parent of updated is orig ok 18542 - failed transaction ok 18543 - entry rolled back ok 18544 - name not rolled back in live object ok 18545 - no live objects ok 18546 - no live entries ok 18547 - lookup 1 objects ok 18548 - all lookups succeeded ok 18549 - name rolled back in DB ok 18550 - no live objects ok 18551 - no live entries ok 18552 - lookup 1 objects ok 18553 - all lookups succeeded ok 18554 - name attr ok 18555 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 18556 - updated 1 objects ok 18557 - updated 1 objects ok 18558 - entry updated ok 18559 - parent of parent of updated is orig ok 18560 - failed transaction ok 18561 - entry rolled back ok 18562 - name attr of object ok 18563 - no live objects ok 18564 - no live entries ok 18565 - lookup 1 objects ok 18566 - all lookups succeeded ok 18567 - name rolled back in DB ok 18568 - no live objects ok 18569 - no live entries ok 18570 - lookup 1 objects ok 18571 - all lookups succeeded ok 18572 - updated 1 objects ok 18573 - lookup 1 objects ok 18574 - all lookups succeeded ok 18575 - deleted 1 objects ok 18576 - F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18577 - failed transaction ok 18578 - [F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 18579 - no live objects ok 18580 - no live entries ok 18581 - [F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 18582 - lookup 1 objects ok 18583 - all lookups succeeded ok 18584 - no live objects ok 18585 - no live entries ok 18586 - deleted 1 objects ok 18587 - F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18588 - failed transaction ok 18589 - [F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 18590 - no live objects ok 18591 - no live entries ok 18592 - [F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 18593 - deleted 1 objects ok 18594 - F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18595 - F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18596 - no live objects ok 18597 - no live entries ok 18598 - F97F65B4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18599 - no error in fixture ok 18600 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 18601 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 18602 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 18603 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 18604 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 18605 - stored 3 objects ok 18606 - no live objects ok 18607 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18608 - root set ok 18609 - root set IDs ok 18610 - transaction finished without errors ok 18611 - inserted 1 objects ok 18612 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18613 - root set reflects insertion ok 18614 - root set IDs are the same ok 18615 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 18616 - root set rolled back ok 18617 - ids are the same ok 18618 - transaction finished without errors ok 18619 - transaction finished without errors ok 18620 - got an ID for foo ok 18621 - deleted 1 objects ok 18622 - root set reflects deletion ok 18623 - root set IDs are the same ok 18624 - inserted 1 objects ok 18625 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18626 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 18627 - root set IDs are the same ok 18628 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 18629 - root set ok 18630 - ids are the same ok 18631 - transaction finished without errors ok 18632 - all entries ok 18633 - all IDs ok 18634 - transaction finished without errors ok 18635 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 18636 - inserted 1 objects ok 18637 - one entry ok 18638 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 18639 - transaction finished without errors ok 18640 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 18641 - rolled back ok 18642 - all entries restored ok 18643 - all IDs ok 18644 - transaction finished without errors ok 18645 - transaction finished without errors ok 18646 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 18647 - transaction finished without errors ok 18648 - no error in fixture ok 18649 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 18650 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 18651 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 18652 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 18653 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 18654 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18655 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 18656 - stored 2 objects ok 18657 - correct live objects ok 18658 - no live objects ok 18659 - no live entries ok 18660 - lookup 1 objects ok 18661 - all lookups succeeded ok 18662 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18663 - name attr ok 18664 - update ok 18665 - no live objects ok 18666 - no live entries ok 18667 - lookup 1 objects ok 18668 - all lookups succeeded ok 18669 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 18670 - data attr ok 18671 - update (noop) ok 18672 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 18673 - no live objects ok 18674 - no live entries ok 18675 - can't insert duplicate ok 18676 - no live objects ok 18677 - no live entries ok 18678 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 18679 - no live objects ok 18680 - no live entries ok 18681 - lookup 1 objects ok 18682 - all lookups succeeded ok 18683 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 18684 - no live objects ok 18685 - no live entries ok 18686 - no error in fixture ok 18687 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 18688 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 18689 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 18690 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 18691 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18692 - stored 1 objects ok 18693 - correct live objects ok 18694 - no live objects ok 18695 - no live entries ok 18696 - lookup 1 objects ok 18697 - all lookups succeeded ok 18698 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18699 - name ok 18700 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 18701 - age attr ok 18702 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 18703 - no error in refresh ok 18704 - age updated ok 18705 - transaction finished without errors ok 18706 - no error in fixture ok 18707 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 18708 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 18709 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 18710 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 18711 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18712 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 18713 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18714 - stored 2 objects ok 18715 - correct live objects ok 18716 - no live objects ok 18717 - no live entries ok 18718 - lookup 2 objects ok 18719 - all lookups succeeded ok 18720 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18721 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 18722 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18723 - entry is associated with object ok 18724 - the right object ok 18725 - name ok 18726 - parents ok 18727 - array ref ok 18728 - one parent ok 18729 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18730 - parent name ok 18731 - company ok 18732 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 18733 - name ok 18734 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 18735 - transaction finished without errors ok 18736 - no error in fixture ok 18737 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 18738 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 18739 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 18740 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 18741 - stored 1 objects ok 18742 - no live objects ok 18743 - no live entries ok 18744 - lookup 1 objects ok 18745 - all lookups succeeded ok 18746 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 18747 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18748 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18749 - transaction finished without errors ok 18750 - no live objects ok 18751 - no live entries ok 18752 - lookup 1 objects ok 18753 - all lookups succeeded ok 18754 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18755 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18756 - updated 1 objects ok 18757 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18758 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18759 - transaction finished without errors ok 18760 - no live objects ok 18761 - no live entries ok 18762 - lookup 1 objects ok 18763 - all lookups succeeded ok 18764 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18765 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18766 - [root_person F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18767 - updated 1 objects ok 18768 - [root_person F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18769 - transaction finished without errors ok 18770 - no live objects ok 18771 - no live entries ok 18772 - lookup 1 objects ok 18773 - all lookups succeeded ok 18774 - [root_person F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18775 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18776 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18777 - transaction finished without errors ok 18778 - no live objects ok 18779 - no live entries ok 18780 - lookup 1 objects ok 18781 - all lookups succeeded ok 18782 - [root_person F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18783 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18784 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18785 - updated 1 objects ok 18786 - transaction finished without errors ok 18787 - no live objects ok 18788 - no live entries ok 18789 - lookup 1 objects ok 18790 - all lookups succeeded ok 18791 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 18792 - [F9A84FBA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 18793 - transaction finished without errors ok 18794 - no error in fixture ok 18795 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 18796 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 18797 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 18798 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 18799 - stored 2 objects ok 18800 - no live objects ok 18801 - no live entries ok 18802 - lookup 2 objects ok 18803 - all lookups succeeded ok 18804 - transaction finished without errors ok 18805 - transaction finished without errors ok 18806 - F9B1BCC6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 F9B1F164-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 18807 - transaction finished without errors ok 18808 - no error in fixture ok 18809 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 18810 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 18811 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 18812 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 18813 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 18814 - stored 1 objects ok 18815 - no live objects ok 18816 - no live entries ok 18817 - no live objects ok 18818 - no live entries ok 18819 - lookup 1 objects ok 18820 - all lookups succeeded ok 18821 - id is object digest ok 18822 - field retained ok 18823 - transaction finished without errors ok 18824 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 18825 - correct live objects ok 18826 - no live objects ok 18827 - no live entries ok 18828 - inserted 1 objects ok 18829 - transaction finished without errors ok 18830 - no live objects ok 18831 - no live entries ok 18832 - lookup 1 objects ok 18833 - all lookups succeeded ok 18834 - inserted 1 objects not ok 18835 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 18836 - transaction finished without errors ok 18837 - no live objects ok 18838 - no live entries ok 18839 - lookup 1 objects ok 18840 - all lookups succeeded ok 18841 - inserted 1 objects ok 18842 - got a new ID ok 18843 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 18844 - transaction finished without errors ok 18845 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 18846 - correct live objects ok 18847 - no live objects ok 18848 - no live entries ok 18849 - no error in fixture ok 18850 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 18851 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 18852 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 18853 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 18854 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 18855 - stored 3 objects ok 18856 - no live objects ok 18857 - no live entries ok 18858 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18859 - root set ok 18860 - root set IDs ok 18861 - transaction finished without errors ok 18862 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18863 - nonroot entries ok 18864 - nonroot IDs ok 18865 - transaction finished without errors ok 18866 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18867 - all entries ok 18868 - all IDs ok 18869 - transaction finished without errors ok 18870 - no error in fixture ok 18871 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 18872 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 18873 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 18874 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 18875 - stored 3 objects ok 18876 - no live objects ok 18877 - no live entries ok 18878 - lookup 3 objects ok 18879 - all lookups succeeded ok 18880 - no members ok 18881 - set members ok 18882 - set is loaded ok 18883 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 18884 - set still loaded ok 18885 - inserting ID of live object ok 18886 - set still loaded ok 18887 - members ok 18888 - removed element ok 18889 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 18890 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 18891 - members ok 18892 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 18893 - members ok 18894 - set not loaded ok 18895 - lookup 1 objects ok 18896 - all lookups succeeded ok 18897 - set vivified ok 18898 - now marked as loaded ok 18899 - lookup 3 objects ok 18900 - all lookups succeeded ok 18901 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 18902 - members ok 18903 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 18904 - members ok 18905 - set size is 0 ok 18906 - no members ok 18907 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 18908 - lookup 3 objects ok 18909 - all lookups succeeded ok 18910 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 18911 - lookup 1 objects ok 18912 - all lookups succeeded ok 18913 - removed element ok 18914 - set not loaded ok 18915 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18916 - union is deferred ok 18917 - lookup 2 objects ok 18918 - all lookups succeeded ok 18919 - members ok 18920 - now it is loaded ok 18921 - lookup 3 objects ok 18922 - all lookups succeeded ok 18923 - union ok 18924 - no live objects ok 18925 - no live entries ok 18926 - no members ok 18927 - set not loaded ok 18928 - cleared ok 18929 - cleared set is loaded ok 18930 - no live objects ok 18931 - no live entries ok 18932 - lookup 3 objects ok 18933 - all lookups succeeded ok 18934 - stored 1 objects ok 18935 - no live objects ok 18936 - no live entries ok 18937 - lookup 1 objects ok 18938 - all lookups succeeded ok 18939 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18940 - set size ok 18941 - lookup 1 objects ok 18942 - all lookups succeeded ok 18943 - members ok 18944 - loaded set ok 18945 - no live objects ok 18946 - no live entries ok 18947 - lookup 1 objects ok 18948 - all lookups succeeded ok 18949 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18950 - set size ok 18951 - lookup 1 objects ok 18952 - all lookups succeeded ok 18953 - set size is 2 ok 18954 - set not loaded ok 18955 - stored 1 objects ok 18956 - set not loaded by ->store ok 18957 - no live objects ok 18958 - no live entries ok 18959 - lookup 1 objects ok 18960 - all lookups succeeded ok 18961 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 18962 - set size ok 18963 - lookup 2 objects ok 18964 - all lookups succeeded ok 18965 - members ok 18966 - loaded set ok 18967 - no live objects ok 18968 - no live entries ok 18969 - no error in fixture ok 18970 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 18971 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 18972 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18973 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18974 - stored 3 objects ok 18975 - no live objects ok 18976 - no live entries ok 18977 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18978 - one object ok 18979 - name attr ok 18980 - no live objects ok 18981 - no live entries ok 18982 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 18983 - two objects ok 18984 - name attr ok 18985 - name attr ok 18986 - no error in fixture ok 18987 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18988 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 18989 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 18990 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 18991 - stored 13 objects ok 18992 - no live objects ok 18993 - no live entries ok 18994 - lookup 1 objects ok 18995 - all lookups succeeded ok 18996 - reftype for scalar ok 18997 - value ok 18998 - no live objects ok 18999 - no live entries ok 19000 - lookup 1 objects ok 19001 - all lookups succeeded ok 19002 - plain hash ok 19003 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 19004 - keys ok 19005 - no live objects ok 19006 - no live entries ok 19007 - lookup 1 objects ok 19008 - all lookups succeeded ok 19009 - coderef ok 19010 - invoke closure ok 19011 - invoke closure ok 19012 - no live objects ok 19013 - no live entries ok 19014 - lookup 1 objects ok 19015 - all lookups succeeded ok 19016 - coderef ok 19017 - invoke closure ok 19018 - invoke closure ok 19019 - stored 1 objects ok 19020 - no live objects ok 19021 - no live entries ok 19022 - lookup 1 objects ok 19023 - all lookups succeeded ok 19024 - coderef ok 19025 - closure updated ok 19026 - no live objects ok 19027 - no live entries ok 19028 - lookup 1 objects ok 19029 - all lookups succeeded ok 19030 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19031 - class attr ok 19032 - does runtime role ok 19033 - role attr ok 19034 - anon class ok 19035 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 19036 - no live objects ok 19037 - no live entries ok 19038 - lookup 1 objects ok 19039 - all lookups succeeded ok 19040 - plain hash ok 19041 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 19042 - key order preserved ok 19043 - no live objects ok 19044 - no live entries ok 19045 - lookup 1 objects ok 19046 - all lookups succeeded ok 19047 - The object isa DateTime ok 19048 - no live objects ok 19049 - no live entries ok 19050 - lookup 1 objects ok 19051 - all lookups succeeded ok 19052 - The object isa DateTime ok 19053 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 19054 - no live objects ok 19055 - no live entries ok 19056 - lookup 1 objects ok 19057 - all lookups succeeded ok 19058 - The object isa URI ok 19059 - uri ok 19060 - no live objects ok 19061 - no live entries ok 19062 - lookup 1 objects ok 19063 - all lookups succeeded ok 19064 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 19065 - The object isa URI ok 19066 - no live objects ok 19067 - no live entries ok 19068 - lookup 1 objects ok 19069 - all lookups succeeded ok 19070 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 19071 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 19072 - basename ok 19073 - no live objects ok 19074 - no live entries ok 19075 - lookup 1 objects ok 19076 - all lookups succeeded ok 19077 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 19078 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 19079 - trait attr ok 19080 - normal attr ok 19081 - no live objects ok 19082 - no live entries ok 19083 - lookup 1 objects ok 19084 - all lookups succeeded ok 19085 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 19086 - role attr ok 19087 - lookup 1 objects ok 19088 - all lookups succeeded ok 19089 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 19090 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 19091 - role attr ok 19092 - no error in fixture ok 19093 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 19094 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 19095 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 19096 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 19097 - stored 1 objects ok 19098 - no live objects ok 19099 - no live entries ok 19100 - lookup 1 objects ok 19101 - all lookups succeeded ok 19102 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19103 - preserved is_utf8 ok 19104 - correct value ok 19105 - transaction finished without errors ok 19106 - no error in fixture ok 19107 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 19108 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 19109 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 19110 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 19111 - stored 1024 objects ok 19112 - no live objects ok 19113 - no live entries ok 19114 - lookup 1024 objects ok 19115 - all lookups succeeded ok 19116 - no live objects ok 19117 - no live entries ok 19118 - no error in fixture ok 19119 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 19120 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 19121 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19122 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19123 - stored 3 objects ok 19124 - no live objects ok 19125 - no live entries ok 19126 - lookup FB6A7800-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19127 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19128 - ref to other object ok 19129 - mututal ref ok 19130 - ref in auxillary structure ok 19131 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 19132 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 19133 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 19134 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 19135 - Putin is paranoid ok 19136 - updated 1 objects ok 19137 - transaction finished without errors ok 19138 - no live objects ok 19139 - no live entries ok 19140 - lookup FB6A7800-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19141 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19142 - Georgia got plastered ok 19143 - correct live objects ok 19144 - Putin is a dead object ok 19145 - updated live objects ok 19146 - transaction finished without errors ok 19147 - no live objects ok 19148 - no live entries ok 19149 - lookup FB6C263C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19150 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19151 - inter object rels ok 19152 - updated 1 objects ok 19153 - transaction finished without errors ok 19154 - no live objects ok 19155 - no live entries ok 19156 - lookup FB6C263C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19157 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19158 - name ok 19159 - transaction finished without errors ok 19160 - no live objects ok 19161 - no live entries ok 19162 - lookup FB6B78D6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19163 - correct live objects ok 19164 - updated 1 objects ok 19165 - updated 1 objects ok 19166 - updated 1 objects ok 19167 - updated 1 objects ok 19168 - transaction finished without errors ok 19169 - no live objects ok 19170 - no live entries ok 19171 - lookup FB6B78D6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19172 - updated in storage ok 19173 - deleted 1 objects ok 19174 - FB6B78D6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19175 - lookup no longer returns object ok 19176 - transaction finished without errors ok 19177 - no live objects ok 19178 - no live entries ok 19179 - FB6B78D6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19180 - no error in fixture ok 19181 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19182 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19183 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 19184 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 19185 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19186 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 19187 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19188 - stored 2 objects ok 19189 - correct live objects ok 19190 - no live objects ok 19191 - no live entries ok 19192 - [FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19193 - lookup 1 objects ok 19194 - all lookups succeeded ok 19195 - name attr ok 19196 - updated 1 objects ok 19197 - successful transaction ok 19198 - name attr ok 19199 - no live objects ok 19200 - no live entries ok 19201 - lookup 1 objects ok 19202 - all lookups succeeded ok 19203 - updated 1 objects ok 19204 - failed transaction ok 19205 - name not rolled back in live object ok 19206 - no live objects ok 19207 - no live entries ok 19208 - lookup 1 objects ok 19209 - all lookups succeeded ok 19210 - name rolled back in DB ok 19211 - no live objects ok 19212 - no live entries ok 19213 - lookup 1 objects ok 19214 - all lookups succeeded ok 19215 - name attr ok 19216 - updated 1 objects ok 19217 - updated 1 objects ok 19218 - failed transaction ok 19219 - name attr of object ok 19220 - no live objects ok 19221 - no live entries ok 19222 - lookup 1 objects ok 19223 - all lookups succeeded ok 19224 - name rolled back in DB ok 19225 - no live objects ok 19226 - no live entries ok 19227 - lookup 1 objects ok 19228 - all lookups succeeded ok 19229 - updated 1 objects ok 19230 - lookup 1 objects ok 19231 - all lookups succeeded ok 19232 - deleted 1 objects ok 19233 - FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19234 - failed transaction ok 19235 - [FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19236 - no live objects ok 19237 - no live entries ok 19238 - [FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19239 - lookup 1 objects ok 19240 - all lookups succeeded ok 19241 - no live objects ok 19242 - no live entries ok 19243 - deleted 1 objects ok 19244 - FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19245 - failed transaction ok 19246 - [FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19247 - no live objects ok 19248 - no live entries ok 19249 - [FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19250 - deleted 1 objects ok 19251 - FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19252 - FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19253 - no live objects ok 19254 - no live entries ok 19255 - FB81FBEC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19256 - no error in fixture ok 19257 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 19258 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 19259 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 19260 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19261 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19262 - stored 3 objects ok 19263 - no live objects ok 19264 - no live entries ok 19265 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19266 - root set ok 19267 - root set IDs ok 19268 - transaction finished without errors ok 19269 - inserted 1 objects ok 19270 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19271 - root set reflects insertion ok 19272 - root set IDs are the same ok 19273 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 19274 - root set rolled back ok 19275 - ids are the same ok 19276 - transaction finished without errors ok 19277 - transaction finished without errors ok 19278 - got an ID for foo ok 19279 - deleted 1 objects ok 19280 - root set reflects deletion ok 19281 - root set IDs are the same ok 19282 - inserted 1 objects ok 19283 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19284 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 19285 - root set IDs are the same ok 19286 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 19287 - root set ok 19288 - ids are the same ok 19289 - transaction finished without errors ok 19290 - all entries ok 19291 - all IDs ok 19292 - transaction finished without errors ok 19293 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19294 - inserted 1 objects ok 19295 - one entry ok 19296 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19297 - transaction finished without errors ok 19298 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19299 - rolled back ok 19300 - all entries restored ok 19301 - all IDs ok 19302 - transaction finished without errors ok 19303 - transaction finished without errors ok 19304 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19305 - transaction finished without errors ok 19306 - no error in fixture ok 19307 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19308 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19309 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 19310 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 19311 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 19312 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19313 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 19314 - stored 2 objects ok 19315 - correct live objects ok 19316 - no live objects ok 19317 - no live entries ok 19318 - lookup 1 objects ok 19319 - all lookups succeeded ok 19320 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19321 - name attr ok 19322 - update ok 19323 - no live objects ok 19324 - no live entries ok 19325 - lookup 1 objects ok 19326 - all lookups succeeded ok 19327 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 19328 - data attr ok 19329 - update (noop) ok 19330 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 19331 - no live objects ok 19332 - no live entries ok 19333 - can't insert duplicate ok 19334 - no live objects ok 19335 - no live entries ok 19336 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 19337 - no live objects ok 19338 - no live entries ok 19339 - lookup 1 objects ok 19340 - all lookups succeeded ok 19341 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 19342 - no live objects ok 19343 - no live entries ok 19344 - no error in fixture ok 19345 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 19346 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 19347 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 19348 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 19349 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19350 - stored 1 objects ok 19351 - correct live objects ok 19352 - no live objects ok 19353 - no live entries ok 19354 - lookup 1 objects ok 19355 - all lookups succeeded ok 19356 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19357 - name ok 19358 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 19359 - age attr ok 19360 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 19361 - no error in refresh ok 19362 - age updated ok 19363 - transaction finished without errors ok 19364 - no error in fixture ok 19365 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 19366 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 19367 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 19368 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 19369 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19370 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 19371 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19372 - stored 2 objects ok 19373 - correct live objects ok 19374 - no live objects ok 19375 - no live entries ok 19376 - lookup 2 objects ok 19377 - all lookups succeeded ok 19378 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19379 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 19380 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19381 - entry is associated with object ok 19382 - the right object ok 19383 - name ok 19384 - parents ok 19385 - array ref ok 19386 - one parent ok 19387 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19388 - parent name ok 19389 - company ok 19390 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 19391 - name ok 19392 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 19393 - transaction finished without errors ok 19394 - no error in fixture ok 19395 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 19396 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 19397 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 19398 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 19399 - stored 1 objects ok 19400 - no live objects ok 19401 - no live entries ok 19402 - lookup 1 objects ok 19403 - all lookups succeeded ok 19404 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19405 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19406 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19407 - transaction finished without errors ok 19408 - no live objects ok 19409 - no live entries ok 19410 - lookup 1 objects ok 19411 - all lookups succeeded ok 19412 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19413 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19414 - updated 1 objects ok 19415 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19416 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19417 - transaction finished without errors ok 19418 - no live objects ok 19419 - no live entries ok 19420 - lookup 1 objects ok 19421 - all lookups succeeded ok 19422 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19423 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19424 - [root_person FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19425 - updated 1 objects ok 19426 - [root_person FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19427 - transaction finished without errors ok 19428 - no live objects ok 19429 - no live entries ok 19430 - lookup 1 objects ok 19431 - all lookups succeeded ok 19432 - [root_person FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19433 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19434 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19435 - transaction finished without errors ok 19436 - no live objects ok 19437 - no live entries ok 19438 - lookup 1 objects ok 19439 - all lookups succeeded ok 19440 - [root_person FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19441 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19442 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19443 - updated 1 objects ok 19444 - transaction finished without errors ok 19445 - no live objects ok 19446 - no live entries ok 19447 - lookup 1 objects ok 19448 - all lookups succeeded ok 19449 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 19450 - [FBAAA7A4-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 19451 - transaction finished without errors ok 19452 - no error in fixture ok 19453 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 19454 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 19455 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 19456 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 19457 - stored 2 objects ok 19458 - no live objects ok 19459 - no live entries ok 19460 - lookup 2 objects ok 19461 - all lookups succeeded ok 19462 - transaction finished without errors ok 19463 - transaction finished without errors ok 19464 - FBB430BC-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 FBB45E84-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19465 - transaction finished without errors ok 19466 - no error in fixture ok 19467 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 19468 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 19469 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 19470 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 19471 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 19472 - stored 1 objects ok 19473 - no live objects ok 19474 - no live entries ok 19475 - no live objects ok 19476 - no live entries ok 19477 - lookup 1 objects ok 19478 - all lookups succeeded ok 19479 - id is object digest ok 19480 - field retained ok 19481 - transaction finished without errors ok 19482 - no live objects ok 19483 - no live entries ok 19484 - inserted 1 objects ok 19485 - transaction finished without errors ok 19486 - no live objects ok 19487 - no live entries ok 19488 - lookup 1 objects ok 19489 - all lookups succeeded ok 19490 - inserted 1 objects not ok 19491 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 19492 - transaction finished without errors ok 19493 - no live objects ok 19494 - no live entries ok 19495 - lookup 1 objects ok 19496 - all lookups succeeded ok 19497 - inserted 1 objects ok 19498 - got a new ID ok 19499 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 19500 - transaction finished without errors ok 19501 - no live objects ok 19502 - no live entries ok 19503 - no error in fixture ok 19504 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 19505 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 19506 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 19507 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 19508 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 19509 - stored 3 objects ok 19510 - no live objects ok 19511 - no live entries ok 19512 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19513 - root set ok 19514 - root set IDs ok 19515 - transaction finished without errors ok 19516 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19517 - nonroot entries ok 19518 - nonroot IDs ok 19519 - transaction finished without errors ok 19520 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19521 - all entries ok 19522 - all IDs ok 19523 - transaction finished without errors ok 19524 - no error in fixture ok 19525 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 19526 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 19527 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 19528 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 19529 - stored 3 objects ok 19530 - no live objects ok 19531 - no live entries ok 19532 - lookup 3 objects ok 19533 - all lookups succeeded ok 19534 - no members ok 19535 - set members ok 19536 - set is loaded ok 19537 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 19538 - set still loaded ok 19539 - inserting ID of live object ok 19540 - set still loaded ok 19541 - members ok 19542 - removed element ok 19543 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 19544 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 19545 - members ok 19546 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 19547 - members ok 19548 - set not loaded ok 19549 - lookup 1 objects ok 19550 - all lookups succeeded ok 19551 - set vivified ok 19552 - now marked as loaded ok 19553 - lookup 3 objects ok 19554 - all lookups succeeded ok 19555 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 19556 - members ok 19557 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 19558 - members ok 19559 - set size is 0 ok 19560 - no members ok 19561 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 19562 - lookup 3 objects ok 19563 - all lookups succeeded ok 19564 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 19565 - lookup 1 objects ok 19566 - all lookups succeeded ok 19567 - removed element ok 19568 - set not loaded ok 19569 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 19570 - union is deferred ok 19571 - lookup 2 objects ok 19572 - all lookups succeeded ok 19573 - members ok 19574 - now it is loaded ok 19575 - lookup 3 objects ok 19576 - all lookups succeeded ok 19577 - union ok 19578 - no live objects ok 19579 - no live entries ok 19580 - no members ok 19581 - set not loaded ok 19582 - cleared ok 19583 - cleared set is loaded ok 19584 - no live objects ok 19585 - no live entries ok 19586 - lookup 3 objects ok 19587 - all lookups succeeded ok 19588 - stored 1 objects ok 19589 - no live objects ok 19590 - no live entries ok 19591 - lookup 1 objects ok 19592 - all lookups succeeded ok 19593 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 19594 - set size ok 19595 - lookup 1 objects ok 19596 - all lookups succeeded ok 19597 - members ok 19598 - loaded set ok 19599 - no live objects ok 19600 - no live entries ok 19601 - lookup 1 objects ok 19602 - all lookups succeeded ok 19603 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 19604 - set size ok 19605 - lookup 1 objects ok 19606 - all lookups succeeded ok 19607 - set size is 2 ok 19608 - set not loaded ok 19609 - stored 1 objects ok 19610 - set not loaded by ->store ok 19611 - no live objects ok 19612 - no live entries ok 19613 - lookup 1 objects ok 19614 - all lookups succeeded ok 19615 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 19616 - set size ok 19617 - lookup 2 objects ok 19618 - all lookups succeeded ok 19619 - members ok 19620 - loaded set ok 19621 - no live objects ok 19622 - no live entries ok 19623 - no error in fixture ok 19624 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 19625 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 19626 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 19627 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 19628 - stored 3 objects ok 19629 - no live objects ok 19630 - no live entries ok 19631 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19632 - one object ok 19633 - name attr ok 19634 - no live objects ok 19635 - no live entries ok 19636 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19637 - two objects ok 19638 - name attr ok 19639 - name attr ok 19640 - no error in fixture ok 19641 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 19642 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 19643 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 19644 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 19645 - stored 13 objects ok 19646 - no live objects ok 19647 - no live entries ok 19648 - lookup 1 objects ok 19649 - all lookups succeeded ok 19650 - reftype for scalar ok 19651 - value ok 19652 - no live objects ok 19653 - no live entries ok 19654 - lookup 1 objects ok 19655 - all lookups succeeded ok 19656 - plain hash ok 19657 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 19658 - keys ok 19659 - no live objects ok 19660 - no live entries ok 19661 - lookup 1 objects ok 19662 - all lookups succeeded ok 19663 - coderef ok 19664 - invoke closure ok 19665 - invoke closure ok 19666 - no live objects ok 19667 - no live entries ok 19668 - lookup 1 objects ok 19669 - all lookups succeeded ok 19670 - coderef ok 19671 - invoke closure ok 19672 - invoke closure ok 19673 - stored 1 objects ok 19674 - no live objects ok 19675 - no live entries ok 19676 - lookup 1 objects ok 19677 - all lookups succeeded ok 19678 - coderef ok 19679 - closure updated ok 19680 - no live objects ok 19681 - no live entries ok 19682 - lookup 1 objects ok 19683 - all lookups succeeded ok 19684 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19685 - class attr ok 19686 - does runtime role ok 19687 - role attr ok 19688 - anon class ok 19689 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 19690 - no live objects ok 19691 - no live entries ok 19692 - lookup 1 objects ok 19693 - all lookups succeeded ok 19694 - plain hash ok 19695 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 19696 - key order preserved ok 19697 - no live objects ok 19698 - no live entries ok 19699 - lookup 1 objects ok 19700 - all lookups succeeded ok 19701 - The object isa DateTime ok 19702 - no live objects ok 19703 - no live entries ok 19704 - lookup 1 objects ok 19705 - all lookups succeeded ok 19706 - The object isa DateTime ok 19707 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 19708 - no live objects ok 19709 - no live entries ok 19710 - lookup 1 objects ok 19711 - all lookups succeeded ok 19712 - The object isa URI ok 19713 - uri ok 19714 - no live objects ok 19715 - no live entries ok 19716 - lookup 1 objects ok 19717 - all lookups succeeded ok 19718 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 19719 - The object isa URI ok 19720 - no live objects ok 19721 - no live entries ok 19722 - lookup 1 objects ok 19723 - all lookups succeeded ok 19724 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 19725 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 19726 - basename ok 19727 - no live objects ok 19728 - no live entries ok 19729 - lookup 1 objects ok 19730 - all lookups succeeded ok 19731 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 19732 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 19733 - trait attr ok 19734 - normal attr ok 19735 - no live objects ok 19736 - no live entries ok 19737 - lookup 1 objects ok 19738 - all lookups succeeded ok 19739 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 19740 - role attr ok 19741 - lookup 1 objects ok 19742 - all lookups succeeded ok 19743 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 19744 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 19745 - role attr ok 19746 - no error in fixture ok 19747 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 19748 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 19749 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 19750 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 19751 - stored 1 objects ok 19752 - no live objects ok 19753 - no live entries ok 19754 - lookup 1 objects ok 19755 - all lookups succeeded ok 19756 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19757 - preserved is_utf8 ok 19758 - correct value ok 19759 - transaction finished without errors ok 19760 - no error in fixture ok 19761 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 19762 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 19763 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 19764 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 19765 - stored 1024 objects ok 19766 - no live objects ok 19767 - no live entries ok 19768 - lookup 1024 objects ok 19769 - all lookups succeeded ok 19770 - no live objects ok 19771 - no live entries ok 19772 - no error in fixture ok 19773 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 19774 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 19775 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19776 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19777 - stored 3 objects ok 19778 - no live objects ok 19779 - no live entries ok 19780 - lookup FD64D498-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19781 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19782 - ref to other object ok 19783 - mututal ref ok 19784 - ref in auxillary structure ok 19785 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 19786 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 19787 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 19788 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 19789 - Putin is paranoid ok 19790 - updated 1 objects ok 19791 - transaction finished without errors ok 19792 - no live objects ok 19793 - no live entries ok 19794 - lookup FD64D498-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19795 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19796 - Georgia got plastered ok 19797 - correct live objects ok 19798 - Putin is a dead object ok 19799 - updated live objects ok 19800 - transaction finished without errors ok 19801 - no live objects ok 19802 - no live entries ok 19803 - lookup FD668982-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19804 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19805 - inter object rels ok 19806 - updated 1 objects ok 19807 - transaction finished without errors ok 19808 - no live objects ok 19809 - no live entries ok 19810 - lookup FD668982-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19811 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19812 - name ok 19813 - transaction finished without errors ok 19814 - no live objects ok 19815 - no live entries ok 19816 - lookup FD65D6EA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19817 - correct live objects ok 19818 - updated 1 objects ok 19819 - updated 1 objects ok 19820 - updated 1 objects ok 19821 - updated 1 objects ok 19822 - transaction finished without errors ok 19823 - no live objects ok 19824 - no live entries ok 19825 - lookup FD65D6EA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 19826 - updated in storage ok 19827 - deleted 1 objects ok 19828 - FD65D6EA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19829 - lookup no longer returns object ok 19830 - transaction finished without errors ok 19831 - no live objects ok 19832 - no live entries ok 19833 - FD65D6EA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19834 - no error in fixture ok 19835 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19836 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 19837 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 19838 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 19839 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19840 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 19841 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19842 - stored 2 objects ok 19843 - correct live objects ok 19844 - no live objects ok 19845 - no live entries ok 19846 - [FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19847 - lookup 1 objects ok 19848 - all lookups succeeded ok 19849 - name attr ok 19850 - updated 1 objects ok 19851 - successful transaction ok 19852 - name attr ok 19853 - no live objects ok 19854 - no live entries ok 19855 - lookup 1 objects ok 19856 - all lookups succeeded ok 19857 - updated 1 objects ok 19858 - failed transaction ok 19859 - name not rolled back in live object ok 19860 - no live objects ok 19861 - no live entries ok 19862 - lookup 1 objects ok 19863 - all lookups succeeded ok 19864 - name rolled back in DB ok 19865 - no live objects ok 19866 - no live entries ok 19867 - lookup 1 objects ok 19868 - all lookups succeeded ok 19869 - name attr ok 19870 - updated 1 objects ok 19871 - updated 1 objects ok 19872 - failed transaction ok 19873 - name attr of object ok 19874 - no live objects ok 19875 - no live entries ok 19876 - lookup 1 objects ok 19877 - all lookups succeeded ok 19878 - name rolled back in DB ok 19879 - no live objects ok 19880 - no live entries ok 19881 - lookup 1 objects ok 19882 - all lookups succeeded ok 19883 - updated 1 objects ok 19884 - lookup 1 objects ok 19885 - all lookups succeeded ok 19886 - deleted 1 objects ok 19887 - FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19888 - failed transaction ok 19889 - [FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19890 - no live objects ok 19891 - no live entries ok 19892 - [FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19893 - lookup 1 objects ok 19894 - all lookups succeeded ok 19895 - no live objects ok 19896 - no live entries ok 19897 - deleted 1 objects ok 19898 - FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19899 - failed transaction ok 19900 - [FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19901 - no live objects ok 19902 - no live entries ok 19903 - [FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 19904 - deleted 1 objects ok 19905 - FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19906 - FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19907 - no live objects ok 19908 - no live entries ok 19909 - FD7B7784-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 19910 - no error in fixture ok 19911 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 19912 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 19913 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 19914 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19915 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19916 - stored 3 objects ok 19917 - no live objects ok 19918 - no live entries ok 19919 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19920 - root set ok 19921 - root set IDs ok 19922 - transaction finished without errors ok 19923 - inserted 1 objects ok 19924 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19925 - root set reflects insertion ok 19926 - root set IDs are the same ok 19927 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 19928 - root set rolled back ok 19929 - ids are the same ok 19930 - transaction finished without errors ok 19931 - transaction finished without errors ok 19932 - got an ID for foo ok 19933 - deleted 1 objects ok 19934 - root set reflects deletion ok 19935 - root set IDs are the same ok 19936 - inserted 1 objects ok 19937 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 19938 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 19939 - root set IDs are the same ok 19940 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 19941 - root set ok 19942 - ids are the same ok 19943 - transaction finished without errors ok 19944 - all entries ok 19945 - all IDs ok 19946 - transaction finished without errors ok 19947 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19948 - inserted 1 objects ok 19949 - one entry ok 19950 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19951 - transaction finished without errors ok 19952 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19953 - rolled back ok 19954 - all entries restored ok 19955 - all IDs ok 19956 - transaction finished without errors ok 19957 - transaction finished without errors ok 19958 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 19959 - transaction finished without errors ok 19960 - no error in fixture ok 19961 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19962 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 19963 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 19964 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 19965 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 19966 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19967 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 19968 - stored 2 objects ok 19969 - correct live objects ok 19970 - no live objects ok 19971 - no live entries ok 19972 - lookup 1 objects ok 19973 - all lookups succeeded ok 19974 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 19975 - name attr ok 19976 - update ok 19977 - no live objects ok 19978 - no live entries ok 19979 - lookup 1 objects ok 19980 - all lookups succeeded ok 19981 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 19982 - data attr ok 19983 - update (noop) ok 19984 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 19985 - no live objects ok 19986 - no live entries ok 19987 - can't insert duplicate ok 19988 - no live objects ok 19989 - no live entries ok 19990 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 19991 - no live objects ok 19992 - no live entries ok 19993 - lookup 1 objects ok 19994 - all lookups succeeded ok 19995 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 19996 - no live objects ok 19997 - no live entries ok 19998 - no error in fixture ok 19999 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 20000 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 20001 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 20002 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 20003 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20004 - stored 1 objects ok 20005 - correct live objects ok 20006 - no live objects ok 20007 - no live entries ok 20008 - lookup 1 objects ok 20009 - all lookups succeeded ok 20010 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20011 - name ok 20012 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 20013 - age attr ok 20014 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 20015 - no error in refresh ok 20016 - age updated ok 20017 - transaction finished without errors ok 20018 - no error in fixture ok 20019 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 20020 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 20021 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 20022 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 20023 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20024 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 20025 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20026 - stored 2 objects ok 20027 - correct live objects ok 20028 - no live objects ok 20029 - no live entries ok 20030 - lookup 2 objects ok 20031 - all lookups succeeded ok 20032 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20033 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 20034 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20035 - entry is associated with object ok 20036 - the right object ok 20037 - name ok 20038 - parents ok 20039 - array ref ok 20040 - one parent ok 20041 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20042 - parent name ok 20043 - company ok 20044 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 20045 - name ok 20046 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 20047 - transaction finished without errors ok 20048 - no error in fixture ok 20049 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 20050 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 20051 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 20052 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 20053 - stored 1 objects ok 20054 - no live objects ok 20055 - no live entries ok 20056 - lookup 1 objects ok 20057 - all lookups succeeded ok 20058 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20059 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20060 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20061 - transaction finished without errors ok 20062 - no live objects ok 20063 - no live entries ok 20064 - lookup 1 objects ok 20065 - all lookups succeeded ok 20066 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20067 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20068 - updated 1 objects ok 20069 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20070 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20071 - transaction finished without errors ok 20072 - no live objects ok 20073 - no live entries ok 20074 - lookup 1 objects ok 20075 - all lookups succeeded ok 20076 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20077 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20078 - [root_person FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20079 - updated 1 objects ok 20080 - [root_person FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20081 - transaction finished without errors ok 20082 - no live objects ok 20083 - no live entries ok 20084 - lookup 1 objects ok 20085 - all lookups succeeded ok 20086 - [root_person FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20087 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20088 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20089 - transaction finished without errors ok 20090 - no live objects ok 20091 - no live entries ok 20092 - lookup 1 objects ok 20093 - all lookups succeeded ok 20094 - [root_person FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20095 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20096 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20097 - updated 1 objects ok 20098 - transaction finished without errors ok 20099 - no live objects ok 20100 - no live entries ok 20101 - lookup 1 objects ok 20102 - all lookups succeeded ok 20103 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20104 - [FDA15198-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20105 - transaction finished without errors ok 20106 - no error in fixture ok 20107 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 20108 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 20109 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 20110 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 20111 - stored 2 objects ok 20112 - no live objects ok 20113 - no live entries ok 20114 - lookup 2 objects ok 20115 - all lookups succeeded ok 20116 - transaction finished without errors ok 20117 - transaction finished without errors ok 20118 - FDAAC732-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 FDAAF96E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20119 - transaction finished without errors ok 20120 - no error in fixture ok 20121 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 20122 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 20123 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 20124 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 20125 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 20126 - stored 1 objects ok 20127 - no live objects ok 20128 - no live entries ok 20129 - no live objects ok 20130 - no live entries ok 20131 - lookup 1 objects ok 20132 - all lookups succeeded ok 20133 - id is object digest ok 20134 - field retained ok 20135 - transaction finished without errors ok 20136 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 20137 - correct live objects ok 20138 - no live objects ok 20139 - no live entries ok 20140 - inserted 1 objects ok 20141 - transaction finished without errors ok 20142 - no live objects ok 20143 - no live entries ok 20144 - lookup 1 objects ok 20145 - all lookups succeeded ok 20146 - inserted 1 objects not ok 20147 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 20148 - transaction finished without errors ok 20149 - no live objects ok 20150 - no live entries ok 20151 - lookup 1 objects ok 20152 - all lookups succeeded ok 20153 - inserted 1 objects ok 20154 - got a new ID ok 20155 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 20156 - transaction finished without errors ok 20157 - cached object isa KiokuDB::Test::Digested ok 20158 - correct live objects ok 20159 - no live objects ok 20160 - no live entries ok 20161 - no error in fixture ok 20162 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 20163 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 20164 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 20165 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 20166 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 20167 - stored 3 objects ok 20168 - no live objects ok 20169 - no live entries ok 20170 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20171 - root set ok 20172 - root set IDs ok 20173 - transaction finished without errors ok 20174 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20175 - nonroot entries ok 20176 - nonroot IDs ok 20177 - transaction finished without errors ok 20178 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20179 - all entries ok 20180 - all IDs ok 20181 - transaction finished without errors ok 20182 - no error in fixture ok 20183 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 20184 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 20185 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 20186 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 20187 - stored 3 objects ok 20188 - no live objects ok 20189 - no live entries ok 20190 - lookup 3 objects ok 20191 - all lookups succeeded ok 20192 - no members ok 20193 - set members ok 20194 - set is loaded ok 20195 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 20196 - set still loaded ok 20197 - inserting ID of live object ok 20198 - set still loaded ok 20199 - members ok 20200 - removed element ok 20201 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 20202 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 20203 - members ok 20204 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 20205 - members ok 20206 - set not loaded ok 20207 - lookup 1 objects ok 20208 - all lookups succeeded ok 20209 - set vivified ok 20210 - now marked as loaded ok 20211 - lookup 3 objects ok 20212 - all lookups succeeded ok 20213 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 20214 - members ok 20215 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 20216 - members ok 20217 - set size is 0 ok 20218 - no members ok 20219 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 20220 - lookup 3 objects ok 20221 - all lookups succeeded ok 20222 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 20223 - lookup 1 objects ok 20224 - all lookups succeeded ok 20225 - removed element ok 20226 - set not loaded ok 20227 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20228 - union is deferred ok 20229 - lookup 2 objects ok 20230 - all lookups succeeded ok 20231 - members ok 20232 - now it is loaded ok 20233 - lookup 3 objects ok 20234 - all lookups succeeded ok 20235 - union ok 20236 - no live objects ok 20237 - no live entries ok 20238 - no members ok 20239 - set not loaded ok 20240 - cleared ok 20241 - cleared set is loaded ok 20242 - no live objects ok 20243 - no live entries ok 20244 - lookup 3 objects ok 20245 - all lookups succeeded ok 20246 - stored 1 objects ok 20247 - no live objects ok 20248 - no live entries ok 20249 - lookup 1 objects ok 20250 - all lookups succeeded ok 20251 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20252 - set size ok 20253 - lookup 1 objects ok 20254 - all lookups succeeded ok 20255 - members ok 20256 - loaded set ok 20257 - no live objects ok 20258 - no live entries ok 20259 - lookup 1 objects ok 20260 - all lookups succeeded ok 20261 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20262 - set size ok 20263 - lookup 1 objects ok 20264 - all lookups succeeded ok 20265 - set size is 2 ok 20266 - set not loaded ok 20267 - stored 1 objects ok 20268 - set not loaded by ->store ok 20269 - no live objects ok 20270 - no live entries ok 20271 - lookup 1 objects ok 20272 - all lookups succeeded ok 20273 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20274 - set size ok 20275 - lookup 2 objects ok 20276 - all lookups succeeded ok 20277 - members ok 20278 - loaded set ok 20279 - no live objects ok 20280 - no live entries ok 20281 - no error in fixture ok 20282 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 20283 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 20284 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20285 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20286 - stored 3 objects ok 20287 - no live objects ok 20288 - no live entries ok 20289 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20290 - one object ok 20291 - name attr ok 20292 - no live objects ok 20293 - no live entries ok 20294 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20295 - two objects ok 20296 - name attr ok 20297 - name attr ok 20298 - no error in fixture ok 20299 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20300 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20301 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 20302 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 20303 - stored 13 objects ok 20304 - no live objects ok 20305 - no live entries ok 20306 - lookup 1 objects ok 20307 - all lookups succeeded ok 20308 - reftype for scalar ok 20309 - value ok 20310 - no live objects ok 20311 - no live entries ok 20312 - lookup 1 objects ok 20313 - all lookups succeeded ok 20314 - plain hash ok 20315 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 20316 - keys ok 20317 - no live objects ok 20318 - no live entries ok 20319 - lookup 1 objects ok 20320 - all lookups succeeded ok 20321 - coderef ok 20322 - invoke closure ok 20323 - invoke closure ok 20324 - no live objects ok 20325 - no live entries ok 20326 - lookup 1 objects ok 20327 - all lookups succeeded ok 20328 - coderef ok 20329 - invoke closure ok 20330 - invoke closure ok 20331 - stored 1 objects ok 20332 - no live objects ok 20333 - no live entries ok 20334 - lookup 1 objects ok 20335 - all lookups succeeded ok 20336 - coderef ok 20337 - closure updated ok 20338 - no live objects ok 20339 - no live entries ok 20340 - lookup 1 objects ok 20341 - all lookups succeeded ok 20342 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20343 - class attr ok 20344 - does runtime role ok 20345 - role attr ok 20346 - anon class ok 20347 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 20348 - no live objects ok 20349 - no live entries ok 20350 - lookup 1 objects ok 20351 - all lookups succeeded ok 20352 - plain hash ok 20353 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 20354 - key order preserved ok 20355 - no live objects ok 20356 - no live entries ok 20357 - lookup 1 objects ok 20358 - all lookups succeeded ok 20359 - The object isa DateTime ok 20360 - no live objects ok 20361 - no live entries ok 20362 - lookup 1 objects ok 20363 - all lookups succeeded ok 20364 - The object isa DateTime ok 20365 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 20366 - no live objects ok 20367 - no live entries ok 20368 - lookup 1 objects ok 20369 - all lookups succeeded ok 20370 - The object isa URI ok 20371 - uri ok 20372 - no live objects ok 20373 - no live entries ok 20374 - lookup 1 objects ok 20375 - all lookups succeeded ok 20376 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 20377 - The object isa URI ok 20378 - no live objects ok 20379 - no live entries ok 20380 - lookup 1 objects ok 20381 - all lookups succeeded ok 20382 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 20383 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 20384 - basename ok 20385 - no live objects ok 20386 - no live entries ok 20387 - lookup 1 objects ok 20388 - all lookups succeeded ok 20389 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 20390 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 20391 - trait attr ok 20392 - normal attr ok 20393 - no live objects ok 20394 - no live entries ok 20395 - lookup 1 objects ok 20396 - all lookups succeeded ok 20397 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 20398 - role attr ok 20399 - lookup 1 objects ok 20400 - all lookups succeeded ok 20401 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 20402 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 20403 - role attr ok 20404 - no error in fixture ok 20405 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 20406 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 20407 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 20408 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 20409 - stored 1 objects ok 20410 - no live objects ok 20411 - no live entries ok 20412 - lookup 1 objects ok 20413 - all lookups succeeded ok 20414 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20415 - preserved is_utf8 ok 20416 - correct value ok 20417 - transaction finished without errors ok 20418 - no error in fixture ok 20419 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 20420 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 20421 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 20422 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 20423 - stored 1024 objects ok 20424 - no live objects ok 20425 - no live entries ok 20426 - lookup 1024 objects ok 20427 - all lookups succeeded ok 20428 - no live objects ok 20429 - no live entries ok 20430 - no error in fixture ok 20431 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 20432 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 20433 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 20434 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 20435 - stored 3 objects ok 20436 - no live objects ok 20437 - no live entries ok 20438 - lookup FF6638D6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 20439 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20440 - ref to other object ok 20441 - mututal ref ok 20442 - ref in auxillary structure ok 20443 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 20444 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 20445 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 20446 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 20447 - Putin is paranoid ok 20448 - updated 1 objects ok 20449 - transaction finished without errors ok 20450 - no live objects ok 20451 - no live entries ok 20452 - lookup FF6638D6-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 20453 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20454 - Georgia got plastered ok 20455 - correct live objects ok 20456 - Putin is a dead object ok 20457 - updated live objects ok 20458 - transaction finished without errors ok 20459 - no live objects ok 20460 - no live entries ok 20461 - lookup FF67E44C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 20462 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20463 - inter object rels ok 20464 - updated 1 objects ok 20465 - transaction finished without errors ok 20466 - no live objects ok 20467 - no live entries ok 20468 - lookup FF67E44C-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 20469 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20470 - name ok 20471 - transaction finished without errors ok 20472 - no live objects ok 20473 - no live entries ok 20474 - lookup FF673114-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 20475 - correct live objects ok 20476 - updated 1 objects ok 20477 - updated 1 objects ok 20478 - updated 1 objects ok 20479 - updated 1 objects ok 20480 - transaction finished without errors ok 20481 - no live objects ok 20482 - no live entries ok 20483 - lookup FF673114-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 20484 - updated in storage ok 20485 - deleted 1 objects ok 20486 - FF673114-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20487 - lookup no longer returns object ok 20488 - transaction finished without errors ok 20489 - no live objects ok 20490 - no live entries ok 20491 - FF673114-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20492 - no error in fixture ok 20493 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 20494 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 20495 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 20496 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 20497 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20498 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 20499 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20500 - stored 2 objects ok 20501 - correct live objects ok 20502 - no live objects ok 20503 - no live entries ok 20504 - [FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 20505 - lookup 1 objects ok 20506 - all lookups succeeded ok 20507 - name attr ok 20508 - updated 1 objects ok 20509 - successful transaction ok 20510 - name attr ok 20511 - no live objects ok 20512 - no live entries ok 20513 - lookup 1 objects ok 20514 - all lookups succeeded ok 20515 - updated 1 objects ok 20516 - failed transaction ok 20517 - name not rolled back in live object ok 20518 - no live objects ok 20519 - no live entries ok 20520 - lookup 1 objects ok 20521 - all lookups succeeded ok 20522 - name rolled back in DB ok 20523 - no live objects ok 20524 - no live entries ok 20525 - lookup 1 objects ok 20526 - all lookups succeeded ok 20527 - name attr ok 20528 - updated 1 objects ok 20529 - updated 1 objects ok 20530 - failed transaction ok 20531 - name attr of object ok 20532 - no live objects ok 20533 - no live entries ok 20534 - lookup 1 objects ok 20535 - all lookups succeeded ok 20536 - name rolled back in DB ok 20537 - no live objects ok 20538 - no live entries ok 20539 - lookup 1 objects ok 20540 - all lookups succeeded ok 20541 - updated 1 objects ok 20542 - lookup 1 objects ok 20543 - all lookups succeeded ok 20544 - deleted 1 objects ok 20545 - FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20546 - failed transaction ok 20547 - [FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 20548 - no live objects ok 20549 - no live entries ok 20550 - [FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 20551 - lookup 1 objects ok 20552 - all lookups succeeded ok 20553 - no live objects ok 20554 - no live entries ok 20555 - deleted 1 objects ok 20556 - FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20557 - failed transaction ok 20558 - [FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 20559 - no live objects ok 20560 - no live entries ok 20561 - [FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 20562 - deleted 1 objects ok 20563 - FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20564 - FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20565 - no live objects ok 20566 - no live entries ok 20567 - FF7E2F68-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20568 - no error in fixture ok 20569 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 20570 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 20571 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 20572 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 20573 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 20574 - stored 3 objects ok 20575 - no live objects ok 20576 - no live entries ok 20577 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20578 - root set ok 20579 - root set IDs ok 20580 - transaction finished without errors ok 20581 - inserted 1 objects ok 20582 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20583 - root set reflects insertion ok 20584 - root set IDs are the same ok 20585 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 20586 - root set rolled back ok 20587 - ids are the same ok 20588 - transaction finished without errors ok 20589 - transaction finished without errors ok 20590 - got an ID for foo ok 20591 - deleted 1 objects ok 20592 - root set reflects deletion ok 20593 - root set IDs are the same ok 20594 - inserted 1 objects ok 20595 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20596 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 20597 - root set IDs are the same ok 20598 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 20599 - root set ok 20600 - ids are the same ok 20601 - transaction finished without errors ok 20602 - all entries ok 20603 - all IDs ok 20604 - transaction finished without errors ok 20605 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 20606 - inserted 1 objects ok 20607 - one entry ok 20608 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 20609 - transaction finished without errors ok 20610 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 20611 - rolled back ok 20612 - all entries restored ok 20613 - all IDs ok 20614 - transaction finished without errors ok 20615 - transaction finished without errors ok 20616 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 20617 - transaction finished without errors ok 20618 - no error in fixture ok 20619 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 20620 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 20621 # skip GIN::Class fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (Query::GIN)) ok 20622 - no live objects at start of Overwrite fixture ok 20623 - no live entries at start of Overwrite fixture ok 20624 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20625 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 20626 - stored 2 objects ok 20627 - correct live objects ok 20628 - no live objects ok 20629 - no live entries ok 20630 - lookup 1 objects ok 20631 - all lookups succeeded ok 20632 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20633 - name attr ok 20634 - update ok 20635 - no live objects ok 20636 - no live entries ok 20637 - lookup 1 objects ok 20638 - all lookups succeeded ok 20639 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::BLOB ok 20640 - data attr ok 20641 - update (noop) ok 20642 - entry refaddr unchanged ok 20643 - no live objects ok 20644 - no live entries ok 20645 - can't insert duplicate ok 20646 - no live objects ok 20647 - no live entries ok 20648 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a content addressed object ok 20649 - no live objects ok 20650 - no live entries ok 20651 - lookup 1 objects ok 20652 - all lookups succeeded ok 20653 - not an error to insert a duplicate of a live content addressed object ok 20654 - no live objects ok 20655 - no live entries ok 20656 - no error in fixture ok 20657 - no live objects at end of Overwrite fixture ok 20658 - no live entries at end of Overwrite fixture ok 20659 - no live objects at start of Refresh fixture ok 20660 - no live entries at start of Refresh fixture ok 20661 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20662 - stored 1 objects ok 20663 - correct live objects ok 20664 - no live objects ok 20665 - no live entries ok 20666 - lookup 1 objects ok 20667 - all lookups succeeded ok 20668 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20669 - name ok 20670 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 20671 - age attr ok 20672 - age attr not updated even though it was written ok 20673 - no error in refresh ok 20674 - age updated ok 20675 - transaction finished without errors ok 20676 - no error in fixture ok 20677 - no live objects at end of Refresh fixture ok 20678 - no live entries at end of Refresh fixture ok 20679 - no live objects at start of Small fixture ok 20680 - no live entries at start of Small fixture ok 20681 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20682 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 20683 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20684 - stored 2 objects ok 20685 - correct live objects ok 20686 - no live objects ok 20687 - no live entries ok 20688 - lookup 2 objects ok 20689 - all lookups succeeded ok 20690 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20691 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 20692 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20693 - entry is associated with object ok 20694 - the right object ok 20695 - name ok 20696 - parents ok 20697 - array ref ok 20698 - one parent ok 20699 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20700 - parent name ok 20701 - company ok 20702 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 20703 - name ok 20704 - lookup of nonexistent ID is nonfatal ok 20705 - transaction finished without errors ok 20706 - no error in fixture ok 20707 - no live objects at end of Small fixture ok 20708 - no live entries at end of Small fixture ok 20709 - no live objects at start of RootSet fixture ok 20710 - no live entries at start of RootSet fixture ok 20711 - stored 1 objects ok 20712 - no live objects ok 20713 - no live entries ok 20714 - lookup 1 objects ok 20715 - all lookups succeeded ok 20716 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20717 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20718 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20719 - transaction finished without errors ok 20720 - no live objects ok 20721 - no live entries ok 20722 - lookup 1 objects ok 20723 - all lookups succeeded ok 20724 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20725 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20726 - updated 1 objects ok 20727 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20728 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20729 - transaction finished without errors ok 20730 - no live objects ok 20731 - no live entries ok 20732 - lookup 1 objects ok 20733 - all lookups succeeded ok 20734 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20735 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20736 - [root_person FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20737 - updated 1 objects ok 20738 - [root_person FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20739 - transaction finished without errors ok 20740 - no live objects ok 20741 - no live entries ok 20742 - lookup 1 objects ok 20743 - all lookups succeeded ok 20744 - [root_person FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20745 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20746 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20747 - transaction finished without errors ok 20748 - no live objects ok 20749 - no live entries ok 20750 - lookup 1 objects ok 20751 - all lookups succeeded ok 20752 - [root_person FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20753 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20754 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20755 - updated 1 objects ok 20756 - transaction finished without errors ok 20757 - no live objects ok 20758 - no live entries ok 20759 - lookup 1 objects ok 20760 - all lookups succeeded ok 20761 - [root_person] are in the root set ok 20762 - [FFA561FA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] aren't in the root set ok 20763 - transaction finished without errors ok 20764 - no error in fixture ok 20765 - no live objects at end of RootSet fixture ok 20766 - no live entries at end of RootSet fixture ok 20767 - no live objects at start of Clear fixture ok 20768 - no live entries at start of Clear fixture ok 20769 - stored 2 objects ok 20770 - no live objects ok 20771 - no live entries ok 20772 - lookup 2 objects ok 20773 - all lookups succeeded ok 20774 - transaction finished without errors ok 20775 - transaction finished without errors ok 20776 - FFAE43BA-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 FFAE7E8E-D75B-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 20777 - transaction finished without errors ok 20778 - no error in fixture ok 20779 - no live objects at end of Clear fixture ok 20780 - no live entries at end of Clear fixture ok 20781 # skip Binary fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (BinarySafe)) ok 20782 - no live objects at start of CAS fixture ok 20783 - no live entries at start of CAS fixture ok 20784 - stored 1 objects ok 20785 - no live objects ok 20786 - no live entries ok 20787 - no live objects ok 20788 - no live entries ok 20789 - lookup 1 objects ok 20790 - all lookups succeeded ok 20791 - id is object digest ok 20792 - field retained ok 20793 - transaction finished without errors ok 20794 - no live objects ok 20795 - no live entries ok 20796 - inserted 1 objects ok 20797 - transaction finished without errors ok 20798 - no live objects ok 20799 - no live entries ok 20800 - lookup 1 objects ok 20801 - all lookups succeeded ok 20802 - inserted 1 objects not ok 20803 - idempotent add when instance already live # TODO ID not yet returned # Failed (TODO) test 'idempotent add when instance already live' # at /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib/KiokuDB/Test/Fixture/ line 82. # got: undef # expected: 'c10c2d564404fb39e7ca305a1803a9f9a4c60361' ok 20804 - transaction finished without errors ok 20805 - no live objects ok 20806 - no live entries ok 20807 - lookup 1 objects ok 20808 - all lookups succeeded ok 20809 - inserted 1 objects ok 20810 - got a new ID ok 20811 - idempotent add when instance already live ok 20812 - transaction finished without errors ok 20813 - no live objects ok 20814 - no live entries ok 20815 - no error in fixture ok 20816 - no live objects at end of CAS fixture ok 20817 - no live entries at end of CAS fixture ok 20818 # skip Set KIOKUDB_STRESS_TEST to run this fixture ok 20819 - no live objects at start of Scan fixture ok 20820 - no live entries at start of Scan fixture ok 20821 - stored 3 objects ok 20822 - no live objects ok 20823 - no live entries ok 20824 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20825 - root set ok 20826 - root set IDs ok 20827 - transaction finished without errors ok 20828 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20829 - nonroot entries ok 20830 - nonroot IDs ok 20831 - transaction finished without errors ok 20832 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20833 - all entries ok 20834 - all IDs ok 20835 - transaction finished without errors ok 20836 - no error in fixture ok 20837 - no live objects at end of Scan fixture ok 20838 - no live entries at end of Scan fixture ok 20839 - no live objects at start of Sets fixture ok 20840 - no live entries at start of Sets fixture ok 20841 - stored 3 objects ok 20842 - no live objects ok 20843 - no live entries ok 20844 - lookup 3 objects ok 20845 - all lookups succeeded ok 20846 - no members ok 20847 - set members ok 20848 - set is loaded ok 20849 - inserting ID of live object already in set did not affect set size ok 20850 - set still loaded ok 20851 - inserting ID of live object ok 20852 - set still loaded ok 20853 - members ok 20854 - removed element ok 20855 - KiokuDB::Set::Transient->can('union') ok 20856 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 20857 - members ok 20858 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Transient ok 20859 - members ok 20860 - set not loaded ok 20861 - lookup 1 objects ok 20862 - all lookups succeeded ok 20863 - set vivified ok 20864 - now marked as loaded ok 20865 - lookup 3 objects ok 20866 - all lookups succeeded ok 20867 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 20868 - members ok 20869 - union isa KiokuDB::Set::Loaded ok 20870 - members ok 20871 - set size is 0 ok 20872 - no members ok 20873 - calling members on empty set does not load it ok 20874 - lookup 3 objects ok 20875 - all lookups succeeded ok 20876 - set not loaded by insertion of live objects ok 20877 - lookup 1 objects ok 20878 - all lookups succeeded ok 20879 - removed element ok 20880 - set not loaded ok 20881 - The object isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20882 - union is deferred ok 20883 - lookup 2 objects ok 20884 - all lookups succeeded ok 20885 - members ok 20886 - now it is loaded ok 20887 - lookup 3 objects ok 20888 - all lookups succeeded ok 20889 - union ok 20890 - no live objects ok 20891 - no live entries ok 20892 - no members ok 20893 - set not loaded ok 20894 - cleared ok 20895 - cleared set is loaded ok 20896 - no live objects ok 20897 - no live entries ok 20898 - lookup 3 objects ok 20899 - all lookups succeeded ok 20900 - stored 1 objects ok 20901 - no live objects ok 20902 - no live entries ok 20903 - lookup 1 objects ok 20904 - all lookups succeeded ok 20905 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20906 - set size ok 20907 - lookup 1 objects ok 20908 - all lookups succeeded ok 20909 - members ok 20910 - loaded set ok 20911 - no live objects ok 20912 - no live entries ok 20913 - lookup 1 objects ok 20914 - all lookups succeeded ok 20915 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20916 - set size ok 20917 - lookup 1 objects ok 20918 - all lookups succeeded ok 20919 - set size is 2 ok 20920 - set not loaded ok 20921 - stored 1 objects ok 20922 - set not loaded by ->store ok 20923 - no live objects ok 20924 - no live entries ok 20925 - lookup 1 objects ok 20926 - all lookups succeeded ok 20927 - deferred set isa KiokuDB::Set::Deferred ok 20928 - set size ok 20929 - lookup 2 objects ok 20930 - all lookups succeeded ok 20931 - members ok 20932 - loaded set ok 20933 - no live objects ok 20934 - no live entries ok 20935 - no error in fixture ok 20936 - no live objects at end of Sets fixture ok 20937 - no live entries at end of Sets fixture ok 20938 - no live objects at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20939 - no live entries at start of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20940 - stored 3 objects ok 20941 - no live objects ok 20942 - no live entries ok 20943 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20944 - one object ok 20945 - name attr ok 20946 - no live objects ok 20947 - no live entries ok 20948 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 20949 - two objects ok 20950 - name attr ok 20951 - name attr ok 20952 - no error in fixture ok 20953 - no live objects at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20954 - no live entries at end of SimpleSearch fixture ok 20955 - no live objects at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 20956 - no live entries at start of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 20957 - stored 13 objects ok 20958 - no live objects ok 20959 - no live entries ok 20960 - lookup 1 objects ok 20961 - all lookups succeeded ok 20962 - reftype for scalar ok 20963 - value ok 20964 - no live objects ok 20965 - no live entries ok 20966 - lookup 1 objects ok 20967 - all lookups succeeded ok 20968 - plain hash ok 20969 - tied isa Tie::RefHash ok 20970 - keys ok 20971 - no live objects ok 20972 - no live entries ok 20973 - lookup 1 objects ok 20974 - all lookups succeeded ok 20975 - coderef ok 20976 - invoke closure ok 20977 - invoke closure ok 20978 - no live objects ok 20979 - no live entries ok 20980 - lookup 1 objects ok 20981 - all lookups succeeded ok 20982 - coderef ok 20983 - invoke closure ok 20984 - invoke closure ok 20985 - stored 1 objects ok 20986 - no live objects ok 20987 - no live entries ok 20988 - lookup 1 objects ok 20989 - all lookups succeeded ok 20990 - coderef ok 20991 - closure updated ok 20992 - no live objects ok 20993 - no live entries ok 20994 - lookup 1 objects ok 20995 - all lookups succeeded ok 20996 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 20997 - class attr ok 20998 - does runtime role ok 20999 - role attr ok 21000 - anon class ok 21001 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Company ok 21002 - no live objects ok 21003 - no live entries ok 21004 - lookup 1 objects ok 21005 - all lookups succeeded ok 21006 - plain hash ok 21007 - tied isa Tie::IxHash ok 21008 - key order preserved ok 21009 - no live objects ok 21010 - no live entries ok 21011 - lookup 1 objects ok 21012 - all lookups succeeded ok 21013 - The object isa DateTime ok 21014 - no live objects ok 21015 - no live entries ok 21016 - lookup 1 objects ok 21017 - all lookups succeeded ok 21018 - The object isa DateTime ok 21019 - The object isa DateTime::Format::Strptime ok 21020 - no live objects ok 21021 - no live entries ok 21022 - lookup 1 objects ok 21023 - all lookups succeeded ok 21024 - The object isa URI ok 21025 - uri ok 21026 - no live objects ok 21027 - no live entries ok 21028 - lookup 1 objects ok 21029 - all lookups succeeded ok 21030 - The object isa URI::WithBase ok 21031 - The object isa URI ok 21032 - no live objects ok 21033 - no live entries ok 21034 - lookup 1 objects ok 21035 - all lookups succeeded ok 21036 - The object isa Path::Class::Entity ok 21037 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 21038 - basename ok 21039 - no live objects ok 21040 - no live entries ok 21041 - lookup 1 objects ok 21042 - all lookups succeeded ok 21043 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 21044 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 21045 - trait attr ok 21046 - normal attr ok 21047 - no live objects ok 21048 - no live entries ok 21049 - lookup 1 objects ok 21050 - all lookups succeeded ok 21051 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 21052 - role attr ok 21053 - lookup 1 objects ok 21054 - all lookups succeeded ok 21055 - The object does Some::Other::Role ok 21056 - The object does Some::Third::Role ok 21057 - role attr ok 21058 - no error in fixture ok 21059 - no live objects at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 21060 - no live entries at end of TypeMap::Default fixture ok 21061 - no live objects at start of Unicode fixture ok 21062 - no live entries at start of Unicode fixture ok 21063 - stored 1 objects ok 21064 - no live objects ok 21065 - no live entries ok 21066 - lookup 1 objects ok 21067 - all lookups succeeded ok 21068 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21069 - preserved is_utf8 ok 21070 - correct value ok 21071 - transaction finished without errors ok 21072 - no error in fixture ok 21073 - no live objects at end of Unicode fixture ok 21074 - no live entries at end of Unicode fixture ok 21075 - no live objects at start of MassInsert fixture ok 21076 - no live entries at start of MassInsert fixture ok 21077 - stored 1024 objects ok 21078 - no live objects ok 21079 - no live entries ok 21080 - lookup 1024 objects ok 21081 - all lookups succeeded ok 21082 - no live objects ok 21083 - no live entries ok 21084 - no error in fixture ok 21085 - no live objects at end of MassInsert fixture ok 21086 - no live entries at end of MassInsert fixture ok 21087 - no live objects at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 21088 - no live entries at start of ObjectGraph fixture ok 21089 - stored 3 objects ok 21090 - no live objects ok 21091 - no live entries ok 21092 - lookup 0160BB48-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 21093 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21094 - ref to other object ok 21095 - mututal ref ok 21096 - ref in auxillary structure ok 21097 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 21098 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 21099 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 21100 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 21101 - Putin is paranoid ok 21102 - updated 1 objects ok 21103 - transaction finished without errors ok 21104 - no live objects ok 21105 - no live entries ok 21106 - lookup 0160BB48-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 21107 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21108 - Georgia got plastered ok 21109 - correct live objects ok 21110 - Putin is a dead object ok 21111 - updated live objects ok 21112 - transaction finished without errors ok 21113 - no live objects ok 21114 - no live entries ok 21115 - lookup 01628702-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 21116 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21117 - inter object rels ok 21118 - updated 1 objects ok 21119 - transaction finished without errors ok 21120 - no live objects ok 21121 - no live entries ok 21122 - lookup 01628702-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 21123 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21124 - name ok 21125 - transaction finished without errors ok 21126 - no live objects ok 21127 - no live entries ok 21128 - lookup 0161C81C-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 21129 - correct live objects ok 21130 - updated 1 objects ok 21131 - updated 1 objects ok 21132 - updated 1 objects ok 21133 - updated 1 objects ok 21134 - transaction finished without errors ok 21135 - no live objects ok 21136 - no live entries ok 21137 - lookup 0161C81C-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 ok 21138 - updated in storage ok 21139 - deleted 1 objects ok 21140 - 0161C81C-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21141 - lookup no longer returns object ok 21142 - transaction finished without errors ok 21143 - no live objects ok 21144 - no live entries ok 21145 - 0161C81C-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21146 - no error in fixture ok 21147 - no live objects at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 21148 - no live entries at end of ObjectGraph fixture ok 21149 - no live objects at start of TXN fixture ok 21150 - no live entries at start of TXN fixture ok 21151 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21152 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Employee ok 21153 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 21154 - stored 2 objects ok 21155 - correct live objects ok 21156 - no live objects ok 21157 - no live entries ok 21158 - [01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 21159 - lookup 1 objects ok 21160 - all lookups succeeded ok 21161 - name attr ok 21162 - updated 1 objects ok 21163 - successful transaction ok 21164 - name attr ok 21165 - no live objects ok 21166 - no live entries ok 21167 - lookup 1 objects ok 21168 - all lookups succeeded ok 21169 - updated 1 objects ok 21170 - failed transaction ok 21171 - name not rolled back in live object ok 21172 - no live objects ok 21173 - no live entries ok 21174 - lookup 1 objects ok 21175 - all lookups succeeded ok 21176 - name rolled back in DB ok 21177 - no live objects ok 21178 - no live entries ok 21179 - lookup 1 objects ok 21180 - all lookups succeeded ok 21181 - name attr ok 21182 - updated 1 objects ok 21183 - updated 1 objects ok 21184 - failed transaction ok 21185 - name attr of object ok 21186 - no live objects ok 21187 - no live entries ok 21188 - lookup 1 objects ok 21189 - all lookups succeeded ok 21190 - name rolled back in DB ok 21191 - no live objects ok 21192 - no live entries ok 21193 - lookup 1 objects ok 21194 - all lookups succeeded ok 21195 - updated 1 objects ok 21196 - lookup 1 objects ok 21197 - all lookups succeeded ok 21198 - deleted 1 objects ok 21199 - 01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21200 - failed transaction ok 21201 - [01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 21202 - no live objects ok 21203 - no live entries ok 21204 - [01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 21205 - lookup 1 objects ok 21206 - all lookups succeeded ok 21207 - no live objects ok 21208 - no live entries ok 21209 - deleted 1 objects ok 21210 - 01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21211 - failed transaction ok 21212 - [01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 21213 - no live objects ok 21214 - no live entries ok 21215 - [01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405] exist in DB ok 21216 - deleted 1 objects ok 21217 - 01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21218 - 01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21219 - no live objects ok 21220 - no live entries ok 21221 - 01786AC2-D75C-11E2-9176-4A952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 21222 - no error in fixture ok 21223 - no live objects at end of TXN fixture ok 21224 - no live entries at end of TXN fixture ok 21225 # skip TXN::Nested fixture (Backend does not implement required roles (TXN::Nested)) ok 21226 - no live objects at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 21227 - no live entries at start of TXN::Scan fixture ok 21228 - stored 3 objects ok 21229 - no live objects ok 21230 - no live entries ok 21231 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 21232 - root set ok 21233 - root set IDs ok 21234 - transaction finished without errors ok 21235 - inserted 1 objects ok 21236 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 21237 - root set reflects insertion ok 21238 - root set IDs are the same ok 21239 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 21240 - root set rolled back ok 21241 - ids are the same ok 21242 - transaction finished without errors ok 21243 - transaction finished without errors ok 21244 - got an ID for foo ok 21245 - deleted 1 objects ok 21246 - root set reflects deletion ok 21247 - root set IDs are the same ok 21248 - inserted 1 objects ok 21249 - The object does Data::Stream::Bulk ok 21250 - root set reflects deletion and insertion ok 21251 - root set IDs are the same ok 21252 - threw Regexp ((?^:rollback)) ok 21253 - root set ok 21254 - ids are the same ok 21255 - transaction finished without errors ok 21256 - all entries ok 21257 - all IDs ok 21258 - transaction finished without errors ok 21259 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 21260 - inserted 1 objects ok 21261 - one entry ok 21262 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 21263 - transaction finished without errors ok 21264 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 21265 - rolled back ok 21266 - all entries restored ok 21267 - all IDs ok 21268 - transaction finished without errors ok 21269 - transaction finished without errors ok 21270 - no enrtries (db cleared) ok 21271 - transaction finished without errors ok 21272 - no error in fixture ok 21273 - no live objects at end of TXN::Scan fixture ok 21274 - no live entries at end of TXN::Scan fixture 1..21274 ok t/hash_backend.t ............... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 3 - KiokuDB::Backend::Hash->can(...) ok 4 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Array ok 5 - root set ok 6 - The object isa Data::Stream::Bulk::Array ok 7 - search 1..7 ok t/jspon_serialization.t ........ ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSON; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Reference; ok 5 - The object does KiokuDB::Backend::TypeMap::Default ok 6 - The object does KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize ok 7 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap::Default::JSON ok 8 - The object isa KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON::Collapser ok 9 - The object isa KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::JSPON::Expander ok 10 - collapsed jspon ok 11 - expanded jspon ok 12 - ID ok 13 - class ok 14 - not deleted ok 15 - root ok 16 - json is not a ref ok 17 - already encoded (not unicode) ok 18 - round tripping ok 19 - collapsed jspon ok 20 - expanded jspon ok 21 - ID ok 22 - class ok 23 - not deleted ok 24 - root ok 25 - collapsed jspon ok 26 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 27 - expanded jspon ok 28 - no id ok 29 - no class ok 30 - not deleted ok 31 - not root ok 32 - 'tied' field ok 33 - legacy 'tied' field upgraded 1..33 ok t/kiokudb_class_native.t ....... ok 1 - native array trait inlines properly ok 2 - native bool trait inlines properly ok 3 - native code trait inlines properly ok 4 - native counter trait inlines properly ok 5 - native hash trait inlines properly ok 6 - native number trait inlines properly ok 7 - native string trait inlines properly 1..7 ok t/lazy.t ....................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 3 - KiokuDB::Meta::Attribute::Lazy loaded ok 4 - "foo" meta attr does KiokuDB::Meta::Attribute::Lazy ok 5 - "foo" meta attr does KiokuDB::Meta::Attribute::Lazy ok 6 - foo attribute ok 7 - no live objects ok 8 - only bar is live ok 9 - all objects are live ok 10 - no live objects ok 11 - only bar is live ok 12 - both objects are live ok 13 - no live objects ok 14 - only bar is live ok 15 - only bar is live ok 16 - no live objects ok 17 - name updated ok 18 - only bar is live ok 19 - both objects are live 1..19 ok t/link_checker.t ............... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::LinkChecker; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Reference; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 5 - no missing entries ok 6 - one seen ID ok 7 - seen ID is 'bar' ok 8 - no referenced IDs ok 9 - no missing entries ok 10 - one seen ID ok 11 - seen ID is 'bar' ok 12 - one referenced ID ok 13 - referenced ID is 'bar' ok 14 - one missing entry ok 15 - missing ID is 'gorch' ok 16 - one seen ID ok 17 - seen ID is 'bar' ok 18 - one referenced ID ok 19 - referenced ID is 'gorch' ok 20 - one missing entry ok 21 - missing ID is 'gorch' ok 22 - two seen IDs ok 23 - seen IDs are 'foo', 'bar' ok 24 - two referenced ID ok 25 - referenced ID is 'gorch' ok 26 - one missing entry ok 27 - missing ID is 'gorch' ok 28 - two seen IDs ok 29 - seen IDs are 'foo', 'bar' ok 30 - two referenced ID ok 31 - referenced ID is 'gorch' 1..31 ok t/link_checker_real.t .......... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::LinkChecker; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Test::Fixture::ObjectGraph; ok 4 - use KiokuDB; ok 5 - stored 3 objects ok 6 - seen some entries ok 7 - no missing entries ok 8 - no live objects ok 9 - no live entries ok 10 - lookup 0637BC52-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 ok 11 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 12 - ref to other object ok 13 - mututal ref ok 14 - ref in auxillary structure ok 15 - mutual ref in auxillary structure ok 16 - mutual refs in nested structure ok 17 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 18 - mutual refs in nested and non nested structure ok 19 - Putin is paranoid ok 20 - updated 1 objects ok 21 - transaction finished without errors ok 22 - no live objects ok 23 - no live entries ok 24 - lookup 0637BC52-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 ok 25 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 26 - Georgia got plastered ok 27 - correct live objects ok 28 - Putin is a dead object ok 29 - updated live objects ok 30 - transaction finished without errors ok 31 - no live objects ok 32 - no live entries ok 33 - lookup 0639715A-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 ok 34 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 35 - inter object rels ok 36 - updated 1 objects ok 37 - transaction finished without errors ok 38 - no live objects ok 39 - no live entries ok 40 - lookup 0639715A-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 ok 41 - The object isa KiokuDB::Test::Person ok 42 - name ok 43 - transaction finished without errors ok 44 - no live objects ok 45 - no live entries ok 46 - lookup 06395198-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 ok 47 - correct live objects ok 48 - updated 1 objects ok 49 - updated 1 objects ok 50 - updated 1 objects ok 51 - updated 1 objects ok 52 - transaction finished without errors ok 53 - no live objects ok 54 - no live entries ok 55 - lookup 06395198-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 ok 56 - updated in storage ok 57 - deleted 1 objects ok 58 - 06395198-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 59 - lookup no longer returns object ok 60 - transaction finished without errors ok 61 - no live objects ok 62 - no live entries ok 63 - 06395198-D75C-11E2-8B9C-56952187A405 do not exist in DB ok 64 - seen some entries ok 65 - no missing entries ok 66 - seen some entries ok 67 - one missing entry ok 68 - ID is correct 1..68 ok t/live_objs.t .................. ok 1 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 3 - no live objects ok 4 - live object set ok 5 - live object set is weak ok 6 - live object set ok 7 - remove ok 8 - id to object ok 9 - double reg under diff ID is an error ok 10 - id conflict ok 11 - can't register non ref ok 12 - live object set reduced ok 13 - live object set is now empty ok 14 - random object has undef ID ok 15 - random objects have undef IDs ok 16 - loaded IDs ok 17 - known IDs ok 18 - ids_to_entries ok 19 - loaded IDs ok 20 - known IDs ok 21 - loaded IDs ok 22 - known IDs ok 23 - ids_to_entries ok 24 - loaded IDs ok 25 - known IDs ok 26 - loaded IDs ok 27 - ids_to_entries ok 28 - loaded IDs ok 29 - known IDs ok 30 - entry still live isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 31 - loaded IDs ok 32 - known IDs ok 33 - live_entries ok 34 - live_objects ok 35 - loaded IDs ok 36 - ids_to_entries ok 37 - loaded IDs ok 38 - known IDs ok 39 - entry died ok 40 - loaded IDs ok 41 - known IDs ok 42 - live_entries ok 43 - live_objects ok 44 - id to object ok 45 - object in storage ok 46 - objects to entries ok 47 - ids to entries ok 48 - id to object ok 49 - object in storage ok 50 - object to entry ok 51 - id to entry ok 52 - id to object ok 53 - object in storage ok 54 - object to entry ok 55 - id to entry ok 56 - known IDs ok 57 - live object set ok 58 - live object set is now empty ok 59 - foo undefined ok 60 - no parent scope ok 61 - current scope ok 62 - live object set ok 63 - new scope has parent ok 64 - current scope ok 65 - two live objects ok 66 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 67 - live object set has new anon member ok 68 - current scope ok 69 - live object set ok 70 - live object set ok 71 - scope cleared ok 72 - foo undefined ok 73 - live object set is now empty ok 74 - live object set ok 75 - scope objects ok 76 - scope detached: ok 77 - live object set ok 78 - scope objects ok 79 - live object set ok 80 - scope objects ok 81 - second scope objects ok 82 - disjoint scope death ok 83 - second scope objects ok 84 - live object set is now empty ok 85 - circular refs keep structure alive ok 86 - live object set ok 87 - scope objects ok 88 - no scope objects ok 89 - circular ref still live ok 90 - no current scope ok 91 - live object set is now empty ok 92 - leak tracker called ok 93 - structure has been manually cleared ok 94 - circular refs keep structure alive ok 95 - no scope objects ok 96 - externally referenced object still live ok 97 - no current scope ok 98 - live object set is now empty ok 99 - leak tracker not called ok 100 - immortal object still live isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 101 - 100 live objects ok 102 - not too many live objects 1..102 ok t/moose_triggers.t ............. ok 1 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 2 - successfully set a new value for the 'bar' attribute 1..2 ok t/ref.t ........................ ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Reference; ok 2 - ID in constructor ok 3 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 4 - ID after thaw ok 5 - eq deeply ok 6 - ID in constructor ok 7 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 8 - ID after thaw ok 9 - eq deeply ok 10 - ID in constructor ok 11 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 12 - ID after thaw ok 13 - eq deeply ok 14 - ID in constructor ok 15 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 16 - ID after thaw ok 17 - eq deeply ok 18 - ID in constructor ok 19 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 20 - ID after thaw ok 21 - eq deeply ok 22 - ID in constructor ok 23 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 24 - ID after thaw ok 25 - eq deeply ok 26 - ID in constructor ok 27 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 28 - ID after thaw ok 29 - eq deeply ok 30 - ID in constructor ok 31 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 32 - ID after thaw ok 33 - eq deeply ok 34 - ID in constructor ok 35 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 36 - ID after thaw ok 37 - eq deeply ok 38 - ID in constructor ok 39 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 40 - ID after thaw ok 41 - eq deeply ok 42 - ID in constructor ok 43 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 44 - ID after thaw ok 45 - eq deeply ok 46 - ID in constructor ok 47 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 48 - ID after thaw ok 49 - eq deeply ok 50 - ID in constructor ok 51 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 52 - ID after thaw ok 53 - eq deeply ok 54 - ID in constructor ok 55 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 56 - ID after thaw ok 57 - eq deeply ok 58 - ID in constructor ok 59 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 60 - ID after thaw ok 61 - eq deeply ok 62 - ID in constructor ok 63 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 64 - ID after thaw ok 65 - eq deeply ok 66 - ID in constructor ok 67 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 68 - ID after thaw ok 69 - eq deeply ok 70 - ID in constructor ok 71 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 72 - ID after thaw ok 73 - eq deeply ok 74 - ID in constructor ok 75 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 76 - ID after thaw ok 77 - eq deeply ok 78 - ID in constructor ok 79 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 80 - ID after thaw ok 81 - eq deeply ok 82 - ID in constructor ok 83 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 84 - ID after thaw ok 85 - eq deeply ok 86 - ID in constructor ok 87 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 88 - ID after thaw ok 89 - eq deeply ok 90 - ID in constructor ok 91 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 92 - ID after thaw ok 93 - eq deeply ok 94 - ID in constructor ok 95 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 96 - ID after thaw ok 97 - eq deeply ok 98 - ID in constructor ok 99 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 100 - ID after thaw ok 101 - eq deeply ok 102 - ID in constructor ok 103 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 104 - ID after thaw ok 105 - eq deeply ok 106 - ID in constructor ok 107 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 108 - ID after thaw ok 109 - eq deeply ok 110 - ID in constructor ok 111 - thaw isa KiokuDB::Reference ok 112 - ID after thaw ok 113 - eq deeply 1..113 ok t/scaling.t .................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Test::Fixture::ObjectGraph; ok 3 - no live objects ok 4 - number of objects in DB ok 5 - no live objects ok 6 - one object loaded ok 7 - live objects includes object ok 8 - at least one live object 1 ok 9 - less than the total number of objects ok 10 - one object loaded ok 11 - live objects includes object ok 12 - at least one live object 12 ok 13 - less than the total number of objects ok 14 - one object loaded ok 15 - live objects includes object ok 16 - at least one live object 12 ok 17 - less than the total number of objects ok 18 - one object loaded ok 19 - live objects includes object ok 20 - at least one live object 12 ok 21 - less than the total number of objects ok 22 - one object loaded ok 23 - live objects includes object ok 24 - at least one live object 12 ok 25 - less than the total number of objects ok 26 - one object loaded ok 27 - live objects includes object ok 28 - at least one live object 10 ok 29 - less than the total number of objects ok 30 - one object loaded ok 31 - live objects includes object ok 32 - at least one live object 10 ok 33 - less than the total number of objects ok 34 - one object loaded ok 35 - live objects includes object ok 36 - at least one live object 12 ok 37 - less than the total number of objects ok 38 - one object loaded ok 39 - live objects includes object ok 40 - at least one live object 10 ok 41 - less than the total number of objects ok 42 - one object loaded ok 43 - live objects includes object ok 44 - at least one live object 12 ok 45 - less than the total number of objects ok 46 - one object loaded ok 47 - live objects includes object ok 48 - at least one live object 12 ok 49 - less than the total number of objects ok 50 - one object loaded ok 51 - live objects includes object ok 52 - at least one live object 10 ok 53 - less than the total number of objects ok 54 - one object loaded ok 55 - live objects includes object ok 56 - at least one live object 12 ok 57 - less than the total number of objects ok 58 - one object loaded ok 59 - live objects includes object ok 60 - at least one live object 12 ok 61 - less than the total number of objects ok 62 - one object loaded ok 63 - live objects includes object ok 64 - at least one live object 10 ok 65 - less than the total number of objects ok 66 - one object loaded ok 67 - live objects includes object ok 68 - at least one live object 12 ok 69 - less than the total number of objects ok 70 - one object loaded ok 71 - live objects includes object ok 72 - at least one live object 10 ok 73 - less than the total number of objects ok 74 - one object loaded ok 75 - live objects includes object ok 76 - at least one live object 10 ok 77 - less than the total number of objects ok 78 - one object loaded ok 79 - live objects includes object ok 80 - at least one live object 10 ok 81 - less than the total number of objects ok 82 - one object loaded ok 83 - live objects includes object ok 84 - at least one live object 12 ok 85 - less than the total number of objects ok 86 - one object loaded ok 87 - live objects includes object ok 88 - at least one live object 10 ok 89 - less than the total number of objects ok 90 - one object loaded ok 91 - live objects includes object ok 92 - at least one live object 12 ok 93 - less than the total number of objects ok 94 - no live objects 1..94 ok t/serializer.t ................. ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Serializer; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Serializer::JSON; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Serializer::Storable; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Serializer::YAML; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::Entry; ok 6 - The object does KiokuDB::Serializer ok 7 - The object does KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize ok 8 - non ref ok 9 - got data ok 10 - round tripping ok 11 - serialize_to_stream ok 12 - three entries from stream (1 reads) ok 13 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 14 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 15 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 16 - round tripping ok 17 - The object does KiokuDB::Serializer ok 18 - The object does KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize ok 19 - non ref ok 20 - got data ok 21 - round tripping ok 22 - serialize_to_stream ok 23 - three entries from stream (3 reads) ok 24 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 25 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 26 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 27 - round tripping ok 28 - The object does KiokuDB::Serializer ok 29 - The object does KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize ok 30 - non ref ok 31 - got data ok 32 - round tripping ok 33 - serialize_to_stream ok 34 - three entries from stream (3 reads) ok 35 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 36 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 37 - The object isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 38 - round tripping 1..38 ok t/stream.t ..................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Stream::Objects; ok 4 - can store one ok 5 - can store two ok 6 - can store three ok 7 - can store zero ok 8 - can store four ok 9 - found 4 objects ok 10 - found 4 objects ok 11 - found all objects ok 12 - can delete previously live objects ok 13 - really deleted 1..13 ok t/tied.t ....................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Callback; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Ref; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::Linker; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 7 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 8 - one root set ID ok 9 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 10 - KiokuDB_Test_Foo->bar is a hash ok 11 - tied to Tie::RefHash isa Tie::RefHash ok 12 - one root set ID ok 13 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 14 - KiokuDB_Test_Foo->bar is a hash ok 15 - tied to Tie::RefHash isa Tie::RefHash 1..15 ok # Failed test 'isa entry classes' # at t/typemap.t line 224. # Structures begin differing at: # $got->[0] = 'KiokuDB_Test_CA' # $expected->[0] = 'KiokuDB_Test_Foo' # Failed test 'isa entry classes' # at t/typemap.t line 224. # Structures begin differing at: # $got->[0] = 'KiokuDB_Test_CA' # $expected->[0] = 'KiokuDB_Test_Foo' # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 65. t/typemap.t .................... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Alias; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive; ok 4 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive ok 5 - The object does KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry ok 6 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 7 - resolve regular entry ok 8 - failed resolution of subclass ok 9 - failed resolution of unspecified class ok 10 - failed resolution of random string ok 11 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Alias ok 12 - alias is not a real type entry ok 13 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 14 - resolve regular entry ok 15 - failed resolution of subclass ok 16 - alias resolution ok 17 - failed resolution of random string ok 18 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 19 - resolve isa entry for base class ok 20 - resolve isa entry for subclass ok 21 - failed resolution ok 22 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 23 - resolve isa entry for base class ok 24 - resolve isa entry for subclass ok 25 - alias resolution of isa entry ok 26 - alias resolution of isa entry ok 27 - failed resolution of random string ok 28 - alias to isa entry ok 29 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 30 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 31 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 32 - failed resolution (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 33 - failed resolution (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 34 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 35 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 36 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 37 - failed resolution (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 38 - failed resolution (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 39 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 40 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry (inherit both) ok 41 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry (inherit both) ok 42 - failed resolution (inherit both) ok 43 - failed resolution (inherit both) ok 44 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap ok 45 - isa entry classes ok 46 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 47 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 48 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry for subclass (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 49 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry for subclass (inherit KiokuDB_Test_CA) ok 50 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap not ok 51 - isa entry classes ok 52 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 53 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 54 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry for subclass (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 55 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry for subclass (inherit KiokuDB_Test_Foo) ok 56 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap not ok 57 - isa entry classes ok 58 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry (inherit both) ok 59 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry (inherit both) ok 60 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_CA entry for subclass (inherit both) ok 61 - resolve KiokuDB_Test_Foo entry for subclass (inherit both) ok 62 - regular conflicting with isa entry ok 63 - regular entry conflict ok 64 - isa entry conflict ok 65 - mixed entry conflict 1..65 Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/65 subtests t/typemap_default_json.t ....... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Default::JSON; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 4 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver ok 5 - entry for DateTime ok 6 - compiled ok 7 - expand method ok 8 - entry for DateTime::Duration ok 9 - compiled ok 10 - expand method ok 11 - entry for Path::Class::Entity ok 12 - compiled ok 13 - expand method ok 14 - entry for URI ok 15 - compiled ok 16 - expand method ok 17 - entry for Tie::RefHash ok 18 - compiled ok 19 - expand method ok 20 - entry for Authen::Passphrase ok 21 - compiled ok 22 - expand method ok 23 - entry for JSON::Boolean ok 24 - compiled ok 25 - expand method ok 26 - entry for SCALAR ok 27 - compiled ok 28 - expand method ok 29 - boolean passed through isa JSON::Boolean 1..29 ok t/typemap_default_storable.t ... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Default::Storable; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 4 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver ok 5 - entry for DateTime ok 6 - compiled ok 7 - expand method ok 8 - entry for DateTime::Duration ok 9 - compiled ok 10 - expand method ok 11 - entry for Path::Class::Entity ok 12 - compiled ok 13 - expand method ok 14 - entry for URI ok 15 - compiled ok 16 - expand method ok 17 - entry for Tie::RefHash ok 18 - compiled ok 19 - expand method ok 20 - entry for Authen::Passphrase ok 21 - compiled ok 22 - expand method ok 23 - no JSON::Boolean 1..23 ok t/typemap_entry_callback.t ..... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Callback; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Linker; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 7 - one entry ok 8 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 9 - entry data is not blessed ok 10 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 11 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 12 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 13 - is_deeply 1..13 ok t/typemap_entry_mop.t .......... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::MOP; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Linker; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 7 - use KiokuDB::Role::ID; ok 8 - one entry ok 9 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 10 - entry data is not blessed ok 11 - reftype ok 12 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 13 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 14 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 15 - DoNotSerialize trait honored ok 16 - junk attr ok 17 - DoNotSerialize trait honored ok 18 - trash attr ok 19 - is_deeply ok 20 - one entry ok 21 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 22 - entry data is not blessed ok 23 - reftype ok 24 - is_deeply ok 25 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 26 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 27 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 28 - is_deeply ok 29 - ID attr preserved even if not used ok 30 - one entry ok 31 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 32 - entry data is not blessed ok 33 - reftype ok 34 - is_deeply ok 35 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 36 - inner obeject isa KiokuDB_Test_Bar ok 37 - ID attr preserved even if not used ok 38 - The object does KiokuDB_Test_Gorch ok 39 - anon class ok 40 - one entry ok 41 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 42 - entry data is not blessed ok 43 - reftype ok 44 - is_deeply ok 45 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 46 - inner obeject isa KiokuDB_Test_Value ok 47 - one entry ok 48 - normal entry ok 49 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 50 - entry data is not blessed ok 51 - reftype ok 52 - is_deeply ok 53 - ID is the same ok 54 - skipped entry on second insert ok 55 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 56 - attr value ok 57 - attr refreshed ok 58 - bar recreated ok 59 - expanded object upgraded isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 60 - upgraded entry written back isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 61 - correct class version ok 62 - expanded object upgraded isa KiokuDB_Test_Once ok 63 - upgraded entry written back isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 64 - correct class version ok 65 - one entry ok 66 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 67 - entry data is not blessed ok 68 - reftype ok 69 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 70 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 71 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 72 - DoNotSerialize trait honored ok 73 - junk attr ok 74 - DoNotSerialize trait honored ok 75 - trash attr ok 76 - is_deeply ok 77 - two entries ok 78 - custom ID exists ok 79 - right object ok 80 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 81 - entry data is not blessed ok 82 - reftype ok 83 - is_deeply ok 84 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 85 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 86 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 87 - is_deeply ok 88 - ID attr preserved even if not used ok 89 - two entries ok 90 - custom ID exists ok 91 - right object ok 92 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 93 - entry data is not blessed ok 94 - reftype ok 95 - is_deeply ok 96 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 97 - inner obeject isa KiokuDB_Test_Bar ok 98 - ID attr preserved even if not used ok 99 - The object does KiokuDB_Test_Gorch ok 100 - anon class ok 101 - one entry ok 102 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 103 - entry data is not blessed ok 104 - reftype ok 105 - is_deeply ok 106 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 107 - inner obeject isa KiokuDB_Test_Value ok 108 - one entry ok 109 - normal entry ok 110 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 111 - entry data is not blessed ok 112 - reftype ok 113 - is_deeply ok 114 - ID is the same ok 115 - skipped entry on second insert ok 116 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 117 - attr value ok 118 - attr refreshed ok 119 - bar left in place ok 120 - expanded object upgraded isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 121 - upgraded entry written back isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 122 - correct class version ok 123 - expanded object upgraded isa KiokuDB_Test_Bar ok 124 - upgraded entry written back isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 125 - correct class version ok 126 - expanded object upgraded isa KiokuDB_Test_Once ok 127 - upgraded entry written back isa KiokuDB::Entry ok 128 - correct class version 1..128 ok t/typemap_entry_naive.t ........ ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Linker; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 7 - one entry ok 8 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 9 - entry data is not blessed ok 10 - reftype ok 11 - is_deeply ok 12 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 13 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 14 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 15 - is_deeply ok 16 - one entry ok 17 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 18 - entry data is not blessed ok 19 - reftype ok 20 - is_deeply ok 21 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 22 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 23 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 24 - is_deeply 1..24 ok t/typemap_entry_passthrough.t .. ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Passthrough; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::Linker; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 7 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 8 - one entry ok 9 - entry data isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 10 - refaddr equals ok 11 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 12 - refaddr equals ok 13 - one entry ok 14 - entry data not blessed ok 15 - intrinsic entry isa KiokuDB_Test_Bar ok 16 - refaddr equals ok 17 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Gorch ok 18 - expanded intrinsic refaddr ok 19 - eq deeply ok 20 - one entry ok 21 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Gorch ok 22 - expanded intrinsic refaddr ok 23 - eq deeply ok 24 - one entry ok 25 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Gorch ok 26 - expanded intrinsic refaddr ok 27 - eq deeply 1..27 ok t/typemap_entry_storable.t ..... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::StorableHook; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::Collapser; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Linker; ok 5 - use KiokuDB::LiveObjects; ok 6 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 7 - one entry ok 8 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 9 - entry data is not blessed ok 10 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 11 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 12 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 13 - is_deeply ok 14 - two entries ok 15 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 16 - entry data is not blessed ok 17 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 18 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 19 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 20 - is_deeply ok 21 - two entries ok 22 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 23 - entry data is not blessed ok 24 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 25 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 26 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 27 - is_deeply ok 28 - circular ref ok 29 - weakened ok 30 - no live objects ok 31 - one entry ok 32 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 33 - entry data is not blessed ok 34 - expanded object isa KiokuDB_Test_Gorch ok 35 - refaddr doesn't equal ok 36 - refaddr doesn't entry data refaddr ok 37 - is_deeply 1..37 ok t/typemap_extra.t .............. ok 1 - use KiokuDB; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 3 - can store foo ok 4 - can't store bar ok 5 - can store baz ok 6 - can store qux ok 7 - lookup foo ok 8 - lookup baz ok 9 - lookup qux ok 10 - bar doesn't exist ok 11 - can store Class::Accessor ok 12 - is_deeply ok 13 - can store Object::Tiny ok 14 - is_deeply ok 15 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 16 - is_deeply ok 17 - can store foo ok 18 - can't store bar ok 19 - can store baz ok 20 - can store qux ok 21 - lookup foo ok 22 - lookup baz ok 23 - lookup qux ok 24 - bar doesn't exist ok 25 - can store Class::Accessor ok 26 - is_deeply ok 27 - can store Object::Tiny ok 28 - is_deeply ok 29 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 30 - is_deeply ok 31 - can store foo ok 32 - can't store bar ok 33 - can store baz ok 34 - can store qux ok 35 - lookup foo ok 36 - lookup baz ok 37 - lookup qux ok 38 - bar doesn't exist ok 39 - can store Class::Accessor ok 40 - is_deeply ok 41 - can store Object::Tiny ok 42 - is_deeply ok 43 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 44 - is_deeply ok 45 - can store foo ok 46 - can't store bar ok 47 - can store baz ok 48 - can store qux ok 49 - lookup foo ok 50 - lookup baz ok 51 - lookup qux ok 52 - bar doesn't exist ok 53 - can store Class::Accessor ok 54 - is_deeply ok 55 - can store Object::Tiny ok 56 - is_deeply ok 57 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 58 - is_deeply ok 59 - can store foo ok 60 - can't store bar ok 61 - can store baz ok 62 - can store qux ok 63 - lookup foo ok 64 - lookup baz ok 65 - lookup qux ok 66 - bar doesn't exist ok 67 - can store Class::Accessor ok 68 - is_deeply ok 69 - can store Object::Tiny ok 70 - is_deeply ok 71 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 72 - is_deeply ok 73 - can store foo ok 74 - can't store bar ok 75 - can store baz ok 76 - can store qux ok 77 - lookup foo ok 78 - lookup baz ok 79 - lookup qux ok 80 - bar doesn't exist ok 81 - can store Class::Accessor ok 82 - is_deeply ok 83 - can store Object::Tiny ok 84 - is_deeply ok 85 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 86 - is_deeply ok 87 - can store foo ok 88 - can't store bar ok 89 - can store baz ok 90 - can store qux ok 91 - lookup foo ok 92 - lookup baz ok 93 - lookup qux ok 94 - bar doesn't exist ok 95 - can store Class::Accessor ok 96 - is_deeply ok 97 - can store Object::Tiny ok 98 - is_deeply ok 99 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 100 - is_deeply ok 101 - can store foo ok 102 - can't store bar ok 103 - can store baz ok 104 - can store qux ok 105 - lookup foo ok 106 - lookup baz ok 107 - lookup qux ok 108 - bar doesn't exist ok 109 - can store Class::Accessor ok 110 - is_deeply ok 111 - can store Object::Tiny ok 112 - is_deeply ok 113 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 114 - is_deeply ok 115 - can store foo ok 116 - can't store bar ok 117 - can store baz ok 118 - can store qux ok 119 - lookup foo ok 120 - lookup baz ok 121 - lookup qux ok 122 - bar doesn't exist ok 123 - can store Class::Accessor ok 124 - is_deeply ok 125 - can store Object::Tiny ok 126 - is_deeply ok 127 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 128 - is_deeply ok 129 - can store foo ok 130 - can't store bar ok 131 - can store baz ok 132 - can store qux ok 133 - lookup foo ok 134 - lookup baz ok 135 - lookup qux ok 136 - bar doesn't exist ok 137 - can store Class::Accessor ok 138 - is_deeply ok 139 - can store Object::Tiny ok 140 - is_deeply ok 141 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 142 - is_deeply ok 143 - can store foo ok 144 - can't store bar ok 145 - can store baz ok 146 - can store qux ok 147 - lookup foo ok 148 - lookup baz ok 149 - lookup qux ok 150 - bar doesn't exist ok 151 - can store Class::Accessor ok 152 - is_deeply ok 153 - can store Object::Tiny ok 154 - is_deeply ok 155 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 156 - is_deeply ok 157 - can store foo ok 158 - can't store bar ok 159 - can store baz ok 160 - can store qux ok 161 - lookup foo ok 162 - lookup baz ok 163 - lookup qux ok 164 - bar doesn't exist ok 165 - can store Class::Accessor ok 166 - is_deeply ok 167 - can store Object::Tiny ok 168 - is_deeply ok 169 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 170 - is_deeply ok 171 - can store foo ok 172 - can't store bar ok 173 - can store baz ok 174 - can store qux ok 175 - lookup foo ok 176 - lookup baz ok 177 - lookup qux ok 178 - bar doesn't exist ok 179 - can store Class::Accessor ok 180 - is_deeply ok 181 - can store Object::Tiny ok 182 - is_deeply ok 183 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 184 - is_deeply ok 185 - can store foo ok 186 - can't store bar ok 187 - can store baz ok 188 - can store qux ok 189 - lookup foo ok 190 - lookup baz ok 191 - lookup qux ok 192 - bar doesn't exist ok 193 - can store Class::Accessor ok 194 - is_deeply ok 195 - can store Object::Tiny ok 196 - is_deeply ok 197 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 198 - is_deeply ok 199 - can store foo ok 200 - can't store bar ok 201 - can store baz ok 202 - can store qux ok 203 - lookup foo ok 204 - lookup baz ok 205 - lookup qux ok 206 - bar doesn't exist ok 207 - can store Class::Accessor ok 208 - is_deeply ok 209 - can store Object::Tiny ok 210 - is_deeply ok 211 - can store Object::InsideOut ok 212 - is_deeply 1..212 ok t/typemap_resolver.t ........... ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver; ok 4 - The object isa KiokuDB::TypeMap::Resolver ok 5 - not yet resolved ok 6 - expand method ok 7 - now it's resolved ok 8 - no method for non existent class ok 9 - no method for unregistered class ok 10 - classes with meta do work ok 11 - code ok 12 - expand method 1..12 ok t/typemap_values.t ............. ok 1 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Callback; ok 2 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Passthrough; ok 3 - use KiokuDB::TypeMap; ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Backend::Hash; ok 5 - use KiokuDB; ok 6 - got id ok 7 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 8 - scalar ref ok 9 - value ok 10 - scalar ref (REF reftype) ok 11 - value ok 12 - The object isa DateTime ok 13 - The object isa DateTime::Duration ok 14 - The object isa URI ok 15 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 16 - value ok 17 - The object isa Set::Object ok 18 - set enumeration isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 19 - got id ok 20 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 21 - scalar ref ok 22 - value ok 23 - scalar ref (REF reftype) ok 24 - value ok 25 - The object isa DateTime ok 26 - The object isa DateTime::Duration ok 27 - The object isa URI ok 28 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 29 - value ok 30 - The object isa Set::Object ok 31 - set enumeration isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 32 - got id ok 33 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 34 - scalar ref ok 35 - value ok 36 - scalar ref (REF reftype) ok 37 - value ok 38 - The object isa DateTime ok 39 - The object isa DateTime::Duration ok 40 - The object isa URI ok 41 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 42 - value ok 43 - The object isa Set::Object ok 44 - set enumeration isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 45 - got id ok 46 - The object isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo ok 47 - scalar ref ok 48 - value ok 49 - scalar ref (REF reftype) # TODO YAML incorrectly thinks scalar refs with weaken backref magic are objects ok 50 - value # TODO YAML incorrectly thinks scalar refs with weaken backref magic are objects ok 51 - The object isa DateTime ok 52 - The object isa DateTime::Duration ok 53 - The object isa URI ok 54 - The object isa Path::Class::File ok 55 - value ok 56 - The object isa Set::Object ok 57 - set enumeration isa KiokuDB_Test_Foo 1..57 ok t/uuid.t ....................... 1..12 ok 1 - use KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::SerialIDs; ok 2 - KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::SerialIDs->can('generate_uuid') ok 3 - KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::SerialIDs generates UUIDs ok 4 - use KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::DataUUID; ok 5 - KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::DataUUID->can('generate_uuid') ok 6 - KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs::DataUUID generates UUIDs ok 7 # skip Can't locate Data/UUID/ in @INC (you may need to install the Data::UUID::LibUUID module) (@INC contains: /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/megalib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/megalib /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/site/lib /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib .) at t/uuid.t line 26. # ok 8 # skip Can't locate Data/UUID/ in @INC (you may need to install the Data::UUID::LibUUID module) (@INC contains: /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/megalib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/megalib /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/site/lib /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib .) at t/uuid.t line 26. # ok 9 # skip Can't locate Data/UUID/ in @INC (you may need to install the Data::UUID::LibUUID module) (@INC contains: /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/megalib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib /home/fly1800/var/megalib /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/site/lib /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib .) at t/uuid.t line 26. # ok 10 - use KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs; ok 11 - KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs->can('generate_uuid') ok 12 - KiokuDB::Role::UUIDs generates UUIDs ok t/versioning.t ................. ok 1 - Class version set ok 2 - no upgrade ok 3 - Class version set ok 4 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 5 - Class version not changed due to noop ok 6 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 7 - Class version updated in storage ok 8 - class upgraded to 0.03 ok 9 - Class version set ok 10 - upgrade handler did not fire twice ok 11 - Class version set ok 12 - no handler for 0.03 ok 13 - Class version set ok 14 - no upgrade ok 15 - Class version set ok 16 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 17 - Class version not changed due to noop ok 18 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 19 - Class version updated in storage ok 20 - class upgraded to 0.03 ok 21 - Class version set ok 22 - upgrade handler did not fire twice ok 23 - Class version set ok 24 - no handler for 0.03 ok 25 - Class version set ok 26 - no upgrade ok 27 - Class version set ok 28 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 29 - Class version not changed due to noop ok 30 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 31 - Class version updated in storage ok 32 - class upgraded to 0.03 ok 33 - Class version set ok 34 - upgrade handler did not fire twice ok 35 - Class version set ok 36 - no handler for 0.03 ok 37 - Class version set ok 38 - no upgrade ok 39 - Class version set ok 40 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 41 - Class version not changed due to noop ok 42 - upgrade to 0.02 is noop ok 43 - Class version updated in storage ok 44 - class upgraded to 0.03 ok 45 - Class version set ok 46 - upgrade handler did not fire twice ok 47 - Class version set ok 48 - no handler for 0.03 1..48 ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/typemap.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 65 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 51, 57 Non-zero exit status: 2 t/typemap_values.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 57 Failed: 0) TODO passed: 49-50 Files=34, Tests=23924, 136 wallclock secs ( 2.31 usr 3.05 sys + 121.77 cusr 8.38 csys = 135.51 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/34 test programs. 2/23924 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255 DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Running test for module 'Search::GIN' Running make for D/DR/DRUOSO/Search-GIN-0.08.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'KiokuDB::Backend::Role::GC' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Query::GIN' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'KiokuDB::Backend::Serialize::Delegate' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'KiokuDB::Backend::Role::Concurrency::POSIX' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'KiokuDB::TypeMap' Running make for D/DO/DOY/KiokuDB-0.52.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/KiokuDB-0.52-bcfTsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Won't repeat unsuccessful test during this command Has already been tested within this command Running test for module 'DBIx::Class' Running make for R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.08250.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.08250.tar.gz ok DBIx-Class-0.08250/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/Balancer/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/Balancer/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/Balancer/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Replicated/Introduction.pod DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/MS_Jet/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/MS_Jet/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/Microsoft_SQL_Server/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/Microsoft_SQL_Server/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ADO/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ODBC/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ODBC/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ODBC/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ODBC/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ODBC/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ODBC/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/Microsoft_SQL_Server/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/Microsoft_SQL_Server/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ASE/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ASE/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Sybase/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Oracle/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Oracle/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Oracle/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/SQLAnywhere/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/SQLAnywhere/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Firebird/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI/Firebird/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLMaker/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/lib/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks/ 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DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/mk_group_accessors.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/02-Film.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/multi_column_set.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/sweet/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/sweet/08pager.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/16-reserved.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/12-filter.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/23-cascade.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/DeepAbstractSearch/01_search.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/set_to_undef.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/construct.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/98-failure.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/04-lazy.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/copy.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/08-inheritcols.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/09-has_many.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/03-subclassing.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/30-pager.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/hasa_without_loading.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/early_column_heisenbug.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/13-constraint.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/19-set_sql.t DBIx-Class-0.08250/t/cdbi/set_vs_DateTime.t 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DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/40_script.bash DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/60_after_script.bash DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/50_after_failure.bash DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/20_install.bash DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/10_before_install.bash DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/50_after_success.bash DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/gen_pod_index DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/gen_pod_inherit DBIx-Class-0.08250/maint/gen_schema DBIx-Class-0.08250/MANIFEST DBIx-Class-0.08250/script/ DBIx-Class-0.08250/script/dbicadmin DBIx-Class-0.08250/Changes DBIx-Class-0.08250/README DBIx-Class-0.08250/META.yml Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building R/RI/RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.08250.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.06 *** Checking for Perl dependencies... *** Since we're running under CPAN, I'll just let it take care of the dependency's installation later. [Core Features] - DBD::SQLite ...loaded. (1.39 >= 1.29) - File::Temp ...loaded. (0.2301 >= 0.22) - Package::Stash ...loaded. (0.34 >= 0.28) - Test::Builder ...loaded. (0.98 >= 0.94) - Test::Deep ...loaded. (0.110 >= 0.101) - Test::Exception ...loaded. (0.32 >= 0.31) - Test::More ...loaded. (0.98 >= 0.94) - Test::Warn ...loaded. (0.24 >= 0.21) - Class::Accessor::Grouped ...loaded. (0.10010 >= 0.10010) - Class::C3::Componentised ...loaded. (1.001000 >= 1.0009) - Class::Inspector ...loaded. (1.28 >= 1.24) - Config::Any ...loaded. (0.23 >= 0.20) - Context::Preserve ...loaded. (0.01 >= 0.01) - DBI ...loaded. (1.627 >= 1.57) - Data::Compare ...loaded. (1.22 >= 1.22) - Data::Dumper::Concise ...loaded. (2.020 >= 2.020) - Data::Page ...loaded. (2.02 >= 2.00) - Devel::GlobalDestruction ...loaded. (0.11 >= 0.09) - File::Spec ...loaded. (3.40 >= 3.30) - Hash::Merge ...loaded. (0.12 >= 0.12) - List::Util ...loaded. (1.27 >= 1.16) - MRO::Compat ...loaded. (0.12 >= 0.12) - Module::Find ...loaded. (0.11 >= 0.07) - Moo ...loaded. (1.002000 >= 1.000006) - Path::Class ...loaded. (0.32 >= 0.18) - SQL::Abstract ...loaded. (1.74 >= 1.73) - Scope::Guard ...loaded. (0.20 >= 0.03) - Sub::Name ...loaded. (0.05 >= 0.04) - Text::Balanced ...loaded. (2.02 >= 2.00) - Try::Tiny ...loaded. (0.12 >= 0.07) - namespace::clean ...loaded. (0.24 >= 0.24) *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished. Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for DBIx::Class Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- RIBASUSHI/DBIx-Class-0.08250.tar.gz ---- Context::Preserve [requires] Class::Inspector [requires] Test::Deep [requires] Data::Dumper::Concise [requires] namespace::clean [requires] Class::C3::Componentised [requires] Moo [requires] Hash::Merge [requires] Test::Warn [requires] SQL::Abstract [requires] Path::Class [requires] Module::Find [requires] Config::Any [requires] Class::Accessor::Grouped [requires] Data::Compare [requires] Data::Page [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Context::Preserve' Running make for J/JR/JROCKWAY/Context-Preserve-0.01.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/J/JR/JROCKWAY/Context-Preserve-0.01.tar.gz ok Context-Preserve-0.01/ Context-Preserve-0.01/Makefile.PL Context-Preserve-0.01/t/ Context-Preserve-0.01/t/author/ Context-Preserve-0.01/t/author/pod-coverage.t Context-Preserve-0.01/t/author/pod.t Context-Preserve-0.01/t/00-load.t Context-Preserve-0.01/t/basic.t Context-Preserve-0.01/README Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/inc/Module/Install/ Context-Preserve-0.01/MANIFEST Context-Preserve-0.01/.gitignore Context-Preserve-0.01/META.yml Context-Preserve-0.01/lib/ Context-Preserve-0.01/lib/Context/ Context-Preserve-0.01/lib/Context/ Context-Preserve-0.01/MANIFEST.SKIP Context-Preserve-0.01/Changes Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building J/JR/JROCKWAY/Context-Preserve-0.01.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Cannot determine perl version info from lib/Context/ Cannot determine license info from lib/Context/ Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Context::Preserve Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Context/ blib/lib/Context/ Manifying blib/man3/Context::Preserve.3 JROCKWAY/Context-Preserve-0.01.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 18 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00-load.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - use Context::Preserve; ok t/basic.t .... 1..12 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 - threw Regexp ((?^:need an "after" or "replace" coderef)) ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=13, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 0.07 cusr 0.02 csys = 0.14 CPU) Result: PASS JROCKWAY/Context-Preserve-0.01.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Context-Preserve-0.01 already made Running test for module 'Class::Inspector' Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.28.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 19 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.28.tar.gz ok Class-Inspector-1.28/ Class-Inspector-1.28/README Class-Inspector-1.28/Makefile.PL Class-Inspector-1.28/LICENSE Class-Inspector-1.28/xt/ Class-Inspector-1.28/xt/meta.t Class-Inspector-1.28/xt/pmv.t Class-Inspector-1.28/xt/pod.t Class-Inspector-1.28/META.yml Class-Inspector-1.28/t/ Class-Inspector-1.28/t/01_compile.t Class-Inspector-1.28/t/02_main.t Class-Inspector-1.28/t/03_inc_to_local.t Class-Inspector-1.28/t/04_main_functions.t Class-Inspector-1.28/MANIFEST Class-Inspector-1.28/MYMETA.json Class-Inspector-1.28/Changes Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Inspector-1.28/inc/Module/ Class-Inspector-1.28/lib/ Class-Inspector-1.28/lib/Class/ Class-Inspector-1.28/lib/Class/Inspector/ Class-Inspector-1.28/lib/Class/Inspector/ Class-Inspector-1.28/lib/Class/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 19 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building A/AD/ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.28.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Class::Inspector Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Class/ blib/lib/Class/ cp lib/Class/Inspector/ blib/lib/Class/Inspector/ Manifying blib/man3/Class::Inspector.3 Manifying blib/man3/Class::Inspector::Functions.3 ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.28.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 19 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01_compile.t ......... 1..2 ok 1 - Your perl is new enough ok 2 - use Class::Inspector; ok t/02_main.t ............ 1..54 ok 1 - Class validator works for known valid ok 2 - Class validator works for correctly formatted, but not installed ok 3 - Class validator works for long classes ok 4 - Class validator allows main ok 5 - Class validator works for main aliased ok 6 - Class validator failed for missing class ok 7 - Class validator fails for number starting class ok 8 - Class validator catches bad characters ok 9 - ->loaded detects loaded ok 10 - ->loaded detects not loaded ok 11 - ->filename works correctly ok 12 - ->_inc_filename works correctly ok 13 - ->loaded_filename works ok 14 - ->loaded_filename works ok 15 - ->resolved_filename works ok 16 - ->resolved_filename works ok 17 - ->installed detects installed ok 18 - ->installed detects not installed ok 19 - ->functions works correctly ok 20 - ->functions fails correctly ok 21 - ->function_refs works correctly ok 22 - ->function_refs fails correctly ok 23 - ->function_exists detects function that exists ok 24 - ->function_exists fails for bad function ok 25 - ->function_exists fails for missing function ok 26 - ->function_exists fails for bad class ok 27 - ->methods works for non-inheriting class ok 28 - ->methods works for inheriting class ok 29 - ->methods fails correctly ok 30 - Public ->methods works for non-inheriting class ok 31 - Public ->methods works for inheriting class ok 32 - Public ->methods fails correctly ok 33 - Private ->methods works for non-inheriting class ok 34 - Private ->methods works for inheriting class ok 35 - Private ->methods fails correctly ok 36 - Full ->methods works for non-inheriting class ok 37 - Full ->methods works for inheriting class ok 38 - Full ->methods fails correctly ok 39 - Expanded ->methods works for non-inheriting class ok 40 - Expanded ->methods works for inheriting class ok 41 - Expanded ->methods fails correctly ok 42 - Public and private ->methods clash correctly ok 43 - Public and private ->methods clash correctly ok 44 - Full and expanded ->methods class correctly ok 45 - Full and expanded ->methods class correctly ok 46 - Public + Expanded ->methods works for non-inheriting class ok 47 - Public + Expanded ->methods works for inheriting class ok 48 - Expanded ->methods fails correctly ok 49 - ->subclasses(bad) returns undef ok 50 - ->subclasses(none) returns false ok 51 - ->subclasses(CI) returns just itself ok 52 - ->subclasses(nontrivial) returns the expected class list ok 53 - ->loaded returns false for spurious glob in package ok 54 - ->subclasses in the presence of an evil ->isa does not crash ok t/03_inc_to_local.t .... 1..2 ok 1 # skip Skipping Win32 test ok 2 - Found ourself ok t/04_main_functions.t .. 1..21 ok 1 - exported function 'installed' was found ok 2 - exported function 'loaded' was found ok 3 - exported function 'filename' was found ok 4 - exported function 'functions' was found ok 5 - exported function 'methods' was found ok 6 - exported function 'subclasses' was found ok 7 - optionally exported function 'loaded_filename' was not found ok 8 - optionally exported function 'function_refs' was not found ok 9 - optionally exported function 'function_exists' was not found ok 10 - optionally exported function 'loaded_filename' was found after full import ok 11 - optionally exported function 'function_refs' was found after full import ok 12 - optionally exported function 'function_exists' was found after full import ok 13 - loaded detects loaded ok 14 - loaded detects not loaded ok 15 - filename works correctly ok 16 - loaded_filename works ok 17 - loaded_filename works ok 18 - resolved_filename works ok 19 - resolved_filename works ok 20 - installed detects installed ok 21 - installed detects not installed ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=79, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.01 sys + 0.21 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.30 CPU) Result: PASS ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.28.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Class-Inspector-1.28 already made Running test for module 'Test::Deep' Running make for R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz ok Test-Deep-0.110/ Test-Deep-0.110/CHANGES Test-Deep-0.110/lib/ Test-Deep-0.110/Makefile.PL Test-Deep-0.110/MANIFEST Test-Deep-0.110/META.json Test-Deep-0.110/META.yml Test-Deep-0.110/README Test-Deep-0.110/t/ Test-Deep-0.110/TODO Test-Deep-0.110/t/all.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/any.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/array.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/array_each.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/arraylength.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/bag.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/bagrecursion.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/blessed.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/boolean.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/cache.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/circular.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/class.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/code.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/deep_utils.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/descend.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/error.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/hash.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/hash_each.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/hashkeys.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/ignore.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/isa.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/listmethods.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/memory.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/methods.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/notest.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/notest_extra.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/number.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/ Test-Deep-0.110/t/reftype.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/regexp.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/regexp.t.orig Test-Deep-0.110/t/regexpref.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/scalar.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/scalarref.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/set.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/shallow.t Test-Deep-0.110/t/ Test-Deep-0.110/t/string.t Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/Cache/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/ Test-Deep-0.110/lib/Test/Deep/Cache/ /bin/tar: Read 2048 bytes from - Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::Deep Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz ---- Test::NoWarnings [requires] Test::Tester [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Test::NoWarnings' Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/Test-NoWarnings-1.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Test-NoWarnings-1.04.tar.gz ok Test-NoWarnings-1.04/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/META.json Test-NoWarnings-1.04/META.yml Test-NoWarnings-1.04/LICENSE Test-NoWarnings-1.04/Makefile.PL Test-NoWarnings-1.04/README Test-NoWarnings-1.04/xt/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/xt/pmv.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/xt/meta.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/xt/pod.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/MANIFEST Test-NoWarnings-1.04/lib/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/lib/Test/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/lib/Test/NoWarnings/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/lib/Test/NoWarnings/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/lib/Test/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/MYMETA.json Test-NoWarnings-1.04/Changes Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/ Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/04_no_tests.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/01_compile.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/02_none.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/03_end.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/05_no_end.t Test-NoWarnings-1.04/t/06_fork.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building A/AD/ADAMK/Test-NoWarnings-1.04.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::NoWarnings Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/ cp lib/Test/NoWarnings/ blib/lib/Test/NoWarnings/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::NoWarnings.3 ADAMK/Test-NoWarnings-1.04.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 20 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/01_compile.t ... 1..4 ok 1 - require Test::NoWarnings; ok 2 - Loaded Test::NoWarnings ok 3 - Loaded Test::NoWarnings::Warning ok 4 - Loaded matching Test::NoWarnings::Warning ok t/02_none.t ...... ok 1 - Test 'no warns' completed ok 2 - Test 'no warns' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'no warns' result count ok 4 - subtest 'check warns' of 'no warns' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - Test '1 warn' completed ok 7 - Test '1 warn' no premature diagnostication ok 8 - Test '1 warn' result count ok 9 - subtest 'check warns' of '1 warn' compare actual_ok ok 10 - checking depth ok 11 - 1 warn diag ok 12 - 1 warn diag test num ok 13 - 1 warn diag has warn ok 14 - carp level b ok 15 - carp level a ok 16 - The object isa Devel::StackTrace ok 17 - Test 'clear warns' completed ok 18 - Test 'clear warns' no premature diagnostication ok 19 - Test 'clear warns' result count ok 20 - subtest 'check warns' of 'clear warns' compare actual_ok ok 21 - checking depth ok 22 - Test '2 warn' completed ok 23 - Test '2 warn' no premature diagnostication ok 24 - Test '2 warn' result count ok 25 - subtest 'check warns empty' of '2 warn' compare actual_ok ok 26 - checking depth ok 27 - subtest 'check warns' of '2 warn' compare actual_ok ok 28 - checking depth ok 29 - 2 warn diag ok 30 - 2 warn diag test num ok 31 - 2 warn diag has warn 1..31 ok t/03_end.t ....... 1..6 ok 1 - Test '' result count ok 2 - subtest '' of '' compare actual_ok ok 3 - subtest '' of '' compare actual_ok ok 4 - warn diag ok 5 - warn diag test num ok 6 - warn diag has warn ok t/04_no_tests.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - no warnings ok t/05_no_end.t .... 1..2 ok 1 - just testing ok 2 - no warnings ok t/06_fork.t ...... 1..2 ok 1 - just testing ok 2 - no warnings ok All tests successful. Files=6, Tests=46, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 0.27 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.41 CPU) Result: PASS ADAMK/Test-NoWarnings-1.04.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Test-NoWarnings-1.04 already made Running test for module 'Test::Tester' Running make for F/FD/FDALY/Test-Tester-0.109.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FD/FDALY/Test-Tester-0.109.tar.gz ok Test-Tester-0.109/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/Test/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/Test/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/Test/Tester/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/Test/Tester/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/Test/Tester/ Test-Tester-0.109/lib/Test/Tester/ Test-Tester-0.109/README Test-Tester-0.109/TODO Test-Tester-0.109/t/ Test-Tester-0.109/t/ Test-Tester-0.109/t/run_test.t Test-Tester-0.109/t/ Test-Tester-0.109/t/check_tests.t Test-Tester-0.109/t/depth.t Test-Tester-0.109/t/auto.t Test-Tester-0.109/t/capture.t Test-Tester-0.109/t/fail/ Test-Tester-0.109/t/fail/fail.t Test-Tester-0.109/CHANGES Test-Tester-0.109/MANIFEST Test-Tester-0.109/Makefile.PL Test-Tester-0.109/META.json Test-Tester-0.109/ARTISTIC Test-Tester-0.109/META.yml Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building F/FD/FDALY/Test-Tester-0.109.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::Tester Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Test/Tester/ blib/lib/Test/Tester/ cp lib/Test/Tester/ blib/lib/Test/Tester/ cp lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/ cp lib/Test/Tester/ blib/lib/Test/Tester/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::Tester::Capture.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Tester::CaptureRunner.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Tester.3 FDALY/Test-Tester-0.109.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 21 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/auto.t ......... 1..5 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok t/capture.t ...... 1..3 ok 1 - current test ok 2 - can't set test_num ok 3 - res count ok t/check_tests.t .. 1..105 ok 1 - Test 'pass' completed ok 2 - Test 'pass' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'pass' result count ok 4 - subtest 'pass' of 'pass' compare ok ok 5 - subtest 'pass' of 'pass' compare actual_ok ok 6 - subtest 'pass' of 'pass' compare type ok 7 - subtest 'pass' of 'pass' compare reason ok 8 - subtest 'pass' of 'pass' compare name ok 9 - checking depth ok 10 - subtest 'pass' of 'pass' compare diag ok 11 - Test 'pass diag' completed ok 12 - Test 'pass diag' no premature diagnostication ok 13 - Test 'pass diag' result count ok 14 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag' compare ok ok 15 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag' compare actual_ok ok 16 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag' compare type ok 17 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag' compare reason ok 18 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag' compare name ok 19 - checking depth ok 20 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag' compare diag ok 21 - Test 'pass diag no \n' completed ok 22 - Test 'pass diag no \n' no premature diagnostication ok 23 - Test 'pass diag no \n' result count ok 24 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag no \n' compare ok ok 25 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag no \n' compare actual_ok ok 26 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag no \n' compare type ok 27 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag no \n' compare reason ok 28 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag no \n' compare name ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'pass diag no \n' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'fail' completed ok 32 - Test 'fail' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'fail' result count ok 34 - subtest 'fail' of 'fail' compare ok ok 35 - subtest 'fail' of 'fail' compare actual_ok ok 36 - subtest 'fail' of 'fail' compare type ok 37 - subtest 'fail' of 'fail' compare reason ok 38 - subtest 'fail' of 'fail' compare name ok 39 - checking depth ok 40 - subtest 'fail' of 'fail' compare diag ok 41 - Test 'skip' completed ok 42 - Test 'skip' no premature diagnostication ok 43 - Test 'skip' result count ok 44 - subtest '' of 'skip' compare ok ok 45 - subtest '' of 'skip' compare actual_ok ok 46 - subtest '' of 'skip' compare type ok 47 - subtest '' of 'skip' compare reason ok 48 - subtest '' of 'skip' compare name ok 49 - checking depth ok 50 - subtest '' of 'skip' compare diag ok 51 - Test 'todo_skip' completed ok 52 - Test 'todo_skip' no premature diagnostication ok 53 - Test 'todo_skip' result count ok 54 - subtest '' of 'todo_skip' compare ok ok 55 - subtest '' of 'todo_skip' compare actual_ok ok 56 - subtest '' of 'todo_skip' compare type ok 57 - subtest '' of 'todo_skip' compare reason ok 58 - subtest '' of 'todo_skip' compare name ok 59 - checking depth ok 60 - subtest '' of 'todo_skip' compare diag ok 61 - Test 'run all' completed ok 62 - Test 'run all' no premature diagnostication ok 63 - Test 'run all' result count ok 64 - subtest 'pass' of 'run all' compare ok ok 65 - subtest 'pass' of 'run all' compare actual_ok ok 66 - subtest 'pass' of 'run all' compare type ok 67 - subtest 'pass' of 'run all' compare reason ok 68 - subtest 'pass' of 'run all' compare name ok 69 - checking depth ok 70 - subtest 'pass' of 'run all' compare diag ok 71 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare ok ok 72 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare actual_ok ok 73 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare type ok 74 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare reason ok 75 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare name ok 76 - checking depth ok 77 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare diag ok 78 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare ok ok 79 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare actual_ok ok 80 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare type ok 81 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare reason ok 82 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare name ok 83 - checking depth ok 84 - subtest 'pass diag' of 'run all' compare diag ok 85 - subtest 'fail' of 'run all' compare ok ok 86 - subtest 'fail' of 'run all' compare actual_ok ok 87 - subtest 'fail' of 'run all' compare type ok 88 - subtest 'fail' of 'run all' compare reason ok 89 - subtest 'fail' of 'run all' compare name ok 90 - checking depth ok 91 - subtest 'fail' of 'run all' compare diag ok 92 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare ok ok 93 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare actual_ok ok 94 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare type ok 95 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare reason ok 96 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare name ok 97 - checking depth ok 98 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare diag ok 99 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare ok ok 100 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare actual_ok ok 101 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare type ok 102 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare reason ok 103 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare name ok 104 - checking depth ok 105 - subtest '' of 'run all' compare diag ok t/depth.t ........ 1..2 ok 1 - depth 1 ok 2 - deeper ok t/run_test.t ..... 1..54 ok 1 - run pass no prem ok 2 - run pass result count ok 3 - run pass name ok 4 - run pass ok ok 5 - run pass actual_ok ok 6 - run pass reason ok 7 - run pass type ok 8 - run pass diag ok 9 - run pass depth ok 10 - run fail no prem ok 11 - run fail result count ok 12 - run fail name ok 13 - run fail actual_ok ok 14 - run fail ok ok 15 - run fail reason ok 16 - run fail type ok 17 - run fail diag ok 18 - run fail depth ok 19 - skip no prem ok 20 - skip result count ok 21 - skip name ok 22 - skip actual_ok ok 23 - skip ok ok 24 - skip reason ok 25 - skip type ok 26 - skip diag ok 27 - skip depth ok 28 - todo_skip no prem ok 29 - todo_skip result count ok 30 - todo_skip name ok 31 - todo_skip actual_ok ok 32 - todo_skip ok ok 33 - todo_skip reason ok 34 - todo_skip type ok 35 - todo_skip diag ok 36 - todo_skip depth ok 37 - run diag prem ok 38 - run diag result count ok 39 - run multi no prem ok 40 - run multi result count ok 41 - run multi pass name ok 42 - run multi pass actual_ok ok 43 - run multi pass ok ok 44 - run multi pass reason ok 45 - run multi pass type ok 46 - run multi pass diag ok 47 - run multi pass depth ok 48 - run multi fail name ok 49 - run multi fail actual_ok ok 50 - run multi fail ok ok 51 - run multi fail reason ok 52 - run multi fail type ok 53 - run multi fail diag ok 54 - run multi fail depth ok All tests successful. Files=5, Tests=169, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.02 sys + 0.23 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.36 CPU) Result: PASS FDALY/Test-Tester-0.109.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Test-Tester-0.109 already made Running make for R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Deep-0.110-qBffwk Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building R/RJ/RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/ blib/lib/Test/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/Cache/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/Cache/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ cp lib/Test/Deep/ blib/lib/Test/Deep/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::Deep::NoTest.3 Manifying blib/man3/Test::Deep.3 RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 22 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/all.t ........... ok 1 - Test 'all eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'all eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'all eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'all eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'all eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'all not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'all not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'all not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'all not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'all not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'all with &' completed ok 14 - Test 'all with &' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'all with &' result count ok 16 - subtest 'pass' of 'all with &' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest 'fail' of 'all with &' compare actual_ok ok 19 - checking depth ok 20 - Test '& without all' completed ok 21 - Test '& without all' no premature diagnostication ok 22 - Test '& without all' result count ok 23 - subtest 'pass' of '& without all' compare actual_ok ok 24 - checking depth ok 25 - subtest 'pass' of '& without all' compare diag ok 26 - subtest 'fail' of '& without all' compare actual_ok ok 27 - checking depth ok 28 - no warnings 1..28 ok t/any.t ........... ok 1 - Test 'any eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'any eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'any eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'any eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'any eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'any not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'any not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'any not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'any not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'any not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'any with |' completed ok 14 - Test 'any with |' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'any with |' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'any with |' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'any with |' compare diag ok 19 - Test '| without any' completed ok 20 - Test '| without any' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test '| without any' result count ok 22 - subtest 'pass' of '| without any' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest 'fail' of '| without any' compare actual_ok ok 25 - checking depth ok 26 - no warnings 1..26 ok t/array.t ......... ok 1 - Test '' completed ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test '' result count ok 4 - subtest 'array eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest 'array eq' of '' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest 'array eq' of '' compare diag ok 8 - Test '' completed ok 9 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 10 - Test '' result count ok 11 - subtest 'array not eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 12 - subtest 'array not eq' of '' compare name ok 13 - checking depth ok 14 - subtest 'array not eq' of '' compare diag ok 15 - Test '' completed ok 16 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 17 - Test '' result count ok 18 - subtest 'array got DNE' of '' compare actual_ok ok 19 - subtest 'array got DNE' of '' compare name ok 20 - checking depth ok 21 - subtest 'array got DNE' of '' compare diag ok 22 - Test '' completed ok 23 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 24 - Test '' result count ok 25 - subtest 'array expected DNE' of '' compare actual_ok ok 26 - subtest 'array expected DNE' of '' compare name ok 27 - checking depth ok 28 - subtest 'array expected DNE' of '' compare diag ok 29 - Test 'deep bad length' completed ok 30 - Test 'deep bad length' no premature diagnostication ok 31 - Test 'deep bad length' result count ok 32 - subtest '' of 'deep bad length' compare actual_ok ok 33 - checking depth ok 34 - subtest '' of 'deep bad length' compare diag ok 35 - no warnings 1..35 ok t/array_each.t .... ok 1 - Test 'array_each eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'array_each eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'array_each eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'array_each eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'array_each eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'array_each not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'array_each not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'array_each not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'array_each not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'array_each not eq' compare diag ok 13 - no warnings 1..13 ok t/arraylength.t ... ok 1 - Test 'len ok' completed ok 2 - Test 'len ok' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'len ok' result count ok 4 - subtest '0' of 'len ok' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest '0' of 'len ok' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest '0' of 'len ok' compare diag ok 8 - subtest '3' of 'len ok' compare actual_ok ok 9 - subtest '3' of 'len ok' compare name ok 10 - checking depth ok 11 - subtest '3' of 'len ok' compare diag ok 12 - Test 'bad reftype' completed ok 13 - Test 'bad reftype' no premature diagnostication ok 14 - Test 'bad reftype' result count ok 15 - subtest '' of 'bad reftype' compare actual_ok ok 16 - checking depth ok 17 - subtest '' of 'bad reftype' compare diag ok 18 - Test 'bad length' completed ok 19 - Test 'bad length' no premature diagnostication ok 20 - Test 'bad length' result count ok 21 - subtest '' of 'bad length' compare actual_ok ok 22 - checking depth ok 23 - subtest '' of 'bad length' compare diag ok 24 - Test 'not array' completed ok 25 - Test 'not array' no premature diagnostication ok 26 - Test 'not array' result count ok 27 - subtest 'string' of 'not array' compare actual_ok ok 28 - subtest 'string' of 'not array' compare name ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest 'string' of 'not array' compare diag ok 31 - subtest 'hash' of 'not array' compare actual_ok ok 32 - subtest 'hash' of 'not array' compare name ok 33 - checking depth ok 34 - subtest 'hash' of 'not array' compare diag ok 35 - Test 'deep bad length' completed ok 36 - Test 'deep bad length' no premature diagnostication ok 37 - Test 'deep bad length' result count ok 38 - subtest '' of 'deep bad length' compare actual_ok ok 39 - checking depth ok 40 - subtest '' of 'deep bad length' compare diag ok 41 - no warnings 1..41 ok t/bag.t ........... ok 1 - Test 'empty eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'empty eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'empty eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'empty eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'empty eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'elem eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'elem eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'elem eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'elem eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'elem eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'empty extra' completed ok 14 - Test 'empty extra' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'empty extra' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'empty extra' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'empty extra' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'empty missing' completed ok 20 - Test 'empty missing' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'empty missing' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'empty missing' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'empty missing' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'extra and missing' completed ok 26 - Test 'extra and missing' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'extra and missing' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'extra and missing' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'extra and missing' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'no array' completed ok 32 - Test 'no array' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'no array' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'no array' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'no array' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'bag of bags eq' completed ok 38 - Test 'bag of bags eq' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'bag of bags eq' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'bag of bags eq' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'bag of bags eq' compare diag ok 43 - Test 'bag of bags not eq' completed ok 44 - Test 'bag of bags not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 45 - Test 'bag of bags not eq' result count ok 46 - subtest '' of 'bag of bags not eq' compare actual_ok ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest '' of 'bag of bags not eq' compare diag ok 49 - Test 'circular double bag eq' completed ok 50 - Test 'circular double bag eq' no premature diagnostication ok 51 - Test 'circular double bag eq' result count ok 52 - subtest '' of 'circular double bag eq' compare actual_ok ok 53 - checking depth ok 54 - subtest '' of 'circular double bag eq' compare diag ok 55 - Test 'circular double set not eq' completed ok 56 - Test 'circular double set not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 57 - Test 'circular double set not eq' result count ok 58 - subtest '' of 'circular double set not eq' compare actual_ok ok 59 - checking depth ok 60 - subtest '' of 'circular double set not eq' compare diag ok 61 - Test 'cmp_bag eq' completed ok 62 - Test 'cmp_bag eq' no premature diagnostication ok 63 - Test 'cmp_bag eq' result count ok 64 - subtest '' of 'cmp_bag eq' compare actual_ok ok 65 - checking depth ok 66 - Test 'cmp_bag not eq' completed ok 67 - Test 'cmp_bag not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 68 - Test 'cmp_bag not eq' result count ok 69 - subtest '' of 'cmp_bag not eq' compare actual_ok ok 70 - checking depth ok 71 - Test 'cmp_bag returns name' completed ok 72 - Test 'cmp_bag returns name' no premature diagnostication ok 73 - Test 'cmp_bag returns name' result count ok 74 - subtest 'name1' of 'cmp_bag returns name' compare actual_ok ok 75 - subtest 'name1' of 'cmp_bag returns name' compare name ok 76 - checking depth ok 77 - Test 'cmp_bag returns name' completed ok 78 - Test 'cmp_bag returns name' no premature diagnostication ok 79 - Test 'cmp_bag returns name' result count ok 80 - subtest 'name2' of 'cmp_bag returns name' compare actual_ok ok 81 - subtest 'name2' of 'cmp_bag returns name' compare name ok 82 - checking depth ok 83 - Test 'superbagof yes' completed ok 84 - Test 'superbagof yes' no premature diagnostication ok 85 - Test 'superbagof yes' result count ok 86 - subtest '' of 'superbagof yes' compare actual_ok ok 87 - checking depth ok 88 - subtest '' of 'superbagof yes' compare diag ok 89 - Test 'superbagof no' completed ok 90 - Test 'superbagof no' no premature diagnostication ok 91 - Test 'superbagof no' result count ok 92 - subtest '' of 'superbagof no' compare actual_ok ok 93 - checking depth ok 94 - subtest '' of 'superbagof no' compare diag ok 95 - Test 'subbagof yes' completed ok 96 - Test 'subbagof yes' no premature diagnostication ok 97 - Test 'subbagof yes' result count ok 98 - subtest '' of 'subbagof yes' compare actual_ok ok 99 - checking depth ok 100 - subtest '' of 'subbagof yes' compare diag ok 101 - Test 'subbagof no' completed ok 102 - Test 'subbagof no' no premature diagnostication ok 103 - Test 'subbagof no' result count ok 104 - subtest '' of 'subbagof no' compare actual_ok ok 105 - checking depth ok 106 - subtest '' of 'subbagof no' compare diag ok 107 - check arg 1 ok 108 - no warnings 1..108 ok t/bagrecursion.t .. ok 1 - no inifinite recursion ok 2 - no warnings 1..2 ok t/blessed.t ....... ok 1 - Test 'Same' completed ok 2 - Test 'Same' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'Same' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'Same' completed ok 8 - Test 'Same' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'Same' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'Same' completed ok 14 - Test 'Same' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'Same' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'Same' completed ok 20 - Test 'Same' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'Same' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'Same' compare diag ok 25 - no warnings 1..25 ok t/boolean.t ....... ok 1 - Test 'ok' completed ok 2 - Test 'ok' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'ok' result count ok 4 - subtest 'num 1' of 'ok' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest 'num 1' of 'ok' compare diag ok 7 - subtest 'string' of 'ok' compare actual_ok ok 8 - checking depth ok 9 - subtest 'string' of 'ok' compare diag ok 10 - subtest 'num 0' of 'ok' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest 'num 0' of 'ok' compare diag ok 13 - subtest 'string' of 'ok' compare actual_ok ok 14 - checking depth ok 15 - subtest 'string' of 'ok' compare diag ok 16 - Test 'string not eq' completed ok 17 - Test 'string not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 18 - Test 'string not eq' result count ok 19 - subtest 'num 1' of 'string not eq' compare actual_ok ok 20 - checking depth ok 21 - subtest 'num 1' of 'string not eq' compare diag ok 22 - subtest 'string' of 'string not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest 'num 0' of 'string not eq' compare actual_ok ok 25 - checking depth ok 26 - subtest 'string' of 'string not eq' compare actual_ok ok 27 - checking depth ok 28 - no warnings 1..28 ok t/cache.t ......... ok 1 - empty cache ok 2 - added ok 3 - reverse ok 4 - after local ok 5 - local added ok 6 - gone ok 7 - local added again ok 8 - still there ok 9 - no warnings 1..9 ok t/circular.t ...... ok 1 - Test '2 layers' completed ok 2 - Test '2 layers' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test '2 layers' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of '2 layers' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of '2 layers' compare diag ok 7 - Test '2 layers broken' completed ok 8 - Test '2 layers broken' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test '2 layers broken' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of '2 layers broken' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of '2 layers broken' compare diag ok 13 - Test '2 layers fixed' completed ok 14 - Test '2 layers fixed' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test '2 layers fixed' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of '2 layers fixed' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of '2 layers fixed' compare diag ok 19 - Test '2 and 3 layers' completed ok 20 - Test '2 and 3 layers' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test '2 and 3 layers' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of '2 and 3 layers' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of '2 and 3 layers' compare diag ok 25 - Test '2 and 3 layers broken' completed ok 26 - Test '2 and 3 layers broken' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test '2 and 3 layers broken' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of '2 and 3 layers broken' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of '2 and 3 layers broken' compare diag ok 31 - Test '2 and 3 layers not fixed' completed ok 32 - Test '2 and 3 layers not fixed' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test '2 and 3 layers not fixed' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of '2 and 3 layers not fixed' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of '2 and 3 layers not fixed' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'interleave' completed ok 38 - Test 'interleave' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'interleave' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'interleave' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'interleave' compare diag ok 43 - no warnings 1..43 ok t/class.t ......... ok 1 - Test 'no class eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'no class eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'no class eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'no class eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'no class eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'no class eq unblessed' completed ok 8 - Test 'no class eq unblessed' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'no class eq unblessed' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'no class eq unblessed' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'no class eq unblessed' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'class not eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'class not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'class not eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'class not eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'class not eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'class not eq unblessed' completed ok 20 - Test 'class not eq unblessed' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'class not eq unblessed' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'class not eq unblessed' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'class not eq unblessed' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'class eq on/off' completed ok 26 - Test 'class eq on/off' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'class eq on/off' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'class eq on/off' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'class eq on/off' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'class eq on/off/on' completed ok 32 - Test 'class eq on/off/on' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'class eq on/off/on' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'class eq on/off/on' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'class eq on/off/on' compare diag ok 37 - no warnings 1..37 ok t/code.t .......... ok 1 - Test 'code ok' completed ok 2 - Test 'code ok' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'code ok' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'code ok' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'code ok' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'code not ok' completed ok 8 - Test 'code not ok' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'code not ok' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'code not ok' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - diagnostics ok 13 - diagnostics ok 14 - Test 'code not ok' completed ok 15 - Test 'code not ok' no premature diagnostication ok 16 - Test 'code not ok' result count ok 17 - subtest '' of 'code not ok' compare actual_ok ok 18 - checking depth ok 19 - no diagnostics ok 20 - no diagnostics ok 21 - no warnings 1..21 ok t/deep_utils.t .... ok 1 - class_base class ref ok 2 - class_base base ref ok 3 - class_base class obj ok 4 - class_base base obj ok 5 - class_base class regexp ok 6 - class_base base regexp ok 7 - no warnings 1..7 ok t/descend.t ....... ok 1 - Test '' completed ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test '' result count ok 4 - subtest 'scalar eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest 'scalar eq' of '' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest 'scalar eq' of '' compare diag ok 8 - Test '' completed ok 9 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 10 - Test '' result count ok 11 - subtest 'scalar not eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 12 - subtest 'scalar not eq' of '' compare name ok 13 - checking depth ok 14 - subtest 'scalar not eq' of '' compare diag ok 15 - Test '' completed ok 16 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 17 - Test '' result count ok 18 - subtest 'def undef' of '' compare actual_ok ok 19 - subtest 'def undef' of '' compare name ok 20 - checking depth ok 21 - subtest 'def undef' of '' compare diag ok 22 - Test '' completed ok 23 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 24 - Test '' result count ok 25 - subtest 'undef def' of '' compare actual_ok ok 26 - subtest 'undef def' of '' compare name ok 27 - checking depth ok 28 - subtest 'undef def' of '' compare diag ok 29 - Test '' completed ok 30 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 31 - Test '' result count ok 32 - subtest 'undef undef' of '' compare actual_ok ok 33 - subtest 'undef undef' of '' compare name ok 34 - checking depth ok 35 - subtest 'undef undef' of '' compare diag ok 36 - Test 'scalar undef and blank' completed ok 37 - Test 'scalar undef and blank' no premature diagnostication ok 38 - Test 'scalar undef and blank' result count ok 39 - subtest '' of 'scalar undef and blank' compare actual_ok ok 40 - checking depth ok 41 - subtest '' of 'scalar undef and blank' compare diag ok 42 - Test '' completed ok 43 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 44 - Test '' result count ok 45 - subtest 'ref ref eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 46 - subtest 'ref ref eq' of '' compare name ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest 'ref ref eq' of '' compare diag ok 49 - Test '' completed ok 50 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 51 - Test '' result count ok 52 - subtest 'ref ref not eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 53 - subtest 'ref ref not eq' of '' compare name ok 54 - checking depth ok 55 - subtest 'ref ref not eq' of '' compare diag ok 56 - Test 'equal refs' completed ok 57 - Test 'equal refs' no premature diagnostication ok 58 - Test 'equal refs' result count ok 59 - subtest '' of 'equal refs' compare actual_ok ok 60 - checking depth ok 61 - subtest '' of 'equal refs' compare diag ok 62 - Test 'not calling StrVal on undef' completed ok 63 - Test 'not calling StrVal on undef' no premature diagnostication ok 64 - Test 'not calling StrVal on undef' result count ok 65 - subtest '' of 'not calling StrVal on undef' compare actual_ok ok 66 - checking depth ok 67 - no warnings 1..67 ok t/error.t ......... ok 1 - bad special ok 2 - no warnings 1..2 ok t/hash.t .......... ok 1 - Test '' completed ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test '' result count ok 4 - subtest 'hash eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest 'hash eq' of '' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest 'hash eq' of '' compare diag ok 8 - Test '' completed ok 9 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 10 - Test '' result count ok 11 - subtest 'hash not eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 12 - subtest 'hash not eq' of '' compare name ok 13 - checking depth ok 14 - subtest 'hash not eq' of '' compare diag ok 15 - Test '' completed ok 16 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 17 - Test '' result count ok 18 - subtest 'hash got DNE' of '' compare actual_ok ok 19 - subtest 'hash got DNE' of '' compare name ok 20 - checking depth ok 21 - subtest 'hash got DNE' of '' compare diag ok 22 - Test '' completed ok 23 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 24 - Test '' result count ok 25 - subtest 'hash expected DNE' of '' compare actual_ok ok 26 - subtest 'hash expected DNE' of '' compare name ok 27 - checking depth ok 28 - subtest 'hash expected DNE' of '' compare diag ok 29 - Test '' completed ok 30 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 31 - Test '' result count ok 32 - subtest 'superhash ok' of '' compare actual_ok ok 33 - subtest 'superhash ok' of '' compare name ok 34 - checking depth ok 35 - subtest 'superhash ok' of '' compare diag ok 36 - Test '' completed ok 37 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 38 - Test '' result count ok 39 - subtest 'subhash ok' of '' compare actual_ok ok 40 - subtest 'subhash ok' of '' compare name ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest 'subhash ok' of '' compare diag ok 43 - no warnings 1..43 ok t/hash_each.t ..... ok 1 - Test 'hash_each eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'hash_each eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'hash_each eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'hash_each eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'hash_each eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'hash_each not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'hash_each not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'hash_each not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'hash_each not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'hash_each not eq' compare diag ok 13 - no warnings 1..13 ok t/hashkeys.t ...... ok 1 - Test 'keys ok' completed ok 2 - Test 'keys ok' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'keys ok' result count ok 4 - subtest '0' of 'keys ok' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest '0' of 'keys ok' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest '0' of 'keys ok' compare diag ok 8 - subtest '3' of 'keys ok' compare actual_ok ok 9 - subtest '3' of 'keys ok' compare name ok 10 - checking depth ok 11 - subtest '3' of 'keys ok' compare diag ok 12 - Test 'bad length' completed ok 13 - Test 'bad length' no premature diagnostication ok 14 - Test 'bad length' result count ok 15 - subtest '' of 'bad length' compare actual_ok ok 16 - checking depth ok 17 - subtest '' of 'bad length' compare diag ok 18 - Test 'not array' completed ok 19 - Test 'not array' no premature diagnostication ok 20 - Test 'not array' result count ok 21 - subtest 'string' of 'not array' compare actual_ok ok 22 - subtest 'string' of 'not array' compare name ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest 'string' of 'not array' compare diag ok 25 - subtest 'array' of 'not array' compare actual_ok ok 26 - subtest 'array' of 'not array' compare name ok 27 - checking depth ok 28 - subtest 'array' of 'not array' compare diag ok 29 - no warnings 1..29 ok t/ignore.t ........ ok 1 - Test 'ignore' completed ok 2 - Test 'ignore' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'ignore' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'ignore' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'ignore' compare diag ok 7 - no warnings 1..7 ok t/isa.t ........... ok 1 - Test 'isa eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'isa eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'isa eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'isa eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'isa eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'isa eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'isa eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'isa eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'isa eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'isa eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'isa eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'isa eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare diag ok 25 - U::isa says yes ok 26 - U::isa says yes ok 27 - Test 'isa eq' completed ok 28 - Test 'isa eq' no premature diagnostication ok 29 - Test 'isa eq' result count ok 30 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare actual_ok ok 31 - checking depth ok 32 - subtest '' of 'isa eq' compare diag ok 33 - no warnings 1..33 ok t/listmethods.t ... ok 1 - Test 'listmethods eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'listmethods eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'listmethods eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'listmethods eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'listmethods eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'listmethods not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'listmethods not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'listmethods not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'listmethods not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'listmethods not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'listmethods arg eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'listmethods arg eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'listmethods arg eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'listmethods arg not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'listmethods arg not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'listmethods arg not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg not eq' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'listmethods DNE' completed ok 26 - Test 'listmethods DNE' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'listmethods DNE' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'listmethods DNE' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'listmethods DNE' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'listmethods eq' completed ok 32 - Test 'listmethods eq' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'listmethods eq' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'listmethods eq' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'listmethods eq' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'listmethods not eq' completed ok 38 - Test 'listmethods not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'listmethods not eq' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'listmethods not eq' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'listmethods not eq' compare diag ok 43 - Test 'listmethods arg eq' completed ok 44 - Test 'listmethods arg eq' no premature diagnostication ok 45 - Test 'listmethods arg eq' result count ok 46 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg eq' compare actual_ok ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg eq' compare diag ok 49 - Test 'listmethods arg not eq' completed ok 50 - Test 'listmethods arg not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 51 - Test 'listmethods arg not eq' result count ok 52 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg not eq' compare actual_ok ok 53 - checking depth ok 54 - subtest '' of 'listmethods arg not eq' compare diag ok 55 - Test 'listmethods DNE' completed ok 56 - Test 'listmethods DNE' no premature diagnostication ok 57 - Test 'listmethods DNE' result count ok 58 - subtest '' of 'listmethods DNE' compare actual_ok ok 59 - checking depth ok 60 - subtest '' of 'listmethods DNE' compare diag ok 61 - Test 'complex eq' completed ok 62 - Test 'complex eq' no premature diagnostication ok 63 - Test 'complex eq' result count ok 64 - subtest '' of 'complex eq' compare actual_ok ok 65 - checking depth ok 66 - subtest '' of 'complex eq' compare diag ok 67 - Test 'complex not eq' completed ok 68 - Test 'complex not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 69 - Test 'complex not eq' result count ok 70 - subtest '' of 'complex not eq' compare actual_ok ok 71 - checking depth ok 72 - subtest '' of 'complex not eq' compare diag ok 73 - no warnings 1..73 ok t/memory.t ........ ok 1 - left didn't capture ok 2 - right didn't capture ok 3 - no warnings 1..3 ok t/methods.t ....... ok 1 - Test 'methods eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'methods eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'methods eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'methods eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'methods eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'methods not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'methods not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'methods not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'methods not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'methods not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'methods arg eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'methods arg eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'methods arg eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'methods arg eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'methods arg eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'methods arg not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'methods arg not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'methods arg not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'methods arg not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'methods arg not eq' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'methods DNE' completed ok 26 - Test 'methods DNE' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'methods DNE' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'methods DNE' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'methods DNE' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'methods eq' completed ok 32 - Test 'methods eq' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'methods eq' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'methods eq' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'methods eq' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'methods not eq' completed ok 38 - Test 'methods not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'methods not eq' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'methods not eq' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'methods not eq' compare diag ok 43 - Test 'methods arg eq' completed ok 44 - Test 'methods arg eq' no premature diagnostication ok 45 - Test 'methods arg eq' result count ok 46 - subtest '' of 'methods arg eq' compare actual_ok ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest '' of 'methods arg eq' compare diag ok 49 - Test 'methods arg not eq' completed ok 50 - Test 'methods arg not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 51 - Test 'methods arg not eq' result count ok 52 - subtest '' of 'methods arg not eq' compare actual_ok ok 53 - checking depth ok 54 - subtest '' of 'methods arg not eq' compare diag ok 55 - Test 'methods DNE' completed ok 56 - Test 'methods DNE' no premature diagnostication ok 57 - Test 'methods DNE' result count ok 58 - subtest '' of 'methods DNE' compare actual_ok ok 59 - checking depth ok 60 - subtest '' of 'methods DNE' compare diag ok 61 - Test 'complex eq' completed ok 62 - Test 'complex eq' no premature diagnostication ok 63 - Test 'complex eq' result count ok 64 - subtest '' of 'complex eq' compare actual_ok ok 65 - checking depth ok 66 - subtest '' of 'complex eq' compare diag ok 67 - Test 'complex not eq' completed ok 68 - Test 'complex not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 69 - Test 'complex not eq' result count ok 70 - subtest '' of 'complex not eq' compare actual_ok ok 71 - checking depth ok 72 - subtest '' of 'complex not eq' compare diag ok 73 - Test 'methods eq' completed ok 74 - Test 'methods eq' no premature diagnostication ok 75 - Test 'methods eq' result count ok 76 - subtest '' of 'methods eq' compare actual_ok ok 77 - checking depth ok 78 - subtest '' of 'methods eq' compare diag ok 79 - Test 'methods not eq' completed ok 80 - Test 'methods not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 81 - Test 'methods not eq' result count ok 82 - subtest '' of 'methods not eq' compare actual_ok ok 83 - checking depth ok 84 - no warnings 1..84 ok t/notest.t ........ 1..1 ok 1 ok t/notest_extra.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - got eq_deeply ok 2 - eq_deeply works ok 3 - no warnings ok t/number.t ........ ok 1 - Test 'number eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'number eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'number eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'number eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'number eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'number not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'number not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'number not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'number not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'number not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'funny number eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'funny number eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'funny number eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'funny number eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'funny number eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'funny number not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'funny number not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'funny number not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'funny number not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'funny number not eq' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'number tolerance eq' completed ok 26 - Test 'number tolerance eq' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'number tolerance eq' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'number tolerance eq' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'number tolerance eq' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'number tolerance not eq' completed ok 32 - Test 'number tolerance not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'number tolerance not eq' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'number tolerance not eq' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'number tolerance not eq' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'over number eq' completed ok 38 - Test 'over number eq' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'over number eq' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'over number eq' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'over number eq' compare diag ok 43 - Test 'over number not eq' completed ok 44 - Test 'over number not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 45 - Test 'over number not eq' result count ok 46 - subtest '' of 'over number not eq' compare actual_ok ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest '' of 'over number not eq' compare diag ok 49 - no warnings 1..49 ok t/reftype.t ....... ok 1 - Test 'ARRAY ok' completed ok 2 - Test 'ARRAY ok' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'ARRAY ok' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'ARRAY ok' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'ARRAY ok' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'ARRAY' completed ok 8 - Test 'ARRAY' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'ARRAY' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'ARRAY' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'ARRAY' compare diag ok 13 - no warnings 1..13 ok t/regexp.t ........ ok 1 - Test 're eq' completed ok 2 - Test 're eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 're eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 're eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 're eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 're not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 're not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 're not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 're not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 're not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'string re eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'string re eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'string re eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'string re eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'string re eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'string runre not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'string runre not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'string runre not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'string runre not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'string runre not eq' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'matches re eq' completed ok 26 - Test 'matches re eq' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'matches re eq' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'matches re eq' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'matches re eq' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'matches global re eq' completed ok 32 - Test 'matches global re eq' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'matches global re eq' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'matches global re eq' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'matches global re eq' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'matches global not eq' completed ok 38 - Test 'matches global not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'matches global not eq' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'matches global not eq' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'matches global not eq' compare diag ok 43 - Test 'matches re and set eq' completed ok 44 - Test 'matches re and set eq' no premature diagnostication ok 45 - Test 'matches re and set eq' result count ok 46 - subtest '' of 'matches re and set eq' compare actual_ok ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest '' of 'matches re and set eq' compare diag ok 49 - Test 'string runre not eq' completed ok 50 - Test 'string runre not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 51 - Test 'string runre not eq' result count ok 52 - subtest '' of 'string runre not eq' compare actual_ok ok 53 - checking depth ok 54 - subtest '' of 'string runre not eq' compare diag ok 55 - no warnings 1..55 ok t/regexpref.t ..... ok 1 - Test '' completed ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test '' result count ok 4 - subtest 'regexp ref eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest 'regexp ref eq' of '' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest 'regexp ref eq' of '' compare diag ok 8 - Test '' completed ok 9 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 10 - Test '' result count ok 11 - subtest 'regexp ref not eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 12 - subtest 'regexp ref not eq' of '' compare name ok 13 - checking depth ok 14 - subtest 'regexp ref not eq' of '' compare diag ok 15 - no warnings 1..15 ok t/scalar.t ........ ok 1 - Test 'stringified ref not eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'stringified ref not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'stringified ref not eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'stringified ref not eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'stringified ref not eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'undef ne ''' completed ok 8 - Test 'undef ne ''' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'undef ne ''' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'undef ne ''' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'undef ne ''' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'shallow not eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'shallow not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'shallow not eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'shallow not eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare diag ok 25 - no warnings 1..25 ok t/scalarref.t ..... ok 1 - Test '' completed ok 2 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test '' result count ok 4 - subtest 'scalar ref eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 5 - subtest 'scalar ref eq' of '' compare name ok 6 - checking depth ok 7 - subtest 'scalar ref eq' of '' compare diag ok 8 - Test '' completed ok 9 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 10 - Test '' result count ok 11 - subtest 'scalar ref not eq' of '' compare actual_ok ok 12 - subtest 'scalar ref not eq' of '' compare name ok 13 - checking depth ok 14 - subtest 'scalar ref not eq' of '' compare diag ok 15 - Test '' completed ok 16 - Test '' no premature diagnostication ok 17 - Test '' result count ok 18 - subtest 'scalar ref not ref' of '' compare actual_ok ok 19 - subtest 'scalar ref not ref' of '' compare name ok 20 - checking depth ok 21 - subtest 'scalar ref not ref' of '' compare diag ok 22 - no warnings 1..22 ok t/set.t ........... ok 1 - Test 'empty eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'empty eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'empty eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'empty eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'empty eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'empty eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'empty eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'empty eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'empty eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'empty eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test '3 elem eq' completed ok 14 - Test '3 elem eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test '3 elem eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of '3 elem eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of '3 elem eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'empty extra' completed ok 20 - Test 'empty extra' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'empty extra' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'empty extra' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'empty extra' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'empty missing' completed ok 26 - Test 'empty missing' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'empty missing' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'empty missing' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'empty missing' compare diag ok 31 - Test 'extra and missing' completed ok 32 - Test 'extra and missing' no premature diagnostication ok 33 - Test 'extra and missing' result count ok 34 - subtest '' of 'extra and missing' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - subtest '' of 'extra and missing' compare diag ok 37 - Test 'no array' completed ok 38 - Test 'no array' no premature diagnostication ok 39 - Test 'no array' result count ok 40 - subtest '' of 'no array' compare actual_ok ok 41 - checking depth ok 42 - subtest '' of 'no array' compare diag ok 43 - Test 'set of sets eq' completed ok 44 - Test 'set of sets eq' no premature diagnostication ok 45 - Test 'set of sets eq' result count ok 46 - subtest '' of 'set of sets eq' compare actual_ok ok 47 - checking depth ok 48 - subtest '' of 'set of sets eq' compare diag ok 49 - Test 'set of sets not eq' completed ok 50 - Test 'set of sets not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 51 - Test 'set of sets not eq' result count ok 52 - subtest '' of 'set of sets not eq' compare actual_ok ok 53 - checking depth ok 54 - subtest '' of 'set of sets not eq' compare diag ok 55 - Test 'circular double set eq' completed ok 56 - Test 'circular double set eq' no premature diagnostication ok 57 - Test 'circular double set eq' result count ok 58 - subtest '' of 'circular double set eq' compare actual_ok ok 59 - checking depth ok 60 - subtest '' of 'circular double set eq' compare diag ok 61 - Test 'circular double set not eq' completed ok 62 - Test 'circular double set not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 63 - Test 'circular double set not eq' result count ok 64 - subtest '' of 'circular double set not eq' compare actual_ok ok 65 - checking depth ok 66 - subtest '' of 'circular double set not eq' compare diag ok 67 - Test 'cmp_set eq' completed ok 68 - Test 'cmp_set eq' no premature diagnostication ok 69 - Test 'cmp_set eq' result count ok 70 - subtest '' of 'cmp_set eq' compare actual_ok ok 71 - checking depth ok 72 - Test 'cmp_set not eq' completed ok 73 - Test 'cmp_set not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 74 - Test 'cmp_set not eq' result count ok 75 - subtest '' of 'cmp_set not eq' compare actual_ok ok 76 - checking depth not ok 77 # TODO & SKIP Because I want to get it out the door see notes on bags and sets not ok 78 # TODO & SKIP Because I want to get it out the door see notes on bags and sets not ok 79 # TODO & SKIP Because I want to get it out the door see notes on bags and sets not ok 80 # TODO & SKIP Because I want to get it out the door see notes on bags and sets not ok 81 # TODO & SKIP Because I want to get it out the door see notes on bags and sets ok 82 - Test 'supersetof yes' completed ok 83 - Test 'supersetof yes' no premature diagnostication ok 84 - Test 'supersetof yes' result count ok 85 - subtest '' of 'supersetof yes' compare actual_ok ok 86 - checking depth ok 87 - subtest '' of 'supersetof yes' compare diag ok 88 - Test 'supersetof no' completed ok 89 - Test 'supersetof no' no premature diagnostication ok 90 - Test 'supersetof no' result count ok 91 - subtest '' of 'supersetof no' compare actual_ok ok 92 - checking depth ok 93 - subtest '' of 'supersetof no' compare diag ok 94 - Test 'subsetof yes' completed ok 95 - Test 'subsetof yes' no premature diagnostication ok 96 - Test 'subsetof yes' result count ok 97 - subtest '' of 'subsetof yes' compare actual_ok ok 98 - checking depth ok 99 - subtest '' of 'subsetof yes' compare diag ok 100 - Test 'subsetof no' completed ok 101 - Test 'subsetof no' no premature diagnostication ok 102 - Test 'subsetof no' result count ok 103 - subtest '' of 'subsetof no' compare actual_ok ok 104 - checking depth ok 105 - subtest '' of 'subsetof no' compare diag ok 106 - Test 'undef warnings' completed ok 107 - Test 'undef warnings' no premature diagnostication ok 108 - Test 'undef warnings' result count ok 109 - subtest '' of 'undef warnings' compare actual_ok ok 110 - checking depth ok 111 - subtest '' of 'undef warnings' compare diag ok 112 - Test 'warnings extra' completed ok 113 - Test 'warnings extra' no premature diagnostication ok 114 - Test 'warnings extra' result count ok 115 - subtest '' of 'warnings extra' compare actual_ok ok 116 - checking depth ok 117 - subtest '' of 'warnings extra' compare diag ok 118 - no warnings 1..118 ok t/shallow.t ....... ok 1 - Test 'shallow eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'shallow eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'shallow eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'shallow eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'shallow eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'shallow not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'shallow not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'shallow not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'shallow not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'shallow not eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'shallow not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'shallow not eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'shallow not eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare diag ok 25 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' completed ok 26 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 27 - Test 'deep after shallow not eq' result count ok 28 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 29 - checking depth ok 30 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 31 - checking depth ok 32 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 33 - checking depth ok 34 - subtest '' of 'deep after shallow not eq' compare actual_ok ok 35 - checking depth ok 36 - no warnings 1..36 ok t/string.t ........ ok 1 - Test 'string eq' completed ok 2 - Test 'string eq' no premature diagnostication ok 3 - Test 'string eq' result count ok 4 - subtest '' of 'string eq' compare actual_ok ok 5 - checking depth ok 6 - subtest '' of 'string eq' compare diag ok 7 - Test 'string not eq' completed ok 8 - Test 'string not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 9 - Test 'string not eq' result count ok 10 - subtest '' of 'string not eq' compare actual_ok ok 11 - checking depth ok 12 - subtest '' of 'string not eq' compare diag ok 13 - Test 'over string eq' completed ok 14 - Test 'over string eq' no premature diagnostication ok 15 - Test 'over string eq' result count ok 16 - subtest '' of 'over string eq' compare actual_ok ok 17 - checking depth ok 18 - subtest '' of 'over string eq' compare diag ok 19 - Test 'over string not eq' completed ok 20 - Test 'over string not eq' no premature diagnostication ok 21 - Test 'over string not eq' result count ok 22 - subtest '' of 'over string not eq' compare actual_ok ok 23 - checking depth ok 24 - subtest '' of 'over string not eq' compare diag ok 25 - no warnings 1..25 ok All tests successful. Files=35, Tests=1139, 4 wallclock secs ( 0.27 usr 0.08 sys + 2.57 cusr 0.58 csys = 3.50 CPU) Result: PASS RJBS/Test-Deep-0.110.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Test-Deep-0.110 already made Running test for module 'Data::Dumper::Concise' Running make for F/FR/FREW/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 23 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FR/FREW/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020.tar.gz ok Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/Makefile.PL Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/MANIFEST Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/inc/Module/Install/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Data/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Data/Dumper/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Data/Dumper/Concise/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Data/Dumper/Concise/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Data/Dumper/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Devel/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/lib/Devel/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/t/ Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/t/sugar.t Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/t/concise.t Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/t/dwarn.t Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/Changes Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020/META.yml Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 23 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building F/FR/FREW/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Data::Dumper::Concise Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Devel/ blib/lib/Devel/ cp lib/Data/Dumper/Concise/ blib/lib/Data/Dumper/Concise/ cp lib/Data/Dumper/ blib/lib/Data/Dumper/ Manifying blib/man3/Data::Dumper::Concise.3 Manifying blib/man3/Devel::Dwarn.3 Manifying blib/man3/Data::Dumper::Concise::Sugar.3 FREW/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 23 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/concise.t .. ok 1 - Both Data::Dumper usages equivalent ok 2 - Subroutine call usage equivalent ok 3 - Both Data::Dumper usages equivalent ok 4 - Subroutine call usage equivalent ok 5 - DumperF works! 1..5 ok t/dwarn.t .... ok 1 - main->can(...) ok 2 - Devel::Dwarn->can(...) ok 3 - $Dwarn gets exported ok 4 - $DwarnN gets exported 1..4 ok t/sugar.t .... ok 1 - DwarnL warns ok 2 - DwarnL passes through correctly ok 3 - DwarnS warns ok 4 - DwarnS passes through correctly ok 5 - Dwarn warns lists ok 6 - Dwarn passes lists through correctly ok 7 - Dwarn warns scalars correctly ok 8 - Dwarn passes scalars through correctly ok 9 - Dwarn warns lists ok 10 - Dwarn passes lists through correctly ok 11 - DumperF works! ok 12 - DwarnF passes lists through correctly ok 13 - DwarnD dies output correctly 1..13 ok All tests successful. Files=3, Tests=22, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.03 sys + 0.19 cusr 0.06 csys = 0.31 CPU) Result: PASS FREW/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020 already made Running test for module 'namespace::clean' Running make for R/RI/RIBASUSHI/namespace-clean-0.24.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Has already been made Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Has already been tested successfully Running test for module 'Class::C3::Componentised' Running make for F/FR/FREW/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/F/FR/FREW/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000.tar.gz ok Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/inc/Module/Install/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/Changes Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/Makefile.PL Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/03-on-apply.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/01-basic.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/pod-coverage.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/02-explicit.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/pod.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/00-load.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/03-unstable_dollar_underscore.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/04-on-apply-use-base.t Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/MyModule/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/MyModule/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/MyModule/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/MyModule/Plugin/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/MyModule/Plugin/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/t/lib/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/META.yml Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/README Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/MANIFEST Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/lib/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/lib/Class/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/lib/Class/C3/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/lib/Class/C3/Componentised/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/lib/Class/C3/Componentised/ Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000/lib/Class/C3/ Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building F/FR/FREW/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Class::C3::Componentised Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Class/C3/ blib/lib/Class/C3/ cp lib/Class/C3/Componentised/ blib/lib/Class/C3/Componentised/ Manifying blib/man3/Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks.3 Manifying blib/man3/Class::C3::Componentised.3 FREW/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 24 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t # Testing Class::C3::Componentised 1.001000, Perl 5.018000, /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static t/00-load.t ........................ 1..1 ok 1 - use Class::C3::Componentised; ok t/01-basic.t ....................... 1..23 ok 1 - use MyModule; ok 2 - threw Regexp ((?^:^Can't locate in \@INC)) ok 3 - it worked ok 4 - loaded package MyModule::Plugin::Foo was found ok 5 - MyModule::OwnComponent not loaded yet ok 6 - package MyModule::OwnComponent was found ok 7 - MyModule::OwnComponent not loaded by ensure_class_found() ok 8 - anonymous package TestPackage::A found ok 9 - fake package not found ok 10 - load_optional_class on a nonexistent class did not throw ok 11 - nonexistent package not loaded ok 12 - load_optional_class on an existing class did not throw ok 13 - MyModule::OwnComponent loaded ok 14 - MyModule::ErrorComponent threw ok ok 15 - Throw on Class:: ok 16 - load_optional_class on a nonexistent PAR class did not throw ok 17 - nonexistent PAR package not loaded ok 18 - load_optional_class of a no-true-returning PAR module did throw ok 19 - no-true-returning PAR package not loaded ok 20 - load_optional_class of a PAR module did not throw ok 21 - PAR package "loaded" ok 22 - load_optional_class did not throw ok 23 - Class::C3 loaded ok t/02-explicit.t .................... 1..7 ok 1 - use MyModuleNoBase; ok 2 - initial message matches ok 3 - explicit load_components does not throw ok 4 - component works ok 5 - non-explicit component specification fails without component_base_class() ok 6 - non-explicit component specification fails without component_base_class() ok 7 - explicit optional component specification does not throw ok t/03-on-apply.t .................... ok 1 - use MyModule; ok 2 - first starts at zero ok 3 - last starts at zero ok 4 - first gets value of 1 (it runs first) ok 5 - last gets value of 2 (it runs last) ok 6 - die from BEFORE_APPLY works ok 7 - fREW is not loaded ok 8 - fREW is loaded 1..8 ok t/03-unstable_dollar_underscore.t .. ok 1 - $_ untouched 1..1 ok t/04-on-apply-use-base.t ........... ok 1 - before runs in the correct order ok 2 - after runs in the correct order ok 3 - before runs in the correct order ok 4 - after runs in the correct order 1..4 ok t/pod-coverage.t ................... 1..2 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Class::C3::Componentised ok 2 - Pod coverage on Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks ok t/pod.t ............................ 1..2 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Class/C3/ ok 2 - POD test for blib/lib/Class/C3/Componentised/ ok All tests successful. Files=8, Tests=48, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.03 sys + 0.57 cusr 0.14 csys = 0.79 CPU) Result: PASS FREW/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000 already made Running test for module 'Moo' Running make for M/MS/MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MS/MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz ok Moo-1.002000/ Moo-1.002000/maint/ Moo-1.002000/maint/fulltest Moo-1.002000/maint/mkfat Moo-1.002000/maint/bump-version Moo-1.002000/maint/Makefile.PL.include Moo-1.002000/lib/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Sub/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Sub/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Sub/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/HandleMoose/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/HandleMoose/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Moo/ Moo-1.002000/lib/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/Generate/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/Generate/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/Generate/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/Generate/ Moo-1.002000/lib/Method/Generate/ Moo-1.002000/lib/ Moo-1.002000/README Moo-1.002000/t/ Moo-1.002000/t/not-both.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-isa.t Moo-1.002000/t/compose-roles.t Moo-1.002000/t/sub-quote.t Moo-1.002000/t/buildargs.t Moo-1.002000/t/subconstructor.t Moo-1.002000/t/lazy_isa.t Moo-1.002000/t/init-arg.t Moo-1.002000/t/demolish-bugs-eats_mini.t Moo-1.002000/t/modify_lazy_handlers.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-generator-extension.t Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/lib/ Moo-1.002000/t/extends-role.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-roles.t Moo-1.002000/t/load_module_error.t Moo-1.002000/t/global_underscore.t Moo-1.002000/t/buildargs-error.t Moo-1.002000/t/undef-bug.t Moo-1.002000/t/non-moo-extends.t Moo-1.002000/t/use-after-no.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-weaken.t Moo-1.002000/t/load_module.t Moo-1.002000/t/moo.t Moo-1.002000/t/demolish-basics.t Moo-1.002000/t/demolish-bugs-eats_exceptions.t Moo-1.002000/t/no-moo.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-mixed.t Moo-1.002000/t/foreignbuildargs.t Moo-1.002000/t/demolish-global_destruction.t Moo-1.002000/t/buildall-subconstructor.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-pred-clear.t Moo-1.002000/t/overloaded-coderefs.t Moo-1.002000/t/has-plus.t Moo-1.002000/t/ Moo-1.002000/t/method-generate-accessor.t Moo-1.002000/t/extends-non-moo.t Moo-1.002000/t/load_module_role_tiny.t Moo-1.002000/t/has-array.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-trigger.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-shortcuts.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-coerce.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-handles.t Moo-1.002000/t/sub-defer.t Moo-1.002000/t/has-before-extends.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-default.t Moo-1.002000/t/buildall.t Moo-1.002000/t/sub-and-handles.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-reader-writer.t Moo-1.002000/t/accessor-weaken-pre-5_8_3.t Moo-1.002000/t/method-generate-constructor.t Moo-1.002000/t/moo-accessors.t Moo-1.002000/META.yml Moo-1.002000/META.json Moo-1.002000/MANIFEST Moo-1.002000/xt/ Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-does-moo-role.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-roles-into-moose-class.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-consume-mouse-role-coerce.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-consume-moo-role-after-consumed-by-moo.t Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/withautoclean/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/withautoclean/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/withautoclean/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/ Moo-1.002000/xt/lib/ Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-object-meta-can.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-does-moose-role.t Moo-1.002000/xt/jenga.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moox-types.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-method-modifiers.t Moo-1.002000/xt/more-jenga.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-accessor-isa.t Moo-1.002000/xt/withautoclean.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-role-types.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-lazy.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-consume-moo-role-no-moo-loaded.t Moo-1.002000/xt/implicit-moose-types.t Moo-1.002000/xt/handle_moose.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-autoclean-lazy-attr-builders.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-consume-moose-role-coerce.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-override-attribute-with-plus-syntax.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moose-override-attribute-from-moo-role.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moox-types-coercion.t Moo-1.002000/xt/moo-roles-into-moose-class-attr-override-with-autoclean.t Moo-1.002000/xt/super-jenga.t Moo-1.002000/Makefile.PL Moo-1.002000/Changes Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building M/MS/MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Moo Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz ---- strictures [requires] Class::Method::Modifiers [requires] Role::Tiny [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'strictures' Running make for E/ET/ETHER/strictures-1.004004.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/E/ET/ETHER/strictures-1.004004.tar.gz ok strictures-1.004004/ strictures-1.004004/Changes strictures-1.004004/lib/ strictures-1.004004/maint/ strictures-1.004004/Makefile.PL strictures-1.004004/MANIFEST strictures-1.004004/META.json strictures-1.004004/META.yml strictures-1.004004/README strictures-1.004004/t/ strictures-1.004004/xt/ strictures-1.004004/xt/pod.t strictures-1.004004/t/crash.t strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/ strictures-1.004004/t/strictures.t strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/.exists strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/lib/ strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/other/ strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/t/ strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/t/one.faket strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/other/ strictures-1.004004/t/smells-of-vcs/lib/ strictures-1.004004/maint/bump-version strictures-1.004004/maint/Makefile.include strictures-1.004004/maint/Makefile.PL.include strictures-1.004004/lib/ /bin/tar: Read 2560 bytes from - Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building E/ET/ETHER/strictures-1.004004.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for strictures Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/ blib/lib/ Manifying blib/man3/strictures.3 ETHER/strictures-1.004004.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 25 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/crash.t ....... 1..1 ok 1 # skip Have all the modules; can't check this ok t/strictures.t .. ok 1 - Hints ok for case 1 ok 2 - Warnings ok for case 1 ok 3 - Failed to load lib/ ok 4 - Failed due to, ok ok 5 - Failed to load t/one.faket ok 6 - Failed due to, ok ok 7 - Loaded other/ ok ok 8 - Can't use strictures 2 (this is version 1) 1..8 ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=9, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 0.10 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.18 CPU) Result: PASS ETHER/strictures-1.004004.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for strictures-1.004004 already made Running test for module 'Class::Method::Modifiers' Running make for E/ET/ETHER/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 26 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/E/ET/ETHER/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04.tar.gz ok Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/Changes Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/lib/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/LICENSE Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/Makefile.PL Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/MANIFEST Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/MANIFEST.SKIP Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/META.yml Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/README Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/000-load.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/001-error.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/002-cache.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/003-basic.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/004-around.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/005-return.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/010-before-args.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/011-after-args.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/012-around-args.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/020-multiple-inheritance.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/030-multiple-before.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/031-multiple-after.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/032-multiple-around.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/034-multiple-everything.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/035-multiple-everything-twice.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/040-twice-orig.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/041-modify-parent.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/051-undef-list-ctxt.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/060-caller.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/070-modify-multiple-at-once.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/080-multiple-modifiers.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/081-sub-and-modifier.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/090-diamond.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/100-class-mop-method-modifiers.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/110-namespace-clean.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/120-fresh.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/130-clean-underscore.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/release-pod-coverage.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/t/release-pod-syntax.t Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/lib/Class/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/lib/Class/Method/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/lib/Class/Method/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04/inc/Module/Install/ /bin/tar: Read 2048 bytes from - Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 26 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building E/ET/ETHER/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Class::Method::Modifiers Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Class/Method/ blib/lib/Class/Method/ Manifying blib/man3/Class::Method::Modifiers.3 ETHER/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 26 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/000-load.t ........................ 1..1 ok 1 - loaded correctly ok t/001-error.t ....................... 1..4 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok t/002-cache.t ....................... 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/003-basic.t ....................... 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok t/004-around.t ...................... 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/005-return.t ...................... 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/010-before-args.t ................. 1..1 ok 1 - before affected orig's args a little ok t/011-after-args.t .................. 1..2 ok 1 - after didn't affect orig's return ok 2 - after saw original arguments ok t/012-around-args.t ................. 1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok t/020-multiple-inheritance.t ........ 1..18 ok 1 - SuperL loaded correctly ok 2 - SuperR loaded correctly ok 3 - MiddleL loaded correctly ok 4 - MiddleR loaded correctly ok 5 - Child loaded correctly ok 6 - SuperL->sl_c on SuperL ok 7 - SuperL->sl_c wrapped by Child's around ok 8 - SuperR->sr_c on SuperR ok 9 - SuperR->sr_c wrapped by Child's around ok 10 - SuperR->sr_m_c on SuperR ok 11 - SuperR->sr_m_c wrapped by MiddleR's around ok 12 - MiddleR->sr_m_c's wrapping wrapped by Child's around ok 13 - SuperL->conflict on SuperL ok 14 - MiddleR->conflict on MiddleR ok 15 - SuperL->conflict on Child ok 16 - SuperL->cnf_mod on SuperL ok 17 - MiddleR->cnf_mod on MiddleR ok 18 - SuperL->cnf_mod wrapped by Child's around ok t/030-multiple-before.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 - multiple befores called in the right order ok t/031-multiple-after.t .............. 1..1 ok 1 - multiple afters called in the right order ok t/032-multiple-around.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 - multiple arounds called in the right order ok t/034-multiple-everything.t ......... 1..1 ok 1 - multiple afters called in the right order ok t/035-multiple-everything-twice.t ... 1..1 ok 1 - multiple afters called in the right order ok t/040-twice-orig.t .................. 1..1 ok 1 - CMM: calling orig twice in one around works ok t/041-modify-parent.t ............... 1..2 ok 1 not ok 2 # TODO pending discussion with stevan # Failed (TODO) test at t/041-modify-parent.t line 44. # Structures begin differing at: # $got->[1] = 'Parent::foo' # $expected->[1] = 'before Parent::foo' ok t/051-undef-list-ctxt.t ............. 1..6 ok 1 - original method called ok 2 - after-modifier called ok 3 - list context with after doesn't screw up 'return' ok 4 - original method called ok 5 - after-modifier called ok 6 - scalar context with after doesn't screw up 'return' ok t/060-caller.t ...................... 1..5 ok 1 - parent with no modifiers sees 'main' as caller not ok 2 - parent with modifiers sees 'main' as caller # TODO caller magic not implemented yet # Failed (TODO) test 'parent with modifiers sees 'main' as caller' # at t/060-caller.t line 20. # got: 'Child' # expected: 'main' not ok 3 - before modifiers sees 'main' as caller # TODO caller magic not implemented yet # Failed (TODO) test 'before modifiers sees 'main' as caller' # at t/060-caller.t line 21. # got: 'Child' # expected: 'main' not ok 4 - around modifiers sees 'main' as caller # TODO caller magic not implemented yet # Failed (TODO) test 'around modifiers sees 'main' as caller' # at t/060-caller.t line 22. # got: 'Child' # expected: 'main' not ok 5 - after modifiers sees 'main' as caller # TODO caller magic not implemented yet # Failed (TODO) test 'after modifiers sees 'main' as caller' # at t/060-caller.t line 23. # got: 'Child' # expected: 'main' ok t/070-modify-multiple-at-once.t ..... 1..4 ok 1 - correct 'left' results ok 2 - correct 'right' results ok 3 - correct 'left' results ok 4 - correct 'right' results ok t/080-multiple-modifiers.t .......... 1..2 ok 1 - multiple modifiers in one class ok 2 - multiple modifiers subclassed with multiple modifiers ok t/081-sub-and-modifier.t ............ 1..28 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 ok 19 ok 20 ok 21 ok 22 ok 23 ok 24 ok 25 ok 26 ok 27 ok 28 ok t/090-diamond.t ..................... 1..1 ok 1 - C not called ok t/100-class-mop-method-modifiers.t .. 1..3 ok 1 - ... got the right results back from the around methods (in list context) ok 2 - ... got the right results back from the around methods (in scalar context) ok 3 - ... got the right tracelog from all our before/around/after methods ok t/110-namespace-clean.t ............. ok 1 - original subs are not in Foo's list of imports # redefining Foo::foo ok 2 - modified subs are not in Foo's list of imports 1..2 ok t/120-fresh.t ....................... 1..12 ok 1 - P2->can(...) ok 2 - closure works ok 3 - P3->can(...) ok 4 - closure works with install_modifier ok 5 - method installed in P2 has correct stash name ok 6 - method installed in P3 has correct stash name ok 7 - fresh: exception when inherited method exists ok 8 - fresh: exception when local method exists ok 9 - fresh: exception when name invalid ok 10 - install_modifier: exception when inherited method exists ok 11 - install_modifier: exception when local method exists ok 12 - install_modifier: exception when name invalid ok t/130-clean-underscore.t ............ 1..6 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok t/release-pod-coverage.t ............ skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing t/release-pod-syntax.t .............. skipped: these tests are for release candidate testing All tests successful. Files=29, Tests=121, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.14 usr 0.05 sys + 1.17 cusr 0.35 csys = 1.71 CPU) Result: PASS ETHER/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04 already made Running test for module 'Role::Tiny' Running make for M/MS/MSTROUT/Role-Tiny-1.002005.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 27 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/M/MS/MSTROUT/Role-Tiny-1.002005.tar.gz ok Role-Tiny-1.002005/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/maint/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/maint/bump-version Role-Tiny-1.002005/maint/Makefile.PL.include Role-Tiny-1.002005/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/lib/Role/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/lib/Role/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/lib/Role/Tiny/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/lib/Role/Tiny/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/README Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/compose-modifiers.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/does.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic-00-load.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic-exceptions.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic-basic.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-tiny.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/around-does.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-with-inheritance.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-tiny-with.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-duplication.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-tiny-composition.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/My/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/My/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/My/Does/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/My/Does/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/Try/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/Try/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic/lib/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/modifiers.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/namespace-clean.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic-bugs.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/t/role-basic-composition.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/META.yml Role-Tiny-1.002005/META.json Role-Tiny-1.002005/MANIFEST Role-Tiny-1.002005/xt/ Role-Tiny-1.002005/xt/does-Moo.t Role-Tiny-1.002005/Makefile.PL Role-Tiny-1.002005/Changes Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 27 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building M/MS/MSTROUT/Role-Tiny-1.002005.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: t/does-Moo.t Please inform the author. Writing Makefile for Role::Tiny Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Role/ blib/lib/Role/ cp lib/Role/Tiny/ blib/lib/Role/Tiny/ Manifying blib/man3/Role::Tiny.3 Manifying blib/man3/Role::Tiny::With.3 MSTROUT/Role-Tiny-1.002005.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 27 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/around-does.t ............. ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 1..4 ok t/compose-modifiers.t ....... ok 1 - Base__WITH__One__AND__Two__AND__Three__AND__Four ok ok 2 - Object reblessed into correct class ok 3 - Base__WITH__Two__AND__Four__AND__Three ok ok 4 - Object reblessed into correct class ok 5 - Base__WITH__One__AND__Two ok ok 6 - Object reblessed into correct class 1..6 ok t/does.t .................... 1..14 ok 1 - Local::Class1->does(Local::Role1) ok 2 - Local::Class1->DOES(Local::Role1) ok 3 - Local::Class1->does(Local::Role2) ok 4 - Local::Class1->DOES(Local::Role2) ok 5 - Local::Class2->does(Local::Role1) ok 6 - Local::Class2->DOES(Local::Role1) ok 7 - Local::Class2->does(Local::Role2) ok 8 - Local::Class2->DOES(Local::Role2) ok 9 - Local::Class3->does(Local::Role1) ok 10 - Local::Class3->DOES(Local::Role1) ok 11 - Local::Class3->does(Local::Role2) ok 12 - Local::Class3->DOES(Local::Role2) ok 13 - Local::Class3->does(Local::Role3) ok 14 - Local::Class3->DOES(Local::Role3) ok t/modifiers.t ............... ok 1 - role applies cleanly ok 2 - method modifier ok 3 - method modifier with composition ok 4 - exception caught creating class with broken modifier in a role 1..4 ok t/namespace-clean.t ......... ok 1 - Local::Class->can('foo') ok 2 - Local::Class->can('does') 1..2 ok # Testing Role::Tiny 1.002005, Perl 5.018000, /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static t/role-basic-00-load.t ...... 1..1 ok 1 - use Role::Tiny; ok t/role-basic-basic.t ........ 1..3 ok 1 - use My::Example; ok 2 - My::Example->can('no_conflict') ok 3 - ... and it should return the correct value ok t/role-basic-bugs.t ......... ok 1 - Composing multiple roles which use the same role should not have conflicts ok 2 - Foo->can('foo') ok 3 - ... and all methods should be composed in correctly ok 4 - Foo->can('bar') ok 5 - ... and all methods should be composed in correctly ok 6 - Foo->can('baz') ok 7 - ... and all methods should be composed in correctly ok 8 - If ->can always returns true, we should still not think we loaded the role ok 9 - no Role1 yet ok 10 - no Role2 yet ok 11 - Role1 consumed ok 12 - no Role2 yet ok 13 - Role1 consumed ok 14 - Role2 consumed ok 15 - Bar__WITH__Baz->can(...) 1..15 ok t/role-basic-composition.t .. ok 1 - We should be able to use two roles with the same requirements ok 2 - We should be able to use roles which consume roles ok 3 - My::Class2->can('method2') ok 4 - ... and it should be the correct method ok 5 - My::Class2->can('method3') ok 6 - ... and it should be the correct method ok 7 - A class DOES roles which it consumes ok 8 - ... and should do roles which its roles consumes ok 9 - ... but not roles which it never consumed ok 10 - An instance DOES roles which its class consumes ok 11 - ... and should do roles which its roles consumes ok 12 - ... but not roles which it never consumed ok 13 - Class::With::ImportingRole->can('this') ok 14 - ... and calling "allow"ed methods should succeed ok 15 - ... and it should function correctly ok 16 - Class::With::ImportingRole->can('that') ok 17 - ... and calling "allow"ed methods should succeed ok 18 - ... and it should function correctly ok 19 - We should be able to use roles which compose roles which import ok 20 - Class::With::ImportingRole2->can('this') ok 21 - ... and calling "allow"ed methods should succeed ok 22 - ... and it should function correctly ok 23 - Class::With::ImportingRole2->can('that') ok 24 - ... and calling "allow"ed methods should succeed ok 25 - ... and it should function correctly 1..25 ok t/role-basic-exceptions.t ... ok 1 - Trying to use a role without providing required methods should fail ok 2 - Trying to use multiple roles with the same method should fail ok 3 - Roles composed from roles should propogate requirements upwards ok 4 - Roles should be able to require multiple methods 1..4 ok t/role-duplication.t ........ ok 1 - duplicate role detected 1..1 ok t/role-tiny-composition.t ... ok 1 - apply conflicting roles to object 1..1 ok t/role-tiny-with.t .......... ok 1 - method from class no override ok 2 - method from role ok 3 - method from class 1..3 ok t/role-tiny.t ............... ok 1 - role applies cleanly ok 2 - method from role ok 3 - method from class ok 4 - class does role ok 5 - class does not do non-applied role ok 6 - class does not do non-role ok 7 - error for both methods ok 8 - error for one method ok 9 - No errors applying roles ok 10 - ExtraClass does MyRole ok 11 - ExtraClass does IntermediaryRole ok 12 - method from role ok 13 - method from class ok 14 - No errors creating class with roles ok 15 - The class isa MyClass ok 16 - method from role 1..16 ok t/role-with-inheritance.t ... ok 1 - Parent does own role ok 2 - Parent does not do child's role ok 3 - Child does base's role ok 4 - Child does own role 1..4 ok All tests successful. Files=15, Tests=103, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.09 usr 0.05 sys + 0.76 cusr 0.25 csys = 1.15 CPU) Result: PASS MSTROUT/Role-Tiny-1.002005.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Role-Tiny-1.002005 already made Running make for M/MS/MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Moo-1.002000-znYtsh Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building M/MS/MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz >>> make cp lib/Method/Generate/ blib/lib/Method/Generate/ cp lib/Moo/ blib/lib/Moo/ cp lib/Moo/ blib/lib/Moo/ cp lib/Sub/ blib/lib/Sub/ cp lib/Moo/ blib/lib/Moo/ cp lib/ blib/lib/ cp lib/ blib/lib/ cp lib/Moo/ blib/lib/Moo/ cp lib/Method/Generate/ blib/lib/Method/Generate/ cp lib/Sub/ blib/lib/Sub/ cp lib/Method/Generate/ blib/lib/Method/Generate/ cp lib/Method/Generate/ blib/lib/Method/Generate/ cp lib/Moo/ blib/lib/Moo/ cp lib/Moo/HandleMoose/ blib/lib/Moo/HandleMoose/ cp lib/Moo/ blib/lib/Moo/ cp lib/Method/ blib/lib/Method/ Manifying blib/man3/Moo::Role.3 Manifying blib/man3/Sub::Defer.3 Manifying blib/man3/Moo.3 Manifying blib/man3/Sub::Quote.3 MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 28 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/accessor-coerce.t ................ ok 1 - initial value set (Foo) ok 2 - Value changes after set ok 3 - initial value set (Bar) ok 4 - Value changes after set ok 5 - initial value set (Baz) ok 6 - Value changes after set ok 7 - Exception properly thrown ok 8 - initial value set (Foo2) ok 9 - Value changes after set ok 10 - initial value set (Bar2) ok 11 - Value changes after set ok 12 - initial value set (Baz2) ok 13 - Value changes after set ok 14 - Exception properly thrown ok 15 - initial value set (Foo3) ok 16 - Value changes after set ok 17 - initial value set (Bar3) ok 18 - Value changes after set 1..18 ok t/accessor-default.t ............... ok 1 - one: empty hashref $h[0] ok 2 - one: empty hashref $h[1] ok 3 - one: not the same hashref ok 4 - two: empty hashref $h[0] ok 5 - two: empty hashref $h[1] ok 6 - two: not the same hashref ok 7 - three: empty hashref $h[0] ok 8 - three: empty hashref $h[1] ok 9 - three: not the same hashref ok 10 - four: empty hashref $h[0] ok 11 - four: empty hashref $h[1] ok 12 - four: not the same hashref ok 13 - five: empty hashref $h[0] ok 14 - five: empty hashref $h[1] ok 15 - five: not the same hashref ok 16 - six: empty hashref $h[0] ok 17 - six: empty hashref $h[1] ok 18 - six: not the same hashref ok 19 - seven: empty hashref $h[0] ok 20 - seven: empty hashref $h[1] ok 21 - seven: not the same hashref ok 22 - eight: empty hashref $h[0] ok 23 - eight: empty hashref $h[1] ok 24 - eight: not the same hashref ok 25 - coerce defaults ok 26 - nine: empty hashref $h[0] ok 27 - nine: empty hashref $h[1] ok 28 - nine: not the same hashref ok 29 - coerce lazy default ok 30 - non-ref default ok 31 - eager non-ref default ok 32 - false non-ref default ok 33 - eager false non-ref default 1..33 ok t/accessor-generator-extension.t ... ok 1 - Basic object ok ok 2 - Subclass object ok ok 3 - Subclass object w/role 1..3 ok t/accessor-handles.t ............... ok 1 - handles works ok 2 - handles works for more than one method ok 3 - handles works for aliasing a method ok 4 - handles works for a role ok 5 - handles loads roles ok 6 - handles works for currying ok 7 - asserter checks for existence not truth, on false value ok 8 - asserter checks for existence not truth, on undef ok 9 - handles will not overwrite locally defined method ok 10 1..10 ok t/accessor-isa.t ................... ok 1 - initial value set (Foo) ok 2 - exception thrown on bad set (Foo) ok 3 - initial value remains after bad set (Foo) ok 4 - no exception on correct set (Foo) ok 5 - correct setter return (Foo) ok 6 - correct getter return (Foo) ok 7 - no exception with no value (Foo) ok 8 - exception thrown on bad constructor arg (Foo) ok 9 - initial value set (Bar) ok 10 - exception thrown on bad set (Bar) ok 11 - initial value remains after bad set (Bar) ok 12 - no exception on correct set (Bar) ok 13 - correct setter return (Bar) ok 14 - correct getter return (Bar) ok 15 - no exception with no value (Bar) ok 16 - exception thrown on bad constructor arg (Bar) ok 17 - initial value set (Baz) ok 18 - exception thrown on bad set (Baz) ok 19 - initial value remains after bad set (Baz) ok 20 - no exception on correct set (Baz) ok 21 - correct setter return (Baz) ok 22 - correct getter return (Baz) ok 23 - no exception with no value (Baz) ok 24 - exception thrown on bad constructor arg (Baz) ok 25 - exception thrown on bad builder return value (LazyFoo) ok 26 - Corrected builder value on existing object returned ok ok 27 - Correct builder value returned ok 1..27 ok t/accessor-mixed.t ................. ok 1 - Stuff fired in expected order 1..1 ok t/accessor-pred-clear.t ............ ok 1 - empty ok 2 - lazy default ok 3 - not empty now ok 4 - clearer returns value ok 5 - clearer empties ok 6 - default re-fired ok 7 - not empty again ok 8 - empty ok 9 - lazy default ok 10 - not empty now ok 11 - clearer returns value ok 12 - clearer empties ok 13 - default re-fired ok 14 - not empty again ok 15 - empty ok 16 - lazy default ok 17 - not empty now ok 18 - clearer returns value ok 19 - clearer empties ok 20 - default re-fired ok 21 - not empty again 1..21 ok t/accessor-reader-writer.t ......... ok 1 - reader works ok 2 - writer works ok 3 - reader+writer = no accessor ok 4 - reader dies on write ok 5 - accessor works for reading ok 6 - accessor works for writing 1..6 ok t/accessor-roles.t ................. ok 1 - The class isa One ok 2 - Does One::P1 ok 3 - Does One::P2 ok 4 - attr default set from class ok 5 - attr default set from role ok 6 - attr default set from role ok 7 - overwriting accesssors with roles fails ok 8 - overwriting accessors using +attr works 1..8 ok t/accessor-shortcuts.t ............. ok 1 - rwp value starts out undefined ok 2 - rwp is read_only ok 3 - rwp can be set by writer ok 4 - rwp value was set by writer ok 5 - lazy value storage is undefined ok 6 - lazy value returns test value when called ok 7 - lazy is read_only ok 8 - lazy_default value storage is undefined ok 9 - lazy_default value returns test value when called ok 10 - lazy_default is read_only 1..10 ok t/accessor-trigger.t ............... ok 1 - Foo: trigger not fired with no value ok 2 - Foo: trigger fired on new ok 3 - Foo: trigger fired on set ok 4 - Foo: return from set ok ok 5 - Foo: return from accessor ok ok 6 - Foo: trigger not fired for accessor as get ok 7 - Bar: trigger not fired with no value ok 8 - Bar: trigger fired on new ok 9 - Bar: trigger fired on set ok 10 - Bar: return from set ok ok 11 - Bar: return from accessor ok ok 12 - Bar: trigger not fired for accessor as get ok 13 - Baz: trigger not fired with no value ok 14 - Baz: trigger fired on new ok 15 - Baz: trigger fired on set ok 16 - Baz: return from set ok ok 17 - Baz: return from accessor ok ok 18 - Baz: trigger not fired for accessor as get ok 19 - Default: trigger not fired with no value ok 20 - Default: trigger fired on new ok 21 - Default: trigger fired on set ok 22 - Default: return from set ok ok 23 - Default: return from accessor ok ok 24 - Default: trigger not fired for accessor as get ok 25 - LazyDefault: trigger not fired with no value ok 26 - LazyDefault: trigger fired on new ok 27 - LazyDefault: trigger fired on set ok 28 - LazyDefault: return from set ok ok 29 - LazyDefault: return from accessor ok ok 30 - LazyDefault: trigger not fired for accessor as get ok 31 - Shaz: trigger not fired with no value ok 32 - Shaz: trigger fired on new ok 33 - Shaz: trigger fired on set ok 34 - Shaz: return from set ok ok 35 - Shaz: return from accessor ok ok 36 - Shaz: trigger not fired for accessor as get 1..36 ok t/accessor-weaken-pre-5_8_3.t ...... ok 1 - pretending to be pre-5.8.3 ok 2 - value present ok 3 - value weakened ok 4 - weak value gone ok 5 - external value returned ok 6 - value maintained ok 7 - value weakened ok 8 - value returned from setter ok 9 - weak value gone ok 10 - weak+lazy ref not returned ok 11 - internal value not set ok 12 - value returned from setter ok 13 - weak value gone ok 14 - value present ok 15 - value weakened ok 16 - optree reaped, ro static value gone 1..16 ok t/accessor-weaken.t ................ ok 1 - value present ok 2 - value weakened ok 3 - weak value gone ok 4 - external value returned ok 5 - value maintained ok 6 - value weakened ok 7 - value returned from setter ok 8 - weak value gone ok 9 - weak+lazy ref not returned ok 10 - internal value not set ok 11 - value returned from setter ok 12 - weak value gone ok 13 - value present ok 14 - value weakened ok 15 - optree reaped, ro static value gone 1..15 ok t/buildall-subconstructor.t ........ ok 1 - The object isa Foo ok 2 - BUILDs ran in order ok 3 - The object isa Bar ok 4 - BUILDs ran in order ok 5 - The object isa Baz ok 6 - BUILDs ran in order ok 7 - The object isa Quux ok 8 - BUILDs ran in order ok 9 - The object isa Fleem ok 10 - BUILDs ran in order ok 11 - The object isa Odd1 ok 12 - BUILDs ran in order ok 13 - The object isa Odd2 ok 14 - BUILDs ran in order ok 15 - The object isa Odd3 ok 16 - BUILDs ran in order ok 17 - The object isa Sub1 ok 18 - BUILDs ran in order ok 19 - The object isa Sub2 ok 20 - BUILDs ran in order 1..20 ok t/buildall.t ....................... ok 1 - object returned ok 2 - BUILDs ran in order ok 3 - object with inline constructor returned ok 4 - BUILDs ran in order ok 5 - Odd3 object constructed ok 6 - BUILDs ran in order ok 7 - Sub2 object constructed ok 8 - BUILD ran 1..8 ok t/buildargs-error.t ................ ok 1 - Sensible error message 1..1 ok t/buildargs.t ...................... ok 1 - no args ok 2 - normal args ok 3 - single arg ok 4 - ... got the right bar ok 5 - ... got the right baz ok 6 - ... got the right bar ok 7 - ... got the right baz ok 8 - no args ok 9 - normal args ok 10 - single arg ok 11 - ... got the right bar ok 12 - ... got the right baz ok 13 - ... got the right bar ok 14 - ... got the right baz ok 15 - no args ok 16 - normal args ok 17 - single arg ok 18 - ... got the right bar ok 19 - ... got the right baz ok 20 - ... got the right bar ok 21 - ... got the right baz ok 22 - no args ok 23 - normal args ok 24 - single arg ok 25 - ... got the right bar ok 26 - ... got the right baz ok 27 - ... got the right bar ok 28 - ... got the right baz ok 29 - ... got the right bar ok 30 - ... got the right baz ok 31 - new() requires a list or a HASH ref ok 32 - new() requires a list or a HASH ref ok 33 - new() requires a list or a HASH ref ok 34 - ... got the right bar ok 35 - ... got the right baz ok 36 - new() requires a list or a HASH ref ok 37 - new() requires a list or a HASH ref ok 38 - new() requires a list or a HASH ref ok 39 - non-moo accepts params ok 40 - extended non-moo passes params ok 41 - extended non-moo has own attributes 1..41 ok t/compose-roles.t .................. ok 1 - Base__WITH__One__AND__Two__AND__Three__AND__Four ok ok 2 - Object reblessed into correct class ok 3 - Base__WITH__Two__AND__Four__AND__Three ok ok 4 - Object reblessed into correct class ok 5 - Base__WITH__One__AND__Two ok ok 6 - Object reblessed into correct class 1..6 ok t/demolish-basics.t ................ ok 1 - Foo demolished properly ok 2 - Foo::Sub demolished properly ok 3 - Foo::Sub::Sub demolished properly 1..3 ok t/demolish-bugs-eats_exceptions.t .. ok 1 - ... Baz plain ok 2 - ... the object is undef ok 3 - ... Baz empty ok 4 - ... the object is undef ok 5 - ... Baz undef ok 6 - ... the object is undef ok 7 - ... Baz undef param ok 8 - ... the object is undef ok 9 - ... Baz root path forbidden ok 10 - ... the object is undef ok 11 - ... Baz non existing path ok 12 - ... the object is undef ok 13 - ... Baz no error ok 14 - The object isa Baz ok 15 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 16 - ... Baz got the right value ok 17 - ... Qee plain ok 18 - ... the object is undef ok 19 - ... Qee empty ok 20 - ... the object is undef ok 21 - ... Qee undef ok 22 - ... the object is undef ok 23 - ... Qee undef param ok 24 - ... the object is undef ok 25 - ... Qee root path forbidden ok 26 - ... the object is undef ok 27 - ... Qee non existing path ok 28 - ... the object is undef ok 29 - ... Qee no error ok 30 - The object isa Qee ok 31 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 32 - ... Qee got the right value ok 33 - ... Foo plain ok 34 - ... the object is undef ok 35 - ... Foo empty ok 36 - ... the object is undef ok 37 - ... Foo undef ok 38 - ... the object is undef ok 39 - ... Foo undef param ok 40 - ... the object is undef ok 41 - ... Foo root path forbidden ok 42 - ... the object is undef ok 43 - ... Foo non existing path ok 44 - ... the object is undef ok 45 - ... Foo no error ok 46 - The object isa Foo ok 47 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 48 - ... Foo got the right value ok 49 - ... Qee plain ok 50 - ... the object is undef ok 51 - ... Qee empty ok 52 - ... the object is undef ok 53 - ... Qee undef ok 54 - ... the object is undef ok 55 - ... Qee undef param ok 56 - ... the object is undef ok 57 - ... Qee root path forbidden ok 58 - ... the object is undef ok 59 - ... Qee non existing path ok 60 - ... the object is undef ok 61 - ... Qee no error ok 62 - The object isa Qee ok 63 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 64 - ... Qee got the right value ok 65 - ... Baz plain ok 66 - ... the object is undef ok 67 - ... Baz empty ok 68 - ... the object is undef ok 69 - ... Baz undef ok 70 - ... the object is undef ok 71 - ... Baz undef param ok 72 - ... the object is undef ok 73 - ... Baz root path forbidden ok 74 - ... the object is undef ok 75 - ... Baz non existing path ok 76 - ... the object is undef ok 77 - ... Baz no error ok 78 - The object isa Baz ok 79 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 80 - ... Baz got the right value ok 81 - ... Foo plain ok 82 - ... the object is undef ok 83 - ... Foo empty ok 84 - ... the object is undef ok 85 - ... Foo undef ok 86 - ... the object is undef ok 87 - ... Foo undef param ok 88 - ... the object is undef ok 89 - ... Foo root path forbidden ok 90 - ... the object is undef ok 91 - ... Foo non existing path ok 92 - ... the object is undef ok 93 - ... Foo no error ok 94 - The object isa Foo ok 95 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 96 - ... Foo got the right value ok 97 - ... Foo plain ok 98 - ... the object is undef ok 99 - ... Foo empty ok 100 - ... the object is undef ok 101 - ... Foo undef ok 102 - ... the object is undef ok 103 - ... Foo undef param ok 104 - ... the object is undef ok 105 - ... Foo root path forbidden ok 106 - ... the object is undef ok 107 - ... Foo non existing path ok 108 - ... the object is undef ok 109 - ... Foo no error ok 110 - The object isa Foo ok 111 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 112 - ... Foo got the right value ok 113 - ... Baz plain ok 114 - ... the object is undef ok 115 - ... Baz empty ok 116 - ... the object is undef ok 117 - ... Baz undef ok 118 - ... the object is undef ok 119 - ... Baz undef param ok 120 - ... the object is undef ok 121 - ... Baz root path forbidden ok 122 - ... the object is undef ok 123 - ... Baz non existing path ok 124 - ... the object is undef ok 125 - ... Baz no error ok 126 - The object isa Baz ok 127 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 128 - ... Baz got the right value ok 129 - ... Qee plain ok 130 - ... the object is undef ok 131 - ... Qee empty ok 132 - ... the object is undef ok 133 - ... Qee undef ok 134 - ... the object is undef ok 135 - ... Qee undef param ok 136 - ... the object is undef ok 137 - ... Qee root path forbidden ok 138 - ... the object is undef ok 139 - ... Qee non existing path ok 140 - ... the object is undef ok 141 - ... Qee no error ok 142 - The object isa Qee ok 143 - The object isa Moo::Object ok 144 - ... Qee got the right value 1..144 ok t/demolish-bugs-eats_mini.t ........ ok 1 - ... Foo plain ok 2 - ... the object is undef ok 3 - ... Bar plain ok 4 - ... the object is undef ok 5 - $@ is still 42 after object is demolished without dying ok 6 - $? is still 84 after object is demolished without dying ok 7 - $@ is still 0 after object is demolished without dying 1..7 ok t/demolish-global_destruction.t .... ok 1 - in_global_destruction state is passed to DEMOLISH properly (false) ok 2 - in_global_destruction state is passed to DEMOLISH properly (true) 1..2 ok t/extends-non-moo.t ................ ok 1 - prepared $app ok 2 - $app from $app ok 3 - $app still 100 ok 4 - $app from $app ok 5 - $app still 100 ok 6 - $app from $app ok 7 - $app still 100 ok 8 - $app from $app ok 9 - $app still 100 1..9 ok t/extends-role.t ................... ok 1 - Can't extend role 1..1 ok t/foreignbuildargs.t ............... ok 1 - non-moo accepts params ok 2 - extended non-moo passes params ok 3 - extended non-moo has own attributes 1..3 ok t/global_underscore.t .............. ok 1 - use UnderscoreClass; ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 1..4 ok t/has-array.t ...................... 1..4 ok 1 - has \@attrs works in roles ok 2 - has \@attrs works in classes ok 3 - The object isa Local::Test::Class1 ok 4 - Local::Test::Class1->can(...) ok t/has-before-extends.t ............. ok 1 - inherited attr ok ok 2 - subclass attr ok 1..2 ok t/has-plus.t ....................... ok 1 - Kaboom ok 2 - role attr ok 3 - class attr ok 4 - role attr with + ok 5 - class attr with + 1..5 ok t/init-arg.t ....................... ok 1 - isa default ok 2 - isa init_arg ok 3 - isa init_arg ok ok 4 - isa accessor ok 5 - lazy accessor ok 6 - lazy set isa fail ok 7 - lazy set isa ok ok 8 - lazy init_arg 1..8 ok t/lazy_isa.t ....................... ok 1 - expect to live when both attrs are set to live in init ok 2 - isa is not called on access when value already exists ok 3 - expect to die when non lazy is set to die in init ok 4 - expect to die when non lazy and lazy is set to die in init ok 5 - expect to die when lazy is set to die in init ok 6 - expect to die when both lazy and non lazy are allowed to default ok 7 - expect to die when lazy is set to live but non lazy is allowed to default ok 8 - ok when non lazy is set to something valid but lazy is allowed to default 1..8 ok t/load_module.t .................... ok 1 - Loaded module ok 1..1 ok t/load_module_error.t .............. ok 1 - got a crash ok 2 - it came with a useful error message 1..2 ok t/load_module_role_tiny.t .......... ok 1 - Loaded module ok 1..1 ok t/method-generate-accessor.t ....... ok 1 - No is rejected ok 2 - is purple rejected ok 3 - coerce - scalar rejected ok 4 - default - non-ref scalar accepted ok 5 - default - arrayref rejected ok 6 - default - non-code-convertible object rejected ok 7 - default - coderef accepted ok 8 - default - blessed sub accepted ok 9 - default - object with overloaded ->() accepted ok 10 - default - object rejected ok 11 - coerce - arrayref rejected ok 12 - coerce - non-code-convertible object rejected ok 13 - coerce - coderef accepted ok 14 - coerce - blessed sub accepted ok 15 - coerce - object with overloaded ->() accepted ok 16 - coerce - object rejected ok 17 - builder - string accepted ok 18 - builder - coderef accepted ok 19 - builder - invalid name rejected ok 20 - builder - fully-qualified name accepted ok 21 - builder - coderef accepted ok 22 - builder - quote_sub accepted ok 23 - ro reads ok 24 - ro dies on write attempt ok 25 - ro does not write ok 26 - rw reads ok 27 - rw writes ok 28 - builder installs code sub ok 29 - builder installs code sub under the correct name ok 30 - builder installs quote_sub 1..30 ok t/method-generate-constructor.t .... ok 1 - init_arg handling ok ok 2 - two missing args reported correctly ok 3 - one missing arg reported correctly ok 4 - pass with both required args ok 5 - hashrefs also supported ok 6 - calling ->new on an object works 1..6 ok t/modify_lazy_handlers.t ........... ok 1 - use MooObjectWithDelegate; ok 2 - got object ok 3 - got abc 1..3 ok t/moo-accessors.t .................. ok 1 - simple class ok ok 2 - subclass with role ok ok 3 - make_immutable returns true ok 4 - Didn't load Moose 1..4 ok t/moo.t ............................ ok 1 - not loaded if not required ok 2 - superclass defaulted ok 3 - prior superclass left alone ok 4 - extends sets superclass ok 5 - extends overwrites ok 6 - method modifier 1..6 ok t/no-moo.t ......................... ok 1 - stash of non-Moo class remains untouched ok 2 - stash of non-Moo role remains untouched ok 3 - extends cleaned ok 4 - has left alone ok 5 - has cleaned ok 6 - with left alone ok 7 - has left alone ok 8 - extends cleaned ok 9 - has left alone ok 10 - package global left alone ok 11 - around left alone ok 12 - with left alone ok 13 - extends cleaned ok 14 - has left alone ok 15 - package global left alone 1..15 ok t/non-moo-extends.t ................ ok 1 - The object isa ClassB 1..1 ok t/not-both.t ....................... ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 1..4 ok t/overloaded-coderefs.t ............ ok 1 - check Dark::Side coderef ok 2 - check The::Force coderef ok 3 - non-Sub::Quoted inlined coercion overload works ok 4 - Sub::Quoted inlined coercion overload works ok 5 - repeated calls to accessor don't re-trigger overload ok 6 - Sub::Quoted coercion got inlined ok 7 - non-Sub::Quoted coercion was not inlined ok 8 - Sub::Quoted isa got inlined ok 9 - $spec->{isa} reference is not mutated ok 10 - $spec->{coerce} reference is not mutated 1..10 ok t/sub-and-handles.t ................ ok 1 - overriding delegate method with role works ok 2 - ... even when you specify other delegates in subclass ok 3 - ... and said other delegate still works ok 4 - overriding delegate method directly works ok 5 - ... even when you specify other delegates in subclass ok 6 - ... and said other delegate still works 1..6 ok t/sub-defer.t ...................... ok 1 - one defer installed ok 2 - two defer installed ok 3 - one defer runs ok 4 - one made ok 5 - two not made ok 6 - one (deferred) still runs ok 7 - one (undeferred) runs ok 8 - make two ok 9 - two installed ok 10 - two (deferred) still runs ok 11 - two (undeferred) runs ok 12 - undefer non-deferred is a no-op ok 13 - four defer installed ok 14 - around works ok 15 - around has not been destroyed by first invocation 1..15 ok t/sub-quote.t ...................... ok 1 - Nothing evaled yet ok 2 - subs one evaled ok 3 - One (quoted version) ok 4 - One (unquoted version) ok 5 - Two (quoted version) ok 6 - Two (unquoted version) ok 7 - Two (quoted version again) ok 8 - get ok (named method) ok 9 - set ok (named method) ok 10 - re-get ok (named method) ok 11 - exception contains correct name 1..11 ok t/subconstructor.t ................. ok 1 - constructor completes 1..1 ok t/undef-bug.t ...................... 1..1 ok 1 - new objects don't have undef attributes ok t/use-after-no.t ................... ok 1 - subs imported on 'use Moo;' after 'no Moo;' ok 2 - subs imported on 'use Moo::Role;' after 'no Moo::Role;' 1..2 ok All tests successful. Files=49, Tests=599, 6 wallclock secs ( 0.29 usr 0.12 sys + 3.95 cusr 1.22 csys = 5.58 CPU) Result: PASS MSTROUT/Moo-1.002000.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Moo-1.002000 already made Running test for module 'Hash::Merge' Running make for D/DM/DMUEY/Hash-Merge-0.12.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 29 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/D/DM/DMUEY/Hash-Merge-0.12.tar.gz ok Hash-Merge-0.12/ Hash-Merge-0.12/Changes Hash-Merge-0.12/Makefile.PL Hash-Merge-0.12/MANIFEST Hash-Merge-0.12/ Hash-Merge-0.12/META.yml Hash-Merge-0.12/README Hash-Merge-0.12/t/ Hash-Merge-0.12/t/merge.t Hash-Merge-0.12/t/oo.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 29 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building D/DM/DMUEY/Hash-Merge-0.12.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Hash::Merge Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp blib/lib/Hash/ Manifying blib/man3/Hash::Merge.3 DMUEY/Hash-Merge-0.12.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 29 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/merge.t .. 1..45 ok 1 - Left Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 2 - Left Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 3 - Left Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 4 - Left Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 5 - Left Precedent - Array on Array ok 6 - Left Precedent - Array on Hash ok 7 - Left Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 8 - Left Precedent - Hash on Array ok 9 - Left Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 10 - Right Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 11 - Right Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 12 - Right Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 13 - Right Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 14 - Right Precedent - Array on Array ok 15 - Right Precedent - Array on Hash ok 16 - Right Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 17 - Right Precedent - Hash on Array ok 18 - Right Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 19 - Storage Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 20 - Storage Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 21 - Storage Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 22 - Storage Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 23 - Storage Precedent - Array on Array ok 24 - Storage Precedent - Array on Hash ok 25 - Storage Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 26 - Storage Precedent - Hash on Array ok 27 - Storage Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 28 - Retainment Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 29 - Retainment Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 30 - Retainment Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 31 - Retainment Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 32 - Retainment Precedent - Array on Array ok 33 - Retainment Precedent - Array on Hash ok 34 - Retainment Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 35 - Retainment Precedent - Hash on Array ok 36 - Retainment Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 37 - Custom Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 38 - Custom Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 39 - Custom Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 40 - Custom Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 41 - Custom Precedent - Array on Array ok 42 - Custom Precedent - Array on Hash ok 43 - Custom Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 44 - Custom Precedent - Hash on Array ok 45 - Custom Precedent - Hash on Hash ok t/oo.t ..... 1..49 ok 1 - no arg default is LEFT_PRECEDENT ok 2 - Left Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 3 - Left Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 4 - Left Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 5 - Left Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 6 - Left Precedent - Array on Array ok 7 - Left Precedent - Array on Hash ok 8 - Left Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 9 - Left Precedent - Hash on Array ok 10 - Left Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 11 - set_behavior() returns previous behavior ok 12 - set_behavior() actually sets the behavior) ok 13 - Right Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 14 - Right Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 15 - Right Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 16 - Right Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 17 - Right Precedent - Array on Array ok 18 - Right Precedent - Array on Hash ok 19 - Right Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 20 - Right Precedent - Hash on Array ok 21 - Right Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 22 - "global" function does not affect object ok 23 - Storage Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 24 - Storage Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 25 - Storage Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 26 - Storage Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 27 - Storage Precedent - Array on Array ok 28 - Storage Precedent - Array on Hash ok 29 - Storage Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 30 - Storage Precedent - Hash on Array ok 31 - Storage Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 32 - Retainment Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 33 - Retainment Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 34 - Retainment Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 35 - Retainment Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 36 - Retainment Precedent - Array on Array ok 37 - Retainment Precedent - Array on Hash ok 38 - Retainment Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 39 - Retainment Precedent - Hash on Array ok 40 - Retainment Precedent - Hash on Hash ok 41 - Custom Precedent - Scalar on Scalar ok 42 - Custom Precedent - Scalar on Array ok 43 - Custom Precedent - Scalar on Hash ok 44 - Custom Precedent - Array on Scalar ok 45 - Custom Precedent - Array on Array ok 46 - Custom Precedent - Array on Hash ok 47 - Custom Precedent - Hash on Scalar ok 48 - Custom Precedent - Hash on Array ok 49 - Custom Precedent - Hash on Hash ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=94, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr 0.02 sys + 0.12 cusr 0.03 csys = 0.22 CPU) Result: PASS DMUEY/Hash-Merge-0.12.tar.gz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Hash-Merge-0.12 already made Running test for module 'Test::Warn' Running make for C/CH/CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/C/CH/CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz ok Test-Warn-0.24 Test-Warn-0.24/Changes Test-Warn-0.24/Makefile.PL Test-Warn-0.24/MANIFEST Test-Warn-0.24/META.json Test-Warn-0.24/META.yml Test-Warn-0.24/README Test-Warn-0.24/ Test-Warn-0.24/t Test-Warn-0.24/t/1.t Test-Warn-0.24/t/carped.t Test-Warn-0.24/t/pod.t Test-Warn-0.24/t/warnings_are.t Test-Warn-0.24/t/warnings_exist.t Test-Warn-0.24/t/ Test-Warn-0.24/t/warnings_like.t /bin/tar: Read 9216 bytes from - Test-Warn-0.24/t/warning_is.t Test-Warn-0.24/t/warning_like.t Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building C/CH/CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Test::Warn Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json ---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ---- ---- CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz ---- Tree::DAG_Node [requires] Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test Delayed until after prerequisites Running test for module 'Tree::DAG_Node' Running make for R/RS/RSAVAGE/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11.tgz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Checksum for /net/nas/data/cpan/authors/id/R/RS/RSAVAGE/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11.tgz ok Tree-DAG_Node-1.11 Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/Makefile.PL Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/README Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/META.json Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/CHANGES Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/Changelog.ini Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/Build.PL Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/META.yml Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/MANIFEST Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/scripts Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/scripts/ Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/t Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/t/load.t Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/t/pod.t Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/t/about.perl.t Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/t/cut.and.paste.subtrees.t Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/lib Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/lib/Tree Tree-DAG_Node-1.11/lib/Tree/ /bin/tar: Read 6144 bytes from - Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building R/RS/RSAVAGE/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11.tgz >>> /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Tree::DAG_Node Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> make cp lib/Tree/ blib/lib/Tree/ Manifying blib/man3/Tree::DAG_Node.3 RSAVAGE/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11.tgz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 30 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/about.perl.t .............. 1..2 # Running under perl version 5.018000 for linux # Current time local: Mon Jun 17 07:42:44 2013 # Current time GMT: Mon Jun 17 14:42:44 2013 # Using version 1.26 ok 1 # # #Perl v5.18.0 under linux # Modules in memory: # ActivePerl v1800; # Algorithm; # Algorithm::Diff; # Carp v1.29; # CORE; # CORE::GLOBAL; # DB; # DEADNODE; # DynaLoader; # Exporter v5.68; # Exporter::Heavy v5.68; # File; # File::Temp; # Internals; # IO; # IO::File; # IO::Handle; # IO::Seekable; # MacPerl; # mro; # overload; # PerlIO; # PerlIO::Layer; # re; # Regexp; # strict v1.07; # Test v1.26; # threads; # Tree; # Tree::DAG_Node v1.11; # UNIVERSAL; # utf8; # vars v1.03; # version; # warnings v1.18; # warnings::register v1.02; # Win32; #[at Mon Jun 17 14:42:44 2013 (local) / Mon Jun 17 07:42:44 2013 (GMT)] # Running in an ASCII world. # # @INC: # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11-xKNn8b/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11-xKNn8b/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Hash-Merge-0.12-jNRYhC/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Hash-Merge-0.12-jNRYhC/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Moo-1.002000-znYtsh/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Moo-1.002000-znYtsh/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Role-Tiny-1.002005-KknlcC/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Role-Tiny-1.002005-KknlcC/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04-GhiJb4/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04-GhiJb4/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/strictures-1.004004-vPFWlN/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/strictures-1.004004-vPFWlN/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000-tEfgj1/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000-tEfgj1/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020-CB9bT8/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020-CB9bT8/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Deep-0.110-qBffwk/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Deep-0.110-qBffwk/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Tester-0.109-v06RP0/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Tester-0.109-v06RP0/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-NoWarnings-1.04-CN_IvC/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-NoWarnings-1.04-CN_IvC/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Inspector-1.28-GFD4By/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Inspector-1.28-GFD4By/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Context-Preserve-0.01-C8Ejio/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Context-Preserve-0.01-C8Ejio/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/megalib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Hash-Merge-0.12-jNRYhC/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Hash-Merge-0.12-jNRYhC/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Moo-1.002000-znYtsh/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Moo-1.002000-znYtsh/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Role-Tiny-1.002005-KknlcC/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Role-Tiny-1.002005-KknlcC/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04-GhiJb4/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Method-Modifiers-2.04-GhiJb4/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/strictures-1.004004-vPFWlN/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/strictures-1.004004-vPFWlN/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000-tEfgj1/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-C3-Componentised-1.001000-tEfgj1/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020-CB9bT8/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020-CB9bT8/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Deep-0.110-qBffwk/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Deep-0.110-qBffwk/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Tester-0.109-v06RP0/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Tester-0.109-v06RP0/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-NoWarnings-1.04-CN_IvC/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-NoWarnings-1.04-CN_IvC/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Inspector-1.28-GFD4By/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Class-Inspector-1.28-GFD4By/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Context-Preserve-0.01-C8Ejio/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Context-Preserve-0.01-C8Ejio/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Clone-0.05-mC70Ms/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/PadWalker-1.96-Sr_HZ4/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-YAML-0.04-GAHRtt/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct-0.04-xqpLKV/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Cache-Ref-0.04-xI6hsF/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-UUID-1.218-kaEdoB/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Set-Object-1.31-m0HT1O/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Search-GIN-0.08-EBz2qy/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Visitor-0.28-S8VbpS/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tie-ToObject-0.03-GWYZgi/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/namespace-clean-0.24-KKnaId/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.12-BR6Znp/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Variable-Magic-0.52-yDHU8B/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001010-DzOTaA/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Devel-Hide-0.0009-GFValq/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/JSON-XS-2.34-iQPmyX/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00-8tQieJ/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/arch] # [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11-U_uDDK/blib/lib] # [/home/fly1800/var/megalib] # [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/site/lib] # [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib] # [.] # # # %INC: # [] = [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/] # [] = [/home/fly1800/var/megalib/] # [Exporter/] = [/home/fly1800/var/megalib/Exporter/] # [] = [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/] # [] = [/home/fly1800/var/megalib/] # [Tree/] = [/home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11-xKNn8b/blib/lib/Tree/] # [] = [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/] # [] = [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/] # [warnings/] = [/home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/lib/warnings/] ok 2 ok # Warning: Don't try this at home kids. Some trees get into an infinite loop. t/cut.and.paste.subtrees.t .. ok 1 - Grow tree ok 2 - draw_ascii_tree() before cut-and-paste returned expected string ok 3 - tree2string() before cut-and-paste returned expected string ok 4 - Process tree ok 5 - draw_ascii_tree() after cut-and-paste returned expected string ok 6 - tree2string() after cut-and-paste returned expected string 1..6 ok t/load.t .................... ok 1 - use Tree::DAG_Node; 1..1 ok t/pod.t ..................... 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Tree/ ok All tests successful. Files=4, Tests=10, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr 0.02 sys + 0.31 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.44 CPU) Result: PASS RSAVAGE/Tree-DAG_Node-1.11.tgz make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 -- OK PPD for Tree-DAG_Node-1.11 already made Running make for C/CH/CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'get' Has already been unwrapped into directory /home/fly1800/var/cpan/build/Test-Warn-0.24-rv0qNV Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'make' Building C/CH/CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz >>> make cp blib/lib/Test/ Manifying blib/man3/Test::Warn.3 CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.24.tar.gz make -- OK Prepending blib/arch and blib/lib of 31 build dirs to PERL5LIB; for 'test' Running make test >>> make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/1.t ............... 1..1 # Running under perl version 5.018000 for linux # Current time local: Mon Jun 17 07:42:45 2013 # Current time GMT: Mon Jun 17 14:42:45 2013 # Using version 1.26 ok 1 ok t/carped.t .......... 1..6 ok 1 - Warnings and Carpings mixed, asked only for like warnings ok 2 - Warnings and Carpings mixed, asked only for like carpings ok 3 - Warnings and Carpings mixed, asked for the right likes ok 4 - Warnings and Carpings mixed, asked only for warnings ok 5 - Warnings and Carpings mixed, asked only for carpings ok 6 - Warnings and Carpings mixed, asked for the right ones ok # Test::Pod version 1.48 t/pod.t ............. 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for blib/lib/Test/ ok t/warning_is.t ...... 1..48 ok 1 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 2 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 3 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 4 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 5 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 6 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 7 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 8 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 9 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 10 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 11 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 12 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 13 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 14 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 15 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 16 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 17 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 18 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 19 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 20 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 21 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 22 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 23 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 24 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 25 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 26 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 27 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 28 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 29 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 30 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 31 - no warning (with a testname) ok 32 - no warning (with a testname) ok 33 - no warning (with a testname) ok 34 - no warning (with a testname) ok 35 - no warning (with a testname) ok 36 - no warning (with a testname) ok 37 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 38 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 39 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 40 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 41 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 42 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 43 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 44 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 45 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 46 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 47 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 48 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok t/warning_like.t .... 1..96 ok 1 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 2 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 3 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 4 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 5 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 6 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 7 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 8 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 9 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 10 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 11 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 12 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 13 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 14 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 15 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 16 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 17 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 18 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 19 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 20 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 21 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 22 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 23 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 24 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 25 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 26 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 27 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 28 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 29 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 30 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 31 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 32 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 33 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 34 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 35 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 36 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 37 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 38 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 39 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 40 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 41 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 42 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 43 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 44 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 45 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 46 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 47 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 48 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 49 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 50 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 51 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 52 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 53 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 54 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 55 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 56 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 57 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 58 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 59 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 60 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 61 - no warning (with a testname) ok 62 - no warning (with a testname) ok 63 - no warning (with a testname) ok 64 - no warning (with a testname) ok 65 - no warning (with a testname) ok 66 - no warning (with a testname) ok 67 - no warning (with a testname) ok 68 - no warning (with a testname) ok 69 - no warning (with a testname) ok 70 - no warning (with a testname) ok 71 - no warning (with a testname) ok 72 - no warning (with a testname) ok 73 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 74 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 75 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 76 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 77 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 78 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 79 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 80 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 81 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 82 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 83 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 84 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 85 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 86 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 87 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 88 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 89 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 90 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 91 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 92 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 93 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 94 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 95 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok 96 - more than one warning (with a testname) ok t/warnings_are.t .... 1..224 ok 1 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 2 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 3 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 4 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 5 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 6 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 7 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 8 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 9 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 10 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 11 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 12 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 13 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 14 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 15 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 16 - standard warning to find (with a testname) ok 17 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 18 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 19 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 20 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 21 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 22 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 23 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 24 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 25 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 26 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 27 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 28 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 29 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 30 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 31 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 32 - another warning instead of my warning (with a testname) ok 33 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 34 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 35 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 36 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 37 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 38 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 39 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 40 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 41 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 42 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 43 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 44 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 45 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 46 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 47 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 48 - quite only a sub warning (with a testname) ok 49 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 50 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 51 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 52 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 53 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 54 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 55 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 56 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 57 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 58 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 59 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 60 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 61 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 62 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 63 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 64 - no warning, but expected one (with a testname) ok 65 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 66 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 67 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 68 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 69 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 70 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 71 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 72 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 73 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 74 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 75 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 76 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 77 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 78 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 79 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 80 - warning, but didn't expect one (with a testname) ok 81 - no warning (with a testname) ok 82 - no warning (with a testname) ok 83 - no warning (with a testname) ok 84 - no warning (with a testname) ok 85 - no warning (with a testname) ok 86 - no warning (with a testname) ok 87 - no warning (with a testname) ok 88 - no warning (with a testname) ok 89 - no warning (with a testname) ok 90 - no warning (with a testname) ok 91 - no warning (with a testname) ok 92 - no warning (with a testname) ok 93 - no warning (with a testname) ok 94 - no warning (with a testname) ok 95 - no warning (with a testname) ok 96 - no warning (with a testname) ok 97 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 98 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 99 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 100 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 101 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 102 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 103 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 104 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 105 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 106 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 107 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 108 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 109 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 110 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 111 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 112 - warning with crazy letters (with a testname) ok 113 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 114 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 115 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 116 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 117 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 118 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 119 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 120 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 121 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 122 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 123 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 124 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 125 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 126 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 127 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 128 - more than one warning (1) (with a testname) ok 129 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 130 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 131 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 132 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 133 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 134 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 135 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 136 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 137 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 138 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 139 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 140 - more than one warning (2) (with a testname) ok 141 - 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more than one warning (standard ok) (with a testname) ok 159 - more than one warning (standard ok) (with a testname) ok 160 - more than one warning (standard ok) (with a testname) ok 161 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 162 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 163 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 164 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 165 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 166 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 167 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 168 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 169 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 170 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 171 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 172 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 173 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 174 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 175 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 176 - more than one warning (two similar warnings) (with a testname) ok 177 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 178 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 179 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 180 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 181 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 182 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 183 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 184 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 185 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 186 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 187 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 188 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 189 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 190 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 191 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 192 - more than one warning (different order) (with a testname) ok 193 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 194 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 195 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 196 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 197 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 198 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 199 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 200 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 201 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 202 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 203 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 204 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 205 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 206 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 207 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 208 - many warnings ok (with a testname) ok 209 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 210 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 211 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 212 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 213 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 214 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 215 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 216 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 217 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 218 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 219 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 220 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 221 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 222 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 223 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok 224 - many, but diff. warnings (with a testname) ok t/warnings_exist.t .. ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 1..12 ok make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... make: *** wait: No child processes. Stop. Timeout (max run time is 300s) /home/fly1800/ap1800-297235/bin/perl-static killed by signal 15.